The red balloon project and the next gen

The Red Balloon Project and the Next Gen Application of Digital Native Tools to Steer Collaboration, Choice and Learning Dr. James (Skip) Ward Assistant Professor, FHSU [email protected]

Transcript of The red balloon project and the next gen

The Red Balloon Project and the Next

Gen Application of Digital Native Tools to Steer

Collaboration, Choice and Learning

Dr. James (Skip) WardAssistant Professor, [email protected]

The American Association and State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) higher education association of nearly 420 public colleges, universities and systems

The Red Balloon Project- Re-imagining undergraduate education

Tools for Collaboration and Choice-Prezi- A zooming PowerPoint

-PowerPoint- In teams, fill in the notes sections of the slides, present and test audience comprehension with 5 questions.

-Student-generated YouTubes

Moving from Good to Great with Prezi

-The digital native generation requires little orientation to the tool. Teams collaboratively engage and intuitively make guesses and take risks in order to figure the tool out. Thus, the tools foster analytical thinking, risk taking and collaboration, critical skills required in the work place.

-As with PowerPoint, learners have to work with a font size that is readable at the back of the room; avoid color clashes that make the font unreadable; and avoid reading the Prezi to the audience.

-Impromptu instructor mini lecture based on student generated Prezi

Prezi Lessons Learned

-It appears that a team made up of three works best as students are able to more easily make time to engage with team mates.

-Skype is the tool of choice. Other means of communication include email, texting, VOIP conference calls, and project Facebook pages

-A YouTube link on the “how tos of YouTubing” was provided. No pushback

YouTube Lessons Learned

-The most common issues are around the type of web cam to purchase. Participants are encouraged to purchase of a microphone to ensure acceptable sound recording. Learners are reminded to look into the camera and to review the final product. Production quality is a communication process

-In order to ensure that the final set of three videos form a cohesive whole, directions were provided.

Where from here?

Further Tools