The rat adrenal gland in the study of the control of catecholamine secretion

The rat adrenal gland in the study of the control of catecholamine secretion Ricardo Borges Catecholamine secretion in the rat can be studied in freely moving and anaesthetized animals, in isolated-perfused adrenals, medullae slices and isolated cultured cells. In addition the rat offers the advantage over the more widely used bovine adrenal model that researchers can have access to animals of the same age, sex and feeding conditions. Catecholamine release is similar to other species although it gives robust secretion in response to stimuli such as muscarinic agonists, bradykinin or VIP. It also allows the study of neurotransmission at the splanchnic–adrenal synapse. The use of single-cell preparations (patch-clamp, microfluorimetry, amperometry or capacitance) has overcome the limitations of the number of cells obtained from a gland. It is possible to study secretion in animal models of hypertension, chronic stress or diabetes and rats can be genetically modified. Key words: adrenal / chromaffin cell / catecholamines / excitation–secretion coupling / exocytosis ©1997 Academic Press Ltd ADRENAL CHROMAFFIN tissues have been utilized for the study of secretory phenomena for over 40 years. 1-3 Perfused adrenal glands have been used to establish the concept of excitation–secretion coupling. 4 The introduction of tissue culture techniques in 1966 made chromaffin cells one of the most widely used models to study secretion. 5-7 The requirement for a large number of cells, to ensure sufficient tissue to analyse catecholamines released or to carry out biochemical studies, has centered many studies on the use of isolated chro- maffin cells of bovine origin. However, the arrival of single-cell techniques has overcome this problem. In addition, some limitations of bovine chromaffin cells have caused an increased interest in the use of other animal species. Bovine adrenals are currently obtained from local abattoirs. Researchers frequently ignore important facts like sex, age, feeding or hormone treatment received by the animals. 5,6 Recent diseases like bovine spongiform encephalophathy may limit the availability of bovine tissues. Rodents have been the usual species for the development of an increasing number of experi- mental disease models for hypertension, diabetes or obesity. There is a considerable interest in the study of secretory responses of adrenal medulla from these animal models as well as from animals under chronic stress. 8-13 To study several phenomena like neuro- transmission at the splanchnic–adrenal junction, the use of intact gland preparations offers a good alter- native to cultured cells. 14,15 In spite of their pop- ularity, cultured cells do not fully resemble the physiological properties of intact adrenal medullary tissues since they are denervated and cell to cell communication is lacking. Also, they are altered by enzyme digestion and, once in culture, they are away from the cyclic influence of cortical hormones. Although many neuropeptides are present within the adrenal gland, I have centered this review on cate- cholamines. I will discuss in this article some of the advantages and limitations of rat adrenomedullary tissues compared with other species. Technical notes Although methodological descriptions are not the major aim of the present review, I describe briefly some of the preparations used in the study of secretion from rat adrenal chromaffin cells. In situ adrenals Blood samples collected from aorta or from the adrenal vein have been used to estimate catechola- mine secretion in response to several stimuli like insulin administration, controlled hypotension, or caused by pain or by stimulation of discrete CNS areas. 16-18 This technique can be used to study the release caused by direct stimulation of splanchnic nerves. 19 Unidad de Farmacología Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain seminars in CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, Vol 8, 1997: pp 113–120 ©1997 Academic Press Ltd 1084-9521/97/020113 + 08 $25.000/0/sr960130 113

Transcript of The rat adrenal gland in the study of the control of catecholamine secretion

The rat adrenal gland in the study of the control ofcatecholamine secretionRicardo Borges

Catecholamine secretion in the rat can be studied in freelymoving and anaesthetized animals, in isolated-perfusedadrenals, medullae slices and isolated cultured cells. Inaddition the rat offers the advantage over the more widelyused bovine adrenal model that researchers can have access toanimals of the same age, sex and feeding conditions.Catecholamine release is similar to other species although itgives robust secretion in response to stimuli such asmuscarinic agonists, bradykinin or VIP. It also allows thestudy of neurotransmission at the splanchnic–adrenalsynapse. The use of single-cell preparations (patch-clamp,microfluorimetry, amperometry or capacitance) has overcomethe limitations of the number of cells obtained from a gland.It is possible to study secretion in animal models ofhypertension, chronic stress or diabetes and rats can begenetically modified.

Key words: adrenal / chromaffin cell / catecholamines /excitation–secretion coupling / exocytosis

©1997 Academic Press Ltd

ADRENAL CHROMAFFIN tissues have been utilized for thestudy of secretory phenomena for over 40 years.1-3

Perfused adrenal glands have been used to establishthe concept of excitation–secretion coupling.4 Theintroduction of tissue culture techniques in 1966made chromaffin cells one of the most widely usedmodels to study secretion.5-7

The requirement for a large number of cells, toensure sufficient tissue to analyse catecholaminesreleased or to carry out biochemical studies, hascentered many studies on the use of isolated chro-maffin cells of bovine origin. However, the arrival ofsingle-cell techniques has overcome this problem. Inaddition, some limitations of bovine chromaffin cellshave caused an increased interest in the use of otheranimal species. Bovine adrenals are currentlyobtained from local abattoirs. Researchers frequentlyignore important facts like sex, age, feeding or

hormone treatment received by the animals.5,6 Recentdiseases like bovine spongiform encephalophathy maylimit the availability of bovine tissues.

Rodents have been the usual species for thedevelopment of an increasing number of experi-mental disease models for hypertension, diabetes orobesity. There is a considerable interest in the study ofsecretory responses of adrenal medulla from theseanimal models as well as from animals under chronicstress.8-13 To study several phenomena like neuro-transmission at the splanchnic–adrenal junction, theuse of intact gland preparations offers a good alter-native to cultured cells.14,15 In spite of their pop-ularity, cultured cells do not fully resemble thephysiological properties of intact adrenal medullarytissues since they are denervated and cell to cellcommunication is lacking. Also, they are altered byenzyme digestion and, once in culture, they are awayfrom the cyclic influence of cortical hormones.Although many neuropeptides are present within theadrenal gland, I have centered this review on cate-cholamines. I will discuss in this article some of theadvantages and limitations of rat adrenomedullarytissues compared with other species.

Technical notes

Although methodological descriptions are not themajor aim of the present review, I describe brieflysome of the preparations used in the study ofsecretion from rat adrenal chromaffin cells.

In situ adrenals

Blood samples collected from aorta or from theadrenal vein have been used to estimate catechola-mine secretion in response to several stimuli likeinsulin administration, controlled hypotension, orcaused by pain or by stimulation of discrete CNSareas.16-18 This technique can be used to study therelease caused by direct stimulation of splanchnicnerves.19

Unidad de Farmacología Facultad de Medicina, Universidad deLa Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

seminars in CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, Vol 8, 1997: pp 113–120

©1997 Academic Press Ltd1084-9521/97/020113 + 08 $25.000/0/sr960130


Perfused glands

Adrenals removed from the animal can be perfusedretrogradely through the adrenal vein. Buffer solutioncan be applied at high perfusion rate. Perfusatecollected can then either be analysed by fluorimetrictechniques or by HPLC although the more recentmethod of on-line electrochemical analysis givesexcellent time-course records.15, 19-22 On-line record-ing of catecholamine secretion can be assessed bypassing the fluid emanating from the gland to anHPLC electrochemical detector. Oxidation currentsare proportional to the concentration of catechola-mines passing through.20-23


Iijima et al used 200–300 µm-thick adrenal medullaryslices to examine the time course of intercellularelectrical coupling.24 This simple preparation can beuseful to combine electrophysiology with intracellularcalcium measurement and secretion studies.

Isolated and cultured cells

Cells from rat adrenal medulla can be successfullyprepared by enzyme digestion. Although this pro-cedure does not produce a high yield of cells, it can,however, provide enough cells to carry out single-cellexperiments.25-32

Catecholamine synthesis

Rat adrenal glands constitute an excellent model tostudy catecholamine synthesis. They have two majoradvantages over bovine systems: (i) animals can bepre-treated with catecholamine-depleting drugs likereserpine or enzyme inhibitors; and (ii) glands areable to secrete for hours with stimuli like highpotassium or muscarine.33 Moreover, rat chromaffincells do not take up catecholamines,34 and theytherefore require new synthesis to restore the initialcatecholamine content. Stimulation of secretioncauses the concomitant phosphorylation of tyrosinehydroxylase. New synthesis can be dramaticallyenhanced by addition of tyrosine or dopamine to theperfusion buffer.33

Physiological stimuli in the adrenal medulla

Chromaffin cells receive their physiological stimula-tion both from splanchnic nerves and blood-carriedchemical secretagogues. Splanchnic branches releaseacetylcholine and peptides as a response to stresssituations. Blood-carried stimuli include histamine,angiotensin II and bradykinin which are elevated inplasma as a part of the homeostatic responses toallergens or hypotension.10,12,13,15,22

Rat adrenals contain about 1 mg/g tissue ofcatecholamines with 90% of the total composed ofadrenaline.33 Some stimuli like histamine,22,35 mus-carinic agonists,20 diencephalic stimulation 17 orhypoglycaemia11,12 can selectively increase the releaseof adrenaline. Cold exposure12 and some dience-phalic stimulations17 induce selective release ofnoradrenaline.

Excitation–secretion coupling

The rat adrenal gland is a valuable preparation for thestudy of the regulation of exocytosis. Catecholamineand peptide secretion can be triggered either byexogenous or by endogenous acetylcholine. Acet-ylcholine elicits secretion by activating nicotinic and/or muscarinic receptors.36 The effect of acetylcholinecan be attenuated in the perfused glands by tetrodo-toxin (TTX)14,37 but not in isolated chromaffin cells(R. Borges, unpublished results). In addition to this,TTX does not affect the secretion caused by high K+

solutions. Acetylcholine induces Na+ -dependentmembrane potential fluctuations which can beroughly reproduced by nicotine but not by muscarine.These observations suggest a role of nicotinic andsodium channels in the propagation of a depolariz-ing stimulus38 and in the tissue synchronizationof catecholamine secretion in response toacetylcholine.37,39

The role of both cholinergic receptors in thecontrol of secretion has been extensively studied in ratchromaffin cells.20,26,27,28,36,40 The time-course of thesecretory responses varies depending on the durationof the stimulus applied. Brief pulses (5–15 s) ofcholinergic agonists, applied intermittently at 5–10min intervals, usually give very reproducible responses(Figure 1), whereas continuous application of secreta-gogues promotes the desensitization of the cate-cholamine output. Non-selective agonists like acet-ylcholine or carbachol produce a biphasic secretoryresponse with a rapid elevation followed by a steady

R. Borges


state; this second phase can be suppressed by themuscarinic receptor antagonist atropine. Nicotinicagonists such as nicotine or dimethylphenylpiper-azinium (DMPP) exhibit only the first component.These results show that muscarinic agonist-evokedrelease is less affected by desensitization than thenicotinic response.20

Recent observations using amperometric tech-niques with carbon microelectrodes on cultured cellshave revealed important differences in the onset ofsecretory responses to cholinergic agonists. Nicotinicagonists cause a massive catecholamine releaseobserved only within the first seconds after a briefdrug application. In contrast, muscarinic drugs show adelay of the onset of secretion but secretory events lastfor over a minute.28,29

The nicotinic receptor of the rat chromaffin cellbelongs to the neural nicotinic type.41 Secretionelicited by nicotinic agonists occurs in a way similar tothat described for bovine chromaffin cells. Nicotinicreceptor activation results in depolarization andopening of voltage-dependent channels.26 Nicotinic-but not muscarinic-evoked responses can be blockedby 1,4-dihydropyridine derivates (nifedipine-relateddrugs), a class of L-type calcium channel blockers20

and by inorganic cations like Co2+ or Cd2+ (ref 39, R.Borges, unpublished observations).

Electrical stimulation

Wakade showed in 1981 that the secretion of cate-cholamines induced by transmural electrical stimula-tion of perfused adrenals can be almost abolished bya combination of muscarinic and nicotinic blockers.14

This observation, widely supported by others in rats,cats42 and guinea pigs, demonstrated that electricalfield stimulation causes splanchnic acetylcholinerelease which causes catecholamine secretion throughcholinoceptor activation. This observation opened anew methodological approach to study neurotran-smission at the splanchnic–adrenal junction.

Wakade’s group also demonstrated the presence ofa non-cholinergic component in the secretory prod-ucts of splanchnic nerves which was partially sensitiveto high concentrations of naloxone.15,43 The sameauthors identified this substance as vasoactive intesti-nal peptide (VIP). VIP can be responsible for thecatecholamine release in response to low frequencysplanchnic nerve activity.44,45

In spite of the large catecholamine content of theadrenal tissues, the functional presence of sym-

pathetic nerve terminals in the adrenal can be studiedseparately. Sympathetic nerves but not chromaffincells can take up [3H] noradrenaline when perfusedthrough the adrenal gland. Tyramine and ephedrinerelease tritium but not catecholamines whereas acet-ylcholine, nicotine and muscarine release catechola-mines but not tritium; on the other hand, electricalstimulation promotes the release of both tritium andcatecholamines.46 This elegant preparation can beused to study the mechanisms undergoing the releaseof catecholamines simultaneously from the sym-pathetic nerve terminals and the chromaffin cells ofthe same adrenal gland.

Some experimental data support the existence ofsubstance P in the splanchnic nerves. Perfusion ofadrenal glands with submicromolar concentrations ofsubstance P increased the acetylcholine released fromsplanchnic nerves and prevented the inactivation ofnicotinic receptors.47 The effect of substance P seemsto be important only under high frequency of nervestimulation (10 Hz).47 These findings opened anexciting field of research on the role of substance P insituations of maintained stress.

Muscarinic receptors

Perhaps one of the most interesting advantages of ratmedullary tissues is the study of muscarinic receptortransduction mechanisms. It largely differs frombovine chromaffin cells where usually muscarinicreceptors do not trigger secretion.48,49 The fact thatremoval of external calcium causes a significantreduction of muscarinic agonist-induced secretiontogether with the lack of effect of nifedipine, indicatesthat Ca2+ is entering into the cell through a differentpathway. In the cat adrenal a calcium ionophorecoupled to an M2 muscarinoceptor has beenproposed.50

Finnegan et al29 studied the time course of secre-tion and intracellular free calcium in single bovineand rat adrenal cells in response to muscarinicstimulation. Methacholine, a pure muscarinic agonist,evokes a rise in the intracellular Ca2+ in all of the cellsstudied, whereas only the cells with elevated basalcalcium levels respond to the drug. Methacholine canincrease the intracellular free calcium even when theexternal cation has been removed although only alimited number of secretory spikes can be observed.29

Recently Guo et al49 have performed elegant experi-ments that confirm data from perfused adrenals

Rat adrenal and secretion studies


about the role of intracellular calcium stores inmuscarinic agonist-mediated secretion.

Patch-clamp studies have been used to establish therelation of muscarinic receptors to other ionic chan-nels. Muscarine induces a dose-dependent elevationof resting potential, due to the inhibition of a Ca2+ -dependent K+ current.27,51,52

Other receptors

Histamine H1 receptor activation promotes a rise inintracellular free calcium and secretion in rat chro-maffin cells.21,22,29,35,53,54 Although histamine hasbeen detected within adrenal tissues, most of it islocated in the cortex.55 Blood concentrations ofhistamine during anaphylactic shock are in the rangeof the concentration that triggers catecholaminesecretion from the adrenal medulla.22 In the absenceof adrenals the hypotensive responses to intravenousadministration of histamine are enhanced. Histaminepreferentially releases adrenaline.22,35 Adrenaline canbe considered as the physiological antagonist ofhistamine; it can reverse most of the effects ofhistamine including vasodilatation, bronchoconstric-tion and oedema.

Bradykinin promotes catecholamine releasethrough B2 receptor activation. This peptide is apotent secretagogue; concentrations as low as 1 nMcause an increase in the catecholamine output56 aswell as increases in intracellular free calcium concen-tration even in the absence of external calcium. Aswith histamine,54 a combination of external freecalcium solution and an intracellular Ca2+ antagonist(TMB-8) is necessary to suppress secretion andcalcium signals caused by bradykinin.57

Angiotensin II-triggered secretion appeared to bemediated by AT2 receptor subtype.58 Contrary to thelong-lasting effects on inositol metabolism observed inbovine chromaffin cells,59 secretory responses elicitedby angiotensin II exhibit a rapid desensitization in therat adrenal (Figure 1).

Receptor transduction mechanisms

Due to the difficulties in carrying out biochemicalstudies in the adrenal medullary tissues of the rat,most of our knowledge about receptor transductionmechanisms comes from bovine chromaffin cells.Considerable biochemical information has beenobtained from the pheochromocytoma cell line PC12,

but although PC12 are originated from rat medullarytissues, data obtained with PC12 cells needs to beconfirmed in the non-tumoral chromaffin cells.

Malhotra et al60 carried out an extensive studyidentifying the second messengers associated withdifferent secretory stimuli. Splanchnic nerve stimula-tion resulted in increases in calcium uptake, inintracellular levels of cAMP and IP3 and in PKCactivity. Muscarinic receptors enhanced PKC activityand IP3 content whereas nicotine only affected Ca2+

uptake. Vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulatedcAMP, IP3 and PKC but the splanchnic-mediatedstimulus did not modify the intracellular levels ofcGMP.

Muscarinic-, bradykinin-, histamine- and angio-tensin II-receptors have been included in the group ofG-protein associated receptors coupled to IP3. How-ever, their time course of secretory responses aredifferent (Figure 1) and the participation of PKC intheir transduction mechanism is not entirely similar.Direct activation of PKC by phorbol esters potentiatedthe K+ -elicited release, reduced the secretion inducedby histamine, methacholine and angiotensin II, butdid not affect the secretory responses induced bybradykinin.53,56 Taken together these data indicatethat PKC appears to be involved in the regulation of,at least, two different sites in the stimulus–secretioncoupling process: (i) as a negative regulator of thereceptor function of muscarine, angiotensin II andhistamine (but not bradykinin), and (ii) facilitatingthe secretion responses by directly acting on thesecretory machinery.56

Treatment of adrenal glands with forskolin, anadenylate cyclase activator, produces an increase inthe secretion of catecholamines evoked by any agent,suggesting a direct control of PKA at steps beyondexternal Ca2+ entry.56,60

Intracellular calcium

Secretory experiments carried out in the absence ofexternal calcium have concluded that rat chromaffincells possess larger intracellular calcium stores thanbovine chromaffin cells. The presence of spontaneousCa2+ oscillations in resting rat adrenal cells has beendescribed in recent years. This is a phenomenonobserved in about 70% of the cells.25,61 The realnature of this phenomenon remains obscure: Malgar-oli et al25 proposed an IP3-independent, caffeine- andryanodine-sensitive intracellular reservoir, as thesource of calcium whereas external Ca2+ has been

R. Borges


DMPP100 µM

5 min







DMPP 100 µM

Acetylcholine100 µM

Histamine30 µM

Methacholine30 µM

Bradykinin10 nM

Angiotensin II100 nM

proposed by others.27,61 In other work, Finnegan etal29 observed Ca2+ oscillations accompanied withsecretion only when the cells were placed within thevicinity of a leaking pipette containing bradykinin.Calcium oscillations can be increased by externalapplication of moderate depolarizing solutions (KCl15 mM) or agonists like muscarine orbradykinin.27,61

Rat chromaffin cells are more sensitive to caffeinethan bovine cells. Low concentrations of this drug(0.3–3 mM) cause a rise in intracellular calcium andsecretion even in the absence of external Ca2+ .Moreover, caffeine concentrations necessary to causesimilar responses in bovine cells (10–40 mM) causedcell membrane disruption.29 Intracellular calciumstores mobilized with caffeine seem to be differentcompared to those activated by IP3 since ryanodinefails to prevent Ca2* release and secretion evoked bymuscarine.49

Secretion can be elicited also by lowering extrac-ellular pH. Although the nature of this phenomenonis far from being clear, this secretory response isdependent on external calcium. Calcium-inducedinternal calcium release could be involved since theinitial rapid component can be selectively eliminatedwith the intracellular calcium antagonist TMB-8.62

Calcium channels and secretion

An extensive review of the electrophysiology ofchromaffin cells has been recently carried out byArtalejo.63 We only summarize here some of theaspects related to the participation of calcium channelsubtypes in the secretory process.

The resting membrane potential of rat chromaffincells has been estimated to be in the range of –40 to–75 mV.51,64 Gandía et al found that about 10% of thetotal calcium current is active at -40 mV.30,32 Thiscould explain why some cells exhibit spontaneouscalcium oscillations. Calcium oscillations could berelated to the spontaneous action potentials observedin rat and mouse chromaffin cells, these actionpotentials not being Na+ -dependent since they arenot abolished upon sodium removal or TTX treat-ment.65 Using selective ω-toxins and furnidipine atleast four components/subtypes of calcium channelsin rat chromaffin cells have been identified.32 Figure2 shows a comparison of the distribution of thedifferent Ca2+ channel subtypes in bovine, cat and ratchromaffin cells. This could have relevance for the

control of secretion by different calcium channels inthese three animal species.

Due to the high muscarinic component, splanch-nic- and acetylcholine-mediated secretion is onlyweakly affected by nifedipine or inorganic cations.20,39

The contribution of L- and N-type calcium channelsto secretion evoked by membrane depolarization hasbeen studied by Kim et al.31 These authors found thatL- and N-type channels account for 60% and 40%respectively of the secretion elicited by membranedepolarization, also the secretion can be completelyabolished by a combination of L-type calcium channel

Figure 1. On-line measurement of catecholamine releasefrom isolated-perfused rat adrenal glands. Catecholaminesecretion was continuously measured by electrochemicaldetection. Upper traces were obtained by short-pulseapplication of the nicotinic agonist DMPP, for 10 s every 8min (filled triangles). Lower traces are representativeexperiments, from different glands, obtained by continuousapplication of drugs, at the indicated concentrations. Solidhorizontal lines indicate the period of drug application. Thevertical bar indicates the oxidation current correspondingto that elicited by 500 ng/ml of adrenaline. Time (5 min) isindicated by the upper horizontal line.

Rat adrenal and secretion studies






r of










Cat Rat

blocker (nicardipine) and an N-type blocker (ω-con-otoxin-GVIA). In our hands, ω-conotoxin -GVIA doesnot inhibit K+ -evoked catecholamine release in per-fused adrenal glands although it reduced splanchnic-and acetylcholine-mediated responses. We have alsofound that ω-agatoxin-IVA (a P-type calcium channelblocker) and ω-conotoxin-MVIIC (a Q-type calciumchannel blocker) are more potent blockers of secre-tion than ω-conotoxin-GVIA (P. Michelena et al,manuscript in preparation). The physiological role ofthe different subtypes of calcium channels is far to beestablished although it is possible that these channelscould be used in other cellular functions like calcium-dependent phosphorylation or vesicle traffic.32

Final steps of exocytosis

The use of amperometry with microelectrodes hasrevealed that the catecholamine content of chro-maffin granules of the rat is very similar to bovine.29

The distribution of granule content of catechola-mines followed a distribution which resembles gran-ule sizes described by electron microscopy observa-tions.66 From the analysis of the onset time ofdifferent secretagogues to trigger secretion, ampero-metry will contribute to the clarification of theproteins implicated in the transduction pathway andin the secretory machinery. As was mentioned before,

a preliminary study was published recently byWakade’s group comparing the time-course distribu-tion of secretory spikes elicited by cholinomimeticdrugs and peptides.28 In the near future moreinformation about the role of proteins directly impli-cated in the docking and fusion of chromaffingranules (see Morgan and Burgoyne, this issue) willemerge from amperometric recordings of singlegranule exocytosis in cultured rat chromaffin cells.


Chromaffin cells of the rat offer an excellent model tostudy all aspects of the secretory phenomena of theadrenal medulla. Studies have been done analysingthe role of the CNS in the control of catecholaminerelease. Rat adrenal glands have been used to under-stand how splanchnic nerves promote the secretionand how cell membrane receptors transduce thesignal to trigger or modulate the secretory response.Single-cell studies have shown the importance of theintracellular calcium stores and the contribution ofmembrane ionic channels and receptors to promoteexocytosis. Rat chromaffin cells are not affected byfeeding, hormone treatment, variations in the killingprocedures, uncontrolled age, race and sex as fre-quently occur with bovine cells. When a small numberof cells is not the limitation, cultured rat chromaffincells are cheap and easy to prepare and provide anexcellent model for investigation of catecholaminerelease by exocytosis.


I would like to thank Dr Antonio G. Garcıa and Dr LuisGandıa (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) for theirhelpful comments in the preparation of this manuscript.This work was supported by a grant from Spanish Ministeriode Educacion y Ciencia DGICYT PB95-0540.


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R. Borges


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Rat adrenal and secretion studies


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R. Borges