THE PLAYER by Joe Bricky · 2011-01-25 · song. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL, lips caressing an alto sax,...

THE PLAYER by Joe Bricky Joe Bricky 4012 Calais Ct. Modesto Ca 95356 Copyright 2011 Joe Bricky 209 450 9162

Transcript of THE PLAYER by Joe Bricky · 2011-01-25 · song. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL, lips caressing an alto sax,...

Page 1: THE PLAYER by Joe Bricky · 2011-01-25 · song. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL, lips caressing an alto sax, distracts a couple of NERDY LOOKING DRUMMERS. On the visitors side, the Dos Palos Broncos



Joe Bricky

Joe Bricky4012 Calais Ct.Modesto Ca 95356

Copyright 2011 Joe Bricky209 450 9162

Page 2: THE PLAYER by Joe Bricky · 2011-01-25 · song. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL, lips caressing an alto sax, distracts a couple of NERDY LOOKING DRUMMERS. On the visitors side, the Dos Palos Broncos



From the top of the highest lights, fog hangs low over asmall high school football stadium.

At ground level, the field is freshly chalked and pristine.

SCOREBOARD - Home: 0 Visitors: 0 Quarter: 1 Time: 12:00

The scoreboard reveals we're in Chowchilla, California, asmall farming community in the Central Valley, RedskinCountry.

The stadium is bristling with pre-game activity. The homecrowd is excited and dressed warmly.

Behind the home bench, cheerleaders stretch.

In the stands, the marching band PLAYS the school fightsong. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL, lips caressing an alto sax,distracts a couple of NERDY LOOKING DRUMMERS.

On the visitors side, the Dos Palos Broncos are laughing andjoking around. The coach is smiling and relaxed.

The Redskin side is quiet, almost sullen. COACH STROUD, 42,a natural leader and motivator, paces the sideline,reassuring his players.


JACK TAYLOR, 19, a young man with boyish good looks and aworld class arm, sits on a bench putting on his footballshoes in a hurry. His hair is wet. Behind him, we seeclothes hanging in his locker. As we get closer, a singledrop falls to the floor revealing a pool of water.

The sound of cleats CLICKING on a concrete floor echothrough an empty corridor as Jack continues to dress. Thelocker room door flies open and BANGS against the wall.

KURT RICHARDSON, 17, athletic but shy, bursts into the roomfollowed by TYREE JOHNSON, 17, smooth on and off the field.

TYBout time you showed up. The coachis freaking out.

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KURTNo time for warm-ups. We're aboutto kick off.

JACKSorry bro. Something came up thatcouldn't wait.

KURTYou look like you just showeredwith your clothes on. What's upwith that?

JACKYou don't want to know.

TYIn case you forgot, we have theValley Championship game in oh,about five minutes. You mightthink about grabbin' your helmetand gettin' up on outta here. Justsayin!

Jack is now tying his shoes as fast as he can.

JACKOne, more knot, and I'm...

TYYou want some help?

JACKNo, I got it.

Jack finishes his final knot. As he stands up, the roomspins. He hesitates, then steadies himself. Kurt noticessomething is amiss.

KURTYou all right?

JACK(Feining Confidence)

I'm good to go. We got somepayback to hand out.

TYAwe, hell yeah we do.

Jack leads both boys out of the room at a brisk trot.

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The Redskin Varsity football squad is huddled on thesideline, COACH STROUD is giving them pre-game direction.

As Jack, Ty and Kurt arrive, the entire team erupts intoloud cheers.

COACH STROUD sees Jack and a look of relief comes over himas he motions with his arms to bring it down and listen.

The team goes silent, all eyes on coach.

COACH STROUDTake a knee.

The players in front go down on knees. The coach gazesacross the field at the other sideline then motions with hishead in that direction.

COACH STROUDYou see those guys laughing? TheBroncos don't think you have achance.

Most of the team looks.

COACH STROUD (CONT'D)Who do you think they're laughingat?

ALLUs. Us coach.

COACH STROUDThat's right. They think thisteam is a joke. So, I ask you. Doyou believe them? Or do youbelieve in yourselves?

ALLUs coach. Us.

COACH STROUDThen if you truly believe, there'sonly three things left to do.

Coach Stroud holds three fingers up.

COACH STROUD (CONT'D)First, we wipe the smiles offtheir faces. I want every one ofyou to hit the first guy you seelike you have a rocket strapped to


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COACH STROUD (cont'd)your ass.

TYAmen coach.

Kurt slaps Ty on the helmet.

Coach drops a finger.

COACH STROUDDon't lose your focus! Play everydown as if it's your last. Nooffsides. No stupid holdingcalls. And, no quitting on aplay.

Coach points his index finger at the team and severalplayers for emphasis.

COACH STROUD (CONT'D)Save nothing. Nothing for yourgirlfriend, Richardson. Nothingfor the dance Ty. Leave it allout on that field.

The coach makes a fist.


Can you do that?

ALLYes. Yes coach.


Are you sure?

ALLYes coach. Yes.

TYYou know we can!


Then let the Broncos know theyhave a fight ahead of them. Whoare we?

ALLRedskins. Redskins. Redskins.

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The chanting continues louder and louder as the playersbounce up and down. The home crowd joins in until itcrescendos into a deafoning roar. Finally, the coachmotions quiet. The team settles down and the crowd follows.

COACH STROUDThat's right. Bring it in. Bringit in.

The team comes together, hands to the center of a tight teamhuddle.

COACH STROUDKick off team get out there.Defense on three. One, two,three.


The team breaks. The kick off team heads out to the field.

The referee blows his whistle and the ball is kicked.



Jack Taylor sits in front of a large wooden desk with a namesign reading "Captain Smith."

Jack's uniform is now that of a Madera County Sheriff'sdeputy.

Detective ROB RODRIGUEZ, 30, Homicide Detective, sits nextto jack wearing plain clothes with a Glock .40 strapped tohis hip.

CAPTAIN SMITH, 54, ex-Marine Officer, thinks he's still in,enters the room, sits down and lights up a cigar. Jackmuffles a cough and attempts to pretend it doesn't botherhim. Behind the CAPTAIN, you clearly see a no smoking sign.

CAPTAIN SMITHDeputy Taylor, do you know whyyou're here?

The captain puffs as he talks.

JACKRod said something about a specialassignment?

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CAPTAIN SMITHWe don't normally put rookiesundercover, but we have asituation. And Rodriguez tells meyou're our man.

RODAs you can see sir, he has thelook and from what I understand,is a helluva football player.

CAPTAIN SMITHIs that true? Can you play ball?

JACKI played quite a bit in themilitary.

CAPTAIN SMITHWhat does that mean?

RODHis file says he Q.B.'d theAll-Army team.


JACKYeah, I did.

CAPTAIN SMITHWell, it's not quite All-Marinefootball. But, I guess you'll do.

JACKGreat! But, what's this have todo with undercover work?

RODThe Chowchilla Redskin's all-starquarterback washed up on shore atEastman Lake two weeks ago. Thereport showed high levels ofheroin and rufilin


CAPTAIN SMITHHe was a straight "A" student witha bright future. This was noaccident. And we're gonna get tothe bottom of it. You son, have


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CAPTAIN SMITH (cont'd)an important role to play.

JACKYou want me to infiltrate thefootball team?

CAPTAIN SMITHExactly. I need you to get on thesquad and get close to theplayers. Find out what you canand report back.

JACKWill do.


Make sure he gets a full briefing.

Captain Smith notices a deputy pacing nervously at his door.

CAPTAIN SMITHLooks like my 2 O'clock is here.If there's nothing else, you'redismissed.

Jack and Rob exit as the next officer enters.


CONTINUOUS Rob and Jack walk through the HQ.

JACKYou know I hated high school.

RODWho hates high school?

JACKI was small -- constantly pickedon. I couldn't wait to join thearmy.

RODI doubt anyone will mess with younow.

JACKI'm not worried about that, buthow long will I need to be there?

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RODThree, maybe four months. Itdepends on you.

JACKSo roughly equivalent to a year inIraq.

Rod laughs.

RODIt won't be that bad. You'll bestaying with a friend of theCaptain, Bill Richardson.

JACKIs he --

ROD-- an ex-marine too. Yeah, aretired colonel.

JACKOh great. Back to boot camp aswell.

RODHe's not nearly as bad as theCaptain.

JACKThat's a relief.

JACKDon't worry about Bill. His boyKurt will help you get on theteam. They have another kidSarah, band type, she won't bemuch help.

JACKThat was me. In the band -- up inthe stands.

RODYou, band?

JACKYeah, that's what kids my sizedid.

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RODWe're not sending you there toplay the piccolo?


I played the drums.

They reach the door.

The two shake hands.


A white county sedan drives away revealing Jack with a greenduffel bag. He walks up the driveway as BILL RICHARDSON,46, stands tall at the front door, awaiting his new recruit.

BILLWelcome, trooper. You must beJack Taylor.

JACKI won't be having to do push upswill I?

BILLI see Captain Smith has beentalking to you. Lies, all lies.

Bill gives Jack a firm, dominating hand shake and pats himheartily on the back as they walk through the door.


Bill guides Jack down the hallway.

BILLThat's Kurt's room.

Motioning to the room on the end.

BILL (CONT'D)This is your room, and that...

Bill looks Jack square in the eyes.

BILL (CONT'D)...that room's off-limits,soldier.

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JACKDaughter's room, right?

BILLSarah's not as old as she looks.

JACKGot it sir. Off-limits. Thatwon't be a problem.

BILLGreat! Dinner's at 1900 hours. Iknow you understand what thatmeans.


Jack is busy hanging clothes in the closet. Kurt is layingwith his back on the bed, feet on the floor, tossing afootball to the ceiling.

KURTYou're a senior, right?


KURTMe too, finally. School juststarted, so you haven't missedmuch. Our first game isn't forthree weeks.

Jack stops what he was doing and turns toward Kurt whocontinues playing catch with himself.

JACKHow's your team this year?

KURTNot that great.

JACKWhy's that?

KURTYou didn't hear what happened?


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KURTOur Q.B. drowned. They say he gotstoned and took a midnight swim.

JACKDude that's awful.

KURTI don't buy it, though. Drew wasclean -- and the best QB in thearea. Now, all we have is Rick.

JACKWhat's wrong with Rick?

KURTHe can't throw for shit. Butyou'll have to ask my sister whatelse is wrong with the guy. Theyjust broke up.

SARAH Richardson, 17, should be a cheerleader but has betterthings to do, opens the door and walks in like she owns theplace. We recognize her as the beautiful sax player fromthe opening scene.

SARAHYou must be the foster kid.

JACKYou must be the band geek. Wewere just talking about you.

SARAHWhat? About how smart andtalented I am?

KURTLike that would ever happen. No.We were talking about yourex-boyfriend and my slim chancesof ever catching a pass this year.

SARAHOh. I'm so over that guy.Besides, you can't catch, anyway.

KURTAnd how would you know?

Sarah knocks the ball out of Kurt's hand as he tries tocatch it. Kurt quickly retrieves it and holds it out ofSarah's reach.

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SARAH(To Jack)

Last year, wide open in the endzone, the ball hits him square inthe hands -- dropped! He thinks Idon't watch.

KURTOne pass. Geez! What about theother 40 I caught? All you do isblow a flute -- how hard is that?



JACKIt's actually a difficultinstrument to play.

KURTWhoa! Are you some kind of bandgeek too?

JACKWell, I did play the drums, butit's been a while.

SARAHNot cool enough for you anymore?

JACKNo. I just don't have time rightnow.

Jack motions for the ball. Kurt tosses it to him quickly asSarah attempts to intercept it.

KURT(Pleased with himself)


SARAHThere's more to life than justfootball.

KURTYeah. There's video games.

Sarah turns to leave and pauses halfway out the door.

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SARAHGood night -- what's the word fornerdy jock? Oh yeah, benchwarmer.

Sarah playfully sticks her tongue out and then disappearsbehind the door.

JACKIs she always like that?

KURTI'm afraid so.


Kurt and Jack walk out of the parking lot onto the maincampus. Students are milling around in groups. Many ofthem have cell phones and are talking or texting.

KURTHey there's my crew. I'm gone.The office is over there --

Kurt points in the direction of the administration building. A large sign above the door reads OFFICE.

KURT-- where it says, office.

JACKThanks. I never would have foundit.

KURTSee ya bro.


Jack is about to open the door when Sarah appears andstartles him.

JACKYou like sneaking up on people?

SARAHNo. The Colonel, I mean my dad,said to make sure you found theoffice.

JACKI'm here --

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Jack looks up and points at the sign.

JACK (CONT'D)-- where it says office.

SARAHWow. You are smart for a jock.Follow me.

Jack follows.

JACKI'm not a jock.


Sarah and Jack walk through the door. The office is hectic.The bell rings and students quickly exit. Secretaries andstudent assistants buzz about behind the counter. One ofthe assistants steps up to the counter.

STUDENT ASSISTANTHey Sarah, who's this?

The assistant looks Jack up and down.


JACKYeah, I'm...


He's the foster kid staying withus. Can you tell Ms. Silvermanher transfer student is here.


Just go back. I'll be right hereif you need me.

Sarah leads Jack past the reception area. The assistantwatches him as he passes. Sarah notices the attention andshrugs.

SARAHOK. Sit here, new meat.

Sarah turns and starts to leave, then looks back.

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SARAHTry not to wander off.

JACKI won't. I may, actually, needsome classes.


MS. SILVERMAN, age 42, in a low cut blouse flaunting herimplants, bends over at her computer screen, occasionallylooking up to see if Jack is staring. He is.

MS. SILVERMANSo, Jonathan.

JACKCall me Jack.

MS. SILVERMANIt looks like you only need 30units to graduate.


MS. SILVERMANThis is strange. Were you at somesort of military academy?

JACKWhat? I mean yes. I've had lotsof military school...

MS. SILVERMANFour classes and you're done. But,I can't let you leave earlywithout a job, so I've filled outyour schedule with electives.

She hands Jack a slip of paper. He spots economics and gleeclub for 6th and 7th period and groans.

JACKYou put me in glee club and homeeconomics.

MS. SILVERMANSorry, dear. That's all we have.Well, unless you want to be a P.E.assistant the whole afternoon.

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JACKI do. Really.

MS. SILVERMANOf course, you'll have to get thecoach to sign off.

JACKWhere do I find him?

MS. SILVERMANHis office is inside the boyslocker room, next to the gym.

Mrs. Silverman moves out from behind her desk and hands Jacka new schedule. As Jack turns to leave, Ms. Silverman wrapsher arm around his shoulder, pressing her breast againsthim, then whispers in his ear.

MS. SILVERMANYou just let me know if there'sanything else I can do for you.Anything!

Jack eases away from her out the door.

JACKYou've done quite enough, thanks.

Jack cringes as he exits.


Jack strolls across the campus taking in the scene.

Students are walking, talking, texting and chatting.

Jack's cell phone is pressed against his ear.


You sent them my real transcripts!

ROD (V.O.)Relax. You're from Oregon. Noone's gonna recognize you.

JACKYeah, I guess you're right. Hey,if I pass four classes I'll get areal diploma.

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RODDon't go gettin' ideas. You won'tbe there that long. Just make theteam and make an impact.

JACKAll right --

Jack reaches the gym and sees the sign that reads, "BOYSLOCKER ROOM."

JACK-- gotta go.

Jack opens the locker room door and reacts to something inthe air.

JACK(To self)

I remember this place. You neverforget that smell.


Jack walks down a hallway as two freshman boys approach.

Meet GILBERT, 14, poster child for nerdy freshman, andJEROME, 14, chunky, confident without the chops to back itup. We recognize them as the two drummers from the openingscene.

Looking slightly scared, both boys quickly move to the side,pressing their backs against the wall. As Jack reachesthem, he starts to say something when Jerome hurriedly pullsa dollar out of his pocket and presents it to Jack.

At first Jack looks puzzled, then chuckles.

JACKHey guys. I'm not here to takeyour lunch money.

Gilbert and Jerome look surprised.

JEROMEYou're not? Cool!

Jerome quickly shoves the dollar back into his pocket.

JACKDo you know where I can find thecoach's office?

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Gilbert and Jerome point in the direction Jack is headed.

JACKThanks guys.

Realizing they aren't about to be eaten, both boys open up.

GILBERTThe coach's office is down thereon the right.

JEROMEThe sign on the door says coach.

JACKThank God for signs.

The two boys wait until Jack is sufficiently down thehallway then scramble in the other direction.

JEROMEI thought lunch was history.


At the end of the hall, Jack stumbles upon the Varsitylocker room, a place he was never allowed to enter.Realizing this, he quickly walks to the far door when he issuddenly blocked by RICK MARTINI JR., 18, the self appointedKing of C.U.H.S.

On either side stand the twins, BERT and BART Baker, 17, theright side of the Redskin offensive line.

JACKHey have you...


You lost?

BERTWhat do you think you're...

Rick raises his hand near Bert's mouth. Bert stops midsentence.

JACKI'm looking for the coach'soffice.

With a smile on his face, Rick extends his hand to Jack.

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RICKI'm Rick, Rick Martini. Youprobably heard of me -- varsityquarterback.

Jack accepts the gesture and shake's Rick's hand.

JACKActually, I have.

RICKOf course you have. I'll show youthe way.

Rick grabs Jack by the arm, escorts him down a hallway withBert and Bart close behind snickering under their breath.

RICKThis your first year here?

JACKI just transferred in.

RICKThat's great.

They arrive at a propped open door.

RICKHere you go. The coach is rightin here.

Rick gives Jack a little help getting through the door. Inthe process, Bert closes it behind Jack. As the door closes,you see the sign, "GIRLS LOCKER ROOM." Rick and his cronieschuckle as they run back down the hallway.


The door bursts open. You hear a chorus of girls SCREAMING. Jack leaps out, then slows to a walk.

JACK(To self)

Where was that sign when I neededit?


Coach Stroud sits at his desk sizing up Jack who is seatedopposite him.

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Behind the coach you see numerous football championshiptrophies. His ball cap says "REDSKIN FOOTBALL" on it. Thecoach notices the ad slip in Jack's hand and motions for it.

COACH STROUDGive me the ad slip.

Jack eagerly hands it over.

COACH STROUDThree p.e. classes? You boredkid?

JACKNo. Just avoiding Home Economicsand Glee Club.

COACH STROUDI don't really need anotherassistant -- what school did youplay for?

JACKI've never played high schoolball.

The coach seems surprised.

COACH STROUDA kid your size? You must havehad one of those soccer moms.Didn't want you to get hurt.

JACKNo. I grew up playing football. Ijust haven't played in HighSchool, yet.

COACH STROUDAll right. I'll sign off.

Coach Stroud scribbles on the ad slip with his pen and handsthe slip to Jack.

COACH STROUD (CONT'D)I need players for the practicesquad 7th period. You'll work outwith the team until the last bell. If it turns out you have morethan just size, we'll see about apermanent spot on the team.

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JACKSounds good to me.

COACH STROUDGo find a locker in the varsityfootball room. It's back thatway.

JACKWill do coach.

Jack rises and starts to leave, but the coach isn't quitedone.

COACH STROUDThen go find the equipment roomand grab a helmet and pads. Don'tgrab a new one. Those are reservedfor starters. Got it?

JACKGot it coach.

Jack slips out the door.


With lunch tray in hand, Jack faces the rows of cafeteriatables. He sees the jock table, it's full.

The hot girls giggle and text each other at another table ashe walks through. It's quite crowded and he's running outof options.

Finally, he sees Gilbert and Jerome at a table in the farcorner with an open seat. He heads straight for it.

JACKHey guys. Looks like you didn'tlose your lunch money. You mindif I...

Jack sits down without waiting for an answer. Startled, thegroup sits silent.


GILBERTWe lose it a lot. Our lunchmoney.

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JACKI bet you do. So did I when I wasyour age. Now, they have to bemore creative with me.

JEROMEYou get messed with too? No way.

JACKYeah. Right after I saw you, some'tard named Rick and a couple oflarge book ends showed me thegirls locker room.

JEROMEYou mean Bert and Bart Baker. Wecall them the Bubba twins.

Jack laughs.


GILBERTSometimes they just give uswedgies.

JEROMEOr shove us into lockers. Itdepends on their mood.

GILBERTI've missed a week of lunchesalready, thanks to the Bubbas.

JEROMEI don't fit in a locker, so I justget a lot of wedgies.

Jerome adjusts his shorts a little.

Jack tries to muffle a laugh, but can't.

JACKIs it just those two?

GILBERTRick and some other seniors messwith us too, but it's mostly theBubba's.

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JACKI bet their mom still walks themto the short bus in the morning.


Jerome makes a retard face.

JACKO.K. Listen up guys.

Jack leans in, and motions for a huddle.

JACK (CONT'D)I'll never take your lunch money-- or shove you in a locker. It'snot cool, so don't worry about mefrom now on. Got it?


Sarah appears behind Jack at the table. He doesn't noticeher at first.

SARAHFor an ex-band geek, you suremanaged to land right in themiddle of band central. Nicework.

Startled, Jack turns and realizes it's Sarah.

JACKBand what?


Sarah ignores Gilbert's hello and continues her teasing ofJack. Jack turns back around and feins indifference.

SARAHYep. Welcome to the drum line.

JEROMEWassup Sarah my girl. You comin'over later?

SARAHKnock it off Jerome. Try toremember that bad attention is notnecessarily better than no


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SARAH (cont'd)attention at all.

Sarah turns her focus back to Jack who is still casuallyeating.

SARAHSo what instrument did you say youplayed?

JACK(To the Group)

I play the drums.

ALLCool. Right on.

SARAHYou should see if Jack can keep abeat.

Sarah walks off in the direction of a table full of girls.

JEROMEYou know Sarah?

JACKYeah, I'm staying with her family.

JEROMEYou lucky dog. I would crawlthrough broken glass...



GILBERTYou got skills or what?

JACKYeah, I still got 'em.

Jerome begins knocking out a drum CADENCE on the table.Gilbert and the rest of the crew join in. Jack picks it upquickly as the table starts to shake and the guys are allsmiles.

JEROMEYou still got 'em. Check you out.

Several tables away, Rick hears the noise and looks for thecause of the disturbance. Once he spots the boys having

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fun, he stands up on a cafeteria bench and shouts in theirdirection.

RICKKnock it off nerds. I'm eatinglunch here.

Bert and Bart look at the boys and scowl. Everyone stopsexcept Jack who continues for a couple more beats until herealizes he's the only one tapping.

Satisfied, Rick sits back down.

GILBERT(Whispering to Jack)

It's best to do what he says.

JACKIt's O.K. I get it.



Boys in P.E. clothes mill around in groups.

Enter assistant COACH BARNES, 35, gruff and experienced.Kurt and Jack toss a football back and forth as the coachrounds up the class.

Jack's powerful arm becomes apparent as he fires a bulletKurt's way. Kurt corrals the ball then shakes off thesting in his fingers.


Coach Barnes separates the group in half.

COACH BARNESYou all grab the red flags. Therest of you put on yellow andstart with the ball on the 20.

Coach blows the whistle. Kurt turns to Jack.

KURTCool. We're on the same team.

In the huddle, Kurt looks around then takes over.

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KURTBarry, I need you to hike theball.

Kurt motions to several boys.

KURTI need you guys to block.

He then turns to JAVIER CONTRERAS, 17, varsity running backand a close friend.

KURT (CONT'D)Javier, you take the slot.Everyone else just block. Oh yeah. Jack, you're the QB. Let's seewhat you got.

JACKThanks buddy.

KURTMy hands still sting from yourfastball. I wanna see how far youcan throw.

JACKLet's find out. Go long. Javier,give me five and out.

The players emerge from the huddle.

Jack, in a shotgun formation signals for the ball fromcenter. Jack fades back and fires a long pass down thesideline. Kurt catches it and easily out runs defenders fora touchdown.

Kurt trots back into the huddle, smiling. Javier pulls onJack's shirt.

KURTNot bad. Not bad.

JAVIERHey hit me. I'm gonna be open allday.

JACKNo problem. Run a slant.

Kurt turns to Jack as he begins jogging to his position.

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KURTWhere did you say you played?

JACKI just play for fun.

The ball is snapped for the extra point. Kurt starts hispattern. Javier cuts behind him. Jack avoids the rush withthe ease of a seasoned player.

Coach Stroud walks up as Coach Barnes is watching the actionfrom the sideline.

Jack easily dodges another attempted flag pull and floats atouch pass to Javier in the back of the end zone.

Coach Stroud stops behind Coach Barnes.

COACH BARNESYou ever see this kid before?

COACH STROUDYeah. I just put him on thepractice squad. He says he's neverplayed high school ball.

COACH BARNESI'll keep my eye on him.

COACH STROUDYou do that.


-- Jack passes to Kurt

-- Jack passes to Javier

-- Jack avoids tacklers and scores

-- Coach Barnes writes notes on a clipboard

-- Coach Barnes blows his whistle.


COACH BARNESHit the showers boys. Play time'sover.

Jack and Kurt walk toward the locker room. Coach Stroudwaits for them at the door.

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COACH STROUDNice hands, Richardson. And you,son, where did you learn to throwthe football?

JACKMy dad mostly. But, I've hadother help.

COACH STROUDQuarterback camp?

JACKNo. Not exactly.

Coach Stroud gets distracted by several boys horsing around. He starts to walk off and turns back briefly.

COACH STROUDO.K. See you both at practice.

KURTWhat did he mean see you both atpractice?

JACKI made the practice squad.

KURTThat's awesome. We are so shortof good players.

JACKIt's just the practice squad.

KURTDon't worry, you'll make the team.

JACKYou already have a quarterback.

KURTDude, you're way better than him.

JACKYou think I have a shot?

KURTYeah. I do.

Jack smiles

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Jack, picking up towels, hears a commotion in the hallwayand darts over to investigate. Bert has Gilbert pinnedagainst the wall.

BERTI said...

In a very poor attempt at Ebonics pimp slang.

BERT...who's yo pimp, boy?

JACK(dead pan)


As he walks toward's them.

JACK (CONT'D)...his pimp.

Bert laughs.

JACKI said, I'm his pimp! You gottaproblem with one of my ho's, youtalk to me.

BERTThis kid?

JACKYeah, he's mine.

BERTAnd you are?

JACKJack Taylor. We've met, remember.

Jack moves in between Bert and Gilbert. Jack puffs up andgets in Bert's face. Bert lets go and Gilbert quicklyescapes and runs out the door, peeking back from a muchsafer vantage.

BERTOh yeah. You ever find yourpanties in the girl's locker room?

Jack plants his finger in Bert's chest and pushes him withit. Bert seems surprised.

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JACKThat kid there.

Jack motions with his head to Gilbert, still watching.

JACK (CONT'D)Don't touch him. Don't take hislunch money. Don't even look athim.

BERTOr what?

Bert puffs up to Jack. They're now in each other's face.

JACKDo you really want to find out?

BERTWhat if I touch you?

Bert attempts to shove Jack with both hands. Jackintercepts Bert's right arm and quickly puts him in an armbar then forces him to the floor.

JACKThis is what happens, bitch.

Jack twists Bert's arm and shoves his face into the floorwith his knee now on the back of Bert's thick neck. Hewinces in pain as Jack applies more pressure.

JACKIf you ever mess with one of myho's again, it's your ass. Weclear?


JACKYou heard me, fat boy.


Jack let's go and Bert struggles to his feet then stumblestoward the door.

BERTI was just playin.'

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Bert hastily exits.

Gilbert stares in amazement.

JACK(To self)

Some things never change.


The team is split into several groups.

Kurt and the receivers take turns running routes with TYthrowing passes.


-- Ty overthrows Kurt.

-- Ty underthrows Jack.

-- Coach Stroud winces.

-- Ty bounces a passe in Javier's direction. It's notpretty.


Coach Stroud, shaking his head in disgust walks over to thereceiver corps.


Number 12, swap out with Ty andthrow for awhile.

JACKWill do, coach.

Ty flips the ball to Jack from a few yards away and headsback into the receiver line.

TYI hope you can do better.


He couldn't do much worse.

TYYou can't throw either, bi'atch.

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The players in earshot laugh.


-- Jack throws a quick post to Kurt.

-- Jack throws a long post to Ty who makes a nice catch.

-- Coach Stroud smiles in approval.

-- Jack hits Javier on a slant.

-- Coach Stroud smiles.


Coach Stroud blows his WHISTLE.

COACH STROUDGet some water. Then I want firstteams on the field, full contact.


The starting offense and defense line up with Rick at the QBposition. Bert and Bart take their positions at right guardand tackle.

Coach Stroud calls a play just behind the huddle MOS.


-- Rick hands off to Javier for a short gain.

-- Rick makes a bad toss to Javier for a fumble.

-- Coach Stroud rolls his eyes.


Jack watches from the back with the other second stringers.

The offense huddles up for another play.

COACH STROUDListen up. Time for some passplays. Let's start with a slotright 87 post.


-- Rick misses Ty wide on an out.

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-- Kurt is wide open, the ball is thrown elsewhere.

-- Rick overthrows Ty.

-- Coach Stroud rolls his eyes, again.


COACH STROUD(To Coach Barnes)

Let's rotate some people in.

Jack and several other players sub-in on defense. CoachBarnes directs the action. Jack lines up at the strongsafety position.

In the offensive huddle.

RICKCome on Tyree. Catch the ball.

TYYou overthrew me by two feet.

RICKI thought you could jump.

COACH STROUDKnock it off. Same play the otherway. Run it again.

The teams line up.

The ball is snapped, Rick fades back to pass.

Ty makes his cut to the post. Jack reads the move, getsposition on Ty and intercepts the underthrown ball.

Jack takes a couple of steps and fires the ball on a tightrope 25 yards back to Rick. The ball goes right through hishands and hits him in the facemask, rocking his head back.Rick is pissed. Several players laugh.

Now, the entire team knows Jack has a world class arm,especially Rick.


RICKYou could have come back for theball. You're making me look bad.

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TYOh, you don't need my help there.

KURTI was wide open -- again.

COACH STROUDRick, check down if it's notthere. And Ty, you gotta comeback for the ball. Clear?

RICKYeah coach.

TYYes coach.

COACH STROUDLet's keep it short this time.Ninety-six Slant on two.


The center hikes the ball to Rick who takes three quicksteps and fires it at Kurt slanting over the middle. Theball is thrown high, Kurt barely gets a finger on it. Jack,moving in from safety, snags the ball off the tip. Jackdodges tacklers until the whistle blows.

KURTNice grab.

JACKThanks. That wasn't your fault.

KURTI know. It's all good.

Jack and Kurt arrive at the water station.

KURTYou looked good out there.

JACKThanks. You were right. Rickcan't throw for shit.

They both laugh.

The school bell rings. Several of the practice players turnand start walking towards the locker room. Rick walks upwith Bert and Bart in tow.

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RICKIsn't it about time you headed forthe girls locker room with therest of the scabs?

BARTYeah, real players only, man.

KURTHe picked you off -- more thanonce.

RICKIt's not my fault you can't catch.

KURTYou don't even throw to me, sohow...


He's right. I'm only a practiceplayer. I'll see ya later man.

Jack turns and starts walking towards the locker room. Afterabout 20 yards, Coach Stroud notices Jack leaving and has aquick huddle with Coach Barnes who's nodding in affirmation.

COACH STROUDHey number 12. Where do you thinkyou're going?

Jack stops and turns around.

JACKShowers coach.

COACH STROUDGet back over here.

Jack jogs back and stops in front of the two coaches.

COACH STROUDI don't know where you learned toplay. And, you have some catchingup to do, but I have a full-timespot for you if you want it.

Jack looks at Kurt who's miming yes, yes, yes.

COACH BARNESWhat's it gonna be son?

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JACKI'm in. All in.

Kurt pumps his fist as the two coaches pat Jack on thehelmet and shoulder pads.

COACH STROUDGreat. Go with coach Barnes.

Coach Barnes and Jack jog back to the defensive area.

RICK(To Bart and Bert)

That kid's starting to annoy me.

Bert and Bart nod.

BERTHe's already on my list.


Jack is leaning up against Kurt's car with a Bluetoothdevice in his ear, cell phone in hand.

JACKI made the team.


That's great. The Captain will bepleased. You find anything outyet?

JACKYeah. You were wrong. ColonelRichardson is just like theCaptain.


I know...

Rod laughs. Jack pulls out the ear piece.

ROD...I hope you like push ups.

JACKVery funny. I'll call you in afew days.

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Kurt walks up. His hair is damp and freshly combed.

Jack quickly pushes the end call button.

KURTWho was that? You got agirlfriend already?

JACKNo. Not even close.


Kurt and Jack lounge on the bed, side-by-side, going overthe Redskin playbook.

KURT...I'm just sayin' you need tomemorize the offense.

JACKI'm cool playing safety. It's alot of fun.

KURTYeah, but what if Rick gets hurt.We don't have a backup.

JACKYou're right.

KURTWe can practice on weekends to getyou up to speed.

The door opens. Sarah, wearing a sexy top and short shorts,stands in the doorway.

KURTDon't you ever knock?

SARAHWhy? Are you two doing somethingyou shouldn't?


JACKIt's cool. What's up?

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SARAHDinner's up in two minutes.

KURTAh crap. We don't want to belate.

Kurt jumps up.

JACKWhat happens if we're late,pushups?

KURTLots of them.

JACKI knew it.

Sarah notices both playbooks and seizes the opportunity totease.

SARAHIt sure didn't take you long.

JACKExcuse me?

SARAHI didn't know they gavebenchwarmers playbooks.

KURTVery funny.

JACKHey. I'm starting at safety.

SARAHIsn't that where they put fastguys who can't catch? I guess youand Kurt have something in common.

Kurt picks up the football and tosses it at Sarah who usesthe door as a shield. The ball bounces off. She sticks herhead back in and flashes a satisfied grin.

KURTHow did I get so lucky?

JACKI was thinking the same thingmyself.

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Kurt shoves Jack.

KURTI know she's hot. But still abrat.

JACKYou're right there.


Kurt and Jack, looking exhausted from practice cruisethrough a suburban neighborhood.

JACKThat was a tough practice. Ican't believe I made it through myfirst week.

KURTYou did great. One more week'till our first game. You thinkwe're ready?

JACKOur D is looking good. Therunning game is shaping up. But...

KURTOur passing game sucks. I know.

JACKHey, we'll do all right.

KURTAgainst Dos Palos? Have you seentheir run defense? Our onlychance is to throw the ball,and...

Kurt Shrugs.

JACKGood point.

A text message comes across Kurt's cell phone. He looks atit.

KURTParty at Ty's house tonight. Yougame?

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JACKDefinitely. I was wondering whatyou all did for fun on a Fridaynight.


Kurt and Jack walk up to the front door of Ty's typicalsuburban house and ring the bell. As Ty opens the door, thesound of video games fill the air.

TYWhat's up my brothers. Come in,come in.

KURTWhat's up man. Who's coming?

TYJavier and a bunch of the guys.

KURTCool. What are we playing?

The three of them walk into the house.


Jack turns the corner to the den revealing an entire roomfilled with gaming consoles and computers. No girls. Nobeer. Just dudes.


Video games. So where's the beer?

TYNot here my brother from anothermother.

JACKAnd cheerleaders. Where are thecheerleaders?

KURTDefinitely not here.

JACKWow. So this is what you all dofor fun?

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Ty picks up a video controller and hands it to Jack. Tythen points at the screen where you see the intro for MaddenFootball.

TYThis shit teaches you how to readdefenses.

JACKOh I can play. This is just notthe party I was expecting.

Javier walks up with a can of Mt. Dew and a large piece ofPizza.


Food's in the kitchen. Let'splay, bitches.

TYI want some of Jack first. Hesays he can play.

JACKYou're on.

JAVIERI got winner. I'll smoke all youfools.


Jack and Ty are furiously playing. Jack appears to behaving a great time. He stands up, raises his arms in theair.

JACKGame over, baby!

TYDamn, boy. You are good.


KURTIt's almost light.

JACKIs that a typical Friday night?

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KURTFor our crew it is.

JACKWhat about the rest of the team?

KURTLots of the guys do some partying. It's mostly harmless.

JACKOut at the lake?

KURTYeah, that's the spot.

JACKYou never go there?

KURTRarely. I don't party much.Besides, none of the cheerleadersknow I exist.

JACKThe best girls aren't alwayscheerleaders.

KURTTrue. But, the hot ones are.

Jack nods in agreement.

JACKYou don't know of any girls whomight like you?

KURTThere's one. But, I'm worried shedoesn't like me the same way.

JACKYou'll never hit a home run if youdon't step up to the plate -- justsayin.'

KURTI'd be happy with a single.

Jack smiles.

JACKI hear ya.

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The Redskin offense, huddled deep in their own territory,waits for the coach to send in the next play. From thelooks on their faces and the stains on their jerseys, youcan tell it's been a rough first game.

Ty arrives at the huddle and whispers in Rick's ear.

RICKStrong Right, 36 Blast, on one.And Bert, try blocking this time.Ready...


As the team jogs to the line. Bert looks back at Rick.

BERTSorry, Rick.

The team jogs to the line of scrimmage with a sense ofurgency.

The cheerleaders watch quietly on the sideline.

The Redskin stands are packed, but the crowd is silent.

The visitors side is roaring.

Back at the line of scrimmage.

RICKBlue 44, Blue 44, down, set, hut.

Rick hands off to Javier who is met by a hoard of Dos PalosBroncos for no gain. The clock continues to shrink alongwith the Redskins chances of an opening victory.

On the sideline, resigned and doing damage control, CoachStroud shuffles players.


Go in for Ty. Run the 36 Blastagain.

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Javier nods and runs to the huddle as Ty hurries off thefield.

Standing in the front row behind the home bench meet RICKMARTINI SR., a rich man with high expectations for his son.Next to him you see VERN BAKER, father of the Bubba's, andlong-time Martini sidekick.

RICK SR.(Yelling)

For Christ's sake, throw the damnball already.

Vern pulls a metal flask out from under a gaudy Hawaiianshirt and takes a long sip.


We need points, coach.

RICK SR.(Softly to Vern)

My dog know's more about footballthan that guy.

Back in the Redskin huddle.

JAVIERCoach says run the 36 blast again.

Rick looks up at his father motioning with his arm to throwthe ball. The exchange doesn't go unnoticed by the Redskincoaching staff.

RICKCoach must be confused.

KURTNo, he's not.

RICKListen up. Slot right, 78 shake,on one. Javier, get open.

The ball is snapped. Rick drops back with plenty ofprotection.

Javier makes a cut to the corner. He's open by severalyards.

Rick launches an off target pass that's easily picked off bythe Dos Palos safety who runs it back for a touchdown,taunting the Redskin players and showboating the last 20

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Kurt, standing there, watching, gets blindsided by a DosPalos player.

The home crowd GROANS. The cheerleaders GROWN.

Coach Stroud throws his clipboard to the ground then quicklycomposes himself.

Rick walks off the field and ignores Coach Stroud as heattempts to talk to him.


The Dos Palos QB kneels as the clock ticks to zero.

The visiting crowd cheers.

Coach Stroud shakes hands with the opposing coach then turnsback toward the home sideline.


We own you, bitches.

Kurt starts to go after the guy. Jack holds him back.

JACKDon't worry about that guy.


On the Redskin sideline, Coach Stroud gathers the team.

COACH STROUDBring it in. Bring it in and takea knee. Let's go.

The team comes together. Some of the boys are visiblyupset.

COACH STROUDShake it off. The Broncos areranked number one in the Valley.We held their offense to twotouchdowns. You should be proudof yourselves. Just don't expectto win a game when you turn theball over five times.

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COACH STROUD walks toward the locker room. He's interceptedby Rick SR. and Vern who appear out of the darkness.

RICK SR.Coach. You got a minute?

COACH STROUDNot really. What do you needRick?

RICK SR.I'm just here to tell you some ofthe alumni are concerned.

COACH STROUDThe alumni, right.

RICK SR.What kind of play calling wasthat?

COACH STROUDThis is my team Rick, not yourdealership. I call the shotshere.

Coach turns and opens the locker room door.

RICK SR.Just tell me why we're stillrunning the ball with threeminutes left.

Coach Stroud stops, turns back around and gathers histhoughts for a moment then unloads his frustration on a welldeserving Rick Sr.

COACH STROUDOh you wanna know why we wererunning. Because your boy alreadythrew three interceptions. I wastrying not make it four.

RICK SR.We had...

COACH STROUD(Interrupting)

Good night, Rick. Thanks for allyour help.

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Coach Stroud walks through and closes the door firmly.

RICK SR.(Yelling)

You better fix that line -- andteach those boys how to catch afootball.

Rick Sr. turns to Vern.

RICK SR.What a Jamoke. I wouldn't letthat guy coach pee wee football.


Kurt and Jack bruised and beaten cruise Robertson Blvd.,Chowchilla's palm tree lined main street.

Kurt suddenly bangs the steering wheel with his fists in afit of disgust.

KURTI'm so pissed!

JACKThe game was closer than thescore, ya know.

KURTI didn't even catch a pass. Atleast you got an interception.

JACKYou blocked well.


JACKYou wanna head home or trysomething different?

KURTParty at Eastman lake?

JACKYour sister's right ya know. Thereis more to life than football andvideo games.

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KURTAll right. Let's do it.

Kurt smiles, wheels his car around as Jack hangs on thencranks up the music.


KURT pulls up to the lake park where campfires light up thepost game party. Students mingle in groups and sip keg beerfrom plastic cups.

Kurt and Jack stroll into the mix.

KURTThis is it folks. The non-victorycelebration.

Jack spots Gilbert and Jerome on the fringes of the party.He and Kurt walk over and exchange greetings.

JACKSo, where's the keg?

GILBERTIt's in the back of the blue 4x4.When you see a bunch of cowboyhats, you're there.

JACKThanks, brother.

Jack looks around and spots a group of cowboys.

JACKThere it is. Let's go Kurt.

Jack and Kurt walk toward the keg.

JACKYou wanna beer?

KURTI'm driving.

JACKDude. You don't have to drink it,just hold the cup. It'll raiseyour cool factor.

KURTCount me in.

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At the keg, Jack picks up a plastic cup and fills it tillthe foam runs over. He slurps the edge and licks his lips.

JACKDamn, that's good.

Kurt holds out his cup and Jack fills it as well.

At the parking lot, Rick arrives with his entourage. He andhis crew strut into the party like they had just won theSuper Bowl, barreling through Gilbert and friends. TheBubba's push several of the younger boys over. The restquickly scatter.

Jack doesn't notice the King's arrival. He's locked on to agroup of girls hanging out on a picnic table nearby.

Jack points out the opportunity to Kurt who follows him inthe direction of the girls.

JACK(To Kurt)

Just be yourself. No, I mean tryto be cool.

KURTGot it. All about the cool.

DARLA and STACY, the "it" girls of the senior class holdcourt while several less popular girls gather around them,basking in their popularity.

Jack and Kurt arrive at the picnic table. Jack makes eyecontact with Darla.

JACKDarla right?

DARLAYou're number 12 right?

JACKI'm Jack. And, I'm sure you allknow Kurt.

DARLANice interception.

JACKYou saw that? Right on.

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DARLA(To Kurt)

Are you on the team?

KURTYeah. I'm a wide receiver.

DARLAYou're not that wide.

KURTNo. It means...

Jack elbows Kurt who stops mid sentence.

JACKIt means he's a varsity starter.

DARLAOh. I didn't know.

STACY(To Jack)

I've seen you at school a fewtimes.

JACKI sit behind you in 4th periodEnglish.

STACYOh, right.

Rick and crew walk up and peer over Kurt's shoulder lookingto see what's in his hand.

RICKLook at that. Kurt's drinkin' abeer.

KURTWhat's the big deal?

RICKShouldn't you be home killing orcsonline and eating Cheetos withyour elf friends?

Everyone laughs except Jack and Kurt.

Jack turns to Rick and smiles.

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JACKShouldn't you be rescuing yourfavorite sheep from the Bubbatwins?

KURT(Sheep Noise)

Ba ah ah ah ah

The girls break into giggles and laughs.

RICK(To Jack)

Was I talking to you?

BART(To Bert)

I think he means us.

Bart steps up to Jack but is intercepted by Bert who'salready gone down that road and pushes his brother back. Youcan almost smell the testosterone in the air.

BERT(Under his breath)

Not the guy you wanna mess with,brother.

BARTBut he just...

Rick slaps Bart upside the back of his head.

RICKShut up Bart -- take a jokealready. No problem here. Justcame over to get a drink.

Rick and crew walk around Jack and Kurt, slightly bumpingthem to get to the girls. A classic cock block.

RICKHey ladies, who wants to get me abeer?

CARLA, 16, a somewhat cute football groupie jumps up fromthe table.

CARLAI will. I will.

Stacy shakes her head at the naive sophomore trotting offand decides to put Rick back in his place a little.

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STACYYou guys sucked! I can't believeyou let Dos Palos beat you.

RICKWe would have won, but myreceivers couldn't get open. Ihad to throw the ball up and pray.

Kurt's mouth drops open.

KURTWhat the... I was open all night.

RICKAre you on the team?


Bert and Bart high five each other.

Kurt puffs up and starts towards Rick. The Bubba'simmediately move in front of Rick, ready to block for him.

KURTYeah, I'm on the...

Jack grabs Kurt by the shirt and pulls him out of theconfrontation. As Jack and Kurt are walking away, Rickhurls a parting insult.

RICKYeah, teach him how to catch andthen maybe I'll throw him a boneevery once in a while.

Jack and Kurt stop at a safe distance.

JACKYou know he sucks. I know hesucks. The whole town knows hesucks. There's no point arguingabout it.

KURTYou're right.

Sarah appears out of the darkness with a beer in handfollowed by VANESSA, 17, Sarah's BFF and a really cute girl.


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SARAHHoly crap. What are you doinghere?

JACKMy bad.

KURTI don't know why everyone is sosurprised.


You were great out there tonight.

KURTI didn't even...

Jack elbows Kurt and gives him the come on man look.

KURT(To Vanessa)

You want something to drink? Thekeg's over there.

VANESSAThat would be amazing.

Kurt leads Vanessa off into the darkness toward the keg.

SARAHI can't believe it. Kurt's at areal party.


Jack and Sarah watch Kurt and Vanessa getting cozy withtheir feet dangling off the boat dock.

The crowd has thinned and the fires are now smolderingembers of their former selves.

SARAHShe's had a crush on him sincefifth grade. It's about time hefigured it out.

JACKSome boys are just late bloomers.

SARAHOh, look, there he goes -- in forthe kiss.

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On the boat dock, Kurt and Vanessa awkwardly embrace.

JACKWay to go Kurt.

SARAHWow. They sure are making up forlost time.


Kurt and Vanessa, now in the water, climb back onto the docklaughing.



Nice moves brother.

Jack and Sarah laugh at Kurt's folly. As the laughterfades, they look around and notice everyone left has coupledup. Some kissing, some just snuggled up together. Anawkward moment is upon them as they realize they're the onlytwo not together.

SARAHIt looks like there aren't anycheerleaders left.

JACKI hadn't noticed.

Jack leans back and does the classic stretch move leaving anarm behind Sarah as an opening. It's about as obvious as afart in church.

Sarah lays her head on Jack's shoulder. His arm responds byslowly wrapping around her supple waist.

Jack smells her hair and gives that "Oh My God" look.

Sarah turns her face and stares slowly into his eyes whilerunning her hands down his muscular back. Suddenly her handstops near his right hip. Startled, she moves her hand awayquickly, then puts it back for a further feel. A look ofrecognition comes over her.

SARAHIs that what I think it is? Oh myGod, you're packing.

Sarah jumps up and backs away.

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JACKIt's o.k., I can explain.

Jack stands up. Sarah, suddenly sober, comes back lookingfor answers.

SARAHStart explaining.

Kurt and Vanessa walk up, holding hands, their clothes stilldripping. Kurt puts his hand on Jack's shoulder.




You ready, sis? My mom's gonna bepissed if I'm not home soon.

SARAH(To Kurt)

You're sober right?

Kurt nods.

SARAH (CONT.)Why don't you drive my wet friendhome. I'm sure you two have moreto talk about. Jack can drive meback in my car.

Vanessa nods in approval.

JACKI'm sober.

Points at his half full beer cup.

JACK (CONT.)First beer.

KURTOh, o.k.

SARAHBe safe. We'll see you back atthe house.

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Jack pulls onto the road, the music BLARES. Sarah turns itoff completely. Silence.

SARAHAre you some kind of gangsta?Tough guy?


SARAHThen What?

JACKAh Crap. (Beat) Well, actually...

SARAHThis should be interesting.

JACK...I'm an undercover officer.

SARAHHoly crap. How old are you? Iwas about to kiss you.

JACKYou were?

SARAHI was. Now answer the questionand tell me why you're here. Youa NARC?

JACKI'm 19 -- almost 20. I'm not anarc.

SARAHYou're here trying to find out whokilled Drew, aren't you? DoesKurt know?

JACKNo. Just your dad. How didyou...

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I knew he and Smith were up tosomething. Is Jack Taylor evenyour real name?

JACKActually, it is.

SARAHWhy would you go undercover anduse your real name?

JACKI'm not from around here. And,this is not exactly a dangerousassignment.

Sarah stares at the windshield.

SARAH(TO self)

Oh my God. I have a cop living inmy house. A hot cop, but still acop.

JACKYou know I can hear you.

SARAHSorry. My filter's not working.When did you graduate?

JACKI didn't. I joined the army on my17th birthday.

SARAHThe army?

JACKI was only in two years. MyHUM-VEE got hit by an I.E.D. andthey let me out early after mywounds healed. I went to thePolice Academy and here I am.

SARAHAnd now you're living in my house,posing as a high school senior.

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JACKWell, technically, I'm not posing. If If I'm here long enough, I'llhave enough credits for a diploma.

SARAHLooks like you've got it allworked out. Play a littlefootball, arrest a few bad guys,and earn your diploma.

JACKYeah, maybe. Except the partabout catching bad guys. I don'thave a single lead.

SARAHThen, I guess you should have cometo me sooner.

Jack pulls into the driveway. Bill is standing at the frontdoor. Neither one of them notice him at first.

JACKSo you know something -- Ah crap.This looks bad.

SARAHHe doesn't have to know that Iknow. Ya know.



The morning twilight can't conceal the displeasure on Bill'sface. He looks like he's been waiting for hours.

Jack and Sarah sheepishly exit the car. Jack approaches Billwith Sarah ducking behind him for cover.

BILLSarah. Go in the house and getsome sleep. I'll speak to you inthe... I mean later.

Sarah quickly moves around Jack and bolts for the door. Sheturns back and mouth's SORRY, then hastily makes her way inthe house.

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BILLI can't wait to hear yourexplanation, soldier.

JACKI was working on the case, sir --out at the lake. Kurt hooked upwith Vanessa, so Sarah was my ridehome.

BILLThat's it?

JACKShe waited around for hours. Noman left behind.

Jack pats Bill on the shoulder.

JACKYou trained her well.

BILLYou better have made someprogress?

JACKOh yeah. I'm definitely on tosomething.

BILLAll right then. Good work. I'llpass the news on to the Captain.



Jack sleeps in after a long night. As late morning sun hitshis eyes, he rolls over, and there's Sarah, bright eyed andsitting on his bed.

SARAHThanks for covering for me.

Jack stretches and tries to regain his faculties.

JACKCovering? Oh yeah. I think Icovered for both of us.

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SARAHHe can't ground you.

JACKThere's worse things in life thanbeing grounded.

SARAHI'll be 18 on November 1st, thenwhat can he say.

Jack sits up.

JACKWho's older, you or Kurt?

SARAHI am by 30 minutes. He hates it.What about you?

JACKMy birthday's on January 2nd.

Sarah leans in and nuzzles Jack.


We're not that far apart.

JACKGod you smell good. Now get outtahere, tease, before you get meshot.

Sarah jumps up, and skips to the door. As she's about toclose it behind her, she pops her head back in.

SARAHYou still haven't asked me what Iknow.

JACKI will as soon as I get someclothes on, and maybe a shower.

SARAHSo, hurry up. We have a case tosolve.

The door closes.

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The Redskin first teams square off at the 40 yard line. Kurtsets up wide left. Jack eyes the offense from the safetyposition.

Rick drops back and overthrows Javier. Coach Stroudcringes. The offense heads back to the huddle.

COACH STROUDRick, get some water. Jack, runthe offense for a couple series.

Jack quickly crosses the line of scrimmage and takes hisplace in the huddle. Rick storms off tossing his helmet onthe sideline.

COACH STROUDTime for some passes. Slot right,87 post on one. Let's go.

The offense sets up on the line of scrimmage.

JACKBlue 24, Blue 24, down, set, hut,hut.

Jack takes three steps back and fires the ball to Kurt inthe seam between the corner and safety. Kurt makes a greatcatch then a move on the safety and scores.

Rick sees the successful play from the sidelines and kickshis helmet.

Kurt arrives back at the huddle.

KURTThat's how it's done.

Jack high fives Kurt. Coach Stroud is looking at his playchart with a smile on his face.

TYShow me some love brother.

JAVIERI'll be open, too.

JACKDon't worry guys. Lots of love togo around.

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COACH STROUDGood job. Now run the 95 drag.

Bart looks over to Rick on the sideline. Rick nods. Bartthen whispers in Bert's ear.

The team lines up again. The ball is snapped. Jack takes 5steps back, Bert and Bart let their rushers through.

Jack scrambles away from tacklers and hits Ty on the dragroute.

Ty runs for about fifteen yards before going out of bounds.

On the way back to the huddle, Ty gives Jack a high five.

TYYou da real deal, man. Where haveyou been?

Coach Stroud, mad as hell, grabs Bert and Bart by the facemask and chews them out MOS.


-- Bart and Bert seriously blocking with Coach Stroud behindthem.

-- Jack hits Javier on an out.

-- Jack hits Kurt on a corner.

-- Jack scrambles down field for a long gainer.


Coach blows his whistle.


Four laps and hit the showers.Bakers! You owe me eight. Try toget them done by midnight.


Jack and Kurt sit alone going over playbooks. Across fromthem at the freshman band table, the boys discuss drummingtechniques until Bert, Bart and another senior interrupttheir peace.

Jack spots the harassment.

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JACKAh, man.

KURTIt's just harmless fun.

JACKHow did you like it when you werea freshman?

KURTI didn't.

Jack stands up.


Jack walks over to the table.

JACK(To Bart and Bert)

Are we having fun, gentlemen?

BERTJust sayin' hi to our little bandbuddies.

BARTWho are you, the hall monitor?

JACK(To Bert)

You didn't tell him?

BARTTell me what?

JACKIt's like this. These boys hereare my ho's. No offense guys. AndI'm their pimp.

JEROMEThat's right.

BARTReal funny.

JACKSo, why don't you all move along.This street corner's mine.

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Jack smiles and puts a hand on Bert and Bart's back.

JACK (CONT.)Go on. Find your own ho's.

BARTI'm not going anywhere.

BERTWe should go. Come on.

Bert coaxes his brother away from the table.

BARTYou gonna let that newbie tell uswhat to do?

BERTHe's tougher than he looks.

Back at the drum table, Jack takes a seat.

JACK(To the drum corps)

Sorry, guys. That's all I couldcome up with.

JEROMEI'm your Ho.

GILBERTI'll be your Ho.

JEROMEPimp Daddy Jack. It kinda has aring to it.

The table breaks out laughing.

JACKRight on. Now, go make me somemoney, bitches.



SARAHThat's it. R.V. World.

JACKThat's your big lead?

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SARAHYeah. Rick's dad would have doneanything to get him the startingquarterback job.

JACKYou're saying douche bag senior isresponsible for Drew's death?

SARAHPretty much.

JACKLet's just say you're right.

SARAHSo, you think I am right?

JACKI'm not saying you're wrong. But,where's the proof?

SARAHDid you know Drew worked herepart-time?

JACKYeah, I read that.

SARAHHe was here the day hedisappeared.

JACKBut, his car was found parked atEastman lake.

SARAHThey could have easily slipped himthe drugs in his lunch -- a drink-- something.

JACKI guess that's possible.

SARAHDon't you think it's funny thatnot one person saw him after heleft work?

JACKYeah, I do. I think you're on tosomething, partner.

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Jack pulls out into traffic and drives away while Sarahtries to conceal how pleased she is with her detectiveskills.



Down by 14 going into the third quarter, Coach Stroud pacesthe sideline. He looks at Rick. Then at Jack.

COACH STROUDTaylor, warm-up that arm.

Surprised but eager, Jack grabs a football and Kurt runs toa suitable warm up spot. The two begin throwing the ballbehind the bench. The kick-off team heads out to the field.

The ball is kicked, the Redskin return team tackles theKerman player fairly easy.

A COUPLE PLAYS LATER - The scoreboard shows it's 3rd Down,10 to go.

The pass lands incomplete. On the sideline, the down markershows a four.

COACH BARNESLet's go. Punt return team.

Rick, standing next to Coach Stroud, waits for direction.


Martini. Taylor is going in atQ.B. Take a breather.

Kurt pumps his fist and mouths yes. Ty does a little happydance. Jack quickly puts his helmet on.

Rick stands there in disbelief, then anger.

RICKYou can't do that! This is myteam!

COACH STROUDIt's done. Give it a rest.

RICKThis is bullshit.

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As Jack and the rest of the offense trot onto the field,Rick turns and walks to the back of the player area lookingfor his dad in the stands. He sees him, raises his arms inappeal, then throws his helmet on the ground.

Up in the stands, Rick Sr. sees his son and the realizationbegins to show on his face.

RICK SR.What's goin' on? Junior's nothurt.

VERNI think that moron just benchedyour boy.

RICK SR.We'll see about that.

Rick Sr. jumps to his feet and leans over the rail.

RICK SR.(Yelling)

Hey coach. Have you lost yourmind?

Coach Stroud turns and glares for a brief moment then turnsback around. Rick Sr. sits back down.

RICK SR.That knuckle head. When I getdone with him, he'll be lucky toget a job coaching badminton.


-- Jack completes a medium pass to Kurt.

-- Jack passes to Ty over the middle for another completion.

-- Jack fades back. He's in trouble. Defensive linemenswarm him, but he miraculously evades the would be tacklersand hurls a long pass to Kurt in the end zone for atouchdown.


The Redskin fans jump to their feet, cheering.

In the front row, Rick Sr. and Vern remain seated, sulking.

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RICK SR.(To Vern)

Anybody could have thrown thatpass. Did you see how much timehe had?

VERNHe's not that good.

Jack jogs up to the sideline. The coach gives him a pat onthe back as he exits the field.

COACH STROUDThat's what I'm talkin' about.


The Redskin defense tackles the Kerman quarterback for aloss.

The Lion punter kicks the ball out of bounds.

On the Redskin sideline, Rick walks up to Coach Stroud.

RICKWhen do I go back in, coach?

COACH STROUDYou don't. Not at Q.B. If youwanna help, I could use you atoutside linebacker.

RICKNo thanks. I'll just wait 'tillthis guy screws up. It won't belong.


-- Jack throws short to Javier who scampers for 20 yards.

-- Jack passes to Kurt for a long gain.

-- Jack passes to Ty for a touchdown.


Jack walks off the field with his arms in the air signallingtouchdown. Ty runs towards the ref. with the ball held highthen flips it to him.

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Behind the bench, the cheerleaders jump up and down.


Near the stadium entrance, Rick Sr. and Vern are leavingearly.

RICK SR.I've seen enough of this garbage.

VERNTalk about luck.

Back on the field, Jack takes the snap and kneels as thescoreboard ticks to zero.


The Redskin players celebrate.


Jack and Kurt walk onto the campus, just like any otherMonday morning, only today is different.

They see girls pointing and whispering. All around,students are giving them various congratulatory gestures.

Darla and Stacy go out of their way to talk to them.

STACYYou guys were awesome.

DARLANice catch, Kurt.


Stacy's eyes stay on Jack as she walks away.

KURTI think she gave you "the look."

JACKNo, she didn't give me...

KURTOh yeah, it was "the look."

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JACKYou think? Wow!

KURTSo, this is what it feels like tobe the star players.

JACKIt's weird. Kinda what Iexpected.

KURTBut, lame at the same time. Allwe did was win a football game.

Jack nods in agreement.

JACKAnd, if we lose next week, back tonormal.

KURTThat's not gonna happen. Not withyou starting.

JACKYou think coach will make me thestarter?

KURTHe better.


Jack struts confidently through the locker room toward thecoach's office.

He sees Gilbert and Jerome dressing out next to a row oflockers.

A senior passing by has a towel and it looks like he's readyto smack Gilbert on the back of the head.

Jack stares down the senior. The boy recognizes him andfreezes.

JACKDon't even think about it.

The boy quickly pulls in the towel and heads off. Jackkeeps walking.

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JEROME (O.S.)Thanks, P.D.

Jack Laughs and continues on. He's almost to the coach'soffice when Rick emerges visually upset. Rick sees Jack andgrimaces.

RICKI hope you're happy?

Jack shrugs ignorance.

RICKYou show up outta nowhere. Youtake my job.

Rick attempts to dominate the hallway, expecting Jack tostep aside. He doesn't. A momentary empasse.

JACKYou talked to coach?

Jack stands his ground and Rick backs off.

RICKCoach said you're starting againstSierra.

JACKSorry, man. We still need you onDefense.

Rick edges around Jack, avoiding contact, then stops for onelast remark.

RICKDon't get hurt.

Rick turns and walks away.


A newspaper slams on a desk.

The local paper headline reads, "Taylor Leads Redskins pastSierra 42-10."

Then you see who slammed the paper. It's Rick SR. at hisdesk with the paper in front of him next to an empty bottleof vodka. Vern sits in a chair across the room with acocktail glass in hand.

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RICK SR.Can you believe this crap? Notone word about junior.

VERNHe made four tackles.

RICK SR.Stupid, small town newspaper.

Rick Sr. attempts to find the byline.

RICK SR. (CONT.)Who wrote this shit?

VERNI think it was Marty.

RICK SR.I'll have his ass fired.

VERNHave you talked to theSuperintendent?

RICK SR.That son of a bitch won't donothing while they're winning.

VERNSo, what do we do boss?

RICK SR.We wait for the kid to step on hiscrank.

VERNWe better hurry. The season willbe over.

RICK SR.I got something in the works.


The school is bustling with activity. Everywhere, you seeteam jerseys and cheerleader outfits.

The band crew walks toward Jack in matching t-shirts thatsay: "HO SQUAD" with Jack's number 12 below.

Jack, Kurt and Sarah watch as they approach.

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SARAHHere come's your fan club.

KURTIt's the HO Squad.

Kurt chuckles. Sarah looks confused.

SARAHWhat's a HO Squad?

KURTIt's Jack's posse. Or in thiscase, his ho's, making him the...

SARAHPimp, I get it.

JACKHonestly, I think they wear themfor protection.

KURTYou might be right. Statisticsshow freshman torture has droppeda record 78 percent since youarrived.

The crew stops in front of Jack.

JACKWhat's up gang? You gonna rockthe house tonight?

JEROME(Pointing to shirt)

So whatcha think?

JACKAwesome man. Where do I get one?

Jerome shoves Gilbert in the shoulder.

JEROME(To Gilbert)

I told you he'd think it was cool.

GILBERTWe came up with a new cadence.

JEROMEYou gonna love it, man. It's likethis.

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Jerome starts tapping it out on his leg. The rest of thecrew joins in followed by Jack. Sarah rolls her eyes.

JACKIt totally rocks.

SARAHYou really are just a big jockwith a little band geek inside,aren't you.

Jack flashes Sarah a sheepish grin.


Sarah and Jack sit at a corner table. Jack's HO squad ishanging out at their usual table. Bert and Bart walk by theHO's and completely ignore them.

SARAHSo, how does it feel, Jack?


SARAHCome on. How does it feel to bethe king -- the superstar?

JACKIt feels great. I admit it.

SARAHI knew it.

JACKIt's so much better than my firsttry.

SARAHAnd, now you can have your pick ofthe cheerleaders. I know Stacyhas the hots for you.

JACKYou really think I care?

SARAHYou are a guy?

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JACKO.K., so I care a little, butthat's not it.

SARAHThen what. You like beingpopular?

JACKNo. I care about the team... theseason. I always knew I could dothis. I just never thought I'dget the chance. But here I am.

SARAHIsn't it cheating? You're a cop.

JACKNot right now. I'm officiallyenrolled, and I'm eligible until Iturn 20. The season will be over.

SARAHWhat happens if you solve thecase?

JACKI just need to stretch this thingout until the end of the semester.If I pass all my classes, I'llhave enough credits to graduate.

SARAHDon't you have a G.E.D?

JACKYeah, I have a G.E.D. A GoodEnough Diploma. It's not thesame.



Jack readies the offense at the opponent 20 yard line. Kurtand Ty are wide. The new drum cadence BEATS in thebackground. The referee blows the whistle. The ball is inplay.


Jack spots the defender move up to press Kurt.

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JACKRed 19. Red 19. Set, hut hut

Kurt makes a swim move around his man and jets passed himdown the sideline.

Jack launches a long pass. Kurt cradles the ball and trotsin for the score.

The home town crowd jumps to their feet. Everyone ischeering and congratulating each other. Again, Rick Sr. andVern remain seated.

Jack and Kurt run off the field pointing to the stands withindex fingers signifying they're number one.

The celebration is too much. Rick Martini Sr. loses hiscool.

RICK SR.Enjoy your last touchdown pass youlittle shit.

VERNHow's that boss?

RICK SR.It's time to wipe that smile offhis face.


RICK SR.Yeah. Before Junior misses thewhole season.

VERNYou want me to call my guy?

RICK SR.No, you knuckle head. I got itcovered. Look what happened lasttime I let you take care ofthings.

Rick and Vern get up to leave, early as usual.

At the water station, Jack looks through the crowd. He makeseye contact with Sarah in the band section. She smiles andsticks out her tongue.

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In the midst of the cheerleaders, Stacy waits for Jack tolook her way and then he does.


Are you going to the homecomingdance later?

JACKYeah, maybe.

STACYDarla and I will be there. Youhave to come.

JACKI guess there's not much elsegoing on.

STACYGreat. I'll see you there.

Sarah spots Jack talking to Stacy and rolls her eyes.


The clock ticks to zero, the whistle blows.


REFEREEBall game.


Jack, Kurt, Ty and Javier walk through the door to thehomecoming high school dance.

Hip Hop music BLARES from large speakers. Most of theattendees sit quietly in the bleachers. A few are out onthe dance floor.

The cheerleaders, now in skin tight cocktail dressses, chatin a group near the refreshments. Jack's arrival isdefinitely noticed by the squad as Stacy whispers in Darla'sear.

KURTHey, there's Vanessa. I'll catchup later.

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Kurt heads straight for Vanessa. Ty makes a break towardsthe dance floor and moves right in with a group of girls. Heimmediately shows off his smooth moves.

JAVIERYou thirsty? I think I'll getsomething to drink.

JACKNah, I'm good.

Jack spots Jerome and crew up in the stands and heads forthem. But, Stacy has different plans and intercepts him.

STACYHey Jack.

Jack looks Stacy up and down. Wow! Her tight dress showsoff every curve.

JACKYou look great.


JACKSo, this is homecoming? Somehow Ithought it would be bigger.

STACYYou've never been to a homecomingdance?

JACKNo. This is my first one.

STACYThey didn't have dances where youwent to school?

JACKYeah. They did. I just didn'tgo.

STACYWell, you're here now...

A slow song.

STACY...and I think that's our song.

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Stacy takes Jack by the hand and pulls him onto the dancefloor. She grabs his other hand and brings him closer.Jack, gives in to the moment.

Sarah notices Jack with Stacy and looks hurt.

The slow music transitions back to hip hop.

JACKThanks. That was nice.

STACYStay and dance some more.

JACKI'm pretty banged up. I probablyshould just hang out on thesidelines.

STACYI'll come find you when it slowsback down.

JACKSounds great.

Jack walks off.

Stacy joins a bunch of her girlfriends on the floor.

Jack arrives at the upper bleachers where Gilbert and crewspectate.

JACKWhat's up my HO's?

JEROMEYou rocked out there tonight.

ALLGreat game. You were awesome.

JACKThanks guys.

GILBERTWe saw you with Stacy?


That girl has it going on...shakin' that ass... all nightlong.

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JACKShe is pretty hot.

The boys continue to stare at the hot girls on the floor.Bert and Bart try to move in and the girls shoo them off.

JEROMELook at that...

Pointing to Bert and Bart's retreat.

JEROMEThey got slammed.

Most of the crew laughs and exchanges high fives.


What are you doing up here?Shouldn't you be down theregettin' busy.

JACKActually, I'm good right here.

JEROMEThese are the best seats in thehouse.

The drooling continues as the girls get naughtier.

JACKYes they are.

Another slow song.

From the stands, Rick is seen leading an eager freshman outon the dance floor.

Stacy looks up and doesn't see Jack. She looks around.

In another area of the bleachers, Vanessa and Kurt take inthe scene as Jack approaches.

Kurt leads Vanessa past Jack revealing Sarah, gorgeous in ahot little, and I mean little, party dress.

Jack leaps a couple of benches and lands beside her.

JACKHey partner.

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SARAHYou lose your cheerleader?

JACKYeah. I ditched her. Not my type.

JACKWhat is your type, Jack?

JACKYou are. Isn't it obvious.

Jack holds his hand out and stands up.

SARAHOh. You do like smart and sexy.

Sarah reaches back, takes Jack's hand, and stands up.

JACKLet's get out of here.

SARAHWithout your favorite cheerleader?

JACKKnock it off.

Jack and Sarah walk hand-in-hand past the whole school.

On the dance floor, Kurt sees their escape and points it outto Vanessa.

KURT(To Vanessa)

Uh oh. The Colonel's not gonnalike this.

Stacy, dancing with another football player, sees Jack andSarah walking out and pouts, then shakes it off, andsnuggles up to the guy even more.

Up in the bleachers, Jerome and the crew follow Jack andSarah with they're eyes as they walk past.

JEROMEThat's how it's done. Rightthere.

GILBERTLet's see your moves Jerome.

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JEROMEI'm just looking for the rightopportunity. Then, I'm gonnaswoop on it... swoop!

Jack and Sarah exit.


Sarah's driving down a country road toward the lake. Jack'sin the passenger seat with his feet on the dashboard. Aroad sign reads, "Eastman lake 2 miles."

JACKYou think anyone noticed we left?

SARAHUh, Yeah! Just about everybody.

JACKOh. So you think...

SARAH...that everyone believes...

JACK...we're headed to the lake.

SARAHWe are headed to the lake.

JACKOh... Oh!

SARAHIt's O.K. I've been 18 for aweek. You're not worried aboutwhat people think are you?

JACKIf we don't count your dad and myboss, then no. I don't care whatanybody says.

SARAHYou do want to, though, don't you?

JACKI do. Believe me.

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SARAHHe won't kill you for just kissingme.

JACKI'm a dude. And you do know whatthey say?

SARAHBad brakes. I get it.

Sarah looks in the rear view mirror. A car is fastapproaching from behind.


Jack turns his head and looks over his shoulder.

JACK...It's been there a while.

SARAHAnd you didn't say anything?

The car speeds up and closes distance, then moves into theother lane. It's closing fast.

JACKWe were talking.

The car moves up along side. Two men in black ski maskspeer at them through the window. The driver of the othercar turns the wheel toward them in an attempt to run themoff the road. The two vehicles collide several times.

SARAHYou're the cop. Now what?

JACKHit your brakes. Let them by.

Sarah slams the brakes until the car stops. The other carpasses them and skids to a stop 30 feet away. Jack pulls outhis gun, pulls back and releases the upper receiver. Thegun CLICKS into locked and loaded position.

JACK(To Sarah)

You might wanna duck or something.

Jack opens the passenger door, jumps out and gets inposition behind it. He points his gun at the car. Two burly

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figures emerge and begin to walk toward them. One man has acrow bar, the other a shotgun.


Take one more step and I'll dropyou.

The two men continue.

Jack fires a shot at the man with the shotgun.

The bullet strikes him in the upper thigh. His shotgun goesoff harmlessly into the air. He drops it and grabs hiswounded leg, then limps back to the car.

The man with the crowbar quickly jumps back in the driver'sseat. Once the other man gets in the car it burns rubber asit leaves.

SARAHOh my God you shot him.

JACKIn the leg. You o.k?

SARAHI'm fine. Let's get out of herebefore they come back.

JACKGood idea. But, I don't thinkthey're coming back.

Sarah wheels the car around and heads for home.

SARAHShouldn't we call the police?

JACKNo. No. They'll pull me.

SARAHYou're not ready to leave?

JACKNo. I'm not.


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JACKWe can't hide the damage to thecar, but we don't have to sayanything about a shoot out.

SARAHGot it.


Sarah's banged up car limps on to the driveway. It's late.Kurt's car is already there. Standing by the door, again,is Bill Richardson. Jack and Sarah notice him about thesame time. They look at each other.

JACKWe're not talking ourselves out ofthis one.


Jack hurries out of the car. Sarah opens her dented door.It makes an awful CREAKING sound. She attempts to shut it,but it's hanging badly. Bill stomps toward the car. He'sfuming.

JACKBill. It's not her fault. Weneed to talk.


Hey, daddy.

BILLGo in the house.

SARAHI didn't do anything wrong.

JACKLet me explain.

BILLI said...

SARAHI'm staying. I know he's a cop.

BILLOh Great.

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JACKSomeone tried to run us off theroad out by the lake.

BILLWhat were you doing...

SARAHNothing daddy. I've been helpinghim with the case.

BILLYou've been what?

JACKShe figured it out. We can'tprove it yet, but...

BILLReally? What do you know?

JACKIt's Martini. I mean Mr. Martini.

SARAHHe's obsessed with his son beingthe star quarterback. First hewent after Drew. And now, Jack.

BILLWe've suspected him all along, butwe needed...


You needed bait. Father! Youknew this. And, you let Jack...



BILLIt's his job. We figured if Jackcould take Rick's spot, his dadmight try something again.

JACKIt wasn't him. He sent a coupleof guys in masks. We got nothing. No license, no I.D.

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BILLAt least we know we were right.That's a start. And you, younglady, need to stay clear of this.

SARAHOh yeah. I'll just stay home fromschool till the end of the year.

BILLThat's not what I mean't. Just nomore late night drives...

Sarah stomps off.

BILL (CONT'D)...Or dates.

Bill turns to Jack.

BILL (CONT'D)I don't mind doing my part, butkeep her out of this. We clear?

JACKCrystal, sir.


Jack and Rod are sitting in a corner booth, away from therest of the patrons. Jack is obviously angry.

JACKSo, I was just bait. Was that it?

RODWhy else would we put a 19 yearold rookie undercover.

JACKYou could have told me.

RODThe Captain didn't think it was agood idea. Your first assignmentand all.

JACKThanks a lot. I knew this was toogood to be true.

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RODHey. I convinced him you could dothis. And you have. You're onyour way.

JACKI got nothing. No license, nodescriptions. Just a late modelChrysler.

RODThe Captain's not gonna like that.

JACKThose guys were pro's. And whenthey do come back, it could be awhole lot worse.

RODWe'll have backup on stand-by foryou.

JACKAll right, but I'm gonna need mycar.

RODI'll drop it off at the housetonight.


Jack sits in the front seat of a new, cherry red Camaro.Sarah leans into the passenger window.

SARAHDon't wreck this car.


Sarah starts to open the door. Jack pulls it shut.

JACKOh no you don't.

SARAHAwe. You gonna let my dad tellyou what to do?

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JACKNo. But, he's right. You need tostay away from me until this isover.

SARAHHow are you suppose to solve thiscase without me?

JACKI'm just the bait, remember.

SARAHYou're more than that. Much more.

JACKMaybe to the team. But, not tothe department.

SARAHI was talking about me.

JACKSarah. Those guys might comeback. I couldn't live with myselfif something happened to you.

SARAHI'll be fine. It's you I'mworried about.

Jack puts the car in gear. Sarah backs away as Jack drivesoff. She watches the car until it turns the corner.


Jack and Kurt stroll into the Varsity locker room.

KURTTheir secondary isn't fast, so ifwe throw short early, we'll drawthem in.

JACKWe need to look at more of theirgame films. I think the left sideis the weakest.

KURTI agree. Number 22 is probably...

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Jack opens his locker and there is Gilbert wearing his HOshirt, squeezed in and DUCT taped.


Douche bags!

Kurt hurries over to see what the problem is while Jackcarefully pulls Gilbert out of the locker and rips the tapeoff of Gilbert's mouth.

GILBERTThey got all of us.

KURTOh great.

Jack and Kurt go around opening lockers and freeing the HOsquad. One by one, they are rescued, all except Jerome.

Jack opens the janitor closet revealing:

Jerome, dressed like a mummy with duct tape and gym towelshanging on the closet wall.

KURT(To Gilbert)

Who did this?

GILBERTThe Bubbas and a couple otherguys.

JACKWas Rick one of them?

GILBERTNo. A couple of Bart's friends.

JACKHe never does his own dirty work.

Jack pulls the tape off of Jerome's mouth.

JEROME(Almost crying)

Get me down from here. This shitain't funny.

Kurt and Jack unhitch Jerome from the mop hanger whileGilbert and the other victims gather. Jerome is now on hisfeet, still encased in towels.

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GILBERTWe really need a picture of this.

Gilbert snaps a picture with his cell phone while Jack andKurt plant kisses on Jerome's terry cloth face.

Gilbert looks down at the snapshot and busts out laughing.

JEROMEYou guys suck.

Jack and Kurt laugh as Gilbert shows Jerome the picture. Hefinally succumbs to the hilarity of his situation and joinsin.


Jerome is freed from his bonds and players are wandering in. Jerome and Gilbert begin to feel a little uncertain abouttheir presence in the holy hall.

JACK(To Gilbert and Jerome)

All right guys. Get out of herewhile you can and trust me! Therewill be a reckoning.

KURTCount on it.

Without saying a word and having no doubt in their minds,Gilbert and Jerome race from the locker room to safergrounds.

With a puzzled look on his face, Jack begins looking around.

JACKAnybody seen my helmet?

Coach Stroud walks in with a brand new starter helmet.

COACH STROUDRight here -

The coach tosses it to Jack.

COACH STROUD- you've earned it.

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Jack, Kurt and the Ho squad at the usual table ponder theirnext move.

Across the dining hall, Rick and the Bubba's, savoring theirvictory, do their best to rub it in by laughing overtly andretelling the story to everyone MOS.

JACKI can probably get them kicked offthe team for bullying.

GILBERTNo. No. As dumb as they are, youneed blockers.

JEROMEYou weren't the one hanging in thecloset.

KURTHe's right. There's a better way.Besides, Rick's the one pullingthe strings.

GILBERTSo what should we do?

JACK(Beat) It depends. How muchpayback do you want?

GILBERTAre we paying them back for thistime only... or all the othertimes?

JEROMEI say we pay them back for thistime, the last time, all the othertimes... and for all the otherfreshman, too.

JACKWell, all right. This is gonnatake some planning, but I have afew ideas.

The group huddles and begins planning MOS.

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Jack's Camaro rolls out of the high school parking lot ontothe city street. He is alone.

From half a block away, a sedan pulls out and begins tofollow at a distance.

Jack spots the car in the rear view, reaches down, and hitsa speed dial button on his cell phone. A bluetooth devicesticks out from his ear. A weapon is laying on the seatbeside him.

Jack turns a corner, the car is still there.

JACKIt's a late model Chrysler, sameas before. I'm on 11th almost toRobertson. I'm turning right onTrinity.


Calling it in now. Two patrolcars are in the vicinity. Morecoming.

Jack makes a turn, the car follows him.

JACKThey're closing. Where's mybackup?

RODYou should see them.

Jack speeds up and continues to look in the rear view.

Suddenly, two police cars appear behind the sedan. Lights goon.

Jack passes an intersection. Another police car cuts inbehind him and stops in the intersection.

The sedan screeches to a halt. Officers converge with gunsdrawn as Jack drives away.

JACKThey got 'em.

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Excellent. I'll call you as soonas I know something.


The locker room is bustling with activity as players dontheir uniforms.

Jack applies black grease paint in preparation for thebright lights. From his locker, a cell phone rings. Jacklooks down at the caller I.D. and quickly picks it up whilehitting the answer button. He hurries out of the lockerroom.

JACKNice timing. I'm about to play afootball game.


The two guys we...


Hang on. I gotta find someprivacy.

Jack ducks into a lonely section of the building.

JACKGo on.


Anyway, they're heavy hitters outof L.A. We have them both incustody on weapons charges.

JACKDid they talk?


Not much. But one of them had abullet hole in his leg. You knowanything about that?

JACKNo. Why would I?

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Nothing you want to add to yourreport?

Players are filing by and heading out to the field. CoachStroud looks over at Jack.


Points at his watch.

Jack nods at the coach and returns to his phone call.

JACKNo it's complete. Hey I gotta go. This is our last game beforeplayoffs. If we win, we'll havehome...


I wouldn't worry too much aboutfootball. The Captain's pullingyour plug.

JACKI just need two, maybe three moreweeks. I know he'll make anothermove.

RODIt's over. Martini knows we're onto him.

JACKHe's not done. I know his type.

The coach pops his head back in and sees Jack still on thephone.


Taylor, football, now!

Jack covers the phone with his hand.

JACK(To Coach)

I'm coming.

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JACK(To Rob)

Just stall him, two weeks.

Jack closes his phone and runs back to his locker.


A football, spirals, hanging for several moments then divestoward:

Kurt running down the sideline with a defender close behind. The outstretched arms of the defender attempt to deflectthe long bomb to no avail as Kurt embraces the pass in theback of the end zone.

The referee signals Touchdown.

The crowd erupts in confident cheers.

Behind the bench, cheerleaders jump up and down.

The Redskin Marching Band BLARES the school fight song.

On the field, Jack, triumphant, pumps his fist then runsoff, arms in the air, echoing the referee. He knows hislast pass sealed the victory.


Jack slows to a walk as he exits the field. Coach Stroudslows him gives him a quick embrace.

COACH STROUDWay to close. I knew you could doit.

JACKI just throw the ball coach.


Coach gives Jack a friendly smack on the back of the helmet.

At the water station, Jack looks past the admiringcheerleaders, up through the stands, searching for Sarah anda look of approval. Jack waits for the music to finish.

She finally looks back. Sticks her tongue out. That's all

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he needed. With a smile on his face, he turns around andwatches the clock tick to zero.


The Redskin sideline erupts in a victory celebration.Players jump up and down, tackle each other, pandimonium.

The crowd is on their feet cheering.

Kurt runs up to Jack and offers a high five. Jack wraps hisarms around Kurt.

KURTWe're in the playoffs baby.

JACKThree more wins and we're ValleyChamps.

KURTWe may have to face Dos Palosagain.

JACKGod, I hope so.


The HO Squad, prepped for battle, stands ready as Jackapproaches.

JACKYou get everything?

GILBERTI think so.

JACKWe have fifteen minutes, so let'sgo.

ALLOh yeah. Heck yeah.

The crew enters.


The room is empty, except for the crew. Jack, with a masterkey, quickly opens lockers while each member goes to work.

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One by one, locker doors close and each boy gives a thumbsup.

Gilbert is still busy applying some type of cream to anathletic supporter as Jack senses they're out of time.

JACKQuickly, let's get out of here.

GILBERTAlmost finished. Got it.

Gilbert shuts the locker and sets the lock.

JEROMEI can't wait to see the look ontheir faces.

The crew hurries out of the room. Jack shuts the doorbehind them.


The locker room is full of players dressing for practice.

Bart squeezes into dirty practice pants and lets out a loudfart.

Kent grabs his helmet and heads out the door.

Bert slams a protein drink and BURPS obnoxiously.

Jack, ready to go, sits in front of his locker watching thescene unfold with a cheesy grin on his face.


The team, wearing practice jerseys is gathered in asemi-circle around Coach Stroud, some standing, some onknees.

In the front row of the stands, the HO squad watches andwaits.

RICK(To Bart)

What are those tools doing here?

BARTYou want me to run 'em off?

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RICKYou have any duck tape left?


RICKLet them stay.

All three mischievously smile at each other.

COACH STROUDI know you want another shot atthe Broncos, but tomorrow's gameis the one that counts.

Something isn't right with Bart's jock. He pulls on itthrough his pants.

COACH STROUDTheir rush defense ranked --

Bart, now panicking, repeatedly pulls at his jock.

COACH STROUD-- what's the problem Baker?

The HO Squad is now standing, leaning over the rail, alleyes on Bart.

BARTI don't know Coach? Hot. My jockis hot.


BARTIt's really hot.

Bart bolts out of the group and runs toward the waterstation.


My balls -- fire.

Bart arrives at the water table and furiously douseshimself, shoving water bottles down his pants and shakingthem vigorously.

The HO squad is now falling out of the stands laughing.

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JEROME(To Gilbert)

I told you pepper spray wouldwork.

Bart looks up in the stands and sees the laughter. Hisexpression changes from pain and humiliation to fury. But,the burning in his crotch is not quenched. He pulls off hispants and runs off in the direction of the locker room withhis big hairy butt cheeks flapping.

The Coach attempts to refocus the team.

COACH STROUDAll right. Show's over. Eyes onme.

Now, Bert seems to be having a problem with gas. Hisstomach GRUMBLES loud enough for the coach to notice as hewinces in pain. Coach Barnes is not amused.

COACH STROUDAs I was saying, they have one ofthe best defenses...

The volcano in Bert's stomach erupts in a massive fart. Theteam APPLAUDS. Rick shoves him.

COACH BARNESKnock it off Baker.

RICKDude! Go take a crap orsomething.

Bert puts his hand on his backside as his bowels go offagain. He begins to walk out of the mass of players, thenspeeds up into a penquin walk, still holding his backside.The locker room appears to be a mile away.

COACH STROUDAnyone else need a break before weget started?

ALLNo Coach.

Bert has almost reached the locker room.

A loud butt BELCH, the back of his pants go brown.

BERTAwe man.

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Several cheerleaders hear and smell Bert as he waggles by.

DARLAOh, gross.

STACYOh. My. God.

Bert, now past the cheerleaders, walks with both hands onhis backside attempting to no avail to hide the brown gravyin his pants.

DARLAHe didn't. O.M.G. He did.

The girls laugh and scream as they run off.


Rick walks off the field and begins to remove his helmet.Jack and Kurt, already on the sideline, cringe inanticipation as it slowly comes off.

In the stands, the HO Squad breathlessly awaits theunveiling.

The helmet is off. Kent's hair is covered in pink dye.

Kurt and Jack turn away from Kent to disguise theirlaughter.

Rick becomes suspicious. He begins looking around andchecking himself.

TYNice look. Who's your stylist?

Rick wipes the now pink sweat off his forehead and examineshis fingers. He looks at Kurt and Jack who no longerdisguise their laughter.

He sees the HO Squad in the stands, still laughing.

He wipes both hands through his hair and now they arecovered in pink. Furious, he grabs his helmet and headstoward the locker room.

RICK(To Jack)

Nobody messes with Rick Martini.Nobody.

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JACKGet over yourself, Rick.

Rick takes a step toward Jack. Jack lets go of his helmetand takes a step toward Rick. Rick changes his mind, thenwalks away.


What? No backup, no balls?

Rick, walking away, raises his pink hand and gives Jack thefinger without turning around.


The corridor is empty except for Jerome.

A school bell RINGS.

Jerome hurries his pace.

At the corner, Bert, in his team jersey appears and blocksJerome's escape.

JEROMEAh crap.

BERTI did that. And, I think you knowwhy.

Rick, also wearing his team jersey with shades of pink stillin his hair, steps around the corner.

RICKHe's mine.

Bert grabs Jerome and holds him from behind. Jeromestruggles to no avail. Rick steps up and punches Jerome inthe stomach.

RICKYou wanna tell me...

Pointing at his head.

RICK...who did this?

JEROMEYour gay barber?

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Rick punches Jerome again. Jerome, out of breath, keelsover.

Jack suddenly appears from behind the corner.

JACKRick! I'm amazed. You finallydid your own dirty work.

Bert turns and lets go of Jerome who falls to the floor.Rick steps over Jerome.

RICKDon't blame me. Blame yourself.

Coach Stroud now appears from behind the same corner. Rickand Bert gulp.

COACH STROUDI'm blaming you. Martini, you'reoff the team. Clean out yourlocker.

Coach points his finger at Bert.

COACH STROUDAnd you mister are one mistakeaway from joining him. Both ofyou, dean's office, now.

Coach grabs Rick by the jersey and pulls him down thehallway. Bert sheepishly follows. Jack helps Jerome to hisfeet.

JACKYou o.k?

JEROMEIt was worth it.


A huge celebration party is raging. Most of the high schoolis there. A crowd surrounds a keg on ice in the back of apickup truck. Another group is gathered around Jack, Kurtand several of the varsity starters.

Kurt, beer in hand, high fives Ty.

KURTOne to go, baby.

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Through the din of celebration, Jack presses his cell phoneto his ear and listens intently. Jack closes his phone andputs it in his pocket then taps Kurt on the shoulder.

JACKThe Broncos won. Forty-four tonothing.


The smile is suddenly gone from Kurt's face.

TYWhat was the score?

Javier and several of the other players hear and the wordspreads quickly.

JACKI said forty-four to zero.

TYI thought Clovis would give them abetter game.

Jack stands up on the picnic table. The crowd quiets as Jackmotions to gather around.

JACKIt looks like we have a secondshot at Dos Palos.

Many in the crowd grown.

JACKHey. What's a Championship gamewithout the two best teams? Iwouldn't have it any other way.

KURTWe can take those guys.

A spattering of half hearted CHEERS echo Kurt's sentiment.

JACKWe're not the same football teamthey met at the beginning of theseason. Not only can we win thisgame, we will win it.

The crowd, beginning to believe erupts in cheers.

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JACKWho are we?


JACKWho are we?


JACKRedskins, Redskins...

The crowd joins in. The chanting crescendos.

ALLRedskins, Redskins, Redskins.


Rick, Bert and Bart walk toward the celebration. Rick,quite intoxicated but still in a hurry, outpaces them like aman on a mission.

As Rick enters the gathering, Jack steps off the table. Thecheers immediately cease.

Rick stops a few feet away from Jack, and suddenly, thegaggle morphs into a circle awaiting a fight that's been along time coming.

RICK(To Jack)

You think you're the shit, don'tyou.

JACKYou're drunk, Rick, go home.

RICKDid you think I was just gonna letyou get away with this?

JACKI'm not going to fight you Rick.

RICKYeah, you are.

Rick attempts to push Jack, but misses as Jack moves backand to the side. Rick stumbles.

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JACKYou really want to do this?

RICKYeah. I'm gonna do you like I didyour girlfriend.

Jack looks over at Sarah. She's shaking her head as in "itnever happened."

Rick throws a punch that grazes the side of Jack's head andthe fight is on. Rick, recklessly attacks Jack until Jackfinally has enough and in a flurry of punches puts Rickfirmly on his backside.

Bleeding, hurt and angry, Rick pleads with his posse.

RICKFinish that piece of shit.

BERTNot me, man.

BARTI'm not missing the championshipgame.

Rick struggles to his feet, staggering.

RICKFuck you then, you retard losers.

BERTYou don't own me.

BARTYeah. Go sleep it off.

Rick staggers into the darkness. The Bubba twins stay. Bothshake Jack's hand and you can tell they are apologizing MOS.


Jack and Sarah huddle by a fire pit. Most of the crowd isgone and only a few fires still burn.

Vanessa and Kurt are making out in the distance.

SARAHOne game to go,huh?

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JACKYeah. If they don't yank mefirst.

SARAHThey would do that?

JACKThey are doing that. Not enoughevidence to continue. I guess Iblew it.

SARAHBut, he sent those guys after you.

JACKThey're not talking.

SARAHSo, this is it then?

JACKPretty much.

SARAHAt least you have enough creditsto graduate.

JACKOnly if I pass my finals nextweek.

SARAHYou'll pass them.

JACKNot if I don't get to take them.

SARAHCan't you do anything about it?

JACKI'm working on that.


Through the windshield of his Camaro, parked in the schoollot, you see Jack in a heated argument on his cell phone.

Finally, the call ends and Jack, frustrated, tosses thephone into the back seat.

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Kurt walks up wearing his team jersey and gives Jack thelet's go sign. Jack emerges wearing his jersey as wellmeaning it's Friday. Game day. The big day.

They strut into the campus and are greeted by well wishers.The school is abuzz with excitement.

JACKTwo finals to go, and I'm homefree. I'll see you at lunch so wecan go over the adjustments wetalked about.

KURTJust one left for me. I'm soready for this, brother.

The two fist bump and head in opposite directions.


Rob is holding his cell phone to his ear. Beat.


The phone rings in the back seat.


Rob gives up and pushes the end button on his phone. Hesets it down and wheels his car in the opposite direction.


Rodriguez talks to the receptionist MOS then dons avisitor's pass.


Jack concentrates on a final and bubbles in an answer.

The door opens and Rob peers in, looking around until hefinally spots Jack. Rob motions Jack to come outside.

Jack gives him the wait a minute sign then answers a couplemore questions quickly. Finally, Jack gets up and hurriesto the door.

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Jack exits the classroom, a look of irritation on his face.

JACKI'm right in the middle of a test. What are you doing here?

RODIt's over. The captain wants youout, now.

JACKJust tell the captain, two moretests and a football game. Then Idon't need to be here anymore.

RODYou've been stalling two weeks. Doyou really want to know what thecaptain said?

JACKNo. I can only imagine.

RODLet's go. Your debriefing is atone.

A nerdy looking student opens the classroom door and walkspast Jack and Rob.

NERDAced it.

JACKI'm not going.

RODIf you don't show up -- this timetomorrow, you'll have no job andnowhere to live.

JACKJust tell the captain, I'll be inon Monday. Martini may still trysomething.

RODWhy would he?

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JACKRevenge. Now get outta here. Ihave a test to finish.

RODI'll tell him. But you may notlike the results.

Rob turns away. Jack rushes back into the classroom.


Jack's closet is nearly empty as he hurriedly stuffs clothesinto his duffle bag. Sarah enters the room.

SARAHI'm gonna miss you, Jack Taylor.

JACKNot yet. We still have a game towin. And, I think we may stillhave a case.

Sarah moves closer, Jack keeps stuffing clothes into theduffle bag.

SARAHWhat's going on?

JACKI was followed home. The car isstill down the street.

Jack throws the duffle over his shoulder then gives Sarah aquick hug.

SARAHHave you called for backup?

JACKThey pulled the plug. There won'tbe any backup.

Sarah gives Jack a big hug and holds on for an extra moment.

SARAHBe careful.

JACKI just need to make it to theschool. If I still have a tail,I'll call it in.

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SARAHO.K. I'll see you at the game.


Jack pulls out on to the suburban street.

A large pickup truck tails him from a safe distance.

As Jack drives through the neighborhood, the truck continuesits pursuit. He makes a left turn and the truck doesn'tfollow. Jack gives a sigh of relief.


Jack opens his car door and steps out. Suddenly, the buttof a pistol CRACKS Jack in the back of the head.



Jack sits in the driver seat of his car, handcuffed to thesteering wheel. He's groggy, fading in and out ofconsciousness. Rick Sr. leans into the car to give hisvictim a final farewell.

RICK SR.Looks like you're gonna miss thatgame tonight.


RICK SR.Do you have any idea how muchmoney I've spent on quarterbackcamps, private coaches? A fuckingfortune.

JACKYou think you'll get away withthis?

RICK SR.After you skip out on the game,who's gonna miss you?

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JACKKilling me won't get Rick back onthe team.

Rick Sr. slaps Jack in the side of his head.

RICK SR.If you don't show, what choice dothey have?

JACKYou're wacked, man. Coach wouldput our punter in first.

Rick Sr. releases the emergency brake.

RICK SR.You won't be around to find out.

The car begins to roll.

Rick spits in Jack's direction. A show of disgust.

RICK SR.Punk ass kid.

Satisfied with his job, Rick Sr. hurriedly leaves the scenein his large 4x4 truck as the car sinks into the lake.


Jack is wide awake as his car fills up with water. He useshis elbow to roll the window all the way up in an attempt tobuy time, then struggles with the handcuffs around thesteering wheel.

The car disappears beneath the surface of the lake asbubbles boil to the surface.

Inside the car, Jack continues to struggle as the waterrises. He attempts to open the glove compartment with hisfeet to no avail. Time is running out as his air pocketshrinks.

Suddenly, the passenger door opens. Water rushes in,revealing Sarah, fully clothed in her band uniform. Shestruggles to free Jack, but his handcuffs keep him trapped.

In the murky waters, Jack motions toward the glovecompartment. Sarah nods and quickly opens it finding a pairof handcuff keys. After some struggle, the handcuffs open.

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At the surface, Jack and Sarah emerge from the water,gasping for air.


Both dripping wet, Sarah speeds toward town passing a signthat reads, "Chowchilla 3 Miles."

JACKHow did you know I was there?

SARAHWhen you didn't show for warm-ups,I had a hunch.

JACKYou're a much better detectivethan I'll ever be.

Near the school.

JACKI'm out of time. Just drop me offand call your dad.

SARAHHow's your head? Can you play?

JACKI'll be o.k. That lake water surewoke me up.

SARAHMe too.

Sarah's car pulls up to the school parking lot and skids toa stop.

Jack quickly exits. Before he closes the door, he looksback at Sarah.

JACKI guess I owe you one.

SARAHMore than one, buddy.


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Jack looks up into the stands. Rick Sr. looks back at Jack. He panics then scurries out of the stands followed by Vern.

At the gate, police officers arrest Rick Sr. and Vern.

The other team catches the first kickoff and runs it backfor a touchdown.

The extra point is good.

SCOREBOARD HOME: 0 VISITORS 7 Quarter: 1 Time: 11:37

The ball is kicked, the cougar player is tackled.

Jack heads out to the field, the huddle breaks, Jack isunder center calling the play. His head is going in and outof blurred and solid vision. The ball is snapped, hepasses, the ball off target into the ground in front of hisreceiver.

The Redskins punt.


-- A Bronco runner makes a good gain.

-- A Bronco player catches a long pass.

-- The Redskins stuff a Bronco runner.

-- The down marker moves to four.

-- The field goal is good.


SCOREBOARD - Home: 0 Visitors 10 Quarter: 2 Time: 1:49

Jack is at the back of the team area, looking for Sarah inthe band section. She finally shows up. She sees him. Shesticks her tongue out. All is well.

On the sideline, the Redskin coaches stand together talkingMOS. The camera moves in.

COACH STROUDI don't know what's wrong withhim. He's just off.

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COACH BARNESHe didn't exactly get a warm-up.He'll come out of it.

COACH STROUDLet's hope so.

The Redskin player is tackled on the kick-off. Jack standsby the coach listening to directions. He's got his focusback.

COACH STROUDWe need to exploit that leftcorner. Run the out, the X postthen the shake.

JACKGot it.


-- Jack completes the out - Kurt runs out of bounds.

-- Ty catches the post and is immediately tackled.

-- Coach calls a time out.


On the sideline, Jack and Coach confer MOS.

SCOREBOARD - HOME: 0 Visitors 10 Quarter 2 Time: 00:46

On the field, the ball is snapped. Jack overthrows a ballto Javier on the right sideline.

The home crowd groans.

Next play, Jack hits Ty for a short gain. The clock is downto 7 seconds.

Coach calls signals time out.

The teams are lined up. The ball is snapped.

Jack fades back.

The clock ticks down.

Jack hits Kurt in the end zone for a touchdown.

The kick is good.

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SCOREBOARD Home: 7 Visitors 10 Quarter: 2 Time: 0:00


It's half-time. The team sits on benches in the lockerroom. The coach is at the head of the mass of playersdrawing on a white board.

A door bursts open revealing Captain Smith and two Sheriff'sdeputies.

The whole team looks surprised.

CAPTAIN SMITHCoach, I'm gonna need to talk toone of your boys. He knows who heis.

Coach Stroud brushes past several players to face theCaptain.

COACH STROUDWhat's this all about?

JACKIt's me coach --

Jack stands up and walks toward the door.

JACK-- he wants to talk to me.

COACH STROUDWhat have you done, son?

JACKI'll be right back.

To the coach and the team.

JACKI haven't done anything.

Jack walks out the door with the Captain.

CAPTAIN SMITHWe've got Martini in custody. It'sover. And we're fishing your carout of the lake at this verymoment.

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Jack lets out a sigh of relief.

JACKThe department's gonna pay for itright?

CAPTAIN SMITHDon't worry about your car. Theseguys will escort you back toheadquarters.

JACKI'm not going anywhere.

CAPTAIN SMITHExcuse me, deputy.

JACKAbout that. I quit. And if youwant my testimony, you'll get outof here and let me finish myfootball game.

CAPTAIN SMITHYou're throwing away a promisingcareer, son.

JACKI don't see it that way, Captain.I'll be there after the game.

The Captain stands there dumbfounded as Jack exits.

The locker room door opens. Jack walks in and gives athumbs up. The team erupts in cheers. Jack jumps up on abench and quiets the team.

JACKJust so you all know. I dobelieve. In you, myself and ourcoaches. Let's go win thisfootball game.

The whole team erupts in cheers and excitement.



-- Jack throws - Kurt catches a long pass and scores.

-- Ty runs across the goal line, the referee signals

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-- Javier scores a touchdown.

-- Kurt scores a touchdown.


SCOREBOARD - Home: 35 Visitors: 10 Quarter: 4 Time: 0:07

The clock ticks down. The cheerleaders scream, the hometown fans erupt in cheers and storm the field as the clockhits zero. The players jump up and down and hug.

The losing team, solemnly walks away.

Jack runs off the field looking for someone. Through thecrowd, Sarah appears. They embrace. Finally, they kiss.Bill Richardson spots them from the stands and jumps overthe front rail.

He walks up to Jack and Sarah, his arm still around herwaist. He reaches out his hand to Jack.

Kurt runs up and jumps on both of them. All three go downin a heap laughing.

BILLExcellent work son. I just wantto tell you -- the room's stillyours if you need it.

JACKAs a matter of fact, I do.

BILLI will, of course, be puttingdouble locks on my daughter'sdoor.

Sarah gives her dad the "not funny" look.


Sarah, wearing a Fresno State marching band uniform, walksinto the stadium and takes a seat in the front row of thestands with her sax in hand.

On the field, the Bull Dog football team is practicing. Aquarterback runs to his right and passes the ball as hesteps out of bounds. He looks up at Sarah. It's Jack. Hesmiles.

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She flashes a quick grin then gives him the tongue. Helaughs and shakes his head.