Making Her Attraction Official - howtobeachallenge.comHand caressing is one of the easiest ways to...

Making Her Attraction Official

Transcript of Making Her Attraction Official - howtobeachallenge.comHand caressing is one of the easiest ways to...

Making Her Attraction Official


1. The importance of making attraction mutual or what we call

2. One simple but awesome move you can use to make attraction mutual.

3. The 5 traditional ways guys try to escalate and why they are not always effective.


Rather, she rejects you because of something you

Make Attraction Official


And besides opening, escalation is probably our biggest fear.

be escalating in the first place.

So what actually IS the first goal of escalation?

What is the point of all this touching.


The first goal of escalation is making the attraction that is already there official. How many times have you and a woman flirted with each

other but then you both walked away without making the

happened. What as shame.

learning how to create attraction - they can create tons of

created MUTUAL. Cash that Check!


Overt & Physical: Before a woman admits that she likes you physically

go back later and deny it to save face.

Mutual: you want to make her commit to being a participant, not a bystander in the seduction.

So what move can we use to make attraction overt, physical and



More Time

forever. However, she will be attracted to you much longer if at some point that attraction becomes overt, physical and mutual (official)

Mutual Caressing


know she likes you. The decision for sex is mood based. Hand caressing is one of the easiest ways to test and see if a

seduction is mutual. Not Complicated -

see if she caresses you back. High-five and keep holding her hand. First see if she holds onto your

hand or pulls away first. If she keeps holding you hand it will give you confidence to start

caressing if she pulls hand away try again later.


Even women who really like can be scared to show it but the hands reveal so much about her interest (the initial handshake) The safest place on your body for her to feel comfortable

to start caressing your legs. Thus, she should take advantage of this safe opportunity to

reveal her attraction for you. If not, IME something is usually off (boyfriend) or she has low interest in you. Women are very good at pretending to be interested. But hand

caressing is really hard to fake. There is no validation in hand caressing like kissing guys at a

club ---


Caressing each other also builds comfort.

You are now officially on the same team and working towards a common goal to seduce each other.

Caressing is similar to what new couples do.

Since you are working as a team you can both feel comfortable pushing things in a sexual direction.

You can now get away with more aggressive types of touching in more intimate areas


It quickly screens out women who may be interested in talking to you, but not interested in getting physical with you. (Only other test for mutual interest would be going for a kiss)

moments to show you are serious. (aw) Things are forever different between you.

3. Mutual caressing helps you when it comes time for the arousal phase. Getting sexual is going to be much easier when you are escalating on each other. In fact, every escalation that you want to do will be much

The 5 traditional ways guys try to escalate and why they are not

always effective

1. Seductive Vibe

Putting out a seductive vibe is one of the most important things you

can do - nothing.

All the eye contact and seductive energy - this supposed non-verbal connection was all pure mental masturbation.

Eventually, the sexual tension goes from something exciting to something awkward.

make a move that leads to something mutual - she will deny that you guys were ever flirting and had a non-verbal connection.

She will do this to protect her ego: I never liked him. He was creepy.

2. Phone Numbers


Asking for a phone number is fine but it does not make attraction official - because getting her number is not a shared physical moment.

You got her phone number but did you make attraction official (and we wonder why there is so much flaking)

You could talk and text on the phone or even get her to meet up with you - but at some point on the date you would still have to make the attraction mutual.

you her number and goes on dates with you. Test for mutual interest early instead of at the end of a date.

3. Compliments


Making a statement of interest or giving her a direct compliment does

not make attraction official either . The words are OVERT but words physical or mutual.

attraction official.

your goal of making attraction mutual.

can flip her hair, smile, laugh, and tap your arm. Sure, you may get the ego boost -but the attraction is still not official.

4. Kino The Hell Out Of Her


What the hell does that mean? In the end, if all your touching does not lead to something

mutual (her touching you back) it was really just mental masturbation. Instead of doing things like a secret handshake - take her hand

and help her start caressing you somewhere on your body. Does she continue caressing you or does she stop when you take

reveal her attraction for you than this.


We have been using Kino all wrong. Instead of always trying to touch HER, if you really want to make it ON,

you should make it easier for her to touch YOU.

We have been rewarding guys for how much they touch women - when we really should praise them if they can find a way to get a woman to touch them


THE PROBLEM WITH OVERT KINO IS Women will let you touch them! If you are interesting and entertaining, women will tolerate your incidental and

overt Kino (be a while before you get stopped) But notice how certain women NEVER touch you back. A sign you are with a

holding or caressing your hand is really no big deal. Story of the girl who words mean nothing.

- they know what you are trying to do when you touch

going to help you seduce and arouse me. So by testing for or forcing mutual caressing early on you are basically asking

her if she wants to be a participant or bystander in the seduction.

5. The Kiss Close

social events, work functions and other low key environments (day game)

Can be harder to do with her friends around (hand caressing is not a move that draws a lot of attention)

Kiss close is often seen as this big move (pressure) in front of their friends

Harder to recover if she turns away. Sometimes you take a kiss rejection personal and pout. But having her let go of your hand is no big deal.

Bottom line - You will get WAY more chances to grab a girls hand than go for a kiss. That means more chances to make attraction official. Nice!


environment for kissing stop you from making attraction

good time for grabbing her hand.

(believe me, later on you will regret putting it off)


Two ways I have gotten kisses in the past The Magical Moment where I had no clue how it happened or the planned Aggressive Lunge.

out. Trying to use seductive eye contact, silence, get close it seems fake.

silence to grab a girls hand.

Lunging for an aggressive kiss is attractive - mutual. Yeah you get the kiss - but you are still not working together. Most times you just end up being the cheesy club make out guy that she avoids.

Friend that kisses at least 6 girls a night but no lays.

Going Caveman


Like we said the first goal of escalation is making the attraction mutual, the second goal is arousal.

But some guys have it backwards. They are trying to AROUSE women before the attraction is mutual.

I clawed her. I licked her face. I slapped her ass. Yeah Bro!

because they are scared to find out if her attraction for is mutual.

If she is not touching you back she is basically saying - to help you get me into bed , so you are going to have to try and arouse me all by yourself.

This is not only a bad frame it also doubles your work load.


mutual. She is doing 50% of the work.

Have you ever taken a woman home and as soon as you got in the door you just attacked each other and it led straight to sex. You used NO arousal tactics. It was so easy because you were mutually escalating on each other she was participating and helping you.

The Movie Couch Frame: You are the one touching her, trying to turn her on and she is the one stopping you and playing the role of resister.

When a girl also caresses you you know the arousal phase is probably going to go smoothly. There will be less resistance, because the escalation will be mutual.

Final Thoughts


The common theme here is that most of these escalations we just discussed are attractive (being direct verbally, touching her a lot,

lunging for a kiss and being physically aggressive) the seduction mutual.



You do not have a fear of escalation

scary to put yourself on the line like that.

benchmarks of success.

- How long you talked to her

- Phone numbers

- Amount of Kino she accepted


start caressing you first.

Your role as a man is to give her an easy comfortable way to reveal her attraction for you.

your job to make attraction mutual. This is what it means to be really good at escalating.

Escalation is really just making the attraction that you already created official. Cash that check!