The Pastfinder -- July-Sept., 1999, Vol. 18, No. 3ohrichgs/P71.pdf · Sharon D. Paulson, 4039 Alto,...

The Pastfinder Quarter[y Nerusletrcr of the xich[and c,or*ty cfioyrt , ohio Genealogica[ soc iety ISSN ro83-7833 Opera House, Mansfield Richland County Chapter,OGS, P.O. Box 3823, Mansfield, OH 44907-0823 httn:// - ohrichss Editor: Nancy C.Hidinger volume xvlll lssue 3 Page37 Sunda Anderson Peters July - september, 1999 COMJTERCOIYilTTEENEU6 The Mohican Area Genealogists Interested In Computers (MAGIC), theComputer Committee ofRCGS, recently purchased for theOhio Genealogical Library a set of nine CD's of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. The disks cover material publishedby the New England Historical Genealogical Society from 1 847 to 1997 . Each disk contains an indexof the material on the disk and the ninth disk has a comprehensive index. A four volume index was also purchased with the disks. It contains addedinformation that the CD's do not cover,particularlymaidennames. It will be a great asset to those researching their New Englandfamilies. OISoFOI,RTHREECEflETER/PRO]TCTs \ ln 1916the Societypublisheda book with all known burialsin thecounty'scemeteries. This book has been out- of-print for many years. Recently, it was decided to re-publish the book, but by township. First, we have volunteers enterthe data into the computer. Next, each cemeteryneedsto be rereadto see what stones remaln after so many years. While that is being done, the volunteeris addingnew stones to the list and conecting info that waswrong or missed in the lastbook. Last,the new information will be added to the old. This is a time consuming projectand will take a long time to complete. We havebegunwith Monroe Townshipand will move to WashingtonTownship and the southern part of the county from east to west. Much will depend on volunteers. If you have any picturesof old stones from these old cemeteries, would you please makea paper copy and send it to us? If you have ancestors buried in one of the cemeteries that were not in the other book, please advise us ofthis andsend proofofbunal. If you live in fuchland County(or areclose enough to its borders) and could help with reading a cemeteryor proofreading, please let us know. One of our new volunteers recently commented, "Gee, this is funl Thanks for asking me." Now we're asking you to come join us for the fun of it. Contact Nancy Hidinger 419-884-2251 or Sunda Peters 419-524-0924. Meetings for the Remainder of 1999 September23: Paul and Barbara Birmelin will present a programon Native American research at the MACY Garden Room*, 7:30p.m. October 28: Randy Echelberger presents John Sherman, 7:30 p.m. at the MACY Garden Room*. There will be a Board meetingpreceding the meeting at 6 p.m. November: No meetingthis month. December 2: This will be a dinner to honor thosewho wereaccepted into First Families of fuchlandCounty, andwill be held at the Main Street Methodist Church, Mansfield. Cost is $10.00. Reservations will be necessary, sendthem to our address above. *Note: MACY is the MansfieldYM & YWCA. Enteron the sidestreet to park, the costis 251, but it is well lit and closeto the door. Once you enterthe Y turn right through the double door and walk straieht into the GardenRoom. Lost andFound Marriages pg 39 TheyWentto Kansas pg 40 Births 1876-1877 pE42 Richland County Cemeteries pg 43 Tavern Licenses pg47 Adoption Records pC 48 AdministationRecords - Vol. I I pg 50 Queries pC52 Index pC54 K:'iOX co(wrv The Pastfinder News[etter of the RichlanD chapter ohio Genealogical ISSN 1083-7833 Opera House, Mansfield Richland County Chapter, OGS, P.O. Box 3823, Mansfield, OH 44907-0823 Editor: Nancy C. Hidinger Volume XVIII Issue 3 Page 37 Sunda Anderson peters July - September, 1999 Meetings for the Remainder of 1999 *Note: MACY is the Mansfield YM & YWCA. Enter on the side street to park, the cost is 25¢, but it is well lit and close to the door. Once you enter the Y tum right through the double door and walk straight into the Garden Room. One of our new volunteers recently commented, "Gee, this is fun! Thanks for asking me." Now we're asking you to come join us for the fun of it. Contact Nancy Hidinger 419-884-2251 or Sunda Peters 419-524-0924. September 23: Paul and Barbara Birmelin will present a program on Native American research at the MACY Garden Room*, 7:30 p.m. October 28: Randy Echelberger presents John Sherman, 7:30 p.m. at the MACY Garden Room*. There will be a Board meeting preceding the meeting at 6 p.m. November: No meeting this month. December 2: This will be a dinner to honor those who were accepted into First Families of Richland County, and will be held at the Main Street Methodist Church, Mansfield. Cost is $10.00. Reservations will be necessary, send them to our address above. pg39 pg40 pg42 pg43 pg47 pg48 pg50 pg 52 pg 54 Lost and Found Marriages They Went to Kansas Births 1876-1877 Richland County Cemeteries Tavern Licenses Adoption Records Administration Records - Vol. 11 Queries Index CQYRJTER The Mohican Area Genealogists Interested In Computers (MAGIC), the Computer Committee ofRCGS, recently purchased for the Ohio Genealogical Library a set of nine CD's of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. The disks cover material published by the New England Historical Genealogical Society from 1847 to 1997. Each disk contains an index of the material on the disk and the ninth disk has a comprehensive index. A four volume index was also purchased with the disks. It contains added information that the CD's do not cover, particularly maiden names. It will be a great asset to those researching their New England families. ONE a: THREE CElY'tTERY PROOECf5 In 1976 the Society published a book with all known burials in the county's cemeteries. This book has been out- of-print for many years. Recently, it was decided to re-publish the book, but by township. First, we have volunteers enter the data into the computer. Next, each cemetery needs to be reread to see what stones remain after so many years. While that is being done, the volunteer is adding new stones to the list and correcting info that was wrong or missed in the last book. Last, the new information will be added to the old. This is a time consuming project and will take a long time to complete. We have begun with Monroe Township and will move to Washington Township and the southern part of the county from east to west. Much will depend on volunteers. If you have any pictures of old stones from these old cemeteries, would you please make a paper copy and send it to us? If you have ancestors buried in one of the cemeteries that were not in the other book, please advise us of this and send proof of burial. If you live in Richland County (or are close enough to its borders) and could help with reading a cemetery or proofreading, please let us know.

Transcript of The Pastfinder -- July-Sept., 1999, Vol. 18, No. 3ohrichgs/P71.pdf · Sharon D. Paulson, 4039 Alto,...

The PastfinderQuarter[y Nerusletrcr

of thexich[and c,or*ty cfioyrt ,ohio Genealogica[ soc iety

ISSN ro83-7833

Opera House, Mansfield

Richland County Chapter, OGS, P.O. Box 3823, Mansfield, OH 44907-0823httn : // - ohrichss

Edi tor : Nancy C. Hid ingervolume xvll l lssue 3 Page 37

Sunda Anderson PetersJuly - september, 1999


The Mohican Area Genealogists Interested InComputers (MAGIC), the Computer Committee ofRCGS,recently purchased for the Ohio Genealogical Library a setof nine CD's of the New England Historical andGenealogical Register. The disks cover materialpublished by the New England Historical GenealogicalSociety from 1 847 to 1997 . Each disk contains an index ofthe material on the disk and the ninth disk has acomprehensive index. A four volume index was alsopurchased with the disks. It contains added informationthat the CD's do not cover, particularly maiden names. Itwill be a great asset to those researching their NewEngland families.

OISoFOI,RTHREECEflETER/PRO]TCTs \ln 1916 the Society published a book with all known

burials in the county's cemeteries. This book has been out-of-print for many years. Recently, it was decided tore-publish the book, but by township. First, we havevolunteers enter the data into the computer. Next, eachcemetery needs to be reread to see what stones remalnafter so many years. While that is being done, thevolunteer is adding new stones to the list and conectinginfo that was wrong or missed in the last book. Last, thenew information will be added to the old. This is a timeconsuming project and will take a long time to complete.We have begun with Monroe Township and will move toWashington Township and the southern part of the countyfrom east to west. Much will depend on volunteers.

If you have any pictures of old stones from these oldcemeteries, would you please make a paper copy and sendit to us? If you have ancestors buried in one of thecemeteries that were not in the other book, please adviseus ofthis and send proofofbunal.

If you live in fuchland County (or are close enough toits borders) and could help with reading a cemetery orproofreading, please let us know.

One of our new volunteers recently commented, "Gee,this is funl Thanks for asking me." Now we're askingyou to come join us for the fun of it.

Contact Nancy Hidinger 419-884-2251 or SundaPeters 419-524-0924.

Meetings for the Remainder of 1999

September 23: Paul and Barbara Birmelin will present aprogram on Native American research at the MACYGarden Room*, 7:30 p.m.

October 28: Randy Echelberger presents John Sherman,7:30 p.m. at the MACY Garden Room*. There wil lbe a Board meeting preceding the meeting at 6 p.m.

November: No meeting this month.December 2: This will be a dinner to honor those who

were accepted into First Families of fuchland County,and will be held at the Main Street Methodist Church,Mansfield. Cost is $10.00. Reservations wil l benecessary, send them to our address above.

*Note: MACY is the Mansfield YM & YWCA. Enter onthe side street to park, the cost is 251, but it is well lit andclose to the door. Once you enter the Y turn right throughthe double door and walk straieht into the Garden Room.

Lost and Found Marriages pg 39They Went to Kansas pg 40Births 1876-1877 pE42Richland County Cemeteries pg 43Tavern Licenses pg47Adoption Records pC 48Administation Records - Vol. I I pg 50Queries pC52Index pC 54


The PastfinderQuarter[~ News[etter

of theRichlanD Count~ chapterohio Genealogical Societ~

ISSN 1083-7833

Opera House, Mansfield

Richland County Chapter, OGS, P.O. Box 3823, Mansfield, OH 44907-0823 ohrichgs

Editor: Nancy C. HidingerVolume XVIII Issue 3 Page 37

Sunda Anderson petersJuly - September, 1999

Meetings for the Remainder of 1999

*Note: MACY is the Mansfield YM & YWCA. Enter onthe side street to park, the cost is 25¢, but it is well lit andclose to the door. Once you enter the Y tum right throughthe double door and walk straight into the Garden Room.

One of our new volunteers recently commented, "Gee,this is fun! Thanks for asking me." Now we're askingyou to come join us for the fun of it.

Contact Nancy Hidinger 419-884-2251 or SundaPeters 419-524-0924.

September 23: Paul and Barbara Birmelin will present aprogram on Native American research at the MACYGarden Room*, 7:30 p.m.

October 28: Randy Echelberger presents John Sherman,7:30 p.m. at the MACY Garden Room*. There willbe a Board meeting preceding the meeting at 6 p.m.

November: No meeting this month.December 2: This will be a dinner to honor those who

were accepted into First Families ofRichland County,and will be held at the Main Street Methodist Church,Mansfield. Cost is $10.00. Reservations will benecessary, send them to our address above.

pg39pg40pg42pg43pg47pg48pg50pg 52pg 54

Lost and Found MarriagesThey Went to KansasBirths 1876-1877Richland County CemeteriesTavern LicensesAdoption RecordsAdministration Records - Vol. 11QueriesIndex


The Mohican Area Genealogists Interested InComputers (MAGIC), the Computer Committee ofRCGS,recently purchased for the Ohio Genealogical Library a setof nine CD's of the New England Historical andGenealogical Register. The disks cover materialpublished by the New England Historical GenealogicalSociety from 1847 to 1997. Each disk contains an index ofthe material on the disk and the ninth disk has acomprehensive index. A four volume index was alsopurchased with the disks. It contains added informationthat the CD's do not cover, particularly maiden names. Itwill be a great asset to those researching their NewEngland families.

ONE a:O~ THREE CElY'tTERY PROOECf5In 1976 the Society published a book with all known

burials in the county's cemeteries. This book has been out­of-print for many years. Recently, it was decided tore-publish the book, but by township. First, we havevolunteers enter the data into the computer. Next, eachcemetery needs to be reread to see what stones remainafter so many years. While that is being done, thevolunteer is adding new stones to the list and correctinginfo that was wrong or missed in the last book. Last, thenew information will be added to the old. This is a timeconsuming project and will take a long time to complete.We have begun with Monroe Township and will move toWashington Township and the southern part of the countyfrom east to west. Much will depend on volunteers.

If you have any pictures of old stones from these oldcemeteries, would you please make a paper copy and sendit to us? If you have ancestors buried in one of thecemeteries that were not in the other book, please adviseus of this and send proof of burial.

If you live in Richland County (or are close enough toits borders) and could help with reading a cemetery orproofreading, please let us know.

Tllz'4/<n4/te ?4/4rrttario'o

If you are interested in the pursuit of genealogical research you are welcome to join our society. Memberships are on a

calendar year basis, January to December. Persons joining during the year receive back issues ofthe newsletter for the current

year.Single membership: $ 10.00Jointmembership: $12.00

Single l ife membership: $250.00Joint l i fe membershiD: $300.00

The Richland County Genealogical Society was organized in 1959 as The Ohio Genealogical Sociefy. Members had been

meeting for some five years. In 1964 it was reorganized as the Richland County Genealogical Society, the first chapter of The

Ohio Genealogical Society. Meetings are normally held on the fourth Thursday of the month at'7:30 p.m. There is no July

meeting. The August meeting is usually a picnic on a date to be set. The November and December meetings are combined

on an evening early in December.Any member of the Richland Counry Genealogical Society who is a direct descendant of an individual who lived before

1840 in the area, which was at that t ime encompassed by Richland Counfy, may become a member of the First Families of

Richland County upon the acceptance of an application with proof of such descent and the payment of a fee as set by the

Board of Trustees. As a First Family member you will receive a certificate and Richland County First Family pin.

The Pastfinder is published four times a year (February, May, August, and November). Members and non-members are

encouraged to submit five generation charts and other family information, specifying their permission for the information

to be published in the Pastfinder. Queries in the Pastfinder are free to both members and non-members.

The Richland Counfy Genealogical Society has a volunteer research committee to answer mail inquiries related to

Richland County. We wil l provide, as a benefit of membership, up to one hour of research free, once during the calendar year,

using material in the OGS library. Patrons must pay for copies and postage. For all other requests there will be a fee of $5.00.

We will not, as a rule, do research at the Richland County Public Library, courthouse, or health department. For this we

suggest you contact someone wil l ing to do this for a fee. We have developed a l ist of such researchers.

Ken & Ruth Pohl,97 Maytair Rd., Lexington, OH 44904, ph. (al9) 884-2962, e-mail: KenP639749(!

Sunda Peters, 1537 Galaxy Court, Mansfield, OH 44903-8850, ph. (a19) 524-0924, e-mail: Sunda(n)

B.J. Wi l l iams, P.O. Box 5 l i3 , Mansf ie ld, OH 44907, ph. (a l9) 156-5128Kerry Kimber ly , P.O. Box 8417. Westerv i l le , OH 43081, ph. (6 la) 891-1654Jan Purv is , P.O. Box 3563, Mansf ie ld, OH 44901. ph. (419)756-8134

Debbie Eckert, 8957 Denman Road, Lexington. OH 44904, ph. (a19) 884-0636, e-mail: Deckert3lT(

The Society makes no recommendation and bears no responsibil i ty for arrangements or services offered.

/NEfiBERNEU€We welcome the following persons who have join RCGS. We hope you wil l f ind the association rewarding:

Sharon Neuswanger, 5685 Lynwood Center Rd., Barnbridge Island, WA 98110.

Sharon D. Paulson, 4039 Alto, Oceanside, CA 92056-461 8. Sharon is researching the surnames ANDREWS, CLINE,


Marguerite Kalec,3005 I Club House Lane, Farmington Hil ls, MI48l34-202 l. Marguerite is researching the following

surnames, ASHBAUGH, ELLIOT, and LEE.

Robert Gundrum, 783 Lakewood Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089, e-mail address: [email protected]. Bob is

researching the surnames, GLNDRUM, PERRY, QUIGG, McBRIDE, MARRIOTT.

Eileen Tracy, l4l5 Persimmon Lane, Oxnard, CA 93033, e-mail: etracy( Eileen is researching the

SAVIERS surname.


Long time member John H. Burkholder, 1924 Tangleu'ood Dr. S., Mansfield, OH 44906-1735 is researching the


LongtimememberRuthHostetter,l l46E.HanleyRd.,Lucas,[email protected]



James H. & Virginia Simmons, 706 So l" St. Hamilton, MT 59840 add the surname HAZLETI to their research list.

James & Vireinia were #70 in the surname list in our last issue.

Richland Counfv Genealosical Societv Page 38 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

If you are interested in the pursuit of genealogical research you are welcome to join our society. Memberships are on acalendar year basis, January to December. Persons joining during the year receive back issues of the newsletter for the currentyear.

Single membership: $10.00Joint membership: $12.00

Single life membership: $250.00Joint life membership: $300.00

The Richland County Genealogical Society was organized in 1959 as The Ohio Genealogical Society. Members had beenmeeting for some five years. In 1964 it was reorganized as the Richland County Genealogical Society, the first chapter ofTheOhio Genealogical Society. Meetings are normally held On the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. There is no Julymeeting. The August meeting is usually a picnic on a date to be set. The November and December meetings are combinedon an evening early in December.

Any member of the Richland County Genealogical Society who is a direct descendant of an individual who lived before1840 in the area, which was at that time encompassed by Richland County, may become a member of the First Families ofRichland County upon the acceptance of an application with proof of such descent and the payment of a fee as set by theBoard of Trustees. As a First Family member you will receive a certificate and Richland County First Family pin.

The Pastfinder is published four times a year (February, May, August, and November). Members and non-members areencouraged to submit five generation charts and other family information, specifying their permission for the informationto be published in the Pastfinder. Queries in the Pastfinder are free to both members and non-members.

The Richland County Genealogical Society has a volunteer research committee to anSwer mail inquiries related toRichland County. We will provide, as a benefit ofmembership, up to one hour of research free, once during the calendar year,using material in the OGS library. Patrons must pay for copies and postage. For all other requests there will be a fee of$5.00.We will not, as a rule, do research at the Richland County Public Library, courthouse, or health department. For this wesuggest you contact someone willing to do this for a fee. We have developed a list of such researchers.

Ken & Ruth PohI, 97 Mayfair Rd., Lexington, OH 44904, ph. (419) 884-2962, e-mail: [email protected] Peters, 1537 Galaxy Court, Mansfield, OH 44903-8850, ph. (419) 524-0924, e-mail: Sunda(iijprodigy.comB.J. Williams, P.O. Box 5113, Mansfield, OH 44907, ph. (419) 756-5128Kerry Kimberly, P.O. Box 8417, Westerville, OH 43081, ph. (614) 891-1654Jan Purvis, P.O. Box 3563, Mansfield, OH 44907, ph. (419)756-8134Debbie Eckert, 8957 Denman Road, Lexington, OH 44904, ph. (419) 884-0636, e-mail: [email protected] Society makes no recommendation and bears no responsibility for arrangements or services offered.

MEttBER NEW£tWe welcome the following persons who have join RCGS. We hope you will find the association rewarding:

Sharon Neuswanger, 5685 Lynwood Center Rd., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.Sharon D. Paulson, 4039 Alto, Oceanside, CA 92056-4618. Sharon is researching the surnames ANDREWS, CLINE,


Marguerite Kalec, 30051 Club House Lane, Farmington Hills, MI 48334-2021. Marguerite is researching the following

surnames, ASHBAUGH, ELLIOT, and LEE.

Robert Gundrum, 783 Lakewood Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089, e-mail address:[email protected]. Bob is

researching the surnames, GUNDRUM, PERRY, QUIGG, McBRIDE, MARRIOTT.

Eileen Tracy, 1415 Persimmon Lane, Oxnard, CA 93033, e-mail: [email protected]. Eileen is researching the

SAVIERS surname.

ADDITIONAL SURNAMES:Long time member John H. Burkholder, 1924 Tanglewood Dr. S., Mansfield, OH 44906-1735 is researching the


Long time member Ruth Hostetter, 1746 E. Hanley Rd., Lucas, OH 44843-9754. e-mail [email protected]



James H. & Virginia Simmons, 706 So 151 St. Hamilton, MT 59840 add the surname HAZLETT to their research list.James & Virginia were #70 in the surname list in our last issue.

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 38 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
* Check Chapter website for current membership info.
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text

9ost and Sound J,toru,toges....The following marriages were found in the back of the Supreme Court Execution Docket Book, I 8 I 9- I 82 I and among loosepapers inaboxfor theyear l85T.Theyarenot intheRichlandCounryMarr iages l8 l3- l87lbook.Source: Papersf romtheRichland Co. Room, compiled by Mrs. Dona Fidler, Mansfield, Ohio.

.....On the 5'h day of September 1840, I solemnized the marriage of Walton U. Bolten with Adoline L. Fuller (Fidler) by JohnSmun, Justice of the Peace, Orange Twp. Richland Co. Ohio.....On the 24'h day of September 1840, I solemnized the marriage of Lewis Rowers, with Sarah Ann Wiktiz, Hugh Gamble,J.P. (names are possibly Powers, Bowers and Ulesster, Ulepley)......Onthe24'nday ofSeptember, 1840, IsolemnizedthemarriageofBenjimanRobertswithSarahJaneNewel.HughGambleJ.P.

.....On the 23'd day of September, 1840 I solemnized the marriage of James Cummins and Amanda Hamilton, Andrew Comm,J,P.

.....Jacob Barnes (age24) and Elizabeth Stine (age 20) manied Jan. 18, 1859 places of residence Worthington Twp. Parentsnames Rosannah Barnes. husband dead and Rosannah Stine (widow).

Thefo l lowingmarr iagel icenseswereissuedat thecostof$.75. I t ispossib le thats incethese l icenseswerenotrecorded,the marriage did not take place or the marriage record was never recorded.

Hutchins, Bradberry A. . . . . .Frank, DavidSlagle, Jacob .Shoemaker, NicolasSimon, AndrewSomers, SamuelNarins, JamesCehnar, AbrahamYoung. Pctcr .Gishwi l ler , LewisBuchanan. GeorgeCairns, JohnWi lson, Danie lWoods, John .Doyle, CharlesSanford, DavidBachr/Baker, Frederick . . . . .Baily, Lyman M. . . .Woods, Wi l l iamTroutman, EliasKackler , JohnEmmerick, GeorgeFerguson. Henry .

Harkness, Ju l iaStem. BetsyBaldwin, Cather ineTrostal, RachelKaughman. Sal lyJ o n e s , L u c i n d a . . . .F l e e r , C a t h e r i n e . . .Cehnar. PollySt inc. MarySheets. MargaretM i l e s , R o s c n a . , , .Smith, Alc ina RachelLechniter, Julian .Clayberg, MariahGidinger. LucyBooker/Booher, SusanHartman, MargaretFreebom, HannahWilson, MargaretHefl'er, ElizabethS i l l s , R a c h a e l . . . .Guthrie, Sarah .Cl ingman, Mary

January 2, 1840January 4, 1840January 1, 1840January 22, 1840January 27, 1840January 28, 1840January 29, I 840February 15, 1840Ircbruary 15, 1840February 19, 1840February 24, 1840February 25, 1840February 29,1840February 29,1840March 12, 1840March 19, 1840March 20, 1840March 21 , 1840March 21 , 1840March 21 , 1840Apri l l l , 1840Apr i l l l , 1840Apri l I l , 1840Apri l I l , 1840Apr i l l l , 1840

Sing rey , Joshua . . . . . F i ke ,E l i za .Spade, Noah . Shemble, Kathenne


The Richland Co. Marriage book has an entry for Polly Kiddley and John Kerr as being married May l" with noyear given. This maniage was later found recorded on a small slip of paper among a packet of misc. papers fromthe courthouse, with the date of the marriase as May 1. 1829.

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 39 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

~O!~t and C(Jound uUa/(/(lage~ ....The following marriages were found in the back of the Supreme Court Execution Docket Book, 1819-1821 and among loosepapers in a box for the year 1857. They are not in the Richland County Marriages 1813-1871 book. Source: Papers from theRichland Co. Room, compiled by Mrs. Dona Fidler, Mansfield, Ohio.

.....On the 5th day of September 1840, I solemnized the marriage of Walton U. Bolten with Adoline L. Fuller (Fidler) by John

Smurr, Justice of the Peace, Orange Twp. Richland Co. Ohio

.....On the 24th day of September 1840, I solemnized the marriage of Lewis Rowers, with Sarah Ann Wiktiz, Hugh Gamble,

J.P. (names are possibly Powers, Bowers and Ulesster, Ulepley) .

.....On the 24th day ofSeptember, 1840, I solemnized the marriage ofBenjiman Roberts with Sarah Jane Newel. Hugh Gamble

J.P .

.....On the 23'd day ofSeptember, 1840 I solemnized the marriage ofJames Cummins and Amanda Hamilton, Andrew Comm,


.... .Jacob Barnes (age 24) and Elizabeth Stine (age 20) married Jan. 18, 1859 places of residence Worthington Twp. Parents

names Rosannah Barnes, husband dead and Rosannah Stine (widow).

The following marriage licenses were issued at the cost of $.75. It is possible that since these licenses were not recorded,the marriage did not take place or the marriage record was never recorded.

Hutchins, Bradberry A. . Harkness, Julia January 2, 1840Frank, David Stem, Betsy January 4, 1840Slagle, Jacob Baldwin, Catherine January 7, 1840Shoemaker, Nicolas Trostal, Rachel January 22, 1840Simon, Andrew Kaughman, Sally January 27,1840Somers, Samuel Jones, Lucinda January 28, 1840Narins, James Fleer, Catherine January 29, 1840Cehnar, Abraham Cehnar, Polly February 15, 1840Young, Peter Stine, Mary February 15, 1840Gishwiller, Lewis Sheets, Margaret February 19, 1840Buchanan, George Miles, Rosena February 24, 1840Cairns, John Smith, Alcina Rachel February 25, 1840Wilson, Daniel Lechniter, Julian February 29, 1840Woods, John Clayberg, Mariah February 29, 1840Doyle, Charles Gidinger, Lucy March 12, 1840Sanford, David Booker/Booher, Susan March 19, 1840Baehr/Baker, Frederick Hartman, Margaret March 20, 1840Baily, Lyman M. . Freeborn, Hannah March 21, 1840Woods, William Wilson, Margaret March 21,1840Troutman, Elias Hefter, Elizabeth March 21, 1840Kackler, John Sills, Rachael April 11, 1840Emmerick, George Guthrie, Sarah April 11, 1840Ferguson, Henry Clingman, Mary April 11, 1840Singrey, Joshua Fike, Eliza April 11, 1840Spade, Noah Shemble, Katherine April 11, 1840

v ~

The Richland Co. Marriage book has an entry for Polly Kiddley and John Kerr as being married May 1st with noyear given. This marriage was later found recorded on a small slip of paper among a packet of misc. papers fromthe courthouse, with the date of the marriage as May 1,1829.~ ~

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 39 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

Richfond County People Who Went to Konsos"Biogrophicol Sketches" Konsos Collection Books

from Wifliom G. Cutler's "Hkfory of the Sfafe of Kansa!'

on I ine at http t / / www. ukons. e du/ carrie /koncol l/book s/ cutler /

compiled by Mory Jone Henney

* MRS. ELINICE GLINSAULLAS, the relict of H. B. Gunsaullas, deceased, P. O. Barnesvil le. She is a native of Newyork, and was married to him May 20,1841 , in Indiana, her maiden name being Harris. Mr. Gunsaullas was born November

16, 1825, in Richland County, Ohio, and died in January, 1873. In boyhood, he was of a nafure that devoted himself to a

variefy of trades, having a genius for all, probably following shoemaking the longest, and after their marriage was employed

in a saw mill, and came to Kansas in 1859, the family staying at Barnesvil le, unti l he could arrange for their convenience on

the claim, locating in 1862, on Section 9, where he had 160 acres, until giving his son Levi eighty. During Mr. Gunsaullas'

l i fetime, he always took an active part in polit ics, representing several township offices, discharging the duties of such in a

satisfactory manner. At his death, he left a family of five children--two sons, Frank, who runs the farm, and Levi, who ls

married; three daughters, Cornelia and Cordelia, who are teachers, having attended the Kansas Normal College, and Anna,

who stays at home. [Bourbon County]

* HUGH GUTHzuE, farmer, Section 34, Township 8, Range 15, P. O. South Cedar, was born in Richland County,

Ohio, in 1835, and lived in his native State unti l 1842, when his parents removed to LaGrange County, Ind., where Mr.

Guthrie lived until September I , I 861 , when he entered the Union alrny as a member of Company A, Twenty-ninth Regiment

Indiana Volunteer Infantry, enlisting at Waterloo City, Ind., and was discharged at Bridgeport, Ala., December 5, 1863, re-

enlisting the same day in the same company and regiment, and was finally discharged from the lJnited States service

December 2, 1865, at Marietta, Ga. He participated in the battles of Pittsburg l,anding, Stone River, Liberry Gap, Chattanooga

and numerous minor engagements. After his discharge he refurned to his home in Indiana, where he resided until the spring

of 1869, when he removed to Kansas, locating in Cedar Township, Jackson County, where he l ived one year and then

removed to his farm in Douglas Township, in the same county, where he has since resided. He was married in 1857, in

lndiana, to Miss Susan Frederic, a native of Ohio. They have six children whose names are: Martha J., Maria, Nancy 8.,

Isabel, Mary F. and Alice. Mr. Guthrie owns a fine upland farm of eighty acres. [Jackson County]

+ THOMAS HART, farmer and stock raiser, Section 17, Township l, Range 17, P. O. Reserve, was bom February

24,1826, in Richland County, Ohio, where, however, he resided but a short t ime his parents removing to Morgan County,

Mo., where they resided two years and then removed to Andrew County, in the same State where Mr. Hart resided until

August 20, 1856, when he became a resident of Kansas, locating in Padonia Township, Brown County, where he has resided

since. He is a prominent and consistent member of the Christian Church. He is also a member of Hiawatha Lodge No. 35,

A., F & A. M. He took part in the war of the Rebell ion during the Price raid, as a member of Captain Laycock's company,

Kansas Volunteer Militia, enlisting in the fall of 1864 in Padonia Township, serving a short time and being discharged at

Atchison. He has been Treasurer of School District No. 33, Brown County, fifteen years. He was married in Andrew County,

Mo., Septemb er 2, 1847 , to Miss Nancy J. Gil l ispie, a native of Kentucky. They have seven children l iving, Will iam Henry,

(manied to Miss Lucinda Hanseberry, a native of lowa,) Thomas J., (married to Miss Hannah C. Drake, a native of Ohio,)

Mary Jane, (married to R. M. Stewart, a native of Missouri,) Jackson, married to Miss Florence Brown, (a native of

Maryland,) Sarah E., (manied to John M. Davis, a native of Kentucky,) Harvey W. and Perry. Mr. Hart owns a fine upland

farm of 520 acres. It is in a high state of cultivation, and is well supplied with water by means of springs, wells, Hart's Branch

and Walnut Creek, which flows in a northerly direction through the farm. He is an old pioneer of Brown. [Brown County]

+ MARTIN HASS, farmer, P. O. Rossville, owns 60 acres on the northeast quarter of Section 15, and eighty acres

in the northwest quarter, all under cultivation. In I 8 82 had thirty acres of corn, thirfy acres of wheat and twenty acres of rye

and oats. Came to Kansas in 1857, locating in Jackson Counfy, near Holton, where he remained until 1877, farming. Enlisted

in August, 1862, at Holton, Kas., in Company B, Eleventh Kansas. Was on the frontier in Arkansas and Colorado, as escort

for Government trains. Had a fight on the North Platte, about two hundred miles northwest of Laramie, with about 1,500

Indians. Was mustered out rn 1865 at Leavenworth. Retumed to Holton. Was born in Richland County, Ohio, July 9, 1844.

When about seven years old, moved to Tama Counfy, Iowa, remaining there about six years and came to Kansas. Was married

in 1869 in Jackson County to Miss ElizaB. Burnett. They have five children: Julia A., Ida May, Nora B., Robert H. and Eva

Estella. Is a member of Dunkard or German Baptist Church at Osawkie. Is a Republican. [Shawnee County]

+ W. HITCHCOCK, coal dealer, was born in Richland Counfy, Ohio, December 13, 1830. His father, Isaac

Richland Counfy Genealogical Society Page 40 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

Richland County People Who Went to Kansas"Biographical Sketches" Kansas Collection Books

from William G. Cutler's "History or the State or Kansas'on Iine at http://www.ukans. edu/carrie/kancoll/books/cutler/

compiled by Mary Jane Henney

+ MRS. EUNICE GUNSAULLAS, the relict ofH. B. Gunsaullas, deceased, P. O. Barnesville. She is a native ofNewYork, and was married to him May 20. 1847, in Indiana, her maiden name being Harris. Mr. Gunsaullas was born November16, 1825, in Richland County, Ohio, and died in January, 1873. In boyhood, he was of a nature that devoted himself to avariety of trades, having a genius for all, probably following shoemaking the longest, and after their marriage was employedin a saw mill, and came to Kansas in 1859, the family staying at Barnesville, until he could arrange for their convenience onthe claim, locating in 1862, on Section 9, where he had 160 acres, until giving his son Levi eighty. During Mr. Gunsaullas'lifetime, he always took an active part in politics, representing several township offices, discharging the duties of such in asatisfactory manner. At his death, he left a family of five children--two sons, Frank, who runs the farm, and Levi, who ismarried; three daughters, Cornelia and Cordelia, who are teachers, having attended the Kansas Normal College, and Anna,who stays at home. [Bourbon County]

+ HUGH GUTHRIE, farmer, Section 34, Township 8, Range 15, P. O. South Cedar, was born in Richland County,Ohio, in 1835, and lived in his native State until 1842, when his parents removed to LaGrange County, Ind., where Mr.Guthrie lived until September 1, 1861, when he entered the Union army as a member ofCompany A, Twenty-ninth RegimentIndiana Volunteer Infantry, enlisting at Waterloo City, Ind., and was discharged at Bridgeport, Ala., December 5, 1863, re­enlisting the same day in the same company and regiment, and was finally discharged from the United States serviceDecember 2, 1865, at Marietta, Ga. He participated in the battles ofPittsburg Landing, Stone River, Liberty Gap, Chattanoogaand numerous minor engagements. After his discharge he returned to his home in Indiana, where he resided until the springof 1869, when he removed to Kansas, locating in Cedar Township, Jackson County, where he lived one year and thenremoved to his farm in Douglas Township, in the same county, where he has since resided. He was married in 1857, inIndiana, to Miss Susan Frederic, a native of Ohio. They have six children whose names are: Martha 1., Maria, Nancy E.,Isabel, Mary F. and Alice. Mr. Guthrie owns a fine upland farm of eighty acres. [Jackson County]

+ THOMAS HART, farmer and stock raiser, Section 17, Township 1, Range 17, P. O. Reserve, was born February24, 1826, in Richland County, Ohio, where, however, he resided but a short time his parents removing to Morgan County,Mo., where they resided two years and then removed to Andrew County, in the same State where Mr. Hart resided untilAugust 20, 1856, when he became a resident of Kansas, locating in Padonia Township, Brown County, where he has residedsince. He is a prominent and consistent member of the Christian Church. He is also a member of Hiawatha Lodge No. 35,A., F & A. M. He took part in the war of the Rebellion during the Price raid, as a member of Captain Laycock's company,Kansas Volunteer Militia, enlisting in the fall of 1864 in Padonia Township, serving a short time and being discharged atAtchison. He has been Treasurer of School District No. 33, Brown County, fifteen years. He was married in Andrew County,Mo., September 2, 1847, to Miss Nancy 1. Gillispie, a native of Kentucky. They have seven children living, William Henry,(married to Miss Lucinda Hanseberry, a native ofIowa,) Thomas 1., (married to Miss Hannah C. Drake, a native of Ohio,)Mary Jane, (married to R. M. Stewart, a native of Missouri,) Jackson, married to Miss Florence Brown, (a native ofMaryland,) Sarah E., (married to John M. Davis, a native of Kentucky,) Harvey W. and Perry. Mr. Hart owns a fine uplandfarm of520 acres. It is in a high state of cultivation, and is well supplied with water by means of springs, wells, Hart's Branchand Walnut Creek, which flows in a northerly direction through the farm. He is an old pioneer of Brown. [Brown County]

+ MARTIN HASS, farmer, P. O. Rossville, owns 60 acres on the northeast quarter of Section 15, and eighty acresin the northwest quarter, all under cultivation. In 1882 had thirty acres of com, thirty acres of wheat and twenty acres of ryeand oats. Came to Kansas in 1857, locating in Jackson County, near Holton, where he remained until 1877, farming. Enlistedin August, 1862, at Holton, Kas., in Company B, Eleventh Kansas. Was on the frontier in Arkansas and Colorado, as escortfor Government trains. Had a fight on the North Platte, about two hundred miles northwest of Laramie, with about 1,500Indians. Was mustered out in 1865 at Leavenworth. Returned to Holton. Was born in Richland County, Ohio, July 9, 1844.When about seven years old, moved to Tama County, Iowa, remaining there about six years and came to Kansas. Was marriedin 1869 in Jackson County to Miss Eliza E. Burnett. They have five children: Julia A., Ida May, Nora B., Robert H. and EvaEstella. Is a member of Dunkard or German Baptist Church at Osawkie. Is a Republican. [Shawnee County]

+ W. HITCHCOCK, coal dealer, was born in Richland County, Ohio, December 13, 1830. His father, Isaac

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Hitchcock, owned a large woolen mill. Until he attained his majoriry, he was engaged in farming and working in the woolenfactory. In 1851, Mr. H. removed to Lafayette, Ind., where he engaged in carpenter work unti l 1863, when he enlisted rnCompany l, Eleventh Indiana Cavalry. Was in the Hood-Nashville campaign and was afterward captured in Tennessee butsoon effected his escape. After the war closed he returned to Lafayette and resided there until 1867 when he moved toChampaign County, I l l . Came to Butler County, Kan., in 1870. Farmed until 1879, when he removed to Peabody. Wasmarried in 1856 at Lafayette, Ind., to Miss Hannah Freeman. Has three boys and four girls, the eldest being twenfy-six yearsold. Is Officer of the Day of G. A. R. [Marion Counry]

+ DANIEL HUMBARGER, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. New Cambria, Cambria Township, came to Saline Countyin the fall of 1857. His father took up some land, but the family were obliged to leave on account of Indian troubles, goingto Salina Block House erected for protection of pioneers of the then wildemess. The above gentleman assisted to erect it. Herecollects of ten persons being killed by the Indians. He spent most of his time on the plains of Kansas and Arkansas for fiveyears during the early troubles. Many times he was obliged to travel nights to get to places of safety from the Indians. Helocated on his present farm in the spring of I 865; took the land in I 863. He has followed farming and stock raising since. Heis located on Section 33, Township 13, Range 2 west, owning 200 acres of land, 150 of which is cultivated. Born in fuchlandCounty, Ohio, February 27,1840. He served as Second Lieutenant of Company B. State Volunteer Milit ia of Kansas, duringPrice's threatened raid and Indian troubles of 1864-65. Married in 1863 to Miss Annie Glersch, of Washington Counfy, Wis.They have five children - Peter, Solomon, Mary, Andrew and Leon. ISaline Counfy]

* PHILIP JOHN, farmer, Section 23, Township 20, Range 31, P. O. Parsons, came to Kansas, October, 1869, fromLouisa County, Iowa; he is a native of Richland County, Ohio, born in 1827 . He grew to manhood and received a commoneducation in his native county. In 1857, he married Miss Sarah Watts a native of the same counfy, she was born in 1834; rn1852, Mr. J. and wife settled in Michigan, and remained unti l 1855, then moved to Iowa; they have five children Sidney A.,Frank, Charlie, Elfie, and Bruce. In 1862, Mr. John enlisted in Company F. Nineteenth Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry,and served three years. He received injuries at the siege of Vicksburg, that caused him the loss of his left eye. He is a cabinetmaker, having worked at the business many years. ILabette County]

+ R. N. KING, merchant, was born in Richland County, Ohio, in 1842; learned the trade of hamess-maker in hisnative State and county, and in February, 1870, moved to Kansas, f irst settl ing in Brown County, and in July, 1870, movedto Marysville, where he has since resided. He in connection with Mr. Duigenan, established a business under the firm nameof Duigenan & King, in that year. In 1878 the firm was dissolved. Mr. King began to work for T. McCoy, unti l 1880, whenhe went into business again on his own account. Mr. King started with but little capital, but by economy and industry hasestablished a large trade, which annually pays him a handsome profit. He was married in 1864, to Miss Martha E. McAtee.They have fwo children -- Loyal, born July 9,1876, and Bertha, born June 18, 1879. [Marshall Co.]

+ DR. JAMES LEMON was born at Haysvil le, Ashland Co., Ohro, rn 184 L Moved with his parents to RrchlandCounty, Ohio, in 1852. His father was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1812, and his mother in Maryland in 182L His fatherdied in Richland County, Ohio, in 1857, and his mother died at the same place in 1859, leaving eight orphan children. TheDoctor was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University. Studied medicine with Dr. H. Buchan, of Miff l in, Ohio. Graduatedin the Regular School of Medicine, and enlisted in the Army as Hospital Steward of the Fifty-fourth Ohio Volunteer VeteranInfantry. Went on the Atlanta campaign and with Sherman to the sea. At the close of the war was located at Mansfield, Ohio,engaged in the practice of his profession. Was married to Anna Hil l of Mansfield, Ohio, who was born in 1840 in KloxCounty of the same State. The Doctor emigrated to Kansas in 1870, locating at Buffalo, Wilson County, where he engagedin the drug business and the practice of his profession. Moved to Charleston, Greenwood Counfy, in 1878, where he continuedhis practice and drug business until the building of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, when a new town was laid outand named Fall River, which was three miles from the town of Charleston. He moved his buildings to the new town, sold themand his stock of drugs, and located again in the town of Mound Valley, Labette Co., Kan., in 1880, where he has beenengaged in the practice of his profession and drug business up to the present time. The Doctor is an active member of theEclectic Medical Association of the State of Kansas. [Labette Co.]

* JACOB A. MARKLEY, P. O. Fourth Creek, was born April 30,1824, in Richland Counfy, Ohio; went from thereto Fulton County, lll., in 1834; engaged on farm and coal bank until 1850; thence to California for fwo years freighting;returned to Il l inois in 1852, and in 1860 went to Butler County, Iowa, farming and mill ing unti l 1869; came to MitchellCounty, Kan., where he has followed farming for the past six years. He rs engaged in raising broom corn, and has about 450acres this year, averaging about one ton to five acres. Married March 17, 1845, to Miss Almenia Stoubaugh. They have sevenchildren - Margaret, Elizabeth, Joseph, Almedia, Ruth, John and Lydia. Jacob is of the Masonic fraterniry. [Mitchell Co.]

- to be continued in our next issue -

Richland County Genealogical Sociery Page 41 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

Hitchcock, owned a large woolen mill. Until he attained his majority, he was engaged in farming and working in the woolenfactory. In 1851, Mr. H. removed to Lafayette, Ind., where he engaged in carpenter work until 1863, when he enlisted inCompany 1, Eleventh Indiana Cavalry. Was in the Hood-Nashville campaign and was afterward captured in Tennessee butsoon effected his escape. After the war closed he returned to Lafayette and resided there until 1867 when he moved toChampaign County, Ill. Came to Butler County, Kan., in 1870. Farmed until 1879, when he removed to Peabody. Wasmarried in 1856 at Lafayette, Ind., to Miss Hannah Freeman. Has three boys and four girls, the eldest being twenty-six yearsold. Is Officer of the Day ofG. A. R. [Marion County]

+ DANIEL HUMBARGER, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. New Cambria, Cambria Township, came to Saline Countyin the fall of 1857. His father took up some land, but the family were obliged to leave on account ofIndian troubles, goingto Salina Block House erected for protection of pioneers of the then wilderness. The above gentleman assisted to erect it. Herecollects often persons being killed by the Indians. He spent most of his time on the plains of Kansas and Arkansas for fiveyears during the early troubles. Many times he was obliged to travel nights to get to places of safety from the Indians. Helocated on his present farm in the spring of 1865; took the land in 1863. He has followed farming and stock raising since. Heis located on Section 33, Township 13, Range 2 west, owning 200 acres of land, 150 of which is cultivated. Born in RichlandCounty, Ohio, February 27, 1840. He served as Second Lieutenant of Company B. State Volunteer Militia of Kansas, duringPrice's threatened raid and Indian troubles of 1864-65. Married in 1863 to Miss Annie Giersch, ofWashington County, Wis.They have five children - Peter, Solomon, Mary, Andrew and Leon. [Saline County]

+ PHILIP JOHN, farmer, Section 23, Township 20, Range 31, P. O. Parsons, came to Kansas, October, 1869, fromLouisa County, Iowa; he is a native of Richland County, Ohio, born in 1827. He grew to manhood and received a commoneducation in his native county. In 1857, he married Miss Sarah Watts a native of the same county, she was born in 1834; in1852, Mr. 1. and wife settled in Michigan, and remained until 1855, then moved to Iowa; they have five children Sidney A.,Frank, Charlie, Elfie, and Bruce. In 1862, Mr. John enlisted in Company F. Nineteenth Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry,and served three years. He received injuries at the siege of Vicksburg, that caused him the loss of his left eye. He is a cabinetmaker, having worked at the business many years. [Labette County]

+ R. N. KING, merchant, was born in Richland County, Ohio, in 1842; learned the trade of harness-maker in hisnative State and county, and in February, 1870, moved to Kansas, first settling in Brown County, and in July, 1870, movedto Marysville, where he has since resided. He in connection with Mr. Duigenan, established a business under the firm nameof Duigenan & King, in that year. In 1878 the firm was dissolved. Mr. King began to work for T. McCoy, until 1880, whenhe went into business again on his own account. Mr. King started with but little capital, but by economy and industry hasestablished a large trade, which annually pays him a handsome profit. He was married in 1864, to Miss Martha E. McAtee.They have two children -- Loyal, born July 9, 1876, and Bertha, born June 18, 1879. [Marshall Co.]

+ DR. JAMES LEMON was born at Haysville, Ashland Co., Ohio, in 1841. Moved with his parents to RichlandCounty, Ohio, in 1852. His father was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1812, and his mother in Maryland in 1821. His fatherdied in Richland County, Ohio, in 1857, and his mother died at the same place in 1859, leaving eight orphan children. TheDoctor was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University. Studied medicine with Dr. H. Buchan, of Mifflin, Ohio. Graduatedin the Regular School of Medicine, and enlisted in the Army as Hospital Steward ofthe Fifty-fourth Ohio Volunteer VeteranInfantry. Went on the Atlanta campaign and with Sherman to the sea. At the close of the war was located at Mansfield, Ohio,engaged in the practice of his profession. Was married to Anna Hill of Mansfield, Ohio, who was born in 1840 in KnoxCounty of the same State. The Doctor emigrated to Kansas in 1870, locating at Buffalo, Wilson County, where he engagedin the drug business and the practice ofhis profession. Moved to Charleston, Greenwood County, in 1878, where he continuedhis practice and drug business until the building of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, when a new town was laid outand named Fall River, which was three miles from the town ofCharleston. He moved his buildings to the new town, sold themand his stock of drugs, and located again in the town of Mound Valley, Labette Co., Kan., in 1880, where he has beenengaged in the practice of his profession and drug business up to the present time. The Doctor is an active member of theEclectic Medical Association of the State of Kansas. [Labette Co.]

+ JACOB A. MARKLEY, P. O. Fourth Creek, was born April 30, 1824, in Richland County, Ohio; went from thereto Fulton County, Ill., in 1834; engaged on farm and coal bank until 1850; thence to California for two years freighting;returned to Illinois in 1852, and in 1860 went to Butler County, Iowa, farming and milling until 1869; came to MitchellCounty, Kan., where he has followed farming for the past six years. He is engaged in raising broom com, and has about 450acres this year, averaging about one ton to five acres. Married March 17, 1845, to Miss Almenia Stoubaugh. They have sevenchildren - Margaret, Elizabeth, Joseph, Almedia, Ruth, John and Lydia. Jacob is of the Masonic fraternity. [Mitchell Co.]

- to be continued in our next issue -

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 41 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

r87 6-1877 Bfuth s w i{, Mother' s Maiben NaneThe following births include the mother's maiden name. Although no year is given, the papers date them as between March

3 1 , 1 876 and March 3l , 18'77 . When no name is given for a child, or just initials are given, we have included the sex of thechild. Source: Mansfietd Herald, June 7, 1877, held by the Mansfield Public Library. This concludes this series.

Name of Child

Jefferson TownshipMary B. AdamsLil ly G. AllgiveGrace M. AndersonRosetta AdamsEli C. ArmstrongJane P. BeecklerMina Boll ingerE.L. CastatorElroy CassellHenry DeveblissMale DubinEdgar L. EvartsMinna EperlyJulia R. FisherClide S. FlahartyVerda May FryW.L. GaddisBenj. A. GattenEddy HardestyOrin HollandWardy HerronFlecta JohnsF.M. Kil lenbeck (0Delbert LongClay. McKenneyWalter N. MooreGracy MowryWm T. McClurgGeo. B. NicholsJennie OberlinChas. V. D. RunnerFemale StoferWm E. StoneFemale ShaferC.L. SevernsEdgar A. StumpHarvey StuffN. B. ShafferNatta O. ShafferOlive M. SweetDennison SwonkS.J. Tilden SwonkEdith V. TinkeyG.L.M. WeaverJ.F. Winemiller

Weller TownshipHenry WolfEffa Ray FickP. Callen (f)

Mother 's Name

Anna E. SmithAnna BowersMary E. LickSarah E. HottDora T. OysterSusan FryEliz. ArmstrongElizabeth RussellMelvina RussellMary KanagaMary E. TeeterElla C. RidenourMattie AntekinB.A. EistonSarah ReederEliz. HetrickEmily NewlonMartha StaffordMinnie J. TeeterEve EvansMary D. TiddMary HollandMalin. RodeckerSarah E. HissongAmerica GregRuth NewlonMargaret ColeNancy HissongLizzy RombsEmma SpaydeSusan J. CopeMarg. SwonkMinerva PatrickH.W. AlexanderJulia LefeverJosephine CravenA. BakerCharlotte PhilAlbina FilesA.E. EversLucin. HartmanLeah C. LongMarg. MartinSarah Boll ingerD. Loupp

D. MyersC. NoakerE. Rearick

Name of Child Born

B.B. Reading (f) MayS.A. Haverfield (m) DecL. Hagerman (l) SepFlor. Alexander MarS. Houston (m) OctJ.M. Pittenger (m) MayB.W. Hughes (m) SepB. Bums (m) DecC.L. Linn (f) AprHattie Wharton Jul

Bloomingrove TownshipH. Aladorf (m)E. Bums (f)S. Burns (m)C. Crosier (m)E. Chew (f)O.D. Chew (m)


O. Dickerson (m) NovJ. Fenell (f) NovL.S. Ferguson (m) Jun

Mother's Name

L. SattigaberM. WolfordN. MoltonT. TermanJ. CrabbsSarah MorganA. WardM. WhislerM.A. ClinganS.J. Ward

M. GaterC. ShafferL. ZeiglerE. ShampA. CharlesA. FenellM. FinkeS. StoberM.C. HiseyN. SmithC. ValentineH. SwangerS. NeelyE. SonanstineA. ZowersL.C. CatonS. RoseberryA. HarveyJ. RunyanM. SmithE. LoweryM. WilsonE. Wolff

S.J. FinicleM. KisselH. OrewilerH. OrewilerA. DoupM. RalstonM.E. GaterE.A. GreggM.J. BounlerR. RalstongR. HeysorM. HarnleyA. CutlerC. BaughmanS. Hetrick




Female Valentine Sep

R.C. Lybarger (m) Apr

J. Huston (t)C. Hunter (m)Z. Kester (f)

Z. Mi tchel l ( f )H. Mi l ler (m)L. Mi tchel l ( f )J . Powel l ( f )M.S. Snapp (m)Male SonanstineA. Vanhom (0

C. Wilson (m)A. Wolford (m)

Franklin TownshipL. Roush (m)J. Swisher (m)J. Bloom (m)E. Bloom (f)C.E. Keller (m)C. Doup (f)R. Geisinger (f)L.M. Young (f)E.B. Taylor (m)A.B. Shade (f)Wm LoroMale McMeehinW.V. Holtz (M)J.B. Hoffman (f)G.O. Myers (m)





Richland County Genealogical Society Page 42 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

1876-1877 Births With Mother's Mai~en NameThe following births include the mother's maiden name. Although no year is given, the papers date them as between March31, 1876 and March 31, 1877. When no name is given for a child, or just initials are given, we have included the sex of thechild. Source: Mansfield Herald, June 7, 1877, held by the Mansfield Public Library. This concludes this series.

Name of Child Born Mother's Name Name of Child Born Mother's Name

Jefferson Township B.B. Reading (f) May L. Sattigaber

Mary B. Adams Apr Anna E. Smith SA Haverfield (m) Dec M. Wolford

Lilly G. Allgive Sep Anna Bowers L. Hagerman (f) Sep N. Molton

Grace M. Anderson Feb Mary E. Lick Flor. Alexander Mar T. Terman

Rosetta Adams May Sarah E. Hott S. Houston (m) Oct 1. Crabbs

Eli e. Armstrong Jan Dora T. Oyster 1.M. Pittenger (m) May Sarah Morgan

Jane P. Beeckler Sep Susan Fry B.W. Hughes (m) Sep A. Ward

Mina Bollinger Jan Eliz. Armstrong B. Bums (m) Dec M. Whisler

E.L. Castator Sep Elizabeth Russell e.L. Linn (t) Apr M.A. Clingan

Elroy Cassell Jan Melvina Russell Hattie Wharton Jul SJ. Ward

Henry Devebliss Aug Mary Kanaga Bloomingrove TownshipMale Dubin Mar Mary E. Teeter H. Aladorf (m) Nov M. GaterEdgar L. Evarts Mar Ella e. Ridenour E. Bums (f) Dec e. ShafferMinna Eperly Mar Mattie Antekin S. Bums (m) Apr L. ZeiglerJulia R. Fisher May B.A. Eiston e. Crosier (m) Aug E. ShampClide S. Flaharty Dec Sarah Reeder E. Chew (f) Oct A. CharlesVerda May Fry Sep Eliz. Hetrick O.D. Chew (m) Dec A. FerrellW.L. Gaddis Aug Emily Newlon O. Dickerson (m) Nov M. FinkeBenj. A. Gatten Aug Martha Stafford J. Ferrell (f) Nov S. StoberEddy Hardesty Jun Minnie 1. Teeter L.S. Ferguson (m) Jun M.e. HiseyOrin Holland Feb Eve Evans 1. Huston (f) Mar N. SmithWardy Herron Oct Mary D. Tidd e. Hunter (m) Jun e. ValentineFlecta Johns Nov Mary Holland Z. Kester (f) Sep H. SwangerF.M. Killenbeck (f) Jan Malin. Rodecker R.e. Lybarger (m) Apr S. NeelyDelbert Long Jun Sarah E. Hissong Z. Mitchell (f) Mar E. SonanstineClay. McKenney Feb America Greg H. Miller (m) Mar A. ZowersWalter N. Moore Apr Ruth Newlon L. Mitchell (f) Mar L.e. CatonGracy Mowry Jul Margaret Cole 1. Powell (f) Aug S. RoseberryWm T. McClurg May Nancy Hissong M.S. Snapp (m) Dec A. HarveyGeo. B. Nichols Jun Lizzy Rombs Male Sonanstine Jul 1. RunyanJennie Oberlin May Emma Spayde A. Vanhorn (f) Jun M. SmithChas. V. D. Runner Oct Susan J. Cope Female Valentine Sep E. LoweryFemale Stofer Feb Marg. Swonk e. Wilson (m) Jan M. WilsonWm E. Stone Apr Minerva Patrick A. Wolford (m) Jun E. WolffFemale Shafer Nov H.W. Alexander

Franklin Townshipe.L. Severns Jul Julia Lefever

L. Roush (m) Mar SJ. Finic1eEdgar A. Stump Aug Josephine ~raven

1. Swisher (m) May M. KisselHarvey Stuff Jun A. Baker

1. Bloom (m) Oct H.OrewilerN. B. Shaffer Dec Charlotte Phil

E. Bloom (f) Oct H.OrewilerNatta O. Shaffer Sep Albina Files

e.E. Keller (m) Apr A. DoupOlive M. Sweet Dec A.E. Evers

e. Doup (f) Apr M. RalstonDennison Swonk Sep Lucin. Hartman

R. Geisinger (f) Sep M.E. GaterSJ. Tilden Swonk Jun Leah e. Long

L.M. Young (f) Sep EA GreggEdith V. Tinkey May Marg. Martin

E.B. Taylor (m) Jan MJ. BounlerG.L.M. Weaver Jan Sarah Bollinger

A.B. Shade (f) Nov R. Ralstong1.F. Winemiller May D. Loupp

Wm Loro Oct R. HeysorWeller Township Male McMeehin Sep M. HamleyHenry Wolf Apr D. Myers W.V. Holtz (M) Feb A. CutlerEffa Ray Fick Sep e. Noaker J.B. Hoffman (f) Jul e. BaughmanP. Callen (f) Feb E. Rearick G.O. Myers (m) Mar S. Hetrick

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 42 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999


As part of the celebration of Ohio's Bicentennial, The Ohio Genealogical Society has begun col lect ing " lost and found"

cemeteries. Those are cemeteries that were not included tn Ohio Cemeteries, published in 1978, or Ohio Cemeteries

Addendum, published in 1990. Lol i ta Guthrie is the OGS Cemetery Committee Chair. Local ly, Sunda Peters and Nancy

Hidinger are chairs for the project.

W e a r e s e e k i n g y o u r h e l p . P l e a s e r e a d o v e r t h e l i s t o f R i c h l a n d C c u n t y C e m e t e r i e s a n d c h e c k t h e m a g a i n s t t h e d a t a i n y o u rmemory bank. Have you seen or do you have knowledge of any cemetery that is not l isted here'/ I f so, we want you to

contact us with that information so we can include i t in the statewide book to be published before 2003 and in our local project

of rereading cemeteries and publishing them by township.

Several people are actively involved in computerizing the information we already have and in visi t ing the cemeteries we have

entered and making additrons and corrections to the input. It is a tinre consuming prolect and will not be completed quickly.

I f you can spare some t ime this sunlmer, fal l , winter, or spring (or in the next three years) we'd l ike to hear from you. Call

Sunda at 524-0924 or e-mail Sunda(a)

Blooming Grove Township: Frankl in Township:l-vangelical German Reform--CR76 (Ronrc South Rd.).1ust Bloom Farm--SR96 & SR l3s . o fSR603

Bushe l 'o r L igh t o r B ly Farm+-- 2 mi .n o f SR96, . - l m i . w o fGanges*--( iR(r I (Shclby Gan-rtcs Rd)1ust w, of CR76'l CR7(r (Rome-Creenwich Rd)(Cangcs 5 Points Rd)

Church o f Bre thren or Dunkard* - -s o f CR2l2 (L inn Rd. ) ,Presbyterian*-- w. of CR7(r & n of SR(r03, ncar Romc w of CR2-14' l (Anroy Rd)

Shenandoah--rv. of SRll & s of SR603 Clay' l \ lemorial Lutheran*--s side of CR90 (Amoy E. Rd) atTR20( r (R ' l ) (Baucr Rd)

Unnamed- -w. s idc CR76 (Rome-Greenwich Rd) Opp. CR8 '1(Adar io Wcst Rd) , l /4 mi . n o f SR(r03 . German Bapt is t - -CR90 (Amoy E. Rd) & TR 233 (Amoy-

Ganges Rd. )

Butler ' I 'ownship:

Adar io - - -CR77 (Ol ivcsburg-F i tchv i l l c Rd) CR84 (Adar io ) Harmony - Kuhn 's Farm*- -s s ide o f CR200 (Tay lo r townRd) , . .1 mi . c o f 'CR 233 (TR ' l ) (Amoy-Gangcs Rd. )

Bechte l - -cREl (Nob le Rd) & TR24 I (Gar ro iv Rd) r . inn - wh is rer * - - .2 mi . n o f t 'R2- r2 (L inn Rd) & .5 mr . w o f

B looming Grove - Church o f God*- - .3 mi . s o f CR8l SR l7E(Nob le Rd) & w o f SRl3

p leasant va i ley Bapt is t - -e s ide o f SRl3 , . l m i . n o f cR259

El l i s - Fou lks- -cR77 (o l iVcsbure-F i tchv i l l c Rd ) & ' fRE5 (F ive Po in ts E . Rd)(Nc lson Rd)

Dr .S toh l o r S tahr (S tu t ) - -750 f t n f rom SR96 & .3 mi w o f

Kirchbaum, Peter Farm--CRE3 (Crum Rd) & T'R250 CR207 (Cangcs -- Five Points Rd)(Adario North Rd)

Zeiter(s)--On side TR90 (Shccts Rd) w of TR l3-A (Hoff Rd)

Fou lksor E l le ror K i rk Farm - -n o f ' IR85 and w o fCR77 & rv o f SRl3 on Mansf ic ld A i rpor t p rop .(nc corncr TR242 ( Adario Rd ) & TR 85 ( Nclson Rd) I Note: Omittcd Ockcr Farm namc.Ockcr Farm Zeiter

S\ \ ' l i 4 S28 T22 R l8 SRl3 & CR90 (R ich land Sha lc Rd) May

cass Township: bc thc samc as Zcitcrs ccm.

Bodley - Adams or Dix*--* ' of CR2l5 (Bowman St. Rd) & sof CR59 (Hazel Brush Rd) Jackson Township:

London - S t . Pe ter ' s * - -se cor CR57 (Smi ley Ave E. ) &

Haze l Brush - - (Samc as above '? ) CRl9 l (P lymouth-Spr ingmi l l Rd) .

Mt. Hope/Lutheran/l \ lcBride/Shiloh--w of CR70 (Shiloh- Hoffman/Huffman--s of CR20l(TR'l) (Myers Rd) &.3 mi. c

Norwalk Rd) at CRSl/178' l (Noble Rd). of SR39; moved to rear Mt. Bethel

O ld Sa lem Lutheran- -5 mi . e o f Sh i loh , 23 f t . n o f Land is - - .1 mi . n o f CR57 & .3 mi . w o f CRl9 l o r w o f CRl9

CRSl (Nob le Rd) & 30_f t . w o f CR72 (P lank town N Rd) (P lymouth-Spr ingmi l l ) ' / zmi . n o f SR96.

planktown--200 ft . s of SR603 &.lmi. c of SRl78 MSC Center- At formcr Cath, Seminary s side SR 39

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 43 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999


As part of the celebration of Ohio's Bicentennial, The Ohio Genealogical Society has begun collecting "lost and found"cemeteries. Those are cemeteries that were not included in Ohio Cemeteries, published in 1978, or Ohio CemeteriesAddendum. published in 1990. Lolita Guthrie is the OGS Cemetery Committee Chair. Locally, Sunda Peters and NancyHidinger are chairs for the project.

We are seeking your help. Please read over the list of Richland County Cemeteries and check them against the data in yourmemory bank. Have you seen or do you have knowledge of any cemetery that is not listed here'? If so, we want you tocontact us with that information so we can include it in the statewide book to be published before 2003 and in our local projectof rereading cemeteries and publishing them by township.

Several people are actively involved in computerizing the information we already have and in visiting the cemeteries we haveentered and making additions and corrections to the input. It is a time consuming project and will not be completed quickly.If you can spare some time this summer, fall, winter, or spring (or in the next three years) we'd like to hear from you. CallSunda at 524-0924 or e-mail Sunda(

Blooming Grove Township:Evangelical German Reform--CR76 (Rome South Rd.)Justs.ofSR603

Ganges*--CR61 (Shelby G~nges Rd) Just w. of CR76')(Ganges 5 POInts Rd)

Presbyterian*-- w. ofCR76 & n ofSR603, ncar Rome

Shenandoah--w. of SR 13 & s of SR603

Vnnamed--w. side CR76 (Rome-Greenwich Rd) Opp. CR84(Adario West Rd), 1/4 mL n. ofSR603

Butler Township:Adario---CR77 (Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd) CRS4 (Adano)

Bechtel--CR81 (Noble Rd) & TR241 (Garrow Rd)

Blooming Grove - Church of God*--.3 mi. s of CR81(Noble Rd) & w of SR 13

Ellis - Foulks--CR77 (Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd) & TR85(Nelson Rd)

Kirchbaum, Peter Farm--CR83 (Crum Rd) & TR250(Adario North Rd)

Foulks or Eller or Kirk Farm --n of TR85 and w of CR77(ne corner TR242 (Adario Rd) & TR85 (Nelson Rd)

Cass Township:Bodley - Adams or Dix*--w of CR215 (Bowman SI. Rd) & sof CR59 (Hazel Brush Rd)

Hazel Brush --(Same as above")

Mt. Hope/Lutheran/McBride/Shiloh--w ofCR70 (Shiloh­Norwalk Rd) at CRS I/l78'7 (Noble Rd).

Old Salem Lutheran--5 mi. e of Shiloh, 23 ft. n ofCR81(Noble Rd) & 30Jt. w ofCR72 (Planktown N Rd)

Planktown--200 fl. s of SR603 &.3mi. e of SR 178

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 43

Franklin Township:Bloom Farm--SR96 & SR 13

Bushey or Light or Bly Farm*--2 mLn of SR96,3 mi. wofCR76 (Rome-Greenwich Rd)

Church of Brethren or Dunkard*--s ofCR232 (Linn Rd.),w ofCR234'1 (Amoy Rd)

Clay Memorial Lutheran*--s side of CR90 (Amoy E. Rd) atTR206 (R'i) (Bauer Rd)

German Baptist--CR90 (Amoy E. Rd) & TR 233 (Amoy­Ganges Rd.)

Harmony - Kuhn's Farm*--s side ofCR200 (TaylortownRd), .4 mi col' CR 233 (TR'I) (Amoy-Ganges Rd.)

Linn - Whisler*--.2 mi n ofCR232 (Linn Rd) &.5 mi. wofSRI78

Pleasant Valley Baptist--e side of SR 13, .1 mi. n of CR259(Five Points E Rd)

Dr.Stohl or Stahl (Stull)--750 ft n from SR96 & .3 mi wofCR207 (Ganges -- Five Points Rd)

Zeiter(s)--On side TR90 (Sheets Rd) w ofTR 13-A (HoffRd)& w of SR 13 on Mansfield Airport prop.1Note: Omitted Ocker Farm name. Ocker Farm - ZeiterSWI/4 S2S T22 RI8 SRI3 & CR90 (Richland Shale Rd) Maybe the same as Zeiters Cem.

Jackson Township:London - St. Peter's *--se cor CR57 (Smiley Ave E.) &CRI91 (Plymouth-Springmill Rd).

Hoffman/Huffman--s of CR20 I(TR'I) (Myers Rd) & .3 mi. eof SR39; moved to rear Mt. Bethel

Landis--.I mi. n of CR57 & .3 mi. w of CR 191 QI w of CR 19(Plymouth-Springmill) y, mi. n of SR96.

MSC Center- At former Cath, Seminary s side SR 39

Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

between Mansfield & Shelby. Now Abraxis. Mansfield Cathol ic -See Mansfield City Cemetery

Mt. Bethel*--TR20l (Myers Rd) & .3 mi. w of CRl9l, e of l \ lansfield, Old--Two early burial si tes, one at First &SR39 Mulberry, other at First & Adams. Moved to Mansfield City

Ccm. in 1E48.Roush Fami ly - - 4 mi . s o f TRl99 (Mi tchncr Rd) & .3 mt tvo f CR2 15 (Bowman Rd) Na i l Farm or C l ine- - .3 mi . c o f CR2 15 (Bowman Rd) & .2

mi. n of TR20,l or TR270' l (Carrns Rd)

Jefferson Township:Aungstior Evangelical Luth.--665 ft . s of CR3 I Ohio State Reformatory'--SR5'15 n of LJSI0 &.2 mi. c of( B c l l v r l l e J o h n s v i l l c R d ) & 1 5 0 0 f t $ ' o f T R I I T ( R c n i c R d ) S R I - 1 & 2 m i n T ' R 2 0 9

& n o f TRl lTw. May ha" 'c bccn ca l l cd HcngstOld--Lantz--.(r mi. e of TR275 & 195 ft . n of TR270

Bainbr idge- pa in te r ( ,s ) - -24 f t . s o f cR 218 &24f i . e o f cR275; (cor

Be l lv i l le * - -A long SR97 on rhc rv s idc o f Bc l l v i l l c , & - t n r i . g ' C i racc & F i f th in Mansf ic ld )

o f S R l S .I l i f f l i n ' f onnsh i

l ze r lCon lev /Lu theran- . - . l m i . s o f 'CR405 & 100 f t . * o1 ' Brubaker o r Koh ler+- - ' l 'R28E (Borvcn Rd) n o f CR92

CR I 16 . May havc bccn ca l l cd P lcasant o r F ishcr .Grovc Lu theran* - -CRl l ( r (Ankncy torvn Rd)s o f CR. l05(Bangorv i l l c E Rd)

Evar ts* - -SRl - l & 1 'R4 l ( r (Bo l l ingcr Rd) - o tTroadF lnrnranue l \ \ ' a l lace* - - rv o f TR. l l7 (Wal lacc Rd) lus t s o f

G a r b e r - O 1 ' s t e r * - - l i l 0 m i . n o f C R , l 0 5 ( l ] a n g o r r i l l c L R d t ( ' l t l 3 5 ( N l t Z i o n R d ) : 7 7 A c r c s ; l 8 T l A t l a s s h o r v s 2 c c n r .& r ,1 r mi . c o t 'SR l - l

l l ou t Farnr - - l ]e t r rccn [ ]S- l0N & IR9 l ( ( ' r r t j ' r r l l d ) . rv o1-Garber o r Yarger 1 \ ' cagcr )+- -TRl95 & . l n r r u . o f SR95 I 'R2 l i9 (Rc t -d Rd)

J a m e s A u n g s t N l o n u m e n t - - 6 n , i - : . l i l l 6 ( A n k n o . ' t o * n K o o g l c * - - . 1 - 1 n r i c o f C R 2 9 I ( K o o g l c R d ) , & . 2 n r i . n o f '

R d ) & 5 0 0 l t . n o f 1 ' R 4 0 2 ( l l o n $ i i , i ) sR-1.10

l , o c k h a r t - - 1 5 4 f t s o f S R 9 7 & l c - s s t h l n I i n i c o l ' f R l . l 5 N i s s l o ' F a r m - - * o f T R 2 9 7 ( l \ l c B r i d c ) & s o f S R , l - 1 0(Cat ton Rocks Rd)

Pct i t /Pc t t i t * - -c o f CR4l5 (Ford Rd) & s o f tJS l0

\ \ ' i ndsor (Park ) o r \ \ ' oodhouse* - -CR I48 ' l (Windsor Rd) &Rl?0 ' . ) ( [ j l cn t inu [ ' l l l s Rd 1

\ Ionroe ' I 'o * 'nsh ip :Bve rs - Shambaugh * - - ' l 'R l ( r ( lV Io* c ry Rd) &

' f R95 (Fron tz

Rob inson Farm*- - l m i . n o f SR97 & 1mr u o f 'T 'R-14- l

Rd) : I Acrc( R u l e R d )

Copus N lonument - -Ash land Co ' . )

( ' roneis Lutheran - l \ I t . Ol ive+--AI Worthrngton 1'rvp. l inc,c s idc o f TR3- l ( r ( ' fucker Rd) & % mi . n CRl20 (Possum RunR d )

Y o u n g F a r m - - e o f S R I - l o p p T R 4 l 7 ( l \ l i s h c R d ) M a y b c D i c k c s - - C R 9 ( r ( L u c a s P c r r y s v i l l e R d ) o f f S R - l g , c o f L u c a ssamc as Garber Yarger.

Fu l ton- -Ne* 'cenrc tc ry in Scptc rnbcr 1998 a t thc top o fa h i l lon the Merle Fulton. Sr. farm.

l\ lengert--TR4-10 bctwccn CR30-l & CR302 Ll, t l rrcl

Duffy Farm/Yearl ing--TR270 (Flcming Fal ls Rd) & TR277 I last ings Presbl ' ter ian - Union*--20 ft . s of TR33l(Hatharvay Rd) & 3 mi. w of TR336 (Tucker Rd)

l.O.O.F.*--TR400 (Cemetery Rd) off CR300 (Mansfield-Lucas Rd)

Let te r - -CRl59 (Han ley Rd) n o f TRl39 (Ber ry Rd)

t C r i d c r R d )

Dunkard or P leasant Grove* - -e s ide o fTR289 (Rccd Rd) &-1 nr i . s o l ' ( R9 l

' l ' i nkev or Lu theran- - ' l 'R .1 (X) ( t ) i l l )& J rn r c o1 'SR() l

M idd lcbun ' Ba ldw in - -SR l . l & ( 'R . l I E (Snr r th I td tNotc : ac tua l l y in Knox ( 'oun ty on s s idc SR [ 'o . l - rnc Rd. f '( l - c c d v R d ) I n r i . r v o f S R l . l .

Sa lem - [ -u thcran- -C 'R- .1 I (8c ] l v r l l c Johnsr i l l c Rd) ncarTR348 (R i t tc r Rd)

Yanger Farm--CR I l7 (Ren ie Rd) & TR. l l7 (Ross)

1\{adison Township:Beer or Lantz-- 0 ft. nc of SR-]9. c of Stcu'art Rd & rv ofTR286 (Hickory Lanc)

First Congregational Church '- Corncr of Marion andStreets. Columbarium

Mansfield City --Chestnut & Altamont, e of S. Main.

Richland Counry Genealogical Society Page 44 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

between Mansfield & Shelby. Now Abraxis.

Mt. Bethel*--TR201 (Myers Rd) &.3 mi. w ofCR191, e ofSR39

Roush Family--A mi. s ofTR 199 (Mitchner Rd) & .3 mi wofCR215 (Bowman Rd)

Jefferson Township:Aungst*or Evangelical Luth.--665 ft. sol' CR31(Bellville-Johnsville Rd) & 1500 ft. w of TR 117 (Renie Rd)& n of TR 117w. May have been called Hengst


Bellville*--Along SR97 on the w side of Bellville, & .3 1111 wofSR13.

Izer/Conley/Lutheran-.3 1111 sol' CR405 & 100 ft. wofCR 116. May have been called Pleasant or Fisher.Grove Lutheran*--CR 116 (Ankneytown Rd) s of CR405(Bangorville E Rd)

Evarts* --SR 13 & TR416 (Bollmger Rd) - off road

Garber-Oyster*--I/IO 1111 n ofCR405 (Bangomlle E Rd)& '/,1111 col' SR 13

Garber or Yarger (Yeager)*--TRY)) & .\ 1111 w of SR '))

James Aungst Monument--() '" 1< 116 (AnkneytownRd) & 500 fL n of TR402 (I!onn kd \.

Lockhart--154 ft. s ofSR'J7 & less than i III I e ofTR345(Gatton Rocks Rd)

Tinke~' or Lutheran--TR400 (Dill) &.4 Illi e ofSR'J7

Middlebury - B:lhJwin--SR 1.\ & CR41 S (Sl11lth Rd)Note actually m Knox County on s side SR Co. Ime Rd. f'(Ieedv Rd) 1 l11i. w of SR 13.

Robinson Farm*--.I l11i. n of SR97 &.\ 1111 w ofTR344(Rule Rd)

Salem - Lutheran--CR31 (Bellville Johns\llle Rd) ncarTR348 (Rilter Rd)

Yanger Farm--CR 117 (Renle Rd) & TR417 (Ross)

Young Farm--e of SR 13 opp TR417 ("Iishe Rd) May besame as Garber- Yarger.

Madison Township:Beer or Lantz--40 ft. ne of SR39, e of Stewart Rd & w ofTR286 (Hickory Lane)

Duffy Farm/Yearling--TR27U (Flel11ing Falls Rd) & TR277

First Congregational Church .- Corner of Marion andStreets. Columbarium

Mansfield City --Chestnut & Altamont, e of S. Mam.

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 44

Mansfield Catholic -See Mansfield City Cemetery

Mansfield, Old--Two early bUrial sites, one at First &Mulberry, other at First & Adams. Moved to Mansfield CityCern. in 1848.

Nail Farm or Cline--.3 ml. e of CR215 (Bowman Rd) & .2ml. n of TR203 or TR270? (Calms Rd)

Ohio State Reformatory--SR545 n of US30 & .2 mi. e ofSR 13 &2 mi n TR209

Old--Lantz--6 mi. e of TR275 & 195 ft n ofTR270

Painter('s)--24 ft. s ofCR 278 & 24 ft. e ofCR275: (cor(jraee & Fifth m Mansfield)

:\lifflin TownshipBrubaker or Kohler*--TR2SS (Bowen Rd) n ofCR92(Crider Rd)

Dunkard or Pleasant Grove*--e side ofTR2S9 (Reed Rd) &4 Illi. s ofCR92

Emmanuel- Wallace*--w ofTR437 (Wallace Rd) Just s of('R2S5 (Mt. Lion Rd): 77 Acres: IS73 Atlas shows 2 cern.

Hout Farrn--Bet\veen lJS30!'i & TR92 (ellder Rd), w ofTR2S') (Reed Rd)

Koogle*--.24 ml e ofCR291 (Koogle Rd), &.2 l11i. n ofSR430

l'iissley Farm--w ofTR2'J7 (MeBllde) & s ofSR430

Petit/Pettit*--e ofCR425 (Ford Rd) & s ofUS30

Windsor (Park) or Woodhouse*--CR 14S') (Windsor Rd) &R270') (Flellling Falls Rd)

\]onroc Township:Byers - Shambaugh*--TR 16 (Mowery Rd) & TR95 (Fro'll!Rd): I Aere:

Copus 1\1onument--Ashland Co')

('roneis Lutheran - '\It, Olive*--At WorthIngton Twp. line,e side of TR336 (Tucker Rd) & /2 mi. n CR320 (Possum RunRd)

Dlckes--CR% (Lucas Perrysville Rd) off SR39, e of Lucas

Fulton--New cemetery In September 1998 at the top of a hillon the Merle Fulton, Sr. fann.

Mengert--TR430 between CR303 & CR302 Extillct

Hastings Presbyterian - Union*--2U ft. s ofTR331(Hathaway Rd) & J mi w ofTR336 (Tucker Rd)

I.O.O.F*--TR400 (Cemetery Rd) off CR300 (Mansfield­Lucas Rd)

Letter--CR359 (Hanley Rd) n ofTR 139 (Berry Rd)

Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

McCaron Farm*--Near CR302 (Hastings-Newvil le Rd) &TR336 (Tucker Rd)

McDanie l - -2 mi . e o f SR603 &.4 mi . s o f TR366

Moffet Farm--W of CR330 (Moffen Rd) & e of CR336(Tucker Rd)

Mt . Z ion Lu theran* - -CR285 (Mt . Z ion) & TR358 (K l ing)

Pinhook--CR96 (Lucas-Perrysvi l le Rd) & TR98 (CladdenRd)

Pleasant Val ley - Lutheran*-- l2 f t . n CR303 (PlcasantValley Rd) & w of TR363 (Stout Rd)

Rebman--CR96 (Lucas-Perrysvi l lc Rd) & TR36l (Stout Rd)

St . John Lu theran* - -24 f t . s o f SR95 ( I .7 mi . e o f SR603)&TR367 (Covert Rd)

Schrack or Mt. Olivet--.2 mi. s of CR303 (Pleasant Val leyRd) w of SR603 and . l mi. c of TR436 on Malabar Farm StatcPark property

Smart/Hoop/Lutheran/Wil l iams*--e side TR357 (LucasNorth Rd) % mi. s of TR354 (Ken Rd) & % mr. n of Lucas

Wil l iams--W cdgc of 54 & 59 on c sidc of ' fR357 (Lucas

North Rd). Same as Smart'!

Yeager--s side CR359 (Hanley Rd) between TR360 (PulverRd) and TRl39 (Beny Rd)

Perrv Township:Bowser* or Bowers--% mi. c of SR54(r & 120 ft . n of CR32(Mock Rd)

Gano/Center/ Lydia*--21 ft .e of TR2 (Wirick Rd) & l8 f t . sof CR28 (Woodberry Rd)

Cu lpShafer * - - . I m i . c o f TRl20 /2 (B lack Rd) & .8 mi . s o fCR 124 (or TR?) (James Rd)

Dar l ing ton* - - .5 mi . w o f CRl2 on CR27 (Dar l ing ton Eas tRd)

I l iskey-Riblet--.4 mi. w of SR546 & I l5 f t . s of CR3 I(Be l l v i l le - - Johnsv i l le Rd)

Pleasant Grove or Evangelical*--e of SR546 & s of TR I 2E(Coursen Rd); bchind church

Wal te rs - - .2 mi . s o f CRl27 (S tee le Rd) & .4 mi . w o f CR129(Clever Rd)

Plvmouth Township:Gipson--SR598

Greenlawn-Plymouth--SR9E in Plymouth, near TR 189 atHuron Co. border

Mt. Pleasant*--s of TR62 (Dinigcr Rd) c of SR6 I ; I Acre;Shelby

Opdyke*--s of TRl90 (Opdyke Rd) &.4 mi e of SR6l

Pioneer Rest*--Plymouth-Springmil l Rd & SR6l, just s ofPlymouth; SR98?/CR! l?

Trauger* - -W s ide o f TR67 (Fenner Rd) 1 .75 mi . s o f CRI I& s of Huron Co. l ine, n of TR65 (West Rd)

Tyson (Farm)- - .25 mi . n o f SR 178 and .6 mi e o f SR6l

Sanduskv Township:Crestl ine Greenlawn--SRl 8 I , so of RR

Frye's--e of CR207, .2 mi. s of US30N

Kuhn Farm--SR30S & CR I 75 (Homing Rd)

Red Squirrel* --27 ft . w of TR45 (Lohr Rd) & . l mi s ofCR48 (Mi l l sboro West Rd)

St . Joseph*- -on s s idc SR30N, e o f SRl8 l , Cres t l ine .Cathol ic

Sharon Township:Bethlehem --Sacred Heart or Shelbv Settlement--SR6 | atTR54 (Wirtz Rd)

Campbell--Rogers--SR6l w of SRI l4 Vacated

Col tman- -TRl68 (S t iv ing Rd) n o f CR20 l (Myers)

Molder o r Bamble- -60 f t . s o f SR6l & .1 mi . w o f SR3 l4 ;Abandoned. House now ( I 94 I ) on this site.

German Reform/Sch wa rtzlN azor*--e of TR I 7 I (CR?)(Hummel Rd) & s of CR | 70 (Sett lement E)

Meyer's or Myers--n of SR39 & w of CR I 83 (TR I 83?)(Davis Rd)

Shelby-Oakland--w of SR6l s of Shelby & s of SR544

Shelby Cathol ic/St. Mary's Cathol ic SR6l s of Shelby & swof .SR96

Old Shelby--.4 mi. n of SR6 I & .2 mi. c of SR96 in Shelby{High School Ave., G.A.F. Factory site.} Bodies and recordsat Oakland Ccmetcry

Sprinefield Township:Bar r - -3 .4 mi . w o f SRl3 , I000 f t . w o f Home Rd, .7 mi . e o fCRl33 & 150 f t . n o f SR309 (o r .3 mi . n o f US30) in v i l lageof Ontario. "Ilonlenfrst lane left."

B i tner - -1037 f t . e TR45 (Lohr Rd) & 1250 f t . n CR48(Mi l l sboro Rd)

B'Nai - B'r i th*--U530S e of CRl44 (Shelby-Ont.)

Kleinfein--CR48 & TR42 Directions not clear.

Springmil l or Leppo+--n of SR39 near TR434 (Neff)

Mansl ield Mem. Park-SR309 & TRl59 (Chambers)

Richland Counfy Genealogical Societl Page 45 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

McCaron Farm*--Near CR302 (Hastings-Newville Rd) &TR336 (Tucker Rd)

McDaniel--2 mi. e of SR603 & .4 mi. s of TR366

Moffet Farm--W ofCR330 (Moffett Rd) & e ofCR336(Tucker Rd)

Mt. Zion Lutheran*--CR285 (M!. Zion) & TR358 (Kling)

Pinhook--CR96 (Lucas-Perrysville Rd) & TR98 (GladdenRd)

Pleasant Valley - Lutheran*--12 fl. n CR303 (PleasantValley Rd) & w ofTR363 (Stout Rd)

Rebman--CR96 (Lucas-Perrysville Rd) & TR363 (Stout Rd)

St. John Lutheran*--24 ft. s of SR95 (1.7 mi. e of SR603)&TR367 (Covert Rd)

Schrack or Mt. Olivet--.2 mi. s of CR303 (Pleasant ValleyRd) w of SR603 and .3 mi. e of TR436 on Malabar Farm StatePark property

Smart/Hoop/Lutheran/Williams*--e side TR357 (LucasNorth Rd) Y'2 mi. s of TR354 (Kerr Rd) & '/2 mi. n of Lucas

Williams--W edge ofS4 & S9 on e side ofTR357 (LucasNorth Rd). Same as Smart')

Yeager--s side CR359 (Hanley Rd) between TR360 (PulverRd) and TR 139 (Berry Rd)

Perry Township:Bowser* or Bowers-- '/2 mi. e of SR546 & 120 ft. n of CR32(Mock Rd)

Gano/Centtr/ Lydia*--21 fl.e ofTR2 (Wirick Rd) & 18 fl. sofCR28 (Woodberry Rd)

Culp-Shafer*--.I mi. e ofTR 120/2 (Black Rd) & .8 mi. s ofCRI24 (or TR'I) (James Rd)

Darlington*--.5 mi. w of CR 12 on CR27 (Darlington EastRd)

Hiskey-Riblet--.4 mi. w of SR546 & 115 ft. s of CR31(Bellville-- Johnsville Rd)

Pleasant Grove or Evangelical*--e of SR546 & s ofTR 128(Coursen Rd); behind church

Walters--.2 mi. s of CR 127 (Steele Rd) & .4 mi. w of CR 129(Clever Rd)

Plymouth Township:Gipson--SR598

Greenlawn-Plymouth--SR98 in Plymouth, near TR 189 atHuron Co. border

Mt. Pleasant*--s ofTR62 (Diniger Rd) e of SR61; I Acre~


Richland County Genealogical Society Page 45

Opdyke*--s ofTRI90 (Opdyke Rd) &.4 mi e ofSR61

Pioneer Rest*--Plymouth-Springmill Rd & SR61, just s ofPlymouth; SR98?ICR'j?

Trauger*--W side ofTR67 (Fenner Rd) 1.75 mi. s ofCR11& s of Huron Co. line, n ofTR65 (West Rd)

Tyson (Farm)--.25 mi. n of SR 178 and .6 mi e of SR61

Sandusky Township:Crestline Greenlawn--SR 181, so of RR

Frye's--e of CR207, .2 mi. s of US30N

Kuhn Farm--SR30S & CRI75 (Homing Rd)

Red Squirrel*--27 ft. w ofTR45 (Lohr Rd) & .1 mi s ofCR48 (Millsboro West Rd)

St. Joseph*--on s side SR30N, e ofSR181, Crestline.Catholic

Sharon Township:Bethlehem --Sacred Heart or Shelby Settlement--SR61 atTR54 (Wirtz Rd)

Campbell--Rogers--SR61 w of SR314 Vacated

Coltman--TR 168 (Stiving Rd) n of CR20 I (Myers)

Molder or Bamble--60 fl. s of SR61 & .1 mi. w of SR3 14;Abandoned. House now (1941) on this site.

German Reform/SchwartzlNazor*--e of TR I 71 (CR'I)(Hummel Rd) & s of CR 170 (Settlement E)

Meyer's or Myers--n of SR39 & w of CR 183 (TR 183'J)(DaVIS Rd)

Shelby--Oakland--w of SR61 s of Shelby & s of SR544

Shelby Catholic/St. Mary's Catholic SR61 s of Shelby & swofSR96

Old Shelby--.4 mi. n of SR61 & .2 mi. e of SR96 in Shelby{High School Ave., GA.F. Factory site.} Bodies and recordsat Oakland Cemetery

Sprin!!.field Township:Barr--3.4 mi. w ofSR13, 1000 ft. w of Home Rd,.7 mi. e ofCR 133 & 150 ft. n of SR309 (or .3 mi. n of US30) in villageof Ontario. "/Ian len first lane left "

Bitner--I037 ft. e TR45 (Lohr Rd) & 1250 ft. n CR48(Millsboro Rd)

B'Nai - B'rith*--US30S e ofCRI44 (Shelby-Ont.)

K1einlein--CR48 & TR42 Directions not clear.

Springmill or Leppo*--n of SR39 near TR434 (Neff)

Mansfield Mem. Park--SR309 & TR 159 (Chambers)

Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

Marlow*--n of CR48 (Mil lsboro East Rd) & w of CRl35(Home Rd)

Mil lsboro - Nave*--CR48 (Mil lsboro Rd) & CR 144(Lex ington-Ontario Rd)

New Castle-s side ofSR309 back offroad. bchind fast fooddrive-in, e side of Ontario.

Ontar io* - -n o f SR309 & e o f CRl44 in Ontar io

P leasant H i l l * - -c o f TR I 56 (Rudy Rd) & . I m i . n o f CR48(Mil lsboro West Rd)

Old Presby ter ian- -w o f CR 150 (Rock) & s o f SR309

Nave or Mil lsboro (private)--s of USI0N & c of CR lt l ' l(TR'l) (Shelby --Ontario Rd)

Riblet*-- sc of SR-109 and c of CR I 75 & w of SR I 8l

Unnamed- -CR48 (Mi l l sboro West Rd) w o f TR428 (Prnkncy

Rd) Harlan 1'aylor farnr

Webster*--400 ft . n of TRl5.i (Shcrman Rd) & 4 nri e of 'TR42, ncar CRl4( r (Mar ron Rd)

froy Township:Barnum Farm-SR97 & CR- ]8 ( l c r -S tcarn C-orncrs )

Co lon ia l Memor ia l Gardens* ' , r ' . i r o i ' l -1S.12 on c s idc o l 'Lcx ing ton

Fa in , iew- -Day* - -TRl4- l (Bc l l Rd)& i ( )0 l i l i om CRl . l . l(Lcxington-Ontario Rd)

Lcx ing ton* - -US42 on c s ide o f Lcr ing ton

Troy* - -2 mi n o f Shc lby , c o { 'SR97(599 ' l ) & nw o f - fR l9

(Gass Rd)

Unnamed- -CR35 (K ings Corncr Rd)

Wash ing ton Townsh ip :Banks* - -c o f C lR30 l (Wash ing ton South Rd)& s o f TR- l2 l(Garvcr Rd)

Strausbaugh or Baptist* -- n sidc of SR97, % mi. fromLexington; s of CR-322 (Orchard Park)

Ca l ley - - .4 mi . n o f CRl2( r and .6 mi .e o f TR339

Caesarea* - - TRI l7 (Tay lo r Rd) & CRIOl(Mansfi eld-Washington Rd)

Crawford Farmf, -- Near TR326 (Trease Rd) & TR343(Anderson Rd) Itery poor condition

Dickson Farm -- ne ofCR320 (Possum Run Rd), just s ofCR30l (302?) (Lit t lc Washington Rd)

Fry Farm -- SR97 & TR325 (Kocheiser Rd)

German Church or Swisher* -- TR339 (Gcrman Church Rd)

s ofCR320 (Possum Run Rd)

K is l ing* - - Vanderb i l t Rd w o f SRl3

Litt le Washington * -- Lit t le Washington, CRl39 (HanleyRd) near CR30l (Washington North /South)

Pierce -- May be sdnrc as Little llashington.

Witchi Farm -- CR-l20 (Possum Run) & TR326 (Trease Rd)

Yeger - -

Weller Township:Chamberl in( lainf Henry -- .6 mi. n from SR96 & .5 mi. wf rom CR77 (Ol ivcsburg F i tchv i l l c Rd)

Char les o r Van ' I ' i l burg i - - 200 f t . w o f CR260 (Pavon ia

Nor th Rd) l i J n r r . n o f TR89 (Char les Rd)

Frankl in Church' l* -- TR23l (Chcsrorvn Rd) & TR24l(Frank l in Church Rd)

l l a u n o r H a l n a r d - * i t h S R 9 ( r ( T R 2 4 2 l )( Nlansfi cld -Adario l td )

In f i rmary - Count l ' - - c s idc C 'R241 (Frank l in Church) opp.C 'R259 ( l : i vc Po in ts l ias t ) n o l 'SR545

Pavon ia- l \ l i l ton{ C 'R90 ( l ' } l ron ia Wcs l l td ) & ' IR257

(Robrnson Rd) ' nor th and wcs t o f ' church

Nlt. Olivet/Old & New Olivesburg* -- SR545 & 2(X) f t . s ofSR(r01 , by church

Pittenger - \ \ 'ol ford - Osbun --.2 nri n of CR9() (PavoniaWcst Rd) & TR)6 | ! , . , v o f SR545

Wor th ine tonTownsh ip :A lexander* - 500 f i c o f CR350 ' l o r -175 ' l (P lcasant Ht l l Rd)abt . 5 (X) l l . s o f SR95

Bunker H i l l - - I n r i e o f But lc r on SR97at CRl08 (Bunkert { r l l S o u t h R d ; o r n o f T R - 1 7 7 S

( ' r i d e r l s o f T R l 9 0 ( R a m s c v R d ) & w o f S R 9 5

D e c k - c o f C R l 0 T ( D o u p R d ) & s o f T R l 0 6 ( H a r r i s )

Dunn Farm - - TR384 (McCucn) & TR385 (Dunn)

Dutch H i l l * - -s o f SR97 20 f r . rv o f TRl8 l (Wi lson Rd) & .1nr i . s o f SR97

Easter ly+ nw o f l 'R388 (Snydcr Rd) & c o fTR387 (s o fC-'R320 (Possum Run Rd)' l I

Four Corners - Zion* - TR379' l (Tectcr Rd) & TR-l87/390?(Snyder Rd) at SR97

Freehafer* - 60 ft . w of TR40E (Freed Rd) & .4 mi. n ofTR442 (Remy Rd)

Independence -- Butler* TR I I 2 (North Liberty Rd) I /4 mi

Richland County Genealogical Sociery Page 46 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

Marlow>l<--n ofCR48 (Millsboro East Rd) & w ofCRI35(Home Rd)

Millsboro - Nave>l<--CR48 (Millsboro Rd) & CR 144(Lexington-Ontario Rd)

New Castle--s side of SR309 back off road, behind fast fooddrive-in, e side of Ontario.

Ontario>l<--n of SR309 & e of CR 144 in Ontario

Pleasant HiII>l<--e ofTR 15fi (Rudy Rd) & .1 mi. n of CR48(Millsboro West Rd)

Old Presbyterian--w ofCRI50 (Rock) & s ofSR309

Nave or Millsboro (privatej--s of US30N & e of CR 144(TR'I) (Shelby --Ontario Rd)

Riblet*-- se of SR309 and e of CR 175 & w of SR 181

Unnamed--CR48 (Millsboro West Rd) w ofTR428 (PinkneyRd) Harlan Taylor farm

Webster*--400 ft. n of TR 153 (Sherman Rd) & 4 mi. e ofTR42, near CR 14fi (Manon Rd)

Troy Township:Barnum Farm--SR97 & CR38 (I ex-Steam Corners)

Colonial Memorial Gardens* \\i\: uP!S42 on e Side ofLexington

Fairview--Day*--TRI43 (Bell Rd) & :,()(I Ii from CRI44(Lexington-Ontano Rd)

Lexington*--US42 on e Side of Lexington

Troy*--2ml n of Shelby, e ofSR97(599')) & nw ofTR39(Gass Rd)

Unnamed--CR35 (Kings Corner Rd)

Washington Township:Banks*--e of CR30 I (Washington South Rd) & s of TR321(Garver Rd)

Strausbaugh or Baptist* -- n side of SR97, Y2 mi. fromLexington; s ofCR322 (Orchard Park)

Calley --4 mi. n of CR32fi and .fi mi.e of TR339

Caesarea* -- TR3!7 (Taylor Rd) & CR30 I(Mansfield-Washington Rd)

Crawford Farm* -- Near TR326 (Trease Rd) & TR343(Anderson Rd) Very poor condition.

Dickson Farm -- ne of CR320 (Possum Run Rd), just s ofCR30 I (302'1) (Little Washington Rd)

Fry Farm -- SR97 & TR325 (Kocheiser Rd)

German Church or Swisher* -- TR339 (German Church Rd)

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 46

s of CR320 (Possum Run Rd)

Kisling* -- Vanderbilt Rd w ofSRI3

Little Washington * -- Little Washington, CR 139 (HanleyRd) near CR301 (Washington North /South)

Pierce -- May be same as LillIe Washington.

Witchi Farm -- CR320 (Possum Run) & TR326 (Trease Rd)

Yeger --

Weller Township:Chamberlin(lain}- Henry -- .6 mi. n from SR96 & .5 mi. wfrom CRn (Olivesburg-Fltehville Rd)

Charles or VanTilburg* -- 200 ft. w ofCR2fiO (PavoniaNorth Rd) ]/3 mL n of TR89 (Charles Rd)

Franklin Church"* -- TR231 (Chesrown Rd) & TR243(Franklin Church Rd)

lIaun or Hayward With SR96 (TR242'1)(Mansfield -Adano Rd)

Infirmary - County -- e Side CR243 (Franklin Church) opp.CR25') (Five POints East) n of SR545

Pa\'onia-l\Iilton* CR')O (Pavonia West Rd) & TR257(Robinson Rd I; north and west of church

1\11, Olivet/Old & New Olivesburg* -- SR545 & 200 ft. s ofSR()03, by church

Pittenger - Wolford - Osbun --.2 mi n ofCR90 (PavoniaWest Rd) & TR]6f'J, WofSR545

Worthington Township:Alexander* - 500 n e ofCR350'I or 375'.' (Pleasant Hill Rd)abc 500 n. s ofSR95

Bunker Hill -- 3 ll1L e of Butler on SR97at CR I08 (BunkerHill South Rd) or n ofTR3nS

Crider- I s ofTR390 (Ramsey Rd) & w ofSR95

Deck - e ofCR 107 (Doup Rd) & s ofTRIOfi (Harris)

Dunn Farm·· TR384 (McCuen) & TR385 (Dunn)

Dutch 1Ii1l*--s of SR97 20 ft. Wof TR38! (Wilson Rd) & .1mL s of SR'J7

Easterly* - nw ofTR388 (Snyder Rd) & e ofTR387 (s ofCR320 (Possum Run Rd)")

Four Corners - Zion>l< - TR379') (Teeter Rd) & TR387/390'1(Snyder Rd) at SR97

Freehafer* - 80 ft. w of TR408 (Freed Rd) & .4 mi. n ofTR442 (Remy Rd)

Independence -- Butler* - TR 112 (North Liberty Rd) 1/4 mi.

Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

s of SR97 in Butler (formerly Independence) Simmons - Spohn - SR95 & TRl12, Butler

Newvil le* - w of SR95& n of CR320 (Possum Run) Topper, George, Monument - CR 109 (Wheatcraft Rd) &TRl05 (Brokaw Rd)

Phipps, Samuel Sr. Memorial* - SR97 e of Butler, n ofSR95& 97 intersection. Pine Run/McClurg/Union Church* -- e of CRl08 (Bunker

Hil l South) & n of TR380 (Hildebrant Rd)Tarres or Secrist* - n ofTR390 & w ofTR38E {e ofintersection ofTeeter & SR97, w ofTR387 (Snyder) Union - Lat. 403448N Lone. 0822230W Butler


. l t - t .

\ichland Cownty, Ohio taaern Licensethe f ollowing apy[icarions f o, muern licenses were fileb at tfie yicfi[avd cluntg courillouse in uansfieid in fi39. tle paperc

f o, th e s, [icersc s a, e hrld by t$ e xi c$lanD co nnty ceue a[o gic al Soc iety.

Amos, AbelB. July 08, 1839 Franklin Twp. l icense previously held by David NEWCOMER Swornand subscribed to by John STL,WART.

Ayers, Jonathan July 3 1, 1839 Jonathan AYRES applied for renewal of l icense.Bailey & Spaulding May 25, 1839 Lexington. Sworn and subscribed to by Adna COLEMANBrown, James Apr 15, 1839 Shelby, Sharon Twp. Sworn and subscribed by Isaac IIANDLEY.Conan, I{enry Jul 07, 1839 Loudonvil le, renewal of l icense. Sworn & subscribed by Samuel

McCULLOUGILConan, Richard Jul 02, 1839 Savannah. Sworn & subscribed by Sylvanus St. JOHN.Crone, Joseph Jul 12, 1839 Ashland, Montgomery Twp. Erastus N. GATES gavc oath that he posted

courrer, ronathan rur r r, r8re ;:[:li[:3'JJ.lT:[,H:l frT,til:'i'f,il,ill,l:rcARrER' rR

Egner, Eli Jul 09, 1839 Olivesburg, renewal of l icense. Sworn & subscribed by Thos. SHARRETTHarvey, John Jul 12, 1839 Haysvil le. Sworn & subscnbed by John TAYLOR.Ilatficld, Will iam Jul 09, l8l9 Mansfield. Sworn & subscribed by John S. MARSII.Hostetler, Joseph Jul 13, 1 839 Miffl in Twp. renewal, one mile west of Petersburg. Swom & subscribed

by Christian NEWCOMITR.King, James Jul 15, 1839 Lucas. Sworn & subscribed by Frederick LEVITZER.Miller, Michael S. Jul 08, 1839 renewal of l icense. Sworn & subscribed by W.W. LAUGHLIN.Newcomer, Christian Jul 13, 1839 Petersburg, Miff l in Township. Swom & subscribed by Joseph

HOCHSl'E1'1'LER.Paxton, John Apr 29, 1839 Woodberry. Sworn & subscribed by Allen BEVERSTOCK and Albert

HARRINGTON.Plank, John Jul 08, 1839 Plymouth, although a l ine has been drawn through the location. (his former

license expired). Swom & subscribed by W. W. LAUGHLIN.Rice, John Apr 25, 1839 Petersburgh,(Miff l in Trvp.). Sworn & subscribed by J. M. CHANDLERPugh, John Jul 20, 1839 Mansfield, renewal. Swom & subscribed by Harvey BALWIN.Purdy, J. Jul 18, 1839 Haysvil le, renewal. Sworn & subscribed by Wm. L. NEWMAN.Wolcott, Aaron May 29, 1839 Green Twp., Perrysvil le. Sworn & subscribed by George COWAN.

Correction: Sheila Johnson, 625 N. 17'h St., Grand Junction, CO 81501 is researching the name RORICK notBorick as announccd in our last ncwsletter. Other surnames Sheila is rescarching are ZIGLER, THUMA,BARR, FLEMING, HEMPHII-L AND HISKEY. e-mail at SheilaAnnJ( .

Correction: John Darby Mtller 22162 Deer Lane, Franklin, VA 23851 is researching the following surnamesMARLOW, MOON, MOORL. We apologize for the error in the last newslett€r.

Richland Counly Genealogical Socie;y Page 47 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

s of SR97 in Butler (formerly Independence)

Newville* - w of SR95& n of CR320 (Possum Run)

Phipps, Samuel Sr. Memorial* - SR97 e of Butler, n ofSR95& 97 intersection.

Tarres or Secrist* - n ofTR390 & w ofTR388 (e ofintersection of Teeter & SR97, w ofTR387 (Snyder)

Simmons - Spohn - SR95 & TR112, Butler

Topper, George, Monument - CR I09 (Wheatcraft Rd) &TR I05 (Brokaw Rd)

Pine Run/McClurg/Union Church * -- e of CR I08 (BunkerHill South) & n ofTR380 (Hildebrant Rd)

Union - La!. 403448N Long. 0822230W Butler

Ricblano Count~! obio Tavern LicenseTbe fo{{olVing arJplications for tavern licenses lVere file~ at tbe Ricblan~ count.') courtbouse in MaI1sfiel~ in r839. Tbe papers

for tbese licenses are bel~ b~ tbe Ricblan~ Count~ Genealogical Societ.').

Amos, Abel B. July 08, 1839

Ayers, Jonathan July31, 1839Bailey & Spaulding May 25, 1839Brown, James Apr 15,1839Conan, Henry Jul 07, 1839

Conan, Richard Ju102, 1839Crone, Joseph Ju112, 1839

Coulter, Jonathan Jul II, 1839Egner, Eli Ju109, 1839Harvey, John Jul 12, 1839Hatfield, William Ju109, 1839Hostetler, Joseph Ju113,1839

King, James Jul 15, 1839Miller, Michael S. Jul 08, 1839Newcomer, Christian Jul 13, 1839

Paxton, John Apr 29, 1839

Plank, John Ju108, 1839

Rice, John Apr 25,1839Pugh,John Jul 20, 1839Purdy, 1. Ju118,1839Wolcott, Aaron May 29, 1839

Franklin Twp. license previously held by David NEWCOMER Swornand subscribed to by John STEWART.Jonathan AYRES applied for renewal of license.Lexington. Sworn and subscribed to by Adna COLEMANShelby, Sharon Twp. Sworn and subscribed by Isaac HANDLEY.Loudonville, renewal of license. Sworn & subscribed by SamuelMcCULLOUGH.Savannah. Sworn & subscribed by Sylvanus St. JOHN.Ashland, Montgomery Twp. Erastus N. GATES gave oath that he postednotices 20 days previous. Sworn & subscribed by Daniel CARTER, JR.Perrysville. Sworn & subscribed by W.W. LAUGHLIN.Olivesburg, renewal of license. Sworn & subscribed by Thos. SHARRETTHaysville. Sworn & subscribed by John TAYLOR.Mansfield. Sworn & subscribed by John S. MARSH.Mifflin Twp. renewal, one mile west of Petersburg. Sworn & subscribedby Christian NEWCOMER.Lucas. Sworn & subscribed by Frederick LEVITZER.renewal oflieense. Sworn & subscribed by W.W. LAUGHLIN.Petersburg, Mifflin Township. Sworn & subscribed by JosephHOCHSTETTLER.Woodberry. Sworn & subscribed by Allen BEVERSTOCK and AlbertHARRINGTON.Plymouth, although a line has been drawn through the location. (his formerlicense expired). Sworn & subscribed by W. W. LAUGHLIN.Petersburgh,(Mifflin Twp.). Sworn & subscribed by 1. M. CHANDLERMansfield, renewal. Sworn & subscribed by Harvey BALWIN.Haysville, renewal. Sworn & subscribed by Wm. L. NEWMAN.Green Twp., Perrysville. Sworn & subscribed by George COWAN.

Correction: Sheila Johnson, 625 N. 17'h St., Grand Junction, CO 81501 is researching the name RORICK notBorick as announced in our last newsletter. Other surnames Sheila is researching are ZIGLER, THUMA,BARR, FLEMING, HEMPHILL AND HISKEY. e-mail atSheilaAnnJ({ .

Correction: John Darby Miller 22162 Deer Lane, Franklin, VA 23851 is researching the following surnamesMARLOW, MOON, MOORE. We apologize for the error in the last newsletter.

Richland County Genealogical Socie;y Page 47 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text
Amy E. Armstrong
Typewritten Text

n DomcN RECoRDS R |O{.A{D C OLltfy. O [email protected] BY DfrIs FRYT

The column where recorded contains references to three sources. l. Law Record book #l which has disappeared,

l2 entries cited here are from the index. 2. Guardian Record Book #1 which has also disappeared, but someone

copied adoptions, seven in all, on a single page, #277 . Guardian Book #2 provides little more information than

the index, this being the most complete source. Editors note: At the present time Adoption Records are held by

the Probate Judge in his office. [In recent years access to see adoptron books has always been denied.]

Date Name of Adopter

1869 Aungst, John & Elizabeth M.1865 Bodley, John & Mary1873 Bloor, Charles & Rebecca1885 Barrows, Thomas E. & W.1886 Beeler, John W. & Samanatha1887 Brooks, George L. & Esther1866 Culver, Jul ia A. R.1873 Cunningham, Wm & Eliza1873 Chambers, Wm. & Margaret1880 Clark, Wm P. & Elizabeth1884 Cook, Jesse J. & Mary C.1885 Curt is. Delt la1863 Danan, John & Catherine1874 Donaldson, H.A. & Margaret J.1888 Daugherty, Aaron L. & Anna1873 Ealand, George & Sarah1861 Goodwin, Wm. M.1876 Gates, M.S. & Mary1882 Moulton, Mary E.1882 Gerhart, John F.1887 Greely, Betsey D.1888 Gross. Jacob & Catherine1888 Heall, J. Ransom & Cornelia A.1888 Hess, Isaac & Sarah E.1885 Huston, George W. & Rebecca1886 Hubbs, O.A. & Maggie A.1889 Hiltabiddle, wm. M. & Roberta1887 Ischi, John & Mary1887 Johnson, Emily1887 Jesson, Wm & Maryl86l King, Joseph & Mary1880 Kanage, J. Neff & Louiza B.1882 Kincade, Benl. F.1879 List, Chas. & wife1879 List, Chas. & wife1885 Luch, Elisha A. & wife1869 Lowry, Thomas & Margaretl87l Lynn, Fruston M. & Susan1877 Lahman, Jacob & Elizabeth M.1874 Matson, L.B. & Zapparah1868 Miles, James & Elizabeth1863 McCune, Joseph & Emily

Chi ld 's Original Name

Mattie Brichartnot knownfoundfingNel l ie B. NicklesEndolphia PittengerEdith WilliamsonElizabeth Mary MitchellEliza M. SeymourAnna Laura ClarkJohn ClarkMary M. MullLeela M. TannerJohn Franklin DananJas. H. McCal lAllen H. ReissfoundlingHarriet A. KirthlandHatt ie M. KeimInfant GilkrnsonJohn F. ZimmermanPaul GrayMary GuntherNoretta LandisRoseemma Blanch KeeferEdward A. HooverFloyd M. OswaltMyrtle ArnoldArtie McMillenAnnie E. ClarkEvelyn Alice HallidayLilly RemyEdna May Thurna/ThumaMary Elizabeth WarrenCarrie Elizabeth ByrnRobert AgerBertha PalmerNettie BrownSusan ShawLucy M. BridgesLola M. ShermanNettie BrownCharles Ellsworth Doage

Where Recorded

Law Record Bk. I - pg. 165Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 159Law Record Bk. I - p9329B k . A - p s 3 1Bk . A -pg264B k . A - p g 2 7 1Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 335Law Record Bk. I - pg349B k . A - p g 6B k . A - p g 1 0B k . A - p s 2 6Bk. A -pgs32,33Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 655Law Record Bk. I - pg 350B k . A - p g 2 8 0Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 316Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 487Law Record Bk.2 - pg 309B k . A - p s 1 8Bk . A - pg20Bk. A -p9277Bk . A - pe282B k . A - p g 4Bk. A -p928Bk. A -ps34B k . A - p g 2 5 9B k . A - p s 4 0Bk. A - pg273B k . A - p g 8B k . A - p g 3 7 7Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 495Bk . A -pg14B k . A - p 9 2 2Bk. A -244Bk . A -pg241B k . A - p g 3 6Law Record Bk. I - pg 163Law Record Bk. I - pg3l2Adopt. Record Bk. I - pg 1Law Record Bk. I - 348Law Record Bk. 3 - pg 9Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 656

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 48 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999


The column where recorded contains references to three sources. 1. Law Record book #1 which has disappeared,12 entries cited here are from the index. 2. Guardian Record Book #1 which has also disappeared, but someonecopied adoptions, seven in all, on a single page, #277. Guardian Book #2 provides little more information thanthe index, this being the most complete source. Editors note: At the present time Adoption Records are held bythe Probate Judge in his office. [In recent years access to see adoption books has always been denied.]

Date Name of Adopter Child's Original Name Where Recorded

1869 Aungst, John & Elizabeth M. Mattie Brichart Law Record Bk. I - pg. 1651865 Bodley, John & Mary not known Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 1591873 Bloor, Charles & Rebecca foundling Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 3291885 Barrows, Thomas E. & W. Nellie B. Nickles Bk. A - pg 311886 Beeler, John W. & Samanatha Endolphia Pittenger Bk. A - pg 2641887 Brooks, George L. & Esther Edith Williamson Bk. A - pg 2711866 Culver, Julia A. R. Elizabeth Mary Mitchell Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 3351873 Cunningham, Wm & Eliza Eliza M. Seymour Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 3491873 Chambers, Wm. & Margaret Anna Laura Clark Bk. A - pg 61880 Clark, Wm P. & Elizabeth John Clark Bk. A - pg 101884 Cook, Jesse J. & Mary C. Mary M. Mull Bk. A - pg 261885 Curtis, Delila Leela M. Tanner Bk. A - pgs 32, 331863 Danan, John & Catherine John Franklin Danan Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 6551874 Donaldson, H.A. & Margaret J. Jas. H. McCall Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 3501888 Daugherty, Aaron L. & Anna Allen H. Reiss Bk. A - pg 2801873 Ealand, George & Sarah foundling Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 3161861 Goodwin, Wm. M. Harriet A. Kirthland Guardian Record Bk. 1 - pg 4871876 Gates, M.S. & Mary Hattie M. Keirn Law Record Bk. 2 - pg 3091882 Moulton, Mary E. Infant Gilkinson Bk.A-pgI81882 Gerhart, John F. John F. Zimmerman Bk. A - pg 201887 Greely, Betsey D. Paul Gray Bk. A - pg 2771888 Gross, Jacob & Catherine Mary Gunther Bk. A - pg 2821888 Heall, J. Ransom & Cornelia A. Noretta Landis Bk. A - pg 41888 Hess, Isaac & Sarah E. Roseemma Blanch Keefer Bk. A - pg 281885 Huston, George W. & Rebecca Edward A. Hoover Bk. A - pg 341886 Hubbs, O.A. & Maggie A. Floyd M. Oswalt Bk. A - pg 2591889 Hiltabiddle, Wm. M. & Roberta Myrtle Arnold Bk. A - pg 401887 Ischi, John & Mary Artie McMillen Bk. A - pg 2731887 Johnson, Emily Annie E. Clark Bk. A - pg 81887 Jesson, Wm & Mary Evelyn Alice Halliday Bk. A - pg 3771861 King, Joseph & Mary Lilly Remy Guardian Record Bk. 1 - pg 4951880 Kanage, J. Neff & Louiza B. Edna May Thuma/Thuma Bk.A-pgI41882 Kincade, Benj. F. Mary Elizabeth Warren Bk. A - pg 221879 List, Chas. & wife Carrie Elizabeth Bym Bk. A - 2441879 List, Chas. & wife Robert Ager Bk. A - pg 2471885 Luch, Elisha A. & wife Bertha Palmer Bk. A - pg 361869 Lowry, Thomas & Margaret Nettie Brown Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 1631871 Lynn, Fruston M. & Susan Susan Shaw Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 3121877 Lahman, Jacob & Elizabeth M. Lucy M. Bridges Adopt. Record Bk. 1 - pg 11874 Matson, L.B. & Zapparah Lola M. Sherman Law Record Bk. 1 - 3481868 Miles, James & Elizabeth Nettie Brown Law Record Bk. 3 - pg 91863 McCune, Joseph & Emily Charles Ellsworth Doage Guardian Record Bk. 1 - pg 656

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 48 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

1858 Neal, John S. Mary E. Ritterl88l Niman, L.M. & M.E. Theodore Niman Baird1861 Richards, Alfred George R. Beevins1867 Ritchey, W,A. & Barbara A. Francis R. Bair1886 Ritter, Wm & Sarah A. Mary Wikidal1887 Remy Harman & Laura Blanch Snow1864 Secrist, John & Emily Elizabeth Johnson1866 Secrist, John & Emily Richard Leonard1866 Secrist, John & Emily Lilly May1874 Smith S.S. & Artemissa Julia E. Etzwiler1874 Smith S.S. & Artemissa Howard T. Etzwiler1876 Sherman, John & Cecilia Stewart Kate Rochford1879 Schroder, Mary J. Florence S. Wible1887 Steel, George & wife Nina Ray Steele1882 Tucker, John C. & Kate J. Ruth Beer1883 Tucker, John C. & Kate J. Pleasant Pearl Capp1883 Tucker, John C. & Kate J. Plancent Earl Capp1886 Tucker, John C. & Kate J. Albertia Edna Morris1880 West, Wm & Martha M. Charles Lehman1883 Wise, George & Harriet Pearl Ensminger1858 Welch, Roland J. Arabel la Welch1874 Whitney, Samuel& Martha Lena Dell Rhodehouse1875 Waite, Wm & Mahala Liil ie A. Kester

contiflued ix next issue

Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 459Adopt Record Bk. I - pg 16Guardian Record Bk.1 - pg 532Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 588Adopt Record Bk. I - pg26lAdopt Record Bk. I - pg 38Guardian Record Bk.2 - pg 4Guardian Record Bk.2 - pg 378Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 380Law Record Bk. 1 - pg352Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 353Law Record Bk. 2 - 318Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg241Adopt Record Bk. 1 - p9275Adopt Record Bk. I - pg 250Adopt Record Bk. I - p9253Adopt Record Bk. I - pg256Adopt Record Bk. I - pg267Adopt Record Bk. I - pg 12Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 24Guardian Record Bk. I - pg 495Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 34Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 485

Falstaff GuardsThe following is a l ist of Falstaff Guards on parade in the city of Mansfield, Richland Counry, Ohio, on the 2"d day

of July, 1858. Editors note: I have asked a number of people about the Falstaff Guard and no one has been able to give mea description of who they were and what their purpose was. How about you know? If you do, drop us a note, please.I found the list interesting. Source: Mans/ield Herald

Residence Age Weight Residence Age Weight

Capt. J. Emingcr, Mansfield 48l" l- t . Dr. Chandlcr Mansficld 422d Lt. R. Carter Springfield 1l3d Lt. Jno. Finncy Madrson 51O.S. Jno. Cra l l Mad ison 37Surgeon Dr. Mitchel l Mansfield 50E. Clapp Mansfield 49J. Hughcs Miff l in tp. 5'7Wm. Heuston Worthington 46H.W. Wil l iams Pcrry Tp 30D. Walker Weller Tp 57Jno. Long Mansfield 4lA. Painter Mansfield 54Cco. Marks Mansficld 35Jno. Pardon Mansfield 45Robert Carns Mansfield 43C. Seaman Mansfield 42J.H. Wigle Mansfield 38J.N. Mowry Mansfield 34A.S. Campbell Washington 39Dr. Watson Washington 68J.J. Fox Mansfield 48Solomon Gladden Monroe 65

2482902372522502352 1 82t52382492271 4 1

258231207L t { t

2222022052 t l2652072 1 8


Jos. DonaldsonJno. Cra l lPeter Bel lJamcs M'BridcE. McFallJohn A. LeeWm ShultzWm PolmM. WiseA.J . Scot tJ. RedrupM. CroningerD. TaylorWm HartupceJ. DotyJohn PainterJames M'KnightU. JimesonE.W. Smi thJoseph GladdcnCharles HedgesJno. HooverJno. C l ineJames Smart

Jackson 50 205Mansfield 39 250Mansfield 31 216Mansficld 45 207Mansfield 33 220Mansfield 45 225Madison 60 220Madison 48 200Madison 50 200Ashland Co. 41 216Mansfield 45 2l IWorthington 36 237Worthington 45 208Springfield 62 232Plymouth 55 231Madison 61 227Mansfield 39 200Mansfield 4'7 200Mansfield 34 207Monroe 34 217Mansfield 33 200Mansfield 32 217Madison 52 245Mansfield 60 220

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 49 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999


Neal, John S.Niman, L.M. & M.E.Richards, AlfredRitchey, W.A. & Barbara A.Ritter, Wm & Sarah A.Remy Harman & LauraSecrist, John & EmilySecrist, John & EmilySecrist, John & EmilySmith S.S. & ArtemissaSmith S.S. & ArtemissaSherman, John & Cecilia StewartSchroder, Mary 1.Steel, George & wifeTucker, John C. & Kate J.Tucker, John C. & Kate J.Tucker, John C. & Kate 1.Tucker, John C. & Kate 1.West, Wm & Martha M.Wise, George & HarrietWelch, Roland J.Whitney, Samuel & MarthaWaite, Wm & Mahala

Mary E. RitterTheodore Niman BairdGeorge R. BeevinsFrancis R. BairMary WikidalBlanch SnowElizabeth JohnsonRichard LeonardLilly MayJulia E. EtzwilerHoward T. EtzwilerKate RochfordFlorence S. WibleNina Ray SteeleRuth BeerPleasant Pearl CappPlancent Earl CappAlbertia Edna MorrisCharles LehmanPearl EnsmingerArabella WelchLena Dell RhodehouseLillie A. Kester

contiJlued iJl ne~t imlUe

Guardian Record Bk. 1 - pg 459Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 16Guardian Record Bk.l - pg 532Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 588Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 261Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 38Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 4Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 378Guardian Record Bk. 2 - pg 380Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 352Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 353Law Record Bk. 2 - 318Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 241Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 275Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 250Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 253Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 256Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 267Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 12Adopt Record Bk. 1 - pg 24Guardian Record Bk. 1 - pg 495Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 34Law Record Bk. 1 - pg 485

Falstaff GuardsThe following is a list of Falstaff Guards on parade in the city of Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio, on the 2nd day

of July, 1858. Editors note: I have asked a number of people about the Falstaff Guard and no one has been able to give mea description of who they were and what their purpose was. How about you you know? If you do, drop us a note, please.I found the list interesting. Source: Mamjield HeraldName Residence Age Weight Name Residence Age Weight

Capt. 1. Eminger, Mansfield 48 2481'( Lt. Dr. Chandler Mansfield 42 2902d Lt. R. Carter Springfield 71 2373d Lt. lno. Finney Madison 57 252O.S. lno. Crall Madison 37 250Surgeon Dr. Mitchell Mansfield 50 235E. Clapp Mansfield 49 2181. Hughes Mifflin tp. 57 215Wm. Heuston Worthington 46 238H.W. Williams Perry Tp 30 249D. Walker Weller Tp 57 227lno. Long Mansfield 41 242A. Painter Mansfield 54 258Geo. Marks Mansfield 35 231lno. Pardon Mansfield 45 207Robert Carns Mansfield 43 216C. Seaman Mansfield 42 2221.H. Wigle Mansfield 38 202J.N. Mowry Mansfield 34 205A.S. Campbell Washington 39 211Dr. Watson Washington 68 2651.1. Fox Mansfield 48 207Solomon Gladden Monroe 65 218

Richland County Genealogical Society

los. Donaldson Jackson 50 205lno. Crall Mansfield 39 250Peter Bell Mansfield 37 216lames M'Bride Mansfield 45 207E. McFall Mansfield 33 220lohn A. Lee Mansfield 45 225Wm Shultz Madison 60 220WmPolm Madison 48 200M. Wise Madison 50 200A.l. Scott Ashland Co. 41 2161. Redrup Mansfield 45 211M. Croninger Worthington 36 237D. Taylor Worthington 45 208Wm Hartupee Springfield 62 2321. Doty Plymouth 55 231lohn Painter Madison 61 227lames M'Knight Mansfield 39 200U.limeson Mansfield 47 200E.W. Smith Mansfield 34 207Joseph Gladden Monroe 34 217Charles Hedges Mansfield 33 200lno. Hoover Mansfield 32 217lno. Cline Madison 52 245lames Smart Mansfield 60 220

Page 49 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

Administration Records Richland Co.. Ohiovo[wne u

nmpi[eb by mary J ane Henneg

BUSHEY, Andrew

CLINE, Joseph, Sr. (insane)HILL (Hills), Charles Sr.McCREA, Wm.

DURBIN, Thomas


COCKLEY, Benlamin

STULI-, George M.BOHN, JacobWENTZ, ChristianAMSBAUGH, Ri leyWI{lSLER, JohnPRICE, Nathan K.

MOWER, SamuelPRICE, DyerA.

ZERBY, Peter


WALLACE, James (Madison Tp.)TAYLOR,'fhomas (Franklin Tp.)ROBINSON, Joseph

SHIDLE. Phi l ip

NEWELL, Robert (Clearcreek I'p.)STIMLEY, John (Monroe Tp.)SHAYDE, JohnBAUGHAGHAM, Wm. (Hanover Tp.)ARTER, George (Sharon Tp.)MARVIN, Isaac (Jackson Tp.)CULVER, Aaron B.

8 1 8 4 9 p . 1 Adm. Abraham Bushey Ir . & Lewis HershiserWidow, Ann Mary Bushey, daug. Catherine

E1849 p.17 Guardian, Wm. Cl ine81849 p.27 Adm. S.H. Fraugher81850 p. 34 Adm. Jacob Kunn & Samuel Kuhn. Widow, Fanny

McCrea, Children: Samuel, Richard & Villets.E1848 p.42 Ex, John & Jehy Durbin, & Robt. Si tes. Widow,

Aby Durbin. Children: Mina A., Sarapta, Columbus& Lucinda Durbin. Incented apprentice, MargretteEverts.

EI849 p.6l Adm. Joseph Vanornem. Chi ldren: John, Peter,Samuel, William, Catherine Patterson Ruhl,Elizabeth Patterson Shanger, Nancy PattersonMunch, Mary Patterson Vanornem (h. Jasper).

81850 p . 63 Adm. Wm. Ke lso & Fanny Cock ley (w i fe ) .Chi ldren: [ ,ucy A., Wm. W., David L., Benj. Jr. &Ruhama Cockley.

81849 p. 69 Adm. Alexander Barr. Widow, Lydia Stul l .E1848 p. 73 Adm. John Strater. Widow, Luetta Bohn.E I 848 p. 84 Ex. I lugh GamblcF.1847 p.92 Adm. David Mi l ler.81848 p. 94 Adm. Lydia Whisler. Widow, Jul ia.8 1 8 5 0 p . 9 9 A d m . D a v i d B e c h t e l . W i d o w , M a g d a l e n a

Chi ldren: Marv. Wil l iam. I-evi& Aaron.8 1 8 5 0 p . l l 3t r l 8 5 0 p . I l 0

8 1 8 4 5 p . 1 2 3

E1849 p. 132

81845 p .E1847 P .81843 p .

E 1 8 4 1 p . 1 6 9

E1838 p . l9 l Adm. Ehas S locum.81842 p. 198 Ex. Henry Rider & Lydia St imley.E1847 p.217 Adm. Hebert Si tes. Widow & 1 chi ld.E1845 p.242 Ex. Mary Farnaghan.81849 p.264 Ex. John Mack. Son, George Arter.E1850 p.268 Ex. Stephen Marvin.E1847 p.280 Adm. Jacob Culver, Heirs: Nelson, Jesse, Emily

Ann, Louisa Ann & George Culver. Heirs bymarriase: Michael Lime & Wm. Scott.

Adm. Wm. Huntsman. Wrdow. Susanna. Chi ldren:David Marion, Fidi l ia Emrly J. , Wil l iam D., &James A.Price .Adm. John Kline. Widow, Rebecca. 3 heirs to 2"uwife & t heir to 1" wife.Ex . John A l leman. Widow. Es ter . Chr ld ren :Rcbecca & Thomas.Ex. D.H. Young.Ex. Henry Pittenger.Adm. Comfor t Rob inson. Widow. Ch i ld ren :Thomas Eldridge, Monnier,I{enry, Sarah Maria &Almira.Adm. Peter Wil let . Mentioned. Marv & Wil l iamSeidle.

1 5 9t62166

Richland County Genealogical Sociefy Page 50 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

Administration Records Richland Co., Ohiovolume II

compi[e~ b~ Mar~ Jane Henne~

BUSHEY, Andrew E1849 p.1

CLINE, Joseph, Sr. (insane) E1849 p.17HILL (Hills), Charles Sr. E1849 p.27McCREA, Wm. EI850 p.34

DURBIN, Thomas E1848 p.42

Adm. Wm. Huntsman. Widow, Susanna. Children:David Marion, Fidilia Emily J., William D., &James A.Price.Adm. John Kline. Widow, Rebecca. 3 heirs to 2nd

wife & 1 heir to I st wife.Ex. John Alleman. Widow, Ester. Children:Rebecca & Thomas.Ex. D.H. Young.Ex. Henry Pittenger.Adm. Comfort Robinson, Widow. Children:Thomas Eldridge, Monnier, Henry, Sarah Maria &Almira.Adm. Peter Willet. Mentioned, Mary & WilliamSeidle.Adm. Elias Slocum.Ex. Henry Rider & Lydia Stimley.Adm. Hebert Sites. Widow & 1 child.Ex. Mary Famaghan.Ex. John Mack. Son, George Arter.Ex. Stephen Marvin.Adm. Jacob Culver, Heirs: Nelson, Jesse, EmilyAnn, Louisa Ann & George Culver. Heirs bymarriage: Michael Lime & Wm. Scott.

Adm. Abraham Bushey Jr. & Lewis Hershiser.Widow, Ann Mary Bushey, daug. CatherineGuardian, Wm. ClineAdm. S.H. FraugherAdm. Jacob Kunn & Samuel Kuhn. Widow, FannyMcCrea, Children: Samuel, Richard & Villets.Ex, John & Jehy Durbin, & Robt. Sites. Widow,Aby Durbin. Children: Mina A., Sarapta, Columbus& Lucinda Durbin. Incented apprentice, MargretteEverts.

E1849 p.61 Adm. Joseph Vanomem. Children: John, Peter,Samuel, William, Catherine Patterson Ruhl,Elizabeth Patterson Shanger, Nancy PattersonMunch, Mary Patterson Vanomem (h. Jasper).Adm. Wm. Kelso & Fanny Cockley (wife).Children: Lucy A., Wm. W., David L., Benj. Jr. &Ruhama Cockley.Adm. Alexander Barr. Widow, Lydia Stull.Adm. John Strater. Widow, Luetta Bohn.Ex. Hugh GambleAdm. David Miller.Adm. Lydia Whisler. Widow, Julia.Adm. David Bechtel. Widow, Magdalena.Children: Mary, William, Levi & Aaron.


COCKLEY, Benjamin EI850 p.63

STULL, George M. E1849 p. 69BOHN, Jacob E1848 p.73WENTZ, Christian E1848 p. 84AMSBAUGH, Riley E1847 p.92WHISLER, John EI848 p. 94PRICE, Nathan K. E1850 p. 99

MOWER, Samuel E1850 p. 113PRICE, Dyer A. E1850 p.ll0

ZERBY, Peter EI845 p. 123

SHARICK, Samuel E1849 p. 132

WALLACE, James (Madison Tp.) E1845 p. 159TAYLOR, Thomas (Franklin Tp.) E1847 P. 162ROBINSON, Joseph E1843 p.166

SHIDLE, Philip E1841 p. 169

NEWELL, Robert (Clearcreek Tp.) E1838 p. 191STIMLEY, John (Monroe Tp.) E1842 p. 198SHAYDE, John E1847 p.217BAUGHAGHAM, Wm. (Hanover Tp.) E1845 p.242ARTER, George (Sharon Tp.) E1849 p.264MARVIN, Isaac (Jackson Tp.) E1850 p.268CULVER, Aaron B. E1847 p.280

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 50 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

HARTMAN, E.L. E1847 p.282IRWIN, Jared (Vermil lon Tp.) EI839 p.302NEEDHAM, Jesse H. E1847 p.322COOK, Seth B, E1850 p. 331COCHRAN, George H. (Mongtomery Tp.) 81842 p. 335TYSON, Geo. B. E1848 p.355LONGSWORTH, Caleb E1844 p. 360SMITH, James E1844 p.368

Adm. Wm. Wigton. Widow & minor children.Ex. Jacob Brinkerhoff. Minor sons, Jared & JohnAdm. John W. Needham.Adm. J,W, Smith.

Ex. G.G. Graham & R. McDonoughAdm. John W. Needham.Adm. Thomas Smith & Martha Smith. Widow,Martha Smith. Minor children, Ebenezer & Joseph.Adm. Robert Hall.Adm. James Hanna.Adm. Wm. ChurchAdm. Henry Pit tengerAdm. Jacob Osburn.Adm. John Ramsey.

E 1 8 4 8 p . 3 7 4E 1 8 4 9 p . 3 8 2E 1 8 4 8 p . 3 8 8E1850 p. 435E 1 8 4 6 p . 5 9 18 1 8 4 6 p . 5 9 6

end e( ll

For many years the old pioneers of Richland County met each June, keeping alive old memories and tradittons.I.N. Thompson was the necrologist of the group and he kept a record of those who died during each year. TheIbl lowing l ist o1'deaths for thc year 1906 was publ ished in thc Mansf ield newspapcr on June 13. 1907 fol lowingtherr yearly meeting. We grve the name of the pioneer and their agc.

WHISLER, Henry (Franklin Tp.)SCOTT, CatherineCHURCH, Thomas M.DELENBAUGI{, PeterOSBURN, Wil l iamRAMSEY, Edward

Mrs. Mary J. Appleman . . 72Mrs. Mary J. Anderson . . . 82M r s . E l i z a A u . . . . . . . . . . 1 4M r s . M e l i s s a A t k i n s o n . . . 8 lMrs . Rebccca l j r own . . . . . 80M r s . M a r y B i t n e r . . . . . 1 5M r s . C h a r l o t y B r o w n . . . . . 9 7S a n r u e l B e l l . . . . . . 8 3E a r n e s t B e a m . . . . . 1 5D a v i d C r a l l . . . . , . . 8 6M r s . N a n c y E . C o l e n . . . . . 8 3M r s . E l i z a b e t h C r a i g . . . . . 7 6M r s . S o p h i a C a m p b e l l . . . . 1 lM r s . N a n c y C r o l i . . . . . . . 7 1M r s . S u s a n D r a k e . . . . . . . . 7 lM r s . E l l e n D o n n a n . . . . . . . l 0M r s . S a r a h D i c k s o n . . . . . . 8 3M r s . E l i D o r s e y . . . 8 2W m . T . D u k e r . . . . 1 1C a l v i n C . D o t y . . . 1 4M r s . S a r a h F o r b e s . . . . . . . 7 4M r s . M a r i a G o n g w e r . . . . . 8 lMrs. Sarah E. Gr imes . . . . . 10M r . G a p s . . . 7 5A n d r e w H u n t e r . . . . 8 3Mrs. MargaretHosler . . . . . 81M r s . C . L . H a l e . . . . . . . . . . 7 9Mrs. Mary L. Robinson . . . 78M r s . R o s i n a H o a k . . . . . . . 8 3A n n a H e c h t . . . . . . 7 8T h o m a s J o h n s . , . . . 7 4

C h r i s t i a n K l a p p c r . . . . . . . 8 8I { e n r y K u n d i . . . . 7 8M r s . E f f i e K u r r d i . . . . . . . 8 0Mrs. Mary Kayler 78M r s . M a r y S . K r u m . . . . . . 9 lMrs . Jan resK i r kpa t r i ck . . . 14Mrs. Elizabeth Klagg . . . . 70J o h n l e h r . . . . . . . E 0I - e v i C . L o c k w o o d . . . . . . . 8 0P a t r i c k l o w e r y . . . 7 6W m . B . L o n g s d o r l ' . . . 8 4I r rede r i ckLan tz . . . . . 72Sanrue l Men tze r . . . 92D a v i d M i l l e r . . . . . 8 8J o s e p h M i l l e r . . . . . 8 2Dan ie lM i l l e r . . 90M r s J a n e M i l l e r . . . . . . 7 8M r s . P . S . M i l l e r . . . . . . . . . 7 2M r s . A n n a M o r r o w . . . . . . 7 8G e o . B . M e r c h a r d . . . . . . . 1 6J o h n Q . M c l l v a i n . . . . . . . . l 0D a n i e l N i f s b e y . . . . 8 2M r s . J a m e s N a i l . . . . . . . . . 8 5M r s . B a r b a r y N i m a n . . . . . 8 2W m . H . O s w a l t . . . 1 1J a c o b P l i n f i e l d . . . . . . . . . . 7 7W i l l i a m R . P a t e r s o n . . . . . 8 6M r s . E l v i r a P o s t . . . . . . . . . 8 5M r s . J . P R i c e . . . . 8 6M r s . S a m u e l R h o a d s . . . . . 8 0M r s . W m . R e i d e r . . . . . . . . ' 7 2

Samuel RaccJohn RhoneJoscph RothrockPetcr Riss lerMoses SanerJoscph SimpsonDr. Mirchel l SranW.W. Sn r i t hThomas Sunnucks . .Socratrs Smith .Mrs. Mary SheedyM r s . A l m a S p a u l d r n g . . . . .Mrs. Sarah Shrcffler . .Mrs. Robert ShenenbargerM r s . M a r g a r e t S c h i l s e r . . . .Mrs. Louisa Smart .Mrs. S.A. Sut ter .M r s . M a r g a r e t S i t e s . . . . . .Mrs. Susan St i l lwagonMrs. Elizabeth Steinruck . .Mrs. Christian Snyder . . . .Mrs. Eleanor TaylorMrs. Rebecca TrostelMrs. Katherine Wolfarth . .James Wi l le tGeo. C. Wise .John WeaverA b n e r W r i g h t . . . .Christian WolfordRobert White .Louis Young

80848279t57486147275798779771 l837178t688847593t387798192857983

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 5 I Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999

HARTMAN, E.L. E1847 p.282IRWIN, Jared (Vermillon Tp.) E1839 p.302NEEDHAM, Jesse H. E1847 p.322COOK, SethB. E1850 p.331COCHRAN, George H. (Mongtomery Tp.) E1842 p.335TYSON, Geo. B. E1848 p.355LONGSWORTH, Caleb E1844 p.360SMITH, James E1844 p. 368

WHISLER, Henry (Franklin Tp.)SCOTT, CatherineCHURCH, Thomas M.DELENBAUGH, PeterOSBURN, WilliamRAMSEY, Edward

E1848 p.374E1849 p.382E1848 p.388E1850 p.435E1846 p.591E1846 p.596

Adm. Wm. Wigton. Widow & minor children.Ex. Jacob Brinkerhoff. Minor sons, Jared & JohnAdm. John W. Needham.Adm. J.W. Smith.

Ex. G.G. Graham & R. McDonoughAdm. John W. Needham.Adm. Thomas Smith & Martha Smith. Widow,Martha Smith. Minor children, Ebenezer & Joseph.Adm. Robert Hall.Adm. James Hanna.Adm. Wm. ChurchAdm. Henry PittengerAdm. Jacob Osburn.Adm. John Ramsey.

end oj udume 11

For many years the old pioneers of Richland County met each June, keeping alive old memories and traditions.I.N. Thompson was the necrologist of the group and he kept a record of those who died during each year. Thefollowing list of deaths for the year 1906 was publ ished in the Mansfield newspaper on June 13. 1907 followingtheIr yearly meeting. We gIve the name of the pIoneer and their age.

Mrs. Mary 1. Appleman 72Mrs. Mary 1. Anderson 82Mrs. Eliza Au 74Mrs. Melissa Atkinson 83Mrs. Rebecca Brown 80Mrs. Mary Bitner 75Mrs. Charloty Brown . . . .. 97Samuel Bell 83Earnest Beam 75David Crall 86Mrs. Nancy E. Colen 83Mrs. Elizabeth Craig 76Mrs. Sophia Campbell 71Mrs. Nancy Croft 77Mrs. Susan Drake . . . . . . .. 71Mrs. Ellen Donnan 70Mrs. Sarah Dickson 83Mrs. Eli Dorsey 82Wm. T. Duker 77Calvin C. Doty 74Mrs. Sarah Forbes 74Mrs. Maria Gongwer 81Mrs. Sarah E. Grimes . . . .. 70Mr. Gaps 75Andrew Hunter. . . . . . . . .. 83Mrs. Margaret Hosler . . . .. 81Mrs. c.L. Hale 79Mrs. Mary L. Robinson 78Mrs. Rosina Hoak . 83Anna Hecht 78Thomas Johns 74

Richland County Genealogical Society

Christian Klapper 88Henry Kundi . . . . . . . . 78Mrs. Effie KUlJdi .... 80Mrs. Mary Kayler . 78Mrs. Mary S. KI1lm 91Mrs. James Kirkpatrick 74Mrs. Elizabeth Klagg 70John Lehr 80Levi C. Lockwood . . . . . .. 80Patrick Lowery 76Wm. B. Longsdorf 84Frederick Lantz ... 72Samuel Mentzer 92David Miller 88Joseph Miller 82Daniel Miller 90Mrs Jane Miller 78Mrs. P.S. Miller 72Mrs. Anna Morrow 78Geo. B. Merchard 76John Q. McIlvain 70Daniel Nifsbey . . . . . . 82Mrs. James Nail 85Mrs. Barbary Niman 82Wm. H. Oswalt 77Jacob Plinfield 77William R. Paterson 86Mrs. Elvira Post .. . . . . . .. 85Mrs. J.P. Rice 86Mrs. Samuel Rhoads 80Mrs. Wm. Reider 72

Page 51

Samuel Race 80John Rhone 84Joseph Rothrock 82Peter Rissler 79Moses Saner 75Joseph Simpson 74Dr. Mitchell Starr 86W.W. Smith 74Thomas Sunnucks 72Socratis Smith 75Mrs. Mary Sheedy 79Mrs. Alma Spaulding 87Mrs. Sarah Shreff1er 79Mrs. Robert Shenenbarger 77Mrs. Margaret Schilser 77Mrs. Louisa Smart 83Mrs. S.A. Sutter 77Mrs. Margaret Sites 78Mrs. Susan Stillwagon 76Mrs. Elizabeth SteinI1lck .. 88Mrs. Christian Snyder 84Mrs. Eleanor Taylor 75Mrs. Rebecca Trostel 93Mrs. Katherine Wolfarth .. 73James Willet 87Geo. C. Wise 79John Weaver 87Abner Wright 92Christian Wolford 85Robert White 79Louis Young 83

Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999











Looking for more descendant info on Joseph McClelland bom in PA and his wife, Sara Jane "Jennie"(McAfee) McClelland b 1852 in Wayne Co., OH. They marr in Wayne Co., OH on Oct. 26,1876.

Their known children: Nell ie M., Will ie & James McClelland. Jennie's parents were Mathew McAfeeb 1823 and Margaret McElhinney b 1822. Jennie's siblings include: William Ray, Robert, James, whomarr Sarah "Sadie" Shelly; Mathew Porter who man Eliza Belle Garner of Hannibal, MO. At the timeof Mathew Porter McAfee's death on May 25, 1915, his sister "Jennie" McClelland was living in theMansfield, OH area. I descend through Jennie's bro, Mathew Porter McAfee, and his son, CharlesThomas Mahlon McAfee b 1899 and through Charles'son, Jerry Ray McAfee b 1934. Looking togather more family tree info and possibly make contact with living descendants of Jennie & JosephMcClelland. Jerry A. "Jay" McAfee, P.O. Box 68, Hannibal, MO 63401-0068, e-mail address:[email protected], web address:

I am searching for ancestry information on my paternal grandfather, Fred Clark Dawson (mother's

maiden name was Clark). He was a county commissioner for 20+ years. I'm attempting to identifyNative American heritage - most likely his grandmother or great grandmother. I don't have his birthdate but he died in the 1970's. Any information you can supply would be most helpful. AudreyDawson, 22595 S. Pecan Ct., Claremore, OK 74011 . E-mail address is DChaussard (

I am looking for descendants of John Carl Thieding (b 4-9- 1906 and d9-26-1948). He was employedat Mansfield Tire Company and died as a result of an auto/train coll ision. Please contact Karen

Jacobson, 1067 90th St. SE, Maynard, MN 56260. E-mail address karenj(

I am looking for information on any of my ancestors in Richland/Ashland Counties. The main branchI am working on is Grubaugh, and some others are Cunningham, Russell, Bevington, Cline/Kline,Bil l ingsly and Carpenter. I 'd really love to find some old photos I could copy, and possibly Biblerecords and the l ike. Mike Oswald,3707 State Route 225, Diamond, Ohio44412 e-mail address [email protected]

I wish to exchange Height data from Richland County, Ohio. John H. Watts, Jr., 3605 N. Lindeke St.,Spokane, WA 99205-2358 e-mail address [email protected]

I am looking for a connection to Catherine Denneny who was known to be in the Mansfield area in the1850's or 1860's. She is my GGGrandmother who was born in Ireland. She may have settled there,married or died there. I have strong evidence by way of the Boston Pilot advertisement in June 1864that she had spent time in Mansfield. Any help would be appreciated. Paul Denneny, 455 CommerceDr., Lakeland, FL 33813 e-mail address Zenol060(

I am seeking information about John Terman of Madison, Richland Co. OH who wrote his wil l 1842.When and where was he born'/ Was his wife Rebecca Weakley (b cir 179O)definitely the mother ofJames Weakley Terman ,b. Jul 4, I 823, Carlisle, PA, John Terman b cir 1790 and Samuel Terman1820-1883'?. John Terman's 1842 wil l also mentions dau Elizabeth Stough dec with children John,George, Isabella, Elizabeth and Sarah and Mary w/o Myers Powell, Sarah Ward, Margaret Sloan andHetty Terman. The family came from Cumberland Co., PA in 1832. Janet (Terman) Newman, 108County Club Blvd., Litt le Egg Harbor, N.J. 08087 e-mail [email protected]

Seeking information on George M. Roberts (1814-1880) who marr Nancy (Mary?) Holmes (1816-1893) abtl838. Children include Sarah M., Thomas Je fferson, John C., Rebecca, George Wilson, EnosHolmes, Martha Ana, William Gale and Elmore Roberts. The family lived in Mifflin Twp., RichlandCo. from 1840's on. George and Nancy are buried there, There is a marriage record for a Mary Holmesand George Roberts in Rrchland Co. 12 Jul 1838 - are these the same people? Info on any of thisfamily would be appreciated. I am descended from son George Wilson Roberts. Lelani Arris, Box 42,Dunster, BC VOJ lJO Canada. e-mail [email protected]

Iamseekinginformat ionontheparentsorancestryofJamesBoalsb abt . 1820-1822inRichlandCo.,

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 52 Vol. l8 - #3 - July - August 1999










Looking for more descendant info on Joseph McClelland born in PA and his wife, Sara Jane "Jennie"(McAfee) McClelland b 1852 in Wayne Co., OH. They marr in Wayne Co., OH on Oct. 26, 1876.

Their known children: Nellie M., Willie & James McClelland. Jennie's parents were Mathew McAfeeb 1823 and Margaret McElhinney b 1822. Jennie's siblings include: William Ray, Robert, James, whomarr Sarah "Sadie" Shelly; Mathew Porter who marr Eliza Belle Garner ofHannibal, MO. At the timeof Mathew Porter McAfee's death on May 25, 1915, his sister "Jennie" McClelland was living in theMansfield, OH area. I descend through Jennie's bro, Mathew Porter McAfee, and his son, CharlesThomas Mahlon McAfee b 1899 and through Charles' son, Jerry Ray McAfee b 1934. Looking togather more family tree info and possibly make contact with living descendants of Jennie & JosephMcClelland. Jerry A. "Jay" McAfee, P.O. Box 68, Hannibal, MO 63401-0068, e-mail address:[email protected] , web address:

I am searching for ancestry information on my paternal grandfather, Fred Clark Dawson (mother'smaiden name was Clark). He was a county commissioner for 20+ years. I'm attempting to identify

Native American heritage - most likely his grandmother or great grandmother. I don't have his birthdate but he died in the 1970's. Any information you can supply would be most helpful. AudreyDawson, 22595 S. Pecan Ct., Claremore, OK 74017. E-mail [email protected].

I am looking for descendants of John Carl Thieding (b 4-9-1906 and d 9-26-1948). He was employedat Mansfield Tire Company and died as a result of an auto/train collision. Please contact KarenJacobson, 1067 90th St. SE, Maynard, MN 56260. E-mail [email protected]

I am looking for information on any of my ancestors in Richland/Ashland Counties. The main branchI am working on is Grubaugh, and some others are Cunningham, Russell, Bevington, Cline/Kline,Billingsly and Carpenter. I'd really love to find some old photos I could copy, and possibly Biblerecords and the like. Mike Oswald, 3707 State Route 225, Diamond, Ohio 44412 e-mail address [email protected]

I wish to exchange Height data from Richland County, Ohio. John H. Watts, Jr., 3605 N. Lindeke St.,Spokane, WA 99205-2358 e-mail [email protected]

I am looking for a connection to Catherine Denneny who was known to be in the Mansfield area in the1850's or 1860's. She is my GGGrandmother who was born in Ireland. She may have settled there,married or died there. I have strong evidence by way of the Boston Pilot advertisement in June 1864that she had spent time in Mansfield. Any help would be appreciated. Paul Denneny, 455 CommerceDr., Lakeland, FL 33813 e-mail [email protected]

I am seeking information about John Terman of Madison, Richland Co. OH who wrote his will 1842.When and where was he born'? Was his wife Rebecca Weakley (b cir I790)definitely the mother ofJames Weakley Terman ,b. Ju14, 1823, Carlisle, PA, John Terman b cir 1790 and Samuel Terman1820-1883'1. John Terman's 1842 will also mentions dau Elizabeth Stough dec with children John,George, Isabella, Elizabeth and Sarah and Mary w/o Myers Powell, Sarah Ward, Margaret Sloan andHetty Terman. The family came from Cumberland Co., PA in 1832. Janet (Terman) Newman, 108County Club Blvd., Little Egg Harbor, N.J. 08087 e-mail [email protected]

Seeking information on George M. Roberts (1814-1880) who marr Nancy (Mary?) Holmes (1816­1893) abtl838. Children include Sarah M., Thomas Jefferson, John c., Rebecca, George Wilson, EnosHolmes, Martha Ana, William Gale and Elmore Roberts. The family lived in Mifflin Twp., RichlandCo. from 1840's on. George and Nancy are buried there. There is a marriage record for a Mary Holmesand George Roberts in Richland Co. 12 Jul 1838 - are these the same people? Info on any of thisfamily would be appreciated. I am descended from son George Wilson Roberts. Lelani Arris, Box 42,Dunster, BC VOJ 110 Canada. [email protected]

I am seeking information on the parents or ancestry ofJames Boals b abt. 1820-1822 in Richland Co.,

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 52 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999









OH. He marr Mary Elizabeth Amsbaugh on Aug. 28,1846 ur Richland Co., OH Janice Merritt, 35561Strathcona, Clinton Twp. MI 48035 e-mail address [email protected]

Would l ike information on Jason Garrison (b111 | NJ), Will iam Garrison (b 1802 Genoa, NY), SilasPol lard (b.1766 MA), Samuel Moul ton (b.abt 1S22)famihes. Al l these fami l ies were ear ly 1800settlers of Yankeetown and NE Richland County, Ohio. Mary Wojcik, 56 Howard Ave., Worthington,OH 43085 e-mail: mwojcik(c)

I am looking for information on a Will iam Nlil ier rvho n'as born in Richland Counfy Oct.25, 1835. Heprobably marr a Cynthia \\ ' i lson in Kennrcky around 1860. enlisted in the Civil War in l l l inois, wasrvounded, marr a widow, Clarissa King in 1867, and d in Nebraska in 1890. I don't know his parents'names. Any in format ion u,ould be apprcc iatcd. l l r icka Kammerer , 11187 Saf fo ld Way, Reston, VA20 I 90. e-mail lamour(a)ea1[11nL,n.t.

Will iam Henry Carter u,as born March l, 18-56 rn Lexington, OH. He was the son of Will iam HenryCarter and Mary Carter. I lenry, as his lather was called, served in the Civil War and died there. Donot know when or w,here. Hcnry and Mary had t '"r 'o olher known sons, Frank and Presley Carter. In the1938 obituary fbr Will iam Carter it states that Frank Carter, brother of Will iam is l iving in Lexington,OI l .

- fhere is a Wi l l ianr ( -ar ter rn the 1t i -50 census. that nr ight be [ Icnry, the tather . There is a lso an

Otho Glasgorv in the 1850 census that might bc thc father of Emma Clasgow, wif 'e of Will iam. Anyin lbrmat ion on th is lan i i ly u 'ould bc nruch appreciated. Gai l Car ter , l0 l8 N - l 'd . . Ponca Ci ty . OK7460 I . e -ma i l c l cn r ( / poncac i l ) . nc t .

David Spr ing b. I ,9 .1(r OI l . rnarr March ( r . I 871 in Rrchland ( 'o lo a Margaret Sny 'der . Chi ldren: Olrverb 1U72, Aha B 187.1. Augusta b lu77 and Wi l l iarn b 1E79. a l l in Ot l . 1880 Crawford Co.census l is tslhern rn Vernon l 'p . ln abt . l t i l i I th is lanr i l l nrovcd to I lourbon ( 'o . , KS. Alva Spr ing marr l immaNlol 'er in Bourbon Co. KS in 1896. I lnrnra d in l9 l . l . in KS. Alva lc f t a f ter 1915 and was not seenagain in KS unt i l 1962,16-1. Looking lbr any connect lon to th is lanr i ly , in par t icu lar looking for AlvaSpr ing. l 'hanks so much. Kare-n Adanrs, 18901 Forcst Park Dr. NE, lakc Forcst Park, WA 98 155, c-mai l : angcl ( r r adconrs l 's-nct

I anr looking for a Frank L ipper t r . ' "ho was supposed to harc l ivcd in Shi loh, Ohio b around 1830 to1850 and had a son namcd Samue I I lo,vd l, ippcrt. Samue I l3oyd Lippert is bur in Greenlawn T i f f in . Ohio.

' l 'h is is nry ' hushand's grandl l thcr and th is is about a l l u 'e know about h im. We do not

kno*' i l ' l irank had other children or * ho l i is u if 'e r"as. Would appreciate any eflbrt made to help. Ruthl . ippcr t , .156 Cornanchc \ \ 'ay, Sal inas. C' \ 9390(r . e -nra i l : . l l lWI-J.1 i r r aol .corn

I anr secking in lbrmat ion on thc I ta tc l i l ' l - lanr i ly that l ivcd in Ganges, I lch land Co l iom 1833 to 1837.l 'hcre should bc a ccnrctery rccord or bur ia l rccord lbr ( ieorge Moses Ratc l i f f , who d July 31, l8 l4in Ganges at the age o1-9 months. l lc u'as the child of Will iam and Mary Ann Ratcliff. I am alsoseeking any birth record or other recorcls on Janres Maxtcd Ratcli l ' l ' , born to the same couple inRichland Co. on June 7, 1835. Scot t Burou' .27 Hi l lcrest Dr . , Hannibal , MO 63401, e-mai l :eaulc I ( r 'ncrr ronct .corr r

I anr lookiing in Richland C'o. lbr an Andrerv Robinson b I826. IIe marr about 1860, I believe as his2 "dwr fedue to the i rages . I i va l i nc 'Pu tne l ' . b 18 ,12 . ' f heyhad these ch i l d ren ,James 1861 ,Be r tha 1870 ,Blanche Mae 1873, Andrcw'Du ight 1876 and Irsther 1880. I hope someone can help. Jonnie Johnson,l3-56 Stringtown I{d., Llkton, KY 12220-97 1 l, e-nrail: k;ohnson(a)

Looking for information on the larnily of Enoch B. Kinzell uho l ived in Richland Co., Mansfield area,in the 1820-30s. Also looking for the relationship betn'een his family and the Josiah Smith family.Enoch was appointcd guardian of the children of Josiah Smith at this death in the 1820s.'I 'hank you.Donna M. Wolf, 5245 Portland St. #301, Columbus, OH 43235-7610, e-mail address:WOLFDM3 5(!

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 53 Vol . 18 - #3 - Ju ly - August 1999









OH. He marr Mary Elizabeth Amsbaugh on Aug. 28, 1846 in Richland Co., OH Janice Merritt, 35561Strathcona, Clinton Twp. MI 48035 e-mail [email protected]

Would like information on Jason Garrison (b 1771 NJ), William Garrison (b1802 Genoa, NY), SilasPollard (b.1766 MA), Samuel Moulton (b.abt I 822)families. All these families were early 1800settlers of Yankeetown and NE Richland County, Ohio. Mary Wojcik, 56 Howard Ave., Worthington,OH 43085 e-mail: [email protected]

I am looking for mformation on a William Milier who was born in Richland County Oct.25, 1835. Heprobably man a Cynthia Wilson in Kentucky around 1860, enlisted in the Civil War in Illinois, waswounded, man a widow, Clarissa King in 1867, and d in Nebraska in 1890. I don't know his parents'names. Any information would be appreciated. Ericka Kammerer, 11187 Saffold Way, Reston, VA20190, e-maillamour(a)

William Henry Carter was born March I, 1856 in Lexington, OH. He was the son of William HenryCarter and Mary Carter. Henry, as his father was called, served in the Civil War and died there. Donot know when or where. Henry and ;'vfary had two other known sons, Frank and Presley Carter. In the1938 obituary for William Carter it states that Frank Carter, brother of William is living in Lexington,011. There is a William Carter in the I X50 census, that n11ght be Henry, the father. There is also anOtho Glasgow in the 1850 census that might be the father of Emma Glasgow, wife of William. Anyinformation on this family would be much appreciated. Gail Carter, 1018 N. 3'd, Ponca City, OK7460 I, e-mail clem(

Dand Spring b. 1X46 OH. malT ;'vfarch 6, IX71 in Richland Co to a Margaret Snyder. Children: Oliverb 1872, Alva 13 1874. Augusta b 1877 and William b 1879. all in Orl. 1880 Crawford Co.census liststhem III Vernon Tp. In abt. 1881 this famIly moved to Bourbon Co., KS. Alva Spring marr EmmaMoyer in Bourbon Co. KS in 1896. Emma d in 1914, III KS. Alva left after 1915 and was not seenagain in KS until 1962163. Looking for any connection to this family, in particular looking for AlvaSpring. Thanks so much. Karen Adams. 1890 I Forest Park Dr. NE, lake Forest Park, WA 98155, e­mail: angel(

[ am looking for a Frank Lippert who was supposed to have lived in Shiloh, Ohio b around 1830 to1850 and had a son named Samuel Boyd Lippert. Samuel Boyd Lippert is bur in Greenlawn Tiffin, Ohio. This is my husband's grandfather and this IS about all we know about him. We do notknow ifl'rank had other children or who his Wife was. Would appreciate any effort made to help. RuthLippert. 456 Comanchc Way. Salinas. CA 93906, e-mail: JRWU4(

[ am seeking information on the Ratcliff family that lived III Ganges, Richland Co from 1833 to 1837.There should be a cemetery record or burial record for Cieorge Moses Ratcliff, who d July 31, 1834in Ganges at the age of 9 months. lie was the child of William and Mary Ann Ratcliff. I am alsoseeking any birth record or other records on James ;'vfaxted Ratcliff, born to the same couple inRichland Co. on June 7. 1835. Scott Burow. 27 Hillcrest Dr., Hannibal, MO 63401, e-mail:eagle I (a'

I am lookiing in Richland Co. for an Andrew Robinson b 1826. lie man about 1860, I believe as his2nd wife due to their ages, b'aline Putney, b 1842. They had these children, James 1861, Bertha 1870,Blanche Mae 1873, Andrew Dv.ight 1876 and Esther 1880.1 hope someone can help. Jonnie Johnson,1356 Stringtown Rd., Elkton, KY 42220-9711, e-mail: kjohnson(£

Looking for information on the family of Enoch B. Kinzell who lived in Richland Co., Mansfield area,in the 1820-30s. Also looking for the relationship between his family and the Josiah Smith family.Enoch was appointed guardian of the children of Josiah Smith at this death in the 1820s. Thank you.Donna M. Wolf, 5245 Portland St. #303, Columbus, OH 43235-7670, e-mail address:[email protected]

Richland County Genealogical Society Page 53 Vol. 18 - #3 - July - August 1999

Richfond County Genealogicol Society Publicotions

A Pioneer History of Richland County, Ohio (1993)General Roeliff Brinkerhoff, edited by MaryJ. Henneyprice: $25.95 + $3.00 s/h + $1.65 Ohio sales tax

Biographical History of Richland Gounty, Ohio (1983)price: $40.00 + $3.50 s/h + $2.50 Ohio sales tax

From the Annals of Richland County (1996) compiled and edited by Mary Jane Henneyorice: $26.00 + $3.00 s/h + $$.169 Ohio sales tax

1870 Richland County, Ohio Federal Populat ion Census Indexprice: $8.00 + $2.00 s/h + $.50 Ohio sales tax

1880 Richland County, Ohio Federal Populat ion Indexprice: $6.00 + $1.50 s/h + .38 Ohio sales tax

Richfand County, Ohio Marriage Records 1813 - 1871 (1993) compiled by MAGICorice: $29.95 + $3.00 s/h + $1.88 Ohio sales tax

Richland County, Ohio Original Land Ownersprice $27.00 + $3.00 s/h + $1.69 Ohio sales tax

Richland County, Ohio Civi lWar Veteransprice $12.00 + $3.00 s/h + $.75 Ohio sales tax

A Family History of John Mentzer & Elizabeth Kuhn & Life on the Rocky Fork (1982) Max McFarlandprice: $18.00 + $2.00 s/h + $1 .12 Ohio sales tax

price $1.50 + $.55 s/h + $09 Ohio sales tax

price: '1.00 + $'1.50 s/h + $.06 Ohio sales tax

price: $1.25 + $.75 shipping + $07 Ohio sales tax

price: $4.00 + $2.25 s/h + $.25 Ohio sales taxChampagne beige glass tree ornament with an imprint of the beautiful old red brickVictorian Richland County Courthouse 1873 - 1968 (ball is 3.5 in. diameter)

Onlv Ohio residents need to pav sales tax

Block House Booklet

Bicentennial lssue of the Heri tage Booklet (1976)

Back lssues of the Pastfinder

Christmas Bal l Ornament (1993)

Richland County ChapterOhio Genealogical SocietyP.O. Box 3823,Mansfield. OH 44907-3823

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PaidMansfield, OhioPermrt No. 91

Richland County Genealogical Society Publications

A Pioneer History of Richland County, Ohio (1993) General Roeliff Brinkerhoff, edited by Mary J. Henneyprice: $25.95 + $3.00 sth + $1.65 Ohio sales tax

Biographical History of Richland County, Ohio (1983)price: $40.00 + $3.50 sth + $2.50 Ohio sales tax

From the Annals of Richland County (1996) compiled and edited by Mary Jane Henneyprice: $26.00 + $3.00 sth + $$.169 Ohio sales tax

1870 Richland County, Ohio Federal Population Census Indexprice: $8.00 + $2.00 sth + $.50 Ohio sales tax

1880 Richland County, Ohio Federal Population Indexprice: $6.00 + $1.50 sth + .38 Ohio sales tax

Richland County, Ohio Marriage Records 1813 -1871 (1993) compiled by MAGICprice: $29.95 + $3.00 sth + $1.88 Ohio sales tax

Richland County, Ohio Original Land Ownersprice $27.00 + $3.00 sth + $1.69 Ohio sales tax

Richland County, Ohio Civil War Veteransprice $12.00 + $3.00 sth + $.75 Ohio sales tax

A Family History of John Mentzer & Elizabeth Kuhn & Life on the Rocky Fork (1982) Max McFarlandprice: $18.00 + $2.00 sth + $1.12 Ohio sales tax

Block House Booklet price $1.50 + $.55 sth + $09 Ohio sales tax

Bicentennial Issue of the Heritage Booklet (1976) price: 1.00 + $1.50 sth + $.06 Ohio sales tax

Back Issues of the Pastfinder price: $1.25 + $.75 shipping + $07 Ohio sales tax

Christmas Ball Ornament (1993) price: $4.00 + $2.25 sth + $.25 Ohio sales taxChampagne beige glass tree ornament with an imprint of the beautiful old red brickVictorian Richland County Courthouse 1873 - 1968 (ball is 3.5 in. diameter)

Only Ohio residents need to pay sales tax

Richland County ChapterOhio Genealogical SocietyP.O. Box 3823,Mansfield, OH 44907-3823

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PaidMansfield, OhioPermit No. 91