The Overcoat Question! f - › lccn › sn91068291 › 1911-01-11...

Mr. J. C. Wall, of Meadows, was here today. I?? - When buying a cough medi- cine for children bear in mind that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. XOTH'K TO DKI.INWI MXT TAX I'.VVKK oil I'AYKKS THAT THE I'l UCJIASKK ATSIILIUKFS SALK OI'LAXDSOLD FOKTAXF.S WILL APPLY FOIt A I»(?:!?:I> TO THK SAMK I'XLKSS SA11? LVXD IS WITHIN TIMI:I'liiis. CKIIiKD It V LAW. TIIH liHlw-IU-HTU' or devisees uf Dn- viil Kallani. dcci aKcd, or ot her r- son UF |H*I'MIIII> who may own or In* concerned ill till* redemption of tile 1.1111 l hereinafter llewclilled, nil' liere- ii.v notified ili,'ii W. c. Slate. tlii' pur- 1 fllUSCl'at Sheriff's Sale of MIIIIC, lllillll* li.v it. .1. Petiw, ex-Sl;eriff of Stokes I'oiuit.v, X. mill nt a milt* of sunn* lllade by t'. M. Jones. KluriH of Stokes county, at the court housei ilour In the town of Duubury, X. oil the first Monday In May, lain, ? IH'IIIK the wH'und day of May, Win. for taxes therefore duly usseased and levied I»v ilif commissioners of Stokes county, for State, county,. school anil special pur|iUMH, and re- malnlnK due anil unpaid thereon, for the years liMlh am) lINKI respect- Ively, aud which lands were duly listed for taxation In the county of StokeH for hulil years In the name of,' ! or us the lauds of David Kallani. ile-' ceased, will apply to the ex-sheriff ! and sheriff of Stokes I'ounty named ntiove, for a deed for aaid hinds un- less the «ame shall lie redeemed within the time prescribed by la w. Maid land lyinjf and lieing In the i towaahlp of Snow Creak. Stokes j County, and bounded as follow* : KeßinnlnK at a Mark oak on the I North side of the Ward's <iap road,; \u25a0 J. I*. Smith's corner, .North lMt poles! Ito a spaulsh oak. Poor's corner,, i Went on CuußliiKham'* Hue Ml poles] ; to a black oak, thence south <!<) de- cree* Went '.'IW poles to a black nimi i on the Xorth side of said road, ] thence soiitli-Kast uloiiKthe rond to' tlie beuinnlni;. t'oiitainliiK I st ' acres, more or Icsa, and belli;; the same land described iu a deed from smith ! Kallani to David Nullum, recorded In the office of the Ib'ttistel' of Deetls I for StokeaCo., in Hook Xo. I*l, panes SCI and 314. i I 'I 111* tii \l'S ;t| li ??!?>! I*l ?r f III* vetir It'llS. lit? ift ami lilt* taxi's ii<l I'a.r tint VCIII- |H»!I, , LFl*lLl total ** 7 HI. with *J| I»I»|- I-fiit ill- ? tere>f on sum** ironi flu* .'ml «l \ or MIIV, Mini the cost ol' |>ii lil icii I ii i ? n|' tlii*t-iilii'i* * i INI i That the time lor mlmi'ilion oi MiitlInn*l u'l| exiiire on tin* iir*t ilnv ll* \la\ liri. ami unlit.* I Mi|ecni»«l wi'liiii HIP t'lii'- |ui»Mitl'i'l IN law : us ulio\e M'l lorili. ili*- IHMUM>iuiicil |nircliiisi*r | Uill ;? | |»l\ lor ii ili-il li tifofio t . in Hit* i»i«r- li Hculcs 111 I'lircliSM' ulich In- Inthi* iii iii iln> H'cIH'IIiVI' ''.ITM :ilmv I* 111 I 'il Till' Milill |»UrcllJlfiM l l'.c. till till li" I'l lii infill M»r»It'll ami uii|ii r>. to Hi il ? in* |n*i» ?l»r-w. or ilitvi- Mi*es oi' I LAV ill KUL 111 ilm i , ;iw«i. or otlu»r |ii'r«on or iiitnohm laim'nn to >\v »anl l.i'iUin hi<»kt*« county, herein uiven notice in >M*I'IMI|IIIU'P W HI 1 siM'tioii ?Jim: lin tln* !tevi> I .Vorili « arol mi of liv |*u I*l i«*ation. lil> tin* ii Ii i!--\ of.lan . 1011. V. r, *|..\ i I*n? i-lia»t*r I rulilii-l .111-.. Illli. l*tii. ?J*»lli. ami Knii l*t GERNANTON LETTER. Germanton, Jan. 2. There will be preaching at Corinth Christian church the 3rd Sun- day in Jan., at 11 o'clock A. M. by Rev. C. W. Alldredge. The Germanton High School is progressing nicely under the supervision of Prof. J. C. Car- son. There are between seven- ty-five and one hundred students. Mr. Alex Rutledge invited several of his friends to a sump- tuous opossum dinner Jan. 6th. The crowd decided to take a possum hunt that night. There were about fifteen in the crowd with four dogs. C. E. P. To Meet January 26. The Bank of Stokes County will hold its annual meeting of stockholders and directors at the Walnut Cove bank, Jan. 26, bringing to a close its fifth year, which iias been one of the most sucjessful in the Bank's ex- istence. The usual dividend will be declared, and according to the Bank's custom, the bal- ance of the year's clear earnings will be left and added to the surplus fund, thus making the Bank stronger year by year. In disorders and diV-1 eases of children drugs | seldom do good and li often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies' remedies. Scott's Emulsion is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil- dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. COR SAI.E BY Al,r, DRUGGISTS B*nd 10c , name of paper and this ad. for our beautiiul Saving* Dank and Child'* Sketch-Book. F.ach bark contain* ? Good ;,U' V: Penny. Wishing You ja Happy !| Prosperous New Year I j ?i We start the sixth year of business with deposits lar- ger than ever before, with about 600 depositors on our ; books; with the record of having never lost a loan; and resolved to maintain our policy of doing business only on a safe and conservative j basis. We invite every person in Stokes county who handles money, whether in large or small amounts, to open an account with us. Check books furnished free, or 4 cent, interest paid on sav- ings accounts. j The Bank of Stokes Co. i J WOOD'S HIGH-GRADE \ '[/ Farm Seeds. \| ! We are headquarters for the best in all Farm seeds. Grass and Clover Seeds Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, Cow Peas, So]a Beans, 8 Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, (J) Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. K ! "Wood's Crop issued Special" monthly gives timely information as to seeds to plant each month in the year, also prices of Season- able Seeds. Write for copy, mailed free on request >| T.W.WOODftSONS, // \| Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. / We are glad to announce to our friends that J ACK l HILL is now back with us' lor the balance of the season. He willbe on every sale and will give his jj personal attention to each pile of your tobacco and see that every pile brings the top market price. Mr. Hill has been a fam »r all his life and Is now, and he | knows how to sympathize with ihe farmers. He is recognized as one of the b t -<t judges of tobacco in the i) State, and this J.* tiim to be a great help to >ou s in selling your tub 9 If you have sold with us, you will come again; if you have not, don't put it off any longer, for you are I losing money. Bring us your NHXT LOAD and you will be pleased with your sale. Jack Hill is buying a lot of tobacco and is the must liberal buyer on the |] S market. He wants a large quantity of good wrap- £ pers and is paying high prices for them. He is no 3 stranger to the farmers of this section, as he has been on the Winston market for 19 years and has | helped to bring about the best accommodations that the farmers have ever had in VVinston. The far- mers' interest is first with him. his owp next. He will always me. t. ou with a smile and a kind word that is natural * ith hi.v. Sales at the Leader are averaging high and our en- tire sales for several days during November were around $12.00 per hundred average and for some days the average was around $13.00 per hundred. » Our first sale days for December are Mondays, | Wednesdays and Fridays. Come to see us. v Your friends, V ' , I LEADER WAREHOUSE. The Overcoat Question! f During the next few weeks thousands of Overcoats/ will be passed from the tables of Clothing stores into the hands WHERE WILL YOU BUY YOURS? Put this question to almost any group of well dressed and well informed men hereabouts and the answer will be with one accord At Cranford's 1 There's a reason for this universal sen- 1 timent in favor of our store and our- If you will come in for a look, we will, demonstrate the why and the where- < f®i"®« N. L. CRANFORD & CO. One Price Clothiers WINSTON - SALEM, N. C. R. DAVIS Selling Out At Cost DRY OOODS,' NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES AND LADIES' MILLINERY, AND FURNISHING GOODS. Great Bargains. R. DTA VI S 411 LIBERTY ST. WINSTON - SALEJVI^ Blink* For Sal*. * Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen, Deeds in Trust 25c. dozen, Chat- tel Mortgages Oc. dozen, Land Posters 0:. dozen. Postage paid by us. Address DANBURY REPORTER. DANBURY. N. C. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else Mia. In nervooa prostration and female weakneaaea they an the aapreme remedy, aa thouaanda have testified. FOR KIDNEY(LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE , it ia the beat medicine aver Bold over a druggiat'a counter. i.ANI> KAI.I:: By vlrtui' of a decree <>f tin* Su-' perlor Court ?»( Stoken County. ren- 1 , ili'rwl by M, T. Chilton, C. s. C., In '< J tlx* h|mh'lo 1 proceeding* »*i»l 1 1 !»?«!. "V. ]' E. Pepper. ad'tnr. <>f Mnt i It* IVailillll., dw'd vh. Etwne S. Wither*. el al,"| ( authorlxliiK otid direct Inu; the under- i HluiH'il to make mile of the laildrt ; ' hereinafter dewrllted, for tin* J"""-' 1 pone of riilHliiur aHHctH with whleli to i jiny off and dlwliaw tlx' drlit* (iiriiliixt thr en t ate of Mattlc Wad- dill, ilee'd, anil tliri'oHtM of iiiliiiliilh- tratlon upon tlir name. I will Hell i at public auction, to thr hlulient, I bldilcr, for entdi, at the court liouhc ( door In l>Hnbury. X. on Monday, Feb. 11, 1910, a certain tract of land HltUHteil, lyltlir ami IHntf In the county of Stokcn anil the Blate of j Xorth Carolina. In Kauratown town-1 Hhlti, adjoining the land* of Dr. Koltert Taylor ami Taylor, j on thr Went Hide, ami on the .North 1 wide the landn of 11. <lll>hou ami Ben Self, on the Kant Hide William! Llnvllle uml Nannie Fiddle, and on , the South Hide John Dalton,colored, i1 containing 221) ncren, more or ten*. The nald landM may lie Mold all to- gether a* one tract, or It may In* i «old In different nixed lot*, or lioth | way*, the detallH of which will lie , maile known upon day of Hale. Thin Deo. 20,1910. N. E. I'EIM'EII, Xdm'r of Mattle Waddlll. J. I>. Humphrey*, Atty. for Adm'r. | NOTICE. Having duly qualified an adiitliiU- j trator of the entate of E. T. Beanley, dereanrd. notice Ih hereby given to I all l lernonn holding clalniH agalnnt I the cMiate of E. T. Beanley, to pre*- 1 ear them to me for payment, duly; authenticated, or by the tlrnr day of Jan. lUI2. or thin notice will lie j pleaded In bar of their recover,v. All pernonn Indebted to Haiti entate are' respectfully requested to make Im- niedlate payment. Till* tin* Ith day of Dee. 1910. C. E. BEASLKY, Administrator. Sandy Itldge, N. Houte 1. s.»i l etree, Atty. for Ad'iur. LAND BALK ll.v virtue of n decree <»f t lit* Super- I i lor Court of stoke* county rendered | by XI. T.ChlltonC. S. ('. In tilt-Special I 'roccedlnipt entitled "J.T. LUWMOII letalV*. Kntli Sheppard ctal" ap- ! pulutlnfr the UNDERHLKIUH] 11 colli IUIH- -1 winner to niukcxHle oftlie herelnufter 1 di-HcrllN'd land*, I will on Mondny tlic oth day of February, 11)11, nell at public auction to the hlKhext bidder forcatdi the following dewrllied , In IKIH to wit : A certain tract of land tdtuate lylnKand being In the county of Stoke* andntate of North Carolina , and more particularly de*crlbed and I defined a* folio WH to wit: IJefflnnlng 1 at n white oak Kfuuip Dulton'* cor- ner and ruiiM Kn*t lOclutlii* to point- er* corner of Lot No. 2, thence North 1 211 cliiiliiH to a Moiirwood. thence I Ka*t!»". link* to pointer*, South it-'i j chain* to the Ix'tflnnlnK containing SO-\ acre* more or led*, and It lielng the lot iiMHlKned to Alexander 8. | WoodHon In the Hub dlvlnlon of the ' innd* of John M. ('loud as sliowli by | th* record In Hook No :t page 470 of Order* and Decree* In the office of i the Clerk of the Superior Court of {Stoke* County N. C. and It helmc i conveyed by Alex. \Vood*on to S. T. | La wHon by deed of date AUK. Nth. ; 11)00 recorded In the otlfce of the Hejf- l*ter of Deed* of Stoke* County. N. ('. ; In Hook No 42 pave Male will IM> . I made at the Court Hou*e door In I the town of Danbury, N. t'., and . will lie Miibject to the confirmation of i the Court Thl* Jim. !lrd, 11)11. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Com. | ! P. L. Culler, the painter, paper-hanger and decorator, : King, N. C. exfeb23 THE GRABS SAW MILL PATENTED AND MANUFACTURED BY V. T. GRABS, KINO, N. C. All iron and steel, the best and completest mill on earth. Turns its own logs. Made in four sizes?lo leet, 15 feet', 20 feet and w<lMt leaf. Write for further in formation and prices. , THE DAN BURY REPORTER Page 4

Transcript of The Overcoat Question! f - › lccn › sn91068291 › 1911-01-11...

Page 1: The Overcoat Question! f - › lccn › sn91068291 › 1911-01-11 › ed-1 › ... · 2014-02-06 · Sales at the Leader are averaging high and our

Mr. J. C. Wall, of Meadows,was here today.I?? -

When buying a cough medi-cine for children bear in mindthat Chamberlain's CoughRemedy is most effectual forcolds, croup and whooping coughand that it contains no harmfuldrug. For sale by all dealers.



TIIH liHlw-IU-HTU' or devisees uf Dn-viil Kallani. dcci aKcd, or ot her |» r-son UF |H*I'MIIII> who may own or In*concerned ill till* redemption of tile1.1111 l hereinafter llewclilled, nil' liere-ii.v notified ili,'ii W. c. Slate. tlii' pur- 1fllUSCl'at Sheriff's Sale of MIIIIC,lllillll*li.v it. .1. Petiw, ex-Sl;eriff of StokesI'oiuit.v, X. mill nt a milt* of sunn*lllade by t'. M. Jones. KluriH ofStokes county, at the court houseiilour In the town of Duubury, X.oil the first Monday In May, lain, ?IH'IIIKthe wH'und day of May, Win.for taxes therefore duly usseasedand levied I»v ilif commissionersof Stokes county, for State, county,.school anil special pur|iUMH, and re-malnlnK due anil unpaid thereon,for the years liMlh am) lINKI respect-Ively, aud which lands were dulylisted for taxation In the county ofStokeH for hulil years In the name of,'

! or us the lauds of David Kallani. ile-'ceased, will apply to the ex-sheriff

! and sheriff of Stokes I'ounty namedntiove, for a deed for aaid hinds un-less the «ame shall lie redeemedwithin the time prescribed by la w.Maid land lyinjf and lieing In the

i towaahlp of Snow Creak. Stokesj County, and bounded as follow* :

KeßinnlnK at a Mark oak on theI North side of the Ward's <iap road,;\u25a0 J. I*. Smith's corner, .North lMt poles!Ito a spaulsh oak. Poor's corner,,i Went on CuußliiKham'* Hue Ml poles]; to a black oak, thence south <!<) de-cree* Went '.'IW poles to a black nimi ion the Xorth side of said road, ]thence soiitli-Kast uloiiKthe rond to'tlie beuinnlni;. t'oiitainliiK Ist ' acres,more or Icsa, and belli;; the sameland described iu a deed from smith

! Kallani to David Nullum, recordedIn the office of the Ib'ttistel' of Deetls

I for StokeaCo., in Hook Xo. I*l, panesSCI and 314. i

I 'I 111* tii \l'S ;t| li ??!?>! I*l?r f III* vetir It'llS. lit? iftami lilt*taxi's ii<l I'a.r tint VCIII- |H»!I, ,

LFl*lLl total **7 HI. with *J| I»I»|- I-fiit ill- ?tere>f on sum** ironi flu* .'ml «l \ or MIIV,Mini the cost ol' |>iililiciiIii i ? n|' tlii*t-iilii'i**i INI

i That the time lor mlmi'ilionoi MiitlInn*l u'l|exiiire on tin* iir*t ilnvll* \la\ liri. ami unlit.*

I Mi|ecni»«l wi'liiii HIP t'lii'- |ui»Mitl'i'l IN law: us ulio\e M'l lorili. ili*- IHMUM>iuiicil |nircliiisi*r

| Uill;? | |»l\ lor ii ili-illi tifofio t . in Hit* i»i«r-liHculcs 111 I'lircliSM' ulich In- Inthi* iii iii iln>H'cIH'IIiVI' ''.ITM :ilmvI* 111 I 'il Till' Milill|»UrcllJlfiM l l'.c. tilltill li" I'l lii infill M»r»It'llami uii|iir>. to Hi il ? in* |n*i» ?l»r-w. or ilitvi-Mi*es oi' ILAV ill KUL 111 ilm i, ;iw«i. or otlu»r |ii'r«onor iiitnohm laim'nn to >\v »anl l.i'iUin hi<»kt*«county, herein uiven notice in >M*I'IMI|IIIU'P W HI 1siM'tioii ?Jim: lin tln* !tevi> I .Vorili « arol mi of

liv |*u I*li«*ation. lil>tin* ii Ii i!--\ of.lan .1011.

V. r, *|..\ i I*n? i-lia»t*r Irulilii-l .111-.. Illli.l*tii.?J*»lli. ami Knii l*t

GERNANTON LETTER.Germanton, Jan. 2. There

will be preaching at CorinthChristian church the 3rd Sun-day in Jan., at 11 o'clock A. Rev. C. W. Alldredge.

The Germanton High School isprogressing nicely under thesupervision of Prof. J. C. Car-son. There are between seven-ty-five and one hundred students.

Mr. Alex Rutledge invitedseveral of his friends to a sump-tuous opossum dinner Jan. 6th.The crowd decided to take apossum hunt that night. Therewere about fifteen in the crowdwith four dogs.

C. E. P.

To Meet January 26.

The Bank of Stokes Countywill hold its annual meeting ofstockholders and directors at theWalnut Cove bank, Jan. 26,bringing to a close its fifth year,which iias been one of the mostsucjessful in the Bank's ex-istence. The usual dividendwill be declared, and accordingto the Bank's custom, the bal-ance of the year's clear earningswill be left and added to thesurplus fund, thus making theBank stronger year by year.

In disorders and diV-1eases of children drugs |seldom do good and lioften do harm.

Careful feeding andbathing are the babies'remedies.

Scott's Emulsionis the food-medicine thatnot only nourishes themmost, but also regulatestheir digestion. It is awonderful tonic for chil-dren of all ages. Theyrapidly gain weight andhealth on small doses.


B*nd 10c , name of paper and this ad. forour beautiiul Saving* Dank and Child'*Sketch-Book. F.ach bark contain* ?

Good ;,U' V: Penny.

Wishing Youja Happy

!| ProsperousNew Year



We start the sixth year ofbusiness with deposits lar-ger than ever before, withabout 600 depositors on our

; books; with the record ofhaving never lost a loan;and resolved to maintain our

policy of doing business onlyon a safe and conservative

j basis.We invite every person in

Stokes county who handlesmoney, whether in large orsmall amounts, to open anaccount with us. Checkbooks furnished free, or 4cent, interest paid on sav-ings accounts.


The Bankof Stokes Co.



'[/Farm Seeds. \|!

We are headquarters forthe best in allFarm seeds.

Grass and Clover SeedsSeed Corn, Cotton Seed,Cow Peas, So]a Beans,

8Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, (J)MilletSeed, Peanuts, etc. K

! "Wood's Crop issuedSpecial" monthly

gives timely information as toseeds to plant each month inthe year, also prices ofSeason-able Seeds. Write for copy,

mailed free on request

>| T.W.WOODftSONS, //\| Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. /

We are glad to announce to our friends that J ACK lHILLis now back with us' lor the balance of theseason. He willbe on every sale and will give his jjpersonal attention to each pile of your tobacco andsee that every pile brings the top market price. Mr.Hillhas been a fam »r all his life and Is now, and he |knows how to sympathize with ihe farmers. He isrecognized as one of the bt-<t judges of tobacco in the i)State, and this J.* tiim to be a great help to >ou sin selling your tub 9

If you have sold with us, you will come again; ifyou have not, don't put it off any longer, for you are Ilosing money. Bring us your NHXT LOAD and youwillbe pleased with your sale. Jack Hill is buyinga lot of tobacco and is the must liberal buyer on the |]

S market. He wants a large quantity of good wrap- £pers and is paying high prices for them. He is no

3 stranger to the farmers of this section, as he hasbeen on the Winston market for 19 years and has

| helped to bring about the best accommodations thatthe farmers have ever had in VVinston. The far-mers' interest is first with him. his owp next. Hewill always me. t. ou with a smile and a kind wordthat is natural * ith hi.v.

Sales at the Leader are averaging high and our en-tire sales for several days during November werearound $12.00 per hundred average and for somedays the average was around $13.00 per hundred. »

Our first sale days for December are Mondays,| Wednesdays and Fridays. Come to see us.

v Your friends, V ',


The Overcoat Question!

fDuring the next few weeks thousands

of Overcoats/ will be passed from thetables of Clothing stores into the hands


Put this question to almost any groupof well dressed and well informed menhereabouts and the answer will be withone accord

At Cranford's 1

There's a reason for this universal sen- 1timent in favor of our store and our-

If you willcome in for a look, we will,demonstrate the why and the where- <f®i"®«

N. L. CRANFORD & CO.One Price Clothiers


R. DAVISSelling Out At Cost




Great Bargains.


WINSTON - SALEJVI^Blink* For Sal*.


Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen,Deeds in Trust 25c. dozen, Chat-tel Mortgages Oc. dozen, LandPosters 0:. dozen. Postagepaid by us. Address



Succeed when everything else Mia.In nervooa prostration and femaleweakneaaea they an the aapremeremedy, aa thouaanda have testified.FOR KIDNEY(LIVERAND

STOMACH TROUBLE ,it ia the beat medicine aver Bold

over a druggiat'a counter.

i.ANI> KAI.I::By vlrtui' of a decree <>f tin* Su-'

perlor Court ?»( Stoken County. ren- 1,ili'rwl by M, T. Chilton, C. s. C., In '< Jtlx* h|mh'lo 1 proceeding* »*i»l 1 1 !»?«!. "V. ]'E. Pepper. ad'tnr. <>f Mnt i It* IVailillll.,dw'd vh. Etwne S. Wither*. el al,"| (authorlxliiK otid direct Inu; the under- iHluiH'il to make mile of the laildrt ; 'hereinafter dewrllted, for tin* J"""-' 1pone of riilHliiur aHHctH with whleli to ijiny off and dlwliaw tlx' drlit*(iiriiliixt thr en t ate of Mattlc Wad-dill, ilee'd, anil tliri'oHtM of iiiliiiliilh-tratlon upon tlir name. I will Hell iat public auction, to thr hlulient, Ibldilcr, for entdi, at the court liouhc (door In l>Hnbury. X. on Monday,Feb. 11, 1910, a certain tract of landHltUHteil, lyltlir ami IHntf In thecounty of Stokcn anil the Blate of jXorth Carolina. In Kauratown town-1Hhlti, adjoining the land* of Dr.Koltert Taylor ami Taylor, jon thr Went Hide, ami on the .North 1wide the landn of 11. <lll>hou amiBen Self, on the Kant Hide William!Llnvllle uml Nannie Fiddle, and on ,the South Hide John Dalton,colored, i1containing 221) ncren, more or ten*.The nald landM may lie Mold all to-gether a* one tract, or It may In* i«old In different nixed lot*, or lioth |way*, the detallH of which will lie ,maile known upon day of Hale.

Thin Deo. 20,1910.N. E. I'EIM'EII,

Xdm'r of Mattle Waddlll.J. I>. Humphrey*, Atty. for Adm'r. |

NOTICE.Having duly qualified an adiitliiU- j

trator of the entate of E. T. Beanley,dereanrd. notice Ih hereby given to Iall l lernonn holding clalniH agalnnt Ithe cMiate of E. T. Beanley, to pre*- 1

ear them to me for payment, duly;authenticated, or by the tlrnr day ofJan. lUI2. or thin notice will lie jpleaded In bar of their recover,v. Allpernonn Indebted to Haiti entate are'respectfully requested to make Im-niedlate payment.

Till* tin* Ith day of Dee. 1910.C. E. BEASLKY, Administrator.

Sandy Itldge, N. Houte 1.s.»i l etree, Atty. for Ad'iur.

LAND BALKll.v virtue of n decree <»f t lit* Super-


i lor Court of stoke* county rendered| by XI. T.ChlltonC. S. ('. In tilt-SpecialI 'roccedlnipt entitled "J.T. LUWMOIIletalV*. Kntli Sheppard ctal" ap-! pulutlnfr the UNDERHLKIUH] 11 colli IUIH--1 winner to niukcxHle oftlie herelnufter

1 di-HcrllN'd land*, I will on Mondnytlic oth day of February, 11)11, nell atpublic auction to the hlKhext bidderforcatdi the following dewrllied

, In IKIH to wit : A certain tract of landtdtuate lylnKand being In the county

of Stoke* andntate of North Carolina, and more particularly de*crlbed and

I defined a* folioWH to wit: IJefflnnlng

1 at n white oak Kfuuip Dulton'* cor-ner and ruiiM Kn*t lOclutlii*to point-er* corner of Lot No. 2, thence North

1 211 cliiiliiH to a Moiirwood. thence

I Ka*t!»". link* to pointer*, South it-'ij chain* to the Ix'tflnnlnK containing

SO-\ acre* more or led*, and It lielngthe lot iiMHlKned to Alexander 8.

| WoodHon In the Hub dlvlnlon of the' innd* of John M. ('loud as sliowli by

| th* record In Hook No :t page 470 ofOrder* and Decree* In the office of

i the Clerk of the Superior Court of{Stoke* County N. C. and It helmc

i conveyed by Alex. \Vood*on to S. T.| La wHon by deed of date AUK. Nth.; 11)00 recorded In the otlfce of the Hejf-l*ter of Deed* of Stoke* County. N. ('.

; In Hook No 42 pave Male will IM> .I made at the Court Hou*e door In

I the town of Danbury, N. t'., and. will lie Miibject to the confirmation ofi the Court Thl* Jim. !lrd, 11)11.


! P. L. Culler, the painter,paper-hanger and decorator,

: King, N. C. exfeb23


V. T. GRABS, KINO, N. C.Alliron and steel, the best and completest mill on earth.

Turns its own logs. Made in four sizes?lo leet, 15feet', 20 feet and w<lMt leaf. Write for further information and prices. ,