The Origins of Writing 1

The Origins of Writing 1 Greek Cadmus Chinese 1. Cang Jie ( 倉倉 ) 2. markings on turtle sh ell Babylonian god Nebo Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman & Nina Hyams. 2011. An Introductio n to Language, 9th edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, p. 541.


The Origins of Writing 1.  Greek Cadmus  Chinese 1. Cang Jie( 倉頡 ) 2. markings on turtle shell  Babylonian god Nebo. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Origins of Writing 1

Page 1: The Origins of Writing 1

The Origins of Writing 1

Greek Cadmus Chinese 1. Cang Jie ( 倉頡 ) 2. markings on turtle shell Babylonian god Nebo

Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman & Nina Hyams. 2011. An Introduction to Language, 9th edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, p. 541.

Page 2: The Origins of Writing 1

The Origins of Writing 2

Egyptian god Thoth Talmudic scholar Rabbi Akiba Alphabet existed before humans cr

eated Hindu tradition goddess Saraswati invented it

Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman & Nina Hyams. 2011. An Introduction to Language, 9th edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, pp. 430-431.

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Altamira, SpainCave Painting Site

Retrieved from the Internet.

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David Crystal. 1987. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 196.

The Origins of Writing

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Types of Writing Systems




Mixed systems

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Types and Evolution of Writing

Pictogram Picture of the original object

Ideogram Represents ideas / concepts

Logogram Represents words / morphemes

Syllabary Represents syllables

Consonantal Represents consonants Alphabet

Full Alphabet Represents phonemes

Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman & Nina Hyams. 2011. An Introduction to Language, 9th edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, pp. 541-547.

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Native American Pictograms

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Syllabary—Japanese Katakana

Retrieved from the Internet.

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Greek Alphabet

Α α AlphaΒ β BetaΓ γ Gamm

aΔ δ DeltaΕ ε EpsilonΖ ζ ZetaΗ η EtaΘ θ Theta

Ρ ρ RhoΣ σ ς SigmaΤ τ TauΥ υ UpsilonΦ φ PhiΧ χ ChiΨ ψ PsiΩ ω Omega

Ι ι IotaΚ κ KappaΛ λ Lambd

aΜ μ MuΝ ν NuΞ ξ XiΟ ο Omicro

nΠ π Pi

Wikipedia. Greek Alphabet.

Page 10: The Origins of Writing 1

Arabic Consonantal Alphabet

alif’ ا’tā ت ’bā ب ā’ ṯ ث ǧ جīm ح ā’ḥ ā’ḫ خāl ḏ ذ dāl د ’rā ر zāy ز s ش sīn سīn ص ād ṣ ād ḍ ضā’ṭ ط ā’ẓ ظ ǧ�ayn غ ayn‘ ع qāf ق ’fā ف lām ل kāf ك ’hā ه nūn ن mīm م .yā’ Wikipedia. Arabic Alphabet ى/ي wāw و

Page 11: The Origins of Writing 1

六 書 象形形聲指事會意轉注假借

David Crystal. 1987. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 200.

Page 12: The Origins of Writing 1

Modern Logograms

1 2 3 4 5

# $ % & ¥

< > = × ÷

+ √ ∞ ∴ ≠

≦π ∘ ♀ ♂

H O Fe Au Ag

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Advantages / Disadvantages of Each Type of System

Logography Icons



Page 14: The Origins of Writing 1

Advantages / Disadvantages of Logographs

– Lots of ROTE memorization (for pronunciation)

+ Usable across dialects

+ Can be quite stable over time

+ Quick recognition

Page 15: The Origins of Writing 1

Advantages / Disadvantages of a Syllabary

– Not practical for language with many different kinds of syllables

+ Practical for language with limited number of syllables: Japanese, etc.

Page 16: The Origins of Writing 1

Advantages / Disadvantages of an Alphabet

– Consonantal Alphabets lead to ambiguity in reading and writing – Could cause problems if SPELLING ceases to fit pronunciation – Different dialects of the same language might require different spellings+ Phonetic Principle easiest to learn and use

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象形 屬於「獨體造字法」。用文字的線條或筆畫,把要表達物



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形聲 屬於「合體造字法」。形聲字由兩部份組成:形旁 ( 又

稱「義符」 ) 和聲旁 ( 又稱「音符」 ) 。形旁是指示字的意思或類屬,聲旁則表示字的相同或相近發音。例如「葉」字,形旁是「艸」,表示它是植物,聲旁是「枼」,表示它的發音與「枼」字相近;「籃」字形旁是「竹」,表示它是竹製物品,聲旁是「監」,表示它的發音與「監」字相近;「齒」字的下方是形旁,畫出了上下兩排牙齒的形狀,上方的「止」是聲旁,表示這個字的相近讀音;「雞」則是右方形旁從「隹」 ( 短尾鳥 ) ,左方聲旁從「奚」來發音之鳥禽類;「麵」左方形旁是「麥」,指其原料為小麥,右方聲旁從「面」,表示發音與「面」相近;「發」左下的形旁為「弓」字,表示與弓有關,字意是指以弓將矢發出,右上的聲旁為「癹」來表示它的讀音。

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指事 屬於「獨體造字法」。與象形的主要分別,是指事字含有


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會意 屬於「合體造字法」。會意字由兩個或多個獨體字組成,



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轉注 屬於「用字法」。各說文家解釋不同。大致有「形轉」


不同地區因為發音有不同,以及地域上的隔閡,以至對同樣的事物會有不同的稱呼。當這兩個字是用來表達相同的東西,詞義一樣時,它們會有相同的部首或部件。例如「考」、「老」二字,本義都是長者;「顛」、「頂」二字,本義都是頭頂;「竅」、「空」二字,本義都是孔。這些字有著相同的部首 ( 或部件 )及解析,讀音上也是有音轉的關係。

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假借 假借就是同音替代。口語裏有的詞語,沒有相應的文字對應。於是就找一個和它發音相同的同音字來表示他的含義。例如「自」本來是「鼻」的象形字,後來借作「自己」的「自」。
