Origins Edition 1 2004

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    ORIGINS 2 0 0 4 E D I T I O N 1

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  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004



    Welcome to the first edition ofOrigins which profiles Australiasnewest university.

    Established in November 2003, Charles DarwinUniversity is a place for fresh thought, bold visionand renewed focus. The first step has been to

    develop a new framework for the institution and wehave been heartened by the support and input fromour stakeholders in making sure we build the rightframework to deliver outcomes for the Territory.

    The energy and enthusiasm that Charles DarwinUniversity is harnessing in finding knowledgesolutions is inspirational and we have only justopened for business.

    With campuses and study centres located across theNorthern Territory, we offer opportunities beyondwhat is normally expected of a University. Weprovide pathways into a broad range of courses intraditional areas as well as specialist areas unique toour location including tropical and desert studies andIndigenous research and education.

    For a place steeped in Aboriginal tradition andculture which enjoys a close interaction with thepeoples of Southeast Asia, our location affordsboundless research opportunities to create localknowledge with global applications.

    We are a University that dares to be different. Wewelcome researchers, teachers and students whoare prepared to take on challenges and arecommitted to making a difference.

    This first edition of Origins provides a snapshot ofthe diversity and strengths on which we are buildingthe new institution.

    V i c e C h a n c e l l o r s

    c o m

    m e n t

    V i c e

    C h a n c e

    l l o r

    P r o

    f e s s o r

    H e l e n

    G a r n e t


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  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004


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  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004


    Charles Darwin Universitysmusic department haswelcomed the additionof two new prizedinstruments and a newmusical director for theDarwin Youth Orchestra.

    A new two metre long, $30,000 grand concert pianowas delivered in mid November and is housed in theCharles Darwin University Theatre. It was publiclylaunched as part of the departments final 2003concert in December featuring Chen Hui, the SchoolsLecturer in Piano, on the new instrument.

    The new piano is a quality instrument and will beinvaluable to helping Darwins music students realisetheir full potential, Hui said.

    sweetest sou

    2 8

    Paul Dyer, Australian BrandenburgOrchestras Harpsicordist withflautist Janusz Kwansy

    Andrew Snell - new DarwinYouth Orchestra Director

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  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004


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  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004


  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004


  • 8/8/2019 Origins Edition 1 2004


    Ever see n snow in the desert?

    Neither have we. Which is why we don't teach Antarctic Survival atCharles Darwin. But we do understand our local environment andthe unique needs of our local community. And we know how to makethem come alive for our students.

    For more informat ion 18 00 061 963 w w [email protected]

    I m a g e :

    B a r r y

    S k i p s e y

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