The Original 13 Colonies Life and Work in the Colonies.

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Transcript of The Original 13 Colonies Life and Work in the Colonies.

Page 1: The Original 13 Colonies Life and Work in the Colonies.

The The Original Original

13 13 ColoniesColonies

Life and Work in the


Page 2: The Original 13 Colonies Life and Work in the Colonies.

New EnglandNew EnglandColonies

–Maine–New Hampshire–Connecticut–Rhode Island–Massachusetts

PlymouthMassachusetts Bay

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MassachusettsMassachusetts Plymouth

Pilgrims1620Leader: William Bradford– Mayflower Compact

First Document of Democracy in North America

Massachusetts Bay (more prosperous than Pilgrims)

1630s– John Winthrop– Massachusetts School


Joined together to become the colony of Massachusetts in 1691

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Rhode Island and Rhode Island and ConnecticutConnecticut

Rhode Island Roger Williams

questioned Puritan leaders & was kicked out

Roger Williams bought land from Indians

Separation of Church and State

Connecticut Founded by Thomas

Hooker (left Mass. Bay) Fundamental Orders of

Connecticut First written

constitution in the Colonies

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Making Money in New Making Money in New EnglandEngland

Rocky Soil, Lots of TreesNot much Farming

– No need for slaves or indentured servantsDepended on shipping and

ship building– Good port = Boston– Lots of lumber for ships

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The Middle ColoniesThe Middle ColoniesColonies

New YorkFormerly New

NetherlandsFounded by Dutch

New JerseyPennsylvania Delaware

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New YorkNew York New York

– Formerly New Netherlands (1621)

– England took Dutch colony w/out a fight: 1664 - Named after King Charles’ brother – the Duke of York (proprietary colony)

– New Jersey given to two of the Duke’s friends

– Great Port – NYC – will become the busiest port in the US

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– Quaker Colony founded by William Penn (1680s)

– Penn set up Philadelphia – the city of Brotherly Love

– Good relationship with the Indians

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Making Money in the Middle Making Money in the Middle ColoniesColonies

“bread basket” of the coloniesGrew food – grains and veggiesLarge estates and family farms

– Lots of jobsSlavery was prohibited in this sectionPhiladelphia was a good port for trade

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The Southern ColoniesThe Southern ColoniesColonies


Buffer between the Carolinas and Spanish owned Florida

Page 11: The Original 13 Colonies Life and Work in the Colonies.

VirginiaVirginia Jamestown - 1607

– First North American colony– Founded by a joint stock company

(Virginia Co.) whose sole purpose was to make money for its investors.

– John Smith = leader of colony– John Rolfe discovered strain of

tobacco in Jamestown that could be sold to British

– Slaves first arrived in 1619 but were not legally slaves until the 1660s … more like indentured servants.

Virginia– House of

BurgessesFirst colonial

assemblyHoused in


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MarylandMarylandSet up by Lord Baltimore – Colony

for CatholicsGrew tobaccoProtestants also moved inMaryland Act of Toleration

–First law dealing with religious freedom in the colonies

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Making Money in the Making Money in the Southern ColoniesSouthern Colonies

Plantation Agriculture – Cash Crops–Tobacco–Rice and Indigo

Labor provided by indentured servants and then by slaves (1660s)

Trade out of Jamestown, VA and Charleston, SC