The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1905-11-29 [p...

J u JII cl J I 8 i ir- 1 il 1 t I J iIn ° t MT STEALING ADVOCATE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22 1 905 > < fr tRONOHlTIS A1liIt WMS LUyil TdU rye j 9 > P Mvt OvickMt M Mil to Carr It ii the1I l l eoIiitisxMr J Ioyd our well known iiMfff I iii ari were For years old iswtotojied cod liver oil has been- klrownto f poficss the most remark Nopcri itJ jf for throat bronchial l and lung t + rtiltblcir t of anything knoWn to frcHciBe i1t on account of the c grea ch1ch enveloped its aura priaeiples 1 it has been impos- e ° for many people to take xv erorghinto their eystems to com y jj jafthorougbly settled diseuse > 1Jff ate > ejOggiDgtho sJstcmand HMcttiHg the stomach aawwviji MrU loytffwe have Vinol which co- nirtlh a highly concentrated < foi curativej1t 1 elglrentss of cod liver oil actually tfckjjn from fresh cods livers with tt l 1 r drop of oil or grease to up etfvthe stomach and retard its Work and jJhysiclans agree that it i isfwiefgfeatest cure for all throat l bi rsedicino e iialand l lung troubles known J 5 thatr tifJierBuffering for five years with bVoVchitts and trying all kinds of medicines i without relief Vinol W hundredsKi l pfjjuBt such letters We wish every person from chronic colds coughs l bronchitis and every aged w whoedea and pl od making tonic would try yipl on our guarantee to return tbepurchaso money if it fails I S DruggistjBiWv iJPyt l f i Jfit is not possible to wash the cream separator immediately after < ii ta 1 ufe the drying of the milk and l ligrVam to the parts should be avoid MlKtY l driedI in either hot or cold water A good way in that case is to take the sop- arator ¬ parts apart and place them ins suitable vossel and cover all v1 with I cold water adding a handful ofjcpmmon wash soda When ready to Wash wash first in this soda water followed by washing with Iidi water finally rinsing with cold water and placing the parts on a rack in the sunlight > S U Waited 50 lien and Women a iWk VS Lloyd tho enterprising drvugjeJ8t is advertising today for tlftwmen and women to take ad vantHge of the special halfprice offs le is making on Dr How- ard ¬ celebrated specific for the cujrebf constipation and dyspepsia and get afifty cent package at isi2yents So positive is lie of the remark t tpower of this specifictt cUte these diseases as well as sick headaches and liver troubles that l hie agrees to refund the money to I any customer whom this medicine does not quickly relieve and cure With Dr Howards specific at hand you cen eat what you want and have no fear of ill consequences Ic strengthens the stomach gives perfect digestion regulates the bowels creates an appetite and njakss life worth the living fTliis is an unusual opportunity Ut5i catan0 dotes of the best JKcdioihe ever made for half its T9gulj r price with the personal guarantee of a well known bust neMman to refund the money if it doeatOt give satisfaction Ifyou cannot oanat W S iio 48 store today send him 25 i cents by mail and he will send you a package promptly charges paid 1YS Lloyd has been able to se- euPs t ialy a limited supply of the sg Mflt to great is the demand uldyon should not delay taking- advantaneof the liberal offer he is Makitigthls week no29de 13 cot Toe seif opiniated but ° l ltsle wltii dcfertjice to the opin f 4oe n 9f fJ1a acs < Y scif f i > FIGHTING FOR PATENT Inventor Edison Tells of Alleged Wrongs Which Are Precipitated Upon Owners of New Devices I happened to be chatting with Thomas A Edison in his labora- tory ¬ at Orange New Jersey one night while lie was working on his most recent creation the intensi lied dynamo says a writer in Sue cess Magazine and heard him dis ¬ cuss thoroughly the injustice that is done inventors in the United States This Very day be said several of my wellknown patents expire and become the property of posterity which means Tom Dick and Harry The government professes to protect the inventor for 17 years and after that time his creation is no longer his own But as a matter of fact the gOY ernmeut does no such thing It lets any poacher run in and bring suit ottlpplyfor an injunction dis ¬ puting the Inventors patent al ¬ ready granted by the patent of ¬ flee and in all the courts pending the longdrawnout litigation which follows the other fellow is permitted to go on manufactur ¬ ing and selling the thing be claims to have invented before the real inventor made it Do you see that little lamp there l asked Mr Edison as he arose fulllength in his ragged old linen duster of the workshop and he pointed with his pencil to an ordinary incandescent electric light beaming brightly over a draftsmans table It was my in ¬ vention l Known as a primary in ¬ vention because I took two things a piece of metal and electricity and made a third thing of them light Now I fought 14 years in the courts for that little lamp be ¬ cause a Frenchman bobbed up and claimed it after I had secured the patent During all this litiga ¬ tion I had no protection whatever and when I won my rights after 14 years there were but three years of the allotted 17 left for my patent to live It has now become the property of anybody and evry bOdy There is no protection giv- en an inventor by the courts or the patent department STORY OF BEETHOVEN 5 Guilty Hands May Have Restored Tooth Missing from Mouth of Dead Composer An interesting communication with regard to the last exhuma ¬ tion of the body of Beethoven some 20 years ago is made in the Neue Freie Presse by Herr Wit helm Stiassny who was present at the ceremony as a representa ¬ tive of the city of Vienna When the metal coffin was opened the eyes of the silent circle of rever ¬ ent spectators who stood around were at once riveted on the won ¬ derful skull which anybody would have rocopnixid at till list t glance was t that of a great com poser A doctor who was pres ent preferred the request lo be Itl ¬ lowed to make some craniological measurements Alter souls dis ¬ cussion this was agreed to and the coffin was then removed to the cemetery chapel It was thn i dis covered that a tooth was missing from the number that hind been counted at the previous disinter ment in the sixties It was at first thought that one of those present had yielded to the temptation to possess himself of a somewhat grim relic of the immortal com- poser und for some reason or other suspicion fell on a highly respected personage The scien tific observations were suspended for the midday meal and the little party broke up and reassembled with their minds filled with mutu ¬ al suspicion It was only when the examination was concluded that the missing tooth was found in the bottom of the coffin No suggestion is made as to whether it had dropped out of its socket through the process of decay or been restored by guilty hands un ¬ der the influence of remorse Viva Voce Voting Frankfort Ky Sept 11 Whether the people of Kentucky will continuo to vote by secret ballot or will return to tho viva voce method Is the ques ¬ tion to be determined by the voters themselves at the coming November election Skull la Bullet Proof Newport Ky Sept 1lElmer Par key 27 of Columbia street and OMara alley Newport who was shot Jn uu altercation with negroes Saturday nIght jrlll probably recover His slcvll irai mot penetrated by tbsballeL 1r re Ir Sure Cure ftr PilM Itching piles produce moisture and cause itching this form as well as Blind Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr Bosankps Pile Remedy Stops t itching and bleeding Absorbs tumors Treatise free Write tae about your case Dr Bosanko Philadelphia Pa For sale by Wnu S Lloyd Druggist Do not burn your leaves The smoke from burning leaves if in ¬ haled is said to cause diphtheria They make fine bedding for flowers or shrubs and are good for cover ¬ ing floors of chicken houses Then- is nolhing that chickens like better to scratch in than leaves Dover Messenger Nice Blue Grass Farm for Sale Five miles from the city on on of the best pikes in the county comprising lOSacres Jof elegant land Improvements consist of a splendid frame dwelling of Grooms large veranda hall and big back porch good cellar cistern at door splendid stock and tobacco burns and other good outbuildings The land all lies well and every acre i is susceptible profitable cultivation The farm is watered by good pond- and three neverfailing springs e This is considered by competent judges one of the best littlo homes in the Blue Grass For further information apply at this office 10tf Judge Barker ot the Court of Appeals has handed down a de ¬ cision in which he held that th arbitrary expulsion of a pupil fro school by trustees furnished groun for legal redress Notice Geo W Bairds Administrator etc Plaintiff vs Geo W Bairds heirs and creditors Defendants Notice is hereby given that I will begin my sitting in tho above styled case on Monday the 4th da of December 1905 at my office i Mt SterlingKy for tho purpose o f receiving claims and taking proof and will close said sitting on the 19th day of January 1006 All 1 persons having claims against th estate of Geo W Baird are hereby notified to present same to mo properly verified during said sit ¬ tings JOHN A JUDY Master Commissioner Montgom- ery ¬ Circuit Court Not Do not allow much grass an o weeds and rubbish to lie in th orchard This furnishes a harbor ¬ ing place for the ourculio and oth- er ¬ insects The foliage has fallen from most of the dozens of trees of varietie- of shrubs and trees that decocrat- in lawns and park An ecceptio- is the California Privit which carries its beautiful wont of rich dark green and glossy foliage quite uninjured from Jack Frost If a mulch is applied to heavily about pear trees they blight very badly from that cause especially so luring a wet season The pear tree does better on high and elo vated land It does not like wet feet November is the best time to clear off the garden and orchard As all the vegetables are dug from the garden nothing hinders us from cleaning up the garden spot and getting it in readiness fo plowing either now or in early spring A neighbor who hItS had the white turkeys tor a number of years says she likes them because they stay at home But these pretty white birds do not reach the Bronze in size t Good time now to set out fruit trees in the poultry yard Here they furnish shade for the fowls And we find the trees that thq poultry loafs under and use as roosting place in summer bear bet- ter ¬ fruit than those planted else- where ¬ Our Graphophone offer expires I Dcqember let 18at i Guthrie Clothing Co Iryr i i c Mtf Old Furniture I buy aU kinds of oldstyle fUr- niture have a nice line of same for solo at mv shop in Dr VanAnt wcrps building on Broadway Re pairing of old furniturjo a specialty UlBt C B FIZER 04 0000000oooooraooaoooooo I INEW r0040 STOCK 11 I R Hainline is receiv- e i a complete line of 1 1eng goods aridcheap n Furnishings Women are fresh desirableII I his stock of Queensware DecoratedI I ware also his 31 and endless variety eI I I alsoI Novelty Store and Prewitts Hardware store boe0ooo400oooo4aooooo0000000000000000- e II sIJR ICE FIRE AND TORNADO Most Responsible Companies I EQUITABLE SETTLEMENTS t i REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT il fjBoNDS MADE AT RItASONADTF TItStI Gooowllud H MT STERLING KY 1Oif rsf OFFICE NO 14 COURT STREET OFFICE PHONE 314 i HOME PHONE 276 13 ly Aa iM Miss I Nancy Ores Photographern STUDIOSNORTHSIBE I WEST MAIN STREET 9Beyond Catholic Church Special Homeieeken Rates Via floe Snthern Railway On tho first and third Tuesday in November and December the Southern Railway will sell very ticketso many Jin the West and Northwest Only one change of oars from Lex ¬ ington tonearly all principal point- Daily I double service For infor ¬ mation address or call on Mr J F ats Lexington Ky G B Allen A G 3I Hungn Kyt 1MillO > Than His share Martini dose thee love me naked a Quaker youth of one a whose Shrine his hearts fondest feelings had been offered up Why Seth answered she we are commanded to love one another are we not Aye Martha but does thee regard me with that feeling that tho world calls love I hardly know what to tell thee Seth I have greatly feared that my heart was an erring one I have tried to bestow my love on all but I have sometimes thought guttingr more than thy share Exchange VERY LOW RATES TO PACIFIC CO AS Summer Siflht3eilig Tours IReduced rates are in effect this rnl14Oregon usual opportunity to see our west ¬ ern country at low cost Liberal cheapside fullI tripa you have in mind Illustrated literature for the asking John Sohastin Passenger Traffic Manag ¬ or Rook Island System Chicago a No Graphophone tickets issued I after December 1st 18 Guthrie Clothing Co tI 1 f r rivt1en contemplating erection o- fMONUMENT a to cOmo and see and of new and CentralKentucky exclusivo Fine Lettering by Pneumatic Tools Our Specialty WM ADAMS SON Lexington Ky r BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR WIFE MOTHER DAUGHTER SISTER OR SWEETHEART 1 l By this sign you may know and will find departed C8l SINGER STORES everywhere These machines are now being sold at lower prices quality considered than any other Whether you propose the purchase of a machine or not there is much to interest most women at any Singer Store all are cordially invited J SOLD ONLY BY SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO NO 81BROADWAY MT STERLING KYt- r 1t t RESULTS isg especially attractive to the homeseeker or those seeking new locations If we ten you of a country where you are sure of success will you believe us it It is only necessary for you to farm the land and the best results will follow a State which the government reports will l show leads in the production cf vhcct It nho ranha among the first in the raising of corn alfalfa timothy and other products together with Dtock raising Vc cY ii cf KANSAS The great State of the West where lands can be purchased from 5 to 30 per acre which equals the returns of t0 to A 150 per acre lands of other States AOTEIiN COLORADO Li identical inmost treopecta and the sameopportunities arc off red there Buy quick or while the lands are cheap and recurs theti benefit ofart excellent invest ment MISSOURI PACT 1C RAILWAY touches the heart of this rich agricultural region and low rates are offered allowing stopover at pleasure in certain territory for inspec ¬ tion of lands etc Writo us and we will send you free descriptive literature and full C TOWNSEND GH PASSCNdCn AND TICKET AOCNT ST MO I Wanted 1 Wanted Your Turkeys Geese Ducks and Chickens Sullivan ik Toohey Bell Phone 87 SI t Sterling Ky Home Phone 174 15Gc We know it pays to sell the sur plus cockerels closely in October and again in November They lose flesh when the first cold snap comes and prices are sure to bd l lower and they take up room need ed by tho and layers Dampness will cause sick fowls and it i is easier to prevent damp- ness ¬ in ihe poultry house than jfr Sis i to cure the coup With a dirt floor a great deal of dampness can bo avoided by the level of the floor above that ot the outside ground In damp swampy locations a good wooden floor is the best kind ofa floor Yes I tuofte good Arotics again No old rubber either 17 3t J H Brunner j + o j the 4 those large beautiful stock our THE extremely information LOUIS breeders have zyz as Ask Your Own Doctor If he tells you to take Ayers Cherry Pectoral for II I SeVfifS cough or yourI I trouble then take it If he has anything better then take that But we know what he will say for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years forhard done me Kreat good and I believe It It the belt cough medicine In the world for all throat and lung trouble ELI 0 STUART Atbanrv Oregon Made by J O Ayer Co Lowjll Mare Also manufacturer ofS- ARSAPARILLA > 0 sPILLS V f VIGOR Keep the bowels open with one of Avers Pills at bedtime lust one Rooms to rent in Marshall reelM dente on Clay street 17 tf E D MARSHALL Phono 725ru r I t

Transcript of The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1905-11-29 [p...

Page 1: The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1905-11-29 [p ] in that case is to take the sop- ... cujrebf constipation and dyspepsia

J u


cl J I 8iir-


il 1t I




> <


A1liIt WMS LUyil TdU rye

j9> P Mvt OvickMt MMil toCarr It


the1Ill eoIiitisxMrJ Ioyd our well known

iiMfff Iiii ari were For years oldiswtotojied cod liver oil has been-

klrowntof poficss the most remarkNopcriitJ jffor throat bronchiall and lungt+rtiltblcirt of anything knoWn to

frcHciBe i1t on account of the

c grea ch1ch enveloped its aurapriaeiples1 it has been impos-

e ° for many people to takexverorghinto their eystems to comy jjjafthorougbly settled diseuse

> 1Jff ate> ejOggiDgtho sJstcmandHMcttiHg the stomachaawwvijiMrUloytffwe have Vinol which co-nirtlh a highly concentrated


elglrentss of cod liver oil actuallytfckjjn from fresh cods livers withttl 1

rdrop of oil or grease to up

etfvthe stomach and retard itsWork and jJhysiclans agree that itiisfwiefgfeatest cure for all throatl bi

rsedicinoe iialandl lung troubles known


5thatrtifJierBuffering for five years withbVoVchitts and trying all kinds ofmedicinesi without relief VinolWhundredsKil

pfjjuBt such letters We wishevery person from chronic coldscoughsl bronchitis and every agedwwhoedeaand pl od making tonic would tryyipl on our guarantee to returntbepurchaso money if it fails


iJPytl f iJfit is not possible to wash the

cream separator immediately after< ii ta

1 ufe the drying of the milk andlligrVam to the parts should be avoid

MlKtY ldriedIin either hot or cold water A goodway in that case is to take the sop-


parts apart and place themins suitable vossel and cover all


with Icold water adding a handful

ofjcpmmon wash soda When readyto Wash wash first in this sodawater followed by washing withIidi water finally rinsing with coldwater and placing the parts on arack in the sunlight

> S U

Waited 50 lien and Women


VS Lloyd tho enterprisingdrvugjeJ8t is advertising today fortlftwmen and women to take advantHge of the special halfpriceoffs le is making on Dr How-


celebrated specific for thecujrebf constipation and dyspepsiaand get afifty cent package at

isi2yentsSo positive is lie of the remark

t tpower of this specifictt cUtethese diseases as well as sickheadaches and liver troubles thatlhie agrees to refund the money to

I any customer whom this medicinedoes not quickly relieve and cure

With Dr Howards specific athand you cen eat what you wantand have no fear of ill consequencesIc strengthens the stomach givesperfect digestion regulates thebowels creates an appetite andnjakss life worth the living

fTliis is an unusual opportunityUt5icatan0 dotes of the bestJKcdioihe ever made for half itsT9gulj r price with the personalguarantee of a well known bustneMman to refund the money if itdoeatOt give satisfaction

Ifyou cannot oanat W S

iio 48 store today send him 25i cents by mail and he will send you

a package promptly charges paid1YS Lloyd has been able to se-

euPst ialy a limited supply of thesg Mflt to great is the demanduldyon should not delay taking-advantaneof the liberal offer he isMakitigthls week no29de 13

cot Toe seif opiniated but°lltsle wltii dcfertjice to the opin

f 4oen 9ffJ1a acs

<Y sciff i >


Inventor Edison Tells of AllegedWrongs Which Are Precipitated

Upon Owners of New Devices

I happened to be chatting withThomas A Edison in his labora-tory


at Orange New Jersey onenight while lie was working on hismost recent creation the intensilied dynamo says a writer in Suecess Magazine and heard him dis ¬

cuss thoroughly the injustice thatis done inventors in the UnitedStates This Very day be saidseveral of my wellknown patents

expire and become the propertyof posterity which means TomDick and Harry The governmentprofesses to protect the inventorfor 17 years and after that timehis creation is no longer his ownBut as a matter of fact the gOY

ernmeut does no such thing Itlets any poacher run in and bringsuit ottlpplyfor an injunction dis ¬

puting the Inventors patent al ¬

ready granted by the patent of¬

flee and in all the courts pendingthe longdrawnout litigationwhich follows the other fellow ispermitted to go on manufactur ¬

ing and selling the thing be claimsto have invented before the realinventor made it

Do you see that little lampthere l asked Mr Edison as hearose fulllength in his raggedold linen duster of the workshopand he pointed with his pencil toan ordinary incandescent electriclight beaming brightly over adraftsmans table It was my in ¬

vention lKnown as a primary in¬

vention because I took two thingsa piece of metal and electricityand made a third thing of themlight Now I fought 14 years inthe courts for that little lamp be ¬

cause a Frenchman bobbed up andclaimed it after I had secured thepatent During all this litiga ¬

tion I had no protection whateverand when I won my rights after14 years there were but threeyears of the allotted 17 left for mypatent to live It has now becomethe property of anybody and evrybOdy There is no protection giv-en an inventor by the courts or thepatent department


Guilty Hands May Have RestoredTooth Missing from Mouth of

Dead Composer

An interesting communicationwith regard to the last exhuma ¬

tion of the body of Beethovensome 20 years ago is made in theNeue Freie Presse by Herr Withelm Stiassny who was presentat the ceremony as a representa ¬

tive of the city of Vienna Whenthe metal coffin was opened theeyes of the silent circle of rever ¬

ent spectators who stood aroundwere at once riveted on the won ¬

derful skull which anybodywould have rocopnixid at till listtglance was tthat of a great composer A doctor who was present preferred the request lo be Itl ¬

lowed to make some craniologicalmeasurements Alter souls dis ¬

cussion this was agreed to andthe coffin was then removed to thecemetery chapel It was thn i discovered that a tooth was missingfrom the number that hind beencounted at the previous disinterment in the sixties It was at firstthought that one of those presenthad yielded to the temptation topossess himself of a somewhatgrim relic of the immortal com-poser und for some reason orother suspicion fell on a highlyrespected personage The scientific observations were suspendedfor the midday meal and the littleparty broke up and reassembledwith their minds filled with mutu ¬

al suspicion It was only whenthe examination was concludedthat the missing tooth was foundin the bottom of the coffin Nosuggestion is made as to whetherit had dropped out of its socketthrough the process of decay orbeen restored by guilty hands un ¬

der the influence of remorse

Viva Voce Voting

Frankfort Ky Sept 11 Whetherthe people of Kentucky will continuoto vote by secret ballot or will returnto tho viva voce method Is the ques ¬

tion to be determined by the votersthemselves at the coming Novemberelection

Skull la Bullet ProofNewport Ky Sept 1lElmer Par

key 27 of Columbia street and OMaraalley Newport who was shot Jn uu

altercation with negroes SaturdaynIght jrlll probably recover Hisslcvll irai mot penetrated by tbsballeL


re Ir

Sure Cure ftr PilMItching piles produce moisture and

cause itching this form as well as BlindBleeding or Protruding Piles are curedby Dr Bosankps Pile Remedy Stopst

itching and bleeding Absorbs tumorsTreatise free Write tae about your caseDr Bosanko Philadelphia Pa For saleby Wnu S Lloyd Druggist

Do not burn your leaves Thesmoke from burning leaves if in ¬

haled is said to cause diphtheriaThey make fine bedding for flowersor shrubs and are good for cover¬

ing floors of chicken houses Then-

is nolhing that chickens like betterto scratch in than leaves DoverMessenger

Nice Blue Grass Farm for Sale

Five miles from the city on onof the best pikes in the countycomprising lOSacres Jof elegantland Improvements consist of asplendid frame dwelling of Groomslarge veranda hall and big backporch good cellar cistern at doorsplendid stock and tobacco burnsand other good outbuildings Theland all lies well and every acre iissusceptible profitable cultivationThe farm is watered by good pond-

and three neverfailing springse

This is considered by competentjudges one of the best littlo homesin the Blue Grass

For further information apply atthis office 10tf

Judge Barker ot the Court ofAppeals has handed down a de ¬

cision in which he held that tharbitrary expulsion of a pupil froschool by trustees furnished grounfor legal redress


Geo W Bairds Administratoretc Plaintiff vs Geo W Bairdsheirs and creditors Defendants

Notice is hereby given that Iwill begin my sitting in tho abovestyled case on Monday the 4th daof December 1905 at my office i

Mt SterlingKy for tho purpose of

receiving claims and taking proofand will close said sitting on the19th day of January 1006 All1persons having claims against thestate of Geo W Baird are herebynotified to present same to mo

properly verified during said sit ¬


Master Commissioner Montgom-ery


Circuit Court

NotDo not allow much grass ano

weeds and rubbish to lie in thorchard This furnishes a harbor¬

ing place for the ourculio and oth-



The foliage has fallen from mostof the dozens of trees of varietie-of shrubs and trees that decocrat-in lawns and park An ecceptio-

is the California Privit whichcarries its beautiful wont of richdark green and glossy foliagequite uninjured from Jack Frost

If a mulch is applied to heavilyabout pear trees they blight verybadly from that cause especiallyso luring a wet season The peartree does better on high and elo

vated land It does not like wetfeet

November is the best time toclear off the garden and orchardAs all the vegetables are dug fromthe garden nothing hinders usfrom cleaning up the garden spotand getting it in readiness foplowing either now or in earlyspring

A neighbor who hItS had thewhite turkeys tor a number ofyears says she likes them becausethey stay at home But thesepretty white birds do not reachthe Bronze in size


Good time now to set out fruittrees in the poultry yard Herethey furnish shade for the fowlsAnd we find the trees that thqpoultry loafs under and use asroosting place in summer bear bet-



fruit than those planted else-


Our Graphophone offer expires I

Dcqember let 18ati

Guthrie Clothing Co


i c Mtf

Old FurnitureI buy aU kinds of oldstyle fUr-

niture have a nice line of same forsolo at mv shop in Dr VanAntwcrps building on Broadway Repairing of old furniturjo a specialty


04 0000000oooooraooaoooooo



I R Hainline is receiv-e

ia complete line of11eng



are freshdesirableII

I his stock ofQueensware DecoratedIIware also his31 and endless variety eII

IalsoINovelty Store andPrewitts Hardware store



Most Responsible Companies






i HOME PHONE 276 13 ly

Aa iM

Miss INancy OresPhotographern



9Beyond Catholic Church

Special Homeieeken Rates Viafloe Snthern Railway

On tho first and third Tuesdayin November and December theSouthern Railway will sell very

ticketsomany Jin the West and NorthwestOnly one change of oars from Lex ¬

ington tonearly all principal point-Daily


double service For infor ¬

mation address or call on Mr J FatsLexington Ky G B Allen A G3IHungnKyt1MillO> Than His shareMartini dose thee love me

naked a Quaker youth of one awhose Shrine his hearts fondestfeelings had been offered up

Why Seth answered she weare commanded to love one anotherare we not

Aye Martha but does theeregard me with that feeling thattho world calls love

I hardly know what to tell theeSeth I have greatly feared thatmy heart was an erring one Ihave tried to bestow my love onall but I have sometimes thoughtguttingrmore than thy share Exchange


Summer Siflht3eilig Tours

IReduced rates are in effect this

rnl14Oregonusual opportunity to see our west ¬

ern country at low cost LiberalcheapsidefullItripayou have in mind Illustratedliterature for the asking JohnSohastin Passenger Traffic Manag ¬

or Rook Island System ChicagoaNo Graphophone tickets issued I

after December 1st 18Guthrie Clothing Co



rrivt1en contemplatingerection o-


to cOmo and seeand of new and

CentralKentuckyexclusivoFine Lettering by Pneumatic Tools Our Specialty

WM ADAMS SONLexington Ky





By this signyou may knowand will find




These machines are now being sold at lower pricesquality considered than any other Whetheryou propose the purchase of a machine or notthere is much to interest most women atany Singer Store all are cordially invited





RESULTSisgespecially attractive to the homeseeker or those seeking new locationsIf we ten you of a country where you are sure of success will youbelieve us it It is only necessary for you to farm the land and thebest results will follow a State which the government reports will lshow leads in the production cf vhcct It nho ranha among the firstin the raising of corn alfalfa timothy and other products togetherwith Dtock raising Vc cY ii cf

KANSASThe great State of the West where lands can be purchased from 5

to 30 per acre which equals the returns of t0 to A 150 per acrelands of other States AOTEIiN COLORADO Li identical inmosttreopecta and the sameopportunities arc off red there Buy quick orwhile the lands are cheap and recurs theti benefit ofart excellent investment MISSOURI PACT 1C RAILWAY touches theheart of this rich agricultural region and low rates areoffered allowing stopover at pleasure in certain territory for inspec ¬

tion of lands etc Writo us and we will send you free descriptiveliterature and full



Wanted 1 Wanted

Your Turkeys Geese Ducks andChickens Sullivan ik TooheyBell Phone 87 SI t Sterling KyHome Phone 174 15Gc

We know it pays to sell the surplus cockerels closely in Octoberand again in November Theylose flesh when the first cold snapcomes and prices are sure to bdllower and they take up room needed by tho and layers

Dampness will cause sick fowls

and it iis easier to prevent damp-ness


in ihe poultry house than jfr

Sisi to cure the coup With a dirtfloor a great deal of dampness canbo avoided by the level of the floorabove that ot the outside groundIn damp swampy locations a goodwooden floor is the best kind ofafloor

Yes I tuofte good Aroticsagain No old rubber either17 3t J H Brunner

j+ o j



large beautiful stockour






zyzasAsk YourOwnDoctorIf he tells you to take AyersCherry Pectoral for

III SeVfifS cough or yourIItrouble then take it If he hasanything better then take thatBut we know what he will sayfor doctors have used thiscough medicine over 60 years

forharddone me Kreat good and I believe It It thebelt cough medicine In the world for allthroat and lung trouble ELI 0 STUARTAtbanrv Oregon

Made by J O Ayer Co Lowjll MareAlso manufacturer ofS-


Keep the bowels open with one ofAvers Pills at bedtime lust one

Rooms to rent in Marshall reelMdente on Clay street 17 tfE D MARSHALL Phono 725rur

