The movie booth



Guide to the movie booth

Transcript of The movie booth

The Synergy team-

CW3-Web Based Business


Alex Frost


Arran Williams


Introduction The aim of this report will be to demonstrate and provide a de-

tailed explanation on the conceptual though process behind ‘The

movie booth. ‘ this will be demonstrated from how the idea was

created ; the website wire frame and site navigation; target audi-

ence; and marketing techniques of how the company will build

traffic and advertise the brand and services.

Key aims of ‘The movie Booth’:

To revolutionise the way films are reviewed

To create a fun and unique data base of reviews for movie


To have key differentiations from Movie reviews websites

that already exist.


The main mission for the movie booth is to bring a new exciting el-

ement to movie reviews. The Synergy team have found a gap in the

market that we feel we can close by bringing this fresh, and for-

ward thinking idea to life.

What is The movie booth?

The Movie Booth is a conceptual design created for movie lovers to re-

view and critique films after being viewed at the Cinema. There are two

ways you can be done. The first, by uploading a 6 minute video or less

of the film that you have just watched via your smartphone, tablet

or laptop and submitting it onto the movie booth website by a down-

loading the app or accessing the website . This will be submitted

onto the website by a press of a button. The second, by going into

the booths which are set up on site in the cinemas and submitting it

that way. Share with your friends and family by submitting your reviews

onto Facebook and Twitter, by the press of a button!

5 year plan:

Year 1 (2013)- Get the website and app maximum exposure;

with a following of 12,000 people in the first 3 months.

Year 2 (2014)- Focus on app content and bring in £2,000 for ad-

vertising from sponsors

Year 3 (2015)- Introduction to actual booths in the cinemas

Year 4 (2016)- Expansion on different Cinema companies ( not

only Odeon)

Year 5 (2017)-Generate a consistent flow of traffic to both web-

site and apps; with customers frequently using the booth on

site in cinemas.

Primary research Primary research was conducted in the form of an online survey discovering the target

audience for the Movie Booth review service. The survey had 150 respondents in total.

This research will help to reach out to the consumer in the appropriate way.

The questions that were asked are as followed:



3.Employment status

4. How often do you use movie review websites?

5. 5. Would it be helpful to have a movie-video review system in local cinemas when de-

ciding to watch a film? (You are able to submit a review yourself as well) This could be

accessible at your local cinema or just an online service or both.

6. Would you like to submit your own video review that other people can access online


7. What media platform would you most likely use the movie review system on?

8. In a couple of sentences, give your thoughts on being able to share video movie re-

views, via online social networks.


60% of the respondents were female, with 86% of them being

aged between 18-24 years old.

Employment Status:

As a majority of the respondents were either students and employed or just students, and 86%

were aged 18-24. This would suggest that the Movie Booth review website should target young

adults as they would be the main consumer.

How often do you use movie review websites?

As a majority of respondents said they use movie review websites now and again,

this suggest there is definitely a gap in the market for Movie Booth – as it can been

seen as a fun way to share and watch reviews, and could encourage people to use

review websites more.

Would you like to submit your own video review that other people can access globally?

As a majority of the respondents said no or not sure to sharing the videos globally, this could suggest

that Movie Booth can be only accessed in the UK.

What media platform would you most likely use the movie review system on?

As there are so many different media platforms to access websites on nowadays, the results to this

question would suggest that an app for Movie Booth would be a success as most respondents would

either use it on the computer at home or on their Smartphone.

For the last question we asked respondents to comment on being able to share the videos

of movie reviews through social networking sites, and here are some of the responses:

“I'm not interested in the opinions of the general public

when it comes to reviewing films, I want to know who is re-

viewing the film so I can get a better idea of their under-

standing of film. Certain journalists know film and review

them well, others don't. The general public, on the whole,

have no idea about film which is probably why so many bad

films make money these days. I wouldn't go to the cinema

before deciding to see a film, I would go to the cinema to see

a particular film. There are so many awful films at the mo-

ment that going to the cinema is no longer a default night

out, research is required before going to the cinema to avoid

wasting money on a crap film.”

“I listen to what my

friends say about films

rather then a random

person, as i can rely on

there choice of film.”

“It could get very crowded when not regulated via a company's website. It would be good if people

could submit their videos instead to company and the company choose the best 10 everyday and post it

on their social media page. Some people probably won't take it seriously.”

Target market

According to Mintel 2012, The typical cinemagoer, is equally likely to be a

man or a woman, and drawn mainly from the younger age groups, peaking

among 16-24s and students, while they are also more likely to be from the

higher-earning households and the ABC1 socio-economic groups.

When marketing to this selected audience, it was important to find out

what means of technology they used most frequently and also the social

platforms. Synergy realised that that by knowing this, it would make cus-

tomer engagement easier when launching the movie booth.

The evidence backed up from the survey presented data that made this



Website goals


The movie booth aims to pro-

vide a unique and enjoyable ex-

perience to its uses, ultimately

bringing customer satisfaction.

The website will remain up to

date with the data base of mov-

ies. Also the blog will provide

customers with latest deals/



The ultimate goal is to create a

community of fans of the movie both. This will be

achieved through the sign up page. Also through users

being able to comment on blog post on blog posts


The movie booth offers both a web and mobile experi-

ence. Being able to comment, share, like and critique

different movie reviews. The Movie booth can track data

that costumers put to their personal profile.


Selling advertising space for Odeon on the website and


Website design

The main objectives of the website design are:

Content expansion

Customer acquisition

Customer expansion

Site navigation Logo displayed large for us-

ers to see straight away.

Links clearly displayed for

other links in the website

Pictures change to

most recent films

currently out.

Having a clear navigation around the website

was fundamental to the design. When cre-

ating it , the style was made in a simple for-

mat to create ease of use for the user.


The design of the logo captures the personality of the brand. The Logo demon-

strates how people themselves become the ‘camera’ when watching a film; in or-

der for them to retain information and speak about their movie experiences. The

Logo is placed in a position that stands prominent to visitors to the site. The colours

also remain coherent to the branding and the theme throgout.

The website has been designed so that font is clear and easy to read; with the text

standing out against the background.

Desciption of what the website is, giving

users the ability to get a deeper un-

deranding of how to use it

Drop down box giving further

options . ‘meet the team’ and

‘our clients/’

Clear description of staff and who we


Website Goals

Online value proposition


Content is uploaded that is meaningful and relevant for movie lovers. This will be

updated by experts who know the ins and outs of film


The Movie booth provides a unique experience, giving users features which are cus-

tomised for them. For example, ‘Your movie booth’ page which has a collection of

relevant reviews and data for the specific user.


Community is a majpr focus point. The main aim of this is to create a sence of com-

munity for users who have signed up to the website.


Users have the choice of viewing a range of genres of movie reviews; from comedy

to thrillers.


The convenience of having a vast amount of movie reviews all in one place is great

for users.


The design of the logo captures the personality of the brand and is prominent for visitors to see as soon

as they access the site. The colours throughout the website are coherent to the theme of the website;

with font easy and clear to read.

Home page

The homes page shows the latest films that are current and out in the cinema at the time displayed. This

will be updated frequently to bring customers a high quality standard. This is demonstrated boldly in the

centre of the home screen. All important news and the latest reviews are placed below this; with links to

social networks also on the screen. Links to other section s of the website are clearly displayed, with hy-

per link to the sign up button clearly displayed.

Mobile application

The Movie Booth will be optimised for mobile application. The app will allow users to submit their video reviews on the go.



The content that will be displayed will be from movie goers by movie goers, who can submit their reviews from the submit



The app is customised by giving users recommendations of films based on movies in which they have reviewed. Also from

reviews they have liked and shared. This makes it more personal for the user.


The movie booth app is linked to popular networking sites, Facebook and Twitter to allow users to share their reviews via the-

se channels.


The app is optimised for iOs, Android and Blackberry.


The app shows the closest Odeon cinemas in the users local area as well as movie starting times.


Customer acquisition

Allowing users to share and critique each others reviews using Facebook and


Customer retention

The app keeps users up to date with the very latest movies out in the cinema;

giving prompts if they have a successful review.

Customer expansion

Users will have their own log on details. This will keep data they have com-

mented, shared or liked.

Ease of use

The app is simple to use with clear and precise instructions

Sign in

Mobile application Aesthetics

The app is a reflection of the main sight, keeping to de-

tail in terms of colouring scheme and font. These fac-

tors remain the same for the smartphone application.

The dark background which is reminiscent of being in a

movie theatre remains the theme throughout. Howev-

er, bold white writing and the blue glow help to illumi-

nate the lettering set against the background, making it

easy for users to find their way around the website.

Customer orientation

The homepage contains three links to the different sec-

tions of the app. This makes it easier for users to find

links they are looking for. The three different sections

are sign in, watch and submit.


The user is able to select what networking platform

they wish to use to share their video submission on.

This is a key theme throughout the app and will be

made easy by having the icons

present in all pages of the app.


The design is kept simple throughout the app to

make usability easy. Personal profiles of users are

easy to access and are simply password protected.






Competition There are currently two ,main movie review websites available

for users. These are IMBD and Rotten Tomatoes. However unlike

‘The movie booth’ they do not have a video review function.


Both IMBD and rotten tomatoes allow users to review and critique movies

in the original format (typing). However The movie booth allows this to be

done via video. Although there are strong comparisons; the unique feature

sets the company aside from the rest. Also, having the booths actually set

up in cinemas is an idea which makes The movie booth even more unique.

E-PR Electric PR according to; is mostly the strategically planned use of internet-

based and new media tools and technologies to build and to maintain a dialogue (Two-way com-

munication) between an organization and its publics. ePR also offers a major contribution to man-

age online crisis, when social media and online reputation are impacted.

Some of the Epr tools used by professionals include, social networking sites, eNewsletters, elec-

tronic press room, smartphone applications, search engines, podcasts and e-mail.

The Movie booth will team up with Odeon Cinemas. They will feature us in their weekly magazine

to spread the word of the apps and the forthcoming booths that will be set up with them. The com-

munication with movie goers and ‘The Movie Booth’ will be established to help built ‘Brand Jour-

nalism’ and help build up a strong relation with the customers.

This will be done in stages.


Four weeks prior to the actual launch of The movie booth, an online campaign on Facebook will be set

up. This will also have a link to The Movie booths official twitter page so the company can start to ob-

tain followers. It will involve movie lovers to submit video reviews to the Odeon official Facebook web-

site. The campaign will be tracked by the amount of likes and shares acquired by visitors to the page.

The winner will win a free Odeon yearly pass, with unlimited popcorn. The winner will also have their

review submitted as the first review onto The Movie booth website.


Alongside the Facebook campaign, The Movie Booth will run an official Twitter page, keeping followers

up to date with developments with the concept and the launch date. Followers can engage with the fol-

lowers; answering any questions and enquires about it.


E-newsletters will be sent to followers who sign up to the website. Keeping them up to date with weekly

updates on all the latest news and events taking place. Followers will also be sent money vouchers/

coupons to use in Odeon Cinemas.


The Movie Booth blog will focus on most watched reviews from consumers, and will be put on the blog and

shared across social networking platforms. The blog will also include updates to the website, latest offers at

cinemas and any competition the Movie Booth will host.

The blog will also encourage other high-profile film bloggers to comment on the site but asked them to write

reviews on films for Movie Booth – in return we will promote them as a blogger and their blog site. The aim is

to get the blog and website shared by as many influential people possible, so the Movie Booth gains as much

digital coverage as it can.

The Movie Booth website blog will have a layout similar to a personal blog like, Blogger or WordPress, as we

want to encourage a personal, informal, friendly atmosphere to the blog. This will include humorous movie

review uploads from users of the site, out-takes to movies, and updates that are being made to the Movie

Booth website

The Movie Booth Blog will appear on

this page of the website, with a black,

white and sky blue theme.

This can be used as an example of

a personal blog hosted by Word-

Press, which Movie Booth will


Database plan The database is core to any business, where customer’s details are stored confidentially, and can be contacted

with newsletters and relevant news and updates. The first steps in creating a database are producing a plan that

acts as a guide when implementing the database and as a functional specification.

A database can be simple and designed by use by a single person, or it can be bigger and more complex, for ex-

ample; holding consumers bank details and storing payment transactions.

The database for The Movie Booth, it is going to be on a smaller scale where consumers details such as, name,

usernames, address (for demographical purposes), email address and password will be stored by also videos of

consumers giving reviews on the latest films they have watched. The videos will be available to watch online glob-

ally by viewers.


The information that will be collected from The Movie Booth website will be through a ‘Sign Up’ form and will

be electronically stored in the websites database.

Customers full name, username, password, address and email address will be stored and collected so they

can return to the website and log in using the relevant details.

Customers will also be able to retrieve their password or username if they forget it.

Using the Odeon website as an example for a sign-up that will be enforce on the Movie Booth website.

Our website will have a simple

sign-up form, which can be com-

pleted in under a minute.

Database plan Some other keys points that need to be taken into account when de-

signing and managing our database are;

Ensuring the design allows customers data to be accessed more


Ensuring the data is accurate and up to date.

Making sure customer data is well protected from attacks by in-

side and outside the business.

There must be a data back-up and recovery system, making

sure that the data can be restored onto another database in

case of a system failure.

The performance of the database must always be controlled to

Advertisement Because of the initial exclusivity of being in partnership with Odeon cinemas, The Movie booth

will be advertised within the Odeon domain.

Free magazine

The free magazine will be the starting point for The movie booth. Having a

page dedicated to an advertising slot for the company will bring awareness to

movie goers. Also a slotted segment on the trailers of the films when shown

to audiences.

Odeon website

The Odeon website will have The movie booth advertised on their main page,

for customers to clearly see when they access it.

Advertising the

movie booth

Email– marketing The method Movie Booth has used works to encourage the consumer to sign-up and become a mem-

ber of the site but also to upload their video review of films that they have watched.

Opt-in Emails

The way in which this can be achieved is through opt-in email newsletters which will update the con-

sumer with any changes to the website, any new reviews which have been trending on the website. An

example of this is, if a particular video review has received plenty of views in a short space of time – it

will be posted in the email newsletter so it can be widely promoted to other users on the Movie Booth


Saving money

This marketing technique is cost-effective and allows us to directly message the consumer and grab

their attention – also encourage them to share the website online and also become a returning user.

Personalised for the customer

Emails sent out to customers will be personalised for them. Customers will be addressed by their name

and also will have relevant news for them, for example; certain film genres that interests them and alerts them

when new reviews have been uploaded for films they might like to see in the cinema

Search engine marketing

Search Engine Marketing is a form of digital marketing that involves promoting a website for it to

have a higher rank in a search engine and be more visible to consumers. Search Engine Optimi-

sation is also used with Search Engine Marketing to produce taglines and phrases on a website

so it can be found easily on a search engine website such as, Google or Yahoo.


To increase the Movie Booth website’s SERPs (Search Engine Resulting Pages), we plan on

having the website feature on major cinema websites such as, Odeon and Cineworld, and would

like to be recommended as a useful movie review site which will attract customers to the cinema

website but also Movie Booth.


For effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), short but relevant keywords and phrases have

been placed on the websites pages so consumers can easily search for the website and discover

what they are looking for:

The keywords and phrases will consist of;

„movie reviews‟ „film reviews‟ „movie booth review‟ „movie booth app‟

One click links

For the Movie Booth website we have designed it so consumers only have to click once to go to the page they desire. This will improve traffic building on the website because it will make it more accessible for the consumer and easier to find what they are looking at. If customers want to view another page of the website they just have to click the link on the head mast of the website layout as it appears on every page.

Head mast of the website which appears

on every page so the consumer just has to

click once to go through to the page they

want to view.


Revenue and profit Website Cinema sponsorship Total

Online advertising

Labour cost

Material cost

Database cost

App for tablet and smartphone

Unit price

Total fixed costs

Total Revenue

Profit and loss

Years 1-5

The Movie booth will initially be sponsored by Odeon, with the use of bank loans

also. This will begin on a smaller scale as we will not have major funding at the be-

ginning. By having Odeon advertise on the main page of the website will bring the

Movie booth extra funding and also drive traffic to The Odeon website.

This section will be explained in more detail in the presentation part of this report.

It will demonstrate the facts and figures used when planning for this design con-


The movie booth will use a cash flow chart to determine the price of the elements

that will ultimately make the financial plan ( as seen above)

This will be done through a five year plan, demonstrating what the profit and loss

will be for each year.


To conclude from all the research and data that was collected by Syn-

ergy, we believe that The movie booth has great potential to become

a great design concept. There is defiantly a gap in the market for a

concept like this that can successfully drive traffic and revenue. The

website and app are targeted well to the demographic and is backed

up by a strong 5 year plan and financial analysis.

References Frost, A.. (2013). Personal blog. Available: Last ac-

cessed 09/05/2013.

IMBD. (2013). IMBD home. Available: Last accessed 1st May 2013.

MSDN. (2013). Designing Databases. Available:

(v=sql.105).aspx. Last accessed 07/05/2013.

Mintel. (2012). Desktop, Laptop and Tablet Computers - UK - August 2012. Available: Last accessed 29th April 2013.

Stephaneprudhomme. (2013). what are Electronic Public Relations (ePR)? Available: http:// Last accessed 29th April 2013.

Mintel. (2012). Cinemas 2012. Available: Last accessed 1st May 2013.

Odeon. (2013). Sign Up. Available: Last accessed 06/05/2013.

Rotten Tomatoes. (2013). Rotten Tomatoes home. Available: Last accessed 1st

May 2013.