THE · —-Meyis jmrarg...

ISBEilS 'IPEl ■. * m m *** , + •«' _ O. AWJLLUMS * ***•_ .ftti? *2*5® Yearly,**4 < # * jjnA lifltti j M ^Sv» ik at VM mr ^i “* fftlf MADISON LEADS ^ ^*>^y *-Hjg'jfeyl?' _ ' ' * _ ! The gold «tepotited last spoath frftjft QMtoai&f M tHfe $$*erA- meat JW»y pffiM ia Hfrn* was more* that 'Wuble thfc'MftOunt de posited by any other county* ia > the state, «wi a |arg» weptate over that of any other month » the ,ear. The deposits for May from iadison county were $83,410.32.— ‘Monitor. --- f. r d . A F. Wijgnf' — -Meyis jmrarg fhuv^lay n lflu -r ■“ O aiiiaia'M o*, NO ' . ^ M fflm ajm ,. Sac'y B A Riaia*. ^tcssur^f S MUCKRAKER QyiTjS Hampton's Muckraking Maga zine has quit the game, t& the sor row of name savothe stockholders. The day* has‘ finally dawned when the American reader will have no more1 of these rotten “scan dals in high life,*5and all of that, a <la Kansas City- Sunday Sun, Oka-. fona States, ami that ilk. ' Pessimism, too, is fading, not withstanding the yawpings of the street comer politician. h Trouble is everywhere, hence there it no need of borrowing it; and the true American assimilates Iris portion of the unpleasant with a smile. The muckraking magazine and the yellow journal have seen their day m this fthtland of ours. QOOD ROADS MOVEMENT States that are awake, and some that are acused of being asleep, see the yalue of gdod roads. California has just voted $18,000,000 for this purpose and during the past year the people have voted,' by nounties, in' Texas between four khd "five millions for permanent roads and a like amotmt or more will be appro® priated this year. In Montana Nature bw been very kind, yet in many parte of the state1the roads are absolutely disgraceful.' Lethargy alone is1re- pponaibldfor the condition of much bf the Montana highway. Wealth is not Wanting, cheap material is a t hand .in unlimited quantities MMhat isneeisdis an awfcening 4f thers'ranything Brmiei can do toward fhakmg the wheel go ’round jts polbmns are o’pen. PROTEST One js 'jnleet: S - t s i E, Snyder of Belton with much opposition, it is stated In a Kalispell special to the Miner, in his efforts to open a saloon in Glade! national park. Su perintendent Chapman, even, joins the people in their appeal to the county commissioners m this mat ter. > It is well. The gin-mill has no place in Nature’s fair temple. It k, perhaps, indispensable in some localities, but Glader park doesn't need it and shouldn’t be forced to submit to its encroachment. ! N o1 matter how much a man likes whisky, no matter how much Jie drinks nor hew well he can han dle it, there are times when he ‘wants to getaway from it for a time^-to get it out of his system— ; he Should be granted that priv- he should be eneouragetf’hnd aided in h|S RU^ble purpose.' §V£N <$R DOOS ^IN , Wherever Montana livestock -g oes, no matter -what thpewnpeti. tion, it brings home the prize. The latest is in the canine family and Butte is the winner. Kootenai Onhecft, ifl Airedale, wears the team'ribbon. He won the final point which places him m the dram- flea &4dfe,«t the Allentown, Pa., dog tiKnrihat week. < Kootenai Chinook was bred and raised to Butte, by the Kootefcaa kewaete, where his mother also was suy »-« raised, and k just H-Ynoctha sid arid! liege; Lossl Hotel i r t UNDER MANAGEMENT OF MRS. JAS. FINSIyEY Home Cooking; Good Rooms Fsir R^tes Wisdom . Montana SuisCRlBlfi FOR THE BIG HOLE BREEZES ONLY $ 2.50 PER YEAR * T— . -„ jnwwwwwwmeiwvw. ?yww -1 t ami gfe* jpecxdllity of j bmi *»? without Strawberries canned, quaft.,. do preserved. do ,1am .............. . Raspberries canned, quart. . do jam.'. ........ ... do -preserved. Dewberries canned, quart... Gooseberries, no sugar, Iquart. preserved .. do jeWy. J^a$ Offers •1 Alwayg RKssiwa Prompt Attente&v 'Head^rta^l _ tJ$ % >? V j Beaverhead for V.8. Rotary ryw ic ....... CMftCAsAftff tfftl* Aawataauit k l fSa . sssaess^s !• otl mb * t v p - V i-1-. preserv e d ................. fi5 .......... . 7ft Currants, no sugar, quart... .... 4ft do Jelly................. 75 Pitted cherries canned, quart..., 4ft f do preserved....... ......... US Plums canned, quart ............ .... 4ft do jelly........... ............... 65 Crabapple do ......... ...... . 63 do butter, gallou............ I CO Plum 1 do ..................... Hit) ttroen tomato rpeservos, 5-gal. lots-' pet gallon.............................. ;1 DO riCKLKS Cucumbers in brine, gallon........... 5ft Piccalilt, sour or sweet, gallon.,,.l W ) French chow chow, quart...... . SO Ureen toihatoe^, sweet, 5-gallon tots per gallon............................... 85 Chili sauce, q u a rt ................... 5ft Sauer kraut (barrel) per gallon.... 5S tSrOoqsumei'B furnish receptacles. ITILE CO. THE MOHUNi GTtOCEHS DILLON MONTANA S olicit a Sha?e of Your Bufiness Lowest Prices Consistent With Our Usual HIGH Q V A L I T y NOTICE OF PON TEST , No. SIS (For Publication.) Department. «l the Interior. U S. Land OfHce, Missoula, Montana, May DA , ISIS. To Edmund J. B an of Bowen, Montana, Contestae; Vou are hereby notified that Lndwl* 8. Mnsslgbrod, who gives Bowen. Montana, as of your hd entry No. BOSS, mace May I. ISM, for PW 8E Pec. fl, an Sw.NWPWl * *“ ..................... serial No. 01414, ..... ............. ... Pec. S, «nd PW Pee. 8, Twp. 1 P., Uange Ifl W. M M., and as grt>unds for hie contest alleges that said Edmund ,t. Kvau hnsnotlieen on the said tract of laud for more thau the last five years, and that he has failed to file with the land office in Missoula, Montana, his Anal clttlsenshlppapers, resulting In the can cel latlou of the final receipt formerly Issued in Ills original filiug. You are, therefore, further notified that ild allegations will be taken by thia as haying be-u confessed by you, and your said entry will be canceled thereun- 1ir wltuout your further right to be heard ercln, either liefore this office or ou appear you fail to file in this office within twenty therein, either liefore this office or on appeal, It you tail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOUBTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting end responding to these allegations of contest, or If you fall within that time to file In tbtsofflce due proof that you have served a Copy of your answer on the said coiitestai t, either In person or by registered! mail. If this service Is made by tWdelivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant In peraon, prisif of such service must lie either th, said contestant’s written acknowledgment of hit receipt of the copy, ' ua- i ..... ........ .. .... copy i delivered; If made by registered mall, proof showing tbc date of Ite receipt or the a Hit] e person by whom the dell made, stating when and where the vltof the of such service must consist of the affida vit of the person by whom Use copy was mailed, stating wbeu and the postoflfee to whli'h It was mailed, and this affidavit must be ac companied by the postmaster’s receipt for the letter. You should state In your answer the name of the postodlee to which you desire further uolices to laj sent to you. J omah P huu,, Register. Date of first publication June 14, I8!8L ” second " 81 ” * " “ third 11 " 8# ’’ ' •• " fourth ’• July t " NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior. IT. P. Land Office at Missoula, Montana, May 19.1M8. Notice Is hereby given that Amy N. Ste phens, whose postoffice address Is BrIston, Montana, did, on the 84th day of January. Wia, file In this office sworn statement ana appl tcatlon No, 01M4T, to purchase lots to. J1. Fee. «. and low I and 8, Sec, 1, T. 4 8., K II, W. M. M., and the timber thereon, under the provisions at the act of June 8, IMS, and acts amendatory, known as the “Timber ami Ptone Law,” at such value as ra gbtba fixed by sppraisemeut, and that, pursuant to such application, the laud and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber estimated 840 M board feet at gt per M. aud the laud gllfO; that eald applicant wgl offer final proof in support of her application and sworn statement on the 1st day of August, 1818, Itefore Fred Nelson, a l ulled States commissioner, at Wisdom, Montana. Any person Is at liberty to protest this ptrrcnase before entry, or initiate a ebutest at any tim* before patent Issues, by fittns a corroborated affidavit in this nffiee; alleging faefs which would defeat the entry. June T »t JoaiAK Bwtru., Register. KOTUi t ysra W a LIOAXtUM-... ... -- (Fublisher.l Department of the Interior IT. P. Land Office at Missoula. Montana, Msy 88, 1818. . -given-tbat Joha m dpriags. Montana, who, on Desert Entry 611,No MM, for t>* line. » , T. IS., & 16 , W. M. of Intention to make final proof to entshffsb cHtfm to the land above, dnsertbod, before Fred Nelson, a C. d Commissioner, a t Wisdom. Montana, on the let day of Jaly, MX Gatmaat names as witnesses: Berman 8. Mumrfgbwd, WKfiwm E. Davis, Dick Ktag- stoa Okaades B. McCstfrey, all «( Bowen. References—by permission Mrs. Wm. McMntgomery, Mrs. Lee Shaw Orders T«ken at Breezes Qffice State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ( Lucas County. jb ' Frank J . Cheney tnakes opth that he is senior partner of thk firm of F. J. Cheney & C6., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and thsj,t said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for ea$h and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. Frank J. Cheney pwom to before me an^subscribed in my presence this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1886. " [seal ] A. W. pLEASOtf, Notary Public. Halfs patarrh Cure is tak^n in ternally and acts directly upp» fhe blood a|ia mucous'surfaces rif the system. * Send for testimonials, free. F J. Cjieney a Co» 1 Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggist!, 75e. Take Hall’s Family I’ills for constipation, Typewriters 0 1 vet| Away The Emerson Typewriter Com pany of Woodstock, 111., hat^e re cently given away over 400 pf the highest grade wholly visible Emer son typewriters made iq tfie yorld. They haye gone into pvery state and territory in the United States. There may be some in your towti. They ar^ giving them away every where W men', wotiien, boys artd girls, oyer 18 years of age, on sur prisingly liberal conditions. If you coi44 raake use of a $100 typewriter, providing it did i*ot cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111 , simply say, “Mail me all your Free Offers,’’ and by return mail you will receive their Free Offers, the flames of over 400 who have fpcently received type writers free, and you will learn on what easy 'conations you can get one erf theft typewriters free right away. TheEi of the hig typewriters made in the world Many w&5 have used the "EMER- SON” and other makes pronounce the “EMERSON” superior to any $100 00 typewriter on the market It is a wholly visible machine, has every new, up-to-date feattirekxAs, Eke Other high grade $10000 type writers, thoegh it is seUiag jart now at as astonishingly low price THE MINT J. Cr HILL, Proprietor wines liq U ors cigars ; Let tye Help You Chooie Your W^ll Paper I-VONT cho«e W»ll Paper in kaaiffi and MM«t famtlftL haate and regret Allow me to submit my wall paper samples to you amid the favorable surroundings of your own home. Ifour selectionsVill be uniformly pleasing, for Orrell Wall Papers consist of none but pleasing pat- ferns. They are the most artistic made, yet the most reasonably priced. And 1 deeerate yeur walls with them hi a manner worthy of such beautiful papers. When (nay I call and give you an estimate? GEORGE RICHEY BIG HOLE BASIN A^iENT. AT WISDOM - HOTEL DILLON GO ,, spa WISDOM STEAM LAUNDRY A. T. BARRY. P bof r t Clothes Cleaned And Pressed Satisfaction Guaranteed The Bjg Furniture House, Prices based on compe tition withtho wprid. Stock completp Gpnor- qus treatment. C T. PAUL, Prqp, THE Divided Wisdom -STAGE CO.- (Cousolidfited Lines) We carry |he United States Mail and offer ssperifir aecpmmodktioDs for passengers. Eipress handled to all points between Divide and Wisdom. Leave Wisdom 6: 86 ”E .^ i. Arrives Divide 3 :$o p. m, Leffves Divide 7: 0 © s. m. Arrive Wisdom Who p. (n. Daily Except Sunday • y 4 m ■■■ - We itoEBfpt %!th til Oregon Ithert Line passenger trains at Divide ia both directions. t l (pffllp PHYSICIAN S l i t B E S p . -|Paoe in the iitg-» -re-1 ."la1 I tv-'f'y ^ B. ft . STEVENSON, civil m m stipe, yr^Dqaj. BONTAVA. 0 |*R £ MORROW 6 RADUATE VETERINARIAJIS DII,(,ON MONTANA Calls answered in Big Hole Basin for s reasonable amount of wdrlf H. P. B|rtOWN Mining and M etM Engineerui; TONG BLOCK WISDOM : MONTANA The Wisdom Hotel M. M. MOSS, Prop’r, Board bf the Oaf, Week or H titIiT First class meals and excellent service. Our rooms are nicely furnished and our priceB are rensouafile, #®“Call and see i^s when in town WISDOM. MONT. molzjjm °iL J)/Lior/ offers evejy .’acl/fty o( piodern tasking for the cafe of its customers’ business. It kpoys the special' condition exist ing in Pig Hole Basin and the need* of Its people. It is prepared to serve them and so licits tj.eir business , , , A. h. 8TUNE, Cashier CATTLE ACCOUNTS FROM THE j lie HOLE BASIN RECEIVED ON fAVQBABLE TEEMS THB PALY BANK k TRUST OO. ANACONDA. MONTANA, Passenger rales" he^^sen and Wisdom On* WwFtrti, if * ** • •<* « vim ..* 5.00 In Every Department of banking At CWmpUBdmg nte> {bfftfftMS jffi^er- mediate points. - * > 4f*fgia le dk>fferveyot» in ^ ^ay^actory manner. Call (\n or address us by letter fl-F, Pres't. I. Wy* * _ #

Transcript of THE · —-Meyis jmrarg...

Page 1: THE · —-Meyis jmrarg fhuv^lay nlflu-r “ O aiiiaia'Mo*, NO ' . ^ Sac'y B A Riaia*. ^tcssur^f S MUCKRAKER QyiTjS


■ ■. *m m * * *, + •«' _

O. A W J L L U M S * ***•_. f t t i ? *2*5® Yearly,**4

< # * j j n A l i f l t t i jM■ ^ S v »

ik at VMmr i

“* f f t l f

MADISON LEADS^ ^*>^y*-Hjg'jfeyl?' _ ' ' * _ !

The gold «tepotited last spoath frftjft QMtoai&f M tHfe $$*erA- meat JW»y pffiM ia Hfrn* was more * that 'Wuble thfc'MftOunt de­posited by any other county* ia

> the state, «wi a |arg» wept ate over that of any other month » the ,ear. The deposits for May from iadison county were $83,410.32.—

‘Monitor. — ---

f. r d . A F .W i j g n f '

— -Meyis jmrarg fhuv^lay n lf lu - r■“ O a i i i a i a 'M o * , N O ' ■. ^ M f f l m a j m , . Sac'yB A Riaia*. ^tcssur^f


Hampton's Muckraking Maga­zine has quit the game, t& the sor­row of name savothe stockholders.

The day* has‘ finally dawned when the American reader will have no more1 of these rotten “scan­dals in high life,*5 and all of that, a <la Kansas City- Sunday Sun, Oka-. fona States, ami that ilk. '

Pessimism, too, is fading, not­withstanding the yawpings of the street comer politician. h Trouble is everywhere, hence there it no need of borrowing it; and the true American assimilates Iris portion of the unpleasant with a smile.

The muckraking magazine and the yellow journal have seen their day m this fthtland of ours.


States that are awake, and some that are acused of being asleep, see the yalue of gdod roads. California has just voted $18,000,000 for this purpose and during the past year the people have voted,' by nounties, in' Texas between four khd "five millions for permanent roads and a like amotmt or more will be appro® priated this year. “

In Montana Nature bw been very kind, yet in many parte of the state1 the roads are absolutely disgraceful.' Lethargy alone is1 re- pponaibldfor the condition of much bf the Montana highway. Wealth is not Wanting, cheap material is a t hand .in unlimited quantities MMhat isneeisdis an awfcening 4f thers'ranything Br m ie i can do toward fhakmg the wheel go ’round jts polbmns are o’pen.


Onejs 'jnleet:S



i E, Snyder of Belton with much opposition,

it is stated In a Kalispell special to the Miner, in his efforts to open a saloon in Glade! national park. Su­perintendent Chapman, even, joins the people in their appeal to the county commissioners m this mat­ter.> It is well. The gin-mill has no place in Nature’s fair temple. It k, perhaps, indispensable in some localities, but Glader park doesn't need it and shouldn’t be forced to submit to its encroachment.! N o 1 matter how much a man likes whisky, no matter how much Jie drinks nor hew well he can han­dle it, there are times when he ‘wants to getaway from it for a time^-to get it out of his system—

; he Should be granted that priv- he should be eneouragetf’hnd

aided in h|S RU^ble purpose.'

§V£N < $ R DOOS ^ IN

, Wherever Montana livestock -g oes, no matter -what thpewnpeti.

tion, it brings home the prize. The latest is in the canine family and Butte is the winner. Kootenai Onhecft, ifl Airedale, wears the team'ribbon. He won the final point which places him m the dram- flea &4dfe,«t the Allentown, Pa., dog tiKnrihat week.< Kootenai Chinook was bred and raised to Butte, by the Kootefcaa kewaete, where his mother also was suy »-« raised, and k just H-Ynoctha sid


Lossl Hoteli r t


MRS. JAS. FINSIyEYH o m e Cooking;

G o o d R o o m s F s i r R ^ te s

Wisdom . Montana




* T— . -„

jnwwwwwwmeiw vw. ?yww -1

t a m i gfe* jp e c x d l l i ty o f j

bmi *»?without

Straw berries canned, q u a f t . , .do ,1am.............. .

Raspberries canned, quart. . do jam.'......... -preserved.

Dewberries canned, q u a r t . . . Gooseberries, no sugar, Iquart.

preserved jeWy.

J^a$ Offers • 1 Alwayg

R K ssiw a Prompt


'H ead^rta^l_ ■ tJ$ % >? VjBeaverhead


V.8.R o t a r y r y w i c

.......CMftCAsAftff tfftl* Aawataauitk l fSa .


! • o tl mb* t v p -V i-1-.

preserv e d . . . .............. fi5.......... . 7ft

Currants, no sugar, quart... .... 4ftdo Jelly................. 75

Pitted cherries canned, quart..., 4ftf do preserved................ USPlums canned, quart ............ .... 4ft

do jelly........... ............... 65Crabapple do ..........— . . . . . .63

do butter, gallou............ I COPlum 1 do ..................... Hit)ttroen tomato rpeservos, 5-gal. lots-'

pet gallon.............................. ;1 DOriCKLKS

Cucumbers in brine, gallon........... 5ftPiccalilt, sour or sweet, gallon.,,.l W)French chow chow, quart....... SOUreen toihatoe , sweet, 5-gallon tots

per gallon............................... 85Chili sauce, quart................... 5ftSauer kraut (barrel) per gallon.... 5S tSrOoqsumei'B furnish receptacles.


DILLON MONTANAS o l i c i t a S h a?e o f Y o u r B u fin e ss

Lowest Prices Consistent With Our Usual


NOTICE OF PON TEST , No. SIS (For Publication.)

Department. «l the Interior.U S. Land OfHce, Missoula, Montana, May

DA, ISIS.To Edmund J. B an of Bowen, Montana,

Con testae;Vou are hereby notified that Lndwl* 8.

Mnsslgbrod, who gives Bowen. Montana, as

of your hd entry No. BOSS, mace May I. ISM, for PW 8E Pec. fl, an Sw.NWPWl * *“ .....................

serial No. 01414,.................. ... Pec. S, «nd PW

Pee. 8, Twp. 1 P., Uange Ifl W. M M., and as grt>unds for hie contest alleges that said Edmund ,t. Kvau hnsnotlieen on the said tract of laud for more thau the last five years, and that he has failed to file with the land office in Missoula, Montana, his Anal clttlsenshlppapers, resulting In the can­cel latlou of the final receipt formerly Issued in Ills original filiug.

You are, therefore, further notified that ild allegations will be taken by thia as haying be-u confessed by you, and

your said entry will be canceled thereun- 1 ir wltuout your further right to be heard

ercln, either liefore this office or ou appear you fail to file in this office within twenty

therein, either liefore this office or on appeal, It you tail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOUBTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting end responding to these allegations of contest, or If you fall within that time to file In tbtsofflce due proof that you have served a Copy of your answer on the said coiitestai t, either In person or by registered! mail. If this service Is made by tWdelivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant In peraon, prisif of such service must lie either th, said contestant’s writtenacknowledgment of hit receipt of the copy,

‘ ' ua-i

..... ........ .. .... copy idelivered; If made by registered mall, proof

showing tbc date of Ite receipt or the a Hit] e person by whom the dell

made, stating when and where thevltof the

of such service must consist of the affida vit of the person by whom Use copy was mailed, stating wbeu and the postoflfee to whli'h It was mailed, and this affidavit must be ac­companied by the postmaster’s receipt for the letter.

You should state In your answer the name of the postodlee to which you desire further uolices to laj sent to you.

Jomah Phuu,, Register. Date of first publication June 14, I8!8L

“ ” second " “ 81 ” *" “ third 11 " 8# ’’ '•• " fourth ’• July t "


Department of the Interior.IT. P. Land Office at Missoula, Montana, May

19.1M8.Notice Is hereby given that Amy N. Ste­

phens, whose postoffice address Is BrIston, Montana, did, on the 84th day of January. Wia, file In this office sworn statement ana appl tcatlon No, 01M4T, to purchase lots to. J1. Fee. «. and low I and 8, Sec, 1, T. 4 8., K II, W. M. M., and the timber thereon, under the provisions at the act of June 8, IMS, and acts amendatory, known as the “Timber ami Ptone Law,” at such value as ra gbtba fixed by sppraisemeut, and that, pursuant to such application, the laud and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber estimated 840 M board feet at gt per M. aud the laud gllfO; that eald applicant wgl offer final proof in support of her application and sworn statement on the 1st day of August, 1818, Itefore Fred Nelson, a l ulled States commissioner, at Wisdom, Montana.

Any person Is at liberty to protest this ptrrcnase before entry, or initiate a ebutest a t any tim* before patent Issues, by fittns a corroborated affidavit in this nffiee; alleging faefs which would defeat the entry.June T »t JoaiAK Bwtru., Register.

KOTUit ysra W aLIOAXtUM-......--(Fublisher.l

Department of the Interior I T . P. Land Office a t Missoula. Montana,

Msy 88, 1818.. -g iven-tbat Joha

m dpriags. Montana, who, on Desert Entry 611,No MM, for t>* line. » , T. IS., & 16, W. M.

of Intention to make final proof to entshffsb cHtfm to the land above, dnsertbod, before Fred Nelson, a C. d Commissioner, a t Wisdom. Montana, on the let day of Jaly, MX

G atm aat names as witnesses: Berman 8. Mumrfgbwd, WKfiwm E. Davis, Dick Ktag- stoa Okaades B. McCstfrey, all «( Bowen.

References—by p e r m is s io n — Mrs. Wm. McMntgomery, Mrs. Lee Shaw

Orders T«ken at Breezes QfficeState of Ohio, City of Toledo, (

Lucas County. j b 'Frank J . Cheney tnakes opth that

he is senior partner of thk firm of F. J. Cheney & C6., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and thsj,t said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN­DRED DOLLARS for ea$h and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE.

Frank J. Cheney pwom to before me an^subscribed

in my presence this 6th day of De­cember, A. D. 1886. "

[s e a l ] A. W. pLEASOtf, Notary Public.

Halfs patarrh Cure is tak^n in­ternally and acts directly upp» fhe blood a|ia mucous'surfaces rif the system. * Send for testimonials, free. F J. Cjieney a Co„

» 1 Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggist!, 75e.Take Hall’s Family I’ills for


Typewriters 0 1 vet| Away

The Emerson Typewriter Com­pany of Woodstock, 111., hat^e re­cently given away over 400 pf the highest grade wholly visible Emer­son typewriters made iq tfie yorld. They haye gone into pvery state and territory in the United States. There may be some in your towti. They ar^ giving them away every­where W men', wotiien, boys artd girls, oyer 18 years of age, on sur­prisingly liberal conditions.

If you coi44 raake use of a $100 typewriter, providing it did i*ot cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111 , simply say, “Mail me all your Free Offers,’’ and by return mail you will receive their Free Offers, the flames of over 400 who have fpcently received type­writers free, and you will learn on what easy 'conations you can get one erf theft typewriters free right away.

TheEi of the hig typewriters made in the world Many w&5 have used the "EMER- S O N ” and other makes pronounce the “EMERSON” superior to any $100 00 typewriter on the market I t is a wholly visible machine, has every new, up-to-date feattirekxAs, Eke Other high grade $10000 type­writers, thoegh it is seUiag jart now at as astonishingly low price

THE MINTJ. Cr HILL, Proprietor

w ines liqU ors cigars;

L e t t y e H e l p Y o u C h o o i e Y o u r

W^ll PaperI-VONT cho«e W»ll Paper in

kaaiffi and M M «t famtlftLhaate and regret Allow me to submit my wall paper samples to you amid the favorable surroundings of your own home. Ifour selectionsVill be uniformly pleasing, for

OrrellW all Papers

consist of none but pleasing pat- ferns. They are the most artistic made, yet the most reasonably priced. And 1 deeerate yeur walls with them hi a manner worthy of such beautiful papers. When (nay I call and give you an estimate?






A. T. BARRY. P b o f ’rt

Clothes Cleaned And Pressed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Bjg Furniture House,

Prices based on compe­tition withtho wprid.

Stock completp Gpnor- q u s treatment.

C T. PAUL, Prqp,

THEDivided Wisdom -STAGE CO.-

(Cousolidfited Lines)

We carry |he United States Mail and offer ssperifir aecpmmodktioDs for passengers. Eipress handled to all points between Divide and Wisdom.

Leave Wisdom 6:86”E.^i. Arrives Divide 3:$o p. m, Leffves Divide 7:0© s. m. Arrive Wisdom Who p. (n.

Daily Except Sunday• y 4 m ■■■ -

We itoEBfpt %!th til Oregon Ithert Line passenger trains at Divide ia both directions.

t l (pffllpPHYSICIAN S l i t B E S p .

-|P aoe in the iitg-»

-re-1 ."la1 I t v - ' f ' y ^


civil m m stipe,yr^Dqaj. BONTAVA.



Calls answered in Big Hole Basin for s reasonable amount of wdrlf

H. P. B|rtOWNMining and M e t M Engineerui;



The Wisdom HotelM. M. MOSS, Prop’r,

Board bf the Oaf, Week or H titIiTFirst class meals and excellent service.

Our rooms are nicely furnished and our priceB are

rensouafile,#®“ Call and see i s when in town


molzjjm° iLJ)/Lior/

offers evejy .’acl/fty o( piodern tasking for the cafe of its customers’ business.

It kpoys the special' condition exist­ing in Pig Hole Basin and the need* of Its people.

It is prepared to serve them and so­licits tj.eir business

, , , A. h . 8TUNE, Cashier





Passenger rales" he^^sen and Wisdom

On* W wFtrti,i f * * * • • <* «

v i m

. . * 5.00

In Every Department ofb a n k in g

A t

CWmpUBdmg nte> {bfftfftMS jffi er- mediate points.

- * > 4f*fgia le dk>fferveyot»in ^ ay^actory manner.

Call (\n or address us by letter• fl-F , Pres't.

I. Wy* * _ #