The Level of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms Used by Selected Maritime Students of UPHSD-Las Pinas...

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  • 8/11/2019 The Level of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms Used by Selected Maritime Students of UPHSD-Las Pinas (Problem


    Chapter I



    Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, once said "life is not easy!" and

    everyday, people encounter different problems and struggles and there are some

    individuals who protect themselves from things that people do not want to think

    or deal with and they use defense mechanisms. There are instances that one

    feels threatened, overwhelmed or feel as if things are about to collapse and

    these feelings are called anxiety.

    According to L. Pervin and O. John (2001), Anxiety is such a painful state

    that we are incapable of tolerating it for very long time. Each and every one of us

    feels anxiety. Every day, people encounter different problems and struggles. So

    they tend to separate their worlds in the fantasy or they will try to cover the

    disappointment that they have just to forget the failure in reality. This separation

    or covering up of anxiety is called defense mechanism. People tend to make

    fantasies when things get worst in order to change their perspectives and worlds.

    These are instances also that people deny the situation so that they may try to

    forget the situation.

    According to Sigmund Freud (18thcentury), anxiety is an unpleasant inner

    state that people seek to avoid. Anxiety acts as a signal to the ego that the things

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    are not going right. As a result, the ego then employs a defense mechanism to

    help reduce these feelings of anxiety. In order to deal with anxiety, Freud

    believed that defense mechanism helped shield the ego from the conflict created

    by the id, superego and reality. (Pervin & John, 2001)

    Boeree (2006) also cited in his book, Personality Theories,the ego deals

    with the demands of reality, the id, and the superego as best as it can. But when

    the anxiety becomes overwhelming, the ego must defend itself. It does so by

    unconsciously blocking the impulses or distorting them into a more acceptable,

    less threatening form. These techniques are called ego defense mechanisms.

    The very reason why the researchers decided to go for this kind of research is

    for them to understand how respondents choose what unconscious defense

    mechanism to manifest to overcome certain uneasiness. The researchers

    decided to conduct the study among Maritime students because, first, they have

    the biggest number of populations throughout all the colleges in university. It may

    strengthen this study and make the study more accurate. Second, the

    respondents have a tendency to focus on their anxiety due to the nature of their

    future occupation, since they will be working on a very secluded place, staying on

    a ship for a long time. The researchers wanted to know if the aggression or

    anxiety has something to do with how they react or what defense mechanism

    they used to the tension that they feel.

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    Theoretical Framework

    The study was supported by a theory that was formulated by Sigmund

    Freud. He stated that each individual is experiencing anxiety. Anxiety is formed

    due to different problems, disappointments, and trials people undergo.

    Unconsciously, people tend to develop ways to distort reality and exclude

    feelings of awareness so that they may not feel anxious. In other words, people

    try to fantasize or imagine new worlds in order to escape against anxiety. There

    are different ways that people are omitting from the reality. The most common

    defense mechanism is the projection. In this kind of defense mechanism, people

    are attributing their own feelings to other people or objects. In other words, they

    put the blame to others and not to themselves. Another defense mechanism is

    the denial, wherein the confrontation with the problem is avoided by denying the

    existence of the problem. Another defense mechanism is the isolation, wherein

    people separate emotion from the content of memory. Reaction formation is also

    included in the defense mechanism where, a person defends against expression

    of an unacceptable impulse by only recognizing and expressing its opposite.

    Rationalization also included in the defense mechanism wherein an individual is

    dong an action, but the motive is not perceived. Another is repression, wherein

    an idea or thought is dismissed from the consciousness. And lastly, sublimation

    is a defense mechanism that diverts the expression of a desire from its

    unacceptable form to one that is considered more socially acceptable (Pervin &

    John, 2001).

  • 8/11/2019 The Level of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms Used by Selected Maritime Students of UPHSD-Las Pinas (Problem


    Level of Anxiety Defense Mechanisms






    Conceptual Framework

    Figure 1.0: Conceptual paradigm of the study about the level of anxiety and the

    different defense mechanisms.

    The figure above illustrates the conceptual framework of the study. The

    independent variables are the defense mechanisms, namely, projection, denial,

    isolation, reaction formation, rationalization, repression, and sublimation. The

    dependent variable pertains to different levels of anxiety. These two variables are

    present to the students of College of Maritime of UPHSD.

    College of Maritime Studentsin UPHSD

    1. Age

    2. Gender

    3. Socio-economic



  • 8/11/2019 The Level of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms Used by Selected Maritime Students of UPHSD-Las Pinas (Problem


    Statement of the Problem

    The study will aim to determine the levels of anxiety and the defense

    mechanisms of the selected students of Maritime Education of University of

    Perpetual Help System DALTALas Pias. It purports to answer the following:

    1. What is the personal profile of the respondents in terms of:

    1.1. age

    1.2 gender, and

    1.3 socio-economic status

    2. What is the level of anxiety of the respondents according to their personal


    3. What is the defense mechanism of the respondents in terms of their personal


    3.1. displacement

    3.2. projection

    3.3. regression

    3.4. repression, and

    3.5. denial

    4. What is the level of anxiety in terms of the defense mechanism of the


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    5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of anxiety and the defense

    mechanisms of the respondents?


    There is no significant relationship between the level of anxiety and the

    defense mechanism used by the selected students of College of Maritime

    Education of the University of Perpetual Help System DALTALas Pias.

    Significance of the study

    This study is done for a purpose. This can help different people including;

    Students. This study will help the students to have a better understanding of

    how anxiety affects their lives as students, especially for College students, to

    know the ways to control anxiety, and for them to learn the different defenses

    that may manifest when anxiety overrule their being.

    Parents. This study will help the parents and guardians to know how to guide

    their children in bringing their anxieties and for people who wants knowledge or

    information, to have sufficient information about anxiety and how it becomes

    disorder. They can use this study as information so that they may know the

    defense mechanisms their children use when they have anxiety.

    Our Society. This study will help our society to know the differences of people,

    to distinguish the personality of an individual, and to know how they can cope on

  • 8/11/2019 The Level of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms Used by Selected Maritime Students of UPHSD-Las Pinas (Problem


    their anxieties. Employers may use this study to know their subordinates

    tendencies when pressures are present and how they can cope with it.

    Future researchers. This study will help and give future researcher to gain

    additional information for those that who will conduct the same study and to

    generate interest among researchers to conduct studies about the levels of

    anxiety and determine what the defense mechanisms are for those Maritime

    Students. This may also serve as a guide in the search for reference.

    Scope and Limitation

    This study tries to identify the lavel of anxiety and the defense

    mechanisms among students. It is applicable only to the students of College of

    Maritime at the University of Perpetual Help System DALTALas Pias who are

    currently enrolled during the school year 2013-2014 and 1stsemester of school

    year 2014-2015. This study also focuses on a particular reference of thirty

    percent (30%) of total population of College of Maritime Education students. It

    aims to determine the anxiety and defense mechanism of respondents. Further,

    the goal of this study is to find out if there is a significant relationship between

    anxiety level and defense mechanism.

    Definition of Terms

    The following terms were operationally used in this research:

  • 8/11/2019 The Level of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms Used by Selected Maritime Students of UPHSD-Las Pinas (Problem


    Anxiety means a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease, typically about an

    imminent event.

    Defense mechanismis an automatic reaction of the body against the anxiety an

    individual experiences.

    Denial is the refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if a painful event, thought

    or feeling did not exist.

    Displacement is the redirection of an impulse (usually aggression) onto a

    powerless substitute target. The target can be a person or an object that can

    serve as a symbolic substitute. Someone who feels uncomfortable with their

    sexual desire for a real person may substitute a fetish. Someone who is

    frustrated by his or her superiors may go home and kick the dog, beat up a family

    member, or engage in cross-burnings.

    Projectionmeans possessing a feeling that is designed as socially unacceptable

    and instead of facing it, that feeling or unconscious urge is seen in the actions

    of other people

    Regression means falling back into an early state of mental/physical

    development seen as less demanding and safer

    Repression is a mental process by which distressing thought, memories, or

    impulses that may give rise to anxiety are excluded from consciousness and left

    to operate in unconscious.