The Legend of Bride

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Transcript of The Legend of Bride

  • 7/27/2019 The Legend of Bride


    The Legend of Bride's Head Bridge

    There's a bridge near Hanover in Germany called 'Der Kopf der Braut', which means

    bride's head. A 15th century legend has it that Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt and his bride

    Gretchen were approaching the bridge in their horse and carriage when their way was

    blocked by an elderly crone.

    The Reichsgraf or 'Count' ordered the old lady to get off the bridge instantly and make

    way for their carriage. But it was dark, and the old lady had difficulty in herding her

    sheep off the bridge.

    Because the old witch was moving none to fast, Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt took his

    whip and have her a sound thrashing. Bleeding, and cowering in a ditch, the old witch

    put a curse on the carriage. Consequently when the bridal party eventually crossed the

    bridge, one of the horses shied and the other reared up. The upshot was that Gretchen

    was thrown from the carriage into the river below.

    It seems certain that she drowned as the river was in torrent and Gretchen was never

    seen again. However, it is said by Hanoverian wicca that at Halloween you can see a

    headless bride standing on rocks in the middle of the river. Some say she is looking for

    her lost head, while other say she is looking for her beloved Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt.

    Uncle John's Halloween Story

    When I was a boy, each year as the nights began to draw in, my uncle John would tell

    we kids this Halloween story. It was a tale about a trick that he played in a

    graveyard. One night Uncle John spotted his great friend Eddie weaving his way home

    from the village pub. As John watched, he saw Eddie open the church's litch gate and

    take the shortcut through the graveyard.

    There was no doubt that Eddie was the worse for wear, and appeared disoriented, really

    he should have taken the longer route home via the round ring. But then he cried out to

    nobody in particular, 'Where am I?'

    John replied instantly, 'Amongst the living'.

    'Where are you?' cried Eddie'; to which John replied in his most sepulchral voice,

    'Amongst the dead'.

  • 7/27/2019 The Legend of Bride


    Eddie sobered up instantly, rushed back the way he came, and took the long way around

    the churchyard. This time he preferring to go passed the round ring, rather than stay a

    minute longer amongst the spirits of the gravestones.

    Texas Halloween Investigation

    There was a murder in Texas at Halloween, and the FBI were called in to investigate.

    Hitchcock, one of the officers, saw something written in blood on the wall. It looked

    like the number '7734', but he was not sure; anyway, he took lots of pictures.

    When Hitchcock got back to the lab he developed the film of the crime scene, but he

    still could not make any progress with the number. In the hope of inspiration, he took

    the sheaf of photographs home and spread them on the dining room table. Just at that

    moment his 7 year old daughter Emma came in through the patio door opposite, and

    looked down at the photographs.

    'Why have you photographed hell?', she asked, then Hitchcock saw that when held

    upside down, 7734 spelt: 'hELL'.

    Halloween Skeleton for the Doctor

    An intern was sent to collect a new skeleton from the central store. When he arrived at

    the consultant surgeon's office there was already a queue of patients waiting. As the

    intern wrestled the skeleton through the outside door he became aware of people gazing

    at him enquiringly.

    He gave them a smile and said, 'I am bringing him to the doctor.'

    An old lady said sympathetically, 'My dear! Isn't he a bit late for the doctor?'