The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said:...

The Jesse Tree A Jesse Tree usually comprises a branch or sapling and is decorated with various symbols that remind us of the purpose and promises of God from Creation to the Birth of Jesus Christ. Each Jesse Tree ornament is a handmade symbol or drawing that represents one of the major stories of the Old Testament along with a brief verse of Scripture from that story. Jesse was the father of King David and God promised David that his Kingdom would last forever. Two centuries after the death of King David, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah and said: "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots: and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and fortitude, the spirit of knowledge, and of the fear of the Lord". (Isaiah 11:1-2) Stump image courtesy of How to make your own Jesse Tree at home You will need a bare branch which is then decorated with symbols to represent different people in Jesus’ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder of the stories in the Bible that lead up to the birth of Christ. You will probably need to stand it in a plant pot with some stones or some soil, or find some other way of making it stand up. If you want to you can spray the branch with some silver paint. If you don’t want a separate tree you might want to cut out the symbols each day and then hang them on your Christmas tree when you put it up nearer to Christmas.

Transcript of The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said:...

Page 1: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

The Jesse Tree

A Jesse Tree usually comprises a branch or sapling and is decorated with

various symbols that remind us of the purpose and promises of God from

Creation to the Birth of Jesus Christ. Each Jesse Tree ornament is a handmade

symbol or drawing that represents one of the major stories of the Old

Testament along with a brief verse of Scripture from that story.

Jesse was the father of King David and God promised David that his Kingdom

would last forever. Two centuries after the death of King David, God spoke

through the prophet Isaiah and said:

"And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall

grow out of his roots: and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of

wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and fortitude, the spirit of

knowledge, and of the fear of the Lord".

(Isaiah 11:1-2)

Stump image courtesy of

How to make your own Jesse Tree at home

You will need a bare branch which is then decorated with symbols to represent

different people in Jesus’ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder

of the stories in the Bible that lead up to the birth of Christ. You will probably

need to stand it in a plant pot with some stones or some soil, or find some

other way of making it stand up. If you want to you can spray the branch with

some silver paint. If you don’t want a separate tree you might want to cut out

the symbols each day and then hang them on your Christmas tree when you

put it up nearer to Christmas.

Page 2: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 1st

Suggested Reading

Genesis 3: 1-19


God had created the perfect world and created man in his own image. Adam

and Eve did not listen to God’s words and were tempted by the snake. Once

they had eaten the apple their eyes were opened and at the same time sin

came into the world. Although God punished them he always loved them.


Dear God help us to know the difference between right and wrong. Help us to

obey your word.

Page 3: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 2nd

Suggested Reading

Genesis 6:11-14, 7:1-8, 9:8-13


There was so much sin in the world that God decided that he would send a

flood to destroy all life. He recognised that Noah was a good man and gave him

instructions on what to do in order to save his family and the animals. Noah

did what God asked and was saved.

When the flood was over God promised that he would never do this again

even though Man would sin again. He used a rainbow to show that he had

made this promise: God always keeps his promises


Dear God help us to remember that you always love us and keep your


Page 4: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 3rd

Suggested Reading

Genesis 12:1-7


God said to Abraham – leave your country and your family and your father’s

house for the land I will show you. I will make you a nation. Abraham took his

wife Sarah and went where Jesus has asked. This must have been a very hard

thing for Abraham to do.

Take a minute to think what it is like to leave everything you know and go

somewhere you’ve never been and know no one. God promised Abraham that

he would be blessed if he did what God asked. If we do the things that God

wants us to do we will also be blessed.


Dear God help us to so the things you want us to do so that we may also have

your blessing.

Page 5: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 4th

Suggested Reading

Genesis 21: 1-7


During Christmas we may be thinking of what presents we would like.

Abraham’s wife, Sarah didn’t want material things but she desperately wanted

a son. She prayed to God that she would have one and he answered her

prayers when she gave birth to a boy.

Sometimes when we are busy with our lives we forget to take the time to talk

to God and ask him for his help. Let’s use this Advent time to remember that if

we pray to God, he will listen to us too.


Dear God thank you for listening when we pray and for answering our prayers.

Page 6: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 5th

Suggested Reading

Genesis 22: 1-14


God wanted to test Abraham and asked him to make an offering of his

precious son, Isaac, to God. Abraham obeyed God’s request but before he

could make the offering the Angel of the Lord stopped him saying – Do not

raise your hand because I know you fear God. You have not refused him your

only son. Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in a bus and offered it as a

burnt offering instead of his son. Even though God has asked Abraham to do

something awful Abraham trusted God and God repaid that trust by telling

Abraham to stop, showing Abraham that he loved him.

Sometimes we are asked to do difficult things and it is difficult to remember

that God always loves us. Let’s use this Advent to remember that God gave us

His only son, the ultimate Christmas present, knowing that he would have to

die on the Cross for us. He did this because he loves us.


Dear God we trust in you and know that you are looking after us even when we

are feeling sad and think that you are not there. Thank you for your love.

Page 7: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 6th

Suggested Reading

Genesis 28:10-22


Jacob had a dream about a ladder standing on the ground with its top reaching

to heaven and there were Angels of God going up and down it. God spoke to

Jacob and told him that his descendents would fill the earth and that God

would always be with him and keep him safe.

Jacob was Isaac’s son and he became the father of the twelve ancestors of the

twelve tribes of Israel. Sometimes he is called the Father of Israel. Christmas is

a time for families.


Dear God we thank you for our families. Please be with us always and keep us


Page 8: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 7th

Suggested Reading

Genesis 45: 4-5, 50:20


Although Joseph’s father loved him very much, his brothers hated him and he

was sold to some Ishmaelites. The brothers pretended he had been killed and

gave their father Joseph’s blood stained coat as proof. Joseph ended up with

an important job and although his brothers had been horrible he forgave them

when they met again. It would have been very easy not too forgive but Joseph

showed them mercy because he could not put himself in God’s place: ‘The evil

they had planned had by God’s design turned into good so that he might bring

about the deliverance of evil’


Dear God help us to forgive those who have hurt us.

Page 9: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 8th

Suggested Reading

Deuteronomy 5: 1-22


Moses explained the 10 commandments to the whole of Israel and wrote them

on two tablets of stone. Our daily lives are full of manmade rules to make sure

that society functions. During Advent let us take time to remember the rules

that God has given us but in particular the commandments to love God and to

love our neighbour. It’s sometimes hard to follow rules but if we follow God’s

rules we will do the right thing.


Dear God help us to remember to always love you and our neighbour and by

doing so help us to always obey your rules.

Page 10: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 9th

Suggested Reading

Joshua 2 1:21


After Moses died, God told Joshua to tall all the people and go to the land that

he had promised them. Two men were sent to look at the land: A woman

called Rahab hid them from those looking to find them and she helped them

escape by lowering a rope outside the city walls. As Rahab had helped them

they agreed to make sure that her family would not be harmed when God’s

people entered the land. Even though it was hard and dangerous Rahab had

the courage to protect the men because she believed in their God.


Dear God help us to have the courage to help those in need even though it

may be difficult for us to do so.

Page 11: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 10th

Suggested Reading

Ruth 1: 1-5; 2:3


Naomi’s sons had died and she thought that God had turned against her. One

of her daughters in law, Ruth, refused to leave her and said ‘where ever you go

I will go. Wherever you live I will live. Your people shall be my people and your

God, my God.’ Naomi and Ruth went to Bethlehem and one day when Ruth

was in the field looking for grains of wheat she met Boaz who was Naomi’s

kinsman When Ruth and Boaz married and had a son Naomi was happy

because she realised that God had not forgotten them. God will never leave us

even if we do not think he is there; he loves us so much that he sent his only

Son to us.


Dear God help us to remember that you are always there for us.

Page 12: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 11th

Suggested Reading

1 Samuel 16: 1-13


God told Samuel to fill his horn with oil and go to see Jesse of Bethlehem

because he had chosen one of Jesse’s sons to be a King. Jesse showed Samuel

the sons he thought might be the chosen one but Samuel told him that God

hadn’t chosen any of the sons he had seen. Jesse told him he had another son,

David, who was tending the sheep. He sent for him and when David came God

told Samuel to anoint him. Samuel took the horn and anointed David.

Anointing is a special part of sacraments and is a symbol that God’s spirit is

being given to us and like David it will stay with us.


Dear God help us to remember that it is not what we look like but who and

how we are that matters. May your spirit be always with us.

Page 13: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 12th

Suggested Reading

2 Samuel 5: 1-5


The tribes of Israel come to David and anointed him as King of Israel. As a child

David was a shepherd and looked after sheep. When God chose him to be a

King he said to David that he would be the man who will be the Shepherd of

his people, Israel, Just as a shepherd would protect his flock, David, as King,

protected and cared for the people of Israel.


Dear God protect and take care of us just as David took care of your people,


Page 14: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 13th

Suggested Reading

Isaiah 9: 2-7


The descendents of David did not always follow God and so God sent prophets

to call them back to his ways and remind them of God’s promises. One of these

prophets was Isaiah. The people of Israel had sinned against the Lord and God

allowed their enemies to attack. Isaiah told the people that God would send a

sign as an assurance that they would be delivered- a child would be born who

would be called ‘Wonder Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of



Dear God we thank you for the gift of your son Jesus.

Page 15: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 14th

Suggested Reading

1 Kings 18: 17-24, 36-39


Elijah told the people that they had walked away from God and were

worshipping a false God. They went to Mount Carmel and when the prophets

of the false God offered a sacrifice nothing happened. When Elijah, the

prophet of the true God, offered a sacrifice God sent fire as a sign of his

presence. It is easier to believe if we have seen God’s work in action. Let us

remember that he is always with us even though we can’t see him.


Dear God we praise you even though we cannot see you as we know you are

the one true God.

Page 16: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 15th

Suggested Reading

Jonah 3:1-5


Jonah was one of God’s prophets but he ran away rather than do what God has

asked him. Even though Jonah was trying to run away from God, God saved

him from the storm by arranging that a whale would swallow Jonah. Jonah

prayed to God and the whale released Jonah to the shore. Jonah went to

Nineveh and did God’s work: the people of Nineveh heard his words and

repented their evil behaviour. When God saw this he forgave them and did not

punish them.


Dear God even though we may forget you, you are always there looking after

us. Forgive us when we forget to do your will.

Page 17: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 16th

Suggested Reading

Isaiah 11: 6-9


With the coming of the King the animals will live together just as they had

before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of evil. Just as the animals will live

together in peace and harmony so will mankind: there will be no more wars or

discord: They do no hurt, no harm on my holy mountain, for the country is

filled with the knowledge of God as the waters swell the sea.


Dear God as we wait for your coming we pray for peace in the world.

Page 18: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 17th

Suggested Reading

Micah 5:1-5a


Micah was another prophet who God had sent to make another promise to the

people of Israel. He realised that the poor and lowly were God’s chosen ones

and that God had chosen David, a shepherd boy from Bethlehem to be the

King of Israel. He spoke to Bethlehem and promised that another King would

arise from it, this time a King who would rule for ever. Even though Bethlehem

had been given this promise the town was not ready and Jesus was born in a



Dear God help us to make our hearts ready in time to celebrate the birth of


Page 19: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 18th

Suggested Reading

Daniel 6: 17-24


Daniel had been out in the lion’s den because he refused to stop worshipping

his God. It’s not easy to prove your love for God. Like Rahab it would have

been easier to deny God but Daniel didn’t do this. He trusted in God and God

repaid his love by saving him. The God of Daniel is ‘the Living God which

endures forever, his sovereignty will never be destroyed and his kingship never



Dear God help us to have the strength of Daniel and proclaim you always as

the one true God.

Page 20: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 19th

Suggested Reading

Habbakuk 2: 1-4


It is hard to watch and wait. God tells us that he always keeps his promises no

matter how long it seems for the promises to happen. God promised his

people that he would send a King to save them: the message is repeated

through the stories of the prophets but his people still forgot and weren’t

prepared when Jesus was born. We know that Christmas day is nearly here and

that our waiting will soon be over.


Dear God be with us as we wait for the birth of your son.

Page 21: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 20th

Suggested Reading

Luke 1: 5-25


This week we are another step closer to Christmas and the readings take us

through the Christmas story. Like Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth

were good people who believed in God but who were childless. Both Zechariah

and Elizabeth were old and when the Angel told Zechariah that they would

have a son, he wondered how this could happen. Because he doubted the

word of the Lord he would be unable to speak until his son was born. The son

they had was John the Baptist who would go out and prepare the people for

the coming of the Lord


Dear God help us not to doubt your promises and give us the courage to

spread your Good News.

Page 22: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 21st

Suggested Reading

Mathew 3: 1-6


Elizabeth and Zechariah's son grew up to be John the Baptist. He was Jesus'

cousin. God chose him to tell the people about Jesus. He went out into the

desert and baptised people so that they would be ready to greet Jesus with

their hearts. He told them that he baptised them with water but One was

coming who would baptise them with the Holy Spirit. When we are baptised it

is a sign that we have joined the family of God and have been given the gift of

the Holy Spirit. Like every family we look forward to cele brating birthdays and

Jesus’ is nearly here!


Father, in the wilderness of the Jordan you sent a messenger to prepare

people's hearts for the coming of your Son. Help me to hear his words and

repent of my sins, so that I may clearly see the way to walk, the truth to speak,

and the life to live for Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


Page 23: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 22nd

Suggested Reading

Luke 1: 26-38


The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would be filled with

the Holy Spirit and would give birth to a son who she must call Jesus. God

chose Mary to be Jesus' mother and she accepted the task saying that she is

the handmaiden of the Lord. Even though she knew what was being asked of

her would be difficult for her friends and family to understand, Mary gladly

undertook to do God’s will.


Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The lord is with thee, Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary mother of God pray for

us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Page 24: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 23rd

Suggested Reading

Matthew 1: 18-25


Yesterday we talked about Jesus' mother, Mary. Jesus also had an earthly

father named Joseph, who was a carpenter. Jesus had decided to leave Mary

because she was with child but the Angel of Lord came to him in a dream and

told him not be afraid. The Angel told him that Mary would give birth to a

special child who must be named Jesus because he would be the one who

would save people from their sins (Jesus in Hebrew means ‘Yahweh saves’).

When Joseph woke up, he knew that he and Mary were a part of God's plan

and that he would be a father to Jesus.


O Joseph, earthly father of Jesus, most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray

every day for us to the same Jesus, the Son of God, that we, being defended by

the power of His grace and striving dutifully in life, may be crowned by Him at

the hour of death.


Page 25: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 24th

Suggested Reading

Luke 2: 1-5


Joseph and Mary were obliged to travel to Bethlehem because Joseph was of

David’s line. Even though it has been foretold that there would be born a new

King in Bethlehem, there was no room for Joseph and Mary apart from a

stable: Bethlehem and God’s people were not prepared.

Today is Christmas Eve; our journey through Advent is nearly over. Hopefully

during this Advent you have been able to prepare yourself and are ready to

celebrate the birth of our Lord.


God our Father, you loved the world so much you gave your only Son to free us

from the ancient power of sin and death. Help us who wait for his coming and

lead us to true liberty. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who

lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

(prayer and

Page 26: The Jesse Tree - St Francis RC Parish. Francis Parish... · through the prophet Isaiah and said: ... [ family tree. The Jesse Tree acts as a visual reminder ... Moses explained the

December 25th

Suggested Reading

Luke 2: 6-21


The prophets foretold of the birth of a new King, a saviour of God’s people. All

the readings we have looked at during the Advent period remind us that Gold

always loves us no matter what we do and he always keeps promises.

Today we celebrate the greatest promise of all, the birth of Christ our Lord in

the town of David. Let us praise God for keeping his promises and join with the

Angels’ message to the Shepherds: Glory to God in the highest heaven and

peace to men who enjoy his favour. Our waiting is over. Alleluia Alleluia

We wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas safe in the knowledge that God

loves each and every one of us.