Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone...

Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story of how God prepared a people to receive the incredible gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, born into our world. The phrase Jesse Tree has its beginning in the Bible, in the book of the prophet Isaiah. There, we read of the great promises given to the Israelites that through the family of Jesse (King David’s father) would come the long-awaited Savior of the world! Isaiah, come say hello. [Isaiah comes out] ISAIAH: Hi everyone, it’s my time of year. NARRATOR: Why do you say that, Isaiah? ISAIAH: Because during Advent we read from the Book of Isaiah at Mass. We do this because I was a prophet who told the people about a Messiah who would come and establish God’s kingdom. Jesus fulfilled so many of my prophecies. This one, for example: “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” NARRATOR: Thank you, Isaiah! So that’s where we get the name Jesse Tree! Today we are fortunate to have some more very special guests. These are people whom you have read and heard about, and now you will have the opportunity to meet them face-to-face! Our guests are busy people, so let’s get started. They may have been thrown out of the Garden of Eden, but we are glad to have them here today. I present to you Adam and Eve. [Adam and Eve come out.] Hello, Adam. Hi, Eve. To tell you the truth, I’m a little annoyed with you. Maybe if you had done better, we’d all still be living in the Garden. Then we wouldn’t have to sin, suffer, and die. We’d be happy and very close to God all the time! ADAM: Don’t blame me. I just listened to Eve. Everything was Eve’s fault. EVE: Don’t blame it all on me; it was the devil who made me disobey God. NARRATOR: Let’s call that crafty serpent out here and see what he has to say for himself. [The serpent comes out.] Eve says that it is all your fault that she sinned. What do you say to that? SERPENT: Oh no, I hate to break this to you, but Adam and Eve freely chose to disobey God’s command to them. NARRATOR: Is it true that you are the great tempter and that you made Adam and Eve believe that they could have more than what God had already given to them? SERPENT: Oh yes, that is true. I am such a sneaky liar ... and they fell for it. NARRATOR: [To Adam and Eve:] I don’t understand. You had everything you could possibly want. Why did you disobey God? © SOPHIA INSTITUTE PRESS 70

Transcript of Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone...

Page 1: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

Jesse Tree Live!

NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story of how God prepared a people to receive the incredible gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, born into our world. The phrase Jesse Tree has its beginning in the Bible, in the book of the prophet Isaiah. There, we read of the great promises given to the Israelites that through the family of Jesse (King David’s father) would come the long-awaited Savior of the world! Isaiah, come say hello. [Isaiah comes out]

ISAIAH: Hi everyone, it’s my time of year.

NARRATOR: Why do you say that, Isaiah?

ISAIAH: Because during Advent we read from the Book of Isaiah at Mass. We do this because I was a prophet who told the people about a Messiah who would come and establish God’s kingdom. Jesus fulfilled so many of my prophecies. This one, for example:

“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”

NARRATOR: Thank you, Isaiah! So that’s where we get the name Jesse Tree! Today we are fortunate to have some more very special guests. These are people whom you have read and heard about, and now you will have the opportunity to meet them face-to-face! Our guests are busy people, so let’s get started.

They may have been thrown out of the Garden of Eden, but we are glad to have them here today. I present to you Adam and Eve. [Adam and Eve come out.] Hello, Adam. Hi, Eve. To tell you the truth, I’m a little annoyed with you. Maybe if you had done better, we’d all still be living in the Garden. Then we wouldn’t have to sin, suffer, and die. We’d be happy and very close to God all the time!

ADAM: Don’t blame me. I just listened to Eve. Everything was Eve’s fault.

EVE: Don’t blame it all on me; it was the devil who made me disobey God.

NARRATOR: Let’s call that crafty serpent out here and see what he has to say for himself. [The serpent comes out.] Eve says that it is all your fault that she sinned. What do you say to that?

SERPENT: Oh no, I hate to break this to you, but Adam and Eve freely chose to disobey God’s command to them.

NARRATOR: Is it true that you are the great tempter and that you made Adam and Eve believe that they could have more than what God had already given to them?

SERPENT: Oh yes, that is true. I am such a sneaky liar ... and they fell for it.

NARRATOR: [To Adam and Eve:] I don’t understand. You had everything you could possibly want. Why did you disobey God?


Page 2: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

EVE: We thought that there might be more. We thought that God was holding out on us.

NARRATOR: How could you be so greedy?

ADAM: Don’t point a finger at us. It’s human nature. People are always trying to get more than what they have.

NARRATOR: Well, it’s human nature because of you — because of your Original Sin that changed human nature. (To the audience:) Adam and Eve’s sin was not just a personal sin. It changed human nature by making us weaker and inclined to sin. Since we are the descendants of Adam and Eve, it affects us all. But even after God made Adam and Eve leave the Garden, He still loved them and all human beings. In time all the people became very sinful, but there was one good man. God caused a flood to wipe out humanity because of the wickedness of the people, but He kept this one man and his family safe. That righteous man — the father of that family — is our next guest. He came in an incredibly huge boat — the biggest boat I’ve ever seen. Can you guess who the next guest is? Noah, come on out! [Noah comes out with all the animals.] Now Noah, you were a good and righteous man, so God saved you and your family from the terrible Flood. Tell me, do you like pets?

NOAH: Let me tell you, those animals were not pets. It wasn’t a lot of fun being awakened by an ostrich nibbling on my ear. The Flood was a terrible thing. In the end it sure was good to stand on solid ground.

NARRATOR: How did you feel when God asked you to build an ark?

NOAH: I was definitely scared, but I trusted in God. And He made me a promise that He would never flood the earth again. The sign of that covenant is a rainbow.

NARRATOR: Do you have any advice for the children here today?

NOAH: Be good and trust in God. God watches over His people, and in turn we must watch over each other.

NARRATOR: Many years after the Flood, God became special friends with one of Noah’s descendants and his wife. This couple is here today. It is my honor to introduce the patriarch of us all, the Father of Faith; let’s hear it for Abraham and his wife, Sarah. [Abraham and Sarah come out.] Abraham, what was life like for you?

ABRAHAM: When God called us, we were nomads in Ur. We tended our herds. We didn’t have a real home. We followed the herds and brought them to good land, cared for the needs of the flock, and kept the flock safe.

NARRATOR: I’ve heard that God made a promise to you. What was that promise?

ABRAHAM: God said my descendants would be as numerous as the stars! And he actually made me three promises! He promised me land, a holy name, and a worldwide blessing.

SARAH: Have you ever heard anything like that? God promised Abraham many descendants! I was no spring chicken. I was already 88 years old, and God promised that he would have many descendants!

NARRATOR: That is unbelievable! But tell me: did God keep His promise?


Page 3: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

SARAH: He sure did! I nearly broke a rib laughing when I found out that I was pregnant, but we had a fine son named Isaac.

NARRATOR: What abut the other promises — the land, the dynasty, and the worldwide blessing?

ABRAHAM: God always keeps His promises! I saw Moses and King David before I came out here – they are each going to tell you a little more about those promises.

NARRATOR: It’s too bad that your son Isaac isn’t here today, but I heard that Isaac’s son — your grandson — Jacob was able to make it. Jacob, can you come out now? [Jacob comes out.]

JACOB: God blessed me with 12 boys. It got a little rowdy in the house some days, you know. But from these sons came the 12 tribes of Israel, who were the Chosen People of God. Actually they were called the tribes of Israel because God changed my name from Jacob to Israel. I know that fathers aren’t supposed to favor any of their children in particular. I made that mistake, and it caused a lot of trouble at home. My favorite son was Joseph. I spoiled him so much that his brothers sold him off as a slave.

NARRATOR: That’s terrible. Did you ever see him again?

JACOB: Yes, would you like me to call him in?

NARRATOR: That would be great.

JACOB: (Turning to call him:) Benjamin, I mean, Levi, I mean Judah, Joseph. I’m always getting their names mixed up.

(Looking to the audience:) Do your parents do that?

NARRATOR: Hi, Joseph. It sounds as if you had some amazing adventures.

JOSEPH: It’s a long story. When my brothers sold me, I eventually ended up in Egypt. After a while I became close to Pharaoh. He liked me because I told him what his dreams meant. I told him that a famine was coming, and he put me in charge of all his stores of wheat. God kept me safe through it all.

NARRATOR: You must have been furious with your brothers.

JOSEPH: No. I know that it was God’s will that I should go to Egypt. In Egypt I was able to save my family. When the famine spread to Canaan, I was able to bring them to Egypt and keep them safe and fed.

NARRATOR: So, what was life like for the Israelites in Egypt?

JOSEPH: At first the Israelites were Pharaoh’s special guests. But in time, that Pharaoh died, and I died, and the Egyptians began to fear that the Israelites would take over the land. And so the Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves.

NARRATOR: Oh no! How long were the Israelites in Egypt?

JOSEPH: Four hundred years.

NARRATOR: How did they leave?

JOSEPH: God chose a man named Moses to lead them out of slavery. He’s here today, but he is kind of a shy man. He is afraid of speaking in front of crowds. He might need some coaxing.


Page 4: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

NARRATOR: Joseph, would you call him to come out and meet everyone?

JOSEPH: Moses! Moses! Please come out and meet all these people. [Pauses slightly.] Okay, you can bring your brother, Aaron, with you. [Moses and Aaron come out together.]

NARRATOR: How many Israelites were slaves in Egypt?

MOSES: That’s hard to say. I didn’t have a calculator, you know. There were about 600,000 men, and many more women and children.

NARRATOR: Liberating that many people must have been hard. How did you do it?

MOSES: I didn’t save the people. God did everything. I was just His instrument. He sent plagues to the Egyptians until the Egyptians couldn’t stand it anymore; then, they let us go.

NARRATOR: Where did you go?

MOSES: We went into the Sinai Desert. In the desert, God gave us many things. He fed us manna — bread from Heaven — when we were hungry. He gave us rules for how to live called the Ten Commandments. They are God’s law. The tablets with the Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a jar of manna are in the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark also contains the very presence of God. That’s what makes the Ark so special.

NARRATOR: How long were you in the desert?

AARON: Forty years.

NARRATOR: Why did it take so long? Were you lost? Were you too embarrassed to ask for directions?

AARON: Well, the Israelites refused to follow God’s commands. Wandering in the desert for 40 years was a punishment.

NARRATOR: So, this land you were heading to — the Promised Land. Why is it called that? Does it have something to do with the land God promised to Abraham?

AARON: That’s exactly right.

NARRATOR: So you led the people into the Promised Land?

MOSES: I’m sorry to say that later on even Aaron and I each disobeyed God, so He did not let us enter the Promised Land. We died before we entered it. But I appointed judges to help guide the Israelites. There were many great judges. One of the greatest of the judges is here today: Samuel. [Samuel comes out.]

NARRATOR: Samuel, tell me, what was a judge? Did you preside over a courtroom and hand down judgments?

SAMUEL: No, not really. A judge was more like a leader.

NARRATOR: What was most difficult about your job?

SAMUEL: The people were not happy. The neighbors of the Israelites were always fighting with the Israelites and so the Israelites wanted a king. They wanted to be like other nations and have a king to lead them in battle and put fear in their neighbors.


Page 5: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

NARRATOR: Did you want the Israelites to have a king?

SAMUEL: No. God was the only king the Israelites needed. But God told me to give the Israelites what they wanted. So I anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. At first things went well and Saul was a good king. But after a while Saul began to disobey God. God chose a new king for Israel. God chose one of Jesse’s sons. Jesse is here; let me introduce him to you. [Jesse comes out.]

NARRATOR: Welcome, Jesse. Tell us a little about yourself.

JESSE: I was really no one special, but God made a promise that from my family would come the promised Messiah, who would save us from our sins and our miseries. Isaiah, tell them what you said!

ISAIAH: From the stump of Jesse …

JESSE: That’s my family tree.

ISAIAH: …would come a great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandson who would be the Promised One.

JESSE: God honored me by choosing my son David to rule His people, and David became the greatest king that God gave to our people. Would you like to meet him? [David comes out.]

NARRATOR: David, it’s so nice to meet you. I have heard that you were the greatest king that Israel ever had.

DAVID: Samuel was right. God is Israel’s true King. All the things that I accomplished as king were the works of God. While I was king, Israel enjoyed a time of power and peace. And the most wonderful thing is that

God’s promise to Abraham of a holy name and dynasty was fulfilled. God promised that someday one of my descendants would have an everlasting throne and establish God’s eternal kingdom. I don’t know why God loved me so much. I certainly did my share of sinning. But God forgave me and loved me nonetheless.

NARRATOR: Was it your job to get the people ready to accept Jesus?

DAVID: Not exactly.

ISAIAH: All the prophets did that. The person who did it most directly was John the Baptist. He was born right around the same time as Jesus.

NARRATOR: Well, here’s another person we talk about a lot during Advent. Is John here now?

ISAIAH: No, he’s pretty busy right now. I think he is finishing up some baptisms down at the river. But I did see his mother, Elizabeth, before I came out here.

NARRATOR: Elizabeth, can you come out and greet us all? [Elizabeth comes out.]

ELIZABETH: I had always wanted to have a child, but I grew old and was without one. In my old age God sent me the child I had always prayed for, and we named him John. He was destined by God to become the one to announce to the world that the long-awaited Savior had arrived. Such a grace!

NARRATOR: Elizabeth, aren’t you related to Mary, the mother of Jesus?

ELIZABETH: Yes, we are cousins. In fact, when Mary heard that I was with child, she left her village and traveled to my house.


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This was such a special visit, because Mary was already pregnant with Jesus when she came to me. We were pregnant at the same time. And even as a tiny baby in my womb, John leapt for joy when he felt the Lord’s presence so close.

NARRATOR: That sounds so wonderful. Mary, can you come out and tell us about how you discovered that you were going to have a baby? [Mary and Joseph enter.]

MARY: It was such an awesome day when the angel appeared to me. A beautiful angel appeared and told me that I would conceive a child by the power of the Holy Spirit. I could not understand how that could be,

but I knew that this was a grace from God. I answered: yes, I am God’s handmaiden, and I will do whatever He wants of me.

NARRATOR: (To the audience:) What do we call this moment, which we learned about this month? The Annunciation.

JOSEPH: An angel appeared to me too, in a dream. The angel told me to trust in God and not to be afraid to take Mary as my wife. He said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.”

NARRATOR: What did the angel call you, Joseph?

Anastasis fresco at Chora Church, Istanbul. Photograph courtesy of Gunnar Bach Pedersen.


Page 7: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

JOSEPH: He called me “Son of David.” I was born into a kingly line that goes all the way back to David, and my wife, Mary, was also a direct descendant of David. So it makes perfect sense that I would be Jesus’ earthly foster father.

ISAIAH: You see, my prophecy was true. Jesse was David’s father. “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”

NARRATOR: Do you think we could see your baby, Jesus?

MARY: Certainly, for a moment — it’s His nap time you know! [An adult should now carry in the baby representing the Infant Jesus.]

NARRATOR: Oh, come let us adore Him! [Everyone kneels for a moment and sings the refrain “O, come let us adore Him,” and then baby Jesus leaves quietly and everyone stands again.]

NARRATOR: Mary, I have such respect and devotion to you.

MARY: I know that. I am your mother too. I am always praying for you and asking my Son to hear your prayers. I was very blessed to be able to be the mother of Jesus.

NARRATOR: What was the hardest thing about being Jesus’ parents?

JOSEPH: We were always worried about His safety. But we did our best, and we trusted in God. God always took care of us.

NARRATOR: How can you say that when Jesus was crucified?

MARY: It is true that Jesus died on the Cross and suffered terrible pain, but He did it out of love for all of us. By His death on the Cross, He brought eternal life to all who would follow Him. Jesus’ death redeemed the sin of Adam and Eve, and once again all people could be God’s friends. Jesus wanted to die for you and for me. [Mary and Eve embrace.]

NARRATOR: Mary, that is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing with us.

The people we have met today are some of those who are part of God’s story. The truth is that all of us who have been baptized are called to be part of that story and to do a special work chosen for us by God from the beginning of time. It is God who makes us ready. We must open our hearts to Him and ask Him to prepare us to say yes to Him the way Noah, Abraham, and Mary did.

Advent is a special time in which we “get ready” to receive Jesus into our hearts. Let us end our “Jesse Tree Live!” today by praying, in song, for Jesus to come.

Please rise and join us in our song of prayer: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel as we ask Jesus to make us ready to receive Him each and every day.

O come, O come, Emmanuel,And ransom captive Israel,That mourns in lonely exile here,Until the Son of God appear.Rejoice! Rejoice! EmmanuelShall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, freeThine own from Satan’s tyranny;


Page 8: Jesse Tree Live! · 2020. 11. 16. · Jesse Tree Live! NARRATOR: I’d like to welcome everyone here today for a presentation: “Jesse Tree Live!” The Jesse Tree tells the story

From depths of hell Thy people save,And give them victory o’er the grave.Rejoice! Rejoice! EmmanuelShall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Key of David, comeAnd open wide our heav’nly home;Make safe the way that leads on high,And close the path to misery.

Rejoice! Rejoice! EmmanuelShall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Adonai, Lord of might,Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height,In ancient times didst give the lawIn cloud and majesty and awe.Rejoice! Rejoice! EmmanuelShall come to thee, O Israel.