The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Daisy and the Doctors – The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) Vance: "Well, Doctor...I guess it's just you and me now..." Dr. Light; "Good, that makes this simpler" Vance: "Makes what simpler?" (Dr. Light's mannerisms change....he suddenly becomes serious, confident..He slides a piece of paper across the desk....Vance picks it up) Dr. Light: 'Due to the results of the animal's blood and tissue samples, I have a court order allowing me to take custody of Daisy..." (Vance looks at him blankly....) Dr. Light: "This canine has healing properties beyond our imagination.... a group of scientists and doctors agree....she is to be taken into our custody, and...." Vance; "Get out" Dr. Light: "Director?..I don't think you understand..." (Vance stands....he towers over the slight framed vet...) Vance: "The response is no, Dr....Do you think this wasn;t thought of and prepared for?" (Vance gets up, goes to his desk, pulls out a single slip of paper..he hands it to the Dr.) Dr. Light: "What...what is this?" Vance; "It's a Presidential order, signed by the President, stating that Agent Gibbs has authority over all veterinary and medical decisions, and read the last paragraph, Dr....It says...and I quote..."superseding any lower court warrant or demand for change of custody, either temporary or permanent, for said animal, Daisy. You will also notice it's signed by the Chief Justice for this Federal District's court" (Vance leans on the table, physically intimidating the doctor...Dr. Light leans back, fear beginning to show) Dr. Light: "No! No! This dog needs to be studied! it is for the good of humanity!" Vance: "It's for the good of your resume' doctor...and your ego....Which is famous...Do you think we did not investigate you and follow every court request you made, after you informed me of this appointment, and before you ever sat down in that chair?...Now...please get out, Dr. Light" (The man is trembling with embarrassment and rage....) Light: "This is not the last you've heard from me!" Vance; "it is for today, doctor...Good....Bye!"

Transcript of The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Page 1: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Daisy and the Doctors – The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal)

Vance: "Well, Doctor...I guess it's just you and me now..."

Dr. Light; "Good, that makes this simpler"

Vance: "Makes what simpler?"

(Dr. Light's mannerisms change....he suddenly becomes serious, confident..He slides a piece of paper

across the desk....Vance picks it up)

Dr. Light: 'Due to the results of the animal's blood and tissue samples, I have a court order allowing

me to take custody of Daisy..."

(Vance looks at him blankly....)

Dr. Light: "This canine has healing properties beyond our imagination....a group of scientists and

doctors agree....she is to be taken into our custody, and...."

Vance; "Get out"

Dr. Light: "Director?..I don't think you understand..."

(Vance stands....he towers over the slight framed vet...)

Vance: "The response is no, Dr....Do you think this wasn;t thought of and prepared for?"

(Vance gets up, goes to his desk, pulls out a single slip of paper..he hands it to the Dr.)

Dr. Light: "What...what is this?"

Vance; "It's a Presidential order, signed by the President, stating that Agent Gibbs has authority over all veterinary and medical decisions, and read the last paragraph, Dr....It says...and I

quote..."superseding any lower court warrant or demand for change of custody, either temporary or

permanent, for said animal, Daisy. You will also notice it's signed by the Chief Justice for this Federal District's court"

(Vance leans on the table, physically intimidating the doctor...Dr. Light leans back, fear beginning to


Dr. Light: "No! No! This dog needs to be studied! it is for the good of humanity!"

Vance: "It's for the good of your resume' doctor...and your ego....Which is famous...Do you think we

did not investigate you and follow every court request you made, after you informed me of this appointment, and before you ever sat down in that chair?...Now...please get out, Dr. Light"

(The man is trembling with embarrassment and rage....)

Light: "This is not the last you've heard from me!"

Vance; "it is for today, doctor...Good....Bye!"

Page 2: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...




(scene opens in Vance's office, Gibbs and Vance present, both men standing, each on either side of the desk. The phone is on speaker, Vance and Gibbs talking to the Secretary of State)

Vance: 'Madam Secretary, I'm not sure what to say"

SecState: "Leon, please...this is not an official call"

Vance: "Okay...Loretta...sure sounds official though"

SecState: "Bottom line, Gibbs, you are not required to do anything...The Presidential Order is rock


Gibbs: "Ma'am..."

SecState: "Please, me least for this call..God knows we've been through a lot


Gibbs; "Yea..I know"

SecState: "...but...I'm receiving a tremendous amount of pressure from the medical community to

talk to you. So...hear I am...talking to you..I'm sorry"

Gibbs; 'Loretta, you gotta know I won't let anyone use Daisy as a lab rat..In the name of science or

whatever, that crap hurts!."

Vance; "I ditto that"

Gibbs: "Do they have irrefutable evidence that what they say about Daisy is true? If they're trying to

do this because they just think...."

SecState: "Gibbs...I've seen the reports...I even had Dr. Timmons look them over..."

Gibbs: "Ruth?"

SecState: " in Momma of Chipper, Ruth"

Page 3: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Gibbs grins, remembering the monkey....Vance looks down at his shoes to make sure they're both

still there...)

Gibbs: "Her take?"

SecState: "She was blown away...she said it wasn't possible....and she did say...."

Gibbs: "Aw hell, Loretta..."

SecState: "Daisy has such self-healing qualities, that countless lives could be saved"

Gibbs: "Aw, jesus,...that's not fair"

(Gibbs looks away....burdened)

Gibbs: "Describe what happens"

SecState: "Bloodwork, DNA testing, Bone Marrow testing"

Gibbs: (loud) "Bone Marrow? Not a flipping chance in the world!"

SecState;: "They had records from several months ago, when Daisy had cracked ribs...Last week's

XRays, according to Dr. Light, had to have been from another dog...but they weren't...There was no

evidence whatsoever of any fractures, healed or not...That, I'm sure of, is impossible...No matter

how effective the healing of bone fracture, there are always tell-tale signs left on the bone...She had


Gibbs: "Can't they use the blood they took during her physical? Same with the DNA?"

(There is silence......then SecState's voice gets softer...almost reverential)

SecState; "Canis Dirus"

Gibbs: "What?"

SecState: "Canis Dirus...latin for 'fearsome dog...At one time, these wolves roamed the land...going

head to head, and winning, against Sabre Tooth Tigers..."

Vance: "Loretta....?""

SecState: "Gentlemen...According to Daisy's DNA, she was either Jurassic Park cloned from 100

century old DNA, or...(Pauses) Daisy is over 10,000 years old..."

(Both Vance and Gibbs are shocked into silence)

SecState: "Is there anything you two would like to tell me about Daisy?"

(scene fades to black and white)

Page 4: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(scene opens in Dr. Ruth Timmons office, towards the front of her research lab. Sitting in front of

her is Dr. Cal Nuntius, the visiting veterinarian from Italy. Cal is tall, swarthy, handsome, dark curly hair. Speaks with heavy Italian accent)

Ruth: "Cal, I appreciate your willingness, but I doubt Gibbs is going to allow it"

Cal: "It is not a burden, Dr., but a privilege. And do you think, maybe, there would do you opportunity?"

Ruth: "Cal, this dog....she's different. I can't explain it, but her intelligence is. off the charts...but even

then, she has this ability to...."

Cal; "Love? Communicate? Protect?"

(Ruth stares at the doctor....)

Ruth: "Understand...but yes, also those things you said"

Cal; "But is that not the nature of that animal?"

Ruth; "Every animal, every human, has a nature, Cal..."

Cal; "But some with more than others"

Ruth: "Yea...and this one in particular, she's not off the charts, she has her own chart"

Cal: "If this dog were yours, Ruth, would you allow this?"

Ruth: "I'd fight with everything I have to prevent it"

(Cal looks at Ruth, then smiles)

Ruth; "I hate it when you do're about to say something that shows you're smarter than


Cal; "I would never think that, Dr....but...."

Ruth: "Okay, come on with it....I can take it"

(He hesitates....then speaks)

Cal: "Do you trust me with the animals?"

(She looks at Cal in shock)

Ruth; "How could you even ask that? Cal, the animals respond to you like nothing I've ever seen! And communicate somehow....honestly, I get jealous"

Cal; "Thank you...but Dr. Timmons, Ruth, you should have no fear of what they think of you....The

animals, they revere you...."

Ruth; "Uh huh...and I suppose you learned because they told you?"

Page 5: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Cal smiles)

Cal; "Yes."

(Cal says nothing else, letting his answer hang...)

Ruth: "You're a piece of work, my friend...What are you suggesting?"

Cal; "That I meet this dog...and her owner....Maybe we should let the dog decide?"

(Ruth leans back in her chair....looks over to the side)

Ruth: "Let the dog decide.."

Cal: "Si, Ruth...if she is as intelligent as you say..."

Ruth; "More"

Cal: "Then, what would be the harm? And it would show you went beyond your own contemplation,

to help satisfy those.....arrogant ones that are demanding this of you...Si? Non?"

(Ruth listens,,,picks up her phone....dials...the person answers)

Ruth: "I've got a proposition for you....and hear me out before you start yelling at me"

Gibbs; (on phone) "Do NOT bring that monkey in here!"

Ruth: (laughing) "I's got nothing to do with Chipper"

Gibbs: ", what do you want?"

(A discussion ends)

Gibbs: "Let Daisy decide? Okay, yea...bring Dr. Doolittle on over"

Ruth: "Seriously?"

Gibbs; "Yea...I could use a laugh"

(The call ends...)

Ruth; "Well! I have to say I'm surprised!"

Cal; "So finally...I get to see her..."

(Ruth stares at Call...)

Ruth: "You mean meet her..."

Cal: "Of English..."

Ruth; "You don't make mistakes, Dr...."

Cal: "I am sure time will tell. Time tells us everything"

Ruth; "You did it again! I'm going to start calling you Buddha"

(Cal hears the name, thinks for a second..)

Page 6: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Cal: "Buddha..."

(Cal looks off in the distance....then smiles)

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in bullpen....all agents at their desks...Daisy is napping behind Gibbs's desk.)

Gibbs:"Bishop, any updates on Ying?"

Bishop: "Not from my sources...NSA has heard nothing since she got back home"

McGee: "I talked to Bella, almost the same"

Gibbs: "Almost?"

McGee: "They have reports of her returning to military duty"

Gibbs: "What kind of duty?"

McGee: "She didn't say, boss....but she did say they were keeping close tabs on her"

Gibbs: "Keep in touch with her..Let me know if there are any updates"

McGee: "Will do boss....and...under the table, right?"

Gibbs; 'Yea, those are our orders...we stay out of it"

Torres; "Personally, I get a little tired of that...we do the work, break the case, catch the bad guy..."

Bishop: "And they get the glory"

Gibbs: "Yea, I know"

Torres: "Man, if people knew about what a badass I am, I'd be on magazine covers...Adored by....."

(Torres dodges salt shaker)

Torres: "Okay, forget the adoring part"

Bishop: "Good idea"

Torres; "But I'd at least have my own sneaker shoe line...You know....the Torres Special Edition"

Bishop: "You don't play ball...why would anyone buy your shoe?"

Torres; 'No...they'd be designed for busting doors down...."

Page 7: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Gibbs: "Torres's Kickdown Kicks"

(The team snaps their heads around towards Gibbs....)

Torres: "Hey Gibbs...did you just make a joke?"

Bishop; "Yea...and 'kicks"? Gibbs, that's a, you know....a term used by younger people..."

(Gibbs looks at Bishop...his eyebrows go up...)

Gibbs: "Hey! I'm hip! I'm with know...I'm word up...or something......"

McGee: "Randy schooling you?"

(Gibbs grins...looks down...begins working on his PC)

Gibbs; "Him and Caprice...they're on a mission to bring me up to speed with the rest of the world"

Bishop: "How's that working out....?"

Gibbs: "Not good"

Bishop; "Why?"

(Gibbs stops typing...turns to Bishop)

Gibbs: "It's stupid! I learn a's a I compliment Caprice..And all hell breaks loose! She's crying, I'm wondering what the hell happened, Randy is laughing his smart aleck ass off,

and I end up on the couch that night!"

Bishop; "What did you say?"

Gibbs: "Phat"

(Torres bursts into laughter)

Torres: "You did not!"

Gibbs:"Yea, Torres, I did! I told her that her rear was phat! was a compliment!"

McGee: (chuckling) "Classic"

(Bishop has her face in her hands....)

Gibbs; "Okay people...we still have work to do...."

McGee: "Slate's clean boss...paperwork all in. Pam's done yours and signed it...We've got some time

on our hands,"

Gibbs; "Yea...we do. Ideas, McGee?"

McGee: "Ying"

Gibbs: "Security on the sites she gave us?"

McGee; "Everything I found shows we're ready. Lots of manpower being dedicated to them"

(Gibbs stares at McGee....)

Page 8: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

McGee: "Gut talking to you?"

Gibbs; "Yea"

McGee; "The confessions?"

Gibbs; "Yea. Too easy"

McGee: "Maybe we should take a look at the videos of the interrogations?"

Gibbs; "I wish...they're off limits to us"

(McGee tosses a thumb drive towards Gibbs...he catches it in mid air, then looks at it, then at McGee)

Gibbs: "This what I think it is?"

(McGee shrugs, Gibbs gives McGee a nod)

Gibbs:"You're the best, McGee"

McGee; "Learned from the best"

Gibbs: "Okay, 30 minutes and we start picking these confessions apart..LIke I was too easy..."

McGee: "30?"

Gibbs; "Yea...Ruth is coming in with some Dr. Doolitle type vet from Italy...says we should ask Daisy if she should be tested"

Bishop: "Want me to shoot him?"

(Gibbs stares at Bishop...contemplating)

Bishop; "I was joking"

Gibbs; "Oh"

(The elevator doors open, out steps Ruth and Cal...Bishop looks back, sees Dr. Cal, then quickly turns back around, her face flushed)

Bishop; "I'm not shooting him....Oh..Em...Gee!)

(Torres strains to see what Bishop's reaction was about...Ruth and Cal walk into the bullpen...Gibbs gets up, gives Ruth a hug..)

Ruth: "Gibbs, this is the doctor I told you about...."

(Cal extends his hand, introduces himself)

Cal; "A pleasure, signor Gibbs, and an honor...I am Dr. Caelesti Nuntio...You may call me Cal"

(Daisy is awake,,,,she hears the voice...she leaps up, peers around the corner of the desk and sees


Gibbs: "Hey mutt! Come out and meet Dr. Dolittle"

Page 9: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Daisy is already on her is whining, yipping, dancing as she runs, gets to Cal, and

immediately stands up, placing her front paws on his chest)

Gibbs; "Daisy! What the...? She peed on the floor!"

(Daisy is still whining, licking Cal's face....She drops down, runs around his legs, comes back, and

jumps up on him again)

Cal; "Ah, mio bell'amico! Mio Bell'amico! Mio Meraviglioso! Meraviglioso!"

(Daisy continues to smother Cal with everything she can....Gibbs, the team, even Dr. Ruth, are

watching in amazement)

Ruth; "I told you he had a way with animals!"

Gibbs; "Ya think?"

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in NCIS conference room...Gibbs, Dr. Ruth Timmons, Dr. Cal, and Vance, are present.

Daisy is laying on the floor at Dr. Cal's feet, regularly pawing at his leg..Cal reaches down each time,

and strokes her head)

Vance: "I think I speak for NCIS when I say, we are stunned at the welcome Daisy gave you"

Gibbs; "Yea..."

Ruth; "So, Gibbs, what do you think?"

Gibbs: "What do I think? No offense, doc, but a big ass welcome does not change my mind. It does

not change the fact that those tests are painful. And it sure as hell doesn't change the fact that Dr. Little is a strutting asshole, and doesn't care about anything except himself!"

(Gibbs leans back, places his hands behind his head, closes his eyes...The room is stunned into


Cal; "You love her, very much, do you not?"

Gibbs; "Yea"

Cal; "And she loves you back, with the same passion..."

Gibbs; "I guess...maybe..."

Cal: "It was a statement of fact, Signor Gibbs, not a question...and I understand. Far more than you


Page 10: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Gibbs; 'You can't understand"

Cal; "I well understand the message from a messenger"

(Gibbs head snaps upright....he stares at Cal...a question on his face..)

Cal; 'Time will tell, Signor"

Gibbs; "It better"

Ruth; " Leon...Gibbs...may I offer a solution? Before you respond to it, I'm going to paint you a very

real picture of the future...."

Vance; "Go ahead...I think I know where you're going"

Ruth: "Daisy is being talked about. Her deeds are becoming legendary.....Leon, how many runs have

other agencies made at NCIS for control of Daisy?"

Vance; "Quite a few"

Gibbs; "What?"

Vance; "You didn't need to know, and I didn't need you and your team in a full scale war with other


Gibbs: "They can't have her"

Vance; "And so far, that has been the case"

Gibbs: "So far?"

Ruth: "What Leon is saying is true....The word on Daisy is that every agency wants her, and then you

have the medical community, who, due to Dr. Little publicizing her test results, is now clamoring for

her to be theirs, all in the interest of saving humanity"

(Ruth takes a breath...Gibbs's head is lowered, his eyes closed)

Ruth; 'No order, legal or presidential, can withstand that kind of political pressure...Eventually...."

Gibbs; "I lose her, don't I?"

Cal; "We are here to offer a that may benefit Daisy, NCIS, and you, Signor"

(Gibbs nods....)

Gibbs: "I'm listening"

Ruth: "Myself and Dr. Cal conduct the tests....I will give the results to Dr. Little...his name can go on

the studies, and honestly, that's all he cares about"

Gibbs; Why does that change what they'll find out? When they see her...and how she is..."

Cal: "You mean how...(pauses) "Special she is?"

(Gibbs stares at Cal...Cal returns it....)

Gibbs: 'Yea"

Page 11: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Ruth; 'I'm pretty sure, Gibbs...the tests will reveal.... nothing"

(Gibbs and Vance both snap their heads up at the statement)

Vance: "You're saying...that you will..."

Ruth; "I'm saying that after it's all said and done, Dr. Little will be sorely disappointed in the test

results, she will be forever known as a very smart dog, and that will be the end of it...and of the others planning on taking her for their own..."

Vance: "Dr. Timmons...Dr....whatever...Cal...This is a risk for you...both of you...your licenses...your


Cal; "That is our concern, Director Vance...and it is a risk we are willing to take, for this

creation...(Cal rubs Daisy's ears) "...that is so, as you say..special"

Ruth; "And, there is always the chance Daisy might have some Dr. Little's expense....?"

(Daisy gets up from Cal's feet, walks to Gibbs. She lays her head in his lap...Gibbs shocks all of them,

when he gets up, sits cross-legged on the floor, takes Daisy's face in his hand....He stares directly

into her eyes)

Gibbs; "I'm leaving it up to you, girl...God knows I don't want you to go...but they're right...if you

don't, I could lose you"

(Daisy whines, nuzzles his face)

Gibbs; "Daisy, Dr. Ruth and Dr. Cal..They'll be with you the entire time..."

(Gibbs looks up at both of them)

Ruth; "24/7, of us,,every moment"

(Gibbs nods his thanks)

Gibbs: "So girl, it's just for a couple of days...And they say maybe you can have some fun jacking with

the twep?"

(Daisy stares at Gibbs...gets a slight grin on her muzzle...then she winks at Gibbs)

Vance; 'Did that dog just wink at you?"

Gibbs: 'Yea"

(Gibbs stands...)

Gibbs: "Okay...she's yours....for two days. Starting tomorrow...she goes home with me tonight....And

you can tell Dr. LIttle..."

Vance: "Gibbs"

Gibbs; "If he hurts her, and I'll know..."

Vance: "Gibbs, be careful"

Gibbs; "I'll sue him"

Page 12: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Vance lets out a sigh of relief)

Gibbs; "And then I punch his lights front of his mother"

Vance; "Aw hell..."

Ruth; 'Thank you...and I promise, she will be well taken care of"

(Ruth and Cal exit the conference room...Daisy yips at Cal, he looks back and smiles at her....she whines, begins dancing....)

Vance; "Well, Gibbs, what do you think?"

Gibbs; "Been waiting for this day"


Gibbs: "Yea...everything good seems to go away"

Vance; "But now you have a family fighting for you to keep it...Don't lose sight of that, Gibbs"

Gibbs; "I know. I just hope it's enough"

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in NCIS bullpen, full team present except Gibbs. Everyone seated at their desks)

Bishop: "Gibbs running late?"

McGee: "Boss is dropping Daisy off at Dr. Light;s"

Bishop: "I still can't believe he let it happen"

McGee: "No choice"

Bishop; "Yes he did have a choice! He could have said no!"

McGee: "Feel free to tell him that when he comes...."

(Gibbs has entered the bullpen from the back way)

Gibbs: "Feel free to tell me what, McGee?"

(Both McGee and Bishop startle...Gibbs sits at his desk.)

McGee: "Just talking about Daisy, Boss"

Gibbs; "Yea? What about her?"

(Bishop turns to Gibbs....angry)

Page 13: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Bishop; "You could have said no"

(Gibbs turns to Bishop, looks at her for a few, then over at McGee)

Gibbs; "McGee, set us up in the conference room to go over those confessions)

McGee: "Will do boss...Do you...."

(Gibbs is up from his desk, walks briskly out of the bullpen...McGee, Bishop, and Torres watch him leave, confusion on their faces)

Torres: "Man, you two need to leave Gibbs alone"

Bishop: "What did we do? All I said was..."

Torres: "All you said was 'you let your dog down, Gibbs"

Bishop: "What? Torres!"

McGee "We did. Torres is right. Let's not make the same mistake again. I'll be up in the conference room"

(McGee gets up, heads quickly up the stairs...Bishop turns to Torres, angry)

Bishop: "How could you say that to me?"

(Another voice interrupts)

Caprice; "Because he's right"

(Bishop's head snaps around....sees Caprice standing on the other side of her cubicle wall)

Caprice: "Don't you dare go there, Ellie. I spent all night with that man, watching him talk to that

dog, reassuring her, and I spent all night reassuring him he was doing the right thing. He's

devastated, he's questioning himself.....He's a mess, Ellie...He doesn't need you or anyone else making it worse. Now...where is he? I came to check on him"

(Caprice stares directly into Bishop's eyes, signalling she demanded an answer)

Torres: "He got up and left..We don't know where he went"

Caprie: 'I do"

(Caprice turns and walks out of the bullpen, towards the elevators)

Bishop: "I feel horrible"

Torres; "Yea, me too"

Bishop: "Why? You didn't say anything to him"

Torres: "I know. That's why I feel bad..."

Page 14: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(scene shifts to the Conference room....McGee is looking out the window at the Navy Yard pier...In

the distance, he can see Gibbs, standing alone, looking out at the ocean...He watches another person slowly walking along the pier, towards Gibbs...He recognizes the person's walk)

(scene shifts to Navy pier...Gibbs hears footsteps on the boards...He turns to see Caprice walking

towards him)

Gibbs; "How'd you know where to find me?"

Caprice: "You like to sail...where do sailors find their answers?"

(Gibbs looks out over the waters...)

Gibbs: "Out there"

(They both say nothing.....then Gibbs asks her..)

Gibbs: "Tell me I did the right thing"

(Caprice looks at Gibbs for a moment....thinking..)

Caprice: "I can't do that because I don't know"

(Gibbs turns away from her...)

Caprice; "But I believe you did what you thought was right...For her, not for you. And I believe that I

believe in you"

(Gibbs listens....drops his head....)

Gibbs; "Thank you"

Caprice: "I know you're hurting"

(Gibbs scowls)

Gibbs; "No, Caprice, I'm not hurting"

(Caprice says nothing)

Gibbs: "I'm not! I have work to do! She'll be fine!"

(Caprice still stays silent...Gibbs looks out at the ocean, jams his hands in his pants pocket, closes his

eyes..He opens them...)

Gibbs: "Okay, I'm worried.... Is that a crime?"

Caprice: "No"

Gibbs; "She depends on me...."

Page 15: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Caprice: "Yes"

Gibbs: "All I can do is do what I think is right for her"

Caprice: "I know"

Gibbs: "i knew this was coming..They'll want to take her...everyone wants to take her away"

Caprice: "Yes, they do"

Gibbs: "And they'll use her up...treat her"

Caprice: "A dog"

Gibbs; "Yea...and she's more than that....."

Caprice: "Yes, she is"

(Gibbs snaps his body towards angry look on his face)

Gibbs: "She belongs with me! She belongs where people know how she is! Us, you, me, the team, Vance...we're her family, damnit!"

(Caprice doesn't reply....she keeps looking straight at him....)

Gibbs: (softly) "It hurts"

Caprice; "I know, baby"

(Now she moves to him....she extends her arms around him, he does the same..She whispers in his


Caprice: "It's going to be okay. If it's not, then you'll make it okay...That's what family does"

(Gibbs says nothing, just nods)

Caprice; "I believe in you"

(He holds her tighter)

(scene shifts to McGee in the conference room as he watches the actions of the two unfold, and


(scene fades to black and white)

That afternoon...

Page 16: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(scene opens in Dr. Light's lab...large, shiny, multitudes of monitors and machines..Dr. Ruth

Timmons looks up to see Cal walking in....)

Ruth: " You're early..You're not due to spell me for another hour"

Cal; "Yes, but you know....I am, how is it you say, bugsy"

Ruth; "Antsy?"

Cal; "Ant is a bug, non?"

Ruth; "Okay...bugsy works..."

Cal; "And how is our girl doing? Everything okay?"

(Ruth chuckles)

Ruth: "Yea, it's okay...just Light being Light and Daisy being Daisy"

(Cal cocks his head to one side...)

Ruth: 'And a warning....Dr. Light is none to happy with her"

Cal: "How can that be? She is ...sweetheart!"

Ruth: "Tell that to the doctor...."

(She laughs again)

Cal: "There is a story here, non? Si?"

Ruth; 'Si, there is....I'll fill you in...."

(scene shifts to earlier in the day. Dr. Light walks into the room, almost strutting)

Light: "How was my entrance?"

Ruth: "Your entrance? I guess came in..."

Light: "No! For the cameras!"

Ruth: "Cameras?"

(Dr. Light points to the ceiling, two tables, and a tripod with a small camera mounted on it)

Page 17: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Ruth: "You're filming all this?"

Light: "We are going to discover groundbreaking advances here, doctor...I am going to be the one

that does it..Surely they will do a documentary on me, and..."

Ruth; 'You want to help them out, right?"

Light: "Yes! Of course! (hesitates) "All in the interest of science and transparency..."

Ruth; "Oh, of course!"

Light: "And to assure you I won't forget the little people, let's get a shot of you and me discussing a

report...Here.., face that camera.."

(Light points to the camera on the tripod)

Light; "Now stand next to me"

(She does, trying not to laugh....Dr. Light looks up at her, aware that he stands a full 6 inches shorter than her...He moves to the wall, takes a box off a shelf, places it on the floor next to Ruth, then

stands on it...To the camera, he is now 2 inches taller than Ruth)

Light: "Okay...(beams) "Perfecto!"

(He is looking at a large screen TV on a rolling stand, showing a live feed of the camera...Before he

can begin the scene, he notices a dog's head, grinning at the camera, poking out from the side of


Light: "What is that dog doing? She is ruining the scene!"

(Daisy tucks her head back in...Light is satisfied)

Light: "Better....okay,,,we were..."

(Daisy's head is seen poking out on his side now, just above his hip....She gives the camera a big

toothy, goofy, dog grin)

Light: "What are you doing? Get! Shoo! Shoo!"

(Daisy quickly tucks her head back in...Light waits, looks over at her side, then his side, and

satisfied, he continues speaking into the camera...)

Light: "I am here with my capable assistant, Dr. Ruth Timmons, who was kind enough to assist me

in this journey to saving mankind...."

(Daisy audibly chuffs....twice..Light ignores her and continues)

Light: "As I was saying...."

(He looks at the monitor...then at Ruth)

Light: 'You rolled your eyes"

Ruth: "Did I?"

Page 18: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Light: "Yes! It looks as if...and I know this can't be correct...As if you were belittling me! And I will

not have that! I am on the brink of saving mankind! What I do here is important! I am important!...."

(He stops...then smiles)

Light: "It's the cameras, right? They make you nervous? It's common for common people to feel that


(Ruth's eyebrows go up.....shock on her face)

Light: "Well, let me explain it in terms you'll understand...."

Ruth; 'Uh know, for us unwashed"

(He doesn't catch the sarcasm)

Light: "These cameras? The potential income from the filming? THAT is what pays for all this...THAT

is what provides your salary and reason for existence!"

Ruth: "My my my...i never knew that. My existence depends on your documentary...Hmm...And I

assume that will pay for those shoes?"

(Light looks down at his shoes, with obviously stacked heels and soles, proudly)

Light; "Yes...these are hand made Ferramommas!.."

Ruth; "Do tell"

Light: (whispers) "Don't tell anyone, but these babies? Two thousand dollars a pair...but worth it"

(Ruth looks down, sees something happening...her eyes get wide...she looks up at Light with the

same wide eyed look....)

Light: "Yes, I can see you are sufficiently impressed!...greatness demands greatness and greatness demands greatness is recognized"

(without looking, she hears Daisy hacking...she glances down, sees Daisy's throat move up and


Ruth; (to self) "!"

(In an instant, Light is screaming)


(Daisy has thrown up on Light's shoes...the morning's breakfast is displayed prominently)


Ruth; "Oh hell no!"

(Daisy looks up at Ruth...big dog smile...Ruth reaches down and quickly gives her face an "atta girl"


Light: "I cannot continue today! I just cannot!"

Page 19: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Light turns and runs towards the door...he stops and turns towards her)

Light: "I just won't be able to behave myself!"

(He turns back, exits, door slams behind him..Ruth turns to face the camera, still recording)

Ruth: "Cut! That's a wrap folks!"

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in conference room..Gibbs and team have finished watching the videos of Ying's

interrogations....Vance walks in...looks at screen, sees Ying's image frozen)

Vance; "Gibbs...a moment?"

Gibbs: "Of course, Director"

(Vance walks to his office, Gibbs follows....They enter the office, Vance walks to his desk, picks up a file, hands it to Gibbs....Gibbs reads the name on it)

Gibbs: "Commander JIm and he are friends, right?"

Vance; "Good friends..."

Gibbs; "Prosecuting JAG attorney...he's a good man. Tough, but fair"

Vance: "Was a good man"

Gibbs: "Huh? What happened?"

Vance: "Hung himself last night"

Gibbs: (surprised) "He what? Why? Was there a note?"

Vance: "No note. Just a line on his computer word doc"

(Vance hands a photo to shows a PC screen with one line typed on it)

:If Justice is served, was justice served?"

Gibbs: "Makes no sense...Is Palmer getting the body?"

Page 20: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Vance: "He already has it"

Gibbs: "You want my team to take it?"

Vance: "It's not Major Crimes...normally, it would go ..."

Gibbs: "You want my team to take it?"

(Vance nods at Gibbs)

Gibbs; "You know, my team...."

Vance: "Every suicide is a homicide until proven otherwise"

Gibbs: "That what you want?"

Vance: "I want the truth, Jethro"

(Gibbs says nothing, takes the file, walks towards the office door)

Vance: "Gibbs!"

(Gibbs turns)

Vance; "Thank you"

Gibbs: "We'll do our job, Director"

(Gibbs exits, closes door...Vance stares at the door)

Vance: "I'm counting on it, Jethro"

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in Light's lab, Light walks in to find Cal and Daisy playing on the floor...He walks up,

says nothing, starts tapping his foot)

Cal; "Rubber boots?"

Light: "Just give me the samples!"

(Cal gets up, walks to lab table, hands Light a tray of glass vials)

Cal; "You will find 3 blood samples, some tissue samples suspended in solution, saliva, and ....."

(Light interrupts him....)

Light:(Yells) "Do you think I don't know what these are?"

(Cal nods in the direction of a camera)

Page 21: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Cal: "Of course you do...but the audience...?"

(Light looks at the camera....)

Light: "Of course....of course...I'll have that clip edited"

Cal; "I saw you as you pulled up...a young girl was driving? Your daughter?"

(Light smiles....looks at Cal like a co-conspirator)

Light: "That young lady is my date for this evening...She will pick me back up shortly"

Cal: "She looked young"

Light: "She is..."

(Cal stares at Light....the stare makes LIght uncomfortable)

Light: "It's none of your business...."

(Light looks over at Daisy)

Light: "Put a muzzle on that dog"

Cal: "Muzzle? Is that necessary?

(Daisy chuffs at Light...)

Light: "That dog is laughing at me"

Cal: "So it would seem"

Light: "Muzzle her! Now! I will not be laughed at!"

Cal: "Doctor...she is a dog...."

(Dr. Light looks down at Daisy)

Light: "She's more than a dog...and I intend to prove it...and once I prove it...."

Cal: "You can use her?"

Light: "Damn right...after all, she's just a you said...Now...muzzle her!"

(Cal turns to the supply shelf, pulls off a leather muzzler....Daisy looks at it, then at Cal...He mouths to her, "please"..Daisy allows him to place the muzzle over her mouth)

Light: "Much better...let's see her laugh at me now"

(A few minutes pass as Light begins to run tests on the samples...He gets up, walks over to Cal, who is running some of the tests)

Light: "What have you found....I'd like...."

(He is interrupted by the sound of chewing"

Light: "What is that sound?"

Page 22: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Cal looks over at Daisy.....she is lazily lying on her blankets, chewing on what was left of her

muzzle...She sees Dr. Light glaring at her....She raises her head and chuffs twice)

Cal: " now...manners...never laugh with your mouth full"

(Cal chuckles at the joke...Dr. Light does not...his face has turned red...he is furious...He takes his arm

back as if to slap Daisy.....She rises up....her size in intimidating....her ears are pinned back....her lips start to curl back....her huge and extremely sharp canine teeth are fearfully displayed, both of them

measuring over 3 inches..A low rumble from her chest is heard. But it's her eyes. Her eyes lock with


Cal: "Daisy...No!"

(Dr. Little is backing up...his face fearful...his breath coming in short rasps...)

Cal: "Dr....this dog is here due to her of them is that she is fearless....I would not

threaten her again"

(A car horn is heard honking)

Little: "Her eyes..I can't....I'll deal with her date is here..."

Cal: "Goodbye doctor"

Little: "I'll say when I'm leaving...not you!"

Cal; "Of course"

Little: "Good bye"

(The doctor slams the door shut on the way out....Cal and Daisy go to the window, watching as Dr.

Little walks to the car...A petite girl, very young, gets out of the car and runs to the doctor and hugs him....Cal reaches over to run his hand on Daisy's head....She is trembling....she whines...)

Cal; "Now you see, old friend...."

(Daisy turns her face to his)

Cal: "Now you see why you and I are here.....This evil has been allowed to exist too long"

(Daisy looks back at the sleek car, now driving off...)

Cal: "Come my friend.....There is much I have to tell you...And you, fearless have to tell me

of this ham jerky....(takes two pieces out of his pocket, one piece for him, one for Daisy...Cal begins

chewing on his)

Cal: "It is......"

(Daisy lets a sound of pleasure escape)

Cal:"I agree...divine is a perfect word"


(scene fades to black and white)

Page 23: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(scene opens in Autopsy. Gibbs and McGee present, Palmer is examining the body of Commander


Gibbs; "Okay, Palmer, whatcha got?"

Palmer: "COD was strangulation"

Gibbs: "Ya think, Palmer? Can you tell me something I don't already know?"

(Palmer looks up and stares at Gibbs....)

Palmer: "I thought you already knew"

Gibbs: "Knew what, Palmer? I just got here!"

(Palmer lifts an arm of the corpse, points to blue bruises on the side, under the ribs)

Palmer: "There's a similar mark on the other side"

(Palmer then walks to his desk, pulls out a 3 foot plastic roll...he unrolls it on the body's shows various types of ropes and cords, all labeled)

(Gibbs gets frustrated look on his face...)

Gibbs: "When you find out something, let me know...I'm going to the crime scene...maybe someone

can tell me something there"

(Gibbs turns to walk out...McGee looks at Palmer, curiously)

McGee; 'Boss, I think Jimmy has more to say"

Palmer; "Sir...why are you leaving?"

Gibbs; (angry) "To go to the crime scene, Palmer!"

Palmer: "Sir....the crime scene is right here...."

(Gibbs looks at Palmer...)

Palmer: 'I wasn't finished, Agent Gibbs....You want to know if Commander Fairchild was murdered

or it was a suicide...."

Gibbs; "Yea,"

Palmer: "Murder sir....clear cut murder"

(Gibbs stares at Palmer.....Palmer starts to get nervous)

Palmer: "Would you like to know more?..........Sir?"

(Gibbs hesitates...walks back to autopsy table)

Page 24: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Gibbs: "Yea"

(Palmer points back to the bruises)

Palmer: "These were made by one person lifting the body up...The bruises match one person,

opposing thumbs, lifting from the back...look at the shapes...Commander Fairchild weighs 210

pounds, so...."

Gibbs: "Would take a big boy to do that"

Palmer: "Yes....and now, look at the fibers on the neck"

(Palmer gives Gibbs magnifying glass...Gibbs gives it back to him)

Gibbs: "Just tell me"

Palmer: "Okay...the noose he was hung with was household rope...hemp fiber...and there is hemp

fiber on the neck..."

Gibbs: "Isn't that normal?"

Palmer: "No...not if the fibers are not found in the trench...Look at the narrow mark around his


(Gibbs looks)

Gibbs: "It is narrow"

Palmer: "And does not match the hemp noose...But it does match...."

(Palmer pulls a thin cord out of the plastic cord display, and holds it up to the neck)

Gibbs: "Parachute cord....Perfect match"

Palmer; "He was strangled before he was hung, Agent Gibbs....and the bruising on his ribs? That's post mortem..."

Gibbs: "They hung a dead body"

Palmer: 'To make it look like a suicide"

Gibbs: "So, I'm looking for a big, strong, paratrooper?"

Palmer; "No're looking for a skydiver"

(Gibbs face shows surprise)

Gibbs: "Civilian?"

Palmer: "More than likely...The cord he was killed with,'s standard 550 paracord...The marks

do not match the higher grade military specs..."

Gibbs: "And you know this how, Palmer?"

Palmer :"The fiber patterns on the neck are other words, the cord stretched when it

strangled him...military grade rigging does not stretch like's much higher grade"

Page 25: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Gibbs stares at Palmer....)

McGee; "Jimmy....and?"

(Palmer stares at McGee...then his face lights up)

Palmer: "Oh yea! Look for a piece of rebar...."

Gibbs: "What?"

(Palmer rolls the body over on its side....he points to a long straight blue line across the back of the


Gibbs: "He was hit first...."

Palmer: "Yes...and there were rust particles from iron in the bruise..."

Gibbs: "Tire iron maybe?"

Palmer: "No...tire irons are smooth....this mark has striations every inch..."

Gibbs: "Like rebar rods"

Palmer: "Yes"

(Gibbs stares again aT Palmer....Palmer looks over to McGee.....McGee has no expression...)

Gibbs; "Good job, Jimmy...damn good job!"

(Gibbs pops Palmer on the back of the head....hard..Palmer rubs his head, but grins...McGee winks at


Gibbs: "Damn good job, Palmer!"

Palmer: "Thank you! But one head slap is enough!"

(Gibbs walks out with McGee....)

Gibbs: "Pull the court records on Fairchild's cases..see if anyone put away and released now shows

to be a skydiver"

McGee: "And can pick up a 220 pound dead body, and access to concrete construction material"

Gibbs; "Yea...You do that, I'll update Vance...."

McGee; "We gonna go catch a killer, boss?"

Gibbs: "Damn right we are..."

(McGee and Gibbs stop before going up the staircase)

McGee: "I don't want to distract you from the case boss...but..."

(Gibbs shakes his head)

Gibbs: "I don't know how she is, Tim..but..."

McGee: "Want to go pay a visit? I've got some of her ham jerky in my desk."

Page 26: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Gibbs looks at McGee....the look is different...vulnerable)

Gibbs: "Yea...I, uh...?"

McGee; "Love to go, boss....thanks for asking"

(scene fades to black and white)

(Scene opens at Vance's home, he is standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner, cell phone to ear..Gibbs

is on the other end)

Vance; "Thank you,'s not good news, but it's better than suicide. I don't want my friend to

be remembered as a suicide"

Gibbs: (on phone) "Yea...I know"

Vance: "Interesting items Palmer came up with"

Gibbs; "Ya think? Blew me away!"

Vance: "It what?"

Gibbs: "Blew me know...surprised me"

(Vance is silent....then...)

Vance; "Caprice and the kid working on you?"

Gibbs: "Yea...I'm going along with it...they'll get tired of it soon"

Vance; "Think so?"

Gibbs: "Hope so..All it's done so far is get me in trouble"

Vance: "Growth demands pain, Gibbs"

Gibbs: "Word"

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in Light's lab...Cal and Daisy present...Daisy is sitting upright, Cal has taken a seat on

the floor, legs crossed, at eye level with Daisy. She keeps pawing at Cal, wanting to play)

Page 27: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Cal: "Daisy...beautiful many times, so many many enemies and

many names...And are Daisy?"

(Daisy perks up at her name, gives a yip)

Cal; "I pass no judgment...if it is pleasing to you, then so be it"

(Daisy smiles)

Cal: "But my dear matter the name, you have forgotten..."

(Daisy looks away, begins whining..."

Cal; "Daisy...look at me"

(Daisy refuses)

Cal; "Daisy, look at me..."

(Daisy whines, turns her head to the other side)

Cal; (loud) "ANUK!..Look at me!"

(Daisy slowly turns her face towards Cal)

Cal; " remember your given name...good....good...."

(Cal and Daisy both turn their attention towards the door to the lab....they sit, not moving, and wait)

Cal: 'It would appear your master has come. We will continue this...we must...In the meantime,

another piece of the puzzle must fall........"

(The lab door opens, Daisy leaps up, runs to Gibbs, who has just entered the lab with McGee)

Gibbs; "Hey doc..."

(Daisy dashes to Gibbs, jumps up, hands on his chest)

Gibbs: "Hey to you too, missed me?"

(Daisy whines, licks Gibbs's face.....Gibbs grins and turns away)

Gibbs: "Hey girl...okay okay...I missed you too!"

Cal; "Welcome, this a formal call, or you were perhaps simply in the neighborhood?"

McGee: "Just checking on our girl, doc"

Cal; "Pity"

McGee; "Why? Is something wrong?"

Cal; "I do not know is, how you say...a feeling in my...."

McGee: "Gut?"

Page 28: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Cal: " my heart"

Gibbs; "Whatcha got doc? Something interesting?"

Cal; "Non...something horrible...but you know....Maybe I am wrong...."

McGee: "Why don't you let us decide that"

Cal; "Ah...Si...I am doctor, you are detective...We are all pieces to a puzzle, are we not, Daisy? What do you think?"

Daisy; 'Rowr"

Cal: "You agree with my suspicion?"

Daisy; "Rowr"

Cal; "See? Even the dog agrees"

Gibbs; "Agrees with what? Jesus, doc!"

Cal; " the point.......Earlier tonight, the little sheet comes in..."

Gibbs: "Sheet?"

Cal; "Si...there is no other name for him.."

Gibbs: "Okay, what did the sheet do?"

(Cal explains the scene with the girl, and his concern about age...)

McGee: "Interesting, Doctor, but nothing that would give us any probable cause...not without the

identity and age of the girl...and even then, has anything illegal occurred?"

Cal: "Ah! Si! Here...let me show you!"

(Cal walks to one of the portable cameras used for test recordings....he boots it up, starts searching on the disc)

Gibbs: "You recorded it?"

Cal:"With so many cameras, and all I have to do is point and shoot, why not?"

Gibbs: "Works for me"

(The view of Light's car comes up)

McGee: "Over 120 grand"

(The girl gets out of the car, runs up to Dr. Light, jumps into his arms, then kisses him)

Gibbs: "That's not a 'just a friend' kinda greeting"

McGee: "She's young"

Cal; '15"

McGee: "15? How do you know?"

Page 29: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Cal is silent....he is looking straight at the girl's face on the now frozen image)

Cal: "A guess"

(Gibbs is looking at Cal, watching...)

Gibbs: "Yea...a guess"

McGee: "Do you have any way to identify her? Did the doctor give a name?"

Cal; " name...but perhaps she is in a database? Runaways? Missing children?..."

(Cal is looking straight at of the doctor's eyebrows go up...McGee sees it, understands

somehow...McGee walks to one of the PC's in the room, sits down....He brings up the DC Area local missing children database...)

Cal: "She has the look of a sun-worshipping girl...the tan, the hair in the sun? Non?"

(McGee looks at him...expands his search to include coastal areas down to Florida....He inputs the information he has...The guess of the age of 15, height determined by her standing next to the car,

hair color, eye color, weight, etc...The database starts searching....)

McGee; "Doctor, the chances are one in a million....maybe we simply ask the doctor about her?"

(Gibbs is looking at the monitor...)

Gibbs: "McGee"

(McGee looks back at his screen...13 possible matches come up...their photos all in thumbnails on the screen...McGee starts looking at each one....)

McGee: "None of them match...sorry..."

(The program beeps....more images come up...)

McGee: "It's bringing up South Carolina...Myrtle Beach area...."

(screen shows 4 matches, none fit)

Cal: "Perhaps the color of her skin came from....sailing?"

(Gibbs is watching Cal...McGee turns and inputs the data necessary...abduction dock area, empty

boat, etc)

(Two images come up.....McGee's eyes widen)

McGee: "Let me see her again"

(Gibbs rolls the camera cart closer...the girl's image is still frozen on the screen...)

Gibbs: "Blurred's close. The picture in the database is bad, too... Not close enough for a positive ID"

McGee: "Darla Davidson...age 15...last seen by her mother...Only 3 days ago...Boss....She was last

seen at Washington DC Sailing Club!."

Page 30: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Gibbs; "Abduction or runaway?"

(McGee clicky clacks)

McGee; "Runaway...she's done it 4 times since she was 13"

Gibbs: "Okay...explains her not running from him in the video."

McGee: "BOLO?"

Gibbs: "Yea..But.just contact us if they see him.......There's not enough to charge him with anything

yet....Hell, he could be a friend of the family for all we know"

(McGee starts the call and the input into the computer system...Gibbs has turned to Cal...his voice lowers)

Gibbs: "I don't know who...or are...Maybe you did a good thing here. If you did, thank you.

But if you know more and are not telling me.. .I swear...."

(Cal catches the stare in Gibbs's eyes....he drinks it in, fascinated by it....finally, Cal closes his eyes,

takes a deep breath in....)

Cal: "Now I know"

Gibbs; "Know what/"

Cal: "You and.....Daisy....why she loves you...why you love her...."

Gibbs; "Make sense, doc...quickly"

Cal; 'They say eyes are the windows into the soul....With some...the eyes are mirrors of the soul,

reflecting back to people their sins...their horrors..Their secrets.."

Gibbs: "Enough"

Cal: "You cannot deny it, Leroy Jethro and are one in the same"

(Gibbs gives Cal one final look....then turns his attention to Daisy.....McGee walks up to Cal....)

McGee: "There are more, aren't there?"

Cal: "Perhaps"

McGee; "You know"

(Cal shrugs)

Cal: "It is not for me to interfere....I am....simply a veterinarian that had a suspicion....I leave the rest

in your capable hands"

(McGee takes out a business card...he tucks it in Cal's lab coat pocket)

McGee; "In case you have any more suspicions. And when Dr. Light shows back up, call us.


Page 31: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(McGee and Gibbs leave....Cal looks down at Daisy, who is looking at the image of Darla Davidson on

the Missing Persons screen)

Cal: "It is coming back to you, my it not? The hatred? The anger? The hunger for justice?"

(A low rumbling growl is heard from Daisy's chest....)

Cal: "Good. And I see, your master....the eyes....neither of you are aware...of just how powerful those eyes are..."

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens at Dr. Light's farm, outside DC...horses can be heard, Light is in an empty stall. He is

standing next to a rectangular hole in the floor of the stall..He leans a shovel against the wooden

stable wall...Then he is shown walking across the farmyard, into his large house....He walks down a hallway, opens the door to a bedroom...On the bed is a young girl that appears to be sleeping....Darla

Davidson....the doctor walks to her bed, sits down next to her, draws out her arm....he pats her inner

forearm,,ties a rubber tube around her upper arm....He then draws a syringe out of his pocket)

Light: "Sleep ...I have important things to do tonight...I am one bone marrow test away from putting

the pieces together...And if I have to kill the dog to get it?'s only a dog, right? And then everyone....They'll finally know my name...They'll all know my name. They'll look at me and know

how important I am..."

(scene shifts to Gibbs and McGee in the car, driving towards the NCIS HQ)

McGee; "The doctor knows more than he's telling us"

Gibbs: "Yea..."

McGee; "Why give us the information on one..and walk me through finding her, and not tell us more?"

Gibbs: "I don't know...but I will know"

McGee: "There are more girls out there"

Page 32: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Gibbs: "Yea"

McGee: "We have enough to search his house?"

Gibbs: "Probably not....but wouldn't hurt to send a local LEO by to check it"

McGee; 'On it..."

(McGee dials phone...starts talking to an officer at Metro PD)

McGee: "It's outside the city...He's calling the county to go by. They can at least see if anything looks


Gibbs: "We need to find Commander Fairchild's killer"

McGee: "I know, boss....We'll get on it first thing in the morning"

Gibbs: "Your gut saying anything, Tim?"

(McGee pauses....looks over at Gibbs)

McGee: "Boss...we should have asked the doc more questions...there's something there, if we look

hard enough"

Gibbs: "Yea..damn right there is.."

IMcGee's phone rings....caller ID shows Metro PD. He talks, they talk, McGee ends the call)

McGee: "They tried to reach the answer...And boss..."

Gibbs: "Yea?"

McGee: "They patched me to Missing Persons....there are 5 girls in the last 2 months that have gone

missing...all match Darla's description. None have been found"

Gibbs: "Serial...."

McGee: "You think it's the same girl, boss?"

Gibbs: "Don't you?"

McGee: "Yes...enough to...."

(Gibbs puts the NCIS sedan into a screeching 180 degree turn, hurtling the sedan back towards the


(scene shifts to the lab...Cal and Daisy looking out the window...they see Dr. Light pull up alone)

Cal; "It is time, special one..."

(Daisy sees the doctor walking....she begins a low growl)

Page 33: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Cal: "Patience....we are only one part of moving the pieces....Let everything fall into place..I am sure

the other part will be arriving soon...We do not have much time, my friend."

(The door to the lab opens....Dr. Light walks in...)

Light: "I want to run the bone marrow test..."

Cal: "Dr. Light...that test is prohibited"

Light: (yelling) "I don't give a damn! I am the doctor! I am the one making the decisions! I am the

one that will save thousands! Hundreds of thousands!"

(Cal is silent..he places a hand on Daisy's head)

Cal; "As you wish, doctor"

Light: " any chance, did anyone come by looking for me? Wanting to see the dog?"

(Cal stares at the doctor, then down at Daisy....the hairs on the back of her neck are bristling)

Cal:"No. No one came one at all..."

(scene fades to black and white)





(scene opens in Light's lab....Cal and Dr. Light are both having to lift Daisy's limp body onto the operating table....A clear plastic tube, approximately one half inch in diameter, is in her

mouth...string, tied around the tube and her upper jaw, keeps it in place....Cal closely monitors the


Light; "She's under...let's hurry this up. poke, push, pull plunger, out, we're done...15 minutes tops"

Cal: "Before you start, Dr. Light, a reminder. This procedure was specifically forbidden. You signed an agreement"

Page 34: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

Light: "Once I have this, no one will bother reading that agreement....And if you're so hell bent on

the legalities, why are you assisting?"

Cal: 'Hell bent...interesting choice of words, doctor"

Light: "What the hell's that?"

Cal: "Adequate for my purpose"

(Cal leans down to Daisy's ear....he strokes her head, and in her ear....)

Cal: (soft whisper) "Remember"

(scene shifts to Gibbs and McGee in the NCIS sedan, racing towards the lab...Mcgee looks over at the

speedometer, watching it climb above 100mph..he tugs his seat belt, making sure it's secure)

McGee: "Sponge and mop"

Gibbs: "What?"

McGee: "Sponge and mop...that's what they'll need to pick up with if we wreck"

(Gibbs looks at the speedometer....see's he's driving at 115 mph...he lets off the accelerator....McGee

feels it, mouths "thank you jesus thank you jesus"

Gibbs: "Satisfied? I dropped it down to 99"

McGee: "Thank you...I think...Boss, you know we're doing this on a hunch"

Gibbs: "Yea...but it's Daisy. We're all she has to protect her"

(The words hit McGee hard....He closes his eyes...)

McGee; 'Pick it up, boss....she needs us"

(scene shifts to the lab....)

Cal; (whisper) "Remember the pain...remember the cries...remember who you are"

(Daisy's ear twitches..Dr. Light is busy prepping a large needle )

Cal: (whisper) " is time"

Light: "Here we go! Remember this moment, Dr...I am making history!"

Cal: "Yes...I believe I will remember"

Page 35: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Dr. Light takes the extraction needle, a 5 inch surgical steel tube, with a blue T-handle on the other

end....he places the T-handle firmly in his palm, puts the sharp end against the small shaved area on Daisy's hip, and presses gently, breaking the skin, and starts speaking into the microphone

suspended over the table)

Light; "I'm into the epidermis, about to encounter the muscle I press harder to penetrate the fibers...."

(A brilliant flash of light....140 pounds of fury and pain and fangs and jaws explodes on the table.

The tube in the mouth is snapped in two and spit out...the needle is ejected by the sudden contraction of the hip muscles...The room is filled with the sounds of snarling, screaming, roaring,

and more screaming...Clatters are heard in abundance as instruments begin flying to the floor...)

Cal' (whispering) "Remember"

(Thousands of years of children's pain and tears, and screams, and grief, all of this and more

courses through the beast's brain, sending messages of vengeance and retribution, the memories somehow changing the shape of her jaw to the form it held in the days she hunted long toothed

tigers....Wicked, gleaming, saliva dripping from both of them..The only other sound is from Light, long, throat ripping scream has started, and not ended yet .)

(scene shifts to Gibbs and McGee...they have come to a sliding stop in the parking lot, both bailing

out of the car...They can see the one way windows of the lab on the first floor...The same windows

Cal videoed the girl getting out of the car...there is the faintest hint of light showing through the tinted glass, showing the outline of Daisy on a table and Cal standing behind her...Then blindness....A

burst of light so gleaming, so pure, so strong, both of them fall to the ground, covering their eyes

with their hands)

Gibbs: (screaming) "DAISY!"

(Above Gibbs;s own scream, another scream is heard....It's recognizable...They've both heard it

dozens of's the sound of a man begging for death instead of the fear he's facing...They both

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scramble to their feet, guns drawn, running to the door that enters into the lobby of the building.

The scream they heard has not stopped)

(scene shifts to lab....LIght is quiet now...he is still screaming, but his vocal cords are shredded...only

wisps of air flow through his throat and out his mouth...He is on the floor, stumbling backwards to

avoid the hell that was unleashed on the table...He is on his rear, pushing with his hands and legs,

backing up...As the dog..or wolf..or hell-hound, steps slowly towards all his fear, the doctor

notices one thing....The beast's eyes are solid black)

(scene shifts to lobby of the building..The lab door is in front of them...Gibbs tries the handle, but it

will not open..He stops, listens....the sound of snarls can be heard through the door)

(scene shifts back into lab)

(Daisy steps closer to the doctor...her head is even with his...Cal watches, approving...As Daisy's face

comes closer to Light's , the doctor begins a silent pleading with the beast...bargaining with no

leverage, apologies with no penetrance...The dog gets closer...Her eyes lock with Light's...he cannot

take his own off them...)

Cal; (whisper) "Show him"

(Dr. Light looks into the eyes of the beast, and sees....He sees every memory of every pain, of every travesty he visited upon women...He sees the mothers grieving over lost daughters, fathers going

insane over the autopsy reports of the brutality and degradation of their daughters...And more

painful than the memories, his own soul is seen in the dog's, dripping with blood, and then the feelings of the victims...their fear, their pain, all at once, every victim's pain is felt by

him...He looks deeper into the dog's eyes...)

(scene shifts to Gibbs and McGee)

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Gibbs; "Blow it open!"

(both pistols start rapid firing....the handle, industrial, fireproof, fights against the barrage)

(scene shifts to lab)

(The doctor looks up, breaking the pull of the dog's eyes...he sees a figure standing behind the dog...close...towering almost to the ceiling, white, blinding white....then LIght's heart almost stops as

the wings ufold, filling the room, the purest white he's ever seen, until he looks at the bottom of the

wings, as if dipped in black sewage, dripping tar....The figure opens its mouth, and keeps opening it, the jaws seemingly so large they could swallow him, and in the mouth, there was fire. And he was

burning in it. He can hear his own screams as he burns....Dr. Light's face goes blank, his eyes glaze

over...Any semblance of sanity in the man's mind is gone. He stared ahead at nothing, drool starting

to form at the corners of his mouth...Then the lab door bursts open)

Gibbs: "DAISY!"

(McGee dashes past Gibbs, looking for Cal....but no one else is in the room..)

McGee: "He's gone!"

Gibbs: "He can't be!"

(Daisy sat, eyes focused on what was left of Light...Then she recognized Gibbs...She lays down on the

ground, panting...Gibbs kneels down, stroking her fur, feeling the tremble under her skin)

McGee: "Boss, Dr. Light has checked out..."

(At the mention of his name, the Dr. starts singing...slowly....a children's song)

Old McLighty had a farm

And on that farm was a garage

With a fake wall here and a fake wall there

Bad girls here and bad girls there

Ee Yi Ee Yi oh noooo...

Page 38: The Introduction of DR Caelesti Nuntio (Cal) (Dr. Light's ...

(Sirens could be heard...a police car roars up, the two officers running into the lab...They look at the

shambles, then at Light....)

Gibbs: "He needs the looney bin..."

(The officer sees the blank stare and the drool)

Officer; "I'll call one...You handing this over to us for now, Agent Gibbs?"

Gibbs; "Yea...thanks...we think the man has women held hostage...we'll call county on the way to his

place..They'll meet us there."

(Gibbs looks down at Daisy....)

Gibbs: " up to going with us? We might need that nose of yours..."

(Daisy hears him, and slowly gets to her feet....She takes one more look at Light, and with disgust,

turns away. She turns to the room, sees Cal is not there....she whines)

Gibbs: "We'll find him, girl..."

(Daisy turns away from the lab and begins trotting towards the NCIS sedan)

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens at Dr. LIght's farm...Large, two story farmhouse, stables behind it, several barn areas

dot the landscape...To the left of the house, a 3 car garage is attached....They begin to exit their car just as two county sherrif cars come speeding up, lights flashing...the deputies step out of the cars


Gibbs: "Dr. Light has confessed to having prisoners here! There is one girl missing that we think

may be in the house! Two of you go search the house, the other two, with us!"

(The officers nod, and delegate quickly...two officers knock on the front door, and getting no

answer, kick the door in, shouting their presence...they enter)

Gibbs: (to deputies) "Light talked about a false wall in the garage...possibly abducted women behind

it...Let the dog take the lead....Come on!"

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(The for law enforcement men trail behind Daisy, trotting towards the garage, sniffing the air....They

get to it, and one deputy pulls one of the 3 doors open, while the others train their pistols on what might be waiting inside..Daisy trots in, gives a yip)

Gibbs: "Clear, Find the wall!"

(The four men spread out....Daisy is walking up and down the back wall whining...She looks at Gibbs,

urgency on her face)

Gibbs: "Show me girl"

(Daisy begins pawing at a section of the wall...Gibbs takes his knife out, begins searching for

seams....He finds one...He slides the blade down the crack, and 'click'..The door reveals itself...Gibbs

has a flashlight in one hand, his gun in the other, and is the first to enter the hidden room....His light

catches something...)

Gibbs: ""

(Sitting on the floor are 5 young girls, all shackled to a metal pipe that runs the length of the wall..They look at him, fearful...He says nothing, pulls out his badge, shows it to them....Then the

tears begin)

McGee: "Boss, they found the girl...she's been drugged, but looks okay..."

Gibbs: (looking at the girls) "What kind of evil....?"

(A deputy walks by Gibbs, holding a bolt cutter....The other deputy is calling for ambulances...Daisy

has walked to the girls, and as she does so well, makes new friends...The girls can't stop hugging her....Daisy patiently stands, letting the healing part of her the girls)

(scene fades to black and white)



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(For 3 nights, Daisy slept on the bed, laying between Gibbs and Caprice. They took turns through

the night, making sure one arm was on her at all times...She howled in her sleep, whined, lived through one nightmare after the other, and if a dog could cry, the dog cried..She trembled,

sometimes so violently, they thought she would shake her body to death....Gibbs and Caprice, for

those 3 days, never left her side.

On the fourth night, Daisy slept...her legs would make running motions, she would make faint

yipping sounds, and occasionally she smiled in her sleep)

Caprice: "I think she's chasing rabbits...What did she go through, Jethro?"

Gibbs: "I don't know. But whatever it was, it was bad"

Caprice; "My's breaking for her...."

Gibbs; "I know"

Caprice: "Yours too, baby"

(He pauses, reflects, looks at his dog...)

Gibbs; "Yea"

Caprice; "But we're going to love her through this...right?"

Gibbs; "Yea. It's what she needs...Us..."

(Daisy, listening, moves her head, licks Caprice's hand...Then she lays her head on Gibbs's arm, and

closes her eyes...A contented sigh leaves her mouth. She sleeps..She has rabbits to catch)

Gibbs: "It's gonna be okay girl...we're're'll always be safe"

(A pause)

Gibbs: "We love you"

(scene fades to black and white)

(scene opens in Capitpl Mental Asylum...a high security facility for the criminally insane...A nurse is

prepping a Psychiatrist, just joining the treatment team for Dr. Light)

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Nurse: "They found 5 chained up girls, one drugged girl, and in his barn, they unearthed 14 buried

bodies...all young, all shorter than 5ft 4 inches..)

Doctor: "He needed both the youth and size to feel's not uncommon"

Nurse; "Do you want one of us in there with you?"

Doctor: "No...but thank you...You said he will not speak?"

Nurse: "Not a peep..."

Doctor: "Let me try...if you hear anything, do not be alarmed...sometimes a breakthrough can


Nurse: " well we know"

(The doctor enters the room of Dr. Light...he is laying on his bed, facing away, looking blankly at the


Doctor; "Perhaps, my new friend, you would like some ham jerky? It is dvine"

(Light snaps around, recognizing the voice...He knows it's that voice because he has just released his

bowls on himself)

Doctor; 'Doctor....Did you really think our time together was over?"

(scene shifts to outside in the hall...Screams from the room can be heard...Another psychiatrist

walks up, curious)

Doctor "Well, he sure got him to talk"

Nurse; "Oh yes...we're so glad to have Dr. Nuntio...he's been here for a few weeks, and is just an


Doctor; "Parents sure had high hopes for him..."

Nurse: "How do you know?"

Doctor; "His name...Caelesti's Latin..".

Nurse: "What does it mean?"

(The doctor looks towards the screams)

"(t means Heavenly Messenger"

(scene pulls away, showing the closed door of Light's room...screams can be heard)

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(scene fades to black and white)

The End