The HORN Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The HORN Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET


The HORN Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET. Who Am I?. Why?. Show me the Pain. We Live On the bleeding Edge. Or Do we?. The Usual Suspects. ASP.NET MVCContrib. A typical Scenario. ASP.NET MVC Moves From Beta to Release Candidate. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The HORN Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Page 1: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The HORN Package Manager

2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Page 2: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Who Am I?

Page 3: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET


Page 4: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Show me the Pain

Page 5: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

We Live On the bleeding Edge

Page 6: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Or Do we?

Page 7: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Usual Suspects


Page 8: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

A typical Scenario ASP.NET MVC Moves From Beta to Release Candidate I use MVCContrib for the WindsorControllerFactory from CastleMVCContrib uses the trunk version of Castle

I use Nhibernate

Nhibernate is built against a different castle versionI use NhibernateContrib for NhibernateIntegration

I need rebuild NhibernateContrib with the rebuilt Nhibernate I use Rhino

Rhino references Nhibernate and Castle

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

Page 9: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Beleaguered ALT.NET Dev

Page 10: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Treadmill of Change is Always


Page 11: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Building the Stack (Surely Not)C:\dev\Shared>cd NHibernate

C:\dev\Shared\Nhibernate>svn up

C:\dev\Shared\Nhibernate>cd nhibernate


C:\dev\Shared\NHibernate>cd ..\..

C:\dev\Shared>cd Castle

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Building the Stack (Surely Not)C:\dev\Shared>cd NHibernate

C:\dev\Shared\Nhibernate>svn up

C:\dev\Shared\Nhibernate>cd nhibernate


C:\dev\Shared\NHibernate>cd ..\..

C:\dev\Shared>cd Castle

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Building the Stack (Surely Not)C:\dev\Shared\Castle>svn up


C:\dev\Shared\Castle>copy ..\NHibernate\nhibernate\build\NHibernate-2.0.0.Alpha1-debug\bin\net-2.0\*.* build\net-2.0\debug /y


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Building the Stack (Surely Not) And it goes on and on

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A Maze of Dependencies

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The Usual Suspects


We Need a Hero

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Gentoo Portage

Page 18: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Package Tree Metaphor

Page 19: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET


Page 20: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Usual Suspects


Why not XML?

Page 21: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Usual Suspects


XML is as “out” as

Flared Trousers

Page 22: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Usual Suspects


Why an Internal DSL?

Page 23: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Semantic Model

Page 24: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Source Control

Page 25: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Build Engine

Page 26: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

(Horn DSL)== Ebuild


Page 27: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Boo is.....• An object oriented statically typed language

• An Open source project, released under the BSD license.

• A python inspired language

• A language with a focus on compiler extensibility

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Duck Typing

Page 29: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Duck Typing

Page 30: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET


Page 31: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Boo Horn DSL

Page 32: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Rhino DSL

Page 33: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

Meta Methods

Page 34: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

The Boo Compiler

Page 35: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

CustomizeCompiler Method

Page 36: The  HORN  Package Manager 2 options for creating DSLs in .NET

IronRuby• .NET implementation of the Ruby language

• Seamless Integration with .NET libraries

• Compatibility with the 1.8.x branch

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The IronRuby Horn DSL

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Method Missing

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The Usual Suspects


Current State of Horn

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The Usual Suspects

