The Great War, 1914- 1918 A number of factors lead to WWI which had an impact on the world.

The Great War, 1914-1918 A number of factors lead to WWI which had an impact on the world.

Transcript of The Great War, 1914- 1918 A number of factors lead to WWI which had an impact on the world.

The Great War, 1914-1918

A number of factors lead to WWI which had an impact on the world.

Marching Towards War

• Military buildup

• Nationalistic feelings

• Rival Alliances

• Lead to war

Rising Tensions in Europe

• Rise of Nationalism• Peace in late 1800s but there are some problems. • Nationalism leading to competition• Nationalism in Balkans leads to groups wanting independence

• Imperialism and Militarism• Competition in imperialism creates mistrust between European

nations.• Competition and mistrust leads to an arms race• Militarism-policy of glorifying military power and preparing army.

Discuss these questions with the person next to you and be prepared to share with the class.

• If your friend had a problem with someone else, would you back them up? Why or why not?

• Would the other person's friends back them up?

• What would eventually happen?

Tangled Alliances

• Bismarck makes early agreements

• Germany wants to keep peace

• Bismarck thinks that France wants revenge for loss in Franco- Prussian War

• Makes alliances to isolate France

• Signs treaty with Russia in 1881

• Forms Triple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy in 1881

Tangled Alliances

• Alliances threaten peace

• Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes German Ruler in 1888.

• Foreign policy changes with new ruler

• Alliance with Russia is dropped and Russia Allies with France

• Germany starts to strengthen navy

• Britain, France, Russia form Triple Entente alliance in 1907.

Crisis in The Balkans

• Groups in the Balkans win independence during 1900s

• Serbia becomes new nation made up of Slavs

• Austria –Hungary annexes Slavic region-Bosnia and Herzegovina (1908)

• Makes Serbia upset because they see themselves as ruler of these lands.

Crisis in the Balkans

• A shot rings throughout Europe

• June 28th 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie visit Sarajevo in Bosnia.

• Serbian rebel kills Franz Ferdinand.

• Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia comes to aid of Serbia.


• The couple was shot by Gavrilo Princip,

• Serbian Nationalist and member of the Black Hand-terrorist organization


• Austria delivers an ultimatum with demands to Serbia.

• Serbia agreed to most of the demands.

• Austria Rejects Serbia’s offer and declared war on Serbia.

• Russia mobilizes its forces to protect Serbia.

M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI

• Militarism

• Alliances

• Imperialism

• Nationalism

Background - Beginning of World War One

* Inquiry - Review the locations of nations belonging to the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. What problem did Germany face if war broke out in 1914?

* Define: Mobilization/Standing Army

Franz Ferndinand