The Golden Ratio. English

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Transcript of The Golden Ratio. English

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


    The Measure of Beauty Created by GodTHE GOLDEN RATIO

    What do the pyramids in Egypt, Leonardo da Vinci's portrait of the Mona Lisa,

    sunowers, the snail, the pine cone and your ngers, all have in common?

     he answer to this !uestion lies hidden in a series of num"ers discovered "y the

    #talian mathematician, Leonardo $i"onacci% he characteristic of these num"ers,

    &nown as the $i"onacci num"ers, is that each one is the sum of the preceding two


    $i"onacci num"ers have an interesting feature% When you divide one num"er in the

    series "y the num"er "efore it, you o"tain num"ers very close to one another%

    #n fact, this num"er is ed after the ()th in the series and is &nown as the *+olden



     he eamples of the golden ratio that you will "e seeing in this lm, and that eist

    in our own "odies and in all living things in nature, are -ust a few of the proofs that

    +od has created all things with a measure% #n one verse .e reveals that/

    God has ao!"ted a #easure for a$$ th!"%s& 'Surat at(Ta$a)* +,


    When conducting their research or setting out their products, artists, scientists and

    designers ta&e the human "ody, the proportions of which are set out according to

    the golden ratio, as their measure%

    Leonardo da Vinci and Le 0or"usier used this ratio in their designs%

     he human "ody, proportioned according to the golden ratio, is also ta&en as the

    "asis in the 1eufert, one of the most important reference "oo&s of modern2day


     he *ideal* proportional relations that are suggested as eisting among variousparts of the average human "ody and that approimately meet the golden ratio

    values can "e set out in a general plan%

     he t3s ratio in the ta"le "elow is always e!uivalent to the golden ratio%

    t3s 4 (%5(6

    .owever, it may not always "e possi"le to use a ruler and nd this ratio all over

    people7s faces, "ecause it applies to the 8ideali9ed human form: on which scientists

    and artists agree%

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     he rst eample of the golden ratio in the average human "ody is that when the

    distance "etween the navel and the foot is ta&en as ( unit, the height of a human

    "eing is e!uivalent to (%5(6%

    ;ome other golden proportions in the average human "ody are/

      he distance "etween the nger tip and the el"ow 3 the distance "etween thewrist and the el"ow,

     he distance "etween the shoulder line and the top of the head 3 the head


     he distance "etween the navel and the top of the head 3 the distance

    "etween the shoulder line and the top of the head,

     he distance "etween the navel and &nee 3 the distance "etween the &nee

    and the end of the foot%

    The Hu#a" Ha"d


     ur ngers have three sections% he proportion of the rst two sections to the full

    length of the nger, gives the golden ratio% his does not, of course, apply to the

    thum" with its two -oints%

     =ou can also see that the proportion of the middle nger to the little nger is also a

    golden ratio%

     =ou have hands, and the ngers on them consist of ) sections% here are @ ngers

    on each hand, and only 6 of these are articulated according to the golden num"er/

    , ), @, and 6 t the $i"onacci num"ers%

    The Go$de" Rat!o !" the Hu#a" /a0e

    SPEAKER here are several golden ratios in the human face%

    $or eample, the total width of the two front teeth in the upper -aw over their

    height gives a golden ratio%

     he width of the rst tooth from the centre to the second tooth also yields a golden



     hese are the ideal proportions that a dentist may consider%

    ;ome other golden ratios in the human face are/

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     he length of face 3 the width of face,

     he distance "etween the lips and where the eye"rows meet 3 the length of 


     he length of face 3 the distance "etween tip of -aw and where the eye"rows

    meet, he length of mouth 3 the width of nose,

     he width of nose 3 the distance "etween nostrils,

     he distance "etween pupils 3 the distance "etween eye"rows%

    The Go$de" Rat!o !" the Lu"%s

    #n a study carried out "etween (A6@ and (A6B, the Cmerican physicist, Druce West

    and professor of medicine, Cry +old"erger, revealed the eistence of the golden

    ratio in the structure of the lung%

    >ne feature of the networ& of the "ronchi that constitutes the lung is that it is

    asymmetric% $or eample, the windpipe divides into two main "ronchi, one long on

    the leftF and the other short on the rightF% his asymmetrical division continues

    into the su"se!uent su"divisions of the "ronchi% #t was determined that in all these

    divisions the proportion of the short "ronchus to the long was always (3(%5(6%

    Cll this information once again shows the superior nature of our Lord7s creation% #n

    verses of the Gur7an it is revealed that +od created man 8within a proportion/:

    He 1ho 0reated you a"d for#ed you a"d roort!o"ed you a"d asse#b$ed

    you !" 2hate3er 2ay He 2!$$ed& 'Surat a$(I"4tar* 5(6,


    C rectangle, the proportion of whose sides is e!ual to the golden ratio, is &nown as

    a *golden rectangle%* Let us now eamine the features of this golden rectangle,


    C rectangle whose sides are ( and (%5(6 units long is a golden rectangle%Let us assume a s!uare drawn along the length of the short side of this rectangle

    and draw a !uarter circle "etween two corners of the s!uare%

     hen, let us draw a s!uare and a !uarter circle on the remaining side and do this

    for all the remaining rectangles in the main rectangle%

    When you do this you will end up with a spiral%

     he Dritish aesthetician, William 0harlton, eplains the way that people nd the

    spiral pleasing and have "een using it for thousands of years stating that we nd

    spirals pleasing "ecause we can visually follow them with ease%

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     he spirals "ased on the golden ratio contain the most incompara"le structures you

    can nd in nature%

     he rst eamples we can give of this, are the spiral se!uences on the sunower

    and the pine cone% his is one of the many eamples of how Clmighty +od has

    created all things awlessly and with a proportion%

    The Stru0ture of Seashe$$s

    When investigating the shells of mollus&s, the form and the structure of the internal

    and eternal surfaces of the shells attracted the scientists' attention/

    The internal surface is smooth, the outside one is uted. The mollusk body is inside

    shell and the internal surface of shells should be smooth. The outside edges of the

    shell augment a rigidity of shells and, thus, increase its strength. The shell forms

    astonish by their perfection and protability of means spent on its creation. The

    spiral's idea in shells is expressed in the perfect geometrical form, in surprising

    beautiful, "sharpened" design.

     he shells of most mollus&s grow in a logarithmic spiral manner%

     here can "e no dou"t, of course, that these animals are unaware of even the

    simplest mathematical calculation, let alone logarithmic spirals%

    ;o how is it that the creatures in !uestion can &now that this is the "est way for

    them to grow?

    .ow do these animals, that some scientists descri"e as *primitive,* &now that this

    is the ideal form for them?

    #t is impossi"le for growth of this &ind to ta&e place in the a"sence of a

    consciousness or intellect%

     hat consciousness eists neither in mollus&s nor, despite what some scientists

    would claim, in nature itself%

    #t is totally irrational to see& to account for such a thing in terms of chance%

     his structure can only "e the product of a superior intellect and &nowledge%

    Clmighty +od has created these living things to "e awless%

    #n one verse of the Gur7an it is revealed how +od reigns over all things with .issuperior &nowledge, and how human "eings must reect on our Lord7s matchless

    creative artistry/

    My Lord e"0o#asses a$$ th!"%s !" H!s 7"o2$ed%e so 2!$$ you "ot ay

    heed8 'Surat a$(A"9a#* 6,

    +rowth of this &ind was descri"ed as *gnomic* "y the "iologist ;ir H'Crcy

     hompson, an epert on the su"-ect, who stated that it was impossi"le to imagine a

    simpler system, during the growth of a seashell, than which was "ased on widening

    and etension in line with identical and unchanging proportions% Cs he pointed out,the shell constantly grows, "ut its shape remains the same%

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    >ne can see one of the "est eamples of this type of growth in a nautilus, which is

     -ust a few centimeters in diameter%

    0ros"ie Morrison descri"es this growth process, which is eceptionally diIcult to

    plan even with human intelligence, stating that along the nautilus shell, an internal

    spiral etends, consisting of a num"er of cham"ers with mother2of2pearl lined walls%

    Cs the animal grows, it "uilds another cham"er at the spiral shell mouth larger thanthe one "efore it, and moves forward into this larger area "y closing the door

    "ehind it with a layer of mother2of2pearl%

     he scientic names of some other marine creatures with logarithmic spirals

    containing the diJerent growth ratios in their shells are/ Haliotis Parus, !olium

    Perdix, urex, #calari Pretiosa%

    The Go$de" Rat!o !" the Hear!"% a"d Ba$a"0e Or%a"

     he cochlea in the human inner ear serves to transmit sound vi"rations%

     his "ony structure, lled with uid, has a logarithmic spiral shape with a ed

    angle of B)K) containing the golden ratio%

    Hor"s a"d Teeth That Gro2 !" a S!ra$ /or#

    Eamples of curves "ased on the logarithmic spiral can "e seen in the tus&s of 

    elephants and the now2etinct mammoth, lions' claws and parrots' "ea&s%

     he eperia spider always weaves its we"s in a logarithmic spiral%

    Cmong the micro2organisms &nown as plan&ton, the "odies of glo"igerinae,

    planor"is, vorte, tere"ra, turitellae and trochida, are all constructed on spirals%

    Cmmonites, which are today etinct and found only in fossil form, also have shells

    that grow logarithmically% 1either is the spiral form in the animal &ingdom limited to

    mollus& shells alone% he horns of such animals as the antelope, the mountain goat

    and the ram also grow in spirals "ased on the golden proportion%

    The Go$de" Rat!o !" DNA

     he H1C molecule in which all the physical features of living things are stored, has

    also "een created in a form "ased on the golden ratio%

    H1C consists of two intertwined perpendicular helies%

     he length of the curve in each of these helies is ) angstroms and the width (

    angstroms% ( angstrom is one hundred millionth of a centimeter%F

    ( and ) are two consecutive $i"onacci num"ers%

    Cll this information is -ust some of the important proof that the universe wascreated "y a su"lime intelligence, in other words, that +od created the universe

    and all things in it from nothing%

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    #n the Gur7an, +od has called upon "elievers to reect on this evidence%

    Cnyone who considers the eamples around him in the light of his conscience will

    see this manifest truth% he perfection of our Lord7s creative artistry has "een

    revealed in these terms in the Gur7an/

    ; .ou 2!$$ "ot 4"d a"y

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    .ad we "egun counting in the opposite direction, then we would have o"tained the

    same num"er of leaves, "ut at a diJerent num"er of revolutions% he num"er of 

    turns in each direction and the num"er of leaves encountered during these, reveal

    three consecutive $i"onacci num"ers%

     hese se!uential forms may "e circular or spiral, depending on the species of plant%

    >ne of the most important results of this special se!uencing is that leaves are

    arranged so as not to cast shadows over one another%

    Cccording to these proportions, &nown as 8leaf divergence: in "otany, the order in

    the way leaves are arranged around the stem has "een determined with particular


     his arrangement is "ased on an eceedingly comple calculation%

    #f 1 is the num"er of revolutions we need to ma&e, "eginning at one leaf, until we

    encounter another leaf at the same level, and if N is the num"er of leaves

    encountered during this cycle, then N31 fraction is the 8leaf divergence: that eists

    in plants%

    Leaf divergence 4 1um"er of leaves in a leaf cycle3num"er of revolutions

    $ractions peculiar to some plants are as follows/

    2 (3 in meadow plants grassesF

    2 (3) in marsh plants

    2 3@ in fruit trees apple trees, for eampleF

    2 )36 in "anana species,

    2 @3() in "ul"ous plants%





    .ow does a "anana tree, for eample, &now a"out this fraction and how, no matter

    where it may "e in the world, is it a"le to a"ide "y it?

    Cccording to this calculation, when you "egin from any leaf and ma&e 6 revolutions

    around any "anana tree trun&, you will encounter another leaf at the same level

    and at the same time encounter ) leaves in this cycle%

    1o matter where you go in the world, from ;outh Cfrica to Latin Cmerica, this

    fraction never changes%

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     mniscient +od Who encodes such a proportion in the genetic

    structure of living things and creates them with that information%

     he numerical miracles we encounter in plants go further than these%

    Clthough the "ranches we see on the trees around us may appear to "e arranged

    hapha9ardly at rst glance, they, too, are actually arranged according to an

    eceptionally comple plan and mathematical calculation%


    Dotanists have identied the golden ratio num"ers inherent in the "ranching of a

    growing plant%We may now consider the eample of the snee9ewort plant% Let us now loo& at the

    relationship "etween "ranching and the golden proportion in this plant%

    Cs the plant grows, a new "ranch emerges from every "ud, and a new "ranch from

    that one%

    #f the num"er of "ranches in a hori9ontal plane is counted, then $i"onacci num"ers

    can "e seen%

     he $i"onacci series is an important &ey to understanding the ne calculation and

    arrangement in plants%

     his shows the order and aesthetics in leaves and owers arranged according to

    the $i"onacci series%

     he fact that plants are shaped according to specic mathematical formulae, is one

    of the most evident proofs that they have "een specially created%

     he sensitive measures and "alance in plant atoms and H1C also eist in the

    plant7s eternal appearance%

    >ther proofs of creation involving the golden ratio include some owers, seeds and


     he sunower is one of the nest eamples on this su"-ect%

    #f you pic& up and eamine a sunower, you will see that its seeds are arranged in


    Cnd if you start to count all the seeds in the spirals turning to right and left, you will

    nd two consecutive num"ers from the $i"onacci series%

     his is certainly not limited to the sunower alone%

     he leaves of densely seeded plants, such as the ca""age, also form spirals runningto right or left around a central point, as in the sunower%

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    Haisies and pine cone scales are also set out in right and left spirals%

    #f you count these one "y one, you will again o"tain num"ers "ased on the

    $i"onacci series, in other words, on the golden ratio%

     hese num"ers in the spirals in plants will "e/

    @36 and 63() in pine cones,

    63() in pineapples,

    (3) in the central orets of the daisy,

    Cnd (3), )3@@ and @@36A in sunowers%

    Evidence of +od7s awless creation can "e found in all this ne measure and

    regularity% he awless creation of plants has "een revealed in a verse from the

    Gur7an, and we are told that this is also important proof for "elievers/

    It !s He 1ho se"ds do2" 2ater fro# the s7y fro# 2h!0h 1e br!"% forth

    %ro2th of e3ery 7!"d* a"d fro# that 1e br!"% forth the %ree" shoots a"d

    fro# the# 1e br!"% forth 0$ose(a07ed seeds* a"d fro# the sathes of the

    date a$# date 0$usters ha"%!"% do2"* a"d %arde"s of %raes a"d o$!3es

    a"d o#e%ra"ates* both s!#!$ar a"d d!ss!#!$ar& Loo7 at the!r fru!ts as they

    bear fru!t a"d r!e"& There are s!%"s !" that for eo$e 2ho be$!e3e& 'Surat

    a$(A"a#* ,


    +eometrical shapes are "y no means limited to triangles, s!uares, pentagons or


     hese shapes can also come together in various ways and produce new three2

    dimensional geometrical ones%

     he cu"e and the pyramid are the rst eamples that can "e cited% #n addition to

    these, however, there are also such three2dimensional shapes as the tetrahedron,

    octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron and heahedron, that we may never

    encounter in our daily lives and whose names we may never even have heard of%

     he dodecahedron consists of ( pentagonal faces, and the icosahedron of Otriangular ones%

    ;cientists have discovered that these shapes can all mathematically turn into one

    another, and that this transformation ta&es place with ratios lin&ed to the golden


     hree2dimensional forms that contain the golden ratio are very widespread in


    Many viruses have an icosahedron shape% he "est &nown of these is the Cdeno


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     he protein sheath of the Cdeno virus consists of @ protein su"units, all regularly

    set out%

     he ( su"units in the corners of the icosahedron are in the shape of pentagonal

    prisms% od2li&e structures protrude from these corners%

     he rst people to discover that viruses came in shapes containing the golden ratiowere Caron Plug and Honald 0aspar, from Dir&"ec& 0ollege in London, in the (A@Os%

     he rst virus they esta"lished this in was the polio virus% he hino ( virus has

    the same shape as the polio virus%

    Why is it that viruses have shapes "ased on the golden ratio, shapes that are hard

    for us even to visuali9e?

    Caron Plug, who discovered these shapes, eplains/

    $y colleague !onald %aspar and & shoed that the design of these iruses could

    be explained in terms of a generali(ation of icosahedral symmetry that allosidentical units to be related to each other in a )uasi*e)uialent ay ith a small

    measure of internal exibility. +e enumerated all the possible designs, hich hae

    similarities to the geodesic domes designed by the architect . -uckminster uller.

    Hoeer, hereas uller's domes hae to be assembled folloing a fairly elaborate

    code, the design of the irus shell allos it to build itself./ 

    Plug's description once again reveals a manifest truth%

     here is a sensitive planning and a perfect structure even in viruses, regarded "y

    scientists as *one of the simplest and smallest living things%*

     his structure is a great deal more successful than and superior to those of 

    Duc&minster $uller, one of the world's most eminent architects%


     he dodecahedron and icosahedron also appear in the silica s&eletons of 

    radiolarians, single2celled marine organisms%

    ;tructures "ased on these two geometric shapes, li&e the regular dodecahedron

    with feet2li&e structures protruding from each corner and the various formations ontheir surfaces, ma&e up the varying "eautiful "odies of the radiolarians%

    The Go$de" Rat!o !" S"o2

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


    The Go$de" Rat!o !" Phys!0s


     =ou encounter $i"onacci series and the golden ratio in elds that fall under the

    sphere of physics%

    When a light is held over two contiguous layers of glass, one part of that light

    passes through, one part is a"sor"ed, and the rest is reected% What happens is a

    *multiple reection%* he num"er of paths ta&en "y the ray inside the glass, "efore

    it emerges again, depends on the num"er of reections it is su"-ected to% #n

    conclusion, when we determine the num"er of rays that re2emerge, we nd that

    they are compati"le with the $i"onacci num"ers%

    The Go$de" Rat!o Is Gods Creat!o"SPEAKER

     he fact that a great many unconnected animate or inanimate structures in nature

    are shaped according to a specic mathematical formula, is one of the clearest

    proofs that these have "een specially created%

     he golden ratio is an aesthetic rule well &nown and applied "y artists%

    Wor&s of art "ased on that ratio represent aesthetic perfection%

    Nlants, galaies, microorganisms, crystals and living things created according to

    this rule imitated "y artists are all eamples of +od's superior artistry%

    +od reveals in the Gur'an that .e has created all things with a measure%

    ;ome of these verses read/

    ; God has ao!"ted a #easure for a$$ th!"%s& 'Surat at(Ta$a)* +,

    ; E3eryth!"% has !ts #easure 2!th H!#& 'Surat ar(Ra9d* 6,

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English




    Cllah7Qn =arattQRQ +S9elli& TlUSsS

    CL#1 >C1

     he Measure of Deauty 0reated "y +od

     .E +>LHE1 C#>


    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6B, (@AB, @6,


    @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6

    ( )) )BB

    ( )) 4 )BB


    6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )( 3 6A 4 (,5(B

    6A 3 @@ 4 (,5(6

    ) 3 ( 4 (,5(A


    A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6B, (@AB, @6,


    )) 3 ( 4 (,5(6

    )BB 3 )) 4 (,5(6

    5(O 3 )BB 4 (,5(6

    A6B 3 5(O 4 (,5(6

    (@AB 3 A6B 4 (,5(6

    @6 3 (@AB 4 (,5(6

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English



    CL#1 >C1 4 (,5(6

     .E +>LHE1 C#> 4 (,5(6


    *Cllah, her Xey iUin "ir YlUS &QlmQXtQr%* ala& ;uresi, )F

    +od has appointed a measure for all things% ;urat at2ala!, )F


    Z1;C1 V[0\H\ VE CL#1 >C1

     .E .\MC1 D>H= C1H .E +>LHE1 C#>


    0eonardo da 1inci


    imar %orbusier 

     2rchitect 0e %orbusier 


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    8 Cltta a&an sayQlarQn "aXQ o&unmuyor% >&unan &QsQmlarQ Xu Xe&ilde]:

    ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6B, (@AB, @6


    8 esmin yanQnda yan olara&:

    s t s t t s t s

    s t t s

    t s


    t 3 s

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English



    t 3 s 4 (,5(6
















    Znsan Eli

     he .uman .and




  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English







    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A,


    Znsan =S9Snde&i CltQn >ran

     he +olden atio in the .uman $ace
















  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English



     .E +>LHE1 E0C1+LE C1H .E ;N#CL;


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    8 Cltta a&an sayQlar tam olara& o&unamQyor% >&unan &QsQmlarQ Xu Xe&ilde]:

    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (


    C D 0 E





    CltQn Hi&dYrtgen

     he +olden ectangleOA%@2OA%@B




    Heni9 Pa"u&larQnda&i asarQm

     he ;tructure of ;eashells


    8ZU yS9ey pSrS9sS9, dQX yS9ey de yivliydi% =umuXa&Ua &a"uRun iUindeydi ve

    &a"u&larQn iU yS9eyi pSrS9sS9 olmalQydQ% Pa"uRun dQX &YXeleri sertliRini artQrQyor ve

    "Yyleli&le gScSnS yS&seltiyordu% Pa"u& formlarQ, yaratQlQXlarQnda &ullanQlan

    mS&emmelli& ve faydalarQyla hayrete dSXSrSr% Pa"u&larda&i spiral &ir mS&emmel

    geometri& formda ve XaXQrtQcQ gS9elli&te&i ^"ilenmiX7 tasarQmla ifade edilmiXtir%:3 http455.goldenmuseum.com5index6engl.html 7

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


     he internal surface is smooth, the outside one is uted% he mollus& "ody is inside

    shell and the internal surface of shells should "e smooth% he outside edges of the

    shell augment a rigidity of shells and, thus, increase its strength% he shell forms

    astonish "y their perfection and prota"ility of means spent on its creation% he

    spiral's idea in shells is epressed in the perfect geometrical form, in surprising

    "eautiful, *sharpened* design% www%goldenmuseum%comF


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    8 Cltta a&an sayQlar tam olara& o&unamQyor% >&unan &QsQmlarQ Xu Xe&ilde]:

    6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6B,


    * a""im, ilim "a&QmQndan her Xeyi &uXatmQXtQr% =ine de YRSt alQp2dSXSnmeyece&

    misini9?* Enam ;uresi, 6OF

    *My Lord encompasses all things in .is &nowledge so will you not pay heed?* ;urat

    al2Cn'am, 6OF


    ;ir Harcy .>MN;>1;ir H7Crcy .>MN;>1


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    8 Cltta a&an sayQlar tam olara& o&unamQyor% >&unan &QsQmlarQ Xu Xe&ilde]:

    6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6B,


    .aliotis Narvus

    Holium Nerdi


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English



    ;&alari Nretio9a


    ;calari Nretiosa


    ZXitme ve Henge >rganQnda CltQn >ran

     he +olden atio in the .earing and Dalance >rgan


    ;armal $ormda +eliXen Doynu9lar ve HiXler

    .orns and eeth hat +row in a ;piral $orm


    DNAda A$tJ" Ora"

     he +olden atio in H1C


    8 HSXey olara& saRda ve solda:

    0 + C + 0

    + C 0 0 +


    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (


    8 HSXey olara& saRda ve solda:

    + C + 0 + C

    0 0 + C 0


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


    (3 in meadow plants grassesF,

    Data&lQ& "it&ilerinde (3), 

    (3) in marsh plants,

    Meyve aRaUlarQnda elmaF 3@, 

    3@ in fruit trees apple treesF,

    Mu9 tSrlerinde )36, 

    )36 in "anana species,

    ;oRangillerde @3()

    @3() in "ul"ous plants%


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    8 Cltta a&an sayQlar tam olara& o&unamQyor% >&unan &QsQmlarQ Xu Xe&ilde]:

    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )),O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (









    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


    ( ) @ 5 B 6 A (O (( ( () ( (@ (5 (B (6 (A O (





    ( ) @ 5 B 6 A (O (( ( () ( (@ (5 (B (6 (A O ( ) @ 5 B 6 A )O

    )( ) )) )




    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    A$tta a7a" sayJ$ar ta# o$ara7 o7u"a#Jyor& O7u"a" 7JsJ#$arJ u e7!$de

    (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O,


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:

    ( ) @ 5 B 6 A (O (( ( ()


    8 E&ranQn SstSnde sili& "ir Xe&ilde sayQlar a&Qyor% >&unmuyor%:





  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English



    MZP>H[1=CHC CL#1 >C1

     .E +>LHE1 C#> #1 .E M#0>W>LH


    8 E&ranQn &enarlarQnda o&unamayaca& &adar &SUS& sayQlar a&Qyor%:

    O, (, (, , ), @, 6, (), (, ), @@, 6A, (, )), )BB, 5(O, A6B, (@AB,












    80aspar ile "en, &Sresel "ir virSs &QlQfQ iUin optimum en uygunF tasarQmQn

    i&osahedron tar9Q "ir simetriye dayandQRQnQ gYsterdi&% DYyle "ir dS9enleme

    "aRlantQlarda&i sayQyQ en a9a indirir% MimarF Duc&minster $uller7in yarQ &Sresel

     -eode9i& &u""elerinden UoRu da "en9er "ir geometriye gYre inXa edilir% Du&u""elerin oldu&Ua ayrQntQlQ "ir Xemaya uyulara& monte edilmeleri gere&ir% .al"u&i

    "ir virSs &QlQfQ, alt "irimlerinin esne&liRinden YtSrS &endi &endini inXa eder%: 32. 8lug

    $olecules on 9rand #cale/, :e #cientist, ;=, ;?@A7

    8My colleague Honald 0aspar and # showed that the design of these viruses could

    "e eplained in terms of a generali9ation of icosahedral symmetry that allows

    identical units to "e related to each other in a !uasi2e!uivalent way with a small

    measure of internal ei"ility% We enumerated all the possi"le designs, which have

    similarities to the geodesic domes designed "y the architect % Duc&minster $uller%

    .owever, whereas $uller's domes have to "e assem"led following a fairly ela"orate

  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


  • 8/16/2019 The Golden Ratio. English


    +od has appointed a measure for all things% ;urat at2ala!, )F

    Everything has its measure with .im% ;urat ar2a'd, 6F

    Delgesel sQrasQnda arada, ve "elgesel sonunda/

     his lm is "ased on the wor&s of .arun =C.=C%$or more information, please visit www%harunyahya%com