“The Exodus”: Egypt, Jordan, & Israel - pilgrimtours.com · visit the Nazareth Village - a...

Day 1: Departure Our life-changing journey begins this evening as we board our overnight flight to Cairo, Egypt. Day 2: Arrival Cairo We arrive in the land of the Pharaohs, Jacob, Joseph and Israel dur- ing the famine! Upon arrival in Cairo we meet our guide and driver who will transport us to the hotel for dinner and rest for the remain- der of the evening. We relax tonight as we prepare for the adventur- ous travel ahead. Day 3: Memphis, Sakkara, Joseph's Storehouses We enjoy a day of touring in and around Cairo with a short bus ride to Memphis. Founded around 3,100 BC, Memphis is the legendary city of Menes, the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt. From a Biblical perspective, Memphis is most likely where Abraham lied to Pharaoh about his wife Sarah being his sister and where Joseph served as second in command. While in Memphis we will view a very large and well-preserved statue of Ramses II. Next is Sakkara, which is one of the most extensive archaeological sites in Egypt! Sakkara is dominated by the Step Pyramid of King Zoser, dating back to 2700 BC. It is one of the oldest stone structures in the world! Following an interesting stop to see how local Egyptian carpets are made, a short drive to the south finds us in Faiyum, the region created by the di- vinely inspired wisdom of Joseph. Here you will find ancient store- houses and a man-made lake created by a canal, who's construction was ordered by Joseph. It was this lake that provided irrigation for a desert land and supplied the food needed to survive his prophesied seven year famine. Day 4: Cairo Today we travel back to ancient Egypt with a full day of touring to the wonders of the ancient world, some of which date back to 1000+ years prior to Abraham. We spend time at one of the seven wonders “The Exodus”: Egypt, Jordan, & Israel Superior First Class 18 Day Package 1 | www.pilgrimtours.com

Transcript of “The Exodus”: Egypt, Jordan, & Israel - pilgrimtours.com · visit the Nazareth Village - a...

Day 1: DepartureOur life-changing journey begins this evening as we board ourovernight flight to Cairo, Egypt.

Day 2: Arrival CairoWe arrive in the land of the Pharaohs, Jacob, Joseph and Israel dur-ing the famine! Upon arrival in Cairo we meet our guide and driverwho will transport us to the hotel for dinner and rest for the remain-der of the evening. We relax tonight as we prepare for the adventur-ous travel ahead.

Day 3: Memphis, Sakkara, Joseph's StorehousesWe enjoy a day of touring in and around Cairo with a short bus rideto Memphis. Founded around 3,100 BC, Memphis is the legendarycity of Menes, the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt. From aBiblical perspective, Memphis is most likely where Abraham lied toPharaoh about his wife Sarah being his sister and where Joseph

served as second in command. While in Memphis we will view a verylarge and well-preserved statue of Ramses II. Next is Sakkara, whichis one of the most extensive archaeological sites in Egypt! Sakkara isdominated by the Step Pyramid of King Zoser, dating back to 2700BC. It is one of the oldest stone structures in the world! Following aninteresting stop to see how local Egyptian carpets are made, a shortdrive to the south finds us in Faiyum, the region created by the di-vinely inspired wisdom of Joseph. Here you will find ancient store-houses and a man-made lake created by a canal, who's constructionwas ordered by Joseph. It was this lake that provided irrigation for adesert land and supplied the food needed to survive his prophesiedseven year famine.

Day 4: CairoToday we travel back to ancient Egypt with a full day of touring to thewonders of the ancient world, some of which date back to 1000+years prior to Abraham. We spend time at one of the seven wonders

“The Exodus”: Egypt, Jordan, & Israel

Superior First Class 18 Day Package

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of the world- the pyramids. Cheops, with an original height of 496feet, is the most colossal pyramid ever built. Today, we will also seethe Sphinx and tour the Egyptian Museum, location of Tu-tankhamen's reasures and ancient remains.

Day 5: Sharm el-Sheikh, Mt. MosesThis morning we depart Cairo with stories of the "Land of Goshen" tothe north and travel southward passing over the Wilderness of Shur,arriving in the beautiful Red Sea coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh.Enjoy free time for a stroll along the beach and lunch before wetransfer to Mt. Sinai (Mt. Horeb). Those who desire and are physi-cally capable will depart for a memorable walk up Mt. Moses. Youmay choose to ride a camel part way, stop at one of the stations totake in scenery along the climb to the summit (750 steps) for a sunsetto remember. Once at the top, enjoy a time of reflection and praisebefore departing down the mountain.

Day 6: St. Catherine's, Red Sea, AqabaA visit to St. Catherine's Monastery, claimed to be built around thearea of Moses' Burning Bush, will be followed by a short ride to theRed Sea. A stop for lunch along the shore will provide a view of SaudiArabia, Jordan and Israel to the north. Gazing across the Gulf ofAqaba, we can begin to imagine the miracle of the parting of the sea.We then travel north viewing the Red Sea en-route to the bordercrossing between Egypt and Israel. Transferring through Eilat insouthern Israel, we arrive in Jordan Aqaba, Biblical Ezion Geber - thelovely seaport of King Solomon. Our lodging this evening will be inPetra.

Day 7: PetraThis morning we visit the amazing mountain fortress of Petra, knownto be inhabited by the Edomites - the descendants of Esau. Begin thetour with a walk through the "Siq," an immense crack in the Nubiansandstone, to the city of Petra carved out of the rose red rock. TheTreasury, El Khazneh, is one of the most elegant remains of antiquity.Beyond El Khazneh we are surrounded on both sides by hundreds ofPetra's carved and built structures. Departing Petra, we travel north-ward on the King's Highway where to the west we view the hills bor-dering the Dead Sea. This is the area of the hilltop palace/fortress ofMachaerus, where John the Baptist was beheaded. We overnight inAmman for this evening.

Day 8: Mt Nebo, Madaba, Tel AvivOur morning tour begins in the town of Madaba, the biblical Medeba,30 kilometers south of Amman. Madaba is best known for its Byzan-tine and Umayyad mosaics and at the Greek Orthodox Church of St.

George we view the earliest surviving mosaic map of the Holy land.Mt. Nebo, believed to be the site of the tomb of Moses, commands aspectacular view across the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. Studythe panorama as we read the scripture of God showing Moses the"Promised Land" before He brought him home to heaven. As wetravel west toward the Allenby Bridge, we view to the north the Plainsof Moab, the area where the tribes of Israel camped before crossingthe Jordan and picture Bethany Beyond the Jordan, the place whereJesus was baptized. Crossing back into Israel, we drive to Tel Avivarea with the remainder of the afternoon free. You may wish to take adevotional time with the sunset over the “Great Sea,” a time of prayerand thanks for the special blessings ahead, a prayer for the people ofthis land, and then enjoy a good night’s rest.

Day 9: Caesarea, Megiddo & Mt CarmelAfter breakfast, we travel by private motor coach along the coast ofthe Mediterranean Sea to Caesarea, where Gentiles first heard theGood News from Peter and were baptized. We’ll see the Roman Am-phitheatre, harbor/palace area and aqueduct, and then journey on toMt. Carmel, where Elijah challenged King Ahab and the prophets ofBaal. Next we travel through the Jezreel Valley to Megiddo, the Ar-mageddon Battlefield, where archaeologists have unearthed 20 levelsof civilization. We will have free time, dinner and overnight lodgingfor the next three nights in the Galilee Region.

Day 10: Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Bethsaida, Chorazin, Mag-dala, CapernaumFollowing breakfast, our morning travels take us to two valuablenorthern sites emphasizing the loss of God's blessing on Israel. Dan iswhere the children of Israel fell to the depths of pagan worship andCaesarea Philippi which is also the site of Peter’s Confession. Beth-saida, Chorazin and Capernaum formed what has been called the"evangelical triangle," because most of Jesus’ miracles in Galilee wereperformed in these cities. Of special interest are the ruins of a 1st cen-tury synagogue in Chorazin, the House of the Fisherman in Beth-saida. In Capernaum we view the excavations of the sea-side villageand Peter’s home, followed by a visit to Magdala, home town of MaryMagdalene. The recent excavation of the First Century Synagogueand well preserved village makes Magdala one of the most interestingBiblical sites in Israel.

Day 11: Jordan River Baptism Site, Nazareth, Mount ofBeatitudes, Sea of Galilee Boat RideWe begin our day with a visit to the Jordan River Baptismal site. Amid-morning drive through the hills of Galilee takes us through thearea of Cana and Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus, where we



visit the Nazareth Village - a wonderful recreation of Biblical timeswith costumed guides. Continuing toward Tiberias we drive up to Mt.Arbel for a spectacular view of the northern Sea of Galilee allowingfor an excellent time of teaching on the region of Jesus' ministry. Thisafternoon we travel on to the site of the multiplication of loaves andfishes and the Mount of the Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galileefollowed by a relaxing boat cruise. A brief scripture reading and devo-tional on board brings to life the experiences of Jesus and the fisher-men disciples. We dock at a working Kibbutz and visit the famousFisherman Boat from the days of Jesus, a conclusion to a wonderfulday.

Day 12: Beit Shean & Dead Sea SpaWe begin our day by traveling southward to Beit-Shean/Scythopolis,the most magnificent archeological site in Israel, located at the strate-gic juncture of the Jezreel and Jordan valleys. Like Jericho, it hasbeen almost continuously occupied throughout history. After defeat-ing Saul and his sons on Mt. Gilboa, the Philistines hanged their bod-ies on the walls of Beit-Shean. During the intertestamental period,the city was renamed the "Scythopolis." Archaeologists have uncov-ered a huge number of ruins of the Roman/Byzantine Scythopolis.During the time of Jesus, Scythopolis was one of the chief cities of theDecapolis -a league of ten cities sharing Greek culture and govern-ment. Following the fertile Jordan Valley southward, your guide willpoint out the agricultural restoration of the “Land of Milk andHoney” and Israel’s intricate irrigation development. We pass ancientJericho, view from a distance this city famed as the oldest in theworld, before coming to the Jordan River (Queser El Yehud) the Is-raeli side of Bethany Beyond the Jordan, the place where Jesus wasbaptized by John the Baptist, where Elijah and Elisha crossed theJordan as well as the area where the children of Israel led by Joshuaentered the Promised land. Our lodging for the evening is at the DeadSea – the lowest place on earth. Spend time in the special spa andenjoy a dip in the Dead Sea for a relaxing float before dinner.

Day 13: Masada, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea Scrolls, Abraham'sTentOur day begins with a cable car ride to the mountain top fortress ofMasada. Here our guide will treat us to the history of the famouszealot stand. Afterwards we proceed to Ein Gedi, "Spring of theGoat," an oasis on the western shore of the Dead Sea. Because of itswarm climate and abundant supply of water, the site developed areputation for its fragrant plants and date palm groves. This is whereKing David hid from Saul, and where God defeated the enemies ofthe Israelites by praise and worship led by King Jehoshaphat. Next,we visit Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.This afternoon we will take part in the Genesis Land/Dinner in Abra-ham's Tent, where we enjoy a trip back in time: a reliving of life in thetime of the Patriarchs, complete with costume, dramatic presenta-tion, camel ride and authentic food. Our lodging for the next fivenights will be in Jerusalem.

Day 14: Around Jerusalem, Bible Times, Holocaust Mu-seumConditions permitting we will visit the Temple Mount, with commen-tary on the Temple Periods, and the variety of belief systems past andpresent that make this area so valuable. From here we will also beable to see the Pool of Bethesda, Stephen's Gate and St. Ann’sChurch. Passing by the Protestant Cemetery, we visit the "UpperRoom" just outside the Zion Gate where the disciple whom Jesusloved laid his head on His breast and where later Thomas cried, "myLord & my God." An interesting and educational time awaits us at theIsraeli Museum. Walk through collections of centuries old Israeli arti-facts including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a then a guided walkthrough an accurately detailed model of Biblical Jerusalem will helpto prepare you for what you will experience in the following days. Weconclude the day with a visit to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum,for a needed reminder of what the Jews have suffered as a people.

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Wailing Wall

Day 15: Jesus' Steps, the Last Days - Messianic LectureToday we walk where Jesus walked; beginning the day with apanoramic view of the city, Mount Moriah and the Dome of the Rockfrom atop the Mount of Olives and then the Garden of Gethsemane.How many have wished to be whisked back in time to get a glimpseof our Lord or hear His voice if only for a moment? To walk betweenthe ancient olive trees, read the scriptures of Jesus' prayer and taketime for personal reflection is important here. Next we visit theHouse of Caiaphas where Jesus was beaten and spit upon. See a pitwhere he may have been held for the evening and the ancient hillsidesteps he walked as he was taken to be condemned. On our way intothe city we will visit the Wailing Wall and then the fascinating Rab-binical Tunnels leading us through the Second Temple era. The tun-nel and exhibit give a clear understanding of the amazingconstruction of the Temple Mount, giant stones, water supply andRoman street where our Lord was led to judgment. Before exiting thetunnel we see the immense cornerstone rejected by the builders. Wemove on to the Judgment Hall of Pilate, hear of those who conspiredagainst Him and are reminded of His brutal beating and humiliation.This evening we enjoy a special lecture by a local believer prior to din-ner, giving us a perspective of Messianic life in Israel.

Day 16: City of David, Hezekiah's TunnelWe begin our sightseeing just outside the Dung Gate on the south-eastern hill below the Temple Mount in the City of David. It was dur-ing the time of Solomon that the city limits extended past this part ofJerusalem. We visit Gihon Springs, the original water source forJerusalem, view new excavations including a typical Israelite four-room house, the lower city wall. A highlight today will be a water walkthrough the incredible Hezekiah's Tunnel to the pool of Siloam, theplace of Jesus' miracle in John 9. Before returning to our hotel, ourguide will take us to an overview of the city from the hillside over-looking Jerusalem and the Gehenna Valley. This meaningful teachingtime will bring together the many things that you have seen to date.

Day 17: Way of Suffering, Garden Tomb, Pentecost, BethlehemWhile walking along the Via Dolorosa, we are reminded of His way ofsuffering along with a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Ourguide will explain the differing opinions on the route that Christ wasled and the actual place of crucifixion and burial is a very interestingstudy. The climax of the day is the area of Golgotha (place of theskull) and the Garden Tomb, where we celebrate the resurrectionwith communion and a time of praise. This afternoon we visit theSouthern Wall Excavations. This southern side of The Temple wasthe main entrance for the common folk, whereas the Priests andLevites had their own entrance from the higher eastern side. Parts ofthe giant stairs, which led to the Temple Mount from the courtyardhave been unearthed along with the purification pools. From hereJesus entered the Temple Mount and drove out the vendors andmoney exchangers who were exploiting the people. It is also likelythat this is the place that Peter stood and preached and where thou-sands were saved and baptized on the Day of Pentecost. We will enjoya challenge from God’s word and a song before an optional time thisafternoon. Those who wish may stay in the city marketplace for shop-ping, while others may choose to spend the remainder of the day sur-rounding the birth of Christ, with a visit to Bethlehem.

Day 18: HomeA very early morning departure for the Tel Aviv Airport for our flighthomeward will allow for arrival home by early afternoon.


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Dead Sea Float

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