THE EVENING 3 L DECEMBER illll Priestess Who Fainted of...

j y ajrfyyeT iffdw qa EW s i- sv Dl i i r > THE EVENING w < 3 B L D AY DECEMBER 31 1 9 O 7 illll r Julia Ml AgeJ Sixteen Fainted l nder fij Sjof a Greek Letter Society TELLS All TO MOTHER PT Latter AceUn and Move Jo Suppress Sig- ma ¬ Gamma Begins lORcEK LEiacR TESTS FOk GirU STUDENT Her hand un tiruitt Into inorcury- isuppoa rii to Iwj molten lad Keet jer < td from under licr falllnc- upon pillows J MOJ to clasp a clammy hand a wet glove jj Forced to drink i i ous lliuld from kull Ilrnndedon backUltlifIce told It- wanadd < Pjetty Julia Mlfls nlxtecn yivirs old If In such a state of terror that Uono- of her Klrl friends points a rinser and ays boo she is ready ts swoon cMIss anils Is a mcml r uf an upncr west side family also of tho Slzmu- amma < Society a Greek letter orsauj- Mtlon of the KlrU of orivato und preparatory school of tho cltv It Is- h ordeal through whlcfi sue pnssvd- to qualify as the latter that has left hTer with shattered nerves and arouse If tha mothers of many school KlrU of- t t liutessilnp 4tthe city Mls Sllllj waslnrUi on Saturday Tber Arvjtwuniyslx membet ot the oclety and Mlrs Jo < cphln Mcort- daushter of llhi Klliabeth Moore of Ko JS51 Broadway is thu hlsh crjeteiu- of the order Mins Mlllx Is OuuMlcsT- Wid the mcmbersnln Is no larger and the ritual is no lonscr Tho traditional Voat associated for no lone In the DODU Jar mind with menji secret societies was not used bttt MS MIU doesnt think this waa duo to any consideration for her H was In a lialf hysterical condltlo- tthtt Miss Mills staczercd homo after rocelvlnjc the desree Her mother madt Inquiry and became very Indignant T st rday twenty earnest mothers held m tlnir at Mrs Moores home where th nltlatlon wi field nnd Miss Mills repeated the story of her harrowing In- lUatlon A T IUof Her Ordeil- As a result of the meeting It wxs de- d d to iwjther un nd destroy tho- Sljrma Gnmma vlth maternal xrrath and then start a crusade acnlnst all school Klrla secret socJliea Ulroachout- tti countp- Ot course Miss Mlllss terrors were sJl purely Imaclnar but her sufferinc- w rnone tho le Intense Her mother Is lender In the new movement dcilsned- to sboffsh secret sociotlcn anioiiK nlrls- Prt aratlona belnr complete Mink Mills according to her ory was sum- moned ¬ to appear Saturday Slio nas- usJbyed Into u dimly Hjchtod room ne two lines of lUKUbrlous bl ck- nsrures she wan led to tho blsh- prl sesa Are you prepared to underco ordeals yourself fit to Ixconie a sister orderr olemnlyi asked the J am she answered anC wis led to- an anteroom At a sltmal sho nas led back to the assoniblasa and told that af jr tilsjlrjtust there iould be no turning tack 0- Thl will b a twt of your fortitude of yourntnooi to bo a siiier You ar- orO r dtto thrust your hand Into u small caldron of molten lead which you see tMfof you Heady Obcv orders i- MM Mills dnvhed her hand Into the and sank to her kneos In frlsht she recovered hnr composure I- nsrttha was surprised to note tliat the caldron wa filled with mercury Ar- he wiu led from tha room When nli- onruriiediho was toid to over some pillowsto the top of xmo hcupotlblocks AV1 she was malntalnlnR her balance there the pries tew iod licr that the ipllipws hid u irsp door and aho must drop Sou i of slfflit The fClammy Hand Test Suddenly the llcit nont out MUj- ailll fclT tho Mockx srf way beneath hr andiHhu felt licrjolf Auvr dawn >rid Ihcn land on thu pltfJv A ropu hid bcen Ucd lj tlm luivesCT andia- eoiifedcrate had pulled thcjrope- Onpe KgaliuiUio was lc1 tKto tlmjinl ftsJiistliiPcrt- ilnlng to he 15CXK facts snd- luresrjJn < l In The World Alnulj WB1 ria EncyciopeJla for IMS t- jsptcment Is made that This Is t amidmost com jttdy rcftrencc book ev r find at newsstands Tor 2- f Unqucstlonibly this is tru < but comes to a DAILY g- to positions Workers Homfs- veslrntrits c Fat icr- tpj KnlckcrlCKker nearly always turn The Worlds Want i Directory j Jj medium of supply which 1402938 jeparate offerfe nd reijtiests have been printed j Who Fainted at Initiation High Priestess of Sigma Gamma 80eietv t room end brought dock blindfolded A droning voTco told of a snvered clammy hand which each of the b- lovcd sisters had grasped before be- coming ¬ One of rthe order 0A prlestesa ordered to bring in on a tray tho hamL- Tfca candidate was ordered to Rraip- thu hand for which rhu only feel ShUddcrine she lnpluntarilyd- rwjvrliaek her arm when lio felt the clamjjjy Ilncers- Sheyyuss Jed back blindfolded Into the small roam Icnorant of ths foj that she hud raxp <Hl a wet chamois skin Jgloviy niiivjwith sand end not a human tirihd Drink from Skull Acaln she wsir led forth this time to drink a nauseating J liquid out of a skull which liquid would erv to make her of one blood wltJi her other prospective shters Itevoltlnic at each itulti t ho wuj compelled to drain the ikulL So th6 nervo racklntr Usta went on Kitvatly U e voice of the priestess wa holKl to siy Now tor tlio final supreme teat Gather ull your rcmainlnc courafio- snUn b > thu lime wj u niinui qjan- tlt > and pupjr for chu tUbt severe tost of all ijuhrul icuardtans lead Uiy iardidatu to an uieroi > m strip her io tliu WJ ft bind her arm bcnlnd net arid then brlnE her back In u Jtw moments the clrl now al- most ¬ hysterical ihti broucht back fiicn thu stun oronlns volcu went on- In order Ui inin ceremony be In- deilbly = ptuccd on your mind It la nec that th letters of our beloved1- fr ternUv bo butuwji1 upn your baok- in l cldi OBirdltigs rand nhe candl- At the nrst touch illis JIHU ank to the floor When she ha4- liein revived It ua explained to her ttwiti the brnndinK had been done with a piece of Ice The Initiators then look od their robes congratulated the l> dra rclrd- nornoul trlrl and UiurMit her the KriD and counterslcn The Kirl mothers ay thaUthe rlra- gol their notions of Initiation from brothers who bclonjr to college fra iiemltle w Police Accept 500000 Real Estate Bond for Chauffeur John E Tyner tncniythrce years old n chauffeur employed by H P Wood nortli who Is stopping at the Knicker- bocker ¬ Hotel ran down and seriously Injured Miss Kloanor Cox twentynine years oldiof IJo We t Klftys venth street while drlvtnc tho Wood rorth automobile northttm Broadway at Klfty- tecot 3 street at l oclock this morning Mru Woodworth was In th automo- bile V the time MlstfCox was Iff ted Into tho muchlni and hurried to Itooso- Velt Hospital w> erc Dr Hution pro- nounced ¬ her Injuries dangerous Mrs Woodworth told lIeut Kelly she had no rtal rotate in the city buti offered to no on Tyner bond to the extent of htU a million dollar worth of rvil- pitnto In Hochuster N V Ho accepted t e ball i j GALE DRIVES A LINER AGAINST POLICE BOAT Hawser Parts and tprinz August Wilhelm Splashes Side or the tHatrolN- Tho Print AuKUat Wllhrim of the HoniuursVaiorlcan LlneV Atlaa sci- vlce lad traublu In making her Lerth- at PKl 1 today otvlnt to tf north- westerly ¬ gale lbit kltkeil un u lively chop In U rlVur A hawtor tuned an l the liner Hwuns ar Autl on tho DOSICU- t> 0at 1 4tlo I nuil tnniifd In U tide nhrlRit uwav p rt of tiio rail HalOon wither hud utttndeJ the AUiuit Wilhflm in tier > cat ilndiJn- Kniis ltay of KlnK ton Jamaica a- jjanlMtuscr on tt boat declared tnnt- in trlcKn l nnd city wns innklns- Ullis poMr rthulldm tto iiru Insurance tomrractrit were slow In dol- Vftll rtUJIld tho city Jtii S- TAKES ipOISON1 ftS CAPTURE BT POLICE IS WEAR rife ii wniinm o yinr old accuwll of- comraittid milcldq l i t nlirht In- ho Korh fido 4U l ° police wiroi about to urrwt him following a ciuR- ll uVer too city When brought to bay lthunl rushed Into a and ilr nk carbolic qld dying savoral hour They Aust Have Been Tested Wifh a Troweli Some Say C W Cameron the atone mason mu- itlcol expert of the tiO3rd of Education today took refuse behind the committee appointed to Investigate tho many wheexy pianos be lac used In the public school At the first meeting of the committee yesterday Itdevclopid that for ho last elicht years Mr Camtron who Is dejis- nated on the city pa > Yoll as Inspector of Masonry1 to the Board of Education hae been selecting the Instruments used In the schools f- Mr Cimeron docs not look like n- llnx > r of tone and njort rHe Uot medium heleht slender and a mo it- oesth < ttc looVlne He wears a Vandyke beurtcodrtmmed elacnes snd a Uoi tones expression When h talks bo puts on the soft Dedal The piano expert l tettlns cement the chief clerk Informed an Evenlijr World reporter when the latter called at the Board of Educatlon today How does Ill happen that lie also tests pianos tie ohief clerk was asked Oh > ou see he ihaji been here for a ton time und although IJB Is a building sxptri hols also an expert mumclin- Hi utedto be an organist In on of tho leading ohurihcs- It would hardly be proper for me to talk Juit now d MrCameron uhen- heai pe rrd with no racetof cement on his wellauras clothes Th hcartntf was adjourned until Friday Frank K Jtix a director of music In the schools and Edward Marcuard a supervisor of mualc tei lined that the alleged nc Instruments were not new at nil Only the boxes they came In wens new According to the chief clerk thi- planoi ure purchased from bidders TJiestonc mason duty U to lot them Some of teitphers say thla must b- Oano with a trowel Pechner Had a Right to Waive Defense Magistrate De- cides Samuel Pechner a hJw > er who was arrested at thelnstnnce of the District Attorney ofnccf wa discuaned from custody today by Mairfstratc Droece In the Centre Street Police Court Pechnerwns accused of a conspiracy to Illegally annul the marrtase of a client Iouls Feldman a tailor Feld- man nnd his brother tiaumel also were arrested Droese held thnt Pochner had a perfect rlcnt to take JiW from Harry S ll n In b < hAJf of Jils client Rollsti who in Koldmnns broibern- liw naltl to have paid the money with th understanding that Kcldmnn would let Ills wife pet a divorce by- Tne OcfUrt said that Pcchncj had n- rlKlU to waive defence In thtfi pundJrts action with or without ti of INSANE CKy ulna llnusjc Inmate FouKUl When tlrirrii 1 hint John Secry thirty no home was thcl- Icrcd last nlj t Iri tha City Lidsfnjr- il utc Twcntjthird htrcvt and llr t- jVenuc but fought the pallceman Mia tnoed tiiore when It waa suiK tcd ho- D tO l Cl j rttroma McQuado had lo call on lie einployeeji to n sUt him and Hcir- to > Ibillcvue and FURNITURE MAN ASSIGNS Mbf 8TJompn dealer Jn fur llurn- nnd rarr ts nl Xot S Mfenl One dre t and Twvnty lftti reel todiiya- fnlBTKd fcr thr lincfl of crolttors to- Jr a < j and tioulu J Hlmbenr- A nMlraa fllrl Art C lmd r r r inOHj- n trn rolpm ill > trlbilrU nllli Tbn cn- daX nWld on Jan S IS > itd 111 itratrr- Xrw Tork enly O t tb rrHIUM Art f UMir r Tvoj Aten Arrested Theatre Alleged Flat j her and Footpad Aftcf TajliTcXTwenty- of No S East SIxfyseventh street and Gerson Goldman of Xo 1133 Third avenue were arrested by two Central Office detectives us the men were leav- ing ¬ Proctors Theatro on ° f1lftjeljhth street last nl ht Goldman Is ohariced with having robinJ everal Ilatx on Lhe- U7 > cr eist j wal Tauslek accord- ing ¬ to rhe police tvfts one of the threfl men who on Dec held up robbed and belt Insensible aa unidentified rran In Central Park The men offered no resistance when arrested but Vatflcy reucicd the doo- ff the Cast KUtyiim cic = i tafui one of them broke from the detectives ttniap and ran UuRn tticstictU- l urnlnc the other prUuacr over to tau staUun pollc th detectives pur kurd the fugitive for nearly ttvoLlci IQC Cries not bringing the man to a atand- atlll the iK tlcimen tlrvU several shots at him Tnrri he cave himself up The prisoners were 1jckcd up at HeaJ quarters Northern and Union Pacific Reading Copper and Steel Lead in the Trading Stacks se weil In the early market1- toilA prlecn sujnsiiiiT within thtr- jinpo of a point Tho owning whlc- n aln ut c ca vi a foltaned by a- stronj rally In uhiai thi pcnrraj 1U- IjharcJ Northern Iacillc Headlns Union Incltlc AmalSJmated Coptxr and Steel IcJJtnc- L lcr priest ran off on prom taklnjc- nttho BhiaiB t Rain n < ru h d Th- trad In ic wUcli alirxrJ lull bccamt Individual stocks made advances at noon but the c neral drift was back- ward ¬ and demand waa lrIxullicain New York Ctilcago and St l iulj sec- ond ¬ preferred roao 3 InterborouKh- Metropolltan tirrferred 1J4 N Jllonul- UUculls 1 1J llocklnif Valley Trust re- ceipt ¬ 1 1 United State 1lpe pre tt rred 1 aid Northwcsteni and nutlsnd preferred 1 Uonds ere tretolftl rjles nf stock Were Ot and of bomli 27CaO- O1rlcr I ricr at- llljra rJwret oi- re as l w- Allls 6 + Chain1 ATOAl Cir Coivr i M- Amr tl fflfi = ii Am Ooiwn Oil = Ainrr 15 t i- Amrr l Co V h W JT i- AW tfra > nu- A S- ni a To i AucoaJs J- At T- liajt jL oa- ioKaVI = M IMlJ- MU iw5- cnte 13- Ccl > 137t- U Kutl t Iron W Cut Soiithtrad Dt t S S Corj jfr- Ol Its J oW f Uj h ISJpl lis u- f J14 K JtTT- ita K X T- J SiC b iSrVI w ± Ndrth cnMl- K i Y AtrfcraV r ij T CentnK- bnt 11 V 1H- HraJIne >V t M 31- IflUS Ti JIM VA- 5n WJ Itoik l i il SJS i > = JV siiBrr- touih lSP n liiWway- Mu J Mf isii ± t- a T radl- Afilli z is- tiTj jii MJ- Sfc M Dr Isenbiel Asking Prisor Term for Editor Tells of Letter He Received DEKMN > c 51 At the opening todnjji henrlnc of tne lUrdcniVoc- Moltke llxl ilUlt the JuJpo ijue tlonH Count Kuno von llotke as to whether hohid tcslentu from the army as s result of tha articles jiiibllshcd by Hir- n In Die Zttkunft The Count r- npondnl cmprTirtsany In tho atrinra- tve The Statft Attorn ry Dr Isenblel xth r- orn sl tho pleadlncs and Jemiinded th- Imnnsltfonj of a jentciicn o four monthi- lmprl onmcnl ivjcnlmt Harden He do- clared thai he n d received a lettei- Ihrtatenlns him with death lfth ver- dict of tho Court was unfavorable tc Harden lie felt oblfjrcd to call atten- tion to till letter but he laughed al the threat Dr I enb l stated that Harden bsi- axumed that there existed near th- peroon of the Emperor a croup of mer whose lnlluence wo1 detrimental to th Interests of th jatherlanij and whlct- he felt himself called upon to dlip rse- Amontr tho members of thU croup wcr Prince Philip zu Kulenbur and Ku c von Moltkc- Harden1 attacked these two men and founding his accusation upon the mer < word of an hysterical w jAn iJre von Elbe and upoa tatcninti midt- by her mother llrs von Hcyd n wile was quite untrustworthy he declared them to be possessed of abnormal1 ten- dencies J Continuing Dr Isenbiel < ald Count von Moltke who haa been besmirched by Harden leaves this court complete cleared he Is without rtaln a noblo man from head to foot Prince xu- Sulcnburr Is equally vindicated I do not know what the Emperor ld to Count von Moltke but he prob- ulily told him CSo Von Moltke and cloar yourielfr stcmp out this poison- ous ¬ snake Dr Isenblel refcrrlnK1 to Harderis motives said he believed hla arUcltJ had been actuated a always by pure- ly ¬ political purposes but In fllii In- stance ¬ hs had Injured tho Katherland- nnd he therefore merlttsl punishment Ukc I rzarus he had burnt his self niaIe tvincs and fallen Into a sea of lie DT Sello counsel for Count von Mollke then mide a brief address In Which he said Harden had permitted himself to be poreuaded Into a resret able act and pictured von MoltkV as- a map of c3Ctr ncJy4Bentle and sym pntjietScjnaturc f f Count von Moltke thVp spoke jn hs own behalf He raid had discarded bis rwaiyxuniform becffure he did not KanF It btamlrched IIe denied that any political aroup or cimartlla existed crJr th penion of the Emperor The only xrbiip In the cntuuracc of Emperor William th Count declared wts ue Imperial family circle which wu loVvd- ami honoitM throughout the land Herr itcrnatrlii attorney for ifiij dr- fcn e tva tlieil heard HP reviewed all the incldentM of both trials Ho said that allo rrce should 1 nude for Har- d n because of the public services he had rendered durlnp hl career iHa- rdn the stlorzi y ctlartfd Jjad no rea- son ¬ toidoubt thejword of Mrs von Elbai- tc wns lmpre rd by Prince von IH- narcks statements concerning th Uc- WntHrger Inciitetlt and thfl e tlmony of- t rof Schwtnlnser regarding Von Moltke Tli pas airi of the articles In ques Ion Herr Hcrnsieln continued had been lycti a faUe mcannK b detachlnx hem frotiytthfGeneral context Harden ml meixly and for thU town iot ituffrr In conclusion it protailed against ImprUonmsit- la his client The court then adjourned until next Tljirsday when Jarden Kill b heard n hl own defense Fire Truct Driver Steers Into L Pillars to Save An- other i Man r Driver Alec Unprer of Hook and Ladder Jo 3S to sve tho driver of a- Icllvery wasonfrvxri proiablc death in- i collUton today veered his ponderous Ire apparatus Into one of the elevated illlar at Coluinbus avenue nd Slxy wan the driver escaped unhurt tnjrercr wnsrJiurkvl frotn his hlith eat ai his vclilclc ca htd against tno- ateel stipp rtW Ax he fell he Ui iarne s of on f in three anlmaU and romainod suspended a few Incises from he pavement until liclp arrived Had inswrer1 fallen tothe p vem < nl tt > firp- mrn sa hit would huV t eon crushed o death ncath the hi >ji of h s tunr M- ihb truck was damaged considerably Jnservr wit litlpcd tu tl < eai and rc- urnc1 to the hou > e s- irnRjrcr1 was hurrylnB w a r In the JJanlo Flats Jn Ve t nlntli m t shortly bcforu < elKht i > clock when the crfd nt Tha bulldlnj iv- occupUU cxcfunlvely jiy iesroe- Jlrn At JU Grant carried to the hallwny on the third Hour and then to- thu treet by otlur lodser Tne rtrv- orlKln Kd In lnr apjrtrtent on the vfclrd Hoof and leaped up the air shaft a lt kPSw l li < fourth Moor buv IstiUfd of the fifth Moor Here an old woman and nniHI children vltte xjundly ulnefilrij Patrolman Sher Ulan und two tlrimtrn led them over the nof to m aUulnliijr ImUdlpi other scantily uttlr d escaped t>> the flrt e None ° f t rt member of th- iam iM m tij buiiaiuj HM ini COST 30000- VAS1UXOTON I > ee 5l31t > rc than WTIS tp Jided bi the Senate on MMlUry Affairs aflray bet c n July 1 IJ05 atidJunaI- VJ ewrdlnK 1Q the report orvuiu- Hecretao uf H1 Konstr llott of tb- itcnin arc for trsvelllpK and other ex- nrtuex of vrltn M t4 T larstst lt n- N PTU for rcportlnr and Ui hearings sseised Valuation of Real Es- tate Has Innieased Nearly 4 Billions in 10 Years Comptroller Meti jrave out statistics today thai now howGreater New YorlfjIs RTOwlnK Wljh the close of th old year he said the Grrajer City will complete Its tenth year rcllpilnK all cities in rapid jrrowthf acd f velopment for that period Ncver before said the Comptroller has any city In oncilecade shown such marveiloun advanc < lh material crowtbv The constantly Increasing requirements of th Krat metropolis have been a sourer of anxiety and earnest considera- tion ¬ for all the municipal admlnrstra- tlcnisince consolidation With the taking over of f mere than one hundred municipalities town shp villas and school districts In- cluded ¬ In the Greater City there was al o assumed not only the debt of tlw e municipalities but the much Greater rejponslblllty of provldlnc for their de- velopment ¬ as a whole The Increase In Wealth The Inertant In the of the city as shown In the asKesseil valuations of- thJ real estate ftwned by Its people haj- b en J37tSW37Sk The total funded debt on Deix SI 1 7 of the citiestowns and villages taken Into the Greater Cltv was JEL- W7Ua On Novil 1WJ the amount had trown to J72tStlfc7 Jleanwhlle tlie- holdlncs of the citys sinklrut funds have crown from rgiS n th 3sy be- fore ¬ consolidation to lttl07JS91 on Nov 1 1W7 The net fundcd ebt waa- CtS7W = on Doc 11 1W7 and CJS1I4- O on Nov 1 1W Practically every dollar rained by the Issue of corporate stock of itbe city has been expended for public improvements and In addi- tion ¬ thereto Uwrc had txen nuth rlsd- ui to Jov 1 U07 Issues of corporate tocc to the further amount of- f < Ci sales for which have not yet tyrtn held but ajraliut which there were ouulandlnK conlracta to the nmount of TI0 K0- TIiU fact when considered In connec- tion ¬ with the debt ifmlt nxed by the oonatttutlon of the State i t itb serious consideration of providing by- law for an extewlon or expansion at- Uvecltya borrowinje capacity City> Debt Margin On Oct a list the citys debt manrtn- aa shown by a report presented by me- to the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment ¬ WJMI CSro3E3 The increase In thV a s edVaItiaUons of real eataU- thrbushout th tc3 <y for the t ot two year ha i en sameOilns over CwACOfcW- Jeaehj year anJ U U hanjly reuwrrohl- eInview of tile presentfinancial sttua- tlon to expect tliat the Inctvase In WH1 over 1W will be more even IT it la as- thuclidW In Uie prewJIns two years It will be tafer to estlmat tie In- cn xaluations st HOOO- MM J rd asifwfwi which would mean that In Jul- nJrt the debt conlractnr power of the IncitsanMl Prc ° rllv will be t t Atn iun or JWiXO 000 Vilnco lo Would bV the u ua Jncr nent of lie Slnklnn Fund aver 0- VJ to JltOOHOfn nnd the anioiinC in eluded In the annual tax budireti for the redemption f h c > whlch f ° r- ll < was at S B- HONOR1 JUDGE fanrf jiirycr rrUc Him on Kvv f Ur lr t- All the Juilzra slttins n General EMOIIS Special Stvuiloas nnd several Marlttmto Courts cathered In Part I- of Gcniril eonji today to do honor t Judse Whitman who retire U pri- vate ¬ practic hivllis > erre < l hU ap- pointive ¬ twin on the bench Jude Warren W Footer msde n eulo- elittlc address on bohnlf of the bench and other p chM Inthe same trnor- et praise were made hy formff Awlst- aur DlnttrlctAttorney llob < rt Town npn < l A lstanl ntMrlctAttornev Mar Khali Jamejt W Osborne Edw rd- r iiitertKiPli nnd Abmham l> v The ceremony waK a ncluJd by the readlnsr- of a resolution Jrtod by the Grand Jury today In hkh Uie Juror Ar- rloreil the l a to tlie bench of Judjre- Whltmon J MISSING JERSEY LAWYER SOUGHT ilN ENGLAND N Dec Jl A description rol Peter Hntley an attornerot Nrw Jer- my who dlsappeiml at IJvert 5l early n December Js bflns circulated In the newspapers here by hit Ixmdon solici- tors ¬ with a iwiuest for any Informa lan rc rdlnc the mjsslnc man Mr- tentler Jtft l omlon to catch the unord line ftnuncr UustcinU bound Kerr York HU frtendu hers rrc lved n telecram- nnrounclns JiM af arrival at IJvcrK- KJl but iie did not ill on the iiirlix nnd nothing haa since beenheard- of Wm For Infanta ond Chil- drenWLDOUCLA3 350 SHOES Atrialwi II convince i t 350shoei are thebest in the world Stern h Srultr lit Totk- CU ltro 1w T cor Ha vntd- TU llOA WEr Ttot l 51- S4 llnMilH OW 4tQ t- n n- Irt S uuii t- tu nl K- rn IhlrJ A- rsnrilrl AT r Vullures and Hyenas Says Police Jurist Fronj His Bench SORRY FOR WAGNER Tells Asscmbljman How He Has Been Betrayed During Wran- glein ¬ Court Magistrate Crarv and Kobrrt F Wasner of the Twenty eo- ond A nby District wrangled In Harlem Police Court todar wlitn An- n blym n Wanner p5 red ai omi- el In nirrraT < n for Itfendantu- oharceil j with violating tlw xc law A mblrra n TVa caer U chief courj e- ltf T th Lliruor E alers A oclalpn of- th u ri part of Greater New Yorki- FlT ca es had been adjourned until J oclock tali morning Se tor WaTn r- dM no appear In court until JO oclock when two ca e had benf dUpo d of- MagUfrata Crane holding the defend- ants ¬ for trial at Spd2l Sessions A- Flmllar fate awnllrd tli other three de- fendants ¬ although Uacner was on hand to look afterrtbXr Interests Well JudK exclaimed the Senator after the but e4 had been disposed of- HI do nt majae sinr dlffereSce what orden <re I have TTu wont b ll e anr- of my i llne jes- No retortedtheCMactslrate I donl believe any o your winejueaor any of your evidence You tell me that all of these people referring to tb wtnes t produced In the case by Va nerJ r- irlends of the defendants You can co out on any street and pick up forty wltn e who will swear to what these popl have worn to- TI Lquor DwiSera Association trylnx to run the courts of New York1- It do run every court but nxicourt Why Judce UM Liquor Dealers A- odatJon Is compa J of men ianded to- KethervtO do pood rtiplled Wa ner Senator > a<oer the Had trat you have bera iflren the worst of It by Tammany Hal 1 know that jrou wer to LaveJlAd but rou were turned down Tammany Hall nothlns but a lofof vultures and hy- enas There la no more humanity there than there I In any tramp that walks th tretsrH- ENRIETTA JEWELL FREE Jewell No 311 U t Seven tyllilrd reeU vho wa broujcht back to thU city Item MiadJeioro At a u- a iuiuay = Ut t on n ctv r eof raua larceny prttcrred by JuUs Joncenaen- a w ller of SSI iBroadway mho alleced that she had pbtalMd from him a rtnir worth irzi was dl- chArse l from custody by Ma 1triLr- In the Tomba Court yeatarday Aged RiissHui utliQr Has Hb Shoulder Mslpcated but ls Better ST fETEUSIUS d Dec Jl Ijaaj reach l h of an accident tsj Count > iTolft Tfie author w thrown by tUmbSlns horM jind n a dfalocstted tiioulder In spltsj- of hi advanced 3R the Count cnaklne a rapid recovery rxjgi a dirof cheer good wlliis easily and quickly de xrriptort of remarkable power sm- di iWbentjrptilporcnsite 11 armflf- yoojbujr KstJifaciary ipiiwii lltli- X pXLT JO i L AttmanO- N THURSDAY JAN 2d- i ISMISSSIHHSBSBISS- liA VERY IMPORTANT SALE Wlfefc BE iHELD OF- WOMENS G0AJFS AND iW GREATLY BELOW THE USUAL PRICES ALSO SALES OF HOUSEHOLD LINENS MUSLU MI- T SHEETS ANDiPlLLOW CASES iBLANKEllg- COMFORTABLES AND BEDSPREADS J5- 1fj Armrar You know if your boweb occasional help Give it to them easOy and regularly one C ascaret- v a time Don t wait till night- f Iff i J j Q- P i Axrhillion lxaii rhont- hTtiiViiwys i IelpIIC c in- eeryjlwximeiMTaX Wiofi B cHt nVppiqe candy laintrve- GaicJire O W- I a cure H>owel irotitlcs iwKeh hi illsiKnticorhe fr6m ncityejowe- Ttonlcof Iy wheni- msa wheh iklon fc linaKithetaltOTC BsiW- t f Mmt < iOrwG iretUr eMKe f 9 ° n t titeiit toiilfHt Ttticc1 it iittipncel Garrynppx iniyoor pociustv- T ctHbursDctbreb dumcarctto tfcf6dt6ib wa- G iMreBrevBe lconcl5pleasant XhclrhctlpniSfasnnttjril- w tfe aetiohj ijtruitiionihe ibdweli TKey ore bpitt gpod iukj- jif ° uVi i is A GSscarcta JBrfeiicnndyilolileti ey r M a i- t butlnevcrihbuk BciSurpVyou gel ihc acnuirie > iin iGCG bh- everytablet Jlic price 7s50c 25c and ri

Transcript of THE EVENING 3 L DECEMBER illll Priestess Who Fainted of...

j y ajrfyyeT iffdw qa EW s i-

svDl i i r >




Julia Ml AgeJ SixteenFainted l nder fij Sjof a

Greek Letter Society


PTLatter AceUn

and Move Jo Suppress Sig-



Gamma Begins


FOk GirU STUDENTHer hand un tiruitt Into inorcury-

isuppoa rii to Iwj molten ladKeet jer < td from under licr falllnc-

upon pillows J

MOJ to clasp a clammy hand awet glove jj

Forced to drink i i ous lliuldfrom kull

Ilrnndedon backUltlifIce told It-

wanadd <

Pjetty Julia Mlfls nlxtecn yivirs oldIf In such a state of terror that Uono-of her Klrl friends points a rinser andays boo she is ready ts swoon

cMIss anils Is a mcml r uf an upncrwest side family also of tho Slzmu-

amma< Society a Greek letter orsauj-Mtlon of the KlrU of orivato undpreparatory school of tho cltv It Is-

h ordeal through whlcfi sue pnssvd-to qualify as the latter that has lefthTer with shattered nerves and arouseIf tha mothers of many school KlrU of-



liutessilnp 4tthe cityMls Sllllj waslnrUi on Saturday

Tber Arvjtwuniyslx membet ot theoclety and Mlrs Jo < cphln Mcort-

daushter of llhi Klliabeth Moore ofKo JS51 Broadway is thu hlsh crjeteiu-of the order Mins Mlllx Is OuuMlcsT-

Wid the mcmbersnln Is no larger andthe ritual is no lonscr Tho traditional

Voat associated for no lone In the DODUJar mind with menji secret societieswas not used bttt MS MIU doesntthink this waa duo to any considerationfor her

H was In a lialf hysterical condltlo-tthtt Miss Mills staczercd homo afterrocelvlnjc the desree Her mother madtInquiry and became very IndignantT st rday twenty earnest mothers held

m tlnir at Mrs Moores home whereth nltlatlon wi field nnd Miss Millsrepeated the story of her harrowing In-

lUatlonA T IUof Her Ordeil-

As a result of the meeting It wxs de-d d to iwjther un nd destroy tho-

Sljrma Gnmma vlth maternal xrrathand then start a crusade acnlnst allschool Klrla secret socJliea Ulroachout-tti countp-

Ot course Miss Mlllss terrors weresJl purely Imaclnar but her sufferinc-w rnone tho le Intense Her motherIs lender In the new movement dcilsned-to sboffsh secret sociotlcn anioiiK nlrls-

Prt aratlona belnr complete MinkMills according to her ory was sum-moned


to appear Saturday Slio nas-usJbyed Into u dimly Hjchtod room ne

two lines of lUKUbrlous bl ck-nsrures she wan led to tho blsh-

prl sesaAre you prepared to underco ordeals

yourself fit to Ixconie a sisterorderr olemnlyi asked the

J am she answered anC wis led to-

an anteroom At a sltmal sho nas ledback to the assoniblasa and told thataf jr tilsjlrjtust there iould be noturning tack 0-

Thl will b a twt of your fortitudeof yourntnooi to bo a siiier You ar-orO r dtto thrust your hand Into u smallcaldron of molten lead which you seetMfof you Heady Obcv orders i-

MM Mills dnvhed her hand Into theand sank to her kneos In frlshtshe recovered hnr composure I-

nsrttha was surprised to note tliat thecaldron wa filled with mercury Ar-

he wiu led from tha room When nli-onruriiediho was toid to over somepillowsto the top of xmo hcupotlblocksAV1 she was malntalnlnR her balancethere the pries tew iod licr that theipllipws hid u irsp door and aho mustdrop Sou i of slfflit

The fClammy Hand TestSuddenly the llcit nont out MUj-

ailll fclT tho Mockx srf way beneathhr andiHhu felt licrjolf Auvr dawn

>rid Ihcn land on thu pltfJv A ropuhid bcen Ucd lj tlm luivesCT andia-eoiifedcrate had pulled thcjrope-

Onpe KgaliuiUio was lc1 tKto tlmjinl


ilnlng to he 15CXK facts snd-luresrjJn< l In The World Alnulj

WB1 ria EncyciopeJla for IMS t-

jsptcment Is made that This Is t

amidmost comjttdy rcftrencc book ev rfind at newsstands Tor 2-

f Unqucstlonibly this is tru < butcomes to a DAILY g-

to positions Workers Homfs-veslrntrits c Fat icr-

tpjKnlckcrlCKker nearly always turn

The Worlds Wanti Directory

j Jj medium of supplywhich 1402938 jeparate offerfend reijtiests have been printed


Who Fainted at Initiation HighPriestess of Sigma Gamma 80eietv


room end brought dock blindfoldedA droning voTco told of a snveredclammy hand which each of the b-

lovcd sisters had grasped before be-


One of rthe order 0A prlestesaordered to bring in on a tray tho

hamL-Tfca candidate was ordered to Rraip-

thu hand for which rhu onlyfeel ShUddcrine she lnpluntarilyd-rwjvrliaek her arm when lio felt theclamjjjy Ilncers-

Sheyyuss Jed back blindfolded Into thesmall roam Icnorant of ths foj thatshe hud raxp <Hl a wet chamois skin

Jgloviy niiivjwith sand end not a humantirihd

Drink from SkullAcaln she wsir led forth this time

to drink a nauseating J liquid out of askull which liquid would erv tomake her of one blood wltJi her otherprospective shters Itevoltlnic at eachitulti t ho wuj compelled to drain theikulL So th6 nervo racklntr Usta wenton Kitvatly U e voice of the priestesswa holKl to siy

Now tor tlio final supreme teatGather ull your rcmainlnc courafio-snUn b > thu lime wj u niinui qjan-

tlt > and pupjr for chu tUbt severetost of all ijuhrul icuardtans leadUiy iardidatu to an uieroi >m stripher io tliu WJ ft bind her arm bcnlndnet arid then brlnE her back

In u Jtw moments the clrl now al-


hysterical ihti broucht backfiicn thu stun oronlns volcu went on-

In order Ui inin ceremony be In-deilbly= ptuccd on your mind It la nec

that th letters of our beloved1-fr ternUv bo butuwji1 upn your baok-in l cldi OBirdltigs rand nhe candl-

At the nrst touch illis JIHU ankto the floor When she ha4-

liein revived It ua explained to herttwiti the brnndinK had been done witha piece of Ice

The Initiators then look od theirrobes congratulated the l> dra rclrd-nornoul trlrl and UiurMit her the KriDand counterslcn

The Kirl mothers ay thaUthe rlra-gol their notions of Initiation frombrothers who bclonjr to college fraiiemltle w

Police Accept 500000 Real

Estate Bond for


John E Tyner tncniythrce years old

n chauffeur employed by H P Woodnortli who Is stopping at the Knicker-


Hotel ran down and seriouslyInjured Miss Kloanor Cox twentynineyears oldiof IJo We t Klftys venthstreet while drlvtnc tho Wood rorthautomobile northttm Broadway at Klfty-tecot 3 street at l oclock thismorning

Mru Woodworth was In th automo-bile V the time MlstfCox was Iff tedInto tho muchlni and hurried to Itooso-Velt Hospital w> erc Dr Hution pro-


her Injuries dangerous MrsWoodworth told lIeut Kelly she hadno rtal rotate in the city buti offeredto no on Tyner bond to the extentof htU a million dollar worth of rvil-pitnto In Hochuster N V Ho acceptedt e ball i jGALE DRIVES A LINER


Hawser Parts and tprinz AugustWilhelm Splashes Side or

the tHatrolN-

Tho Print AuKUat Wllhrim of theHoniuursVaiorlcan LlneV Atlaa sci-

vlce lad traublu In making her Lerth-at PKl 1 today otvlnt to tf north-westerly


gale lbit kltkeil un u livelychop In U rlVur A hawtor tuned an lthe liner Hwuns ar Autl on tho DOSICU-

t>0at 1 4tlo I nuil tnniifd In U tidenhrlRit uwav p rt of tiio rail

HalOon wither hud utttndeJ theAUiuit Wilhflm in tier > cat ilndiJn-

Kniis ltay of KlnK ton Jamaica a-

jjanlMtuscr on tt boat declared tnnt-in trlcKn l nnd city wns innklns-Ullis poMr rthulldm tto iiruInsurance tomrractrit were slow In dol-

Vftll rtUJIld tho city Jtii S-


rife ii wniinm oyinr old accuwll of-

comraittid milcldq l i t nlirht In-

ho Korh fido 4U l° police wiroiabout to urrwt him following a ciuR-ll uVer too city When brought to bay

lthunl rushed Into a andilr nk carbolic qld dying savoral hour

They Aust Have Been TestedWifh a Troweli Some


C W Cameron the atone mason mu-

itlcol expert of the tiO3rd of Educationtoday took refuse behind the committeeappointed to Investigate tho manywheexy pianos be lac used In the publicschool

At the first meeting of the committeeyesterday Itdevclopid that for ho lastelicht years Mr Camtron who Is dejis-nated on the city pa >Yoll as Inspectorof Masonry1 to the Board of Educationhae been selecting the Instruments usedIn the schools f-

Mr Cimeron docs not look like n-

llnx> r of tone and njort rHe Uotmedium heleht slender and a mo it-

oesth < ttc looVlne He wears a Vandykebeurtcodrtmmed elacnes snd a Uoitones expression When h talks boputs on the soft Dedal

The piano expert l tettlns cementthe chief clerk Informed an EvenlijrWorld reporter when the latter calledat the Board of Educatlon today

How does Ill happen that lie alsotests pianos tie ohief clerk wasasked

Oh > ou see he ihaji been here for aton time und although IJB Is a buildingsxptri hols also an expert mumclin-Hi utedto be an organist In on of tholeading ohurihcs-

It would hardly be proper for me totalk Juit now d MrCameron uhen-heai pe rrd with no racetof cement onhis wellauras clothes

Th hcartntf was adjourned untilFriday Frank K Jtix a director ofmusic In the schools and EdwardMarcuard a supervisor of mualc teilined that the alleged nc Instrumentswere not new at nil Only the boxesthey came In wens new

According to the chief clerk thi-planoi ure purchased from biddersTJiestonc mason duty U to lot themSome of teitphers say thla must b-

Oano with a trowel

Pechner Had a Right to WaiveDefense Magistrate De-


Samuel Pechner a hJw > er who wasarrested at thelnstnnce of the DistrictAttorney ofnccf wa discuaned fromcustody today by Mairfstratc Droece Inthe Centre Street Police Court

Pechnerwns accused of a conspiracyto Illegally annul the marrtase of aclient Iouls Feldman a tailor Feld-man nnd his brother tiaumel also werearrested

Droese held thnt Pochnerhad a perfect rlcnt to take JiW fromHarry S ll n In b <hAJf of Jils clientRollsti who in Koldmnns broibern-liw naltl to have paid the moneywith th understanding that Kcldmnnwould let Ills wife pet a divorce by-

Tne OcfUrt said that Pcchncj had n-

rlKlU to waive defence In thtfi pundJrtsaction with or without ti of


CKy ulna llnusjc Inmate FouKUlWhen tlrirrii 1 hint

John Secry thirty no home was thcl-Icrcd last nlj t Iri tha City Lidsfnjr-il utc Twcntjthird htrcvt and llr t-

jVenuc but fought the pallceman Miatnoed tiiore when It waa suiK tcd ho-

D tO l Cl jrttroma McQuado had lo call on

lie einployeeji to n sUt him and Hcir-to

>Ibillcvue and

FURNITURE MAN ASSIGNSMbf 8TJompn dealer Jn fur llurn-

nnd rarr ts nl Xot S Mfenl Onedre t and Twvnty lftti reel todiiya-fnlBTKd fcr thr lincfl of crolttors to-Jr a<j and tioulu J Hlmbenr-

A nMlraa fllrl Art C lmd r r r inOHj-n trn rolpm ill> trlbilrU nllli Tbn cn-

daX nWld on Jan S IS > itd 111 itratrr-Xrw Tork enly O t tb rrHIUM Art

f UMir r

Tvoj Aten ArrestedTheatre Alleged Flat

j her and Footpad

Aftcf TajliTcXTwenty-of No S East SIxfyseventh streetand Gerson Goldman of Xo 1133 Thirdavenue were arrested by two CentralOffice detectives us the men were leav-ing


Proctors Theatro on°

f1lftjeljhthstreet last nl ht Goldman Is oharicedwith having robinJ everal Ilatx on Lhe-

U7 > cr eist j wal Tauslek accord-ing


to rhe police tvfts one of the threflmen who on Dec held up robbed andbelt Insensible aa unidentified rran InCentral Park

The men offered no resistance whenarrested but Vatflcy reucicd the doo-ff the Cast KUtyiim cic =i tafuione of them broke from the detectivesttniap and ran UuRn tticstictU-

l urnlnc the other prUuacr over totau staUun pollc th detectives purkurd the fugitive for nearly ttvoLlci IQC

Cries not bringing the man to a atand-atlll the iK tlcimen tlrvU several shotsat him Tnrri he cave himself up Theprisoners were 1jckcd up at HeaJquarters

Northern and Union Pacific

Reading Copper and SteelLead in the Trading

Stacks se weil In the early market1-toilA prlecn sujnsiiiiT within thtr-

jinpo of a point Tho owning whlc-

n aln ut c ca vi a foltaned by a-

stronj rally In uhiai thi pcnrraj 1U-

IjharcJ Northern Iacillc HeadlnsUnion Incltlc AmalSJmated Coptxrand Steel IcJJtnc-

L lcr priest ran off on prom taklnjc-

nttho BhiaiB t Rain n < ru h d Th-trad In ic wUcli alirxrJ lull bccamt

Individual stocks made advances atnoon but the c neral drift was back-ward


and demand waa lrIxullicainNew York Ctilcago and St l iulj sec-


preferred roao 3 InterborouKh-Metropolltan tirrferred 1J4 N Jllonul-UUculls 1 1J llocklnif Valley Trust re-


1 1 United State 1lpe prett rred 1 aid Northwcsteni andnutlsnd preferred 1 Uonds ere

tretolftl rjles nf stock Were Otand of bomli 27CaO-

O1rlcrI ricr at-


rJwret oi-re as

l w-

Allls 6 +Chain1ATOAl

CirCoivri M-

Amrtl fflfi = ii

AmOoiwn Oil =

Ainrr15 t i-

Amrrl Co V h WJT i-

AW tfra > nu-A S-


To i

AucoaJs J-

At T-

liajt jL oa-


= M



iw5-cnte 13-

Ccl> 137t-

UKutl t Iron WCut SoiithtradDt t S S Corj jfr-


J oW f Ujh

ISJpl lis u-

fJ14 K JtTT-ita K X T-


SiC biSrVI w ±

Ndrth cnMl-K

iY AtrfcraV r ijT CentnK-

bnt11 V 1H-


>V t M 31-IflUS Ti

JIM VA-5nWJItoik l i il

SJS i> =JV siiBrr-touih




isii ± t-aT radl-

Afilli z is-

tiTj jii MJ-SfcM

Dr Isenbiel Asking Prisor

Term for Editor Tells of

Letter He Received

DEKMN >c 51 At the openingtodnjji henrlnc of tne lUrdcniVoc-Moltke llxl ilUlt the JuJpo ijue tlonHCount Kuno von llotke as to whetherhohid tcslentu from the army as sresult of tha articles jiiibllshcd by Hir-

n In Die Zttkunft The Count r-

npondnl cmprTirtsany In tho atrinra-tve

The Statft Attorn ry Dr Isenblel xth r-

orn sl tho pleadlncs and Jemiinded th-

Imnnsltfonj of a jentciicn o four monthi-lmprl onmcnl ivjcnlmt Harden He do-

clared thai he n d received a lettei-Ihrtatenlns him with death lfth ver-dict of tho Court was unfavorable tcHarden lie felt oblfjrcd to call atten-tion to till letter but he laughed althe threat

Dr I enb l stated that Harden bsi-axumed that there existed near th-

peroon of the Emperor a croup of merwhose lnlluence wo1 detrimental to thInterests of th jatherlanij and whlct-he felt himself called upon to dlip rse-Amontr tho members of thU croup wcrPrince Philip zu Kulenbur and Ku c

von Moltkc-Harden1 attacked these two men and

founding his accusation upon the mer <

word of an hysterical w jAn iJrevon Elbe and upoa tatcninti midt-by her mother llrs von Hcyd n wilewas quite untrustworthy he declaredthem to be possessed of abnormal1 ten-

dencies JContinuing Dr Isenbiel < ald Count

von Moltke who haa been besmirchedby Harden leaves this court completecleared he Is without rtaln a nobloman from head to foot Prince xu-

Sulcnburr Is equally vindicatedI do not know what the Emperor

ld to Count von Moltke but he prob-ulily told him CSo Von Moltke andcloar yourielfr stcmp out this poison-ous


snakeDr Isenblel refcrrlnK1 to Harderis

motives said he believed hla arUcltJhad been actuated a always by pure-ly


political purposes but In fllii In-


hs had Injured tho Katherland-nnd he therefore merlttsl punishmentUkc I rzarus he had burnt his selfniaIe tvincs and fallen Into a sea oflie

DT Sello counsel for Count vonMollke then mide a brief address InWhich he said Harden had permittedhimself to be poreuaded Into a resretable act and pictured von MoltkV as-

a map of c3Ctr ncJy4Bentle and sympntjietScjnaturc f f

Count von Moltke thVp spoke jn hsown behalf He raid had discardedbis rwaiyxuniform becffure he did notKanF It btamlrched IIe denied thatany political aroup or cimartlla existedcrJr th penion of the Emperor Theonly xrbiip In the cntuuracc of EmperorWilliam th Count declared wts ueImperial family circle which wu loVvd-ami honoitM throughout the land

Herr itcrnatrlii attorney for ifiij dr-fcn e tva tlieil heard HP reviewed allthe incldentM of both trials Ho saidthat allo rrce should 1 nude for Har-d n because of the public services hehad rendered durlnp hl career iHa-rdn the stlorzi y ctlartfd Jjad no rea-son


toidoubt thejword of Mrs von Elbai-tc wns lmpre rd by Prince von IH-

narcks statements concerning th Uc-WntHrger Inciitetlt and thfl e tlmony of-t rof Schwtnlnser regarding VonMoltke

Tli pas airi of the articles In quesIon Herr Hcrnsieln continued had beenlycti a faUe mcannK b detachlnxhem frotiytthfGeneral context Hardenml meixly and for thUtown iot ituffrr In conclusion it

protailed against ImprUonmsit-la his clientThe court then adjourned until next

Tljirsday when Jarden Kill b heardn hl own defense

Fire Truct Driver Steers Into

L Pillars to Save An-



rDriver Alec Unprer of Hook and

Ladder J o 3S to sve tho driver of a-

Icllvery wasonfrvxri proiablc death in-

i collUton today veered his ponderousIre apparatus Into one of the elevatedilllar at Coluinbus avenue nd Slxy

wan the driver escaped unhurttnjrercr wnsrJiurkvl frotn his hlith

eat ai his vclilclc ca htd against tno-

ateel stipp rtW Ax he fell he Ui

iarne s of on f in three anlmaU andromainod suspended a few Incises fromhe pavement until liclp arrived Hadinswrer1 fallen tothe p vem < nl tt > firp-

mrn sa hit would huV t eon crushedo death ncath the hi>ji of h s tunr M-

ihb truck was damaged considerablyJnservr wit litlpcd tu tl < eai and rc-

urnc1 to the hou> e s-

irnRjrcr1 was hurrylnB w a r In theJJanlo Flats Jn Ve t nlntli m tshortly bcforu <elKht i> clock when the

crfd nt Tha bulldlnj iv-

occupUU cxcfunlvely jiy iesroe-Jlrn At JU Grant carried to the

hallwny on the third Hour and then to-

thu treet by otlur lodser Tne rtrv-orlKln Kd In lnr apjrtrtent on thevfclrd Hoof and leaped up the air shafta lt kPSw l li < fourth Moorbuv IstiUfd of the fifth Moor

Here an old woman and nniHI childrenvltte xjundly ulnefilrij Patrolman SherUlan und two tlrimtrn led them over thenof to m aUulnliijr ImUdlpi otherscantily uttlr d escaped t> > the flrt e

None °f t rt member of th-iam iM m tij buiiaiuj HM ini

COST 30000-

VAS1UXOTON I >ee 5l31t > rc thanWTIS tp Jided bi the Senate

on MMlUry Affairs

aflray bet c n July 1 IJ05 atidJunaI-VJ ewrdlnK 1Q the report orvuiu-

Hecretao uf H1 Konstr llott of tb-

itcnin arc for trsvelllpK and other ex-nrtuex of vrltn M t4 T larstst lt n-

N PTU for rcportlnr andUi hearings

sseised Valuation of Real Es-

tate Has Innieased Nearly

4 Billions in 10 Years

Comptroller Meti jrave out statisticstoday thai now howGreater New

YorlfjIs RTOwlnK Wljh the close of thold year he said the Grrajer City willcomplete Its tenth year rcllpilnK all

cities in rapid jrrowthf acd f velopment

for that periodNcver before said the Comptroller

has any city In oncilecade shown such

marveiloun advanc < lh material crowtbv

The constantly Increasing requirementsof th Krat metropolis have been asourer of anxiety and earnest considera-



for all the municipal admlnrstra-tlcnisince consolidation

With the taking over of f merethan one hundred municipalities townshp villas and school districts In-


In the Greater City there wasal o assumed not only the debt of tlw emunicipalities but the much Greaterrejponslblllty of provldlnc for their de-


as a wholeThe Increase In Wealth

The Inertant In the of the cityas shown In the asKesseil valuations of-

thJ real estate ftwned by Its people haj-

b en J37tSW37Sk

The total funded debt on Deix SI

1 7 of the citiestowns and villagestaken Into the Greater Cltv was JEL-W7Ua On Novil 1WJ the amount hadtrown to J72tStlfc7 Jleanwhlle tlie-

holdlncs of the citys sinklrut fundshave crown from rgiS n th 3sy be-



consolidation to lttl07JS91 onNov 1 1W7 The net fundcd ebt waa-

CtS7W= on Doc 11 1W7 and CJS1I4-

O on Nov 1 1W Practically every

dollar rained by the Issue of corporatestock of itbe city has been expendedfor public improvements and In addi-


thereto Uwrc had txen nuth rlsd-ui to Jov 1 U07 Issues of corporate

tocc to the further amount of-

f< Ci sales for which have not yettyrtn held but ajraliut which therewere ouulandlnK conlracta to thenmount of TI0 K0-

TIiU fact when considered In connec-


with the debt ifmlt nxed by theoonatttutlon of the State i t itbserious consideration of providing by-

law for an extewlon or expansion at-

Uvecltya borrowinje capacity

City> Debt Margin

On Oct a list the citys debt manrtn-

aa shown by a report presented by me-

to the Board of Estimate and Appor-



WJMI CSro3E3 The increaseIn thV a s edVaItiaUons of real eataU-

thrbushout th tc3<y for the t ot twoyear ha i en sameOilns over CwACOfcW-

Jeaehj year anJ U U hanjly reuwrrohl-eInview of tile presentfinancial sttua-

tlon to expect tliat the Inctvase In WH1

over 1W will be more even IT it la as-

thuclidW In Uie prewJIns two yearsIt will be tafer to estlmat tie In-

cn xaluations st HOOO-MM

J rd asifwfwiwhich would mean that In Jul-

nJrt the debt conlractnr power of theIncitsanMl Prc °

rllv will bet t Atn iun or JWiXO 000 Vilnco lo

Would bV the u ua Jncr nent oflie Slnklnn Fund aver 0-

VJ to JltOOHOfn nnd the anioiinC ineluded In the annual tax budireti for theredemption f h c > whlch f° r-

ll< was at S B-


fanrf jiirycr rrUc Him

on Kvv f Ur lr t-

All the Juilzra slttins n GeneralEMOIIS Special Stvuiloas nnd several

Marlttmto Courts cathered In Part I-

of Gcniril eonji today to do honort Judse Whitman who retire U pri-



practic hivllis > erre<l hU ap-



twin on the benchJude Warren W Footer msde n eulo-

elittlc address on bohnlf of the benchand other p chM Inthe same trnor-et praise were made hy formff Awlst-aur DlnttrlctAttorney llob < rt Townnpn < l A lstanl ntMrlctAttornev MarKhali Jamejt W Osborne Edw rd-r iiitertKiPli nnd Abmham l>v Theceremony waK a ncluJd by the readlnsr-of a resolution Jrtod by the GrandJury today In hkh Uie Juror Ar-

rloreil the l a to tlie bench of Judjre-Whltmon JMISSING JERSEY LAWYER


N Dec Jl A description rolPeter Hntley an attornerot Nrw Jer-my who dlsappeiml at IJvert 5l earlyn December Js bflns circulated In the

newspapers here by hit Ixmdon solici-tors


with a iwiuest for any Informalan rc rdlnc the mjsslnc man Mr-

tentler Jtft l omlon to catch theunord line ftnuncr UustcinU bound

Kerr YorkHU frtendu hers rrc lved n telecram-

nnrounclns JiM af arrival at IJvcrK-KJl but iie did not ill on theiiirlix nnd nothing haa since beenheard-of Wm

For Infanta ond Chil-


Atrialwi II convincei

t 350shoei arethebest in the worldStern h Srultr lit Totk-

CU ltro 1w T cor Ha vntd-TU llOA WEr Ttot l 51-

S4 llnMilH OW 4tQ t-

n n-

Irt S uuii t-

tu nl K-rn IhlrJ A-

rsnrilrl AT r

Vullures and Hyenas SaysPolice Jurist Fronj

His Bench


Tells Asscmbljman How He Has

Been Betrayed During Wran-




Magistrate Crarv andKobrrt F Wasner of the Twenty eo-ond A nby District wrangled InHarlem Police Court todar wlitn An-

n blym n Wanner p5 red ai omi-

el In nirrraT < n for Itfendantu-oharceil

jwith violating tlw xc law

A mblrra n TVa caer U chief courj e-

ltf T th Lliruor E alers A oclalpn of-

th u ri part of Greater New Yorki-FlT ca es had been adjourned until

J oclock tali morning Se tor WaTn r-

dM no appear In court until JO oclockwhen two ca e had benf dUpo d of-

MagUfrata Crane holding the defend-ants


for trial at Spd2l Sessions A-

Flmllar fate awnllrd tli other three de-


although Uacner was on handto look afterrtbXr Interests

Well JudK exclaimed the Senatorafter the but e4 had been disposed of-

HI do nt majae sinr dlffereSce whatorden <re I have TTu wont b ll e anr-of my i llne jes-

No retortedtheCMactslrate I donlbelieve any o your winejueaor any ofyour evidence You tell me that all ofthese people referring to tb wtnes tproduced In the case by Va nerJ r-

irlends of the defendants You canco out on any street and pick up fortywltn e who will swear to what thesepopl have worn to-

TI Lquor DwiSera Associationtrylnx to run the courts of New York1-It do run every court but nxicourt

Why Judce UM Liquor Dealers A-

odatJon Is compa J of men ianded to-KethervtO do pood rtiplled Wa ner

Senator > a<oer the Hadtrat you have bera iflren the worstof It by Tammany Hal 1 know thatjrou wer to LaveJlAd butrou were turned down Tammany Hall

nothlns but a lofof vultures and hy-enas There la no more humanity therethan there I In any tramp that walksth tretsrH-


tyllilrd reeU vho wa broujcht backto thU city Item MiadJeioro At a u-

a iuiuay =Ut t on n ctv r eof raualarceny prttcrred by JuUs Joncenaen-a w ller of SSI iBroadway mhoalleced that she had pbtalMd from hima rtnir worth irzi was dl-

chArse l from custody by Ma 1triLr-In the Tomba Court yeatarday

Aged RiissHui utliQr Has HbShoulder Mslpcated but ls


ST fETEUSIUS d Dec JlIjaaj reach l h of an accident tsj

Count > iTolft Tfie author wthrown by tUmbSlns horM jind n

a dfalocstted tiioulder In spltsj-

of hi advanced 3R the Countcnaklne a rapid recovery

rxjgia dirof cheer

good wlliis

easily and quickly

de xrriptort of remarkablepower sm-

di iWbentjrptilporcnsite 11

armflf-yoojbujr KstJifaciary ipiiwii

lltli-X pXLT JO i

L AttmanO-








1fj Armrar

You know if your boweboccasional help Give it to themeasOy and regularly one C ascaret-

v a time Don t wait till night-f

Iffi J j Q-


i Axrhillion lxaii rhont-hTtiiViiwys


IelpIIC c in-

eeryjlwximeiMTaX Wiofi B cHtnVppiqe candy laintrve-



Ia cure H>owel irotitlcs iwKeh

hiillsiKnticorhe fr6m

ncityejowe-Ttonlcof Iy wheni-

msa wheh iklon fc linaKithetaltOTC BsiW-




iOrwG iretUr eMKe f 9°n ttiteiit toiilfHt Ttticc1 it iittipncel Garrynppx iniyoor pociustv-

T ctHbursDctbreb dumcarctto tfcf6dt6ib wa-

G iMreBrevBe lconcl5pleasant XhclrhctlpniSfasnnttjril-

w tfe aetiohj ijtruitiionihe ibdweli TKey ore bpitt gpod iukj-



uVi i is AGSscarcta JBrfeiicnndyilolileti ey

r M a i- tbutlnevcrihbuk BciSurpVyou gel ihc acnuirie > iin iGCG bh-

everytablet Jlic price 7s50c 25c andri