The ethos books catalogue

THE EthosBooks


Short stories, poems, novels and essays by Singapore writers galore! This catalog gives an idea of what is available, with summaries of the various titles available.

Transcript of The ethos books catalogue

  • THEEthosBooks

  • THEEthosBooksCatalogue.

  • your lips and whispered, Difculties areres. It came unbidden, unplanned. Yourwould have been horried. She wouldFailing in your rst duty to me as a father.

    In the early seventies, a father deesTwenty-ve years later, Sal loses herher dead father and attempts to ght theres within her.

    Title: First FiresISBN: 978-981-09-5061-3Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 150 (estimate)Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    prose when she bought her rst computer.

    is her rst novel. Inspired by

    World Rights Available

  • her rst collection of short stories. She is

    years to nd that her husband

    Title: These Foolish Things& Other Stories

    ISBN: 978-981Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: TBCPublished: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • a eeting encounter between twoRetribution, rebirth, relics... noir ction

    Title: The Adopted:Stories from Angkor

    ISBN: 978-981-09-4458-2Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 176Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • collection of short ction, Cultural Alliance, a not-for prot cultural

    Heng Siok Tian has published ve

    Yong Shu Hoong has published ve

  • women to nd reconciliation and

    Title: A Family PortraitISBN: 978-981-09-6490-0Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 180Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    Singapore, Malaysia Rights Available

  • Title: Blood Collected StoriesISBN: 978-981-09-6488-7Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 260Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • ction and non-ction. She was bornSingapore. Her rst short stories werefor short ction, the rst Singaporean toof her rst novel, translated her rst memoir,

    also has a UK Trinity TESOL Certicatefrom Cambridge which qualies her to

  • her mothers love for owers, nature,

    Title: When a Flower DiesISBN: 978-981-09-6314-9Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 292Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    Singapore, Malaysia Rights Available

  • Title: My Mother-In-Laws SonISBN: 978-981-07-7998-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 468Published: 1994 (1st published)

    2013 (new edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    to nd their feet in the aftermathgoing through difcult circumstancesght against her oppressors, this

    World Rights Available

  • up in a self-sufcient kampong along

    Title: Cherry DaysISBN: 978-981-09-6487-0Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: TBCPublished: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Wives, Lovers & OtherWomen (2nd edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-1113-9Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 192Published: 1995 (1st published)

    2012 (2nd edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    just snapped his ngers, said coffee

    was rst published in 1995 after

    World Rights Available

    the Publishers Prize for ction (

  • Other Stories was rst published in 1993,Publishers Prize for ction.

    The stories lled with lifes many

    Title: AhThe Fragrance ofDurians & OtherStories (2nd edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-1025-5Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 134Published: 1993 (1st published)

    2012 (2nd edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short-stories World Rights Available

  • after one drops out/nishes

    Title: Shakespeare Can WaitISBN: 978-981-08-3256-8Dimension: 115mm x 205mmExtent: 210Published: 2009Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Lifes so like DatISBN: 978-981-08-0733-7Dimension: 142mm x 204mmExtent: 132Published: 2008Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction

    Title: The Sins of the FatherISBN: 981-00-4663-4Dimension: 135mm x 190mmExtent: 147Published: 1993Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    Title: News at NineISBN: 981-04-8482-8Dimension: 130mm x 203mmExtent: 228Published: 2003Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    Title: Different StrokesISBN: 981-00-4755-XDimension: 135mm x 190mmExtent: 100Published: 1993Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novella

    World Rights Available

    World Rights Available

    World Rights Available

    World Rights Available

  • we nd the almost-too-familiar sense

    brings difcult issues confronting the

    Title: Not The Same FamilyISBN: 978-981-07-7696-1Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 205Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    Having dabbled in non-ction prose

    stories is the rst instalment of this long

    World Rights Available

  • efciency. An abbreviation very

    characters to reect deeply on their

    Title: Tales From The ECPISBN: 978-981-09-2270-2Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 132Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Moth StoriesISBN: 978-981-09-3758-4Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 300Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    rst published collection.

    World Rights Available

  • Title: PulseISBN: 978-981-09-0681-8Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 251Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    World Rights Available

  • obsessed with islands, nding them

    trying to nd a secure hiding

    intertwined, and it becomes difcult

    the rst English edition of

    than a dozen volumes of ction andnonction, including the novels

    Title: Island of SilenceISBN: 978-981-07-7994-8Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 278Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    (Translated fromMandarin to English)

    World Rights Available

  • incident the investigating ofcer,

    Title: The InletISBN: 978-981-07-7384-7Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 376Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    a partner at a law rm in Singapore.

    World Rights Available

  • both as an ofcial and as a participant.

  • Defence Identication Zone. Will

    growth, now nd themselves mired

    reassure its Pacic allies that Uncle

    the tiny city-state of Singapore nd

    heartlands to the rareed dining

    Title: Buy My BelovedCountry

    ISBN: 978-981-07-9556-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 375Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction

    the ties that bind them purely nancial

    World Rights Available

  • illustrator PMan, nds humour in the

    Title: Singapore Siu Dai:The SG Conversationin a Cup

    ISBN: 978-981-07-8858-2Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 132Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Humour

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Vanishing PointISBN: 978-981-07-3386-5Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 156Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    is the rst work of ction by a

    his at asking for a oor that doesnt

    World Rights Available

  • Title: The Beating andOther Stories

    ISBN: 978-981-07-0907-5Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 209Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    Award in 1995. His rst novel,

    styles, spinning from historical ction

    World Rights Available

  • infatuation and nally, the end of a

    Title: Gone Case (2nd Edition)ISBN: 978-981-07-4148-8Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 140Published: 2002 (1st published)

    2012 (2nd edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    World Rights Available

  • Title: That Night By The Beachand other stories for a

    ISBN: 978-981-07-1578-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 156Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories


    World Rights Available

  • When Tang nally arrived in

    Title: AporiaISBN: 978-981-08-9809-0Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 174Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novella

    World Rights Available

  • the past. He nds his own meaning

    Title: HeartlandISBN: 981-40-5605-0Dimension: 130mm x 203mmExtent: 228Published: 2002Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Novel

    ction writer, poet and editor. He was

    (2000) and a microction collectiondenitive Singapore novel, and is a

    World Rights Available

  • elf, a talking moon, a butterywho was born with a ower as an

    Title: Let Me Tell YouSomething About ThatNight (2nd edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-3387-2Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 140Published: 2009 (1st published)

    2012 (2nd edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • She won rst prize for her play, Contest (1992) and rst prizes in the

    Title: Crossing Distance(2nd edition)ISBN: 978-981-07-3103-8Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 124Published: 1995 (1st published)

    2012 (2nd edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short-stories World Rights Available

    Title: Beyond The VillageGate (2nd Edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-08-7754-5Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 148Published: 1994 (1st published)

    2012 (2nd edition)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories World Rights Available

  • It was rst published in 1995.

    into a family of sherfolk. She does

    in 1992 and was rst published in

  • His rst two collections of short stories,The Cofnspeculative ction, ranging from stories

    Wouldnt Buryand Other Stories

    ISBN: 978-981-08-0925-6Dimension: 195mm x 130mmExtent: 212Published: 2008Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories World Rights Available

  • In Lims rst collection of shortrationality and scepticism in ction-fantasy become blurred and you nd

    A collection of 17 short stories lled

    Title: Faith & LiesISBN: 981-04-1126-XDimension: 117mm x 210mmExtent: 245Published: 1999Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories World Rights Available

  • manufacturing, petroleum and nancial

    of how the poet T. S. Eliot had inuenced Asiabeen claimed to be the rst published book-When Eriko nally decided that this search

    Title: Finding Francis:A Poetic Adventure

    ISBN: 978-981-09-7271-4Dimension: 148mm x 210mmExtent: 60Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Essay

    World Rights Available

  • American writer of poetry, ction,and criticism. Her rst collectionPoetry Prize, a rst both for an

  • Title: Ars Poetica for the DayISBN: 978-981-09-5922-7Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 104Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Do You Live In?ISBN: 978-981-09-5921-0Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 104Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • local law rm.

    Title: Equatorial SunshineISBN: 978-981-09-4312-7Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 104Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • lost acts of translation, or the ve critical

    has edited more than fteen books and

    pro bono for non-prot organizations.A former journalist, he is the rst-ever

    Title: Babel Via NegativaISBN: 978-981-09-5901-2Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 176Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Literary essays,

    Prose World Rights Available

  • dying bat takes off on the last ight

    Title: This Mortal World\ISBN: 981-981-08-9311-8Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 83Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Changes and ChancesISBN: 978-981-09-2512-3Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 116Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: After The Fall:Dirges Among Ruins

    ISBN: 978-981-08-8284-6Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 88Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • poetic reections on this new world

    Title: A World In TransitAuthor: Eric Tinsay VallesISBN: 981-981-08-8284-6Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 102Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Sound of Mind, Reecting on the Merlion,

    World Rights Available

  • someday you will nd me.

    experience as a pilgrim still ndingfty poems he recollects, explores,inuence his identity and connect

    Title: CoastlandsISBN: 978-981-09-2478-2Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 76Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    (2014). His rst poetry

    was a nalist in the 2008 Singapore

    World Rights Available

  • children played ve stones andcollective memories. We also nd

    rst love, having taught at Rafes Girls

    Title: Saga SeedsISBN: 978-981-07-9842-8Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 100Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • Title: Separation: a historyISBN: 978-981-09-1371-7Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 94Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry,

    SingaporeHistory World Rights Available

  • landscape of itting gures, thoughts

    Jerrold won rst prize and three

    Writing Competition 2011, rst prize

    Title: IntruderISBN: 978-981-09-1372-4Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 88Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • Title: FEAR NO POETRY!The Essential Guide toClose Reading

    ISBN: 978-981-09-0414-2Dimension: 148mm x 210mmExtent: 200Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry Guide,

    Educational Resource World Rights Available

    critic, a poet, and a graphic artist. His rst rst full-length graphic novel in English and

    ner, more moving moments. He

    nd your inner posture, grasp what a

  • classroom but didnt feel condent

    exible approach to designing a unit

    classroom. You will nd a detailed guide

    difculty level or even for the specic

    Title: Local Anaesthetic:

    A Painless Approachto Singaporean Poetry

    ISBN: 978-981-09-0415-9Dimension: 210mm x 280mmExtent: 92Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry Guide,

    Educational Resource

    World Rights Available

  • micro ction of exactly 100 words

    Title: The Viewing PartyISBN: 978-981-07-7694-7Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 134Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • World Rights Available

    grandeur, and curious inuence

    Title: The DictatorsEyebrow

    ISBN: 978-981-07-6950-5Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 67Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

  • 8. The book title reects the ratio of

    in a circular concept, reecting the

    Title: one point six one eightISBN: 978-981-07-4937-8Dimension: 108mm x 170mmExtent: 38Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

    short lms, dance and full length theatre

  • in fty-six sections. Dr Rosaly

    role in Singapores ght for

    towering gure of a man driven by a

    In this reective and retrospective

    the writer exalts the signicance

    also understand the sacrices and

    Title: My Burning HillISBN: 978-981-07-4142-6Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 64Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • from dragonies to the moon,these poems nd meaning in bothstreets, yet nding itself in intimate

    Title: Shrines & StreetlightsISBN: 978-981-07-3389-6Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 156Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

    Ho Ren Chun wrote his rst poem on

  • Title: CordeliaISBN: 978-981-07-2944-8Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 106Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

    1998, and two non-ction books. Her

  • histories generated a signicant

    Title: The New VillageISBN: 978-981-07-1598-4Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 230Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Chinese poems

    with English translations

    World Rights Available

    A notable gure in the Chinese literary

  • Title: Flow Across Our OceanSingapore & South Africa

    ISBN: 978-981-08-8290-7Dimension: 150mm x 215mmExtent: 36Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Script World Rights Available

  • Title: They Speak Only OurMother Tongue

    ISBN: 981-981-08-7535-0Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 74Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

    Reecting OnTheophilus is still struggling to nd his

    Readers will nd his joy with words

  • Title: Reaching for Stones:collected poems(1963-2009)

    ISBN: 978-981-08-6717-1Dimension: 120mm x 205mmExtent: 152Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Malay inuences shape points

    rst book of poems

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Two Baby HandsAuthor: Gilbert KohISBN: 981-981-08-3186-8Dimension: 140mm x 205mmExtent: 99Published: 2009Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: travelers tale and otherpoems

    ISBN: 978-981-08-9879-3Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 90Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    and is working on a non-ction book.

    Additionally, he produces feature lms

    World Rights Available

  • Out of the mundane, a ash of

    Title: Sudden in Youth:New and SelectedPoems

    ISBN: 978-981-08-3412-8Dimension: 140mm x 205mmExtent: 94Published: 2009Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • and concerns of his rst book,

    Title: I Watch the Stars Go OutISBN: 981-04-1127-8Dimension: 120mm x 220mmExtent: 52Published: 1999Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • has been translated into over fteen

    Literary Centre, a non-prot initiative

    unhurried, condent, and capable ofexperience that afrm yet mock,

    Title: City of Rain

    (revised edition)ISBN: 978-981-08-4731-9Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 210Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • In Pangs rst collection of poetry,attempting to dene the boundaries,

    celebrate, afrm and confront the

    Title: Testing the SilenceISBN: 981-00-9538-4Dimension: 120mm x 220mmExtent: 84Published: 1997Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available

  • Title: Peninsular:Archipelagos andOther Islands(revised edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-08-4908-5Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 98Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    ction writer, poet and editor. He

    World Rights Available

  • Alan Saat is the Resident Playwright

    award twice. Alan was the winner of

  • Title: Corridor: 12 ShortStories(new edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7993-1Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 172Published: 2015

    First published, 1999Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    Alan Saat writes about HDBThe characters in each story nd

    World Rights Available

  • Peninsula. In Alan Saats hands,ash ctions that record the lives of

    Title: Malay SketchesIllustrations: Sharil NizamISBN: 978-981-07-1801-5Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 230Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short-stories

    World Rights Available

  • months after, playwright Alan

    Title: Cooling-Off DayISBN: 978-981-07-1406-2Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 148Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Play

    World Rights Available

  • Alan Saat explores the themes their self-denition relies on their

    Title: Collected Plays OneISBN: 978-981-08-6065-3Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 332Published: 2010Finish: Paper backGenre: Play

    World Rights Available

  • Alan Saats

    nding its voice.

    Title: Collected Plays TwoISBN: 978-981-08-7041-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 292Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Play

    World Rights Available

  • unyielding, Alans second collectionconcerns in his rst volume and

    ctions that surround us.

    Kiriyama Pacic Rim Book Award

    Title: A History of Amnesia(Revised Edition)

    ISBN: 978-981-08-0687-3Dimension: 110mm x 220mmExtent: 88Published: 2008Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Alan Saat is the Resident

    Alan was the winner of the SPH-

    World Rights Available

  • essays, ction, plays and literary

  • This is the rst of a series of chapbooks

    Poems 1 [Rebellion] ISBN 978-981-08-6022-6Poems 2 [Personal Notes] ISBN 978-981-07-2984-4Poems 3 [Self-exile] ISBN 978-981-07-3462-6Poems 4 [Resurgence] ISBN 978-981-07-3463-3Poems 5 [Other Thoughts] ISBN 978-981-07-3464-0

    Translators: Alvin Pang, Judith Huangand Goh Beng Choo

    Genre: Poetry(Chinese poems withEnglish Translations)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-3793-1Box Size: 120mm x 205mmYear: 2012Finish: Gift Set

    into a gift box set and sold as an entirecollection, and as a collectible.

    World Rights Available Published by The Literary Centre

  • portrait of an artist still deantly creating

    abroad, all ltered through his unique

  • This is the fth and nal volume in a

  • Title: Ubin Dreaming(Youve Been Dreaming)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-2703-1Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 124Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Arts Council. It reects the literary

    poems, by and large David nds

    World Rights Available

  • the University of Kent, UK, nds the

    Title: iDENTiTYISBN: 978-981-08-0955-3Dimension: 223mm x 122mmExtent: 122Published: 2008Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Title: Somewhere A Tiny VoiceISBN: 981-00-4662-6Dimension: 135mm x 190mmExtent: 125Published: 1993Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Title: One Journey, Many RiversISBN: 981-00-9537-6Dimension: 120mm x 220mmExtent: 130Published: 1997Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry World Rights Available World Rights Available

    World Rights Available

  • rst four of his Christian poems:

    Title: Still TravellingISBN: 981-981-08-1000-9Dimension: 205mm x 140mmExtent: 104Published: 2008Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Bring The SunISBN: 981-981-08-1644-5Dimension: 205mm x 140mmExtent: 78Published: 2008Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Singapore: A Portrait InDiversity

    ISBN: 978-981-09-7717-7Dimension: 170mm x 220mmExtent: 132Published: 2015Finish: Hardback

    World Rights Available

    Sample pages

    During his ve years in Singapore, Tomnalist in several competitions including

  • It was a diary that had rst sat at

    Title: The Politics of DefeatISBN: 978-981-09-6152-7Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 240Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction,

    Political History World Rights Available

  • Title: Remains:A Singapore Journey

    ISBN: 978-981-09-6181-7Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 208Published: 2015Finish: Paperback

    World Rights Available

    as a Project Manager, rst for a small tradingand outsourcing rm and then for a gamingin the science publishing eld.rst book.

  • difculties faced by civil society, and

    which cannot be extended indenitely,

    signicance of the Geylang Catholic

    Title: Priest In Geylang:The Untold Story ofthe Geylang CatholicCentre

    ISBN: 978-981-09-3678-5Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 200Published: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction World Rights Available

  • Title: Faith In Architecture:50 Houses of Worshipin Singapore

    ISBN: 978-981-09-5373-7Dimension: 230mm x 230mmExtent: 212Published: 2015Finish: Paperback

    Architecture World Rights Available

    Complementing the reections and

    Sample pages

  • Title: Riot RecollectionsISBN: 978-981-09-3238-1Dimension: 230mm x 230mmExtent: 80Published: 2014Finish: Paperback

    World Rights Available

    and the efciency of the riot force,

    Sample pages

  • Title: Under a ShadowISBN: 978-981-09-6456-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 129Published: 2015Finish: Paperback

    World Rights Available

    similar parallel to the difculties

  • difcult role as caregiver. The story

    persons aficted with mental illnessUninchingly raw and honest in its

    of human resiliency and sacrice in the

    Title: The Sound of Sch:a mental breakdown,a life journey

    ISBN: 978-981-09-1853-8Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 180Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction, Memoir World Rights Available

    6 years in the nancial sector. As of

  • Title: The Invisible Force:Singapore Gurkhas

    ISBN: 978-981-09-1099-0Dimension: 230mm x 230mmExtent: 88Published: 2014Finish: Hardback

    World Rights Available

    up over two centuries of battleeld

    Sample pages

  • Sensing Singapore: Reections

    Title: Sensing Singapore:

    of ChangeISBN: 978-981-07-8939-8Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 256Published: 2014Finish: Paperback

    Political Essays

    World Rights Available

  • Title: TroublemakerISBN: 978-981-09-1473-8Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 468Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction,


    World Rights Available

  • Title: Saudade: The Cultureand Security ofEurasian Communitiesin Southeast Asia

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7545-2Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 249Published: 2013Finish: Paperback

    World Rights Available

  • Title: A Far Better ThingISBN: 978-981-07-8231-3Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 238Published: 2013Finish: Paperback

    (Translated fromItalian To English)

    World Rights Available

  • high prole and politically sensitive

    University of Singapore, nishing withsome of the Lion Citys highest-prolecases. His work in the eld of humanand respected gure not only within

    Title: Kampong BoyISBN: 978-981-07-5755-7Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 270Published: 2013Finish: Paperback

    Autobiography World Rights Available

  • Title: Memoirs of a Migrant

    (new edition)ISBN: 978-981-07-5679-6Dimension: 145mm x 210mmExtent: 212Published: 1972 (1st published)

    2013 (new edition)Finish: Paperback

    World Rights Available

  • Title: My Daughter,

    My Friend: Letters ToA Daughter

    ISBN: 978-981-07-5830-1Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 182Published: 2013Finish: Paperback


    her book rst published in 1996.

    World Rights Available

  • nds herself at a crossroads with hernd the answer for moving on in theface of tragedy, and in so doing, nd

    away from dancing to write. Her rst

    World Rights Available

    Title: When The Bough BreaksISBN: 978-981-07-5682-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 134Published: 2013Finish: Paperback

  • health fails, Tammy nds herself

    unidentied room on Duxton Hill.

    Title: A is for Achar,L is for Love

    ISBN: 978-981-08-9976-9Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 74Published: 2011Finish: Paperback

    Biography, Recipes

    World Rights Available

  • She is also an alumnus of Rafes

    Title: A Philosophers MadnessISBN: 978-981-07-2444-3Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 110Published: 2012Finish: Paperback

    Biography World Rights Available

  • Title: Ordinary Stories In AnExtraordinary World

    ISBN: 978-981-07-1800-8Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 184Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Biography, Autism,

    World Rights Available

  • Yeos life for the rst thirty-ve years,

    his poems, plays and ction, Yeo

    emergence from third to rst world.

    Title: ROUTES: A SingaporeanMemoir 1940-75

    ISBN: 978-981-08-7536-7Dimension: 152mm x 227mmExtent: 384Published: 2011Finish: Paperback

    World Rights Available

  • and her anc ventured into the

    Title: Towards the Blue:Adventures of A CityWimp

    ISBN: 981-05-6774-XDimension: 132mm x 202mmExtent: 348Published: 2007Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction,


    World Rights Available

  • gate with its keeper; or to nd that

    Title: The Makers & Keepersof Singapore History

    ISBN: 978-981-08-6357-9Dimension: 165mm x 245mmExtent: 363Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Non-Fiction, History,

    Academic World Rights Available Co-published by Singapore Heritage Society

  • Title: Tales of Two CitiesISBN: 978-981-09-7789-4Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 320Published: Dec 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Prose, literary


    World Rights Available

  • from native ora, fauna, and

    literary landscape like Alan Saat,

    Title: From Walden toWoodlands: An anthologyof Nature Poems

    ISBN: 978-981-09-6313-2Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 120Published: Sept 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • translated into more than fteen

    Title: UNION: 15 Years ofDrunken Boat, 50 Yearsof Writing fromSingapore

    ISBN: 978-981-09-6489-4Dimension: 150mm x 230mmExtent: 640Published: Sept 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Prose, literary

    essays, visual poetry World Rights Available

  • , the rst-ever anthology

    editor and currently works in a research rm.

    She rst came to Singapore in 2004 as an

    in business and nance, she dabbles in ction

    Philippines. She won rst prize for her story

    . Her short ction is forthcoming

    Reecting on the Merlion, Ceriph, Southeast

    . His rst poetry collection is

    Title: Get Lucky: AnAnthology of Philippineand Singapore Writings

    ISBN: 978-981-09-7247-9Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: TBCPublished: 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Literary Essays, Poetry,

    Short Stories World Rights Available

  • Title: Sound of Mind:A Teacher-WritersAnthology of Poemsand Prompts

    ISBN: 978-981-09-2271-9Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 104Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Red Pulse II: Poetry toa Local Beat

    ISBN: 978-981-09-2346-4Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 108Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • His rst love was writing ction but

    Title: Kepulauan: ACollection of Poems

    ISBN: 978-981-09-2492-8Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 158Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • Tay, Stephanie Ye, Alan Saat,

    strive to nd meaning against the

    Title: Here and Beyond:12 Stories

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7991-7Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 260Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • Ian Tan holds a rst class honours inteaches English Literature at Rafes

    Title: Here and Beyond:12 Stories | A StudyCompanion

    ISBN: 978-981-09-1778-4Dimension: 175mm x 250mmExtent: 80Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Study Guide

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Passages: Stories ofUnspoken Journeys

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7695-4Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 204Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Double Skinof Urban Poetry

    ISBN: 981-04-2721-2Dimension: 140mm x 205mmExtent: 220Published: 20009Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • growing up and rst love to old age

    quirky, delightful, sad and reective.

    Title: Little Things:an anthology ofpoetry

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7140-9Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 163Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • nd useful and invigorating. Besides

    Title: Teaching Poetry ToAdolescents:a Teachers Guide toLittle Things

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7990-0Dimension: 210mm x 280mmExtent: 126Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Teaching resource World Rights Available

  • in Singapore. It testies to thesocial reections of generations

    Title: Man/Born/FreeWritings on theHuman Spirit fromSingapore

    ISBN: 978-981-08 8277-8Dimension: 150mm x 215mmExtent: 104Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry, Short stories

    Singapores rst full-length graphic

    World Rights Available

  • Alan Saat | Cyril Wong

    Within these pages, youll nd a

    epic of the Ramayana, a sci-

    Title: Eastern Heathens:An Anthology ofSubvertedAsian Folklore

    ISBN: 978-981-07-5680-2Dimension: 130mm x 195mmExtent: 138Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories World Rights Available

  • Amanda Lee Koe is the ction editorcreative non-ction online Her rst book,

    Singapores rst anthology of gay

  • This anthology of short ctionvoices from Singapore: Alan bin

    Title: Telltale: 11 StoriesISBN: 978-981-08-6152-0Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 256Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories World Rights Available

  • between ction and reality that

    Title: Telltale: 11 Stories |A Study Companion

    ISBN: 978-981-08-9542-6Dimension: 210mm x 280mmExtent: 119Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Academic Study Guide

    World Rights Available

    Literature and lm. He strongly

  • As a rst-ever joint literary venturerm foundation of the cultural bridge

    Title: Love Gathers All: ThePhilippines-SingaporeAnthology of LovePoetry

    Editors: Aaron Lee, Alvin Pang,Ramn C. Sunico &Alfred A. Yuson

    ISBN: 981-04-5105-6Dimension: 160mm x 210mmExtent: 208Published: 2002Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • literary gures of their generation,brings together for the rst timenest poets at work in SingaporePacic neighbours.

    territories, marks the rst time

    Title: Over There:Poems from Singaporeand Australia

    Editors: Alvin Pang,John Kinsella

    ISBN: 978-981-05-9461-9Dimension: 230mm x 170mmExtent: 324Published: 2008Finish: Paper backGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • poetry volume reects the rich

    Title: Fifty on 50ISBN: 978-981-08-4681-7Dimension: 190mm x 260mmExtent: 148Published: 2013Finish: HardbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

  • He has published ve volumes

  • Arthur Yap, Alan Saat, Ng Yi-

    Title: No Other City:The Ethos Anthologyof Urban Poetry

    Editors: Alvin Pang, Aaron LeeISBN: 981-04-2276-8Dimension: 150mm x 230mmExtent: 208Published: 2000Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    World Rights Available

    His rst poems were published in

    Singapore and Malaysia. His rst

  • Title: & Words: PoemsSingapore and Beyond

    ISBN: 978-981-08-6321-0Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 264Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    Co-published with National Arts Council

    published ve volumes of poetry, the

    World Rights Available

  • journalist, critic, ction writer and

  • is Singapores rstcontributed poetry, short ction,

    Lee, Ovidia Yu, Alan Saat, Ng Yi-

    Title: A Gay Anthology ofSingapore Poetry andProse

    ISBN: 978-981-08-6808-6Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 223Published: 2010Finish: PaperbackGenre: Prose, Poetry

    World Rights Available Published by The Literary Centre

  • Title: Moving Words 2011:A Poetry Anthology

    ISBN: 978-981-07-0356-1Dimension: 120mm x 160mmExtent: 194Published: 2011Finish: PaperbackGenre: Poetry

    in 1994. His rst volume of poetry,

    Published by The Literary Centre World Rights Available

  • approaches to inuence kids to pick



  • charm for health, in a ght with her

    grandmother. The two children ndinto a ght in the kitchen. Itam is

    join Puteh and Itam on the rst of

    Adeline Foo

    Lee Kowling

    World Rights Available

  • Two little girls nd themselves caught

    rst book in a new series featuring

    Title: Georgettes Mooncakes(English and ChineseVersions)

    Illustrator: Lee KowlingISBN: 978-981-08-4031-0

    (English version)978-981-08-4544-5(Chinese version)

    Dimension: 235mm x 240mmExtent: 36Published: 2009 (EV) 2010 (CV)Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens Fiction with


    World Rights Available

  • And does he nally nd acceptance

    a large ying insect! Now what

    World Rights Available

  • and youd nd crumbs, discarded

    growling, ngers drumming, feet

    World Rights Available

  • bushes a treat no doubt!

    snail or two to nd and she loved to

    Title: SampanISBN: 978-981-07-9265-7Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 16Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens Illustrated


    Yings rst childrens book. It is her

    World Rights Available

  • Title: Travels of Little Rice GrassIllustrations: Cheng Puay KoonISBN: 978-981-09-0374-9Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 24Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens illustrated books

    (6 to 12 years old) World Rights Available

    architecture and history. Youll nd

    Title: Travels of Little Rice GrassIllustrations: Cheng Puay KoonISBN: 978-981-09-0374-9Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 24Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens illustrated books

    (6 to 12 years old) World Rights Available

    architecture and history. Youll nd

    Title: Travels of Little Rice GrassIllustrations: Cheng Puay KoonISBN: 978-981-09-0374-9Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 24Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens illustrated books

    (6 to 12 years old) World Rights Available

    architecture and history. Youll nd

  • Title: BLEAGH! A bookabout values

    ISBN: 978-981-07-5639-0(paperback)978-981-07-5640-6(eBook)

    Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 32Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens Fiction

    with Illustrations

    World Rights Available

  • Its BLEAGHs rst day at school.

    Title: BLEAGH AND BLEEP!A second bookabout values

    ISBN: 978-981-07-7535-3(paperback)978-981-07-7536-0(eBook)

    Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 32Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens Fiction

    with Illustrations World Rights Available


    ISBN: 978-981-07-9461-3(paperback)

    Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 32Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens Fiction

    with Illustrations

    Title: BLEAGH, BLEEP ANDBAXTER! A thirdbook about values

    ISBN: 978-981-07-8038-8(paperback)978-981-07-8039-5(eBook)

    Dimension: 240mm x 235mmExtent: 32Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Childrens Fiction

    with Illustrations World Rights Available

    World Rights Available

  • to t in with everybody else or trust

    Title: The Never Mind Girl& other stories

    ISBN: 978-981-07-3388-9Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 104Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Fiction, Short Stories

    For ages 8 years andabove

    World Rights Available

  • lm at various international lm festivals

    literary gures. The wise sayingsand Truth are not conned to any

    Title: Trackelss PathsISBN: 978-981-07-4748-0Dimension: 215mm x 150mmExtent: 84Published: 2013Finish: Paperback


    World Rights Available

  • all art must dochiey childrenits landscapes, ora, fauna, anddelighted to nd poems that pictured

    Title: The Ice Ball Man andOther Poems

    ISBN: 978-981-08-8884-8Dimension: 120mm x 200mmExtent: 112Published: 2011Finish: HardbackGenre: Poetry, (Poems for

    Children withillustrations)

    World Rights Available

  • signicant event on May 13,through a baptism of re.of the signicant articles,

    Title: Youth On Trial

    ISBN: 978-981-09-0372-5Dimension: 152mm x 225mmExtent: 246Published: 2014Finish: PaperbackGenre: Political History,

    with CD of songs andphotos, in Englishwith Chinesetranslations

    World Rights Available Published by Function 8

  • Title: We Remember

    ISBN: 978-981-07-5093-0Dimension: 150mm x 210mmExtent: 214Published: 2013Finish: PaperbackGenre: Political history,

    Autobiographicalaccounts, in Englishwith Chinesetranslations World Rights Available

    Published by Dr Poh Sooh Kai

  • Title: Beyond The Blue Gate:Recollections of aPolitical Prisoner

    ISBN: 978-981-07-8215-0(english)978-981-09-4775-0(chinese)

    Dimension: 152mm x 227mmExtent: 392 / 396Published: 2010 / 2015Finish: PaperbackGenre: Autobiography,

    Political History

    World Rights Available Published by Function 8

  • Title: Escape from the

    of Singapores PoliticalExiles

    ISBN: 978-981-07-2103-9Dimension: 152mm x 227mmExtent: 159Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Political history,


    World Rights Available Published by Function 8

  • imposed on them for a signicantand reections of that incident,

    Title: That We May DreamAgain (2nd Ed.)

    ISBN: 978-981-07-0867-2Dimension: 130mm x 200mmExtent: 136Published: 2012Finish: PaperbackGenre: Political history

    World Rights Available

  • documenting the culture,dialectics and spirit of the people

    through contemporary writing,ethos of a time