The Enrico Mattei model for the defense of Italy


Transcript of The Enrico Mattei model for the defense of Italy

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Founder and Contributing Editor:Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.

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As we go to press on June 4, the Schiller Instiute of Helga ZeppLaRouche has convened in Bonn, Germany an iteational conference dedicated to the theme of "ensuring lastin peace in EuropeThe conference will address head-on the fact tht the cruel Serbianwar of aggression against Bosnia and its other nehbors is occurringin the heart of Europe, and that European civilization is at stake inthat war The failure to date of weste govements to respondadequately to this atrocity in an area formerly uner communist rulecarries a gri augury for the rest of Europe and te world.

One European nation, Italy, is feeling the efects of the break

down in a most violent manner. Our cover potograph evokes afamiliar image of Italy's universal contrbutions. This view of Florence is dominated by the great monuments of te 15th- and 16thcentury Renaissance. At the photo's center, in front of the battlements and high tower of Palao Vecchio, run te two long parallelwings of the U-shaped building known as the Ufzi. Once the ocesui) of the Medici ducal govement, and today a world-renowned gallery, the Ui was ripped by a car bom on May 26 whichkilled ve people, ravaged numerous works of and nearly blewup some of the greatest Renasance pictures.

Florence Cathedral's dome, which soars ovr this vista, was a

technical and economic feat as well as an artitic one, erected in1420-36 by architect Filippo Brunelleschi, who et out to unseat thestiing power of the trade guilds by unleashing skilled labor underthe guidance of his irreverent genius. The mthematical secretswhich had been the exclusive property of the gulds he transformedinto the basis of a future industrial revolution.

Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei, the subjet of our cover Fau set out to continue what Brunelleschi and is co-thinkers hadbegunto overtu the oligarchy's privileges ad lay the basis forrapid industrial growth which would unleash th latent energies ofvast sectors of the population previously oppessed by poverty.

While less familiar than the Florentine skyline, te massive pipelinesand reneries of Enrico Mattei's ENI are equall essential to Italy'sidentit as a nation, and equally the target of the rcent, freemasonicinspired attacks.

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42 Yale historian yearns formalthusian milenniumPreparing for the Twen-FirstCentu, by Pa Knndy

47 Conquering autism wins acrucial victory for thehuman spirit

Nobody Nowhere: TheExtaordina Autobiography of anAutist c, by Donna Wa

Photo and graphic credits: CoEIRNS/Cada Ann Pa 15,

17,2,25,35,EIRNS Pa24EN Pa 44,NASA Pa 54,

56, 57,EIRNS/Pp Uanoy


39 Report from RioIndno act on t

64 EditorialOn to


4 Bein Poan'sgoernment risis: Soroan theIMFSn t fa of th comuists i98, t Pol ovemet'scooic proram followed bpint proded by New Yorknac Gorg Soros-ledig totte datr.

6 Laouche feature nRsian journa T jol of te Fedrtio ofIndpnt Trade Uios ofRa cai an artce by Prof.Tars Mravsky, "Who isLyd n LaRoce?

7 Th cultural meanin o tedrivatives' marktCont fro LyndoLaoc.

8 Oly one way out o Bo'debt plight

9 Curency Rates

10 Ne economic panc poundsIran's oes

11 AgicultureBon tbco rappar.

12 Buiness Briefs

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Aoence Italy where t  ideal of the Necessity ofProgress was enshrined in the 15th-century Renais

 sance: "Whoever stands still ds not honor freedom and does not do justice indusialist Enrco Mattei said er e in 1961

14 Enrico Mattei, a historicalmodel for today's crisisThe hiieh iversy of hegic deh of rico Mei hefouder of ly s iolhydocrbos comy N wsmrked by ieiolcofeece i Mil The ime hscome o oe he Mei le for heske of lys fuur

16 Mattei and the rebirth ofItalyBy Polo ili of he Schillersiue

19 Is Italy still worthy ofgiants like Mattei?By Dr Mrcello Colii hedirecor of cofuel (N) d heuhor of books bou oil drico Mei

23 The strategic stakes inMattei's ghtBy Nico Peoe uhor of hebook Maei. il nemico italiano(Mattei. the Italian Enemy)

26 Thirty years later: Whokilled Mattei?By ffele Morii Associio ofChrisi Priss Pvi ly

28 Assassination of cardinalsends a bloody messageCrdil Ju Jess PosdsOcmo of Mexico ws gueddow i Gudljr The Slisgoveme sys he ws cugh ihe crossre i shooou by drugrfckers; he Msos sy hey hdohig o do wih i Nobodybelieves eiher of hem for goodrs

31 Bombing in lorence: aterrorist atac against theRenaissanceThe ck o he Ufzi mus eumws imed he very her oflys idei s io

33 Ukraine is becming ardderless nation

35 Kosova ass .S. torevent genocide'A oe leer o Preside B illClio om Kosov PrimeMiiser d Foreig Miiser DrBujr Bukoshi

37 Drug legalizaion again onthe aenda in Colombia

40 International Intelligence

V 3 J 3

50 Is the Tano dtine'ow U.S. �trategic olicy?Udersecry of Se for PoliiclAirs Peer To se o sormof corovery wih his descriioof U S olcy of diseggemeom world ldershirsosibiliis

52 Senate Rpublicans oerbill to end Bosnia embargo

53 Jury conts a kidnaerfor ireGle Kelly corc kidrssocid wh he Cul AwreessNework (CN) is ow fcig leghy ris seece

55 Marian Aderson tributein caital arking aClassical enaissane

A overowudiece cme o yribue o he voice of heceury

58 New San Franiso ADLsy indictents extedsoon

60 Congressoal Closu

62 Nationaews

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Behind Pola's gcrisis: Soros d by Fn Hhn nd Willim Engdhl

Hw is it pssible that an electrician, wh became Presidentthrh an nsal set circmstancs, cld brin an entire natin t the brink disaster? And what is he din itr? Fr a Mercedes 600 a niht in bed with the qeen, rnly r a prmise t be invited t Henry Kissiners 80thbithday ten years rm nw?

Lech Walesa, wh was ha iled as a reedm hter drinthe 1 980s has nw qietly led a secnd revltin in Pland , makin himsel the dictatr Over the weekend May29-3 1 the vement Prime Minister Hanna Schcka

lst a parliamentary vte n cndence nly t be temprarily reinstated by Walesa, wh simltanesly disslvedthe Parliament, pendin new electins in September

Walesa s dis sltin the Parliament is part a cherent stratey n the part himsel and his rein nancialbackers A series wae strikes by pblic teachers andspital wrkers drin May, led by the vement-linkedSlidasc nin , was sed t create the staed crisis andt ive Walesa the pretext t impse an interim rle bydecree nder Schcka Inrmed Plish srces expect thatthis interrenm witht parliamentary ppsitin will besed t rce thrh the privatizatin state enterprises n

a massive scale, which ntil nw has been plitically riskyr the vement The perid arnd Jly, when the vements new vale-added tax n all sectrs the ecnmyes int eect, will be critical, as many state sectr rmswill becme de act bankpt thrh the added tax brden,while the vement has exempted privatized rms rmtaxatin r perids p t ve years

The impsitin sch dictatrial rle by decree inland is t be the mdel r the rest easte rpe andRssia

Walesa himsel is jst actin as a pawn, an instrment in


the hands thse wh wat t ey an tSch rces inclde

• Prect Deracy se iends Oie wh specialize nt nly in Cntra, bt have s c exe n t tin reins and natin T ie ay n enrle in the privaizatin na the case Rbe an Bs iness Fndatin e ce t Dcircles and has been in n e

chnk l ish sbin h v• ere tat i s an t na wh last year nt y mae e $2 speclatin aainst the ai a a t a wa r wreckin the en ny t tween $ 1 and $2 bilin n e ess see 1 99The Speain W e the destrctin nsty i ete e al Rssia The nemye tee an n $6 per mnt   n y easily scratched tete in t ethat in essence i s e sc an e

brains behind the cale e teywhich he intrce bac in 9 ment leader Mieczylaw Ri e this prram int atin wy was ct in hal ws et y t t vments te pstcmnist a in w ae zwiecki in 1989

The deindustrializatoof PolaThe entire ce i ecni e

1 989 pwershain aeeet e ae R

E 11 1

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Talks between the cmmnis t reime and the ppsitin hasllwed a bleprint tlined by Srs Accrdin t knwledeable reprts rm Pland , Srs , thrh his Stean Batrj Fndatin in Warsaw , held secret talks with the cmmnist Rakwski vement, tether with the Slidascppsitin The reslt was a plan r the privatizatin Plish state-wned enterprises Under the plan, the ve

ment wld set abt t deliberately lad state enterpriseswith he, npayable debt, with 100% r mre levels interest, cmbined with added tax brdens The banptrms wld then be pt nt the inteatinal actin blckt be sld r a small ractin their tre vale t westeinvestrs , where there wld be n restrictins n lays rte breakp cmpanies

In 1 989 , Srs indced his end, Haa shk therapy ecnmist Jey Sachs , advise the Plish vement,in rer t ive the entir ltin scheme the ara cdibilityad ecnmic pessinalism Sbseqently, mltinatinalaencies incldin e Inteatinal Mnetary Fnd and

e Wrld Bank have en brht in her this privatizatin cheme Wld Bank cials we iven ll access t themst sensitive inrmatin n the entir Plish cal-mininsectr ver the past tw yeas, incldin wae levels, win

cnditins , and the stats technlyNw the IMF and Wrld Bank are demandin, based

n this inrmatin, that the vement sht dwn lareprtis prtable, hih-qality cal minin , at the sametime that they are demandin penness rm the vement t rein imprts

'Wse thn Stinism

The cre the IMF-mandated shck therapy is privatizati, which amnts t a mechanism r landerin drmney and explitin healthy enterprises in rder t se thespeclative prts rm that t prp p the weste nancialsystem In Pland, we call this thie s steel, said an aidet ne senatr, wh had ht in the nderrnd aainstthe cmmnists

Pressr Balcerek rm Warsaw, whm nbdy cldaccse sympathy with the cmmnists, said it blntlyThe rced privatizatin is wrse than Stalinism; Stalin atleast bilt smethin !

In the cmin mnths , a reat blw is t be strck aainst

the still-existin state entrprises I these bsinesses in thereas ptics, electrnics, airplane cnstrctin, steel, andshipbildin are liqidated in rced privatizatins, then Pland will eectively cease t exist as a natin

An example rm the cal indstry The Plish vement has decided, at the behest the IMF and Wrld Bank,t ct its cal exprts in hal in tw t three years , t lay 180,000 wrkers, and t sht dwn 5070 minesand event sme them Nw Pland is beinnin t imprtcal rm Astralia, which is cheaper than transprtin dmestic pit cal rm Silesia t the prt at dansk!

EIR Je 1 1 , 1 993

Carel bservers te Warsaw sitatin pint t thatthe establishment the Walesa Dtatrship is intendedt lead, in the next three t r mnhs , t pshin thrhthe privatizatin prram and the estrctin the calindstry witht any parliamentary ppsitin.

This is the cntext in which th strikes mst be seen,which W alesa s pals at Sl idasc l ached at the beinnin

May The strikers did nt pt ward any plitical demands, bt were jst seekin hiher aes , which i s realistic witht a ndamental chane i ecnmic plicy Thisnecessarily led t a cnrntatin wi h the vement, aneventally t its cllapse All thi was planned, in rert psh thrh the crrent dictatrhip Nw , lidascis threatenin t call a eneral strik The c hairman lidasc, Marian Krzaklewski , i s atspke sper the IMF

The sitatin in Pland is particlarly mins in view the act that the same tedency t ard emerecy rle canbe bserved thrht easte reespecially Hnr

and kraine , as well as Rss ia itselIt is als imprtant t take int ac nt that the desperateecnmic sitatin i Sileia is bein sed by varis rpsthat are demandin either atnm r Silesia, r irectannexatin t ermany Trade ists rm the Silesia calmines are already talki abt hw ilesia cld becme asecnd Yslavia Aln with the hreateed explsin inRssia, a dmin eect cld cc, threatenin t plent nly easte rpe, bt als este rpe, it amaelstrm vilence an civil wa, as the destabilizati Italy and ermany is rpidly escaatin

icy tentives discussed;There are alteatives t this hrr scenari In Planitsel, the independent trae nin lidasc 80 , as well asthe indstry lbby, are htin r an ecmic prrambased n cnstctin prjects At he ed May, the athrs , represenin the Schil ler Istite, addressed a cerence Slidasc 80 i the vil la Prelica, teBaltic Sea

Frank Hahn tld the rp tha it will be ecesry tsave Pland rm tside, since it s bein destryed rmtside He presented Lndn Laches prram r arasian ecnmic recvery , centerd ard the cncept

a Paris -Berlin-V ienna Prdctive TaleWilliam ndahl anlyzed the privatizatin prram,cmparin i t t that the Mararet hatcher veet iBritain, and shwi what a disaste it has bee wherever ithas been implemented I the Meican maqiladoras. hesaid, 3 textile cmpanies we bkpt, becase cheap textile imprts m C ina! n the United States , eexplained, the crrent ecnmic cri ss was created by exactlthe same radical ree-market idely , which repdiate theAmerican System plitical ecnmy pn which the tin s indstrial streth was bilt

cmics 5

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Louce eauedin Russi jouby Rchl Dgls

The MayJune ue of Prsz na radnns and cncs the bmonthly of the Federatonof Independent Trade Unon of Rua, carre a vepageartcle by Profeor T Muranvky enttled Who LyndonLaRouche?" Included n the publcaton the text of a letterent by everal Mocow profeor , grouped around the journal, to Predent Bll Clnton cence and technology adver, Dr John Gbbon, n whch they requet a predentalpardon of LaRouche

Prsz na crculate to nearly 50,000 reader Profeor Muranvky a member of t edtoral board The artcle on LaRouche ubttled How an Amercan

centt already n the 1 980 propoed an alteatve to thefree market " Muranvky quote ource rangng fromRuan author Alekandr Solzhentyn to the Fnancas of London, on what a d ater ha come from reform,wth the goal of tranton to the ocalled free market,mpoed on Ru by a group of foregn expert under theaeg of the Inteatonal Monetary Fund" (IMF). Today,anybody who oppoe the reform carred out o far branded a conervatve or an enemy of reform," ay Muranvky ,

whch he call a purely Bolhevk approach"

The LaRouche approach to economicsAny reform baed on certan theoretcal and deolog-

cal tenet, " wrte Muranvky The theoretcal ba of thereform carred out n Rua wa the free market deologyof Adam Smth, n t contemporary nterpretato by theAmercan profeor Mlton Fredman It preented to u athe only true and teted way But th not the cae Thereext the economc reearche of the Amercan economtLyndon LaRouche, whch brng n new approache to economc"

Muranvky cte the LaRouche book, avalable n Ruan, , Y Wsh t La A Abt cncs?, andthe Schller Inttute crtcal analy of IMF olce, aource from whch to le about the LaRouche appoach,or phycal economy The ocalled free marketeconomy, " he quote the Schller Inttute materal, amth It never exted anywhere, nor wll t Th myth ued for the purpoe of detablzng and detroyng overegn tate, n orde to tu ther ecoome nto a mx ofpelatve and crmnal element, domated by foregncompane, ncludng the nteatol arcotc ma" By

6 Economc

contrat, Muranvy ague tat the negatie cntaictry Sovet experence of commnd management te ecnmy doe not mean that the ecnomy need no managementat all " He cte the potwar r ov ry pogram of GermanFrance, and Japan, a varatn on the theme of pyicaleconomy, whch vew econmc procee a ineparablefrom technologcal growth an the grwt of lab pc

tvty."Muranvky note LaRoue comment on te pa

tzaton of the water upply Brtan, one of te llegeuccee ofThatcherm, whh led to a beadown in picantaton , and the treat of edemc .

Reportng that te pr dnt of the Schler Inttte inGermany, Helga eppLaRoche, conder er hban apoltcal proner, Muranvy explan why LndnLaRouche ha run for Preden a an ndependent Democat. . . He everely critczed th dometc and foreign plicof the ReaganBuh admntaton. Scller Intitte ecalt expoe the actvty of the IMF, a a pliceman t

collect debt from Latn Amrican countrie, r te "Whle court document hw that LaRouce wa rma

ly charged wth and convcte of conpracy , or vioatinof nancal dcpline," Murivk write, Prosoyu ina edtorial board meber have read the tatementof LaRouche attoey Raey Clark, the ormer .S.attoey general, and Odn Aderon, who ee vlatinof human rght " He add , aRouche lawyer ae -mtted to the federal court a ptton longer than 1 page ,wth x volume appended of ewly dcovered document,kept ecret durng te nvetgton."

Muranvky report that rsz konmi e-ceved permon to interve LaRouche n prion and tatthe reultng ntervew wll be ublhed n ubequent ieof the joual

roessors call for LaRQuche s reedoIn h artcle , Prfeor Mranvky alo nclde the l

text of a letter on te LaRouhe cae ent by a grup oRuan centt and publc gure" to Dr. John GibbnUS. Predent Bll Clnton adi r on cence and tecnology

The letter begn, Dear lleague" The writer recall

that durng the year of totaltaranm, many cientit inour country uffered no few ujut perecuton, imprin-ment, and exle," aong the Dr Andre Saar inwhoe defene many centt rom your countr poe ot. "

It contradctory ," the pofeor ay , to hear that teUnted State upport human ght n countrie all oer teworld, whle at the ame tm there are report about tevolaton of thoe right n th Unted State telf, weepeople behnd bar nclude cntt and publc ge con-demned becaue of ther poltcl convction ." For examplethe entre world know that he promnent economit and

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plic gre, 70yearol Lynon LaRoche, is in his hyear of connement in prison in Rochester, Minnesota, eto jicial tyranny.

The letter contrasts the "ocial version, that LaRocheas gilty of nancial infractions, ith "the more than athosan layers an hnres of parliamentarians , amongothers, ho have "conemne the trial as a violation of jstice, an avance convincing facts an argments to shothat the case against LaRoche as faricate, since in reality he as conemne for political reasons.

The Rssian riters express their familiarity ithLaRoche' s criticism of the Bsh aministration, "t also

Th curmein ofe v mak

 pl n Luh mm M 23:f y a to  o ot  sola stm ng a an t  sio    

 n dvatis,  wo y  vs     n t e?

sr w ps: NoT  na  iv e  t t 

n b  oed. t ht  ar e to n w rtd n wa dscu in

  nl mun das ht no one in their

rig t mid wu d vs   p a, s g t k

f tkg bd ra v s hemonic.

Wht na ' t t o a I i t obsly t Rat t s an f pa l sn by ski fe' d ut f t as p 

hr n t Bjt   nt on mat g k tt t

th  em. I o rg  c ex-es th k xrt th e o th real  con my. 

e t ? It cr, war s    . It

coms i u ;   w pt or t otnar p b, f    a ch -b ra i fre

a oo a Euro lo ing e fore St Uio. I mn  ltn Chna

EIR ne 1 3

the sefl hmanitarian, antitotalitarian , an antifascist ac-tivity of the Schi ller Institte, hic he create, throgh itsplications, scientic conference an seminars. Theynote the resonance of LaRoche' s ph osophical an economic conceptions ith the est Rssian scientists of the past,sch as Dmitri Meneleyev an laimir easky

"We join the inteational coaltion for the freeom oLaRoche, they concle, "an e rgently ask yo tolanch an in itiative on the nee for a presiential paron oLynon LaRoche an other politicl pri soners in the S ASch a nole gestre ol meet i h fll nerstanng anroa approval, all over the orl 1

Ir a-br oj, 2$ ho in Haan n n Cis d Auchwitz p

f for4 eN al U  S   n  E.

wa  a hend   e v T o a  s i bi  tcmpl   e of "  e   ut I prg  wu d d h  o wk of zogical pa ks fo k ,  in a f  r f t typ i pan.

Te ple comg u  of cog in thse kinds   fp t to m  yig; rdy

t mang o o  i o qy ang p o e i   19 70s  96 e u ·cmn. Te i-r   ,     o  e i ie ne

u o l)r pN lk at te b o. a tr  

b? Wa h 


r   nolg po eas   ting you  can d, i rp rm    un  e   gs of thr get a fw p  h s ed

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 h A  pa n g d o  pt Che b n cultur l C  rua r rced t:lv-Iab bye wa.

r ow n t cs 1 l u e  t much. I'   "e  n  h- r We r ki  f ck e  i s o c t  re m,  v s w bt bdad si

Tt s wat <e n.

conomics 7

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is ii so ady tat, desite assive freei-up of aer, te ae i i te east is cii muc faster tai te west.

Dr. Dieter Veser fro te sae Berin istitute referredto te cassic diea of iera oetarist oicy Natiareveues dro i te crisis, ad sedi eeds ro, adte acia a ides. roras for crai u te rea

ecooy it oveet ivestets , ic te raise teuic decit , fa victi to te credo of imiti te decit Veser oited out tat cuts i socia sedi ad uicivestet are most couterroductive i ecooic ardties, e a oicy of suort for aor must e deoyedaaist te cojucture. uic ifrastructure, e added, otoy stiuates rivate sector rot, ut rins its oeets i roductio ad eoyet.

For easte era trasort routes aoe soe DM 185iio eeds to e set. A eeretic uidup of rivateecooic ad uic caita stoc i te east, estiates oeecooist, eas a order of scae of over DM 2 triio,

DM 5 iio of it just for state-aced ifrastructure(trasort, eery, couicatios, ousi, etc.).

Decit spending or state credit creation?Witi revaii aret-ecooy oic a arado e

ters e it coes to aci tese desirae rorams Easive acia oicie s, ece state ivestets , icuid u a coucture-coditioed decit , caot e eactedecause of te dictates of te tit-moey austerity oicy.Tis cotradictio ies eid te utiate seseessess of"cojuctura roras ad "stiuus acets, ic aresuosed to e offset y te arsest austerity oicie s

No te tred is toard aci miima ecessaryivestet eeds i te e states trou ta ad rate ies .Cooe acia scoar rofessor Dr. rcsceidt easizes rity tat "state det is soeti torouy ositive, aey te evidece tat te state as carried out uicivestets ad ece as roduced uic eat, of icte future ca ae use But sice 1 990 te state as roduced oy "eat for te reset, i . e , cosumtioorieted ayet trasfers to te east, defrayed y ta icreases. So o, te decit aci as to e stod adcoesated for by sca aciic ois do touri uic e taes ad sedi cuts ca e sod

to te voters .A tese cosideratios, etr fro te reie orte oositio, oc out te ai oint tat te assiveifrastructure ivestets, ic a surey eeded, uste auced y state creatio of roductive credits via tereuated issuace of otes y a atioa ai syte. Aso as tese credits are directed ecusive y ito rea ysica eat roductio, tey are ot iatioary, ecause teresutat rot i eerate risi ta revenues A tirday etee "decit sedi ad state credit creatio doesot eist.

EIR ue 1 1 , 1993

The dllar in deschemarNew York lt e f




1.30 !

14 1 S S1

The dllar in enNew York lt e f




110 '


14 41  SS S�

The Briish nd in dllarNew York lt e


S 1.40

1.30414 1



The dllar in Swiss francsNew York lt e







14 1 S �

1 56



S1 6



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c ' by Adm K. Est

In te 1 970s , te Sa promsed a "new cvzaton for teIranans He envsoned Iran to be n te same cass as teso-ca ed deveoped countres by te end of te century Butdue to te utter faure of s own economc poces andsubjected to te West 's pocy of "tecnoogca aparted,te monarc was swept away n te voent storm of teBrts etroeum-sponsored Is amc Revouton

Aong came Ayatoa Komen and s "Isamc deas Te cergy beeved tat te deas o feconomc deveopment,suc as ndustra zaton or te epanson of te o ndustry ,were part of te "Great Satan' s campagn amed at destroyng ter "Isamc Revouton

Ts resuted n te mass eodus of tousands of professonas suc as doctors , engneers, and te ntegentsa Iranwas taen bac to te age of medeva barbarty Te ardcore Komen -tes aso beeved tat "true Musms dd notneed any uures suc as future or refrgerators, wcresuted n te suttng down of factores and te oss oftousands of jobs trougout te country Ts s just a

gmpse of wat te country' s economy went troug durngte eary pases of te revoutonSorty after, Iran fougt a boody and senseess war wt

Iraq for egt years, wc caused a oss to te economy of309 bon n te rst ve years aone Te gy destructve war, wc gutted te economes of bot countres , wasrun and sponsored at bot ends by te masters of geopotcsbased n ondon and Wasngton

Aer Komen ' s deat n 1 989, wc weaened teroe of te ardners n te govement, Hasem Rafsanjan , nown for s moderate vews , was eected resdentBy now te popaton of te country was tred of te prva

tons of war and was reuctant to contnue sacrcng or te"revouton

The new e-ye pnRafsanjan, n s attempt to reconstruct te economy,

wc st ad not recovered fm te ravages of te Is amcRevouton and te devastaton of te war wt Iraq, announced s rst ve-year economc deveopment pan for1989-94 Durng ts perod Iran aso announced ts pocyof "economc reform and "prvatzaton But up to now ,te rst ve-year pan, wc as oosened state contro on

10 Economcs

te economy, as faed mserby to reduce te cu'sreance on o revenue and a no doe muc t o rmendustra eports

In ts recenty announced ew ve-year pan, Teeranas decded to press aead wt s free-maret reforms wcam to gve te prvate sector abgger roe eaders are fang to tae noce of te estucton of te ecmes

of te easte European countrs and te vrtua soc cy wc perssts n tose counres , as a resu t of er fueattempts to remedy ter econmc s by embracng eweste-prescrbed free-mare reforms Te ne ,wc covers 1 994-99, contansuge cuts n te cv servceand cas for reducton of subses

Under ts pan, bans w e aowed to decde on oanrequests from te prvate or puc sector soey on teccgrounds , endng te estng pocy of dscrmato fvorof state enterprses te cv rvce w be reduced; egovement w contnue se n ndustres; fue , eecrcy,and water prces w rse graday and subsdes w be

reduced Te Supreme Counc of Eonomy, wc s te urof te new ve-year pan, as ao decded tat n te secodpan te govement woud mt ts genera budge y revenue and spend te o revene on nfrasructura proects Ts woud mean tat te goverment w ave to rase taesdrastcay n order to aceve ts goa, snce o epsprovde more tan 66% of govment revenue w e esaccount for ony 23% .

Aso, n ts effors to mtae te farce better own aste "Cnese economc mrac, Iran recenty announcedte openng of a secod free trad zone n te easte provce

of Kerman Iran' s oter free trde zone s on te Isad ofesm, ocated a few mes oore from Bandar Abbas

putin cntr mesresBowng to ntetona presure or peraps movg

ward te "Cna mode, te ranan arament (Mas)recenty passed an outrageous ece of egs aton grgspeca govement benets on to te rst tree cdren fa famy Te b ass Iranan uverstes to ncude "puaton contro and famy pan� ng" n ter curricua, ndencourages jouast s , mmars, and artsts to "ace tessue n ter wor Atoug s not nown yet we e

b w tae effect, t nonetess stands n cear voatof Isamc teacngs and s unpredeted a of te MddeEast countre Iran , wc as out tree tmes te teritof Germany , as a popuaton o ony 57 m on peope

Te Isamc Repubc , wc s targeted for deouaoand destructon by te Ango-mercans and ter partersn crme among te Frenc and erman govements , seemsto ave ts prortes med u  Gven te overwemgefforts by te West to soate Ira, te Isamc regme soudeep n mnd tat tere s notg "Isamc about austerty,forced brt contro , or te eptat on of save abor

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u by ci

ppF ad ad iasuu adw i d aiw sw u i disasd aias

Bovine tuberculosis , the disease ofcattle analagous to tuberculosisamong humans, was all but wiped outin the United States as of the 1 970s .The rate of infection declined om anestimated 5% of the national cattle in-ventory carrying the disease in 1917,when a federal eradication programbegan, down to 0 .5% of the cattle in-ventory affected as of the early 1 980s .But now that is changing . Both cbactri bvis (cattle) and cbactri tbrcsis (human) are onthe incrase.

Over the decade of the 1980s,which saw the advent of free trade andthe ltdown in animal disease surveil-lance and meat inspection, bovine tu-

berculosis staged a comeback. Thenumber of beef carcasses showing upwith evidence ofTB at U . S . slaughter-houses soared from a yearly averageof 120 in the 1970s , up to 266 in 1 988 ,then 293 in 199 1 , and 61 3 in 1 992.

TBinfected carcasses a beingreported now at a higher rate of detec-tion than ever found by the U. S . De-partment of Agriculture, since thefounding of its slaughter suveillanceprogram.

The hazrd of the cattle disease

includes its potential transmission tohumans. People can contract the dis-ease through the air, milk, or meat.Transmission is high unlikely aslong as milk is pasteurized, and meatis inspected and handled properly.However, the more the disease isprevalent in cattle herds, the more thepossibi lity it can be spread to humans .Over the past year there has been analarming increase in incidence of TB

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among midweste slaughterhouseworkers.

Recent outbreaks of the cattle dis-ease have occurred in several states,but the concenration is in the South-west, in the viciniy of the Mexicanborder. The rate of disease is also ris-ing among captive herds of elk anddeer in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado,Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, and cer-tain easte states .

Veterinarian Rober Hillman,chairman of the TB committee of theU.S. nimal Health Association,calls the resurgence of the diseasedramatic. " In statements to the Kansas Ci tar in May, Hillman said,The Mexican free trade agreement is

a very big consideration . It is vital thattrade agreements and procedures forentry be based on sound scienticdata, not on somebody's whim andnot because someone can make somemoney doing this . "

In recent years, there has been anincrease of both saughered and on-thehoof beef coming into the UnitedStates. Ocially, the cattle crossinborders are supposed to be tested andtravelling with paperwork document-ing that they are tuberculosis free.

However, in May, Billy D. Johnson,an ocial of the U. S . eparment ofAgriculture (USDA) , spoke of reportsthat counterfeit TB documents are forsale.

A second reason for the bovine TBresurgence, cited by D. Hillman, isthe reduction of govement aid tocattlemen to eradicate the disease.

The main way that TB has beensuccessfully fought over past decades

of this century, i that when an infect-ed herd was id qti d, the cattlemanwas asked by th USDA Animal andPlant Health Insection Service to ei-ther desroy or iolate the herd. Gov-ement money as available to thecattleman to copensate him for hisosses . Now that ndin has been re-duced.

In the past, ypically 12 infectedherds were idenied nationwide peryear, but now tat number is risingalarmingly.

The latest oubreak that has veteri-nary epidemiolQgists worried is inKaes County, Texas, hundeds ofmiles inland fro E Paso, which ison the U. S . Meican border, and thesite of the only reent serious outbreakin Texas in recet times. In May, 86dairy cows in Knes County were di-agnosed with cob cterium bvisHow did it get �r ?

Terry Beals, executive director ofthe Texas Anial Health Commis-sion, stated, e intend to treat this

as a very high pority . " The di seasedanimals are part f a larger herd of 250cows , which has been quarantined in-denitely . State uthorities have sentin two epidemologists to KaesCounty to track down how the cattlemay have becoe infected.

Last year, Bals expressed alaabout the conseuences of impotingpotentially infeted Mexican steersinto Texas.

Some other tates, peviously list-ed as free ofbovne tuberculosis , have

now been recla$sied by the USDAbecause of new utbreaks of the dis-ease. Prior to anuary 1992, therewere 40 states li ted as free of bovineTB , but last yea New York and Penn-sylvania, both lading dairyproduc-ing states , lost tat status .

Last year, te USDA asked theNational Acadmy of Sciences tostudy federal erdication effort, andthe report is due for rlease this yea

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Bu B


Venezuelan industrialistwants us on production

orge edmond psident of Copoindusiathe Veneuelan assiation of large manufacturers called for focusing the credit system tofavor idustry and production in statements inCaracas in late May. He called for "formulating the nancial system since now thebanks absorb the depsits of the pblic anddon't lend them out because of high interest

rates.edmond said hat "in fact many bankshave ceased being nancial intermediarieswhich has created distoion in the mrket andtherefo I hink he banks must gain teirrots as lenders of money and not keep makngsculative investments wit money thatdsn't belong to them.

The economy needs two things he saidcondence ad industy. Trough the application of knowledge and technology industyemerges as he only tool tat can provide opunity for growing employment. He calledfor investing in research and development indisnsable for the cation of new pructs i

the futu.


Geran inister tellsArica: no Marshall Plan

Concluding a fourday tour of West Aicancountries on May 22 Geman Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel said in Abidjan Ivory Coastthat he saw "no chance for any such ting as a

Mashall Plan for Afrca . . . bcause all industrialied nations tat would have to supit are faced with enoug pblems of theirown.

Kiel recomended tat raher thancouting on help om outside the Aficansshould develop on the basis of tei own tentials . (Kinkel did not suggest that these nationsshould brak lations wit te InteationalMoneta Fund but that would their onlychance to mobilie ther own resources. )

The Organation of African Unity (OAU)has just reted in this context tat Aican

1 2 Economcs

states that have so far felt comlled to maintai themselves in good standing with the IMFhave been brought into a dependency on foreign aid that covers 50 and more of the resctive national state budgets. This situationis a form of eocolonialism the rertwed.


Union ass ivebacs

to eep Northwest aoatIn a grim reinder of what hapns to radeunion bagaining i a depression the Inteational Botherhood of Teamsters has asked the9 ight atendants it represents amongNorthwest Airlin' s 45 ; employees to accept $9 million in pay and vacation cuts overthe next thee years as pa of an attempt to keephe company aoat. Ballots on approving theageement negotiated by the T and the airline 's lrgest union the Inteaional Assiation of Machinists were mailed out on May27. All six of the airline's unions must ratithe deal for it to take eect.

Nothwest Ailines has laid off over3workers and lost $9 billion during the last heeyers. In retu for the union concessions tecompany would give them ownership of30of the company and repay te lost wages instk at the end of 10 yearsifi s still around

Crrnc rn

London baners earrevolt over speculation

"Foign exchange managrs ought to asting of success of multibilliondollaprts fm cuncy ading orations "allover Londo. But they are not. One ason isat the bas are all t awa of the contemtthe public has for what ae deemed to be theprts of sculatio. Te dager is at thecentral banks mght hess the ang publicmood to ty and regulate the market the May26 London Financial Times repoed.

Cosndent James Blit in a suvey offoreign exchange reats the Bank of England

nding of as yer, tat 10 banks in th Ciy oLondon ;ount d for 43% of the $3 liondily foin  exchange  tuover in Bn.  That mea tat 10 Ldon banks ccoun or18% ofthe$880 billion daily cuncy ad in the enti world.


Aerospae dustry topropo�e resrucuringThe Russin aeospace ad defense sctorwhich inchd s seach labratoes s wll

industrial pductio facilities wi ll ps oussian Psidet Bois Yeltsi tt i rstctu d,Aviation Weeked w oMay 24. Arospace ueployen i ssrivals hatqthe collapsing aespace indsin the Uni�d States.

In a bi to ger more foreign concsa ur e design bueaus wil pstat tere a consolidation of major fclson a r gioal basis and tat businss couldinclude " formal use of te U. S . dol .The plan h been devised by Gen gnov who eads the Cenal Aynaics Instute wich is he wolds lgssearch faility.

A viatiou Week also repoed t Cnesuse of the istitute' s facilties is goin vefast nd ta the ussians are activel yi tomrket the arra in Cina.

Frn Assista ce

Japan t resue

yen los to IranJapan is to sume yen loas of up o 38. 6 bllion yen ($60 illion) to t st sucloans since 976 a Foign Minist ocisaid on Ma 29. Te untied loas wll can interst ate of 3 a yea over a 2ayment ri with a gace rod of sevyears Thends a to used to build a electrc pow r station on te Kan vr isoue Ia.

In 19 Ian reversed a licy of not rwing abd and bega to seek foreig loas .

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Enco M i, ahistoc mdelfor today's ciby N Hmmn

Making the thitieth annivesay of the tagic death f Enico Mattei , the foundeof Italy's national hydocabons company ENI, an inteational confeence washeld in Milan on Nov. 27, 1992, to commemote the life and wok of thisgeat Italian. It was oganized by the Schi lleInstit of Gemany and Eecutiventeience eview and athe than mely evokin the past , it took up vaious

asects of Mattei with the aim of identifying lessons ou own ea. The challengein moality and method which vaious speakes aisd could be summed up in thequestion: How would a peson like Enico Mattei have acted in the face of anepochmaking cisis l ike that cuently shaking the old, and Italy in paticula?"

Mattei ' s ghting spiit was manifest in a speech t the opening of the academicyea at the School of Highe Studies on Hydrocabns in Decembe 1 96 1 , wheehe said: We must get id of the infeioit complex hat Italians ae good wites,good poets, good singes, good guitaists, and n people, but they don't havethe capacity fo geat industial oganization."

We pesent below excepts fom an Italianlanguge epot published by sEuopean aliate, which collected the speeches ad debates of the confeenceas well as some speeches by Mattei . The Milan dail Gi coveed the event

with thee aticles. An aticle in L' vanti the Soialist Paty pape, cited theapeal of Schi lleInstitut pesident Helga ZeppLauche, that the investigationinto the Mattei case be opened, because the tuth bout the Mattei case will becucial fo binging Italy out of its pesent life and dath cisis . "

In the seven months since seveal events hae combined to make spublication of this mateial especially timely. Italy has been spun seveal moeatchets down by the assault on its soveeign politicl and economic institutions.Not only have many of its majo postwa political leaes been indicted fo coup-tion ; but the exaspeated electoate was stampeded ino a efeendum that appovedinstitutional changes which will only speed up th takeove of the nation byfoeign, especially AngloAmeican inteests.

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b f yby Pl V iti

woud ike o begin wih quotion which I nd veryimey When building is copsing on sides, i ismore economic in mny cses o compete is demoiion.Therefore, wh shoud be imposed is provision which putsn end o he presen se of things nd frees the heir of burden which nohing jus ies nd which , if he presen se

of ffirs were o coninue , coud be expeced o consnlyincrese."

The reevnce of his quotion i s no mter of heepoch bu rher he concep. s mny know, ht ws thedeh senence is sued on Juy 5 1946 by he join commissionse up by he in govemen o evue he future feof P [ziend enere in Peroi, founded in1926] nd his despie he rs, promising discoveries ofmehne in Mrch 1946 Cvig. nd ye, h quotioncoud be from our own ime, perhps in n rice by iusep-pe Turni in rriere dea era bou he debte on priv-izion, repoing decrtion by Moody's or by some

spokesmn of he neion Monery Fund or he mythi-c inteion mrke" which imposes upon us fundmen- economic choices under the Dmoces' sword of newspecuive sorm gins he ir.

ws no quesion hen, ny more hn i is ody, of form debe between wheher or no to privtize, but igoes bck o bsic xioms of nion economic policy,which underie h debe, which were idenied by EnricoMeiperhps inuiively rs, nd er more nd moreconsciousynd by his iends nd ies , such s Rffelenoni, iovnni ronchi, nd even cide De spri.

By nure, Mei hed hypocrisy nd coud no gree

h under he nice words of free mrke" or necessiy ofsvings of he se" here shoud be perpeued swindeby weidenied nion nd inteion ineress whichhd very ie o do wih nyhing ee. " Foruney, Mtteiws no in n isoted posiion , bu ws bcked by poliicnd economic cuure which sw in new nd rpid economicdeveopmen he insrumen of rebirh, even in he morlsense, of y er he horrors of he wr nd he 20 yersof Mussoini's rue.

Te hisory of P is we known, s is he history ofthe srugge round he gre projec of Oscr Siniggi for

16 Feture

fullcyce steel prouction, tng fom ion , an notwith electic fuace poc i1g cap mta, a wa beingdone by he big pivate t lma  s

I ike o recall hat on Mh 29, 1946, hence at hime of he rst icove • Caviaga, Giovanni ac,he cognize hea of Itaian eavy inut an nuouchmpion of feemaket econoic , teti bfo the co-

nomic commission et up by e contitunt amby, -cring himself eciivey agait the pject fo a a tinust: More pciey, Italy  hou not have a majo tindust, because it lacke te necess raw atea,hence the objective houl be at of a maximum pouctioof 3 million tons , which pva enteie coul eaiy han-de. Obviouly, the aiezfai buine man ack a,privte enerpise houl be ptcte by the tate wih ig-nicant cutoms tiffs It cou b icue, " he concu-ed his frsighted intevention, whethe 30% o 40% potc-tion should be given but a cunt wihout minea anwithout col cannot make steel ithout cutom ba "

It is wellknown fact, an was known aleay in 1 95 1 ,before the poweul economic cceeation of Itay tingin the midle of the 1 950 , whih peake betwen 1 959 an196263 tht Italy pouce million ton an en 2million tons in 1 960, an that i the mie of th 1 96 hstehed company insier alne pouce 9 milion tonnd privte enteise 4 millin tons. Given the multipeyers (45) neee to buil lag teel plant with hightem-perture fuaces , Falck emas, if they ha ben aopby he govement, woul have psente a fata anglingof economic recontction, wth the ea k hat th o-clled economic mirace wou ve have been eaize

Physics and econoicsThe frsightene" of thealcks of that time i compa-

rbe o the commenations otoay s femaket punit .Their profoun miunetang is to consie economicdevelopment of nation as a nea phenomenon, like thection t istance between sinle paticles an abuity inphysics s in physica economy In fact fm phyic we canuse concept, that of citical ma or theho, which aowus o explin phenomena suc as that of api economicdeveopmen. Thee is an unavoable necessity for a concen-rtion, ensity, of economi activitie at a etemin,

high technological levlan is not posible to go belowhisin oder fo a poce of evelopment to be spThis is what has been enie, eecially in the the ecaeht seprte us fom the eath f Mattei , to the Thi ocounties, n the few exceptio, such as Taiwan o SouthKorea, which in any cae wee oele on Japan mo hanon the nglomeican patte, a just futhe cona-tions of what I m ecibing

The Mttei conception of e role of inatctu toge economic eveopment moing in a nation , o jointy insever ntion, ect a supio economic oulook e

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know from his involvement in building major gas pipelines,from the rst one in the plain of the Po iver, to the much-contested one between Genoa and Ingo lstadt i n B avaria, Ger-many , whch was to serve as a line in to Central Europe, fromthe very long 1 ,7 00 km) one in Argentina , to the greatprojects of his last period: the AlgeriaSicily gas pipeline,which was supposed to later connect into all of Italy , and the

potential for a new TriesteIngolstadt gas pipeline, which inthe future could have linked up with the Soviet one Druzhba)in easte Europe.

Aer the Algerian war, as Algeria realigned with theFrance of de Gaulle, and was freed in 1962 from its burden-some colonial past, there was also the prospect of a three-way arrangement including Adenauer's Germany, as thepremise for a joint deve lopment of continental Europe , stat-ing with weste Europe.

nfrastructure does not just mean a bridge, a rail line, ora gas pipeline, but it embraces education and skills trainingof the labor force, i . e . , schools and research centers it means

adeuate health care infrastructure and so forth. It meanssubstantially t achieve an economic densi which peritsand facilitates the rise of new industries, above all small andmedium industries with high capital intensity. This is wherethe role of the state becomes most evident: in sectors whichbecome productive after a period of time , in new , very high-technology sectorssuch as maglev, the German magneti-cally levitated trainsor in geographically remote locations.It is also the attempt to bring order and rationality to a devel-opment which otherwise could degenerate into the savageand predatoy, or because it responds to social and strategicreuirements.

If one scans attentively the words or, even more, theinitiatives, of attei, one nds a fundamental coherencewhich can be reduced to this economic approach . In a confer-ence held at the Foreign Press Oce in February 1962, theENI president expressed himself as follows: "We think wehave enormous pos sibilities of development in our country,to be able to cancel forever the image of a traditional Italy,poor and only agricultural. We have immense possibilitiesfor develoment in the editerranean, in Europe, in Africa,in the iddle East. In relations with depressed countries,with the countries which have the need to initiate industrialdevelopment, we believe we can offer an industrial organiza-

tion prepared in men and means and hence that we can full lan important work of collaboration. In th is way , o ur opera-tions can be useful to the entire West, of which we are part.But we think that even in the weste framework collabora-tion is necessary. And not, as often occurs, a war withoutuarter and with no holds barred.

And this "war without uater vey soon began , perhapsbefore the end of the Second World War itself, with thearrival of the American and British secret services in theAGIP oces in ome, to take possession of the archives ofthe company, and which explained well the hasty decision

EIR June 1 1 , 1993

Pao o Viai: ae onepioneveopmen ree a uperior pr"'1oil company . It was a  war against , after the discovery of the deposit s at S in northe Italy andthe construction of the network of as pipelines in notheItaly which, in the course of four I ears, between 1949 and1952, catapulted our country into the third position in the

world in length of pipelines: 4,50 km, with a sixtyfoldincrease in the volume of methane as transpoted to indus-try: from 20 million cubic meters i 1 194 to 1 ,200 million in1952 .

Without AGIP's discoveries a d  network of  pipelines,without Sinigagl ia's plan for  steel, without the original cre-ation  of  EN and  the State Holdings in 1 95 3which wasenvied by  all , until a  few years gowithout the attack launched in 1950 by Mattei against he ontecatini chemicalmonopoly ,  which led to  the drasti< drop in fertilizer pricesand hence made  a  notable contribLtion  to our agriculture,without the revoltion in plastics �nd the immense  invest-ment by Fiat in its iraori plant b � Valletta (one of

the fewgreat private industrialists, togeth r with Adriano Olivetti ,who were on the same wavelength ith attei), and withoutthe vast spinoff effects on small an medium-size industriesof that initial period ,  Italy would n ver have so dramaticallyapproached the other weste  conmi s .

The taian economic miracJeIn 953 , the verage income ir Italy was onethiteenth

that of the nited States, On - ight� that of Britain, and one-h that of Germany, which had m rg  d destroyed from

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te war wentye ercent of talian omes lacked runningwater, in 67% tere was no gas, 63% ad no batroom in93% tere was no teleone a nd in 90 % no central eatingIt was te icture of a oor and deressed country Between1959 and 196263, Italy ad te igest rates of industrialroduction of te entire West and te lira won te Oscar in1959 as te most stable currency From 1952 to 1962, in a

single decae tere was a sweeing exodus from te contryside into te city and from te Sout to te industries ofte Nort almost 1 6 million Italians canged residence onetird of te entire oulation e cange was gigantic andit ad saage features, sometimes wit dramatic social andman conseuences and accomanied by economic errorssc as te emasis on consumer goods instead of caitalgoods (wereas Germany concentrated its inestments morewisely) enormos seculatie construction at te outskirtsof te old cities and so fort But it remained a cange ofeic rootions

atei was among te greatest rotagonist s of tis inds -

trial deeloment But tere i s someting in i s erson andis work wic distances im from te oter ersonalities oftat time from te great tecnician Sinigaglia to te otergreat industrial ists li ke alletta of Fiat , or Olietti , and manyoters as well I t was someting tat brougt togeter, a lbeiton dierent leels, is Partisan exerience wit tat of acatain of industry, wic subsumes and exlains is creatieand innoatie caacities We could dene tis sometingas a rofoundly Cristian sense of uman dignity, wicdoes not bend i n te face of adersity and does not refuse togt aust gt, weter it is against NaziFascist occuationor te straitacket imosed by te new world order, suc as

emerged from alta, or te arrogance of ower of te SeenSisters oil comaniesattei was certainly no olist as was obsessiely re-

eated by Giorgio Galli in is olit ical biograpy of te ENIresident attei of course, was not art of, and did notaccet wat Galli dened as te "organic concetions ofolitics Britis emiricis m, reducible to Daid Hume, wicin economics means te "free market of Adam Smit, andarxist economics I do not know if, aer te collase ofcommunism and te eay creaking of te AngloAmericanlaissezfaire ideology, Galli would still maintain today tesame tings e wrote 1 6 years ago But attei was no ou

list His close ilosoical and economic concord wit teositions of is friend Raffaele anoni, linked im to te"socia doctrine of te curc , wic in te industrial worldsometimes asses under te name of "social caitalism, aterm wic een alletta refeed in counteroosition totat of "neocaitalism or wic te Germans of te era ofAdenauer called soziale Marktwirtschaft.

o ontrt a ene of dnt for Itaattei did not fall into a tantrum out of infantile resent

ment geerated by a oulist ision of te world, as is

18 Feature

denigrators want s t beliee s i e l tat an emergent ideendent fre wic i w osubmit to te monoolstic r aatios of r oand foreign multinationals wod ed in a sowdowAnd attei always ad to ndelin e real es of eclas , becase cowardce and yisy bog or idelogized roaganda, cnstanly oted te a fas

interiew wit te alits lfi ad eedeti easked"Tey ae gien e a task ic i s tt w f

Italy a osition in te world ol i. D yo ve  ieof wat roblems are brogt  y  a ressly  kind?  Wat kind of desaie? Wat dst fforces? Woeer toe oil es l Neesl  Weter e wants to or no F 50 ye te  e running te states and seikdo s of Abi  e Pe Gulf ae been rea ig cos t ey y e ites and te rebel tries ey d ee  B i folklore: It is a straey tog!   e r 

enacted wit te so f te q A a e U S Se De-atment , te Btis Foreg Oe iellee ees and simil arly in F ace. � ? t s e  do? Go eey day o te Faes� [lia Fe ieadquarters] to nd t w h th old e  e f te resident of Stada d Oil  ee old e my lace at te table? Tis is  at se f e.Tey  asked me to  an talY fm il ee. Te means to aciee tis eslt-I cose e. Te jeme at te end and establis wet�er eee  e eeor unised Bt now   tey m le e w   way

On Jan 8, 959 ate ste e l ee fStdies for Inteatioal R coclio e e ers suort witot eseatio it e wei f edilomatic and milty force te itiie e nies . " Today wit te  ac¢es let e il  arcies and docmets tat we e ee s tose blised by fesso r ee s ewe know a lot more t te ice de t e i becomes clearer Sc as wen i 92 in ei fa new  caring of  seres f ineret fe eoertrow of ossadeg te Nol ey l te Deartmens of Ste D f d Jtice f e e

States ad to inteee o bl¢ e ede ieagainst te oil comaies for iion of te ei tst laws . In ajointdcment it as dee t e e-can o il oerations are for racti l re ise fAmerican foreign olcy

"In i rtue of teir role as i nsets f o fei lcy, bot in Eroe and in te iddle Et ay our oil comanies , in tose aes sold be reded afundamental attack on te enti eica sye [euote is translated bak from te tla ]

S o muc for te free marke and fee ce

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The CIAs orries according to WebsterAnother quetion which we houd ak oureve i what

happened after the change of 1 989 and the AngoAmericanrepone of Buh' new word order." In a pubic peech bythe former CIA chief under Buh, Wiiam Webter, deiv-ered on Sept. 1 7 , 1 989 , a future of trade and inteigencewar i aid out between the traditiona aie" and competi-

tor." I tre that the peech wa pubic: We can thereforeimagine what the reevant archive wi revea 30 or 50 yearm now .

A the twentyrt century apprache, it i cear thateconomic conideration wi pay an even greater roe in ourreation with our aie and adverarie aike . There i now aunivera rcognition that economic trength i key to gobainuence and power. Nation ar adjuting, even rehapingtheir economic ytem in order to compete in the gobamarketpace. "

Webter then praied the further integration of nanciamarket" a a rvoutionary tructura change in the goba

economy. " The U. S . inteigence chief treed , The tran-formation of inteationa nancia market i triking ifwe oberve the gure: Daiy tranaction on the exchangeare over 3 biion and in a week the tranfer on thenancia market are grater than the voume of Third Worddebt."

Exating thi nancia manna which ha ofciay keptthe American economy aoat, Webter announced for thenext ve year" a commitment of the U.S. govement thatdebtor countrie, incuding the new eate European na-tion, houd ubmit to the dictate of the Word Bank andInteationa Monetary Fund.

What woud Mattei' poition have been today, in theface of the fantatic propect which ha opened in the Eatof Euope, or the new, growing uffering of the ThirdWord, the tragedie in Africa? Without a doubt it woud havebeen the antithei of Webter' goba nancia ization" andwithout a doubt there woud have been new, hard cahewith the AngoAmerican oigarchy.

To wrap up: Abeit on competey different human andhitorica eve, we may compae Mattei with Chare deGaue In what ene? In the ene that ince Word War IIand for the entire potwar period they repreented, and ti rpreent, for their repective nation, a ene of nationa

identity, an idea reference point .It i not a quetion of tuing Mattei into a myth; on thecontrary we need to demythoogize him, becaue that habeen a way of aving peope' concience . What woud anEnrico Mattei do today , in a different ituation? We mut tartfom a deeper comprehenion of hi economic phioophy,which i what we have ao propoed to preent with thiconfernce.

In the face of today' crii , the bet ceebration in honorof Mattei i to undertand concretey, that we need moreEnrico Mattei .

IR June 11 , 1993

s y s wyf gis ik i?by clli Clitti

Dr e drer () and e ar evera bk ab and nr Mae

To peak about Enrico Mattei tody i not eay . He evokethe image of a pat that wi never rtu , when Itaian ocietyproduced men on a very differen cae from today. What

come to mind i the famous phae of the poet VittorioAeri, at the dwn of th isoimentothe movementfor Itaian unity which did not yt have that namewhenomeone aid to him, But ray , hat do you Itaian want?You are aready a peope which a become degraded anddepreed, and go around ooking for mater. " And he an-wered, We , in Itay there are t brigand , which meanthat the human pant' i ti groing vigorouy, and it ijut a quetion of expoiting it" I am hardy aying thatMattei wa a brigand I mean that i that period , peope werebo who today eem out of pace, gigantic , and they woudnot t into the room where the me who now adminiter the

country ive . It i ha to peak abot peron who, the furtheraway we get, the bigger they becoe . . . .Let u to ay what vaue th experience nd the pro-

gram of Mattei have for u today The epubic [of Itay]today i baed on a poitica, ecoomic, and ocia mecha-nim which i very different from hat time , and I think thatthe eection proce which carrie Mattei to the height heattained woud today have worked in revere: Mattei woudnever hav become what he becae in the preent ytem,which ha a ruthe eection I woJd dene a upide down,which reward the behavior of adating to power, intead ofthe oppoite. So we houd ak ourve whether thi strong-

y poitive image which Itain hae , depite everything, ofMattei , i ti vaid . And ince Matei wa a doer not a writer,not an inteectua, but one who ut thing into practice,rather than peak of the mesage e ent, we have to peakof hi exampe, of what h did, beaue he educated Itaianwith hi exampe.


Matteis pogam .There i a erie of exampe hich he gave . Let ' ook

at them one by one in the effort t carify what thi peronmean today. The rt, and for m the mot extraordinary,

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is is ra example, wic is a wod no longe used in ItalyFo i m labo ad a moal value , and tis wa s te pincipal"value of te individual Labo fo im was caity, if wewant to put it in the tems of Catholic cultue, wic adstongly inuenced attei, duing is yout and also in ismatuity He conceived of labo as te pincipal act of caitytowad otes, and ence as someting wic is in no way

measuable by eaings, by te pot wic one gets fomit, wic is of couse necessay in ode to live, but wic isnot te ewad fo labo, not te pupose of labo e pu-pose of labo is to give to otes wat it is possible o giveto cay out togete wit otes wat it is possible to cayout, and ten money seves to suvive ; but it is not te obective And tis was so stong in te magnetic cam tatemanated fom te pesonality of attei, tat no one eveasked im fo a aise Natually e did not let imself beasked, but no one would eve ave asked im, because ewould eply " But I wok fo fee , and wat do you do? isis a n example vey muc out of fasion, but it is an example

wic indicates a moal and civic tension wic we needtodayLet us go on to te second point, is a example

e man was not a poitician because e talked little ande cetainly dd not ave te caacte of a politician But emoved in a political ealm and e ad intuitions, vey deepconvictions wic came fom te dept of is spiit wicae ust as singula wen we look at tem today, as is co ncept of labo His intuition was tat politics is a way ofcaying out a poect , and fo tis you must gt to te veyend, if possible wit te instuments of political actio toseof consensus, but if necessay even wit weapons because

evey eal poect distubs te powes tat be and teefoeceates an imbalance wic cannot be ealed, because tosewo ave powe ty despeately to epetuate temselves,and teefoe esis t any poect tat ties to cange tigs

atteis pogam was fo economic ad civic development togete, ad tis too is oe of tose tings tat weave completely fogotten conomic development and civicdevelopmet ae not necessaily l inked; income ad civi liation ae ot exactly te same tingtey ave an aea ofovelap but it is not total Hence, a pogam of economicad civil development was anote of is tuly state intuitions wic was not limited to is own county because e

woked fo is county, but e neve saw it by itself Fomte vey outset e ad an absolutely clea idea tat tis veysmall couty i a uite stategic posit ion ougt to ave a lineof development wic wa s necessaily inteational , wiccould not tu in wad, but wic ad to look outwad adwic , in keeping wit wat we said befoe w it te fuctionof labo wit te moal signicance of te commitment ofte peson , sould look towad less favoed couties counties wic wee ten emeging out of colon iali sm , and fomte distotion and uma ad political devastation wiccolonialism bings

20 Featue

oloia s e e two wods wic e te s I y im angy you on ly to e e t and e tued al coos a stte to t tealmost neve aeed e st ioia o tese to eo s tion of te digity f m

beind is activityo ti s poga of a i ev

was completely unied wit is l cot outet in an eae i e man bui t a comay e fet e ny e could not s te l y not use an ol ise fet geneation a e e tee t oe wo easiy eesse e wile e would lt out tats eeto self was so ive it s ism tat tee ws nt lot e et

was ecessay to ec ot ee te latte woud ave s umiliating ad pvc eie ke ss

Henc e it was yu eo o e t and is pssio fo yt st e was ti s geneatio to wic te to ee ts e youg eso tefoe $ by motivating a i i e i leade No one ev st s s te lead wo coie ots s ideas oe t i commitment e s te ea e

took te iss o es cotictio of y tios and tefoe e o lmost sue e �

Retins mng rich d pr cunriesis apoac f i s t s

up wit is eoom a at once to oete te e te asolute iete s tat te ic neee te o e tio aose fo s e s

ten tans late ito c ocete ¢ y of tat pod y Itly aked esey s poac teefoe et al and civic tst necessity of stisyg te e was a tst wc iet t anticoloialism i t was al a ceet syse

e ad uest e i s ti today tis is ot co e y te poo not oly because te oo co

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fate, certain raw materials and not only because the mostdesperate country in the world whic h was Saud Arabia , hadthe worlds largest petroleu reserves but because thereexists an insurmountable limit in the mechansm of capitalsteconomy which can only be overcome by broadening thebase This is another one of those things which even if it isdiscussed today, brings up a lot of skepticism but which can

be demonstrated on the technical level

Technoogica rogressattei was certainly not an econoist but he had a pas-

sion for economics and surrounded himse lf with economists ,and with them he dened a very simple criterion which isstil l extraordinarily timely today The echanis of techno-logical progress is based in modern economies on industrieswhich produce socalled capital goods i e machineslathes stamping presses, containers for the chemical indus-try and so forth Thus ndustry incorporates technologicalprogress a machine which in year produces 0 pieces for

I O liras apiece in year 2 produces 20 piece s at a cost of nineliras, and in year 3 it produces 600 pieces at a cost of veliras Such technological progress can only be achieved ifthe industries that produce these capital goods have a broadenough market In individual capitalist countries inevitablythere is a limit to the volume of investment which a countrycan absorb, and thereore there is a limit to the capacity ofdevelopment of these industries Hence it is necessary toexport capital

This is a mechanism fro which colonialism also de-rives, because from every mechanism of the economy, bothgood and bad derive It is a mechanism which implies, for

example today that if we wanted to say what is the surestway by which Europe can emerge from the present economiccrisis, it is by exporting capital Europe or taly must makeinvestments for example in North Arica Because for surethe Itaian market, the productive basis of the Italian system is too narow to be able to absorb sufciently the output ofits capital goods industry The mature countries need themarkets of the countries which are not yet mature

Hence, to get back to atte his moral intuiton that itis unjust that there are poor people and that the poor andrich need each other ended up being reinforced and madeextremely powerful by economic reality because his moral

analysis agreed with his economic intuition, which then hiseconomists were able to write aboutWe have sketched the prole of a giant and we said at

the beginning that this giant would not be at ease that theceilings of the rooms of power today would be too low forhim But are these things we have said still valid or are theypast history et us begin with the end with the discussionabout rich and poor, and let us speak for a momen t about theol industry, which is an industry in which attei lived alarge part of his life and in which he built his extraordinarycorporation

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"coniais and "eigration of

Ther is no doubt that in thenence of traditional oilproducingcrease and n ot decrease, that theleum projected for the next 30

completely by the OPEC countries ,entirely b y the Gulf nations, suchSaudi Arabia which have geology

ntries is going to indemand for petro-

will be satised almost

within OPEC almost

no doubt that the problem of and the weste worldis to nd a way of linking up wi these countries, a waywhich will not be degrading for countries, which doesnot oppress them because cannot lastppression leads to iolent at the same time a wayto obtain energy at a price which is prohibit ive

Hence this problem , which saw in all its clarity asthe need to supply Italy , is today the agenda at the worldlevel The oilproducing countries the iddle East will be

in the next 30 years the main for the additionalquantity of crude oil needed bywhich in atteis day was aan importer So there is on thethe problem of relations betweencountries which attei had posedsiasm and with so much capactrue

Not onl y is the relation with countries more important now than in the past, but th chokepoint in capitalisteconoy which I mentioned earlier become more impor

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tant as well : The limitation of the investment base in the richcountries is drastic, we are experiencing a crsis which to alarge extent derives from that This problem, which Matteinever tired of reiterating, at all levelshs poe againsolonal ism, the problem of relations betwee poor nd richountriesis truly a problem of today

he tate' romoton of enterreThere is one last point on which I would like to briey

dwell, which is Mattei s idea of the state , which today is alsoout of fashion The stte is now identied in the mentality ofItalian itizens as mysterious monstrosity, a kind of deeplycorrupt Maa , either corrupt or inefcient, which has a nega-tive role in daily life Mattei had exactly the opposite conceptof the state: He believed that the state should be the onewhich supplied the capital for economic development, theinstrument which ollected the capital that the private econo-my was not capable of supplying to a sucient degree, andmade it available for investment nd hence the function of

public enterprise was to be the legitimate channel throughwhich public money was transformed from money into capi-tal, and hence into investment, and hene nto economcdeelopment

Mattei came out of private industry He was a privateentrepreneur, one of the few new private businessmen inhis te, who came fro nothing, and yet he understoodperfectly the lmits of the prvate econmy, n whch he hadbeen so successful, and that it was inevitable and neessarythat the state should function as a ollecor of capital andconveyer of capital toward industry This theory, which al-lowed him to build ENI, and which was not completely new,

aer all, nevertheless was gven an enormous importane byhim ittle by little, it has been extinguished

Eonom and moratThe Italian state in the last 30 years has done the opposite

It has not cumulated investment capitl, it has nanedincome, i e , it has used the money gathered through taxationto nane nsumption , subsntially rasferrg ths oneyinto private hands in a wide variety of orms, some of themnot even legal, but that is really seodary The economisubstance was that t nanced consumption, i e , that themoney of the state has been given ou to antain demand

not investentThe onseuences have been ver ceary vsible , both inthe exorbitant increase in the pub debt , beause to sustandeand is a bottomless pit and herefre it reates a biggerand bigger gap in the publi deb, ad now we are a countrywith more publi debt than income I would say that the worseect whih this system hs had, has been n publ orality,n the ne fe, nd he y dng ths wehave put forwrd o the oming genertins he rheye noof the prducer, not the man who produes sethng, whoworks hrd nd therere hs r, v, and spirtua

22 Feature

commitment, because hard wor has more than a phyicadimension We have instead p forward the model of theman who onsumes and no on¢ knows exactly where theney comes from that he is usig , but he has an enormouendowment of consumer goods hich he continually reup-plies

Now this is an imposs ible moel , not becaue it i immor-

al, although in part it i, but becuse it is imposible for theconsumer not to be a producer here is no alteative to thireaity, because the economic ircle has to cloe in omeway

To produce takes work, whie to conume doe not tus say that producing implies a ommitment, a daily effowhich is no longer included in tday s archetype, where itis instead considered an unpl ant necessity , and not evenvery dignied To have seen the state as that which nanceconsumption, rather than prodution, has ended up by pre-enting a model which no longe perceives labor a a funda-mental moral factor

The last pint regarding ths i a of the state which Matteihad, is his concept of power Tere was a time, one or twoyears before his death, in which merican magazine dedi-cated a cover to Mattei with the eadline: The Mot Power-ful Italian since ugustus " Bedes the fact that Augutuwas not Italian, Mattei had this iJag of the man of poerHe was a man who lived every ay in the inner coidors ofpower and exerted enormous per He had a very preciedea of power: Power was an invitable necessity and it hadto be justied day by day by whever exercised it He foundit necessary and in vitabl an he fought hard for thi tohappenthat he should occupy ositions of power, but he

also believed that he had to justi this every day by what hedid Power was therefore justid by what he achieved forothers, not for himself

Hence the justication of Mttei s power did not comesolely from the fact tht he woked 18 hours a day if notmore, and that he was inc ssant committed in his action,but also from the fact that he cnsidered this an inevitablenecessity , so that what he wante to do could be achieved

er the two phobias mentioed above , coloniali m andthe emigration of poor Italians, Matteis third phobia waarrogance rrogance was unjust d power, i e , thoe whohold power and do not justify it n a daily basis , but defend

it by arrogance I close this remembrance of a person to whom owe atotally personal debt, because h is the person who gave tome, and to so many others of my eneration , an example andn objetive to which we could edicate our lives , a modelIt was nt a model in the sense that we can imitate uch aman, but a model in his moral comitment , and in the clarityand ruthlessness of his analysis , and in his scant reverencefor the powers that be, becaus he had no reverence forpower On the contrary, he dended of the poweul thatthey justify themselves

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h sgic ssi i's ghby Nic Pn

N Perrne prer Aeran a e Unver Bar, and ar e bk Mattei il nemico italianoMattei the Italian Enemy.

I thank the more direct witnesses of the Mattei tragedy forhaving agreed to participate in our meeting. I think I shouldspeak about a less known aspect of the Mattei affair Mattei' s

inteational political activity. I want to deal explicitly withMattei' s overall contribution to the matters under discuss ion but especially with his role in the practical political imple-mentation of an attempt if not to decouple Italy from theframework of the tlantic lliance then to strongly shiftItaly's orientation in a neutralist dirction and toward a les-sened involvement of Italy with respect to the policy of theUnited States by which I refer not only to oil policy but tothe country' s foreign policy .

Italy we know has been tied since 1 949 to the UnitedStates in the tlantic lliance ; and since 1 949 there has beensome strong resistance inside the Christian Democracy to-

ward such a decisive entangling and suffocating invole-ment of our country with the United States . The most signi-cant resistance to the tlantic lliance was perhaps not thatof the great parliamentary protest mounted by the Communistand Socialist paries but the subtler more decisive morepregnant and more enduring resistance of certain sectors ofthe Christian Democracy who did not want to hitch Italy to thechariot of an unequal alliance in which the scepter of com-mand remained in the hands of the United States but ratherthought about the possibil ity of a neutralist policy for Italy .

The debate inside the parliamentary caucus of the Chris-tian Democracy was suffocated by lcide De Gasperi histor-

ical leader of the postwar Christian Democracy in Italy].There was no debate when adherence to the tlantic pactcame to be decided. Thus the Christian Democracy founditself facing a virtual condence vote in De Gasperi whowanted to take the vote without rst having a chance to probemore deeply into the reasons for this vote inside the antiNTO ferment inside the party remained strongand determined and it was personied by men very close toEnrico Mattei.

One of these was mintore Fanfani whom we nd dur-ing the 1 950s simultaneously as prime minister foreign min

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ister and party secretary of the Chritian Democracy. noth-er was Giovanni Gronchi who owe something to Mattei forhis election to the presidency of the republic and would haveowed him even more for his r l ctn as President at whichhe aimed. There was Del Bo the inist r of state holdings a lively exponent of the left wing of h Christian Democratswho worried the U . S . embassy becuse of some of the posi-

tions he took in the Italian Parliant. nd there were cer-tainly many persons o a completel different extraction notat all leftwing . . . . But behind ll this there was EnricoMattei: For reasons of his ideals f reasons of trade policy for reasons of diplomatic PliCY '   the sense that a countrywhich wants to have its own diplo atic policy has to be ableto create it day by day and must n t line up with the policyof the most powerful .

In serch of selfdeterminonMattei pushed hard for a line qf detachment of critical

participation in NTO and even f  etting out of NTO and

into a neutralist position. Mattei th r for not only annoyedthe United States with his oil deals n the Middle East whichbroke up the balance of the inteatonal oil cartel and brokeup the price eqilibrium but i t wa Mattei who pushed evenharder for Italy's entire policy to ke its distance from theUnited States and to open up towad the Third World coun-tries which were traveling in a erain way along a roadsimilar to the painful and laborios road which Italy hadhad to ravel. Mattei was very sesitive to these problemsbecause he had been a witness to tis dicult road of Italy' snd had had great diculties at th¢ beginning of his career.So he knew what it meant for a coutry to free itself from the

colonial yoke and nd its own wa its own balance and away of arranging its own econom which would not be aneconomy of pure exploitation by te great powers.

ll of this ideal design of Matei owed into a politicaldesign which at the end of the 1 90s was called neotlan-ticism. But before discussing neo+tlanticism perhaps weshould recall the heavy pessure hich had been placed onthe Italian govement from the ment Mattei took the reinsof the country' s oil affairs.

Mattei was convinced that Itly a poor and defeatedcountry nonetheless possessed n<table energy deposits ofpetroleum in its subsoil and he s also aware that the oil

busines s even if there were not rally resources inside thecountry was an important busines which one could not stayout of and in which one could not e at the mercy of the bigguys. So Mattei's program was t try to use all availablemeans to exploit the country' s enrgy resources and if thiswere not possible to seek inteaional accords with coun-tries which had these energy resouces so that they could beused by Italy in order to become a artner of the major powers and not be at their mercy .

It would take a long time just to list the telegrams thepressures which the merican abassadors and others in

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Angry reactionsThe balance had been pset and the reactons rom the

American press and intelligence servce were enraged. n asecret American report recently ond in the archves weread that Mattei s power mst be contained at all costs and hspossiblties or in encing the govement mst be redced.Mattei is not only a orce in indstry oil and politics by

now, bt he also has a hold on normation becase n throgh EN , h e took control o Giono, a Mlanese dailywhich at that time was mch more impotant than it is today.It provided very lively coverage, had the best and brghtestwriters, it was present in every contry n the world andmost o all, it had a policy o tre spport or the contrieswhich were trying to free themselves rom the colona l yoke,a policy o open spport toward Algeria or example, whichwas at the time a French colony. France was losing thscolony, bt there was a war, a savage represson rom theFrench to hold onto their colony. Matte sent Italo Pietra toAlgeria who later became the editorinche o Giono

He was the rst, nocial representative o Matte who ne-gotiated not with the French bt with the Algerians, theNational Liberation Front.

Aer alo Pietra had imposed the general lines whichdetermined the tre policy o liberated Algeria and hencealso of oil policy, becase it was necessary to make a pactwith Algeria once it was ree, another, more ormal presencewas established with the nction o pblic relatons , entrst-ed to Pirani at present a writer for La Repubbica, the nwspaper which has somewhat taken the place today that io-

no held years ago. Ths, Matteis spokesmen were onhand n Algeria from early on ntil the process o national

liberation was completed.A storm broke ot in the American press not jst n the

national newspapers, bt even the local ones. I ond localU. S . newspapers which ran ferocios attacks against Mattei and these papers were then clipped and the articles weregathered in a dossier prepared or the Presdent o the UnitedStates. This s not nsigncant There are not many provn-cial newspapers, on nonAmerican matters which end pbeing clippe for a dossier prepared or the S. President.The charges against Matte were always very harsh. He wasspoken of as a dangeros adventrer a man who condtonedthe Italian govement with corption and money . There are

rather transparent hnts of the need to "elimin ate hm . Theydo not talk abot physical elmination bt they do say elim -nate him rom the politcal scene , and there s ta lk o how todo that and it conclded that the means to do it are many .

Neo-AtlanticismIt is in 8 that the discssion becomes I beleve more

complex and starts to get really dangeros. This s the timewhen Mattei begins, in addition to the attack on .S. oiinterests, an attack on traditonal Italan oreign polcy. Heopens p a oreign policy o greater detachment rom NATO,

E Jne 3

Nio Peone Mattei wanted Itay toindependent ofthe United States

greater openng toward the Thirdtralism.

Ths was the ramework o the anticism in whichMatte Fanani , and Gronchi were , and oddly, also

Christian Democratc right for their own reasons,namely Gdo Gonella and Pella. On neoAtlanticism the .S. ntellgence services drew p an alarmigdocment whch I ond and pbl hed n my book .

A bothersome bookSpeaking o the book in whicH I pblished these doc-

ments I wsh to open a brie par   sshere. Allo w me torecal some  events arond my boo Mattei, if nemico ital-

iano  (Matei th Italian Enemy  enemy o corse, of the Unted States. This book was pblished in 8 by apblshng hose n Milan and n it were gathered a nmber 

o secret npblshed American docments which I wentto a lot o troble to get. Drng the last period o researcha nice Aercan kept company wth me , althogh I nevernderstood what he wanted . saw hm looking very cr oslyaong he papers whch I was   pu  in g together and then Ihad to dent ively take my  d istan   rom  him; bt this   isnot mportant jst a little at m osp  r  . Well   the book waspblished  by  the Mlanes e pub l shrr Leonardo  Mondadoin 1989 wth a very low rn o 7  00 copies. I was srprisedbecase Mate s constantly ta lk d  about , he is talked aboton televis on, there had been a l by  Ros which is  shown

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h y a:W kd Ma?Fr e ee b aaee Mrn, Aan r

an Paran, Pava , e rer reen nave reen e Mae ae

t ws Ot. 2 1962 when the EN twnengne plneexloded n the sky hurlng frgments of the rft over thesmll terrtory of Bsp nd usng the deth of EnrioMtte nd hs trvel ompnons the plot Eero Ber-tuzz nd Wllm MHle New Yrk e joulst.

Of Enro Mtte of hs genus nd hs sprt of sar-e muh hs been sd n semnrs onferenes eo-nom poly roundtbles v press orgns nd on rdond televson . But no poltl prty not even the one n

whh he ws n tvst hs ever ommtted tself topromote n nvestgton tht ould dentfy those respon-sble for the brbrous t of terrorsm nd brng them tojuste.

nd for Enro Mtte who for hghly delst mo-tves hd refused the shortterm welbeng of n esy ndpeefu lfe o jon the Prsn Formtons beomngbeuse of hs bltes nd sprt of sre deputy om-mnder gener of the Corps of Volunteers of Freedompr 2 [the dy of lberton n World Wr ] ws onlythe rst vtorous phse of hs btle . The rest ws yet toome.

l the me nd lot of lve nterest. protested bout theow prntrun.

Ts ws n Otober 1 99 . But to my surprse found outht the tul dstrbuton of the book ws only hlf. Theother 00 opes were kept n wrehouse: ou neverknow they mght ome n hndy lter t s good to hold ontothem." rght ne. One month nd hlf er the bookme out Otober t the begnnng of Deember notherstrnge hng hppened. n Deember books sel lke brs of

sop beuse everyone buys books s gs so ths s thetme wen bookstores end to stok up. et n Deember199 one mont er the book me out the publsherreed some 202% of ths smll rto of the books whhhd been dstrbuted so whoever hd bought t ne ndnyone else ould no longer nd t .

The nex yer n 1990 more opes were lled bk byhe pubser. ws beng lled on to hold forums ll overthe pe ws n Venz for month n Vreggo llover he ounry nd l over there were peope skng forhe book to see t. Nothngt no onger exsted . The nswer

26 Feture

Thus t ws tht named Exaordnary Commssar ofGP wth the prese tsk o lqudatng the state oilompny Commnder Matte supported and sustainedby the Prtsns the Resstane and the antfasit presrebelled ganst the govements deson and managedto gude the ompany to ntetonal level of ompet-tveness nd tehnal perfeto.

He pulled NIC and Nuova Pignone out of banpt-y; onsttuted ENI SEM SIEM and SNAM; and setup vton enters for workers nd seasde and mountanmps for ther hldren. t the ntrne of Plazzo Uc1 n S. Donto Mlanese he h ereted a huge plaque ofsempreous stone representn n low relef the alvaryof prtsn suggestng that th ndustry he had reatedmust not ever be eparated fro the purpose of elevatingthe lvng ondtons of our peole.

Enro Mtte was not just he presdent of ENI butlso prlmentary deputy n a master of polts and

honesty.On the eve of the gret eleoral ontest of prl 1 8

194 when the fte of demory was at stake Matteorgnzed prade of 1000 Cathol Partisans nRome to put the ountry on gard aganst the perils ofommunsm nd also to ttest hat a dtatorship wouldnot get pst the Volunteers of reedom. th all frank-ness we must rm tht the emorat Popular Front[the eletorl llane of Comunsts and Soalsts n194] whh lso sought to nsll the ditatorshp of theproletart n tly lost not bese of numerial nferiori-ty of ts eletors but beuse ofhe fear of wnnng . . . .

ws : There re none t s not vlble we annot dstributet. "

Mattei te ot of ine retu to our story. So ther was ths one by the bg

ol ompnes to sfegurd ther usness and ths great worby the Unted Sttes over the ply of takng dstance fromthe tlnt llne whh Mtte was very obvously ad-vnng. Ths s unmstakbly ttested to by the doument

whh publshed.The most lrmng doumet s tht of Jan. 10 1 958 onneotlntsm n whh tere re 1 3 pges dedated to theMtte r. Then there s a s r s of other reports there elso other fts whh re vered t the end of the 1 950s nd there s the rpprohemen for busness and also forpoltl resons of Mtte wt the Sovet Unon at the endof the 190s. The Sovets hd een kept out of trade wthweste Europe. Mtte went to he Sovet Unon . He sgnedords to mport ol from the Svet Unon and n exchangefor ths ol he oered mhnery nd steel tubng whh ould

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be used to buid pipeines in easte Europe. He even offeredoi tankers. And then the Itaian govement stepped in andtried to imit Mattei ' s initiatives .

Itaian President Gronchi went to the Soviet Union. Ak-sei Kosygin , then Soviet vice president , came to Itay . Frombusiness deas hings ceary passed into forms of poiticacoseness and friendship which those times absoutey did

not aow. But even in the business ream it was no joke,because Mattei's ENI had succeeded in obtaining 22% ofItay' s oi needs from the Soviet Union . Then there was theopening to China , wit the meeting with the Chinese deputyprime minister.

In 196 1 , imporant gres stared to show up. On March3 , 1 96 1 , Avere Harriman shows up, the ambassador atargeof President Kennedy. He comes to meet Mattei, with whomhe has a ong and not easy conversation. He wants Mattei toaccount for his poitica initiatives toward the Soviet Unionand China . Mattei defends them emphaticaybut that is thekey which Harriman is pressing on, that is the U. S. conce.

Then on May 22, 1962 anoer Americn boss s up,Geoe Ba . He aso demands a sect meeting with Mattei , andhe t demands an acount of what Mattei is doing, his foignicy initiatives. He uses gat tact, aps with a gass ofveouth and hors d'uvs, but the substance is tugh.

I found the minutes of these taks , both from the Itaianand the American side, and it is cear that these were tenseconversations, in which Matte defends hi reasons but theUnited States does not back down. Yet a kind of accommoda-tion was reached. The United States appreciates that the oibusiness is such that Mattei cannot continue to stay outside ofit, and therefore some kind of accommodation must be

reached. Standard Oi , which is Mattei' s biggest enemy, asoaccedes to a kind of accord, and thus the conict on the busi-ness eve begins at a cerain point to move toward resoution .

There is even a pan for a trip by Mattei to the UnitedStates and a future meeting with the president of StandardOi . There had been a meeting years earier, but it had beenextremey tense and Mattei had neary been thown out thedoor. Now the tak was of a new meeting and trying to rachan agreement. Thus , Mattei was being assured of some kindof participation in inteationa business. At the end of hisvisit to the United States there was even panned a meetingwith President Kennedy. So this was, sha we say, the o-

cia side, the busines side.But the worries about Mattei's poitics remained verystrong. They might have even been softened and reabsorbedin the amework of the conversations and agreements whichcoud have been concuded in the United States, with theoimen and with Prsident Kennedy.

The U-2 incident in CbaHowever, something very serious occurred which has

perhaps been forgotten: the downing of the U2 on Oct. 27 ,1962, an Amrican spy pane which was surveiing Cuba.

EIR June 11 , 1993

In the previous days, American sry panes had discoveredthat the Soviets wer setting up mis* i bases in Cuba. Imme-itey, n mrgncy committe was set up, which wasce EXM. Tis EXCOM et in President John F.nney' oc omtime even tice a day.

Afr   U-2 was  downed 0$  Oct. 27 , the  decisionswic EXCOM lkd about were ar decisions . There was

tlk o retaliing gainst Cuba, an  aer ial  bombardmentwhich was supposed to occur on Ot. 28 or  30. On Oct. 27 ,there  was a good deal of talk �thin EXCOM about thepossibility  that the  Soviet  Union   upon having its basesbombed in Cub, with Cuba alr ad y an ally of the U . S . S .R. ,might also carry out reprisals . h  was  shouting  in EX-COM. The man doing the shouting was [then Defense Secre-tary Robert] McNamara. I ave wtten to McNamar a and heanswered that he doesn' t have a g�d memory. Yet there areoter documnts which demonstr ate this , and it was McNa-mara and another voice shouting:'e reprisals will take placein Turkey, where there ar e Ameqcan bases, and in Italy,

where there wer American bases , n the region aound Bari.The picture of the Aiance was ve uncerain.The Atantic Aiance had a opactness, i t had the par-

ticipation of many nations, among l them Itay, but Itay wasrecacitrant. Information had b arriving over the courseof years, of heavy pressure by Mai for Itay to put distancebetween itsef and NATO, as we ave seen. So when theybegan to outine the risk that Ita coud be the target of arprisa by the Soviet Union if it we decided to bomb Cuba ,it was obvious that this was the ime when there was thegreatest fear that Itay might distnce itsef from Atanticsoidarity.

In the documents which I bish d, a the possibeframeworks are described of Itay' decouping from NATO,which I have not isted her. In those years, covert CIAactions were very much in fashi . Cuba was at the centerof attention for cover actions. Tere was tak, as ociadocuments hav come out to sho , of assassinating Castrobut not just Castro. There were iticians assassinated inthat era by the CIA. The CIA hd a free hand for covertactions; it was not hed back by hving to report in advanceto the President or even to its o\n director, because therewas a competey eparate sector fr these actions .

There i s a mystery surroundin Mattei' s end. I t was cer-

tainy a convenient moment, becse the pane in which hewas traveing fe on Oct. 27, 192. These were terrifyingtmes in which there was a risk f going to war and Itayrisked being bombed by the Sovi Union. There coud asohave been an initiative to prevet a danger of this kind.Cerainy, what is very seriou, Wha is enormous, what isunpardonabeeven if this hypohesis shoud prove to betoo daringis that there has neve yet ben a serious inquiryinto the incident of Mattei' s pan . For exampe, there hasnevr been an investigation to dtermine if there were, orwere not, traces of exposives .

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general reorganization of easte Europe's foreign det onjust terms, in opposition to the major inteational creditorbanks , and ecause he wanted to carry out a argescae pro-gram of economic development for easte Europe, preciseythe region which is today in ames because of the applicationof the opposite policies of the IMF

lthough at the time it was said that Herrhausen was

murdered y terrorists from Germany' s Red rmy Fraction(RF) , authors of the ook Da F-PanWz Pk nd Wraf errren Braen e AF Pan :W P and n Need errr maintain thatthe assassination was carried out by professionals of the west-e intelligence services

The option that faced a united Europe in 1989, of settinga new course of economic development and genuine politicafreedom, i s similar to that which faces Iberomerica todayWith the murder of Herrhausen, the German govement ofHelmut Kohl was terrorized into backing off from adoptingpolicies that would have produced a very different situation

in easte Europe , indeed all of Europe, today The murderof Cardinal Posadas is designed to terrorize into sience andpassivity those elements within the Iberomerican church,military, and other nationalist sectors that oppose the newworld order, and to enable the inteationa nancial andpolitical elites to regain control of a continent that is fastspinning out of their grasp

The Mexican cardinal's murder is also an attack on theVatican itself s U S economist and poitica gure LyndonLaRouche has pointed out, i t is the Masons and their poiticalcontrollers who are behind such brutal attacks on Christiancivilization as the assassination of Posadas and the recent

bombing in Florence, Italy mong the strategic objectivesof these enemies of Christian society i s to eliminate the Vati-can altogether by the end of this century

On June 2 , LaRouche explained in an interview that oneshoud ook ack to the eary to midde 19th century, say,from the period of the 1840s to the assassination of USPresident McKinley by an assassin imported from EuropeThese are the methods which we associated with GiuseppeMazzini' s Young Europe and his branch, which was par ofthe U S Confederacy , called Young merica This is exact-ly what has happened before These are freemasonicmethods of that type, the Grand Orient Lodge in France , the

Grand Orient Lodge in Italy, similar groups in the UnitedStates and outside it, all connected, of course , to the traditionof Lord Palmerston in relation to the United Grand Lodge inLondon If one knows the history of the 19th centuryand the eary 20th, there is no doubt in anyone's mind as toexactly what is going on "

Vatican counter-oeniveRecent church attacks on freemarket neolibera" eco-

nomics, such as Cardinal Posadas Ocampo' s statements, re-ect a signicant and visible strengthening of the antilibera ,

EIR June 11 , 1993

antiInteational Monetary Fund fction within the VaticanFor exampe , six months ago , at th Fourth General Confer-ence of the Latin merican Bishop Counci (CELM) heldi anto Doio, Dominica R pulic, Vatican Secretaryof State Cardina ngelo Sodano ubicy praised the veryMexican mode of IMF ooting tat Cardina Posadas andothers were ater to attack by nam The nal document that

came out of the CELM conferene itself lent credibility tothat same neoiberal mode, perhas the resut of the insidi-ous inuence of Michae Novak ithin the IberomericanCatoic hurc

But in midpri of this year, te Vatican chose Mexicoas the arena to aunch a bod countroffensive against geno-cide and economic neolieraism During the InteationaCongress o Demography and Deelopment held in MexicoCity, Coombia Cardina fonso Lpez Trujio , presidentof the Vatica s Pontica Counci on the Famiy , declaredthat it is scientical y proven that t is not popuation growthwhich i s the eading cause of pov ty in certain developing-

sector nations , but the unjust distriution of wealth, the abusein expoitatio of natural resources n the part of the industri-aized countries "

During the inauguratio of that conference , Cardinal Po-sadas Ocampo read a speech y th president of the MexicanBishops Conferece (CEM), Monerrey rchbishop dofoSurez Rivera, which stated tht Mexico has alreadyreached intoerabe evel s of extree poverty, " and that theneoiberal poicy which predomintes today in the region isworsening the negative conseuees of such [freemarket]mechanisms It should sufc to note the reappearanceof choera, which is fundamental due to the structural ad-

justmentsrerbed by the Inteiona Monetary Fund andWord Bank" (see Denan

he Maon a no, ' but . . .

ccording to the May 28 is sue f the Monterrey newspa-per Nre, Caros Vsuez Rage , president of the Na-tiona Confederation of Lieral Oranizations, denied todaythat Masonry had ordered the execuion of Cardina uan JessPosadas Ocampo over ideoogi differences Theblack hand which murdered him i the drug trade, ' he said "

The MSI answered on June 2: There are many reasonsto doubt the sincerity of Carlos Vsuez Rangel when

he denies that Masonry had anythig to do with the assassina-tion of Cardina Juan Jess Posads Ocampo That thehead of Mexican Masonry is not reliable source is provenby the fact that Caros Vsuez angel was the one whoaccused U S poit ician and econoist Lyndon H LaRoucheof nancin the Democratic Revutionary Party (PRD) ofCuautmoc Crdenas, which has been conclusively provenfase If that sander was th¢ ast public statement ofVsuez Range, there are w ighy reasons to be skepticalregarding his atest comment on th assassination of CardinaPosadas Ocampo "

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What s certanly the case s that n ne n Meic eleves the gvement's multple cver stres : rst, that thecardnal was caught n a crss-re d a a n d a ad bn b 4 b anbank an and secnd that he was mstaken fr adrug tracker even thugh numerus eyewtnesses cnrmed that hs cardnal's garb was apparent and unms

takeabe t all . Even mre suspcus s the fact that an Aermec ght was delayed n the runway fr a full 20 mnutet alw mre than a dzen f the htmen t bard t and makether getaway

It s very clear that nthng less than an mmedate andserus nvestgatn f the cardnal' s murder wll atisfy aMecan ppulatn hrred th y the bldy deed andy the alnas gvement' s handlng f t.


jAb adaajaa Ja adna Jan JPada Oa ba a n b aanann a 4 ad a dnnd nbra n d b vnn Pdn a a

na d a nn a 4 dna n "an aa an ann adna

a aakd a an w a v and wand ab dan a an'av d n d wnd n x' Waw a x n aena d b xan

L Aprl 22, 993: "The presdental electinsf 994 wll be an apprprate cccasn fr changng' thene-bera plces whse versn f sldarty has eenpractced as alms welcme t sme wh are margnalized ut nsuc ent n a prcess whch mpvershes the majrityand ncreases the wealth f the few, accrdng t Cardinal

uan ess Psadas Ocamp the vce presdent f the Mecan Cnference f Bshps CEM) . Psadas Ocamp led thehmly whch naugurated the cnference seres emgraphc Issues n Ltn Amerca' spnsred y the LatnAmerican Alance fr the Famly the [Mecan NatnalPr-Lfe Cmmttee the Pntcal Cuncl fr the Famlyand the CEM's Bshps' Cmmssn fr the Famly . . . .

" Lberalsm and ne-lberalsm are frms f tryng tslve the crs s but f greater pverty s prduced t remedythese crses and the enrchment f thers the few, grw,then he church has t cndemn that delgy ' sad Psadas .

30 Inteatnal

. . . aa ca a a rente ga a a i i jstify i . . . .'

"The vice int f t a a i t fail anning a in i i the cuage te aacit a i i

prdce te ef i . ' 1994 i

an apriate ccain i' i. U i , 1 3 : a i try a ever igt t at a ii that it a t ate i ga i inten t attaig ai ris f reening n, i i Meican Cnfrnce i a a , aed . . . .

n an itei Cain a tat if te Man t c i te Calic Cr in a ii t wi te in t n i i a i

ten te w e t . . . . ai i analze te princi an taitia i Man, it i cla a ¢ a i le, e liee at ti i iicnfrntatin, ea , ai are a tep ta tt.

Ai 20 1993: i areaced intlera a i tef n in a gae cii ia inai i the peidnt f t Cn f ia i Srez Riera . Man n i Meic ae eing it an in n i i

and acwa; an an , ic i a i e, and intatinal. An i a ii smal part grws ricer r a an ga day r i n a i a ai aall Meican eire. '

In inag iBh, ic ra . . Ci uan es aa ca I Sz Ri ite maret an t cn t Trade Agnt nt aqa a i i iave t pa a ig cia c . . .

"An e a n�ia ii i i

da in te regin nai f thee ecani. iniiat gi market tere eiinating iant c f a ilatin an y ing ga in it a deepene.'

"As an eaple it c t i f chlera, wc in te na nali i t te aadjustments precried t nai and the Wrd an. Ti fat aaica i grwing aeizain a i giaii Latn America. '

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Bmbing in Florence : a teorst 

ttck g inst e Renineby Cluo Celn

The om that exploded on May 26 in Floene illing 5pesons and onding 30, as odeed y foes that ndestand ey ell the signiane of ltal afae It destoyed pat o the i alae one of the geatest at msems in the old The -ilogam a om missed yonly a fe metes the galley ontaining the most peios

os of the Italian Renaissane Had these not een hosedin a oom ithot indos they damping the shoae these pieless teases old hae een lost tomanind

The ademia Geogola the oldest Eopean agiltal aademy ( 753) , as ompletely destoyed The shoae tansfomed glass and stones into pojet iles that deastated the ooms in the i ontaining Roman states andpost-Renaissane paintings Tittio y Van Honthost( 1 6 1 7) as totally destoyed as ell as to os y Batolomeo Manfedi o y Seastiano del iomo (1 5 1 1 )as t in to To hnded metes aay the hh of

Santo Stefano al onte seed seee damage and a Giottopainting inside as damaged althogh not iepaaly Thesho ae font oeed the steet om the i to themniipal sae stiing the alao della Signoia andshatteing all its indos

The Floene oming goes eyond hat Italy has peiosly seen in tems of teoism in its posta histoyhih is aleady fa eyond hat most othe adaned setoronties hae sfeed Bt this time it is not only the slaghte of innoent people o the dange to demoay hih isemodied in thi s gaest hallenge to the state as it as henthe Red Bigades idnapped and illed Chistian emoati

leade ldo Moo This time hat has een hit is hat ismost peios to the nation aoe any oneiale idea ofpolitial fation the atisti patimony of the Renaissaneof hih Floene is indisptaly the apital One high- leelVenetian politiian as oted in the daily rrere deaaa on May 2 "Fist they destoyed politis then theinstittions and no they a nishing off the onty

A bcksh?It is lea that the "stategy of tension is spposed to

foe etain deisions eithe at the goement leel o in

EIR Jne 11 , 1993

popla opinion Bt the s the atta a easing an unexpeted alash leady seeal itialfoes hae stated a pli dea in the pess an n thealiament on the idea that thee i an nglo- lotehind the destailiation o Ital oting EIR dothe pliations of ydon aRohe's ial

moement LaRohe pointed ot in his eely adio ast Tals ith yndon aRoe on Jne ssoes in Italy hae attted the estai liati t masons Rfeing to a seet meetg that too e2 1 992 on the Bitish oyal yahtranna, LaR d"It is stood thoghot Italy hat the ont s aidestti steeed y those foe* hih e ton that Branna yaht meeting' The Branni hih as attended y top Italia nanial o othes lanhed a stategy of patiing Itas indsties

eetion of sh an ndetanding o the May 30 editoial of the nesppe L Uni, emoai aty of the Left (S) the mai npaty Entitled "BelinRome the Bom xis taed a onnetion eteen the ent teoist dsations o Italy and Gemany (with eeene to the tin Solinn Gemany on May 2) ote ath Bola "t is as if in Italy and Geany a despea ttis nd ay to peent those to onties o alahieing a nra of their n to maintain t instead in the peaios ondition o ode poin ale and potentially naontale '

Investigtive hypthesesoody eliees anymoe tha it is j that

is ehind the omings fte an eight-ho meeting ithposetos fom Floene Ro and alemo tioMiniste iola Manino delaed "I do not exlde otions to olt stutes I am thiing aot nddpoes lie the -2 [the outlaed paganda-2 fsilodge hih has deep oots in Tany Floen to Vigna and othes made a ompison ith the ta ing that illed 15 pesons and wonded 267 on the lan-

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Naples route n 984 The man fugtve from that case isFredrch Schaudnn , a German-Serban weapons dealer whos now hdng out n former Yugoslava Accordng to jrnals Giann Cpran, one of Italy's most experienc searchers nto terrorsm, Schaudnn s beng protected bynetworks controlled by members of the P2 lodge

The P-2 connecton des not exclude the Anglo-Ameican angl ndeed , t amounts to the same thng The P-2 was

a secret lodge controllng , at one pont, all of Italy' s secretservces and ml tary leadershp , on behalf of American feemasonc networks represented by persons ike Henry Kssnger and Mchael Ledeen The P2 has been dsmantled,but many Italan leaders beleve that the Amercan controlover the Italan secret ervces, especally the miltarySISMI , stll exists It was no concdence that aer the Florence bombing, somebody decded to make publc a clasiedspeech given by former Presdent Francesco Cossga themnths ago before a parliamentary committee , n which Cssiga revealed that the SISMI has always acted on Ameicanoders and gave ordes to the Italian govement , ather than

doing ts bddngThree hypotheses are ocally beng put forward as towho is responble for the Florence bombng, and what theimotvations might be ) the Maa and the P-2 , reacting tecent successful anti-Maa operatons 2) the Serbians , whowant to prevent a NATO or Ameican ml tary interventionfrom Italan bases 3) nancal crcles nterested n collapsngthe Italan economy

The last hypothesis, which mght seem the most fafetched, s not really so Cetanly the terrorism works, atone level , as an economic attack, scaring tourists awy t opening f the summer season Ths affects one ly

most mpoant surces of revenue, aggravating the cisssurrondng the public dec t, whch has already led to thecollapse of the lra and to a loss of Italy' s crediblty in thenancal markets Suppoing thi thess s Massimo ini,advser to former Prme Mn ster Bettno Craxi In an interview in the daly a aa, he sad on May 29: "I receveda phone call from Americans who told me : Now you cannotll your companes at the same pice a yesterday, othewewe wll go to Fance, where t s safer, to buy

But the attack against Italy operates at several levels , ant certainly includes Italy's role in the Balkans Many haveponted to the fact that Seban ofcals have repeatedly

threatened Italy wth terrorism, should Italy decde to supplybases for a mlitary nterventon aganst the Be lgrade egmeTwo days after the Florence bombng, t was made knownthat a commando squad of mercenare had stopped an Italianaid convoy n Bosna and brutally executed three membersof the expedtion Then, on une 2 , a gunboat of the SerbanMontenegrn Navy shot, without wang , at an Italan shng boat insde Italan teritorial waters, killng a shermanThe Italan govement reacted by puttng the Navy on alet,and s prparing to strengthen air defenses by leasing American F- 5s or F- 6s

32 Inteatonal


The global  dversa 

ndn ae ae ese rers on M :

Wht i bing i i ln press i exposnmatters which sl v 5 years earlier, is vey sfl n e n mobilizig at lepat f the hck alia to alize that it is vminutes o ne mint i or the very of th talian ti

ltgh w m on the Italia situation uch, we mt lk ly ing a icti of a rewic i m W back ito he cent-ry, we mst n t dreted b Lord Pletn thgh c l

e al in a n sty Xly i y l dey it t cntl ch il nit ly n t e y t w wn mic in t O t ig y d i a licy i wi i ll t ll "Di l Di beca hi glin imi ki i

Palmerston and te Freeasonshat w e lig wi i t i k

t Ville yt i Ylt l

Nw t w ly g l in Britain whih i kw ii¢lly V ythat i, of the ei l i i i i Biti sh iil ti gin i Rtion w gt, ele Th Vn i wie knwn ii iil in i Palmtn ing il < 9 ling nti manic gnii in Ue iItly , n a v g anl ht l y

On hl l lk ee i

the ntn il i l almtn ni l e incy F y u ln l lePe Cil t i t y ca ing ii ii

he gy i migi Rte with the Fnc it i ll i ii knwn by the am me in ly i i n f Bi ill i niatin cll wih ii i

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i it i a atn r paanit frmanic rit a cultcall B nai B rit.

Lk at t rl f Vlpi Miurata tn call Vlpi an f Vlpi frin Parvu trwi knwn a AlxanrHlpan in t pri f t B nai B rit cup call tYun Turk rllin in Turkyi . . t vmntwic u t Kur t lautr t Armnian inninin 1 908 . An lk at t rlatinip f ti ranc f B nai

Brit call t Yun Turk vmnt w pulicitwa Vlaimir Jatinky t frin f Mulini arlir titr f Yn rk maazin an Vlpi rl in puttinMulini int pwr wit Vlpi Miurata a nancminitr f taly t actual uilr f talian Facim. f nlk at ti an at t frmanic cnnctin an i ntlin y wat Mulini i t crtain frmanic larin icily an ft tn n a a cmprnin f tkin f prc wit wic w ar alin .

T nc f t mattr i tat t Vntian party factin r t imprial factin f Britain a xmpli yL Palmrtn an t rul f t Brit i Gran L vr

c upan l a Gran Oint an B nai B rittifactin i trmin t prvnt at any ct t unicatin ft vrin natin tat an vrin natinal pliticalcnmi f urp an Aia in a uraian lc f cnmicvlpmnt cpratin . T t purp f prvntin uca vlpmnt a prp y Ruia Cunt ri ittat t tu f t cntury t Briti wit t ai f tirGan Orint an B nai B rit alli u t Yun Turkpatin t unla t Balkan ar prcin rl ar. T Balkan ar a t purp f tailizin all urp an unlain wat cam rl ar .

Binnin in 1989, t Briti an Briti ant in t

nit tat incluin frin f Hnry Kiinr uc aBriti ant Lawrnc alurr an Brnt cwcrini t Bu aminitratin ttr wit Gracv inRuia unla t rian facit w wr Britiant primarily arun lan Milvic t lautrtir nir fr t purp f tailizin t unrllyf cntral urp in a campain wic frm 1989 nwarwa pnly avrti a a campain aaint t anr tatGrmany unit mit cm an cnmic pwr "FurRic in t w f Mr. Tatcr crni.

Tat i t cntxt in wic crtain Anl-Amricanfrc an tir B nai B rit alli thru frmanic

cannl ar wrkin t try taly tay. f n unrtan t lal cntxt fr t lcal vnt witin talyan nt t imilar pnmna wic ar ruptin in at urp wr pructin i wn t 30% , apprximatly f 1 989 lvl a a rult f t am pltt tail izatin f Grmany t cmin tailizatin f Franct tailizatin f pain an frtn watt frc ar in t all civ ilizatin . t i tim t awakn.t i tim t fn taly f cur; ut w cannt fntaly ctivly unl w unrtan t lal avraryaaint wm w ar tin.

EIR Jun 11 , 1993

Uaine is bcomin

 a ddeless ationby Konstntn Gog

A ri f ciin takn n ay 20 y t krainianParliamnt wic i minat y l cmunit trippin t xcutiv f ral pw a put kain n a patlain t furtr cnmic cllp an cial upavalT crii in krain ccurrin iultanuly wit t cllap f t Pli vmnt f Prim Minit Hannuccka wic fll n May 2, an a cmmunit-ninr pltical crii in Belau a crat a matrix

cri tratnin t taility t tr lart atupan cuntri lyin twn rmany an Ria. Ttailizatin f kin wa imiatly xplit yMcw wn n May 24, it raunc t iput witkrain vr cntrl f t B lack a Flt.

Cntrl f t Black a Fl wvr i nt t mriu cnict cncin mi lit matt twn Ruian kain. T funamntal tin an ti tratnt tak m vy uly tu i r t 176 frmr viCBM a n t tritry f kraine wic unr ta a n lat fr imantli n .

T iu f t CBM wat i rfrr t a krain

"nucla arnal i a trap wic a n t fr t yunrpulic wic i in xplit y cwwit wtaitancwic i nt n a ecnuet f krain ita. T at krain a ar in pincipl t tryt miil wvr in nkrupt it a init tt ct f tir trctin y t nit tatan Ruia a t uccr tat t t . . .R . Pnintat krain a tall n ratify t tart traty an tNuclar Nn-Prlifrain Traty T am l cmunitminat Parliant wic a lun krain int intaility i playin int Mcw an an a innitlptpn at n raticatin f tart .

Rui a a rpatly car tu it a nv uppli any vinc at t ainian tall n raticaticncal a prct t plac t miil unr kainiancntrl an tat krain i cvly wrkin n r-tartint miil aaint Ruia. rin ay articl in tRuian military p an t at t ia f a ptnian t "prmpt a kainian nlar capaility . uc talkcupl wit t r-auncin ft Black a Flt iua prmpt kain int faria ptntial Ruian invain m tim in ti ca.

T Ruian ptu a cau a plicy r-tinkin i

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Ukrane , where one can frequently read ctatons of Ukan an ocers n the natons press, dscussng the need forUkrane to hold onto these nuclear weapons as the only poss ble "deterrent aganst future ussan aggresson. A verydangerous dynamc has thus been set nto moton .

Executive stripped of power

On May 20, the specal powers held by Prme MnsterLeond uchma snce last autumn to rule by decree n dealngwth the ever deepenng economc crss , expred. Kuchmaasked Parlament to extend h s specal powers for another sxmonths . Then the roof fell n .

The Parlament rst voted to deny uchma an extensionof the power to rule by decree on economc matters, to hchhe responded by resgnng . The Parlament then rejected hsresgnaton , thus kepng the Kuchma cabnet n as a lameduck govement, powerless to deal wth the crss. TheParlament also rejected a bd by Ukranan Presdent eondravchuk to take over the cabnet and rule by decee. The

bd by ravchuk, however , who works closely wth the communst majorty n the Parlament, was pro forma, as he knewn advance t would be oposed. Kravchuk suppored theParlaments acton strpng ucma of hs powers, andcalmly accepted the cripplng of the executive .

The dsaster Ukrane faces was concsely put n statements on May 21 by yacheslav Choovl, a Ukrananpatrot and leader of the ukh ant-communst opposton,and by Ivan Zayats , head of the opposton democratc groupn parlament. Choovl sad of the Parlament decsons"That means . . . there wll be no executve mechanism tomplement reforms, tre wil l be no reforms whatsoever and

the economc collapse s nevtable. Zayats predcted that"economc collapse accompaned by socal unrest s lkely tocome about by autumn.

Russia reopens et dispueussa re-opened ts ght wth Ukrane for control of the

Black Sea Fleet on May 24 n the mmedate aermath of theev Parlament debacle. The eet conct had apparentlybeen settled under a ussan-Ukranan agreementcalled,omnously, the Yalta Agreement, because t was sgned nthat same Crmean town where the 945 "Bg Three agreements dvdng up postwar Europe were sgned by oosevelt ,

Churchll, and Stalnsgned by ussan Presdent BorsYeltsn and ravchuk, keepng the eet under jont controlpendng a nal decson on apportonng ts shps , equpment ,and facltes n 995

The conct resumed when , under orders from the ussan Naval Command n Moscow, the ussan ag was hosted on 30 supply and support shps of the eet at ts man baseand headquarters at Sevastopol n the Crmea. The actonspread geographcally when, on May 25, some 4 supporshps based at erch, at the tp of the Crmean Pennsulaseparated from ussa by a narrow strat, joned the "revolt.

4 Inteatonal

No warshps were nvolved bu by June a ttal 0shps had hosted the Russan g .

Moscow s condent that kraine ith its near-ttaenergy dependence ussia, ill be orced to aept theussan formula for dvidig +p the eet an aee tussas demand that t retain ontrol over the eastlbase and other key mlitary faciles n the Ciea. The t

sgns already exst that the sian calclations e ebased. As protested by Rkh eader Chovl eietKravchuk has been tably acq i sc nt toad the Ramoves. His "sotess was g n an nital rea so tspeak when in the mist of the lack Sea Fleet bral R iaagreed on a prie fr its natal gas expts to Ukainedenomnated n uble .

While the revolt n the Blk Sea leet a odeefrom Moscow, the basis for it sccess is the deatatieconomc crss n Uane. Th ussian nespape zvea on June bein but one o abot 20 eent exaplehas been croing oer the fat that 70% of the ail

who have opted or joning the ussan Nay ae Ukainian. Why? Under the "jont rol agreeent Rsiasalors are pad by Mosco in bles an Ukainiasailors are paid by Kev n the Ukraian esat uethe karbovanets. Ths worked ne last autmn e tekarbovanets was ntroduced an set at a rate o t eruble. By Febuay, however, t was at and y aat 5 espite compensatory mv s by Kiev that ieaethe wages n karbovanets by IMay the eal ae teUkrainan salor was only half at of his Rusia otepart. One must reember tht ussian and Ukaiiansalors bth shop at the same bse commssay. Ths ot

of desperaton, Ukrainian sails have opted to jon heussans, somethng unthnkae sx months ago.On the naval base queston he ussia position toa

Ukrane s dentcal to the one ithas taken toad the Baltiepublc of Latva . In both the altc Sea and the Black eaussa s not conceed about maintanng gond foebased outsde of ussa but s nsstng upon ts "riht tkeep at least one crual naval ase outsde ts terit inboth the Baltc and Black Seas a non-negotale. n the aeof Latva the faclty s the lar naval base at epaja , avs- -vs Ukaine , ussa wants the key base at Sevastpolat least. I

Both n Ukrane and n the altc republics it s itlfeared that these base d mands l are only the beginnin broader ussan demands . uss s in no hurry to settle thiscrss wth Ukraine. An appeal y Kravchuk on May foan mmedate summt ith Y lsin on the B lak ea leetqueston fell on deaf eas. ccor ing to Intefax , hh ite"nformed crcles n Moscow ussan Foregn MnsteAdre Koyrev s to go to Ki on June 7 to prepae asummt. The earlest mooted dte s June 2 thoh theussian daly Nezavaa az a speculated on Jne thatthere would be no summt untl Je 20


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Kosova ks Uto prevent 'genocide

n a eer Prien Bi inn. e vemen fe epbi fKva aer a e ve-pwer ea verBnia pen e wa fr new arein aain Kvae eer wa wrien n Ma 25 b Dr Bar Bki. eepbi fKva prime minier an frein minier

Dear President Clinton :On behalf of the govement of the Republic of Kosova,

may I express our appreciation for the efforts made in formu-lating the Joint ction Program to stop the senseless war inBosniaHercegovina, to contain the conict and to prevent itfrom spreading to Kosova and the Former Yugoslav Republic

of Macedonia.Despite the concered effos of the foreign ministersmeeting in Washington last weekend, the Joint ction Pro-gram for Bosnia is seen by the Serbs in general as a greatvictory for them. This gives us reason to be even more con-ceed about the situation in Kosova .

s the Serbs seem to have achieved everything they want-ed elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia , they will most proba-bly be compelled to retackle , in their own way, the problemof Kosova.

Ominous signs of conict are already present. Followinga recent incident in which two Serbian policemen were shot


EIR June 1 1 , 1 99 3

dead and ve wounded, under cimsances unknown to usSerbian authorities have int nsi� their oppress ion over thlbanian population in Kosova.

One of the Serbian oppositio leaders, Vuk Draskovicstated recently tha Vojislav Seslj, leader of the SerbiaRadical Party, has been training l his forces for months iorder to spark a conic in Kosov. ccording to him, Serb

an soldiers and policemen will bcome victims of terrorisacts perpetrad by Seselj' s men

Kosova lbanians had no alteative but to seek independence following dis integratin of h Yugoslav Federation iwhich Kosova had been one oh onstitu nt units . We havbeen, and remain , detrmined to chieve our goals througpeaceful means. In this prcess w see no tuing back

Our greatest conc is hat   Join Action Programfalls shor of arssing proper[he problem of KosovaInceased inteaional monitorin , included in the programand endorsed by the Kosova lead rship , regrettably may nosuce in sopping the conict fr spreaing o Kosova.

We also rgrt hat in p ndnc of Kosova is no suppored in the agreement. An indnen Koova can onlbe a sabilizing factor in the regiqn . ny oher soluion wileave the area with a potenial pbl m tha will sooner olaer involve the entire Balkans i1 a devastating war.

Considering the current siuion, we are calling on thUnited Nations Securiy Council o convene an inteaionaconfence on containing the Bakan conict at th earlipossible date. The inational ionf r nc would focus orealistic options for prvning th spread o Serbian ehncleansing" and genocie o Koso a and Macedonia. To thend, we pledge our full cooperatin and ferven support.

This map shows th s rpublic an two autonomous rgions ofthfor YugoslaviaKosova with a majori Albanin thnic poulationwas on such autonomous rgidn within th borrsofSrbia but it is now bing ill�gall annx b thSrbian rgim aconia is lso thratn

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L RAIDED s  Book Helped ke It  Happen !

HEP BRIG HEAD CRIIATO JUI!, rad, an crcaTh Uy Tuh Abu Th A nw


h h 30 bk, ¢ h bk


EIR ws Si, I.

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Dg leg iztion g in oe g end in Colombiby Javier mario

Arturo Hen , coordnator n Colomba of the Unted Natons 'program of coca and poppy crop substtuton, furously attacked Colomba 's polce force on May 26 for havng eradcated 5 of Colomba' s llegal poppy crops In a semnarjontly sponsored by the Unted Natons and the Colomban

ustce Mnstry held at Bogot' s Natonal Unversty, He ncharged that those n harge of the crop eradcaton had notconsdered "the socal, economc, envronmental , and healthtrauma caused by eradcaton, trauma whch s "smultaneously both the cause and the eect of the producton andconsumpton of drugs

The same lne was offered by Gorgo Gacomell , executve drector of the UN's nteatonal narcotcs controlagency Accordng to Gacomell, nothng should be doneto to substtute poppy, coca, or maruana crops wthlegtmate agrcultural crops , because that "could further encourage the llegal actvty and thus lead to a superproducton

stead of cutback n such crops Gacomelli pointed outthe danger that farmers "might well compae the benets ofobtanng llegal prots on the one hand, and the benets ofalteatve crops on the other

Although the U N ofcals never sad s o explctly, theyall attempted n one form or another to emphasze the presumed mpossib lty of defeating the drug trade and of replacng drug crops wth ones useful to Colomba and to humanty Accordng to U N consultant on nacotcs Mara Constanzaamrez, drug rop eradcaton has only stmulated the drugtrade because "t has contributed to a rse n the prce oflatex , referrng to the lqud extracted from the poppy ower

and whch serves as the raw materal for heon amrezwent even further, and openly defended drug production:"The cultvaton of poppy has generated ncome and ncreased the buyng power of a sector of the peasanty and thendgenous

In parallel to the Unted Natons ' less -than-subtle effotsto present drug legal zaton as the only "logcal answer tothe llegal narcotcs trade, the Gavra govemet in Colombia s dong ts best to pave the way for precsely such a"soluton to ths country's decade-long ar wth the drugcartels Not only has ts embrace of the Inteatonal Mone-

EIR une , 993

tay Fund's (IMF) opn maet, fee tae ditates Colomba' s legtmate agrcult secto nto bptcand thus, ncreasngl, nto dut it as as ealatts negotatons wth the ounty' meous aels tassure them mpunity fo thei cres

Pesdent Csar Gavra' s A cltu iist, unthe control of Alfonso Lez Caall , te so f foColombian President and cael all lfoso Lz chelsen , has taken te ed stipng the natonl faisector of any and all protecton e has not only eliinattariff protection, but also low-it st cit a ie sports The esult has een the b ptc of iealgrowers under an avalanche f ipoe ltaproducts

To ths , of course, an be ad te sabota ittby the U S and Brits gov 4ts peeti te establshment of a coffee pact whh wul set a stal

for coffee, once Coloba' s leadi xpt coIn other areas of legitmate grcultue, a opaalsituaton prevals "Te fame i soe aas have chaged ther tradtonal crops fo coca and pop, i eof the govement' s refusal to pe ptectin, aGermn Orduz Peralta, drecto of Satae pvinceGrowers S ocety , n a May 2 4 intvew to te pess i ihe also documented the ne totat disapaae o olombia's once thrvng cotton secto ,

Negotatng a naroea�'

On May 6 o ths yea, Colbian Attoey enea

Carlos Gustavo Aeta reveale tat he , osecuto stavde Greiff, Defense nster Ra  l Pado Rea, SectDrector Feando Bto, the naioal olice iecto, aother hh-level goveent oials met wt pesetatves of the so-cal led Cali Catel , neotiate the sof the catel' s crnal leaders e cael spoese wexplct that what they wanted .s dismisal of caes fmost of ther members short, s t (ad presaly pailess) trals for the est and the rht to eta all of thir ilgotten gans , exchange o a <ise isatli f ttackng opeations A virtually detical oal was s



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mitted by the Medelln Cartel back in 198 immediatelyfollowing their aaination of Jutice Miniter RodrigoLara Bonill a. That propoal wa later decribed by the cartea a deliberate propoal for drug legalization

Following three eparate meeting which had the fupublic upport of Preident Gaviria, the govement pre-ented a propoed reform to the criminal code premied inpart upon the uender condition" demanded by the cartelgure. At leat 9 member of the Cali and North Valecarel are awaiting approval of the new criminal code inorder to decide on their ubmiion to jutice, " aid Gutavode Greiff.

Meanwhile , the precutor' oce ha already negotiat-ed dramatically reduced entence for a number of prominentdrg tracker currently in jail. Jorge Lui Ochoa, conid-ered the numbertwo man of the Medelln Carel aftr thefugitive Pablo Ecobar, will reportedly receive a mere eightyear in jai l . To produce he reduced entence, the proecutorhad to be willing to dimi all charge againt Ochoa a he

intellectual author" of the murdr of any number of judge ,witnee, joualit, and prominent public peronalitie.Thi i preciely what the Cali Cartel now hope to negotiatea well

Presidential andidates agreeNo challenge to thi appeaement policy ha come from

the frontrnning preidential candidate who are vying forthe nation' top oce . Eeto Samper Pizano ha the ofcialbacking of the Gaviria govement and of Liberal arty chiefJulio Car Turbay, depite hi longtanding public advocacyof drug legalization . (An extenive doier on Samper Pizano

i contained in April 1 9 9 1 Special Report, Buh'Surrender to Dope, Inc. : U. S. Policy I Detrying Colom-bia . ") Nor i the leading candidate of the Conervative Party ,Andr Patrana Arango, prepared to cro the tracker.Both, in tu, uppor Gaviria' neoliberal economic poli-cie which are detroying what little remain of Colombia 'productive economy

The fact i that the drug tracker have already taken themeaure of both candidate. In 198 for example, Samperaccepted large um of money from the Medelln Cartelchieain, who wanted to nance the electoral campaignof former Preidnt Alfono Lpez Michelen Samper wa

campaign treaurer at the time. In 1989 Samper wa hot byMedelln Cartel hitmen, reporedly by accident when he gotcaught in the crore of a cartl aaination of communitleader Jo Antequera at the Bogot airpor. Samper recov-ered frm hi wound and refued to identify the cartel'role in the incident. Intelligence report indicate that theacker paid Samper a huge um to indemnify him fortheir error. "

A for Andr Paana, he wa kidnapped by the Med-elln Cartel ' hock troop , otherwie known a the Extradit-able," back in January 1988 and cartel chieftain Pablo E

38 Inteational

cobar et a erie of condition fr his releae At the time,Patrana was a candidate for mayr of Bogot and had takena programmatic stand against the rug trade and drug addic-tion Pastrana never reveaed the ontents of the diaogue heheld with the cae chieftains duing his captivity, but aerhi reeae by the police, he was adamant in defending hicaptor' good faith," and argue that the aaination ofthe antidrug foer prosecutor aros Mauro Hoyo, whohad been kidnapped on the same day as Patrana, had beena imple error" by the carte Ptrana ao abandoned hiantidrugtrafcking platform, ad stuck to polemicizingagainst drug addiction

It came as no surie that afte the kidnapping , his fatherand former President Misae Parana Borrero visited withthen Preident Virgiio Barco and ame away from that meet-ing telling the pre that he wa$ going to ght for peacenegotiations with a agent of vience "

Unike Patrana and Samper, ormer Jutice Miniter En-rique Parejo Gonzez, who urvied a cartel aain ' bul-let in Budapet, Hungary in Janary 1987, ha been vehe-ment in his denunciation of the rug trafcker and of thepowerharing negotiation the Gviria govement ha con-ducted with them Parejo wa miit r of jutice in the Be-tancur govement during 198-6 and i one of the fewurviving heroes of the ght to ibrat Coombia from narco-terrorim

NaropoliticsToday, Parejo i a Bogot cty councilman a well a

a contender for the Libera Part preidentia nomination.However, the Liberal Party macinery of Samper, Gaviria,

and Turbay are trying to keep hi out of the race by ay andall mean The National Congre i cuently debating a lawwhich woud obige preidentia andidate to refrain fromwriting newpaper article for a l ix month prior to theMay 199 electin The meaur woud prove paricularlydevatating for the campaign of nrique Parejo, whoe olemeans of communicating hi ida is a regular column inthe daiy peadr, and of another diident Liberalcandidate, Caro Lemo Simmods, who write a coumnfor emp

Turbay i meanwhile trying o arrange for the ocialLiberal Party candidate to be choen in accordance with the

degree of suppor eected congremen give to the dierentprecandidate . Thi meaure wold eectivey eiminate theindependent vote that i not tied t the ocal party mchine,which are controlled by Turbay ad Samper

By uch mean, Csar Gaviia's govement hope toaure that it neoibera econoic policie and the preentnarcodemocracy" wil continu to reign in Coombia Itwoud appear that not ony the nited Nation but alo theUnited State, which ha williny provided refuge to thefamiie of the cartel chieftains, re prepared to oer theirful backing.

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p m by Slv lcos

Ios vs o  sInternton eort y te "ngeno oveent reoceon crvng rz p nto protecte encve

T celebrate the Inteational Yearof the Indigenous decreed by the United Nations , the leaders of Brazil ' s indigenous movement represented inthe non-govemental organizations(NOs) are in a mobilization to forceconstitutional recognition of so-calledIndian lands , which are in fact nothingmore than enclaves within the nationalterritory.

Although they suffered a severeblow in late May with the ring ofanthropologist Sidney Possuelo fromthe presdency of the National IndianFoundation, the shock troops of indigenist causes have redoubled their efforts to preserve Possuelo ' s derangedideas. Possuelo was placed at the headof the foundation by former PresidentFeando Collor de Mello, as a sym

bol of th NOs' supranational apparatus.A radical defender of the Yano

mami reservation along the borderwith enezuela, Possuelo alsoplanned, before he was red, to handover to the few thousand forest-dwellers more than 50% of the Amazon territory of Roraima state . That proposalwas shelved by the Itamar Franco govement.

With Possuelo now out of the picture , prominent members of the ecolo

gist movement such as CongressmanFabio Feldman, who has always favored the efforts of the inteationalbanks to impose a "debt-for-naturescheme on Brazil, have begun to regroup their forces . In a "Special Information Bulletin, Feldman states that"the indigenous Brazilian communityhas good reason to be conceed . Thegovement's initiatives with regardto demarcation of their lands, taxa-

EIR une 11 1993

tion, a nd other measures, are slow orclearly not taking effect at all . Feldman appealed to the NOs to reactivate their campaign in favor of Brazil 's indigenous tribes

National and inteational effortsby the ecologist-indigenist activistsare currently focused on pressuringfor the demarcation of some 510 protected indigenous areasa total of 89million hectares of landby Oct 5ofthis year, as specied by the Constitution.

In obedience to the neo-colonialprecepts of the "new world order, theCollor govement had already delimited the vast Yanomami reservealong a strategically critical borderarea. That action has been the target ofinnumerable challenges by nationalist

forces, especially by the BrazilianArmed Forces, for the purpose ofmodifying that decree .

In response , numerous indigenousleaders manipulated by the anthropologists have begun to direct inteational pressure against the Francogovement. For example, representatives of the Amazon indigenouscommunities have submitted a petition in Paris asking the European nations for help n winning "respect fortheir rights and that "the Brazilian

govement [should] delimit the territories . Paris is a coordinating centerfor indigenous causes, through thesponsorship of First Lady anileMitterrand.

At the same time, Indian leaderPaiakan has again begun to draw attention in the English-language press ,the result of a criminal cas againsthim , in which he is charged with raping a non-Indian girl. The courts have

been unable t impose e a sentence for such crie, becae he asbeen protected y a specia l indienos"staute.

mong oer planned acin aa meeting of a an ndian eaers in the Xin Park in e rt weeof ne. e t served as te stagefor a similar nt in 1 988 , wen Eropean cologit such a nita Rodic, e Briti wner of a cai stors wic lls procs emazon, i teir ar cr aaitenologica gre , a eeiaagainst te cotcion of dreectric plants in t region nder e text that they ae "harfl to te eironment

The meetig i s eing corinaedby , among ters, te ntetiComittee, o e of te auor f e"Kaioca Decation ised at ayear's Ec-9 uit at declation calls for liing naioal ereigny trog e creation f inienou "enclae

noter eting, ti oe ninenal, will e eld in ly in e ciof Bha, spon&r d y a serie o enities r pr s nt y e "ContinentalIndigenous , Bc and opar vement. hat urella organization iresponsible f aving organzed atyear's "500 Yars of ndigenos Resistance movment, which carriedot nmero saotage operatiagainst continal efos to celeraethe uinc nt 4ay of te dicveand vang liz;tion of erica, de

nouncing suh Ic l bratins as erelygenocide agait te IndianDisgracefly, participaing in al

these anti-soveeignty and antiCitian actions is nearly e enirety ofthe Brazilian atlic rc and eIndigenous issionay Concil(CIMI), wic have fallen ino hehands of the Mrrxist heology of Liberation crowd and ave abandonedtheir evangelifng mision.

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East German Stasispied on SDI program

O ssigmet from the Soviet KGB, thest Ge secret service, the Sts i, spied the U.S. Strtegic Defese Iititive(DI) progrm from its very begiig , fo-mer st Ge foreig itelligece of-

cer Heiz Busch testied o My 26 t theril of foer Stsi chief Mrkus Wof iDsseldorf, Gey.

Busch, who joied West Ge fo-eig itelligece shortly fte the fll of thest Ge commuist regime i Jury reported tht from 82 o, Wolfspprtus took "specil opertive mesuresgist the NA sttioig of tctic u-cler missiles d gist the SDI.

The S ws iterpreted s substtichllege to the Wrsw Pct, which woudforce the etire st bloc to ivest "urgetlyeeded resources origilly desiged fo the

recostructio of the civili sector ito i-itry projects, Busch decred. The Stsiset copies of every secret NA le d"othe itelligece to Moscow, B usch sid .

Libya's Qaddawants to visit Israel

iby eder Col. Mummar Qddwts to mke visit to Isrel i the ottoo-distt future, e iby hs recogizdIsrel, oetime arms deler d ow trveget Ycov Niodi told Isreli rdio o

My . Niodi prised Qdd s " veryitelliget leder who "recogizes thchges i the world d wts to "dptto the ew circumstces.

Accordig to the British BrodcstigCorp., it ws the Isreli Niodi, togethewith Sudi busiessm d feow -Cot opertive) Ad Khshogi, whoged the visit of iby Musli pi-grims to Jeruslem. Two huded pigriived o My . BBC reports tht cip-rocl gesture is beig pled, s uberof Isr li Jews of iby origi re expected

40 Inteational

to viit Li i sei Toui ii i d-

cared tht I oud ty o "cpiie ithe o te o th opi epeetedby the ib ui coi to Ju-lem. e id Qdd d utoied thipirie, i od to " hi tioit the itd Stt

A itic ouc id o bot th

CIA and Ii od d ti serice tht Qdd ov td to thct tht h iin EyptSud, ad ant to an o i nutlityi cse o uc onit Qdd is ctitis wy cu o " cus of thap Dvid , i wouddefed Egypt, i Eypt ttacd by Arb eihbo, odin to th ouc.

NAO f miissin isaa v Bsni

A ti o T d inites oy 2 bo u i disry ov th v-p ec pn o Bosi ic hs bered o by the Cino dinisttio . hp litii Sbi coqusts, co-i Bosi ui o "s vs thti ctuy b octtio cps udeot .

Ge inist Vo Rhexpd dp doub bot the schee,d tod pot: " xio of thBosi ui u not b od tost d u not b ntiond b dwine bode. oin to , Rhe o

sid tht " t t i o to b do on dnition of t co-tituts f vn nd o ould be po-tected by .S. i tik

in n ii copiedbou k o qut outio ote ie, d, i o t WigP, nio oi o .S d-tio d St o ns LAspin ttd t n v u tht"f v it to us."Sfe vn oju up oti tt wy o b povidi

h ofc dded tht the dmiistrio cotiue to hold out hope for pecesettlemet tht would divide the coutry ito semiutoomous regios. The cuetpl, he sid! is "kid of reversl of theprevious proch], to try to get settlemet d [th] ed the ghtig. Now, heid, "the

y seems to be evolvig ito

dig the g tig d gettig settlemet

te. The 0 cil ckowledged tht theUited Sttes ! d its llies hve brely beu to cosidr the militry implictios ofprotctig hudreds of thousds of Musli mciviis i si sfety zoes.

Hai rej tsVN poicing plan

The Hiti ov m t d miitry, ertwo dys oftks with Uited Ntios elegtio, reject�d pl tht would hve deployed itetiol "police

me to H*i to fcilitte the retu fousted t roist Pesidet eBptisteAristide. Hii "clled the bluff of the Uited Ntios d Wshigto, i the worsof the Nw Yk Tim

Not rd i the U. S. pss is tht Hitijected the p hshly, compig it to heivsio ofH$ti by Worow Wilso i which tued to cuptio by e UiteSttes tht ls  dmo th2 yes.

I respoe to the rejectio, the U.N.,the medi, the proAriside loby i theUited Sttesre l clmorig for PresidetClit to te harsh mesures, icludig


blockde d totl cutoff foi shipmets

Semina in Moscoon an-$emitism

Russi prli  tris d weste politicis will d�scuss "tiSemitism d rcism seir to be held i Moscowey Jue euters repos. The twodysemir, whih is to "cmbt worryigise i cis d tiSemitism, is org

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nized by the Concil of Erope and the E-ropean Jewish Congress EJC) , which is anaiate of the Edgar Bronfmanrn WorldJewish Congress based in New York.

ter eprecht, depty secretary gen-era ofthe Concil of Erope, told newsmenthat "there was a trend for the emergence informer commnist contries of nationalistand poplist movements seeking scapegoatsfor economic hardship. Conceing free-dom of expression eprecht said, "Somethings mst not be allowed to be said. Theght against intolerance mst have a repres-sive side.

Former French Premier Jacqes Chirac,a contender for presidential elections in99,German Jstice Minister Sabine ethesserSchnarrenberger, and Rssian For-eign Minister Andrei Kozyrev are amongthose schedled to address the seminar.

Bosnia deal wi lead

to wowe conictsThe vepower deal at the expense of theBosnian state will prodce a "devi's brewof new conicts in varios parts of theworld ws senior French commentatorPtrick de Saint Exp€ry in the French dailyLe Figaro of May 24 .

Uder the title, "Abandonment in theNme of Realism, Saint Expry ssertstht the agreement "cts the last link whichstil connected the desperate poplation ofBosniHercegovina to the world, and, es-cially to Erope The game today is clear

and ocial In the nme of realism,' it isconveiet to abandon BosniaHercegovinato its fate whatever may be the magnitdeof the atrocities . . . . This new plan, whichis in fct an extremely minimalist versionof the VaceOwen project only foreseesstabilizing the sitation by rbberstamp-ig thefait accompi " Now the partition ofBosniaHercegovina is virtally garan-teed he adds

Under the sbtitle "Sorcerers' Appren-tices, Saint Expry stresses that it didn'ttake Belgrade log to draw conclsions

June 1 1 , 1993

fro his new lan. leady, elgrade'sleaders and Bosnian Serb leade RadovanKaradzic are showing themselves more in-transigent, btal, and cynical . e draws thewider implications of ths: "While electionstake place in Camboia in a climate willfllyaggravated by the Khmer Roge, while atro-cios conicts ontine in fghanistan, iniberia, in Angola, etc . , it can be feared thatthe Bosnian case will conclde by povidinga classoom lesson to all the sorcerers' ap-prentices of this planet.

Saint Expry realle the warning ofFrench inential eanFran<ois Denia atthe beginning of th crisis in exYgoslavia :Ter is no law itht foce. t is thiswarning that the weste world has not heed-ed, with great danger for te inteationalsystem as a whole, he concldes.

ebs ste u hasagat tl, A ua

Emboldened by the vepower agreementrecognizing a ne Greater Serbia, Serbi-an ocials are rattling their sabres in thedirection of Tieste, taly and Vienna,Astria.

The talian daily Cir era onMay 25 qoted Gen. Ratko Mladic, com-mander of the Bosnian Serbs, speaking tothe Serbian magazine Dga: "Trieste is aSerbian city, and the war that is going onnow in B osnia will contine to the area between Trieste and Vienna. nstead of with-drawing, or aim shold be to break those

forces that have destroyed Ygoslavia. Weshold start a conteattack particlarlyalong the TriesteVienna line, becase Tri-este was an old Serbian city. t wold havebeen better to attack taly and Astria, andwith them, those forces that have begn thiswar, making possible tis disintegration.

Aer World War I, Trieste was jointlyoccpie for a few years by Tit's goslavArmy and the British, and was then broghtinto Italy thogh inteational agreements .The area is fraght with the potential forfrther destabilization.

• NELSON MDEL, lederof Soth Africa's Afric NtiolCongress id o My 23 tht teANC 's allice with the Soth Afrca Comnist Pry is "here stay

• SEB1N dissiet BogBogdaoviq in iterview wih heGerma Franurter Allgem-ine Zeitun of My 2 ismissethe aleged plit betwee Serbi dictator Slobo Milosevic osi

a Serb leer dov Krzic s "theatricl how d si he wrlcold expet mch more iolecefrom the Blgrade regime

• JP ad Chi gree oMay 29 to begi bilterl tlks regional  s�curity  issues. JpeseForeign  M � ist r Kbun Muto pr-posed the �lks drig meetg iTokyo wi  his Chiese coute,Qian Qich .

• MIDDE EASTRN churches meeting i ¢yprs t the e of  My ,asked Israe to reope the borers f the Occpi¢d Teitories t gieChristin d Mslim worshirsfree acc ss to Arb Est JeruslemIsrael' s c loSing of the borders cut 1. 75 millio  Palestiis om theirecoomic ltrl, d spiriul ceter there.

• UZ E�ISTN Preiet IslmKarimov ccs d Kyrgyzst oMay 2 of "poliicl sbversi rected gitst Uzbekist. This wsthe strog t codemtio by oe

Cetral Asi leder of other sicethe regio i d idepedece omthe Soviet Iio i lte 99


• SNGE beg o Jue 2the proces of electig ts he fstate for th rst time i hist bu"the oPpostion wol d t ediclt to rodc a cde erthe l ctorl system which wseligible cdidt s to smll la weste dIplomt sid

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Ya histori ye a� for atus mileni 

by M Bun

Prep for the en-Ft Centuby Paul Keedyadom Houe, New Yok, 9928 page, hadboud, $2

That Pal Knny' s Prearnr e wenFr enhas aily com th most talk-aot ook of this ya,moving clos to th to of h stsll list in Gmanywithin wks of its tanslation fom th English an ominntly hy in mch of th Bitish and Amican mia,tlls mo aot th vs stat of min and ioitisof th ominant factions within th tansatlantic lialstalishmnt which a omoting Knny' s thss , than itis os aot th mits of th ook Amittly, th iti sho, Yal Univsity histoian has comild an imssivaay of ata an has takn som ovocativ and chal lng

ing thms Bt, fo th most at, his wok is a mixtof monmntal incomtnc comin with isinfomationan fa Rath than ing th so histoical an socialanalys is that on might xct fom th mch-tot histoian an atho, whos e and Fa e rea Pweroc consial contovsy aft its lication in98 , Prearn r e wenFr en is idologyan scial laing n th cov of octiv acamicsach

Knny is ally lading fo a scic agnda an cltal-histoical aaigm, an this xlins why th ook has

4 Books

gottn so much attntion in t lial mdia an withintansatlantic olicy instittion lik th inntial Davos,Switzland, Wol Economic olicy fom, to which Kndy was invit to sak ali this ya H is aging , inth tndy vocalay of th las ca' s gloali st Zee,fo a nw goolitical clt oot imaily in dmogahics ,an udatd vsion of th wol viw of Pason Thomas

Malths Th iving foc, an cntal that, in Knny swol, a s in th lat 8th-cnt ofMalths , is mogahicgowth Rai mogahic gwth is a tmining factoin casing was an olitical in ,taility, with th a twisttoday that it also amags th 'gloal nvionmnt omatting th that of "ovolation, in Knndy's viw,stis, o ncssitats, an iial wol o l ynti-nanci intsts Jst s Bitain cam ot on to ofth wol of th 9th cnty, so today, a Bitish-molwol o mst vail , h liv s

Th ook is mainly dsig to catalyz an sha aolicy at within th tanatlantic lits, with vaios

malthsians sclating aot hth Knndy has gon ait too fa, o not fa nogh h F 4 New Yrk meook viw, fo xaml, wecome Knny as a lattay Malths, t comlain 4hat h lack th "g ofintllctal falssnss al t that which moln aths himslf, a Go-faing clgyman , to ag against chaity cas it was a cas ofolation gowth an thsof hman misy Th insist that "mo ointstions mst slmnt Kndy' s agmnts, if a tlyaconian wol o is to m that can nfoc olation "What fom of olitica ladshi will sc to hat

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th jggats of dmographi, onomi and oogiahang? Can dmographi xposions b hatd withot rors to sr, n rprss popation poiis? Can an aoation of arbon mission rights b instittd ornford wthot mi tary for?

Th book's ras oinids with an saation of mathsian propaganda, as th dat approahs for th Unitd

Nations Thrd Intationa Confrn on opation inCairo in Sptmbr 994, and as th abjt rfsa of thWst to stop gnod n formr Ygosaia aommodatsgrowing sgmnts of th wst pbi to mrdr on a masssa Knndy is a spoksman for that transatanti gropwhih has appasd th Srbs, and his fa haratriationof th Bakan war as a "ii war is symptomati of hisword iw

As w wi show, th 2 st ntry that Knndy projts ,is on from whih ssntia thnoogia and sintibrakthroghs ha bn axiomatiay xdd It is notthat ths prosss ha no ftr from a sinti stand

pointqit th oppositbt rathr that Knndy and hisothinkrs bi , wth th arrogan of wodb gods ofOymps, that thy an dny th xistn of whatr thywod prfr did not xst , and thn prnt t from ominginto xistn by thir ontro or nania prosss , thmda, sinti instttions , and so on

That apparnt strngth, howr, is aso thir Ahis'h Th 2 st ntry of a Knndy wi nr ataytranspir f th axioms and postats that Knndy spossdtrmin poy, th word wi dsnd into a profondbrakdown risis, and prhaps gnraid word war, wbfor w rah th yar 2000 Whrr thr xis t hman

bings dsiring dopmnt and progrss , in sh oationsthr wi b points of rsstan to Knndy and his promotrs , and it i s ot of that rsistan that a ontris ion of thftr, on that an gi hop to hmanity , an b bit

Wnner and oer' n a mathan wordKnndy' s onpt of hstory, and th son of raty

that ows from it, is, at bst, a rdtionis t' s tist qary,and at worst, a kid of sintion fantasy projtd intoth past, prsnt, and ftr

Aording to him, "w shod s th dmographi andonom ondtions of th at 8th ntry as a mtaphor

for th hangs faing or prsnt goba soity, twontris ar Maths' s pondrngs Thn, Fran's nstabiity and nsing trritoria xpansonism ndr NapoonBonapart, wr drin by th ndryng probm of "orpopation: "In Fran, popar dsontnts smashd an anen re that was ss w strtrd than Britain in agritr indstry , and ommr , and n ts soia framworkand attitds, to sstan rapd dmographi growth By thtim th Frnh Rotion ' s ary hops had bn dstroydby trror, ration, and thn Bonapartsm, an normos nmbr of yong , nrgti , and frstratd Frnhmn wr b

n , 993

ing deployed in armies of cupat� ous Frace, wremany if no mos of tem died fr combat or disease. Terrtori conquest hus played its traitional rle as a vet foroepopUlion, social tensions, nd poliical frstraions"(emphsis in oiginal).


Wh Fance supposedly was fQr tat perod, mc of developing secor is fo oday. Pre iewig t 1s cetur

Kennedy denes te imporan plicaion of populaiochnge pon ineatioal securty't as te prspec of demogphiclly driven social unres, litical instability and regionl s . . . . " He wrtes: Beind many well-kownhisoicl upheavalse outward! rust of e Vikings , teexpnsion of Elizaetan Englan, e Frenc RevolutionWilhelmine Wlpol e turblences ta rack CentraAmerica and te Middle Eas td�-the sieties involvedee expeiencing population exposions, and ofen avingdicly in asorbing icreasing n\mers of energeic youngmen."

n oday s wold, as seen by Pa\l ennedy and ose wo

hink like him, e prlem is vasl worsened by te allegeddmage o he ecology" caused b growing populaions douing scce esources , wic S greatly increased . . speed of he human assaul u n naure." Kennedy is afanati pomoe of he greenhou$e effec, gloal warming,nd ozone hole hoxes, o e xn at e no only neverbothrs to pesen ny proof fo se ostensile penomenabt aso dismisses ou of hnd ating ta callenges tepraiing inquisiorial orhodox: Given e naure ofAmecn poliics, i is dicul a present o imagine mucledeship in Wshingon on gloa-warming issues . Insead,thr i s a tndny o poin o he deing scienic opinions

in his me, o sgges h fes aou he geenhouseeec he een exaggeraed, an o indicate a i woulde nise o devoe funds and aler fe-syles o mee circumsnces h migh no acually our; and . . . hose argumnts e sppoed y skepical s¢ieniss and economists . "

As i, somehow, i i s a mae f venl opporunism aleding scieniss nd economiss dn believe i is necesso devoe unds nd ale life-syls" o ccommodae ecologiss nsies

echnology, such as i exiss n Paul Kennedys futureniese, ill pedominanly hel ose wo e a pesentter o, pimily he Japanese nd seveal Euopean na

tions and h he os-off, he Afcans being a he oomo he hep. he only wo fonieehnological developmentsthat h ants el signicnce o e ioecnology and robotis is amt conceing tese is, in summa fomBiothnooy wi ceainly incese ood poduction, ut iill e domined y poerful muinaional cooraions ofth U S and othr dvanced seco counries, and will e efftiy denied he developing seo (which as come o enown as chnological parheid) . ioechnology will alsopogessiely elimine the specie of fae, y de-maeaiing he podcion of ood. ooics, meanwhile, will

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Atronaut trainin g to t rpair on th utur Spa Topin 7 in th Nutra Buoan Simuator a huge water tankud to imuat zro gravi at arha Spa Fight Cntr inHuntvi Aabama Spa xporationor th nw mathuianik Pau Knnd i anathema Hi ik think it ba noughorth Earth to b o popuat with an kind who i in the i mag oo th ant bar th thought that a nw Rnaian wouad pope to oonize an pan on other pant a w

mainly work to the benet o Jaan and a handl o othercontries bt will progressively ndermine manactringlabor thereby rther hrting contries with large oplations which reqire "laborintensive aproaches.

What this combination o demographically deterinedhistory and selectively developed technology adds to in

Kennedys view is that the world inevitably has "winnersand losers as in a sports match: "History is once againprodcing its lists o winners and losers. Economic changeand technological development like wars or sporting tornaments are sally not benecial to all. Progress welcomed

by optmistic voices rom the Enlightenment to or presentage benets those grops or nations that are able to takeadvantage othe newer methods and scienc e j st as it damages others that are less prepared technologically cltrallyand politically to respond to change .

Kennedy dedicates his book to a boys soccer team in NewHaven onnectict that he coaches and his biograhy onthe back bookjacket concldes "He also coaches soccer.Sports competition o the tye that one ndobtedly experiences in the British school system very mch denes the wayennedy denes the world. Sorts cometition verbiage o

44 Books

corse is also eective in manilating a readershi in theUnited States and elsewhere that as increasingly been brainwashed to view the world as i i were a sorts match .

ons istent with  this , is Kennedy s v i ew that "Maltuss  Engl and i s a n  example o a " w i ner i n history . O  corse,"Malthus s England is a ter s ynymous with "the BritishEmpire, which "won only becase it co nqered and devas-

tated other peoles Kennedy is s s than rank employingBritish d i lomati ehemi s

ltead, as when he attemts 

to contrast how "the British esc ed their malthsian trawith the case o India which is much closer to Malthssmodel . India s oulation, hetrites , "also doubled and redobled in the 1 9th centry b on a mch less rodctivebase. Frthermore , becase the I dian states had been nableto resist Britain' s East   India Co  pany militarily their sb-jects cold do li ttle when  Britis machi nemade textilesnot only cheaer bt o better ality than native clothored into the contry drivi ng ot traditional domestic pro-dcers in the process .

H i s convolted ormlation "nable   to resist Britain ' sEast India omany ilitarily s a tyical semantic trickto cover or the act that Briti h coloialists redced theIndian poplation by abot hal in the rst decades o colon ialrle. He also never mentions by the way that Malths wasthe paid scribe o the British East India ompany .

Kennedy elsewhere trimhs in what the British accomlished in the th centry by thir "greater manactringeciency and "l aissezaire ecoomics qoting "te greatEnglish economist William Staney Jevons writing in 86:

"The lains o North Ameria and Rssia are or coelds ; hicago and Odessa or ganaries; anada or sheep

arms and in Argentina and on te w este rairies o NorthAmerica are or herds o oxen; Pr send her silver and thegold o Soth Arica and Astalia ows to London; theHinds and the hinese grow tea or s and or coee sgarand spice plantations are all in t e Indies. Spain and Franceare or vineyards and the Medierranean or rit gardenand o r cotton gronds wh ich or long have occpied theSothe United States are now eing extended everywherein the warm regions o the earth.

Kennedy is obviosly nostalgic or an imerial systemnow one that cold w age war aginst "overoplated non-white nations . What this eans the vctims the "losers i

Arica and elsew here today is clear: " iv il or external warswith their heavy casaltieswe like amine and diseaseamong the althsian antidotes to a olation explosionand erhas the most eective o all bec ase they ki lled peo-le in the prime o lie. Aer ading throgh the ehemisms we see Kennedy exressng alar abot poplationgrowth in Islamic contries : "PoJ ics intrdes; many regimesare deliberately encoraging wo en to have large amilies arging that this adds to the conty s ilitary strength . Beara child osters in Iraq proclaim I and yo pierce an arrow inthe eney seye. Well it is obv·os how olation growth

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s now beng "controlled n Iraq tog te brtal combnaton o war and sanctons Is tat Kennedy' s preerred soltonor te developng world as a wole ?

If you don't i it, i itAt te rsk o sng Bts-style nderstatement or

selves we can call Kennedy' s a most selectve vew o s to

ry one tat s dened as mc by wat s omtted as wat ssad Te alert reader wll note or nstance an storcalamnesa abot te Amercan Revolton Snce te AmercanRevolton was te nteatonal rallyng pont n te late8t centry aganst Brts maltsansm Kennedy evdently eels t s better to gnore te sbject

Wle Kennedy s not so stpd as to deny tat te orgnalmaltsan argment tat poplaton growt wold otaceood prodcton was overted by "te power o tecnologyte capacty o te man mnd to nd new ways odong tngs to nvent new devces to oganze podctonn mproved oms to qcken te pace o movng goods and

deas rom one place to anoter to stmlate res approacesto old problem Yet s treatment ondamental scentctecnlogcal sses s sc tat one wold ave to ncdetat e s eter nctonally llterate or s so deolocallycommtted to te lbeal ecologsts' wrld vew tt e reses to acknowledge te exstence o tecnologcal penomena tat get n te way o s constrct peraps e s or bot Te oter possblty s tat te polcy gropng or wcKennedy speaks s commtted to pasing ot certan o temost mportant ronter tecnologes and tereore wants tstop any pblc daloge abot cetan sbjects

Ts may backe owever snce te cros reader

mgt wonder wy Kennedy pears to be paalyzed wtear tat te mee mentionng o say "space exloratonwold ndermne s entre coplex o neo-matsian arments As well e mgt Space exploratonor bette spacecolonzatonan only e a ncton o te knd o Rnassance tat lanced te Colmban coonzation o Amerca nder wc te poplatons o Erope and te Amercasenjoyed ncreases n bot sze and standads o lvng

Kennedy's 2st centry tereby sapes p as a lnearextenson o te most entropc ("ecologst) eatres o tepresent nto an ndente tre It s a 2st centry wtotnclear energy wtot ronter tecnologes sc as tose

based on plasmas and drected energy wtot exploratono space As already noted ts s a 2st centry tat wllnever exst n te orm e ponticates abot snce a ordpremsed on sc ndenitely extended entropic trnds llbe a world tat wll ndergo proond pysical -economic cltral and soc al beakdown long beore te year 2

Let s now present vaos examples and contrast Kennedy' s treatment or non-treatent wt te trt

Take te matter o nclear sson Kennedy makes occasonal bre reences to te sbject bt only negate ones He speaks o te problem o nclear waste or o te Ceo

Jne 993

byl dsast a becas o natio i o lear ss ion s i it o t 1 ton Even r t taoit o ti in te "rno o calls a " nonc t iii developn od o " i i i

marka tat i i explanato i i t i i"wind otooi i

An anidot to tis i t i 993 i ote qatery 21st Cetu Sciece � Techology story "Te Dan Is Not oi i assessments o ii i i i energy aot t i Ts speaks o it i$ o

Wt ncl t o never ot to metio i i i o te n "co "i i

pan aoanc o iii d t tos consct as admre I oi i irncton iity l ii i 3New Yrk Review of Book. os i i"Otmists w il say i i t iilty o nsoitit o*t ttrends and t s o t i i i ibt tey nevr do con i d o and oltio i pojectio aot

Rya i s i ii

"cold ion i i leadi oi ii ii iii or i it i no i 1 ision o cod io Q i oAmi i icovd t i o iiand Sta o o i i iStats co i i ng i n so

t i i Preparing for the 21st C etu ca i i i i

niori i i i tmit t i it t

i i iiiiy-omiio ai iii iKen li i iyis not a i i hs i o emaa t o Rss ia c

In tis ii is book i t o t i i i o


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Conqueing utism ns cci

vcto fo e hum spiit ·by Susan Ulanowsky and Philip Ulanowsky

Nobody Nowhere : The ExtraordiaAutobiography of a Autisticby oa WilliamTime Book. New Yok. 9922 9 page. hadboud. $2

Ths book has aected us both deeply. The very fact of tsexstence s extraordnary. For an autstc person to be ableto wrte ths knd of autobography, s tself somethng mostexperts would consder mpossble before seeng t . bd

w s the jouey of onna Wllams from the realmof "my word to the realm of "the world. As she says nthe Author's Note:

"Ths s a story of two battles, a battle to keep out the

world' and a battle to jon t . . . . I have, throughout myprvate war, been a she, a you, a onna, a me, and nallyan I. . . . If you sense dstance, you're not mstken t'sreal. Welcome to my world.

Autsm s dened n one mental health encyclopeda,as a preoccupaton wth one's own thoughts and feelngs.Autst dsorder or nfantle autsm, whch Wllams refersto smply as autsm, s descrbed as a seous developmentaldsorder charactezed by lack of socal nterest, mutsm orspeech problems , and self-destructveness . Lke other mentaldsorders, autsm spans a range of symptoms and degrees ofseverty. For example, whle avodance of emotonal ex

changeeven eye contacts characterstc , some chldrenwll scream or throw tantrums n response to physcal contact, and others may allow t under certan condtons. Theautstc chld , n partcular, nds much of the world outsdehmself ncomprehensble and therefore, ether frghtenngor entrely unmportant. Thus, the separaton, as Wllamssays , of an nner "my world from "the world.

Because autsm tends to preclude good verbal communcaton, the task of tryng to get to the root of seemnglyncomprehensble behavor pattes from observaton alonecan appear nsurmountable, even to the professonal thera

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pst. r. Lawrence Bak, a speist n psycology nspecal educaton, makes the pont n is ntoction: "Pofessonals are not superman, an a js t as rone to mng ncorrect, f not ownrgt s l , intrprettons of tthey observe as anybody lse. ay of t tings e noticn eople wth autsm rman puzing , een after som 0

to 50 years of research n ts el. bd w poves a une iew , frm t insieout, of the wold of autsm . Donn lams ts sres sour gude, as t were, among a goup whose lnguage wecannot nterpret. As suc, t w srely be nauale tothose dealng wth autstc ndvduls an, n some cses keonna Wllams 's , to autstc ndvdals themselves.

However, ts book goes beyn povdng nsgts tmay be revolutonary . n the han of ns gtful pofess onals, t may hold keys to new appraces to treatmnt. Fo,what onna Wllams makes crytal cear togot erstory, s that each acton, every hvor of te tistc,

though t may make no aparent sese to the obserer , has aasn She explans hr reasons for numerous ctvtes,from gong nto hal lucnatory state to epte, compusveactons (such as her ttmptng t walk trog te lgemrror n her room for a year, uable to comphnd temrror mage and seekng to enter te word seen recte nt) . Even the characterstc self-abue , such as head-bangng ,she descrbes as a way to "gt nson and to ovde athuddng rhythm n my ad when my mn was scmingtoo loud for me . . . to calm down. '

Rejetng Fred, Jng , an Sknner

In revealng the reasonng behd her actons, Wllams' sbook provdes n ts own way draatc conrmaton of onemportant psychologca thess. In te early 970s, LynonLaRouche presented a sres of letures n New York City,enttled "Beyond Psychoanalyss . " Crtung bot classcpsychoanalytcal and mode mods of te mn, an shaly refutng behavorsm as glored amal-tanng andworse, LaRouche nssted tat te otvaton for human acton derves fom ts perceved potetal to enance te senseof socal dentty, however that ntty may be locat nthe ndvdual, . e . , even though th sense of ntty may be

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neurotically or otherwise distorted Even in today' s averageindividual , said LaRouche, the sense of self associated withcretive reson, that self through which we can look overour own shoulders" at ourselves, is weak, nd ofen sisimpotenly watching as an irrationally guided self dominateshe individual ' s acive response to the world

While providing substantial evidence of the correctness

of LaRouche' s work, Williams' s book pokes its own largeholes in the theories that attribute autistic behavior pattesto primarily involuntary physical or neurological disorders,and which then propose to treat them with one brand oranother of behaviorist method (While there certainly appearto be physical or chemical factors in autism, including evenfoodallergy complications, as in Williams ' s case, she showshow misunderstood the emotional outlook of the autistic per-son is) In one delightful anecdote, Williams also givs anexample of he failure of Freudian and Jungian psychologyto comprehend the mind She elates the following , about adrawing by a young autistic girl hat appeared in a book

written by a psychoanalyst The drawing was a white squarewithin a larger black square, surrounded everywhere by theblinding whieness of the paper "

The adult analysis of the picture was that it exprssedthis girl ' s longing for the breast When , after becoming closeto her counselor, she drew two white squares in the darkness,his was interpretd as two breasts When she rversed thepicture, with a black square now in the middle of the whitepaper, his was taken to be her version of the bad breast' asopposed to the good breast '

I laughed myself stupid when I read this I had drawnthe same picture over and over, writing beside it, Get me

the hell out of here ' This was the symbolic representationof my trap The blackness I had to get through was theump between my world' and the world ' I had leed tofear he complete loss of all attachmen to my emoional self,which happened when I made the ump , and this was he onlyway hat communication was possible Giving up the secretof this was simply too deadly "

bd where describes Donna Williams's oueythrough an busive childhood with a sadistic , alcoholic moh-er and a mostly absent father, to an odyssey of selfdiscoveryin early adulthoodthe resul of which i s this book Givenan autistic ' s propensity to withdraw from the world, even in

what most of us would consider a friendly environmen, it isa testimony to the human spirit that Donna Williams survivedthat childhood to strive as an adult o understand the worldand seek her role in it The existence of Donna Will iams andher book are proofpositive of the xtraordinary potentials ofthe human mind

lthough she writes hat she does not entirely accept thenorml world as normal, her matteroffact discussion ofher selfdiscovery (her own study of psychology was under-taken in order to emulate a particularly helpful herapist)sheds new light on our abiliy to understand autism fter

48 Books

years of herapy, she was introuced to other handicappedpersons, including other autisic persons, an experiencewhich allowed her new vante point from which to seeherself and he worl Of this sh wries:

"I have been with the ment�y ill , the backward, and thephysically disabled I have als had the pleasure of beingwih others labeled autistic ' is was he only group who

spoke my own language so wel that I realized that much ofwhat I thought of as my personalty was in fact my individualexpression of any of the miunderstood and confusingsymptoms of autism " !

Perhaps the most astonishinand excitingindicationof the potential of Williams ' s inights for treatment general-ly , comes ner the end of the In two poignant episodes ,she describes her initial ncount  r with other autistics , rswith the son of a teacher for autstic children, and then withsome children from a camp r autistic chilren Havingcome through a process of s lf- iscov ry, she felt that it wastime for her to meet other autisic people: I' d met a world

of socalled normal' peoplehe people I'd aspired to belike ow it was time to meet peple still trapped in the placeI had come from and in some wys still was in"

Williams immediately relatd to these autistic people intheir world" and was able to vealize what they were think-ing In the rst episode, Perry he son] came over to whereI was, laid himself out, face dwn, on the oor in frnt ofme, arms pulled up tightly agaist his sides as he shook withanxiey

Look at me,' I said, read ng the same action I'd seenso many times in myself Loo�, I'm daring to be touched 'I had looked straight at Perry ling there as I said it, tears

rolling down my face as I read is behavior as one might abook I had never felt I' d uderstood another individualso well "

t the camp for autistic chilen, Donna Williams, short-ly after arriving, was able to cm an hysterical little girl,because she recognized the reaon for the child ' s teor Acounselor was trying to tuck the jscreaming , crosseyed childinto bed with a doll Williams knew that the doll was thesource of the fear, representin the emotional connectionwith another person which an aistic nds so ightful Tak-ing the counselor's place , she reoved the doll, gave the girla hairbrush to stroke, and showd her a way to calm herself

through he repetition of a tune nd the tapping of its rhythmon her arm, as she had herself used s the child quieteddown, she uncrossed her eyes ad focused directly on Don-na' s face for the rst time IThe remarkable Jeanne imons

Seeking a better understaning of autism after readingbd where. we were ver lucky to nd a book clledhe Hidden hild. which descbes the Linwood School forautistic children in suburban Mland, founded in 1955 byMiss Jeanne Simons (Jeanne S imons, he Hien Chil

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he Lnwd Methdf eahn the Att hd; Wdine, NY.: 1986). Simns, a pineer in autistic treatmentand clearly an extrardinary human eing, appears t rejectthe precepts f ehavir mdicatin t which we are ppsed in all cases) as a way f treating autism In exampleaer example, Miss Simns shws hw she sught t discver the why f a childs ehavir and helped the child

cme t an understanding f the cause f the ehavir and fhw t change it Because f her apprach, she was ale tslve many mysteries f cmpulsive ehavir which weretherwise incmprehensile Her en fascinating, heartwarming discveries , a numer f which are persnally related in the k, make the same pint as Wil liams: The mind fthe autistic persn is wrking ut trapped inside an emtinalprisn

Behavirmdicatin techniques are en used n autistic individuals While these techniques appear t "wrkinsfr as taining the desired ehaviral "results, theyprvide the individual with n greater understanding f him

self r th wrld They "wrk, in part, ecause autisticpeple, in an effrt t ring rder t what they pereive ashs, will grasp nt rutines and structure But this scalled science has t g

Behavir mdicatin denies the dierence etweenman and animals Early ehavirist BF Skinner, famusfr endlessly putting rats thrugh mazes decades ag, usedhe same techniques n humans as he used n rats Laterpractitiners develped mre sphisticated means f manipulatin, ut the axims necessarily remained the same Theehavirist apprach fundamentally denies the creative sparkf the human mind knwn in Christianity as a vva De,

r "the living imae f d ll f human prgress standsas prf f the fact that we are nt like animals We can thinkand slve prlems , and we engage in a prcess f perfectingurselves his capacity exists in autistic peple, ut it isstuted and nt accessed in the same way

Dnna Williams prves eynd any dut that she isatively engaged in thi s prcess f perfectin Having had inhidhd almst n relatin t reality , as a yung adult shedisvered her wn identity and then sme f the universaect f utism itself, and thrugh that prcess prressedt the pint f ein ale t selfreexively desrie thtxceptinal prcess develment Dnna Wil iams tdy

is the anser t l thse h favr usin ehir itin tehniqes treat an hun thugh he r e een etter than an anima, i t deny ht is hun in

aicuy trikin i n rein The Hie Chil Nbd Nwhee, is h ey Dnn ili etins fr dein ith utisti iren rie t te ef her k pralel the h pir y i tSimn came up i te i te outside" Dnna Wiliams des e ii i pise the Lind methd se ee iit cmparisn is shn y the fling exerpts Dnna Wil

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iams s suggetin m te e i " f lving parents n ty t t etiey y m

their wn emtinal needs and relat t such chi ldren alaysin terms f hw thse children pereive the rld, then thechildren may nd the trs and cue t reach ut step ystep at their wn pace

"This, hwever, uht nly t e an interim measre

ain the child s trust and tell him her that yu accept hand where he r she is hruh tst he r she may develpinterest in the wrld, and at rst tis exlrtin suld en the nly terms he r she knhi r her n nlynce this is rmy estalished sld yu tke the saetynet away slly piece y iee is is the ay t make atransitin frm the child s ense f ef f itsef a the rdt a new sense f itself i te rd � d nrmal eleshare

"This methd, in cmlete cnditin t nrmal interactin, is ndet in nate n thi y it is les alcnsuming , sucating , and invsive e ild can then reah ut,

nt as a cnfring rleplayin t, ut as a feeling,aleit extremely sh and evasive uman ein he estapprach uld e ne tt d nt exhne indiiduaityand freedm fr the pnts, teers, r cunselrs versin f repetility nd impresienes t this pint ught t make it clear that a n essin s ptinsne must tackle ar ith r and isarmment it disamament am sayin tht the ar ut e thut truh,sensitive , and well paed

his princile, f enurain the child t cme fm"his wrld int "the rd ile rniin the hid a nindividual human ein is the r the Lind ethd,

whih starts frm the sumtin tt te ehir ivenhild represents the "ny ptins ie t hi r her:"t Linwd, al chidren are rded a rit t their

individuality, ut t st as k tt eventualy theyhave t t int an existin ldheir tsk is t serveeach child and t sttr the einent in ys thtmake it supprtive , resnsive t hi needs , nd cnducive tgrth s enne Sim put it:

"nd tt s hy e ehi te ild e fels yurprtectin hen y k hin y ive him a chnet ny diretin, he y e r hen he es this yr tt t l i it s e en, ik him u ently

n n i t te in rte t neer tink that yukn te ners e yu in i t n iniviu y nt t ieret tes hih r i may t y r e ein teien , n e e ty i

t tie it ti n tint t yi e y e rte y it i t e Chl tt t tee i ii e ie e the yautism

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� Nao

Is  e Taoff doctriqe'now U. S. strategic poIcy?


by Scott Thompson and Edwad Spannaus

Aer the publcaton of Undersecretary of State for oltcalAars Peter Taoff' s May 25 remarks to the Overseas Wrters Club , whch rst surfaced wthout attbuton n the Wann and other news outlets , senor Whte House ocals and Secretary of State Warren Chrstopher scrambedto control the damage. What Taoff had revealed was theeffort of some crcles to force a reevauaton of U . S . strategy,amed at selectve U.S. dsengagement from word leadershp, allegedly so that the Clnton admnstaton could concentrate upon the col lapsng domestc economy.

Some leadng European gures took Taoff's speech asan after-the-fact ratonalzaton for the Clnton admnstraton's captulaton to a genocdal uropean-Russan "soluton to the Bosnan crss over the May 2123 weekend.Whle t was certanly ths , has leaed that the "Taodoctrne of U. S . dsengagement from ts moral responsbles of leadershp had already been promulgated, wth at eastthe tact support of Secretary of State Chrstopher hmself,almost two months earler, at the U.S. State epartment'sOpen Forum on March 3 1 . Ths was long before Chrstopher came back empty-handed from eos to wn alledsupport for Presdet Clnton's polcy of surgcal bombng

strkes aganst Serban forces and for lng the ams embargo aganst Bosna .Stll, Taoff's remarks created a furor that led other

admnstraton ocals to try to dstance themselves fromTaoff's speech. Both Chrstopher and an unnamed "senorWhte House ofcal quckly dened that Taorepresented Presdent Clnton's polcy. On May 28, Whte Housespokesman ee ee Myers sad: "Ths ocal clearly doesnot speak for the admns traton on the U. S. role n the postCold War world.

However, at the same tme, Chrstopher appeared on the

50 atonal

ABC News program "ghtlne 1' to state "We ca' d t We have to measure our ablt to act n the neests of eUnted States, but to save ou power for hose siinswhch threaten our deepest natnal nterest, at he same tmedong all we can where thee' s mantara cone

Then on une 1 , Chrstophr set forth the mst epiverson of a new "Clntn docte n a lengty teve the Macel-Lehrer News Hou, n whch he epeaedly sithat the Unted States wl l lead , b n a "mlt ate yChrstopher also ted to j stfy S . abdcatn f ts leade

shp around Bosn a by assertn hat Bosn a "des t aeour vtal naonal nterests, eept n a humataa ay(callng for a multlateral respnse), and "ecept as we'tryng to contan twhch cud nvolve unlateral S acton n Kosova or Makedonj .

What dd arno ay? !Untl hs nomnaton as undsecretary of stae f pi

eer Taoff had een pesdet f the Concl o eiRelatons (CR), and before ht he seved with Cspheas a senor ocal n the Carter Sate epatment. Hs ifethe fomer Mathea aco, had alo served n the Cae ami

straton, where she ganed noety fo peddlng d ecrmnalzaton. While Taof was headng the CR is1990s project enttled pria ptation staed at teUnted States must never aga engage n maj miiyoperatons lke the esan ul war, egadess f the ppose of the conct. s forme ssnger croy Hemt Snenfeldt at the Brookngs Insttton pt t wth egad Taoff's speech "He s jus fllowng he progam eprevous nsttuon wth whch e was aated.

Among the polces Tao attted n his speeh tthe Clnton admn staton wee he followng

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Our approach i difcult for our friend to undertand.It' not different by accident, it' different by deign . . . .We' re talking about new rule of engagement for the UnitedState. There ill have to be genuine powerharing andreponibilityharing. "

Tao poke of etting limit on the amount of Ameri-can engagement in Bonia and around the world." Taoffaid that how Secretay of State Chritopher handled negotiation with the allie on Bonia wa a demontration of a realU .S . commitment to hare power and reponibilitie :

People were genuinely diarmed at the fact he wa thereto conult . . . . He wa there to talk about what we thoughtwould make ene . He wa there to liten . He did not have ablueprint in hi back pocket. He had ome thing that wefavored and the reaon that he did thi . . . i that we wereetting limit on the amount of American engagement inBonia and around the world. "

Explaining why the United State had abdicated leader-hip to ign onto the EuropeanRuia agenda in Bonia , Tar-noff aid: I believe , and more impotantly the Preident andecretary believe , that for major inteational interet of thiort where other regional player have a grat take , we houldmake it very clear that we will play a role, we will have aleaderhip role , but we are not going to be o far out in fronto a to allow them to defer to the United State, when it cometo making the very hard deciion and the commitment ofmen, women, and reource to thee conict. "

The rationale that Taoff gave for capitulating to geno-cide againt the Bonian Mulim and imilar conict wathe acendancy of economic iue" in all area of U.S.govement policymaking. He argued that in an era of budget

dect and cut , the importance of money" meant that theewa a contant preoccupation" with jutifying how it wouldbe pent.

The May 26 Btn Gle reported that Tao aidthat the U.S.ed coalition that drove Iraqi force om Ku-wait wa not the rt battle of the new world order. ' Rather,he aid , it wa the lat battle of the Cold War. In the new era, there are Bonia , Cambodia, Haiti . . . . All three nationhave been beet by civil war and none hold the trategicimportance of oirich Kuwait . "


Taoff' May 25 remark hould have come a no ur-prie. Two day earlier, the Wahintn Time had reported:In peech to U.S. diplomat two month ago, a eniorClinton adminitration ocial declared a change in morethan 40 year of U. S . policy toward wete Europe and EatAia. The time when Wahington wa the leader on everyiue, telling it global allie what to do, when to do it, andhow, i gone." ha conrmed that i t wa Taoff whoalo gave thi peech. )

Thi approach i ometime called multilateralim,"aid the Time it implie more equal relationhip with

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wete Euroe, Japan , the nited ation, and other inter-national group." Around Bonia, thi new policy underwent a baptim of re lat week, " e article continued. Ina equence of event that would hae been unthinkable twoor thre yea ago, Mr. Clinton alloed Britain, France, andRuia to veto U. S . prooal to the Mulim in Boniaand ue force againt the Serb . " '

Then, on the moing of Taff' May 25 peech, theLondon Guardian alo reported tha on March 3 1 , U. S . dip-lomat ummoned home from ove�sea had been treated toan expoition on the new U.S. tategy. They were told,among other thing , that the otld War world wa goingo be a my place , and from now n Wahington wa goingto pick and chooe it iue . "

According to Guardian Wahinton corepondent Mar-tin Walker, the deal on Bonia w part of thi policy ofcreeping U.S. diengagement" dvied by Chritopher etal. , with the aim of educating Aerica' allie into theirnew eponibilitie in a otCold ar world, in which U .S .leaderhip will n o longer be automtic . "

Again, i n a May 27 lead editoal entitled The ClintonFoeign Policy, 1 97781 , 1 99397 the Wahintn Timereferred to the March 3 1 brieng , aruing that it wa a reult ofthe Caterization" of the Clinton ainitration . The Timewhich had earlier featured an analyi by the former head ofGeman militar intelligence, Gen Paul A. Scherer (ret.),that Soviet hadliner triggered the rive for a Greater Serbia" and would be embodened by uch a wete diplay oweakne , wrote: The adminitratin ha now ceded the initiative to the Ru ian govemet , hich ha choen to feedthe Bonian to the Serbian wolve o placate dometic hard

line oppoition . . . . And now , the o of credibility engendered by Mr. Clinton' onian caitulation ha it cot awell. It hould urprie no one that te Ruian are beginningto be more aertive on the inteatinal cene . . . . The Sovi-et made their move on Afghanita in 1 979 aer concludingthat the United State wa too we to repond. "

A strategic catastropheThere i no quetion that the ToffCFR doctrine ha ,

to a degee, been carried out by the linton admini tration , athe worethanMunich capitulatio to the genocide againtBonia illutrate. But, it i alo eating a reaction in the

oppoition. And, alrady, the May 2 vepower agreementi falling apart. The afe haven" ropoal i widely recognized a unworkable, and ome ource contend that theClinto adminitration hope that it previou propoal willbe revived a the BritihFrenchRian plan fail .

The introduction of legilation !into both the Houe andthe Senate on May 27, which woul mandate unilateral U.S .aitance to Bonia in direct cotravention of te U.N.impoed arm embargo, ha great ptential to revere thevepower capitulation and to pul the adminitration backto a policy of moral and trategic lederhip .

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nteatonal arms embargo has prevented Bosna-Hercegovna from obtanng from other countres the means to counter such heavy weaponry.

I On ec. I 1992, wth the afrmatve vote of thented States , the nted Natons General Assembly adoptedResoluton 47/ 12 1 , whch urged the nted Natons SecurtyCouncl to exempt Bosna-Hercegovna from the mandatoryarms embargo mposed by Resoluton 7 1 3 .

( 19) In the absence of adequate measures to mantannteatonal peace and securty, contnued applcaton tothe Govement of osna-Hercegovna of the mandatorynteatonal arms embargo mposed by the nted NatonsSecurty Councl pror to the armed attack on BosnaHercegovna undermnes that govement' s rght of ndvdual orcollectve self-defense and therefore contravenes Artcle 5 1of the nted Natons Charter.

(20) Bosna-Hercegovna's rght of self-defense underArtcle 5 of the nted Natons Charter ncludes the rght toask for ml tary ass stance from other contres and to recevesuch assstance f oered .Sec. 3, United States Arms Embargo of the Government

of Bosnia-Hercegovina.(a) TERMINATIONThe Presdent shall termnate the

nted States arms embargo of the Govement of BosnaHercegovna upon recept rom that govement of a reqestfor assstance n exercsng ts rght of self-defense nderArtcle 5 . . . .

(b) EFINITIONAs used n ths secton, the term"nted States arms embargo of the Govement of BosnaHercegovna means the applcaton to the Govement ofBosna-Hercegovna of

( ) the polcy adopted uly 0 , 9 9 1 , and publshed nthe Fedeal Regster of uly 9 , 99 . . . under the headng"Susnson of Muntons Export Lcenses to Yugoslava and

(2) any sm lar polcy beng appled by the nted StatesGovement as of the date of recept of the request descrbedn subsecton (a) pursuant to whch approval s rotnelydened for transfer of defense artcles and defense servcesto the former Ygoslav a.Sec. United States Military Assistance for Bosnia-Her

cegovina.(a) POLICYThe Presdent should provde approprate

mltary a ssstance to the Govement of Bosna-Hercegov

na upon recept from that govement of a request for ass stance . . . .


( ) . . . [T]he Presdent s authorzed to drect the drawdown of defense artcles from the stocks of the epartmentof efense, defense servces of the epartment of efense ,and mltary educaton and tranng n order to provde as ss tance to the Govement of Bosna-Hercegovna. Such assstance shall be provded on such terms and condtons as thePresdent may determne .

EIR ne , 993

'Cl e ell Jle

Ju conc CAskippr fo hireA federal ry on My 27 conce4 Glen Kelly conkdnapper ssocate it t l Aeness Neok(AN on chges o kdnppng Kelly s conced nfedral cot n Alexnd Vgn o ducng DeDobkok fro Wshngon D on My 5 , 1 992, knger ant her ll to Lesbr , gn nd eung heto ashngton n he ely mon hous o My

Kelly, a pd knpe for A no ces mnmumo egh o nne yes n pson ond hs een eokednd he s cuenly eng held n h Alexnd j l

Kellys concon mks he s me one o ANs"deprogramr hs een convct n edel cou ANhs long served s clenghouse o n neonl neok o conc kdnppes o e hey ll duc peopleho are membrs of ognns hch AN lels"clt, nd hen depogm he o he eles eu-pemm for branang .

CAN was nstrenl n gudg he ueu o lcl,Tobacco, and Freams and the I nto cyng ou heassault on the Branch Davdans n aco, e ch lto the hecatomb n whc peope ded In colloonwth the Ant-Defaatn Legue o n h (ADL CAN also played a role n federal n se goemen posectons of te LaRoche ovemn

Thus , the convcton and al ng f Kelly has the otenilto expose and knock ot those secns of t tce Dmen hch he oked h nd oeced he ANADLnetworks. Shock es oe he jng o hs key opeecan be expected to rip togh t DL Scot Rt masons, and oter corrpt netor.

Caght braggngIn hs cse Kelly hd een hed y Donn ucke

the mother of Dobkos omme to kdn he dughter Beth. Kelly kdnapped Dokok nsed he kdnppng was arranged tro AN t l Kelly esedthat he had condcted 300 dnpngs n t lt 10 15years.

Kelly has specalze n so-calld depogmmng ndwas notorously rog. In th Dobos cse he okedh members o he Luche oup ho mnhndled

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M Andeson tibute i citaskin

g Clssic eni

by Marianna Wertz

A uiue tiute to the liig histo of Maia Aeso( 897 993) , ho asse aa Ail 8 , as hel at the eeze Uite Methoist Chuch i Washigto, C o Stua, Ma 29, sosoe the Schille Istitute Isie the get atist's coitet to eakig the aieagaist lack Aeicas efoig lassical usic iAeica's ost oiet cocet halls, the leaig ea oe, lack a hite, ho ke a oke ith

Aeso , cae to Washigto to efo the sige 's faoite eetoie efoe a aeciatie, oeo auiece ofoe tha 800 eole

Featue ee to atists ko iteatioall fo theio histoic oles i itegatig the Classical usic ol iAeica Baitoe Roet McFei, o i his 70s, hahea Mia Aeso i eso he he as a teeage iSt ouis I 95 3, he o the e Yok Metoolita Oea's "Auitios of the Ai, the st AficaAeica too so As a esult , McFei ecae the st lack ale atistat the Met, sigig the lea ole of Aoaso i Vei'sAa Rigoletto, a othe oles, the stat of a log oeatic

caee McFei eute at the Met just eeks ae MaiaAeso ha oke the a o lack atists i ajo olest the Met, he she sag the ole of Ulica i Vei's UnBa n ara o Ja 7 , 955

Teo Geoge S hile ha hea McFei efo heShile as a teeage i etoit e eute at the eYok Met i 96 as Feao i Mozat's Fan a sag 89 efoaces thee, i 27 oles oe to ecaes, goig o to sig at Gleoue i Austalia , CoetGae i gla, a a Scala i Mila, as ell asthoughout the Uite States

The eti theehou coce as efoe at the "atu

al Vei tuig of C256 z, the loe Classical itch aseo the hua oice, fo hich the Schille Istitute has le aiteatiol caig sice 988 Me aita high itchis a ajo easo that geat lo oices such as Mia Aeso's ae o loge ig ouce Seeal foes exesse jo ae the cocet at the otuit to sig at theoice's atual itch, a eose the C256 oeet

A iotat at of the tiute as the accet ut olocal outh aticiatio The seco half of the ogaas oee ith a efoace of Mozat's "Ae VeuK 68, sug a choi of 60 chile a aults fo aea

EIR Jue , 993

chuches shls, stigs fo the h h, 1 2 The hoi g se, e o he Sc hil , ,to coeo ' choi t u a Mi Aes

ozes o sl ile

afte the cocet ith thi g eoes "This is jo e e gi cet, sai e Se the S ko hich of thee ll e li ecoe ou ext Mi s 0 l

In her footte'The Schille Istitute's cot e

Voice of the Ce tu s ' ' i its full iesio alit , ht igh e itet to Tuth et is S, cooiato of the i stitut eei

tiute, state i essa o Aes is fe i cocet og, "I thes s, h the eaig of the te Clssicl ,' le the this eautiful etho, the , Whe the ask , I s thee coeci e cultue?' let us sa, ith [Fieih] Sh, i soul iiiual ees e ot oe ol, h, tie chaacte is'

B the e of the coet, the uli o uh eusoul a its iact o thse foue e t touche i t, as c le to eeoe tece

The cocet oee ith a iQi

hoso ao, asto of eee hc , ho iie isiatio fo the gtheig his l the sigig of "The StSgle e, faoite , accoaie the Re Sl ,Ala Clie, couco I eeig ih 'scoitet to Tuth a eu, h ntr l as sug, ehas fo the st ti i 2 e hese"oliticall coect tie, the sec ese, hi giesthaks to Go fo kig esg i, iael efoe

ei s See the e g tig o to le

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Whigo DC Couio Hi o e he

i Aeo Pohuou Reogiio Reouio

rtists who couldn 't ttend in person. Soprno Shirley Verrettsid, "Miss Anderson hd proound inuence in my lie. Iwent to her recitls since I ws very little girl. I rst cmeto New ork to sing becuse I hd just won the MrinAnderson Awrd . . . . I never until two yers go permittedmysel to sing the Ave Mri' in public becuse, hvingherd her, it impressed me so tht I hd her rendition in-grined in my mind. . . .

Mezzosoprno Mttiwild Dobbs wrote, "Little did I relize when s child I herd Mrin Anderson in my home-town o Atlnt, Georgi, tht she ws mking it possible orme to ollow in her ootsteps, with similr crer someyers lter. I just knew tht it ws the most beutiul sing ingI'd ever herd, nd tht she ws beutiul, elegnt blckldy who enthrlled nd chrmed the whole uditorium . . . .Through her I hd proo tht it ws possible or blck personto hve creer s concert singer, nd when I ound tht Ihd singing voice nd begn studying voice, I set my golsor such creer.

A s she recounts, Dobbs ollowed Anderson' s creer tothe end o the gret singer's lie. Dobbs sng t the Met oneyer er Anderson . She sng one o the spirituls or which

Aderson ws mous when President Crter gve Anderson medl o honor in privte ceremony t the White Hous e .And nlly, Dobbs ws present t the Kennedy Center inWshington t the privte showing o the documentry oAnderson' s lie, put on in 1 99 in honor o Anderson' s 90thbirthdy. "It ws rich lie tht touched mny people, nd Im hppy tht I ws one o them , Dobbs concluded .

Passing the baton"I sw Mrin Anderson in 1 96 1 when she sng The Str

Spngled Bnner' t the inugurtion o ohn F. Kennedy,

6 Ntionl

Speed reclled. When one sees er dignity nd integrity, hesid , the outrge done to her i 1 93 9 when the Dughterso the Americn Revolution reused to llow her to sing tConstitution ll "ples by comrison . Her t reects thtdignity nd integrity, he sid, d "you' ll her tht in her rts she perormed nd chmpiond it .

The program began with Fraz Schubert 's "Ave Maria,perhs Anderson ' s most fmou� song , performed in Thom-s Bker' s  English  trnsltion b soprno Lind Mbbs ,  c-cmpnied by DnishAmericn  pinist  Bo dil Frolund.Mbbs is recognized s one o Americ 's leding exponentso vocl omenttion nd im rovi sation , who debuted inWshington in 1977 with the Pa  Hill Chorle t the Kenne-dy Center in Poulenc's  G IO   h  is now chirmn o theVoice/Oper Deprtment t th U niv rsi ty o Mrylnd inColle ge Prk. Mbbs lso  p r  rm d two Richrd Strusslieder, "Morgen nd "C c i l i ,  ' lter in  the rst hl o theprogrm.

Dr. Rymond ckson, w�o is known intetionllyboth or his work s concert ini st nd or hi s publi sheuillird School disserttion on "The Pino Music o 0thCentury Blck Americns, c ompni d ll the tists ollowing Mbbs on th e progrm.

The "Ave Mri ws ollwed by " mio Fendorom Getno Don izetti ' s La F  rita, perormed by mezzosoprno Alexndr Zlsk , who d but d in Belgrde s Princess Eboli in Giuseppe V rdi ' s Don Carlo in 1990. Zlklter sng "Stride l vmp ro Verdi's Il Trovatore.

The young britone Gor on Hwkins, who studiedboth with Lind Mbbs nd With George Shirley, wsnext, singing "Per me giunto rom Verdi's Don Carlo in wrm nd sweetly round voi  . Hwkins debuted locllyt the Wshington Oper in _1J 86 nd t the Met in 989s ke in Porgy and Bss. �s nl solo number on theprogrm ws n emotionl vesion o "Goin' Home thetheme rom Antonin Dvork "New World Syphonyto which words wre set by W A. Fisher, to commemorteDvork's devotion to t chibg Clssicl polyphony toblck Americn composers I

The nl rtist in the rst h o the progrm ws GeorgeShirley, who begn with wdnd rully rich nd digniedperormnce o Schubert' s "A niDie Musik , ollowed by thespiritul "Little Boy, How Old Are ou Shirley told theudience tht he ws dding ts spiritul to the prorm to

py "homge to mn who hs  b n n immense inspirtionto ll o us, including Mrin AndersonRolnd Hyesthe gret AricnAmericn tenor who w s Anderson' s mentor nd model. Shirley sng te spiritul whose subect isthe Christ child' s teching in tte temple t yers o gein n rrngement by Hyes.

Then, s i to underscore t e ide o pssing the btonrom Hyes to Hwkins Shirl y conclued the rst hl othe progrm with the duet "olenne in uest' or roVeri's La Forza del Desti�o, perormed with GordonHwkins.

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A Classical enaissanceFollowing the intermission, the "Marian Anderson Post

humous Recognition Ceremonial Resolution was presentedby District o Columbia City Concilwoman Hilda Mason.The resolution was drated by the City Council and passedon May 4 by the ull council. Mason asked or a show ohands o those who had been at the Lincoln Memorial in 939when Anderson sang beore a crowd o7 5 ,000 people . Abota dozen people raised their hands as Mason recalled her ownexperience there She then read the resolut ion , which honorsAnderson's memory or "the sweet richness o her voice asit oated over the District o Columbia, and the strength oher dignity in risin g above the hatred that conronted her.

The worldamous baritone Robert McFerrin then approached the stage to the roar o a standing ovation . McFerrinrecently suered a stroke, as a result o which he lost someability to speak, but none o his singing voice. Aer sayinga ew words o greeting in h is hushed words, he began hisperormance with a powerul rendition o seven s ongs romRobert Schumann' s "Dicterliebe, sung not only in beautiulbel canto style, but with a poetic interpretation that broghtot every nance o the Heinrich Heine poem. This wasollowed by "Eri tu rom Verdi s Un Ballo in Maschera andve spirituals.

Between Hawkins, Shirley, an McFerrin, the question,oten debated in music al circles today , whether egro sp iritals can be perormed as part o the Classical polyphonicliterature, was settled. In particul ar, McFerrin' s perormanceo "Give me esus, you can have the world, so evoked thequality o G.F. Handel's Messiah as to leave no doubt thatthese spirituals, which are always triumphant, though bo

ER une , 993

Pssing the bton (eftto right) GordonHwkins Dr Rmondckson nd George

Shire cceptingppse t the end ofthe conert

o bitter oppression , are Clas sica l i om , an, if properlysng , are rightly part of the Classica l tradition.

The wo nal perormers, mezzo oprano anice Jacksonand soprano Regina McConnell, com lete the program withsome o Anderson's most amous repetoire. ackson, ayong perormer with a very powrul voice, ebute inWahington in 992 in Hanel's ssiah at the KenneyCenter. She perormed rst "Re, f l l ' abisso, arettati!from Verdi' s Un Ballo in Maschera h aria o otunetellerlrica which Anderson sang in her 1 955 et ebut. Jacksonollowed this with Anderson' s amos spiritual , "Were YouThere When They Crucied My Lod? which brought theaudience leping to their eet in appl use .

Finally , soprano Regina McConnell , who has toured Eu-rope and the nited States in Porgy nd Bess an is ormerchairman o Voice at Howard nive rity where she continuesto teach and perorm, c losed the prog}am with ozat' s "AlsILise die Briee, and Schubert's "Erlknig. Anerson isamos or her rendition o the "Erlknig , a dicult settingo a Goethe poem about a dying b6 , which requires the

perormer to portray our dierent aracters, utilizing theull power o vocal registration to ahieve this. cConnellended with great drama, creating jus the right intense emotional distinctions between the naator, the boy, the ElfKing, and the ather, bringing the auience to its feet.

There is no doubt, as one concer tol this witer, thatthis was the kind o event "which hpns only once in 5years. Fortunatel, the Schiller nstitte is comtte to ming such events a regular p o the "lasial Renaissance itis hoping to spark worldwide , to sav this ing civi lizationwith the help o such beautil souls as aia Aneson.

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New S Francisco L spyindictments exected sooby ffy St nbg

Fme San Fanis plie e Tm Gead made a bieft appeaane n Jne 2 befe Mniipal Ct JdgeDty vn Beldingen t ave a eaing date set f Jly23 in te nging spy ase invlving te AntiDefamatin

eage f Bnai Bit AD On Jly 23 a fmal datewill be set f a peliminay eaing t detemine weteGead s ase wil l be sent befe ay

Te Gead appeaane was te sene f a nisy demnstatin tside te tse by a gp alling itself teCalitin Against Sveillane Te gp, wi inldedte AabAmean AntiDisiminatin Cmmittee , te Natinal awyes Gild, te Ameian Civil ibeties nin,and a vaiety f AabAmeian and te etni and plitialgps tat wee tagets f illegal ADL sveillane, demanded fll expse f te natinwide espinage eatin ,f wi te Sa Fanis ase is meely a piee

Ses lse t te San Fanis pbe say tat tedelay in te Gead tial date will nt affet te expetedelease f fte inditments in te San Fanis ase smetime befe te end f Jne Tse inditments ae expetedt it key ials f te AD in bt te Bay Aea andNew Yk City, wee te eage maintains its natinaleadates

Last mnt, Assistant Distit Attey Jn Dwye,w as led te pbe f AD espinage, tax evasin, andte f lassied gvement data, tld eptes tat ADLFatFinding Divisin ief Iwin Sall is denitely a tagetf te pbe Sall ied a lal minal defense lawye inSan Franis and sine late Apil as efsed t talk anyeptes

Te identiatin f Sall as a kingpin in te spy ingaises imptant inteatinal estins In 86 Sall, aleading ial f te Sia list Inteatinal w was tainedat te Fabian sialist Rskin ab Cllege at Oxfd Univesity in ngland , was agt llding wit Sviet KGBand ast Geman Stasi intelligene ials in a vep fte assassinatin f Swedis Pme Ministe Olf Palme

Sal l , w aveled t Sweden immediately afte te Palme mde, led te ampaign t spead te lie tat Swedisassites f yndn aRe wee espnsible f te

58 Natinal

Palme mde M late, i inteviews wit te Swedispess , a tp fial f te astG man Stasi admitted pblily tat te "aRe killed alm se ad been desigedby ast Geman intelligene misdiet investigats, and

ad been ndited int te st media by a e gpf seet Sviet bl intelligee assets See Sept 1 ,2 "Stasi Agent e Spad ie Tat aRe KilledPalme ' ) ee des tat leav Iwin Sall?

A on tra roeUnde Califia law, bee a felny ase ges t tial

befe a jy, te dge ld a lengty evidentiay eaingt detemine wete te iinal gand y inditment wasstied S a petial pess invlves te examinatinf m f te evidene tt will eventally be pesentedbefe a y nde Califia pedes, n plea agee

ments r settlements f a felny ase an befe sa petial evidentiay eain as taken plae Teefe , i ftee ae felny inditments against te AD and sme fts tp fials, as expeted, m f te evidene f teeage s iminal peatins will be made pbli

Ses familia wit t San Fanis distit attney s pbe feast tat te ss f petial eaings andan evental jy tial ld te as lng as tw yeas

Ses lse t te ADn New Yk City ave tdthat te Leage as aleady epaed an elabate damagentrl stategy A nmbe f key fials agt p inte spy web ae aleady expted t esign Tese ialseptedly inlde Iwin Sal , San Fanis eginal eadRik Hisat, and natinl diet Abaam Fxman

Ry Bllkte AD py in te Bay Aea w, alngwit Gead and te AD "mles inside plie depatments ass te weste Uited States, gateed lassieddata n tens of tsands f Ameian itizens and nealy atsand plitial, eligis, ivil igts, and etnigpshas been pt ut t paste, ading to eliableses

Ote pssible tagets te epted AD selfpgeinlde Mia Lansky Blan, te asingtn, DC "fatnder and fme gadate sl lassmate f nvited

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py ta ay Pllard Laky Blad a frmer CIAad Petag itelligece aalyt led a May 1 99 1 ADL allepee-paid jket fr 1 1 p lice itelligece cer tIrael Idicted exSa Fracic plice cer Gerard wa amemer f tat delegati alg wit ve plice itel ligececer frm te greater Waigt D C area

Oe f te fcer Ld Cty Virgiia Serif Lt Dal Mre wa red ie mt aer te jketfr tealig claied departmet le A admiitrativeietigati i w eig cdcted it Mre pilelik t te ADL atiwide py rig ad if tat pre earfrit Laky Blad cld d erelf i te ame pitia Bllck

The raei dimenionAccrdig t AD-liked rce te gig py ca

dal i te Uitd State i avig a igicat impact teIraeli plitical itati ad te effrt y te gveet Pime Miiter Yit Rai t revive te Middle Eat

ce egtiati Drig te 19-92 perid we teLikd lc wa i pwer t te ADL ad te AmericaIraeli Plic Aair Cmmittee (AIPAC lie p qarelywit te Iraeli gvemet i ppig eri cce it aletiia lad-fr-peace ad related ie ADL ce relati wit Ge Ariel Sar ad pymater DirtyRa Eyta te ctrller f Pllard ecame tri drig te mid- 1 980

Iide te Uited State te ADL-Likd alliace epreed itelf i te Leage deep ivlvemet i te IraCtra ecret gvemet apparat aciated wit LtCl Oliver Nrt te Natial Edwmet fr Demcracy

(rject Demcracy ad te e f te St Americadg cartel i acig cvert perati e ADL immeri i ti U S -Iraeli dirty itelligece alliace wa accrdig t rce direted y te-ADL atial directrNata Perlmtter We e wa replaced y Ae Fmate ADL prle remaied caged Wile te ADLpyig te civil rigt mvemet date ack t te 1960ad it mitrg f Dr Marti Lter Kig r te radaed rveilace agait virtally every plitical activit iAmerica a ee liked y rce t te ADL-Likd-Prjt Demcracy marriage

It i te e-cerative etwrk i t te Uited

State ad Irael tat are tday cmmitted t wreckig teragile prpect fr me kid f peacefl lti t terael-Paletie cict Rai a a trg peraleted iteret i eeig t it tat te ADL ad APAC gresmt clly aled wit te radical right wig i rael adi te iteatial ewi ly are ct dw t ie

i iteal trggle witi te Irael ly wa reected i a pair f legty editrial-page cmmetarie pli ed May 28 i te The rt f te twarticle peed y lgtime ADL triger Dei Kig adCip Beret acced te ADL f gig wrg drig te

EIR e 1 1 1 993

Reaga year y jmpig i d i ti ati-cmmit ealt y ive article y te ADL Fma i t ti Fracic py cadal a e i e cct y tADL "ati-Semitic aderarie

Kig ad Berlet wer ed y D tt t1980 i te Leage mltimii�l tlader ad te frame p Ly� R t ee lgtadig ADL l i letli ity Berlet i crretly a y Fmt tad drg legaliati gr Rcar i Ci

Damage ontro won't work e vari efrt y te ADr t trl te

frm te Sa Fracic cadal ae l ti t al lready efrt t prvet te r t al t tpart f te ctry a akig tr a ditt trey i Prtlad Org attempt t a r lcal plice clli wt te lal ititi

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Long-term mandate for

U.S. role in SomaliaThe Houe paed a reolution on ay25 which would give cart banch toPreident Clinton to utilize U . S .troop in connection with the UnitedNationled force in Somalia for along a one year. The reolution waintroduced by Houe Foreign AffairCommittee Chairman Lee Hamilton(DInd. ) and paed by a vote of 239

Although U.N. force were tohave taken over from the UnitedState in Somalia there a till 2 00U.S . troop remaining. The Hamiltonreolution allow the Preident to deploy thee (and other) U.S. force inSomalia although thi time underU.N. command if he deem t. Theotenible aim of the reolution wa tomake clear to the Somali war lord thatthe United State would come back ifthey reumed pillaging .

The rolution preempt any needfor Preident Clinton to tu to Congre for permiion to deploy more

toop which i required by the WarPower Act. Accoding to the reolution U.S. Armed Force woulderve a a tactical quick eactionforce under United State operationalcontrol to repond to requet foremergency aitance om the UnitedNation Force Commander in Somalia."

Bacchus argues SpaceStation helps economyIn oor comment on ay 2 Rep.Jim Bacchu (DFla . ) reminded member of the importance to the economyof invetment in the pace programin an appeal for upport for Space Station Freedom. He alo referrd to arecent urvey by Yankelovich Patner indicating trong public upportfor the pace program.

IR June 1 993

Support wa particuarly trongfor maintainng a human preence npace through uch program a thepace huttle and pace tation" aidBacchu. Nne out of ten repondentaid they view the hutte a a remarkabe technoogica achievement"and a ource of pride for the UnitedState . . . . In addition 0% favoreda program to build a permanentlymanned pace tation to orbit Earth."Seventyix percent of thoe urveyedaid they approve of America current civilian pace program" with

5% agreeing tha America civilianprogram hould be expanded. He noted that 8% of thoe urveyed believed that the civilian pace programha a vita role in allowing the UnitedState to remain economically competitive and contnue it tatu a aworld leader in technology . "

I hope we wll remember" adBacchu a obviouy the Americanpeople remember that for every dollar we inveted in the pace programwe generated $ in additional gro

national product for the Americanpeople. I hope we wil remeber thatdurin the pat halfcentury twothird of our productivity increaecan be attributed to advance in technology uch a the pace program."

Budget resolutionbarely passes HouseAfter intene White Houe lobbying

the Clinton adminitration veyeardect reduction plan paed theHoue by a lim ixvote maority.According to Captol Hill ource aurance were given by the adminitration that the package would have tobe whittled down epecially the BTUenergy tax in order to pa the Senate .Thi wa enugh to bring ome Democratic critic of the plan on board thePreident propoal.

The White ue camed victory " but it proie to be a pyrrhicone. Already te admntration hahad to agree to imit on the growthof entitlement pgram with deepercut til to com a further effort aremade to ockey te reoution throughthe Senate. Demcratic enator critical of the reducton package uch aohn Breaux (L.) and David Boren(Okla. ) ndicat that there i a comproie in the ng when the billcome before th Senate. Boren hadntroduced an aleative that would

impoe even moe dratc cap on entitlement pendig than thoe agreedto by the Preidet.

C ongressmn denounceCroatia's TumanIn an open letter to Preident Clintonreleaed at a pre conference on ay25 a bipartian roup of 2 congremen expreed heir conce about

the authoritaria tendence of Preident of Croatia ano Tudman whoha exhibited a intolerance towardfree pre and plitical expreion inCroatia."

The letter ca for a fair and obective invetigaon into the murderan attempted aa nat on of oppoition leader in roatia. In additonwe urge you to ecourage Tudman toallow the etablhment of independent televiion nd radio tation inCroatia and to top hi campaign

againt free pre ."The congreen gning the letter are: ame rac ant (DOhio) oel Heey (Ro.) Loui Stoke(DOhio) Vic Fzo (DCalif. ) LuiGutierrez (DIl l ) Paul Henry (Rich.) Ron ellum (DCalif.)Howard Berman (DCaif.) EdolphuTown (DN.Y.) Benamin Gilman(RNY) atin rot (DTex. ) andPat Schroeder (DColo.) .

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ndependence co-signersto convene July 2-4t nnond on My 31 that a onven-ton b hd n Phadph to osgnt to o Indpndn Th on-n sponod by th Baptt Mnis-t Conn and th AME PaheMtn o Phdphia, th IntenationaCv Rghts Movment, th Student Non-ont Constttona Commttee, and Stu-

dnts o Edtona and Eonom Deve-omnt Th tng ommtte haiedby th R L Bv and ohairedby th R Mh L Shpad, attoeymnn bo, and Am Pattsoynton Robnon h xtv deto nn pd

A Rvnd v pt t, "Wth thet o tnhp and the soveignty ofo nton bng undmnd om thinnd tot, t s mpatv that as it-n py ov and ay ou Dea-ton o Indndn Th fundamentatt ptd n t ton o Indepen-dn nv A th 1960s v ghtsovmnt td ths prinpes andbo don t o njt , in the faeo tody' naton nd nteatona haosnd , mt ast those pnpeso t ton o Indpndn onn

New Yor voters rejectay' agenda or schoolsoon t ot i ths ya o Nwo Cty Shoo Chno osph Fnnd by pant ngy at hs sponsoshpo t pohomoxa "Chden o theRno m, dvoat o "at-nt ty ved anoth etban tyd oo oad ton May 4 o tnot o 45,0 vot toy to mo than 60 anddat hopnd on "poamy ss pat-o In the onx, vot td to of nb o oo Bod oia ho hadn ton ot by and

62 atial

The eetions had ted nto a pthedbatte beteen uppote and opponents ofFenande' Ne Age agenda, hih nuded the pomoton o sexua pomsutyunde the guse o "AIDS pventon, andthe teahng o homosexaty to hiden ayoung a st gad

The opposton to the Ranbo Cuiu-um was speahaded by a oo aano Potestant , and Roman Cathos ,nuding the New Yo Cathoi Archdo-ese The oation dstibuted 5, opes o a vots gude, daed by th ChrstanCoaiton, whh eveed the anddates'

postions Statn Isand Rabbi Sau Eisne,hairman o th Communty ResoueCop, a esh oation oganied to de-eat the homosexua obby, tod ths nesservie, "I an' t oneive o any esh o-ganation that woud put thes amps' soa moes ' ahead of ea eduaton

Falsehoods uncovered inATFs Waco adavit

"Unsetting Questons n Probe of Wao the tte of a June ommentary n theWashig Tims by reane teThomas Fddeman and Davd Kope of theFarms Rsarh Projet and the Cato In-sttute The oigna edea aid on DavidKoesh' s Banh Davidian ompound "nev-e shoud have oured, they ote Theoigna adavt as poud by an inex-pnd Aoho, Tobao, and Firamsagnt, avy Agea, and th adavit ·"ad to tabish probabe ause Som pat o the afdavt wee panyas Fo xamp, Agent Aguea tod thedea magstate that M Koesh had pos-

session o a andestine' earms pubi-ation"The andestine' pubiation was

hgu Nws a nationa newspape thataies wantads by gun etaies and whoe-aes The nespape s sod at newsstandsa ove th ountry, and to tns o thousandso subsbe Wth a iation of150,0, t' no mo andestne than theNw Rpubi

"Why did the [ATF] thn M Koreshas vont , thby jutying its pepetrat-ng an amed assaut to pesent a smpe

eah ant? The afdavit ntained aaegaton hat M Koresh had tod a sociaoe th he was a messenge o God andthat, he� the tm ame, the voen inWao wod mae the Los Angees otpae n opaion The statement, howev-e, as uppos dy made on Apri ,1992-th: and a ha week befoe theLA ot began Appaenty somebdyed about M Koresh's that,' and themagstatedidn't notie

IAs u�ry mounts, Texacourt tays executionThe TexasCourt o Crimna Appeas voted54 to sta Gar Gaham's exeution fo 3days on Je The ruing was the esut ofan inteaona mobiiation based po histong pfs of nnoene Ony theeee eaie, on May 1, the state had exeuted Leoe Heea despte extaodinviden f innoene

Gaha's ays asked o the stay of


o grounds, two of whihee ad to Gaham's new evidence ofnnoene Whie fou of the nine judgesof the Teas Court voted to he the ewvidene, the rie ganted was mo ow The ourt said it woud stay G Gam' exution unti the US SupmCourt ru on the ase ofJhs v. Teashh henges the onstitutionait fxas's fusa to onsde "youth a miti-gatng fato n mpsing apita punish-ment We he gty , Gaham woud haveben a mno (7) when he ommitted theim T ort' od tat "This petiton epe$ents the ost ase senarithe

posibit that a peson ight be unonstittonay!punish d by the ega system; thts the apP ant oud be put o death fsomethin whih is , within 30 days , detemined to be unonstitutiona With thismuh at sake, the state w wait 3 days The U S upreme Court must ue on Jhs v  as beo une 30

The Txas Boad of Pardons and Paoesmet the sme day, but took no ation aethe ourts stay The board has repoedvd housand of as sine Ap The very at that the board met is aso due

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to the mobilization Since the US SpremeCort declared in Herrera that state clemen-cy proceedings were the remedy for caseswhere new evidence of innocence was ob-tained,the Texas board and Gov Ann ich-ards, who says she lacks the power to grantclemency withot the board' s athorization,have been broadly attacked. Calls contineto Gov. Ann ichards to grant clemency at(52) 4632as well as to the Texas Boardof Pardons and Paroles at (52) 4065867

USDA disputes EPA'smethyl bromide phaseoutA dispute is building within the Clinton ad-ministration over the Environmental Protec-tion Agency' s mandated phaseot of methylbromide in January 2. That target is tooearly and too drastic, according to the USDepartment of Agricltre There i s no sci-entic evidence that the widely sed chemi-cal depletes the ozone layer, and there is noeplacement developed for the pesticide andmigant

Nancy agsdale, who directs theUSDA's National Pesticide Impact Assess-ment Program, said of the EPA action: "W ewould preer better science before schdrastic action is taken. It will cost farmers$.6 billion to replace methyl bromide.USDA environmental toxicologist WillisWheeler stated: "There really isn 't good sol-id evidence of methyl bromide's ozonedepletion potential. This order cold be offby an order of magnitde

Science panels debunenvironmental fraudsMore t han 2 scientist s, intellectals, andjoal ists met over May 2425 in W ashing-ton, D.C. for a confernce on "ScienticIntegrity in the Pblic Policy Process, toexamine the impact of scientic frads onscience, pblic policy, and legislation.Some of the world's top experts in variosscientic elds debnked the most poplarscares in the press today, inclding global

EIR Je 1 1 , 1 993

warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, ncle-ar winter, radon, and cancer risks fromchemicals The last panel was on the role ofthe media in spreading lies and disinforma-tion The conference was cosponsored bythe International Institte of George MasonUniversity and the Science and Environ-mental Policy Project

It was clear from the presentations anddiscssions that there is an pheaval in thescientic commnity against the environ-mental frads that have been perpetrated inthe past several decades . At the same time,the speakers on the media panel emphasized

that the most prominent newspapers andmagazines in the contry, have decided toshift their coverage of environmental i ssesto reect some scientic truth, not jst theclaims of the environmentalists .

S Lm Lll ml f U.S.Thomas Fleming, editor of the ockford In-stitte's Chronicles magazine, called for

setting p a U . S. separatist movement alongthe lines of Italy's Lombard Leage and or-ganized a conference along the same themein March

Fleming, who is avidly proConfeder-ate, wrote in the Febrary isse of Chroni-cles that "the reality of life in America is"the rioting and rampages petated by annderclass that consists, for the most part,of nassimilated minorities . . . . Thee

only two alternatives for this continentalempire that has never been a real nation:either we nd the means to decentralize de-cisionmaking and restore athority to theold instittions of family and town and

contry (and even state), or else we lapseinto a multifaceted civil war o blacksagainst Hispanics against whites againstblacks against Jews

He called for the creation of a movementdevoted to "political devoltion, privatiza-tion, and "protection of the national inter-est "If there is no movement or party wi-ing to embrace a Leghist program, hewrote, "then one needs to be formed, and ifthat is impossible, my advice is to stockpileammnition and invest in bulletproof doorsand shtters.

• OUGLS WILE gover-nor of Virgina, called for "forgive-

ness of debt or Africa to allow it todevelop, in a speech on May 25, atthe second fricanAfricanAmeri-can Conferene in Gabon . Wilder hasinvited 20 Aican leaders to attendthe Sothe oveors Conferencein ichmond midSeptember

• NANCY $PANNAUS politicalassociate of yndon Laouche, an-nounced on�ay 28 that she has o-cially qalif to be on the ballot forgoveor of irginia this fall Span-nas will r as an independentagainst fore stae attoey general

Democrat M Sue Te. Spannasis heading a sate of some 20 candi-dates nder te banner, "Bring Js-tice to Virgini.

• HIV INFCTION rates havemade a big jp aong Texas wom-en who hav�iven birth, going om09 per in 1991 to 4 per1in 199 ,a27 rise The g-rs are basedon random blood sam-ples drawn fom newbos by theTexas Depaent of Health. Thetesting is anoymos, so there is no

way to infor the women that they,and possibly eir infants, cay theHIV virs.

• A CLASS1FIE CIA report saysthat Kwait ay have "cooked thebooks on t alleged Iraqi plot toassassinate Gorge Bsh, accordingto the Boston Globe on May 28 TheMay 3 analyis by the CIA' s Cont-er Terrorism enter says that the K-waitis may hve sed an nrelatedIraqi weaponsmuggling operationto try to pff treat to weste interests. !

• FLOI state legislators ap-proved a bill 0 ct back mandatorysentencing, b rewriting the state'syearold gidelines on May 28Attoey Genral Janet eno, a for-mer Dade C/nty district attoey,has pointed t< Florida's sentencinglaws as an exmple of an ineectivepolicy which s forcing the state torelease violen criminals becase ofprison overcrwding.

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On teor

The week of May 2 3 sa a new wave o f inteationaleo While each of tre major and several minoricidens appeared to be uniqu and distinct, taken togethe, an entirel dierent picture emrges.

First, on May 6 Mexican Cardinal Juan JessPosadas Ocampo was murdered An attempt was made

to stage te incident to appar as a drug-related shootingo that the death mit sm accidental, but tis wasuickly disproven.

O the same day, a car bomb exploded near theUfzi Gallery in Flornce, dstroying priceless paintigs and sculptures and killing 5 and injuring 30 people.Thi has een ocially attributed to t maa; howeve, within and without Italy , such an action by crimial gangs alone is viewed as improbable, especiallywhe coupled with te fact tat another car bomb wasled ear the seat of te govement in Rome on Ju ne

I Geray, tere have ben a number of arsons,with the ost horrible being the buin alive of velog-tie Turkish residents in Germany (three adultsad two hildren). Tis has unleashed a typical gangcotergang operation, with eo-Nazi skinheadssured off against radical terrorists of the DannyCoh-Bendit stripe While tere is extensive documentatio that the neo-Nai skinead phenomenon is not a"Gean phenomenon but is being led by skinheadsfo Bitain and Ku Klux Klansmen in the nitedSttes, this incident is being used as the pretex tolah new scare stories about the emergnce of a so

lled "Fourh Reich. All these incidents point to a massive destabilizaio cmpaign tageting te Vatican in particular, andweste Christian culture in general The fact that, onMy 30, some 150,000 people marched in Florence topotest thee outrages, was a hopeful indication thathe eiali signaled these terroist incidents willacke. Of course, this is some 15 years overdue.

Fifeen years ago, the role of British Masonr andits offsoots in fomenting right- and left-wing terorist

64 i

gops , and in arranging a sers of assa ssinations , w aswell known to intelligence a�ncies in Italy, Grmany,and the nited Statesin no mall masur du to twork ofEIR in exposing the atter.

This is a process begun i t 19t cntury, undrthe leadersip of Britain' s Ld Palmerston, who usd

assets such as Giuseppe aini to destroy Italy, or atleat to control it The Verailles Traty, t postWorld War II Yalta arent, and t Nw Yatapolicies reprsented by t atcr-Gorbacov-ustroika, represnt a continuatin of ts sam policisin this century Anglo American forces and tir naiB' rith allies , organied trou freemasonic cannls ,are working to destroy nation suc a s rmany, Italy,and Mexico.

Historicaly, Scois Rit masonr as bn idological centr of e Briti imria faction, icitsef was offsht i te 17t centur of a Vn

grouping The essence of t atr is t Vnti pafactio, or e imrial factio of ritan, as xmiby Lord Pamston and t le of t rts rdLodge over such Euan ldgs as t rd ntand he B 'nai B rit Tis factin is dtrmnd to soe nation-states of e wold, d to impos a n fudism in e fo of one-wol ovmnt in its cSuc a plan is utopi and canot succd, but it is nontless exmely dgerus

This faction is the globl enemy whic must destroyed if civilization is to prsrvd It is not ttthey can win, but that all civiiation may be dstroyd,

as whole nations become bstialied on t modl ofthe Serbia monstrosity A rst stp, is to conithat terrorism is not a local occunc, but tat it isbeing directed by an intetional cabal and mut bfought accordingly on an intational lvl

Te post-Versailles wod  ord is rapidly crmbling, and the situation is oing  out of control.  Anglo-American Venetian" of today ar far akrthan he British Empire was t te time o f te AmricnRevolution. Their dfeat is lng overdu

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Te aRoche ConnectioWednesdays-9 pm


Te aRoue Connectonhrs J l y 16 3 0 m

O UNAN VI EWVTV h 30Te aRoh Cocoesdys- pm

SAMENO-Access h 18The aRouce Connection2 nd & h Wednesd ays-1 0 p m


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The aRouche ConnectioTesdays830 pm

ERGA ALANA-People TV Ch 1 2

The aRouche Coectionidys- 30 pm


a l eVis ion Ch. 3 7The LaRouche ConectionWeekly-usual ly Wed eve.Check Ch 28 Readeboard)


How Hollywood theFreemasons Created the KKKM o n J u n e 4 0 p m

The Execution of AfricaM o n J u n e 2 1 0 p m

QAD CIIES-Cox h 4The aRouche Conectiohrsdays-1 030 p


The LaRouche ConnectoThrsd ays10 p m


The aRouch Connectioesdays1 p mhursdays230 pm

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• SPO KANECox Ch. 2 0Stop Wod War I in theBalkansWed s J une 164 p .mFascist R oots o f PoliticalCorrectnessWed s J une 3 0 4 p .m.

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A TrueC�ime So


Fi rst time evr i n p rintThe fll, nexprgated stoof the Du Pont kidnap case

Read, in their own words:

How he kdnappersmembe of thecriminal Cult Awareness Neorkploed to seduce, kidnap, drug, and, ifnecessa, ill d Pont heir Lewis duPont Smith, to stop his association wihpolitical leader yndon LaRouche; thenwent scot-ree in the same judicialsystem that condemned LaRouche to lifein priso n .

• How Ollie Noh's Vietnam tentate, aLoudoun County Virginia deputy shei,was at the center of a near-missassassination of LaRouche by

sharpshoters during a 400-manparalita raid $800

Shippng and handl ng: $3.50 f f istb k 50 f h dditi l b k