The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan by LRJ 30062015


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Page 1: The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan by LRJ 30062015

The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan

By: Laila Rubab Jaskani, Independent Consultant (Policy Advocacy) Page 1

By: Laila Rubab Jaskani, Independent Consultant (Policy


Children’s malnutrition is crucial and challenging fact from

which Pakistan cannot turn its face unless reaching at the

concrete solution.

According to research reports and direct observations, most of

rural population in Sindh and Punjab is badly affecting by

malnutrition including in stunting, wasting and under-weight. There are certain factors behind

this crucial phenomena including in but not limited to poverty, lack of education, lack of health

and hygiene practices and insufficient fortified food supplements including in vitamin, salts and


But the disappointed situation behind children’s malnutrition is lack of political commitment and

will, lack of concrete and citizens centric policy and planning. This is after the 2010 floods that

Government of Pakistan divert its attention on nutrition interventions and initiatives with the

support and pressure from international community (Donors).And now, Pakistan has its “Multi-

Sectoral Nutrition Strategies at the national and provincial level.

Sadly, inspite of the fact that strategies are existing, international community is pushing funds

and technical support is being provided but there is no legislation, laws or polices on nutrition as

a mandatory for Pakistani children.

According to Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2011), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is 82,

stunting is 36 and wasting is 16 in Punjab Province. According to Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

(MICS 2014), Infant Mortality Rate 76, per 1,000 live births respectively, Under5 Mortality Rate

96 per 1,000 live births respectively, moderately or severely stunted 33%, moderately or severely

wasted 18%, Children under 5 are moderately or severely underweight 34% in Punjab Province.

Healthy children are emblem of healthy nation and healthy mothers brighten the enlightened

future of healthy children. Unfortunately, there are certain social cultural barriers including in

lack of social and economic status of women, little attention and care is paid for pregnant and

lactating mothers’ nutritious diet which are creating hindrances regarding healthy brought up of

children which is classically associated with social, economic and political status of women in


Women as a human are not being treated by the dominated mindset of Pakistani society and

therefore, women cannot receive due care from duty care and custodians of home from the baby

conceiving stage and till the birth of newborns.

Figure 1 Children Malnutrition in Pakistan

Page 2: The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan by LRJ 30062015

The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan

By: Laila Rubab Jaskani, Independent Consultant (Policy Advocacy) Page 2

Children malnutrition is classically associated with women’s status and it is complex and

widespread issue in Pakistan, appropriate care is not providing to pregnant and lactating mothers

for which they deserve ultimately insufficient care and diet swallow the innocent lives of both

mothers and children.

If we talk specifically regarding the malnutrition and food fortification situation in Rajan Pur

district then the situation is worse. Marginalized and vulnerable communities are not even aware

about benefits of nutrition and food fortification. Flour mills and edible oil companies are not

taking serious actions for making wheat flour fortified as well as edible oil rich with vitamins and

iron. Pregnant and lactating mothers don’t have knowledge and information regarding

importance and benefits of minerals, vitamins and iron and all micronutrients supplements.

The dismal situation is that infants and children before reaching at their 2nd birth day die.

Pregnant and lactating mothers are dying due not no availability of medicines supplies at basic

health centers, insufficient facilities in labor rooms, absence of medical staff at health facilities

and non-cooperative behavior of health management. Mothers are dying due to lack of balance

diet in-take.

Multiple donor agencies particularly DFID, EU and World Bank are supporting to government of

Pakistan in elimination of malnutrition within the country. DFID is giving huge support to

Government of Pakistan for bringing about reforms in health and nutrition services and

improving services delivery or supply side component. DFID has granted with huge grant to

department of health government of Pakistan in two provinces Punjab and KP for the

implementation of Provincial Health and Nutrition Program (PHNP) for improving supply side of

services delivery. At the same time DFID has granted two projects named TRF+ and EVA-BHN to

consulting companies for supporting demand side of PHNP and giving technical support to

department of Health Government of Pakistan.

It is critical but right time for state of Pakistan to take serious actions for the implementation of

women friendly policies, laws and legislations through wide spread awareness programs and

integration and mainstreaming of Gender in the services provisions. Pakistan and global leaders

should take serious actions for taking sustainable initiatives regarding nutrition and food


There is urgent need for bringing about structural and systematic reforms in overall governance and public administration structures which are providing health and nutrition services to citizens. There is opportunities for world leaders and international donors and policy makers the state actors to strengthening gender equality and the empowerment of women in the post-2015 development agenda through the integration of a gender perspectives and health and nutrition as unmet need for women and children.

Page 3: The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan by LRJ 30062015

The Dilemma of Women’s Status and Malnutrition in Pakistan

By: Laila Rubab Jaskani, Independent Consultant (Policy Advocacy) Page 3