The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking - MAPEH 8 (Health 4th Quarter)


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Transcript of The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking - MAPEH 8 (Health 4th Quarter)

Page 1: The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking - MAPEH 8 (Health 4th Quarter)


MR. CARLO JUSTINO J. LUNAMalabanias Integrated School

Angeles City

HEALTHUnit 4 – Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse

Page 2: The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking - MAPEH 8 (Health 4th Quarter)

Why do cigarettes andalcohol consideredgateway drugs?

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Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try,

which can lead him/her to more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu.

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Activity 1: Key to KnowingCopy and complete the key diagram below. List the two gateway drugs in the two smaller boxes and the examples of dangerous and illegal drugs in the bigger box.


Dangerous and Illegal Drugs

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Activity 2: Why Do Teenagers SmokeAnswer the questions in your activity notebook.1. Why do teenagers smoke?2. Why do teenagers explore on using dangerous drugs?3. Do you think their reasons put their health at risk? Why

or why not?4. What can teenagers do to avoid smoking and using

dangerous drugs?

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Activity 3: Acrostic PoemsWrite acrostic poems about smoking and alcohol. You may use words or phrases that describe or remind you of the topic word. The first word in each line of your poem should start with the letters of the topic words.















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SMOKING is a practice in which a substance is burned and the

resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream

Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette".

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TOBACCO is a tall, leafy plant, originally

grown in south and central America, but now cultivated throughout the world

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CIGARETTE a thin cylinder of finely-cut

tobacco rolled in paper for smoking

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dangers ofcigarette smoking

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exertion of blood against the arteries causing damage

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HEART DISEASE involves the

cardiovascular system

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BODY ODOR effect of

cigarette smoke to your body scent

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BAD BREATH foul smell

exhaled from the mouth

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BRONCHITIS inflammation of

the airways from the trachea into the lungs

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EMPHYSEMA damaged air sacs

in the lungs

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PNEUMONIA infection of the


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ASTHMA a chronic disease

which affects the airways

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CANCER a group of

diseases which makes body cells grow uncontrollably

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three smokes produced by cigarette smoking

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MAINSTREAM SMOKE refers specially to the

smoke that a smoker directly inhales

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SIDESTREAM SMOKE the smoke that comes out of

the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe

is also called second-hand smoke (SHS) or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

is more dangerous than mainstream smoke

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THIRD-HAND SMOKE smoke left for a long time on sofa,

beddings, pillow and other objects is also called residual tobacco

smoke (RTS) settles along with dust and can last

for months still contains harmful chemicals and


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Why do young people start smoking?

Think of some reasons.

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SOME REASONS: Young people are attracted to

the image

Because their friends and family are smokers

Cultural influences

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What are in cigarettes?Do you know?

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Over 4000 Chemicals!!!!(60 of which are carcinogenic)

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Let’s have a look at some.ANTI-SMOKING CAMPAIGNS

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• How are each of these ads different?

• Who is the primary target audience?

• How do the ads make you feel?• Which ad do you think is most

effective?• What would your anti-smoking

campaign look like?


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MR. CARLO JUSTINO J. LUNAMalabanias Integrated School

Angeles City

HEALTHUnit 4 – Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse