The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1871-05-30.

"~ ~ ' ' *~'4ta7öifT Jnst ConsTire '' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Att.nnd tho Truo Event." BY J. A, SELBY. COLUMBIA, S C.. TUESDAY MOANING. MAY 30. 1871. VOL. VII-NO. Cl.- BANK RESPöNSiiiLTry.-A ku it was brought in Brooklyn against the direct¬ ora of a bank which.had failed to return $10,000 deposited by a firm, who made the deposit in full faith in .tho solvency of the bunk. Tho directors aro charged with having declared and paid a dividend when they knew the bank was iu a peril¬ ous condition. A demurrer was put in to this complaint. The court over-ruled it, and decided that the defendants were liable,, and that the directors, of tho bank, in dedaring and payiug ibo divi¬ dend, in express terms asserted the solvency of the institution.*. It is .a wholesome principle of law that "no ono shall be at liberty to sow- falsehood broadcast without hoing mado responsi¬ ble for tho loss it causes." Tho decision is an important one, and might bo ex¬ tended to include many like causes; for example, where insurance is granted by companies who know they are on the verge of a damaging exposuro or of ruin. [Nc:o\ York Commercial. Mr. Wm. M. Evarts introduced Wm. C. Bryant at the banquet to Baron Qerolt, in New York, the other night, as "a great scholarand a groat author, who never forgets anything that he ever learned, and is constantly teaching others what they never knew; one who translates poemti written 3,000 yeara ago, and one who has written poems that will be translated 3,000 years hence into the tongue of a nation that, holds as much relation to ns as we do to Groece." . Completo triumph over CORNS and BU¬ NIONS by Mons. BERGER, who discovered, let. The nature, of Corns. 2d. Their dis¬ solvent. Sd. Their permanent cur« l These discoveries aro tho happy result of years of study and practioo. For particulars, apply over tho Oitizons' Savings Bank, from 9 to 12; and from 2. to -i o'clock, at ll encl rix House. May IC _. _ Murray Laninan's Florida Water. The most lasting, agree* able, and refreshing of all perfumes, ipr use on the Handkerchief, at the Toilet, and in the Bath. For sale by all Druggists and Per¬ fumers. ? Sept 17 ._._ t MKDICAL. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. JJtS8AYS FOR YOUNO MEN. on great so¬ li cial evils and ahueca, whioh interioro with MARCIAOZ, with 6ure means of relief for tho erring and unfortunate, diseased and de¬ bilitated. Sent in eealed letter envelopes, freo of cbargo. Address HOWABD SANITA¬ RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Bontbr. Ninth street. Philadelphia. Pa. Mayl4 8mo FOB. BAiiE-7,1 feet of good Shelving, and 4 fine Counters,vl8 feet long. Apply to MayS_ W. O. BWAFFIELD. COTTON SEKP Olli CAKE can be had at all'times, and in any quantity, of Jan 21 * - E. HOPE. SELTZER COM MOS SERSE COMPRESSED-It is give in a dezeu urns the rea. son why TARRANTS SELTZER APERIENT Should bo.preferred se a conectivo and alter¬ ative to every otbor medicine in nae. Firstly, it allay« fever; secondly,- it cleanses the bowels without Violence er pain;-thirdly, it tones the eton»dcb; fourthly, it regulates the flow of bile; Aft lily, it promotes healthy per¬ spiration; sixthly, it relieves the system from unwholesome humors; seventhly,- it tran¬ quilizes the nérvea; eighthly, it aotB upon the bibed as a dépurent; und lastly, it forma ono Of the must delicious cooling TlraughtB that ever passed down tho throat of an invalid. . BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. May 28 jC DOÖiEfr-S POWDER Ia rspldtr aoperaedjnj aU D'.Ser. praparaUon» for prodndnS Mltgant, Bvtet and moleton) HOLLS, BISOCItS, BREAD.' Buckwheat anti olher Crldila Cairn. Perfectly Tura axil Bellalie, aa<l aUeayt ready fir Immédiat» ul«. Tho CUBAr- ' BSTBating Povcder in th» WORLD, and U WILL KEEP CV ¿ÍXD OB SEA, tn ant tlimatt, for yean, lt Ic well niaptel lo Cia ot« af Bouttlcegir; Uiner; Sarine*: Emigrante, Ac, and ll to fart, io txetf rttpeel, th» BEST YEAST POWDKll taato "ferth»Kitchen, i**Canr, th* Q*lt*V-" BOLD Ul GBOCEBB * P1.AI.EII3 EVEUVWIlEnr. Manufactured by DOOLEY &. BROTHER, 69 NEW STREET. NEW-YORK, May 23_:_rjOmr» raillinury. MR3. C. E. REED hogs leave to inform tho latin B in general that Rho has now ready a lull lino of tho la t CHI and most fashinuablo atylej of MILLINERY, Hair and Fauoji Gooda, at reduced pricoB. Also, frosh BuppUes every week, .Call and soo for yourselves.- '. May 4 , % - * Beogers' Beer is Turo. . ~fr£ iTon't contain COCOCUIUH Indiens JL IVrrioa t<J m uk o sleepy or headache. Fish Tho host place to got a cool summer ilriilk is at POLLOCK'S. if a Porter House Steal; will stop ybnr hVth* gor, call at POLLOCK'S. , Ordinances of the City Council of Columbia.* Published by order of thc City Council. - j AN ORDINANCE REGULATING WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SECTION 1. Bc it ordained, by thc Mayor and Aldermen of thc City of Columbia, in Council assembled, That tho Chief of Police shall take charge of and keep all suck w*eights and measures as shall be furnished and delivered to him by tho Mayor and Aldermen) as thc standard of weights and measures for tho city of Columbia; and no person shall 'hereafter, within tho limits of the said city, uso any steelyards, scales, weights or mensures, or other implements used in ascertaining weights and quantities, (for thc purposo of ascertain¬ ing tho weights or measures of any articles of merchandise bought, . . sold or bargained for,) which shall not have been, within twelve' months next before such usc, adjusted, corrected and approved by the said Chief of Police; and it shall bo thc duty of tho said Chief of Police to adjust and comparo with tho standards iii his possession all such weights and measures as may bo brought to him for that purposo; and tho said Chief of Police shall fis. upon such weights and. measures as. ho shall adjust such mark or marks as he shall think will best answer thc purposo of identifying thc same ; and shall in thc best manner in his power, by private memorandum or otherwise, preserve tho date of such adjustment. I i. SEC. 2. And bc il further ordained, That it shall be the duty of tho Chief of Police, once every twclvo months, (or oftener if he shall think necessary,) to visit the houses anil stores of every tavern, storoor shop-keeper within the limits of tho city of Columbia, for the purposo of adjusting and correcting tho weights and measure's used in tho business of such tavern, store or shop-keeper, and shall adjust' and correct tho same ; and hereafter no weights or measures shall boused within tho said city of Columbia, except such as have been approved and stamped or otherwise marked by the Chief of Police. SEC. 3. Be it further ordained, That any person suspecting that he has been injured or imposed upon iii thc weight or. measuro of any article of merchandise, if ho has thc same in his possession, may carry the same to thc Chief of Police, .whose duty it shall bc to ascertain the weight or measure thereof by tho standard in his possession; ami ii, Upon KUCII re-weighing or measuring, thc party shall think himself to have been imposed upon, and shall make complaint thereof to the Mayor or any ono of the Aldermen, a warrant shall be issued, requiring thc person or persons charged with tho imposition to appear beforo thc Mayor, and upon the return of said warrant, or as soon thereafter as may bo, tho said Mayor and Aldermen shall investigate said complaint, and if tho samo bo found true, shall impose upon tho offending party such penalty as offenders are hablo to for the breaches of this ordinance; and where the party complaining shall not bo in possession of tho said article of merchandise, ho may make complaint to tho said Mayor or any one of tho Aldermen, who shall issue a warrant returnable, and to be tried ns aforesaid, and, on conviction, thc offender shall suffer tho penalty as aforesaid; and on such trials, the oath of the party complaining, together with tho testimony of tho Chief of Police, (when ho shall havo made suck trial as afore¬ said with the standard, and is of opinion there was such imposi¬ tion,) shall bo conclusivo in support of such charge, unless thc party complained of shall produce thc whole of tho implements used, and also tho articlo weighed or measured, when tho saino shall be in his possession, and identify tho same upon his oath, and thereby, or in some other way, satisfy the authority before whom tho trial is had that ho did not practice such imposition as was complained of. And tho said Chief of Police shall have power, and ho is hereby authorized, at ajiy timo to go into any store or placo of business, in the day time, and when such house or store shall bo open, and then and thero to examino tho weights, scales, steelyards and measui'es at such house or store, and to adjust tho same; and whon tho said Chief of Police, at such occasional visits, shall lind that the weights, scales, stoeiyards or measures, at any such piaffe, havo not been adjusted within the time prescribed, or have been altered since the last adjustment thereof by him, tho said Chief of Police sholl make report to tho Mayor or one of the Aldermen, who may order an . investigation thereof, and shall thereupon issue a warrant, requir¬ ing the person complained of to appear before the said Mayor and Aldermen to answer to tho charge; and any person convicted of such intentional alteration shall be liable to the penalty inflicted for the breaches of this ordinance. SEC. 4. Be it further ordained, That if any person shall, by force or "violent and threatening language, attempt £o hinder, prevent or obstruct the said Chief of Police in tho peaceable performance of the duties prescribed by this ordinance, such person, tm conviction, shall suffer such penalty as is inflicted for other breaches of this ordinance. SEC. 5. Be it further ordained, That any person offending against any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall bo liable* to such penalty us tho Mayor and Aldermen /nay inflict, not exceeding thc j. sum of forty dollars, for each and every offence. SEO. G. And bc ii further ordained, That tho said Chiof of Police shall bo cntitlod'to receive for making each weight or measure, five cents,, to bo -paid by tho owner of such weight or measure, beforo he or sho shall be pormittod to make uso of such weight or measure: Procided, That when thero is moro than ono weicht or measure of ' tho samo kind stampod for tho saino person, each of such additional weights or measures shall be stamped for two* and a half cents. SEC. 7. Be il further ordained, That this ordinance shall take effect from and after tho ratification thereof. . Done and ratified under thc corporato seal of the cit\ l^trî °* Columbia, on the ninth day of May, in tho yeal .. 4»-i»-*»l of our Lord One thousand eight hundred nm' seventy-one. (Signed) JOHN ALEXANDER, Mayor. WM. J. ETTEH, City-Clerk. o WALTER C. FISHER, (Opposite Columbia Hotel,) j DBUGGIST AND DEALER IN la \t ¿fe Drugs, Medicines, Clieinicals, SPONGES, Chamois Skins, Corks, I'uilot Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, Toilet Soap, Castile Soap, Bay Rnm. Hair Oil«, Vichy Salt, Kissingen Salt, Nit. Cerium, Leibig's Meat, Jam. Ginger, Corn Starch, . Gelatine, Cloves, Allspice, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Mace, Turo Soda, Eng., Cream Tartar, Congress Water, &o¡J (Gg- Proscription a prepared at any hour of tho nicht or day. April 29 REMOVAL. ~ Entire New Stock. . THE undersigned respectfully informs TM bia customers that he has REMOVED to Ifuftho new atoro, on Main street, directly -iUi-oppoaito tho Columbia lietel, and is fullv prepared with an entirely NEW STOCK OF GOODS, to tit nut a gentleman in tho very LATEST FASHION. HO has secured the latest and bost styles CLOTHH, CASSI- MERES and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS gr ncrally. Call at the now stand and select a suit, or loavo your order and havo it made to measure. O. D. EBERHARD!'. March 20_ M. H, BERRY'S Furniture Ware-room Plain Street, near Main, _M\nf'*!^tr*?\ NOW on hand and daily re- /JJ^j^t^.vVgJcei'ing from tho manufac- ^K^gr^^fiBy tor'ee °f New Y(irI{. BoBton, Cincinnati and Louisville, thc «ar _g largest assortment of FUR¬ NITURE over kept in this market, consisting in part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din- ing-Room Suite; 200 Bedsteads of different patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, tho celebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chaim. All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING dono at shortest notice and in tho best manner. Terms o.aah and Good« ch^Rp. Ort SO THE GREAT FERTILIZER. ICAN furbish LIME at Depot at Walhalla, S. C., for 51 HO per barrel. Address. REV. ll. HOLLER, Walhalla, H. C. March 2fi_,_ OE 0 E O E TUPPER, BROKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, COLUMBIA, s. c. OFFICE over W. C. Fisher's Drug Store, opposite Colnmbia Hotel, Main street. May 2 STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CoT Grocers and Commission Merchants, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SOLICIT orders for COTTON, Corn, Flonr, Bacon, Lard, A-o., and Family Groceries f;enerally. Orders filled careful!) andprompt- y. Feb 7lyr DR. D. L. BOOZER WOULD respectfully inform bis patrons and the public gc-1 nerally that he has moved iuto bib new odien, over Duffie ,t Chapman's Book¬ store, oppoeito the Columbia Hotel, where ho is prepared to execute, in ii »fae Un i ly, all ope¬ rations and work, of whatsoever kind bis pro- feHsinn demand*. Terms accommodating. M art-h 8_ Smoked Meats. BREAKFAST BACON STRIPS. Sugar-cured Shoulders, Smoked and Pickled Tongues, for salo low by_.__ E. HOPE. CHAMPAGNES. 1 i\f\ OASES Mott A 'Cbs ndon'* CHAM- LUU PAGNE8, just received, and offi red, in coneeiiuenco of cessation of hostilities, at much reduced rates. For «ale bv March 25 GEO. KYMMEPB. Early Call for Best Stereoscopic Views. AFINE aBsorlineat of VIEWS in Gorma ny, California, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, tho River Thaine*, near London; also, io tho United States; Statuary, colored and plain. Also, Stereoscopes, sumo low priced, for salo at BRYAN <fc McCARTER'S Bookstore. _, May 3 Cheap Fertilizer. A f\ TONS COTTON SEED MEAL. Fxcel- *±\J lent formanuro. EDWARD HOPE. May 13_ Jewelry and Silverware, OF tho moat approved styles, can be ob¬ tained at I. SULZBACHERH entablith- ment, Main street, Columbia Hotel Row. Seta and half BCIB in great variety. Also, solitaire and clu-lur DIAMONDS. SPF.CTA- CLFS and EYE-GLASSES to suit all ages. .May 12 _ Scythes and Urain Cradles. .> DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES. ¿J 10 do/.. Orittiu's Grain and Oraas Scythes, Just received and foi salo low by May 17_ JOHN AO^EW ft BON. The Doctors Recommend Set gera'Beer IN preforerco tn Londr-ti Pnrt<r and Scotch Alo. Wk)? They know it is unadulter¬ ated. Mnrch_U_ Soda and Mineral Water. rilli I". FOUNT is open for tho season, with X. choice syrups, mado from porn juice nfl thu fruit. HEISE'S CONFECTIONERY. Suçsr-Cnred Hams. CHOICE Sngar-cured HAMS, just ZUU received and for sale low by May ll '_JOHN AGNEW ,v SON. Frosh Crackers. SODA, Walnut, Snow Drop. Rutter, Fancy Furnier, Ginger, Balmoral, for nile liv March :l E. I! O l-K. STOCK«*, UOM)S «»nil COtl'OXs hnnght and sold hy D. GAMURILL, Broker. Nov 2:1 (imo OOO Barrets EXTRA Family, Medium and Conmino FLOUR, for Male low. E. HOPE. Meats furnished nt ¡ill hóitr«i at POLLOCK'S. REDUCTION IS' PRICE OF Spring and jSuninier Clothing, AT R. & W. C. S WAFFLE LD'8. WE hnvJ tho largest retail stock in tho State, and, anxioas to reduce it, will sell it at O HEATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tho stock is unbroken, and tho best stock wo bavo ever bandied. New HATS, of a desirable Btylo, jaat re¬ ceived. This reduction will apply also to onr CU3- TOM DEPARTMENT. May 16 J.V 'Siiiqaoio .TOnunng put? Suradg ¿o aora<i KI MOIXOÍldgg CORRECT TIME MAY' be obtained by calling at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S and purchasing ono of those justly celebrated ELGIN WATCHES, and where you can find a complete stock of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of tho best .manufacture. In addition aro tho United States. Walthom. English and Kui.« Watches in Gold and Silver Cases, which will be closed out at New York prices. Constantly on h.iud lino Gold Chains, Seal Binga, Charms,Lockets, SIcevo Buttons,Sets, and a varied «tock of Fancy Articles. All kinds of Repairing dono promptly, and warranted, by ISAAC BULZBACUER, April 27_Under Columbia Hotel. The Dexter Stahles. THE undesigned have re¬ moved their Stables to tbe new building, immediately South ot kJanney'a Hall, and, with a nen /atoek CARRIAGES, BUG¬ GIES mu fino HORSES, are prepared to an- «wer all calls that may be made upon them. Horses bought and sold cn commission. Persons in want of good stock, aro invited to givo us a call. Liberal advances mado on stock loft for ealp. BOYCE k CO. W. n. BOTCE. j O. H Í.K PETTIKQUX._Jan 24 Guns, Pistols, Etc. I INFORM my friends and Íulilic in gcnoral that I have ist received an entire new fntock of Double and Single Bar¬ rel GUNS, REPEATERS, Flahks, Pouches, Pistol-Belts, Caps. Buck-Shut, Cartridges. Cartridges for all kinds of Pistols, Po« dor and Shot. ¡ ALSO, REPAIRING done at short notice. Gol 8_ _P. W. KRAFT. Main sti ert. Rio- Coffee. BAGS RIO COFFEE, for sale low to dealers by | EDWARD HOPE. 50 Good Things. RAMSAY'S Islay Malt Scotch Whiskey, Sir Robert Burnett's Old Tom Gin^Rard, Dupuy, Cognac Brandy, Duff Gordon's Pale Sherry, South-aide Madeira Wine, London Dock l'ort Wino, Hibbtrt's London Porter, MoEwen's Scotch Ale. Tho above dirert from thu importers and warranted pure. For sale by_ EDWARD HOPE. _ To Rent. ADESIRABLE STORE, on Main streut, near the corner of Blanding. For terms, applv tn Dr. John Lynch, or FVn aa HENDRIX k BRO. FAN MILLS, pi RAIN CRADLES, HORSE POWERS, REAPERS, MOWERS, and all kinds Harvesting Machines on hand and for salo at lowest prices in the market. We call special attention tn our Horse¬ power, which is tho host power in uso and not high priced. With our experiouco in planting, and tho uso of agricultural imple¬ mento and machines, together with our facili¬ ties for having goods inapufacturod, we claim we can givo lower figures, better gooda and belter satisfaction than any other houae in the' country. Bend for catalogue. April 21 LÖRICK tc LOWRANCE. Canned Goods. . A LA MODE BEEF, Veal, Wild Duck, fresh /3L Mackerol, frosh Salmon, Oyster*, Peachori, Tomatoos, Strawberries, Gage Plums. All ot first quality and full weight. For salo low.____E. HOPE. Refined Oil. CCOTTON SEED REFINED OIL, by the gal- j lon nr barrel. Also, in gittus*, pints and (pin rt M. J'or_Ra]eTow._E. HOPE. O¿Lu »TANK Bili LS anti ¡UUTII.ATIÍO CUIIKKNCY bought and sold by Nov 2.1 (»mo D. G_AM_B_HILL. Brokor. Gun and Blasting Powder. A FULL supply of tho colobrated Dupont's JX GUN AND BLASTING POWDER, in kegs anti cannisters, is now offered to merchants and consumers nt the lowest market rates, by tho undersigned, who aro solo agents for tho manufacturers at thia pince. Mäv 2.4 JOHN AGNEW k SON . Impni ted end 'Domestic CJgara nt POLLOCK S $ioo.,Qoor AIKEN PREI'lIlTBt LAND KALE. $100,000 lobe lJibtrVjalml lo .SUar.ehoUlers. IpiVE DOLLARS will parchUHO a kharo. in- chiding a work nf art -worth flvo dolíate. Tho Derby Farm Pioperty to be nibtiihutcd embraces tho Urgent Vineyard! and Urcbard in tho Sooth. '/ . UNEQUALED CLIMAT*. I PEACEABLE COUNTRY! GENEROUS SOILl Tho salubrious and health-giving ¿bínate of Aiken han given it the nurnoo! '/'I he Suratoga of tho South." (9.1,000 in Premiums presented to Share¬ holders. $.100,0(0 in Real Estafo and Greenback Prices to b<? distributed lo Share-holders. til Heat Estate Frisia, worth Crom $310 to 125.000. 522 Greenback PIÎZÎH, from Sii to $1,000; Oulv 10,000 ith arCH will be issued. ONE SHARE IN EV ERY TH IRTY-ÖNE WILL - DRAW A PRIZE. This Real Estate J'roperty, convoyed by Deed'of Trust lo tho Committee who aro to conduct the Drawing, is to bo transferred by them to the fortunato Sharc-boldcrH as soon as the remaining eharce aro sold. Tho Drawing will toko placo according to tho publiühed programme. THE DAY OF THE DRAWING Will bo announced by telegram to the Asso- ciatcd Press. A small hum invested now may secure a for¬ tune. Every Share-holder may rest assured of equal justice, and that thin ach erne, unlike many others, IS "FAIR, SQUARE AND HONEST." * Monoy received after tho booka »TO closed will ba pi omptly returned. For full particu¬ lars, as embraced in revised pamphlet, ad-, [drees J. C. DERBY. General Manager, Key Box No. SSI, Augusta, Ga. «- MR. J. MoO. THARIN, tho agont of tho Association, cnn bo found for a abort th^o at¬ ibo nmoo of Mr. D. Qambi ill, Main street. May 18_: ffiOlICÏMENT EXTRAORDINARY 5? C td H 1=1 O ???0 CH VJ O o o HATS, And Gents1 Furnishing Goods, .10 PER CEXr. BELOW COST, AT GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR. TRIS is no humbug. We aro obliged to dispose of all Goodd now in tatore by the Int of September, to malro a chango in our business. Tako norico, that each article ls. marked RB cost in plain figures, from which will bo DEDUCTED TEN PER CENT. The publio is particularly requested to call early, as bargains may bo obtained. Country mer¬ chants visiting tf.o city can dud a choice etock of new-and soaHonablo goods at our store. Bear in mind, goods 10 por cent, below cost, at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR.' May 19_. _??_ New Rooks. riniPS FROM A GERMAN WORK (HOP. By Mas Muller. Ghardia, or Adventures ip'tho Desert of Sahara. Ry G. Naphe-yi, M. D.. A. M. $1.75. Motherless, or a Par!tuan Family. By au¬ thur of John nulilnx. $1 50. Tho Si lout Partner. By author Gates Ajar. Tho Francp-Pinubian War. Ry Landon, with 18 poitrail»* ami ll u apa. .$1-75.. Thu Empty Heart; a .ovt I. Rv Marion Harland. $150 ClimatCH for Invalid». Ac. $1 25 Ginx'« Baby;hi«. Bi th and Misfnrtrinns; a Satire. $12». The Sistéft» of'Orlt aiiit; a Tait- t<t Rare and Social Conflict. Al»"., r. number of new novels and other publications; ju.-t received at BRYAN ¿ MclJA'.TEfc'S April 25_. Bookstore. White's Gardening for the So nth, BY thu lato Wm. A. White, ot Alhena, Ga. $2. HOLMES' 80 HTtl ERN FARMER »nd MAR¬ KET GARDENER. $1.60. <" Tho Phosphate Rooks of South Carolina, their History and Developments-Colored Pistes. $1 25. Six Sermons on Tempérance» by L\ man Beecher. Sacred Rhetoric; or a Course of Lectures on Preaching, R. L. Dabuey, D. D. $1.50. Any above sentlby mail. DUFFIE & CHAPMAN, Feb 19 _Oppoalto Colombia Hotel. Country Rutter. Q A»A POUNDS FRESH COUNTRY BUT- Ov/vJ TER for salo low by ~Ma> »8_E. HOPE. BRANDIES. 5CASKS JainoH nenneaey's <fc Brandenburg Fron a BRANDIES, imported direct, and oflcrod pure and unadulterated. 1 heno com¬ prit o vintages of 1885, 1858, I860 and 1563. Stock of Hocks, Clarets and White Wince in¬ clude Rome of the roost famous brands as well as sound mw priced goods. For tia lo hy March 25 GEO. SYMMEBR. For Sale, 3f*f\f\ ACRES Of LAND in Barnwell, .OUU ontbeEdisto. . 750 ACRES in Kershaw-in lots to suit. Baw Mill and 2.000 acres of Land in Lexing¬ ton, mi North Edisto, $7,000. 2,500 acres Wat oreo Bottom Land, $2 pr acre. 2,500 acres creek bottom and pine Land, at $2 per acre, 1 House in this oily, $5,000. ll OUSE and thirteen acres LAND, near tha cily-S8«500. Apply tb JOHN BAÜ8KETT, * At or x v at Law and Real Estato Agent. Sp.»*, as_._;_' ly SMOKED MEATS, ETC. Ú SMOKED TONGUES, extra fcmoked BEEF« Ferris Fulton Market Reef. Diamond and Orango brand Hams, Sugar-cured Bacon Strips. Pickled Salmon. Meas and No. 1 Mackerel, Ac, nil fresh td hand. For «alo bv GEO. SYMMERH. Malt Corn "Whiskey, "IXT.VRRANTED two yearn old, at YV FeV21 JOHN O.SKEGER8\

Transcript of The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1871-05-30.

Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1871-05-30.

"~ ~ '

' *~'4ta7öifT Jnst ConsTire '' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Att.nnd tho Truo Event."BY J. A, SELBY. COLUMBIA, S C.. TUESDAY MOANING. MAY 30. 1871. VOL. VII-NO. Cl.-

BANK RESPöNSiiiLTry.-A ku it wasbrought in Brooklyn against the direct¬ora of a bank which.had failed to return$10,000 deposited by a firm, who madethe deposit in full faith in .tho solvencyof the bunk. Tho directors aro chargedwith having declared and paid a dividendwhen they knew the bank was iu a peril¬ous condition. A demurrer was put into this complaint. The court over-ruledit, and decided that the defendants wereliable,, and that the directors, of thobank, in dedaring and payiug ibo divi¬dend, in express terms asserted thesolvency of the institution.*. It is .awholesome principle of law that "noono shall be at liberty to sow- falsehoodbroadcast without hoing mado responsi¬ble for tho loss it causes." Tho decisionis an important one, and might bo ex¬tended to include many like causes; forexample, where insurance is granted bycompanies who know they are on theverge of a damaging exposuro or of ruin.

[Nc:o\ York Commercial.Mr. Wm. M. Evarts introduced Wm.C. Bryant at the banquet to BaronQerolt, in New York, the other night, as"a great scholarand a groat author, whonever forgets anything that he everlearned, and is constantly teachingothers what they never knew; one whotranslates poemti written 3,000 yeara ago,and one who has written poems that willbe translated 3,000 years hence into thetongue of a nation that, holds as muchrelation to ns as we do to Groece."

. Completo triumph over CORNS and BU¬NIONS by Mons. BERGER, who discovered,let. The nature, of Corns. 2d. Their dis¬solvent. Sd. Their permanent cur« l Thesediscoveries aro tho happy result of years ofstudy and practioo. For particulars, applyover tho Oitizons' Savings Bank, from 9 to 12;and from 2. to -i o'clock, at ll encl rix House.May IC _.



Florida Water.The most lasting, agree*able, and refreshing of all

perfumes, ipr use on theHandkerchief, at the Toilet,and in the Bath. For saleby all Druggists and Per¬fumers.

? Sept 17 ._._tMKDICAL.

THE BRIDAL CHAMBER.JJtS8AYS FOR YOUNO MEN. on great so¬li cial evils and ahueca, whioh interiorowith MARCIAOZ, with 6ure means of relief fortho erring and unfortunate, diseased and de¬bilitated. Sent in eealed letter envelopes,freo of cbargo. Address HOWABD SANITA¬RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Bontbr. Ninthstreet. Philadelphia. Pa. Mayl4 8mo

FOB. BAiiE-7,1 feet of good Shelving, and4 fine Counters,vl8 feet long. Apply toMayS_ W. O. BWAFFIELD.

COTTON SEKP Olli CAKE can be hadat all'times, and in any quantity, ofJan 21 *

- E. HOPE.


COMMOS SERSE COMPRESSED-It give in a dezeu urns the rea.

son whyTARRANTS SELTZER APERIENTShould bo.preferred se a conectivo and alter¬ative to every otbor medicine in nae. Firstly,it allay« fever; secondly,- it cleanses thebowels without Violence er pain;-thirdly, ittones the eton»dcb; fourthly, it regulates theflow of bile; Aft lily, it promotes healthy per¬spiration; sixthly, it relieves the system fromunwholesome humors; seventhly,- it tran¬quilizes the nérvea; eighthly, it aotB upon thebibed as a dépurent; und lastly, it forma onoOf the must delicious cooling TlraughtB thatever passed down tho throat of an invalid. .BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. May 28 jC


Ia rspldtr aoperaedjnj aU D'.Ser. praparaUon» for prodndnSMltgant, Bvtet and moleton) HOLLS, BISOCItS, BREAD.'Buckwheat anti olher Crldila Cairn. Perfectly Tura axilBellalie, aa<l aUeayt ready fir Immédiat» ul«. Tho CUBAr-


BSTBating Povcder in th» WORLD, and U WILL KEEP CV¿ÍXD OB SEA, tn ant tlimatt, for yean, lt Ic well niaptello Cia ot« af Bouttlcegir; Uiner; Sarine*: Emigrante, Ac,and ll to fart, io txetf rttpeel, th» BEST YEASTPOWDKlltaato "ferth»Kitchen, i**Canr, th* Q*lt*V-"


69 NEW STREET. NEW-YORK,May 23_:_rjOmr»

raillinury.MR3. C. E. REED hogs leave

to inform tho latin B in generalthat Rho has now ready a lull linoof tho la t CHI and most fashinuabloatylej of MILLINERY, Hair andFauoji Gooda, at reduced pricoB.Also, frosh BuppUes every week,.Call and soo for yourselves.- '. May 4

, % -* Beogers' Beer is Turo.

. ~fr£ iTon't contain COCOCUIUH IndiensJL IVrrioa t<J muk o sleepy or headache.Fish

Tho host place to got a cool summer ilriilkis at POLLOCK'S.

if a Porter House Steal; will stop ybnr hVth*gor, call at POLLOCK'S.

, Ordinances of the City Council of Columbia.*Published by order of thc City Council. -

jAN ORDINANCE REGULATING WEIGHTS AND MEASURES.SECTION 1. Bc it ordained, by thc Mayor and Aldermen of thc Cityof Columbia, in Council assembled, That tho Chief of Police shall

take charge of and keep all suck w*eights and measures as shall befurnished and delivered to him by tho Mayor and Aldermen) as thcstandard of weights and measures for tho city of Columbia; and noperson shall 'hereafter, within tho limits of the said city, uso anysteelyards, scales, weights or mensures, or other implements used inascertaining weights and quantities, (for thc purposo of ascertain¬ing tho weights or measures of any articles of merchandise bought,.

. sold or bargained for,) which shall not have been, within twelve'months next before such usc, adjusted, corrected and approved bythe said Chief of Police; and it shall bo thc duty of tho said Chiefof Police to adjust and comparo with tho standards iii his possessionall such weights and measures as may bo brought to him for thatpurposo; and tho said Chief of Police shall fis. upon such weightsand. measures as. ho shall adjust such mark or marks as he shallthink will best answer thc purposo of identifying thc same ; andshall in thc best manner in his power, by private memorandum orotherwise, preserve tho date of such adjustment.I i. SEC. 2. And bc ilfurther ordained, That it shall be the duty of thoChief of Police, once every twclvo months, (or oftener if he shallthink necessary,) to visit the houses anil stores of every tavern,storoor shop-keeper within the limits of tho city of Columbia, forthe purposo of adjusting and correcting tho weights and measure'sused in tho business of such tavern, store or shop-keeper, and shalladjust' and correct tho same ; and hereafter no weights or measuresshall boused within tho said city of Columbia, except such as havebeen approved and stamped or otherwise marked by the Chief ofPolice.

SEC. 3. Be it further ordained, That any person suspecting thathe has been injured or imposed upon iii thc weight or. measuro ofany article of merchandise, if ho has thc same in his possession,may carry the same to thc Chief of Police, .whose duty it shall bcto ascertain the weight or measure thereof by tho standard in hispossession; ami ii, Upon KUCII re-weighing or measuring, thc partyshall think himself to have been imposed upon, and shall makecomplaint thereof to the Mayor or any ono of the Aldermen, awarrant shall be issued, requiring thc person or persons chargedwith tho imposition to appear beforo thc Mayor, and upon thereturn of said warrant, or as soon thereafter as may bo, tho saidMayor and Aldermen shall investigate said complaint, and if thosamo bo found true, shall impose upon tho offending party suchpenalty as offenders are hablo to for the breaches of this ordinance;and where the party complaining shall not bo in possession of thosaid article of merchandise, ho may make complaint to tho saidMayor or any one of tho Aldermen, who shall issue a warrantreturnable, and to be tried ns aforesaid, and, on conviction, thcoffender shall suffer tho penalty as aforesaid; and on such trials,the oath of the party complaining, together with tho testimony oftho Chief of Police, (when ho shall havo made suck trial as afore¬said with the standard, and is of opinion there was such imposi¬tion,) shall bo conclusivo in support of such charge, unless thcparty complained of shall produce thc whole of tho implements used,and also tho articlo weighed or measured, when tho saino shall bein his possession, and identify tho same upon his oath, and thereby,or in some other way, satisfy the authority before whom tho trial ishad that ho did not practice such imposition as was complained of.And tho said Chief of Police shall have power, and ho is herebyauthorized, at ajiy timo to go into any store or placo of business, inthe day time, and when such house or store shall bo open, and thenand thero to examino tho weights, scales, steelyards and measui'esat such house or store, and to adjust tho same; and whon tho saidChief of Police, at such occasional visits, shall lind that the weights,scales, stoeiyards or measures, at any such piaffe, havo not beenadjusted within the time prescribed, or have been altered since thelast adjustment thereof by him, tho said Chief of Police sholl makereport to tho Mayor or one of the Aldermen, who may order an

. investigation thereof, and shall thereupon issue a warrant, requir¬ing the person complained of to appear before the said Mayor andAldermen to answer to tho charge; and any person convicted ofsuch intentional alteration shall be liable to the penalty inflicted forthe breaches of this ordinance.SEC. 4. Be it further ordained, That if any person shall, by force

or "violent and threatening language, attempt £o hinder, prevent orobstruct the said Chief of Police in tho peaceable performance ofthe duties prescribed by this ordinance, such person, tm conviction,shall suffer such penalty as is inflicted for other breaches of thisordinance.

SEC. 5. Be it further ordained, That any person offending againstany of the provisions of this ordinance, shall bo liable* to suchpenalty us tho Mayor and Aldermen/nay inflict, not exceeding thc

j. sum of forty dollars, for each and every offence.SEO. G. And bc ii further ordained, That tho said Chiof of Policeshall bo cntitlod'to receive for making each weight or measure, five

cents,, to bo -paid by tho owner of such weight or measure, beforo heor sho shall be pormittod to make uso of such weight or measure:Procided, That when thero is moro than ono weicht or measure of

' tho samo kind stampod for tho saino person, each of such additionalweights or measures shall be stamped for two* and a half cents.SEC. 7. Be il further ordained, That this ordinance shall takeeffect from and after tho ratification thereof. .

Done and ratified under thc corporato seal of the cit\l^trî °* Columbia, on the ninth day of May, in tho yeal.. 4»-i»-*»l of our Lord One thousand eight hundred nm'seventy-one.

(Signed) JOHN ALEXANDER, Mayor.WM. J. ETTEH, City-Clerk.o


la \t ¿feDrugs, Medicines, Clieinicals,SPONGES, Chamois Skins,Corks, I'uilot Brushes,Tooth Brushes, Combs,Toilet Soap, Castile Soap,Bay Rnm. Hair Oil«,Vichy Salt, Kissingen Salt,Nit. Cerium, Leibig's Meat,Jam. Ginger, Corn Starch, .

Gelatine, Cloves,Allspice, Cinnamon,Nutmegs, Mace,Turo Soda, Eng., Cream Tartar,Congress Water, &o¡J(Gg- Proscriptiona prepared at any hour oftho nicht or day. April 29


Entire New Stock.. THE undersigned respectfully informsTM bia customers that he has REMOVED toIfuftho new atoro, on Main street, directly-iUi-oppoaito tho Columbia lietel, and is fullvprepared with an entirely NEW STOCK OFGOODS, to tit nut a gentleman in tho veryLATEST FASHION. HO has secured thelatest and bost styles oí CLOTHH, CASSI-MERES and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGGOODS gr ncrally. Call at the now stand andselect a suit, or loavo your order and havo itmade to measure. O. D. EBERHARD!'.March 20_

M. H, BERRY'SFurniture Ware-room

Plain Street, near Main,_M\nf'*!^tr*?\ NOW on hand and daily re-/JJ^j^t^.vVgJcei'ing from tho manufac-^K^gr^^fiBy tor'ee °f New Y(irI{. BoBton,Cincinnati and Louisville, thc«ar _g largest assortment of FUR¬NITURE over kept in this market, consistingin part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din-ing-Room Suite; 200 Bedsteads of differentpatterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, thocelebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chaim.All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order.UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING dono atshortest notice and in tho best manner.Terms o.aah and Good« ch^Rp. Ort SO

THE GREAT FERTILIZER.ICAN furbish LIME at Depot at Walhalla,S. C., for 51 HO per barrel. Address.REV. ll. HOLLER, Walhalla, H. C.March 2fi_,_OE 0 E O E TUPPER,BROKER,

Real Estate and Insurance Agent,COLUMBIA, s. c.

OFFICE over W. C. Fisher's Drug Store,opposite Colnmbia Hotel, Main street. May 2

STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CoTGrocers and Commission Merchants,CHARLOTTE, N. C.

SOLICIT orders for COTTON, Corn, Flonr,Bacon, Lard, A-o., and Family Groceriesf;enerally. Orders filled careful!) andprompt-y. Feb 7lyr

DR. D. L. BOOZERWOULD respectfully inform

bis patrons and the public gc-1nerally that he has moved iutobib new odien, over Duffie ,t Chapman's Book¬store, oppoeito the Columbia Hotel, where hois prepared to execute, in ii »fae Un i ly, all ope¬rations and work, of whatsoever kind bis pro-feHsinn demand*. Terms accommodating.M art-h 8_

Smoked Meats.BREAKFAST BACON STRIPS. Sugar-curedShoulders, Smoked and Pickled Tongues,for salo low by_.__ E. HOPE.

CHAMPAGNES.1 i\f\ OASES Mott A 'Cbs ndon'* CHAM-LUU PAGNE8, just received, and offi red,in coneeiiuenco of cessation of hostilities, atmuch reduced rates. For «ale bvMarch 25 GEO. KYMMEPB.

Early Call for Best Stereoscopic Views.AFINE aBsorlineat of VIEWS in Gorma ny,California, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland,Scotland, tho River Thaine*, near London;also, io tho United States; Statuary, coloredand plain. Also, Stereoscopes, sumo lowpriced, for salo at BRYAN <fc McCARTER'SBookstore.

_, May 3

Cheap Fertilizer.A f\ TONS COTTON SEED MEAL. Fxcel-*±\J lent formanuro. EDWARD HOPE.May 13_

Jewelry and Silverware,OF tho moat approved styles, can be ob¬

tained at I. SULZBACHERH entablith-ment, Main street, Columbia Hotel Row.Seta and half BCIB in great variety. Also,solitaire and clu-lur DIAMONDS. SPF.CTA-CLFS and EYE-GLASSES to suit all ages..May 12


Scythes and Urain Cradles..> DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES.¿J 10 do/.. Orittiu's Grain and Oraas Scythes,Just received and foi salo low byMay 17_ JOHN AO^EW ft BON.The Doctors Recommend Set gera'BeerIN preforerco tn Londr-ti Pnrt<r and Scotch

Alo. Wk)? They know it is unadulter¬ated. Mnrch_U_Soda and Mineral Water.

rilli I". FOUNT is open for tho season, withX. choice syrups, mado from porn juice nflthu fruit. HEISE'S CONFECTIONERY.Suçsr-Cnred Hams.

CHOICE Sngar-cured HAMS, justZUU received and for sale low byMay ll '_JOHN AGNEW ,v SON.Frosh Crackers.

SODA, Walnut, Snow Drop. Rutter, FancyFurnier, Ginger, Balmoral, for nile livMarch :l E. I! O l-K.

STOCK«*, UOM)S «»nil COtl'OXs hnnghtand sold hy D. GAMURILL, Broker.Nov 2:1 (imo

OOO BarretsEXTRA Family, Medium and ConminoFLOUR, for Male low. E. HOPE.Meats furnished nt ¡ill hóitr«i at POLLOCK'S.



Spring and jSuninier Clothing,AT


WE hnvJ tho largest retail stock in thoState, and, anxioas to reduce it, willsell it at OHEATLY REDUCED PRICES.Tho stock is unbroken, and tho best stockwo bavo ever bandied.New HATS, of a desirable Btylo, jaat re¬ceived.This reduction will apply also to onr CU3-TOM DEPARTMENT. May 16


'Siiiqaoio .TOnunng put? Suradg¿o



MAY' be obtained by calling at ISAACSULZBACHER'S and purchasing onoof those justly celebrated ELGINWATCHES, and where you can find acomplete stock of Diamonds, Jewelry,Silver and Plated Ware, of tho best.manufacture. In addition aro thoUnited States. Walthom. English and Kui.«Watches in Gold and Silver Cases, which willbe closed out at New York prices.Constantly on h.iud lino Gold Chains, SealBinga, Charms,Lockets, SIcevo Buttons,Sets,and a varied «tock of Fancy Articles.All kinds of Repairing dono promptly, andwarranted, by ISAAC BULZBACUER,April 27_Under Columbia Hotel.The Dexter Stahles.

THE undesigned have re¬moved their Stables to tbe newbuilding, immediately South otkJanney'a Hall, and, with a nen/atoek oí CARRIAGES, BUG¬GIES mu fino HORSES, are prepared to an-«wer all calls that may be made upon them.Horses bought and sold cn commission.Persons in want of good stock, aro invited togivo us a call. Liberal advances mado onstock loft for ealp. BOYCE k CO.W. n. BOTCE.j O. H Í.KPETTIKQUX._Jan 24

Guns, Pistols, Etc.I INFORM my friends and

Íulilic in gcnoral that I haveist received an entire new

fntock of Double and Single Bar¬rel GUNS, REPEATERS, Flahks, Pouches,Pistol-Belts, Caps. Buck-Shut, Cartridges.Cartridges for all kinds of Pistols, Po« dorand Shot.¡ ALSO,

REPAIRING done at short notice.Gol 8_ _P. W. KRAFT. Main sti ert.Rio- Coffee.

BAGS RIO COFFEE, for sale low todealers by | EDWARD HOPE.50Good Things.

RAMSAY'S Islay Malt Scotch Whiskey, SirRobert Burnett's Old Tom Gin^Rard,Dupuy, Cognac Brandy, Duff Gordon's PaleSherry, South-aide Madeira Wine, LondonDock l'ort Wino, Hibbtrt's London Porter,MoEwen's Scotch Ale. Tho above dirert fromthu importers and warranted pure.For saleby_ EDWARD HOPE._

To Rent.ADESIRABLE STORE, on Main streut,

near the corner of Blanding. For terms,applv tn Dr. John Lynch, orFVn aa HENDRIX k BRO.



MOWERS, and all kinds Harvesting Machineson hand and for salo at lowest prices in themarket.We call special attention tn our Horse¬

power, which is tho host power in uso andnot high priced. With our experiouco inplanting, and tho uso of agricultural imple¬mento and machines, together with our facili¬ties for having goods inapufacturod, we claimwe can givo lower figures, better gooda andbelter satisfaction than any other houae in the'country. Bend for catalogue.

April 21 LÖRICK tc LOWRANCE.Canned Goods. .

A LA MODE BEEF, Veal, Wild Duck, fresh/3L Mackerol, frosh Salmon, Oyster*,Peachori, Tomatoos, Strawberries, GagePlums. All ot first quality and full weight.For salo low.____E. HOPE.Refined Oil.

CCOTTON SEED REFINED OIL, by the gal-j lon nr barrel. Also, in gittus*, pints and(pin rt M. J'or_Ra]eTow._E. HOPE.

O¿Lu »TANK BiliLS anti ¡UUTII.ATIÍOCUIIKKNCY bought and sold byNov 2.1 (»mo D. G_AM_B_HILL. Brokor.Gun and Blasting Powder.

A FULL supply of tho colobrated Dupont'sJX GUN AND BLASTING POWDER, in kegsanti cannisters, is now offered to merchantsand consumers nt the lowest market rates, bytho undersigned, who aro solo agents for thomanufacturers at thia pince.Mäv 2.4 JOHN AGNEW k SON .

Impni ted end'Domestic CJgara nt POLLOCK S

$ioo.,QoorAIKEN PREI'lIlTBt LAND KALE.$100,000 lobe lJibtrVjalml lo .SUar.ehoUlers.

IpiVE DOLLARS will parchUHO a kharo. in-chiding a work nf art -worth flvo dolíate.Tho Derby Farm Pioperty to be nibtiihutcdembraces tho Urgent Vineyard! and Urcbardin tho Sooth. '/ .

UNEQUALED CLIMAT*. I PEACEABLECOUNTRY! GENEROUS SOILlTho salubrious and health-giving ¿bínate ofAiken han given it the nurnoo! '/'I he Suratogaof tho South."(9.1,000 in Premiums presented to Share¬holders.$.100,0(0 in Real Estafo and GreenbackPrices to b<? distributed lo Share-holders.til Heat Estate Frisia, worth Crom $310 to125.000.522 Greenback PIÎZÎH, from S ii to $1,000;Oulv 10,000 itharCH will be issued.


This Real Estate J'roperty, convoyed byDeed'of Trust lo tho Committee who aro toconduct the Drawing, is to bo transferred bythem to the fortunato Sharc-boldcrH as soonas the remaining eharce aro sold.Tho Drawing will toko placo according totho publiühed programme.

THE DAY OF THE DRAWINGWill bo announced by telegram to the Asso-ciatcd Press.A small hum invested now may secure a for¬tune.Every Share-holder may rest assured ofequal justice, and that thin ach erne, unlike

many others,IS "FAIR, SQUARE AND HONEST." *

Monoy received after tho booka »TO closedwill ba pi omptly returned. For full particu¬lars, as embraced in revised pamphlet, ad-,[drees J. C. DERBY. General Manager,Key Box No. SSI, Augusta, Ga.«- MR. J. MoO. THARIN, tho agont of thoAssociation, cnn bo found for a abort th^o at¬ibo nmoo of Mr. D. Qambi ill, Main street.May 18_:





HATS,And Gents1 Furnishing Goods,



TRIS is no humbug. We aro obliged todispose of all Goodd now in tatore by theInt of September, to malro a chango in ourbusiness. Tako norico, that each article ls.marked RB cost in plain figures, from whichwill bo DEDUCTED TEN PER CENT. Thepublio is particularly requested to call early,as bargains may bo obtained. Country mer¬chants visiting tf.o city can dud a choice etockof new-and soaHonablo goods at our store.Bear in mind, goods 10 por cent, below cost,at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR.'May19_. _??_New Rooks.

riniPS FROM A GERMAN WORK (HOP.By Mas Muller.Ghardia, or Adventures ip'tho Desert ofSahara. Ry G. Naphe-yi, M. D.. A. M. $1.75.Motherless, or a Par!tuan Family. By au¬thur of John nulilnx. $1 50.Tho Si lout Partner. By author Gates Ajar.Tho Francp-Pinubian War. Ry Landon,with 18 poitrail»* ami ll u apa. .$1-75..Thu Empty Heart; a .ovt I. Rv MarionHarland. $150ClimatCH for Invalid». Ac. $1 25Ginx'« Baby;hi«. Bi th and Misfnrtrinns; aSatire. $12».The Sistéft» of'Orlt aiiit; a Tait- t<t Rare andSocial Conflict. Al»"., r. number of newnovels and other publications; ju.-t receivedat BRYAN ¿ MclJA'.TEfc'SApril 25_. Bookstore.White's Gardening for the So nth,

BY thu lato Wm. A. White, ot Alhena, Ga.$2.HOLMES' 80HTtlERN FARMER »nd MAR¬KET GARDENER. $1.60. <"Tho Phosphate Rooks of South Carolina,their History and Developments-ColoredPistes. $1 25.Six Sermons on Tempérance» by L\ manBeecher.Sacred Rhetoric; or a Course of Lectures onPreaching, R. L. Dabuey, D. D. $1.50.Any above sentlby mail.

DUFFIE & CHAPMAN,Feb 19 _Oppoalto Colombia Hotel.

Country Rutter.QA»A POUNDS FRESH COUNTRY BUT-Ov/vJ TER for salo low by~Ma>»8_E. HOPE.

BRANDIES.5CASKS JainoH nenneaey's <fc BrandenburgFron a BRANDIES, imported direct, andoflcrod pure and unadulterated. 1 heno com¬prit o vintages of 1885, 1858, I860 and 1563.Stock of Hocks, Clarets and White Wince in¬clude Rome of the roost famous brands as wellas sound mw priced goods. For tia lo hyMarch 25 GEO. SYMMEBR.

For Sale,3f*f\f\ ACRES Of LAND in Barnwell,.OUU ontbeEdisto. .

750 ACRES in Kershaw-in lots to suit.Baw Mill and 2.000 acres of Land in Lexing¬ton, mi North Edisto, $7,000.2,500 acres Wat oreo Bottom Land, $2 pr acre.2,500 acres creek bottom and pine Land, at$2 per acre, 1 House in this oily, $5,000.llOUSE and thirteen acres LAND, near thacily-S8«500. Apply tb JOHN BAÜ8KETT,*

At or x v at Law and Real Estato Agent.Sp.»*, as_._;_' lySMOKED MEATS, ETC. Ú

SMOKED TONGUES, extra fcmoked BEEF«Ferris Fulton Market Reef.Diamond and Orango brand Hams,Sugar-cured Bacon Strips.Pickled Salmon.Meas and No. 1 Mackerel, Ac, nil fresh tdhand. For «alo bv GEO. SYMMERH.

Malt Corn "Whiskey,"IXT.VRRANTED two yearn old, atYV FeV21 JOHN O.SKEGER8\