The Contender Soundtrack Project

The Contender Soundtrack Project The Contender is a book about a young boxer who struggles to find his place in life. Eventually, Alfred realizes being a contender is more than winning a match. Being a contender is about fighting for things that you want in life and not giving up. Many real people find themselves in Alfred’s shoes. They realize that there are things worth fighting for. Many singers and songwriters have written songs about their fight to be contenders. In this assignment we will be comparing song lyrics to quotes from The Contender. Each student will select three different songs to compare with three different quotes from The Contender. The student will then write three full paragraphs comparing two quotes per paragraph. Here is an example outline of what will eventually be turned in: 1) Paragraph a) Topic Sentence b) Introduce Quote 1 c) Quote 1 d) Explanation of Quote 1 e) Transition to Quote 2 f) Introduce Quote 2 g) Quote 2 h) Explanation of Quote 2 2) Paragraph a) Topic Sentence b) Introduce Quote 3 c) Quote 3 d) Explanation of Quote 3 e) Transition to Quote 4 f) Introduce Quote 4 g) Quote 4 h) Explanation of Quote 4 3) Paragraph a) Topic Sentence b) Introduce Quote 5 c) Quote 5 d) Explanation of Quote 5 e) Transition to Quote 6 f) Introduce Quote 6 g) Quote 6 h) Explanation of Quote 6 When finding songs for your paragraphs, remember to choose the “clean” lyrics for songs. This assignment will be typed. However, before you type your assignment all students will be required to complete the prewriting packet.

Transcript of The Contender Soundtrack Project

Page 1: The Contender Soundtrack Project

The Contender Soundtrack Project  The  Contender  is  a  book  about  a  young  boxer  who  struggles  to  find  his  place  

in  life.  Eventually,  Alfred  realizes  being  a  contender  is  more  than  winning  a  match.  Being  a  contender  is  about  fighting  for  things  that  you  want  in  life  and  not  giving  up.  Many  real  people  find  themselves  in  Alfred’s  shoes.  They  realize  that  there  are  things  worth  fighting  for.  Many  singers  and  songwriters  have  written  songs  about  their  fight  to  be  contenders.    

In  this  assignment  we  will  be  comparing  song  lyrics  to  quotes  from  The  Contender.  Each  student  will  select  three  different  songs  to  compare  with  three  different  quotes  from  The  Contender.  The  student  will  then  write  three  full  paragraphs  comparing  two  quotes  per  paragraph.  

 Here  is  an  example  outline  of  what  will  eventually  be  turned  in:  

1) Paragraph  a) Topic  Sentence  b) Introduce  Quote  1  c) Quote  1  d) Explanation  of  Quote  1  e) Transition  to  Quote  2  f) Introduce  Quote  2  g) Quote  2  h) Explanation  of  Quote  2  

2) Paragraph  a) Topic  Sentence  b) Introduce  Quote  3  c) Quote  3  d) Explanation  of  Quote  3  e) Transition  to  Quote  4  f) Introduce  Quote  4  g) Quote  4  h) Explanation  of  Quote  4  

3) Paragraph  a) Topic  Sentence  b) Introduce  Quote  5  c) Quote  5  d) Explanation  of  Quote  5  e) Transition  to  Quote  6  f) Introduce  Quote  6  g) Quote  6  h) Explanation  of  Quote  6  

 When  finding  songs  for  your  paragraphs,  remember  to  choose  the  “clean”  lyrics  for  songs.  This  assignment  will  be  typed.  However,  before  you  type  your  assignment  all  students  will  be  required  to  complete  the  pre-­writing  packet.  

Page 2: The Contender Soundtrack Project

   Topic Sentence:  Each  body  paragraph  must  provide  a  topic  sentence.  Since  a  paragraph  is  a  group  of  sentences  that  share  a  single  idea.    Introduce quote, detail, or evidence:  put  the  quote  into  a  context  for  your  reader  to  understand  how  this  quote  will  relate  to  your  analysis  later.    Quote:  provide  your  quote.    Analyze:  Explain  to  your  reader  the  importance  of  the  quote  and  how  it  supports  your  topic  sentence.  This  is  where  you  are  providing  your  own,  original  thoughts  that  are  uniquely  yours.  This  should  take  several  sentences!!        

Example:  Topic Sentence:  In  the  novel,  The  Contender  main  character  Alfred  Brooks  is  a  hopeful  boxer  trying  to  become  a  contender.  Throughout  the  story  Alfred  suffers  from  a  lot  of  doubt  and  heartache.    Introduce quote:  At  one  point  in  the  story  Alfred  decides  to  quit  the  gym.  As  he  packs  his  locker  up,  he  asks  Mr.  Donatelli.      Quote:  “If…  I  had  wanted  to,  would  I  have  you  know,  been  a  contender?”  (Lypsyte  139)  Mr.  Donatelli  then  responds,  “Anyone  can  be  taught  how  to  fight.  A  contender  that  you  have  to  do  yourself.”  (139)    Analyze:  Alfred  shows  that  he  doubts  himself.  At  this  point  in  the  story  he  is  giving  up  and  quitting  boxing.  However,  before  he  officially  clears  out  his  locker  he  hesitates.  He  decides  to  ask  Mr.  Donatelli  if  he  ever  had  a  chance  to  be  a  contender.  This  shows  that  Alfred  is  not  completely  confident  in  his  decision  to  quit.  He  wants  some  recognition  from  Donatelli.  Donatelli  responds  that  only  Alfred  can  know  whether  or  not  he  is  a  contender.  Mr.  Donatelli  is  trying  to  explain  to  Alfred  that  being  a  contender  is  more  than  the  ability  to  throw  a  punch.  A  contender  is  someone  who  keeps  trying,  no  matter  the  odds.  He  also  explains  that  only  Alfred  can  know  if  he  is  a  contender.  Eventually,  Alfred  decides  to  stay  at  Donatelli’s  gym  and  try  to  become  a  contender.      Transition:  Alfred’s  decision  to  continue  to  fight  shows  that  in  the  end  he  is  determined  to  try  and  be  a  contender.  Alfred’s  drive  to  become  a  contender  is  similar  to  the  journey  of  “The  Boxer”  in  Simon  and  Garfunkel’s  classic  song.    

Page 3: The Contender Soundtrack Project

The Boxer By Simon and Garfunkel I am just a poor boy Though my story seldom told I squandered my resistance For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises All lies and jests Still a man hears What he wants to hear And disregards the rest When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy In the company of strangers In the quiet of the railway stations running scared Laying low seeking out the poor quarters Where the ragged people go Looking for the places Only they would know Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job But I get no offers Just a come on From the whores on seventh avenue I do declare there were times When I was so lonesome I took some comfort there Then I'm laying down my winter clothes And wishing I was home going home Where the New York City winters Aren't bleeding me, leading me going home In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade And he carries the reminder of every glove that laid him down And cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame I am leaving I am leaving but the fighter still remains

Page 4: The Contender Soundtrack Project

Writing Outline Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence:




Introduce Quote:






Quote: Citation:





Explain Quote:






_____________________________________________________________ Transition:


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Introduce Quote:






Quote: Citation:





Explain Quote:







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Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:




Introduce Quote:






Quote: Citation:





Explain Quote:






_____________________________________________________________ Transition:




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Introduce Quote:






Quote: Citation:





Explain Quote:







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Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence:




Introduce Quote:






Quote: Citation:





Explain Quote:






_____________________________________________________________ Transition:




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Introduce Quote:






Quote: Citation:





Explain Quote:







Page 10: The Contender Soundtrack Project

Final  Draft  Checklist    Before  you  turn  in  your  essay  always  read  it  over.  Proofreading  is  a  very  important  part  of  writing.  When  proofreading  you  need  to  keep  some  things  in  mind.  Below  is  a  checklist  of  things  that  can  help  you  during  the  proofreading  process.  Check  off  every  item  on  the  list  before  you  turn  in  your  essay.          Done    

  Heading  is  in  the  upper  left  corner.    

  Double-­‐space  your  essay.  

  Paper  should  be  in  Times  New  Roman  12  point  font.  

  Your  paper  should  be  justified  to  the  left.  

  Run  spell  check.  

  Read  your  essay  OUT  LOUD.  You  will  be  surprised  at  the  mistakes  you  have  missed  

  Make  sure  all  quotes  have  MLA  citations.    

  There  should  be  6  quotes  in  your  essay  

  Your  pre-­‐writing  packet  is  turned  in  with  your  final  draft.  

  You  have  used  at  least  3  songs  and  3  different  quotes  from  The  Contender