THE CONNE TQ UO T COMMUNIT Y Fire House Bohem ^^ Sale...

Oakdale Bv MRS. DON-/J-D MAHNKEN LT 9-0375 ' Mr. and Mr . . Lewis Fabel of Ocean Avenue returned home Sunday after enjoying a vaca- tion in Liberty, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feloso Sr. of Florida have been spend- ing their vacation with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feloso Jr. ot Vincent Place, Jjgst weekend Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langdon and Miss Jackie ' Langdon of Brooklyn were guests at the Feloso home. Despite the rain on Sunday a meeting of the Suffojk County Bee ' Club was held In the bee- yard of R. Vernon Laiko at 505 Sycamore Avenue. About 60 members and their guests at- tended. The hives were opened for inspection and an indoor observation hive was on dis- play. Refreshments were served foUowing the meeting. For free pick up and delivery of 9II prescriptions call your pgeett-EexaU Drug Store, Oak- dafe-Sayville Shopping Plaza at LT ft-2544. 98tf Jean Marie Klevanosky, infant daughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. John KJevanosky of 122 Dale Drive, Was christened Sunday by the flev. Paul Dahm at St. Law- rence' s R. C. Church, SayviUe. Donald Getrost was the god- father and Mrs. James Mahoney was the godmother. After the ?eremony a party was held at the Klevanosky home to cele- brate the christening and the first birthday of the baby ' s sis- ter, JUL Among the guests were the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Klevanosky Sr. Flowers on the altar of St. John ' s Episcopal Church Sun- day were the gift of Mr. and ijfrs. Jean Charest. Byron Lake Park was used by a record number of picnick- ers last week with 20 to 30 famUles using the faciUties each afternoon and evening. Saturday a group of exceptional children from Northport enjoy- ed a cookout Personal loans for aU worth While purposes at bank rat _j are just one of the many bank- ing services at your "One Stop Bank" Oystermen' s. tf Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Goettker and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Solbach of Forest Heights , Md., arrived last Thursday to spend a few 4ays visiting Mr. and Airs. Harry Kajloneek at their Shore Drive home. Saturday morning -Pavjd H. WaUace, Director of Marine Fisheries for the State Conser- vation Department at Adelphi Suffolk CoUege, conducted a fo- rum at the Idle Hour Taxpay- ers Association clubhouse. Mr. WaUace explained which deni- zens of the deep occupy Great §auth Bay and how they are identified. Next Saturday an an- tique automobile demonstration WiU be held at 11 a. m. at the clubhouse. Mr. and Mrs. John DonneUy and family returned to their Washington Avenue home on Monday after enjoying a week' s camping trip at Lewey Lake, N. V. Antoinette Mario Sambrato, infant daughter pf Mr- _ nd Mrs. Nicholas Sambrato of Holly- wood Drive, was christened Sunday at St. Joseph's R. C. Church in Lake Ronkonkoma by the Rev. John Cgrew. Miss Carol Lang was thc godmother and Anthony Sambrato was the godfather. The baby' s grand- parents, Armonda Sambrato and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lang, wore among the guests who attended the celebratfoB held , at th. e Sam- brato home following the cere- mony. Mary Beth Tregarthen , infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tregarthen of 41 Featherbed Lane, was christened Sunday at St. Joseph's ,R. C. Church in Babylon by the Rev. James Farrell. James Tregarthen of Brightwaters was the godfather and Mrs. Albert Southard of Idle Hour Boulevard was the godmother. Fallowing the cere- mony a party for 50 guests was held at the Bay Shore home of the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Tregarthen. The baby is maternal grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mil- ler of Babylon were among the guests. George Gatta , son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gatta Sr., celebrat- ed his 15th birthday on Sun- day. A family barbecue was held at the home of his uncle and aunt , Mr. and "Mrs. Albert Whelan of Greentree Road in honor of the occasion. Limited openings are now available for new memberships in Land' s End Beach and Tennis Club. Please contact John Burke, LT 9-1883. tf Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith arrived from Belfast, Ireland , last Thursday to spend a week with their son-in-law and daugh- ter , Mr . and Mrs. Henry Schultz of Dale Drive. After their visit Mr. and Mrs. Smith wiU go to Jackson , Mich. Joseph Pfeffer , son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pfeffer of Bucknell Road , was discharged from the Navy last week. Fireman Francis X. Skidmore, son of Daniel J. Skidmore of BeUevue Road , participated in a medical assistance case re- cently while serving aboard the Coast Guard cutter Campbell , operating out of Staten Island. On ocean patrol in the mid Atlantic Ocean , the Campbell was diverted to the Liberian freighter Agiogalusena , where the CampbeU's doctor , Public Health Service Doctor James S. Garner , treated a Liberian sqaman for a severe eye injury. Ronald E. Nettleton , son of Mr. and Mrs. Eail Nettleton of Connetquot Drive, who is a jun- ior at the University of Vermont in Burlington , Vt., _ «• currently undergoing a six-week program of intensive combat training as an ROTC cadet. Mr. Nettleton , is a pre-medical student and is a 1962 LaSalle Academy gradu- ate. Robert Madison was the guest of honor at a farewell pool party given Saturday by his wife and her sister, Miss Wini- fred Melville ,at the Madisons' Ivy Hill Road home. Mr. Madi- son is employed at the Brook- lyn Navy Yard and is being transferred to Long Beach , Calif. His family will join him there in about a month. Guests at the party included Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Begnoche, their son , Robert and their niece , Jo Anne; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Haussler and their children , Donna and David; Miss Elaine Kasten , Mrs. Mae Madison , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jenney and their children , Steven and Mame; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rubzin , Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gittleman and their son , Dean , Frank Peters , and Carol and Keith Madison. ——-—-- ¦¦-¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ w ii-jy wnnnnnw - West Sayville ; Pharmacy [ 75 Main Stmt, Watt Sayvilla | are at clot* it your phone [ | Compounding of I PRESCRIPTIONS 1 Oyr Prime Function -•- FOR SERVICE PROMPT FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY j For All Health AND BEAUTY NEEDS ' i -•- CALL tT 9-0963 i -..- --WW- -. .-^--T - --»-»- TT __ ^. www v-"- WVWVVVVVWWVVVWWVVW VVVVVVWVWVVVVl §qutr* 0 Corner TAP ROOM & STEAK HOUSE i NOW OPEN FOR LUNCHEON & DINNER I tyPMiN LiSill* Academy For Retentions i MW. »vk Hiahw»y, Oakdala LT W208 _LA_W\AA/W\AAAArV\AAAAAAA__. H_. _...___._. - LEGAfl , NOTICE I'-UHL ' l ¦ -I I J" - ¦ li'i ' J . 11 , " ¦ I ' J - wj ' jwnn q.M.&D. No. 9J82 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT SUFFOLK COUNTV X THE PEOPLES NA- : TIONAL BANK OF: LONC ISLAND, sue- : cesspr to THE NA- : TIONAL; BANK OF: LAKE RONKONKO- : MA, 505 Hawkins Ave- : nuo, Lake Ronton- : koma , New York, : Plaintiff , : Index -r-againat-n . ; Nfi, CHARLES A. HARLOW : 121384- and PATRICIA HAR- : 64 LOW, his wife, RA- : FAEL MARTINEZ and : LEONOR MARTINEZ, : his wife, et al , : Defendants. : To the above named defend- ants, RAFAEL MARTINEZ and LEONOR MARTINEZ, his wife; YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- iMONED to fenswer the com- plaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiffs Attorneys within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within thirty (30) days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally de- livered to you within the State of Now York); and in case of your failure to appear or an- swer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the com- plaint. Dated: Sayville, New York November 16 , 1964 GREENE, MURRAY & DAGHER Attorneys for Plaintiff Office & P. O. Address 125 Main Street Sayville, New York To the above named defend- ants, RAFAEL MARTINEZ and LEONOR MARTINEZ , his wife : The foregoing summons is served upon you , by publication , pursuant to an order of Hon. John P. Cohalan , Jr., a Justice Qf . the Supreme Court , State of New York , said order being dated the 28th day of June, 1965 and made at a Special Term of the Supreme Cpurt , -Parf l , held in and ~ for the County of Suffolk at the Court House, Riverhead , New York; that said order was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County, County Center, Riverhead , New York. That the original of the summons and verified com- plaint was filed in said Office on the 17th day of November , 1964. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage made by CHARLES A. HARLOW and PATRICIA HARLOW, his wife to THE NATIONAL BANK OF LAKE RONKONKOMA, now THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF LONG ISLAND, to secure payment of the sum of $6, 700.00 and interest , and re- corded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on September 10 , 1963 in Liber 4193 of Mort- ' gages, at Page 523 covering premises described in said veri- fied complaint as situate at Farmingville, Town of Brook- haven , County of Suffolk and State of New York , known and designated as and by the Plot numbers 465 and 466 on a cer- tain map entitled, "Map of Woodedge Park , Sheet No. 2, situated at Farmingville, Suf- folk County, Long Island , New York , property of Woodedge Realty Co., Inc., surveyed by Herman P. Hawkins, C. E. " and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office on August 30 , 1945 as Map No. 1446. Dated: SayviUe, New York July 8 , 1965 GREENE, MURRAY & DAGHER Attorneys for Plaintiff Office & P. O. Address 125 Main Street SayviUe , New York 63t4 The Ronkonkomas 3y MRS. J5DWARD HAZARD JUniper 8-5221 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Proios of North Holbrook Road left New York by shi p Saturday afternoon for Athens , Greece. This is the first trip back to their natiye land since they came to thjs country metre than 40 years ago. They will spend the first week in Athens attend- ing a convention and then travel to different parts ' of Greece, visiting relatives and friends. One of the places will -be an island in the Aegean Bea, the birthplace of Jlrs. Proips. The Lake Republican/ Club held its monthly meeting Thurs- day night. Two candidates run- ning for town office were the ' guest speakers. The club is completing plans for the annual picnic held at West Meadow Bench. Mrs. James Jimenez of Hager- man was guest of honor Satur- day at a stork shower given by Miss Barbara Gimmler of Creighton Avenue. It was held on the patio of the Gimmler home, which was decorated with pink and blue streamers, with 25 guests present. Mrs. Jim- enez is the former Miss Berna- dette Giordano of Holbrook. Mrs. Francs Mlseyko of Maple Street announces the en- gagement of her daughter , Miss Joan Miseyko, and William Herrschaft , son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Herrschaft of School Street . Miss Miseyko is a stu- dent at the State University Col- lege in Brockport where she is majoring in elementary educa- tion. She is a graduate of Sachem High School. Mr. Herr- schaft is majoring in physical education at Ithaca College and is also a graduate of Sachem High School. A June wedding is planned. Mrs. Angela DeSimone and her three sons of Peter Road spent Saturday at the World' s Fair. They heard "The Over- tones" of Islip Terrace , cousins of Mrs. DeSimone' s, who played at the New York State Pavilion. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Singer of Newton Boulevard have re- turned home from a vacation spent in the Bahama Islands. Mr. Singer won first prize in an old fashionpd waltz contest danced to waltz music played by a Calypso band and judged by Texans. . Mr. Singer is a member of the Sachem Board of Education. Mrs. Singer teach- es first grade in the Gatelot Avenue Elementary School. The Rev. Harry S. Eid Jr., pastor of the local Methodist Church , is on vacation until August 15. On Sunday, the Rev. William J. Boone, a former min- ister at the church , was guest preacher. The Rev. Mr. Boone was the first Protestant chaplain at the John F. Kennedy Inter- national Airport Protestant ChapeL On August first he will begin new duties as chaplain of a hospital in Montclair, N. J. For the next three Sundays , Reuel Rust , an ordained deacon , will be in charge of Sunday ser- vices here. Miss Susan Campbell , daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell of Samuel Street , has been named to the Dean ' s list at the State University College at Oswego. Miss Campbell is a graduate of Sachem High School and is majoring in ele- mentary education at Oswego. Lawrence FarreU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farrell of Pat- chogue Road , is attending the summer session at the State University College at New Paltz. He graduated from Sachem High School last month. Mr. and Mrs . David D. Terry returned home Saturday from their wedding trip to Califor- nia and Hawaii. They drove a- cross country and back and went to Hawaii by plane, traveling a distance of 8, 000 miles. They are novV Uving in their new home on Jefferson Avenue in St. James. They were married in St. Joseph' s R. C. Church here on June 12. Mr. Terry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Terry of Terry Court and Mrs. Terry is the former Miss Geral- dine Loretta Paul , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Paul of Gregory Drive. Mrs. Raymond Baldelli and two children , of Union Avenue , left for California by bus Thurs- day where they will spend a month with Mrs. Baldelli' s broth- ci. On the return trip they will stop at points of interest. Mrs . Fred Beylich has re- turned to her home on Dun- can Avenue where she will spend the rest of the summer. She spent the winter rt her home in Sarasota , Fla. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Little League of the Ronkon- komas is making plans for a dance and buffet to be held August seventh in the Holbrook Hotel. Mrs. Matilda Leyh of Kappler Court attended the wedding of her granddaughter , Kathleen Leyh, in Lyndhurst , N. J. on July 10th. ''he was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William An- thony, Mr. and Mrs. William An- thony Jr., Mrs. Doris Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sehildt and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sehildt , Jr., all of Lake Ronkonkoma: From 7:30 until 11:30 p.m. July 23 - 31 and August first. St. Joseph ' s R. C. Church will hold i(s annual bazaar with rides, games and prizes. -- John S. FrgncespQnl , atten- dance supervisor for Sachem School District , is directing the annual house-to-house . school census now jn progress. Enumer- ators are the Misses Louise Han- sen , Kristine Kruger , Kathleen McNally, and George Krouse and Paul Miranda. They will wear badges and haves identification cards. Personal loans for all worth while purposes at bank rates are just one of the many bank- ing services gt yojtr "One Stop Bank" Qyutennea' s. tl Lisa Marie Mellina was baptiz- ed Sunday afternoon of last week In St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Lisa is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mellina of Park Aveme. Her godparent? are Mr . and Mrs. Albert Mellina ol Flushing. Following the cere- mony a reception was held at the Mellina home tor 20 guests. At a recent Ladies Night and annual meeting of the Loijg Is land Flower Growers Assoc lo- tion Anthony Perry of Ocean Avenue was elected as a two- year director. Julie Ruth Crawford , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crawford of Locust Boulevard , celebrated her llth birthday Thursday with a family party. Mr. and Mrs . LeRoy Cltv son r.nd four children , ol Fairmont , W. Va . were gueals last week of Mr . and Mrs. William Clqsson and family of Patrhogue Hoad. The two families spent Tuesday of last week at the World' s! Fair. The two Mr. Clossons are broth- ers. Samantha Marie Corso f daugh- ter of-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Corso of Maplecrest Drive , was baptiz- ed Sunday afternoon of last week in St. Joseph' s R.C. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ciampim ot Kings Park arc hei godpar- enls. After the ceremony a reception for 35 gue.its was held at the Corso Ir.uie. Doreen Hazard , daugmer of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazard , celebrated her 13th birthday last week with a beaui party. Present were Chavlene Fioto, Adelaide Kramer, Barbara and Pamela Bryant , Sally Benjamin , Doreen ' s brother and sister, Richard Scott and Penny Lynn. After spending the afternoon at West Meadow Beach , the group returned to the Hazard home for the usual birthday refresh- ments. In the even ng Doreen ' s maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis , her pater- nal grandparents , Mr . and Mrs. George W. Hazard Si. of Pat- chogue, also Warre.i Davis and Mr . and Mrs. James Bryant were present. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Meyer of Eklund Boulevard had their daughter , Alison Margaret , bap- tized Sunday of lasi week in St. Joseph' s R.C. Cliurch. Her godparents are Miss Melissa Zsuffa of Huntington and Rich- ard Burke of Mineola. A gath- ering was held at the Meyer home for 25 guests later in the afternoon. John Joseph Martello, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Angelo Martello of Cheryl Drive, was baptized by the Rev. Augustine Sheehan on Sunday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Louis Sasso of Pitts- burgh , Pa. and Vincent Martello of Selden are his godparents. Following the ceremony 30 guests were present at the MarteUo home for a celebration. Mrs. Mildren Hyman of Dun- can Avenue visited her son and daughter-in-law, Mr . and Mis. John Hyman and family, in Farmingville Monday of last week when Mrs. John Hyman colebrated her birthday. Miss Marie Erny of East Lake Terrace had the misfortune last week to fall in the yard of her home and fracture her right arm. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayes and children , Joseph Jr. , Penny and Susan of Browns Road , spent three days last week at the World' s Fair. The local Golden Age Club will meet at 1:30 pm. today in the Methodist Parish Hall . Plans are being made for a boat ride to Bridgeport in the middle ol August and a birthday party in September. Mrs. Mildred Hy- man is president of the club. The Holy Name Society of St. Joseph's R. C. Church met Monday evening of last week with the Rev. Michael F. Forgo, the society ' s new moderator , present. He was formally wel- comed by the society. John Caplis has been appointed pub- licity chairman for the next year. The next meeting will be August ninth at nine p.m. On Tuesday of last week Mrs. May Wahl was taken from the Park Lake Rest Home to Smith- town General Hospital in the Lakeland Fire Department am- bulance. On Thursday Michael Sexton of West Sixth Street was taken to Smithtown Hospital and the foUowing day Rudolph Pet- ring of West Seyenth Street was taken there, all in the Lake- land ambulance. On Thursday Lakeland firemen were called to West gecond Street and Rich- mond Boulevard where oil on the road was afire. On Friday brush fires were extinguished on Garden Court and Edgewood \venue. John Harrison , son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Harrison of Motor Parkway, celebrated his sixth birthday Sunday of last week with a party. Present were his maternal grandmother , Mrs. Martha Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harrison and children , Donald Jr., Bruce and Patricia , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrison and children, Maureen , Debbie, and Raymond , Mr . and Mrs. John Bermeister and son Rich- ard and John ' s great grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wil- liamson of Troy. The summer schedule at St Joseph' s R. C. Church is as fol- lows: in the church , seven , eight , nine , 10 , 11 , noon and one p.m.; in th^ auditorium 9:15, 10:15, 11:15, and 12:15; in the .new school 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 and 12:30. Claude Sehildt celebrated his birthday Tuesday of .last week at a barbecue held at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schjldt Jr. of Kappler Court. Present were his wife , his grandchildren , Gary, Alan , Doreen , Joseph , and James Sehildt , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Straub and children , Maureen , Paul , Jr. and Karen , Mrs Doris Gary and son Johu . The altar flowers and candles in Holy Cross Lutheran Church were given by Mrs. Charles Brown in memory of her hus- band and mother; the sanctuary light was given in memory of Pamela Jean Brown e by her grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Browne Sr. The Rev. Emanual W. Mammer *etired chaplain to the Veterans Hos- pital at Northport , was guest preacher Sunday morning. The Rev. William F. Gotwald and his family are on vacation until August fourth. If a pastor is needed during this time the Rev. H_rold Johnson assistant pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Brentwood , may be called. The church congrega- tional picnic is being planned for August 22 at Heckscher State Park, immediately follow- ing the nine a.m. service. Kenneth Okvist , son of Mr. and Mrs . G. Allen Okvist of Carroll Avenue , celebrated his second birthday recently with a buffet supper. Present were his maternal grandmother , Mrs. Frances Falkman , his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Okvist ,, George Reilly and his daughter , Betsy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Falkman , Mr. and Mrs. Y/alter Stetter and Mrs. Ann Andrews, Derrick and Ellyn Okvist , his brother and sister . Ellyn Okvist spent last week visiting her maternal grandmother , Mrs. Frances Falk- man , in Yaphank , and this week she is spending at Camp De- Wolfe at Wading River. Work is rapidly progressing on the new house of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jay Jr. on Smith Road. Mr . and Mrs. Duncan Mac D. Little haye returned from a three-week vacation by car through Maryland , Virginia , the Carolinas and Georgia. They attended the Van Kouwenhoven- Conover Family Association 69th annual convention in Freehold , N. J. Mrs. Little is a past, trustee and re- cording secretary. Also they were present at the 10th an- nual (fathering of the Clans and Scottish Games at Linville, N. C , representing the Clan Mac- PougaU. Fire House Sale Approved One hundred and eleven Bo- hemia Fire District residents went to the poll !j Thursday to approve a proposal by the Board of Fire Commissioners to spU the old fire house on Church Street and Walnut Ave- nue. The first proposition , which authorized the commissioners to dispose of the building for not Jess than $6, 500 at public sale to the highest bidder , was car- ried , 93 to 17. The second pro- position , wh ich called for the net proceeds to go to the capi- tal improvement fund maintain- ed by the fire district , was ap- proved , 87 to 19. Bohem ia W—r \^ m %/ \S w m wms ^^ By MRS. MARTIN EHRMAN LT 9-6098 On Sunday evening, at a semi- final volleyball game between the Senior Luther League teams of Bohemia ' s Peace Lutheran Church and Selden 's Hope Lutheran Chureh , held at St. Mark' s Lutheran Church in Ridge , Ihe Suffolk County championship was won by thc Peace Church team. The guest speaker of Ihe event was Fred- erick Trinklein , a teacher at Long Island Lutheran High School i.i Brookville. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Benedict and sons, Christopher and Ran- dall , of Ocean Avenue , arrived home on Saturday aller spend- ing a week on Fire Island. A surprise birthday party was held on Tuesday evening on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Latkovich of Lanson Street , for Vivian Jugo , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Steven Jugo. The cele- bration was attended by Kath- erine Parsons , Donna Rowland , both of Bohemia , Lisa Gauch , Susan Bialer , Judy Oloman and Lori Schacfer , all of Oakdale , Andrea Olsen of Riverhead , and Debbie Stachovvic of SayviUe , and was given by Vivian ' s sis- ter , Barbara . Mrs. John Frey of Ocean Ave- nue was the guest of honor at q surprise baby shower given at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Arthur Koeppen of Feuereisen Avenue on Saturday evening. The guest list included Mrs. Herbert Rausch of Sayville , Mrs . John Gauler , Mrs. Kenneth Jar- nick and Mrs. Harold Sloane , all of Bohemia , Mrs. William Kendrick of Commack , Mrs. Robert Sherman , of Levittown , Mrs. Edward Paschelson of Kings Park , Mrs. Frank Terousky of Ozone Park , Mrs . Lawrence Werner of Glasboro , N. J., Mrs. Joseph Fa rrell of Bay Shore, Mrs. Jerry Mastro of Bethpage and Mrs. P. Bowman , Mrs. Wil- liam Frey and Mrs. William Frey, Jr., all of Brooklyn. For free pick up and deUvery of all prescriptions call your Liggett-Rexall Drug Store , Oak- dale-Sayville Shopping Plaza at LT 9-2544. 98tf Debbie Farr , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farr of Mineola , was ? guest of Mr. and Mrs . Robert , Saunders and family of Locust Avenue on Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Choura and daughter , Carol , of Astoria , were weekend guests of Mrs. Julia ' Potucek of Smithtown Avenue. The baptism of Elizabeth Mary, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kreinsen of Windwood Road , took place on Sunday afternoon at St. John Nepomucene ' s R. C. Church. Mrs. Kreinsen 's cousin , the Rev. John McDonough of St Raymond R.C. Church of Ea _ t Rockaway, officiated at the saciamcnt. The gadparents are tne child' s uncle , William Shcriy, and Miss Mari- lyn Wolf , both oi Boston , who were present ai a buffet supper with thc maternal great aunt , Mrs. Margaret Uorham , also of Boston , Mr and Mrs Joseph Surace ana children of Lake Ronkonkoma , Mr and Mrs. Dan- iel Hogan and children of Cen- tereach , Mr. anu Mrs. Nicholas Esposito and Mr;- Benjamin Bell , and Elizabeth' s brothers , Michael , David and Kevin , all of Bohemia. It has been announced that Isco Kelly of Oakdale has been appointed chairman of thc an- nual bazaar to be held by St. John Nepomucene R. C. Church in September. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balsanek of Maple Street had as their guests for the weekend Mr. and Jfrs. Michael Hihn and their children , Richard and Carole of Cleveland , O. On Sunday afternoon at St. John Nepomucene' s R.C. Church, Debra Maria , infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Riddle of East Gold Street , was-'baptized by the Rev. Thomas Donohoe, The child' s godparents are her aunt Mrs. Louise Rios, of tlie same address and her uncle, Pfc. Joseph Yabroudi , who was on leave from Camp Lejeune, N. ' C. Mr . and Mrs. Louis Yab- roudi tlie materntal grandpar- ents were among the 20 guests who attended the buffet sup- per . The Theodore Roosevelt Re- publican Ladie? Auxiliary ar- ranged a bus trip to the show "Mardi Gras " at Jones Beach on , Thursday eyeniPg of last week with approximately 40 wo- men attending. Mrs. Mary Both of the Bronx will be spending about three weeks at the Walout Avenue home of Mr. apd Mrs. Harold Squires. Personal loans for aU worth while purposes at bank rates are just one of the many bank- ing services at your "One Stop Bank" Oystermen' s. tf Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Godoy qf Lincoln Avenue are enter- taining their son and daughter- in-law and grandchildren , Mr. and Mrs. William Godoy and children William , Jr. and Steven , all of Brooklyn , for about two weeks . Miss Annette Hamon of Jack- son Heights , daughter of John Hamon , of Feuereisen Avenue, I : spending the summer with her father and her brother , Gregory. The Rev. and Mrs. Edward Naumann and children , of Wind- wood Road , are returning to- morrow from a two week visit in Pittsburg, Pa. where they visited their parents. New residents of Louist Ave- nue are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treadwel l and children , Linda , Edward , and Roy, who have moved into the house formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tagncr. Mr. Treadwell is cm- ployed by Grumman Aircraft Corp. The Trcadwells arc re- cent residents of Lake Ronkon- koma. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bene- dict and son Kevin, of Ocean Avenue, spent the weekend camping at Wildvvood State Park and touring Shelter Island. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sal- vatore Aprea and daughter Pa- tricia , of Brooklyn , were guests at a barbecue at thc home of their uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. Paris Marion of Island Boulevard . Later that afternoon , Mr. and Mrs. John Runyon and sons, Gary and Craig, of Oak- dale, came to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ripak and children , Lorcnc and Roy, of Valley Stream , held a sur- prise party at their home for Mr. Hipak' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ripak , who cele- brated their 50th wedding an- niversary on Saturday. Present for the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walcott and chil- dren , Linda , Barbara , Betty, Victoria and Kenneth , all of Dix Hill , Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Costa and son Dennis, Jr., of Brentwood, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Illik and Mr. and Mrs. John Ripak, all of Elizabeth , N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stroll of Joffersonville , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ripak of Farming- dale , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ripak , Jr. , of Hicksville, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ripak of St. Albans , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Re- hak. Mr. and Mrs. Max Perry and Mrs. Julia Potucek , of Bo- hemia , and Mr . and Mrs. Martin Schiefcr , of Valley Stream. Connetquot School District News By PAULA EHRMAN The Board of Education has scheduled another building vote, which will determine whether thc district will move to alleviate double sessions, be- ginning in September. The vote is to be held on September 25th and will in- clude two propositions the construction of a " middle school" to house grades five , six , seven and eight on district owned property at thc First Street School site in Ronkon- koma , and the construction of an elementary school on dis- trict-owned land at the Syea- moic Avenue School site in Bo- hemia. The summer recreation pro- grain has included a trip to the Bronx Zoo in its current session for children in the second , third and fourth grades. Buses trans- ported participants from the Montauk Highway School on Tuesday, from the John Peail School yesterday, and from thc Edith Slocum School today. A driver education program under the supervision of Charles McAulley, which was scheduled for this month , was filled with student registrants before June . On Sunday, the first of three pops concerts by the summer recreational band , under Henry Allen , was given in the audito- rium of Connetquot High School. The next two arc sched- uled for August first and 15th. THE CONNE TQ UO T COMMUNIT Y 24 HOUR SERVICE A GAS OIL TIRES REPAIRS BATTERIES MacArthur SINCLAIR Service Center Vefs Memorial Hwy. At Smithtown Av*. JU 84)918 Why are some people such troublemakers? The problem may be mental illness. Very often a troublesome person is anxious to get along with others, but ijomc' -hing inside prevents MH^A Sim from acting thc way uSS^SE he wants to. Such a per- USS^H son needs your under- tMBBBJ Itanding and kindness. fiJSwHH Learn more about this HtMHill problem. Send for this IBMJNfl pee booklet today. ^^H_B| Writ* lo: Battqr Mania? Health Box 25PO , New York I , N. Y. PubUshtd as i public _«rvlc» In coop. frition with The Advertising Council. Vmmtw* yjrt^^ SUFFOLK COUNTY NEWS

Transcript of THE CONNE TQ UO T COMMUNIT Y Fire House Bohem ^^ Sale...

Page 1: THE CONNE TQ UO T COMMUNIT Y Fire House Bohem ^^ Sale … · the celebratfoB held, at th.e Sam-brato home following cere-mony.

OakdaleBv MRS. DON-/J-D MAHNKEN LT 9-0375' Mr. and Mr .. Lewis Fabel of

Ocean Avenue returned homeSunday after enjoying a vaca-tion in Liberty, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert FelosoSr. of Florida have been spend-ing their vacation with theirson and daughter-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Albert Feloso Jr. otVincent Place, Jjgst weekendMr. and Mrs. Charles Langdonand Miss Jackie ' Langdon ofBrooklyn were guests at theFeloso home.

Despite the rain on Sundaya meeting of the Suffojk CountyBee' Club was held In the bee-yard of R. Vernon Laiko at 505Sycamore Avenue. About 60members and their guests at-tended. The hives were openedfor inspection and an indoorobservation hive was on dis-play. Refreshments were servedfoUowing the meeting.

For free pick up and deliveryof 9II prescriptions call yourpgeett-EexaU Drug Store, Oak-dafe-Sayville Shopping Plaza atLT ft-2544. 98tf

Jean Marie Klevanosky, infantdaughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. JohnKJevanosky of 122 Dale Drive,Was christened Sunday by theflev. Paul Dahm at St. Law-rence's R. C. Church, SayviUe.Donald Getrost was the god-father and Mrs. James Mahoneywas the godmother. After the?eremony a party was held atthe Klevanosky home to cele-brate the christening and thefirst birthday of the baby's sis-ter, JUL Among the guests werethe paternal grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. John Klevanosky Sr.

Flowers on the altar of St.John's Episcopal Church Sun-day were the gift of Mr. andijfrs. Jean Charest.

Byron Lake Park was usedby a record number of picnick-ers last week with 20 to 30famUles using the faciUtieseach afternoon and evening.Saturday a group of exceptionalchildren from Northport enjoy-ed a cookout

Personal loans for aU worthWhile purposes at bank rat _jare just one of the many bank-ing services at your "One StopBank" — Oystermen's. tf

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Goettkerand Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Solbachof Forest Heights, Md., arrivedlast Thursday to spend a few4ays visiting Mr. and Airs. HarryKajloneek at their Shore Drivehome.

Saturday morning -Pavjd H.WaUace, Director of MarineFisheries for the State Conser-vation Department at AdelphiSuffolk CoUege, conducted a fo-rum at the Idle Hour Taxpay-ers Association clubhouse. Mr.WaUace explained which deni-zens of the deep occupy Great§auth Bay and how they areidentified. Next Saturday an an-tique automobile demonstrationWiU be held at 11 a. m. at theclubhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. John DonneUyand family returned to theirWashington Avenue home onMonday after enjoying a week'scamping trip at Lewey Lake,N. V.

Antoinette Mario Sambrato,infant daughter pf Mr- _ nd Mrs.Nicholas Sambrato of Holly-wood Drive, was christenedSunday at St. Joseph's R. C.Church in Lake Ronkonkomaby the Rev. John Cgrew. MissCarol Lang was thc godmotherand Anthony Sambrato was thegodfather. The baby's grand-parents, Armonda Sambrato andMr. and Mrs. Jacob Lang, woreamong the guests who attendedthe celebratfoB held, at th.e Sam-brato home following the cere-mony.

Mary Beth Tregarthen, infantdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. HarryTregarthen of 41 FeatherbedLane, was christened Sunday atSt. Joseph's ,R. C. Church inBabylon by the Rev. JamesFarrell. James Tregarthen ofBrightwaters was the godfatherand Mrs. Albert Southard ofIdle Hour Boulevard was thegodmother. Fallowing the cere-mony a party for 50 guests washeld at the Bay Shore home ofthe paternal grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. William J. Tregarthen.The babyis maternal grandpar-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mil-ler of Babylon were among theguests.

George Gatta, son of Mr. andMrs. George Gatta Sr., celebrat-ed his 15th birthday on Sun-day. A family barbecue washeld at the home of his uncleand aunt, Mr. and "Mrs. AlbertWhelan of Greentree Road inhonor of the occasion.

Limited openings are nowavailable for new membershipsin Land's End Beach and TennisClub. Please contact J o h nBurke, LT 9-1883. tf

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smitharrived from Belfast, Ireland,last Thursday to spend a weekwith their son-in-law and daugh-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultzof Dale Drive. After their visitMr. and Mrs. Smith wiU go toJackson, Mich.

Joseph Pfeffer , son of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph A. Pfeffer ofBucknell Road, was dischargedfrom the Navy last week.

Fireman Francis X. Skidmore,son of Daniel J. Skidmore ofBeUevue Road, participated ina medical assistance case re-cently while serving aboard theCoast Guard cutter Campbell ,operating out of Staten Island.On ocean patrol in the midAtlantic Ocean, the Campbellwas diverted to the Liberianfreighter Agiogalusena, wherethe CampbeU's doctor, PublicHealth Service Doctor JamesS. Garner, treated a Liberiansqaman for a severe eye injury.

Ronald E. Nettleton , son ofMr. and Mrs. Eail Nettleton ofConnetquot Drive, who is a jun-ior at the University of Vermontin Burlington, Vt., _ «• currentlyundergoing a six-week programof intensive combat training asan ROTC cadet. Mr. Nettleton,is a pre-medical student and isa 1962 LaSalle Academy gradu-ate.

Robert Madison was the guestof honor at a farewell poolparty given Saturday by hiswife and her sister, Miss Wini-fred Melville ,at the Madisons'Ivy Hill Road home. Mr. Madi-son is employed at the Brook-lyn Navy Yard and is beingtransferred to Long Beach,Calif. His family will join himthere in about a month. Guestsat the party included Mr. andMrs. Laurie Begnoche, theirson, Robert and their niece, JoAnne; Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreHaussler and their children,Donna and David; Miss ElaineKasten, Mrs. Mae Madison, Mr.and Mrs. Sam Morris, Mr. andMrs. Louis Jenney and theirchildren, Steven and Mame; Mr.and Mrs. Frank Rubzin, Mr. andMrs. Nathan Gittleman andtheir son, Dean, Frank Peters,and Carol and Keith Madison.

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XTHE PEOPLES NA- :TIONAL BANK OF:LONC ISLAND, sue- :cesspr to THE NA- :TIONAL; BANK OF:LAKE RONKONKO- :MA, 505 Hawkins Ave- :nuo, Lake Ronton- :koma, New York, :

Plaintiff , : Index-r-againat-n . ; Nfi,

CHARLES A. HARLOW : 121384-and PATRICIA HAR- : 64LOW, his wife, RA- :FAEL MARTINEZ and :LEONOR MARTINEZ, :his wife, et al, :

Defendants. :

To the above named defend-ants, RAFAEL MARTINEZ andLEONOR MARTINEZ, his wife;

YOU ARE HEREBY SUM-iMONED to fenswer the com-plaint in this action and toserve a copy of your answer,or, if the complaint is notserved with this summons, toserve a notice of appearance,on the Plaintiffs Attorneyswithin twenty (20) days afterthe service of this summons,exclusive of the day of service(or within thirty (30) days afterthe service is complete if thissummons is not personally de-livered to you within the Stateof Now York); and in case ofyour failure to appear or an-swer, judgment will be takenagainst you by default for therelief demanded in the com-plaint.Dated: Sayville, New York

November 16, 1964GREENE, MURRAY &DAGHERAttorneys for PlaintiffOffice & P. O. Address125 Main StreetSayville, New York

To the above named defend-ants, RAFAEL MARTINEZ andLEONOR MARTINEZ, his wife :

The foregoing summons isserved upon you ,by publication,pursuant to an order of Hon.John P. Cohalan, Jr., a JusticeQf. the Supreme Court , State ofNew York, said order beingdated the 28th day of June, 1965and made at a Special Termof the Supreme Cpurt,-Parf l,held in and ~ for the County ofSuffolk at the Court House,Riverhead , New York; that saidorder was filed in the Officeof the Clerk of Suffolk County,County Center, Riverhead , NewYork. That the original of thesummons and verified com-plaint was filed in said Officeon the 17th day of November,1964.

The object of this action isto foreclose a mortgage madeby CHARLES A. HARLOW andPATRICIA HARLOW, his wifeto THE NATIONAL BANK OFLAKE RONKONKOMA, nowTHE PEOPLES NATIONALBANK OF LONG ISLAND, tosecure payment of the sum of$6,700.00 and interest, and re-corded in the Office of the Clerkof Suffolk County on September10, 1963 in Liber 4193 of Mort-'gages, at Page 523 coveringpremises described in said veri-fied complaint as situate atFarmingville, Town of Brook-haven , County of Suffolk andState of New York, known anddesignated as and by the Plotnumbers 465 and 466 on a cer-tain map entitled, "Map ofWoodedge Park, Sheet No. 2,situated at Farmingville, Suf-folk County, Long Island, NewYork, property of WoodedgeRealty Co., Inc., surveyed byHerman P. Hawkins, C. E." andfiled in the Suffolk CountyClerk's Office on August 30,1945 as Map No. 1446.Dated: SayviUe, New York

July 8, 1965GREENE, MURRAY &DAGHERAttorneys for PlaintiffOffice & P. O. Address125 Main StreetSayviUe, New York


The Ronkonkomas3y MRS. J5DWARD HAZARD JUniper 8-5221

Mr. and Mrs. George A.Proios of North Holbrook Roadleft New York by ship Saturdayafternoon for Athens, Greece.This is the first trip back totheir natiye land since theycame to thjs country metre than40 years ago. They will spendthe first week in Athens attend-ing a convention and then travelto different parts ' of Greece,visiting relatives and friends.One of the places will -be anisland in the Aegean Bea, thebirthplace of Jlrs. Proips.

The Lake Republican/ Clubheld its monthly meeting Thurs-day night. Two candidates run-ning for town office were the 'guest speakers. The club iscompleting plans for the annualpicnic held at West MeadowBench.

Mrs. James Jimenez of Hager-man was guest of honor Satur-day at a stork shower given byMiss Barbara Gimmler ofCreighton Avenue. It was heldon the patio of the Gimmlerhome, which was decorated withpink and blue streamers, with25 guests present. Mrs. Jim-enez is the former Miss Berna-dette Giordano of Holbrook.

Mrs. Francs Mlseyko ofMaple Street announces the en-gagement of her daughter, MissJoan Miseyko, and WilliamHerrschaft, son of Mr. and Mrs.Robert R. Herrschaft of SchoolStreet. Miss Miseyko is a stu-dent at the State University Col-lege in Brockport where she ismajoring in elementary educa-tion. She is a graduate ofSachem High School. Mr. Herr-schaft is majoring in physicaleducation at Ithaca College andis also a graduate of SachemHigh School. A June weddingis planned.

Mrs. Angela DeSimone andher three sons of Peter Roadspent Saturday at the World'sFair. They heard "The Over-tones" of Islip Terrace, cousinsof Mrs. DeSimone's, who playedat the New York State Pavilion.

Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Singerof Newton Boulevard have re-turned home from a vacationspent in the Bahama Islands.Mr. Singer won first prize inan old fashionpd waltz contestdanced to waltz music playedby a Calypso band and judgedby Texans. . Mr. Singer is amember of the Sachem Boardof Education. Mrs. Singer teach-es first grade in the GatelotAvenue Elementary School.

The Rev. Harry S. Eid Jr.,pastor of the local MethodistChurch, is on vacation untilAugust 15. On Sunday, the Rev.William J. Boone, a former min-ister at the church , was guestpreacher. The Rev. Mr. Boonewas the first Protestant chaplainat the John F. Kennedy Inter-national Airport ProtestantChapeL On August first he willbegin new duties as chaplain ofa hospital in Montclair, N. J.For the next three Sundays,Reuel Rust, an ordained deacon ,will be in charge of Sunday ser-vices here.

Miss Susan Campbell, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. RichardCampbell of Samuel Street , hasbeen named to the Dean's listat the State University Collegeat Oswego. Miss Campbell isa graduate of Sachem HighSchool and is majoring in ele-mentary education at Oswego.

Lawrence FarreU, son of Mr.and Mrs. Harry Farrell of Pat-chogue Road, is attending thesummer session at the StateUniversity College at New Paltz.He graduated from SachemHigh School last month.

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Terryreturned home Saturday fromtheir wedding trip to Califor-nia and Hawaii. They drove a-cross country and back and wentto Hawaii by plane, traveling adistance of 8,000 miles. Theyare novV Uving in their newhome on Jefferson Avenue inSt. James. They were marriedin St. Joseph's R. C. Churchhere on June 12. Mr. Terry isthe son of Mr. and Mrs. DouglasTerry of Terry Court and Mrs.Terry is the former Miss Geral-dine Loretta Paul , daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Emil A. Paul ofGregory Drive.

Mrs. Raymond Baldelli andtwo children , of Union Avenue,left for California by bus Thurs-day where they will spend amonth with Mrs. Baldelli's broth-ci. On the return trip theywill stop at points of interest.

Mrs. Fred Beylich has re-turned to her home on Dun-can Avenue where she willspend the rest of the summer.She spent the winter rt herhome in Sarasota , Fla.

The Ladies Auxiliary of theLittle League of the Ronkon-komas is making plans for adance and buffet to be heldAugust seventh in the HolbrookHotel.

Mrs. Matilda Leyh of KapplerCourt attended the wedding ofher granddaughter , KathleenLeyh, in Lyndhurst, N. J. onJuly 10th. ''he was accompaniedby Mr. and Mrs. William An-thony, Mr. and Mrs. William An-thony Jr., Mrs. Doris Gary, Mr.and Mrs. Claude Sehildt and Mr.and Mrs. Claude Sehildt, Jr.,all of Lake Ronkonkoma:

From 7:30 until 11:30 p.m.July 23 - 31 and August first.St. Joseph's R. C. Church willhold i(s annual bazaar with rides,games and prizes. --

John S. FrgncespQnl, atten-dance supervisor for SachemSchool District, is directing theannual house-to-house. schoolcensus now jn progress. Enumer-ators are the Misses Louise Han-sen, Kristine Kruger, KathleenMcNally, and George Krouse andPaul Miranda. They will wearbadges and haves identificationcards.

Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at bank ratesare just one of the many bank-ing services gt yojtr "One StopBank" — Qyutennea's. tl

Lisa Marie Mellina was baptiz-ed Sunday afternoon of lastweek In St. Joseph's R. C.Church. Lisa is the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. John Mellina ofPark Aveme. Her godparent?are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mellinaol Flushing. Following the cere-mony a reception was held atthe Mellina home tor 20 guests.

At a recent Ladies Night andannual meeting of the Loijg Island Flower Growers Assoc lo-tion Anthony Perry of OceanAvenue was elected as a two-year director.

Julie Ruth Crawford , daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crawfordof Locust Boulevard, celebratedher llth birthday Thursdaywith a family party.

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cltv sonr.nd four children , ol Fairmont ,W. Va . were gueals last weekof Mr. and Mrs. William Clqssonand family of Patrhogue Hoad.The two families spent Tuesdayof last week at the World's! Fair.The two Mr. Clossons are broth-ers.

Samantha Marie Corsof daugh-ter of-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Corsoof Maplecrest Drive , was baptiz-ed Sunday afternoon of lastweek in St. Joseph's R.C. Church.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ciampimot Kings Park arc hei godpar-enls. After the ceremony areception for 35 gue.its washeld at the Corso Ir.uie.

Doreen Hazard , daugmer ofMr. and Mrs. Edward Hazard,celebrated her 13th birthdaylast week with a beaui party.Present were Chavlene Fioto,Adelaide Kramer, Barbara andPamela Bryant , Sally Benjamin ,Doreen's brother and sister,Richard Scott and Penny Lynn.After spending the afternoon atWest Meadow Beach , the groupreturned to the Hazard homefor the usual birthday refresh-ments. In the even ng Doreen 'smaternal grandparents Mr. andMrs. James E. Davis, her pater-nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.George W. Hazard Si. of Pat-chogue, also Warre.i Davis andMr. and Mrs. James Bryantwere present.

Mr. and Mrs. John V. Meyerof Eklund Boulevard had theirdaughter, Alison Margaret , bap-tized Sunday of lasi week inSt. Joseph's R.C. Cliurch. Hergodparents are Miss MelissaZsuffa of Huntington and Rich-ard Burke of Mineola. A gath-ering was held at the Meyerhome for 25 guests later in theafternoon.

John Joseph Martello, son ofMr.' and Mrs. Angelo Martelloof Cheryl Drive, was baptizedby the Rev. Augustine Sheehanon Sunday afternoon of lastweek. Mrs. Louis Sasso of Pitts-burgh, Pa. and Vincent Martelloof Selden are his godparents.Following the ceremony 30guests were present at theMarteUo home for a celebration.

Mrs. Mildren Hyman of Dun-can Avenue visited her son anddaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis.John Hyman and family, inFarmingville Monday of lastweek when Mrs. John Hymancolebrated her birthday.

Miss Marie Erny of East LakeTerrace had the misfortunelast week to fall in the yard ofher home and fracture her rightarm.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayesand children, Joseph Jr., Pennyand Susan of Browns Road ,spent three days last week atthe World's Fair.

The local Golden Age Clubwill meet at 1:30 pm. today inthe Methodist Parish Hall . Plansare being made for a boat rideto Bridgeport in the middle olAugust and a birthday party inSeptember. Mrs. Mildred Hy-man is president of the club.

The Holy Name Society ofSt. Joseph's R. C. Church metMonday evening of last week

with the Rev. Michael F. Forgo,the society's new moderator ,present. He was formally wel-comed by the society. JohnCaplis has been appointed pub-licity chairman for the nextyear. The next meeting will beAugust ninth at nine p.m.

On Tuesday of last week Mrs.May Wahl was taken from thePark Lake Rest Home to Smith-town General Hospital in theLakeland Fire Department am-bulance. On Thursday MichaelSexton of West Sixth Street wastaken to Smithtown Hospital andthe foUowing day Rudolph Pet-ring of West Seyenth Street wastaken there, all in the Lake-land ambulance. On ThursdayLakeland firemen were calledto West gecond Street and Rich-mond Boulevard where oil onthe road was afire. On Fridaybrush fires were extinguished onGarden Court and Edgewood\venue.

John Harrison, son of Mr. andMrs. Vincent Harrison of MotorParkway, celebrated his sixthbirthday Sunday of last weekwith a party. Present were hismaternal grandmother, Mrs.Martha Burns, Mr. and Mrs.Donald Harrison and children,Donald Jr., Bruce and Patricia ,Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrisonand children, Maureen, Debbie,and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs.John Bermeister and son Rich-ard and John 's great grandpar-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wil-liamson of Troy.

The summer schedule at StJoseph's R. C. Church is as fol-lows: in the church , seven , eight ,nine , 10, 11, noon and one p.m.;in th^ auditorium 9:15, 10:15,11:15, and 12:15; in the .newschool 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 and12:30.

Claude Sehildt celebrated hisbirthday Tuesday of .last weekat a barbecue held at the homeof his son and daughter-in-law,Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schjldt Jr.of Kappler Court. Present werehis wife, his grandchildren , Gary,Alan , Doreen , Joseph , and JamesSehildt , Mr. and Mrs. PaulStraub and children , Maureen ,Paul , Jr. and Karen , Mrs DorisGary and son Johu .

The altar flowers and candlesin Holy Cross Lutheran Churchwere given by Mrs. CharlesBrown in memory of her hus-band and mother; the sanctuarylight was given in memory ofPamela Jean Brown e by hergrandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Ar-thur Browne Sr. The Rev.Emanual W. Mammer *etiredchaplain to the Veterans Hos-pital at Northport , was guestpreacher Sunday morning. TheRev. William F. Gotwald andhis family are on vacation untilAugust fourth. If a pastor isneeded during this time the Rev.H_rold Johnson assistant pastorat Prince of Peace LutheranChurch in Brentwood , may becalled. The church congrega-tional picnic is being plannedfor August 22 at HeckscherState Park, immediately follow-ing the nine a.m. service.

Kenneth Okvist, son of Mr.and Mrs. G. Allen Okvist ofCarroll Avenue, celebrated hissecond birthday recently witha buffet supper. Present werehis maternal grandmother, Mrs.Frances Falkman, his paternalgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. IvarOkvist ,, George Reilly and hisdaughter, Betsy, Mr. and Mrs.Edward J. Falkman, Mr. andMrs. Y/alter Stetter and Mrs.Ann Andrews, Derrick andEllyn Okvist, his brother andsister. Ellyn Okvist spent lastweek visiting her maternalgrandmother , Mrs. Frances Falk-man , in Yaphank , and this weekshe is spending at Camp De-Wolfe at Wading River.

Work is rapidly progressingon the new house of Mr. andMrs. Wallace Jay Jr. on SmithRoad.

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac D.Little haye returned from athree-week vacation by carthrough Maryland , Virginia , theCarolinas and Georgia. Theyattended the Van Kouwenhoven-Conover Family Association69th annual convention inFreehold , N. J. Mrs. Littleis a past, trustee and re-cording secretary. Also theywere present at the 10th an-nual (fathering of the Clans andScottish Games at Linville, N. C ,representing the Clan Mac-PougaU.

Fire HouseSale Approved

One hundred and eleven Bo-hemia Fire District residentswent to the poll !j Thursday toapprove a proposal by theBoard of Fire Commissionersto spU the old fire house onChurch Street and Walnut Ave-nue.

The first proposition , whichauthorized the commissioners todispose of the building for notJess than $6,500 at public saleto the highest bidder , was car-ried, 93 to 17. The second pro-position, which called for thenet proceeds to go to the capi-tal improvement fund maintain-ed by the fire district, was ap-proved , 87 to 19.

BohemiaW—r \̂ m %/ \S w m w m s ̂ ^


On Sunday evening, at a semi-final volleyball game betweenthe Senior Luther League teamsof Bohemia 's Peace LutheranChurch and Selden's HopeLutheran Chureh , held at St.Mark's Lutheran Church inRidge, Ihe Suffolk Countychampionship was won by thcPeace Church team. The guestspeaker of Ihe event was Fred-erick Trinklein , a teacher atLong Island Lutheran HighSchool i.i Brookville.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Benedictand sons, Christopher and Ran-dall , of Ocean Avenue , arrivedhome on Saturday aller spend-ing a week on Fire Island.

A surprise birthday party washeld on Tuesday evening on thelawn of Mr. and Mrs. SamLatkovich of Lanson Street , forVivian Jugo, daughter of Mr. andMrs.' Steven Jugo. The cele-bration was attended by Kath-erine Parsons, Donna Rowland ,both of Bohemia , Lisa Gauch,Susan Bialer, Judy Oloman andLori Schacfer, all of Oakdale ,Andrea Olsen of Riverhead , andDebbie Stachovvic of SayviUe ,and was given by Vivian 's sis-ter , Barbara .

Mrs. John Frey of Ocean Ave-nue was the guest of honor atq surprise baby shower givenat the home of Mr . and Mrs.Arthur Koeppen of FeuereisenAvenue on Saturday evening.The guest list included Mrs.Herbert Rausch of Sayville, Mrs.John Gauler , Mrs. Kenneth Jar-nick and Mrs. Harold Sloane,all of Bohemia , Mrs. WilliamKendrick of Commack, Mrs.Robert Sherman, of Levittown ,Mrs. Edward Paschelson of KingsPark , Mrs. Frank Terousky ofOzone Park, Mrs. LawrenceWerner of Glasboro, N. J., Mrs.Joseph Farrell of Bay Shore,Mrs. Jerry Mastro of Bethpageand Mrs. P. Bowman, Mrs. Wil-liam Frey and Mrs. WilliamFrey, Jr., all of Brooklyn.

For free pick up and deUveryof all prescriptions call yourLiggett-Rexall Drug Store, Oak-dale-Sayville Shopping Plaza atLT 9-2544. 98tf

Debbie Farr, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Raymond Farr ofMineola , was ? guest of Mr. andMrs . Robert, Saunders andfamily of Locust Avenue onSunday and Monday

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chouraand daughter , Carol, of Astoria ,were weekend guests of Mrs.Julia ' Potucek of SmithtownAvenue.

The baptism of ElizabethMary, infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Charles Kreinsen ofWindwood Road , took place onSunday afternoon at St. JohnNepomucene's R. C. Church.Mrs. Kreinsen 's cousin , the Rev.John McDonough of St RaymondR.C. Church of Ea _ t Rockaway,officiated at the saciamcnt. Thegadparents are tne child's uncle ,William Shcriy, and Miss Mari-lyn Wolf , both oi Boston , whowere present ai a buffet supperwith thc maternal great aunt ,Mrs. Margaret Uorham , also ofBoston, Mr and Mrs JosephSurace ana children of LakeRonkonkoma , Mr and Mrs. Dan-iel Hogan and children of Cen-tereach , Mr. anu Mrs. NicholasEsposito and Mr;- BenjaminBell , and Elizabeth's brothers ,Michael , David and Kevin , allof Bohemia.

It has been announced thatIsco Kelly of Oakdale has beenappointed chairman of thc an-nual bazaar to be held by St.John Nepomucene R. C. Churchin September.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balsanekof Maple Street had as theirguests for the weekend Mr. and

Jfrs. Michael Hihn and theirchildren , Richard and Carole ofCleveland , O.

On Sunday afternoon at St.John Nepomucene's R.C. Church,Debra Maria , infant daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Edward Riddle ofEast Gold Street , was-'baptizedby the Rev. Thomas Donohoe,The child's godparents are heraunt Mrs. Louise Rios, of tliesame address and her uncle,Pfc. Joseph Yabroudi , who wason leave from Camp Lejeune,N.' C. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yab-roudi tlie materntal grandpar-ents were among the 20 guestswho attended the buffet sup-per.

The Theodore Roosevelt Re-publican Ladie? Auxiliary ar-ranged a bus trip to the show"Mardi Gras" at Jones Beachon , Thursday eyeniPg of lastweek with approximately 40 wo-men attending.

Mrs. Mary Both of the Bronxwill be spending about threeweeks at the Walout Avenuehome of Mr. apd Mrs. HaroldSquires.

Personal loans for aU worthwhile purposes at bank ratesare just one of the many bank-ing services at your "One StopBank" — Oystermen's. tf

Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Godoyqf Lincoln Avenue are enter-taining their son and daughter-in-law and grandchildren, Mr.and Mrs. William Godoy andchildren William , Jr. and Steven,all of Brooklyn , for about twoweeks.

Miss Annette Hamon of Jack-son Heights , daughter of JohnHamon , of Feuereisen Avenue,I: spending the summer withher father and her brother,Gregory.

The Rev. and Mrs. EdwardNaumann and children , of Wind-wood Road , are returning to-morrow from a two week visitin Pittsburg, Pa. where theyvisited their parents.

New residents of Louist Ave-nue are Mr. and Mrs. EdwardTreadwel l and children , Linda,Edward , and Roy, who havemoved into the house formerlyowned by Mr. and Mrs. EdwardTagncr. Mr. Treadwell is cm-ployed by Grumman AircraftCorp. The Trcadwells arc re-cent residents of Lake Ronkon-koma.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bene-dict and son Kevin, of OceanAvenue, spent the weekendcamping at Wildvvood StatePark and touring Shelter Island.

On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sal-vatore Aprea and daughter Pa-tricia, of Brooklyn , were guestsat a barbecue at thc home oftheir uncle and aunt , Mr. andMrs. Paris Marion of IslandBoulevard . Later that afternoon ,Mr. and Mrs. John Runyon andsons, Gary and Craig, of Oak-dale, came to visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ripakand children , Lorcnc and Roy,of Valley Stream , held a sur-prise party at their home forMr. Hipak's parents, Mr. andMrs. Frank Ripak , who cele-brated their 50th wedding an-niversary on Saturday. Presentfor the festivities were Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Walcott and chil-dren , Linda , Barbara , Betty,Victoria and Kenneth , all ofDix Hill , Mr. and Mrs. DennisCosta and son Dennis, Jr., ofBrentwood, Mr. and Mrs. AdamIllik and Mr. and Mrs. JohnRipak, all of Elizabeth , N. J.,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stroll ofJoffersonville, Mr. and Mrs.Lawrence Ripak of Farming-dale , Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceRipak , Jr., of Hicksville, Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Ripak of St.Albans, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Re-hak. Mr. and Mrs. Max Perryand Mrs. Julia Potucek, of Bo-hemia , and Mr. and Mrs. MartinSchiefcr , of Valley Stream.

Connetquot School District NewsBy PAULA EHRMAN

The Board of Education hasscheduled another buildingvote, which will determinewhether thc district will moveto alleviate double sessions, be-ginning in September.

The vote is to be held onSeptember 25th and will in-clude two propositions — theconstruction of a "middleschool" to house grades five ,six, seven and eight on districtowned property at thc FirstStreet School site in Ronkon-koma , and the construction ofan elementary school on dis-trict-owned land at the Syea-moic Avenue School site in Bo-hemia.

The summer recreation pro-grain has included a trip to theBronx Zoo in its current sessionfor children in the second , thirdand fourth grades. Buses trans-ported participants from theMontauk Highway School onTuesday, from the John PeailSchool yesterday, and from thcEdith Slocum School today.

A driver education programunder the supervision of CharlesMcAulley, which was scheduledfor this month , was filled withstudent registrants before June.

On Sunday, the first of threepops concerts by the summer

recreational band , under HenryAllen , was given in the audito-rium of Connetquot HighSchool. The next two arc sched-uled for August first and 15th.





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