FOR Lowest !! to ll GERBER 'S, -...

&he ^uff ol& £outtti $ geutf. Sj .YVU.Li; , long island: _—^—- - ¦*»~ -— SATUKDaY, September 29. 'sSs KAILKOAD TIME-TABLE. Lcivc Arrive at s .vV' : ' e wiinviia' rsAixj . L. I. c ity ¦ , - . "V: a m sma. h. - ' , ; ¦• y. OI " :!:• '! r. ii '*' ; "'''^^. .V'*"""*"""^J.i. "J: 5' . if. sianviitvs eulv j. ; -r. M " . , " - * * 9 . i r - * ! . *- I * . -;ive Arrive at L I. v :tv k»st.vak:> rii.i . vs - Sayville « " > a . M Huii A. M. iV. ' .i . - . " - ' . ' . " . ' l.ll l' .M - ' ¦< . ; !" •! -S.^nr.iiiv ni!i\ " *.*- " " , ;.; ' •• " - - ,.4- ' " _; ' ;J - ' . ' r. .a* i •• " , ' -i - .. ' " ¦« '" 4. i." . - _ lU4 " Mi'idav-i n;ilv . . . i-A. M ' . " 10.43 A. M :. . . - . ¦ l lal'ilen. j .r i i -.:•' " ^ "^tll* 8 -* - '. ^^^s4-- ^^-^s , S^^ &- - sjLvV I —Soft darns at Morrell ' s. | —Foster ' s hats are—well, you all j known what they are. 1 —Mrs. Dr. Hoffman and son arrived : from the South last week. j —Our Railway Echoes will be found j unusually interesting this week. j —Those S3 hand-made shoes at Wm. j Allniemdinger' s give splendid satisfac- I tion. j —Hr. James Dollard , the veteran I merchant of Babylon , made its a pleas- : ant call this week. ! —Mrs. Frank Gerard , the milliner* I wen t to the city this week, and pu r- j chased a fine line of fall goods. ] —We regret to learn that Mr. Isaac ' ¦ Skinner is confined to his house b y ill- : ness. He is reported as improving. ! —Miss Minnie Ferguson, of this vil- la ge, is to learn stenogra phy and type- i writing, at a well-known city school. j She will prove an apt scholar. | —Hereafter our newspaper form will be closed Friday noon , and nothing i will be received later. Correspondence : must reach us Thursdav nig ht. j —As will be seen by our Railway | Echoes. Josep h Fai r, the dishonest ex- 1 audi tor of ihe Long Island Railroad , j has been dischar ged from prison . I —Th e ju veniles of Sayville have not organized a hook and ladder company . j The boys of Baby lon and Amit yville , j we understand, are organizing a com- j pany. Our boys should follow snit. j —F-i ster rilled his window with sus- j penders and marked them 13 cents per j pair. I t is needless to say that peop le are taking ad vantage of the bargain. ; —The \\\ C. T. U., will m eet at ' head ipuarters on Friday af tevnoon . Oct. ' , 5 th . at 3 o ' clock . The President ' s re- ! port of the State Convention now in ses- sion at LcckpC'it. N. Y.. will he an in- ] teremng feature of the meeting. j L. S. PiEnsos, Cor . Secy. | —To the Public. —Having put on a i wagon to supnlv customers witti ov J - [ ters. I would be pleased to serve all j parties desiring same , who are not al- j ready supplied by other dealers. A tri- j al is respeeifully solicited . Our mot- | to is " Live and Let Live. " Promp t de- j livery to all. Respectfully, I Wilbur F. Morrell. —We are indebted to Mr. Reul;en Edwards for a generous and luscious samp le of pears. He is very success- ful with this frui t, and has a line lot of trees, t he branches being heavil y- laden wi th choice varieties. On the branch which was lef t at this office, t wo feet in kugth, there were 34 pears. Sayville Again- Ahead. —The 850 sold medal offered by Oliver L. Jones for the bes t orig inal invention hy a Long Islander was awarded to Mr. Wm. Bedel l of Say ville foi a neatly devised traeiion truck for carry ing heavy loads on sandy roads. This is the second time the prize has been won by Suff olk County and the town of Isli p. —On: Tuns Next. —Bay Shore is in a fair way to receive a new depot. We sincerel y hope our nei ghbors may be thus favored. Sayville is sadl y in need of a similar structure, our present de- pot being lit tle better than a frei g ht- house, and very unattractive to the large number of city peop le who favor us with taeir pre-enee during the sum- mer months. The New School House.—Say - ville ' s new Temp le of Lea rning con- tinues to call fourth the admiration and prais e of visitors to our wide-a- wake village. The new stru cture is pro- noun ced a great credit to Contractor Nunus. to ar chitect Green , to Say- ville and to Suffolk county. We are proud of i t , and well may be, for it will ever s tand as a monument to our en- terprise and in telligence. —Mr. James T. Wood, brother of La wyer Wood, returned to Sayville last Sunday, on the French steamer LaChampagne from a successful and enjoyable tri p throu gh E urope , includ- ing a visi t io the birth place of his fath- er , the la te Joseph Wood , at one time supervisor of ihU town, and a man well known throug hout the county. The return voyage was made in eight days. Among the passengers was t he noted Mis. Ja mes Brown Potter. Al. C. Liv- ingston, of Isli p, also returned on the same steamer. Mr. Wood says he was well repaid for his ocean voyage, the most interesting part of which (to a country edi tor) was the fact that first- class cabin pa ssengers are served with five meals a day, a luxury sufficient to thro w a w hole villageful of peop le into dyspepsia. —To Poultk t Exhibitors. —To cor- rect a wrong impression I desire to state that tbe premium offers and the classification in the Poultry Depart- ment of the Conny Agricultural Society Fair do not differ from those of las * year , although, in order to save space on the printed pages of the Premium Lists the offers are doubled up and ap- pear at first view to make fowl and chick compete with each other. Snch , j however, is not the case. B y an over- I sig ht there are two or three or perhaps ] more omissions of standard varieties fi orn the lists , but if any birds of these omitted varieties be exhibited they will be recognized, and judged , and if worthy will i cceive premiums the same as if published. As far as practicable , to prom ote expedition in the jud ging of poultry, let me urge the desirability of having all exhibits on the "rounds by noon of Tuesday. Remember that en- tries close on Monday at midnight. Mr. J. 0. Long, jr.. who has been a jud ge of poultry for several yra . bas en- gagem ents preventing his «erying this vear , and in his place it is hoped to se- cure Mr. J. Stanton , of N. Y., City a competent and experienced all-round Judge. _ H. A. Reeves, Supt, " Since foregoing was in type , I am crlad to say, Mr. Stanton writes that he will act as judge. But, as he must go back on Wednesday morning, I beg to urge on all intending exhibitors the im- portance of sending their birds so as , if possible , to arrive on Tuesday, b y or before noon whenever practicable. If any do not reach Riverhead till ni ght, they will be judg ed next morning. ' H. A. B. ¦-"¦p* County papers p lease copy. —Candy 15 cents per pound at Mor- rell' s. —A man ' s suit , coat , vest and pants for $6 and upwards at Foster ' s , —Hon. S. S. Hawkins has been the guest of Capt. Charles Z. Gillette dur- ing the week. Foster & Son are having a pretty livel y run on their fall lines which in- cludes a handsome assortment of hats, furn ishing goods, boys and mens ' suits and overcoats. Coxgregatioxal Chukot. —Rev. Th. Doug las , pastor , will preach in Colum- bia Hall next Sunday at 10.45 a. m., and 7.30 p. in S. S. at 9.30 a. m. and Y. P. C. E. S. at 6.30 p. m .... Wed- nesday prayer meeting at Mrs. T. C* Bedell' s at 7.30 o ' clock. Subject "Se- cret Prayer." Sayville Public School. —Words of praise are given our new Princi pal , Mr. Jacoby, and his corps of assistants, for the efficient manner in which they are conducting our present over-crowd- ed school rooms. Princi pal and teachers are devotin g nearl y all of their time to meet the demands u pon them. One of the teachers has a hundred scholars to care for and instruct. The force of teachers should be increased. —Rap id progress is bein g made in lay ing the foundation of the new Con- gregational Church. Mr. Gerard , the mason and Mr. Nunns , the builder , think that everything will be ready for the lay ing of tbe corner-stone on Thurs- day , Oct. 11th . The stone will be of polished granite , with the following inscri ption upon it: "Congrega tional Church , 1SSS." It comes from New York Citv. —M. E. Church. Rev. Thomas D. LitUexrood , pastor. Morning and even- ing services, next Lord ' s day at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in Young People ' s meeting in tbe Lecture room at 6. p. in Sunday- School at 2.30 p. tn Classes meet Sunday mornin g 9.30 a. in. and on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7.30 p. m .... Prayer meet- ing Thursday evening at 7.30 p. m Children ' s Class on Friday afternoon at 3.30 p. m., in ihe lecture room The Missionary Concert of the Sunday School , will be held next Sunday at 7 p. in., instead of usual preaching. Sing- ing by the school , with dialogues and recitations, and an address by the pas- tor, on missions in Africa. Seats free. All are invited to come. The News has a larger circulation in Baby Ion than any other p ap er publish ed outs ide of that place. THE NEWS is for sale by Mr. Edward Lessinger , at his News and Confec- t ionery Store, Deer Park ave. OUR NEIGHBOR BV THE SEA—SPICY K OTES AND COMMENTS. From our own Correspondent. A large number of Babylon people attended Mineola fair on Thursday. Geo . W. Wood has been seriously ill for the past few days, but is now slow- ly improv in g. " . Joke M. Oakley was in town Satur- day and Sunday as the guest of his brother , Eli phet Oakley. Mrs. Geo. P. Arnold was taken to the Middletown Asylum on Friday to be treated. Strong hopes are given of her recoveiy. Oliv er Belmont and a number of friends witn handsome tally ho coach, stopped at the Sherman House fordin- ner on Wednesdav , on their way to the South Side Club. * On Tuesday of this week three Ital- ians , accompanied b y a trained goat and monkey, gave a performance on the street , much to the amusement of a large crowd of children. Edward Dail y is to be congratulated on his , nomination for the office of Count y Superintendent of Poor. He will no doubt poll a very good vote in this end of the county. On Wednesday about one hundred members of the Wa Wa Yanda Club passed through this village en route to their club bouse , the occasion being their annual Rhode Island clam bake. The house and store on Main Street occup ied b y Jas. McLachlan , was sold at executor ' s sale , on Saturday, to close the estate of Pamela Lum. James McLachlan was the purchaser at §6, - 025. The ball game last week , between Bay Shore Juniors and Babylon Stars, our twelve-year-ol d club , resu lted is another victory for Babylon. Score Stars 22, Bay Shore 4. The party, or parties , who started the malicious scandal about B. S. H ig- bie will probabl y be unp leasantl y sur- prised before lon g b y a suit for heavy damages , as tbe . story is one of the most false and malicious lies ever ut- tered. Fredinan Denzin was quite severel y bitten by a dog (not Billy B' s dog,) owned by John Robbins , of East Amity- ville, while passing the latte r ' s place , on Monday. Dr. Hewlett cauterized the wound. Mr. D' s story of the encounte r, given in his usual grap hic sty le, is very interesting. Master Eddie Bassett , son of W. J. Bassett , Ba bylon ' s popular tonsorial artist , fell last Friday afternoon while climbing out of S.L. Seaman ' s grocery wagon , tbe wheel of which passed over his rig ht arm , breaking the same. He is under the care of Dr. Douglas and will , no doubt , soon be as good as new. The Republicans of Babylon will hold their next public meeting in Ex- celsior Hall , on Thursday evening, Oct. 4th. Gen 'l Benj. F. Tracy, of Brookl yn , will be present and make an address to the people on the i ssues of campaign. The Babylon Republican Club is to be congratulated on securing the services of so eminent a speaker a Gen. Tracy, and we predict for them a rousing meeting. ._ —One hundred Arbor Vitres , 4 fee hi gh , suitable for fall planting, for sale at the Bayport Nursery, at §15- per. 100. Also Con over Asparagus plants , 2 years old. at 75 c. per. 100. Babylon News Department Tue enterprising advertiser proves that ht understands how to buy, because in adver. 'isiiij/ 7ie knows how lo sell. THE GR A ND CEITi A L [SUCCESSORS TO C. GILLETTE & SON.] This space is where we should like to dpscribe the new goods , we have p laced in stock this week , but we have been too busy to write them up. Call and see for yourself . We will describe them later. GREEN BBOS' . & ROGERS' . _ --.-^— - ¦ ' . FOR THE lut inn ! AND The L ow est Prices !! to ll GERBER 'S, ONE PR ICE ST tf R-E. ¦W" ^ i-w S'X' ., 8^k. -X' "V'XXtXt *^> : Restaurant! AND Confectionery Store , Frank Frear , Proprietor. SMITH'S BLOCK , SE VILLE , L I. (Store formerl y occupied liy Reid the barber, i Choice line of Forei gn and Do- mestic Ci gars and Tobacco. Oysters served in evry sty le. Meals at all hours. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. i Sealed Proposals { will be received by either of the umUTstcnod. 1 Conimissioneersof Hiidiu-nys , ot Tuun of Islip. up to 2.30 1" . M., of Wednesday. Sept. a; , fur bnlldtng a brick lirldite over Ureen ' s Brook , at Sayville. Plans and specifications can be seen on application to either ot tbe undersUtned. Bi ds will be opened at 1*. M.. of Wednesday, Kent. 2B, 1KS8, at t he store of fhas. 11. Sands. Islip, t lieConiinisfioneers the rijtlit to reject any or all bids not considered in the inicrest . of the town. Dated Sept. 20, less. Hknkv F. Brown* , Sayville , Wm , H. Jo>*es , Bay Bliore , Cominissloneers of Highways Town of Islip. THE "NEWS" Exchan ge Bureau . FOllSXLE Cat boat in good condition . Ba r gai n or the ri ght party. FOR SALE—Cat boat 20-ft. Will bo sold at a sacrifice on account of ill health. Good oyster boat ; Iugood condition. FOR SALiK—Hand-Power Sausage Cut- ter. IiiE bargain ; Bood condition; can be se- cured cheap If taken now. Articles of every descrip tion sold on reason- able commission. If you wish to Buy, Sell or Exchange , send us particulars. . » sOi I -VI. KK VIEW OF TliK WKKK s EVENTS IN " A LI VE ViUL.UiE. -Auend your coun ty fair. —Mr s. Ed- . vard Cohen and children. . - . - . ' visiting in New York. —Tbe wife of Mr. Jo. -hua Benjamin. . . f Oa kdale. died on Monday last. "M/^s Amanda Smi'li. of this vil- " *¦ . I- teachin g school at Lakeland. Ca v't'iin Jacob Smith has had sis avp: " :c.i - :i -as for the barber shop vaca- ; ' ,: by Revl. - i ' - ';*i * v f. - .r: ' ibis week, cotnmenc- i r.i: Tuesday and ending Thursday. Do ::¦:•: fail - ' "» —A desirable rent f or a small fanii- : v el* .: be secured bv appiving to the •;-::: it of The Ne ws. ' , —Cc-rvespc-nd^nis will greatl y obl i ge * " ..e edi tor if they will forward their fa- vo rs earlier in the w eek . —Mrs. Francis Gerber and dau ght er ; Es teiie. arrived home from their visit :- Rondout-N. Y.. on Sa turday. —Miss Lucy, daughter of Mr. Ma- * .bew d-Gra-S. who has been sick with ::i:-;-r:ni" .enT fever, is con valescing. —Mr- . l' .VV y Witlouj-hb y. of hisiri- ' i ii :-. - f.; :::e. is " a: present a guest of ** -e- " . -;:- . - . I 1 ;• ' ;•:¦ ros. at the Sea Side Cottage. —A cv ' u:r.n of in teresting railroad :: :es will be found on the last page of ; issue. A good story also appears . r. the same page. —A frei g h t train left Sayville re- c- * .:t " . v comito-ed of 140 cars. When r. -:ar Garden Cilv. the engine was com- - . ' -ii-- i to stop until reinforced by two , - '¦—r ' :i' ' ~ *n horses. —As ; redic tel by The New s las t v-. .^ ' .;, r . . tobn Thornton won a race - . - -be athletic Tournament recentl y. lie has t he congratulations of m any f riends in Sayville. —Mr. Cha rles Green engaged in a wrestling match with a sewing ma- chine one day this week, and the latter worsted him by t earin g on * a finger- nail c-n his left digi t. Sewing machines are sonirtimes as vicious as buzz saws. Xearl v all the caT-boats iu the bay are enga ged in taking oysters, and it is . '•a- v thron-*- * ! tbe most persistent ma- -i- . -u vering.not to sav pray ing and coax- ing, that a " s tranger within i- -ur gates cat: i-ro-. -ure a boa t to troll for ** frisky —Ti.e :-earn "fill oiack h ors e owned b v Mr. Hamilton, of Hand-:-::; Avenue , I;. I.-; I . . sefrom the Lam one day this Wr-k. ;. * .;•! made a speed v circuit of the v illage, giving tbe boy hostler a long el.a— . and freightening children half ctt t cf their wi* s. At the Republican caucus held in t:.i- dis trict last Monday evening, the f..ll - - . vir.g delt-gates were chosen to at- :er. ¦" tbe C-junty Conv ention at River- b-r^ -i Oct. ' -. for the nomination of C- - - ,.r;cers: Jeremiah S. Terry . .5 L-i Z O'Brien and W . Bason . ';.-- , - . S. G :5ord Nelson, uf Brook- I vn. made a ny ing visi t lo Sayville last Monday, and honored The News with a caii. We understand that he has contributed an article to the American Mi s^zine for October. Cop ies can be .secured throug h Nauert ' s newsiootn. —The famil y of E. II. Wilbur , Esq .. I of that famous journal. Forest and .Stream.; have retu rned to their winter home in Brooklyn. The Wilbur Home- st-id is one of the attra ctions of Say- ville. The owner has brought the place to a hi g h state of perfection , as well as the Wilbur Farm, located a shor t distance fro m his residence. —F-iEr.Er.ia- . Loesep. i Co s Arrrxix E-ieisitic- -s. —Messrs. Frederick Loeser i Co., the popular, and ent erp rising merchants of Brookl yn , will begin t heir autumn exhibition of new goods on Thursday, the 27th iast. Their buyers have returned from the European mar- kets where they selrcted ihe l atest nov- elties and choicest weaves , thus getting together material for the finest display ever made in either New Y' ork or Brookim. —Artist Carl Smith has been engaged durin g th e week let teri ng Raynor ' s new block. In the panels over the main entrance occur the words "Sayville— 1SSS—Hall , ' " and on the plate glass of the west window the sign: "G. L. Ray- nor. Furnishing Undertaker. " The in- terior Suish of the business office is greatl v ad-sired by all who visit the place. " Messrs. Baynor, Aldrich ana Jedlicka have not only added to the good apoearane s of Main street within the past six months, bnt they have in- creased the valuation of property b y their enterp rise . —The editor of The News enjoyed a visit to Lone Hill Life Saving Sta- tion, and found Capt. Simeon Baker and his crew on active duty, happy and contented. Saturday being an " off day" with the crew, we were unable to witness their usual daily esereise, and therefore are unable to describe the interesting modus operandi to our readers. A new building has been erected which adds much to the com- fort of the crew. All the apparatus at the station is fcep t in first-class or- der. The sleeping room , kitchen , etc, Me model* of. neat nw. : >.Y\VILLI: ISKEVITIKS. R. K. sionsell. AKeiit. Mr. Gilbert Benjamin and family have moved into the Thanis cottage, on Cherry street. People owning fowl should look out for chicken thieves, as they have been visiting this section latel y. The family of John O'Grady were made sick by eating toad-stools which were mistaken for mushroons. The Rev. E. Van den Berge , of Hol- land, Mich., wi ll preach in the Hol- land Reform Church , to-morrow. Even- ing service in English . John O'Grady has advertised his househol d effects for sale and will give np his business here. It is said that he will take up his residence in Sayville. Roadmaster Rudol p h was out doing good work on the road , Thursday. There are several p laces at the west end of tbe district which need look- ing af ter. « Greenville. The Bes t Salve in the -world for Cuts , Bruises, Sores , Ulcers ,SaltBheum- Fever Sores, Tetter , Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles , or no pay i*eqnired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction , or money ref unded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by O. J .Klua sett * ly* Buclalen ' s Arnica Salve. Rumors and Facts ! Kroll' s barber shop is now in ful blast . Daymen are meeting with excellent success oystering. Mrs. Carew and Mrs. John Seaman are on the sick list. Brown ' s brothers have profitabl e sport trolling on tbe outside. They se- cured about SI00 worth of blue fish lately. —One thousand Arbor Vitres, 4 f eet hi gh , suitable for fall plantin g, for sale at the Bayport Nursery, at S15. per. 100 . Also Conover Asparagus plants, 2 years old , at 75c. per 100. Bayport had a genuine sensation when it was reported in the New York pa pers that W . R. Foster , Jr., was a defaulter in the sum of $168, 000. His law partner said be would sooner have believed himself guilty of theft than he. No man in tbe city stood hi gher iu the esteem of the members of the Produce Exchange. Constable Cook of Sayville had a warrant for his arrest. The following is fro m the World : B.A.YPORT , L. I., Sept 27. —If an earthquake had knocked the chimneys from the houses of this pretty little village , it would not have caused great- er astonishment to-day than the news of William R. Foster, jr ' s. forgeries. Mr. Foster is one of the solid men of the place. He was called a millionaire here . He has not mingled much with the townspeople, but in the set of cot- tage owners he has held a prominent position. His cottage . one of the hand- somest in the village, stands on the shore of the Great South Bay within a few hundred feet of the water. It is a large structure situated behind a splendid hi gh hed ge fence. It is built for winter as well as summer service, and occup ied all the year round by Mr. Foster and his neice and adopted daugh- ter Lulu , a pretty and vivacious young lady of eighteen or twenty summers. The cottage, which was built two years ago, is furnished with rare taste. Hardwood floor covered with the soft- est of rugs invite the feet. Choice picture adorn the wall. The library is filled with World reporter called last ni ght a handsome set of chessmen and a board stood on the library table. With- in a stone ' s throw of tbe house a pretty little sloop rode at anchor. The last seen of Mr. Foster here was Wednesday, when he went up to the cit y, giving no si gn that anything un- usual had happened , and said he would not be back before nest Sunday. The servant were instructed to be prepared for an earlier return , however, and bis coachman has gone to the station to meet the useual incoming trains. It is said his father will make good the amount, m - ¦ Bayport News Inklings. SPICV PARAGRAPHS FROM A " GET-UP-AKD GET " TOWN" . From our own Correspondent. Geo. Webb is buildin g on to bis resi- dence , and making decided improve- ments . The Lincoln Glub held a Republican meeting on Wednesday evening, with a large attendance. Sherman Robinson ,who is with Law- yer T. M. Grilling in this place , has gone on a wel l-deserved vacation , and will tak e in Roc naway, the Fairs, etc. The Brooklyn and Long Island Meth- odist Ministers ' Association will be neld in this place on Jlonday and Tuesday of next week, Oct. 1 and 2d. A pro- gramme has been arranged for the oc- casion. The Patchogue Fire Companies are in luck. They had free use of flat cars for their machines to go to the Sag Har- bor Tournament , while other compan- ies paid $10 and §15. They ran a spec- ial train on that day, and made clear profit $206, 45, the engine company re- ceiving §124, 47 and the hook an d lad- der company $82, 98. At the Smithport House, on Ocean avenue , on Tuesday last , there was a wedding. The Rev. Crawford united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Ruth N. Smith , daughter of Capt. Sam- uel Smith , to Charles D. Rice. There was a large number of friends presen t and a pleasant time was had . Congrat- ulations are the order of the day. Ci- gars later. Patchogue Gleanings , IND THE ILLUSTRIOtrs PEOPLE OF AMERICA. As a powerful nerve nutriment for overtasked and nerve-weary people, or old failing persons , Judge Brewster of the Supreme Court speaks of it in the hi ghest terms, and uses it constant- ly. Col. Bennett, the f amous Philadel- phia , millionaire srys : "It saved me when I was a supposed hopeless wreck from ten years heavy business labor. I shall build a monument to it. For insufficiency of the heart and nervoua system after a long overtasked business life, or a broken constitution from any kind of excessive abuse, the world has nothing on its markets that can com- pare with it or fill its place. I believe it will lengthen tbe lives of old peop le very much." Eleanor R. Carey, the tragic actress, says, after it had restor- ed her from utter prostration from heavy acting-: Dr. Thokpsok—Wj/ Dear sir . l bave to thank you for the Jiloxie Nerve Food which you sent ine t hronf-h the recommendation of a friend. It has been ot the tweatest material benefit in s»s- ta iniiic niy nervous strength which was entirely ex hausted tn my actiii p of the heavy role ol " Dolores. " I shall continue to use tt as I And it to be the only thing of Its character which gives the desired result without reaction. Yours very tru ly KnKANOB R. CARET. Chestnut St. Opera house, Philadelphia. This food will be sent to anv address , frei ght prepaid , for §5 per cas e of 12 quart bottles. It is the finest beverage in the United States and will restore a nervous wreck in a f ew days , without harm or losing its effect more than other food. Address , Moxie Nerve Food C*., Lowell , Mass. Ask your drugg ist for it. For sal e at Gerbe r ' s. —Parties desiring picture frames , should consult J. A. Nauerf. He has a tine line , and exercises good taste in matching pictures. j. - i , Moxie. To Rent, For Sale, Etc For Sale. Red ton hay and oat straw in wire bound bales —no wood. C. Fiied Johnson' , llayport , I.. I. To Rent. Desirable tenement for small family. Anplv at Nkws Office. Girl Wanted. A Girl between 12 and fourteen years old , can secure s tood position to do general housework. Enijiiire at this ofllce. For Sale. A horse , true , gentle anil kind In everv respect. Suitable for Ladies ' to dr ive. Will be sold for want of use. Cheap for cash. E. N'. Danks , Sayville. For Sale. One larne fine Carriage Horse , one t wo-seated Top Surry, pod as new. One nearly new har- ness. One larce two-seated Cat t iaiic, tv ith note and shafts , leather top in good condition. Five parlor and Chamber Coal Steves , tw o new , ot hers only used one winter. Inquire at resi- dence W. B. Mooms , Rav port , I., b Lost. At Oakdale a brown and while don. A suit- able reward will bi' given for the return of the anima l to Wm. Bason* . Oakdale , L. I . For Sale. Cat boat 2.1 ft. in good condition. Will be sold at a sacr ifice. Apply to ,l'-ii: s Font , Sayville , L. I. lai . FOll SALE. Self-Peeilinpparlor stove , a cookinK Kaiitre with two ovens. Also parlor suit , bedroom suit, and furniture almost new. Will be sold cheap. Call on Charles Hutterfield . at t he cottage in rear of I' ost Olllce , Sayville. Also top biiftgy anil harness for sale. Girl Wanted. "" Girl to do general housework. Address %, N ews office . Vegetable Market. If you want fresli vegetables; if von want clears ; if you want a good " milk shake; '' if vou want Florida curiosities , goto Wm . II. Woktii ' s Smith' s Block , Sayville. Lo st. Gents ' (-old ring with dark stone fif-nro head cu t in. Liberal reward oll' erc d for return of same to Post Office. Sayville. ItflllTC n MVB, ^NERGETI « WW All I CU Sion Evorjrwhor* TO ¦ rj-monrcE tt is nis-roivT of PROTECTIVE * L* TARIFF LAWS I By R. W. THOMPSON , ^. Ex-Secrotar- to S. Navy. Th* Only Com plete History U Tariff Legislation Tbe Standard far Rcfcrorico on the Alb Im portant Subject oi ihs Day, the PROTECT3¥[£ TARIFF. XJBX&AL TEi'Md am; ut i.-sr. -i: 'rrJuniTORT. Tfc» Book of t ho Ysar ! 0::!ic ;ls every other I Agents C0!f- '?< 'G uiOuBY. Idflress R. S. FE ALS&CO'. PiMisuers , 4Q7*4A:5 Docrbi-' -v ' ¦ ... C' .lcaaro, ill*. PRf 3^^ mv03s.>M for S too «n r II P wP< I rj SSrSsSA tn uteI >- 1W shg KKp"I* I JSmS ^ SJ ^iU "* :ch iulUf > world. Per- 1 III ¦ ¦ ' r /&f i xf r *, \f B tf *X fe cttlme- l ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | £9?A iBa ^ , f3y^- - £N^^ ga tt fnor. ff«ff otad. H««rg ; HK ^E OT''^P jft^iSolId Gold Hoiillnf 0ui4 m mWMB&ZmVj Kz^- ' lii/SOSA f 1 *** ¦*¦- l * n & * -n*fa*Bc«nfc. mWl KSp SmuZ ^t ^ *A ^ \M ^ aih ^ h ' iie§ , * nit * nW ^ 1 ^ ¦ rajWff&BP L j^^^ -Sffiy ^-* F wJUi work * and cam§ of W&SLwE ^m VZ&timW V(nk\vii\ u5 t>-\E VERBO'H . ^m umummE ^B ^Z kRmw In each locality can ¦•car * on* k T^hillUIillilMffiLlfc 1 »/|f lK,: - HowUtbli -MMalbUT . In- ^^SSSEZSSi SSjSsr "Wu an iwer—we want oot par - ! ^^ri ^llTrmi m ana iu cacti toca ltty, to keep tn t Ih atrhomeJ .aD-i -itiow to tho *o wbo call , n complete line ofoot ' valuable and Terr useful HO * . Ni;imi,. s N^. tlPLGS. Tbeaa annplee . a* wall aa the wi.tcb .wc aci ni freo.and after yott ] 6-r e kept tbem tn /oar borne fur *fi montln and shown tbanj j thoae wtio may have eallcd .t hey become your own property t } B Is poaslble to make inia great offer , fii-nd' tiB the SOLID •OL O watch and CO STY sample! fr- -e , as theshowln f of theaaiaplt a In any locality, aJw»ya r-tault s lu a large trade fa t w >i after oar eamptes have been in a tocal(i)- for a month or two V* nsoally ret from $IOOOlo fiGOOO In trade from tb a : wttrro ondloa* coontry. This , Umj tuoet womierfiil off«r are r - known ,.! made In order that our ¦amplea ma j be placed at one* wber atbtyca u beaten , all orer America. Write at once, and] *eaake a *tare of the chance. Reader It will be hardlyany troDbl * fer yon to ihow tbeaampl es to tboie who may call at your bem« Ud your reward will bo moat satisfactory. A poetal card on which, to write uacoeta tttt I cent, and after you know all.if yon to not care to go farther * why no harm la done, Rt}l (f i oa de> ¦end your addr eaa at once, yon can eecure PHEE on* of th* net aolld fol d wateb ca In tbe world and our large line of CO ST JUT ejAMrt VES. We pay all eipreaa , freight, eta? jMnmQm^ttUmHtQCK t T&M t ltQWtl^V t UXskm* A WO!© TO WEB ISL A K 3D F A BM E E S , FROM BE AC ON BT Q CK FARM , Northport, L. I. [Eaton ' s Neck. | More than one-half of L. I. Fanners would benefit them- selves , increase their income and improve their fields if they would pay more attention to improved Live Stock , especially Cattle and Swine. Visit now Beacon Farm before cold weather and see lb yourself that nothing- pays better than o-ood care and good b:T . 'ilin gr of Cattle or Swine. C. 11. SCHMIDT , Supt., ROGERS' RESTAURANT. H. T. RO GERS , Pro prietor , Adj ournin g tne Grand Central. First-class in every particular. Choice Confections , Choco- lates Bon Bons. F O REIG N AN D DOME S TIC FRUI T S , Pure Ice Cream with the accent on the Cream , Families sup

Transcript of FOR Lowest !! to ll GERBER 'S, -...

&he ^uff ol& £outtti $ geutf.Sj .YVU.Li;, long island:

_—^—- — — - — — — • ¦*»— ~ -—

SATUKDaY, September 29. 'sSs


s .vV' :'e wiinviia' rsAixj . L. I. city¦,-."V: a m sm a . h.- ' ,; ¦• y. OI "

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sianviitvseulvj .;-r. M ". ,"-***!.*-

I*.-;ive Arrive at

L I. v :tv k»st.vak:> rii.i .vs- Sayville«" > a. M Huii A. M.

iV.'.i .-." - '.'.".' l.ll l'.M-'¦< .; !" •! -S.^nr.iiiv ni!i\ " *.*- "" , ;.; ' •• " - -,.4-' "_;' ;J - ' . ' r..a*i ••",

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Mi' idav -i n ;ilv...i -A . M ' ." 10.43 A. M

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^" tll*8-*-' . ^^^s4-- ^- s,S^ &--sjLvV

I —Soft darns at Morrell's.| —Foster's hats are—well, you allj known what they are.1 —Mrs. Dr. Hoffman and son arrived: from the South last week.j —Our Railway Echoes will be foundj unusually interesting this week.

j —Those S3 hand-made shoes at Wm.j Allniemdinger's give splendid satisfac-I tion.

j —Hr. James Dollard, the veteranI merchant of Babylon, made its a pleas-: ant call this week.! —Mrs. Frank Gerard , the milliner*I went to the city this week, and pu r-j chased a fine line of fall goods.

] —We regret to learn that Mr. Isaac'¦ Skinner is confined to his house by ill-: ness. He is reported as improving.! —Miss Minnie Ferguson, of this vil-

lage, is to learn stenogra phy and type-i writing, at a well-known city school.—j She will prove an apt scholar.

| —Hereafter our newspaper formwill be closed Friday noon , and nothing

i will be received later. Correspondence: must reach us Thursdav nig ht.

j —As will be seen by our Railway| Echoes. Josep h Fai r, the dishonest ex-1 audi tor of ihe Long Island Railroad ,j has been discharged from prison .I —The juveniles of Sayville have notorganized a hook and ladder company .

j The boys of Baby lon and Amit yville ,j we understand, are organizing a com-j pany. Our boys should follow snit.

j —F-ister rilled his window with sus-j penders and marked them 13 cents perj pair. It is needless to say that peop leare taking ad vantage of the bargain.

; —The \\\ C. T. U., will meet at' head ipuarters on Friday af tevnoon.Oct.', 5th. at 3 o'clock. The President's re-! port of the State Convention now in ses-• sion at LcckpC'it. N. Y.. will he an in-] teremng feature of the meeting.j L. S. PiEnsos, Cor. Secy.

| —To the Public.—Having put on ai wagon to supnlv customers witti ovJ-[ ters. I would be pleased to serve allj parties desiring same, who are not al-j ready supplied by other dealers. A tri-j al is respeeifully solicited . Our mot-| to is " Live and Let Live." Prompt de-j livery to all. Respectfully,I Wilbur F. Morrell.

—We are indebted to Mr. Reul;enEdwards for a generous and luscioussample of pears. He is very success-ful with this frui t , and has a line lotof trees, t he branches being heavil y-laden with choice varieties. On thebranch which was lef t at this office,t wo feet in kugth, there were 34pears.

—Sayville Again- Ahead.—The 850sold medal offered by Oliver L. Jonesfor the bes t orig inal invention hy aLong Islander was awarded to Mr. Wm.Bedel l of Sayville foi a neatly devisedtraeiion truck for carry ing heavy loadson sandy roads. This is the second timethe prize has been won by Suff olkCounty and the town of Islip.

—On: Tuns Next.—Bay Shore is ina fair way to receive a new depot. Wesincerel y hope our neighbors may bethus favored. Sayville is sadly in needof a similar structure, our present de-pot being lit tle better than a freight-house, and very unattractive to thelarge number of city people who favorus with taeir pre-enee during the sum-mer months.

—The New School House.—Say -ville's new Temple of Learning con-tinues to call fourth the admirationand praise of visitors to our wide-a-wake village. The new structure is pro-noun ced a great credit to ContractorNunus. to architect Green, to Say-ville and to Suffolk county. We areproud of it , and well may be, for it willever stand as a monument to our en-terprise and in telligence.

—Mr. James T. Wood, brother ofLawyer Wood, returned to Sayvillelast Sunday, on the French steamerLaChampagne from a successful andenjoyable trip throu gh Europe, includ-ing a visit io the birth place of his fath-er, the late Joseph Wood , at one timesupervisor of ihU town, and a man wellknown throughout the county. Thereturn voyage was made in eight days.Among the passengers was t he notedMis. James Brown Potter. Al. C. Liv-ingston, of Islip, also returned on thesame steamer. Mr. Wood says he waswell repaid for his ocean voyage, themost interesting part of which (to acountry editor) was the fact that first-class cabin passengers are served withfive meals a day, a luxury sufficient tothro w a whole villageful of peop le intodyspepsia.

—To Poultkt Exhibitors.—To cor-rect a wrong impression I desire tostate that tbe premium offers and theclassification in the Poultry Depart-ment of the Conny Agricultural SocietyFair do not differ from those of las*year, although, in order to save spaceon the printed pages of the PremiumLists the offers are doubled up and ap-pear at first view to make fowl andchick compete with each other. Snch,

j however, is not the case. By an over-

I sight there are two or three or perhaps] more omissions of standard varietiesfi orn the lists, but if any birds of theseomitted varieties be exhibited they willbe recognized, and judged , and ifworthy will i cceive premiums the sameas if published. As far as practicable,to promote expedition in the judging ofpoultry, let me urge the desirability ofhaving all exhibits on the "rounds bynoon of Tuesday. Remember that en-tries close on Monday at midnight.

Mr. J. 0. Long, jr.. who has been ajud ge of poultry for several yra.bas en-gagements preventing his «erying thisvear, and in his place it is hoped to se-cure Mr. J. Stanton , of N. Y., City acompetent and experienced all-roundJudge. _

H. A. Reeves, Supt,"Since foregoing was in type, I am

crlad to say, Mr. Stanton writes that hewill act as judge. But, as he must goback on Wednesday morning, I beg tourge on all intending exhibitors the im-portance of sending their birds so as, ifpossible, to arrive on Tuesday, by orbefore noon whenever practicable. Ifany do not reach Riverhead till night,they will be judged next morning.—

' H. A. B.¦-"¦p* County papers please copy.

—Candy 15 cents per pound at Mor-rell's.

—A man's suit , coat, vest and pantsfor $6 and upwards at Foster's,

—Hon. S. S. Hawkins has been theguest of Capt. Charles Z. Gillette dur-ing the week.

Foster & Son are having a prettylivel y run on their fall lines which in-cludes a handsome assortment of hats,furn ishing goods, boys and mens' suitsand overcoats.

—Coxgregatioxal Chukot.—Rev. Th.Douglas, pastor , will preach in Colum-bia Hall next Sunday at 10.45 a. m.,and 7.30 p. in S. S. at 9.30 a. m.and Y. P. C. E. S. at 6.30 p. m. . . . Wed-nesday prayer meeting at Mrs. T. C*Bedell's at 7.30 o'clock. Subject "Se-cret Prayer."

—Sayville Public School.—Wordsof praise are given our new Princi pal,Mr. Jacoby, and his corps of assistants,for the efficient manner in which theyare conducting our present over-crowd-ed school rooms. Princi pal and teachersare devoting nearly all of their timeto meet the demands upon them. Oneof the teachers has a hundred scholarsto care for and instruct. The force ofteachers should be increased.

—Rap id progress is being made inlay ing the foundation of the new Con-gregational Church. Mr. Gerard, themason and Mr. Nunns , the builder ,think that everything will be ready forthe lay ing of tbe corner-stone on Thurs-day , Oct. 11th. The stone will be ofpolished granite , with the followinginscription upon it: "CongregationalChurch , 1SSS." It comes from NewYork Citv.

—M. E. Church.—Rev. Thomas D.LitUexrood, pastor. Morning and even-ing services, next Lord 's day at 10.30a. m. and 7 p. in Young People'smeeting in tbe Lecture room at 6. Sunday- School at 2.30 p. tn Classes meet Sunday morning 9.30 and on Tuesday and Wednesdayevenings at 7.30 p. m. . . . Prayer meet-ing Thursday evening at 7.30 p. m Children's Class on Friday afternoon at3.30 p. m., in ihe lecture room TheMissionary Concert of the SundaySchool, will be held next Sunday at 7p. in., instead of usual preaching. Sing-ing by the school, with dialogues andrecitations, and an address by the pas-tor, on missions in Africa. Seats free.All are invited to come.

The News has a larger circulation in Baby •Ion than any other p ap er publish ed

outside of that place.

THE NEWS is for sale by Mr. EdwardLessinger, at his News and Confec-

tionery Store, Deer Park ave.


From our own Correspondent.A large number of Babylon people

attended Mineola fair on Thursday.Geo . W. Wood has been seriously ill

for the past few days, but is now slow-ly improving. " .

Joke M. Oakley was in town Satur-day and Sunday as the guest of hisbrother, Eli phet Oakley.

Mrs. Geo. P. Arnold was taken to theMiddletown Asylum on Friday to betreated. Strong hopes are given of herrecoveiy.

Oliv er Belmont and a number offriends witn handsome tally ho coach,stopped at the Sherman House fordin-ner on Wednesdav, on their way to theSouth Side Club. *

On Tuesday of this week three Ital-ians , accompanied by a trained goatand monkey, gave a performance onthe street , much to the amusement ofa large crowd of children.

Edward Daily is to be congratulatedon his, nomination for the office ofCount y Superintendent of Poor. Hewill no doubt poll a very good vote inthis end of the county.

On Wednesday about one hundredmembers of the Wa Wa Yanda Clubpassed through this village en route totheir club bouse , the occasion beingtheir annual Rhode Island clam bake.

The house and store on Main Streetoccup ied by Jas. McLachlan , was soldat executor's sale, on Saturday, to closethe estate of Pamela Lum. JamesMcLachlan was the purchaser at §6,-025.

The ball game last week, betweenBay Shore Juniors and Babylon Stars,our twelve-year-old club, resulted isanother victory for Babylon. ScoreStars 22, Bay Shore 4.

The party, or parties, who startedthe malicious scandal about B. S. H ig-bie will probably be unpleasantl y sur-prised before long by a suit for heavydamages , as tbe . story is one of themost false and malicious lies ever ut-tered.

Fredinan Denzin was quite severelybitten by a dog (not Billy B's dog,)owned by John Robbins, of East Amity-ville, while passing the latter's place ,on Monday. Dr. Hewlett cauterized thewound. Mr. D's story of the encounter,given in his usual grap hic sty le, is veryinteresting.

Master Eddie Bassett , son of W. J.Bassett , Babylon's popular tonsorialartist, fell last Friday afternoon whileclimbing out of S.L. Seaman's grocerywagon, tbe wheel of which passed overhis rig ht arm , breaking the same. Heis under the care of Dr. Douglas andwill , no doubt, soon be as good as new.

The Republicans of Babylon willhold their next public meeting in Ex-celsior Hall , on Thursday evening, Oct.4th. Gen'l Benj. F. Tracy, of Brookl yn ,will be present and make an address tothe people on the issues of campaign.The Babylon Republican Club is to becongratulated on securing the servicesof so eminent a speaker a Gen. Tracy,and we predict for them a rousingmeeting. ._

—One hundred Arbor Vitres, 4 feehigh , suitable for fall planting, forsale at the Bayport Nursery, at §15-per. 100. Also Con over Asparagusplants , 2 years old. at 75 c. per. 100.

Babylon News Department Tue enterprising advertiser proves that htunderstands how to buy, because in adver.'isiiij/ 7ie knows how lo sell.



This space is where we should like to dpscribe the new goods , we have placed in stockthis week , but we have been too busy to write them up. Call and see for yourself . We willdescribe them later.


_ _» --.-^— - ¦ ' .


lut inn !AND

The Lowest Prices !!to ll GERBER 'S,

ONE PR ICE STtf R-E.¦W" ^ i-w S'X'., 8^k.-X' "V'XXtXt*^>:


Confectionery Store ,Frank Frear , Proprietor.

SMITH'S BLOCK , SE VILLE, L I.(Store formerl y occupied liy Reid the barber , i

Choice line of Foreign and Do-mestic Cigars and Tobacco.

Oysters served in evry sty le.Meals at all hours.

A share of the public patronageis respectfully solicited.


Sealed Proposals {will be received by either of the umUTstcnod. 1Conimissioneersof Hiidiu-nys , ot Tuun of Islip.up to 2.30 1". M., of Wednesday. Sept. a;, furbnlldtng a brick lirldite over Ureen 's Brook , atSayville. Plans and specifications can be seenon application to either ot tbe undersUtned .Bids will be opened at 1*. M.. of Wednesday,Kent. 2B, 1KS8, at the store of fhas. 11. Sands.Islip, t lieConiinisfioneers the rij t lit to reject anyor all bids not considered in the inicrest .of thetown.

Dated Sept. 20, less.Hknkv F. Brown*, Sayville,Wm, H. Jo>*es, Bay Bliore,

Cominissloneers of Highways Town of Islip.

THE "NEWS"Exchan ge Bureau .

FOllSXLE — Cat boat in good condition . Ba rgai n•or the right party.

FOR SALE—Cat boat 20-ft. Will bosold at a sacrifice on account of ill health. Goodoyster boat ; Iugood condition.

FOR SALiK—Hand-Power Sausage Cut-ter. IiiE bargain ; Bood condition; can be se-cured cheap If taken now.

Articles of every descrip tion sold on reason-able commission. If you wish to Buy, Sellor Exchange , send us particulars.


-Auend your county fair.—Mr s. Ed-.vard Cohen and children.

.-.- •.' visiting in New York.—Tbe wife of Mr. Jo.-hua Benjamin.

.. f Oa kdale. died on Monday last."M/^s Amanda Smi'li. of this vil-

";¦*•¦. I- teachin g school at Lakeland.Cav't 'iin Jacob Smith has had sis

avp: ":c.i- :i-as for the barber shop vaca-

;'•,: by Revl.- i'- ';*i * v f.-.r:' ibis week, cotnmenc-

i r.i: Tuesday and ending Thursday. Do

::¦:•: fail - '"»—A desirable rent for a small fanii-

:v el*.: be secured bv appiving to the

•;-:::it of The News. ',—Cc-rvespc-nd^nis will greatly obl ige

*"..e edi tor if they will forward their fa-vors earlier in the week.

—Mrs. Francis Gerber and dau ghter ;

Esteiie. arrived home from their visit:- Rondout-N. Y.. on Saturday.

—Miss Lucy, daughter of Mr. Ma-*.bew d-Gra-S. who has been sick with

::i:-;-r:ni".enT fever, is convalescing.

—Mr-. l'.VVy Wit louj- hby. of hisiri- '

i ii :-.- f.;:::e. is" a: present a guest of **-e-".-;:-.-. I 1 ;•';•:¦ ros. at the Sea Side Cottage.

—A cv 'u:r.n of interesting railroad:: :es will be found on the last page of; issue. A good story also appears. r. the same page.

—A freight train left Sayville re-

c-*.:t ".v comito-ed of 140 cars. Whenr.-:ar Garden Cilv. the engine was com-- .'-ii-- i to stop until reinforced by two, - ' ¦—r ':i''~*n horses.

—As ; redictel by The News las tv-.. '.;, \£r. .tobn Thornton won a race-.- -be athletic Tournament recently.lie has t he congratulations of manyf riends in Sayville.

—Mr. Cha rles Green engaged in awrestling match with a sewing ma-

chine one day this week, and the latter

worsted him by tearin g on* a finger-nail c-n his left digi t . Sewing machinesare sonirtimes as vicious as buzz saws.

Xearlv all the caT-boats iu the bayare engaged in taking oysters, and it is.'•a - v thron-*-*! tbe most persistent ma-

-i- .-u vering.not to sav praying and coax-

ing, that a "stranger within i--ur gates

cat: i-ro-.-ure a boat to troll for ** frisky

—Ti.e :-earn "fill oiack horse owned

bv Mr. Ham il ton, of Hand-:-::; Avenue,I ; . I.-; I . .sefrom the Lam one day this

Wr-k. ;.*.;•! made a speed v circuit of thev illage, giving tbe boy hostler a long

el.a—. and freightening children half

ctt t cf their wi*s.— At the Republican caucus held in

t:.i- district last Monday evening, the

f..ll - -.vir.g delt-gates were chosen to at-

:er. ¦" tbe C-junty Conv ention at River-

b-r^ -i Oct. '-. for the nomination of

C-- ,.r;cers: Jeremiah S. Terry.

.5 L-i Z O'Brien and W . Bason .';.--,-. S. G :5ord Nelson, uf Brook-

Ivn. made a ny ing visi t lo Sayville last

Monday, and honored The News with

a caii. We understand that he has

contributed an article to the American

Mis^zine for October. Copies can be.secured through Nauert's newsiootn.

—The family of E. II. Wilbur , Esq ..

I of that famous jour nal. Forest and.Stream.; have returned to their winter

home in Brooklyn. The Wilbur Home-

st-id is one of the attra ctions of Say-

ville. The owner has brought the

place to a high state of perfection, aswell as the Wilbur Farm, located ashor t distance from his residence.

—F-iEr.Er.ia-. Loesep. i Co s Arrrxix

E-ieisitic--s.—Messrs. Frederick Loeser

i Co., the popular, and enterprisingmerchants of Brooklyn ,will begin theirautumn exhibition of new goods on

Thursday, the 27th iast. Their buyers

have returned from the European mar-

kets where they selrcted ihe latest nov-

elties and choicest weaves, thus getting

together material for the finest displayever made in either New Y'ork orBrookim.

—Artist Carl Smith has been engaged

durin g the week lettering Raynor's

new block. In the panels over the mainentrance occur the words "Sayville—

1SSS—Hall,'" and on the plate glass ofthe west window the sign: "G. L. Ray-

nor. Furnishing Undertaker." The in-

terior Suish of the business office is

greatlv ad-sired by all who visit the

place." Messrs. Baynor, Aldrich ana

Jedlicka have not only added to the

good apoearanes of Main street within

the past six months, bnt they have in-

creased the valuation of property by

their enterp rise.—Theeditor of The News enjoyed a

visit to Lone Hill Life Saving Sta-

tion, and found Capt. Simeon Baker

and his crew on active duty, happy andcontented. Saturday being an "offday" with the crew, we were unableto witness their usual daily esereise,and therefore are unable to describethe interesting modus operandi to ourreaders. A new building has beenerected which adds much to the com-fort of the crew. All the apparatusat the station is fcept in first-class or-der. The sleeping room , kitchen, etc,Me model* of. neat nw.


R. K. sionsell. AKeiit.

Mr. Gilbert Benjamin and familyhave moved into the Thanis cottage, onCherry street.

People owning fowl should look outfor chicken thieves, as they have beenvisiting this section lately.

The family of John O'Grady weremade sick by eating toad-stools whichwere mistaken for mushroons.

The Rev. E. Van den Berge, of Hol-land, Mich., wi ll preach in the Hol-land Reform Church ,to-morrow. Even-ing service in English .

John O'Grady has advertised hishousehold effects for sale and will givenp his business here. It is said that hewill take up his residence in Sayville.

Roadmaster Rudol ph was out doinggood work on the road, Thursday.There are several places at the westend of tbe district which need look-ing af ter.

« —Greenville.

The Best Salve in the -world forCuts,Bruises, Sores, Ulcers,SaltBheum-Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped HandsChilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup-tions, and positively cures Piles, or nopay i*eqnired. It is guaranteed to giveperfect satisfaction , or money ref unded ,Price 25 cents per box. For sale by O.J .Klua sett * ly*

Buclalen's Arnica Salve.

Rumors and Facts!Kroll's barber shop is now in ful

blast .

Daymen are meeting with excellentsuccess oystering.

Mrs. Carew and Mrs. John Seamanare on the sick list.

Brown's brothers have profitabl esport trolling on tbe outside. They se-cured about SI00 worth of blue fishlately.

—One thousand Arbor Vitres, 4 f eethigh, suitable for fall planting, forsale at the Bayport Nursery, at S15.per. 100. Also Conover Asparagusplants, 2 years old, at 75c. per 100.

Bayport had a genuine sensationwhen it was reported in the New Yorkpapers that W. R. Foster, Jr., was adefaulter in the sum of $168,000. Hislaw partner said be would sooner havebelieved himself guilty of theft thanhe. No man in tbe city stood higheriu the esteem of the members of theProduce Exchange. Constable Cook ofSayville had a warrant for his arrest.The following is from the World :

B.A.YPORT, L. I., Sept 27.—If anearthquake had knocked the chimneysfrom the houses of this pretty littlevillage , it would not have caused great-er astonishment to-day than the newsof William R. Foster, jr's. forgeries.Mr. Foster is one of the solid men ofthe place. He was called a millionairehere. He has not mingled much withthe townspeople, but in the set of cot-tage owners he has held a prominentposition. His of the hand-somest in the village, stands on theshore of the Great South Bay within afew hundred feet of the water. It isa large structure situated behind asplendid high hedge fence. It is builtfor winter as well as summer service,and occup ied all the year round by Mr.Foster and his neice and adopted daugh-ter Lulu, a pretty and vivacious younglady of eighteen or twenty summers.

The cottage, which was built twoyears ago, is furnished with rare taste.Hardwood floor covered with the soft-est of rugs invite the feet. Choicepicture adorn the wall. The libraryis filled with World reporter called lastnight a handsome set of chessmen and aboard stood on the library table. With-in a stone's throw of tbe house a prettylittle sloop rode at anchor.

The last seen of Mr. Foster here wasWednesday, when he went up to thecity, giving no sign that anything un-usual had happened, and said he wouldnot be back before nest Sunday. Theservant were instructed to be preparedfor an earlier return, however, and biscoachman has gone to the station tomeet the useual incoming trains.

It is said his father will make goodthe amount, — m — - ¦


From our own Correspondent.Geo. Webb is building on to bis resi-

dence , and making decided improve-ments .

The Lincoln Glub held a Republicanmeeting on Wednesday evening, witha large attendance.

Sherman Robinson,who is with Law-yer T. M. Grilling in this place , hasgone on a well-deserved vacation, andwill take in Rocnaway, the Fairs, etc.

The Brooklyn and Long Island Meth-odist Ministers' Association will be neldin this place on Jlonday and Tuesdayof next week, Oct. 1 and 2d. A pro-gramme has been arranged for the oc-casion.

The Patchogue Fire Companies arein luck. They had free use of flat carsfor their machines to go to the Sag Har-bor Tournament, while other compan-ies paid $10 and §15. They ran a spec-ial train on that day, and made clearprofit $206,45, the engine company re-ceiving §124,47 and the hook and lad-der company $82,98.

At the Smithport House, on Oceanavenue , on Tuesday last, there was awedding. The Rev. Crawford unitedin the holy bonds of matrimony MissRuth N. Smith, daughter of Capt. Sam-uel Smith , to Charles D. Rice. Therewas a large number of friends presentand a pleasant time was had . Congrat-ulations are the order of the day. Ci-gars later.

Patchogue Gleanings,


As a powerful nerve nutriment forovertasked and nerve-weary people, orold failing persons, Judge Brewsterof the Supreme Court speaks of it inthe highest terms, and uses it constant-ly. Col. Bennett, the famous Philadel-phia, millionaire srys : "It saved mewhen I was a supposed hopeless wreckfrom ten years heavy business labor.I shall build a monument to it. Forinsufficiency of the heart and nervouasystem after a long overtasked businesslife, or a broken constitution from anykind of excessive abuse, the world hasnothing on its markets that can com-pare with it or fill its place. I believeit will lengthen tbe lives of old peoplevery much." Eleanor R. Carey, thetragic actress, says, after it had restor-ed her from utter prostration fromheavy acting-:

Dr. Thokpsok—Wj/ Dear sir . l bave to thankyou for the Jiloxie Nerve Food which you sentine thronf-h the recommendation of a friend. Ithas been ot the tweatest material benefit in s»s-tainiiic niy nervous strength which was entirelyex hausted tn my actiii p of the heavy role ol"Dolores." I shall continue to use tt as I And itto be the only thing of Its character which givesthe desired result without reaction.

Yours very tru lyKnKANOB R. CARET.

Chestnut St. Opera house, Philadelphia.This food will be sent to anv address,

frei ght prepaid , for §5 per case of 12quart bottles. It is the finest beveragein the United States and will restore anervous wreck in a f ew days , withoutharm or losing its effect more thanother food. Address, Moxie NerveFood C*., Lowell , Mass. Ask yourdrugg ist for it.

For sale at Gerber's.

—Parties desiring picture frames,should consult J. A. Nauerf. He hasa tine line , and exercises good taste inmatching pictures.

*¦ j . - i,


To Rent, For Sale, EtcFor Sale.

Red ton hay and oat straw in wire bound bales—no wood. C. Fiied Johnson', llayport , I.. I.

To Rent.Desirable tenement for small family. Anplv

at Nkws Office.

Girl Wanted.A Girl between 12 and fourteen years old , can

secure stood position to do general housework.Enij iiire at this ofllce.

For Sale.A horse, true, gentle anil kind In everv respect.

Suitable for Ladies' to dr ive. Will be sold forwant of use. Cheap for cash. E. N'. Danks ,Sayville.

For Sale.One larne fine Carriage Horse , one two-seated

Top Surry, pod as new. One nearly new har-ness. One larce two-seated Cat t iaiic, tv i th noteand shafts, leather top in good condition. Fiveparlor and Chamber Coal Steves, tw o new,others only used one winter. Inquire at resi-dence W. B. Mooms, Rav port , I., b

Lost.At Oakdale a brown and while don. A suit-

able reward will bi ' given for the return of theanima l to Wm. Bason*. Oakdale , L. I.

For Sale.Cat boat 2.1 ft . in good condition. Will be sold

at a sacrifice. Apply to ,l '-i i :s Font , Sayville,L. I. lai.

FOll SALE.— Self-Peeilinpparlor stove ,a cookinK Kaiitre with two ovens. Also parlorsuit , bedroom suit, and furni ture almost new.Will be sold cheap. Call on Charles Hutterfield .at the cottage in rear of I'ost Olllce , Sayville.Also top biiftgy anil harness for sale.

Girl Wanted. ""Girl to do general housework. Address %,

News office .

Vegetable Market.If you want fresli vegetables; if von want

clears ; if you want a good "milk shake;'' if vouwant Florida curiosities, goto Wm . II. Woktii 'sSmith's Block , Sayville.

Lo st.Gents'(-old ring with dark stone fif-nro head

cut in. Liberal reward oll'ercd for return ofsame to Post Office. Sayville.

ItflllTC n MVB, NERGETI«WW All I CU Sion Evorjrwhor*

TO ¦rj-monrcE tt is nis-roivT of

PROTECTIVE *L* TARIFF LAWSI By R. W. THOMPSON ,^. Ex-Secrotar- to S. Navy .

Th* Only Com plete History U Tariff LegislationTbe Standard far Rcfcrorico on the Alb

Im porta nt Subject oi ihs Day, thePROTECT3¥[£ TARIFF.

XJBX&AL TEi'Md am; uti.-sr.-i: 'rrJuniTORT.Tfc» Book of tho Ysar ! 0::!ic ;ls every other I

Agents C0!f- '?<'G uiOuBY.

Idflress R. S. FEALS & CO ' . PiMisuers,4Q7*4A:5 Docrbi-' -v '¦•... C'.lcaaro, ill*.

PRf3^^ mv03s.>M for

S too

«n r II P wP<I rj SSrSsSAtn uteI >- 1W shg KKp "I *I JSmS SJ ^iU "*:ch

i u lUf > world. Per- 1 I I I ¦ ¦ '

r / &f i xf r *,\f B tf*X fecttlme- l ¦!¦¦ ¦¦ |£9?A iBa ,f3y^--£N^ ga tt fnor. ff«ff otad. H««rg ;HK ^EOT ''^Pjft^iSolId Gold Hoiillnf 0ui4mmWMB&ZmVj Kz^- ' lii/SOSA f 1 ***¦*¦- l *n& *-n*fa*Bc«nfc.mWlKSp SmuZ ^t^ *A ^\Maih ^ h 'iie§ ,

*nit*nW 1¦rajWff&BP L j^ ^ -Sffiy -*F wJUi work * and cam§ ofW&SLwE ^mVZ&timW V(nk\vii\u5 t>-\E VERBO'H

. mumummE ^B^ZkRmw

In each locality can ¦•car * on*

k T^hillUIillilMffiLlfc 1 »/|flK,:- HowUtbli -MMalbUT .In- ^ SSSEZSSi SSjSsr "Wu an iwer—we want oot par - !

^^ri ^llTrmim ana iu cacti toca ltty, to keep tn tIhatrhomeJ .aD-i -itiow to tho*o wbo call , n complete line ofoot 'valuable and Terr useful HO * .Ni;imi,. s N^.tlPLGS.Tbeaa annplee .a* wall aa the wi.tcb .wc acini freo.and after yott ]6-re kept tbem tn /oar borne fur *fi montln and shown tbanj jthoae wtio may have eallcd .they become your own property t }B Is poaslble to make inia great offer , fii-nd' tiB the SOLID•OLO watch and CO STY sample! fr- -e , as theshowln f oftheaaiaplt a In any locality, aJw»ya r-t ault s lu a large trade fa tw>i after oar eamptes have been in a tocal(i)- for a month or twoV* nsoally ret from $IOOOlo fiGOOO In trade from tba :wttrro ondloa* coontry. This, Umj tuoet womierfiil off«r are r -known ,.! made In order that our ¦amplea ma j be placed at one*wber atbtyca u beaten , all orer America. Write at once, and]*eaakea*tare of the chance. Reader It will be hardlyany troDbl *fer yon to ihow tbeaampl es to tboie who may call at your bem«Ud your reward will bo moat satisfactory. A poetal card onwhich, to write uacoeta tttt I cent, and after you know all.if yonto not care to go farther * why no harm la done, Rt}l (f ioa de>¦end your addr eaa at once, yon can eecure PHEE on* of th*net aolld fold wateb ca In tbe world and our large line ofCO ST JUT ejAMrt VES. We pay all eipreaa , freight, eta?jM nmQm^tt UmHtQCKtT&Mt ltQWtl Vt UXskm*



BEACON BT Q CK FARM,Northport, L. I. [Eaton's Neck. |

More than one-half of L. I. Fanners would benefit them-selves, increase their income and improve their fields if theywould pay more attention to improved Live Stock , especiallyCattle and Swine.

Visit now Beacon Farm before cold weather and see lbyourself that nothing- pays better than o-ood care and goodb:T.'ilin gr of Cattle or Swine.

C. 11. SCHMIDT , Supt.,


Adjournin g tne Grand Central.First-class in every particular. Choice Confections , Choco-


Pure Ice Cream with the accent on the Cream ,Families sup