THE COAST ADVERTISE MUM R - · sesf {tents i lions, will set up "leedtni j stations...

I'. JUI.., MUM THE COAST ADVERTISER O/fUitl hlttwi-tt !'•' tt<lm*i, *»<* kilmai. Will Tuuniktp, SfiiHt Uke HHfkU V«*r, Nu rjc l;l I MAII NKW KSI'V., NliVKMlM II -'», ['t.i Heights Fighting Counties Joining Hunicipai Group Heights Renews i*« Annoi.nct Club Reductions In Vaccine Drive In Condolences Battle On Speed 1W4 Youth Shore Joins In Kennedy Tribute Will Appeal lo Siata Children, Aduhl To Be N. J. U*gue Pf»ii On Lower L«vi*i On Given Oral Sabin In i dan( S»ndi Wire Golf Courui Monmouth, Oct*n i To Mr». Kennody wimo i »KF nun •imd M ASH: : . e«,a polio ui Muuuuull. IUt OC«en TRKNlt * — T V N»» Reberhon, Council Continue Driv« For Uniform Limit •PROW t-ANC HCOBTH »>»• ,:. . •ral u. Borwf it CouM* •» .1. l> i miiiril III. V « ill « ! "if •Hem* y^iifc Ut toffl jmrmiuiw u,l» a,t. ih, Untie hM Pit^piiUHl H program kt Utf Iwlir lull al wliuli tiuir »*»tdii I«i various contest* «i»»uii,t*a by lf» I o d > c U », wer« |)t« Halt*. Ser- vice* Are Conduct ed At Churchei i MoBmuuth | the County Tax Board redurlnv countlei assensinents onthe Spring ! L»«eO<iUandComiU, CM ub rtw m I><"«'». ot •ud Hit HumNlnd (toll and i 11 "' 1 'P«"I1MW of Mf* Country Club |«r, MPMtod to r.wb nil ol the half million Major Joseph E Robertas livuu m the two tar I sutifliatei ws *.m isrujuuml *loin over the'stile to set it Kllcal iocleUea of lath {"'•"> "' Hruldent John r»> ' toI auto ape't ' «*•!«!(* Kennedy on behaU of borough gild local government officiate in : Route 71 ••»< ng i throufk ttu» otlwra >l«i v Jtmty. IIH«M« h»» i!nm.-.t f^e cos4olencru were ex j been m a constant Hftaaie i>*o:4e j oreased in a wire to the late with the HUtr Highway D* uiiiipg President's family signed tylpaHment andMotor tn addition to Ihc parade th* Rivoli Theater ha« been lenu-d bj th« Elkl Lodge tot It) ««y and lliket« will be m«tHUui«.d to children lo the roncludf Ui dayK fslivl i**mjw* .?••••- t u i Ed » V M > . I L / J U , M v ins 111 Vi*ir *»u i T-uu(iurB "—^~ w ^ -——---» -^- v—-— w . P -. r .«.^ (.aid U* county board's daei from six weeks of age upto. !«•"« preaidtnt, ned Mo-JDivtahM I would dei 1 Ive t h e bor-' senior citizens ui all age ough of thousands ot dollars [ ,.». in tium. The reduction on Tlw "ifdlc.l groups, in co Mt Ml ••trifl would "Of""™ «'«• «"»»'. '""' »moi.nt to about 119.000 In M- ""• " vle a " doU » r "'«••"»» sesf {tents i lions, will set up "leedtni j stations throughout the eoun- Mtyor Robertson naked f o r , ties where Sabln oral vac iifds onhow a teen age enn- cine wilt be dispensed to teen should be conducted it [everyone who applies, en the new Community Center. He questioned whether short* should be permitted and small lumps of sugar. Dr. William Heatley of Tied I the ideas ol parents en; •unit, chairman of the publi how the canteen should b e rplallom committee ol th, SHM i Monmouth County MMWttl I Society, which has set up Mayor Joseph E. Robertson headquarte: oi Spring Lake Heights at a Hall her e postponed meeting of the Is mest ma dick, mayor ut HopaUtmg The t#xt of th« rommunlca tlun fullows: 'The thousands of mtiiurl pal officials in New JrrBfy shnti> w i t h pMMBi thtongli uitt HM nation arid Lhc wuiid an inexpressible Burrow over the shattering loss of our be Icivi-d President, the last years live quarrel Is <r*i the 40 mile j.- * -i URllt iS Huute 71 UiroUKh the HeiflMa • nd thr flucttiaUng ttmito It) vv ! H, ;:h..i Bflmar and To ttirs a dinner dunce will be hrltl in the evening st thp lodge hull. At tin., time the ve»il> pirwritaMuns will Ukti Any otKani'/.ation wishing It partldpatff In the parade may ccinUt-t Rubt-il Asay, chair men of \hr lodge youtli ae Convention "As public ollictal*. we mourn the passing of a lead ?r who brought to Lhe nitUon'ii highest office the fullest mea- sure of di'dicalU'ii dynam- ic sUtesirnai^hip a lead) Mavui Hubeitwn and mem tiviiv piogiam. who i.i a l*rin of the Borough Council ducting tlw d*y acUvttlti h»ve baltlod with (he state over the last merU years Jn , an effott to aei a uniform Pakistan Officer Is Borough C o u n c i l Tuesday fi night requested that a 30 day W of mourning be observed for o the late President John F, ! se!ve$ of the program Kennedy He ordered that I J Hats be flown at half staff I •»** views were t-x 'pressed by Dr. Jesse Schul speed rate thro'i HelghW, Wall Town* Olrt and Belmar '[1 iml guttrn very far. aid "this is (he j whose uncompromising devo- h? will insist upon a health pro}***!** 8 * to hum.-m rights end speed limit through i tinclcitaken in this m, (American ideals have forged aie shooting lor 100 1 olt»» unsurpaaaeu place in Mfe population to avjil them -1 tory and in the memorj of people. the uniform ll of th* municipaliti H!R battlp will .-- ilh the stare inU. »ext few and that prayers be ofiereri for Mr. Kennedy and his family. man of Lakewood. president of the Ocean County Society "But equally trapottant, as j human beings, we are experi | encing the comtmm bewilder Auxiliary Chairmen ment, disbelief and anguished Dr. Robert Ballou of Point sorrow over the ttaglc event Appointed For Legion Newspapers Sought For Tercentenary TRENTON — All New J n • sey newspapers published b* lore 1&00 will be compiled ami preserved on microfilm as part of the state's 300th anni- versary celebration. The Ter- centenary program will be conducted, free of charge, by the Microfilming Corp. of America under the supervis- ion of its president, Peter E. Erullatour of May wood. Paul L. Troast, chairman of the New Jersey Tercenten- ary Commission, invited all Jersey men to join in a state- wide search for newspapers that were published in New ! Pleasant is publicity chair man in ocean County •hich extinguished this great clUien in the height of his public service. "At this time we want to j Dr. Anthony DeSphito of A bUR" I J arR, chamrui.' 'ji lhe Monmouth County .?o'mnit- 've said Dr, Frank KU-mt-ito pledge the auppoit of all 96W ol Freehold, president el of New Jersey's local officials the Monmouth County £o- j to the Honorable Lyndon E. ciely it planning to sot up i Johnson, the- President of the abo.if 60 [octtfckHif thnm^liout United 8tat* s, in the perpetu- the county to aceommxS'Ate i ft'ion a| our American VSf aboi, r , 2 000 peiaona an liout of liio and the ideals person- so Bfi une will be detatn^d | ifitci by the life anil times of mon 1 tfeAfl s few mniiitpg. [the ' al * John F. Kennedy. " County niedical o!f.'-1 At a meeting of Herbsrt- Worthington-Wiilte, American Lr^ion Auxiliary, Unit 1S1, . recently Mrs. Paul Felix. " s L n d ! newly elected president, made the follow ing appointments; cials ftffl planning abo^t one- third Mmany locaiiuns to di.p'n.-e thp uri ] vaccine, The M.JtiiroLith County popu- lation Ls estima f ed ut about i., while Ocean County has aliom ,25,000. M,..aborS! BACK ON DUTY Edward Kleinkiuif Jr. bll ?t,urnea to duty as ln-alth .nd plumbing inspector ol j r and also as plumbing t Jersey during the 1800's but; of the medical .societies of had ceased publication before 'both counties will -supervise the turn of the century. These ^ the dosages at all (Bfpfl will be copied on microfilm, j-stations, permanently stored ut the i State Library in Trt nton and ising All those receiving made available to .v.-holars and hist'i:,a\s upon request. Additional copies will be giv- en to the New Jersey Tercen- tenary Commission to use during the first statewide cel- ebration next year. "This important Tercenten- ary contribution will provide historians and scholars witha n e w source of historic New Jersey materials that might otherwise be lost," Mr. Troast said. Mr. Brulatour and the Mic- rofilming Corp., lie said, are to be congratulated for offer- ing to compile and preserve this authentic day-by-day his- tory of New Jersey as part of the state's 300th anniversary celebration." Jerseymen who know of the location of old New Jersey newspapers are urged to re- port the infprmation to Mr. Brulatour at The Microfilm- ing Corp. of America, 2 Lle- wellyn avenue, Hawthorne, N.J. The firm will arrange to have original copies picked up or shipped to the plant for microfilming and then re- turned to the owners without charge. Mr. Brulatour invited all newspaper publishers who have a large collection of lath century editions to get in touch with him as soon as possible so that the micro- filming program can be car- ried out before the Tercen- tenary celebration begins on January 1, 1964. ages will be asked lo contri- bute :ents per person to UN1QUE DIA.MOND SERVICE Buy direct from cutter thru us. Save $100 per carat. 63 years contact with diamond, market gives us special know- ledge of opportunities. Ask us about It. Jean R- Tack, Certi- fied Gemologist, 1217 3rd Ave,. Spring Lake. Electric Stove Bargain GE deluxe, little used: two ovens, four burners; perfect condition. Call 448-6224. adv. help Uefiuy costs, but .io one will be turned away regard- less of whether or not they make the contribution. The mass feedings will be made on three different Sun- days to provide full unifee- tion, starting with Type I ol inspector of Wall Township. Heulitt, ehild -»» " "A Grace H«.:f. Mrs*H' .ii " and by -4 Mi * ' > McQuinne: roupons. Mrs. Alma Walton; education and scholarship, Mrs. Gerald Keating: girl state, Mrs. Fe- lix; Gold Star Mothers, Mrs. Frank Wimmer; membership, Mrs Ernest W. Keller; pub- licity. Mrs. Keller: Pan- American study, Mrs. Mc- 3uirmess; poppies. Mrs. Fe- ix. UT. Kk-inkauf lives at, 1017 Mr. Kleinkauf it-turi week by plane from Danger- field, Texas, where he and Mrs. Kleinkauf had been visit- ing their son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Children, and their fam- ily. While there, Mr. Klein- kauf .suffered a virus attack and was in the Lone Star Hos- pital in the Pines for a week. Upon reccvery, Mr. Klein T h p U n j t y o t e d d o n a t l o m to the Vetpvails . Hospital fund d l6ft ' and Wmici Memorial. The annual Christmas party will be held December 3 at the home of Mrs. Hoff. A covered dish will be served iinrt gifts exchanged. UTS, Alma Walton of Farm- inflale will be hostess for January meeting, Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. j Hfulitt, hoetess, Brotherhood Speaker M\i}tiv Gusi Khujored ol Pakistan, now at Fort Mon mouth (or mi!i!H,'y training >• ri me I . was guest. ipfiijer s| ••• i MM*| Broth erl.nod. p i- ,t Pi psbyterian i"hurch of Utltnar Monday Mffet at Ibl vfcmch hall. He Kpoi'f on Ml country and told >i" ktm it became a na- tion to tNI. Hewas intro duct-d by Hobert Day, presi- dent of ,rie club who has known Maj Sh'jjored several months. The program opened with in' r ocaliou by Rev. Bluiich- ari D. Romaine Jr., pastor Scrlptuit- ipatiing of several verses, nt 'lie Bible was given b> Bv*n •- ff AHllfliiM. who also ^»ok" on WtewttE^ in the Jehr, Walki i i t»ry «• Tim Broeee played selec- tions onthe piano. A sound picture was shown and re- freshments served. The Brotherhood will hold its nexi meeting Monday Jan- uary 28. Itrliuat and rwtdtBU <>i infMiby tnwiw paid tubule '<» j former ^losMeiit John Fitt- •itrtld Kfnnnty ovrr Matur day. MM.I!,,.,- krtd Mondav For i the moat part, buslnrM w*a lit atuml.sttil Haturday ,«rul the iHtimUy thurih services were Isrvrty devoted to memorials for th? axMitatc-ft President During Uie funeral Monday there «as hardly a thing &ttr ring in Uie business section Neatly all business places clost'd for tiie three hour pe ritKl from HAM to 2 PM du. HM MtMH riiiM.irn Mas,, /ol the Preaidpnt Many (if HIM cio^d IN WW whole day. Written and verbal tributes to the fallen pi evident gjHM irom all sides of the Belmar area. In churches in Belmar. Hprmg Lake. Sea Olrt and Avon Hfjuiem masses were celebrated. In his statement: Postmas- ter Everett H. AnUmides, pre- facing it with Biblical quota- tion "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." said: "Since last Friday after- noon when news came to us of President Kennedy's tra- gic death, we of Belmar, for ! the second time in this gen- 1 eration, have seen and exper- ienced a new understanding of love, within our own hearts and in the heart of the na- tion. This love is God-given and is inspiring to the ex tent that few generations have been privileged toknow Borough Seeking Bids On Platform Timber, Concrete Bate To Hold Pavilion At 10th Avenu* ? ttHN Albert Paternoster has been nominated for reflec- tion as president of the BH mar First Aid Squad The squad is now in the process of purchasing a new ambul Sflmai Boreuffh CommW- SHJII Tuesday lumht tttllwrtied «<tvrrtiitnr lor bid* for ft timbfr aiMi rniiforced con riTtf ptaUorm for it.« new mtr. Avemtc P«vllton. VM bld*s will be received Derm bt-i 10 at | p M m Bonui'. Hall t, At the same time the MIN mission adopted on final reading «n ordinance provid- ing fur the issuance of bond* to finance the cost of the new beachfront pavilion. The for- mer pavilion wfta destroyed by fire on Labor I>«y, Thp new Umber and con- crete baKp LSto reinforce the, uppfi- 'ilri.icture of the pavtl- Tlie area destroyed by u* f*H' «"4««LdiA|Q a l i t TT H1III/1, | , u | | . f J**.- Kt 1 1_ (4 U » h)VI UJ<JI| MJ ance to replace onr that has fire was constructed of wood ami timbers The Borough Commission kill latfi advertise for bids or a new pavilion building. I for has a second ambulance and an emergency truck. been in service about 10 years . Funds for the ambul- ance were raised during the early part of the year and I Summer Much more is need i" •d to cover the cost and the j r quad is ready to receive The commission adopted a mtrlbutions, The sjiuad also ( resolution authorizing an ap- plication to the Bureau ol Navigation of Uie State De- partment ol Conservation and Economic Development i e- yursting state aid in dredging Shark River. Borough Engi- neer Howard W Birdsall ls to -represent Belmar at a meet- The duar^rly mwUBf *" ! jn g of the Navigation Bureau the Monmtmth County F'- J ^ f ' r ' December 5 atlon of Holy Name Societies I llv, camnussion approved will be held Sunday at St. Agnes' Church Hall. Atlantic i transfer of the plenary retail it will open at i consumption liquor license County Holy Name Meeting Sunday .30 P.M. wiUi urnedictio.1 ol the Blessed Sacrament, cele- brated by Rev, Michael J. Lease, federation spiritual rHir-r.tor and pastor of tnt> iio.vt parish. * '•• \ J vlS J. ^"leratfon .- • report • i I held by j (Rtvertlde Inc.) to Evelyn's at 507 F.street Dudley's waa destroyed by fire early Lftbar Day morning. The burned <:'& is now belns cleared. Evelyn'3 plans to use the H- i nse for pperatlon__of a cocfe:- il lounge in connection wTTJT" West Belmar Church In Library Campaign Wall Methodist Churc'.i ^n West Belmar i-s conducting a campaign for a church li- brary. Mrs. Margaret Parns- worth, l i b r a r y chairman, t o d a y repotted books are being donated, now books are being purchased and memorial books also are being given the library. Mrs. Farnsworth said the hooks are designed for M age groups. it is there when we die. John Fitzgerald Kennedy knew his people and his country. He had faith in both and he loved both. He fulfilled God's com- mandment that we love one another. We, his friends, are proud that we served with him and loved him." the vaccine December t.Jkauf returned here by jet j— T.vpe ill January 19 and Type II March 1 Feedings will be completed within a six hour period on each of the date, starting at 11 A.M. and concluding ut 5 P.M. Members of the BWdJ societies are urging 8V one from six weeks of age upward, totake advanra^ of the sugary dosages e v though they may hnve previ- ously received injections of Salk vaccine. The medical groups pointed out that among the advan- tages of t h e Sabin vaccine taken bymouth, are that no boosters are. needed with the oral dosage, which gives longer and better protection as well a s sterilizing the ftas- tro-intestinal tract, thus pre- venting many persons includ- ing 1 those of advanced years, from becoming carriers of the disease, even though they themselves are not afflicted. The medical societies an- nounced that any excers monies collected in the cam- paign would be donated to lo- plane. His wife and daughter MM drove the Kleinkauf car back. Mrs. Childree. returned to Texas by Jet plane Satur- NOTICE TO THE PLOT HOLDERS OF GLENDOLA CEMETERY The annual meeting of the plot holders of the Olendoln Cemetery will be held at Glendola onMonday, Decem- ber 9, election , at a P.M. for the of directors lor a term of three years and any other business that may come before them. Helen Hamilton, Secretary Tercentenary Award For Judge Simmill TRENTON Tercentenary comniiUses in 10 counties .iii(j 55 communities were awarded Tercentenary Medallions 'ast week for putting into motion significant programs for New Jersey's 300th birthday ceel- brntion. Paul L. Troast, chairman of the New Jersey Tercenten- ary Commission announced that Judge Elvin R. Simmill of West Belmar was the re- cipient for Monmouth county. MORTGAGE LOANS to buy, build or refinance. Bel- mar Savings & Loan. 712 10th Ave., Tel. 681-2800. Painting and Decorating Carty & Romein, 511 - 10th Ave.. 809 - 13th Ave., 681-4523 GEOKOR 81.ATFB Watchmaker, jeweler, Main Opp., Avon BaOrmd 6U- MIGHTY BIG FLATTERS of Good Food Still Served at Al Chew's Diner. Reasonable, Friendly, Cozy. WINDOW SHADES Taylor's Hardware, 707 - 9th Ave.; also screen repairs. Tel. 681-0611. IN MEMORIUM To Our Departed President JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY The Coast Advertiser Staff BELMAR VACUUM Maintains top efficiency; all makes repaired; quality ser- vice, Call 681-1225. Tercentenary Arts Director Appointed TRENTON ~ Appointment of Rod McManigal HS director of performing arts for the New Jersey Tercentenary Pa- vilion at the New York 1064- 65 World's Pair I" 1 ** SMfflll »»* nounced today by Paul L. Troast, chairman of the New- Jersey Tercentenary commis- sion. W i t h the •Mldition of Mr. McManigal to itsrtftfl,the N c \v JtM'spy Tercentpnavy Commission launches a full- scale talent hunt for the best of New Jersey performers. Mr, McManigal will be programming talented groups and individuals in all the per- forming arts, drawing on the best amateur activiites within the state. With these, the New Jers.ry Tercentenary Pa- vilion at the Fair, in addition to providing an exhibition pro- file of the state as a profes- sional, industrial, and cultur- al community, celebrating three centuries of "people, purpose, progress,'' will ftlao be a theater showcase for tal- ented Jerseymen, young peo- ple as well as adults. Mr. McManigal was associ- ate producer at the McCfir- ter Theater, Princeton, from September, 1961, to Febru- ary, this year, when he was put in charge of production and planning Ui New York for the 1903 Summer season of the Cape Cod Melody Tent, Hynnnis, Mass. He served as general manager of Melody Tent lust summer. He lives m Princeton. rman g esates of the 38 parish Holy Name Societies affiliated with the Federation will elect oifi- cers for the new calend.t r year. Following meeting. Richard business A. Walsh, of Lincroft, chairman ol ihe Christmas Seals Out Christmas Sea.Ls in the num- ber of 18 million have reached Monmouth County famlhps and firing in the 19f>3 cam- paign to raise $48,000 to light Monmouth County Decuat |tuberculosis and other p Liteiatuie Committee, will be atory diseases. More than fil,- the moderator of a panel 000 jotters were sent out to which will present views on apVi CRi f Qt - contributions, mid the general subject: "Be U ^ t o alert the puhlic to the More than a Citizen for De-|f act [hai tuberculosis is still cent Literatim*." Members of j a puoJ i C health problem in the panel will be Gnorge E m e. r y , member of the Woodbridse city Council who has been active in the '-'lean Literature Crusade conducted in that community; Kenneth Becker of Meturhen, chair- man of the literature com- mittee of the Trenton Dio- cesan Union of Holy Name Societies; Freeholder Marcus Daly, former director of the Intergovernmental European Migration; Dr. Bradford Judd, director of the Chil- dren's Psychiatric Clinic, En- tontown, and Vincent A. Weiss, vice president of the Mercer County Federation Monmouth County. Inspiration for this year's Chri.stinas Seal letter featur- ing a mother and child therm?. was an actual case of a young woman fliscoverts\ to have active tuberculosis w'.en s'ho was tested in a -outiii 1 fol- low-up procedure. Part o procedure was testing of her children and others w i t H whom she had been in close contact. Her two-year old daughter was found to have primary active tuberculosis. Holy Name Societies and ex-1 ^ Ul "y u a " w n ' u ecutwe director of THE Meet In Lincroft MONITOR, official newspaper of the Diocese of Trenton. Mr. Walsh will conduct a question-nnswer period. Patrolman Speaks On Safety Program Patrolman WilHsim Hernan- dez of the Belmar Police De- partment was the speaker at the meeting of Girl Scout Troop 55. His topic was the aid to safety. He showed pos- ters on safety In the home, OH the street, water and camp- ing trips. Patrolman Hernandez also outlined the bicycle safety program, explaining howbi- cycles should be registered. He invited the scouts to tour Police Headquarters. Storm Windows Repaired metal and wood; also win- dow shades. Taylor's Hard- ware, 707 9th Ave. Tel: 681- 0511. adv. Meyercord Dccal Headquarters, Taylor's Hard- ware, 707 9th Ave. Tel. 681- 0511. adv. SHORE BEAITV SALON Give a Christmas Gift Cer- tificate, effective Nov. 21 thru Dec. 19. 805 F St., bet. 8th and 9tli; Dial 681-5675. Moder- ate prices, closed Monday. SOCIALLY CORRECT Is the wedding stationery at the Muller Studio. For the Incriminating who want best in wedding stationery and photography, visit Muller Stu- dio, 24 Broad St., Manasquan, or call for appointment 223- 4641 or 223-3034. Evenings by appointment only. Monmouth County Bankers and Clearing House Associa- tion will h o l d ltd quarterly meeting December 2, at Lin- croft Inn, Newman Springs road. Lincroft. II. J. Waliis, asssitant vice president, Genera) Staff Di- vision oE Bell Telephone Lab- oratories, Holmdel will be guest speaker. His topic will be "Impact of BP'U Labora- tories on Monmou ( o; [!*•• " Recovering rrom Fall Ha r v e y Be' brot'.. of F' street, South Bt.-'m<ir. • M'.3- lng a fractured left ain.. si fered in a fall outside h^ home. Mr. Benbrook was put- ting his car in the garage when he slipped on wet leaves. A retired railroad engineer, tie said lie never sustain* 1 such an injury in all his 4C years on the railroad. /ELBE'S SANDWICH SHOP 506 PSt. Belmar, Excellent food at Its oest at counter and to take out. Have & picnic bt home with ease and economy. ELECTRIC HOUSE WIRING N. J. State Uc. and Permit #100 Joseph Berger, 681-3898. SAVE MONET with a lowcost auto loan from the Belmar-WRl) Nation-

Transcript of THE COAST ADVERTISE MUM R - · sesf {tents i lions, will set up "leedtni j stations...

I ' . J U I . . ,


THE COAST ADVERTISERO/fUitl hlttwi-tt !'•' tt<lm*i, *»<* kilmai. Will Tuu niktp, SfiiHt Uke HHfkU

V«*r, Nu r j c l ; l I MAII NKW K S I ' V . , N l i V K M l M II -'», [ ' t . i

Heights Fighting Counties Joining Hunicipai Group Heights Renews i * « Annoi.nctClub Reductions In Vaccine Drive In Condolences Battle On Speed 1W4 Youth

Shore Joins InKennedy Tribute

Will Appeal l o Siata Children, Aduhl To Be N. J. U*gue Pf»ii

On Lower L«vi*i On Given Oral Sabin In i dan( S»ndi Wire

Golf Cou ru i Monmouth, Oc t *n i To Mr». Kennody

wimo i »KF n u n

•imd M

ASH: : . e«,a

polio ui Muuuuull. IUt OC«en

TRKNlt * — TV N»»

Reberhon, Council

Continue Driv«

For Uniform Limit


• »>»•

,:. .•ral u. Borwf it CouM* • ». 1 . l> i m i i i r i l I I I . V « i l l « • ! " i f

•Hem* y^iifc Ut toffljmrmiuiw u,l» a,t. ih, UntiehM Pit^piiUHl H program ktUtf Iwlir lull al wliuli tiuir»*»tdii I«i various contest*«i»»uii,t*a by lf» I o d > cU », wer« |)t«

Halt*. Ser-

vice* Are Conduct

ed A t Churchei

i MoBmuuth | theCounty Tax Board redurlnv countleiassensinents on the Spring !L»«eO<iUandComiU, CM u b rtw c«mI><"«'». ot•ud Hit HumNlnd (toll and i 1 1 " ' 1 ' P « " I 1 M W of Mf*Country Club | « r , MPMtod to r . w b

nil ol the half millionMajor Joseph E Rober tas livuu m the two

tar I sutifliatei ws *.m isrujuuml *loin over t he ' s t i l e to set itKllcal iocleUea of lath {"'•"> "' Hruldent John r»> ' to I auto ape't

' «*•!«!(* Kennedy on behaU of borough gildlocal government officiate in : Route 71

••»< ng

i throufk ttu»otlwra >l«i v

Jtmty. I IH«M« h»»i!nm.-.t f^e cos4olencru were ex j been m a constant Hftaaiei>*o:4e j oreased in a wire to the late with the HUtr Highway D*uiiiipg President's family signed tylpaHment and Motor

tn addition to Ihc paradeth* Rivoli Theater ha« beenlenu-d bj th« Elkl Lodge totI t ) ««y and lliket« will bem«tHUui«.d to children lo the

roncludf Ui dayK fslivl

i**mjw* .?••••- tu i Ed »VM>. I L / J U , M v i n s 111 Vi*ir * » u iT-uu(iurB "—^~w ^ -——---» - -v—-— — w . P - . r . « . ^(.aid U* county board's daei from six weeks of age up to. ! « • " « preaidtnt, n e d Mo-JDivtahM

I would dei1 Ive t h e bor-' senior citizens ui all ageough of thousands ot dollars [ ,.».in t ium. The reduction on T l w "ifdlc.l groups, in coMt Ml • • t r i f l would "Of""™ «'«• «"»»'. ' " " '»moi.nt to about 119.000 In M - ""• " v l e a " d o U » r "'«••"»»sesf {tents i lions, will set up "leedtni

j stations throughout the eoun-Mtyor Robertson naked f o r , ties where Sabln oral vac

• iifds on how a teen age enn- cine wilt be dispensed toteen should be conducted i t [everyone who applies, enthe new Community Center.He questioned whether short*should be permitted a n d

small lumps of sugar.

Dr. William Heatley of TiedI the ideas ol parents en ;

•unit, chairman of the publihow t h e canteen should be r p l a l l o m committee ol th,SHM i Monmouth County MMWttl

I Society, which has set upMayor Joseph E. Robertson headquarte:

oi Spring Lake Heights at a Hall herepostponed meeting of the Is mest ma

dick, mayor ut HopaUtmgThe t#xt of th« rommunlcatlun fullows:

'The thousands of mtiiurlpal officials in New JrrBfyshnti> w i t h pMMBi thtongliuitt HM nation arid Lhc wuiidan inexpressible Burrow overthe shattering loss of our beIcivi-d President,

the lastyears live quarrel Is <r*ithe 40 mile j.- * -i URllt iSHuute 71 UiroUKh the HeiflMa• nd thr flucttiaUng ttmito It)vv ! H, ;:h..i Bflmar and


t t irs a dinner dunce will behrltl in the evening s t t h plodge hull. At tin., t ime theve»il> pirwritaMuns will Ukti

Any otKani'/.ation wishing Itpartldpatff In the parade mayccinUt-t Rubt-il Asay, chairmen of \hr lodge youtli ae


"As public ollictal*. wemourn the passing of a lead?r who brought to Lhe nitUon'iihighest office the fullest mea-sure of di'dicalU'ii dynam-ic sUtesirnai^hip — a lead)

Mavui Hubeitwn and mem tiviiv piogiam. who i.i al*rin of the Borough Council ducting tlw d*y • acUvttltih»ve baltlod with (he stateover the last merU years Jn ,an effott to aei a uniform Pakistan Officer Is

Borough C o u n c i l Tuesday finight requested that a 30 day Wof mourning be observed for othe late President John F, ! se!ve$ of the programKennedy He ordered that I JHats be flown at half staff I • » * * views were t-x

'pressed by Dr. Jesse Schul

speed r a t e thro'iHelghW, Wall Town*Olrt and Belmar '[1iml guttrn very far.

aid "this is (he j whose uncompromising devo- h? will insist upon ahealth pro}***!**8* t o hum.-m rights end speed limit through i

tinclcitaken in this m , (American ideals have forgedaie shooting lor 100 1 olt»» unsurpaaaeu place in Mfepopulation to avjil them -1 tory and in the memorj of


t h e

uniformll of th*

municipalitiH ! R battlp will.-- ilh the stare in U. »ext few

and that prayers be ofiererifor Mr. Kennedy and hisfamily.

man of Lakewood. presidentof the Ocean County Society

"But equally trapottant, as j — •human beings, we are experi |encing the comtmm bewilder Auxiliary Chairmenment, disbelief and anguished

Dr. Robert Ballou of Point sorrow over the ttaglc event A p p o i n t e d For Legion

Newspapers SoughtFor Tercentenary

TRENTON — All New J n •sey newspapers published b*lore 1&00 will be compiled amipreserved on microfilm aspart of the state's 300th anni-versary celebration. The Ter-centenary program will beconducted, free of charge, bythe Microfilming Corp. ofAmerica under the supervis-ion of its president, Peter E.Erullatour of May wood.

Paul L. Troast, chairmanof the New Jersey Tercenten-ary Commission, invited allJersey men to join in a state-wide search for newspapersthat were published in New

! Pleasant is publicity chairman in ocean County

•hich extinguishedthis great clUien in the heightof his public service.

"At this time we want to jDr. Anthony DeSphito of

A bUR" IJarR, chamrui.' 'ji lheMonmouth County .?o'mnit-'ve said Dr, Frank KU-mt-ito pledge the auppoit of all96W ol Freehold, president el of New Jersey's local officialsthe Monmouth County £o- j to the Honorable Lyndon E.ciely it planning to sot up i Johnson, the- President of theabo.if 60 [octtfckHif thnm^liout United 8tat* s, in the perpetu-the county to aceommxS'Ate i ft'ion a| our American VSfaboi,r, 2 000 peiaona an liout of liio and the ideals person-so Bfi une will be detatn^d | ifitci by the life anil times ofmon1 tfeAfl s few mniiitpg. [the ' a l * John F. Kennedy. "

County niedical o!f.'-1

At a meeting of Herbsrt-Worthington-Wiilte, AmericanLr^ion Auxiliary, Unit 1S1,

. recently Mrs. Paul Felix."s L n d ! newly elected president, made

the follow ing appointments;

cials ftffl planning abo^t one-third M many locaiiuns todi.p'n.-e thp uri ] vaccine,The M.JtiiroLith County popu-lation Ls estimafed ut about

i., while Ocean County •has aliom ,25,000. M,..aborS!

BACK ON DUTYEdward Kleinkiuif Jr. b l l?t,urnea to duty as ln-alth

.nd plumbing inspector ol jr and also as plumbing t

Jersey during the 1800's but; of t h e medical .societies ofhad ceased publication before 'both counties will -supervisethe turn of the century. These ^ the dosages at all (Bfpflwill be copied on microfilm, j-stations,permanently stored ut the iState Library in Trt nton and


All those receivingmade available to .v.-holarsand hist 'i:,a\s upon request.Additional copies will be giv-en to the New Jersey Tercen-tenary Commission to useduring the first statewide cel-ebration next year.

"This important Tercenten-ary contribution will providehistorians and scholars with an e w source of historic NewJersey materials that mightotherwise be lost," Mr. Troastsaid.

Mr. Brulatour and the Mic-rofilming Corp., lie said, areto be congratulated for offer-ing to compile and preservethis authentic day-by-day his-tory of New Jersey as part ofthe state's 300th anniversarycelebration."

Jerseymen who know of thelocation of old N e w Jerseynewspapers are urged to re-port the infprmation to Mr.Brulatour at The Microfilm-ing Corp. of America, 2 Lle-wellyn avenue, Hawthorne,N.J. The firm will arrangeto have original copies pickedup or shipped to the plantfor microfilming and then re-turned to the owners withoutcharge.

Mr. Brulatour invited allnewspaper publishers w h ohave a large collection of lathcentury editions to get intouch with him as soon aspossible so that t h e micro-filming program can be car-ried out before the Tercen-tenary celebration begins onJanuary 1, 1964.

ages will be asked lo contri-bute :ents per person to


Buy direct from cutter thruus. Save $100 per carat. 63years contact with diamond,market gives us special know-ledge of opportunities. Ask usabout It. Jean R- Tack, Certi-fied Gemologist, 1217 3rdAve,. Spring Lake.

Electric Stove BargainGE deluxe, little used: two

ovens, four burners; perfectcondition. Call 448-6224. adv.

help Uefiuy costs, but .io onewill be turned away regard-less of whether or not theymake the contribution.

The mass feedings will bemade on three different Sun-days to provide full unifee-tion, starting with Type I ol

inspector of Wall Township.

Heulitt, ehild -»» " "AGrace H«.:f.M r s * H ' .ii "a n d by-4 Mi * ' • >McQuinne: roupons. Mrs.A l m a Walton; educationand scholarship, Mrs. GeraldKeating: girl state, Mrs. Fe-lix; Gold Star Mothers, Mrs.Frank Wimmer; membership,Mrs Ernest W. Keller; pub-licity. M r s . Keller: Pan-American study, Mrs. Mc-3uirmess; poppies. Mrs. Fe-ix.

UT. Kk-inkauf lives at, 1017

Mr. Kleinkauf it-turiweek by plane from Danger-field, Texas, where he andMrs. Kleinkauf had been visit-ing t h e i r son-in-law nnddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Her-man Children, and their fam-ily. While there, Mr. Klein-kauf .suffered a virus attackand was in the Lone Star Hos-pital in the Pines for a week.

Upon reccvery, Mr. Klein

T h p U n j t y o t e d d o n a t l o m tot h e V e t p v a i l s . Hospital fund

d l6ft ' a n d W m i c i Memorial.The annual Christmas party

will be held December 3 atthe home of Mrs. Hoff. Acovered dish will be servediinrt gifts exchanged.

UTS, Alma Walton of Farm-inflale will be hostess forJanuary meeting, Refresh-ments were served by Mrs.

j Hfulitt, hoetess,

Brotherhood SpeakerM\i}tiv Gusi Khujored ol

Pakistan, now at Fort Monmouth (or mi!i!H,'y training>• ri me I . was guest.ipfiijer s| ••• i MM*| Broth

erl.nod. p i- ,t Pi psbyteriani"hurch of Utltnar MondayMffet at Ibl vfcmch hall. HeKpoi'f on Ml country andtold >i" ktm it became a na-tion to tNI. He was introduct-d by Hobert Day, presi-dent of ,rie club who hasknown Maj Sh'jjored severalmonths.

The program opened within'rocaliou by Rev. Bluiich-a r i D. Romaine Jr., pastorScrlptuit- ipatiing of severalverses, nt 'lie Bible was givenb> Bv*n •- ff AHllfliiM. whoalso ^»ok" on WtewttE^ in the

Jehr, Walki i i t»ry «•

Tim Broeee played selec-tions on the piano. A soundpicture was shown a n d re-freshments s e r v e d . TheBrotherhood will hold itsnexi meeting Monday Jan-uary 28.

Itrliuat and rwtdtBU <>iinfMiby tnwiw paid tubule '<»j former ^losMeiit John Fitt-•itrtld Kfnnnty ovrr Maturday. MM.I!,,.,- krtd Mondav For

i the moat part, buslnrM w*a liti« atuml.sttil Haturday ,«rul theiHtimUy thurih services wereIsrvrty devoted to memorialsfor th? axMitatc-ft President

During Uie funeral Mondaythere «as hardly a thing &ttrring in Uie business sectionNeatly all business placesclost'd for tiie three hour peritKl from H A M to 2 P Mdu. HM MtMH riiiM.irnMas,, /ol the Preaidpnt Many(if H I M cio^d I N WW wholeday.

Written and verbal tributesto the fallen pi evident gjHMirom all sides of the Belmararea. In churches in Belmar.Hprmg Lake. Sea Olrt andAvon Hfjuiem masses werecelebrated.

In his statement: Postmas-ter Everett H. AnUmides, pre-facing it with Biblical quota-tion "Greater love hath noman than this, that a manlay down his life for hisfriends." said:

"Since last Friday after-noon when news came to usof President Kennedy's tra-gic death, we of Belmar, for

! the second time in this gen-1 eration, have seen and exper-ienced a new understanding oflove, within our own heartsand in the heart of the na-tion. This love is God-givenand is inspiring to the extent that few generationshave been privileged to know

Borough SeekingBids On Platform

Timber, Concrete Bate

To Hold Pavilion

At 10th Avenu* ?

ttHNAlbert Paternoster h a s

been nominated for reflec-tion as president of the BHmar First Aid Squad Thesquad is now in the processof purchasing a new ambul

Sflmai Boreuffh CommW-SHJII Tuesday lumht tttllwrtied«<tvrrtiitnr lor bid* for fttimbfr aiMi rniiforced conriTtf ptaUorm for it.« newmtr. Avemtc P«vllton. VMbld*s will be received Dermbt-i 10 at | p M m Bonui ' .Hall t,

At the same time the MINmission adopted on f i n a lreading «n ordinance provid-ing fur the issuance of bond*to finance the cost of the newbeachfront pavilion. The for-mer pavilion wfta destroyedby fire on Labor I>«y,

Thp new Umber and con-crete baKp LS to reinforce the,uppfi- 'ilri.icture of the pavtl-

Tlie area destroyed byu* f*H' «"4««LdiA|Q a l i t TT H 1 I I I / 1 , | , u | | . f J**.- Kt 1 1_ (4 U» h)VI U J < J I | MJ

ance to replace onr that has fire was constructed of woodami timbers

The Borough Commissionkill latfi advertise for bidsor a new pavilion building.

I for

has a second ambulance andan emergency truck.

been in service about 10years . Funds for the ambul-ance were raised during theearly part of the year and ISummer Much more is need i"•d to cover the cost and the j rquad is ready to receive The commission adopted amtrlbutions, The sjiuad also ( resolution authorizing an ap-

plication to the Bureau olNavigation of Uie State De-partment ol Conservation andEconomic Development i e-yursting state aid in dredgingShark River. Borough Engi-neer Howard W Birdsall ls to

-represent Belmar at a meet-The duar^rly mwUBf *" ! j ng of the Navigation Bureau

the Monmtmth County F'-J^f'r ' December 5atlon of Holy Name Societies I llv, camnussion approvedwill be held Sunday at St.Agnes' Church Hall. Atlantic i transfer of the plenary retail

it will open at i consumption liquor license

County Holy NameMeeting Sunday

.30 P.M. wiUi urnedictio.1 olthe Blessed Sacrament, cele-brated by Rev, Michael J.Lease, federation spiritualrHir-r.tor and pastor of tnt>iio.vt parish.

* '•• \ JvlS

J.^"leratfon •.- • report • i I

held by j(Rtvertlde Inc.) to Evelyn'sat 507 F .street Dudley's waadestroyed by fire early LftbarDay morning. The burned

<:'& is now belns cleared.

Evelyn'3 plans to use the H-i nse for pperatlon__of a cocfe:-il lounge in connection wTTJT"

West Belmar ChurchIn Library Campaign

Wall Methodist Churc'.i nWest Belmar i-s conducting a

campaign for a church li-brary. Mrs. Margaret Parns-worth, l i b r a r y commif.eechairman, t o d a y repottedbooks are being donated, nowbooks are being purchasedand memorial books also arebeing given the library. Mrs.Farnsworth said the hooksare designed for M agegroups.

it is there when we die. JohnFitzgerald Kennedy knew hispeople and his country. Hehad faith in both and he lovedboth. He fulfilled God's com-mandment that we love oneanother. We, his friends, areproud that we served withhim and loved him."

the vaccine December t.Jkauf returned here by jet j —T.vpe i l l January 19 and TypeII March 1

Feedings will be completedwithin a six hour period oneach of the date, starting at11 A.M. and concluding ut 5P.M.

Members of the BWdJsocieties are urging 8Vone from six weeks of ageupward, to take advanra^ ofthe sugary dosages e vthough they may hnve previ-ously received injections ofSalk vaccine.

The medical groups pointedout that among the advan-tages of t h e Sabin vaccinetaken by mouth, are that noboosters are. needed with theoral dosage, which g i v e slonger and better protectionas well a s sterilizing the ftas-tro-intestinal tract, thus pre-venting many persons includ-ing1 those of advanced years,from becoming carriers ofthe disease, even though theythemselves are not afflicted.

The medical societies an-nounced that any excersmonies collected in the cam-paign would be donated to lo-

plane. His wife and daughter M Mdrove the Kleinkauf c a rback. Mrs. Childree. returnedto Texas by Jet plane Satur-


OF GLENDOLA CEMETERYThe annual meeting of the

plot holders of the OlendolnCemetery will be held atGlendola on Monday, Decem-ber 9,election

, at a P.M. for theof directors lor a

term of three years and anyother business t h a t maycome before them.

Helen Hamilton,Secretary

Tercentenary AwardFor Judge Simmill

TRENTON — TercentenarycomniiUses in 10 counties .iii(j55 communities were awardedTercentenary Medallions 'astweek for putting into motionsignificant programs for NewJersey's 300th birthday ceel-brntion.

Paul L. Troast, chairmanof the New Jersey Tercenten-ary Commission announcedthat Judge Elvin R. Simmillof West Belmar was the re-cipient for Monmouth county.

MORTGAGE LOANSto buy, build or refinance. Bel-mar Savings & Loan. 712 10thAve., Tel. 681-2800.

Painting and DecoratingCarty & Romein, 511 - 10thAve.. 809 - 13th Ave., 681-4523

GEOKOR 81.ATFBWatchmaker, jeweler, Main

Opp., Avon BaOrmd 6U-

MIGHTY BIG FLATTERSof Good Food Still Served atAl Chew's Diner. Reasonable,Friendly, Cozy.

WINDOW SHADESTaylor's Hardware, 707 - 9th

Ave.; also screen repairs.Tel. 681-0611.


To Our Departed President


The Coast Advertiser Staff

BELMAR VACUUMMaintains top efficiency; all

makes repaired; quality ser-vice, Call 681-1225.

Tercentenary ArtsDirector Appointed

TRENTON ~ Appointmentof Rod McManigal HS directorof performing arts for theNew Jersey Tercentenary Pa-vilion at the New York 1064-65 World's Pair I"1** SMfflll »»*nounced today by Paul L.Troast, chairman of the New-Jersey Tercentenary commis-sion.

W i t h the •Mldition of Mr.McManigal to its rtftfl, t h eN c \v JtM'spy TercentpnavyCommission launches a full-scale talent hunt for the bestof New Jersey performers.

Mr, McManigal will beprogramming talented groupsand individuals in all the per-forming arts, drawing on thebest amateur activiites withinthe state. With these, theNew Jers.ry Tercentenary Pa-vilion at the Fair, in additionto providing an exhibition pro-file of the state as a profes-sional, industrial, and cultur-al community, celebratingthree centuries of "people,purpose, progress,'' will ftlaobe a theater showcase for tal-ented Jerseymen, young peo-ple as well as adults.

Mr. McManigal was associ-ate producer at the McCfir-ter Theater, Princeton, fromSeptember, 1961, to Febru-ary, this year, when he wasput in charge of productionand planning Ui New York forthe 1903 Summer season ofthe Cape Cod Melody Tent,Hynnnis, Mass. He served asgeneral manager of MelodyTent lust summer. He lives mPrinceton.

rman gesates of the 38 parish HolyName Societies affiliated withthe Federation will elect oifi-cers for the new calend.t ryear.

Followingmeeting. Richard

businessA. Walsh,

of Lincroft, chairman ol ihe

Christmas Seals OutChristmas Sea.Ls in the num-

ber of 18 million have reachedMonmouth County famlhpsand firing in the 19f>3 cam-paign to raise $48,000 to light

Monmouth County Decuat |tuberculosis and other pLiteiatuie Committee, will be atory diseases. More than fil,-the moderator of a panel 000 jotters were sent out towhich will present views on apViCRi fQt- contributions, midt h e general subject: "Be U ^ to alert the puhlic to theMore than a Citizen for De-|fa c t [hai tuberculosis is stillcent Literatim*." Members of j a p u o J i C health problem inthe panel will be GnorgeE m e. r y , member of theWoodbridse city Council whohas been active in the '-'leanLiterature Crusade conductedin that community; KennethBecker of Meturhen, chair-man of the literature com-mittee of the Trenton Dio-cesan Union of Holy NameSocieties; Freeholder MarcusDaly, former director of theIntergovernmental EuropeanMigration; Dr. B r a d f o r dJudd, director of the Chil-dren's Psychiatric Clinic, En-tontown, a n d Vincent A.Weiss, vice president of theMercer County Federation

Monmouth County.

Inspiration for this year'sChri.stinas Seal letter featur-ing a mother and child therm?.was an actual case of a youngwoman fliscoverts\ to haveactive tuberculosis w'.en s'howas tested in a -outiii1 fol-low-up procedure. Part oprocedure was testing of herchildren and others w i t Hwhom she had been in closecontact. Her two-year olddaughter was found to haveprimary active tuberculosis.

Holy Name Societies and ex-1 ^ U l " y u a " w n ' u

ecutwe d i r e c t o r of T H E M e e t In LincroftMONITOR, official newspaperof the Diocese of Trenton.

Mr. Walsh will conduct aquestion-nnswer period.

Patrolman SpeaksOn Safety Program

Patrolman WilHsim Hernan-dez of the Belmar Police De-partment was the speaker atthe meeting of Girl ScoutTroop 55. His topic was theaid to safety. He showed pos-ters on safety In the home, OHthe street, water and camp-ing trips.

Patrolman Hernandez alsooutlined the bicycle safetyprogram, explaining how bi-cycles should be registered.He invited the scouts to tourPolice Headquarters.

Storm Windows Repairedmetal and wood; also win-dow shades. Taylor's Hard-ware, 707 9th Ave. Tel: 681-0511. adv.

Meyercord DccalHeadquarters, Taylor's Hard-ware, 707 9th Ave. Tel. 681-0511. adv.

SHORE BEAITV SALONGive a Christmas Gift Cer-

tificate, effective Nov. 21 thruDec. 19. 805 F St., bet. 8thand 9tli; Dial 681-5675. Moder-ate prices, closed Monday.

SOCIALLY CORRECTIs the wedding stationery

at the Muller Studio. For theIncriminating who want best

in wedding stationery andphotography, visit Muller Stu-dio, 24 Broad St., Manasquan,or call for appointment 223-4641 or 223-3034. Evenings byappointment only.

Monmouth County Bankersand Clearing House Associa-tion will h o l d ltd quarterlymeeting December 2, at Lin-croft Inn, Newman Springsroad. Lincroft.

II. J. Waliis, asssitant vicepresident, Genera) Staff Di-vision oE Bell Telephone Lab-oratories, Holmdel will beguest speaker. His topic willbe "Impact of BP'U Labora-tories on Monmou ( o; [!*•• "

Recovering rrom FallHa r v e y Be' brot'.. of F'

street, South Bt.-'m<ir. • M'.3-lng a fractured left ain.. sifered in a f a l l outside h^home. Mr. Benbrook was put-ting his car in the garagewhen he slipped on wet leaves.A retired railroad engineer,tie said lie never sustain* 1such an injury in all his 4Cyears on the railroad.

/ELBE'S SANDWICH SHOP506 P St. Belmar, Excellent

food at Its oest a t counter andto take out. Have & picnic bthome with ease and economy.

ELECTRIC HOUSE WIRINGN. J. State Uc . and Permit#100 Joseph Berger, 681-3898.

SAVE MONETwith a low cost auto loanfrom the Belmar-WRl) Nation-

TUB M I W Ml.I I ! Hi I

Have You Heard.,.?I if »s M#mbetiH(fj

Mil . 1 .ii i


kvwM i

IK. %*)0»- Um* I- | |

^mtmg At (tin team*KIIII lu.d. in (tw t in 0f t oa of W»U T6*&s*vip. • *r»tt#r§•in .n ryr •ip»r*tHHl hs tin iWt tWt11* cut two *frh* »« »urn PIfltMHi H&ipfUtl

a* C i l H •• •

Osry D C w » m . nitmanHPPrfnUM. vm KM ul Mr*Manori* H Conover of S0»Filth fevwnae. A/wv. Ml *ervm* »feo»fj the atlitcii v«rtlerr * » Kitty H*wk currently Intht F»r S*«t as a memt..; el ttw .H. v.-iitii n , - ' TheKiUy Hawk will visit port* m.!iH><*ts HftWklt, the l'hi!i;ipines and Hong Kuug

Ronsld J Lyons. 20.

Quit* Air Fore* B*w «••0

S*M?»f»*'<J AirTvxsi Airmsn B«df»rn uihi- --in ci MI and M I I M#r•i-tM 8 I <.!«•> Of J>l"i U-mono boulevard and is


lo dunul* I1OD ID l h « pureh»§# of dies fur il»# li***tticni 'ff iiw i-hui n* MfiMmfjnrt* Ijilimc* aimoutw«Hithat t i l t (UtU m i n d l y *»

y hadtt« fund n.** Men* flub <!.'u*h* the rett *«i'i1 will.ItII tli«- tltwitng

Mis coiipy »Pd Mil 13itfiy H*ll were hoswaseih^ *ucial boui ;>•"•>*.,,

i graduate of Wall High School meeting

National Infant Testing ProgramHelps Prevent Mental Retardation

A major advance in early Idetection of one of the Kid-'den causes of severe men-tal retardation ii fast prov-ing its worth, thanks to the"help" of thousand* of new-born babies.

These children are amongthe first to benefit from a new,nationwide screening programfor early detection of PKUiphenvlketonuria), an t n-herlteq error in body chemistrywhich causes levere mentalletardation unleia treated intime.

The fereeiung p r o g r a m ,started in recent months, wiiieventually include some 600,-000 newborn babies in theUnited States. Already 157,000newborns have undergone thesimple test which was devisedby Dr. Robert Guthrie of Chil-dren's Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y.,with the help of a grant National Foundation-March of Dimes.

Without the blood test, noone might have realized untiltoo late that an infant hadPKU. Such babies seem normalat birth and for several months1 But they lack a liver enzyme 1 K t h ! « •"»** *rt*dt»n In bnbin «f PKU, which cm cawM Mv«rtwhich enables the system to j "wntd retardation, are aiwmblad f*r <fiitribufi«n «, U. 1 h.ipiiaLprocess an essential nuttient by Sheila M. Kuhn, lab Uchnician. March of Dimti <«ntribuif*m&*£$ i n , a U & r ( l t e in , f 0 0 ( l s tupport«d r-i.orch in thi. health ar»a by Dr. lUfc-rt Outhrie,Within a day or two after the ! chiltlr*h*« r1—-"' " " 'PKU i r W i first milk, feed->ng, trie nutrient, called phen-/lalanine, begins to build up inlis systc.n. If the accumulationis not checked by special diet,abnormal amounts of phenyl-•lanine soon begin to damagethe developing brain.

First outward signs of men-tal deficiency usually snow upwhen the PKU victim is threeto six months old. At that age,a low-phenylalanine diet canhalt the deteriorating processbut cannot repair the harm al-ready done,

The problem is to detectPKU not only before damageis evident but before it hasany chance to start Until re-cently this has been extremelydifficult.

A hereditary einditio/i, PKUis transmitted through defec-tive genes from both parents.Although the parents fire "car-riers," they themselves do notshow any symptoms of thecondition. Statistically, one inevery four children of such aunion may inherit PKU.

lite Alit«iit»ii fiftf

Ml* J«»»ir U V lMtHUsI tUftl * »iniptiv* itieetm* irf iiw |»>• is »m D m n k i 4 *Utfee FWM at UM T I C *

TlMfaUl lft*t# «Und ifttMH rrom

I Cuuttty *JI lwiM.-rn! On iiw afl*n4n * II

tt(Ma*r*tut)t thu pMf tufNarih*MUt» Univ«i«t4 sMimvr atetwel m t h e intMhcntte riturarhin to two q m »Iifd 'r*cHfrs (cum N•B

T^t metU*Ttfd!cttoning wit' be

Atomic EnergyAvailable To Scouts

OAKHUmtT — MsMsWHCouncil. Boy Scouts o( Am

jte», h « s snn*mnced that| second a n d first d i m Boy[Scouts «nd Explorers <m* nowfliKlbl^ to tain the new

, Atomic Energy merit badge—thP 105th in the nerie-i

Dr G l e n n T Seaborg.chairman of the Atomic En-ergy Commission, himself aiormer lite scout -siih 2Smerit badges, took part in acert-irony in N e w York re-cently, when he honored 34Boy Scouts and F-xplorers offour statps who weip the fustto qualify lor the new meritbadge

Irving Ffist of Shrewsbury,international commissioner ofthe Boy Scouts of America,and treasurer of MonmouthCouncil, took part in the cere-mony.

Requirements for the newatomic energy merit baigftincludes questions on termin-*ogy, atomic structure, lao-

yttuu w«iwwaiOM M K H I


iy U.S. Smn liff^M J. MtCartky (0, Minn}

By (Xiubcr "t more thin 2,107 triiitiagpntjciti fur ovfr I),700 unempluyf I inJ unJ*r*mpl*iy»d per•mi li i-l been approved lincc AuKuu 19*2. Ai of October If12,000 trjinffi hid begun oiifKhi'iiit-.f training. Approsinatclj' Jt,Q0O *re prc«ntly bem% KheduUd for courm.

Of ifi* 11,000 yorkeri vhofud currplcted courici by ScpUmber, 70 ptfccnt hivi b«enpttced in jobs ilmoit wholly orpredominantly related to theirtraining.

In addition, experimental anddemofutration projecti have beenapproved to service > 1,000

In ill These projects ire limed

Before devel<>pine7u of the I before they leave the hospital,Guthrie (Mt, with the aid of a ] thus detecting even the first-March of Dimes grant, it was born of unknown PKU carrierscommon for the first defective i before a deadiy excess of phen-child in such a family to sn ylalanine starts its ravages,undiagnnsed and untreated un- The current field trials of thetil he was beyond help. Alerted Guthrie test, sponsored by the

the first tragedy, doctors Chi ldren 's Bureau of thellri tl -..,,* t i\-t mikBAMMnii( Tfh^t^^ Gtnt/i- TJiiW1;n I7H n14l,would then test subsequent

children of the same parentsund in most cases could pre-vent brain damage in theyounger ones.

The usual teat for PKU wasthe well-known "diaper test"involving the reaction of aninfant's urine to ierric chlo-ride. But that test is not effec-tive until several weeks afterbirth—after enough phenyl-alanine has built up to "spillover" into the urine, and long-fter most newborns have gonehome from the hospital.

The new Guthrie test, how-ever, requiring orly a speck ofblooa from a prick on a baby'sheel, can be do. - -

United States Public HealthService, are b^Jng conductedwith the cooperation of 30 statehealth departments in thiscountry. The PKU Central Lab-oratory in Buffalo is shipping300 kits each week to hospitalsthroughout the United (HttMEach kit contains material? iOT500 tests. Dramatic results $19already becoming apparent

Of a little girl in New YorkState, who was among the first850 babies routinely tcjted aft-er the field trial started hi thatarea, Dr, Guthvie has said:"This is probably the first babyin medica1 history to he diag-nosed within, the first month

been <frtwa from th« r,tnki ofth« long term unemployttl; lUitu, indmduiti unemployed ftw-it wnkinr more. This • iwitrtrw proportion of long-term un-employed found among the Nt-tion'i joblcM totaU.

Much of the ruining . beingprovided to individual* withlimited educational attainment.Appu)iim*t*ly 40 pcrsfnt of tlwtriineei Imr not completed highjchool. One out of «very tentrjineei had a gride ithool ed-ucition of lew.

Length of trw tr^iainn M Mdepending on the skill be-

FARREN FUEL CO., Inc.701 Ninth Avenue Belmar, N, J.

PHontMUtwl 1-2300 — Glbtof, 9-7047

For Insurance Information Consul t . . .



Insurance — Ra&i Estate


Fnone MUtual 1-0140

jrick on a baby's nosed within th« fir^t month,.-•.,. . it uoae on the fourth of life without sacrificing the

or fifth day of life Thi:, makss i brain of an oljer brother orjit possible to screen ail babies I sister."

•t developing new methodi ofreaching the hard-core uneployed. They ar« directly con-

tic, and electronicke U weeki, while

cerncil with the jobleii in biitcity tlumi, the older worker, theemotionally hmdicapped, "lie cd-opes, fission, historical con-ucatiomlly deficient, ttw dcyp-U'ibutlons by scientists and

radiation protection. The sec-ond part is designed lr>r

;outfl«r ftn^/buildins «id eKplain-

a model of a nuclear reactor, a n pxperimeut i n

ding theory using lightheat, and a field visit tr>, pMNM oi the men and Ai) per-

user oi X-Rayfinal requirements artveloped aroufd the ttMOeiger countei

tssemblfr may require only about

nreting '.he netdi of CONNELLY - BERGEN. Inc.we arc aiming at just d<> run posi-i«* tK* basic education whichwould permit them to absorb


"Over 56 Years Dependabk Service"

712 Ninth AveniM MUluai I • UVD

toe women m H Mnder the Act are head

of familial or hou*el)oid,.« 0' BInclude

experiments on -Ke gcnerii ing, 7i peicer.t of lb« men havetheory of the Geiger counte. been pUced i jobs as comparedas a detector, on shieluing,and on trucn'V

women.Almost ha[/ the

Q. We'd like to install a lar^rpictufe window. How can wi |Tvoirl higher heatlnE bills 3nd *rokl area near the wjadswi

Join On« Of These Classes

For A Merrier Christmas

In 1964

5(k for 50 weeks 25

$ 1.00 for 50 weeks $ 50

J 2.00 for 50 wests * 100

$ 3.00 far 50 weeks ,.......»..„ $ 150

$ 5.00 for 50 weeks $ 250

} 10.00 for 50 weeks $ 500

$20.00 for 50 weeks $1,000




A. Use a wood window withdouble -glaring (insu.iiti.iE; glass1.The layer of air between t ie twoshsotl of Staa is effective insula-tion, and trie wooii itself is a K'HKIinsulating material, too. A bonusfeature of wood windows is thatcon delation problems are virtu-ally eliminated. Windows madenf MBdffOH pine are widelyavailable in many sizes and itylfil,

Q. What ahouL seU-scalingwind-resistant asphalt Singles—do they really work?

A. Definitely. be sure toa-;k for asplii.!! shingles (liathave bi'en apprnvt'd for wiml re-sistance by underwriters' Lab-oratories. UL-Iabelcd shingleswhich have me-t rigid specifica-tion.-, for materials and havepassed severe wind tunnel testsnave ln;lpcd save many homesfrom serious damage in hufrieane-bett states.

ij. Why does an electric heat-ing system require more insula-tion than oil or gas?

A. It doesn't, It's just that Vatalectric heat, industry has caughton to tiie viltlQ of insulating torec am mended standards aini [amaking a point of telling theircustomers about it. Mineral woolInsulation, with an installed re-sistance to heat loss of R-I9 orH-24 i» ceilings, R-U in wallaand R-13 in floors over iinheate:ispaces, meets the latest stand-ards foi electrically heatedhomes. It works exactly the samein homes wKli other types ofheating .systems, adding year-round comfort, and loweringheating and air-conditioning bills

Now-'64 Chevy

Now you sec it. Now you don't. When a Chevy II doesthat kind of disappearing acl you know without lookingtwice: It's a '64 with a VS engine.

That's right. A full-grown 195-hp Turbo-Fire VS.*It's available for the first lime this year alone with a

choice of three oilier engines—the standard 4 (in 100Series sedans), the standard 6 and a new 165-hp 6.* (And all of them maintain their highspirits on modest amounts of regular gasoline.)

But the changes aren't confined to what

with a V8 enginehappens when you slip into the driver's Beat,

There are new styling features like the tasteful grilledesign and trim accents, for instance. And the larger Bfilf-adjusting brakes that further reduce upkeep on a car lhatalready has a reputation of coming about as close toperpetual motion as anything on four wheels can get.

The place to get the full details on the '64ia your Chevrolet dealer's. And after you'vegot I hem, v.v hope you'll attend to one furtherdetail yourself. Drive it. •optbnataiutnoni

Ask about a SMfLE-MflE Ride and the Chevrolet Song Book at your Chevrolet dealer's




WITH EACHCHRISTMAS CLUB MEMBERSHIPJoin C«ntr»l h-nty Bank and Cumi«ny Chriii m»a Club now I Chfi*unMCluli ttwt frum »5« a week up. We pay interest.

GET YOUR FREE GIFT TODAYVouie«lK«l»i/Iuti]y 1 l;t I l i M n j r i loui' Chi Utmai Club,«»|*i-ul ljnm<.l iof your fiivorilt Chil»tm»» e»ri'l», |>mlu««lby CUumbut Kecout?. Ovti U numrtei* of

find muiicby^uch Hai»as Teny Faith,

N I M 1 i-T' i - - , Btr iwnf-I til. | M >Wl« Iwllil lWtl TMopt-, bOf fluj P ' ,,t-k- onlytkravgti < > • ii •; '• i • . !' • i. ,.i,il T m M' 'f i fayea i tH i i :


II JMl \ office

0#rA' tin Holla ii • (,', /.'•OLilllsTuian.ilhlliti,

i H

So come into any one uf our wftlnHj !mp

offices, Juiii our Christmas Dub »::il




Fastest growing bank in Central


Here is ai> event really I t £d exollad aaogt. . . the

D I M ' Autumn Sala of the ntw stunning Automatic Cold

Stir Award Gas Ranees! Sale prices have bean at-

tached it many models of the famous makes shewn

above, beginning at the unbelievable low

of Si ; ' .ss, Delivered and Installed! The

American home-maker really bat a

matchless chance to go modern • • •

i i Ink* advantage of thlt fabuloai taloi

and to stir I i tba litahtn «» never More! Soo tbose

superb niw rancts on diiilay at you/ New Jersey Nature!

a » Gwiaay!



The nacesi o] mod-

em advances in auto<

matte, remote con*

(rof, C M coofcfag' An

almost magical labor-

saver, it also sen an

improved standard of

hygienic meal prep-



Any top-burner con-

tainer becomes an

aiitoJtintic appliance

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forget itl


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I Jut en Americans!

- u- W.I at *« U

l i tot vo ua•0mNH)IHV

• I I I in iH.t |1

Hiiiiu&il iMftl Lwfl ! IUfet*" ftH Itftf 'Rik U»t8fO«*l«l dftlAth t ^ tD« V B l l«t*T*» through which

RHifi( • < • •


u«vy 10 is ih1 i, rtiji'i -i)'(i

hTKiH'-t ttH mustU i 11

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public (trarliO t w j j i . i J . .

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. . . . .

intjs f v . .«-ltn ion* Con,'

|, .,1 ,J.

• • ' t , s , - , . • ( ' • . . •


( 1 O S ( ! • • '

balances I

[ frequent reports ai« i|hpearins in the press. In mu-nicipalities operating underthe m&yot council ami cotiacil manftgpr plans of Ncfl

! : f, 1 ) 1 . 1 1 ,

• !. : • • n q.i d I of vatiou*depar tn ipnt head.1? a t e | DflducEed in November , ffcxps;e r s , t rio, should tniunMiri BBi n ' h B •'••'l'> I '•' 1 " • n u m b ' )

of H H M I d^wa to&A tt&committees and • i m i I tt rgroups work aoa&trntA'' tfywith t b n r local irffiel bis Isthr- [il't'liltliniiry plr- | •• (•[budget nifpariUmn.

Per t&gfaj tob^aaWI i» l*fluilii'hil bimcteet tjeadliues.single copies of the 1904 fOCftliivdgec timetables are sivail-;ble on request to 'Hie Ne-v

Jersey Tiixpiiyers And^o>tion at 143 East State strptt,Trenton, New Jersey 08*308

store discipline and ordevSuch a system is less then

til the outgrown.Struggle For Power

one me iiciiiK made ofrtisljtiii \ p B B B i is in- theBrtftBeem I Koven»»eta IsVfTievw-bi. »!ir-) r i! . |fiiiired lo 11 "'il l Ute Bed •rorism iind sabotage heingkumrhpii from thr C 9 I I QBtSgiSg i.iNini - . imined action by Com!)i10 infiltralc atnl m&e wJ-li• ! ' • • • •

: • , t p t r i

JOHNSONFuneral HomeRoute 38, Wall Township

Modern Funeral HomaModernly Equipped

Walter J. JohnsonDirector

MUtual 1-4455

J. Henry DanglerFUNERAL HOMEA Modern F*imeral RoouOffering a Dignified Set-7lce to Meet Every Finan-cial Need.Eighth Ave and SouthLakti Drive UelmAr

Sales and Service



Qualify Used Cm

Belmar MotorsMUfual (-27278th Ave., F. Sf.

Be!mart N. X

: • ! . • ( , •

the constitutional gap hv us-ing farce t.« proteel ExJ i IUI nfrom the uiKifrhantir'ii ftttoekSSal&fit Ins country. In etherwoitis, it fypffifa on whoseox is gorod M to whether thennlnia olferfl prot-eni.Mi ITdanger.

The Castro Connn limitsare ol cnurse making theirbig e HOT t in Vcn:v telaTliey hope to utilize enoughsabotage amJ violence t.i pFBvent any democratic elec-tions, if they can seize pow-er, that will be niright withthem. If not, then any sort ofmilitary dictatorship will suitthem, for it might open thedoor for other opportuntt iesto jii-ab power. Trouole Istheir intent, and they are iiGfeparticular Jyat how thev getit.

During the summer taCuba tli(* Russians, alreadyin full control of the militarypotential of the island, luoksteps to tighten their controlover the "people'a militia.''This was a move calculatedto protect th&lr puppet frompopular revolt by disuvtniug'his own militia. Tins i atooursa it Red move to controlmilitary l o r e e to a Latljicountry oilier efforts along'thfa ling ; i n ' seen Ui thosteady iiiiiiii itloa o( BraviH-ian. Quatem&lan, and othermilitary components ol vari-ous countries.

There linve been •••• vencoups by the military in Lat-

. ill America since the Alliancefor Progress was set up. ancjthere may be others, A blan-ket charge, however. J,ljnt allmilitary coups are againstU. S. interests will not stand.We would feel better if ourgovernment w o u l d explainmore fully Just what it wantsto do in Latin America. Butcertainly we must encourageall efforts, such as the pres-ent regime in the DominicanRepublic, that a r e anti Com-munist, it wouldn't be a badidea for the V. S. to call fora revolution in Cuba, exceptthat it is a little late for that.

iaei. nir NtiWIUMBV. 'lilt u-liA\ v>V I MIO li '» mm



"Alright, but only ONE."

WANT ADIi jU M111..1 I j'vOO I* , 1 . . . ad. . . »»J h,

fHt COAST AOnHU'A* kt......N J.I I K - l l l H i 411 I. t|<

,1 . >tt 1 l . \ i MliaiUHI . r

WKIAt ««WINttl«H

Radical Right WingersEmploy Commie Tricks

By Hep W tight fatman I) U • )

.,.,.... ,1 lil, III.,.,., I

MAHHY I'M 1 1.(07 i.'ih An., HrJm.r

, s l U l i l I . i r l . ' l I-fr.l III 1)1 o , , M»klU|l

fttMIO» "lid irprtl

, I Me . IMiinr Mli i,.i


M«ion and Pltiferinq Co.


906-16th Avenut folmar, N. J.

tulkr Mwc Iwdo itotr*telu<>fa ebiMI* p iu i i piu

U b u n tIMhM W«M MX1* Ufttc* •(*•) i>«ied PhrtMMO 1 Ittt _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

UX TYPE! ttdiia 1M*•n lor But Hu<«u»rl«*I WMiMr Ma run ru«.«>•!« H u d . . . I N iMftfWIW. MUBMl 1 W l


CONESrettvd Want.

Flower:, and PlonHIn Ssanon


1104 D St. blmw, N, J.PSon.: MMIJ1

i J li itntj.

ttiefveg, sue 0 , t*r«cUeftlly

tww 101 Bu.ukUn Hi.J , .•*••(Jill


i i lu Hi,.h.-,!,, H,,

H « K i|, . , ,


l t in , Ki.l,

«ih»f I


i ii. i utHy i.! I...,:.i'i in,.,! Ft


ih.nk ihi

! " • • • •


JOSEPH MORRISMarnbo/ 0* fiational Ajiociation of Securities Dea'ars

Establish^ 1937M 7 . IJld A>9. MUtlMl I 1132 Balmar, N, J.




Call For FREE DeliveryMUtual 1-0225

1625-F St. South Bclmar

Sterners, Inc.12th Av».« Railroad


Call MU1-1900




Service ContractsBudget Plan

Cleaning andServicing Burners


PR 6-6520



lulu*. OfUinly Ihcii number. i f . iwl

rtt, 4nJ mt*' Aimnvitu iff In.) wn.iht* lo

M int»rij up with ihcm But th« umf Ml I*

i lit (ymmitiiitm. TKn mn be t mi^ukf

in ngjul (tic K* K . n.(u!t ai i | I

" ' • " « • " " " • " T n » ty C . - . - u n , M"ffonli," p*nodic*U, ind wrnertHiv i bwn t *\h*r i Vwmiu jjlil vi.lrtihtnil MI,] , ,|..,.. | by ih(I 111, tU Dr (uirm r ( . l .-t JuiEKF,ami the Committcci ul OingrmBut thi K,ltl.i Wing K *•{,. Jmuvtmint ki t rmt tw*a m»(i!ixj'-i i, .!'•.! (he puhlk hii no wivof knowinj who i i b#hinj it,who ii financing it, ifld who itilifutfiuriti i n . In (hii Bctd new"fronti," R«W "freedom fo-rtifiif,'* mw "commitiH*," ind



2054 Naw Bedford RoadWall Township, N. J.

9 to 7 Daily - 4496203

We Buy and PayCash for Scrap Iron,Steel, Old Rags, Bat-teries, Junk Cars andall kinds of metals.

Wall Auto WreckersINCORPORATED

112! II St. Wnt BelnurPhone etl-<200-l

tryio| to umkrmm* our Iof government, jnd utidfrour t>th«f institution!, uung thf

mil th* mm tnwar,QHMHtfan Kppeili to the

very poor in.) down trodden.The RWK'i, on thf other hind,ire concerned only with hfuublfrm of the very rich andhighly privileged, One kind ofK%'% u very turf that the Republic i» M to be overthrown.The other kind is equally iureihu the Republic li.n ilreidybeen ovfrthrown^and hai been

It M not (hit tht RVCR'i h i thtir ntighbon ind fellow Amerrant. It ii limply that they \*eve thjl mo«i Amcricm* havenH cen the True Light, and doM know whit is going on.

A/u'ifaer M M \ hy both the'lllMMIIJIII and Right WingLiditiU ire dsngerous it thatkj rank trid tile of tonveru to"fh cultj do not .iGtuilly knowhn thfir IIMJCD ire. It ii very

l\ui who are] - } * . • Rood



l knthe

i by ir.Jividuals.invthing about.RWR does ic-

cp ; i i m i l d manner of fan-tniic thm;;i beint; said in littleb •okleti, pj'-nphlm, ^imeo-«'jphcd I f n, farm journalrvprint), i. so on, without

knuwinj} their origin or the^ult^round of the people creat-

tlmoit J.i'v.

For (umple, 1 hivr s -.• ... hin idc i few yean i#o bv rrtiredAdmiral Ben Morrell, head of auntil self-unpointed •>•.'••'[• of"Americini For Constitutiont\Action" which makei an "AC'AIndex" to inform the publicwhether or not the Admiral appro?ej of i ConfcreMman'i vot-ing record. In thii ipeech he itpreaching againtt iuch thinn* npublic schools and public roadi—and of eeurw the ioMSM l i tHe had discovered that K.irl\Utx, writing in Europe in ihcmiddle of the hit century, hjdfavored these thing*. So he citedpublic schooli a% a horrible ex-ample of "How Far D-iuit TlxRoad To Communism" Ameritjhai gone. He apparently did notknow thit public schiwU wersn American invention and wellfevekped before K.irl M,irx VM

hn the best system of govern-ment in the world. Let'i r«-nember this when we hear mal-:ontenti and ndicals of any

kind trying to run downAmerica.


/ 00 A. M


*.S0 t M

Gtorg» C. Giq.r

Get Ready ForFOR


Earl LeayeraftOUR SERVICE










709 10th Avenue, Belmaralso Highway 35 at Old Mi l l Rd.


MU 1-1600 Gl 9-6597


Freshly Killed


Just The Thing ForTHANKSGIVING^^g


A rviosr Festive One.

Also Available In Our Neptune Store



Hinck's Turkey FarmBelmar Blvd., Glendola - ^ Rt. 35 (Cor. Drummond) Neptune

Farm Sale's Room OpenNovember 16 Through 27th

Thanksgiving and the changing American sceneThanksgiving is probably the most nostalgic holiday on ourcrowded calendar. It is a time for thinking of homes w; haveleft behind, of traditional religious services and sportsevents and most of all of those with whom we have giventhanks in other years.

Yet, on each Thanksgiving we should he (hankful for newtnd wonderful blessings which are a part of the growth andprogress of our great country. This year let us be especiallythankful that we can enjoy this! ir« • in peace and prosperity.




I l l I . M 1 A 1 . S i A l M i l l l i in, 1 9 * 3

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by nuthui m.'.! I.pursuant to and


i • i. ti NonoaM»IH II <>• Kill 111 K U M A R

f.alte Kate uf Reel c u t . ,„, T » I M, J M"",*J'"' *"1""* <'"""'t"r i>( Taxes m and fur the fcrourh oj South Bulmar, County

..f Mojimuuth ami Ht.w of New Jersey, hrirbv n u notice that according to the Inw ipquimigme to make the unpaid taxes, assessment* and utltrr municipal charges assessed un landtenement* hereditaments ami leal ritntr- i» «u( Hinouaii of Mouth Bclmar for Uir year1»3 I *ltl m Tue»diur. De«»ma»r S IMS al 1 oo P u . al thf lorouih Hall' P Street andHrdmona) Avenue. Huulli Bolmar, N J . s«ll u » lan<l». t>mni»u. hereditaments and r»al««tat» hereinafter described to make the amount chargeable ajauut said lands on ihethirty first da; «f lurnnuer. iwu a» computed In the tan i|at Unrthrr with interest on a«idamount from said thirty first day uf Dei-ember tu the date ti sale and the cost of sale alpublic vendue, to such persona al will purchase the . am, iubie..' to redemption it 'I . >•'.-» ,!tat* of (ntereat but In no ease In excess of eight per cent per annum

Thia sale la made under the provisions of an act of the Uarlslature entitled An Act forthe toeiMneBt and Collection of Taws, Bevislon oj IMI, approved March 12 19«V »nd llje• i l l ,%p»teirtental thereto and amendatory thereof

! * • said lands, tenement*. hereditaments and real estate to be aold awl the Mmns ufthe person* against whom said taxes have been levied on account or each parcel are s,s ft>|.

ue ISSI'04 ' i i*;.i in tim ha

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je Issued In th'. c.jBstruc-uf Uie Tenth AV.*JIU» V*

MI c o m p l y with (i.i ' . ' and pl^tfoim. <m OOOMjKAvenue in the li ,uu uf »l-! m


In II inltttiii. *lWlit i|,tvlfU'..tioll*l,l*r«in tile oRlCe <* ' * •• l n ' " "

VBd Ml tile ,.i.,i,lt of Uia priiH

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li..ioiiKli shall M ob.. l , n ».l valyiem

. M Uaable

UVsal .,! taid irtllU4 li.ui.'st thereon

I .,f rate or

M HH Mill . * . . . . ™,. »il.iU M..W>. d

Mi*>>tM M Saut till

tn U*»M as M. Ii . .'..i ,s.In fttieft U a ilttlili sf M . I• M M«BBW4lttl f « » , l N J I

•eawiutt tit • wmn M»Hitb»ilf .Ide tl Mill Ansuait!i»iaiu 141 SI wm&mrh (.

. . i . •ouUl

NaaaaV Wakely

r. M r e m e r aA Taylor EstateN Frtnk1, MasonK k A LattlmerO Ii C) l .I..I.-IW. * C li n.liii i.,

BlackIMS l»l»rrTa> AsmU, lateresl < ,.,t

» " " I >« 110 003»>5 H J I lOOO41 20 493 00 I Bl ID 00

3 ' " 45 27 J7 10 006167 3.17 10 00

100 27 ,0 007I.SS 10,00

1M.«O 1338 1000BOROUGH Of SOUTH BE1.MARMargaret Wallin» ColLctor.

Chi It and here*y &•approved Hame :s on lands ' a w •owned tiy the Bori.msn be- j 'M-tween Tea'i: 9!|H BltyWaB|l1sMtlavenue*

(b» The estiiiiatad maxi-,mum amount uf bonds ornote, to be Issued for said

Tata! purpose i s •213,000 00The estimated tost of

s»id purpose H JS24.01K) 0«.the excess thereat over th*

jsald estimated atpaunt of'bond'* or notes to be i.^aeaI lhpr« hw >Hinn ti.? umouiit

vni<*nt for &r.ld .purposeJertinn 4 The foliowlnsitters are hereby det«rmia-, d^Catert, recited and Kta

ir »( ll.ll i i H W tttt*• Mi (•« u IM M HWKM ill«»ulh.ily ,Umt l...t M. I Mhundred l«o> feet la U t IIUWKe m eaaWilr, • ) « §lJ*» II and » and iin.alMIwtUt tke mutberly ude al HillAvenue fin? no, fwl to I<H33 tlwuje Ml norUmty,aluif IM 3a aM paratM wittiUrn aecond coutia twrtw, amBUMtreiS UN, (Ml I* thepoint u t plate of lellnnina

i • ' I - M 4KB IImnlnf at • paint 1* tinwMttrly ant* ef Kill

Avenue laid point being dls

(•81 44

uhn Perrujirlaro

MatthewsMrJi L


As low aj


Now at Flying A!The High-Quality Tire Line...with High Dollar Savings!Youi Flying A dealer now has a complete line of all-

nylon tires —every kind for every kind of car. And

you can buy them the easy-pay way —with your

Flying A crodit card. Get top value and wear for

your money. Stop in for a set of Flying A tires today!

Enjoy a generous trade-in and Ffying A's famous

double-guaranteed warranty.TIDRWATIR



baim III llllHIIWI 1'utjii ;,'A'iUi has been '"i-

u> The said puitioi.? dea-bed in Section 3 of thti

bond ordinance lit not a cur-rent expense and U a prop-erty or Smtsnm'iueiit which

B:iio'j|ih may lawfully lc l > n " ' | 1 " : ' 1 "

.mv or m'ik,. • »cn»r»l,U» ' -""I ~

iW. IM3, and the twtnty-tfiy

HBI . Ul ftOl , , n , , | ;i|-i].

ceedfng innitiimlm EJM VUM; . .irdinailce can be


the .• CbWM

ten -; •

aess of saia purpose, within.he Umtt*$08fi of .said toral


I gun to rufl irnm (,it d«fce ofthf. firet, publicatiori ol thisState/i i on*

DONALD F U IT1 l ' 'V |BBI •. •;. c* rk

I .he

he eaifhis bo

tatemi i

w u b l e iil.' thi-ir.if<J t rmn the I'.atr. -,fbonds authorized oyI ';iv;innnc;e Is forty

M'l-ji.': i:ipntal debtby

; SupnHRBtttrr's w\.i.•lor Court ef New JerseyI funrof y [llvislr-pMoMluuuth I'oBdty

ISt.cket Sn. C-764. 2AflN'A PHASER. PlaintiffII OEOROE WENZEI... De-

ri duty made and By uituc gt ft writ nt exe-iled ln Uw off!:^ 0/ *he Bor- jcutiou 1:1 th^ oLrf>ve stai^iiigh Cterfr and n ':um,piete j tion TO t n e directed, Ixecuted nriyinal thereof has |expr.Rp for s.i::' • t paui.tieen filed in tbe o/flce of the j d-Jfi. il the Coart Smua in>irector .;f t tv Division of I hg Itorough ol J^eeho'd,«ical Go" eminent !n Th^ *?'**. '.^?.'".'"Vl ' '.'^nmnuth. New.artment : t i r TTttftm*? off JWaey, cm Monday tlie C

>Hl«1| *!**«§

fifl» tUi I«H h u m a•aid mat laws** i«i Mdfcwrtariir ahnt M N H J I HatM «Mk Ma see art m m

H$ttt m y*as« ai

h* <w fit( r«»< w'rgfli tftt :8t»rMrrtj«l •»* A


TiMtNiMir or » i n

Psblk Hal« a* Real Estate l i r Taae^

1 Kll/abeth M Allen Collector ul Taxea in and fur th*iiauth and Htate of New Jfr^ey. hereby ftven nottfte Uwtaitake the unpaid laves, assessment* and other m:nrntfi, hereditan'^nts jtid real estate in said ttiwnahlp ttI will on Tuesdas, Dicember 1, IH3. at I A M at the r»

nafter desrrtb*»d to niake the amount charaesble againstif December 1M3 and 1M3 ai computed in the tax tin

laf to the law requii lntf me to

U.i ttie ytars IMI aiid !«.•1 - '.tffice Wiinicipal Build

bii thirty first day.t on said amountf Decembpr i9« and i»63 u compute i tof etf » d

om said thirty first day of Drewnber JM2 to the date or sale and ttu cost of »«lt» at pendu*!, to such p«r>oo» an will purchase the ssune subject to ledemptton *l the lowturt rat*

*f interest, but In no cine Is PKCPSS of eight p*r ctnt p«r Annumthis sa'e is mad? under the provisions of u act of ttw» Legisiatarr HOltMl 'An Act for

the A&Beasmetit and Collection of Tasws. Revision sf IMS approved Mu. | ] 1943. ' andthr acts supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof

The said lands tenements, hereditamentsh d hhp persons agmrist whom said tea

Name Bl<; A & VeroniCB

O Browr.inmel B It MildredHeath

Hstttip C. Jaudel Msi

Rev. K J Butting-Kst.

I ahtbU, CharlotteHakea A 1 ;!

SSaHl Est.

•: . . I V.-n Pelt. Est.

Itiirgld A \ JuneReynolds 1

Nan Gulf i-Joirpli J 4 Ted R

Exetf Wood prodInc., Co.

Emma- Walker,

^ haveami real esus* to br mte

rn Eevfed oti iceoiint of rac if..!«1 are a

IMI18 71MM13 IS

State o- N>wuch stateni'r.t shows Mathe gross A&t ( thf BorO!wlis defined In l*Id Lnw is In-

'lay of

rime.All the

' ' . • ' • | .

M.. 1963 at 2

defcsdft&t'l right,



Silver Lake Rug & CarpetCleaning Co.

Done !n Your Home - High Quality WorkAt Lowest Prices.

Call 681-3185 Today Far FREE ESTIMATES

Emma \v • lu

Harry V * Ruth

F'/.i arotto ltf*

Corn^'ins J. A: Minnie

Albert Sf Ii\ernham 182Walter Y,i: IHTJohn J, Oasanpr 204Raymond A filer 208Llo>d & Beatr ice Go . s 199

J to 7

17 to 22




wherever you

'Hivtr oarry more ca»hthan you can afford to io«*

k> protwrt your trawl couh irtlh 100%-«tl»Smwlom EipniM Trartlort ChtmiM. •tlurj' « •taatootly itcogciied <mywbm« la &• wt»W cado n gooa until UMd.ii tost oi »tol«a youget a picsipt ntund

C h e a t } * — o n l j ap e n n y a d o l l s ,

BELMAR-WALLNational Bank

EMe & Mary HumElvie tt Miry HulitJoseph W. ShiblaJohn J. Of)•loiin .1. , Beatrice

I ; . H. A; Etta PierceJohn J. Oaanfitft1

I John J. Gassneri John J. & BeatriceI Oassnerj Juhn J. o 1 ••j John J. Oassner! ,'olm V. Jr. k Edith


south HaokensftckRealty Co.

Lucille Plaih. EatMarion Parrel

•raE B i j scoop ,M. Oretsky

Ernest H. fc MaryWestphal

Alyea ^Ll .or or A.Clinch

Paul J. Si MarieMeasure

Marie PlonerCaroline AragneGarden State Pkwy.N. J. Hwy. AuthorityN. J .Hwy Authority

Owner Unknown

Frank J. & ElsieLehner

Theresa AmenteOwner Unknown

Gilbert Marcellua

George GrimJohn Poland Est.OWQer Unknown

1 LoVL'tt. Est.



23.9117826 38



337.27239120 72

4) 44

5,005 005 005.005.0O

5 006.0O5.003.00

1.2818.4711 'i.i


376 63 to 5«


87 833B



Member Federal Dei-wt Insurance I.-Federal I. >( System


F Street at "!th Ayenue, Bolmar

Routs 35 at 18th Avenue, Wall

Routs 35 «t Atlantic Avs.,W.||


i W219621962•' mi







662 08






432.71116.9618.0430.0158.0303 1037 0630,7

f l.492.03! 3 , 1








u\ t MBKH »» iiutt

Station WagonHeadquartersM I 0 * . >. •• row

CNH4 vMl>n " M M t«kfl

All M«Ui•nd Modtli

He h*4 « « • UMwnUtti, U(* U P * h# fnterwl p«Wb

U f t i u w * • ' ' •xt 1

Ur*« Mho attt •"',..• I i . M r >

ill be vtrv ruwkta 47 CENTRAL AVt,IMT OMNGl . N J

1ST. 19111 •!': <Ht> * jMl«<l '-

m >• to itw t a r ; f»li fc..

1 ... , * • kncmi by ».. > tr *••>* fetn

name MM ftW !'>e INff 'he ljuJ, which Uu*

the .IPCK

ternary M M *

• „ - • . ,





Prom 12 Noon

docks. wh?re he received EImuch m ISO a barrel iremwhalers leaving Ar« HCM

i for a year or twj.

i lottbletrouUtt"

Foremost atium^ all earlv11 anbeny growers #aa Jo-seph J Whit*'. Describinghims*If as "a practicalgrower at New Lisbon." Mr

(er and richer Iruit w».istaithng price of <2 cents

nterspeiaed in Mr. Wmm$detailed accounts of Umethods of cranberry turning WAS ftn tMMBl fi !>

harvdsomp little volume tallberry Culture. '

Everyou* wthia nation km- *Operating I'r'Ht<>/ things must h.> don*', according 1 • t;. l**"k.its ('('tuiterparts in civilian 1 i f e too. In IState, fur example, if a community wants or nee*!:fftmtttltnt it is WOf Is ask an aH-j>owerful central gov

provitfi? it. Tht1 oirnmunity may of m;;'t-rnment |inot get it. In f-itfrmi l s ;tt HH t.'i

wv tanfare Sutiern t•Ml KW fcfpower CM UMtration that w.snvtment of an

ler east1, a

, • - ' ••• •• ^ a - . ! I P ) -. -. 1 i •

me higher material1 • • i r i . I iT. irv t>

rvxt-to-e •. ' Ml I -

I- JfefWf Is on? f(•tates where the correct

W8HMH of an acid, plilysoil and proper moisture en-courage cranberry gf##th<

T h e vines grow natursuly,Djt the tons of cnnui'i 1 11taken out ol New '*- ./yoogs these days ftp) »!insinly on 19lh cenuny nn •piovemerit* in culture

er vices.

But there are honorable txc**p'.icns. There is |9 and there, an old spirit that moves people Initod things for themselves in the face of cliff.


A town of -J.OOO in Western Oregonbrary. So local people, all unpaid volunteers, joinedin an effort to make the wffth come true, t'ivic chihr*

>,i "-li-i'itl'y to 19thmen enibartcing on kvoyages loc i&wfUsttsaw th<- liurl r.'uit t»s upreventhe o[ SL^ivy.?aiiois uaet) linifs 'scur\ y; J« rseympnalong then own Imedicine


donated their year-end surplus fund.*.. Meet ing U Nh e l d at a local bookstore, whei'e authors Rppearol.books soidf and a part of the pn fit went lo the Ubr.ivyfund. Individuals donftted b o o k s , and anything ofvalue tnat could be sold or txchanj'ed for books V/P.Smore than welcome;,

So, little by littlr. the library, housed in tWflroonia of a huildii,^ rnoxed along, It could be donemuch more (g&tckly vi cuurso. with a governmcr.tirrant, But one thing if sure—this library will ha^ea quality that no such prant could provide. It willbe the. result of voluntary individual effort, the fraitof the work and belief and feeling of many mimK

hearts and haivh. It will be a thing of pride, like a j|U .home one builds for one-self.

A I.ttle 3ib**nry in a little town is not. necessarilyS little matter It can be a. big precedent.

As W n h of i.T<ail)irrltfj wpnt tu «ea and bushels went

a d 110 li-)to Dolling pots for home J f-demand? Increaseft. T h etwlstc-d vines of nature ••erenu lur-ger enough, eauf inthe ]S30's pioneers bey an?xpeilrrienttrig with cran-berry culture.

One of the fttfl pe t -them-your self dreamers *,vasa one-legged Oce^n County;ichoolmast*r, "Pee LPB"John Web^ of Cassviile. PegLeg John found a ready mar-ket on t h e Philadelphia

raU\flight of stairs, On!/

firm, ripe bttffM bOSBMtf allthe way to tlie bottom; ovtr-rlpf or iottiTi fruit Indued onNip itapi Orfatly rsfiiwd,that, -moie bounce" (Ml isaUli use'

New Jersey iiroducid halfof all America's citiv 18T0 Thy Jerseyritus grew i^A wllti vlpen-ltig fruit, in & region fromOngs Haf to Double Trouble,from Mt. Misery to Friend-ship, fro'n Penny V&i toWhitesb'

Douule lYouble owes itsname to c ran berrying. Trad-ition says that a minister whod ked bis lands to growcranhrrries h a dwith muskrats borithe ernbatJkments.

Day after day, whsn theminister saw the diggings,he would exrUim: "Theretrouble."

One day, when two niusk-rfttl perfoimed thejr evil, thecrunberry • growing parsonshout

White credited twogvowovs with T1

t ionizing cranberry cultureb> developing thplr vwg; inIS55 The jiayoff for a bis

1 Tiie picking stason Mpleasant one, lor K M 1!!reasona, to both pit-leer .proprietor T h e VMNfeM[WBTirWHr ' i « ' " t h l l t |mast delightful of all moni '

it Sy!»oni« A-t. n— M M NIPTUNI CITYand HiShw«y 15 »•»' •"1«'» PRoipte* M t < M j

- ANNIVERSARIES -for t ! Years Ajta

Nov.mber IHJ, 1923Tnree Be'rnar youHr,

i-.-uie it -rand cleantii) of |prize? at tne Red Bank Poul-try Show. Tney wer* WalterClayton el BU 16th avenue,Abram Blum oi Eighth ave-nue and F street, and Rich-ard Wmes.

— 1923 —Joseph Mayer was sworn m

a« mayor of Belm»r at cere-monies in the Borough HaJU-Thf borough cleric. Dr. FredV. Thompson. a.'Jmini.sLeroftthe oath.

-- 1923 —N. V. Ackiss of 510 11U.

avenue, Beli:\ar, celeuvsUpdj his 63rd birthday with a

APPKAL SHOULD BE HEEDEDThere is no worthier cause, in our view, than the

appeal to employers to giv« every consideration to thehiring of physically handicapped workers.

But, far tc-o often the purport of the drive is notclearly understood. Some employers mistakenly fee)that they are being asked to show favoritism in behalfof the handicapped.

Nothing: could be farther from the fact. Handi-capped workers voluntarily compete with able-bodifdworkers for jobs and seek no special favors. All that {party lot friends andthev ask is that they not be ruled out before being' t ives a t h i s n o m p

, ,, , . • v T ! also clebrated J-given a chance to pro\e that their handicaps ore uoia

b«r to their ability to handle a particular job.All through the nation, in all manner of jobs,

handicapped workers have written a record of greataccomplishment which more than justifies the confi-dence management his placed in them. This ringin,proof of fie competence of handicapped workers shouldopen up countless new jobs to them since this sourceof skills has only been H( F'v tapped up to now.

It goes without saying, of courts, that is is in thebest interests of the nation, business and industry andthe persons concerned to give handicapped individualsequal opportunity to compete with the able-bodied forjobs they are qualified to fill.

MISSING RIGHTIn all the current furor over civi! rights we have

not beard nor seen a single mention of an extremelyImportant right the—the right of a worker to join.or not to join, a labor union,

This is a deplorable omission because compulsoryunionism, which requires workers in unionized plainsto join unions Ul order to hold their jobs, is still per-mitted in 30 of the 50 states,

Rev- Andrewpa.stor of theChurch in New Gretna,choren D>' members otcongregation of ttifl Bci!Presbyterian church to -ceed Rev. Charles E\v.v.

— 1923 —Miss MWWWt p.^-.v.- ';•. •

over, daughter C, Ul wA \x\ :'>\'±Mrs, George C Cm

f;e:trelary and treasurer, re-spectively.

— 1918 —A surprise stoik ;;bov,-er

FM given in honor of Sir?.John Soper of 605 16th ave-nue, Belmar, at, the no"'? WEMrs Walter Thernuinn in As-bury Park. Mrs. Ja-^'Ph W'ulf-son of Belmar waP co-host-ess.

— 1948 -Mr, and Mrs. Thorn*? J

Swettman of 1501 C BtHtft.Belmar, announced the mar-riage of their daughter, Petricia, to Donald Heniersoi:.son of Mrs. Jacob Ulncft ofNeptune City. The ceremonyVU performed by Rev. Ed-ward J. O'Connel! in the rec-tOTJ iif St. Rose Chur:ii.

— 1948 —John It. (Jack) DuiV:y cA

Ninti: avenue, Belmar, }MM4the staff of the AaurlttaMuseum of National K..::•:.-•in New York. He was rttiffc•d to 'Jie museum's Qtf$tt

mcBt ok education.— 1948 —

).'.- :..-.-; Kr8. James Ri..:,,v:..Hi.-. ;.- Mterood from a« r

-•;, and wer. U_-. South B^ Btftf

Atlantic Hi;{Y..i:r.-:- -.-••:ley M. Laird, & '• '•' V'

t, Ha r ry D .'..= • •: ID stret. V&9 r -.- • M

I m a r I C e t t U d -•: t iThe o&remem * i^

rned :,• WHaney ,.h.':v-


G. h1'r. fti, Fxxl Uettudlst C\:•' ••;.'.••.•..1 • Sfei briiir- p*-i

•' Mr, and Mrs

mmm iatoajr, The 1f".i:n: v i\ i. son of MrWi t BWM9I3 Hurt A.!i1.' tea rwtsvm a 'vs i

B«Bt0 :-.•- m*r.

iifi itittott •!•'-'": I •-" rfThach .^v . r . v • uvd :.•( •'..>

*or the iKBrfit Bf H B&MC arch, H w BI£R£I V M --•• •:at th e BelmEr C « ^ a «

It is our vifew tha*mediate bteps to rest'1 reunion membership by e 1to-work laws extant in t!

Fifteen Years AfsNovember 26, IMS

B o r o u g h CommlMJODftg. . , . , . , 1 John Ferruggiaro m * elMt-

I 30 states .should take mi-led president of the Q5wly-the r ight &f free choice in 'organised Voung Men'^ D':m-

ieene J. Sullivan was named

BILL HILLEngine Service

< R H . 71 W. Bolrnor

Lawn Mowers,

Small Engines


Machine Assembly

Phone 6BI-2092

This Year




you get

all conveniences

See how much more convenient it will be to do

your bonking at Bel-Wall National. Start a

Christmas Ciub and soon you will want to have

your savings and checking account here, too. .

All three offices will accept your weekly Christ-

mas Club payments. From week to week use the

most convenient one and from as early as 9:30

rrornings to as late as 8 o'clock EVENINGS.

Anyone may open any of these Clubs without an

enrollment fee:

50* - $1 - $2 - $3 - $5 - $10 - $20

< * — , w 1



"• •'




Loan Dept. Wall Office Open Continuously To 8 p. m. Daily.

BELMAR-WALLNational • Bank


F S t r e e t a t 9 t h A v e n u e , B e l m a r

R o u t e 3 5 a t 1 8 t h A v e n u e , V . a l l

Route 35 at Manasquan C i r c l e P l a z a


I I U K - S U A X , S O S I Mi l l i: n i K r O A . s r A t ) V K H I I > K H . M E I ' l|;|;sn Hnf


• mm HK ruiiuuT1111 m l <>» BH-Mma t o W a a *<• ' « J '» s t

t r f ftlittl II M i n . MlKlaWtI U A U >*i'4*f Ht'liuul

i !• » M U n m u War•4119 *#irooti h» (jSstar

rr J4HKH nixoi-Ai» . "'M. • "<• II 4 A f * «

»•> B, I bn i l <!K i l l - I'nlv

HolJ EueterMt «»


i «Uoj atsleillta

• « I - . . . • . . ,

, rfUif Mulir Knefcarlti tod nua~oa» tckoai.

U N A II.— Usrekf Praj*r and flitrmoa•T nreimMii [HIK(•Hnl l^lr Urt*f. HfrtBf I afc*« • « I 1 l l . l .n I . . ! . ,

iiunoir U U K I - on MMBouf Iran 1 A u to it N«a

,'..'lt!»T MlH a A atu./iuUr I P II Ulncu

lens ftlcdal Wovena deveuooa.IT. ROM • 0. <MlK •» t n , * • M.«*f- feirt I TnOa r»lar

Buadsr H U M • on thehour from u n i t n Noon

• May Masses In rtureh- 111. I «nd I A U

• -'.',' . .;un* every Saturdayfrom 4 Is i i . p. M andtram 7 N la I p. II.

Tfee PerpBtual Novpna IBtumor of Our Lady of tfceMiraculous Uedal Is heldf\rry Monday evening at I.tint) tad Church School. !

H H l li.. • II II H- , .KII> . Jr ,

I M A M K..II lar n. tailidttara' C grunge, a.;.. i;n

» In A M M-: II 11.a waraiilp %n tiii.ii by the pa«Utr

H A M H»euiHl worablp,«-lvlra similar U. Ilia first

1 PUrlta Y a u » atllPeRai


*r« I.IHKef ( a m ft II HUUr

Hundara H A M - HoltCommunion.

• 10 A M 8uni BucUr1st and scnttuii

HI m — Holy Communiontth bjrmBS11 00 A M - Mornlni P i t

yer and MermoaUaMy 7 SO A M II.,ly (Mm

munlon. except Frldara.Friday! - • 39 A M — lluly


PHOTKIITAWT ( III Kl Hfv n..Id E Miller, PatterMS A M —Sunday Hcheol.

lav. i for all afea; JamaaHardy, superintendent.

H A. II Morning wor•hip

7 P. M. - Truth for Youth,7 P M — Evening service.


I ouril, .ad Weal Lake Atea.s»tlat l»k«. N. J.

» i . i . - . . , . . ia.aW

-i M . I I > n i m »

anil aeimua• t> A U KuU'Ui » » «

far all *«• •II M A U Miunm* war

ship atut wnitiiti Mrs Julifi

Ks* I- II l**waa. rsalalM.Jh t t a , N<a> Ii *>

lu A M f"iiiila> Seteotn A M w .1 -1 iii aamlet

n M A R K * K 0 . I III 'BI 'HIre Afr, A I rrairal Pkw

• a * CMrtM>, J. H r f H i l l-kUa

Buodaj Kuaia I II III A M

Wokilu Uaaaaa _ 1:MA al

I IIKUl ( III XI H UNITTlid a n . , ana Eiaarr w.,

A.aur, Park. N. J.•<T. Joan Manilla fasta*II A M — Miimlnn wi

vlc«. Sunday .s -hootTuesday « r- M nit.v

Lnt rpr*tatlori classes.Wednesday I P M. _ Real

Ing Service.Friday I P M • eurnii

fi Truth, alternatlnf eachFriday evenuig wllii prayer(rou».

B»t"nsT TABERNACLERev. Kiibril I.. I n r PaaUr

F St.. South Belmar9:is A M — Bible School

•Mth classes for all ages

t P M KvMitM . '" t " !

nerKies, |.«»toi « 8K««(«


I Ha A w . Weal avintafI I I kkaaid I a*l«wr.

I M A M I'I.'.I h ti.lio.llClaases fsf all a#»s KUbafrfiaKloti. genera] *.ji<*iiul'si»

•BI I A I I - M- i - i . - i i j * W

•hip Metaafe by the patterI S8 P M KveiUng servtea

in t^e saHflijaryCHRISTIAN K i l l l l ttIMI i'karek •! I htlal

vlrathl0^ aud and I «M. I*1 AveKIH i,

Aiairr PartSunday service. U A H.(Sunday Mt-hou! 11 A afWednesday I IS P la —

testimony meetingMT HUTU BAPTIST

CHURCHI n . O. H Mar.kail Patter

171* I n , Matt Belaitr• « A. M. Dunday 8.*ooi.II A. M Morning serfic*.

WAIL MF/niiiiiifrrrm *< II"Id Mill R«><

• P I Howard U i lI «9 A. II Early WorablpI 49 A II Church School


II A M — Morning W»r1J0 P. M - Evening wor


tin*! Ill i III BillO» RAM. I-.»>Mill

*t fMa.r( I ..14:..

I I I « MH A M


lalllam, faalai

WirrMliiitlay HtliitulHuuut Wur

UH.Ii I,H<Mllkcal

Ali™».. .1 Seat,« • • • •• i-i.iehi V I. ai

I A M Huly CortlfflutlW.

IB A M M ..uifn Frajpr> m a M u H vim testnie

•al aim 'l, ,r. b atfcoole n t u v kArnar

•*jn>»«lli Ara , al I MMm Tkmaere I Darla


rVtiiK.1 | » | | |rwo moititag servieos, I D


XT M A I ! . . \ m I s i 111 H I II

•»rt»g U t aMeet I n I I Hogan. <-«.l«i

Woaadny Mss 7 A tf.Friday I P M •• Novena

of tat Sacred Heart.Busdty Masses • OB toe

hour from 7 to 11 A U. uvOlUStTI

Robert I.

etlft*, »*frda»f

FIFTH tTBXVR CHAPELFlft> Airiae, Belnar

1:11 A M - Morning Ser

mm,11 A. M - Family Bible

I Hour: Sunday School.7 P M - aosael Ifeetlnt







— At Moderate Prices —

The Coast Advertiser

him t>* ni«*i--t ihitl vi l i iniand obtain it.ed.r*l tdxlrr

uibb, pre fe^er ef animni ntilrlttunu el* fMslagtfal l i c u n f i . c*titlun«..( vit-unu. tttiM His . MM < inn >unutritional avpccU »f *Ii-,« .•--« I *<i

l viliiniii w<r-t\ t\.ttcl*e ni»tJci .Hum

DRUN.SWK'K -icientiat who

«*en px.ierinn'iiliTit, H '!)

' | uitli tuitritiunalftspecUf HMttaW I if";" * ••itamin pills not to plungeoo fifquently mto UN ';!),• WWtrrt* M9 'In' W.nUT

i MMM II Hqulbb, proIMMN of anima. mitrluo'i inthe Butgers Bureau >it Bio-logical Research, eays iiiod-

tion *ind medicdl advice


Thfre'3 no nesd to * •< • 'until Spring to begin work ,.nyour lawn You can do 't alot of good by ipfMtf iflime now After you've i .iked off the leaves, of BMW ("

According to a man whu isdedicated to keeping GardenState lawns g r e e n andhealthy tb$ lime you spiv.utthis Fall will take effect bet-ter than the lime you intendto put on next Spring. Dr.Henry W. Indyk. extensionturf management ipeetnHs.,t Rutgers, explains that

lime moves slowly down in-to the grass roots where itis needed. The alternate

•eezing and thawing: of thesoil speeds the process sothat the g r a s s plants canhave the full benefit of thelime.

How much lime to spreaddepends on the amount youhave put on 111 the imat, tintype of soil and its degree ofacidity.

Dr. Indyk says that aeaUy an established law ne?dsabout 25 pounds of groundlimestone to 1,000 squun-feet of area every year,

Some people apply ">tt to 75pounds e v e r y two or threeyears, but the lawn speciLil-tst says it'3 better to applysmaller amounts every yearthan larger amounts leys fre-


A n o t h e r advantage ofspreading lime every year isthat you are less likely toforget to do It.

SOIL TESTS TELLSIf you can't remember

when you last applied lime orhow much y o u spread, youmay want to go at the Jobmore scientifically.

The one sure way to tellif your lawn needs lime is tohave the soil tested. Dr. In-dyk suptfests a test everythree to five years.

To have your soil tested att . College of Agriculture,the first sEep is to send $1to your county agriculturalagent and ask him for ahome Burden soil mailingkit. With the plastic bag,box and mailing labels youwill receive instructions fortaking a soil sample.

Your whole effort mightwell depend on how you takeyour samples so it's to youradvantage to heed the direc-tions.

After your soil has beentested you'll receive a re-port from your agent withsugge.stions for improvingyour soil.

You can reach your agentby calling or writing the Co-operative Extension Service.which la a part of Rutgen, inyour county. Look in thephone book under county cf-flcw.

, thf. aM ot ' it-

fout that hit experiments onchickens havoverdoses of

provenvita*1" us

combinations can be

<atd tfiat inthere hs

rw\fjr twen any directrlslion bftwppn the nuttuifinal lilrpness of the chicken andthe human, nor do ai! 'ii<pases respond the sam? tonutrient Mi|ipl •nienIatlaa) or

said, his I'eKU'u "abound OBlrserve as a guhip HBf

He .said he considered Usexperimentation only Ba A

which should hu!ti increase scientific interest in a

fairly neglected field " Heto the chicken or, -added that his own family

t the least, a w a s t e of'nt>ver took vitamins andmoney for the fai'mri

' We ti.ivp found that nulri-ents can influence the gio'Vthof a bug as well aa help buildresistance agninsL it," Dr.

ttMl, explaining that

ule-of thumb has a l w a y sbeen that recognized Mv allnutritionists:

"A well balanced diet con-sumed in moderation will sus-tain an individual better than

msome of his experiments huve surpluses of any groupafeowfi itmt iHrtftttmr inflicU'd i any particular nutrient," Drwith thr Newcastle .li.seasc ! Squibb concluded.virus or avian tubeiCiil, I .will iiflen tilt? mure r^puiiywhen fed overdoses of somevitamins

DRIVE SAFELYJust Bt* A Safe Driver

BELMAR MARINE BASINFlounder FishingIn Shark River


Highway 36, MUtual 1-5800 Bolmer, N. J.



COLD WAVE $5.009l8APStreet Phone 681-'/M?


Phone MUtual |.|7"I William M. M y

Shamrock Janitorial ServiceCOMMERCIAL — RESIDENTIAL

Floor Waxing — Window CleaningComplete Janitorial Service

Full Insurance Coverage

419 Seventh Avenue Belmar, N. J.

MUtua! 1-1587

Daniel 1 Reilly Funeral Home801 D Street Belmar, N. J ,

Situated on beautiful Silver Lake conveniently

located to serve the entire Shore Area,


Steak — Chicken — Fish

Finest Food On Jersey ShoreSteak — Chicken

Fresh Fish — Lobsters — Clams — CrabsDinners — Platters — Sandwiches

LUCILLE SANDERSONF Street and 7th Avenuo BELMAR, N. J,

Phone: uJ I 9639

t in Hi l'» I MAI, \ t W .It I. I » l i l t

NI*M "Chevy-Van" hint I Deliver)


l*» » laft*M t « l | l i l l t* IIn». • (»••• i i i - v v n •«•« • !#«. «Ml kit*. . . .H- . . « .

1, i , < . >» h I.Mt Ito •( n . l u . 4 « . . t >Ml «.

(im#imiu Nr«* madrU iir .,.. « i . , ' . . ,1 t : I ml Mul.r. * - k i n >•< Hint* • >«•*

J. Wimm«r,Rvtirtd Engineer

Tin fuwral "! »un« ,iWlmmtr. retired .'ix-iai.!*

'WNnnrtty' from the U*nl*>l». j<.'il!) P u » i i | Home, «>l> * ' ; : • ! . I', iiual A RfijuicmMftki WM offered in at Ko*«-chiutli TM Roesry WM recited Turainy mihi at tin? luacmt borne BuiiBl wtta In St.Catharine'* Cemetery, in the(tea Oirl •eclion ol Wall Town

I Mi WimniH 41*4 Pund*y•I rn»m Meioottal Ka»M'"iIto waa »» and had >K>MI .aIII heaitft some time Hta n.<fflev i i at 310 NOIUI l^k," d m r

livmi [wciMsikjiM I t . t « « . IllNe» Yom City. Mr Wlninwrwas a auti of the latt> Frankand Pauline Wimmer He radlived In HarrUon befow rnuvIng to Belmat- 20 years aloHe wait n member of NewarkLocal 135 International Unionof Operating Engineers, theHoly Name Society of StRose Church and the U>ja]

Oldi'i (if Mixx-e In Ailingtet Wimmer i* wrv

Despite the Tragic Events of

the past week, we Amer-

icans have much for which

to be thankful.

Let us give thanks to God.We wish everyone a HappyThanksgiving.



CALL 681-0511

HB ! i >, in //'

We'll put up your(Armstrong CEILING

We have the widest selection nl new and exelu*sive Armstrong ceiling designs lu town. Theyinclude Textured, Classic, and new Silver Custl-iontone, the amazing new ceilings that soak upnoise and give your home today's smart new look.

Once you have selected the design you likewe'll supply an expert to put up the celling loryon. You can arrange to have the ceiling in-stalled at your convenience. Come in and geta free estimate for the entire ml, without obli-gation, or call 681-1900.

As low as $66.00 for an average I0'xl2' room.

A Better Homes & Gardens Idea CenterWINTER HOURS: 7:30 to 5 Dally Til I P. M. Safurdoy

(One Block West of F Street) FREE P A R M N G

MUtual 1-1900 We Deliver

l f C

WiHtH Thomn» J E«**:i uiWall luwrisriip Iorm«r preids lif o l ;- ' | < u s * - I ' l A -i i

tcr. Mil EMuibvth t'ohti i»lMhrf»«t..nt and l*o « andchiklitn

Eric H. Schmidt,Retired BanUr

ci'iNi • i HKY n u n i iFuneral snvtcrs tot Kt." HM M'nJt of 800 C*xrx ivrnue•.fen1 hfiii 8un<tay Bui i»l win,in CUiiUtn Onwlery, Irvinglun

Mr M M A died 1 A ; [Thursday at his home

Burn m Hanovrr, Of mi i |he ramp to this HHM v m1923 He was retired HUtiag-ri <JJ MM commercial tieya^t-rm-nt di the Fidelity UnionTrust Co in Newark. He hadbeen nmji.oyeii there M fmnbfloie his irtiiempnt

Mr Schmidt t i i U l l j llvwlin Irvtngton, m o v i n g toSpring Lake Heights !myears aito He leaves his *ifMrs Mtna Witter Schmifit.

•f uw HMk at

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hUUl »Ule•urety rompuif will providetto bidder wtUt ft gusranterbond lor • turn eounl la )»•;of the contract Rmount andmust be delivered at the placeand an uw kam above named

Trie Hoard of Coromlasion-M ol trie BurtmOi al Bel

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710 - « * A««« MUtuil 11909

Ordzio GalluccioThe funeral of Orazlo Oal

luccio ol 706 10th aveniir, Bel-mar, was held Monday fromthe Daniel A Reilly FuneralHome, 801 D street. A Re*quiem Mass was offered in £(.Rose Church. Burial was :nSt Catharine's Cemetery.

Mr. Oalluccio died last Fii-day at Fitltia Memorial Hos-pital. He was 39. He was bornin Spring Lake and had livedmOxSt of his life in Belmar. Hehad been employed r\s abeach attendant in Bflmaiduring the Summer Jtnd ma Civil Defense warden. Heleaves a brother, Achiilp, athome,

Mrs. Jos. SmithNEPTUNE CITY — The fti

neral of Mrs. Teresa (patriciai Smith will b e held Friday at 8 30 A.M, from theDaniel A. Reiliy FiineraHome, 801 D street, BelmarA Requiem Mass will b e of-fered at 9 in St. Elizabeth'sChurch, Avon.

Mrs. Smith died Monday atFitkin Memorial HospitalShe was 57. Her home was at87 Wilson avenue.

Born August 10, 1908New York State, Mrs. Smithwas the daughter of theEli B n d Elizabeth GlennonPalmer. She had lived in theshore area 33 years and p»'iorto that in Newark. She alsohad lived in the PanainiCanal Zone.

Mrs. Smith was a practicalnurse and had been associatedwith the Francis NursingHome.

She is survived by herhusband, Joseph c . Smith',four sons, Joseph F. of PointPleasant, Gilbert of the Pana-ma Canal Zone, Steven of Phil-adelphia and Richard, athome; five brothers, Ascher.Henry and Peter Palmer ofElizabeth, Daniel Palmer ofStaten Island and EdwardPalmer of West Caldwoll, andSevan grandchildren.


TAKE NOTICE that on the28th day ol October 1963 tbflPlanning Board of the Bor-ough of Belmar, after a publichearing, denied the applica-tion of Paul and Mildred Har-nicfc for a subdivision of lot12, block 130 into two parcelsand that determination ofsaid Planning Board has beenfiled in the office of saidBoard at the Municipal Build-ing, 8th Avenue and RiverRoad, Belmar, New Jersey,and is avnilable for inspec-tion.

DONALD F. MATTHEWSSecretaryPlanning Board

ts-1-34 i$3.04>

TAKE NOTICE the Plan-ning Board Hearing origin-ally schiMJu>d for November25th, i903 to hear the applica-tion of Josephin Royer to re-subdivide lots 19, 20 find 21Block 154 on the 1957 Tax Mapof the Borough of, Belmaralso known as 500-16th Ave-nue, 50216th Avenue and 1501D Street, has been postponed

lords have changed...reaUy changed!Stop at your Foid Dealer's and find out how much,Look ai Fold's lively line of completely restyledha re hops. Listen to the sound of quality—slain thedoor,pound the fender—just try and hear the engine.Then test-drive lota] performance '64All al once you'll know why October wasthe biggest month in your Ford Dealer's history!

Before YOU buy any new cat—STOP!See how Fords have changed

Used car buyers! Record sales mean record-^^ Used C;u: values for vou at your FORD DEALER'S!

GIGER FORD709- IOth Avenue MUtual 1-1600 Belmar. N. X