THE CARRWOOD TIMES Website: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01274 664864 or 07949899113 Follow us on Twitter: @CarrwoodPrimary Weekly Newsletter : Friday 11th June 2021 ATTENDANCE Petals AM - 76.67% Petals PM - 60.00% Blossom - 85.90% Reception Acorns – 88.75% Year 1 Garnet – 91.72% Year 1/2 Amethyst – 93.00% Year 2 Aquamarine – 93.15% Year 3 Emerald – 95.19% Year 3/4 Peridot – 89.60% Year 4 Ruby - 94.07% Year 5 Sapphire – 92.22% Year 5 Opal – 92.76% Year 6 Topaz – 91.67% Year 6 Turquoise – 92.00% Whole School 92.02% Please remember we are aiming for 96% This week 281 pupils have 100% aendance - Well Done! On Friday 25 th June we will be joining in with the rest of the UK to celebrate One Britain, One Nation.This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate what it means to be British and to be proud of belonging to a nation that promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. During the afternoon we will be taking part in a number of themed activities. To make the day extra special we are inviting all pupils to come to school in non-uniform; dressed in red, white and blue. If you would like to find out any more information about the event please visit the OBON website at hps:// ATTENDANCE Well done to the following children, who won the 100% aendance raffle in their Key Stage last half term. We look forward to seeing who the winners are this half term. Georgia-May - Petals Marcus - Acorns Lilly-May - 1/2 Amethyst Lena - 3/4 Peridot William C - 6 Turquoise



Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01274 664864 or 07949899113 Follow us on Twitter: @CarrwoodPrimary

Weekly Newsletter : Friday 11th June 2021


Petals AM - 76.67%

Petals PM - 60.00%

Blossom - 85.90%

Reception Acorns – 88.75%

Year 1 Garnet – 91.72%

Year 1/2 Amethyst – 93.00%

Year 2 Aquamarine – 93.15%

Year 3 Emerald – 95.19%

Year 3/4 Peridot – 89.60%

Year 4 Ruby - 94.07%

Year 5 Sapphire – 92.22%

Year 5 Opal – 92.76%

Year 6 Topaz – 91.67%

Year 6 Turquoise – 92.00%

Whole School 92.02%

Please remember we are aiming

for 96%

This week 281 pupils have 100% attendance -

Well Done!

On Friday 25th June we will be joining in with the rest of the UK to celebrate ‘One Britain, One Nation.’ This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate what it means to be British and to be proud of belonging to a nation that promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. During the afternoon we will be taking part in a number of themed activities. To make the day extra special we are inviting all pupils to come to school in non-uniform; dressed in red, white and blue.

If you would like to find out any more information about the event please visit the OBON website at


Well done to the following children, who won the 100% attendance raffle in their Key Stage last half term. We look forward to seeing who the winners are this half term.

Georgia-May - Petals

Marcus - Acorns

Lilly-May - 1/2 Amethyst

Lena - 3/4 Peridot

William C - 6 Turquoise

Blossom Isla-Rose For settling in and joining in group time.

Reception Acorns

Marcus For his super attitude to all of his work.

Year 1 Garnet

Kayden-Rhys For his fantastic attitude towards his learning.

Year 1/2 Amethyst

Ilona For her amazing measuring in maths this week.

Year 2 Aquamarine Grace

For working really hard and being a great role model for the rest of the class.

Year 3 Emerald

Riley K


For working hard in maths.

For writing a lovely haiku in English.

Year 3 / 4 Peridot

Alan For his attitude to learning and his presentation.

Year 4 Ruby

Jaden For his amazing contributions to the community with his litter

picking and for being a great member of Year 4 Ruby.

Year 5 Sapphire

Whole Class For their amazing Forest School session this week.

Year 5 Opal

Liam For a fantastic understanding of division and scoring full marks

on the Year 5 extension arithmetic test.

Year 6 Topaz

Logan H

Timothy B For their efforts to support others in computing this week.

Year 6 Turquoise

Casey For his fantastic IT work and the support he gave his peers with

their coding.

Amber Class

Michael H For trying incredibly hard in phonics and learning his tricky




As the weather becomes warmer and the sun gets stronger, please remember to apply sunscreen to your child before school and send them with a hat. Thank you.


On the days your child has PE, they should come to school in their PE kit. The school PE uniform is, black jogging/tracksuit bottoms, a plain white T-shirt (no crop tops), black jumper and trainers.

Trainers should only be worn on PE days.


We have had a busy week in reception. Our duck eggs arrived on Monday and hatched on Wednesday and the children love spending time with the ducklings.

The children have been playing with water a lot this week as the weather has been nice and warm. We planted some sunflower plants that we grew from seeds. We also watered our strawberries, herbs and potatoes.


Year 5 Opal had a brilliant time at Forest Schools on Tuesday this week with Miss Costin, it was a great way to welcome the class back after the half term break. In the morning, we made dens in different teams using lots of the equipment around the area, built cars from wood, created a new swing, and even made friends with a few snails. As part of the afternoon activities, we enjoyed some roasted marshmallows. We can’t wait to do it again in July.


MAKATON From this week each of our Key Stages will have their own ‘Sign of the Week’, as well as a whole

school sign.

This week the signs are:





Bradford Children’s Services (Prevention and Early Help) need you!

What is the survey about? As part of the overall Children’s Services Improvement plan, we are developing and improving the information and advice that is available online to support parents across the Bradford district. We want to introduce an online directory that would provide a range of information and support services as well as local activities. We have a few questions about what you want to see from the directory and how you would use it. Who is the survey for? All young people, families and professionals who work alongside families. How long will it take? The survey should take no more than 10 minutes but your answers and opinions are valuable. How will your response be used? The information you provide is completely anonymous and will not be shared. We may ask certain questions such as your postcode or family make-up and this is only to ensure we include as many people as possible, and we are able to understand our service users better. We will keep the information you give us safe and private for a maximum of 12 months. What do I need to do? Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to complete the survey, to reach as many people as possible we have translated it into several languages. Please share amongst your family and friends. We would like responses no later than 13th June 2021. Survey Link:

It was ‘World Ocean Day’ this week.

Here are some books all about our seas and oceans.

EYFS Year 1 & 2

Year 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6

Reading books:

These need to be handed in on Mondays, we will quarantine these books, change them and the new books will be sent home every Thursday.

Please remember to return any reading books each week and sign the reading record once you have listened to your child read.

Thank You

As part of our vocabulary lessons we will be teaching and learning new words.

Ask your child what these words mean.

Wellbeing and Mindfulness

At Carrwood Primary School we fully recognise and understand that mental health and wellbeing is just as important as physical health. Each week’s newsletter will include

suggestions and activities to support both children's and adult’s wellbeing.

Mindful Colouring. Five Minutes with Mr Riley.

What do you do to look after your mental


I speak on WhatsApp every day with my close friends from university as well as my elder sister, Jenny. I speak to my mum every week and make sure my two little girls talk to their grandma. I like to have a bit of time to myself, even if I’m only looking at rugby shirts on Ebay or watching a series on

Netflix. I tend to set goals for myself and I have learned to appreciate my loved ones a lot more over the past two years or so.

Where is your happy place?

I’m at my happiest when I’m with my two little girls and my partner, Sarah. As well as my mum and sister, they’re my favourite people in the world.

Family movie and pizza nights are always good fun. I was lucky enough to live in Sydney, Australia back in 2004 so one day we would like to go and live in Australia once my two little girls are grown up. I’m also happy anywhere

there is chicken and Coke Zero!

What do you do to help you to feel calm?

I spend time with Sarah, nothing particularly exciting but maybe just going for a walk and grabbing a coffee.

Do you have any hobbies?

I love watching live Rugby League at Headingley and I also go to the Grand Final at Old Trafford if I can. I have supported Wigan since I was about nine years old . I like to cook at home, especially chocolate making with my girls.

Once lockdown ends, Sarah and I also plan to travel as it’s something we both really miss.