The Times?

Frostarian Solstice City Borealis Sierra Celeste Vernox City The July 9 2015 YOUR LOCAL EDITION OF THE FROSTARIAN TIMES SERIES Join The Roblox Assault Team Today! INSIDE Social Media Beasty Strikes Back M any RAT members recognized Beastyboy1029’s work and congratulated him, on his well-deserved promotion, to Co-Head of the Diplomacy Department. However Beasty’s promotion was a surprising development, as everyone was led to believe that the promotion ceremony was meant to announce the new Warfare Admiral. Nevertheless, let us all congratulate Beastyboy on his promotion. Beastyboy had been a Diplomacy Marshal for one month and had thus already been very experienced in this field. Only two weeks after his promo- tion to Justicar, State Consul JoelBen- ton chose him for Diplomacy Marshal. During the Promotion Ceremony, both Grand Admiral Polymorphic and Community Overseer Swordmaker complimented him on his hard work and stated that the High Command found him fit to join them. I decided to interview Beasty and ask him 3 ques- tions on his recent promotion. His first question was “What do you expect to do as the second State Consul?” Everyone wants to know how having 2 Admirals -sharing the same title- will help, as the Admiral spot could of gone to a department, that does not have an admiral. Beasty responded, “I expect to increase the amount of output, from our department. 2 Admirals doing work on the same thing, can only increase results.” A true state- ment, as more people means faster work completion and at a higher quality. We can see that the Diplomacy Depart- ment will be improving greatly. Welcoming reforms in the Honors Division! Page 2 We asked Beasty if this would change the work he used to do as a Diplomacy Marshal. Gener- ally, when Marshals are promoted to the High Command, they are given a heavier workload, but with JoelBenton also sharing the title, that may not be the case. “I dont expect much to change, just more respect from other group HRs. Workload wise, I will also take on more roles, to mingle at allied events and bring along guests from our group, that I find worthy enough and mature enough to come to these events” was his answer. We can now see why the Hi-Com chose him to join them. He is a very hard worker indeed. Now, our final question to Beasty, was the one that many are asking. Did he expect the promotion? Many other RAT members did not, as Warfare was the most likely field for promotion to Admiral. Beasty said, “No, I actually had my [warfare] pick pre-typed and when they called my name, I was shocked. From the moment they called my name, everyone instantly poked me on the TS3 “Congratz”. I had like 30 of them right away. When I got up on stage, there were so many messages in-game, that I completely missed what Fabiao asked me! The moment had come, the decision. I, of course said yes and then order 66 was given.” What a great ending, to a well- deserved promotion. Beasty -as Admiral- will only help make the Diplomacy Department, big- ger and better and we know that with our two State Consuls, we will have a lot of new ideas, in store for us. Diplomatic Duo in Action HWS: Intelligence Amelioration Sub-Heading Here The Homeworld Security Division is overseen by Commissioner Runes- man181, Director Praevum, Director 4kayla4, and Director CircuIar. It is a di- vision made to keep the frostarian code afloat, which has 3 separate branches; the Medical Branch, which houses the most skilled and bravest defenders of frostaria, the Defensive Specialists Branch, which is in the making (more information will be released when Next Gen. RAT Tech is available) and lastly the Intelligence Branch, which will be the topic for today. The question on everyone’s mind is, “What’s the point of the Intelligence Branch?”. Well, the Intelligence Branch handles top notch, special espionage operations. “Its missions ranging from foreign scouting, to deep scale infiltra- tion” says Polymorphic. Only the most mature Frostarians can become an operative. Currently there are 4 ranks included; Agent, Deputy Director, Direc- tor and Honorary Veteran, with Agent being the entrance and main rank of the Branch. The Deputy Director is the second in command and they assist the Directors with any administrative jobs, such as choosing new agents. Lastly the Director is basically the CEO of all operations and they control all aspects of the Branch. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about the Honorary Veteran. This rank is specifically for the loyalist members, who have “contribut[ed] a great deal to the Intelligence Branch”. I have interviewed the Intelligence Branch Deputy Director -Draynar- on his opinion of the recent reforms. I asked him, “ How do you feel about the reforms for HWS Intel branch?” He said “Well, I feel that the Intelligence Branch is finally getting active once more.” Ever since the fact that the HWS Committee and Department were disbanded, it was on a hiatus. However, it is now back and ready to do its part and serve Frostaria. I also asked him “If More than ready for the upcoming war! Page 3 Honor War! Times By Draynar @FrostarianNews /The_Roblox_Assault_Team /therobloxassaultteam Aeternam Honorem Ad Frostaria! a Infexous Infexous Continued on Page 2



Transcript of The Times?

  • Frostarian

    Solstice City Borealis Sierra Celeste Vernox City



    Join The Roblox Assault Team Today!


    Social Media

    BeastyStrikes Back

    Many RAT members recognized Beastyboy1029s work and congratulated him, on his well-deserved promotion, to Co-Head of the Diplomacy Department. However Beastys promotion was a surprising development, as everyone was led to believe that the promotion ceremony was meant to announce the new Warfare Admiral. Nevertheless, let us all congratulate Beastyboy on his promotion.

    Beastyboy had been a Diplomacy Marshal for one month and had thus already been very experienced in this field. Only two weeks after his promo-tion to Justicar, State Consul JoelBen-ton chose him for Diplomacy Marshal. During the Promotion Ceremony, both Grand Admiral Polymorphic and Community Overseer Swordmaker complimented him on his hard work and stated that the High Command found him fit to join them. I decided to interview Beasty and ask him 3 ques-tions on his recent promotion.

    His first question was What do you expect to do as the second State Consul? Everyone wants to know how having 2 Admirals -sharing the same title- will help, as the Admiral spot could of gone to a department, that does not have an admiral. Beasty responded,

    I expect to increase the amount of output, from our department. 2

    Admirals doing work on the same thing, can only increase results. A true state-ment, as more people means faster work completion and at a higher quality. We can see that the Diplomacy Depart-ment will be improving greatly.

    Welcoming reforms in the Honors Division!

    Page 2

    We asked Beasty if this would change the work he used to do as a Diplomacy Marshal. Gener-ally, when Marshals are promoted to the High Command, they are given a heavier workload, but with JoelBenton also sharing the title, that may not be the case. I dont expect much to change, just more respect from other group HRs. Workload wise, I will also take on more roles, to mingle at allied events and bring along guests from our group, that I find worthy enough and mature enough to come to these events was his answer. We can now see why the Hi-Com chose him to join them. He is a very hard worker indeed.

    Now, our final question to Beasty, was the one that many are asking. Did he expect the promotion? Many other RAT members did not, as Warfare was the most likely field for promotion to Admiral. Beasty said, No, I actually had my [warfare] pick pre-typed and when they called my name, I was shocked. From the moment they called my name, everyone instantly poked me on the TS3 Congratz. I had like 30 of them right away. When I got up on stage, there were so many messages in-game, that I completely missed what Fabiao asked me! The moment had come, the decision. I, of course said yes and then order 66 was given. What a great ending, to a well-deserved promotion.

    Beasty -as Admiral- will only help make the Diplomacy Department, big-ger and better and we know that with our two State Consuls, we will have a lot of new ideas, in store for us.

    Diplomatic Duo in Action

    H W S : I n t e l l i g e n c e A m e l i o r a t i o n

    Sub-Heading Here

    The Homeworld Security Division is overseen by Commissioner Runes-man181, Director Praevum, Director 4kayla4, and Director CircuIar. It is a di-vision made to keep the frostarian code afloat, which has 3 separate branches; the Medical Branch, which houses the most skilled and bravest defenders of frostaria, the Defensive Specialists Branch, which is in the making (more information will be released when Next Gen. RAT Tech is available) and lastly the Intelligence Branch, which will be the topic for today.

    The question on everyones mind is, Whats the point of the Intelligence Branch?. Well, the Intelligence Branch handles top notch, special espionage operations. Its missions ranging from foreign scouting, to deep scale infiltra-tion says Polymorphic. Only the most mature Frostarians can become an operative. Currently there are 4 ranks included; Agent, Deputy Director, Direc-tor and Honorary Veteran, with Agent

    being the entrance and main rank of the Branch. The Deputy Director is the second in command and they assist the Directors with any administrative jobs, such as choosing new agents. Lastly the Director is basically the CEO of all operations and they control all aspects of the Branch. Dont worry I havent forgotten about the Honorary Veteran. This rank is specifically for the loyalist members, who have contribut[ed] a great deal to the Intelligence Branch.

    I have interviewed the Intelligence Branch Deputy Director -Draynar- on his opinion of the recent reforms. I asked him, How do you feel about the reforms for HWS Intel branch? He said Well, I feel that the Intelligence Branch is finally getting active once more. Ever since the fact that the HWS Committee and Department were disbanded, it was on a hiatus. However, it is now back and ready to do its part and serve Frostaria. I also asked him If

    More than ready for the upcoming war!

    Page 3




    By Draynar




    Aeternam Honorem

    Ad Frostaria!




    Continued on Page 2

  • HWS: Intelligence Ameliorationthings get rocky with HWS, will he remain loyal to the Intel branch?

    He replied Im actually planning to stay in Homeworld Security until the day I retire from RAT

    I feel that this reform will be a good one for the fate of HWS. It will allow RAT to be better

    prepared and stop any surprises, when it comes to dealing with other clans. Now, what do you think?

    Honorary FutureAfter endless arguments over the new Honors Reform suggested by

    The Frostarian Legal Council; it has ended with a bang. The Honors Reform was finally passed -after a final vote was announced- at a High Command meeting. The Honors Reform introduces many changes to the Honors committee -as a whole- along with changes to the acceptance process. It was originally announced a few weeks ago, where it was then accepted, but eventually vetoed by Admiral JoelBenton, the head of Honors.

    I had a chance to speak to a few people on their opinion of the situation, such as VoidWitch. VoidWitch was only a Supervisor at the time, but had completed the Honors Reform document, under the request of a few members. This shows that anyone can create a change in Frostaria, whether it be

    big or small! VoidWitch mentioned how it could create a step towards creating a more community focused method. He introduced the fact that he personally enjoy[ed] the experi-ence. An experience that went through a long process, and was fought until the bitter end, but will hope-fully end in a more promising range of individuals [that will be accepted into Honors]. A step into the future possibly, but well have to see it in action, to know for sure.

    Sadly, I could not get an interview in with Admiral JoelBenton, State Consul and Honors Overseer, as he was unavailable at the time. I ended up speaking with another person

    who disagreed with the Honors Reform, the Retired Admiral -Honorary Veteran- Jammy101101. He mentioned how the Honors Reform was not needed, or could have been changed around, in a separate way.

    One of his reasons was due to the fact that 6 of the 8 members of Hi-Com are not [even] in Honors. He also introduced the situation

    that this would mean that Admiral JoelBenton would his lose purpose of being Honors Director, as his executive power would be drasti-cally reduced and that a vote like this could be precedence to create future chaos, for the other divisions.

    In my opinion, the situation was confusing to both sides. This may have been a step into the bright future ahead, or a step back, but either way, the entire situation was to help make Frostaria a better, and more fairer place. In the end, Hi-Com had chosen fireandicebat-tle, CircuIar, wipykid123, nooksi28 and fazechowder02, to be selected for the New Honors Committee. Congratulations to these honorific members, for being hand-picked as the most prestigious members in RAT.

    Well Needed Changes

    Recent changes voted in by the High Command have delved deeper into a questioning situation, as the Homeworld Security Com-mittee had been dismissed. The Committee -full with members- was running decently well and improv-ing, when the Hi-Com decided that Homeworld Security did not require a committee oversight anymore. The biggest and most confusing dilemma being the Homeworld Security Division, which is now commissioned by former Marshal Runesman181, who was sadly demoted after the Homeworld Se-curity Committee was abolished.

    The head of the former department -Admiral Meto02- and the Co-Vice Head -Marshal MoolegoTheCow- were both transferred to the Justice Department, along with a new and uprising Marshal, VoidWitch.

    Sadly, I didnt get the chance to interview the former Commissioner of Homeworld Security, and current Chief Justice of Frostaria, meto02. However, I was allowed to speak with him briefly during his studies, and he mentioned how he liked the changes, as it was a step into the future; due to the fact that the committee was not as needed as it was before.

    These changes were unexpected to most of Frostaria, but it was all for the better. The Homeworld Se-curity Division will continue to strive, along with giving Justicar Runes-man181, an experience he will never forget. Sadly, runesman181 and I never got a chance to see each other on the situation. But he mentioned in the recently updated medical Skype chat and his recent forum post, that he looks for a better future.

    Along with the introduction of a new Commissioner and changes to Homeworld Security, the new Commis-sioner had chosen 4Kayla4 and Circular, as Directors of the Medical Branch. The two new Directors happen to be the former Surgeon Generals before the rank was abolished, and they have both already started improving the Medi-cal Branch drastically. I was able to

    interview one of the new Directors, Admiral CircuIar on the confusing situation. He mentioned how he already had ideas for the future and the assigning of a new Deputy Director is one of those changes, in which both Shinedown204 and KingAktar recently earned. He also mentioned how he was surprisingly upset with the closing of the com-mittee, as it was sort of a cut from

    a job and he hopes the best for the others.

    Again, all of these changes may be questionable but they are for the greater good of Frostaria. The future smells fantastic, as Frostaria will need the Homeworld changes for

    the new and exciting war against FEAR, RSF, and VS. Homeworld will continue to grow, as a new era is under its wing, with the newest Commissioner Runesman181, striv-ing to create a better future.



    The Roblox Assault TeamLeaders

    Grand AdmiralPolymorphic

    Second in CommandDizzdazz4

    The Roblox Assault TeamChief Liason Officer

    Admiral CircuIar> Marshal Wipykid123

    > Marshal iSophiez

    The Roblox Assault TeamCommunity Affairs

    Admiral Swordmaker> Marshal Prostheticleg

    > Marshal Nooksi28

    The Roblox Assault TeamWarfare

    Admiral ?> Marshal Surgence

    The Roblox Assault TeamDiplomacy

    Admiral JoelBentonAdmiral Beastyboy1029

    > Marshal TyroneHD

    The Roblox Assault TeamProgression

    Admiral ?> Marshal AcidGlass

    2 The Frostarian Times | 9 July 2015

    The Roblox Assault TeamInternal Affairs

    Great Admiral Rykarz

    The Roblox Assault TeamDevelopment

    Honorary HiCom FriendlyBiscuit> Marshal Ripint

    The Roblox Assault TeamJustice

    Admiral Meto02> Marshal MoolegoTheCow

    By SpineIess

    By KingAktar

    An Honorable Send Off

    Continued from Page 1

    The Roblox Assault TeamSpeaker of the Officers

    Admiral Fireandicebattle

    The Roblox Assault TeamExternal Affairs

    Great Admiral Fabiao

    By KingAktar

    Development Admirals Fall

    Skippy the Bush Kangaroo

    Coming to a decision by the Com-munity Resources Committee, a new rank had been introduced to the Communications Core. It is called Counselor, and its whole en-tire purpose, is to help the members of Frostaria, become the best that they can be. Even if these members are fresh to the clan world, or to the Frostarian community, a Counselor is available to them. The Communi-ty Resources Committee is charged with keeping the community happy and fair, and the Counselor rank, is a step into a bright future for it. A big question going around is, will there be more ranks introduced into the growing Communications Core, who already house Editors, Reporters, Photographers and now

    Moo Therapy Counselors.I interviewed Admiral Swordmaker on the situation, as he is the Head of Community Resources and also an introducer of the Counselor rank. He mentioned how the Commu-nity Resources Committee is supposed to keep the assurance of progres-sion within the RAT community. He mentioned how they aspire to see the advancement of members with attitude, motivation, and a boost in moral. This shows that they are constantly trying to better and reward the community, and the Counselor rank will introduce

    an era of kindness, and support. Admiral Swordmaker hopes that it will improve the general attitude of the community. This shows that the community is constantly progress-

    ing, and will always look for better options as I mentioned before.

    I also tried interview-ing Marshal

    MoolegoTheCow on the interesting and new situation, as he was the first official Counselor of the Com-munications Core. However he was very busy, settling into all his new role and therefore an interview was out of the question. Marshal Moo-legoTheCow was chosen by the

    Community Resources Committee, due to his enhanced intelligence in problematic situations, revolving around almost anything in RAT and [having] a marvelous listening ear. Marshal MoolegoTheCow is also a known veteran within the Frostar-ian community, as he was a former Operator, before coming out of his long retirement.

    Counselors will continue to strive, in helping the Communications Core create a fun and happy com-munity. The Community Resources Committee looks for nothing better than the acceptance of an outstanding and strong community, and will continue to create a variety of opportunities, whether it be by creating new ranks, new rules, or new friends.

    By KingAktar

    Counselor lends a sympathetic ear

    Medics giving aid to the needed

  • 3 The Frostarian Times | 9 July 2015

    Development Admirals FallDue to a recent decision by the

    respectable and well-known De-velopment Director, FriendlyBiscuit has decided to retire. He has many reasons for retiring, and these will be explained in more detail later on. Along with his Development Direc-tor title, he was also the Sparrow Corp Director, and a very respect-able Admiral. During his time as an Admiral, he has worked on a variety of projects, one of the biggest being the outstanding Infocenter 5, which stores every Frostarians prestige and hard-work. His hard-work, loyalty and dedication, gave him the opportunity to enter his resting place as an Operator.

    I did not get a chance to fully interview the respectable Opera-tor, but I did catch up with him right after he retired. He mentioned how his real-life was getting in the way of his Admiral duties, such as having a job, college, and just normal real-life everyday tasks. He also ensured me that he will continue to support Frostaria, with his countless projects, that will be coming in the future. With that being said, he had been rewarded

    with the Honorary HICOM title, in which he was given full permissions to attend the weekly High Council meetings, stay in touch with all of our Officers and High Council

    members, direct Sparrow Corp, and to also have a Marshal. Basically, he liked his duties as an Admiral, including working on his special and secret projects, but could not mus-ter up the time and dedication to continue working on the countless documents, he had already com-pleted. So, he decided to retire the Admiral position and just continue

    to help out by moderating the team-speak 3 as a Honorary HICOM and directing Sparrow Corp.

    However do not confuse him being director Sparrow Corp (Division) with the Development Director (Committee) position, as that is why he truly retired. So that raised up a variety of questions that revolved around who will be the next Development Director? I spoke with FriendlyBiscuit on who he thought it would be, and he mentioned how the Grand Admiral would take over the Admiral spot temporarily. With this being said, the Grand Admiral actually took over as the Development Director, until a suitable replacement could

    be found.FriendlyBiscuit was and still

    is a great member of Frostaria, who has shown Frostaria and especially development, a variety of ways to improve and progress as an entirety. He will still be roaming around ensuring the progression of Frostaria, and you can always speak to him when you see him.

    The Big DepartureIts been a long time since IndyTheWindyCindy took up the position of Chief Liaison Officer (CLO) and he has done a great job! Unfortunately, every good thing comes to an end. Indy had decided to retire from RAT and with that, his position of CLO. An old RAT vet-eran, Indy had one Liaison Marshal, wipykid123. However, with the loss of a specific CLO, under the FMC, the whole Hi-Com would now have to take on the responsibilities of the position as a whole. The CLO is an important part of the Frostarian Officer Core and losing one person dedicated completely to working on it, might be hurtful to the Council.

    In order to get some more insight on this, Liaison Marshal Wipykid123 was interviewed to see what his opinion is. We all have different opinions about Indys retirement and it would be interesting to hear the perspective from his own Liaison Marshal, Wipy. When asked what his opinion was on his retire-ment, Wipy answered: My opinion on Indys retirement is that I wish he could stay longer and help me a little more. When I was working

    with him, he was a great person to talk to and likes to keep everything in an orderly fashion. I agree with this, Indy was a good person to work with and one that always helped out and made time for others when possible. He will be sorely missed.

    Lets be honest, many Frostar-ians have been wondering whether the CLO position is haunted. Personally, it does look like it! Our CLOs have not lasted long amounts of time before resigning, but Wipy has a different opinion. I personally do not think that CLO is haunted because people move on from time to time. We are growing everyday and everything changes...

    Its how life works. He makes a convincing argument, one that I invite you all to try to contradict.

    It might have been possible for Wipy to have known of Indys retirement before he announced it publicly. Unfortunately, that isnt what happened. Wipy stated, I was not aware of his retirement, until the day he told me, the day of his retirement. He was a good Admiral and will surely be missed by the Officer Core.

    Skippy the Bush KangarooIts that time again, when worthy Justicars get promoted, to become deserving Marshals, of a depart-ment in RAT. The new Marshal being our very own, Nooksi28, who serves under Swordmaker -the Ad-miral of Community Resources- and alongside Marshal FazeChowder02, being tasked with running events, keeping the masses informed and interacting with the community, to make it a more enjoyable place to be in.

    Nooksi28s success doesnt start with him being a Community Marshal, it starts with his beginnings as a Community Resources Committee member and a Communications Core Edi-tor Overseer. Even before Nooksi28 was a Marshal of the Community Resources department, he had been the first and only Com-munications Core Rank Overseer, to be promoted to an Operator position, within the Communications Core. The Operator rank meant that Nooksi -who was only a Vindicator at the time- was now an Overseer of the whole Communications Core, with the likes of Marshal FazeChow-der02, Admiral Swordmaker, Great Admiral DizzDizz4 and Grand Admiral Polymorphic. Admiral Swordmaker -the head Community Overseer- himself, had acknowl-edged Nooksi28s work, Your work within the Editor rank has been phenomenal, and youd be a great person to keep everyone on track. However Nooksi28s rise didnt stop here, before he he became Marshal -when he was a Justicar- he had also been promoted to the head of admissions, for both the Community

    Resources Committee and Com-munications Core.

    Nooksi28 had reached the next step in his career, by being promoted to the Marshal of the very Division and committee, that he had already worked so hard for. Also being chosen by Hi-Com as a Committee member in the prestigious Honors Division, he was one of the original Vindicators when the rank was made and was a co-founder of the Vindicator Squad.

    In an interview with Nooksi, I had asked him what drove him to work so hard in RAT and his reply was, I am passionate, when it comes to this Group. I want it to flourish and grow, into the best it can be. Being in the Communications Core and Community Resources committee, has allowed me to achieve this. With the time he has put into RAT and the divisions that he is in, he is more than worthy to become Swordmakers other Marshal. In a final question, I also asked him, if he had any current plans for the future of the Division and his reply was, Yes, I certainly do. At the

    moment, I am trying to organize new uniforms for the Communica-tions Core. I want the Com Core uniform as cool and stylish as it can be, while looking like a professional journalistic uniform. Along with the help of Justicar iNFeXous, I am also trying to gain a new Com Core rank. I for one, will be looking for-ward to these new changes. Nooksi didnt go into detail, about what the new Com Core rank would be, but we will sure find out. For those who

    havent seen Nooksi as much, he is in a totally different time-zone from the United States and is able to host and co-host with people for his time-zone or those near it and that time-zone is the Australian Eastern Standard Time. With this diversity in time-zones, we can expect to see more activity for the non-EST members!

    Marshals, regard-less if old or new, are

    still valuable assets to the group and the departments that

    they are or were in. Each individual marshal, have their own separate tasks, pertaining to their respective department in the group. With their hard work and dedication to this group, they have helped make it, a better place to be in. No matter what your rank is, determination and hard work will get you far in RAT. Set your dreams up high and those dreams will become a reality for you. Nooksi has set a great example for those around him, and we will wish the best of luck, for the future and beyond.

    Frostaria at WarRecently, the Roblox Assault Team declared hostilities. This was carefully planned, and we prepared very vigorously -with determination- for the past few weeks. Marshal Surgence -and the rest of the warfare depart-ment- had been getting us familiar-ized with the forts of these hos-tiles and making us adapt. Instead of one, RAT had challenged three opposing clans; FEAR, VS, and RSF. This declara-tion had brought excitement to the land of Frostaria, however this excitement has all but vanished, as we are yet to see how the opposing side will respond. The Roblox Assault Team is not taking a no for this declaration, in which Polymorphic is 200% open to negotiations. In my opinion, the opposite side should take advantage of this, and go through with negotiations.

    Ive interviewed Fabiao, about why his warfare department ended up declaring war on these 3 specific groups. He said, I chose these clans solely because we havent been in a war for a while. The new members of RAT need to slowly ease them-selves into a good, intense war. We believed FEAR, RSF, and VS could provide exactly that. I agree with Fabios statement, with the addition

    that the forts of these 3 clans are enjoyable and gratifying to raid, which increases the likeability of wanting to war.

    I then interviewed an ally of ours, as I wanted to see what their opinion about this war declara-tion was. I asked Paul321321 -the leader of Soticule Forces- what was their stance on this? He said,

    As of now my stance is neutral and will probably remain this way as VS/RAT are both very good allies. I then asked him, what does he think

    about this war declaration? He said, I dont think that RAT should be declaring war on the same clans SF did 3-4 months ago. Paul doesnt feel like the war is just, although hell be staying neutral throughout the whole war.

    I then thought it would be interesting to interview a few high-ranking individuals from FEAR, VS, and RSF. I interviewed a general of RSF, SpinalCode. I asked him what he thought about the war declara-tion, and what RSFs current stance is. He said, I think that the war declaration itself, isnt half bad... I spoke to both Polymorphic and RATs Admiral of Warfare about the war and that we would think about it once we have a permanent new base and we would discuss it. So, RSF is currently in process of making a new base, so well hope-fully hear from them after its done. I then tried interviewing a high rank of FEAR, but they declined to comment, as they seemed unhappy about the war declaration. Lastly, I interviewed the leader of VS, Lilly. I asked her what she thinks about

    the war, and what VSs current stance is. She said, I think itd be an interesting war. Im currently discussing it with RSF and FEAR, but itd definitely be interesting. Vortex Security is currently up for a fun war with RAT. We cannot wait!

    Well hopefully hear more from the three groups after theyve discussed everything. When

    this war does offi-cially start, lets make sure our hard work preparing and our determina-tion pay off, by winning this glorious war! Goodluck to both sides, if the war is to happen

    By Shinedown204 By Whatwhy09

    By KingAktar By Draynar

    HiCom patiently waiting for a response

    Marshal Nooksi28 in his natural habitat

    FriendlyBiscuit Pondering about life

    Retirement has its perks

    Leaders face-off.. RAT vs FEAR+VS+RSF

  • FrostarianThe

    TimesThe Frostarian Times



    Kjr51The Frostarian Times

    Chief EditorOperator iSython

    The Frostarian TimesEditors

    > Operator MidnightPhantasm > Justicar Draynar

    > Justicar KingAktar> Justicar Shinedown204> Vindicator Whatwhy09

    > Supervisor Spineless> Supervisor iiFirestorm

    > Supervisor Realots> Supervisor British2004

    > Supervisor iComrade> Supervisor Thebestatmath

    > Guard Xuenous> Guard QuantumSoul

    4 The Frostarian Times | 9 July 2015

    Riches for the PoorMoney is what makes the world go around. It is also what makes ro-blox go around, such as for buying access to a new game that hasnt been released to the public yet, for new limited items that have been circulated, or for buying clothing from the ROBLOX catalog. With this being said, ROBLOX has an-nounced a new update for group-based places, where the group can get a share of the revenue from the places that are in their personal server tab. This announcement was made by ROBLOX Software En-gineer, Rosemary Ehlers, and the reaction to this has been outstand-ingly positive from the ROBLOX community.

    Now group owned games can implement the ability to make a place under one group, instead of one individual. With the entire group backing the game, the in-come from the game wont be given to one user, but instead it goes into the group funds. Once it goes into the group funds, it can be paid out to certain members in the group

    from the percent of the fund earned, or in set amounts. But with this new feature, there are equal drawbacks. Such as the possibility of corruption within the group, where the owner can give nearly all the funds to one individual and not give any of the funds to the other members who may have poured in hard work, by contrib-uting to the development of the place.

    Ive interviewed the Marshal of Community Resources, FaZeChow-der02 about his opinions and his re-sponses about the new announce-ment and the potential drawbacks that might occur in some clans. I asked about his opinion about the new announcement on the

    ROBLOX Blog and he responded with this, Its a cool idea, because if someone is paid to develop for somebody elses group (forts, etc.) then they could get paid for doing so without the need for making

    t-shirts, and developers without BC can definitely benefit from this. I think this can benefit the clan world as a whole, by increas-

    ing the amount

    of developers that can get paid, as well as letting moderators of a certain game get paid for doing their duties. After a very profound re-sponse about the new idea, I asked him this final question about the topic and that is Do you think peo-ple will be taking advantage of this system by giving most of the funds

    to themselves and not to the hard workers? He soon responded with Yes and no, theres always going to be those people that take in all of the money for themselves. We all know that person. However, most developers with common sense will negotiate a set price depending on the amount of players and revenue generated from the game, before or after the game is fully developed, as well as throughout meetings with the developers and the game owners.

    This is an update that everyone will be anticipating in the near future, especially to those who will help make or even moderate group places for a cut of the profit. Whether or not the corruption will be a problem, it will be eventually patched by ROBLOX and enjoyed by everyone that will be using the new feature. This is a new feature that can possibly change the way that groups may run in the future, but we will have to wait and see.

    Superclans v Powerclans

    For those of you newer to the world of Clans and Guilds, you may be looking for a clan you want to get

    involved in. Many players default to the gigantic superclans, because they dominate the leaderboards,

    when searching for a group. However, if you plan to get involved with C&G, you should probably be aware that there are two main types of war clans.

    After much debate, the Commu-nications Core has finally reached a verdict regarding the Roblox Assault Teams official definition of a super-clan and a powerclan. A superclan is any group with at least 10,000 members, and plays an active role as a major part of the clan world. Superclans rely on sheer numbers to seek out talent and wage wars. They often have high attendance trainings, and numerous depart-ments in their group structure, to keep things running smoothly. A few of the most commonly known superclans are RAT, FEAR, and Vortex Security. In order to progress to the highest ranks in a superclan,

    youll need loyalty, dedication, and leadership skills to become a major part of the clan.

    Powerclans on the other hand, boast far fewer overall numbers, but focus on activity and training those members to their utmost limits. Most powerclans average between 50 and 1000 members, and make use of a filter group, to find the most talented of their applicants. Only once a member has progressed through the ranks of the filter group, are

    Frostarian Citizenship Visa System RAT now has a new system for allies and its called the Frostar-ian Citizen Visa System. This new system will allow allies -at a certain rank- to gain temporary or permanent access to RATs Team-Speak 3. Temporary tags will allow allies to communicate with RAT personnel during joint events, but will disappear as soon as they leave the event or TeamSpeak. However they will also need HR consent before they connect to the server. On the other hand, if they were to get permanent tags, they would be able to visit the RAT TeamSpeak and do things with RAT, as often as they wanted to. With permanent tags they would not need HR permission to join the server.

    > Requirements to gain a Tem-porary Visa:

    Consent between both HRs, from RAT and the Allied HR.

    Must have a good standing in RAT Community.

    Cannot be a repetitive rule breaker.

    > Requirements to gain a Permanent Visa:

    1. They must be at least one of these ranks or higher, in the cor-responding groups:

    Ancillary+ (ASOV), Operative+ (SF), Grub+

    (VOID) or Corporal+ (UAF)2. They must also do a written

    test, similar to Solum Advance-ments Quiz.

    This new citizenship system will allow allies to be able to get onto our TS3 much easier and simpler. This would therefore allow for much more communication between the groups and thus strengthening our bonds.

    Hello Frostarians! This week I was tasked to go through our community members to reach out and ask them what they think of our community. I went to interview some members in RAT, to get a hold of their opinions. We wanted to know what you all -as Frostarians- think of our commu-nity, and RAT itself. Its important to know if everyone of you are satisfied with our community, as it is what builds us.

    First, I interviewed three lower ranks. I asked Supervisor iComrade what he thinks of this community, And he said, I think RATs com-munity right now is flourishing. This group is built up upon its com-munity, and to see it go would be a tale that would never be told again. I dont see anything that needs to be changed currently. I then interviewed Marksman Campy, and asked him the same question. He suggested a change with the TS3. He said, The community is rather

    organized and has a set of rules to keep everyone in line.However, bias still floats around within the administration on the TS3, that should probably be changed.. After that, I inter-viewed, Supervi-sor Bob25817. I also asked him the same ques-tion, and he said, I think that RAT is fine how it is, it does not to be changed in any way. I am not saying that RAT is perfect, but it cannot be improved anymore than it already is. So somewhat perfect.. One thing is clear, most people seem satisfied with our com-munity, and want little to no change. There are probably small issues within the community, but they are easily fixable. After interviewing three lower ranks, I then went to in-terview three higher ranks. I wanted

    By Whatwhy09

    By Bobafett215and Kjr51

    By Thebestatmath

    The Frostarian TimesPhotographers

    > Justicar iNFeXous> Justicar Resended

    > Supervisor Zamorphic> Supervisor Hawk2Eye

    > Guard Glowrey10

    they allowed into the actual power-clan. There are a few extremely well

    known powerclans that walk among us in C&G, most notably The Vak-tovian Empire and their counterpart The Vaktovian Army Corps. In addition, theres VOID and HIVE,

    and the group Soticule Forces. It is somewhat easier to be noticed in a

    powerclan -due to the far smaller member count- but youll need to stand out among their already elite members.

    Its really a matter of preference when deciding on a clan, and many mem-bers find that their first clan tends to be the type they favor in the end. However, its important to keep in mind that every clan functions differently, and what works for one person

    may not work for another. So keep an open mind, and search for the group that best suits you.

    to see what their opinion was on our community. I interviewed Justicar iSophiez, and she said, I believe RAT holds an incredible community that actively works together to build RAT into its strong, efficient and

    excellent clan that it currently is. Anything that lacks and could be changed, I believe that it will be dealt with effectively, before it were to become a great problem. I

    definitely believe that RAT contains the greatest and most honourable community anyone will be able to find within the clan world. I then interviewed Marshal Tyrone, he said, Personally, I do like RATs community how it is; the atmos-phere, the people and the gossip and the technology we currently own. Other than the main points I have just stated a few aspects of the TeamSpeak 3 have been used

    unprofessionally by Robloxians. On the TS3 we can organize ourselves for raids, wars, scrimmages and so on but as it stands, a few of us have been abusing this privilege. Luckily for the great high command that we have, all problems are dealt with accordingly. I then interviewed, Marshal Wipykid123. He said, I think that the RAT community -as of now- is great overall. RAT is grow-ing everyday with new improve-ments and other things that could help improve RATs community overall.

    Through the six people I inter-viewed, the most common thought is the belief that the community is getting stronger and seems very welcoming. I only interviewed six people, although if you want to be heard about the changes you want to our community, you can contact a RAT high rank. We are all looking forward to hear your opinions, and in order to make the community a better place for everyone.

    Identity Crisis

    Arcerian Regime Overview

    The choice is yours

    Community Viewpoints

    By Shinedown204

    Funds for days, to sustain RAT for years to come.

  • Identity CrisisThe Vaktovian Empire took a mas-sive blow earlier this month, when Supreme General Gannex -one of their core leaders- vanished into thin air, without even so much as a goodbye. As an extremely well known individual, Gannex helped run The Vaktovian Empire during Vaktus absence. As a result of his sudden disappearance, numerous theories had cropped up debating what happened to Gannex. Such theories as...

    1. Gannex finally had enough, and left outright, as a result of the recent lack of leadership in The Vaktovian Empire. Its not uncommon for a clan to become inactive and fall apart, especially when their leader goes inactive for an extended period of time. Take The Roblox Assault Team for example. We had similar issues with activity around the end of ColourTheorys era and throughout Cj10127s. Due to Vak-tus recent lack of activity, its highly possible that the Vaktovian Hi-Com

    is beginning to see a futility in trying to lead the clan, without their leader.

    2. Gannex had an identity crisis, and now is trying to reconcile with

    the fact that hes now an octopus. I mean, I know some random stuff emerges now and then, but SERI-OUSLY? Im not sure where this theory originated, but I do have to admit, its immensely original and very humorous indeed.

    3. Gannex became frustrated with something within The Vakto-

    vian Empire, and left in a fit of rage. People make strange decisions in anger all the time, and take some time to cool down before returning.

    However, given the fact that it had been over a week, without even a message, this theory was highly doubtful.

    Despite the efforts of numerous players attempting to contact him, Gannex had refused to comment regard-ing his reasons, for leaving The Vaktovian Empire. Until Gannex openly decides to reveal his reasons, the forumers of Clans and Guilds will continue crafting their bizarre theories. Lacking its leader, and minus an impor-tant member of the Hi-Com, the future of The Vaktovian Empire is becoming increas-

    ingly cloudy. Well have to wait and see where the coming weeks will take us, as Summer is just around the corner. For the moment however, a Gannex has appeared though, but no one is certain if it was an imposter or not.

    Trouble in Grand TownRecently, TGI has blown up and the clan has been under serious pressure lately. Several devoted members left the clan, and the numbers dropped from 637 to 590 (approximately 40). Its rumoured that there had been many scandals, such as two TGI high ranks having an argument, with one blacklist-ing the other from the clan. Even Pyrante -a TGI loyalist- left the clan in disgust, saying that it will not do well in the future and that it will die. With all this being said and done, what we really want to know is... what could have sparked this major crisis?

    This all started with ru-mors that there was going to be a new leader of TGI, and his name was Taint-edDark. Tainted-Dark had been allegedly inactive in the clan for almost two months, and

    he only recently increased his activity, only after all the drama began. He rejoined, and was instantly auto-promoted to the third highest rank (RATs equivalent to Admiral).

    The majority of us would think that SteamSport or one of the other Lords

    would gain leadership of the Imperium, however SteamSport was black-listed and exiled from the clan for several hours by CloneCommander, only to be let back in after the TGI Hi-Com undid this.

    Kjr51 spoke briefly with TaintedDark -on the TGI teamspeak- about the TGI Crisis, and this is what he told her. He said that

    as soon as he gets TGI, he will be working on getting old TGI veterans

    back, to help rebuild the clan. Once the activity improves, he will be reinstating TAG -the equivalent of VAC- which is sort of like kindergar-ten, to filter out members looking to enlist.

    Now, what is the future of The Grand Imperium? Will TGI prevail? Will RAT have anything to do with it? These are just a few of the many questions needed to be answered about this issue, and we will defi-nitely be finding all this out, in less than a few weeks time.

    Arcerian Regime Overview An unexpected clan leader, ice180, was bored one day, and he had noticed that the clan-world was deteriorating. So he de-cided to create a group. It took him about a week to have the courage to run a clan and receive the resources to create a group, and he was hoping that it would be something unique and different in comparison, to the other groups al-ready in the clan-world. As a result, Arcerian Regime -also known as AcR- was born. He gave Arcerian Regime two months, to see how it would last as a power-clan, and so far it has been a great and wild two months for the group. There are more pros than cons and overall the group has been a blast, says the leader.

    The leader had multiple plans for Arcerian Regime. He planned on fully completing AcRs training grounds, Grounding Provision, so that it would be out of the way. He even had a few more events planned, which would be seen throughout the weeks. However, Pragmatist and BoboTheory were slightly behind schedule with build-ing the fort -due to Pragmatists absence- but this would also be made up for.

    In addition, ice180 wanted to turn Arcerian Regime -realistically- into

    more of super-clan; rather than a power-clan. In order to achieve this goal, he planned on making AcR

    much more active, through a free VIP game, thus attracting more members. He is also planning to expand the community and fit the group for everyones likings. In order to maintain this new system, the leader was planning to create the following things for the system;

    Entrance Course (filter for the first rank in Arcerian

    Regime, simi-lar to Solum)

    Datacore (where all the data of Arce-rian Regime is logged, similar to iC5)

    Mass recruitment (any method)

    One thing the group strives to improve on, is going to war. This is because they believe that people will start to get an understanding on what the group is about and will have fun doing so, which is all the leader -or any leader in general- could ask for. Adding onto the idea

    of Mass recruitment -which was stated before- by winning wars against notable clans, the leader

    had a belief that his clan would become more recognized, and thus would attract more attention, making people wanting to join.

    Both ice180 and I, believe that clans who are community-oriented and are

    focused on the community live longer and are much more enjoy-able. I mean you wouldnt want to be situated in a boring group, that isnt enjoyable.. Thats what Arcerian Regime is all about; the community.

    From observing the group from a closer-up distance, I would say that Arcerian Regime is a clan dedicated to its community and

    values. In Arcerian Regime, you can expect a relaxed com-munity, like Frost Clan, the Roblox Assault

    Team or

    Arenirian Sovereignty. If you are someone who would enjoy a laidback community, but would be capable of acting mature -as in acting your own age- then Arcerian Regime would be a great group.

    Undeniable Civil War Recently, the X-101st Legion has experienced numerous alterations in their 2iCs. The reason being is that they had been quarreling over the clans leadership, in which a civil war hadawakened. The clans oldest and most senior 2iC had been in a large dispute with the current Emperor of the clan, Ocu-larProwess. The Emperor has notably been moderated over 5 times in the past due to On-line Dating and Account Theft. Due to these past modera-tions, the Legion has been going downhill. There were also claims about the Inner Circle, which will be explained in further detail later on. LordNathan forgoed the Super Clan world and has enabled the most venerable and renowned clans, to get discard-ed like rubbish. Over the past few years, LordNathan had forgotten that he requires High Ranks within the clan, to help it remain alive and worthy of the prestigious title of a Super Clan.

    Over the years, he has devel-oped the Inner Circle, which consists of his closest friends within the ROBLOX community. Xarenthos, one of our loyal Jus-ticars, was once a part of it, until he was expelled from the clan, for attempting to restore it to its former glory and assisting in keeping the overall activity of the Legion up to standards. The question still remains: will the clan ever revive? According to the current HRs, they

    were provided with news, after they had the historical quarrel, that the almighty Emperor of the X-101st Legion, was returning to rise and to bring the clan back to its former glory. Xarenthos quotes: I have noticed the Legion die. I used to

    be the acting Commander at one stage. I have to agree with every-one, he brought the Legion down. He needs out, he needs to let go.

    Skraye, a Major-General within the X-101st Legion has chipped in and gave us his verdict on the Civil War. Skraye says: Its been known for a long time that X-101st hasnt been as strong as it used to be, in earlier eras. Nathan, being the founder of the clan, has had to endure a lot in over 6 years of lead-ing this clan, and each time, weve been able to persevere, and keep carrying on. But as said earlier, 6 years of leading a clan does take a lot of effort. Most of the original clan leaders from other clans, such as ToniToni and several RAT owners realized it is a large commitment, and stepped down, entrusting the clan to someone else. Leading a clan for as long as Nathan has, he must have a large attachment to it,

    wanting to keep it rather than en-trust it to others. Nathan has other real life commitments now, and the clan is sadly suffering because of this. Personally, I understand why Nathan isnt giving it away, but I think, if he does care about the

    clan, he has to entrust it to someone else.

    When it comes to whether he is for or against the war, he states: Initially I was one of the HRs that was in support of ousting Nathan. However, after some talks between some of the HI-COM, and with input from Nathan himself, I now believe that there is one last chance that Nathan may be able to resurrect his group. If there is not

    change soon though, I fear I will have to go against him again, in the best interests of the group.

    So, when it comes to my verdict on this conflict over power and leadership, I would say that OcularProwess is a rather stubborn member of the war clan community, and will refuse to listen to his loyal HRs strategic advice and counsel. Consequently, the Legion requires a more obliging and vigorous leader to replace Ocular, in order to assist them in rising back on their feet. Although the Legion is currently experiencing numerous issues with their leadership, some still have an aspiration of bringing the clan back to its former glory, however, the chances of that happening seem relatively small if things continue this way. So, what are your thoughts on the Civil War? Are you for or against their current leadership? By Xuenous

    5 The Frostarian Times | 9 July 2015

    AcR training facility

    By Bobafett215and Kjr51

    By Realotsand Kjr51

    By Parixity

    Ice180 frozen in time

    AcRs temporary fort kindly donated to them

  • 50 Shades of Midnight Blue

    The Nightfall Clan Vs. Blue Coalition war has been unexpect-edly shortened, due to recent controversy between the two. This problem is still questioned -to this moment- as ezaiahs (Nightfall Clan Supreme Leader) and jokerkid5898 (Blue Coalition and Spetnaz War Team Leader) surprisingly rallied, under the same banner, when they first met. Ezaiahs and jokerkid5898 both were known leaders of the ancient clan, The Raven Empire. Then a weird turn for the cur-rent story happened, as ezaiahs became the Second-In-Command of Spetnaz War Team, which was a strong force of the Blue Coali-tion, while jokerkid5898 was the leader. Ezaiahs and jokerkid5898s powerful reign, eventually came

    to an end, due to the decrease of activity from ezaiahs, as he was a high-command member and is now the leader of the renowned Nightfall Clan.

    According to jokerkid5898, ten-sions rose due to After five months of absence, [ezaiahs] came into my meeting, and requested ownership of SWT. He claimed that I would kill it, and that it was his turn to be the owner... After ezaiahs had his fair share of fighting, he eventually left SWT, and became the official leader of

    Nightfall Clan. Jokerkid5898 was offered a truce and alliance with Nightfall Clan, but denied due to ezaiahs recent actions. This was the moment the war started!

    The confusing war was officially cancelled on 05/10/2015, due to the two differing opinions on the situation. Ezaiahs mentioned this on the forum; After [Blue Coalition] breaking war terms left and right, I halted the war two days ago... Both leaders had argued about, what the truth of the situation was. Ezai-ahs being under much pressure, eventually ended the war. A war that would have been great, but was sadly shortened.

    Another major turn in the story, is the fact that Spetnaz War Team -along with Blue Coalition- may be working with Nightfall Clan soon enough! ISOLAYTOR, or YShaarj, has been speaking with a variety of sword clan leaders, into a possible big war between guns and swords. A war that might bring back the former friendship between the two leaders, and could also end up being one of

    the biggest wars ever on ROBLOX.

    By KingAktar

    Ro-War: Sword EditionRecently, a large step was taken

    into reviving the sword clan com-munity. The reason being, that most of the notable clans of today, mainly focused on guns, and only a select few used swords, as their main weapons. And so, a large Sword Clan Ro-War was proposed.

    The war will consist of two large coalitions, each made up of a number of sword clans. There will be two factions, one named The Greater Sword Clan Alliance and the other known as The Unity of Steel. Some of the clans, that have already entered -into either one of the coalitions- are:

    Royal BloodImperial ConcordE X T I N C TStygian RedemptionGaidenZircon EmpireBlack Hawk BrigadeExentricSkilled ForceFire Warriors ClanH.A.UFrost LegionUnstable

    I caught up with Reversonal, one of the main instigators of the planned war and asked him some

    questions about it. I first asked, how will the war be conducted? Will it be simple clan raids? How will the coalitions work? He replied with I was thinking of, [that] each coalition [should] have only ONE main base, so that its fair. It would be held by a third party, so that it wont be rigged. Clans can be added or re-moved from the coalitions and there will be two of them: The Greater Sword Clan Alliance and The Unity

    of Steel. Cannot wait to witness, the amount of raid servers that will be official, at the same time.

    I then asked him: What do you think will be accomplished by this war and what is the purpose of it? He replied with The purpose is, so that clans will stop being so scared, to war each other and teaming up

    on the weak. Sword clans need to be revived and given a boost, and I think that this war, will do just that. This would surely help sword clans, get very active.

    I then asked: How long will this war last for and when will it possibly end?

    He stated that I think there will have to be about 40 raid wins for a side to win, if there isnt a large difference, there will probably be a

    final battle. The war begins on the 1st of June and will last for approximately a month. After his last answer, I asked: This final battle: how will it potentially work? He said I was think-ing that each coalition will choose 20 of their best sword fighters, and there will be a large CTF. They would be pushed to their limits, but will have so much fun.

    Lastly I asked: Finally, are you looking forward to the war? He finally said Of course I am! This will definitely be exciting and Im looking forward to seeing the outcome. RAT is also definitely looking forward to the war, were pretty anxious to see the outcome too! By CustardDoughtnuts

    NBC Downcast

    NBC Shirt Creator members, lost on a journey to nowhere.

    NBC users, to put them in the group store.

    The Non Builders Club

    Shirt Creators, is a group that has the most amount of members in ROBLOX. While it wasnt a war clan, it was a business -lead by a group of people- who wished to help NBC users, in the creation of shirts and pants. Builder Club users are able to place their creations on the catalog, with no problems at all, in order to make money from them. However, NBC users could not put creations on the catalog or make money off the

    uniforms. With this, the NBC Shirt Creator group was created, for the purpose of helping level the playing field, when it came to pub-lishing clothes, for other users

    to see.Ive in-

    terviewed the NBC Shirt Creators, Chief Development Officer, Mazux, on the state of the group, that it is currently in. I asked several questions, that would be the key factor, in what will become of the group -in the future- and how will it keep going. I asked Mazuxs opinion on the recent patch -that ROBLOX implemented- that prevents anyone from making any more clothes, using the groups store, he

    said that We respect the decision of the moderators, but we still have a large com-munity behind us. With this huge amount of members, I soon asked him Do you think NBC Shirt Creator deserve the position they are at today? he soon responded with Of course, the members of the clan world dont like the fact that weve become the larg-est group - thats life. NBC Shirt Creators isnt a clan, its a business, and we grew without using games or VIP offers. We grew with a suc-cessful business idea, to earn the position that we have. But with the growth of this clan, there are people who are op-posing to this group and their purpose. With this I inter-viewed the leader of Vortex Security, imnotaguestimagirl, who despises the group and the work that they do.

    The first question I asked

    ROBLOX is a place of creativity, whether its a game, that you play every now and then, or whether its an user/ Roblox created item, that you buy from other people. Creativ-ity is unbound here, but has certain restric-tions on users, and therefore arent able to make the best of their imagination, due to theses restrictions. The NBC Shirt Creators, helped the minds of NBC users, to be expressed when making shirts and pants. They did this by letting them be unrestricted, through a glitch in the RO-BLOX system, which allowed them to put their creations, on the NBC Shirt Creators group store. However, this method had soon become obso-lete, due to ROBLOXs new update, in which it patched the glitch and prevented anymore

    imnotaguestimagirl, was Does the group deserve the place of having the most members? and she replied with this, I do not think they should be allowed to exist at all. The entirety of the group, revolved around exploiting an oversight, made by a web en-gineer. Concerning the exploit that they use, I soon asked imnotaguestimagirl if she knew about the decision, of the ROBLOX patch, on the group and she replied with, Yes, in fact, I was the person who started the complaint thread about them, on RBXDev, that ended up with them being patched. With the way that the NBC Shirt Creators lost their main form of advertisement, which NBC users cannot make any more clothing, I asked imnotaguestimagirl one last question -that most people

    who were strongly against NBC Shirt Creators, would like to hear- and that was Will the group fall? and she replied with Im unsure of whether or not it will fall - personally, I think it should just be deleted, but evidently ROBLOXs CS team, is not of the same mindset.

    Personally, with the state that the NBC Shirt Creators are in currently, it may seem

    bleak for them, as the patch rid them of their purpose to exist. But, as Mazux said, it is a tightly woven community who share the same goals, creating clothes to their hearts content. It is un-certain what will become of the NBC Shirt Creators

    or how long will it last. But Im sure there is a way that they can continue to recruit more members and to make these clothes. Things arent going to change, anytime soon, for NBC Shirt Creators, but time will tell. For now, we wait!

    By Whatwhy09

    6 The Frostarian Times | 27 May 2015



  • Ro-War: Sword Edition Historyin Paradox

    Year 2130, Ive become a soldier, a soldier thatll defend his homeworld from enemies who dared to attack it. I swore an oath that I, Deraktus, will protect Frostaria till my very end and swore my loyalty to her. Little did I know that Frostaria is not being attacked from the outside but attacked from within. Theres been news all around Frostaria that an armed uprising is expand-ing in a rapid pace across Frostaria. These rebels are called The New Frostarian Union also known as NFU. Its said that numerous soldiers and officers from the Frostar-ian military have defected and joined the revolt. Their goal is to overthrow the current corrupt government and dethrone our Grand Admiral. The rebellion caused chaos

    throughout Frostaria and the Frostarian economy was at the brink of collapse. I wasnt so sure what was going on but I had faith in our government. I believed that they could stabilize Frostaria, however, matters grew worse every-day. Day by day the rebellion grew bigger and stronger (it is estimated that by the year 2132, NFU numbers could be comparable to the Frostarian standing army).

    By year 2132 most Frostarian cities have been severely affected. At this point morale was at it all time low. The Grand Admiral ordered several parades and rallies

    to increase morale, however, marching through cities all I could see is angered civilians chanting and throwing things at my comrades. It was clear, we the military of Frostaria were hated by its people. It was not long till Sparrow Crop (a group where all the great-est minds, operatives and developers within Frostaria work together to advance its technology) turned against the government and started supporting the rebellion.

    Two months later, our great nation, Frostaria, has been plunged into total anarchy. Our leader ordered the army to purge anyone who is asso-

    After careful consideration and much discussion, the winner of this competition was chosen to be... Deraktus. Give him three cheers. The name of his story is called, From the Ashes Frostaria Shall Prevail and its about the his-tory of RAT, in his perspective. We, the Editor Team, believe you will enjoy this as much as we did:

    There was a time when Frostaria could not stand on her own feet. She had to sac-rifice countless innocent lives to become what she is today. She had to destroy herself to be able to rectify herself. She had to be strong to endure such agony. It was 2 years of darkness which came upon her, 2 years of hardship and 2 years bloodshed. Frostaria was in turmoil...

    ciated to NFU. The Grand Ad-miral named it Operation P-4 to successfully vanquish the rebels (keeping in mind weve been fighting NFU for 2 years. This operation is to eliminate anyone who has any negative views against the government. Therell be no prisoners. If you were a rebel you wouldve been executed on the spot). Ever since the operation has been announced, the casual-ties has been doubled, due to that it angered many Frostar-ians and theyve joined the rebellion. Three days later, the Frostarian military was heavily overwhelmed by the num-bers of NFU militants. With many dead comrades and many soldiers refusing to kill anymore of their own people, the military completely ceased from continuing Operation

    P-4. It was a defeat for the Frostarian government.

    A week after the failure of Operation P-4. The Grand Admiral abdicated and sur-rendered to the New Frostar-ian Union. The leader of NFU took control over Frostaria and peace returned to the people. The new Leader announced this day as The Reunification of the Frostarian people. A new age is on the rise for Frostaria which shall hope-fully make Frostaria powerful again.

    A new age has begun and a new Grand Admiral is in power, his name is Polymor-phic. He has brought a new wave of technology and also made Frostaria a power to be reckoned with throughout the universe. By Deraktus

    First Day with RAT: The Journey Begins!

    the barrack and get a uniform and starter pack. I put my ex-perience uniform over my rag-ged shirt and pants and it felt comfortable. It stretched over my skin protecting me well, yet it felt as light as a feather. Was this how advanced RAT technology was? I opened my sack, and I was amazed by what I found in there. I tested the weight of one of the guns and it felt amazing. I read the label, and it was known as 8G technology. I had a primary weapon, secondary weapon, and a sword. I slid my sword into my hostel, and attached the guns to my back. I went outside and I stepped into line, along with a large number of other trainees, waiting for the induction ceremony to begin.

    Welcome, new members of

    RAT. You are the new genera-tion of warriors, Frostarians ready to undergo rigorous training and become true Frostarians. You have been enlisted today... I turned my head away, admiring the scenery, ignoring what the commander was saying. I looked out of the window, and I saw a dark shadow loom-ing over the cliffside Whats that? I thought to myself. I ignored it, and stared back at the commander, as he brought his speech to a close, Aeter-nam honorem ad Frostaria!. The mass amount of members cheered and repeated the phrase once again. I stayed silent, wondering what I was meant to do. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large projectile coming straight at the large crowd. It had destructive force, and it would immediately kill anyone that came into direct contact with it. I shouted, but it was

    too late. I was sent hurtling through the air and crashed into the barrack. I blacked out.

    3 minutes later, I awoke to the severe destruction that had today befallen RAT. On that day, I received a grim reminder. An ash cloud covered the plain, and I watched trainees scream to their deaths, crying for help. I looked down at my hands, they were caked with blood. My blood. Then I looked to my left and saw bodies next to me, all lifeless. I forced myself up, and stumbled over the dead Frostarians, tears rolling down my face and falling to the floor. I was crying. Thats all I would ever do. Cry, cry, cry. I sat down and leaned against the cliff face, watching as a dark figure approached me. I was dead, for sure. I had accepted it. A sword came fly-ing towards me at breakneck speed. I was dead for sure. I closed my eyes, waiting for

    The sun beamed down onto Sierra, the waves of the sea dazzling and sparkling, almost blinding me. I looked up into the blue sky, as birds were gliding almost effortlessly through the crisp, fresh air.

    It was my first day as a Soldier with RAT. I had passed the Solum Advancement Course with ease and I had been transported to Sierra for the induction. I was a normal, average Frostarian. My skills were not bad, although they werent the best and Id often be to scared to fight or spar with others. Its not like I would ever need to fight my own friends, or fight alone against an opponent.

    On that day, I received a grim reminder.

    I was instructed to go into

    my pathetic life to be over.But no, I couldnt let it end

    that way.I unsheathed my sword,

    and sliced at the attack com-ing towards me, injuring the attacker. I picked up the blade and smiled at the sky. Why had I given up so easily? The words of the now deceased commander drifted into my mind. And my mouth barely formed the words Aeternam honorem ad Frostaria. My eyes were red with rage, and I ran towards the attacker. I dodged the large sword that had been thrown at me, and I began to dodge all the hits with ease. I danced through the sky and span in the air, gaining speed. I pulled out my other sword that I had picked up earlier. I was dual-wielding, a high level skill that had only been mastered by one other man, who had passed away centuries ago. Wind gathered around me, and I cried as I

    came crashing down onto the attacker, slashing its neck and ending its life. I landed, my swords spread out. It took a deep breath, and fell to the floor.

    The smoke cleared, and the Flight of Liberation arrived and escorted me to safety. I stood at the plateau, watching as dead soldiers were being taken to the morgue. I looked at my hands once again, the blood had dried and my uni-form was torn and drenched with blood. I was asked a series of questions about the attack, as I had been the sole survivor. The final question being, That dead man. He was a high level blade master. Did you kill him? I frowned, and stared into the eyes of the man. I found it hard to pro-duce the words, so I answered simply. With the truth.

    Yes, I did kill him. By CustardDoughtnuts

    7 The Frostarian Times | 27 May 2015

    It wasnt just an ordinary day, no it clearly wasnt. Today was the day I retired from RAT. After spending years killing our enemies and mak-ing a name for myself I finally re-tired. It wasnt easy cause the thing was I had good friends. We looted, Pillages and had so much fun dur-ing raids. Leaving the bodies of our enemies to respawn over and over again. Those days make me so sad to leave, but for all my hard work I was rewarded with Operator. It felt right knowing I made a difference in RAT fighting for the right cause.

    Transportation in Frostaria has always been hard since there is no department for it, but I guess you need to blame External Affairs they only think about war or diplomacy.

    After hitching a ride home to meet my wife and son who adore me so. I spend a few hours in my private office taking off my metals after hanging them on the wall. I print out all my war wins and prestige achievements. I cant forget about the time I was in honours who had the glory he wanted.

    After retiring I decided to spend my days relaxing and start up my very own business. I decided to open a club house where you can enjoy good ale and fresh donkeyos baked in the coldest temperatures known in Frostaria. During one of these days in retirements a Frostar-ian enemy entered the club. I know he recognised me, hes seen the sins Ive committed for my cause. It was a peaceful ending knowing I died for RAT.


    By iSython

    Exic looked down at his ap-prentice with sad eyes. He knew he would have to abandon him, regardless of the time. Sparrow was not the average apprentice, as Exic knew from experience. There was something different about Sparrow, but of course Exic had known that since he met Sparrow. He had not come in the way most average players had come. He did not appear with a blue sphere of light in the middle of a field, as the rest of the players had. Instead a robbed player had come and dropped Sparrow before him, it was very strange, Exic remem-bered it to this day.

    Since then Exic, as he had done many times took Sparrow in as an apprentice. Of course it was only expected of Exic, being one of the original five players that had founded this land now called Roblox. Exic had taught Roblox himself, as well as the great lead-ers of Robloxia. Now Sparrow was growing with experience, and Exic was finally beginning to fade away. Of course Roblox-ians, as they were now called had to chose to leave, unless eliminated in battle. Unfortunately Exic could not help fading away, in a strange way he felt like he was growing. Exic looked down at the rocky stones of Seldom. It was a dark place, a beautiful place. The sky

    was always purple, the rocks al-ways dark. The wind was always strong and the rain was always plentiful. Maybe its not so bad to fade out now, here Exic thought painfully, truthfully. Most would have viewed the unit as dark and dangerous. Exic only saw beauty where others saw evil, its why Exic had a black torso, and legs, as well as his black crown of wreaths. His face was a two dots with a straight line now. Exic was brought back reality with the whisper of Sparrow. Youre going to fade away, arent you? Sparrow asked with innocence. Yes, Im afraid I no longer can


    By PixelYT

    stay, even if I wanted to, Exic re-sponded. Sparrow looked down, fearing Exics leaving. Do not fear, Sparrow, youll find a way, I always knew you would, Exic said quivering. His time was nearing quicker than he thought. Sparrow looked away at the dark sky over the planet of Seldom. Exics sad eyes were fading. Sparrow was still gazing at the sky. Seizing the opportunity he faded away. His great black wreath was blown away as his body twisted into a dusty spiral. A wind was heard, the greatest wind to ever blow in Seldom. Youll find a way. Exic whispered, and with these final words, the great Lord Exic was gone.

  • FrostarianTheTimes

    SPORTSThe Solstice

    FoxhuntRiot Ensues Following Fire-

    chase Finals in Solstice

    8 The Frostarian Times | 27 May 2015

    The city of Equinox was shook last Thursday following a riot in the Aurem Stadium of Solstice City due to the loss of the Equinox Wolves to the Eclipse Foxes in the Frostar-ian Firechase Tournament Finals. The Eclipse Foxes pummelled their opposition in the match, in which they scored 200 points, rivaling the Wolvess measly 50 points. The collateral damage of the riots has been estimated to total up to around 5 million au-rem. Grand Admiral Sparrow spoke out the next morning, congratulating the Eclipse Foxes for their outstanding victory in the finals and scald-ing and dishonoring those who took part in the riots.

    We spoke with captain of the Eclipse Foxes, Albin Africanus about the match, the riots that succeeded it and how the city of Eclipse has responded to this most pres-tigious victory. Meeting the bulky, 7 foot, 5 inches ironclad Frostarian in a bar in Solstice City, he walked with a stride of confidence in his step and

    By Skyman772

    seemed to silently intimi-date those around him. As he greeted me, he pulled up a seat adjacent to mine and cleared his throat to prepare for conversation.

    The Frostarian Times: Albin, you are at the top of your game now that you, alongside your team have won the nationals! How do you feel?

    Albin: I feel as though I can not take all the credit for this triumphant vic-tory, it was the hard work and determination of my teammates that secured our win. Although, I feel fantastic. When I am seen in public, everybody seems to have nice things to say. I feel as though I have brought honor to my family and I have achieved something truly special.

    The Frostarian Times: It seems that with great joy, great sorrow has additionally been created. What are your thoughts on the riots that happened shortly after the matchs crescendo?

    Albin: A person is intel-

    ligent, but people are dumb. Sometimes, people can make poor decisions, and unfortu-nately more often than not they arent the ones paying for those mistakes. I offer my condolence, alongside a donation I sent out earlier this morning, to those local small businesses that were de-stroyed as a result of the riots.

    The Frostarian Times: Now that you, and your team have won the National Firechase Cup, what do you have planned next?

    Albin: I am going to train, and prepare myself for next year. But for now, I do believe some rest and relaxation is in order.

    In the aftermath of the riots, hundreds of people crowd the streets of Solstice, cleaning up trash in the road and fixing

    Riots Cause Massive Vehicular Destructionwindows. They do this for no pay, only for the satisfaction of helping out the Solstice com-munity. Multiple high profile corporations have donated hefty sums of aurem to the relief effort, the Frostarian Times included. It is times like this that test our ability to come together as a united force, and it is times like this we pass each and every test with honor and distinction.

    No fatalities have occurred as a result of the rioting, however a dozen injuries have been recorded alongside several dozen arrests.

    If you would like to help out with the relief effort, simply just turn up to any of the af-fected areas with a smile and a can-do attitude! Although, we at the Frostarian Times would also advise you bring a few handy tools too.Firechase Battleground