The Boy and the Mermaid

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Transcript of The Boy and the Mermaid

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

a. Analyze the behavior and attitude of the characters b. Infer on the progression of events based on few details only; and c. Predict the outcome of the characters' behavior II. Subject matter:

Story Telling/Reading: "The Boy and the Mermaid"

Maximo Ramos

III. Procedure:

A. Pre-Reading

1. Motivation

Working in groups, members will share their opinions about

question assigned to them.

If you were given a chance, will you exchange your family to a person who give all your wants and needs?

Do you consider wealth as a source of love, happiness and fulfillment? why or why not?

Which do you prefer; a big but empty house or a small yet a happy home? why?

B. Jigsaw Reading

The teacher call a student to read the story. After each paragraph, the teacher asks information and predictive questions. The students will compare their answer to information in the story.It happened once that a boy, while playing on a riverbank, saw a beautiful woman bathing in the water. She smiled sweetly at him and said: Come here, son. I shall tell you a wonderful story.Q: Why did the woman ask the boy to come near her?

Q: Do you think the woman really has a story to tell?

The boy was attracted by her long curls and her charming smile and he walked to her. No sooner had his feet touched the water and then the river rose and the woman caught him in her arms.Q: Why was the boy convinced to go with the woman?

Q: Where do you think the woman will bring the boy?

Let me go! Let me go!, screamed the boy. But the woman held him firmly and said, Be quiet son, and I shall take you to my home. My father and mother will be looking for me! said the boy. The woman replied, You will forget them when you see my wonderful home. Please let me go! Q: Why did the boy suddenly react violently?

Q: Do you think the woman allowed the boy to go home?

After they reached the sea, they came to a beautiful house with a golden door and a gorgeous hall. They sat down and the woman asks the following questions: Tell me what vegetables you love to eat? Do you eat fish? The boy replied, We never eat those things at home. I never eat fish. We eat nothing but rice and tomatoes. Q: Why did the woman ask the boy what he eats at home?

Q: How do you think the woman felt after the boy answered her questions?

Suddenly, while hearing those questions, the boy remembered that the woman asked those questions to test people. Thats alright! said the woman with a smile. He who eats fish is my enemy. The woman showed him rooms with silver and gold furniture. All rooms contained treasures. Q: What did the woman say about those who eat fish?

Q: Where do you think the woman lives?

Left alone the boy tried to enjoy himself, but he kept yearning for his parents, friends, his real home. He pretended to enjoy all the luxuries and wealth, but his heart was not there. This went on day after day, but the longer he stayed in this house, the more he longed for his parents. Please tell me how soon I can get back home, the boy said. She replied. Forget about home. This is your home now. Call me mother. Everyday, the woman would leave the house and returned home at the end of the day. But the boy began to wonder why the woman always went to the back part of the house before leaving. Q: For the second time, did the boy try to convince the woman to send him back home?

Q: What do you think the boy suspected?

As he was looking this way one day, he suspected that there might be some passage that she kept from him, till he found out that it was a secret door, a door well hidden. Q: What did the boy discover?

Q: What do you think is inside the hidden door?

The following morning, as soon as the woman was gone, the boy opened and entered the secret door. There he found a large jar of shining gold, with golden liquid. Then the boy remembered that since he came into womans house, he had not taken a bath yet, so he poured the golden liquid into his body. Q: What do you think is the liquid for?

Q: Do you think the boy will be able to return home?

Then a strap door opened beneath his feet. He ran down and followed a sandy path with bright sunlight. Soon he found himself back to the river where the woman had caught him. The whole village rejoiced, specially his parents for his return. Everyone was overjoyed and amazed at his story. Q: What path did the boy take to escape?

Q: What do you think happened to the woman?

For many nights after that, the villagers heard the voice of the woman crying in the river.Q: Who do you think is the woman?

Q: What can you say about her?

C. Post-Reading1. Group work-Show and Tell

Working in groups, members are assigned to do "Show and Tell". Each group is given a "treasure box-like" which contains some familiar things used by their family members. Each Group will choose three (3) things that will symbolize their loved ones.

Then each member is asked to express the meaning of the chosen object.

IV. Evaluation:Essay;

What did the woman say about those who ate fish? and what do you think is the character played by the woman?

V. Assignment:

On a short bond paper draw a picture of a boy and a mermaid.