The Blue Lagoon

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Transcript of The Blue Lagoon

100:02:44,600 --> 00:02:46,637-Richard, don't go out too far.*Em's a fraidy cat!@Richard! Emmeline!Come back here this minute.And be careful.What's gotten into you, Richard?Bad enough to endanger yourself,but to encourage Emmeline....*I'm sorry, Father.@I know you want to have fun.All I'm trying to do is get us allto San Francisco in one piece.*Will Mommy be coming to San Fr'isco?@I don't believe so, Richard.-I told you. Once they go to heaven...they don't come back.Isn't that right, Uncle Arthur?My mommy and daddy haven't come back.@Because God wants them to stay and do his work and wait for the day when you will takethe long voyage to see them.-When will that be?@When you've lived a full life and experienced all that it has to offer.*Look!Father, what are they [email protected] wish I had a hook. I'd pull 'em aboardand the cook would fry 'em for dinner....@Captain, do you knowthere's a fog bank coming in?+I'm aware of that fact, sir.@I heard one of the men saythose storms rounding the cape pushed us far west of our course+That's right, sir.Last night's celestial puts us about here....-Richard, what are you looking at?They don't have any clothes on.What the hell are you two doing here?I'll teach you, bucko!--> 00:04:58,915Come here.-Don't you dare hurt him.You want a hiding, too, do you?!Fire!Fire?somebody say "fire"?...%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Man the pumps.-Button.-Yes, sir?Take the children and Mr.Lestrangeand row them away from the ship.Come on.Mr.Lestrange.There's blasting powder in that hold.I saw them load it.Keep moving!Come on, will you?Come on, you.Uncle Arthur!Richard! Emmeline!-This way, Lestrange.-The children!They've already taken their leave.Follow me, sir.No, there is no more room.Lower away!Abandon ship!Don't explode yet!Further.What's happening? I can't see.-What was that?-The ship. Cover your faces.@Richard!Emmeline!-Uncle Arthur!There they are!Where?Captain, over here.Richard!Hello.Father!Don't go shouting both at once.I won't know which way to steer.Longboat, ahoy! Where are you?Hello!Father!Gone.Lord, help us.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%... ...*Where is Father?What is your name?Paddy Button. Now, belay your questions.Can't you see I'm busy?Damn it. No food or water.-That's Chopin. I can play it on the piano.Mr. Button, can I ask you a question?Yes.Are you a pirate?...-I'm thirsty.*Me, too.Listen you'll hear it hisswhen it touches the water.You hear it?*I think so.-I don't hear anything.Listen harder.It must be fairly boilin' by now.There. Do you hear it?*I hear it. Don't you hear it now, Em?-I think so.Yes, I hear it...-I smell flowers.Flowers?-Mr. Button! Richard! Look!It's land!Land ho!We're saved.I would never have believed it.*Where are we?Nirvana, that's where we are. No more"yes, sir," "no, sir," for Paddy Button.No more breaking my backover a stinkin' stove.*Will Father be coming to fetch us?Come on, let's look around.Listen.Come on.I knew it.It's lovely.Water.Ho, down there! Look out below!...-Mr. Button, there's a barrel over here with funny stuff in itthat smells like the Captain's breath.The Captain's breath?It's rum.Sweet Jesus.Look what a funny thing I found.*It's got holes in it.Give me that. Where did you get it?What was it?We'd better get out of here.There's a bunch of them up there.Come on, let's get out of here.Hurry it up, will you?...*I don't see Father's boat.No, not yet. Maybe he'll be along later.Maybe not.Take them things out of your mouth!Open your mouth!Take them out of your mouth!Spit them out! Go on!Don't cry. I ain't mad at you.If you eat them berries, you'll go to sleep.You'll never wake up again.They're never-wake-up berries, you see?Just leave them berries alone. Come on....-We had a cat oncethat went to sleep and never woke up.Uncle Arthur said she was dead and buried.Mr. Button, do you think she atesome of those berries?Maybe.*What does it really mean, Paddy,"dead and buried"?It means that they put you in the groundand they cover you up.And you're dead and buried, do you see?*Like Mrs. Jones' baby. Remember, Em?-The doctor dug it out of the cabbage patch.The cabbage patch?*That's right.But he took it back and planted it again.-So it could grow and turn into an angel.*I got a trowel and dug our cabbage patch all up.But there weren't any babies or any angels.Only worms....What's in them pictures, Richard?It's a story about these funny people who get married.There is a saying under each one.Give me a look.*Yeah.*Were you ever married, Paddy?Seven times.Kids in every port from Callao to Macao.Seventeen at the last count.Never set eyes on a single of them.Slanted-eyed little little devils,even a couple of pink ones like you.And all with my eyes.-Paddy, what's "subjugation"?Something I've been trying to avoid all my life.Come back here. This ain't gonna hurt you.*We don't want to go swimming! We don't have our bathing costumes!To hell with your bathing costumes!You don't wear them when you have a bath, do you?-This isn't a bathtub. This is the ocean!...Ready, go. That's it.Whenever you see a ship,you run down quick and you light the signal fire.Do you hear me?There's the rabbit hole....There's a fox, see. Pull it tight.There's a knot. Do it.Run your finger up like that.You shove that around under there.There you are. Put it there, shipmate.Where'd you find that?*I didn't find it.I made it from the knots you taught me.You made it? Well pity it's not a bit bigger.-Let's go swimming.Yeah.Come back here and put your clothes on!*I don't want to wear my old britches.It ain't proper to be running around naked all the time.... Alone at last.Richard, Emmeline,I want you both to promise me something.I want you to promise methat you will never, ever go over to the other side of the island.*Why, Paddy?Why? Because I tell you, that's why!There's nasty things go on over there, see?Vile, evil, sinister things.*Like what?-Yes, Mr. Button, like what?Well, for a start, that's where the bogeyman lives.*The bogeyman?That's right. And you know what happenswhen the bogeyman gets his hands on little peoplelike yourselves?Why, he just eats them.He pops them into his mouth like candy and he chews them upand he swallows them, bones and all.Do you know what "Iaw" is?Good. From now on, that's the law, see?No one goes over to the other side.You look funny.Children, where are you?Look at me.Look at me.You're sillywhen you drink out of that barrel.This is a serious dance.Sing the oneabout the Hoochie Coochie girls.Come on. Are you ready?Where's Paddy?He's gone.There he is.He must have swum over thereand gone to sleep. Come on.What are you doing that for?I'm going to put it on Mr. Button's head,so when you say "boo" into his ear he'll jump up with it on.Paddy, wake up, it's us.Wake up!Don't worry, Em, we'll be all right.Take me away from this place, Richard.Look!This looks like a good place to stay for awhile....Wake up. It's Christmas morning.Christmas?Yesterday, I counted 52 big markson the tree and last night he came.What are you talking about?Santa Claus. I saw all his reindeerright there on the beach.Let's see if he brought us anything.Come on, Em, hurry.That's where the reindeer were, see?Look at our stockings.And there's something in them!Look, just what I always wanted.What are they?What do they look like? They're marbles.See, these are your Jaspersand these are your Peewees.You did it all.But....Fooled ya, didn't l?You!Why are we always fighting so much?I don't know.That should be our New Year's revolution:to stop fighting so much.-I'll try,But, what?I don't know what's wrong with mewhen I say the things I say.I just keep on havingall these strange thoughts.What kind of thoughts?Just thoughts.Funny thoughts about you and me.Tell me.I couldn't.They're just thoughts.They don't mean anything.Where did you find these?I found them in those little shells.They're beautiful. Thank you."O come, all ye faithful""O little town of Bethlehem""Dashing through the snowln a one-horse open sleigh"All the"...Help!What's wrong?You're bleeding.Don't! I'm all right.But you're bleeding.Go away! Don't look at me.Go away!What was it, Em?Why were you bleeding like that?-I don't know.Liar!-It's true, I don't know.27000:33:53,704 --> 00:33:57,060People don't bleed like thatunless they've cut themselves.27100:33:57,700 --> 00:34:00,456Maybe you're hurt real badand you just don't know it.27200:34:00,616 --> 00:34:02,973-Let me look.-No! I don't want you to look.27300:34:03,213 --> 00:34:05,570-But, why?-Just because.27400:34:06,209 --> 00:34:07,767That is not fair.27500:34:07,887 --> 00:34:11,123I don't keep any secrets from you.I tell you everything.27600:34:11,483 --> 00:34:12,841Everything.27700:34:55,868 --> 00:34:57,666What are you looking at?27800:34:57,746 --> 00:34:58,705Your muscles.27900:34:59,224 --> 00:35:00,462What about them?28000:35:02,540 --> 00:35:05,856You're really acting silly lately.Always saying dumb things like that.28100:35:06,016 --> 00:35:07,614Always looking at me funny.28200:35:08,013 --> 00:35:10,370You're not coming down with something,are you?28300:35:12,248 --> 00:35:13,966Well, don't give it to me.28400:36:29,992 --> 00:36:30,951Tell me again.28500:36:31,351 --> 00:36:34,028-Where are your mother and father?-In heaven.28600:36:34,347 --> 00:36:35,985But where's heaven?28700:36:36,505 --> 00:36:38,063You know, up there.28800:36:38,702 --> 00:36:41,818-Your father might be there, too.-No, he's not.28900:36:42,138 --> 00:36:44,575He's coming on a ship somedayto take us home.29000:36:48,969 --> 00:36:50,328Do you hear it?29100:36:50,847 --> 00:36:51,886No.29200:36:52,085 --> 00:36:53,763Do you ever hear it?29300:36:53,843 --> 00:36:55,761Sometimes I think I do.29400:36:56,240 --> 00:36:57,838I think Paddy was a liar.29500:36:58,358 --> 00:37:01,674He told us there was a pot of goldat the end of every rainbow...29600:37:01,793 --> 00:37:03,352...and that was a lie.29700:37:03,791 --> 00:37:06,707He told us if we dug far enoughwe'd reach China.29800:37:07,107 --> 00:37:09,144And Santa Claus never came.29900:37:15,177 --> 00:37:17,774Do you ever think about him?30000:37:20,650 --> 00:37:21,769I do.30100:37:24,286 --> 00:37:26,723I know you don't like to talk about it, but...30200:37:27,322 --> 00:37:30,358...don't you ever wonderwhat really happened?30300:37:33,035 --> 00:37:35,232I don't want to know what happened.30400:37:38,149 --> 00:37:39,108I do.30500:37:40,506 --> 00:37:43,023There are so many thingsI don't understand.30600:37:43,103 --> 00:37:47,537Why do fish stop swimming and lie on topof the tide pools after it rains?30700:37:48,856 --> 00:37:51,333Why do you hear the wavesinside the big shells?30800:37:51,452 --> 00:37:53,850Why are all these funny hairsgrowing on me?30900:37:57,685 --> 00:38:01,041I wish a big book with all the answersto every question in the world...31000:38:01,121 --> 00:38:04,117...would drop out of the skyand land in my hand right now.31100:38:04,197 --> 00:38:07,872-I'd read it till I knew everything.-You can't know everything.31200:38:08,911 --> 00:38:10,789Only God knows everything.31300:38:11,108 --> 00:38:12,147God?31400:38:12,347 --> 00:38:15,143He can't find usany better than Santa Claus.31500:38:46,505 --> 00:38:48,502I wonder what fish think about?31600:38:53,376 --> 00:38:54,855What are you doing?31700:38:55,054 --> 00:38:57,851Trying to cheer you up. Come on, laugh.31800:38:59,609 --> 00:39:01,207It's not going to work.31900:39:02,845 --> 00:39:04,563There it is again.32000:39:07,799 --> 00:39:09,836Do you think it's the bogeyman?32100:39:11,714 --> 00:39:13,592Maybe it's another person.32200:39:16,868 --> 00:39:17,587No...32300:39:18,026 --> 00:39:20,982...or he would have come overto meet us and say hello.32400:39:21,342 --> 00:39:23,020That's the proper thing to do.32500:39:23,100 --> 00:39:25,896What if he's not nice?What if he wants to hurt us?32600:39:28,174 --> 00:39:29,572Then I'll spear him.32700:39:50,706 --> 00:39:53,343Look! I'm the greatest fishermanwho ever lived.32800:39:54,022 --> 00:39:56,059I'm the greatest fisherman who ever lived.32900:39:56,179 --> 00:39:58,976While you scare them off,I catch as many as I want to.33000:39:59,176 --> 00:40:01,533That's my fish dance!It doesn't scare them off.33100:40:01,613 --> 00:40:04,529It brings them up to the surfacewhere I can spear them.33200:40:04,609 --> 00:40:06,167Who cares what you say?33300:40:06,247 --> 00:40:08,924It's not how many you catch.It's how you do it.33400:40:25,983 --> 00:40:27,301Stop that!33500:40:28,859 --> 00:40:31,096Please play something else.33600:40:32,135 --> 00:40:35,251Why must you do thatwhen you know it makes me angry?33700:40:49,793 --> 00:40:52,350"It doesn't scare them away.It brings 'em to the top...33800:40:52,390 --> 00:40:54,028"...where I can spear them."33900:40:54,588 --> 00:40:55,706I'll spear you.34000:41:13,524 --> 00:41:14,843Here I am.34100:41:15,362 --> 00:41:16,561Come back here...34200:41:16,760 --> 00:41:19,717...or I'll pull your britches downand take a switch to you.34300:41:21,035 --> 00:41:23,392Don't you dare try to spank me. I mean it.34400:41:23,512 --> 00:41:26,309I'll put never-wake-up berries in your food!I mean it.34500:41:26,349 --> 00:41:28,746Say, "Richard is the smartest personon the island."34600:41:29,225 --> 00:41:32,141-Say it!-Stop it, Richard. I'm getting angry.34700:41:32,381 --> 00:41:34,299-Stop it! Now get off.-Say it!34800:41:34,978 --> 00:41:37,295Richard is the smartest personon the island.34900:41:37,375 --> 00:41:39,532-The fastest swimmer.-The fastest swimmer.35000:41:39,652 --> 00:41:41,690-The fastest runner.-The fastest runner.35100:41:41,810 --> 00:41:44,846-The best hut builder.-You're the best everything. Now get off!35200:41:45,165 --> 00:41:46,204It's true.35300:41:47,363 --> 00:41:49,840Just you wait.You'll never know when it'll happen.35400:41:49,920 --> 00:41:52,556Just one little biteand you'll never wake up again.35500:46:14,235 --> 00:46:16,153-What is it? What happened?-I saw him.35600:46:16,233 --> 00:46:18,670-Who?-The face Paddy thought was a bogeyman.35700:46:18,869 --> 00:46:21,426-You went to the other side?-He's not the bogeyman.35800:46:21,506 --> 00:46:23,144I think he's God.35900:46:23,304 --> 00:46:23,903God?36000:46:23,983 --> 00:46:26,180He looks like Pastor Logan saidhe looked like:36100:46:26,300 --> 00:46:29,097"You'd better be good or else."And he was bleeding.36200:46:29,257 --> 00:46:31,134-I don't believe you.-Just like Jesus.36300:46:31,214 --> 00:46:33,172Don't go there again. It's the law.36400:46:33,252 --> 00:46:35,609What if he really is God?Shouldn't we go and pray?36500:46:35,689 --> 00:46:38,245Or won't he be madand not let us go to heaven?36600:46:38,325 --> 00:46:40,283I don't want to talk about it.36700:47:56,429 --> 00:47:57,748What is it?36800:47:58,827 --> 00:47:59,626I'm here.36900:48:04,420 --> 00:48:07,416-You ate the "dead and berries"---No, I'm fine.37000:48:07,496 --> 00:48:10,252-You just had a bad dream.-Don't ever leave me.37100:48:10,812 --> 00:48:13,369Promise you won't.Promise you'll always be with me.37200:48:13,728 --> 00:48:14,647I promise.37300:48:26,433 --> 00:48:27,711Don't.37400:49:26,878 --> 00:49:28,596What are you doing?37500:49:29,995 --> 00:49:31,193Go away!37600:49:55,244 --> 00:49:56,842Where are you going?37700:50:03,154 --> 00:50:05,151Wait. What's the matter?37800:50:23,609 --> 00:50:25,886-What are you doing?-What do you want?37900:50:26,925 --> 00:50:28,483Why won't you talk to me?38000:50:28,842 --> 00:50:31,199Just leave me alone.