The Best is Yet to Come Mastermind Series

Led by Tara R. Alemany


What do Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Jeffrey Gitomer, Alex Mandossian and T. Harv Ecker have in common? They harnessed the power of mastermind groups! And you can too... Join me as I start The Best is Yet to Come mastermind series this fall. If you're interested, you can request more details at

Transcript of The Best is Yet to Come Mastermind Series

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Led by Tara R. Alemany

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A person who originates or is primarily

responsible for the execution of

a particular idea, project, or the like

Every entrepreneur, business owner, author

and speaker finds themselves in the role of

“mastermind” at some point or another

(if not all of the time!)

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Page 4: The Best is Yet to Come Mastermind Series

What do these people all have in common?

Henry Ford

Thomas Edison

Andrew Carnegie

John D. Rockefeller

Jack Canfield

Tony Robbins

Jeffrey Gitomer

Alex Mandossian

T. Harv Ecker

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You got it!

They all harnessed

the power of

mastermind groups…

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Napoleon Hill shares this story about Henry

Ford at a trial in “Think and Grow Rich”

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The set of individuals the mastermind has

assembled around them to help accomplish

their objectives.

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To streamline the process of accomplishing

one’s objectives.

Assemble more knowledgeable people to

assist you in reaching your goals

Extend your network

Increase your influence

Learn from the best

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Jim Stoval “The Millionaire Map”

“Never accept a map from someone who hasn’t

been where you want to go.”

Engage with people who have accomplished

what you want to accomplish

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Bob Proctor “You Were Born Rich”

Brendan Burchard “Experts Academy”

Jay Abraham “How to Unleash the Creative

Power Within You”

Darren Hardy “The Compound Effect”

Robert Allen “The Road to Wealth”

Jack Canfield “The Success Principles”

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Premium mastermind group

6 month duration

2-day in-person event in CT

½-day virtual events once a month

Best elements of 4 mastermind groups

Introductions and Updates

Hot seats



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Owner of multiple businesses, past and


Trained in business process analysis

Successful teacher and trainer

Experienced at building businesses

Skilled facilitator

Impressive extended network, and the

resources that go with it

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Request a brochure at

Or scan the code below

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