The American Revolution1

By : Thunyarath Munyukong

Transcript of The American Revolution1

Page 1: The American Revolution1

By : Thunyarath Munyukong

Page 2: The American Revolution1

John Adams said, “the Revolution was effected before the war commenced.” It was a change “in the minds and hearts of the people.”

From the late 1740s on, Americans were importing from Britain about £500,000 worth of goods more than they were exporting to the mother country, and thus they continued to be troubled by a trade deficit with Britain.

the Quebec Act transferred to the province of Quebec the land and control of the Indian trade in the huge area between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and allowed Quebec’s French inhabitants French law and Roman Catholicism.

The Sugar Act imposed duties on foreign cloth, sugar, indigo, coffee, and wine imported into the colonies.

Page 3: The American Revolution1

In March 1765, Parliament by an overwhelming majority passed the Stamp Act.

In February 1768 the Massachusetts House of Representatives issued to the other colonial legislatures a “circular letter” that denounced the Townshend duties as unconstitutional violations of the principle of no taxation without representations.

In 1774, Parliament passed a succession of laws that came to be known as the Coercive Acts.