THE AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS Vol. XV, No. 3 January 1968 #a Contents Russia (Fred W. Speers) 57 Air Fleet Labels. A Rev ised Listing (Part I) Obituary (H . M. Goodkind) 71 Bernard Fink 1906-1967 United States (William H. Miller, Jr.) 73 The Post Office In 1924 Makes A Rate Mistake Colombia (William N. Mead) Handstamped Mancomun Marking lnterpex 1968 Day Of Aero & Astro Philately March I, 1968 1968 F.l.S.A. Exhibition (Herbert Rosen) IFA Vienna, Austria May 30.June 6 AERO PHILATELISTS 1968 Officers and 1968-1970 Directors Recent Auction Sale Prices Air Mail Stamp Rarities Book Review (H. M. Goodkind) France-United States (Philip Silver) A Mystery Cover SCADTA Company (Jean Gravelat) 1925 Central American Trial Flights AERO PHILATELISTS (William H. Miller, Jr.) 21st Annual Convention 75 76 77 78 79 79 81 82 81

Transcript of THE AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS - American Air Mail … Vol 15 No 3 Jan... · THE AERO PHILATELIST...


Vol. XV, No. 3

January 1968

#a Contents Russia (Fred W. Speers) 57 Air Fleet Labels. A Revised Listing (Part I) Obituary (H. M. Goodkind) 71 Bernard Fink 1906-196 7 United States (William H. Miller, Jr.) 73 The Post Office In 1924 Makes A Rate Mistake Colombia (William N. Mead) Handstamped Mancomun Marking lnterpex 1968 Day Of Aero & Astro Philately March I, 1968 1968 F.l.S.A. Exhibition (Herbert Rosen) IFA Vienna, Austria May 30.June 6 AERO PHILATELISTS 1968 Officers and 1968-1970 Directors Recent Auction Sale Prices Air Mail Stamp Rarities Book Review (H. M. Goodkind) France-United States (Philip Silver) A Mystery Cover SCADT A Company (Jean Gravelat) 1925 Central American Trial Flights AERO PHILATELISTS (William H. Miller, Jr.) 21st Annual Convention






79 81




FRITZ BILLIG 168-39 Highland Ave. Jamaica, N. Y. I 1432

CROSS ST AMP CO. 551 Fifth Ave. New York, N. Y. 10017

P. J . DROSSOS I St. Denys Place Athens, Greece

HERMAN HERST, JR. Shrub Oak, N. Y. 10588

W. KOLAKOWSKI Co. P. 0. Box 394 Great Neck, N. Y.

JOHN W. NICKLIN 110 West 42nd St. New York, N. Y. 10036

FA TO ULLAH & LAZAR, Inc. ORBIT COVERS 116 Nassau St. 132 Nassau Street New York, N. Y. 10038 New York, N. Y. 10038

FRANCIS J. FIELD, Ltd. Richmond Road Sutton Coldfield, England

GIMBELS ST AMP DEPT. B'way & 33rd St. New York, N. Y. 10001

H. R. HARMER, Inc. 6 West 48th St. New York, N. Y. I 0036

H. E. HARRIS & CO. I 08 Mass. Ave. Boston, Mass. 02117

IRWIN HEIMAN One Linden Place Great Neck, N. Y. 1102 1

PENNY BLACK STAMP CO. P. 0 . Box 57 Dumont, N. J.


Ridgefield, Conn. 06877

S. SERBRAKIAN, Inc. P. 0. Box 448 Monroe, N. Y. I 0950

J . STEPHEN 26 Coed Pella Rd. Colwyn Bay, Gt. Britain

HENRI TRACHTENBERG I 15, rue Hoche lvry, Seine, France

THE AERO PHILATELISTS ANNALS publl1hed quarterly each year by Aero Phllatellst1, 22 Eut 35th St. , New York, N. Y. 10016, a non .profit corporation, chartered In New York State,

Olatrlbuted free of charge t o all member• of Aero P hllatellata, Inc. Back numbera, when avallable, for aale at $1.00 each.

Copyright C 1968, by Aero Phllatellau, Inc.


Henry M. Goodkind, Editor

Philip Silver, Assistant Editor


Air Fleet Label

A Revised Li ting



Vol. XV, No. 3 January 1968

One of th<' 11•11st known usp1·<·t-; or R11s.-;ia11 u1•1·ophilutely is thut or th<' .\. ir l<,l<'t•I lubC'ls of th<' 1920s 1111d HJ:~os. Rt>N1us1• !hi'~· \\' t•1·e not n1li1l for }lostug1• hut \\'Cl'(' US<'d for ntising funds fo1· 1t\'i1ttio11 pl'Ojerts or t·luhs and otllC'I' j!l'OllpS the.'· haw h<'<'ll stiirn111ti7.c'1l us "p1·op11~11111l11 lahds. ·· For th11t mall<'I', 11l1110st nil 1·cgul111· post11g1• -;tnmps of t lw :Wth ( 'pntur.'· cont uin :-.onw 1h•g1·N· of JH'OJHt­#!Hllda .

• I rro Pl• ilo 1.i;,.1 I 111wl" ;;;

IJittlt· has h1•l'n \\Tittrn about thrsP lahl'ls. In Odulwt·. Hl:l7 .. Juhn II. R eynolds in c·oopernti011 with the lctle .Jol111 Bu1·1·y. then Sl'('l'eh11·\· or lhl· British ~ot·it•I,\' of Russian Philatd~·, produc·1'tl 11 -H-pugt' listing: uf 11111ny uf the l:ibds. Althoug-h uumitll'dl.'· itH·o111pletc'. tht' listinl( mentiont'd man.'· n11·it'lil'~ in 1·0101· shudt'S and kirnls of p1qwr. l'nt"o1·tunntely. n·1·~· r"" 1·uph•s or tlw t~·111·" rittc11 nurnus<•ript were distl'ilmkd.

A Yt'cll' lal1•1-. in tlw .H:Ho l' llll.,\'n:t.1:-"'1' ,\:'\:-; .\LS or ()\·tuhl' I', I!):) ' .J uh11 \\' . Nicklin, coll<1bon1ting with Igor Hulm(•h. published wlrnt was sl'lf-st~·lt·d a ·· t'ar from c·ompl1•tl''. listing of the lnl1t•ls. .\ lthon1.d1 Xit·klin nnd Hul111t"h w1•1·1• llll·

awure or tht' Renwld. -Bal'l'\' wor·k. tht'Y 111•w1·tlll'le~ Wt'l'l' alilt• to i1H·lud1• II

nu111h1•1· of itt>111s 0

11hsr11t from' tlw lattt .. 1'. · :\it·klin ·s c·o111pilation al:-;o 1·1•pn•s1•nt1'll an udnttl('(' O\·c1· /I "('hPrklist .. thut had lw1•n ('(llll)lili>d nncl puhli:-;lu·d h~· n. L . .A row;on in · · Thi• Rus.'lia11-.\ 1111•1·i<·1111 Pltil 11 telisl ·· in .Ja111111r.'·· Hl-H. {\\' lwlt• m1111he1· J:) ) .

ln t)w _\ priJ. Hl63, is.'ill C' of the .H:l<O 1•11n_\'rELIST .\~XAl.S a11oth1•1· lll'tic·)r hy ~ 1 1'. ~icklin npp1•a 1·t>1l. It d1•u lt "·ith two <·tl\"l't·~. both 11111il t'd 11t T11:-;hk1•nt :111d acquin•d by Ifo111·.'· ) I. <:oodkind , \\'hirh ll!'t\\'<'f'n tlwm ho1·e 1h1·1•1• .\ ir 1-'lt' Pt labels. t'o,·ers with :\ i1· Fli1Pt lulwls. it should hP 1111t11d , u1·p f111· ft-0111 1·n111111u11.

The \\Tiki· wisl11•s to arlmowledg<• with tlrnnks his ind<'htedm•ss to ~Ir. TTt• nr~· :\I. Cloot!kind. 1'ditor of tlw \EIW 1•111LA'l'EL1s·1· ,,:-;:-; .\! .>-, fot· hi:-; ussi:-;t1111!"l• 11 nd alh·i('t• in tht• JJl'l'l>Hl'Htion of thil'I llHlllllS<'l'ipt. .\ s II stud1•nt in this l'irld. his lwlp has ht>en i11rnltwhh• 11nd his (•oopt'J·atiun t'Xhuustin• in his t>l'fn1·t to Hs.'list in p1·c>sP11lin1? as th01·our.d1 a study as possihl1• to this 111aga:dnt• 0

'1 1·e:11lt·1·s. 1'hP a1·ticlrs nwntiont'd uhtfft' eonstitull· \"il"luully :111 puhlish!'d 111111t•1·ial in

this field. This rornpilation wirh till' drh1il1•d lil•t ing following thes1• p1·pl'ato 1·~· <'Olllmrnls is an l' t't't)l't to t'Xt<'nd sOllll'\\"hu t th!' 1·a11g1' of i11t'o1'111;1tiu11 11l 1·emly aYn il :i ble. Tht> \\Til t>I' is indr bted to Emil f' ~l a1·c·o,·itd1 and .Jac·qu1•-; Pos1•ll for 11111ch informat i011. Xn p1·<>tens\' i:- n1111h· to H"-"e1·t this i:- H 1·m11plt·lt· li:-ting- 1101· is any claim 111adt' lo c·omplt'IC' ;l('C'Ul'll(',\·. This \\Till'I' sinc·erPI,,· hopt•s rutun• writers \\'ill not only t>x pa11d th<> listing: hut alsn 1·01·1·N•t "hntM"l'I' c•1·1·01·s may hll\'I' ina1h·ertt•11tl~· <·t't'pt in .

T he History

801111' 1·lmfu:-;io11 ;111d ohsc·urity 1·011ccrni11g this t"it>l tl slt•m from the m1111nt>r in which a,;111ion and d1•frns1• c•luhs t11•,·rlo1wd i11 tht• l-;o\"iN l'nion. I 11 1923, tlw ~'l'Hl' following <·onstl'IH·tion or th!' ril'sl No,·it•l-huilt ait-plH lll', 11\iutiu11 and <:hemical dl't'rnsr (•luhs 'ip1·ang up in rnl'ious Hu'lsian t·it i1•-;. Thr~· we1·p luos1•ly l'l' dl'l'Hfl•d with hr11dqua1·t1•1-s in j los<·O\\' Ull<ll'I" th C> IHllllt' ( lsoadnkhim n COil\·

J>l'l.'~ion or Si'\"t'l'al Russian WOl'ds llll'il ninK Hoi·it•ty fut· till' Der1•11s1• or tht• Ho\ict Cnion nnil rm· thr J)(>\(•lop111t•nt or its A\·iation ;11111 t 'lwllli l·HI Indnst ril·S. F111·th1•1· 1·omp1·l•.·sion t't'SUll t'd in tht• initials " O.l>. \ ". F. ·· Huch duhs 01· rlrnpk1·:-. in tht' n1rious <·ities in<·o1·por111t•cl into tht•i1· dt»1ig11ation the• dt.,· ·s 11a1111•. ' '- I!· ·· Psko,· O.D.V. I". ··. 01· thry us<'cl a 1·egion 01· dis t1·irt 1h''ii~natio11 :-;uch n the "Crimt?nn O.D.YY. ·· .\ dt1111l~·. lhrs<' lcllwls, la<·king postal n1lidit.'·· Wl•1·1· usl'd indis<:l'iminatl'l." in 11 11.'· a1·eas to drro1·atl' t• n\ 1•lo1ws <1 1111 thus lo puhlieizr the campa ign to build the Rc>d Ai1· Flret. ~\ I ri1·st. proiltwt>d 1ml_,. i11 j[ost·nw. e,ubsl'qllcn t labels w1•1·1· pri n tcd in otht>t' <·it it•s as "el I.

It wus not until 19:n thut tht' 80\'h·I hiP1·ar1·h,·. !J,· then (·unridl•nt it hud suffi<:i<•nth· c·on:-;ol idakd it~ c•ont1·ol ol' till' <·ountt·\·. took ~>,1·1· the loos1• rede1·ati011 uf th1•sl' c·iubs. Opt't·ating unde1· thr samr 1111111~· of Osondnkhin1, tl11· l".N.N.H. i.ra,·c it a pun1111ilitar~· mise,ion ;1nd suhst'qtwntl~· dc•'ligm1tl'1l Rohe1·t t>et1·0Yi1·h Eidt•man, llC'ail uf thl' l•'1·unzC' ~l ilitar.'· _\ <·ndc·m~·. a:-; 1·h:tit·111:1n of lh1• 0.D.\' .F. ·s Centn1l l~xl'<·ut in• CommittN' .

As for lh(' listing or 11101'(' than 220 labels, post <'lll'US. n•cl'ipts and St•ab which appca1-s below g-rouping in cht'onolo1?i<:<1l ordc1· has hren do1w b~· distri<'ls

5 .Ja1111ar.11. !!ltJl>

C.C.C.P .

P.C.4> . C. P .

6.C.C . P .


R.S.F.S.R .

K. C .. C. P .

Kb.C.C . P.

T . C. C.P.



CEB . 3AJ1. 06JlACTll1


O.,ll . B. 4>.


B03,llYll.IHblll1 4>JlOT



ObOPOHll1 4>0H,ll
















O. D.V . F.














with the C'itil' · lhey include rnthrr than alphabc1ic:11Ll,v. Tlw'>c <lisH·icts or rrO'ions. incidentally, do not alWU.''· coincide geographically ";tL1 boundaril'S of rt'publics, obhl't or othe1· admini trath t' area . Jn aclclitiou to thr a('comp1lll.'­in~ illtL'>frHtion ( ·ome labels, u11fortuuukl,,·. an· nol illu tratr<l ) . \\ol'cl dcs('rip-1 ions or the de i!mS are gin' IL so a to lend depth or mean iJ1g to some a pect whit'l1 mi1rht otherwi e bl~ on·l'looketl, e.g. itlrntification of LC'nin ·., urmm·c<l t1·ain >1 11•1 lht• P etrograd kylint'. AHhou~h col01· i. mentioned in e\l'l'Y instnncl'. onlr 1111 o<·<·n. ionnl reference i~ made to badr:-.. A ltt>ntion hn" been paid to papN', izc, perforation, gum and methods of printing. .-\bout a third of the illustrations used are tho e by Adrirn Boutrellc which nppral'ed in tl1r .fir-.t

. l1ro / '/11(11lt/1J<I . 1111111/.•

:\i1·klin al'tic•h>. .'.'\o \\atrmrnrkrd lahc·l!. ut'<' known. The \\TiH·r has ul ·o in<·ludrd b1·irf rl't'1•n•1w1•s to date<; of postmark<; on

l'O\'t•l's. pil'<'l'S b •ul'inir labels or sing-le 1·opi1•s. In 'iOllH' insht1H'l' , thl'sl' indieatf' 01' }wlp lo Ci'Jtublish approxi111ate tint(' Of issuanc·r and in others they point Up thl' Ion~ pl'riods O\ er which tlw 111b1•l ' \\ ere in use•. Label , with postmark. logically should be ,·alued higher than those without.

Tlw ('Ul'l'l'l1C." 1·1·i'o1·111s or 1922-192-l and l'l' plit<·rnwnt of SO\'Zllilki nthlc•. in I ~12-l by t 1·ct1sut',\' notes. h~· law uc<·<'ptl'd i'ol' i.told pn~·ment ·. also hf'lp establish approxi11iat1• 1lut!'s of issuntH'l' l'or soml' lah1•h;. Thr efft•ct · of th0$l' n·l'orms on lulwls us \\Cll us 011 posing<' stamps of that p<'r·iod were quite marked .

.'.'\ot all lub<'ls wer·e issul'd undc•1· thr ae1.ds or Osoa\'iukhim. A frw werl' is.stwd h~· (•Oop1•1·atin1!-I, trndt• u11 io11s HIHl r11c·to1·ic•s. In the Ii ·ting. not<• has hrl'll ll Utdl' or SUC'h install('('<; wheren•t• known. ThC' listing- also tah:- notirr of 'ls1111\·i11khim sl'uls un<l the orgunization 's l'('(•l'ipt forn1i; ror· llll'111hl'l'ship du1•s 01' c·ontl'ilmtions. \'aluat ions gl\'C'l1 a1·c• r'itimntr" k1•.n•d to .'.'\ iekli11 'i; qunntiti<'" and to 1·1·eent nu et ion pric<' .

Xuml.><'rs of thC' labt>I , po t cards. recl'iph and '-<'His haw bt'cn ns.sig1wd on u ~t>og1·uphi(• or 11istrict basis. A number follm\'l'd hy an .. A .. clt•nolc>., a post c·ard, one followed b~· a " B '· denot(.'S a receipt and onr followed h~· a "t'" n .;<·n 1. Lo wt' I' ru ·r lcttrt~ following a num bt'l'. C'.(;£. " l a, .. 1lenotei, mi nor 'a t'il't ii·"·

Instead of priring- by dolla1-i, and CC'nts. estimated ,·alualion. ha,·r hern 1·xp1·1·"-sl'd in t·rnled group:.. The followin~ s<:lwtlult• ha. been employed:

. \ - tl/J to 5 ('-f> - /rom 20 fn $50 _\ -B - /ro111 ,5 In 10 D-E - from ,50 fo ;·100 B-C' - /rum •. 10 to 20 P more f/111n . JOO

Moscow Emissions Grouped in thi. ·retion at'e the fh·e issues of thr Central C'ommittel' of iukhi111, the Leu in labels, th<> :Mos('O\\ Lot·H I T ;..;.u1·" and tlw ();;oa ,·iakhim dirig-ible post rards. The entral ('ommittrl' 111ad<' it<> labels arnilahlr to 1·hd1" in otlwr loc·alitie . . • \ II are lithographed .

Osofl\'inkhim. "hieh attrined me111hl'1·ship ol' about 12 111illion h~· 1939. 1•111lurrd undrr ti1?htl'ninir milita r·~· c·ontl'Ol until thl' nttll<'k on Rus."ia hy r:r1·-1m111y j II 19-l J.

First Issue of Centra l Committee 1923

1. l Ru hit'. Re,] on thin "hit<' pitpt'l'. H('(•tan1!11lu1· format. Size 3 . ."i x 26.:l 111111. I h•si~n. -,ur1·oun<led h,,. outc•r· framl.'lin<'. show!'! high-wing- 111ono)ll11111• rtyinµ to ll'ft. Brhin•l it a t right is a balloon in \et·tic·al position with -.;un · rn~·s in bac·kg-1·oun11. Initials " (' '('P" i,tnn1l out a~ainst l'lo\111 benl'ath plutw. :\umPral: of thl' faN• 'alue c·irdt•cl hy w1·N1th. rnrlos('(l in hori­zontal parwl. Tnsc·r·iption hl'lwec•n \\'l'l'llths 'itmul-.; for ' " oriPty of Frirmh of .\ir l•'h•c•t. .. P£'l't'. 1 I. ('ll'at i.tttlll .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .\-R

la . Or1111ge. ':'\o oute1· framrlitw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\-R 2. 1 Huhlr. LikP ~o. l cxc·l"pt c·olor i" hric·k r<1d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\ ... T~ :3. ~ Huhlrs. Blue on thick white pap1•1-. 0 l'Sil!n lik<' ~o. I. Onr lf'llt'I'

11dd1•d tu word for ruble's (plural ). Pc•r·r. l L1:? :-. 1 l. ('b11· gum ( l•'il!. 1 )• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B

:la. ':'\o out<'I' framclinC' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B -l. :i Huhll':o.. Yioli•t Hncl dark on111g-l' 011 thin \\hitP paper. l>rsign like• :\o. 1.

Pc•rt'. 111 ~, xl l ....................... . .......... ... ......... . \ -B -la. ~o 11ut<·1· fmmrlinP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\-B

•Tho•t• illublrution~ from the uuthor 's coll1•t'lion -11hout liU~ of the total- w1·ri· fro111 phot(1grnph~ ~upplir1l b,\' him. The bnlnnce from 1tw Oootlki111l collertion w1•re tak1,>n i.,, . • \•ltirn Boutn•lll•. Rrookl~·n, ~- 1.

·'"""'"!!· l'ltih

Second Issue of Central Committee

Siniil111· to l•'i1·,,1 I. "lit • h11t dt•.,ig:11 t·hallg'l'' ilwll11h· shadinl! of <'lout!.,, l'll­lan!inir of ... 1111·, 1·11,,· .... tiltini.r or 11:1110011 and ··('C'('p·· j, in ,,hitc• .• \ II haw ntllt'J' fr;111wli11t',, and lll'I' rwrfol':tlt •tl 11 1 1. Lithog-r11phl·d Oil whitr J>ll JlCI' \\ilh IH I 1!11111.

I H11hl1·. lu·1· I !l~:{


I : 1·11.\· lil111·k.


.Jtro Phillltt11 .. t .d 1111aZ...

( I\ 11m\ 11 011 1·m <'t' Jlt"f 11w 1·IH•d )lo.,1·ow, ~a I kl't' n•­~-B

2 3

Figs. I to 9 •


6. 2 Rubles. Lig-ht g-rC't'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 7. 3 RulMs. Light blm•. (1-'ig. 2 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\

:; Ruhlrs. ~111111011 pink. ( Kn0\\11 un cowt· postmarked 'l'ushlwnt. t:3 .Ju l.'· 192:1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-R

11. Rose <·Hrmi1w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-B 9. 10 Hu hies. C": ru.L Like Xo. 5, hut r •druwn with word for mblrs pla<'ed

lwn1•at h th t• 11u111c>nils of fa<·P rnluP. ··('C('p·· letter · more headh· uutlilwd and 11101·c whitr patc·ltrs in c-loud aho\'(' •nt11 11t ri(.?ht. Roul!h 1)pf'1'. 111 :!·

.\-B 10. 7)0 Ruhles. Pal<• l't•d. Like Xo. 9. Pt' r f. 11 V.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\.B

01·1 l'fJl'inlu1 /Jy '1'.1J/J1J!fl'1t/1hy i11 Hlutl. with lfi{Jhu D c110111i1111 lio11s

11 . 10 Ru hies Oil I Hu hit'. Thin whitt• JHIJWI". ( 'll'lll' gum. ( Knowll ill st l"ip or six 011 pi1•t·P pust111u1·kptl ~losC'O\\ )(} Xon111h1•1· 1923). ( Fig. :3) . . . . B.('

I la. lnqH•rf. ( Known post1111n·kecl :3 O<'loht>r 192(i ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-E 12. 2.5 Hubl Ps 011 3 Rubles. Thick white pap1•1·. ):n gum . . . . . . . . . . . .\-B 1:3. 7)0 Ruhl rs on :i Huhles ( Xo. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ -H

T hird Issue of Central Committee

Faee ntl m•s i11 dt•si~11 t·ha 11in•d to toll form with 111011t•ta l',\' t"I' l'o1·111s w h i..!1 cotl\"ert1·d ruhlcs uf 1923 intu Ill'\\' j?old l'llblt•s at tlw t·atl' ol' .)Q.000 :1 a11d those of HJ:n at tht' t·ate ol' :iO hill ion :1.


H . 5 Kop1'<·ks. Bl'ight g1·r1' ll. I 111p1' t'f. ( K ll0\\"11 011 TnshkPnl -Bc·d in post mal'k<'d :2:2 .Jul~· 192:>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .

15. 10 KopN'kh. <.'n1·min1·. lmpl'l'f .............................. .

Fourth Issue of Central Committee

l•t 1\·pt• A-B .\-B

l"a<·r rnlucs in g-old cu1·1·t•ntY indic·at1·d ll\ us<' of wut'd ·· 7,0L .. p1·et·t·di111t nhb1·1·\·iut ion l'ut' koperk in top p;1nl'I. l•iuch l;l'ill'h un l"l'H'l'Sl' 1hl'l'<'· litll' insc·t ip­tion p1·ohihiti11g tompu lsut·,,· 'lalc•. .\ II litho•mtplwd on ''hill' Jllt]Wt' with r·h-al" gum.


Iii. L Kopec•k. Blur. :-ii zt> 32.:l x 28 111n1. Drsil!n shows high -\\ inu: n1111101>la111• t'a<·inl! 1·ight in panel with numr1·al .. I " <·t>nl<•t·l'd ahon• and lwlow. Fl1111k­ing- r•a1·h llUltllwr HI'(:' tl11·('p litll'S or initials with " O.D.V.F ... Hj){)('Ut'illg' a l l<>ft in srroncl linr. Hrroll d t>signs flank c·pntrr punrl. PC'l'f. 11 1/t. ( Known with 2K, lwlow, on ) losc·ow-\" il•n1111 <'tffr>t' pos1nuu·lml fi .futtP 192.+ n nd on c·o,·r1· post m/J r·k<'d Xo,·01·os.'li.n;k )1 ar 192, ) . ( Wig . .+ 1 . . . . • \

17. 2 Ku1wck ·. I,ike Xo. 16. Yt•llo,,· g1·e1•11. P t>rf. LI Y-t x 11 . . . . . . . . .\ J • :J Kopl'cks. . ' ize 23 x 82.:l 111111. \Tiolt>I. Dt•sii:.,rt1 show. hiplatw Ptwlnst•d

in squarl' panC'! l'l.dng lo uppel' right with 11unw1·11ls of ftH'c> ,·uhw in 1·it-c·IP~ Ht eHch <'Ot'lt<'I'. Bt>neath is panrl <·ontaining a fi\·c-poinletl slal' with ingle propcllol' hlndr l<tid hol"izontally 1H•ross it. 1 nitial like those in the 1 an1l 2 ko1wck clesig-ns ( )<os. 16-17 ) fill out IO\\l'l' ]Hillel. Pcrf. ll11 . ( Known un 1·u,·er postmarked 'l'ashkcnt 19 ,J uly 1925 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A

19. 3 Ku1wcks. Like ~o. 1 ex<'cpt size is 22 x 31 tum. Perr. 10'/.1 . . . . A 20. .) Kup<'cks. Like :\os. 16 and 17 cxt·ept i-:bw is 31x22 mill. l>at'k t't•tl.

Perl. l ll,4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 20a . Rl•tl. P rrf. 101;:! x 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 20h. Bro\\nish l"cd. . 'ize 30.:i x 22 mm. Perf. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "' 21. 10 Kopl'c:ks. Blue. Drsign a nd size like No. 16. P l'rf. 101/:!. (Known

on c·on•r postmarked Lcninl!ra<l 2~ )l a~· 1927 ). (Fig. 5) . . . . . . . . .\-B

62 .Ja111wry. 196

:!:!. :!:) l\op(•1·ks. H('d a11d l1liu·k. ~fow 32 .. ) x :!3.:> 111111. l>Psig-11 shows hipla11c• rlyinir to i·ig-ht with h11tkgrnund or 'illll ... rays 1•111111111\inµ t'l-0111 -.nn in lowr1· 1·il.!'ht 1·ornr1·. Pa111•l 1•1H·losinl.!' thi"' 'i1·1•111· i-. -.unoundt-d 011 outsic!P hy srt of in itials like• those i11 l and:! kotll'<·k (:\os. lli- 17 1. 1"111·1• rnh1I' in nnnw1·11l -<q11111·c•-; in lowc•r c·or1w1·-;. Bet wt'1·11 t lwm a t'I' 11 hh1·t>\ illt ion" fo1· "gold koprc·k:- .. in Russian . l 'kruinian nnd I :1·orµ-ian. P1•1·f. 101 :!· ( l•'il!. (i ) .il-H

:!3. :;o l\op1•<·ks. Reil 111111 hhwk. Siz<' :3~ x -ll 111111. lk.;ig-11 -.ho\\s l'our ai1·-pla11c•.; i11 1·ir<·lc in sqlllll'I' pntwl on·1· dP110111inatin11 . P1•1·f. l (Jl :! . . . . .\ -B

:!-l. I Ruhll'. Ht11·l1tnl.!'U li11· l'ul'l11nt sizr :32.:5 x 23 .. ) 111111. Ht'd. :z1·1•1•n .. '·l'llo\\ and hlac·k . DPsi1m shows n1mwplanr rl,dlll! on·1· r1•d huildings \\·ith ~-1·llow ... 1111 's rnr. in hnC'kg'l'CIUIHI. FcH'I' rnh11· llllllll'l'ill-. ill 1·i1Th•s 111 l'H('h 1·01'1H'l'.

Ht>\\\"('l'll thrsr a1·c· initi11ls like• those• Oil 1 and :! kop1·1·ks ( :\os. Hi-17 ). ( Known with )l osc·ow postmark of ! ~l;c1·1·h 19:32 ). (Fi;!. 7' . . . . . . . . B-1'

Fifth Issue of Central Committee

:!:l. Xu ra(•(• rnlur statl'd. B1·1·1a11g11IHL" l"ol'llllll 'ii7.I' :1() x :;o 111111. Lithogrnplwd in rr•l 1111'1 black on Nltlt'M' white· pa1w1·. l>Psign shcrn:- hiplnnc• fl~-ing to llJlPC'l' l'i1.?ht in front ot' Sl'\1'1111'1'11 l'r<l l'<IY" l'lll11 lllltin11 rrnm -.un lll'lcrn it. Tht'l'l' blac·k uir<ls fl~·in11 h1•lcm plam•. l 'p]Wl" panel 1·1•1111:- .. ( '.('.('.P.'" ancl lm,·1·r mw. ·• 'r<'al<'! .. Pr1·r. JO:i,1. Xo gum. (Fig.~ ) . . . . . . . . . . B-C'

Lenin Labels


I. 10 Kopec·k~. Lithog1·aplH•d g1·1·P11 011 ''hill' ]IHIJL' l'. ~i;w :i!l x .HJ mm. Dc-:.iirn slHm·._ L1•11 in fiH•NI 1·ight and '\f>l'akin~ whill' tht•pc• high-wing mono-

•~lllllllllllllO lllllllllllltlllllllllllllOllllllllllllOllllllllll llOlllllllllllltlllllllllllllOlllllllllllltlllllllllllllOllllllllllllClllllllllllllClllllllllllllOllllllllllllO llllllllllllt:,!;

I WAYS TO SELL -- -- ! § I. PUBLIC A UCTION ~ = A popular and satisfactory method of sale for many types of collections, = B ra rities a nd other philatelic properties. We have conducted succeuful public g I 2. a~:i~~ ~ats~~iv~~s ;~~~ATE TREATY I = Some properties, because of their nature are best sold privately. We place = = many valuable holdings in this manner. i ~ 3. " SPECIAL OFFERS" CATALOGUE -


;; __ =~ A new concept in philatelic selling. Published at periodic intervals these ~=_-== catalogues will offer selected clauic and modern rarities, collections and other consignments at fixed prices for immediate cash.


CASH _; We are a ways interested in buying suitable material for immedicale cash.

~ Correspondence invited. ~

5 We are recognized appraisers for estate, tu, insurance and other purposes. ! ~ 5 § IRWIN HEIMAN § ~ ~ ~ INC. g

-~- ONE LINDEN PLACE A ==~ 8&. GREAT NECK, L. I., N. Y. 11 021 ! Suite 305 Tel. (5 16) 466-3 144 ~ :ii1111111111110111111111111011111111111101111111111110111111111111011111111111101111111111110111111111111t1111111111111011111111111101111111111110111111111111c11111111111110111111111111r=:.

. l rrQ P/11/nlr/i.•I . l 111w/,, ll3

plun<'!i fly <fft•rhend. l•'a<·1• \'ah11• in ... 1111111 1111111·1 al lmn-1· l1•ft. lm1wrf. ~o gum. Tns('1·i1lt io11 urge ... hnildin!( "'l"11d1·011 for ll~·i1·h ( L<'nin ). (Fil(. 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ .H

2. 1:1 Kop1•t·ks. H1•d. Si;w :J .... x .J(i 111111. l>l•.,il!ll ... 111rn ... l.1·11i11 1'111·1·d l1•rt s1w11ki11~ in front or c·uc·kpit of airph111P in \\ hic·h i .... an :I\ i11tor poinlilltt 111 11 lirw of 111Tid11)! plH111•-.. l111pnr. :\u 1.r11111. l11w 1·ipli1111 \\111·d1·cl lih :\o. I. ( Fil(. HI \ . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .\ -B

3. 2!") Kup<'<'ks. Y1·1lmdsh lll'lrn 11. Si:w :J, x .J.:i 111111. l>t·siµ-11 .... 111rn .... l.1•n i11 -;t11ncling- h~· c·o1·1w1· of building 11:- h1• louk..., 111 l':tC'1111'iP" HC'l'o""' ,.1reo1 •1. l·'lt•l'I or plant's is n,,·i111t on·1·lw11cl. I 11qw1·r. :\o g'lllll. 111!-t<'l'ipt i1111 wo1·1h•d lik1· :'.'\u;... 1 1111cl 2. ( Fiµ- . 11 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1' Xoff: Exi!it1•n«1· ot' a :; Kopl'rks hl111· i11 llti;.. s1•1·i1•' lw-; 111·1·11 1·1·pu1·h·cl .

.J.. Xo l'tl<'I' n1hll' -:ti1h•1l. 'l'yp11)!l'11ph1•cl 1111 h1·:1\.' l-(l'P1·11 p;qw1· 1·11lu1·1·d th1·1111µh. Si;w li3 x .JO 11111 1. l>1•sil!'n slu"'s pair of wi11i.,~ h<'hi11cl t'h 1"-p11i1111·d st;i1·. 11111· letll•r ('Ut·h or ('('('Pin ('IH'h point. anti 1·1·11 "''tl p1·op1•1l1•r hl11d1·s. T\\o·li111· i111;1·riptio11 h1•111•ath Ul'l!l'!> 1·011. t1·tw1io11 of an :11·rial -.q11adr1111 w11111 .. I "Jlyi<'h.. ( L<'11i11 l. h11p1'rr. ( Fil?. 11.\ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\

.ta. Bh1<'k on l'O!i(' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -lb. Bluc·k 011 1·ar111ilw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ Jc. Blnrk on m·n n1?e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\

Moscow Local Issues

Pare ntlUt"I ill gol<l <:unency. r,ithoi.ri·nplwtl on thiek whik P8JWl' p1•1'­forated 11 ancl all ha,·e clear gum.


J. 1 Kope<•k. Blut> \'iol<'t. Size 32.3 x 23.:; 111111 . De!iign i;ho"s hil!h-wi111! monopl1111t' fa<:ing right i11 "hit<' putwl 1·1•11k1·cd lwtween !il'l'Oll-lik1· d1•!'or11-tions. Al>O,.E' pa11C'I ure ll'ttPl'S "ODY l•'-l'C'('P " un<.l. lw111'lllh it. is l'Hcl' mine nu111cral <'entcn•d between "ZOL" 1111cl " KOP. " ( K111>w11 po~t-111a1·kc•d )foseow 1 .Tu tH' 192..J. ). ( F'ig-. 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\

2. 2 Kope<'k!i. Red. Lik<' Xo. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ 3. 3 Kopl'<:ki;•. YrlJow. Hizt- 23 x 32 mrn. D1•si!{1t l!hows hiplane l'l'llll' l'l'd

in i;qt1111·e white pan!'!. Tt ii; fl,,·ing- towurd upJlC'I' right ('Ol'llC'l'. .\bow p111lt'I ii; fh·C'-poin1cc1 1;1t11· with singll' propl'lll·1· blade laid <H'l 'O." it. Panel flank<'il by l<'a,·es in re~l'\ilar parallel p11t1<·1·11. B1•1wath panel 111'<' initial... "ODYF-f'f'('P" bPtWP<'n the faC'e n1h1<' 11u1111•rnls in both lower 1·01·1wr-..


4. :> Kopet ks. (7t'et' ll. Like :\os. 1 ;111d 2. ( Known on <'o,·c1·!> po!>llll<1 rk1•d Ta<;hkent 20 Ht>ptt>mher 192:) ancl 17 <Molwr 192;)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-l'

;i, 10 Ko1wcks. Blul'. Like Xo. !'l. ( Fi~. 1:3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-C


rni tials chan!{e<l to "~I.O.D.Y.F... All tlww label are on white• p111w1· pPrfot·11tl'd 11 and all haYe clear gum.

6. :> KopPrk . !l ra~-. Design likl' t hnt of Xo!>. 1. 2 uml ..J. ex<'C•pt for <'11t1 lll!t' of initial!;. (Fig. 1..J.) ...... ........................ ....... ...... .B-l'

7. 10 Kopecks. Dark blue. Design like that ol' 3 and 10 kop('<·k ubo,·<' <'Xl't'pl 1'01· rlrnnge of initials. ( F'ig-. 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-C 25 Ko1wcks. Red and black. • iz(' 32 x 23 . .') 111111. Design (which somt'­whnl r·c~emble " tliat of corrMponcling 1l<'no111ination in Central Conunitt!'e·~ F'ourth I ·stw) shows bipla1w fl~·ing to 1·ight with snn 's ray in IO\n-r l'il!ht <:01·1H'l'. Fn<'e Y11 ltu• b('lleath pa 11<'1 in 10\\'1•1· <•01·1w1 " ·ith "1f OD,.P ·' lw-

•3 nnd 10 Kopeck sometime cnll1·1l the "Wen<len 1~ 111•. • •

.January, 19t>S

h w1•11 . ( Kno\\11 on ('1ff1· r po~tm11 1·k1•1l Tashkr nt 10 <ktohel' 192:) ) . (Fig. lli ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B -C'

9. :JO Ko1w<·ks. l41il11w11 and hliwk . ~izr ~3 x 3~ 111m. Design shows two 111onopl11 1ws aml l\\ O hipl11m•s i11 fliµ-ht in t·ir·(·lr cent1•1·rd ht•tw1•t•n four st l'oll­likl' det·or·a tions of whi1·h two ni·1• in the up1w1· t o1·1wr·s and two below t ir·cle. BP11eath t hP latt1•1· at'I' i11itilds ·· ~100\"F " and lw1wa th thern tlw numeral of fiH·<· rnl ur. (Fig;. 17 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B- '


Figs. 10 to 19 .

.11 ro Pl1iloltl i.~I .J.n11al11

10. 1 Huhl1•. (frr,•11. h1·0\\ nish \'ellu" 11 nd hllH·k. :-iiiw 32 x 2G.:J 111111. l>l'sign (wltic-h SOllh'Whill l't'Sl'mblf''i


lhal or <·O tTl'SIJ01Hli11g- dr11omi11ation in ( 'rnt1·11l 'omnlittN··s F'ou1·1h Ts ue) shO\\s 111011opl1111P fl~·ing to rig-lit over !!l'<•c•11

huil,li11~ with sun ·s ray · ill lnu·kl{1·ou11d. This -;c·rnc• i, in 1111 on1l and tlH• dr110111i11atio11 is at each (·ornel' with sn111ll ein·lt'. Bt'twl'rn hutt om <·i1·<'l1•:­Hl'C' initinl. .. )LOD,-p:· (l<'ig. l e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R-C '


11 . 10 Kope<·ks. Phutugrarnn·. R1•1l 011 white pupc1·. i:w 33 x .+ .il 111111. Dl·Sij.,'11 shows ill ll(JJH'I' IC'l'l lw11d or )laxi111 Go1·ky, the famou-> \\"l'ilt•l', who was tlwn 1n·l1sitlt'nt or ~I OS(•()\\ Hu1·i C't~· fot• Pl'0111oti o11 of .hiation. wltit-lt C'amwd label lo lw i .,uc•1l. It al ·o huws rom·-C'ngfoed pas.-;e11g1•1· planl' in front of airpo1·t a11d ahun• that i11s1·dption .. \Ye shall hnihl a ~innt propa-1.rnndu plant'·· 11ncl Go1·ky' 11<1111('. Pl'rroration 111 1 x n :v,. On l'('\'('l'Sf' i in r ription p1·obihitin~ tOJnpul Ol',\" s;1h>. (Fig. 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . R-1'


Osoaviakhim Dirigible Post Cards

ThC'se post ta 1·ds. <H'C·ot·ding to their printt'r·s lC'gends pri111t•d in ~ l 11s1·0\\, dirfr1·<•d from tlw utlhcisiw 111 beli; in that tht'y w1•1·1• ni I id l'ol' postag-C'. 'l'ht>t't• wet'<' a t kaist eig"hl diffrt•t•nt designs whi1·h tog-1•th1•1· with slogans Ntll1•tl fo1· 1•011-strn«tion of Ho\'iC't dil'i~ibles. 'rliPsC' \\'t're i:,;.-.uc•d during 1!)30-1932. .\ II WC't't' imprinl1•d with poshtg'<' stamp de igns likt> an 1•xcn11ple of tht> n•g-ula1· postul stationer~· post tal'd. Six \\'t'1·e hi-lingual (Russian am1 F'rcnC'l1 ) and two \\'<1 1·1• mu 11 i-1ingua1 t'll1J>Jo~-in11 eight In nguages.

All bu1· · pl'intC'1·'s lt>g-t'nds wl1ic·h in addition to indiC'alinl! :\[osrow a tlw plac<' of tht•ir printing g-a\·p th!' .''<'Ill' of issuan1·e ancl numbers nrtler11d J11'intl'<1. 'an ls wN·1· pl'intetl i 11 sol id rolor. of ora 11ge brown, hl'ow11i h rc<l and l'<'t1 011

heaYy hl'own ish c•a rt on p111w1'. ( F:a c·h Nu·tl l111d 1111 I,\· 0111• Ml01· 1. 'l'h1' l'P wa" nothing printC'd on l'l'YC'l'sc.

Hc1·ta ngul111· pan('(!. c·ontc1 ining <'lahon1!P drsign" ot·tupy roug-hly ll'ft h11Ir of ohn•1·. <'with th<' irnp1·intecl stamp in upper ri~d1tlw111l rm·1w1· and lwlll\\ that Jilli's for udd 1·essing. ~~11·i11tions in sb~rs ol'C·m·1·<'rl. Rinc1• fh·r 1·nt·ds l'Ontain referenc•e<.; to O:o11dakhi111. 1•11ti1·e se1·ies prl'-.nnrnhl,\- \\H. i. 11<'11 in !'0<1Jl<'l·atio11 with O.n.Y.F.

/ .9//0

L \ . 5 Kopecks. l11q1rinkd stamp is tlwt of :J kopec·k ora11g1• h1·uwn "oldil•r l'l'gul111· postage stamp of 1929. Ht>st of the design also is in orang<' brown. Drsign i11 111rge panel at lei't sl1ows (i,·e-molorec.1 dirigihle lw111·ing on port . i<h· rlesignution .. Oson\'inkhim C'C'C'P" a it flies to left m·er fielus hei ng ploughC'd b~· t .-actors. Insc·ri pt ion he low urg<'. "C'\'('r~·onC' to don11t(' and to JHll'tic·iµ>tte in huilcling SoYiPt uiri~ribl11s. .• Bi-li111nrnl. 'iz<' 1-17 x 11 2 111111 . Printrr's lef.!l'rnl indiC'Hfes 1.000,000 p1·int1•1I.

( l<'ig. 20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-H 2A. 5 Kopeck . Jmpl'int <'tl stamp like ~o. lA. 01·1rnJ?e b1·ow11. Dt•sign in

Inge p11n<:'l ut l1•l't show: llirigiblc• like th11t on prl'\'ious <·unl Pfo. L \ ) hut. hearing name "Prnn1a .. on stuhoard si1lC'. TL is piC'tt11·C'd l'lying to right O\'E'l' large glol)C' of lhC' c•arth \dth repr entalion or TT . .. ~ . R . bonn11al"iC'.' 111r1wd to f1·ont and des;igiintC'tl "C'C'C'P" in lal'l!e solid IC'llC'l's. Tnscription below globC' ~n~·s that · 'on'I' thr h1111l of the odcb fly ~odC't clit·igihl<'s. ·· Bi-lingual. . 'iz<' as 1n·e,-ic1us :\o. L \ . Prini C'r·s lc•ge1H1 indieatrf: 1.000.000 printed. (Fig. 21 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B

-66 .fn1ut<lr)I, 1!16h

•: '* ·----·-· Figs. 20 to 23.

:3.\ . :; Kop1•(·k:-.. T111printed sl11111p likt- ~o:-. . L \ and 2.\ . 01·;111!!1.' h1·u\\11. l)p-.i~11 in la1·i,r1• pnnd at li•t't shows -.ix-n1oton•d diriµihh• "ith 11u1111· ·· Klim Yorosh ilO\ ·· m; it fli1•s to IPft l1(·<·0111panied h.' lhr1•1• hipl111ws. Twu s1•u1·1·hlight h1•11111s 111'<' ,·isihh'. On g1·ouncl lwl1m 111"1· thl'l'l' 111uunt1'1l (

0ll\ Hl1·.n1w11 and l1111k of \\'oriel War I tnw ("Olllillf,! 11\1•1· hrow or hill. lns<·l'i pl ion lw1w11 th C'Xho1·t" .. t'\"l'l',nllW in f:u·to1·it>:-.. 1111 ion:-. a 1111 h1·if.!;11h•s tu join tog<'lh<'r lo hnild tlw diri1dhle. Klim \"01·oshilll\. ·· l3i-li11)!tllll. 8i:1.1• 1.J.7 x IH 111111 . P1·int1•1· ·s ll'gl'nd indi1·11t1• 2.0110.000 1wi1111·1l. ( Fig-. 22 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B


4.\ . :; Kop1·1·ks. l111p1·inll•1l stump likl' :\os. I.\. 2.\ awl :t\ . 01·a11f.!I' ht·o\\ 11. Design in 1111·1!1' pa twl a l h•fl show ... fo111·-1·nf.!i111•d cli1·i1-?ihl" "ith 11:1111r •· Klim Y1J1"<1shilin ·• on it-. 'ila1·ho111·d ... id1• flyinl! to l'igh1 m1·1· l"a<-tul'il''i fro111 \\hos1• 1·hi11111t·~·:-. s111ok1· fWlll''>. l m.1·1·ip1i1111 in itali1· (Ptll•l"ing '>II~'­. · l)iJ"igihlP Klin1 \ 'urushilm flips owr 1>;11·th of tlw :-;m·irt.... ·· Bi-lin:.rnal. ~i7.l' l.J.9 x 115 111111. J>rinh·t"s l<'gPnd incli<-11t10:, :!,000.000 p1·inll·d. ( 1-'i!.!. 23 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B

.) .\ . 10 Kope1·k-.. l111 p1·int1•d 'it11111p is tlwt of 10 kop1•1·k \\ul'kl't" " 1·1·r.r11li11 ... tamp or 1929. Hrnwni-.h 1·1•11. l >t•-.ig-11 lih that or:; ko1w1·k ··!!lohal .. 1-;11·11. :\o . .J..\ . ()(-lo-li111.rnal. :-;i:t.r l:i l x ll !I 111111. l'1·int .. 1"" IP!!:1•11d i11-di1·1111•.., 2.000.000 p1·inwd. ( Fig. :U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B

liA. 10 Kopl'l·k.... lmprinh•1l stamp lik1• ):o. 3.\ . lfro\\ni'ih l"l'•I. lh· ... ig11 likl' that of:; ko)lcc•k card ( :\11. -L\ ' <,ho\\ i11g ili1·i~dhlt• fl.,·i11µ- ml'I" firld h<•i11g

. I 1 rn Phi/1111/1></ • I 111111/x Hi


Figs. 2'4 lo 27.

plouµ-lwd. <lcto-li11gual. <·ut<·-. 2.000,000 p1·inh'1l.

Hizl' H9 x ]Q(j 111111. Prinlf'r·:-. ll'g-1•1111 indi­.\ -H ( Fi~. 2:l) ................... .


7A. 10 Kopecks. Im printed :-.ti1mp likC' Xos. 5.\ and Cl..:\ . 81·0\\nish 1·l•1 I. Dt>sig-n at lrft shows di1·i~ihle and thre<' plane: flying to IC'l't on•r linl' of six soldil't's faced left and wt•nring ''HS ma ·ks. Belo" tht•111 is pictnn•d group of ll'n ·oldiers C'xamining tank also fact>d lel't. In towel' l<.'l't co1·M1· is s111ull <'ircular ·eat of A Yi11tion and Chemical • 'oc·iC't."' l ns<>rip­tion at lrft, reading upward. says .. .'tr<.'ngthen Defense of ' ·cp·· 111Hl

e<>ontl line sa~·s ".'tud~- )liliti11·y Techniques... Below tank is another inscription t'Nlding "Join the soa,·iakhim !" Octo-lingual. .'ize 130 x 107 mm. Printer 's legend indicate 1,000,000 printed . (Known post -111a1·ked Odessa 10 Xo\·C'mher 1932). (Fig. 26 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B

>-A. 10 Kopecks. l mprinted stamp also like ;\o-. 3.A, 6A and 7.A . Red. Design at left shows two di1·igible and four biplane · fl~·ing Lo left tln·ough a la rg<' numeral "6" landing on field being ploughed by tlm.'l' trartors. ~\t left of "6" und below is in c1·iption mging memhC't. of eollC<•th·e farm to participate in O<>oaYiakhim loth.• 1·~· to • trengtlwn dt>­fen. e of 'P. Octo-Jjngual. . ize 151x106 mm. Printer' lrgend indicates 2.000,000 printed. (Known PO'hnnrked ~Iin k 15 April 1933). (Fig. 27 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ -B

(To Be Continued)

Ja1111ary, 1968

Stanley Gibbons Auctions Ltd. Drury House Russell Street London W.C.2 England

28 & 29 March 1968

'Airmails of the World'

This most attractive sale features the Gold Medal award winning collection of Dr. Ernst Raab of West Berlin. It includes many of the rare Pioneer flights, notably Australia. France, Ger· many, Italy, Newfoundland and the U.S. A.; Columbia and French Guiana are also strongly fearured.

Some important items included are listed below:-

Australia: Ross Smith min iature sheet and cover.

Germany: 1912 Regensburg set of three in unique blocks of four.

- Extensive range of flight cards.

Colombia: Multi coloured series com· plete including covers.

Italy: Pioneer flight cards.

Newfoundland: 'Hawker' cover.

Italian Levant: 1922 Bucharest to Paris flight 15p., only five known.

Finland: 1930 Zeppelin . ' 1830' error, mint and on cover.

French Guiana: TAG stamps. One of the finest collection formed, includ­ing a unique block of four.

A De-luxe catalogue with many illus· crations as well as colour plates is available at $1.50 from StanGib Ltd., 20 East 54th Street, New York, N. Y. 10022 .

. I cro Pl1il(lf1 lixl A1111ol1< ti9





• 192 pages. • Deluxe llat-back binding. • Heavy, washable covers. • High quality paper. • Latest up-to-the-minute revisions.

One of the most important edi· t ions in our many years of publishing this most widely used catalog - a " must" for every stamp collector.

Compiled and edited by the ex· perts of H. E. Harris and Co., The World's Largest Stamp firm.

Mail the handy order coupon below tor your personal copy TODAY!

• Popular specialties such as mint position blocks, plate number blocks, zip blocks, mint sheets, perforated coils, booklet

1 It. E. ltARRIS I. CO., C1talo1 Dept .. Boston, Mus. 02117· 1 panes first day covers. Please RUSlt me. post free, the new 1968 Edition of '

I your 192 page catalog. UNITED STATES STAMPS, U. s. I • Complete illustrated U. s. Possessions I POSSESSIONS, UNITED NATIONS I. IRITISlt NORTlt I Confederate States United Nations aiMi I AMERICA. including the U. S. Stamp Identifier, etc. 11 British North America 1 am enclosing Sl.00. (Mass. res. add 3~ Sales Tax) 1 ·

I I • Big "Americana" section - postal trll>-I I utes to the United States, on forei1n I NAME .............................................................................. I stamps.

I I • Mounted collections, albums, popular I I supplies and accessories. I ADDRESS .......................................................................... I I I I CITY I I STATE ZIP I

• U. S. Stamp Identifier - fully Illustrated, check your own collection for valuable hidden stamp treasures!

H. E. HARRIS & co. CA~:~~G BOSTON, MASS. 02117

J11111tlll',I/. 1968


Bernard Fink, I 906-1967 i.'oll1mi11!! a h1•:11·t a1t11<"1' thl' night

h1·fo1·11. :lw 1111h· 1'1·pas\ll'<'I' that .\Elm 1 •111 L .\ 'l'ELl,.,'1':- . I'\'(' I' h :t ( l. Bl'l'IHI t•cl Fink . .Ji1·.J 1111 tlw 11101·11ing ol' DP­l·1•111lwr .i. Hlli7 ;rt hi.., h111111• in \\-. ll t'lllJ1sl<•1Jl l. Ln1tJ! 1..,11111.J. ~- Y . 11 1• wa.., a Ffll111rl1r l/ 1111lu1'.

This will not Ill' tlw 1·usto111:11·v oliituar",\._ l11l'llli1111in1-r 111ost ol' tl;C' ' it a I ..,, at i-.t i<·.., a hou t 1 h1• d1•N•asC'1 l. l k1H•\\ BPt·nic• l"ink lno loni;i: arul loo Wl'll to do t hn t. I nsll•nd. I fl'l 1 <•om­pl'lli·r\ lo "l'itP ;ilmut a lou)!t imc· f1·i1•11.J..,Jiip lllaint:litll'd for :33 ~'1'111 '" 1·11ti1·dy throrudr thP 1·11111111011 iutt·1·c•st in al' t'o-philat<'I~.

II' llll'fllol'\ tlcws uot lwt 1·a' fi ll'.

Hl'1·11h• and i 1111"t i11 Hl:3:> at th(· fh·st pulil ic· a nl'I ion sal1· of tts1•d uir mail -;tamps c•\<'1' lu·ld in ~('\\ Yo1·k ('it~-. 1'h!•1·1 was a hiµ: flool' "ith mt111~· ail' 11111il c·nlll'f'l111·s and d1•11 IC'r. ){am hH\ I' pus..,"d 1111 h~· llO\\: only a fe~, still :1 1'<• "pl11ying" \\ith nil' m:iil ..,1a111 ps u ncl Nn·c·t'S.

B1•1·nil' Fink \\Ml onC' of thos<' who .. ,wnt nut.., .. 11hunt ust>d ai1· urnils. Ifo hl'li1•n11. ns l anrl somt' othPl'>- clicl, thut one <'oulrl walk into urw ~e,,· Yol'lc •kah' r :rnd bu.'· mint a ir mail stamp. : hut gC'lling th<'m usc•d was a· rC'al c·hnll<'ni.?c>. I l'l'lllrmbt•r lh<' INldinf,?: a ir mail profossional at tlwt lillll'. the lat<' Xie· Sanabl'ia, holding his no ·e when usrd ai r rn 11 ils WC'l'<' mrntionrd. li e said that many had phon~· nrnrkings, hu,·ing h<>cn "canct>11Nl in Rrnoklyn .. , Yer~· r~w bt•lit•\'(:rl . ' i<• Sanabria. sa.,·in ~ that incr he dealt C'X<·lush•f>l.'· in mint st11111ps. it \\':l''I good httsine ·s to kno<'k . Ontl'lhing h<' did not sfo(•k.

It w;1s not until a Imo ·t nt th<' C'nd of Wol'ld Wa r· Il that some of u, <l\ntk<'ll<'d to a r<>alizution that the c·ditor of the Sanabria L'11talogtH' hacl been l'ight. Many of them clid ha n• phon~· canc<.'llation . This wns one of the r eason that A~:RO t'HlLATELl~Ts wa. formed. . \. numb<'l· or u. fl'lt tlrnt un organization wa. needt><l devoted to the stud~· of air mail stamp" on ancl off cover. also, the fl ooJ of new i ue which W<'l'(' being offer<'d far above thC'ir original face value wn. another reason.

A bout n dozen ail· mail . tamp collcctoi. met informall.v in 1946 and before the y<'ar had ended, out· orgunization wa c tabli ·hed. A few had t-0 rve as officers ; Bernie Ji' ink ,·oluntcercd to act n · our trea. ur<'r . He sttwk with this for 21 ,·c111-s until the da,· of hi · death.

Tl~e foundet. of AERO PlllLA1'F.t.1sTs wanted a bi-weekly 4-page ne" letter offering the mo t t·eliable in format ion po· ibl on n ir mail tamp . F'or yeai , the "Aero Ph1'fate1i~t's New:." perform <'d 1hi: S<'ni<:e twice H month . The matter of counterfeit cancellation on air mail tamp w:i one ubjcct fully tn'at<'d. Bernie Fink, who had unknowningly purrlrns<'<l man~· stamp with the e phon.'· cancel , lrnd tmlied them; he wrott> 3 excellent articks on Italian aud l•'rcnch 'olonial countcrfrit cancC'llation , clrnrl~· dt•mon. t rat ing "hy Cl"rtain markings could not be genuine.

A tro Pllilatel is l . 11111<1 /s 71

We u {'c} air mail enthu ia t asked t•uch other if wt• would continue or turn to anoth<.'t' field in al'ro-phi l atel~-. )lost of us dcc·idNI to Ira,·<' that P<.'<'ialt~-. It was. thu ·, around 194 that Berni<' Fink latc·hed onto H new fil'l<l in which. in timt', he grew to h<' the champion. This wHs 171< 1930 a11d 19/!:l Omf Zrpprlin issues. mostJ~· on flight coYers. In retro p<.'ct, it \HIS an ontstancling field to select, ht'cau <' in the l' lltir<.' field of philately. and this indn<l<'s <'w1·~·thing. cla ic · ancl topiral \ the way Graf Zl'ppelin ·tamps lun·l' zoomrrl in Yahl<' and popularity ha· hl'<'ll r r111arkahll'. Our own 1930 , rt ol' thre<' (Rrott r. H. C'13-1:1 ) i just one out of m1111~· t•xarnpl<.'s.

BC'mi<' Fink would talk about his Zrpp rollertion ·'at th<' drop oC a hat.. , He hPgnn Pxhihiting them, Iii-st Joc·all~-, then rC'gionalJ~· nncl fi1rnlly, nationall~-. EH<'h sU<:t•t•eding time it wa. shom1, it gained a higher award.

Tn 1961 for C'uriosa in J lolland, I took his Zeppelin t·oll1•ctiun O\' Pl"Sl'HS ror its first international . howing. The judge· awarded it 11 gol<l rnt>dal. 'J'his wa to he repeated oftrn; in all. four intC'matiotrn l gold ntl'1lals w111·t• ,,·on. .Just a few months hC'fm·<.' hL pa: ing, the Bemarcl ~'ink Un1r ZC'ppelin t·olledion gained one or the top 1nnmls at thr internalioual air post t•xhihition in Budapf.'st, Ilungai·y. Th<.' roll<.'<>tion al o won top national awHt"<ls at stam1)s shows likl' 'F.PAD. o.JF.X aml T.:\TJ~RPEX. 'J'he makrial lrncl to be st•en tu h<' hclil'\"Nl.

A mo. t plea ant C'Xp<.'rienre for BN·11il' Fink came a a 1°1.'Snlt of tht1 AEROPl-:X

{'x]1ibition h<'l'C in Xew York C'ity in June, 1966 that Ilerbert Rosen stagt>ol for F.I. '.A. at thP :\merirmia Hokl. .A husband and wife !rom Portland. Orcj?on were examining- the Zepp<'lin exhibition as Bl' l"lli<' happenrd to comt' along. Ile introclucecl himsC'li' a. the exhibitor and puint E>d it ont album pai,rE> by page. Thi " '"C':t ('oust c·oupl<' Wt'l'l' ·o Jasrinntl'll that tht>y said th .v only werr solTy that their Portlantl, Orl'gon stamp club could not cc a great collec·tion like J1i.. It so Jiappen<'d that Bernie's <laughl<'r was atlt' nding Rerrl olll.'gl' in Oregon and the BE>rnarcl Vink · would b<.' out thrre l"or the g-ra<luatio11 in .fone. 1967. .\ date was rnadC'; this lllN' ting was later rrporkd in the stump pres." 11s onr of thr mo t out tarnlini:r cYer in Oreg-on.

Although Bt'rnie aTHl I were longtime fr il•nus, w1' lrnd sOllll' sha1·p cliffl-1·­ences of opinion. On m~· part. I con tantl~· chided m.,. friend l"or the poor mam1e1· in whic·h he had mountC'd his con1 .. on album pag<.'s. T pleaded with him to change; I often told him that hi Zeppelin collection wa imilar to a wonderful gem stone being put in a 5 and 10 cent store metal 111ountin1?. But Bemie would shrug hi shoulders; he ne,·er <lid remount.

Fnrthermor<.', a. the year pa · ·e<l, hi · knowle<lge. of Zep1wlin rtig-hts lwcflme most profound. J ran think of no one hi · 'Uperim·. AgHin. l plN1 l<.'d often ,dth him to record hi:;; knowledge in this 111aga:r.i1w as hE' had do1w with the countc1·feit cancellation . But I could not prevail. l"nfortunnt<'l.'·· his know­ledge of Grnf Zepp<.'lin i SUI'S l1as gone with him.

'l\\ice Bernard Fink was the• official cl(•le•7 ate or .\ERO P11 11..\TELl'T. to F.I. .~\ . 'ong-re ·s<.' abroad. l do not think hr mi s<.'<l OTH' annual rom·<.'ntion of our organization. TI C' at1P11llecl many a<>ro-philat elic affair, alwars with 11i. cl<' ' 'Ott•d wif<.', . yh·ia . l•'requentl.'·· for our animal cli11net~, hi. cl:mght rr. Blir.a ­heth antl his . 011 , Lu111·ence, \\OUlrl hf' pr<.'sent. .Although sadrlenNl lw his passing, th<.'re is go0<l ncws to 1°C'port. ?ifrs. ~'ink and hi. cla11~hter plan to retain 11nd E'xhihit his ,·rr.'· fo1e Zeppelin t•ollN•tion. Rrrnit> has gonl'. lmt not hi. (•011<.'c·tion. Tt will lw on cli ·pla~· in the rutlll'l'. Besides hi. wifr. !'iOll anrl clau1?hter, he is . uni\'C'cl h~- hi mothl'r, a sistl'r ancl hrotlwr. ( Tl .. 11 .r.'.)

For A New Air Mail Book - See Page 74

72 .fn1111nr.11, 1!168


The Post Office In 1924 Make A Rate Mistake


Tl11•re lwn· h<'<'ll s1•\·e1·11l artic·ll's 11pp<'111·ing- in this p11hlic·atiun "ith 1·c•frr e11cc to puhlie 111is1111d!'1-st1111din!! 1•on1·pming pro1w1· air· mail 1·at1•-. (.\Eno l'lllL.\TEt.l:':.1' \:-\:" .\!-": \ 'ol. XI f. pag<' 7; Yol. X\' JHIJ?e 2).

i"l'Cllll thP illC't'ption Of l'l'/.!lliat• ait• lllilil Sl'ITi<•<• in !hi:- l'Olllltl•r 1111 )l a,\· J;). 191~. addr<'sst•r-s of lf' th•r"' dl'slim•d w lw 1«1l'l'it•d h,,. plant' lrnn· ol'tl'n bl'li<•wcl tlwt ri1-st -c·h1ss posh1ge had to hi' addl'cl in aolclition lo tlw air mail l\·1'. Jn act11nl fm·I. Ill!' ai1• mail l'<lll' S ha\'(' aiwa,\'s i11c•lttdr1l l'ir ... t -<•iCISS postage, l't•:nl1'11JC's · Ol wlwth1•1· I hi• 11111il was lo hr Ihm 11 "holl,\· 01· only in }1<11'1 h,\· du11wsti1· a ir sr1·\'i1·r.

T n nl\' s1•11 r<'l1 t'o1· 1•01111111·1·<'ia I h· us1•d 1·on·1-.... I ha H' 1111 11 u mcruu:-. m·tasions t·om<' ar1·1;s. ... l'IJ\'l'l'" lH•al'in)! fi1·sl-<·li;ss pustagt'. as m•ll 11s tlw p1·up1•1· Hil' 111ail 1'1•1'. . \ lthouiih 1his 111istak1•11 pr11l'li1·1· is 111111·1• f1·1·qu1·11tl.' 1·11t·ou111cn•d dul'ill!! the l'ill'liPt' d1•1•;Jch•s of 0111· ait· nrnil "'Pni1·1· 1•\1•11 tud;1Y I uc·1·a..,iu11alh· find a n•eent air mail 1·on•1· \dlh the rirst-dass po-;'til{!<' 1tt'fi:o.1,;l i11 atlclition 'to tht' il il' 111nil Sl;Jllljl.

The illh' l't'"I i11 tlH• 1·owr pi<·tt11·1·1l i11 this a1·1idl' lit•>- i11 1h1· fad that this is tlw l'i1~t instam·1• \\hl'l'I ' l ha\'l' .;1•1·11 th<' Pust <Hfi1·1• fa ll i11t11 tlw 'lame 1•1To1· as that 1111111<' IJy u11i111'01·111ed pl'ivutt' M'lld<'l'S.

'l'his l'U\'l'l'. 111ail1•il fru111 Han Fn11wii;1·u !Ill .Julr I. rn2.+. Ull the llt•\\l,\' opruc<l t1·a11s1·011t i1wntal ail' 1·out1'. ii. addrcs..-;t•d lo llolyokL .'1 assad1ttM'tt:.. It f lC'w rmm tlw \\' ('i;I l'oast tu :\(•\\ York ( 'ii\·, tilt' l'HSll'l'll l1•1·111i11111-1, 111111 lllPJH•e went to J lol,,·ok1· b~· t1·uin. wh1·1·1• it wus 1·1•ct;in·cl un .Jul~· 4.

Ordl' L' Xu. 713 1'1·0111 1111' l'o-..t11111ste1· Ur1w1·al , dntP1l .June :m. lHU, n·ad:- in pa r·t as fol lows :

"~ l ail c·at'l'ied b.'· airplane "'hall IJ(' fnJI~· pn·pnid with puslagl· at tho nnr Ol ' ('ClllS an OllllCC OL' f1·11etio11 thr1·1•of l'ol' l'<lC'h Wilt' Ill' ]lUL'I of 7.011<' in whfrh mail is 1·111Tiecl by plm1e; stwh pusl11{!1' i1wlutli11µ t1·nnsp1wtatio11 to 111111 from uir

~'·~ ::.iL I_ 6 -AW ·

...... ,, .

W'hiting & Cook, Inc.,


( Conti1111vd n11 l '1tflt' H-1)

I E ·1 2.

~1Ti 2. MILi :­rri 1 1 : ". :; I . r - • - .

Massachusetts. Photo by Boutrelle

Aero Pllilot eli.-11 .dn11ol" 73



A New Book

3 more Volumes (12-13-14) of the AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS hove been bound. This new book is now on sole. Price $I 5.

Because of requ6sts from many members, it has been a longtime practice to bind some pa rts of our publications soon after they have been d istributed. 50 copies of each number are bound together into an attractive handbook. Usually, three volumes of the magatine are bound and sold as a unit with an INDEX.

As new members join our organization, many want the back num­bers that they missed, so that our stock has been gradually becoming less and less.

listed below are the books that are available.


Blue Book Vols. 1-2 Red Book Vols. 3-4-5 Brown Book Vols. 6-7-8 Green Book Vols. 9-10-11 Beige Book Vols. 12- 13-14

AERO PHILA TELi T ' NEW (Onl) 9 Copil' ( n rnld)

$10 $15 $15 $15 $15

Complete 1946-1953 Vols. 1-8 (Black Book) $35 With Cumulac:ive Index

-1•1111 order aml rt>111i11ur11·r lo :

Aero Philateli ts 22 East 35 Street

New York, N. Y. 10016


H and tamped M ancomun Marking


1\\o n·<·1·11t arl id1• .... ··staill<1 .\ ir ) foil Etiq11Pttl's .. h~· Kl' ll\11111 l'. anforcl in .\ p1·i l, Hlli7 11 u111lw1· of this ll lllA'ltzint'. and .. C'olomhiu-Maneo111u11 .iir }!ail of H('A ll'I' .\ ·· In· D r. Bohcrto L1•,·i-('ast il lo in the .) uh·, 1967 numbl' l' l'('f<'l'l'C'<l to 11 11d Ull\l' th1• i>111·kg-1·01111d of llw ·· )tmwomnn .. nil' 11;ail M·n·ier. sueh hrinl? iucli­<·11trd hr t ilt' llS(' of lll'ill l(•d a i1· 111a il l't iqtH'tks in \lll'iOUS fu1·111s.

'I'lw \\'l'ilt·1· h11!. i11 hi~ <·oll rc·tion a <·OY<'I' srnt from Btt<'IUl\'C'nlul'a, Colomhia to He1·li11 . U1•1·111 1111.' · .. Pol' l l idl'Oll\' io11 .. 011 ''hich 11ppe11rs a hlur han<h~tnmp r1•11di11ir: .. P11r .\\·ion ( '111TP0 .\ 1•1·0 ~l 11nc·o111 1111." Thr \\Ol'dinj? and format is si111il11I' 111 t h11t of thf' 1•tiq1wtt1•s shO\rn in l•'iµ-m·1·s 10 and 11 of ~Ir. anforcl' u1·tic·IC'.

r11ro1·t11 11at1'h·. till' war datl' i11 till' liH<'llll\ClltUl·n IO\\ll (•HllCC'llation is llll·

dC'1·iph1•1·ahlt" B1;t. -;i111:,. tlw ail' mail sh1mp \\ll'l 1101 issued until • .\tt!?USI 1. rn:t~. 1111d l> I'. L1·,·i-( 'a ..,tillo's al'ti<·ll' 11ot1•-. that al't!'1' .Julr I '. 1!137 tlw point of uir 11111il d1•p111·t11 1·1• 111'<·111111• <'ali ratlwr th1111 Bm•nun•nh1r11. th1· elate of u c is t•stahlii-llt'd 11-.. ll1'i 11µ- '' ithin that pel'io<l.

l> l'. L1•\ i-l'11st ill11 i11di1·al<•tl thut. hr 111?1·1•1•n1t·11t lwl\\'t•1•11 Pun Amcritan un1l H<'.\ DT.\ , 1111 oull!'oinl!' ail' mail to Eul'ope \\lls tanit•d h~· Pau .\ meritan ..\ir­\\11,\' s -;uhjt'c·t 111 11 11 uir m~til r:H·hnnl!'t' u<·<·ount, with tlw outg-oinj? mail from ('11111111 hi11 ht•i 11g pn id h~· ( 'olom hin 11 -.ta 111 ps a 1111 s1H•cia l Hl' ..\ DT A stamps, n~

( Co111in 11ed u11 />(l/ll! 8-l)

.,,. "' ')~cr ~r----/'°W -..- .1-ot1utes the bei ' .. · "1 - - - ~

Por Hiur~g:-~~~ld~~;~~-~~~~ --------~M1duce ilr1111Jlior cafflsoave.::::_ ·c9~ ·

~~t 't- ·~·"Jrc~du mond~~: "'"' .. '""'"-'--

Herrn Budde berg



mau,lll - ... 3§

Sch oeneber ger Uf er 36

••• • ••••

Photo by Boulrelle

.Jao Philatel1-1rt .J1111al11 i5


Day of Aero & A tro Philately

"A Day of Aero & tro Philately lrn-. aaam b~n proclaimed. atul will takt· placi' on March 1 t, 196 in -e" York 'il.r during lN'rERPE:X,., a1u1ou11ced l\lr. Hcrbi'rt Ro en, its organizer. Thi!. "Da) of .\ l'ro c· .A tro Philately " ''ill now be au nnnual foature of TXTBRPEX ua..-.e<l. on it immC'n!!l'ly \wc·r--·-ful acceptance at la ·t :rear •._ how.

The )'<'Il l' of 196 is u[ spl'ci11l i111portnw·1· ht•t·U\N' it i' the 50\h A.11nht•r..;111·~ of o:fricial air mail trunsportation in tlw l ' nitPu .'talM and .\ u-.t ria in l•:n1·01w that tartl'tl iu 191,. 11 i1' al:-;o ten YPlll"' 11j!o that tlw -;pa1•(' p1·11i.r1·am .;l;11·1'·d in thi country.

Thi' "Day of .\ cro & _\.,t rn Philall'I.' .. "ill lw lwld 11rnh·1· 1!11· at1'-pi1•p, of the F Pdi'1·11tio11 Jnt cr1111tiun11l1• des Hoc·iPll·' ~\t'rophilah•l iqm·" ( F .L · .. \ . ). 1111d

theit' insignia will he i11dud1•1l in n d1•,ig-11 "hi1·h "ill h1· a1l1h•1l lo all I'l l\ l'lop1• ... posll'fl thi d1.1,r a t I~TERPE.X .

.\ spi'cin I com mcmora tin• 11011-offil·iu l -,11uH·nir -..h1·1·t will Ill' i m•cl for 1 h j, O(·<·a-.ion, 1l1'<lil'lttc•cl to tlw unni\'1~1..,;n·it>i. of ai1· mail antl !>puci· achit•n•nwnh.

Tht> leading air mail and r0<·kPt muil •mt·i1·tie..,; \ ERO l'llll ~\n:r.1sTs. )ll'tr11-politan .\ irmail C'on•1· <'luh .. J OC'k Knight Philatl•lic .'o<·ii•ty, .Rockl'\ )Jail .'uciPt~·. will han' llll'<'lin~. ledm·es. film showin~ 1111d other pre" •ntat iot1' on thi' rlu~-. making tht> " Dny of .\ l't·o & Astrn Philnt<•l,, .. . an ouhtnnclin!!' t•\ 'l'llt.


For A peciali t

Are you interested in completing your collection with unusual varieties? YOU NEED A SPECIALIST!

We have been specializing in ERRORS and VARIETIES for over 35 years. We have on hand a large selection of AIRMAILS, listed or not, mint, used, and covers.

We are particularly strong in TriaJ Colors, Die Proofs (Some of which only 18 exist - ask for free description), Unique Artist's Drawings, etc.

We will gladly compose individual seleccions for you according to your instructions and WANTS. ( No Obligation - Convenient TERMS).

S. SEREBRAKIAN, Inc. P. 0. Box 448 Monroe, N. Y. 10950


"IFA" Vienna, Austria

.\I r .. foh nnn . \ nrc:ittPr, Pre. i<lt'llt of the Jntp1·national Airmail Exhibition ·· t t•'.\ V I E>.'X.\ 196 ·· ha. t·<'leasrd the s<>he1lule or act h·itic to take place olul'ill!{ tltt• show schcdlllPd rrulll i\lay 30 to June (j at the U ofburg in Vienna.

Tht• 01wning ct•rc•111oniPi. 1'01· th1' sp<'eial J...'"llest. will be held on Thur day, )l a.'· 30th, at 10 :00 .\ .)I. Tlw ,,xltibition iti;elf will open at l :00 P .M. That (•\"(•llillK tlw first llH'Pting- 11nd l'l'l"<')ltion or thl' Austrian Airmail Collecto1 ('h1 hs \\ i II t 11 kl' pln<:t'.

Thl'I'(' will hi' 11 3-hour sig-ht'!t'l'ing tour or hi ·toric Vil'llllll. induding a dsit Io t hr- l-i<·hrn·n hnu111 f'11st )p t lie next 111orn i ng, ~I ay ~~ 1 st, a ncl 11 Mn er rt with the \.iPn 1rn R111•ng-r1·knalwn i1wluding- a fashion show is plannt>d fo1· the afternoon.

J\ ,·isit to tlw Ilorhu1·g. showing tlw Ji,·ing q1u11·t1•1·s. pt·<•sentation rooms, and <· 1'0\\·11 .i1•wc•ls of E1111w1·01· Franz .Tosl•ph nnd ~~mpress Elizabeth will take pl:u·P on Sat 11 r1l11.'· mo1·11 i ng, .r mw 1 ·t. Jn the afternoon, t ht' t'e will be a trip 1lown tlw Oanuh<' going to 1h1• outskirts or Yienna, as wrll a. ,-i it to wcll­k1tm\ 11 pl HI'<'>: im·h11li111t t hP fH111ous cloister .. KlosternNthnrg. · · On I his dny th!' 1111'1'1 itlg' ur the ..\s.'\tl<'iHlion of the Au. tl'ian Philatrli<' ('luhs \\"ill be held . . \ nothC'r C'x t·m·sion \\'ill o<•c•ur on Rund11y, .J unc 2nd, to I lw t'nmou. '·Wiener­wa Id ... ( \ . i<'ntrn Porr.'t ) and the> "'·ening will be spPnt Yi. itin~ a popular •· ff pu1·ig-P1t .. in llriming.

'l'he .\ \\'urd · Prrscnh1tio11 Banqlwl will take plarC' on ~lomlay ewning in 11111 · nf tl11· outstanding YiP11na hotel:;. On Tue day, Jnnl' -lth , then• will be an

VATICAN CITY COVERS Boleffi 's PricH in (

# 14 ProvlslonaJ on Firs t flt. cover _ ·- · 47-64 Catholic Pre11 .. .. 66·60 on reg. letter .Arch. Cong . ..... . 61-67 fl . to France Interregnum 72 · 76 Medallions 122-181. Ell·12 Baaltlca.s-Exp. 132-139 Holy Year 140· 42 - PalaUne Guard 143-44 - Dogma of AuumpUon 145-48 - Pope Phu X 149· 63 Ca.Jchedon _ 155 - Boman States -· 166A - Roman States souvenir sheet 156-67 Maria GoretU _ 168-68, E13·14 Pope• &: B 11.11lllca.s - Exp. 239-42 - Bruuel1 FaJr . 242A - Bru ssels Falr souvenir sheet C9-15 2nd AlnnaJI C16-17 - Tobia.a C18-19 t:Pl' c20. 21 registered with cachet C22-23 - Dome I -· .... .. . ..... C24-32 - Angels C33-34 Dome ll (high values) C45-46 Archangel (high values) C45-46 .Archangel with designer autograph

(120. 00~ (66.00 (20.00 (12.00

(270 00) (90.00) (80.00) (76.00)

(175.0a) (160.00) (27.00)

~90.00) 27.(f()) 30.0~

(26.00) (20.00) <• 0.00)

(1000.00) (400 00) (400.00) (160.00) (32.00) (50.00)


60.00 95.0IJ S0.00 1'.00 10.00

P .O. B . 60.00 45.00 40.00 90.00 90.00 10.00 60.00 17.50 25.00 18.00 22.50 36.00

P . O. B. P . 0 . R. P. o. B.

sg.oo 3 .00 36.00 25.00 46.00

PENNY P. 0. Box 57 Dumont, N. J.

S. L . Bayer, Prop. Member Aero Phllatellat.a, Collectors Club, ABDA.

A iro Pl1ila1tli11I A1111a1., 77

all-da.'· dsit to Bu1·!!e11l1111d. tlw t ountrysidr h<'twt>rn tlw ~\ ljls awl ll t111!!111·ia 11 Pussta .

\Ye<lnC'sch1y .• June :>th . is lhr 01wning of tlw FlH~\ t'ongn•s.'>. followed i11 lh1· afternoon h~· a symposium a nd, al tlw s11n11· ti111 P. M l .\.T .. J.P. lllPPti11;.:. Thu1-s­du)·, .Jmw 6th, i-; cledic-al <'il to th<> FJH.\ ( 'on~'l't'·s 1d1id1 will c·ul111i11 11 11· with an af t<'rnoon l'Cl"l'Jl1ion 11111l roc·kh1il part ~· for 11wmhP1·s. ) 11 addition. cl11 1·imr lh1· whole wt•<'k t ll<'r <' wi 11 lw s1wcia I p1•1·t'o1·m11 tt<·t'' in t h1· OJH• t·a honsc•-. and a 1011 r NtllPd · ·Yi1•111rn h.1· ::\ig'ht" is arnilahk.

Th<' cl<'la il l'll program will "0011 he <1n1ilablr awl a 1n·os1wc·111s for 1 ht· I 1111•1'­na tionnl .\ ir Post Exhibition is also in print , hoth to lw 1·1•11dy few •lii-t1·ilmti11n in .January. Tlw. c can lw ohtai1wd h.'· ,niting- to tlw < ' 0111111i~-;io111·r or 1lw IF.\ Exhibition in the• r.K.\ ., ) I r . JTp1·hp1·t lfos1·11. l:!l W1·sl -1-:ith St.. ::\1' \\ Y111·k IOO:~(i.

i x _ x x x x ~ ~-x-x x- x- x- x x-~

:·: MEETING NOTICES 1111 ~ ~ :•: Every month except July or August 1111 1111 Ch N Y k N Y :·: :·: Meets secon~P!!:u~~·a! :-ch ::nt:ra; 8 :00 ·P. M. m the 1111 1111 Collectors Club, 22 East 35th St., New York, N. Y. :·:

:·: Chapter No. 5 - Philadelphia, Pa. 1111

~ x :·: Li~::;a Ft:J:~ai~~:i~;~ &to::1n°°..:.~s:.~ ~~~O J~r~h ~ro~d 1111 1111 St., Philadelphia, Pa. :•:

:•: Members, friends, guests, and all interested collectors [II] 1111 a re cordially welcome iili

~-x x x x x= x x x x= x= x= x _ x x~


P re. ide11t

E.rcculil'l r·ici l 'n-., i11' 111 •

F 1ut l"i1•t Pr~i<i<lwt


7'r1 llbttrer



Class of 1968 Clli~ of 1969 .JOHX J . BRITT JH:RS.\RO .FIN K \\"CLLTAM 1£. )!ILLER, J"R. 11 .• \1. CH>ODKIXJl 'T.\l\"'LEY R. RICE 11.\RRY .\ . UOL:\f.\X

IHA ,' P.EBACilE.R J .\( ' K KJ,ETN LOC:J . X. 1'A.UB II l·:JHUrnT H081~S

l:'RED K ElZER Ci E l~ l l.\ Rn WOl.PF


WILi.LUi :0. . \I ~:.\ll

JI I·: R II C: WJ' IW. E"'

WILLl.UI 11 . )I I I.LEH, .lR.

11.\HHY .\ . 1101,)L\~

PHILI I' 1411.H:ll

Cfo,.s of l!JIU DR . .\LBEHT ('. BXl'C:ll ilESl?Y KRA ~;)I BH OEORGEI" .\ . )1 Im.\\\' .\ I! WILLI.\1f X. )lE...\ll R. H . IIlLillY, M.D. PlllJ, lP I I.YEil

Recent Auction ale Price

Air Mai) tamp Raritie

On Xon•111lwr 21. Hl67. <111 u1111-.11al 1•,·1•11ing ml<"lion -.air \\as lwld nt the 11. R. 11Hl'1111·1· <lnlh·1·h·.., on WP .... t -!'-th Str1•1•t. X<·w Yo1·k ('ii\·. Tlwrr Wt'l'l' onh· 39;) 'il'lt>l'll'd lot-. in th1· -.1111•. amo11i.r tlw111 -.omr of tlw " hig-h-pm,·1·1"' nir po~t ._t;1111ps. II. I{ . fl 111·1111•1"-. De1·1·111h1•r I . l!lli7 r1•h•a ...... lw .... tlw followi11g priCP'i:

.\ ui-1 nilia Ho. s ·"111ifh \"iKrwtll• ..................... . .......... . Fn11ll'e Hl2 171 d1 /<'ro11n IOI' 011 !lCl1· 111· \ "t'l" hinl.(1•11 ............. .

I or Oil 1 .~lOI' II. h. . ................ . t lw two 011 1'10\\,1 <'u' r1·.., ..•......•..

llnl.'· 1.9!1!1 OIJicial ( S1•1111 ('01 ) 111•n•1· hine-1•11 pair· ('il'l' illn-.t1·atio11

Xt'wl"oundland 191!1 flttwl.-1 r, 11. Jr. ,(iJrhl creast· ................ . / )1 l 1i111 do 1•on•r ............. ... ... .... ....... . Columbia pa rt o. go. • •••..••..••...•....•. Boflw mint hlo<•k of 4 ........................ . .

flC>Wll ('0\'('I' .. · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · • · · · · . 'omalia 25L t2L 8c111i-Official ( !-!1•ott { 'BOl ) 111i111 ............ . Ti·ipolitania. ( . 1•ott <'BOl ) mint ............................. .

• .\ltbough 11ot ~11~ifiNI, tlti• urnlouhlt•1lly i~ 11 rninl ;,op~ .

Book Review

. ·1100• $550





.·:noo '950

$10;)0 .. :>2;;

$ 1100 $1150

(Reprinted by pprmlsslon rrom the "Collectors Clu b P hllatellat ," bl-monthly magazlno ot the Colh·cturs l'lub, 2~ Enllt :i:; Stret'l, NI'\\ York, N . Y .)

ll' orld J c.t Aircr(lft 011 tam71s b)' Luwrl'nce De ~lar ._ 96 pages. man)' illuslra­t iou , paper coYer. Publi hed by the .American Topical • .\<;soeiation a~ llandbook • ' o. 57. Price $5 from .American •ropical .\ sociation, 3300 ~orth 50th tr<>et, ) l ilwaukee, W i . 53216.

Thi reYiewer ha flown often in jet plane., but until he looked over this

. I rro P/11lat clrsl _tirnals 79

craft. This work has nine chapter::; <liddc•tl iuto 15 cctio11 · ; co11 ·cqucntly, it t eptescnl a wondetful hi tory o.f modetn aviation incc jct were introduced.

Do you r ealize that there are about 00 1: ... and .foreign ·tamp · with a jct airplane in the de ign 1 B efore eeing thi booklet, our tmeducal<'fl guc wo\1l<l have been, at the mo t, a couple of hundred.

Reading all the technical information. one eoul<l not help hut wonder if the author, a st amp collectot , really had accurntely rr<•01·<l1•ll this. Th(•r efore, docu­mentation would ha,·e ·ub ·tantiatrd the lt"cml'nLlous amount of Mmpilation the author did. Thi rc\'iewer onl)• ca n hope that mo. t of thr :wiatio11 1lntn is reliable. There i no 1·pn on to br lir,.,, UHlt it i not.

Although thi booklet i hort on aeto-philate]y but long on ac•ronautic<;, thi r eYicwcr remrmbers in the ..4.i ro P111?ntcli.sls 1 News, that he> had e<lik•l for cigh l yca1 ( 19-!5-l 953) . a st>rie. of article b)• the late Eugene M . .A1·khangtwlsk~· on" Airplane De. ign. On tamps." Kno"i ng the great amotmt of im-c .. ;tigaling that l\Ir. ArkJiangncl. ky had clonr yNll'::l ago, thi re,~ewer can nppreciat t• th1• liard work that 1\Ir. De )fars did in compiling hi book.

It is hoped that the in.formation will be kept upclatrt1, he<>an c tlw age of the jet a ircraft is far from OYer. Man~T future tamp a re hound to i11coq>0ratc jct in their design.

There is a 5-page checklist at the encl with four li tings. i.e.: hy country, by both cott and the French, Yvert & Tellier, catalogue numhe1 · (why no Gibbons!) and by the type of aircraft. Thi reYiewer learned a lot of upple­mentary aero-philatelic information from thi · 96-page work and belie,·e · that others al o will. Even if one i not an air po t pecialisl but only inter ted i11 modern aviation, thi · book i recon11nende<l. ( II. M. G.)


How much would your collection bring at auction?

You can have an appraisal without charge if you decide to turn your collection over to us for sale.

Learn now what your stamps can be sold for at auction.

Our unsurpassed experience in the selling of rare stamps at auction ensures you the highest possible realization. We grant in­terest-free advances.

We will be glad to advise you without charge on any aspect of your selling problem. Call us today: (212) MU 8-5252.

HARMER, ROOKE & CO., Inc. 589 Fifth Ave. (at 48th) , New York, N. Y. 10017

h rtrn111tio11<1 l AllC'lionrrr.~ of Finr 'tamp,

J<1111wry, 1968

FRANCE · U ITED TATE A M ystery Cover


Thi· illu ... 11·1111•d 1·uq•r lll'lunj!' to Ezrn /). ( '0/1 of '.':yark. :\. Y. Thi>. " ell­known profp-,.,.ionul llhilah·lisl \\1h•1l h.'· it 1111d -.1•11t it 011 to 1111• for a pos. ... ihle Pxpl1111ntio11. I \\ l'tlt1· hi111 th1• t'ollowinir:



Photo by Boutrelle

.. \Ylwn t1·ying to ... oh·c thi item. th1•r1· is alwa~·s a 1·1·rtai11 IHk of knowl<'dg whic·h lrnm1w1~ u-... For <•xa111ph•, wc•rr tlw l'. H. "tamp .... pl1w1•d on in F'1·anc1•, and, ,,Jtat was tlw '"' ight of the lrtted

"The c·ro ·sed har on th<' C .• '. st11111ps i..., a fu1·111 uf 1·1111<·i>llation which 1 lwli<'Ye was pren1lrnt at that time' in ::\1•w York and llM•tl 011 fon·ig-n air mail l1·t1 r1 whi1·h p:tss<'d thron1?h lh<'re 1•ithrr 1•asthound 01· \\(• ... thound. I have a <'llH'l' in nn <'ulle<:tion also use1l in 1933. whirh w1•nt ft'Ultt :\1•\\ York to G1•rm11n,· that ha. tl;c. "ame t~· pe of crosse1l ha t..... ·

"Tlw F1·1·1tl'h stamp 1wrforuH'1l two pu1·poi.ri. - it paid tlw air ra t<' from Pnri to London, al)(l the ocean 1·a1t• tu :\C'w York. But not«• that tlwrc is a 111anus1·1·ipt notntiou at the low1·r IC'l't \\hi<·h indic<1tes tlwt the lctlt•r was to go ·, ja the ~ . .'. BrcnH•n/ ,'ailinl? from (')wrhourir.· [f it indr1•d clitl m11k1· th1• mails l'o1· thl' • · ... Brl•n11•n at Clwl'hourg, tlll'n the nir mail Sl' l'YiC'e to London wai. not ;inlih•d of. Thu-. part of the Frl'neh tamp l'l'JH'1•-.e11ts an OYl't-payment.

··If the L'. '. stawps were nffixc•d in Pra llt'<' hy I he <wncler, then why was thP con•r postnu11·k<'cl with the mall eircular ·Due" ee1t1-.' T The r. . air mail l'ttl<' from .JuJ~· 6, 1932 to June 30, 193-1 wa. cent. for the first ounel' antl 13 c·1·nts for <'lll'h additional ounce. If thi letter. therefore, wei1?hed morl' than one ounce it , houl<l have been marke<l •Po. tagc Due 13 cent . ·

.Jcro Pl1i/(lll'li.~I , f 11110/,q l

"That this cun:r is postmarked · l>uc c~nt ·· could bt• <lm· to two n•asons. Fil t, thE' lcttel' wrigh<'d two ounces, hut the po ta! clerk mal'ked it ·One CC'nt 'for tht' src·ond otlJl('(.' inska~l or thl' torn•ct 13 l'ents amount. . l'<:onJ, thr lrtt<'t weigll<'d on!~- one ourwe r·equirinir thr , -ernl rat(•. Tn thHt c·nst'. we would haYe to assuml' that thl' 't'ntkr <lid not IHI\'<' lhc- r. . stamp::; to affix. The deduction then would he that the co,·er wa ' helien'd to he C'nt via air mail in thi, C'Ountry, that the <:l'nts in .• '. stumps l'or tlw oum·e rate \Yl'l'<' applied in the Xew York po. t offic·c. The stamps thm W<'l'e cancellc<l with the cro ·sccl bars and the ·Due , l'ents · ma r·king was applied in ~l'W York, thr mune.r bcinn collected in this amount from thr a<ld1· C<' in l\Iinneapolis. · ·

}lr. Ezra n. Cole sngJ!l' te<l howing thi myskl')" CO\'Cr in this mngaziiw along with my <:onjectur·cs l':XJ)laining thl• postal markinh~· Pe1·hnp. others nm.'· be able to offer 11 lwltl'r cxplanntion.

See Page 74 For List of Air Mall Handbooks On Sale


1925 Centra] American Trial Flights


(Editor' .Yotf': In tlw Oclobe1·, 1967 nmnbcr of thi · maguzin<', Yo!. XY,. o. 2, on paii:cs -!3 to -16. :\lr. 1:'1·etl 0 'Xeill U. of 'o ·tu Rica wn the <1nt hor of thP articl<' •·Central AmPri<·u. Tht' .· ADTA ('o.'s 192:l Tl'i11l Flil-{hts." .Mr. Ora,·clat, the well-known French am·o-phili1tl'list, wrote tlw following lc•ttr1· in French to ...\lr. 0 ·xeill. T transh1kcl it into En~lish. whic·h is now hPing puh­li hed here with the pe11ni · ion of both )fo:s1 . Ul'aw-lnt nn<l O'Nrill. 11..ll.0 .)

" I am YCl'." happy to rea<l your article on the l'.\ D'l'A l'lights in l't•ntral America during 1925. Thcl'e is little documented on the e flight aml tlw co\·er t•crtainl~- are very scare<'. Jn l~urope, l haw iw,·cr seen 0111• in 1111 t•xliihitiou; in France. I do not reeall ever ccing- them exhibited. P erhaps 11 fl•w c·owrs may e:xi ·t in G<'rmany, b1'Cllusc thc · P11cifo:o' an<l · A tla11lil'o · a \'iators werr German. But one cannot he ct•rtain. bceau c 1 happen to know personully many German acro-philntdists and their c·ollP<:lion" c·ont11in nu1tP1·i:ll mostl~· from their o"~n cou n tn·.

··In m;, colll' ctiun, tht>r1• lll'l' four 1·1fft•1-s whid1 I d<.' ·cribr as follows: "l. ~\ co\'er with the cil·culnr rnchel of 'ri tobal. 'anal Zone (Fig. 1 in

your article) . Tt i. H<ltlress<'d lo :.\Ir. U. Xorieaa, Co ta Rica's Po. t Ol'fic·c Director, whom you mention in ~·our article on the bottom o.C page J5.

"2. .A eo,·er s('nt to Barr:rnquilla August 10, 192;) H<ldres..<;t'd to l~;inama. The arrival po ·tmark i tlatrd Cri tobal Augu. t 12th .

.. 3. A co\·er maill·d to Barranquilla for l 'artago 011 Augu t 10, 1925. 'l'hc arriYal markings are Limon . \u anst lJth a nti C'artago the 15th. 1'he rectan­gular ('achet i the ame a above.

" 4. A cover from 'o la Rica. to 1\Iauagua, Nicaragua with th<.' . ame <:achrt and the same franking as the one hown in Fig. 3 of yom n1'ti<'l<'. "

82 Ja11 11ttf!I· 191ih


M inutes of the 21st Annual Convention

I. The 21st u11 11 twl <·1111n-11tio11 1111•t•ti111( ot' .\r:1w l'Hll.ATEl, fl'\Tt--, Tne. was lwld 011 ~on'nlhl' I ' 11. 1967 nt tlw HhPratu11 ll otl'I. Philadelphiu, P1•11ns,vh-ania. The 1111-t•ti111! wns 1·11llP1l lo 111'111'1' h~- P1·1•sid1•11t Will iam :\ . :\h•11d at 2:10 P. :\I. li t' th1·n \H•k•on11•d th1• 11wmhe1·s und g-ul'sts in nttl'IHla111·1>. 11. Tlw H1•<·1·Ptary p1·0 ll'11tpo1·t'. :\Ir. W illin111 II . :\f illt•I'. .fr .. was c-;11lc•d upon to l'l'Hd lht• 111inut1•i. of lht• 20th antHIHI <·On\'1•ntion hdd at the ( 'oflt'<·lol's l'luh in Ne" Y 01·k I 'it,\-. 'l'l!l• 111inuh•i. w1•1·1• 11pp1·0,·pd 11s 1·c•ud. 111. 1'1a• '1' 1·1•11su1·1•1·, ~1 1·. Bt>1·n111·d F111k , tlwn ros1• to 1h•liY<'l' tlw 11nnu11l rc>port of tl11• rin1111<'i11l 1·011.fition of tlw 11q.rnniu1tio11. ~lr. l·'i11k 1·1·po1·1ed that tlwr1• hucl h1•1·11 11 los-.. 111' 2a 1111•111lw1 .... dm·ing- the ~«·111· dne to 1·esi~ri111tions 11nd dl'nths, nn 1·n1·01l1111•11t of HI Ill'" 1111•111b"1". 1111.f tl111t 1111r pn•s1•11t pnid-up nwmhe1-.,hip was 111m :u:;. I\". P1·1·-.id1·11t )lt•;id tlll'11 t'alled 11pun thP 1111•11il1e1-ship to ril>t' for a minute oi "ih·11<·1· in tl'il111tt· lo th1• l'ollo\\ing l\\u 1111•111h1•1-s whos1• d1•11th" 111·rmT1•d rlnl'i11g th1· p11-.t ~-1•111·:

)fl·. H11111 Rmh i1•11 :\II·. llustn\·r .'1111Clc>l1

\ '. )fl'. I l1·nl',\ )f. (loodkimf. 1•ditul' uf thl' .\El<O l' .\~~\I~'· l'\•f)()l'h•d on th1· \a 1·i1111s h111101.., \\on h,,- ou1· p11hli1·11tio11 du1·ing- tl11• past .''<'Ill'. Ile l'ul'ther r1·1>t11·t1•d 11p1111 sonw ot' tlw \1•1·~- fint• fo1·tlwu111ing a1·ti<·l11s to ht• pnhlislwd in Olli' q11111·1t· 1·(~- 11111glli:i1w; whilP 1111<·1· Hf!ni11 u1·iri111! tlw 1111•111hership tu t ontl'ihut<' lll't it·lt•s ill I host• 111'\'llS \\ h1•1·1· tht',\" IHl\'t' p111·tic·uln1· knowh·~ll!t' th11t \\Ollld hr or lllll' l't•st 111 11111· 1·1·111!1·1·-... Editol' Uo111lkind was 1·011111u•1111t•d ll\' P1·esidl•nt )l<'Hil fu1· his 1•x1·l•lll•nl wol'k in 1·1111111•1·ti1111 11 ith ou1· p11hlir11tio11. · \ ' I. :\11·. <:1«11·g1· 'I'. 'l'u1·1w1'. ('h11i1·1111111 of thP C:oldp11 .\ ii· ~! ail .\ n11h'1•1-sar~· t·l'l1·l11'11ti1111. 1·11s1• to l!i'·<' 11 1·111Te11t 1·1·port on that 1'01·tlwu111i11i.c 1•\'1•111. lll' lll'l!l'd f1Ul'ti1·ipatiu11 1111d 11i..-;ista111·1· fl'lllll tfll' 1111•111he1·ship of .\EHO l'lllL.\'l'EL IS'l's. 111<'. \ 'I I. Pn .... id1·nt )lt·11d spok1• 1111 tlw 1·ffo1·ts un hl'lrnlf of rnrio11'\ ai1· mail 01wrni­wti1111s in th1· l ' nilt•d Htat p-. tow111·d-.. -..111111• -..111·1of11 1111•1·i.c1•1· lwtw1•1•11 thl•se g-ro11p'\.

The Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1967 ( Left): Our then Treasurer, the late Bernard Fink, rendering his annual last financial report while President William N. Mead on the left chech the report while Secretary Pro tempore, William H. Miller, Jr. records the minutes; (Right) some of the membe" listening lo Mr. Fink's fi nancial report. Ph I s by Irving Weinberg Philadelphia Pe.)

. 1110 P/11/attlt.-t .11111111.- 3

'Phe lo."s of iucliYidual id1·ntit~· s1•1•ms lo hl• 11 111njor stumbling- hlul·k. Furtlu•r C'xplol'ations in thi a rC'a art• possible. \'Ill. Therc wa no old husim'.·s to he 11ctrd upon. l"ndel' ll<'W husi111•s._, a di cussion was held l'l'lutin• to tlw F.l.P. ruh's and l'C'~UIH1ions (01· i11tp1·1wtional philatelic competitions. nnd how th(";!' n ·lnt!'cl to l".L' . ..\. a11d tlw partic·ul111· problC'ms presenk1l in 11ir mail Pxhihiting-. rx. President ~lt'Ucl tlwn c11lh·d upon th1• Xomi1111ti11g ( '0111111itll'(' l'o1· it..; l't'<'Olllllll'IHlations for l>i1·pc•to1-s for tlw ('Ins...; or 1!170. 'l'h<• follo\dng s)al(> was }ll'CSPntNJ :

Dr. Allu rt ('. Br111[Jh, Philnd1•lphia, Pa . .llr. ff111ry [(rmmu. Los .\ 111.!<'l <'R, Calif . . lfr. 0((Jr!Ji s 1L. .II rr/11w11r. Rit<'h field. C'onn. Jfr. 11' illirm1 .\' . .1/ rnrl, l'hiladelph ia. Pa. Dr. N. Tl. 8/irorly. Jl.D .. bJng'1ewood. :\ .. J . .llr. P"1'1ip Si/1·rr. Brooklyn . • ~ .Y.

J n addition, to fill \'1H·111wil's i11 tlw C'h1s...;1•s of HJ68 t111d 1969 . .llr. fo'rul K tiz1 r of Brooklyn, XY. and .llr. Or r1wrrl l\'olff or Wa hington, D.C'. Wl'l'l' no111ina ll•1 l for the two classes. l'l'SJll'<'tiwl.'" Thei·e being" no furth<'r 11omi1111tio11s from the Ilool', a motion that thl· nomi­nations bt' c·lost>d was u1111ni111011sh· <·111Ti1 .. l. President )lcud thl'n dirc><"lt'd the '<'<'l'<'tlll'Y to cast 01w lmllot to E> lec·t tlw 110111ine<' .

X . The Di1·ccto1-s p1·1>:;1•11t then n·til't'd for tlw 1m1·p0Sl' of electiniz ol'fi1·l·t·s for the C'Ollling- ,\'Clll'. I 'poll thE'il' 1'1'1111'11, the folto\\·ing- offi<·e1 · for the )'CUI' 196 were 11nnounePd:

I' n sir/ 111 I En c11li1·1 First l 'icl •'ten lary Trrnsurrr

W illiam :\. )lead l'in Pr1 .~idr11l H erbert Ho-en Prcsidl 111 W illiam H. Miller . Jr.

Han'\ .A. Holman Bernard Fink

X I. 'I'here b1•i 11g- 110 further hnsi ness, t hp was 1lechu·ed atl.iou rnt•d by P re ·ident )le;ul at 3 :O.l P . ~I. ( 1\'illillm II . Jl illf.r, .Jr.)

UNITED ST ATES rCnn1i1111Pd f r om P''"" 13)

mail route as well as t 1·1111sport11t ion h.'· p l;tne." This CO\'Cl' wm;, I he1·efon'. qui te Jll'OP 'rly franked with 2J cents in ait· mail

po ·tag1• nlonr by the :·wnd1•1". th is lwing the fu ll three zone rat• to the East 'oast. This 1·11tC' in ·ludl.'d fit~t-tlass postage uml was sufficient. to can·y the co,·er to HolyokC' without an ndditiona l 1'1•e, as noted in the P ostal Order .

H ere is a cast' when' the P ost OITic·e mistakE>nly charged the addressee with 2 cents first-eln:s postllg'l' due in nclclitiun to thl' already a<ll'quate franking. lt is this enor which makes this co\·1•1· of partic·ular interc·t and unusual in the nnnnl, of l"nitl'll. 'tu ks 11it mnil r11t1• strul'tures.

COLOMBIA (C1~nti1111 .. d / rnm Pa[l•' 75)

well as cal'l'yiug th<' e1ir mai l Niquettes Fi~ure 7. '. 9, JO. 01· 11 ill nstratt'd i11 .\I r. , anford ·s articl1'.

1'he possibility exists tha t si11<·<• the• writt•1" · coyer tll t'l'ics on tlw t'l' \'l'l'se tlw t~·pewrittl'n l'l'tlll'll 11dd1·es.-. ol' l forzhausc•1·- cadta-BuC'n11,·entura, C'olombia. this lette1· mig-ht well han• lwcn '( 'A DTA C'ompany corre ·ponclen('(' tlrnt was not to lw inelucl<•tl in tlw l'X<·lrnngl' al'l'Ollnt and was. tlwrl' l'ore, lrnudstc111qwd with the " )lancomun" n111rki11g to distinguish it from other ma il beuring till' printed air nrnil etiqul'ttC' .

./(lnrmrg. 1!168

.------I HRIJ ]--~ Ne.WVOAr<


Collection of Flown Rocket Mail


(Pre-194 1) 122 covers from 15 countries

(Post- I 945) 253 covers from I 7 countries

plus mint stamps, photographs,

newspaper clippings, etc.

PRICE: $4,400


~ SORRY ... SOLD ! ; ~ f 0"9>-~~~-"'\)~~.::!)"-"'\)~~~~~h:!0

H. R. HARMER, Inc. Prfratc Treat!/ De11art111r 11f

6 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. I 0036

(212) PL 7-4460

Sanabria 1966 The World Airmail Catalogue

More than 1300 pages

7500 illustrations!

The new World Airmail Catalogue is now ready. This, the most inform­ative catalogue in the world, has been completely revised and updated. Extras that you will get in the new Sanabria include:

• Illustrations of all face d ifferent stamps ... a help to all collectors and a necessity for T opic<11 collectors.

• Souvenir sheets illustrated and priced.

• Covers listed - of great importance; a stamp on cover can be worth many times more than the same stamp off cover.

• Quantities of stamps issued are given when known.

• Proofs, essays and specimen are listed.

• Many major listings in Sanabria do not appear until much later in other cata­logues. Knowing these stamps from the outset can sove many times the cost of the catalogue. Examples:

The llohon Colonie• 'Servicio di Stoto' overprints were listed ond priced ot $ t 7.50 eoch by 5onobrie in the 1936 edition of the cotologue. Those stomps, now worth $500.00 eoch, were not listed by Scott until 1953.

The Scodto surchorges of Ecuador were listed in Senobrie beck in 1936; Scott first listed them in 1958

Chile = 1.5, listed 'n Sonebrio in 1936. oppeored in Scott in 1948. The fomous Eorhor+ & Sorobio issues of Mexico were first included by Scott in 1956 ... some twenty yeors ofter Sonobrie hod isled them.

The Air Fund issues of Turkey, in Sonobrio since 1937, oppeored in Scott for the firs• time in 1965.

There ore more than 750 list ings in Colombia olone which are not found in other coto. logues. These focts speak for themselves ... be informed . . . know your stamps.

Order now ............ PRICE $15.00

Ridgefield, Conn. 06877 Phone: (203) 438 • 3763