The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with...


Transcript of The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with...

Page 1: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent
Page 2: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent


The Bible For Men Over 50!


Kevin McNamara

Page 3: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent


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What a great idea! An enlarged prostate diet book! Well not quite but I am currently writing one. Let me know if that would interest you by sending me an

email at [email protected]

Page 4: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent


50% of Men Over the Age of 50 Worldwide have Prostate Issues!

If that doesn’t scare you as a man over 50 then nothing will! It’s a fact that men once they reach 50, and even many between 40 and 50, have some kind of prostate issue. Unfortunately doctors and big Pharma want you to have a biopsy and surgery to ‘be on the safe side.”

Just know this. If you did an autopsy on all men over the age of 70 they will have some kind of prostate issue. Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer is not a death sentence. You can live a long and happy life with both. I healed prostate enlargement and cancer through natural means. If I can do it then anyone can do it.

I will mention at the end of this report the best prostate supplement that helped me in my journey was a supplement called Prostate Plus. You can check it out here now >>>Prostate Plus

Ok so we now understand that 50% of men over the age of 50 worldwide have prostate issues. There are some 60 million men in that category in the United States alone. So the prostate is a major issue.

Enlarged prostates are everywhere among the men I talk to. Finding the best 7 natural health foods is not so evident. I have told my story many times but for those reading for the first time let me quickly go over it.

Page 5: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent


i. I am Kevin McNamara. In 2012 I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate with 5% cancer

trespassing in my organ. I didn’t have a great diet. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. I had a biopsy but this was the last time I went and saw a doctor. I found Don Tolman who is an amazing health guru (In a time of a million and one health guru’s, Don is the real deal!)

Through Don’s protocols and teachings I healed myself. These protocols included the secret rolled oats breakfast, meditation, fasting, plant based diet, exercise, fresh air and sunshine.

So the following 7 natural prostate health foods have in a large part come from Don Tolman and I have also added extra things that have helped me over the years keep my prostate running healthy.


In regards to this report I wrote it for men going through prostate issues. It can be used as a guide and reference and the foods can be added to any good healthy meal, smoothie or juice. It is what I believe to be the best 7 natural prostate health foods. I haven’t listed my secret rolled oats recipe here, as this is a list of individual foods. To learn about my secret rolled oats recipe watch the secret rolled oats video by clicking here.

All of the foods listed have helped keep my prostate functioning well and kept my body in really good shape.

So here is my list of 7 natural prostate health foods.

Best 7 Natural Foods for Prostate Health


Page 6: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



o start an enlarged prostate diet you cannot go past Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. There are so many nuts in the world but this South American variety is an especially rich

source of the mineral selenium, which is majorly important for prostate health.

Just one ounce of Brazil nuts contains more than 10 times the recommended daily allowance. Research is now available showing selenium can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Brazil nuts also contain zinc, another mineral that helps the prostate remain healthy. They contain all the amino acids to qualify as complete protein and are a good source of magnesium and thiamine.

Brazil Nut Tip – Brazil nuts have high saturated fat content so restrict yourself to 3 to 4 ounces per week, which is more than enough with its powerhouse of selenium to keep your prostate healthy.


Page 7: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



roccoli is a member of the cruciferous family so its brothers and sisters are things like kale, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts. Broccoli contains some amazing nutritional benefits in regards to prostate cancer.

It has very high amounts of phytonutrient sulforaphane and the indoles, both of which have excellent anti cancer properties.

Sulforaphane for example enhances the body’s detoxification enzymes, which helps to dispose of any cancer causing elements really quickly. Now there is a study by researchers at Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University that discovered that indole-3-carbinol, which is a natural part of broccoli and the rest of the cruciferous family, suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells. But not just that it also inhibited the production of PSA. (Prostate specific antigen)

Broccoli Tip – The best and healthiest way to eat broccoli is lightly steamed or sautéed for at the maximum five minutes. Any longer and it loses the anticancer benefits and nutrients. Cut the florets into pieces before you cook and just let them sit for 5 minutes. This allows the anti cancer elements to


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form before you cook. And finally add extra virgin olive oil, garlic and cayenne pepper to really boost the power of broccoli. Now eat as much as you can each week. Why wouldn’t you?

Page 9: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



ayenne pepper, which is also better known as chilli peppers or capsicum, is the source of the cayenne spice. These peppers are hot, as you no doubt know. Some mild but some bloody hot! They get

their heat from a high concentration of capsaicin. Capsaicin is well know for its pain reliving properties but studies have also shown that yes it can destroy cancer cells including prostate cancer cells! So why aren’t you eating them?

And the thing I like about capsaicin is it has the ability to make prostate cancer cells ‘commit suicide’ (a process called apoptosis) Damn you cancer cells, kill yourselves! And they do!

Cayenne is also great for your cardiovascular system as it contains antioxidants that fight those pesky free radicals that can lead to inflammation. So there are lots of wars going on in your body each day when you eat cayenne.

Cayenne Tip – Use cayenne pepper in your smoothies and juices. Just a small amount can really spice them up and help your prostate at the same time.


Page 10: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



ost people know that mushrooms are good for your thyroid but did you know they are great for your prostate health. Especially the Asian varieties like the shiitake. The shiitake has a 6,000 year

history of proving it’s medical prowess. It contains lentinan, a type of beta-glucan, which has been proven to have anti cancer properties. A study in 2009 for example showed that mice that had been injected with human colon and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms.

These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent antioxidant called L-ergothioneine. This antioxidants big claim to fame is exerting its properties to help and protect cells throughout the body including the prostate.

Mushroom Tip – Again only lightly steam your mushrooms. Add them to stews, salads, stir fries, soups and don’t forget pasta sauces. I also add them to my lunch with grilled tomatoes and avocado. Delicious!


Page 11: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



love tomatoes especially when I grill them and have them with mushrooms and avocado on a thick whole grain toast. Which is a great thing because tomatoes are at their best when cooked rather than raw.

They contain lycopene, which is a carotenoid, which is one of a group of red, orange, and yellow pigments found in plants. Lycopene is also a potent antioxidant that has proven itself in an absolute mountain of studies to enhance prostate health!

Cooking the tomato increases their antioxidant capacity and potency. It breaks down the cell walls of the tomato making the lycopene more accessible to the body. So tomato paste, soup, sauces, grilled tomatoes and juices are great for your prostate.

Germany’s Bonn University researchers have said that just one serving of cooked tomatoes a day could protect against the DNA damage that can set up prostate cancer. Tomatoes help manage BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy) or enlarged prostate and keep PSA levels down.


Page 12: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent


Tomato Tip – Grill them, put them in all your food, drink the juice, and make pizza with cooked tomato’s, stews and soups as above. Tomatoes are a great friend of your body’s!

Page 13: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



k you have heard me talk about turmeric and read many articles I have written about turmeric and its great benefits for things like inflammation, heart disease, cancer, skin and Alzheimer’s to name

but a few.

Turmeric’s active ingredient is curcumin, which gives the spice its bitter taste. A recent study at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, found that turmeric, combined with a phytonutrient derived from cruciferous vegetables (like I mentioned early – broccoli, cauliflower etc.) may be effective in preventing and treating prostate cancer and that combined they significantly reduced tumour growth! Notice you don’t hear doctors or Big Pharma telling you these things?

Turmeric can also make the prostate cancer cells ‘commit suicide’. I love turmeric!

Turmeric Tip – Make your own turmeric paste, which is known as Golden Paste. Use my recipe you will find here – How to make Golden Paste.

For the best Turmeric Supplements click here.


Page 14: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



umpkin seeds are very underrated. It’s always the turmeric, green coffee beans, Brazil nuts etc that get all the good media. But pumpkin seeds have some great benefits for the prostate. Especially for men with

benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). A contributing factor of BHP is overstimulation of the prostate cells by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

The oil in pumpkin seeds can help prevent hormones from triggering the multiplying of prostate cells. Which is brilliant! Pumpkin seed oil also contains carotenoids and omega 3 fatty acids. These also help reduce the risk of BPH.

Pumpkin Seed Tips – Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc which as we know also helps the prostate. So why the hell aren’t you eating them? Use pumpkin seeds as a little snack in the afternoon. Don’t have peanuts or a cake, have pumpkin seeds.

What is your Prostate Diet Like?


Page 15: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent


So there you have it. Foods you must incorporate into your enlarged prostate diet if you are serious about improving your prostate health. Do you eat these foods? Have you ever eaten these foods? Now you know what the best enlarged prostate diet is will you change your diet and maybe even your lifestyle? I would also encourage you to exercise, meditate, drink raw juices and non-dairy smoothies, and get plenty of sunshine, fresh air and good healthy relationships.

Let me know what your diet is and if you plan on changing. Any questions please just fire away. Your prostate health is really important.

You can email me at [email protected]

Page 16: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



nd finally I want to quickly talk about the only prostate supplement I take that helps with any prostate issues. This really should be a part of everyone’s enlarged prostate diet. Prostate Plus. Prostate Plus is

the only supplement I recommend and take. It contains all natural ingredients and really does help with an enlarged prostate, difficulty in urinating, painful urination and inflammation. You can read a review on it here. Prostate Plus review.

Thanks for reading and please share this report with a friend who may benefit greatly from knowing about the best foods for your prostate.


Page 17: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



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Page 18: The 7 BEST FOODS FOR - · and breast cancer cells had the tumours suppressed with shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms also contain, like most vegetables, a potent



Please feel free to share with any of your friends who may need this.

Much love,

Kevin McNamara,

Prostate cancer pioneer and survivor, inspiring speaker, business owner and author.

Founder of Heal Your Prostate

and Get Out of Your Comfort Zone