The 2 martyrs_-_prophets_zakariyya-and-yahya

THE TWO MARTYRS By: Momina Mateen

Transcript of The 2 martyrs_-_prophets_zakariyya-and-yahya

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By: Momina Mateen

Page 2: The 2 martyrs_-_prophets_zakariyya-and-yahya

ZAKARIYA ه ي لسالمعل ا AND

YAHYA لسالم ا ه ي عل

These two Prophets were sent to the Children of Israel

Zakariya عليه السالم

Yahya عليه السالم

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ZAKARIYA السالم يه عل

He was a servant of Allah sent in times where people

were more involved with worldly pleasures.

He worked as a priest in the temple of Jerusalem and

also watched over Maryam.

Zakariyah, along with his wife, was very keen on serving

his Lord and mankind.

He was worried that because of his age, there would be

no-one left to spread the message of Allah. So he dearly

wanted a child who he could nurture for spiritual reasons.

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He was saddened by the fact that the only reason why people were working at the the

temple was for power and praise.

But Zakariya wanted to remain steadfast and so he prayed for a son that would carry

on spreading the message of Allah.

So Allah gave him a son, Yahya .عليه السالم

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The future mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ)

She was a relative of Zakariya’s wife

She grew up under the special protection of Allah

She used to spend a lot of time alone worshipping Allah under

Zakriya’s special supervision.

Allah provided for her sustenance.

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When Zakariya would check up upon her he would always find her

with sufficient food including types of fruit that were out of season.

Proof (Surah Imran V37):

And because of this Zakariya wished that he had an offspring like her.

"O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?"

She said, "It is from Allah . Indeed, Allah

provides for whom He wills without account."

Zakariya’s Prayer

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Seeing Maryam was an encouragment for him as he believed that

Allah could bless him with a child even in his old age. This belief, this

trust, his Tawakkul (sincere reliance on Allah) therefore urged him to

turn to Allah.

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Surah Maryam V4-6

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He said, "My Lord, indeed my bones have weakened, and my head has filled

with white, and never have I been in my supplication to You, my Lord,

unhappy. (4)

And indeed, I fear the successors after me, and my wife has been barren, so

give me from Yourself an heir (5)

Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him,

my Lord, pleasing [to You].” (6)

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[He was told], "O Zechariah, indeed We give you good tidings of a boy whose

name will be John. We have not assigned to any before [this] name.”(7)

He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I

have reached extreme old age?” (8)

[An angel] said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, for I

created you before, while you were nothing.' ” (9)

[Zechariah] said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that

you will not speak to the people for three nights, [being] sound.”(10)

So he came out to his people from the prayer chamber and signaled to them to

exalt [ Allah ] in the morning and afternoon.(11)

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Prophet Zakariya came out of his chamber and, by using signs, he told

his people to praise and worship Allah.

Because Allah is so merciful, he accepted Zakariya’s prayer and granted

him a son.

Yahya, The Righteous Son

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SON Yahya was kind, obedient and not rebellious.

Allah wanted Yahya to learn and practice His guidance

His parents were very very proud of him.

The greatest thing about Yahya was that he kept hold of

God’s teachings with all his might, not allowing any worldly

affairs to distract him.

Prophet Yahya was unjustly killed at the hands of a tyrant

Yahya’s Mission Gifts to

Prophet Yahya


of Prophet


Yahya’s Death

Similarity between Prophet

Yahya and Prophet Isa Relating to modern time

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Allah ordered Yahya السالمعليه with five commands to establish amongst the

Children of Israel. So Yahya gathered them all in Temple of Bayt Al-Maqdis. He

started off by praising Allah and thanking Him and then ordered the five


1. Worship Allah and worship none along with Him

2. Offer prayers

3. Observe fasting

4. Give charity

5. Continue your remembrance of Allah in your daily life.

The fasting person is like a jar of musk from which all the people

passing by can benefit from the beautiful aroma.

When you give charity it is like a the prisoner who has been captured

and ready to be executed, then asks his captor, “May I ransom

myself?” Then he spends his own money to save his own neck.

He continued…Back to Prophet


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Allah created you and provided for you and sustained you. Worship Him and do not ascribe

partners with Him. The worshipper becomes closer to Allah when he prays to Him.

Always remember Allah in your daily affairs – one who is constant in the remembrance of

Allah is like the man who is being chased by an enemy. After a tiring journey the man finds a

fortress and seeks protection and security within it. The remembrance of Allah is one’s fortress

from Satan.

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1. Wisdom and knowledge

2. Empathy and love for all God’s creatures

3. Humility in his manners and his clothing

and his possessions (he despised luxury)

4. Piety

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1. Active in serving Allah

2. He never used violence

3. He never mistreated any creature

4. He was particularly kind and merciful with his


5. He stayed away from people because he liked

worshipping in solitude.

6. He gave up the world and went to live in the

wildreness until his family came searching for him.

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They were both sent to the same group

of people.

They were both brothers in spirit and

were given the task of prophet-hood.

They were treated harshly by their


Yahya prepared the way for Isa who

came to renew and re-interpret the Torah.

They both shared the same devotion to

the five commands that Allah had ordered

them to propagate amongst the people.

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The story goes…

Herod(provincial leader under Roman Empire) wanted to

marry his neice because she was very pretty and he wanted

the approval of Prophet Yahya as marrying the neice was

prohibited in Judaism. The Prophet didn’t approve of this.

Herod’s wife herself was evil and convinced him to

kill(behead) the Prophet so she could marry her uncle.

Herod sent his soldiers to kill the Prophet whilst he was

praying. And shortly after that the same group killed Prophet

Zakariya. These two martyered Prophets were said to be “the

Matyr, and the son of the Martyr” by Prophet Muhammad.

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Prophet Yahya did not “go with the flow”.

He followed the path of Allah despite how people treated him.

We have to learn to ignore the ‘flow’ and make the right choices.

You could also make the following dua:

God suffices me. There is no God but He: On him is my trust; He is the Lord

Of the Throne, Supreme!

حسب هللا ال إله إال هو، عليه توكلت و هو رب العرش


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