Y0L- XX.N°-6,041. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1860. PRICE TWO CKiNTSc THB ISTEW-YORK T^JLBUNEJ aft W WxtOF.TORH B»E1F \F TsEfBlJlfxi mt^mWfgfgm ax, avaaa* BF Th£TWl.l.'NBAFJ'OCIATlOM, t* rmx -anrvEE *cit.i»iE»*. «»b*bb >f s.iuc ajr&traeea ta raa "U1^m_* ,,ffoeitb Taa cm-a.__, AJaOiattvel^t^riyy*01^^^ ^i**01* F** .***. ftobauiVw-. a* 8** aaoaxa ta eatver-* 'ot Lx -ronOw. _j jebW-YOiBJE WBBEtxLY TBIBFTTB, A VEET LABOE FAFFR FOR THE COCTNTRT, axnjef Btrxooet at the rat* of 01 per enaomi. 08B-, Twenty aW***>Xo ¦fcJr.a.of **e.h nihaortber (ar.J any la-*er nnmber ai BJaa x*4e of 01 * eaeh), *»4 Aay pe:*oa Mraauog a* * alub ol tr **y ar t**>e wlll be eeaUed to ao extra oopy OohaarLptioa* L BBBBEBBBB at aay Uma ftrfv jA»»-pi«.it*IjiTbb Webei.t Teie-eb eort ONE DOL B>AB *NU TWENTV PIVE CENT8 PKR LLNE for eeah Nr^bio* t*»*rted for leaa tban VbbK aKni.yVtKHLY TRIBUrVB la an»a*tM-ai every TiBarxv and Fbidxt MoamitA, Prioe $1 BBB Bxuaux*; Two U pl*. for Oi Fiv« Copie* for 0" ** Tlllt KiFW.TOBH TRIRt'NB FOR FUROPEAN ClRt I LATION, w__ Bt rseRahed or. the fleparfir* of e*«-b Mail Stearoer for l/tver Baal a* Oi P»r axcaum, *oata-> Locloded. Binfl* Copie*. Yive 0*au4 I ¦ I M-ptcial Koticce. ..a.¦. . " \Vlde-Awa_ee. Atuntiuu ! LET EVKRY »UN BK EQUPPKD. Tk-arkyAnal UARlMiKP ( Nlf-ORM, the only deeirable Myk*, aaa at a larwer r»ie than aay other mancifa t'ir-«d TLe ODalertlgi.<J Lavmg r-ade arrangecoenU with tlie Ortgiual BaFXaaBxetuar, will. after thia dat", be ahle to furulah Club. at eaart aoticr with the ahjv* Uuiforui Conipiete. Prlvate*' GbBBB, l apa, ao,j, Ottic»r»' Coal., Lanternx, aV4 t'apa, a_« r.' Torclie* oi. 0, " VVide-AwaXe" Eagle* tad Medal*. tepetber with F.dge k Co.'. cel-bralel Klrework., aa-.taa.lly on bm.d, in any qvuitlty, at No. 111 Broadway. Cxab* Lo tbe rouniry ahould atiuiee* C. V. R. PON J, No. 112 fa ay, New-iork. Yoaig MeaS Ite-publiran 1 nion. BJJOI7LAB MKKTlNi. Tl'EMiAY EVENINO. SEPT. 4. <TCYVESANT INSTiri 1 K, No. 65J Broadw.y. Tne BMOtB g wiil be addreaaed by Mea.r. WELl OMl* R. BKIhE, U M. H IKFFT, and E C. JOHNSON. CEPHAS BRAlNtRH Cb'n of l> -. Com. YoiiBg MrnN Uepabliran l nion iiavi'vi aniEai. am. Reclino Rgub. Un. Ho am. Etbxieb, 8rr\VjEeA>T l.t.TiTt'TB, Bo. h-Vi Bkoapwct. rlegulex 1'uhhc Meeting, evrry TI'KSilAY rAKNIKO. CEPHAS hAAlNFRD, Ch'n Le.. tim.'.* Bteku-o, Beerelary. 'H*.. RltM-tloa A grand~Ma«« Meeting of tl.e GERM 4.N 01 Pl t LICa.N l Ll B ©! Uie X> 11th Ward will be held on TTBSDAl EVEM1BO, Srpi. 4 attn. Lincoln Houae, corner af l.oualou aud AJJaa-aV. Tbe meeting will bv adjre»6«d by hKKUtRiL.K KAI'P e..i BlOIsMl'Mi klAI rM-\.NN, e*q., TWO ELEl ItlKS UN THE REPl ULKAN TICKET and B T/4'HIRNER. e«j ai.d ctheia. All pen>on« in tavor of t rn- Sinjwh, Kree Prea*. Kree ilon.e- *tt-ad and ProUitivr Tarlfl, and oppoaBd to S.avery Exten-ioi. aja riqn-»tedto altend. *EIER COOK. Fre.ideut «>a< P Brt-riMA.N, Se.reta.r. Twelltk Ward K*-pul.liran Anaoriation, A rperia. Lu-etlxg ol thi. A.^.i.U u wiil t.e !.. .J oa Tl I'.riliAY EVEN¬ INO, Sept 4, at ".o'elock, at Hevi ...a.teia. on 3d av., uear \..d at.iMLLIA.M M NN1NU, Preaideut. W:: un E. Pih.k, Se>retaiy. Thirtrriith Ward Kepubliran AsnorlHtlon. A f ol tbi. Aaaociatiou be beld at ttii juarter., ho triJOrandatjonTi EiDAY. EVEMBO, 4th in*t The nailuu of the YN ard Bre re.peotfuily li.vited. THOS. C. UOILD, Frealdtnl. Jahb> M laia, I!r»-Ki A. Bmith. iSe.'.. ~"Nlnth and BtBTaBlh WsLrtla, Bra4*aJj^raa.Tk* Vth ASSEMBLl DI.-'IRK f KKPl'HI.HAN I'NlO.N will n,e.t at Oianad- Hall. No lUMyitieuv. cn Tl'EBI'AY. 4thiuat.,at u o'alock p. in. Adoie.a.. by |BE Haa.!! Btnford aid <<h- ra 6i:.rLu£ by tle- uuriva.ed Prairie Bo.jjt.tvr^ Rf.erved Ur*t» fot lattht.. YVIL.LIAM M MUril.MORE, Preaideut. P. W OaTkCMtK l_ __,_ jAMEeV. K..tKNi,i^>ttr'f"_ T**»-nij.FirBt Uurd WldcAwakfB.-A 8IEET- IM.olthi* tlob will b? beld Tll 1 i (1'ue.ciu\) EVENINO. at <i o tiock, at lleadouaiter*. i'aiti.-ular attei.clau.-e reqne*la-d W. U. t.K.K....s iac. J. SuLIs KlTi'ERbANO. Pie.idrut. ""aTtiTcoln and I.ibertv I-H1TH ASSLMBLY U18 fkHI L1M.U1.N A.Sl, FlAMLIN IAMi'AH.N CLUB.. Mcvtu.g l'O MU1IT, at Republican inait- ra, Metrojioliuxu HaOl. No 17S hriLce at near Tbojiijjaoi: So.aker. wii »ddi--»a taeandieice WM K T. l HAP.MAN. Frealienl. Wa. Fatter»'.n, i s.cret_rii., W. I'AhLoiK, i hecretanea._ KIbwbb Connty Kepubliran l.t-neral Commitiee.. T>e rejear oioiuLi^ lurettag af tUa CoaaaBEBas artll be beld at tbeir ivtiu.i, No. b l uurt-.t on Tl EEOAl EVEBLNO, »epl 4, at 'ii a'.'ltx-k. A luil attendajjie ir.|ueated bElli li. COLE, Chairmau. J. N. Bteaenk. SeCretary._ r axaaaaEBaaiv-Tha TarkviUB UNCOI.B AND HAMLIN I Ll b wL.1 hold a pul Ic .eet:.-F THIO EVENINO, at 8o'ciocE. atHajwi./d Hall, .i c.t katk ll und Ut av. 1Ti« uieetlng wiJI t- *<ldrea.ed b\ K. M. lOLL aud C i 11 L'S KRUiT, e*t|-. J M. KI II), I'r.-..deut. Tbe llon. Iliratn Rtlchuni .-ud .ther. will ipeiX at a l moii .Mr.tU.4 ol. 'lt r.M'Ai NIOHT, Bc-pt 4. irtt^l. at 8 cAicxk ai 1 levcke. b..lidiux«, ln Bleeiker-.t, con.e- of Mortou- a< Ntw York. A. M. BININOER, Cliairin-ti WaidN. I. Club. Atteatian '. Wide Awaiea !-The TWENTiBTH lAAItLi *A 1UB-AVY AJvEB wU) uieet at tbeir H^adqnart. rt 11118 EVEK1BO, at 8 e a L.t every nu-ii.ber bc- prompily cn. l-nd. AU Rip-t'U^anaiii tbe ward tre i.^it-d t. be pr.aeut at Uia u.reiing. 1" E. OA\ IT, Captain. IiAMb M. ai.ab. SerreUry- JOHN V. OR1ULEY. Prea. ~\\ide-ATTako^IleadguarierB, MarahaPa Oltl.e. No6Ubruadw.iv N i i b> cou.jj.a-ttanta ol iheaeverai \\ Ui- Awake t ou.pai.i'-a IB tbi. rity de-iiii.g to Jeraey 4'ity ou Wtdi^aday nixJJt. *Xe 'e^ueat'tl to meet at .'¦ o. t lt* Broadwuy, .1'O-liAi iTueaday) at 5 v. u, for tLr pjijic-r ol j-rfecting ar ralieLent. J H. HuBAitl \\*AJKL), Oiaud Mar.Uai. vTa. E Otxataai ra, lataMatat_ ~tlenrral Morlfiy of Hechanlca aad TrudeBxnen.- A auea-ial election !or Presidrnt ot tlua 8ocic-ty( to hll ttie va- cancv ocrarioiied b^ tl.- deceiu>e of tbe late Pre.ident. Jobn A. Bantig, e»q., wlll be b.-ld at tlie next atated m.-eting ou OVFIlKEBbAY EYENINUaaat, Sept .'., at Met¦ha!_-». Hali. Bo i'U broadway, at ^ne hcur alter By order. WM. VAN NORDEN, Serretary. We wonld caTl the attrntlon of our Brooklyn readeu to lt.. BaYarlbaBkaBE of tb* COlaLEtrh ORAMMAR SCHOOL, lo anotttr column. I.irit oln hdiI Hamlln l nilorui* Club. Famulietl wuti Cttp, Cape, and lorcli, Cooper'. Btyle, 01 45. DOI'OLAS AND JOHNSON IWEORMS. C'tob. Vurulabed witb Cap, l >pe, ai.d Tereh, Cooper". StyV, for 01 °i Addre.* OEO. C. YVILSON, Fort Oil.ce box No. *tH. Alb.t,y, N Y._ laBBJ oln and lliiiulin ('luba.-DOBgliLH and John" a«B t'labe.. L'niforu.. lurnixuecl at .liort for eitber yaaty. by tbe u!.drr>:gr.rd at ie.. price tban any now rnade, con- ¦txaUng ol Cap and Cape all *ty le. Ui uae, aud tne w-brati d Pit hta'atrcb, tbe be*t made. Catalogtiei, Coiii.titiiti.Li. and ail athe.i*'.i..n r.lative to forniing Club*. furniabed by 11. BALLOl jk, AaaBE, Twiodii Heu, Aiijany, N, Y._ Havlna pnrchaaed from the NewYork Beltloit aad FacaiMK 1 ompauy ihe E'CLLBIVE Rlt.HJ to CHAU OOOllll.AK'B inveiitiouot Vi L< AM/Ell KLBBKK for BLUiajU t u.&iona, we beitby uctify be uiauj/artureraand B«*J.rck».ra of biuard laclfc* that we wui bii ordera for Bi.iiard Table. made with ". ulcaruxod Caoutchouc or ludia Rubner Coahi'L. and for the ordiuury Caoutchouc Cu.bioua, w .th a Hoenae to apply tat u. to Biluard Table* llereafter every biiiiard auaniou*) V uicii.LK-! R.boer wii brar lu.bedded iiiettchcu.hioL aixciipUie naiue of CHABLES OOOl). EAR the PalenUie, aud tbe da'.e of tbe PaU i.t ai.d partle. pur. h_ring Uieae cuahioui of us will be requireo to rtivb to every table iu a con«pi.uou* place a aaetaliK i l»te (wt.-h we will fuinl.ii) beariui; the worda. "Cb_rle. l.oodyeej'.. Pt.trnt- Oraub^i Jcuie 15. 1«!4. Kxta-ided Jjoe 15 lr.'i). A! pAitie. n.axiula-turing Bi'iiard Tabl** with tbeotduiary \ uic*nl*>au Kubba-rCciahloua ajfter tnia d. V ' pait.ea aaii. c.1 veudii.g ibe a_i.e withuut tb.- above .tauiip, wi- bEb i.tht acd wtD b* pi..aarut. d atcordingly PUlCLAN S FATEKTCOMBlNATioN CISHIoNB can onlv be obtaiued aax-j.e. u.anrJ'actcreii by PHtLAN « COL.LENDER, hew-York, Aog. x4, 1<*0. Noa M, t.'>, b"7, (W Croiby-.t. B__f_d* IMFR0V1D BILLIAFO TABLE8 Aud CuiuOLnatiou t i.aliloua. FH1.L.AN k tOLLKNOER, Bole Marjufaa-turej*. No., t'3 to 69 t> tt, New-York. ~tl*> ||i..- aotlie io th. «ru_-.uf»cturer. aud purch**er* of Itiiliaud BBwM Ibat we Laie.oid to Mee»ra. Fhelan a Colleuder taa. exr.iu.ive rVLt to the uae and appicatiun of Charle. Oood y*.r'. Inveiition ol vuleaniaed Caoutcbou.-, or Iidia Rjbber, for wkli h a patent waa iaaued to tl.e invn.t.r, dated Jtine 15, U44, aadexleia.^ iune 15, lnW, fot onl.ard ta'il^a. Aud mai.ufac- t.rrr. of t...:ard table. are l_reby uodtied that all future pur- ohia*-. of vulcmixrd rubb.-r for table. niutt be iiade ftou. Mer.ra Pbelao aud Colleuder, ai.d a!l ii.friuger. on thi. Itarht wii. be i ru*e. oied bv ua to the fall exU-nt 0. tbe i.w. KEW-YOKK. BKLT1NU AjNU PACK1NO COMPANY. Auguat 8, 1860. Thr I'rlutiiiK-llou-. ol Ihe I nil.d -lai.--. 1-ki.nt .. taa 18B84 KK.AI 1.U.JI..N. OBOBOE i*. Ni.siUTT&Co., I.BNEKAL JOE PKI.irKIF, BtaaaBooaBUarFAi -. t kbh», Si inOBBaB, W if K...I.E >m. BJ LiTMtK.KAi-it!. raiBTBai am. EMtuTBaa, ( AJLB McM » «" II HElik, raari m * Bxtt aaTaaa axraEaJarra ¦¦. E*TBJLOFB M.Hi »a< Tl KXHI, ri>*( i am. Ltio.a Pki vtbk*. fxu. 11.5 ll" 168 ai_171 FeariM ai.d ".it f\.,-et N. w-Vork Hac jiat l»a.,».l ti I'*'ta ti, Mivrj%! t;. .rfi.Lat-* f^r fiiaiun.t aaid Vlce Pnaldent, auo iiivit. rd ra frum all part* ol BU-couutiv lor Pi.uiiig of "«-r) BBt ByBaB ior ib- ta.. Caui ***" ^^Bl'LENDIIi BANNKl'.S ON ( ANVAH BBBxBMI Bf] BJEBtll *<¦* vari i-i.ed .uit u.e for CI aajjl'i ..»'...!.., are very »tu*ctiye._^^ Atepubliran Mubn, hi all aartE ol th* ;,';_"'>'. «_f b* enntli.. witb tbe do. umelil. publl.bed by th« Hll NOMCNE HKPl'BLK .N .lON tko. ..-.d Hi,r,<lj ._'.-*. JOHN Hll KMANS P..ii '¦.*;??, THK "IBION" waaali tiael. .-.. _^ "TBE MAN Ull'i OTE'..¦¦¦¦. * '. Tbe ktafl ABRAHAM LINCOLN B great .peach at with copiou. note. and raf. beiatuedlua few d.y. ia . Ettal- .d...a r .tvie Pri «¦ |*r tb-mmvid. 8)1- 808 Bi ad^.y. t UAE. T EODGEEB, P.- "Vauna TIrn»a it>:iiiblt< Vorallal, by ordei ol Cun. u.i-L.. , , f Will* w*B*8iug*t< taloii.* . i allad. ol tbe n*ht aort »et to f«i..iii_r ti. \ rutai ... .1 *>'> per butldred, aauet aa-d 4 A M JKKIS, Bfl 4i Broadw»y. Flfth Wnrd \V i.le-Awakea, Ai-uaet-A tpeeia i,i... ti 'i Hllh W»,d W'ide Awnk* Aaaoctati m will b* h*ld atlsi 'iKtftl Ward liolal.THIS (Tuaaday) EVF.NINtl, Sept. 4. at a /, .... a ... 11 porf«ct iheix orgaaiaation, aud to prepire for activn U. th., c-inpaljn Hyord.'i, .-*_» W, 11 IIAILKV, t'haiiniin pro lem. Jobn I I'Bfk'n. t-ecretary pro tem. B-nMrirnTh Ward tVlde-AvrnWea.-All the Rapubi- c-ii. Young M.t of tb'.a Ward sre reftieited to a'-t*ud a nie*-.iiig of theWii' \> ak_flub.adi.uru.-dto meet fdf peimaiieut or- raataa-dfl Tl 18 fTbeaiay) EVENlNO, at h o'ciock, at Head- qusiti-ii. Ba 426 Bro me at SB 8 B. BtBBBlCT Pret't pro t-in «j The Ntnrteeath Ward Hepiibllran Widr-Awake C'lub wil. n.e.'t at th, Wlnraaa, M bv_ c<>rner BOth-M TI1I.S (TbiIBBJ) IA l N1NU, 8«ptetiit>er 4, at 7g o'ciock, for drlil. A puu, iU9i aite'.dani'e U r. quired By ord*r of "*0I _, N H. rJARCOCK, Jr., Captala. Wa. B. BOCBWB-I, Urderly._ ~/,OUBTe \t7ide-Awakea.-T'ie NlrjeteeDth Ward /ooave Widt Aw.ket _ill ii,..'. IBIB (Tuetd.y) EVEBIBO at 8 a'cloek, foi drili. at Di-glaiala'i earoaroi BB-jl and i. bt l,«'t e\eiy Zouave coae to ttaa* ti the l-irt diiU prepara- tory to vi.i'ii.1 Jen_y City OB Wtdt.etd >y evening ActrptTTiWiBtBi Ot* M. A. BBBD, CaftB- \t «-_t. hrati-r C'onnty Kepublirnn C'lub..Th.- rtegular Monthly Meetini of tbia I iub will bd b-id a th* Fic.l*>or Hoaaa, Whlt* PM-.t. on WKHNF.8I:AV MUHMSn, ib.' Stb, luatead ol the (Hh tnet at prevlouily sn- Btiail. UIL1.IAM H AKO, Seiretary. "Valuable I'atrnt Klghta for Ptatea or Countira lor Knlr- WILLIaMivS PATENT . ARIETV PLoW, tb- Btaat lanwrtaal ag'icultural improvement ever made, reaultitig in the MVtB| lo the farmer of over one half of the pren-nt coat ol all hia Plowa. after ded'.ictlng lOtl per eent profit to the deaier. Tl.ii. we guarautee or uo uie, anJ. that th* Piow baa no auperior. < all andaee the Flow st No. 54 Yetev at nee-ripttona --nt tiy n.a.l J HAKRi'SU.N U 11 li Kti l Rl-T_ llr. KlKBaViTruaa cballenjoa co-.pari.on with any other ii. t . Bad _F.tiinoil.ila.F-f emlnent B'irg-oni, snd ei sniin. p.-.iii_*i.« of the Tion, whi, h montb. lo two jt-ara. Mo. 2 Barclay et. A Kare OpportBnitj for aanoBd in want of FIR9T CLA-B l A11INKI M RMTl'Hr or HUf -EHOLD OUHUS of any dei.ription. The cit/t.-nta of tlie a.ipt-rbl; furniih.-.l reai- d.... <- No. 15 ( Ulllow bIbOB. tn dtb-it., s few doort wett of Broad- _ .v, will hr to,d at piivste aale dming tbe preaent we. k st one- baii Ita valiie. The aaaortment IBlbtaBBI evervthiis BaOBBBBfJ ai.d detirable for a genteel prlvate family All btat rlsta good. _, hne crd. r A t.w of the l«adii.r aiticl*" only can be ui.-u ttomd I oot R. W. I'iano Pi. r and* Ornaiuerita; Velvet aud othor ('arp*t«. R W., B. W., ai.d Msbogsny l'srlor, Dintnr- Rooin and t hnmber Furniture; Rieh Window Oranery Mantle ( kxfcij llro.ire aod DfCorative Oil F.iotingf. Elegai.t Tnld*- \\ ar, nf all de», rlptiont. fco kc Th*re in no *r.d Xo th- Cata- Ugur nothing BB I.e aakt-d for that »t htve not got Call iud aee ftt.n, T a BB, to tl p. ni. _vT__ JJubluationo. G _t_J_D DOUBLE NUMIvER OFTHB I1.LUST11ATT.D LONDON N1.WS. WITB LAROE COLURED PKTLRE l.F THK FALLS OF NIAQARA. THE ILU'BTRATED LONDON BBWB of Aug. 25, arriv- iiig bere ou Sept. 5, will be a .pleudid Double NuLnber, itig a piofmion of Iliuatrationa in counevtion witb the Prinv" of Walea* litit toCuOoda, and an eju.. large tize (FULK-1'AOE) PI( TC11E UF THB FALLS OF NIAGABA, beauti'iilly prh'ted i_ cc]or*. Tl.ia namb_r of THF. ILLUS- TI'.ATK.ll B.CWB w-Ul b* oin- of the handiomeat iv.ri.-a. d. AU thoae wi.hing to ord.-r extra L-opiei will plesae do to at onib, sa the d.-niand a ill bt- v. ry ^redt and the aup^ly 1., . ..srily lUnited. Newa Agent" will pieaie aind ln tb, Ir ord< r. by tbe 6th Sep- tambt-r, or it ia not likely a tttpply can be iput thnrn. Ordert r.-ceivt-d by t-v. ry NaWB Agt ut i_.d I'eriudl-sl ~BaBBBB ili tbe l uiWd Mntei und Cauada. IS _____ l ROOKRS, No. 12 BiaaaaB. N. Y. A..UU ln tbe< d St..ttB and ObBBOB for The Illu-iraled LoiOOD Nt-wa. TllE "EBONY IDOla.SEC0X1) EDITION. I) All l.ETu.N fc. Co No*. 41J aud M5 Broadway. BaVl now ready A B-BBBB BB8IIBB THE EBONY IDOL. A MiiEL By a Ladi orBBB BBBtABB. lvol. 12mo. C.o'.b. 8>1. From Tha N Y. Ohs. rver. " A capitsl book, a nuart uovel, i.ut loll of trnth from the hrit tt tte li»t pate a lively Ndw-England nl_«e «torv, ahowlug tbe uiiaeiy aud rli-cbief that came from pres. hiog Abolitioui.ui ln- alt-hd of th* (i/.-pel Tbe Mev. Mr. Chr.-y bacoa_- luf.'. t_d with tiie nisniit ai.d auddenlv burata upon bia p.-ople with hlaiiew mo*- aare, aad k> *p> at it liil all tbe n>ual couie.iuen'.'Ol of ttrife, dlrl- elou and luin ful'ow tn the train." from Tbt; fbi'sdelpbla Pr*w. .'' The Ebony Idol' it the beat tatiii.-lfictioa of th* day, and will pi'btbly h&vr a large drO.-tioa. It ought to bave It, if u it and butaol, with occaiional dt.hea of pstnot and trulb, have LOt lott tieb tpell upon tlie beart." Krom Th* Boaton Pott. " It it written, -nin. d with sotire, da.hed witli k snd w ili prudi.ce a tei.vution both st th.-Soutb snd tl.e Nuitti." D. A. fc Co HAtl J' -r Prv.i ihibd: i.i M1N18CENCE8 OY AN UrFREK OF /OL'AVES. 1 vol ItBM !otb, *1 LirEOir W1LL1AM T. PORTER. IJy Frauc- Brloley. 1 vol I21110. Price. 01. A Rt'N TURUl'UH El'ROPE. By Erattui C. Benedlct. lvol. 12uio. Pilce, *1 M. WHAT MAY BK LEARNKI) FROM A TRF.E. By Har U.-.d Coultat lvol. 8vo. Prlod *1- THE PHYislOLUflY OP COMMON LIFE. By Oeorg.- Bl urv le-wea Two vol- 12mo: *2. FLORENCB NIUHTINUALE'S NOTES ON Nl'RBINO. lvol. l2mo. f'loth. Price'_",.. :.ta. Psper covert, 15 oentt. lifi. OLDHAM AT OREYSTONhS, AND HIS TALK TilillE. Pric« a>i. Neniv ready: RtWLiN'bON'S HEllDDtiTl'S VolunielV ^r.d laat. THE ILL! STRATF.I. IIUP.8K DOCTOB. By Mayhew. \ILLAS ON THE HI DBOM: A Coilect on m tblrty photo- ll.' of roui.try r. lidoai .". BtaCALLAT'8 LATEBT MIS( EI.LANIES. One volutne, l.Ii.O Now r.-ady; F1MIE ClI-kLN-KEAKEK; Or. THELITTLEPAUK MANL'riCRIPTS. by J.4ai» FasiaoiiB Coopkb. Ba!i,r Volcnie Twei.ty of the n< w eJition of Coopar't aorkt. ILLU8TRATEH BY F. O. ('. DARLKy. Oue Vol., Crown Octavo, Mi pp., cloth beveled. Priae Bl 5. Tbe BBBoaakaj Bhalaaa Baaaaaaa are: THE PI0NEER8. LIONhL blBOOLB TiiE REU ROVER. THE 8EA LlON III. LASTOF THK MOIIICANS IV. XIII. TIIE WATER WITCH. XIV. UO.MEWARI) BOUMD. XV. THE MONIhlNS XVL SATANSTUE. XVII. HOME AS KUIND. XVIII THE PATHFINDER. XIX IVINO-ANU-WINO THE SPY. V. \\ YANDOTTU. VI. 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S'liiEE'l* NEW BOOK, WOODS AND WATKF.Sjl Oa, TIIE BARANAIH AND RACKET, Witb Map ai tb* Roi.le, and NINE II PEUB WOOD ILLX'HTRATIuNfJ, At Uillowt: < »MI' BCEBB, MOI NT BEWABD, 1MiATINt. H.R DEEB, TMK DEVIL'B PI I.PIT, IMHAN PABB, H'"; BIVBB FAL-B, UliniFA.K NOTCH, WH1TBFACE. I);,. l.rj^ 12i,,o 4 M For itle by all Bookaelleia. Coplea .eut by uiall, pott paid, on ,* .ut of price, l.y M. UOOLADY. Publith*r. No 4'J Walk.-r tt., N-* Y. rk W'ALT WHITMAN" *T LEAVEH OF URA.«M K./i taie at all Bookatoret, prtr* Bl 2i. Bri.t l.y mall to aay adiir_a* lu d HUU-a, urepald, *l 50. rilAYElt k k.LVhlUOr., No. Ilt B...ton, Maaa. MASON BROTHER8, No.. 5 and 1 Mercer .t have reoecUy publlahed OI.MSITD'B BACK rOl'NTRY. A Joomey Ib tbe Back Comit.y. By Krederick Law Oleiated. Author of a " Jourt.-y Urotign tbe Beaboard Blave Btate.," kc. 12oio pp. 888. Cloth, »1 25. 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U., Pre. of Hauiiltou Coi- le.i. 8vo., 5e» paie.. Cloth * 2 MASON BHOTHF.RS, Piil.H.hera, Not. 5 and 7 New-York. rjAAIPAlON DOCLTrlENTS. We tnvite the atUntion of the frlead. of toe Republkan obbm te tbe foDowlng ti»: of aoouoiei.ti: TBE POLITICAIa TKXT-DOOK FOR IHiiO. ItoL, cloth. Prioe 01- LIFE AND PUBUC BERV1CE8 OF HON. ABKAHAM LINOOLN (Aothorized edition) By D. W. BARTLETT. Biund ln cloth, wiUi Bteel Portrait, 354 pagra Pri?* $1 !'..:...¦ [ rr; J Aa ahrldged EdUtlon, paper oovera, 25 oenta BUAVKBY IN HISTORY By Ckiont Ourowakl Tbe work trt-ati of BUvery a* a dixtLi.ctive aocial dUeaae, in all time* aad nation.; BegxiiiiLog with 61avery among the aueleut Kgypilau. down to tbe Ruarian.. 1 Tol, Umo., cloth. Friee 01. LINCOLN'8 AND DOL'OLAB'8 BPEECUE8 ln the great iuluoU Campalgn oi 185H, roval octavo, *'t) pagea, ititohed, ii cenUsoopy. 0<S0 p.i hjndrel Foxtage 10 crnta. THE LLMMON BL.AV E CAflE.Full Hlitory of the Caae witb opinioii* of the Judxe* ai.d argumeuU of Mtu.«1 Prioe 25 cenU, per 100, »lb. Po.iage 5 aaj u THE CASE OF DRED bCOTT-A larre paxnphlet of 108 nagea. Po.tage p..i.l Oue oopy, liceuU; four copaea, 01. twrlve oop.ea, 8). 25 TUE TRIBL'NE ALMANACfor 1860 conUln. Popular Vote for Preaident by Btau-., Retum of Electiuna. Price (pottage pald), 18 «i.t-; 12 copira, B> 1 l'atl ,-oplea, On. HELPER'8 IMPEND1NO CR18I8 OF THE SOUTH it uii.pendiHi..). Pri e 20 ceuUi OU P«r lUO; |.- pil.'u '0*Uge8c*nU. CONNECTICLT WIDE-AWAJEE SONO.STER, with taa Rbfiijlic:a.T Pi.aT*..Km. Pri e 10 rent* BEPl BL.ICAN SONOBTER, !. eacn. Edited by UaMjE* W iliinzary. j Poatag" P»U- THE WII1K AWAKK VOCAL1ST, 1 couUining Worda aud Mcui.'. I 8HEET ML-81C- rnar.i.oa'. Baitlb Cut." t cent*. D .k.L-U a.M) Hia Di.iah. 2ceuU. Loeke . " Bhii- ui- Si *tb." 8 ceuU, or $2 50 per 100. Locae'a bTEi'HK.N i.n Bk ckch of hi. Mothkh." 3 ct*.; 8)2 per 100. Fo.Uge 1 ceut per aheet additlouaL REPL*BL1CAN I'OCKET-PIBIOL. Price J ctaU. Pcrtag* paid. THE BARBARITIK8 OF BLAVERY.-Mr. 8omn*r'i r* eent .peerb ln the Benate. with Hainmoud'a " ILLU8TRA- TION^'LnSeu.l-W.-klj Tribuneof Juiie 8. PHre 4 ceut. pet eopy, *>2 per htiudred. Poatage 1 ceut per r.opy adallionai. CAMPAION TRACTB. Pibafbfat fahtktlak attemtioh t* the reoiarkx on Po*V age on lhe*e docament*. ai prepeyrceut la required. I THE 1RREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT. Oot Beward'i Rocberter Bpc-ech of U5«i with Charle* O'Couor'l L'nion Meeting Speecb, U«c. 18, U5». II THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS FOR DI8UNION Bpeech of Uenry Vy Llaon of Ma»*acbu*«tU, Ln Uie Benate, lan. aiYiM*. III. THE ADMIS8ION OF KANSA8; Got. Seward't great 8peech, U Benate, Feh », 1B«) IV. NATIONAL POI.ITIC8; Hpeecb ef AbTaham Llneolnol Iliinoi.. at the Coooer Iu.titute Nrw-York, Feb. 27, 1*0, Jame* R Doolittle'. \ LucUoatlou of WiKonxLn. V LAND FOR THE LANULES8: Tb* Hon. Galuaha A Grow'a Bpeech, ln the Houxe, Feb. 2't. 1860 VI. THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN-By aa HlLuoii Repoliio*-, wbo hnow. well the man and hi. hlrtory A larg* eompart piunpLlet of 32 double columu pag'** for general -irru lalion aa a uuimlp docnuieiit. Price 4 cenU a eopy 40 oenU perdown, 8)4 50 per huadred, *4" per thouxaud. If required by mail. one cent additional muat be aent to prepay po.tage VII. PROTECTION OF HOME LABOR AND HOME PROOrcTlONS NFCEBBARY TO THE PROSPERITY OF THE AMERICAN FARMER. By Heury 4!arey BaLrd .The abov* are pnnted oa la!r type anJ good paper, eaoh foraing a large ot-Uvo tract of 16 pagea, eacept No. 6. whlch U double aixe and p:l- e. Tbe other. are xold Lu quantitie. of One Thouaai.d, or ovet, for okb cent per oopy; aud the TLouaand may be made bd from the lixt abuve gfven, u the buyet uiaj de.ire. In tmAIler quantitie., #1 25 per bundredj 15 ceaU per doran; .ingly, 4 BBBta. By mail, poatag" p.epaid, * cenU pei eopy, 80 e,«.nU per down. * I bu per lutl, B>L3 W per 1 000. Will uot our Reput.lirAO frlend. aid u. to " clrcul»t> tbe docu menUl" Now 1. the time wben thouaand* of miud. caa be re*; bed aud Lnfluenoed. AdJret. TUE IRIBL'NE, Tribane Btuldingi, New-York. EA1»Y ON BbVTORDAY. SEP1EMBER »- NEW ANli 1USLAROED EDITION OF MOKltlSS I'OETICAL WOBMB, In 1 vol Bin- and Gold Prl.e 7-'. cenu. A rew, ci.ii.ple.., rb. ap. and b. a .tiful editiou will aoon be publl.hed by tbe uiideraljriied. uniforiu with tne retent editiou* ofthe other popular poi of Europa and Amerlca. 1 be Song. a^d Ballada of Oeorge F. Morrla are io well known that they have ho .aehold wurda ln aluio.i eve.-y palace and rottage. The tre.juent and inrreaxing call for the§« Poema, lt. a U«teful but r.hraper tortu autl.oiized tlie beiief tbat th. ir cucaUliox wiil be gr.-a'Ty i-xt'i.d.d by tbeir pr*»eni*tion ln tii. aalqu* and popular »t>ie. A BBaBBafaf re.'.-nt pteje. haTe beeo added to tlu coi ection, DakLugit n.ore thai. any that ha. pt* ceded it R tcti.. > aent by Riail, po.t-paid, on re.ceipt of 75 ceoU. (r8CRIBNKR. Nu. 124Grand.t N. Y. POBTBAIT ..f CONOivREE. THE tiREAT *2.),0o0 BWEEPSTAKES. LIN Y.8 aod BATT1.E8 of Cbiruhctbi. Ff.iii.i'T*. .K'M CRIBB th* BI M K DIAklOND and ..llght- with JIM liELCIIER and MOI.INEALX. FLOIIA TiMPI.EandliEO. M PATCIIEN. PHINi K Jt.HN acd NATIVE AMERICtN. Fi ll Tbeathi. ai. Rbi- .hl'» 111 BKRT LONOEEACH, cr ll.r Bl c< KLF... PfEK. Fn.l T1IOTTING, TVmWi CRICKI.T, B\>E B VI.L, .ndoth.r BPOBTING UKPuKTS, la WILKBH'l H P I It I T, N'lW Ol T. HE BELIOIOM 0F SCIENCE; Pl'HI.ISlll I. liv c BLAMCBiEDi SoLl» BY ALL l.tinKSr LLERS T I'lU. i ST « ENT8 MAII.rii I'-..SI M.l r-llr'.K. BBAfl-t, 9tTVS8 .\M» IIACIIELOI^' R) ME.MBI ll 8EJPAT, ibr 21.1 ol Sr.ITl MBI II Kvery Bubarriber to Th* Trlbune .honld have t copy. A POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK t\ FOR liMJO. TENTH EDITION NIlW RF.ADY. P88B-_BB Bl HOKAtB ..ItrlLRl AND JOHN t. B-BIBB-SBk Canipr-ing a Brlef View of PRF8IDENTIAL NOMINATION8 AND ELECTION8: lacluding ALL THE BATIONAL PLaTTORMB EVEB TET ADOPTED: Aiao, A UISTORY OF THE 8TUUOOLE BBBfBBHBB 8LAVERY IN THE TEBJUTORIEB, BBB BB tiib ACTION OF CONURES8 A8 TO THB FREEDUM OF TH". PUBLIC LAND8, ana THE MOBT NOTABLE 81 EECHEB AND LETTBRJ 80 MF38R8. UNCOLN, nOt'OLAH, BELL, CA8S, 8F.WARD, EVKRKTT, BB.tmiMBlDOB, H. V. JOHNsON, ETC, ETC.TOUCHINO THE JUE8T1UN8 OF THE DAY ; RETURNS OF ALL PR '..SIDENTIAL ELECTIOHB BDBCfl IKIti. EDITOB8' I'lEFACE. Tbd tingl* end of thii book i. .1* praaentatldn, tn a eompael and ccnveuient form, of the uio- .n.portanl f_:t*,wot*d, reeobret lettert, tpeeebe*. reportt and o,'i»-r docuir.enu, which elucldate t.'.e eon-^t now saitatiM thit country. It haa been our Bim to let etary eandldate and other l.iportant peraonage apeak for blmaalf. au-t* hlt owt. plaf -m, aod vtii/H..*'.* (if he may) hia owu coua1.i«i.oy ai.J th* 10.1,1 Inea* of hlt view. ou Uie great queitiont which nnderli* oui urr-nt p-illtica Of courae, auch a work can have out a comparatlve mertt. Makeltevert large, and itiii muiy thing. muat omit.^d thst the eorai-er would wlab to li.aert, aud e-eiv critlc will pUmibly Bt-j W hy lnaert thlt ad omltthatt why give to mucb or A and ao little of B I" Betidea, tt ia uot alwaya poi.lble to reniember, or, lf remembered, td bnd, ail lhat would be vl- oed ln a w 01 k like ibia. tt'« can only aay tbat we bitve done our b-.t: let MflB do hattar who can. uracy of ciutt'in it one of tha ehlef viced of oor politiral dla- uiilom Von can hardly liaten to a a. t apeecb, even from a w*ll-i_for;ued tnd truthful cenvaaaer, wnkh la not marred br aome ir.iiappT*heniion or ..r.f on.. lout mitetatement ot tha poil lion tnd view. of thii or that proniuiect lU.ram.o. Docmneuta. n«-edl*a*ly read and long alnca loat or mialald, ara duoted from with floency and couodence, aa though with tndubltabte acou racy, when tha ciiatlcnt ao made do groii Injuatioe to thel. au toor, aud tend to uiiaiead the h*ater. We behevethe docnmentt coli.-ct. d .ntfiit woil are to prinled tbat tbeir generai accaracy maybe aa'tly relied on. By ct-vaeaera of all pat.iea. we irntt our Text-Book will b. found conveuient, not to aay indiipeuaable. But ihote who o_ty liaU-n, and read, and rehVt, witl aiao bnd it a manifeat help to a clear aniiertttiidli.g af the iaauea and coutentiona of the day They will be lnterrated ha comparing the aetual po-ltlona laken by Hr. Llncoln, or Mr Douglaa, or Gen. C.81, or Mr Ererett. tt faithlully i.t forth ln thia work, with thoae conliJeiitly tttnb uted to that ataU-an en In tbe fluent harangne of iome pobti _J oppon. nt, wbo 1. lotunt on blazonlug hia lneontttteney or pro .-ing hf. li eincerity. To verlfy and correct the eitatloni of a frothj declalm*r la aon.etia.ea Ihe eatleat and mott convlncbig refula- ti. 11 of hia «p.'--.'i lf a Irace of partltan blat la betraj ed ln the Ihread of n.rrati. e whi. h partlally 'initea the tii.v:e*iive rrportt. billi, rotet. *tc preaeLted ln thii work, the arror lt uniutentional and regrette. Our purpoae wat to complle a record ac.ieptable and eonveuient to a «-n of all partiea, snd whlcb might be wnialted and tr i«t_d by ai). Whatever it origlnal bereln U regard^d at of uo ut* 01 BarB, tave at s neceaaary of the realdue. Wliheit apolory, tberrfore, or furthei eiplanallon. Ihe Text-Book Jt com mt-iided to tae favor of the Ame-ican publio COBTXBTSi AituLiTn.Ni.Ts (OagltaaalBa) for Diauuion. Iaftati I aaaiai iii'.i, .-. of.M-,.-... i.u--tt- 4*>.-«, i.ovkhnok, ol tioiitli Carolias. Ar".'- John af Maaaach'ia*tU. 1d<.., J..MK Uti.N. \, ot Ma*.a.;buaett*. Al AH.BA IN rAlOR <>Y I»l*«oLI TiO.V. ALLRN, ('HtHlKt, IMl". 1.1 '-. Ut Abbhkan N uio.nal. COBTBBTMB, 1H56: 2-3. AbBRIC.inBati mi. (01 .1. il, lh.3: 211. ABOUrtOB CBBTBanaa *t Waraaw.N. Y., 1-39. AtTI M teoNI. NaT.uNAL CoNVBNTIONS. A-hbi B, QaOBBB. ..I M ...'.cbm.-tta. At. Hi...t Bavta K of BBaaaat- iliMiv N tTHAMBL P.. of Maaaa. h ia-.'tta. BAIK;, EBVA-B, >.f Mlttoiiri IUhho.'K P.iii.M' P., of Vlrginia. it, 1-.BB. of \ irginia. BARNHThNRR- of New-1 ork. Bartlbt. 0 B ef Kentnrky. Baiard, Jabk- A of l)«lawar«. bKii, JOBJB of T'iine-aee. Ba.NjABi.i.'it dim P. of I.otiiii-ua. BlBBBV, J ni- O of Mirliigan. B/ >Hi. Mii i.bix.b _., of South Carodr.a. ii.ii.. Liv.v of K.ntu ky. Bi.a< Kt--w't".B,J,.ii> (., of Kentuay. Baaa bb, Jud^a ti.aaaa c. Baaara, aavaa V of T.-nne*aea B. < h.van, Ja»k«, of Pt-Diuylvania. Bi kb, Aabo!., choiet. Vlce-Pretident, KMW-I. Bt tibb, Wa. O of Keut.icky. CtlBBI B. JoB.i C., of South Carotina. C-_.BOB, <>¦., > ., of Prnniylva.w. C-BJBBBU, Lawia E of Ohlo. Cahholi.. IKv. Williaia, ol Tennetaae. Ct.'i, li.'n Lbwii, of Michigau. ( .. -i m.\ .lei. ,'">'.» U of Marykld. CB..B, ftLHMh P ol Ubio. Cl i», C_ai ra M.. of Keutiuky. 0.4T, BBBB1 uf Kenlucky. Cuaa__B_Taoa_l L., of North (aroUna. CUBTOB, Dawirr, defeated lor Preaidei.t. Cli-NTOS, 0B..MI.B. cboaen VIS8 Praaidei.t, Wri. I OSKVITt TloXAl I'm.iN Co.NVBVT.ON, 10/>. I BA-TBB.I, Mahtin J. on Dltaolatiou. I'livroiD.Ui. H., of O»oigl_ I't-RHT, J 8. BL of Alabama CrtHi.H'., i.i'i:. t of Msttacbutetta. D.i .- liKOKUK M of P*nii«ylvt_ii. D.nia, ii.Hnan, ol Kentucky. Ditit, JB-*BfOB. of MUl-.ippi. Ditii, J..H1 tf MtMddhua*ttl. Divia, W of Iiidia...i. Daito.n. Wa. L., tt New-J*iiey. Duan.tBTTB. DamblC of V irglnla. I)_. awahb decltiet for Fiee T. irll..ti-i. DB«...'it*TH NtTloMAL CcVVK^TloNa DBBOCBATM l_4TBBBB (Dsvll'l KeaoljtljDI.. DicKi.i.o.1, Dambi. 8., of New-York. Dii, Uen John A. DiafVIOil Avowbd by Soutbem 8tatetnie_, DoHHiM, Jambi ('., of North CaroUna. Diidi.b, U^n. Hk.irt, of Wlirantiii. DaBBiaaa, A>onbw J., of T*nueaaee- l).I A-. SlB.'HMN A., Of llbllOla. li..-.. >- BoiOBoa (' of Lo'iiaiaua. EvaaaVT, KowAho, < t Ma**a<bu.*tt.. Ki.i.makbh. A«. -, M I'enni^hanJa Biacnoa Rbtimn-. in DaBa_ Fn.i.aoKB iliLLAKii, of N.w-York. Fitipatii K Bbmabi.n. of Aiabaina. Fl.h aaot, Fbabcu B.. af Aiaaiiiai. f-OTB] Jolis, of \lrgi:,lx Fker bT_.aaiaaaa, a. ti. n of Copgrau c.. Fkelinliii \»b.".,, of New-Jeraey. Fhbmo.m, foi j .,:¦, c, of Califonila. 0-BTB8U, leTClct J., of Ueorgla, ou DUtolutidC. OaoaoiJ for Dittobitivn. Uk.iiai., Wa A., of North Carolina. OiiAM.KH, Fkanci*. of New-York. (il THRIB, JlME", of K«NTrCK\. II a b John P., of NewHanipthire. Haai i>, Hamvihil, of Msine. HutR.eoN O-n. Wm H of Ohio. Hi. kviv, Joi.i, of Pern.ylvania Iloi-Tov, (ien 8a*, of Texai. HiMBit, Hour M T of Vinrinia Ituaoia DacuuuN roa FkibTrhjutokib*. JV'Km.n. Oda. Ami.rbw, of Tenneieea. ., -., BBBB.~t, o! Teiine^we. j ,n>-, v Baaaeaa- V oi u*orci«. laaaaoB, Btca.aa B of Keutu.-ky. IomvoN, v\ « CobT. of Msryla-d. Jiuix. Oi. W., of Indiatia. Killi.M'K.b, John v\., of Penmylvaala. KlRti, kutbk. of Ohio. glBB, Wfl R of Alabania. L.nb, Cal Baaai 8., of ludlaua. Lanb,'..'ii JoeaPH, of ObbBBB. Liw, OaaaoB, of n.-w Yorfc. L.whkni a. Akhoit, of Maaaaruiiaatts. Lsakb S.ibi IBfl F., ol, on DiatoluUon. Lbb, Hrnhi. of Mat-ii.'h.,i.'(iv. Lrbo.nb, F._BCM J of IViiii.ji'aiii., Lbt. hbh, John, Oaaacaav of \ irglnla Limoin, Ahrakab, of IlUnott I.i. ta, ii*n Roht. Lihbrii Parti National CdJfrasrtoff, 1843. MimidN. Jami. of Mrginla, ei*. ted Pretident M.INB llK«o> hi, 1 lOK ruK UlI.MOT PhoTIIO. f.'ANSi'B, Wii.iiK P., of North Mol'.I *. M_B4 l, VVilliAB L. of New-York. Mik't. KiBKAia, or N*w-Jertey. MlBOB. J BBB Y., of Ytrgii.ia M ..ia. hi iam Di. aaa* r..K Faainoa. M'Lban, Jidge John of Ohlo. M< Kai, Jabe. J , cf North ( arottna. M. Rak, J.HN J., of Mi-Uilppi, on Di.-clutloa MoBBOl Do.'ThlNB." M,.NHI.B. J .««-. ot Mrrlt.U. Mookb, Ht vdbnbaB. of Alabama. MBBBAB, \\ R*v*aUr of Maaonl, SecreU. Mobihbad, John M. ot North Carullna. Maa-M, Thobai, of Ohlo. Nat.on.i Bai l'l.1, .1 (C..A1) foNTBNTIOHI. .Ni*. Hami'.hii.b Uiti.AHii for the WUntOt Provi.d Utfoog LrgitliLTe reaolvea Nbw-i..rk roa F.ik»i..« R*.. lutiont. U't onor, t iiiRi.Bt. New-York. i.Hi" I'r. UUUM tm I ra. d BB. FlB-CB, FRANai.N, ,f Newlltnipahira. Pn i..w, (Jaa (iii.r..> J , of T.-ii!i-aare. i',... knbi, f b-BLBbC of Houth Carolina p.ilmi. ai. Nau..>.»!. pi tTvaauaa 1' k JABBI K ot T. ..l,* Pl.i 1AR S.,t«Kt|..Nll IN THK TlRKITOaiBt. Pr.HIHITION BBB-AVBB1 LN IHI TBKRITtlKlB*. f i.n. Ja«1. L f Alaban.s in Hl.i.ljlion. tji iraAN, Oaa. J.,hn A cf Baraafl Bbbbbtb,al BavthCarattaa BsrVBUCAB Nan.Mi CuBVBBTlOB, 1H56. Iltl'l HI II AR N.TI..NAI. C...NI »NTl..N. |t8B. Hat,,it noa Panrotai hv Wiliiaut L Vaucay. liita. wa l of Virjinfa. I all. K < B_BB Ri IB, (i. n TuoBAt J o! T. i.t ri. ..ii, 'lei. IViBViai !. .f N.-w York. 8»< BLBit.' CoBtaam * at ( ba.l**t. .. 8a. IBBht' CosiaailoN at i:a B'_oie. Hb-'.ki. l\ a || .> N,.- v.rk BBK..U1M, J.HN, I P. ¦iBB-BtaB. OTBu ll ol Si IVBB1 EZTBNtlua Kt.litl, Tl. n Bi ii ?. i»*i.r Ai... »-ai fitsiRR ABBBOaa ii'S-'. V.ra Sl IV. IK, J IIN C. ol ^^.. | I cia\R!<-. a Am.krv. ,,t \ lialadi BTBaa-B, BoHBRT, of North . arcllta L'l'tyBH. Maaaa.-huartta. ? fFaBMBCtirET.Fower BBd UnttaM fl'. Tayuoh Ratifiiatiu.-* Meetim. at PbUaaelphia. 1'AIL.IH, /.ACIJAHI, bf LoilUUua. Tl EM J..W1, ..| Virfinia. ''11 i.e.v Cambi. H of Ohlo. TorrET, I.AA. of Counectiiut \a-j Bt heh, Maetif, of New York. V..TE IN W ltl« Nlll'iNiL Cu.yiE7.TI0>!, 16SJ. W.kii J h* E of (leorxi*. Wbh.ieh, I'.5ixl, of Ma.n.'lli.aetU. Weliee. C'cl. JbsS B., of CeiLfurni- WhioNati IUx, COjVVBNTIO.t*. White Htrea L.. of WiujoT, Oxvin, of PenDnlvani*. Wn>..-. Gta Hrmit, of MaaaacboaetU. Wtar, Wii.liak, oi Minlaud W.LKiNa, Williae, af Pennjylyania. V\ lacoNxiX derlarr. for Fre* T.rrU..ry. Wooi.m bi, Lbvi, af New Hampahire. tYBMBT, SiLia, of New-York. 1 cs. BI. B ii.1.1i* 1- of Alabama. Y..t .iu, (ol 8 cmiki. of New-York. __-.___. P i * OlpeT.opy, poetpald; $<*'< P*-r hundred Cflih utdeit latttuw*Jmmm,V^ ti&tbibuhe Trlbune Building., _New York. LITTLE, BBOWN aVOa."" BOBTON. FITBLISH THIS DAY: A HIHTORYIOF NKW-ENOLAND UCR1NO THE STVART DYNASTY. HI J0H*l IMIKHAE Pxl.FRKY, LL.D. Vol. II Hvo. tW 24. Thia Toln-e.onxi.Uof.lx hnndred aud forty'*, *nd em- BtaBB* tbe prri..d of tne C- i.fedeiacy of the Four Coloniea, ex- tc-Ldii g from ihe ye i lo44 to the year 1*7. Ittree'.of the lili- tory ot Englaud duruig tb» lart year. of Ci. .'Ie. the Fir»t, the Co.nii.or.wealth, ELd the hr.t yearofCharlea the Se.ond; ot th» p.ln itice InatHatioa. and uugea of New KngU d, ot the re- la'i.i. of tl.e Kour t:olonlea te thr uelrbboinx BT*aeh and Dnt.'h plantera; of tianaartlon* with the N. agen.ett and IndUna. and wi h Engll.h borderer.; of Ue »'.t.- of F.ltot, Mayhew antl other. to evaugelLse the r.-ui . of tbe or gaci/Btlou'of Co'gre«a'i. nali.B), and Ita inrlnenre c the MNBTBt ot en Uria.tiral and BaBBflE Ettairi ln the parent .ountry: ofthe Sroceedlug. Egaiu.t P.ealyterlana, Unakera, *. d BaptiaU; of M.enaioti. in tbe ConfrJeraoy, threat.-ulig iti di. ¦'. nion of the r.tabUahiug of Rbode Itland and Gounecticu'. H chanered giver-nenU; ofthe annex>tiono( New-Hive-i MCbb.BettflBti of the adveuture. of tl.e three reirlride fugitive.; ot the def'.-at of the attempt of l.oid Clareiicon ti overthrow the ( harter Governm.-iit in Ma..a:hiiHjtU, and of the e.t*i.!Hi:i ent of the authority ol tbe colony over New-llampahlre and Maine. " Thia work of on autbor aho alfi* out the ol.i and tbe ;,.-w, In th" llght of* tiue theory, 1. tlie hrit book to jrlve » cohereat and ccapr.-henaire rxLlbftion of tbeground poli.-y of tho men who ir.-ntrdNew Kngland"- [Chrirtlan Exatniner. " W r coutr*!"^'** *,r Palfrey. uul .mly Ior hia good fortune in bavit.g *.uoble a theme reaerv.-d for hia peu, but for the m.iuent «ucc»». with wbloli he haa ao f.r treitel it. We truat hi*Hfe and fialth will be i^ared to con.plete the work on the cou prel.enaice «.-ale on whi.h kt ha* been BBfBBI Bf we are toi.Tident tbat it will Uke it. place with thoae p,i»ae,.,loua fur- ever' whi.h a-i unoanal uumber of xieat hiaturical wntei. have lu our day given to the world ". ( Boaton Ciurier. "Ecery peg«.i"e.e»ide...'euot only of con»cl"ntloa» r«eear.;h, but of tLai biatort'.al aagaclty, without wbich the uio.t pain.- takinx hurlity ia of little a'wil. We believe that Dr. Palfrey ha* penetrat.d derply iutu tbe .ulrlt of Ainericin biatory, aud baa thua given a certaiu haru.ooloua unitT to tlie annal. of the New- Ei.xland fathtl., the want of which ha. made t!i>- uairative. of tlirir foitune., a. u.ually related by th* early writera, «o eiid, cotilu»ed and repulsive. .[N. Y. Trlbune. " liaxed npon thorough re.earch, written with good aenae, and the moierty that commonly diatiugulahr. a real trom au arl.-c.ted fulne.. ol k'rowledge, thia Hirtory of New-Engiand promiaea to be a aub.unnal add.tion to the librurlea of Eogiaiid aud Aiueri co.".| Lt r.don Exxu.lner. Mr. P..l:..-y i* oua ot tliat a.-.hool of hiatoriia. of which thia ace il- h. iri.t Ln ma:.y departm -nta ol* a j -t rlght ti be proud.". [London Sat .rd-iy Revtew. 'O WIDE-AWAKE (HTBS~ T Ev.ry VN ide-Aw-ake Club ahould have cupie. of TBE P0L1T1CAL TEXT-ilOOK. for BBB Compiledky HORACE GREELEY and J. F. CLEVELAND. P i <. i 1 per ...[>..¦ He t by cuail. prepuid, on rec*ipt of price. 4 hiba are .upplled by «p. ea* at 0«o r*r BB Addrea. THE TRIBI NE, New-York. ©onts. A LADY, wht.TEACHES ENGLI.SII, MATH- ^ r MATICB, LAT1N, FRENCH, ITALIAN. and the RL- IilMlN'18 ol D1LAWING, wialiea eu.pluynieut, for two or thr.e Juur. a day (eveuiug preferred), in the C'ty of New-York. The be.' n-fereiicea. Bonrd taken in rompa>n«afton or not a* de- atred. Addreaa Box No. 524, Po.t-Orti.-e, New Haven, ( ..nn. ARESPECTAITlE rrot4?8tdiTtl51RL^i8_era BITl'ATION aa plaln cook, wa-her and irouer. Caa be aven for two day. at No. 815 9thav betwe-u i'2d and Kd *tt. E^xTOlTs^and PlJBLIsTiElTsV^-A Practical Friiitvr (wi'h a (tnall family), who anderaUnd. the dirTereat branckr. ofhl. calllng. de*ire. s *ituB'.io.i a* FORF.MAN in a Coor.ury Ofli.e. No obj.etion to golnt Bouth. Satiafactory r>-f- erener. given lf requirrd. Addre*. ArOL'STL'S, Trioane (llh.e .t.itii g MMBBl of wage. and full j.arti. ulala. I^AMILIES iu WA.N1 t.f (.<>'LMlELP will pleaxe call at Mra. YORRtTON'8 olfice, Nu 2.1 4th-&v., where a great niimber of GIRLS BBB be had. for h th city and Ooniitry. No diabouext deallii*. practired at her ottire. SERVANT8 .THE^EMPLOYMENT SOCIE- T>'8 OFFICES (late Bible Houae) have removed to the .pa.-lona roouii at 4 Hr 11, on Aitor-place.ext -ndingthro .«b to Uthit. urar Broadwiy, where BBB be found a large aaaort- ment of hrit cla.« domeatic*, witb inveatiga'ed ebiractera and .JuUitiCationa. German and Freuch lielp alway. on hand, tor ctty or couutry. 1 he French aud German lanxaagea apoken. MiaaHELD, Mat on_ QT0VE-M0LDER8 WAN'TED..Thirty Stovo- O Plate MilJer. wauted. Wmk itnd p.L'e equal to any oth^r Fun ace. Noue b..t good workmei. need epiily at the fiirnE:e, Paek.kUI. We.ich' .ur Connty, or to THOS. BOl'THARD k Co No. 2-il Water-.t New-York._ ¦faTaTAMTED-"--lo a privato latnily, reBidiiicr a Tl thmt ol*Unce Lo the rountry. a RK8IDENT OOVK.RN F.BB, ibe mmt be fully'nt tu Imuart a thorough En tli.h edu.a'lcn, Krench, and muxlc. Apply by letter to Box No. 1.119 Lowe 11'o.t Oflice. YV'AN'IED.A rOUNO MAN 18 t.. 16 yars of T * ate, a goodpenman, and with *oui« knowledge rf the dnig bn»iiie»» to KEEP tbe BOOK8 and make BBBBxaV feuerElly uaa-ful iu a dru* atote |n tlie couutiy. Addreaa J. H. P , Box No. 4,577 New-1 oik Po.t lltt..-a> ln arplb'J.nt'a own writiug. Noue aeed apply bot thoae of rtrictly temperate hablU._ W~ A NTED.Am ASBIBTAKI BOOKKEEPR. a riogle man, a- part of ai. co.-.penxatiou will k* ln hoard. Addreu P-.Tribute Oflice._ \\TAM'ED-BITlTATlO\S io tlu-city or cnun- II ti y, gu>d Cook «nd Lautid.e.a. aa Walter ai.d Chnmber- mald, and lo .to Hou»owork, by very comp. tcnt GLrl*. Call at E. CAItRdl.1.8, No. 6i)6thav._ WANTED.By a rOBBf M;in, a aituation SALFSMAN or CORREnPONDINO CLERa ln a wbole»»i«-imp .rtlng or jobbing bou«e, wbere falr oa.lneM ca pecity wlll be appte. iated Cau forniah moat uneic. ptionable city lefeieuce. Addreaa M. K. T Tribune Oiriee. CtturBions. EXCURSIOiN TO THE COAL FIELDS OF PENNSYLVANIA -The Cei.tral Railroid of New J. r»ey will .<¦:: Ti.ket. tbrougli thi. region, dutiug the month ot September. Fare for tle et.tiie Kxcur.lon 0" 50, T: -k eta go.d tor ten day. Leave Conrtlandt-.t. at 6 nnd 8 o'.-lock a. in 12 o'.-lock m., and 4 o'cluck p Bk. Leave Pier No. 1, North River at 7^ and 114 o'elock a m.,ar..i 0) o'elock p. m Apply for mketa tt eilher plaee. For fuIt^er li.fonnailou apply to Ii. P BALDWIN, Geueral Tl' ket Agent, No. Hi Wall-rt. EAR"LY McTRyrNiTirxt:i7l{SI0N to the ( HOLERA BANKS.-SeaSteamerHL'NTRESS, Capt J. Duvall will n.ake au early -n. n.lng excnralon to the above rronnda on WEDNF.8DAY, Sept 5. lilin, leavb.g Ja.-k»oo-*t. at 11 o'elock a. in.. and Peck-»lip*t2 u'.l...'k a. m. Bait f.iruUhed xratia. Liut. and reireahmeuU can be had on boar.i. Fare «2 WALTER I) C. BOGG8. JOSEFH DUVALL. ftlisiellaneono. /1 PATCH & Co., KEWING-MAOHINE NEE- \U» DLF.S aud Trlmmlrut.of *very de*crip4lnn, wh.ileaale and retall. 11. E. WELTON k Co., Agenu, No. 45J Broadway. |?DW. CORNIMO aY 00. li Have removed frum No. 81 J.ihn .t. to their NKW STOR E, No. -ib Dl.iui .:., near Bruadway. Ny. sewTng-machlne"emporuimT" . Be i. Bb.iai.wat, ooa Baaaaaw WA t RY VAalETY OF FIRiiT CLAOO Fttmtiy and Afanii/.ia-Turinp Srvnj M -ii.if. TO ltKNT AM) FOB HAr.F. Fartie. Ln aent of S.-wing Ma.hlnea will .av* tl.eic^lv*. EWat time aud Iroiible by cailing at the EMPORU'M, whar* they can aelect from * ttock of ALL THE LKADING MAC1IINE8, aad can tett the .an.e bef.ue purrhaahig. Ma. i.u..-. bougbt,, and repaired. V. W WICKJES, jr No Broalwaf. 1MJRE rll'El.'-VINEGARffoea the PELHA1I P \ II M FOB BA LE-N*wt..wn Pippi" refnied l 1'_ « MNKOMl-waxrantid pure. in hhda tuid bbla-for hot-la. gr BBBB, .bipper., ^^j^ffiffi** 4 r ,ie Bul, !, PB1MT1NG f«.r RALEV-^ 1 a Ifa* -inrle ...-.n eyhxatVi T****** »fe_ r? '"i litl .... »..-.! 3t,**7. with regiaterieg rni- fte.. l_, ^tKKmtmXT^^ . ^d.likiirdaoi.',,-.,^;...'^^^^^ New YorkT>(. 1-., Baa.BI i'i.1' I H.ra,:..,..'i ,t CUEPIH" PUaWHT i> 8WEDI8B Pl'NCIl. ' WILL « hi; ONSI Mrn »N WILL t niK CONBI MFTIO.N Three Wine xlaaa.aUarn hnton r.llriui wlll i:re ii ,-..l.t l| ia ajpelb.r t" wn,. a B**d ln MOI foi ..l -a aud p .ddili.- Aaa kayataa* it -ai.iiot be n :i i B.i.iai tl.e ........fa. tt > NaMWaka>ai Friea OjObm BMB f 12 b- M aa, 4-2 M p*i aallett, 80c. bu aa. Bottla CaOTEN LY4 tlON k Co __>mggg_tentg. _ ACADEMY OF M1IMC.--^I_t7It)-CW -TV i'KSI. WEDNE8U \ '.. S. p'*..,b*r 5, at I 0*:toc_, Fir t ipt/e-irsBF., (_i, ».,..( tn»i *:n. ,*tr .. r.c rtS'-jl. .n, MME ADEI.AiDE (oarEsi, in h*rrr*at role of PAf MNB IN POLU'iO Fint appeiraoca -.hlt aeaaon of tha f-i_>ot T.nor. BIONOR MI 8IANT WKDNESDAY, Hept. 5, poaitlv-lyonty ¦>< DoB'x'U'¦ IL POLirfii OR f MailTlRl, with MME ADELAIDE roBTP.Sf! 8I(i M'.'alANI, 8IO AMODIO. ln the principeJ rdlet. fondu'ior...-.MAX MAR-T/EK. On THrR8DAT,8*pt.«. M1S4 ADEI.INA PATTI, '''h'r^U,r!_t'c/>.'_yLAMMEILMOOB. 0BFRIDAV.«*p4.:Xn_rAir)_r0RT>;sf IL TRAVATORE OnSvT.'Ri.AY.atl F1RST ORA.M) MATINEK. li AJ_>.lJM's AM'_KJ''AN Ml.'rtEl.'AI. L'uder tb* p_r» aai auperrbdou ot p T _A_.lO_l BF.8T VENTILATED LECTIRE ROOM ln theworld. and ddiightfully cool and pl-atdot. taiaaaaaaitj hlt immeua* torceat,tha Maaager ii pleaard to call '.he sttentioi. "f h.» pat'oi.e to THE VvHVT CAN THF.Y BEt" TIIE "HAT CAN THF.Y BE!" tiie'B B.ieT woNiiaart-t, «tkan.,b, and MlhTERI"! .S ANIMALB, Tw.( IN M'MHBK, AND or DI1TIN..T .I'B- Ba, F..Mid ln tl.e bitheito ar*rplor-d wlldt of AfritM, In a abi. darly p> twr% -tat* of pr.-a. rvatiou, hava been eee-nrad for a ibo, t _m only Mr Bainum WILL OIVE ONE THOI'SAND nOI.LARB, To mv nati.rallit r t rtbnr p-rton, who will eorreitly :lat<ify tha WHAT CAN THEY bl. under any ap-cl.t or 88888 l-d dowu in iJoi.c a»it it, Ccviaa or any p'iblnh«_ work oa t All KAl. itHTuKy 1'.,...,. i,.J*-. riba,,I* ammala are 10 be teen at all houra^ aa are aiao th* followtng. A TaTTOOED Nk.WZEAl.ABD CHIEF I.H INO "WHAT 18 IT1 " or MAN MONKEY Th* mo.t ii.teirttjug, ainnaini and wonde tal cr»*tiira koowa. THE OREAT LIMN'O I1LACK 8EA LION. Tb* only ani nal of th« ev*r aeen In the Atiaat-! B__B THE WUNDEBFUL _LbINO KaMILY: Faeh with Pnra Wblt* Kkln Bllken White Hair, Plnk Ejee, fcc thouxb born of petfertly b.._ parer.U l.Af)Y WITH LONO HAIR. TUE FINE8T AUL'ARIA IN THE W'ORLD' F.ll.'d witb b_euUful 7.IVINO FISH, LIVINO 8EAL, L1TINH ALLI'JATURB. fc.-... fc.: THE FAMOC'S LIUHTNINO CALCCLATOR, MONSTEK SNAKEI FORTI.'NE TF.LLF.R, BABY ANAOOBDAB HAPPYP4M1LY OREAT VARIETY (J¥ NEW WiX KIOUaCB. Tiib PBHrt.RBAM r.c ib thb TfiiB R.ioa, ev«ry Ailar- l.ocn tnd Kv.nlng st 3 aod 7| oVlock wi'l ron.iat "f aa arawtna fo.i.lili.ali.1 of PE'lITE DRAMA-, FARCE8, DANfEB, Vi- fcc. by a talentrd Troup*. All thete, beeide all th* W ..noVra and Noreltiet of the Mri.tna roliei tion, wbicb ein irnret not l.-ti than 154,880 CL'RIOSITIES, from every part ofthrt worid sreall, yet. ALL TO BE SFEN FOR IS CENT8. Cblld'eii ondat 18 yetnt, 15 renti Ml'.SEl'M OPEN from 7 s. m. till M p. ra. AV INTEE OARDEN. TL'ESDAY 8EPT 4. LA8T FIVE NIOHTS of PROFLSSOR fcVDER-ON. in hia inott titriordiuairj uio-t MHtBag, and linmenaely p.paler nt. rtainm»nt, A NIUHT IN WONDER WORLD; Or, MAI.IC. MI ITH, AND MYSTERY PROFESSOR ANDEKSON regreU having u annoonce hia latt Ltgl.tsln New-York. vV'hm he becanie tbe o upint of the V. 'inter Utden, a fortr i/l.t lioce, he announc-d thit hia eDgate- uii ,,t waa for th'ee week. ouly That t"rm exp)r>-a ou 8at.ird>/ i.eit, md ow_n to tli* liiimedlate BBHBtaaaa ol Mr. and Mea Harney Willlaait, no re> ngvgeinert ran po.aib'y be elfeotad. Pr. f.-ior Acdariori raiurtanMv snnouncaa that theae vrill p.isrilVFLY, PKFlNfTELY, IRRr.VOCABLY, POS1TIVELY, DEF1NITELY, IRREVOCABLf, b* hia LA8T FIVE BIOBfla, t.VLEDICTORY PIYOOMANTIC FERFORMANCE8, VALED1CTOKY PBYCOMABTIC PERFORMANCES, TWO FINAL MATINEE8MAOIUUE3. on W EDNEIIUY. Sept. 5. and r?ATL'RDAY, Sept. 8. SATI'RDAY E\FN1N0, Sept. 8, THE LAST NIOHT. V1IJLO"8 GARDEN JAMK8 M. NIXON. Laa- ll te* tnd Msnsa*..-ROYAL EuLESTRIAN TROUPE. (.rest . »¦¦" of tle UYMNAM'IC TOL'itNAMENl. sad AMA7EI R FF.STiiAIf. Tlie contettaut* and vi/-tort upod tbe SINIiLE THAPAZE, will sppear THI3 EVENlNO, TI'F.SDAY, September 4. IV UOIUZONTaL LADDBBB. *p> 1*1 notice relative to tbe tecond and laat __*at*ur (.y.,,»»tic F**livsl The manngrtnent having witneaaed toa tr ition *vtn.t*d by tbe rttla. na of and «t an.ara to New- Ifr . n tb* proRTeaaion of educatlou upon Uie | 1 i,_ »tad.-n'a of healthy paatJmea, the getv-rstioo of !, ropollt, hat yl*lded to th* requeat ot niany w._l_nowii rlr ..ei a, tnd 8. ntluded lo cntitue the eiercuioa one we-k :oi «.-r jpa-rn ittu-a any urateur ot r apectsbtlitv to.uter tha lif.a, tl tf Fiffordln.' ai, op^ortui itv for frl«-udly *uiulalloa amoug tha New-Yoik Oyn naitt. and all iwii.t their falhara, adObflra, at*t ira or wlveaa fair c-^auoe to a»e tiielr pr'ih.deDcy ln »-nve tc.».';a. FUit uiar.tol'tl. dUiini:liHII)(lELEAPlN(J.anuw^._iedpl*.a ol ra i-atrl trlan hy M. ne SEHASTIAN OaaHMoftaeCU&RI- (ILI'M'i ARA tb*8IX bANLONS.anda'lthdadjun td, TIH E\E. li;*!. Pricet of Admlttion-Fa idly Olrcldien- BBflBB on cal,' it).M renta: Parqnette and Drtaa Clrsla, Ta) re.U; Orch BBB (.__" 01; Pri .ate Boxea, *>5 and 0<J. In tha E> .-. Ina- ' ¦'. >n op'-n at 7 o'ciock To coimaeaoe at 8 o'cl.xk t'tand Matinee an Wedneaday, at 1 o'lock. T> muirow ,-vening. tbe Equeitrlaii libthtt by the Amatd'.ra AV AJ.LACKS THEATER. H"F8DAY. 8ep; 4, RE-ENUAi.EMENT OF MIS8 JANE COOMB8, Suppoiied by Mr. OKOBOB JUfiDANand Mr. MARK SMITH in THE W'IFE'B SECRET W1.HNK.8DAY Sept. 5,18liO, THE LOVE ( HASE. B, » Book ii.'W op»-n. Doou op. u tt "J to coiomcuce at il o'ciock. PALACE GARDENfl, Kourt.-i nth at.. near 8lxtb-Avenae. ENTIRE CUANOE UF PKUORAMME. Nuvel and Beautiful Exhibition of ACTINO DiSSOLVINO Y1EWB, by O M. SPILLER'B LATEI.Y IlISCOVEBJSD AOF.08COPE. Iu conn*ction wi h The (i.. at Italian Bufio Artittd. SIGNOR AND 8IONURA MONTANABI. Admiatlou ii centi. ^AI_i-AtK',' TIIEATER.-NOTICE. . The W Ls.i.t and Centlxmen . -igaged for the eLiub.g REOII.AR SEASON aie*ated to me.-t st the Tbeater on WEDNESIlfcY. 8vpt5, st 11 a m. LE-TBB WALLACK, BJ8QB Msnager. BO w B B y theatp;k- OEORUE WOOD.BaJfLMM snd gBBM Mi. aud Mn JAME;; W'ALLACK, Jr. tlf;sday, s-pt 4, luw: UL'V MANNEBIN0. MegMerrlle,..Mra /. W. W'Al.UCK, Jr. Usndie Di-mont. Mr. J vV. W ALLACX, Jr Th* ttcceaaful fsrte. writtenforM W '' l>l(htou: THE FOOL OF Tlf A ViLY. p. p.urmana:_ S^TcltELTand BrlTtMJELIJ s'CONCERT stthe HOME FOR DE8TI1I _t)REN OF SEA- MEN SaUort'8u.i* Harbor, SUteu ... I .u WEDN iC8D tY. 5, st 3 o'ciock the HOME AND 11ALF OHPH AN ASYI.I M CHII.L.RKN, s .l.tedby Mi -e. Foote, Il-i, KUoa, snJ Ms-.hall. atd Mr.-ia. IV, k sodl VVI lt* Ch?nii M_rtar, Mr. A P. PECK. Mr. OEO. F. BRIHToW will prende at tha Piauoforte. H_00LEY A C-JaTBELL'* MIN8I__-__I. NIBLU'8 SAI.OOB. CROWDED HOI'SF.S ( ROWDED H0l.ES. E 1- BY E\ E.N1NO. EVER i EVENlNO. Doort BBBB at * to ou.!..i-ni*»- st i. Ti iMt*, _> eeuta. ^TEW-J ERSEY STATE AdRICULTURAL I FAIR .The New Jer-ey KtUrosd Company will lell F.X- CLRSION TICKETBat Hll thrir ..ffi.-et, at redu.-ed ratea. frora the 4th to the Tti. Septe;..1,-ei, imiuaiv*, t.. to to the Kalr Uraiuidd atKlusbetbaudietuni. J. VV WOODRl'FF. A.d-ta 18upar_Ba-4aat_ NEW-JERSEif 8TAT*rY\IR.-Tlw jSB R.-iJrcad afNew Jeney will .ell EXf t I18IU.N TiCEf.TS duiing Ihe Fab; froui th-' III. to the Tih of Sepi-niber laolti.ive, from Nt w-York t > Fair Uro.n.da snd rrturn Ldaaa rier No. J North Rlver, at:.*' and ll:M a ¦ ai.d ItBp-B. The r-sir Gro.udaareatELIZABETU.and trvi- ttop within H f«at af tbe tutriune. I NTERNATIONAL ART INHTITIITIOaN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINl.S, Bd tiiit Brosdwsy, corner ot 4th at, Open from 10 a m. to 7 p m. Adiniaaioo ti cent*. CACBED and MIst'EI.I.ANEOI 8 CONCEKT, ^ Kt th* Hoiue for P.atit'ite Children ol Haat-a, Bail.ira' Suua _____rT-*_an. I.l.i.d, WEI).M>I)AY ,. at I p. m. b, «l,^ llom* asd lla'f-Orphi-i Aiyluin ttnldr.'ii An BBdlBlBaaa ab"* p'.rinmt, iiL.I.r l-a airacttoaol Mr. A P. PEOK. Tha fot-eedi lo he api M-d for the btttraction of tbe nildren lu ro.-al ,'u.i" Foi lick.-ta. apply at RANDULPIl'S. No OH Broad¬ way or A. < WOOD'B, No. 7 Johntt. New-York._ BLONDLN BLONDIN !.Tku wott-erful BLOBDIB'fl tint A.<, EN>IONoo the Tlt.ilT ROPE, i! N.. lork. »illpoiliiv*lv t*k.- p'.-e at Jonea'i Woad. Iha Kthli.'t Tl.l" A-¦ eu.I..i. will ba the t|i|||B evef uiada by him. hakaj 2< I aat h'gb and 2 .00 f'.-et long. rpHE C-_L-BBAT__D llLONDOT whoae won- 1 pe hard aatonlahddl ti taany tt Nli.tar. Falli, will appear ahoitly lu Naw York. U JONEI^B B"ROA\N'« OREAT I'lCI'l'RE The apl.ndid vl"W of New York ftotii Hobokea, bj the cal* ebiaed, OBO. L. IRoW N. ralled "BAY AM. CITY OF NEW-.oKK AT SL'NRWE," li n»w on vi_w st tli* CRAYON ART l.AI.LEHY.. omar Rroadway and dih aC Atliiuttai.. . gj...iita. t.l.llHi;il)N,,,li)l_. ^v-tu'rtioing l^gciuo. rPO Al>\ KRTISEK'S.-S M. PEl A M Ct) Ntt. 11*4 N*..AU-.t.. sre.._»nti> .eiil.itg adv-rtl.- BUN_a te at.v ut.d evarr pai r lu the I td S ..te. aai Otitiah aastth. pobUahrrt lotvaag ralaa, P part miybete"n Nd ti Mateit, Bctt i. .iiJNo 11. Naa- a .. tt Nrw Y,nk 1^0 I'IMM'EliS. -A _.-..l at IBOO I'."' tb.)-*** J-- .lioi-t.... ..,-:.. Ih*| t y P.IINTIN'O- (I. KI* F. a ra-ona '' ¦'. . ' at N. l< .tl. t. 'd a..u. hak "wuj. bjlar. -u landio tp i. ol KA.MH M. I1'BB1B.N.

Transcript of THB ISTEW-YORK T^JLBUNEJ mt^mWfgfgm · Y0L-XX.N -6,041.NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1860. PRICE...



THB ISTEW-YORK T^JLBUNEJaft W WxtOF.TORH B»E1F \F TsEfBlJlfximt^mWfgfgm ax, avaaa*

BF Th£TWl.l.'NBAFJ'OCIATlOM,t* rmx -anrvEE *cit.i»iE»*. «»b*bb >f s.iuc ajr&traeeata raa "U1^m_* ,,ffoeitb Taa cm-a.__,AJaOiattvel^t^riyy*01^^^ ^i**01* F** .***. *¦ftobauiVw-. a* 8** aaoaxa ta eatver-* B» 'ot Lx -ronOw.


_» axnjef Btrxooet at the rat* of 01 per enaomi. 08B-, TwentyaW***>Xo ¦fcJr.a.of **e.h nihaortber (ar.J any la-*er nnmber aiBJaa x*4e of 01 * eaeh), *»4 Aay pe:*oa Mraauog a* * alub oltr **y ar t**>e wlll be eeaUed to ao extra oopy OohaarLptioa*L BBBBEBBBB at aay Uma

ftrfv jA»»-pi«.it*IjiTbb Webei.t Teie-eb eort ONE DOLB>AB *NU TWENTV PIVE CENT8 PKR LLNE for eeah

Nr^bio* t*»*rted for leaa tban B»

VbbK aKni.yVtKHLY TRIBUrVBla an»a*tM-ai every TiBarxv and Fbidxt MoamitA, Prioe $1BBB Bxuaux*; Two U pl*. for Oi Fiv« Copie* for 0" **


Bt rseRahed or. the fleparfir* of e*«-b Mail Stearoer for l/tverBaal a* Oi P»r axcaum, *oata-> Locloded. Binfl* Copie*. Yive0*au4

I ¦ I

M-ptcial Koticce...a.¦. . "

\Vlde-Awa_ee. Atuntiuu !LET EVKRY »UN BK EQUPPKD.

Tk-arkyAnal UARlMiKP ( Nlf-ORM, the only deeirableMyk*, aaa at a larwer r»ie than aay other mancifa t'ir-«dTLe ODalertlgi.<J Lavmg r-ade arrangecoenU with tlie Ortgiual

BaFXaaBxetuar, will. after thia dat", be ahle to furulah Club. ateaart aoticr with the ahjv* Uuiforui Conipiete.

Prlvate*' GbBBB, l apa, ao,j, Ottic»r»' Coal., Lanternx,aV4 t'apa, a_« r.' Torclie* oi. 0, " VVide-AwaXe" Eagle*tad Medal*. tepetber with F.dge k Co.'. cel-bralel Klrework.,aa-.taa.lly on bm.d, in any qvuitlty, at No. 111 Broadway.Cxab* Lo tbe rouniry ahould atiuiee* C. V. R. PON J, No. 112

fa ay, New-iork.

Yoaig MeaS Ite-publiran 1 nion.BJJOI7LAB MKKTlNi. Tl'EMiAY EVENINO. SEPT. 4.

<TCYVESANT INSTiri 1 K, No. 65J Broadw.y.Tne BMOtB g wiil be addreaaed by Mea.r. WELl OMl* R.

BKIhE, U M. H IKFFT, and E C. JOHNSON.CEPHAS BRAlNtRH Cb'n of l> -. Com.

YoiiBg MrnN Uepabliran l nioniiavi'vi aniEai. am. Reclino Rgub.

Un. Ho am. Etbxieb,8rr\VjEeA>T l.t.TiTt'TB, Bo. h-Vi Bkoapwct.

rlegulex 1'uhhc Meeting, evrry TI'KSilAY rAKNIKO.CEPHAS hAAlNFRD, Ch'n Le.. tim.'.* Bteku-o, Beerelary.'H*.. RltM-tloa A grand~Ma«« Meeting of tl.e GERM 4.N01 Pl t LICa.N l Ll B ©! Uie X> 11th Ward will be held onTTBSDAl EVEM1BO, Srpi. 4 attn. Lincoln Houae, corneraf l.oualou aud AJJaa-aV. Tbe meeting will bv adjre»6«d by

hKKUtRiL.K KAI'P e..iBlOIsMl'Mi klAI rM-\.NN, e*q.,

TWO ELEl ItlKS UN THE REPl ULKAN TICKET andB T/4'HIRNER. e«j ai.d ctheia.

All pen>on« in tavor of t rn- Sinjwh, Kree Prea*. Kree ilon.e-*tt-ad and ProUitivr Tarlfl, and oppoaBd to S.avery Exten-ioi.aja riqn-»tedto altend. *EIER COOK. Fre.ideut

«>a< P Brt-riMA.N, Se.reta.r.Twelltk Ward K*-pul.liran Anaoriation, A rperia.

Lu-etlxg ol thi. A.^.i.U u wiil t.e !.. .J oa Tl I'.riliAY EVEN¬INO, Sept 4, at ".o'elock, at Hevi ...a.teia. on 3d av., uear \..d

at.iMLLIA.M M NN1NU, Preaideut.W:: un E. Pih.k, Se>retaiy.Thirtrriith Ward Kepubliran AsnorlHtlon. A f ol tbi. Aaaociatiou be beld at ttii juarter.,ho triJOrandatjonTi EiDAY. EVEMBO, 4th in*t Thenailuu of the YN ard Bre re.peotfuily li.vited.

THOS. C. UOILD, Frealdtnl.Jahb> M laia, I!r»-Ki A. Bmith. iSe.'..

~"Nlnth and BtBTaBlh WsLrtla, Bra4*aJj^raa.Tk* VthASSEMBLl DI.-'IRK f KKPl'HI.HAN I'NlO.N will n,e.t atOianad- Hall. No lUMyitieuv. cn Tl'EBI'AY. 4thiuat.,atu o'alock p. in. Adoie.a.. by |BE Haa.!! Btnford aid<<h- ra 6i:.rLu£ by tle- uuriva.ed Prairie Bo.jjt.tvr^ Rf.ervedUr*t» fot lattht..

YVIL.LIAM M MUril.MORE, Preaideut.P. W OaTkCMtK l_ __,_

jAMEeV. K..tKNi,i^>ttr'f"_T**»-nij.FirBt Uurd WldcAwakfB.-A 8IEET-

IM.olthi* tlob will b? beld Tll 1 i (1'ue.ciu\) EVENINO. at<i o tiock, at lleadouaiter*. i'aiti.-ular attei.clau.-e i« reqne*la-dW. U. t.K.K....s iac. J. SuLIs KlTi'ERbANO. Pie.idrut.

""aTtiTcoln and I.ibertv I-H1TH ASSLMBLY U18fkHI L1M.U1.N A.Sl, FlAMLIN IAMi'AH.N CLUB..Mcvtu.g l'O MU1IT, at Republican inait- ra, MetrojioliuxuHaOl. No 17S hriLce at near Tbojiijjaoi: So.aker. wii »ddi--»ataeandieice WM K T. l HAP.MAN. Frealienl.Wa. Fatter»'.n, i s.cret_rii.,W. I'AhLoiK, i hecretanea._KIbwbb Connty Kepubliran l.t-neral Commitiee..

T>e rejear oioiuLi^ lurettag af tUa CoaaaBEBas artll be beld attbeir ivtiu.i, No. b l uurt-.t on Tl EEOAl EVEBLNO, »epl 4,at 'ii a'.'ltx-k. A luil attendajjie i« ir.|ueated

bElli li. COLE, Chairmau.J. N. Bteaenk. SeCretary._r axaaaaEBaaiv-Tha TarkviUB UNCOI.B AND HAMLIN

I Ll b wL.1 hold a pul Ic .eet:.-F THIO EVENINO, at 8o'ciocE.atHajwi./d Hall, .i c.t katk ll und Ut av. 1Ti« uieetlng wiJIt- *<ldrea.ed b\ K. M. lOLL aud C i 11 L'S KRUiT, e*t|-.

J M. KI II), I'r.-..deut.

Tbe llon. Iliratn Rtlchuni .-ud .ther. will ipeiX at a

l moii .Mr.tU.4 ol. 'lt r.M'Ai NIOHT, Bc-pt 4. irtt^l. at 8cAicxk ai 1 levcke. b..lidiux«, ln Bleeiker-.t, con.e- of Mortou-a< Ntw York. A. M. BININOER,

Cliairin-ti WaidN. I. Club.

Atteatian '. Wide Awaiea !-The TWENTiBTHlAAItLi *A 1UB-AVY AJvEB wU) uieet at tbeir H^adqnart. rt

11118 EVEK1BO, at 8 e a L.t every nu-ii.ber bc- prompilycn. l-nd. AU Rip-t'U^anaiii tbe ward tre i.^it-d t. be pr.aeutat Uia u.reiing. 1" E. OA\ IT, Captain.IiAMb M. ai.ab. SerreUry- JOHN V. OR1ULEY. Prea.

~\\ide-ATTako^IleadguarierB, MarahaPa Oltl.e.No6Ubruadw.iv N i i b> cou.jj.a-ttanta ol iheaeverai \\ Ui-

Awake t ou.pai.i'-a IB tbi. rity de-iiii.g to Jeraey 4'ity ou

Wtdi^aday nixJJt. *Xe 'e^ueat'tl to meet at .'¦ o. t lt* Broadwuy,.1'O-liAi iTueaday) at 5 v. u, for tLr pjijic-r ol j-rfecting ar

ralieLent. J H. HuBAitl \\*AJKL), Oiaud Mar.Uai.vTa. E Otxataai ra, lataMatat_

~tlenrral Morlfiy of Hechanlca aad TrudeBxnen.-A auea-ial election !or Presidrnt ot tlua 8ocic-ty( to hll ttie va-

cancv ocrarioiied b^ tl.- deceiu>e of tbe late Pre.ident. Jobn A.Bantig, e»q., wlll be b.-ld at tlie next atated m.-eting ou

OVFIlKEBbAY EYENINUaaat, Sept .'., at Met¦ha!_-». Hali.Bo i'U broadway, at ^ne hcur alter By order.

WM. VAN NORDEN, Serretary.We wonld caTl the attrntlon of our Brooklyn readeu

to lt.. BaYarlbaBkaBE of tb* COlaLEtrh ORAMMAR SCHOOL,lo anotttr column.

I.irit oln hdiI Hamlln l nilorui*Club. Famulietl wuti Cttp, Cape, and lorcli, Cooper'. Btyle,


C'tob. Vurulabed witb Cap, l >pe, ai.d Tereh, Cooper". StyV,for 01 °i Addre.* OEO. C. YVILSON, Fort Oil.ce box No.*tH. Alb.t,y, N Y._laBBJ oln and lliiiulin ('luba.-DOBgliLH and John"

a«B t'labe.. L'niforu.. lurnixuecl at .liort for eitberyaaty. by tbe u!.drr>:gr.rd at ie.. price tban any now rnade, con-

¦txaUng ol Cap and Cape all *ty le. Ui uae, aud tne w-brati d Pithta'atrcb, tbe be*t made. Catalogtiei, Coiii.titiiti.Li. and ailathe.i*'.i..n r.lative to forniing Club*. furniabed by 11.BALLOl jk, AaaBE, Twiodii Heu, Aiijany, N, Y._Havlna pnrchaaed from the NewYork Beltloit

aad FacaiMK 1 ompauy ihe E'CLLBIVE Rlt.HJ toCHAU OOOllll.AK'B inveiitiouot Vi L< AM/Ell KLBBKKfor BLUiajU t u.&iona, we beitby uctify be uiauj/artureraandB«*J.rck».ra of biuard laclfc* that we wui bii ordera for Bi.iiardTable. made with ". ulcaruxod Caoutchouc or ludia RubnerCoahi'L. and for the ordiuury Caoutchouc Cu.bioua, w .th a

Hoenae to apply tat u. to Biluard Table* llereafter every biiiiardauaniou*) V uicii.LK-! R.boer wii brar lu.bedded iiiettchcu.hioLaixciipUie naiue of CHABLES OOOl). EAR the PalenUie, audtbe da'.e of tbe PaU i.t ai.d partle. pur. h_ring Uieae cuahioui of us

will be requireo to rtivb to every table iu a con«pi.uou* place a

aaetaliK i l»te (wt.-h we will fuinl.ii) beariui; the worda."Cb_rle. l.oodyeej'.. Pt.trnt- Oraub^i Jcuie 15. 1«!4. Kxta-idedJjoe 15 lr.'i). A! pAitie. n.axiula-turing Bi'iiard Tabl** withtbeotduiary \ uic*nl*>au Kubba-rCciahloua ajfter tnia d. V ' pait.eaaaii. c.1 veudii.g ibe a_i.e withuut tb.- above .tauiip, wi- ir.frii.gebEb i.tht acd wtD b* pi..aarut. d atcordingly PUlCLAN SFATEKTCOMBlNATioN CISHIoNB can onlv be obtaiuedaax-j.e. u.anrJ'actcreii by PHtLAN « COL.LENDER,hew-York, Aog. x4, 1<*0. Noa M, t.'>, b"7, (W Croiby-.t.B__f_d*

IMFR0V1D BILLIAFO TABLE8Aud CuiuOLnatiou t i.aliloua.

FH1.L.AN k tOLLKNOER,Bole Marjufaa-turej*. No., t'3 to 69 t> tt, New-York.

~tl*> ||i..- aotlie io th. «ru_-.uf»cturer. aud purch**er* ofItiiliaud BBwM Ibat we Laie.oid to Mee»ra. Fhelan a Colleudertaa. exr.iu.ive rVLt to the uae and appicatiun of Charle. Ooody*.r'. Inveiition ol vuleaniaed Caoutcbou.-, or Iidia Rjbber, forwkli h a patent waa iaaued to tl.e invn.t.r, dated Jtine 15, U44,aadexleia.^ iune 15, lnW, fot onl.ard ta'il^a. Aud mai.ufac-t.rrr. of t...:ard table. are l_reby uodtied that all future pur-ohia*-. of vulcmixrd rubb.-r for table. niutt be iiadeftou. Mer.ra Pbelao aud Colleuder, ai.d a!l ii.friuger. on thi.Itarht wii. be i ru*e. oied bv ua to the fall exU-nt 0. tbe i.w.


Thr I'rlutiiiK-llou-. ol Ihe I nil.d -lai.--.

1-ki.nt .. taa 18B84 KK.AI 1.U.JI..N.

OBOBOE i*. Ni.siUTT&Co.,I.BNEKAL JOE PKI.irKIF,BtaaaBooaBUarFAi -. t kbh»,Si inOBBaB, W if K...I.E >m. BJLiTMtK.KAi-it!. raiBTBai am. EMtuTBaa,

( AJLB McM » «" II HElik,raari m * Bxtt aaTaaa axraEaJarra ¦¦.E*TBJLOFB M.Hi »a< Tl KXHI,ri>*( i am. Ltio.a Pki vtbk*.

fxu. 11.5 ll" 168 ai_171 FeariM ai.d ".it f\.,-et N. w-VorkHac jiat l»a.,».l ti >¦ I'*'ta ti, Mivrj%! t;. .rfi.Lat-* f^rfiiaiun.t aaid Vlce Pnaldent, auo iiivit. rd ra frum all part* olBU-couutiv lor Pi.uiiig of "«-r) BBt ByBaB ior ib- ta.. Caui***" ^^Bl'LENDIIi BANNKl'.S ON ( ANVAHBBBxBMI Bf] BJEBtll *<¦* vari i-i.ed .uit u.e for CIaajjl'i ..»'...!.., are very »tu*ctiye._^^Atepubliran Mubn, hi all aartE ol th* ;,';_"'>'. «_f b*

enntli.. witb tbe do. umelil. publl.bed by th« Hll NOMCNEHKPl'BLK .N .lON tko. ..-.d

Hi,r,<lj ._'.-*.JOHN Hll KMANS P..ii '¦.*;??,THK "IBION" waaali tiael. .-.. _^"TBE MAN Ull'i OTE'..¦¦¦¦. * '.

Tbe ktafl ABRAHAM LINCOLN B great .peach at

with copiou. note. and raf. beiatuedluafew d.y. ia . Ettal- .d...a r .tvie Pri «¦ |*r tb-mmvid. 8)1-

808 Bi ad^.y. t UAE. T EODGEEB, P.-

"Vauna TIrn»a it>:iiiblt< Vorallal, by ordei ol Cun.u.i-L.. , , f Will* w*B*8iug*t<taloii.* . i allad. ol tbe n*ht aort »et to f«i..iii_rti. \ rutai ... .1 *>'> per butldred,aauet aa-d 4 A M JKKIS,

Bfl 4i Broadw»y.

Flfth Wnrd \V i.le-Awakea, Ai-uaet-A tpeeiai,i... ti 'i .¦ Hllh W»,d W'ide Awnk* Aaaoctati m will b* h*ldatlsi 'iKtftl Ward liolal.THIS (Tuaaday) EVF.NINtl, Sept.4. at a /, .... a ... 11 porf«ct iheix orgaaiaation, aud to prepirefor activn U. th., c-inpaljn Hyord.'i, .-*_»

W, 11 IIAILKV, t'haiiniin pro lem.Jobn I I'Bfk'n. t-ecretary pro tem.

B-nMrirnTh Ward tVlde-AvrnWea.-All the Rapubi-c-ii. Young M.t of tb'.a Ward sre reftieited to a'-t*ud a nie*-.iiigof theWii' \> ak_flub.adi.uru.-dto meet fdf peimaiieut or-

raataa-dfl Tl 18 fTbeaiay) EVENlNO, at h o'ciock, at Head-qusiti-ii. Ba 426 Bro me at SB

8 B. BtBBBlCT Pret't pro t-in «jThe Ntnrteeath Ward Hepiibllran Widr-Awake

C'lub wil. n.e.'t at th, Wlnraaa, M bv_ c<>rner BOth-M TI1I.S(TbiIBBJ) IA l N1NU, 8«ptetiit>er 4, at 7g o'ciock, for drlil. Apuu, iU9i aite'.dani'e U r. quired By ord*r of "*0I _,

N H. rJARCOCK, Jr., Captala.Wa. B. BOCBWB-I, Urderly._

~/,OUBTe \t7ide-Awakea.-T'ie NlrjeteeDth Ward /ooaveWidt Aw.ket _ill ii,..'. IBIB (Tuetd.y) EVEBIBO at 8a'cloek, foi drili. at Di-glaiala'i earoaroi BB-jl and i. btl,«'t e\eiy Zouave coae to ttaa* s« ti .« i« the l-irt diiU prepara-tory to vi.i'ii.1 Jen_y City OB Wtdt.etd >y eveningActrptTTiWiBtBi Ot* M. A. BBBD, CaftB-\t «-_t. hrati-r C'onnty Kepublirnn

C'lub..Th.- rtegular Monthly Meetini of tbia I iub will bd b-ida th* Fic.l*>or Hoaaa, Whlt* PM-.t. on WKHNF.8I:AVMUHMSn, ib.' Stb, luatead ol the (Hh tnet at prevlouily sn-

Btiail.UIL1.IAM H AKO, Seiretary."Valuable I'atrnt Klghta for Ptatea or Countira lorKnlr- WILLIaMivS PATENT . ARIETV PLoW, tb- Btaatlanwrtaal ag'icultural improvement ever made, reaultitig in theMVtB| lo the farmer of over one half of the pren-ntcoat ol all hia Plowa. after ded'.ictlng lOtl per eent profit to thedeaier. Tl.ii. we guarautee or uo uie, anJ. that th* Piow baa no

auperior.< all andaee the Flow st No. 54 Yetev at nee-ripttona --nt tiy

n.a.lJ HAKRi'SU.N U 11 li Kti l Rl-T_llr. KlKBaViTruaa cballenjoa co-.pari.on with any other

ii. t . Bad _F.tiinoil.ila.F-f emlnent B'irg-oni, snd ei

sniin. p.-.iii_*i.« of the Tion, whi, h l.svmontb. lo two jt-ara. Mo. 2 Barclay et.

A Kare OpportBnitj for aanoBd in want of FIR9TCLA-B l A11INKI M RMTl'Hr or HUf -EHOLD OUHUSof any dei.ription. The cit/t.-nta of tlie a.ipt-rbl; furniih.-.l reai-d.... <- No. 15 ( Ulllow bIbOB. tn dtb-it., s few doort wett of Broad-_ .v, will hr to,d at piivste aale dming tbe preaent we. k st one-

baii Ita valiie. The aaaortment IBlbtaBBI evervthiis BaOBBBBfJai.d detirable for a genteel prlvate family All btat rlsta good._, hne crd. r A t.w of the l«adii.r aiticl*" only can be ui.-u

ttomd I oot R. W. I'iano Pi. r and* Ornaiuerita; Velvetaud othor ('arp*t«. R W., B. W., ai.d Msbogsny l'srlor, Dintnr-Rooin and t hnmber Furniture; Rieh Window Oranery Mantle( kxfcij llro.ire aod DfCorative Oil F.iotingf. Elegai.t Tnld*-\\ ar, nf all de», rlptiont. fco kc Th*re in no *r.d Xo th- Cata-Ugur nothing BB I.e aakt-d for that »t htve not got Call iudaee ftt.n, T a BB, to tl p. ni.

_vT__ JJubluationo.







iiig bere ou Sept. 5, will be a .pleudid Double NuLnber, a piofmion of Iliuatrationa in counevtion witb the Prinv" ofWalea* litit toCuOoda, and an eju.. large tize (FULK-1'AOE)


THB FALLS OF NIAGABA,beauti'iilly prh'ted i_ cc]or*. Tl.ia namb_r of THF. ILLUS-TI'.ATK.ll B.CWB w-Ul b* oin- of the handiomeativ.ri.-a. d. AU thoae wi.hing to ord.-r extra L-opiei will plesaedo to at onib, sa the d.-niand a ill bt- v. ry ^redt and the aup^ly1., . ..srily lUnited.Newa Agent" will pieaie aind ln tb, Ir ord< r. by tbe 6th Sep-

tambt-r, or it ia not likely a tttpply can be iput thnrn.Ordert r.-ceivt-d by t-v. ry NaWB Agt ut i_.d I'eriudl-sl ~BaBBBB

ili tbe l uiWd Mntei und Cauada.IS _____ l ROOKRS,

No. 12 BiaaaaB. N. Y.A..UU ln tbe< d St..ttB and ObBBOB for The Illu-iraled

LoiOOD Nt-wa.

TllE "EBONY IDOla.SEC0X1) EDITION.I) All l.ETu.N fc. Co No*. 41J aud M5 Broadway.

BaVl now readyA B-BBBB BB8IIBB .»


By a Ladi orBBB BBBtABB.lvol. 12mo. C.o'.b. 8>1.From Tha N Y. Ohs. rver.

" A capitsl book, a nuart uovel, i.ut loll of trnth from the hrittt tte li»t pate a lively Ndw-England nl_«e «torv, ahowlug tbeuiiaeiy aud rli-cbief that came from pres. hiog Abolitioui.ui ln-alt-hd of th* (i/.-pel Tbe Mev. Mr. Chr.-y bacoa_- luf.'. t_d withtiie nisniit ai.d auddenlv burata upon bia p.-ople with hlaiiew mo*-

aare, aad k> *p> at it liil all tbe n>ual couie.iuen'.'Ol of ttrife, dlrl-elou and luin ful'ow tn the train."

from Tbt; fbi'sdelpbla Pr*w..'' The Ebony Idol' it the beat tatiii.-lfictioa of th* day, and

will pi'btbly h&vr a large drO.-tioa. It ought to bave It, ifu it and butaol, with occaiional dt.hea of pstnot and trulb, haveLOt lott tieb tpell upon tlie beart."

Krom Th* Boaton Pott." It it written, -nin. d with sotire, da.hed

witli k snd w ili prudi.ce a tei.vution both st th.-Soutbsnd tl.e Nuitti."

D. A. fc Co HAtl J' -r Prv.i ihibd:i.i M1N18CENCE8 OY AN UrFREK OF /OL'AVES. 1

vol ItBM !otb, *1LirEOir W1LL1AM T. PORTER. IJy Frauc- Brloley.

1 vol I21110. Price. 01.A Rt'N TURUl'UH El'ROPE. By Erattui C. Benedlct.

lvol. 12uio. Pilce, *1 M.WHAT MAY BK LEARNKI) FROM A TRF.E. By Har

U.-.d Coultat lvol. 8vo. Prlod *1-THE PHYislOLUflY OP COMMON LIFE. By Oeorg.-

Bl urv le-wea Two vol- 12mo: *2.FLORENCB NIUHTINUALE'S NOTES ON Nl'RBINO.

lvol. l2mo. f'loth. Price'_",.. :.ta. Psper covert, 15 oentt.lifi. OLDHAM AT OREYSTONhS, AND HIS TALK

TilillE. Pric« a>i.Neniv ready:

RtWLiN'bON'S HEllDDtiTl'S VolunielV ^r.d laat.THE ILL! STRATF.I. IIUP.8K DOCTOB. By Mayhew.\ILLAS ON THE HI DBOM: A Coilect on m tblrty photo-

ll.' of roui.try r. lidoai .".


Now r.-ady;F1MIE ClI-kLN-KEAKEK;


byJ.4ai» FasiaoiiB Coopkb.

Ba!i,r Volcnie Twei.ty of the n< w eJition of Coopar't aorkt.ILLU8TRATEH BY F. O. ('. DARLKy.

Oue Vol., Crown Octavo, Mi pp., cloth beveled. Priae Bl 5.

Tbe BBBoaakaj Bhalaaa Baaaaaaa are:


















A vobm.e Ia Ui.ied on tb* fcrat dsy of each month rontalnlng a

novel ooi. plete, and will t outiuua'uutil tbe beriea.tbltty-twdvohimoa.U i-oi-iplete._._,>a,h v.,luii,ecoBUiniTwdEntTsTtn«*on Bteel, ti.d Twelve

Sk.t.nea on Waod al 'rou. orlL'iusl tlriigut hv Uarley. n:aderapreaara forthlt EdttJoo, and i ,.-ravid by _M lirit srtiala of therou.itry. 1 1 .. vr lumo sr. iii.iforiri ii, ii»«, biuilit.g a:,d |,n.Tha) may be oi.t-.ined tion. llool.aellera ln all ttie pnn.-lpa!iii.-i m.d the Puhliahm __1 aend Ihen. by inail, prepuid, to

mj ad-raw la Ma Tfaaatd T_rt.i BBdaa MM l",i«"'. !ur *190p.rvolume. ()U;J , vs <0(,j.>R nOBXTIU

Ko!i'.»: i.'.ltai. i.ow i.adv PrloaglBaafc. Aa only 500 of11,. it¦ ;. '. Jr, pt-raoiil detirfiig to n.b».Tib* better do td

,,, ediately Ikerawfll be eight lollot at a)e aaaa, lour of

"L"W,^.A.TOWN8ENllfcCo, PiM.tlen.No. *. \Vaik.-r-.t New-Yoik.

He.-oud KdTtloi, Now Ketdy.ALfBBD B. S'liiEE'l*



Witb Map ai tb* Roi.le, andNINE II PEUB WOOD ILLX'HTRATIuNfJ,


I);,. l.rj^ 12i,,o 4 MFor itle by all Bookaelleia. Coplea .eut by uiall, pott paid, on

,* .ut of price, l.yM. UOOLADY. Publith*r.

No 4'J Walk.-r tt., N-* Y. rk


K./i taie at all Bookatoret, prtr* Bl 2i.Bri.t l.y mall to aay adiir_a* lu d HUU-a, urepald, *l 50.

rilAYElt k k.LVhlUOr., No. Ilt B...ton, Maaa.

MASON BROTHER8,No.. 5 and 1 Mercer .t have reoecUy publlahed

OI.MSITD'B BACK rOl'NTRY. A Joomey Ib tbe BackComit.y. By Krederick Law Oleiated. Author of a " Jourt.-yUrotign tbe Beaboard Blave Btate.," kc. 12oio pp. 888. Cloth,»1 25. The ccncluding voluuie of the *erie* on oi; SiaveBtate*OLMSTEIV8 BEABOARD SLAVE 8TATES An Ar.ount

of a Jonmey Ihroogh the Seahuard BUve State*. -vitt llemark.on their EllBlBM. by Frederiok iaw Olnnted., pp.708. Clo;h al 25. ,

OLMSTKIi'f TKXAB A Jonmey fhroiifh Tiar, Or, a

Faddle Trip on the Buuth-W r.teni Frontier. With a s»tatii.tie*lArpendU. By Fr.derl-k Law Olu-.ted. 12mo., t p. »0. Z5LI1E IN THE DF.SERT. Or, Re.-olleotion* of Travel ln

A.iaaud Afii-a. Bv Cul. L D.i Co u-t (lladji Abd'el HitnedI'.ty) Tran.iated from the Freuch 12ino., BB. tol Cloth,+i mTl'E AVOIDABLE CAUSES OF DISKA8E. IV^ANITY.

ANH DEFOEMITT. i'v Joh.. laxk M. I... Profeaa-r ofthePrln.iplna and Pra>:tt:e "ofM-diine lu ti.eWeat.-rti MedualCt l'e(>e cf ( lev.Und, Ohio. A book for the peop .¦ and the pro-t.-i.ioii. pi. a .... ( luth, alIloLCC-.MI.E'S POEME By WillLua H. Holcornbe, M. D.

CiownHvo., i.p '»« C! 4>1 in.AJMEEK AS l.iOi.RAFHICAL SER1EB. By Oeorge Can

DtEf Ilill. li'mo. vola .legaatly illuatrate.l n«*igu*d f ir the\cun< N..w R.ady " Lile ol Capt. John Biti'.h,' " I.lte ofGen. I.rael Putnani," " I.lfe uf Beiirdi.'t Ariiold ,'. "L.i'e ofDanlel licone " l 75 cent. per volume.ABBOTT'S AISTRIA The Kmpireof Aurtcla: IU Ria*

and rrraeut Power By John S. (' Witb Steel Por-trait Crown *vo , 520 p-ge.. Cloth, *1 W.ABBOTTS ill'SSIA. Empire of Ru.iia. Iu Ri.e and Pr»»-

.ent Power By John 8. C. Abbott. Crown "vo., .'.28 page..lloth 01 50.KAl'P'B STK.l REN. Life of Baron Stenben. Oenet.l ln

Aru.y of tbe Ameri^an Re\olaiion. By Krederick Kapp W 1than Ii.tioductiuii by Hou. O.-o BancrorV Sb-el Portrait. Crown8vo 720 08*.. ( lutb. 4-1 15P4KKF It'S CHOATK. Reminl.cenrjea of Rtifi. Cho.te

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NAPOI.EON AND JOSKPHINE. from thrir n.AiTiage untiltbe deatb ol Joaenhioe witb l.ett r. froui thr Eaip»ror to Ity John 8. C. Abbott 12mo 404 nag»».< ih. *1 25KlSHER'S 8ERM0NB; Oicasional Sekmon* and An-

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MASON BHOTHF.RS, Piil.H.hera,Not. 5 and 7 New-York.

rjAAIPAlON DOCLTrlENTS.We tnvite the atUntion of the frlead. of toe Republkan obbm

te tbe foDowlng ti»: of aoouoiei.ti:


ItoL, cloth. Prioe 01-


HON. ABKAHAM LINOOLN(Aothorized edition)

By D. W. BARTLETT.Biund ln cloth, wiUi Bteel Portrait, 354 pagra Pri?* $1

!'..:...¦ [ rr; JAa ahrldged EdUtlon, paper oovera, 25 oenta

BUAVKBY IN HISTORY By Ckiont Ourowakl Tbe worktrt-ati of BUvery a* a dixtLi.ctive aocial dUeaae, in all time* aadnation.; BegxiiiiLog with 61avery among the aueleut Kgypilau.down to tbe Ruarian.. 1 Tol, Umo., cloth. Friee 01.LINCOLN'8 AND DOL'OLAB'8 BPEECUE8 ln the great

iuluoU Campalgn oi 185H, roval octavo, *'t) pagea, ititohed, iicenUsoopy. 0<S0 p.i hjndrel Foxtage 10 crnta.THE LLMMON BL.AV E CAflE.Full Hlitory of the Caae

witb opinioii* of the Judxe* ai.d argumeuU of Mtu.«1 Prioe25 cenU, per 100, »lb. Po.iage 5 aaj uTHE CASE OF DRED bCOTT-A larre paxnphlet of 108

nagea. Po.tage p..i.l Oue oopy, liceuU; four copaea, 01.twrlve oop.ea, 8). 25TUE TRIBL'NE ALMANACfor 1860 conUln. Popular Vote

for Preaident by Btau-., Retum of Electiuna. Price (pottagepald), 18 «i.t-; 12 copira, B> 1 l'atl ,-oplea, On.HELPER'8 IMPEND1NO CR18I8 OF THE SOUTH

it uii.pendiHi..). Pri e 20 ceuUi OU P«r lUO; |.- pil.'u'0*Uge8c*nU.CONNECTICLT WIDE-AWAJEESONO.STER, with taa Rbfiijlic:a.TPi.aT*..Km. Pri e 10 rent*

BEPl BL.ICAN SONOBTER, !. eacn.Edited by UaMjE* W iliinzary. j Poatag" P»U-

THE WII1K AWAKK VOCAL1ST, 1couUining Worda aud Mcui.'. I

8HEET ML-81C-rnar.i.oa'. Baitlb Cut." t cent*.D .k.L-U a.M) Hia Di.iah. 2ceuU.Loeke . " Bhii- ui- Si *tb." 8 ceuU, or $2 50 per 100.Locae'a bTEi'HK.N i.n Bk ckch of hi. Mothkh." 3 ct*.;

8)2 per 100.Fo.Uge 1 ceut per aheet additlouaL

REPL*BL1CAN I'OCKET-PIBIOL. Price J ctaU. Pcrtag*paid.THE BARBARITIK8 OF BLAVERY.-Mr. 8omn*r'i r*

eent .peerb ln the Benate. with Hainmoud'a " ILLU8TRA-TION^'LnSeu.l-W.-klj Tribuneof Juiie 8. PHre 4 ceut. peteopy, *>2 per htiudred. Poatage 1 ceut per r.opy adallionai.

CAMPAION TRACTB.Pibafbfat fahtktlak attemtioh t* the reoiarkx on Po*V

age on lhe*e docament*. ai prepeyrceut la required.I THE 1RREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT. Oot Beward'i

Rocberter Bpc-ech of U5«i with Charle* O'Couor'l L'nionMeeting Speecb, U«c. 18, U5».

II THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS FOR DI8UNIONBpeech of Uenry Vy Llaon of Ma»*acbu*«tU, Ln Uie Benate, lan.aiYiM*.

III. THE ADMIS8ION OF KANSA8; Got. Seward't great8peech, U Benate, Feh », 1B«)

IV. NATIONAL POI.ITIC8; Hpeecb ef AbTaham LlneolnolIliinoi.. at the Coooer Iu.titute Nrw-York, Feb. 27, 1*0, Jame*R Doolittle'. \ LucUoatlou of WiKonxLn.V LAND FOR THE LANULES8: Tb* Hon. Galuaha A

Grow'a Bpeech, ln the Houxe, Feb. 2't. 1860VI. THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN-By aa HlLuoii

Repoliio*-, wbo hnow. well the man and hi. hlrtory A larg*eompart piunpLlet of 32 double columu pag'** for general -irrulalion aa a uuimlp docnuieiit. Price 4 cenU a eopy 40 oenUperdown, 8)4 50 per huadred, *4" per thouxaud. If requiredby mail. one cent additional muat be aent to prepay po.tageVII. PROTECTION OF HOME LABOR AND HOME

PROOrcTlONS NFCEBBARY TO THE PROSPERITYOF THE AMERICAN FARMER. By Heury 4!arey BaLrd.The abov* are pnnted oa la!r type anJ good paper, eaoh

foraing a large ot-Uvo tract of 16 pagea, eacept No. 6. whlch Udouble aixe and p:l- e. Tbe other. are xold Lu quantitie. of OneThouaai.d, or ovet, for okb cent per oopy; aud the TLouaandmay be made bd from the lixt abuve gfven, u the buyet uiajde.ire. In tmAIler quantitie., #1 25 per bundredj 15 ceaU perdoran; .ingly, 4 BBBta. By mail, poatag" p.epaid, * cenU peieopy, 80 e,«.nU per down. * I bu per lutl, B>L3 W per 1 000.Will uot our Reput.lirAO frlend. aid u. to " clrcul»t> tbe docu

menUl" Now 1. the time wben thouaand* of miud. caa bere*; bed aud Lnfluenoed. AdJret.

TUE IRIBL'NE,Tribane Btuldingi, New-York.



MOKltlSS I'OETICAL WOBMB,In 1 vol Bin- and Gold Prl.e 7-'. cenu.

A rew, ci.ii.ple.., rb. ap. and b. a .tiful editiou will aoon bepubll.hed by tbe uiideraljriied. uniforiu with tne retent editiou*ofthe other popular poi t« of Europa and Amerlca.

1 be Song. a^d Ballada of Oeorge F. Morrla are io well knownthat they have ho .aehold wurda ln aluio.i eve.-y palaceand rottage.The tre.juent and inrreaxing call for the§« Poema, lt. a U«teful

but r.hraper tortu autl.oiized tlie beiief tbat th. ir cucaUliox wiilbe gr.-a'Ty i-xt'i.d.d by tbeir pr*»eni*tion ln tii. aalqu* andpopular »t>ie. A BBaBBafaf re.'.-nt pteje. haTe beeo added totlu coi ection, DakLugit n.ore thai. any that ha. pt*ceded it


tcti.. > aent by Riail, po.t-paid, on re.ceipt of 75 ceoU.(r8CRIBNKR. Nu. 124Grand.t N. Y.


LIN Y.8 aod BATT1.E8of

Cbiruhctbi. Ff.iii.i'T*..K'M CRIBB th* BI M K DIAklOND

and ..llght- withJIM liELCIIER and MOI.INEALX.


Fi ll Tbeathi. ai. Rbi- .hl'»111 BKRT LONOEEACH,

cr ll.rBl c< KLF... PfEK.


B\>E B VI.L,.ndoth.r BPOBTING UKPuKTS, la

WILKBH'l H P I It I T,N'lW Ol T.



I'lU. i ST « ENT8MAII.rii I'-..SI M.l r-llr'.K.


R) ME.MBI ll 8EJPAT, ibr 21.1 ol Sr.ITl MBI II

Kvery Bubarriber to Th* Trlbune .honld have t copy.













EDITOB8' I'lEFACE.Tbd tingl* end of thii book i. .1* praaentatldn, tn a eompael

and ccnveuient form, of the uio- .n.portanl f_:t*,wot*d, reeobretlettert, tpeeebe*. reportt and o,'i»-r docuir.enu, which elucldatet.'.e eon-^t now saitatiM thit country. It haa been our

Bim to let etary eandldate and other l.iportant peraonage apeakfor blmaalf. au-t* hlt owt. plaf -m, aod vtii/H..*'.* (if he may)hia owu coua1.i«i.oy ai.J th* 10.1,1 Inea* of hlt view. ou Uie greatqueitiont which nnderli* oui urr-nt p-illticaOf courae, auch a work can have out a comparatlve mertt.

Makeltevert large, and itiii muiy thing. muat b« omit.^dthst the eorai-er would wlab to li.aert, aud e-eiv critlc willpUmibly Bt-j W hy lnaert thlt ad omltthatt why give to

mucb or A and ao little of B I" Betidea, tt ia uot alwaya poi.lbleto reniember, or, lf remembered, td bnd, ail lhat would be vl-oed ln a w 01 k like ibia. tt'« can only aay tbat we bitve done our

b-.t: let MflB do hattar who uracy of ciutt'in it one of tha ehlef viced of oor politiral

dla- uiilom Von can hardly liaten to a a. t apeecb, even from a

w*ll-i_for;ued tnd truthful cenvaaaer, wnkh la not marred braome ir.iiappT*heniion or ..r.f on.. lout mitetatement ot tha poillion tnd view. of thii or that proniuiect lU.ram.o. Docmneuta.n«-edl*a*ly read and long alnca loat or mialald, ara duoted fromwith floency and couodence, aa though with tndubltabte acou

racy, when tha ciiatlcnt ao made do groii Injuatioe to thel. au

toor, aud tend to uiiaiead the h*ater. We behevethe docnmenttcoli.-ct. d .ntfiit woil are to prinled tbat tbeir generai accaracymaybe aa'tly relied on.

By ct-vaeaera of all pat.iea. we irntt our Text-Book will b.found conveuient, not to aay indiipeuaable. But ihote who o_tyliaU-n, and read, and rehVt, witl aiao bnd it a manifeat help to a

clear aniiertttiidli.g af the iaauea and coutentiona of the dayThey will be lnterrated ha comparing the aetual po-ltlona lakenby Hr. Llncoln, or Mr Douglaa, or Gen. C.81, or Mr faithlully i.t forth ln thia work, with thoae conliJeiitly tttnbuted to that ataU-an en In tbe fluent harangne of iome pobti _Joppon. nt, wbo 1. lotunt on blazonlug hia lneontttteney or pro .-inghf. li eincerity. To verlfy and correct the eitatloni of a frothjdeclalm*r la aon.etia.ea Ihe eatleat and mott convlncbig refula-ti. 11 of hia «p.'--.'i

lf a Irace of partltan blat la betraj ed ln the Ihread of n.rrati. ewhi. h partlally 'initea the tii.v:e*iive rrportt. billi, rotet. *tc

preaeLted ln thii work, the arror lt uniutentional and regrette.Our purpoae wat to complle a record ac.ieptable and eonveuientto a «-n of all partiea, snd whlcb might be wnialted and tr i«t_dby ai). Whatever it origlnal bereln U regard^d at of uo ut* 01

BarB, tave at s neceaaary of the realdue. Wliheitapolory, tberrfore, or furthei eiplanallon. Ihe Text-Book Jt commt-iided to tae favor of the Ame-ican publio

COBTXBTSiAituLiTn.Ni.Ts (OagltaaalBa) for Diauuion.Iaftati I aaaiai iii'.i, .-. of.M-,.-... i.u--tt-4*>.-«, i.ovkhnok, ol tioiitli Carolias.Ar".'- John af Maaaach'ia*tU.1d<.., J..MK Uti.N. \, ot Ma*.a.;buaett*.Al AH.BA IN rAlOR <>Y I»l*«oLI TiO.V.ALLRN, ('HtHlKt, IMl". 1.1 '-. UtAbbhkan N uio.nal. COBTBBTMB, 1H56: 2-3.AbBRIC.inBati mi. (01 .1. il, lh.3: 211.ABOUrtOB CBBTBanaa *t Waraaw.N. Y., 1-39.AtTI M teoNI. NaT.uNAL CoNVBNTIONS.A-hbi B, QaOBBB. ..I M ...'.cbm.-tta.At. Hi...t Bavta K of BBaaaat-iliMiv N tTHAMBL P.. of Maaaa. h ia-.'tta.BAIK;, EBVA-B, >.f MlttoiiriIUhho.'K P.iii.M' P., of it, 1-.BB. of \ irginia.BARNHThNRR- of New-1 ork.Bartlbt. 0 B ef Kentnrky.Baiard, Jabk- A of l)«lawar«.bKii, JOBJB of T'iine-aee.Ba.NjABi.i.'it dim P. of I.otiiii-ua.BlBBBV, J ni- O of Mirliigan.B/ >Hi. Mii i.bix.b _., of South Carodr.a.ii.ii.. Liv.v of K.ntu ky.Bi.a< Kt--w't".B,J,.ii> (., of Kentuay.Baaa bb, Jud^a ti.aaaa c.Baaara, aavaa V of T.-nne*aeaB. < h.van, Ja»k«, of Pt-Diuylvania.Bi kb, Aabo!., choiet. Vlce-Pretident, KMW-I.Bt tibb, Wa. O of Keut.icky.CtlBBI B. JoB.i C., of South Carotina.C-_.BOB, <>¦., > a¦ ., of Prnniylva.w.C-BJBBBU, Lawia E of Ohlo.Cahholi.. IKv. Williaia, ol Tennetaae.Ct.'i, li.'n Lbwii, of Michigau.( .. -i m.\ .lei. ,'">'.» U of Marykld.CB..B, ftLHMh P ol Ubio.Cl i», C_ai ra M.. of Keutiuky.0.4T, BBBB1 uf Kenlucky.Cuaa__B_Taoa_l L., of North (aroUna.CUBTOB, Dawirr, defeated lor Preaidei.t.Cli-NTOS, 0B..MI.B. cboaen VIS8 Praaidei.t, Wri.I OSKVITt TloXAl I'm.iN Co.NVBVT.ON, 10/>.I BA-TBB.I, Mahtin J. on Dltaolatiou.I'livroiD.Ui. H., of O»oigl_I't-RHT, J 8. BL of AlabamaCrtHi.H'., i.i'i:. t of Msttacbutetta.D.i .- liKOKUK M of P*nii«ylvt_ii.D.nia, ii.Hnan, ol Kentucky.Ditit, JB-*BfOB. of MUl-.ippi.Ditii, J..H1 tf MtMddhua*ttl.Divia, W of Iiidia...i.Daito.n. Wa. L., tt New-J*iiey.Duan.tBTTB. DamblC of V irglnla.I)_. awahb decltiet for Fiee T. irll..ti-i.DB«...'it*TH NtTloMAL CcVVK^TloNaDBBOCBATM l_4TBBBB (Dsvll'l KeaoljtljDI..DicKi.i.o.1, Dambi. 8., of New-York.Dii, Uen John A.DiafVIOil Avowbd by Soutbem 8tatetnie_,DoHHiM, Jambi ('., of North CaroUna.Diidi.b, U^n. Hk.irt, of Wlirantiii.DaBBiaaa, A>onbw J., of T*nueaaee-l).I A-. SlB.'HMN A., Of >- BoiOBoa (' of Lo'iiaiaua.EvaaaVT, KowAho, < t Ma**a<bu.*tt..Ki.i.makbh. A«. -, M I'enni^hanJaBiacnoa Rbtimn-. in DaBa_Fn.i.aoKB iliLLAKii, of N.w-York.Fitipatii K Bbmabi.n. of Aiabaina.Fl.h aaot, Fbabcu B.. af Aiaaiiiai.f-OTB] Jolis, of \lrgi:,lxFker bT_.aaiaaaa, a. ti. n of Copgrau c..Fkelinliii \»b.".,, of New-Jeraey.Fhbmo.m, foi j .,:¦, c, of Califonila.0-BTB8U, leTClct J., of Ueorgla, ou DUtolutidC.OaoaoiJ for Dittobitivn.Uk.iiai., Wa A., of North Carolina.OiiAM.KH, Fkanci*. of New-York.(il THRIB, JlME", of K«NTrCK\.II a b John P., of NewHanipthire.Haai i>, Hamvihil, of Msine.HutR.eoN O-n. Wm H of Ohio.Hi. kviv, Joi.i, of Pern.ylvaniaIloi-Tov, (ien 8a*, of Texai.HiMBit, Hour M T of VinriniaItuaoia DacuuuN roa FkibTrhjutokib*.JV'Km.n. Oda. Ami.rbw, of Tenneieea.

., -., BBBB.~t, o! Teiine^we.j ,n>-, v Baaaeaa- V oi u*orci«.laaaaoB, Btca.aa B of Keutu.-ky.IomvoN, v\ « CobT. of Msryla-d.Jiuix. Oi. W., of Indiatia.Killi.M'K.b, John v\., of Penmylvaala.KlRti, kutbk. of Ohio.glBB, Wfl R of Alabania.L.nb, Cal Baaai 8., of ludlaua.Lanb,'..'ii JoeaPH, of ObbBBB.Liw, OaaaoB, of n.-w Yorfc.L.whkni a. Akhoit, of Maaaaruiiaatts.Lsakb S.ibi IBfl F., ol, on DiatoluUon.Lbb, Hrnhi. of Mat-ii.'h.,i.'(iv.Lrbo.nb, F._BCM J of IViiii.ji'aiii.,Lbt. hbh, John, Oaaacaav of \ irglnlaLimoin, Ahrakab, of IlUnottI.i. ta, ii*n Roht.Lihbrii Parti National CdJfrasrtoff, 1843.MimidN. Jami. of Mrginla, ei*. ted PretidentM.INB llK«o> hi, 1 lOK ruK UlI.MOT PhoTIIO.f.'ANSi'B, Wii.iiK P., of North Mol'.I *.

M_B4 l, VVilliAB L. of New-York.Mik't. KiBKAia, or N*w-Jertey.MlBOB. J BBB Y., of Ytrgii.iaM ..ia. hi iam Di. aaa* r..K Faainoa.M'Lban, Jidge John of Ohlo.M< Kai, Jabe. J , cf North ( arottna.M. Rak, J.HN J., of Mi-Uilppi, on Di.-clutloaMoBBOl Do.'ThlNB."

M,.NHI.B. J .««-. ot Mrrlt.U.Mookb, Ht vdbnbaB. of Alabama.MBBBAB, \\ R*v*aUr of Maaonl, SecreU.Mobihbad, John M. ot North Carullna.Maa-M, Thobai, of Ohlo.Nat.on.i Bai l'l.1, .1 (C..A1) foNTBNTIOHI..Ni*. Hami'.hii.b Uiti.AHii for the WUntOt Provi.d Utfoog

LrgitliLTe reaolveaNbw-i..rk roa F.ik»i..« R*.. lutiont.U't onor, t iiiRi.Bt. New-York.i.Hi" I'r. UUUM tm I ra. d BB.FlB-CB, FRANai.N, ,f Newlltnipahira.Pn i..w, (Jaa (iii.r..> J , of T.-ii!i-aare.i',... knbi, f b-BLBbC of Houth Carolinap.ilmi. ai. Nau..>.»!. pi tTvaauaa1' k JABBI K ot T. ..l,*

Pl.i 1AR S.,t«Kt|..Nll IN THK TlRKITOaiBt.Pr.HIHITION BBB-AVBB1 LN IHI TBKRITtlKlB*.f i.n. Ja«1. L f Alaban.s in Hl.i.ljlion.tji iraAN, Oaa. J.,hn A cf Bbbbbtb,al BavthCarattaaBsrVBUCAB Nan.Mi CuBVBBTlOB, 1H56.Iltl'l HI II AR N.TI..NAI. C...NI »NTl..N. |t8B.Hat,,it noa Panrotai hv Wiliiaut L Vaucay.liita. wa l of Virjinfa.I all. K < B_BBRi IB, (i. n TuoBAt J o! T. i.tri. ..ii, 'lei. IViBViai !. .f N.-w York.8»< BLBit.' CoBtaam * at ( ba.l**t. ..8a. IBBht' CosiaailoN at i:a B'_oie.Hb-'.ki. l\ a || .> N,.- v.rkBBK..U1M, J.HN, I P.¦iBB-BtaB. OTBu ll ol IVBB1 EZTBNtlua Kt.litl, Tl. nBi ii ?. i»*i.r Ai... »-aifitsiRR ABBBOaa ii'S-'. V.raSl IV. IK, J IIN C. ol ^^.. | Icia\R!<-. a Am.krv. ,,t \ lialadiBTBaa-B, BoHBRT, of North . arcllta

L'l'tyBH. Maaaa.-huartta.?fFaBMBCtirET.Fower BBd UnttaM fl'.Tayuoh Ratifiiatiu.-* Meetim. at PbUaaelphia.1'AIL.IH, /.ACIJAHI, bf LoilUUua.Tl EM J..W1, ..| Virfinia.''11 i.e.v Cambi. H of Ohlo.TorrET, I.AA. of Counectiiut\a-j Bt heh, Maetif, of New York.V..TE IN W ltl« Nlll'iNiL Cu.yiE7.TI0>!, 16SJ.W.kii J h* E of (leorxi*.Wbh.ieh, I'.5ixl, of Ma.n.'lli.aetU.Weliee. C'cl. JbsS B., of CeiLfurni-WhioNati IUx, COjVVBNTIO.t*.White Htrea L.. of, Oxvin, of PenDnlvani*.Wn>..-. Gta Hrmit, of MaaaacboaetU.Wtar, Wii.liak, oi MinlaudW.LKiNa, Williae, af Pennjylyania.V\ lacoNxiX derlarr. for Fre* T.rrU..ry.Wooi.m bi, Lbvi, af New Hampahire.tYBMBT, SiLia, of New-York.1 cs. BI. B ii.1.1i* 1- of Alabama.Y..t .iu, (ol 8 cmiki. of New-York. __-.___.P i * OlpeT.opy, poetpald; $<*'< P*-r hundred Cflih utdeitlatttuw*Jmmm,V^ ti&tbibuhe

Trlbune Building.,_New York.




Vol. II Hvo. tW 24.Thia Toln-e.onxi.Uof.lx hnndred aud forty'*, *nd em-

BtaBB* tbe prri..d of tne C- i.fedeiacy of the Four Coloniea, ex-

tc-Ldii g from ihe ye i lo44 to the year 1*7. Ittree'.of the lili-tory ot Englaud duruig tb» lart year. of Ci. .'Ie. the Fir»t,the Co.nii.or.wealth, ELd the hr.t yearofCharlea the Se.ond; otth» p.ln itice InatHatioa. and uugea of New KngU d, ot the re-

la'i.i. of tl.e Kour t:olonlea te thr uelrbboinx BT*aeh andDnt.'h plantera; of tianaartlon* with the N. agen.ett IndUna. and wi h Engll.h borderer.; of Ue »'.t.- ofF.ltot, Mayhew antl other. to evaugelLse the r.-ui . of tbe or

gaci/Btlou'of Co'gre«a'i. nali.B), and Ita inrlnenre c the MNBTBtot en Uria.tiral and BaBBflE Ettairi ln the parent .ountry: ofthe

Sroceedlug. Egaiu.t P.ealyterlana, Unakera, *. d BaptiaU; ofM.enaioti. in tbe ConfrJeraoy, threat.-ulig iti di. ¦'. nion of

the r.tabUahiug of Rbode Itland and Gounecticu'. H chaneredgiver-nenU; ofthe annex>tiono( New-Hive-i MCbb.BettflBtiof the adveuture. of tl.e three reirlride fugitive.; ot the def'.-atof the attempt of l.oid Clareiicon ti overthrow the ( harterGovernm.-iit in Ma..a:hiiHjtU, and of the e.t*i.!Hi:i ent of theauthority ol tbe colony over New-llampahlre and Maine." Thia work of on autbor aho alfi* out the ol.i and tbe ;,.-w,

In th" llght of* tiue theory, 1. tlie hrit book to jrlve » cohereatand ccapr.-henaire rxLlbftion of tbeground poli.-y of tho men

who ir.-ntrdNew Kngland"- [Chrirtlan Exatniner." W r coutr*!"^'** *,r Palfrey. uul .mly Ior hia good fortune

in bavit.g *.uoble a theme reaerv.-d for hia peu, but for them.iuent «ucc»». with wbloli he haa ao f.r treitel it. We truathi*Hfe and fialth will be i^ared to con.plete the work on thecou prel.enaice «.-ale on whi.h kt ha* been BBfBBI Bf we aretoi.Tident tbat it will Uke it. place with thoae p,i»ae,.,loua fur-ever' whi.h a-i unoanal uumber of xieat hiaturical wntei. have luour day given to the world ". ( Boaton Ciurier."Ecery peg«.i"e.e»ide...'euot only of con»cl"ntloa» r«eear.;h,

but of tLai biatort'.al aagaclty, without wbich the uio.t pain.-takinx hurlity ia of little a'wil. We believe that Dr. Palfrey ha*penetrat.d derply iutu tbe .ulrlt of Ainericin biatory, aud baathua given a certaiu haru.ooloua unitT to tlie annal. of the New-Ei.xland fathtl., the want of which ha. made t!i>- uairative. oftlirir foitune., a. u.ually related by th* early writera, «o eiid,cotilu»ed and repulsive. .[N. Y. Trlbune." liaxed npon thorough re.earch, written with good aenae, and

the moierty that commonly diatiugulahr. a real trom au arl.-c.tedfulne.. ol k'rowledge, thia Hirtory of New-Engiand promiaea tobe a aub.unnal add.tion to the librurlea of Eogiaiid aud Aiuerico.".| Lt r.don Exxu.lner.

Mr. P..l:..-y i* oua ot tliat a.-.hool of hiatoriia. of which thiaace il- h. iri.t Ln ma:.y departm -nta ol* a j -t

rlght ti be proud.". [London Sat .rd-iy Revtew.

'O WIDE-AWAKE (HTBS~T Ev.ry VN ide-Aw-ake Club ahould have cupie. ofTBE P0L1T1CAL TEXT-ilOOK.

for BBBCompiledky HORACE GREELEY and J. F. CLEVELAND.P i <. i 1 per ...[>..¦ He t by cuail. prepuid, on rec*ipt of price.

4 hiba are .upplled by «p. ea* at 0«o r*r BB Addrea.THE TRIBI NE, New-York.



IilMlN'18 ol D1LAWING, wialiea eu.pluynieut, for two orthr.e Juur. a day (eveuiug preferred), in the C'ty of New-York.The be.' n-fereiicea. Bonrd taken in rompa>n«afton or not a* de-atred. Addreaa Box No. 524, Po.t-Orti.-e, New Haven, ( ..nn.

ARESPECTAITlE rrot4?8tdiTtl51RL^i8_eraBITl'ATION aa plaln cook, wa-her and irouer. Caa be

aven for two day. at No. 815 9thav betwe-u i'2d and Kd *tt.

E^xTOlTs^and PlJBLIsTiElTsV^-A PracticalFriiitvr (wi'h a (tnall family), who anderaUnd. the dirTereat

branckr. ofhl. calllng. de*ire. s *ituB'.io.i a* FORF.MAN in a

Coor.ury Ofli.e. No obj.etion to golnt Bouth. Satiafactory r>-f-erener. given lf requirrd. Addre*. ArOL'STL'S, Trioane(llh.e .t.itii g MMBBl of wage. and full j.arti. ulala.

I^AMILIES iu WA.N1 t.f (.<>'LMlELP willpleaxe call at Mra. YORRtTON'8 olfice, Nu 2.1 4th-&v.,where a great niimber of GIRLS BBB be had. for h th city and

Ooniitry. No diabouext deallii*. practired at her ottire.

SERVANT8 .THE^EMPLOYMENT SOCIE-T>'8 OFFICES (late Bible Houae) have removed to the

.pa.-lona roouii at 4 Hr 11, on Aitor-place.ext -ndingthro .«bto Uthit. urar Broadwiy, where BBB be found a large aaaort-ment of hrit cla.« domeatic*, witb inveatiga'ed ebiractera and.JuUitiCationa. German and Freuch lielp alway. on hand, torctty or couutry. 1 he French aud German lanxaagea apoken.

MiaaHELD, Mat on_QT0VE-M0LDER8 WAN'TED..Thirty Stovo-O Plate MilJer. wauted. Wmk itnd p.L'e equal to any oth^rFun ace. Noue b..t good workmei. need epiily at the fiirnE:e,Paek.kUI. We.ich' .ur Connty, or to THOS. BOl'THARD kCo No. 2-il Water-.t New-York._¦faTaTAMTED-"--lo a privato latnily, reBidiiicr aTl thmt ol*Unce Lo the rountry. a RK8IDENT OOVK.RN

F.BB, ibe mmt be fully'nt tu Imuart a thorough Entli.h edu.a'lcn, Krench, and muxlc. Apply by letter to Box No.1.119 Lowe 11'o.t Oflice.

YV'AN'IED.A rOUNO MAN 18 t.. 16 yars ofT * ate, a goodpenman, and with *oui« knowledge rf the dnig

bn»iiie»» to KEEP tbe BOOK8 and make BBBBxaV feuerEllyuaa-ful iu a dru* atote |n tlie couutiy. Addreaa J. H. P , Box No.4,577 New-1 oik Po.t lltt..-a> ln arplb'J.nt'a own writiug. Noueaeed apply bot thoae of rtrictly temperate hablU._W~ANTED.Am ASBIBTAKI BOOKKEEPR.

a riogle man, a- part of ai. co.-.penxatiou will k* ln hoard.Addreu P-.Tribute Oflice._\\TAM'ED-BITlTATlO\S io tlu-city or cnun-II ti y, .» gu>d Cook «nd Lautid.e.a. aa Walter ai.d Chnmber-

mald, and lo .to Hou»owork, by very comp. tcnt GLrl*. Call atE. CAItRdl.1.8, No. 6i)6thav._WANTED.By a rOBBf M;in, a aituation a«


wbole»»i«-imp .rtlng or jobbing bou«e, wbere falr oa.lneM ca

pecity wlll be appte. iated Cau forniah moat uneic. ptionablecity lefeieuce. Addreaa M. K. T Tribune Oiriee.



will .<¦:: Ti.ket. tbrougli thi. region, dutiug themonth ot September. Fare for tle et.tiie Kxcur.lon 0" 50,T: -k eta go.d tor ten day. Leave Conrtlandt-.t. at 6 nnd 8 o'.-locka. in 12 o'.-lock m., and 4 o'cluck p Bk. Leave Pier No. 1,North River at 7^ and 114 o'elock a m.,ar..i 0) o'elock p. mApply for mketa tt eilher plaee. For fuIt^er li.fonnailou applyto Ii. P BALDWIN, Geueral Tl' ket Agent, No. Hi Wall-rt.

EAR"LY McTRyrNiTirxt:i7l{SI0N to the( HOLERA BANKS.-SeaSteamerHL'NTRESS, Capt J.

Duvall will n.ake au early -n. n.lng excnralon to the aboverronnda on WEDNF.8DAY, Sept 5. lilin, leavb.g Ja.-k»oo-*t. at11 o'elock a. in.. and Peck-»lip*t2 u'.l...'k a. m. Bait f.iruUhedxratia. Liut. and reireahmeuU can be had on boar.i. Fare «2


ftlisiellaneono./1 PATCH & Co., KEWING-MAOHINE NEE-\U» DLF.S aud Trlmmlrut.of *very de*crip4lnn, wh.ileaale andretall. 11. E. WELTON k Co., Agenu, No. 45J Broadway.

|?DW. CORNIMO aY Have removed frum

No. 81 J.ihn .t. to their NKW STOR E,No. -ib Dl.iui .:., near Bruadway.

Ny. sewTng-machlne"emporuimT". Be i. Bb.iai.wat, ooa Baaaaaw

WA t RY VAalETY OF FIRiiT CLAOOFttmtiy and Afanii/.ia-Turinp Srvnj M -ii.if.

TO ltKNT AM) FOB HAr.F.Fartie. Ln aent of S.-wing Ma.hlnea will .av* tl.eic^lv*.

EWat time aud Iroiible by cailing at the EMPORU'M, whar*they can aelect from * ttock of

ALL THE LKADING MAC1IINE8,aad can tett the .an.e bef.ue purrhaahig.Ma. i.u..-. bougbt,, and repaired.

V. W WICKJES, jr No 4« Broalwaf.

1MJRE rll'El.'-VINEGARffoea the PELHA1IP \ II M FOB BA LE-N*wt..wn Pippi" refnied l 1'_ «

MNKOMl-waxrantid pure. in hhda tuid bbla-for hot-la.

gr BBBB, .bipper., ^^j^ffiffi** 4 r ,ie Bul, !,

PB1MT1NG f«.r RALEV-^1 a Ifa* -inrle ...-.n eyhxatVi T****** »fe_ r? '"ilitl .... »..-.! 3t,**7. with regiaterieg rni- fte.. l_,


New YorkT>(. 1-.,Baa.BI i'i.1' I H.ra,:..,..'i ,t


Three Wine xlaaa.aUarn hnton r.llriui wlll i:re ii ,-..l.t l|ia ajpelb.r t" wn,. a B**d ln MOI foi ..l -a aud p .ddili.-Aaa kayataa* it -ai.iiot be n :i iB.i.iai tl.e ........fa. tt > NaMWaka>ai Friea OjObm BMB

f 12 b- M aa, 4-2 M p*i aallett, 80c. bu aa. BottlaCaOTEN LY4 tlON k Co

__>mggg_tentg. _

ACADEMY OF M1IMC.--^I_t7It)-CW-TV i'KSI. WEDNE8U \ '.. S. p'*..,b*r 5, at I 0*:toc_,Fir t ipt/e-irsBF., (_i, ».,..( tn»i *:n. ,*tr .. r.c rtS'-jl. .n,MME ADEI.AiDE (oarEsi,in h*rrr*at role of PAf MNB IN POLU'iOFint appeiraoca -.hlt aeaaon of tha f-i_>ot T.nor.

BIONOR MI 8IANTWKDNESDAY, Hept. 5, poaitlv-lyonty ¦>< DoB'x'U'¦IL POLirfii OR f MailTlRl,


ln the principeJ rdlet.fondu'ior...-.MAX MAR-T/EK.On THrR8DAT,8*pt.«.

M1S4 ADEI.INA PATTI,'''h'r^U,r!_t'c/>.'_yLAMMEILMOOB.0BFRIDAV.«*p4.:Xn_rAir)_r0RT>;sf


liAJ_>.lJM's AM'_KJ''AN Ml.'rtEl.'AI.L'uder tb* p_r» aai auperrbdou ot


ln theworld. and ddiightfully cool and pl-atdot.taiaaaaaaitj hlt immeua* torceat,tha Maaager ii pleaard

to call '.he sttentioi. "f h.» pat'oi.e toTHE VvHVT CAN THF.Y BEt"TIIE "HAT CAN THF.Y BE!"

tiie'B B.ieT woNiiaart-t, «tkan.,b, andMlhTERI"! .S ANIMALB,

Tw.( IN M'MHBK, AND or DI1TIN..T .I'B- Ba,F..Mid ln tl.e bitheito ar*rplor-d wlldt of AfritM, In a abi.darlyp> twr% -tat* of pr.-a. rvatiou, hava been eee-nrad for a ibo, t _monly Mr Bainum

WILL OIVE ONE THOI'SAND nOI.LARB,To mv nati.rallit r t rtbnr p-rton, who will eorreitly :lat<ify thaWHAT CAN THEY bl. under any ap-cl.t or 88888 l-d

dowu in iJoi.c a»it it, Ccviaa or any p'iblnh«_ work oat All KAl. itHTuKy 1'.,...,. i,.J*-. riba,,I* ammala are 10 beteen at all houra^ aa are aiao th* followtng.A TaTTOOED Nk.WZEAl.ABD CHIEF


Th* mo.t ii.teirttjug, ainnaini and wonde tal cr»*tiira koowa.THE OREAT LIMN'O I1LACK 8EA LION.

Tb* only ani nal of th« ev*r aeen In the Atiaat-! B__BTHE WUNDEBFUL _LbINO KaMILY:

Faeh with Pnra Wblt* Kkln Bllken White Hair, Plnk Ejee,fcc thouxb born of petfertly b.._ parer.Ul.Af)Y WITH LONO HAIR.TUE FINE8T AUL'ARIA IN THE W'ORLD'

F.ll.'d witb b_euUful7.IVINO FISH, LIVINO 8EAL,



OREAT VARIETY (J¥ NEW WiX KIOUaCB.Tiib PBHrt.RBAM r.c ib thb TfiiB R.ioa, ev«ry Ailar-

l.ocn tnd Kv.nlng st 3 aod 7| oVlock wi'l ron.iat "f aa arawtnafo.i.lili.ali.1 of PE'lITE DRAMA-, FARCE8, DANfEB,Vi- fcc. by a talentrd Troup*.All thete, beeide all th* W ..noVra and Noreltiet of the Mri.tnaroliei tion, wbicb ein irnret not l.-ti than

154,880 CL'RIOSITIES,from every part ofthrt worid sreall, yet.

ALL TO BE SFEN FOR IS CENT8.Cblld'eii ondat 18 yetnt, 15 renti

Ml'.SEl'M OPEN from 7 s. m. till M p. ra.



PROFLSSOR hia inott titriordiuairj uio-t MHtBag, and linmenaely p.paler

nt. rtainm»nt,A NIUHT IN WONDER WORLD;


PROFESSOR ANDEKSON regreU having u annoonce hialatt Ltgl.tsln New-York. vV'hm he becanie tbe o upint of theV. 'inter Utden, a fortr i/l.t lioce, he announc-d thit hia eDgate-uii ,,t waa for th'ee week. ouly That t"rm exp)r>-a ou 8at.ird>/i.eit, md ow_n to tli* liiimedlate BBHBtaaaa ol Mr. and MeaHarney Willlaait, no re> ngvgeinert ran po.aib'y be elfeotad.Pr. f.-ior Acdariori raiurtanMv snnouncaa that theae vrillp.isrilVFLY, PKFlNfTELY, IRRr.VOCABLY,POS1TIVELY, DEF1NITELY, IRREVOCABLf,

b* hiaLA8T FIVE BIOBfla,



onW EDNEIIUY. Sept. 5. and

r?ATL'RDAY, Sept. 8.


V1IJLO"8 GARDEN JAMK8 M. NIXON. Laa-ll te* tnd Msnsa*..-ROYAL EuLESTRIAN TROUPE.(.rest . »¦¦" of tle UYMNAM'IC TOL'itNAMENl. sadAMA7EI R FF.STiiAIf. Tlie contettaut* and vi/-tort upodtbe SINIiLE THAPAZE, will sppear THI3 EVENlNO,TI'F.SDAY, September 4. IV UOIUZONTaL LADDBBB.*p> 1*1 notice relative to tbe tecond and laat __*at*ur(.y.,,»»tic F**livsl The manngrtnent having witneaaed toatr ition *vtn.t*d by tbe rttla. na of and «t an.ara to New-Ifr . n tb* proRTeaaion of educatlou upon Uie

| 1 i,_ »tad.-n'a of healthy paatJmea, the getv-rstioo of!, ropollt, hat yl*lded to th* requeat ot niany w._l_nowiirlr ..ei a, tnd 8. ntluded lo cntitue the eiercuioa one we-k:oi «.-r jpa-rn ittu-a any urateur ot r apectsbtlitv to.uter tha lif.a,tl tf Fiffordln.' ai, op^ortui itv for frl«-udly *uiulalloa amoug thaNew-Yoik Oyn naitt. and all iwii.t their falhara, adObflra, at*t ira

or wlveaa fair c-^auoe to a»e tiielr pr'ih.deDcy ln »-nve tc.».';a.

FUit uiar.tol'tl. dUiini:liHII)(lELEAPlN(J.anuw^._iedpl*.aol ra i-atrl trlan hy M. ne SEHASTIAN OaaHMoftaeCU&RI-(ILI'M'i ARA tb*8IX bANLONS.anda'lthdadjun td,TIH E\E. li;*!. Pricet of Admlttion-Fa idly Olrcldien-BBflBB on cal,' it).M renta: Parqnette and Drtaa Clrsla, Ta)re.U; Orch BBB (.__" 01; Pri .ate Boxea, *>5 and 0<J. In thaE> .-. Ina- '

¦'. >n op'-n at 7 o'ciock To coimaeaoe at 8 o' t'tand Matinee an Wedneaday, at 1 o'lock. T>muirow ,-vening. tbe Equeitrlaii libthtt by the Amatd'.ra


MIS8 JANE COOMB8,Suppoiied by



THE LOVE ( HASE.B, » Book ii.'W op»-n.Doou op. u tt "J to coiomcuce at il o'ciock.

PALACE GARDENfl,Kourt.-i nth at.. near 8lxtb-Avenae.

ENTIRE CUANOE UF PKUORAMME.Nuvel and Beautiful Exhibition of



Iu conn*ction wi hThe (i.. at Italian Bufio Artittd.


^AI_i-AtK',' TIIEATER.-NOTICE. . TheW Ls.i.t and Centlxmen . -igaged for the eLiub.gREOII.AR SEASON

aie*ated to me.-t st the Tbeater onWEDNESIlfcY. 8vpt5,

st 11 a m. LE-TBB WALLACK, BJ8QB Msnager.

BO w B B y theatp;k-OEORUE WOOD.BaJfLMM snd gBBM

Mi. aud Mn JAME;; W'ALLACK, Jr.tlf;sday, s-pt 4, luw:

UL'V MANNEBIN0.MegMerrlle,..Mra /. W. W'Al.UCK, Jr.Usndie Di-mont. Mr. J vV. W ALLACX, JrTh* ttcceaaful fsrte. writtenforM W '' l>l(htou:

THE FOOL OF Tlf A ViLY.p. p.urmana:_


MEN SaUort'8u.i* Harbor, SUteu ... I .u WEDN iC8D 5, st 3 o'ciock the HOME AND 11ALF OHPH ANASYI.I M CHII.L.RKN, s .l.tedby Mi -e. Foote, Il-i, KUoa,snJ Ms-.hall. atd Mr.-ia. IV, k sodl VVI lt* Ch?nii M_rtar, Mr.A P. PECK. Mr. OEO. F. BRIHToW will prende at thaPiauoforte.



Doort BBBB at * to ou.!..i-ni*»- st i. Ti iMt*, _> eeuta.

^TEW-J ERSEY STATE AdRICULTURALI FAIR .The New Jer-ey KtUrosd Company will lell F.X-

CLRSION TICKETBat Hll thrir ..ffi.-et, at redu.-ed ratea. frorathe 4th to the Tti. Septe;..1 ,-ei, imiuaiv*, t.. to to the Kalr UraiuiddatKlusbetbaudietuni. J. VV WOODRl'FF.

A.d-ta 18upar_Ba-4aat_

NEW-JERSEif 8TAT*rY\IR.-Tlw jSBR.-iJrcad afNew Jeney will .ell EXf t I18IU.N TiCEf.TS

duiing Ihe Fab; froui th-' III. to the Tih of Sepi-niber laolti.ive,from Nt w-York t > Fair Uro.n.da snd rrturn Ldaaa rier No. J

North Rlver, at:.*' and ll:M a ¦ ai.d ItBp-B. The r-sir

Gro.udaareatELIZABETU.and trvi- ttop within H f«at aftbe tutriune.


Open from 10 a m. to 7 p m.

Adiniaaioo ti cent*.

CACBED and MIst'EI.I.ANEOI 8 CONCEKT,^ Kt th* Hoiue for P.atit'ite Children ol Haat-a, Bail.ira' Suua_____rT-*_an. I.l.i.d, WEI).M>I)AY ,. at I p. m. b,«l,^ llom* asd lla'f-Orphi-i Aiyluin ttnldr.'ii An BBdlBlBaaaab"* p'.rinmt, iiL.I.r l-a airacttoaol Mr. A P. PEOK. Thafot-eedi lo he api M-d for the btttraction of tbe nildren lu ro.-al,'u.i" Foi lick.-ta. apply at RANDULPIl'S. No OH Broad¬way or A. < WOOD'B, No. 7 Johntt. New-York._BLONDLN BLONDIN !.Tku wott-erful

BLOBDIB'fl tint A.<, EN>IONoo the Tlt.ilT ROPE,i! N.. lork. »illpoiliiv*lv t*k.- p'.-e at Jonea'i Woad. IhaKthli.'t Tl.l" A-¦ eu.I..i. will ba the t|i|||B evef uiada byhim. hakaj 2< I aat h'gb and 2 .00 f'.-et long.

rpHE C-_L-BBAT__D llLONDOT whoae won-1 pe hard aatonlahddl ti taany tt

Nli.tar. Falli, will appear ahoitly lu Naw York. U JONEI^B

B"ROA\N'« OREAT I'lCI'l'REThe apl.ndid vl"W of New York ftotii Hobokea, bj the cal*

ebiaed, OBO. L. IRoW N. ralled"BAY AM. CITY OF NEW-.oKK AT SL'NRWE,"li n»w on vi_w st tli*CRAYON ART l.AI.LEHY.. omar Rroadway and dih aCAtliiuttai.. . gj...iita. t.l.llHi;il)N,,,li)l_.

^v-tu'rtioing l^gciuo.rPO Al>\ KRTISEK'S.-S M. PEl AM Ct) Ntt. 11*4 N*..AU-.t.. sre.._»nti> .eiil.itg adv-rtl.-BUN_a te at.v ut.d evarr pai r lu the I td S ..te. aai Otitiah

aastth. pobUahrrt lotvaag ralaa, P part miybete"nNd ti Mateit, Bctt i. .iiJNo 11. Naa-

a .. tt Nrw Y,nk

1^0 I'IMM'EliS. -A _.-..l at IBOO I'."' tb.)-*** J--.lioi-t.... ..,-:.. Ih*| t y P.IINTIN'O-

(I. KI* F. a ra-ona'' ¦'. . ' at N. l< .tl. t. 'd a..u. hak "wuj. bjlar. -u

landio tp i. ol KA.MH M. I1'BB1B.N.