Thamesmead Town Centre & Waterfront P5 Existing context ...

THAMESMEAD & ABBEY WOOD OPPORTUNITY AREA PLANNING FRAMEWORK URBAN STRUCTURE The Thames Path is a good east-west connection, but there are few links to it - mainly via Linton Mead and the parking courts of Greenhaven Drive Large areas of inaccessible Metropolitan Open Land at Tripcock Point are a barrier to movement - housing stops abruptly at the edge Central Way is a barrier to pedestrian and cycle movement The town centre has the character of an out-of-town retail park and is not easily accessible from surrounding neighbourhoods on foot or by cycle, being built mostly for the convenience of motor vehicle access Where alternative routes to those on the green and blue grid are not provided, night time safety is an issue Cul-de-sacs and indirect street patterns mean it is hard to find your way around PUBLIC SPACE There are large expanses of protected open space, much of which has biodiversity significance Large areas are publicly inaccessible, (e.g. the safeguarded river crossing). Other areas are poorly maintained with potential contamination issues There is a rich network of canals and lakes, which both connect neighbourhoods and create severance in the absence of bridges The town centre turns its back on the Thames and the two lakes in the area The public realm is generally car- dominated Off-road routes are useful for those who know their way around but are unlikely to be attractive to everyone and struggle to offer a welcoming environment at all times of the day. Poor lighting and signage contribute to this situation. Thamesmead Town Centre & Waterfront Existing context and character 5.3 P5

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• The Thames Path is a good east-west connection, but there are few links to it - mainly via Linton Mead and the parking courts of Greenhaven Drive

• Large areas of inaccessible Metropolitan Open Land at Tripcock Point are a barrier to movement - housing stops abruptly at the edge

• Central Way is a barrier to pedestrian and cycle movement

• The town centre has the character of an out-of-town retail park and is not easily accessible from surrounding neighbourhoods on foot or by cycle, being built mostly for the convenience of motor vehicle access

• Where alternative routes to those on the green and blue grid are not provided, night time safety is an issue

• Cul-de-sacs and indirect street patterns mean it is hard to find your way around


• There are large expanses of protected open space, much of which has biodiversity significance

• Large areas are publicly inaccessible, (e.g. the safeguarded river crossing). Other areas are poorly maintained with potential contamination issues

• There is a rich network of canals and lakes, which both connect neighbourhoods and create severance in the absence of bridges

• The town centre turns its back on the Thames and the two lakes in the area

• The public realm is generally car-dominated

• Off-road routes are useful for those who know their way around but are unlikely to be attractive to everyone and struggle to offer a welcoming environment at all times of the day. Poor lighting and signage contribute to this situation.

Thamesmead Town Centre & WaterfrontExisting context and character

5.3 P5

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• Buildings generally turn away from streets, being built for access by car - for example at Bentham Road, where pedestrians are routed away from the street down subways and footpaths

• Housing is arranged in cul-de-sacs; a mix of 2-3 storey late 20th century terraced and semi-detached housing. Predominantly brick construction with timber weatherboarding

• The town centre is predominantly single storey brick big box retail units of low architectural value.

• Social and community buildings are low-rise, surrounded by landscape


• The clocktower, originally in Deptford Dockyard, is locally listed and creates a focal point to the town centre

• Tripcock Point has a locally listed lighthouse and a bunker on the Thames

• Remains from the Royal Arsenal such as tumps add interest to the natural landscape

• Tump 53 Gallions Nature Centre is an important local attraction

• Thamesmead Leisure Centre is a local destination for sports and recreation

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T H A M E S M E A D & A B B E Y W O O D O P P O R T U N I T Y A R E A P L A N N I N G F R A M E W O R K

Thamesmead Town Centre & WaterfrontExisting context and character

District/town centresStrategic Industrial LocationsOpen spaceSINCMoorings Neighbourhood Forum

RidgewayMajor roadsRailway tracks


Potential contaminated land



The Moorings

Gallions Hill

Thamesmead Town Centre

Birchmere Park


Central Way

Central Way

5.3 P5

FIG 5.15 Thamesmead Town Centre and Waterfront - Existing context

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FIG 5.16 Thamesmead Town Centre is located next to landscaped canals that were former drainage ditches on Plumstead Marshes

FIG 5.17 Thamesmead Town Centre is more akin to an out-of-centre shopping park and has a poor pedestrian environment

FIG 5.19 Birchmere Park is located close to residential areas and provides a tranquil place for residents

FIG 5.18 Many green spaces in the OA are inaccessible

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5.3 P5

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District/town centresStrategic Industrial LocationsOpen spaceSite of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)Key destinationsRidgeway


What this OAPF means for Thamesmead Town Centre & Waterfront

Proposed key routesProposed major intervention

Approved/outline permission sites Potential areas of change

Proposed BRT pilot

FIG 5.20 Potential improvements at Thamesmead Town Centre and Waterfront

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Combining the best of city and natural landscape, this uniquely positioned waterfront town centre will be a destination with sweeping views of the Thames. A new transport interchange with improved walking and cycling connections will allow the area to better serve the social and convenience needs of its existing and emerging community. Careful phasing, flexibility and meanwhile uses will ensure the retail and civic functions continue throughout construction. Family-friendly leisure and cultural uses will celebrate the waterside location, creating a reinvigorated mixed-use district centre with attractive evening uses along the waterfront.

FIG 5.21 Canning Town Riverside

FIG 5.22 South Croydon








Potential DLR station & bus transit A new transport interchange and bus transit, along with improved walking and cycling connections would allow the town centre to become a civic hub with sweeping views of the Thames. See pg 81.

Town Centre

Developments should create an active and vibrant street-based urban centre, with high quality walking and cycling routes that integrate the centre with existing residential neighbourhoods. Central Way should have a consistent and active frontage to create a better sense of place and arrival.

Connections to the Thames Developments should contribute to flood risk management in ways that provide a safe, attractive waterfront destination for people and wildlife.

Tripcock Park Potential new sports and leisure facilities, and open space improvements.

Potential location for new school.

Thamesmere Leisure Centre Potential to co-locate and provide new sports facilities.

Potential new pier


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Thamesmead Waterfront

Thamesmead Town Centre



5.3 P5

What this OAPF means for Connecting Thamesmead Town Centre & Waterfront

Transit-related projectsMajor intervention projectsWalking, cycling & public realm projects

Proposed bus transit routePotential new connectionPotential new/improved walking/cycling routesPotential improvements to existing connections

Existing off-carriageway connection

FIG 5.23 Potential local connections at Thamesmead Town Centre and Waterfront

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Thamesmead Town Centre & WaterfrontPotential local connectionsCentral Way transit works Thamesmead C. interchange Potential improvements associated with the DLR and bus transit schemes - could include interchange, transit stops, road treatments and local walking and cycling accessibility to the services.

Western Way / Central Way Potential opportunity for junction redesign that facilitates safer, more comfortable crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.

Central Way Roundabouts Aspiration to improve roundabouts to create better environment for walking and cycling, while protecting bus services. Ideally this could be done ahead of bus transit or DLR.

Pier and river services Potential for future river services to serve Thamesmead centre should be explored. This would require construction of a new pier, which must be well integrated into the wider walking, cycle and public transport network.

Bentham Road An improved Bentham Road could make it easier for people to walk, cycle and access public transport at all times of day and night, as well as improving the setting for community facilities like schools.

Town Centre public realm and future route improvements Opportunity to create an active urban centre with fully integrated public transport. Potential for complementary projects that promote walking and cycling, and connect communities to places of interest and local services.

Consideration should be given to prioritising buses, cycling and walking from Twin Tumps Way to Thamesmere Drive, by reviewing general traffic flows.

Connecting through green infrastructure Realising opportunities to invest in green infrastructure could help connect an emerging new Thamesmead Centre and Waterfront to neighbouring communities and promote walking and cycling throughout the area. Key opportunities could include: (9) improvement and extension of the north-south Claridge Way corridor; (10) the central section of the Broadwater to Crossway connection, which (11) crosses Central Way north of the Western Way junction.

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