Test4 Unit5 Seasons and Weather 2014 (1)

NAME: DATE: TEST PAPER I. Unscramble these weather words: (1.50p) 1. NYNSU ____________ 6. DYWNI_____________ 2. YRINA________________ 7. MWRA______________ 3. WYSON________________ 8. GYFGO___________ 4. THO_________________ 9. DOLC_____________ 5. DUCOLY_______________ 10. ERALC____________ II. FIND THE ODD ONE OUT: (1p) a) Sunday; sunny, stormy, snowy b) rainy, snowy, water, hot, cold c) autumn, winter, morning, summer,

Transcript of Test4 Unit5 Seasons and Weather 2014 (1)



DATE:TEST PAPERI. Unscramble these weather words:

(1.50p)1. NYNSU ____________

6. DYWNI_____________ 2. YRINA________________

7. MWRA______________3. WYSON________________

8. GYFGO___________

4. THO_________________

9. DOLC_____________

5. DUCOLY_______________10. ERALC____________ II. FIND THE ODD ONE OUT:


a) Sunday; sunny, stormy, snowyb) rainy, snowy, water, hot, cold

c) autumn, winter, morning, summer,

d) Snow, May, March, October

e) June, July, April, AugustIII. What season is it?

(1p)a) Its cloudy and windy and it rains a lot. b) Its warm and flowers come to lifec) Its hot and school is over..d) Its cold and snowy and the children make snowmen..

e) Its chilly and leaves fall from the trees. IV. A. What can you do in summer? Tick () for yes /cross (x) for no (2.50p)Activities / xActivities / x

1. sunbathe2. pick flowers

3. fly a kite4. go on a picnic

5. skate6. make a snowman

7. swim8. pick snowdrops

9. gather leaves10. build sandcastles

11. go on a holiday12. ride a bike

13. pick apples 14. go to the beach

15. play tennis 16. bathe

17. celebrate Easter 18. go snowboarding

19. ski20. go to the sea

B. Fill in with 2 examples:

a. In winter you can ............................................................................


b. In spring you can ............................................................................


V. Complete the sentences. Use the words on the right. (1p)

Take your umbrella! Its 1 .

Its autumn. Its very 2 .today. The leaves are flying around and the boys can fly a kite.

Look! Its 3 .. ! The garden is all white! We can make a snowman!

Its 4 and 5 ...... on the beach. We can sunbathe and swim!

Its a lovely and 6 .. spring day. The temperature is perfect. Lets go on a picnic!

The sun isnt shining. The sky is grey. Its 7

When its 8 in winter, I wear a coat, a scarf and gloves.

In spring the weather is usually 9. ....................................

Its so 10. ........................................ today I cant see 10 metres in front of me.