TEMPLE ANSHE HESEDApr 04, 2019  · 5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 April 2019 25...

5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 www.anshehesederie.org April 2019 25 Adar II—25 Nisan 5779 Temple Anshe Hesed Mission Statement: Temple Anshe Hesed is a Reform Jewish congregation guided by Torah and dedicated to perpetuating Judaism and its traditions through education, worship, and social action in a welcoming and inclusive environment. TEMPLE ANSHE HESED Join your Temple Family for Second Night Seder Saturday, April 20th at TAH at 5:30 P.M. Please RSVP by Friday, April 12, 2019 Yizkor Service April 27, 2019 6:15 P.M. We request that all guests bring one of the following: Passover Kugel, Gefilte Fish, Chopped Liver or Faux Chopped Liver to share. Your check is your reservation! Adult Members $18.00 Guest of Congregation $20.00 Children 12 and under are free. Passover Celebrations!

Transcript of TEMPLE ANSHE HESEDApr 04, 2019  · 5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 April 2019 25...

Page 1: TEMPLE ANSHE HESEDApr 04, 2019  · 5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 April 2019 25 Adar II—25 Nisan 5779 Temple Anshe Hesed Mission Statement: Temple Anshe Hesed is

5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426


April 2019

25 Adar II—25 Nisan 5779

Temple Anshe Hesed Mission Statement:

Temple Anshe Hesed is a Reform Jewish congregation guided by Torah

and dedicated to perpetuating Judaism and its traditions

through education, worship, and social action

in a welcoming and inclusive environment.


Join your Temple Family for Second Night Seder

Saturday, April 20th


TAH at 5:30 P.M.

Please RSVP by

Friday, April 12, 2019

Yizkor Service

April 27, 2019

6:15 P.M.

We request that all guests

bring one of the following:

Passover Kugel,

Gefilte Fish,

Chopped Liver or

Faux Chopped Liver

to share.

Your check is your


Adult Members


Guest of Congregation


Children 12 and under are




Page 2: TEMPLE ANSHE HESEDApr 04, 2019  · 5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 April 2019 25 Adar II—25 Nisan 5779 Temple Anshe Hesed Mission Statement: Temple Anshe Hesed is

From the President’s

Backyard Gazebo How disturbing is another cowardly terrorist attack against innocent Muslim victims as they prayed in their

Mosque. Though this did not happen in America, the horrible act reverberated around the world. It was felt all

over our nation, and in Erie, PA. That there can be so much hate and rage at this time in history, and leaders here

not willing to make a stand against bigots, racists, are perplexing in the least. Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, issued the following

statement on behalf of the Union for Reform Judaism, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, and the wider

Reform Movement institutions: “The massacre in Christchurch pierces our hearts to the very core. To murder

people in the midst of worship is the epitome of evil. As we mourn this senseless loss of life, we hold our Muslim

family in our hearts and commit to stand with them during this painful time – including by visibly and vocally

showing up in solidarity (Please see the URJ Press Release on this matter).

With this being said, I would like to give some uplifting news from my backyard gazebo. I recently had the hon-

or and privilege to speak with Milton Sender. As many of you know, his generosity created the Sender Rabbinic

Fund. Mr. Sender spent his youth in Erie. He attended Temple Anshe Hesed until he left Erie to strike out on his

own. He has many friends who continue to live in the Erie area. Mr. Sender went on to become a major business

success story. Mr. Sender conveyed that what he learned at Temple had shaped him into the man he is today. He

expressed his love for the Temple and congregation. For the past 25 years, I have always heard of the wonderful

things Milton Sender has done for Temple Anshe Hesed. It was through Milton Sender’s philanthropy that we

have The Sender Rabbinic Fund. This trust is set up to use the funds to pay for our Rabbinic leader. Although

Milton Sender may not physically be here, his generosity to this congregation continues.

Although he is not here, we want him to know how much we appreciate all he has done. It is hoped Mr. Sender

will make a visit to our congregation in the future.

Get ready, set, go. We have so much going on at Anshe Hesed. With the Bat Mitzvah of Naomi Warshaw to the

annual Passover Seder, what better time is there to come to Temple then to celebrate the passage of youth to cele-

brating our exodus from Egypt.

Sofo Shel Davar, when all is said and done, we are of one congregation. We continue to strive to make Anshe

Hesed a formidable, loving congregation. We look forward to the future with Rabbi Robert Morais. He has so

much to bring to this congregation. Let us remember L’shem Shamayim, all who labor for the community

should do so for the sake of heaven (Avot 2:2).



Care to be a Leader?

In 2019, we have had many congregants “step up to the Bimah” to lead us and we are so grateful for everyone

who has done so. While we have been without a Rabbi for 8 months, the Worship committee has done an

amazing job of continuing to hold services on both Friday nights and on most Saturday mornings. We could not

have done that without all of our amazing volunteers.

We currently are set for Service Leaders in April, but there are opportunities to lead in May and June.

If you think you might be interested, please call or email the Temple office and we can put you on the schedule.

Services can be adapted to YOUR style, English or Hebrew, musical or not, it's your chance to lead.

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This has been a busy month for the Transition Team as we anticipated Rabbi Morais’s

house-hunting visit to Erie March 23-26th. We wanted to make sure that he and and Korlyn Sharpe felt

welcome, and that we could show them our wonderful TAH-Erie hospitality.

We arranged dinners for them for all three evenings (thank you to all those who hosted!), had a

lovely Welcome Basket of Erie goodies waiting for them at the hotel, and presented them with an ERIE &

TEMPLE RESOURCE DIRECTORY full of all kinds of information. This was lovingly assembled by

The Team, and presented to them to help them get to know what’s available in our city and our temple.

Hopefully, they will find it very helpful as they get to know Erie. There was also a meeting with the B’nai

Mitzvah parents, scheduled at the rabbi’s request.

You will be hearing of more activities in the coming weeks. We will be arranging Dinners and

Meet & Greets with the rabbi this summer so that every congregant will get to spend time with him. If you

are interested in hosting one of these, for any size group you desire, please let me know and The Team

will work with you to make it happen.

Thank you!

Barbara Shapira

881-6020 [email protected]

Report from Nominating Committee 2019

As per the By-laws, Article VI, Section 3 & 4, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee not

less than 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting. The members of the Nominating Committee are:

Corrine Egan (Chair), Karen Kobierski, Rachel Kroner, Steve Levy, Craig Reynolds, Sharon Warshaw.







LESLIE FORD (2019- 2020)

Additional nominations for any office may be made upon petition signed by any ten (10) members in

good standing of the Congregation, provided said petition is filed with the Secretary of the Congregation

within ten (10) days after the mailing of said notice.

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March was packed full of Gesher activities. To start off the events Jessica Maldet &

Sharon Warshaw’s students along with Rabbi Stone led a beautiful Shabbat service on March 15th. Thanks

to Bobbi Pollock for rewarding the students with a special personalized treat during the Oneg.

Jay Kallor and his students led Shabbat Services on March 15th. Again, it was another inspiring

service by Gesher that served as a reminder that our students are the Temple’s future! Thank you

Mr. Kallor for all your efforts in preparing the students to be future leaders.

During Gesher on March 17th the school celebrated Purim with a carnival! Students and teachers

dressed up for the occasion, played carnival games, and enjoyed delicious home baked Hamentaschen

cookies by Leslie Ford. Thanks to David & Kenny Zacks for restoring the carnival games from many years


Leslie Ford and her class produced a Purim Shpiel video! It was viewed during services on

March 22nd. They did a fantastic job! If you missed it, a message will be coming out in Tuesday Topics on

how you can view the Purim Shpiel.

Dates to remember April 5th Leslie Ford and her students will lead Shabbat. Naomi Warshaw will

be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on April 13th at 10:00am.


Gesher All Stars

Trenton Maldet: Fairview 1st place small school Model UN / Naomi Warshaw: Outstanding Delegate &

1st place Erie Day school Model UN / Kenny Zacks: 1st place Erie Day School Model UN

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Adult Education

Book Club

Due to the Passover holiday, our April meeting is cancelled! It has been rescheduled for

May. Please join us on May 14 at 5:30 P.M. at Panera on Peach and 38th Streets.

Our May book is Barren Island by Carol Zoref

Thanks to the many who have given us some great recommendations. We are always ready to

hear others. Please forward them to Janice Wittmershaus at [email protected]

How does one remember a world that literally no longer exists? How do the moral

imperatives to do so correspond to the personal needs that make it possible? Told

from the point-of-view of Marta Eisenstein Lane on the occasion of her 80th

birthday, Barren Island is the story of a factory island in New York's Jamaica Bay,

where the city's dead horses and other large animals were rendered into glue and

fertilizer from the mid-19th century until the 1930's. The island itself is as central to

the story as the members of the Jewish, Greek, Italian, Irish, and African-American

factory families that inhabit it, including those who live their entire lives steeped in

the smell of burning animal flesh.

The story begins with the arrival of the Eisenstein family, immigrants from Eastern

Europe, and explores how the political and social upheavals of the 1930's affect

them and their neighbors in the years between the stock market crash of October

1929 and the start of World War II ten years later. Labor strife, union riots, the

New Deal, the World's Fair, and the struggle to save European Jews from the

growing threat of Nazi terror inform this novel as much as the explosion of civil

and social liberties between the two World Wars. Barren Island, finally, is a novel

in which the existence of God is argued with a God that may no longer exist or,

perhaps, never did.



Dr. Sherri “Sam” Mason, Sustainability Coordinator at Penn State Behrend, is coming to

Temple Anshe Hesed on Sunday, April 7 at 11:00 am to answer our student's questions about

making our Temple a greener place. Following that, at 11:30, she will be available to further

speak about recycling in our community and answer questions you might have about sustaina-

bility. Dr. Mason is responsible for much of the groundbreaking research identifying contami-

nants known as microplastics in the Great Lakes and raising awareness of their potential impact

on human health and the food chain. Her work has led to state, federal and international policy


Talking About Death and Dying

The Conversations That We Need To Have, Yet Avoid

Sunday, April 14, 2019

10:30 A.M.—Noon

Temple Anshe Hesed

Rabbi Susan Stone, Chief Chaplain, Hillcrest Hospital, Cleveland Clinic

Foundation will discuss the many aspects and nuances of this important topic,

drawing from her extensive experience as a hospital chaplain.

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Yom HaShoah Observance

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Jefferson Educational Society

2:00 P.M.—4:00 P.M.

The JCRC is pleased to inform you of the appearance of Holocaust educator and presenter Michael Gans at

our annual Yom HaShoah observance on Sunday, May 5, at the Jefferson Educational Society. Our

program, including our traditional candle-lighting ceremony, is scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m.

Mr. Gans, a child of a Holocaust survivor, believes it incumbent on himself to bear witness for his family

and the millions murdered during the Holocaust, giving voice to their silence and keeping their memories

alive. It thus became his life's mission to combat the spread of antisemitism and to help others who have

been traumatized. To quote from Michael: " .. after years of vowing 'Never Again,' it has become truly

disheartening to have to ask how is it possible that merely 70 years after the Holocaust, the most extreme

example of antisemitism, there is again a rabid, worldwide resurgence of Jew-hatred?"

In the face of growing antisemitism in the U.S. and abroad, highlighted by the horrific massacre in

Pittsburgh, still so fresh in our memory; and in the face of continuous confrontations with Holocaust

deniers, Michael's very timely Erie presentation will focus on "Rewriting Holocaust Memory."


JCC SENIOR LOUNGE Welcome back to JCC’s Senior Lounge! After our winter hiatus,

we are resuming our Senior Lounge events.

Hope you can join us at Springhill on April 11th.


The struggle for equal rights for American women began in Seneca Falls,

New York and it took 70 years to pass the 19th amendment. The Equal Rights

Amendment is still waiting final ratification by the states. Join us to learn the

story of women’s fight. RSVP BY APRIL 6 TO (814) 455-4474


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“I believe in Spinoza's God...not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.”

-Albert Einstein to Rabbi Herbert Goldstein Well if that’s true Al, it would make for a boring Torah book called Exodus. Whether you read it as literal, allegory, or something in between, Exodus is anything but boring. A rage killing by Moses, an unconsumed burning bush, the cruel and unyielding Pharoah, plagues, a parting sea. Is it any wonder Charlton Heston signed on?

Of all things Exodus, I’ve had a preoccupation with the plagues. Mom would call it one of my “sick fascinations” - legions of frogs, dead livestock, a river of blood, and lest we forget oh, the boils. Utter mayhem. But why those plagues? God could have exploded pyramids, reversed the flow of the Nile, animated hieroglyphics to hunt palace guards (great scene in The Mummy, by the way). Before anyone gets all Talmudic (...but Carly, an Egyptian fertility goddess had the head of a frog and there’s rabbinical commentary on the river of blood symbolizing drowned Israelite infants…) I make no attempt here to debate the meanings of each plague. My question is what plagues would God unleash today in 2019, and against whom? Would they even change that much?

Plagues have a universal ability to cripple: making undrinkable the water necessary for survival, disruption of food sources by pestilence, disease of the body, killing of offspring. I don’t even have to try that hard. Undrinkable, putrid waters in this country and elsewhere? Been to Flint, MI recently? Read about frequent cholera outbreaks in the Caribbean? How about pestilence? Last I read the CDC and the WHO warned of an unabated rise in tick and mosquito populations because of warmer temperatures. Personally, I’ll take frogs over Lyme disease or malaria any day. And my favorite plague of all, measles, which currently infects hundreds throughout the U.S. because we never discovered a vaccine. My bad, I meant skin boils. Got confused there for a second.

What about darkness? Do we suffer the darkness of bigotry and intolerance which blinds worse than a failed power grid? Darkness that targets those as they gather to worship in Christchurch, New Zealand, Pittsburgh, PA, Sutherland Springs, TX, Charleston, SC, or Oak Creek, WI.

No one could argue that what God unleashed last, the death in one night of all Egypt’s first born, carried the harshest and saddest lesson. Offhand I can’t think of a modern comparison (thankfully), but what roiled in Pharaoh until then sounds familiar: disbelief, a cling to the old ways, a need for order...and power?

Fear not, for I refuse to conclude in gloom and despair. Exodus ended with freedom: that joy of knowing that when your eyes open every morning, no one owns you. That you, your thoughts, and your actions can have profound and positive change. That Jews and non-Jews alike have the knowledge to reverse and repair what afflicts us all with the freedom to do so. In a few brief paragraphs I’m unable to solve anything - I couldn’t given the space of a book. But here I refuse to give what I see as the worst plague of all one more victim. The plague of apathy.

I’ll hope that Einstein would agree, literalism aside.

-Carly Williamson

Member Musings

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Congregant Corner

Many thanks for the good wishes ushering in my

next decade. I affectionately thank you.

Roberta Barilla

If you use your bank to send checks to the

Temple, please make sure that you have changed

the address for the Temple in your bank account.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Dear fellow Congregants,

Save the date for the Temple Anshe Hesed

Annual Meeting. It will be held on

June 9, 2019. More details will follow in the

May Temple Topics. Edie

What is a puppy mill?

The first question Naomi gets when she

says she's doing a project for Puppy Mill

Awareness is "What is a puppy mill?"

And therein lies the problem!

A puppy mill is a dog breeding operation

in which the health of the dogs is

disregarded in order to maintain a low

overhead and maximize profits. The dogs

are very often kept in inhumane living

conditions, are over bred, and typically

removed too early from their mothers.

Please join us on May 4th at Erie Day

School to learn about puppy mills and

what you can do about them in our


You are joyfully invited to join us as

our daughter



is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

April 13, 2019 at 10 am

Temple Anshe Hesed 5401 Old Zuck Rd.

Kiddush luncheon immediately following

Barry and Sharon Warshaw

Join your Temple family as we celebrate

Naomi Sara Warshaw being called to the Torah!

A very special thank you for all of the kind and

thoughtful wishes on my special birthday. I had a

lovely day. Marian Chestner The Alice and Eugene Weiss Fund

In memory of Johanna Kapp

Tom and Lorraine Donaher


Page 9: TEMPLE ANSHE HESEDApr 04, 2019  · 5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 April 2019 25 Adar II—25 Nisan 5779 Temple Anshe Hesed Mission Statement: Temple Anshe Hesed is

Temple Anshe Hesed

Prayer Book Sponsorship Drive

Dear Congregants,

The Temple Worship Committee has recently ordered 50 new Mishkan Tefillah prayer books so there are

sufficient siddurs on hand for all services. The mix consists of 40 books for Shabbat and 10 books for Shabbat,

Weekdays and Festivals.

Please consider sponsoring one of the new prayer books, as it not only gives a chance to do a Mitzvah but also

to memorialize a beloved family member, or honor a family member or special occasion. A bookplate will be

placed in the sponsored prayer book.

The sponsoring price will be as follows:

Mishkan Tefillah for Shabbat - $28.00

Mishkan Tefillah for Shabbat, Weekdays and Festivals - $30.40

Please contact the Temple Office, Jay Kallor or Dennis Vidmar if you would like to participate or have any


Prayer Book Honor/Memorial Form Purchaser:

Name: ______________________________________

Address: ______________________________________

Phone#/email address: _______________________________________________

This purchase is in Honor or Memory (circle one) of:


Address: ______________________________________

I would like to purchase

____ # copies of Mishkan Tefillah for Shabbat - $28.00 $_______

____# copies of Mishkan Tefillah for Shabbat, Weekdays and Festivals - $30.40 $________

Total amount included in payment is $__________

Please send your payment to :

Temple Anshe Hesed

5401 Old Zuck Road, Erie, PA 16502


We've had BIG changes at Temple Anshe Hesed - a new building and a new rabbi! These changes will enable

us to grow in different ways. Discovering what we all truly care about will guide us through this new beginning.

As we kick-off this chapter for TAH, the Transition Team is asking for your help in creating a banner to display

at Temple that embodies our true self.

Please provide some descriptive words that tell why Temple Anshe Hesed is important or special to you?

You can either email your response to Jackie Spry at [email protected] or you can fill out a note at

Temple and place it in the comment box. This box will be up through the month of April!

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about!"

Page 10: TEMPLE ANSHE HESEDApr 04, 2019  · 5401 Old Zuck Road Erie, PA 16506 814-454-2426 April 2019 25 Adar II—25 Nisan 5779 Temple Anshe Hesed Mission Statement: Temple Anshe Hesed is

We, the members of One Table Erie, a group of local citizens committed to building bridges of respect, cooperation and understanding across diverse cultures and faiths, stand proudly with our Muslim sisters and brothers in and around Erie.

We grieve with those in Christchurch, New Zealand, who suffered the loss of loved ones in the horrific and senseless massacre at two mosques there.

We grieve not only lost lives but also the loss of community, the loss of trust, the loss of peace, and the accumulating damage done to the future that we all want for our children.

We grieve, but we will not be paralyzed by our grief for there is truth that needs to be spoken in such times as these. The truth that demonization, hatred, and violence, will not make our world safer or better. The truth that bigotry gone unchallenged will be emboldened and that if we say nothing we may as well join them.

The truth that we are all in this together and that sitting side by side at the table of our common humanity in pursuit of understanding is the only reasonable approach to passing on to future generations a world worth living in.

Today, we want to say to our Muslim friends here and around the world, we grieve with you, we stand with you, and we commit ourselves to working with you to find a way where love and understanding flourish.


Friday, April 5 Leslie Ford

6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service

Saturday, April 6 Dennis Vidmar

10:00 A.M. Shabbat Morning Service

11:00 A.M. Torah Study

Friday, April 12 Rabbi Stone

6:15 P.M. Friday Night Live

Saturday, April 13 Rabbi Stone

10:00 A.M. Naomi Warshaw is called to the

Torah to become a Bat Mitzvah.

Friday, April 19 Passover

No Shabbat Service

Saturday, April 20 Passover

No Shabbat Morning Service

No Torah Study

5:30 P.M. Second Night Seder

Friday, April 26 Jack Marcus/ Michele Bille

6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service

Saturday, April 27 Joel Waldman/Dennis Vidmar

10:00 A.M. Shabbat Morning Service

11:00 A.M. Torah Study

6:15 P.M. Yizkor Service


Genizah Burial

On March 17, 2019, our congregation held a service to

bury the books and sacred items that we did not bring to

our new Temple. The Worship committee led the service

as we buried our items in a special plot at Temple Anshe

Hesed Cemetery.

We would like to thank the members of the Worship

Committee who led the service and Joe Graziano who

facilitated the move. We also thank Peter Burton and

Burton Funeral Home who organized all of the sacred

items, treated them with deep respect and care and helped

in the burial.

The Cemetery Committee welcomes any congregant who

would like to visit our cemetery on West 26th Street.

Ina Fisher at [email protected] is the

contact for the cemetery.

Ina and Ed Fisher, Chair of Cemetery


On Friday, March 15th Jay Kallor lead

Services with his 8th Grade students.

Pictured from left to right:

Jay Kallor, Kenny Zacks, Ava Spry

and Naomi Warshaw.

We at TAH have been fortunate to have

Gesher students to lead many services.

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Congregant Calendar


April 1 Charles Romero, Lauren Stout

April 2 Lyman Cohen

April 5 Darlene Przybyszewski

April 8 Andrew Greene

April 9 Anthony Bille

April 11 Howard Nadworny

April 13 Eric Pallant

April 14 Sue Comi, Larisa Rabinovich

April 18 Adam Unger

April 20 Jackie Breakstone, Ilya Broverman

April 21 Fred Solomon

April 22 Noyak Grinberg,

April 26 Mark Tanenbaum, Bruce Wittmershaus

April 27 Semeyon Peysakhovich

April 30 Judith Goldman


April 1

Bobbi and Greg Rubin

April 7

Barbara and Harvey Shapiro

April 8

Melanie and Steve Woods


April 5/6

Seymour Rudolph, Elaine Cohen Casselman,

Mitchell Burdick, Scott Randall Landay,

Anna Radov, Solomon Loeb, Jacob Hays Bissinger,

Lizzie May, Pearl Gluck, Nathan Silin,

Marion Sayles, Sophia Hanauer, Sam Kohn,

Benjamin Specter, Clementine Loeb, Sol Schnurman,

Erna Voss Kuhns, Reba Busch Mercury,

Esther Kuperman, Nathan Semuel, Ruth Levick,

Fanny Livingston, Bernard Baker, Benjamin Specter,

David Rosenthal, Martin Luther King,

Bena Rosenzwig, Samuel Frank, Rachel Brodsky,

Mary Weiss, Minnie Rosenzweig

April 12/13

Benjamin Friedlander,

Arthur Kallman, Barry Levin, Gazella Pollock,

Lillian Cohen, Mattie Weil, Belle Gerson,

Jacob Aron, Leonard Schmidt, Joseph Pollock,

Frances Strong, Jeffrey Kallor, Madeline Marks

April 19/20

William Levin, Joseph Biernbaum, Tobia Casselman,

Edward Ivan Zacks, Abe Daneman, Betty Rubin,

Joseph L. Lochner, Dora Weiner, Israel Cohen,

Solomon Joel Harris, Sidney Schuster, Alfred Baker,

Annie Leah Rosenbaum, Nanette Cosel Linville,

Barbara Casselman, Morris Berenstain,

Henry V. Jacobson, Esther Jacobson, Norman Shor,

Fannie Masiroff, Howard Paul, Hannah Eisenberg,

Sol Savransky, Caroline Rosenthal, James Simon,

W. Louis Schlesinger, Heinrich Schaffner,

Rebecca Levick, Bess Fall, Theodore Kahn,

April 26/27

Rose Fisher, Adolph Eisenberg, Florence Scharff,

Irwin Strauss, Henry Pudenz, Kurt Nathan,

Maurice Dryfoose, Rebecca Schiller,

Nathan Feldman, Laura Felheim,

Madalyn Dryfoose Henry, Jacob Rose, Lucile Falk,

Bertha Kaufman, Adolph Dryfoos, Hannah Pollock,

Nathan Schiller, Philip Hanauer Sr.,

Arthur Ostheimer

May 3/4

Jennie Schaack, Moses Rosenthal, Sam Rosenbaum,

Marion Basch Kahn, Judah Loeb Ostrow,

Miriam Smith, Sam Lurie, Lucian Selig,

Lawrence Frank, Rebecca Buckstein, Toni Lechtner,

M. Mayo Levick, Robert Kaye, Gertrude Myers,

Selma Rubinfield Aronovitz, Abraham DeRoy,

Seligman Strauss, Eli Sobel, Arthur Rosenberg,

Rose Lancet, Philip Green, Annie B. Goldstein

Perpetual Memorials:

Names that appear on the yahrzeit list both here and

on our service sheets each week are the names of

those whose family members have purchased a

Perpetual Memorial in memory of their loved ones.

Purchasing a Perpetual Memorial means that your

loved one will have Kaddish said for him or her in

perpetuity, as long as the congregation of Temple

Anshe Hesed exists.

If you are interested in a Perpetual Memorial for

your loved one, please contact Mary Scutella at the


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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

31 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11



14 15 16



19 20





25 26


28 29

30 1 2 3 4

April 2019

18 Nisan 16 Nisan 17 Nisan

7 Nisan

14 Nisan

6 Nisan 5 Nisan 4 Nisan 3 Nisan 2 Nisan

15 Nisan

21 Nisan

12 Nisan 13 Nisan 10 Nisan 11 Nisan9 Nisan

23 Nisan 24 Nisan

22 Nisan

6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service Leslie Ford and her Gesher Class

20 Nisan 19 Nisan

10:00 A.M. Shabbat Service 11:00 A.M. Torah Study

Dennis Vidmar

8 Nisan

25 Nisan 26 Nisan

26 Adar ll

7:00 P.M. Board Meeting

9:30 A.M. Gesher 11:30 A.M. Hebrew

27 Nisan

25 Adar ll

28 Nisan 29 Nisan

27 Adar ll 28 Adar ll 29 Adar ll 1 Nisan 24 Adar ll

9:30 A.M. Gesher 11:30 A.M. Hebrew 11:30 A.M. Sustainability Program at TAH

No Gesher No Hebrew

9:30 A.M. Gesher 10:30 A.M. Adult Ed w/Rabbi Stone 11:30 A.M. Hebrew

9:30 A.M. Gesher 11:30 A.M. Hebrew

6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service Rabbi Stone

No Shabbat Service

6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service Rabbi Stone

6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service Michele Bille & Jack Marcus

10:00 A.M. Naomi Warshaw is called to the Torah to become a Bat Mitzvah

Rabbi Stone

5:30 P.M. Second Night Seder

10:00 A.M. Morning Shabbat Service 11:00 A.M. Torah Study 6:15 P.M. Yizkor Service

10:00 A.M. Shabbat Service 11:00 A.M. Torah Study

Rabbi Stone

Mary’s Vacation

Mary’s Vacation

