Technology Shopping

with Phyllis Khare Three-Headed World Consulting Service


This is a document that lists the questions you need to ask *before* going technology shopping.

Transcript of Technology Shopping

Page 1: Technology Shopping

with Phyllis KhareThree-Headed World

Consulting Service

Page 2: Technology Shopping

Best Website Systemfor You

First - answer these questions:

1. Will your site be mainly used for selling your services, or education?

2. Do you prefer people reading or hearing about your work –or do you want to talk to them right away?

3. Do you have a virtual assistant or system for your clients to make appointments – by phone or online?

4. Do you have any experience with website work, or will you need someone to make changes on the site for you?

5. Do you run specials or have sales?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:

Templates inside your Domain

Name Provider (godaddy)

Robust systems (Full Partner)


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Best Phone Systemfor You

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you like having the phone ring in your space?

2. Do you have an in-house assistant?

3. Do you like having a quiet work space?

4. Do you work in an office –or are you out traveling most of the time?

5. Do you like having a time set aside for returning calls?

6. Or is your job talking on the phone most of the day?

7. Do you prefer to see people as they talk to you – or just hear their voice?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:


Virtual Assistant

Dell Sight-Speed Video Calls

Skype Video or Voice Calls

Regular Phone Systems

Advanced Cell Phone Systems

Blackberry Systems

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Best WebcastSystem for You

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you need LIVE webcasts or can they be pre-recorded?

2. Do you need to share documents or just talk?

3. Do you need to have audience participation?

4. Do you have products to sell or services?

5. Do you anticipate large or small audiences?

6. Will the webcasts be put on your website or will they be products themselves to sell?

7. Do you mind how you look on video?

8. Are you interesting on video?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:


GoToMeeting System

WebEx System

Dell Video System

ConnectNow System

Instant Presenter

Camcorder Recordings

Professional Studio

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Best Organizing a Meeting System for you

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you meet with people physically or virtually?

2. Do you need to share documents or just talk?

3. Do you meet with one person at a time or in medium to large groups?

4. Do you have an assistant?

5. Do you use Outlook or Google Calendar?

6. Are you comfortable with the computer? If yes, would the people you need to meet with answer that same way?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:

TimeBridge System

Virtual Assistant

LiveOffice System

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Best Computer System for you

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you spend most of your time in your office or traveling?

2. Do you have a real or virtual assistant?

3. Do you need to make presentations with your computer when you travel?

4. Do you need to write when you travel?

5. Do you like computers? Do computers like you?

6. Do you want or need all the internet has to offer?

7. Do work with mostly text, or video and audio?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:

Dell Laptop


Desktop with Travel Laptop

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Best Video RecordingSystemfor you

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you need to record yourself or others?

2. Do you have a real or virtual assistant to help with this, or will you need to record things yourself?

3. Will these recordings go on a website or be presented in a conference setting?

4. Will the recordings be short (up to a few minutes) or long (up to an hour)?

5. Do the recordings need to look ultra-professional or more informal?

6. Will your videos need to have split screens with you and text?

7. Do you need PowerPoint Presentations with embedded video?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:

Dell Sight-Speed


Physical Video System

Professional Studio

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Best Audio RecordingSystemfor you

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you need to record yourself or others?

2. Do you have a real or virtual assistant to help with this, or will you need to record things yourself?

3. Will these recordings go on a website or be presented in a conference setting?

4. Will the recordings be short (up to a few minutes) or long (up to an hour)?

5. Do the recordings need to sound ultra-professional (with music intros etc..) or more informal?

6. Will you want to send your audios in email or place on your website?

7. Do you have a clear voice?

8. Do you need to be the person talking for the audio recording?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:

Audio Acrobat System

Free Computer Programs

Physical Audio Recording System

Professional Studio

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Best EmailSystemfor you

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you use email as your main way of communicating with your clients?

2. Do you have a real or virtual assistant to help with email communication or do you manage your own email?

3. Do you like to delete email, or do you like to keep it?

4. Do you generally have back and forth conversations?

5. Do you have a branded look to your business?

6. Do you need to share your calendar with clients?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:



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Best Marketing Newsletter Systemfor you

First - answer these questions:

1. Do you have a small group of clients, or a large list of customers?

2. Do you have new products or services to sell each month, or do you only offer the same service?

3. Do you need to build a large email list of potential customers?

4. Do you like to promote other people’s products (affiliate marketing)?

5. Do you advertise outside of the internet?

6. Do you have a VA or know who to outsource this to?

Suggested Systems depending on your answers:

Mail Chimp

Constant Comment


Website Systems

Page 11: Technology Shopping

Technology Shopping

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