Technology for Automation of Weed Control in Specialty Crops...controlar malezas. Los equipos de...

Weed Technology 2016 30:823–837 Technology for Automation of Weed Control in Specialty Crops Steven A. Fennimore, David C. Slaughter, Mark C. Siemens, Ramon G. Leon, and Mazin N. Saber* Specialty crops, like flowers, herbs, and vegetables, generally do not have an adequate spectrum of herbicide chemistries to control weeds and have been dependent on hand weeding to achieve commercially acceptable weed control. However, labor shortages have led to higher costs for hand weeding. There is a need to develop labor-saving technologies for weed control in specialty crops if production costs are to be contained. Machine vision technology, together with data processors, have been developed to enable commercial machines to recognize crop row patterns and control automated devices that perform tasks such as removal of intrarow weeds, as well as to thin crops to desired stands. The commercial machine vision systems depend upon a size difference between the crops and weeds and/or the regular crop row pattern to enable the system to recognize crop plants and control surrounding weeds. However, where weeds are large or the weed population is very dense, then current machine vision systems cannot effectively differentiate weeds from crops. Commercially available automated weeders and thinners today depend upon cultivators or directed sprayers to control weeds. Weed control actuators on future models may use abrasion with sand blown in an air stream or heating with flaming devices to kill weeds. Future weed control strategies will likely require adaptation of the crops to automated weed removal equipment. One example would be changes in crop row patterns and spacing to facilitate cultivation in two directions. Chemical company consolidation continues to reduce the number of companies searching for new herbicides; increasing costs to develop new herbicides and price competition from existing products suggest that the downward trend in new herbicide development will continue. In contrast, automated weed removal equipment continues to improve and become more effective. Key words: Automation, integrated weed management, intelligent cultivator, intrarow weed control, mechanization, robotic weeding, vegetable crops Los cultivos hort´ ıcolas de alto valor tales como flores, hierbas, y vegetales generalmente no tienen un espectro adecuado de qu´ ımicos herbicidas para el control de malezas y han sido dependientes de la deshierba manual para alcanzar un control de malezas comercialmente aceptable. Sin embargo, la escasez de mano de obra ha provocado el incremento en los costos de la deshierba manual. Si se pretende contener los costos de producci´ on, existe una necesidad de desarrollar tecnolog´ ıas alternativas a la mano de obra para el control de malezas en cultivos hort´ ıcolas de alto valor. La tecnolog´ ıa de ma ´quinas de visi´ on, combinada con procesadores de datos, ha sido desarrollada para hacer posible que ma ´quinas comerciales puedan reconocer los patrones de siembra en hileras del cultivo y a la vez controlar equipos automatizados que pueden desempe˜ nar labores tales como la remoci´ on de malezas en la hilera de siembra, o ralear la densidad de siembra del cultivo. Los sistemas de ma ´quinas de visi´ on comerciales dependen de la diferencia entre el tama˜ no del cultivo y el de las malezas y/o de la regularidad del patr´ on de distribuci´ on del cultivo para que el sistema pueda reconocer las plantas del cultivo y las malezas a su alrededor. Sin embargo, donde las malezas son grandes o la poblaci´ on de malezas es muy densa, los sistemas de ma ´quinas de visi´ on actuales no pueden diferenciar efectivamente entre las malezas y los cultivos. Los equipos automatizados de deshierba disponibles comercialmente hoy en d´ ıa dependen de cultivadores o aspersores dirigidos para controlar malezas. Los equipos de acci´ on para el control de malezas en modelos futuros podr´ ıan usar abrasi´ on con aspersi´ on de arena con aire a presi´ on o calor con equipos con llamas de fuego para matar las malezas. Las estrategias de control de malezas en el futuro probablemente requerira ´n la adaptaci´ on de los cultivos al equipo automatizado de remoci´ on de malezas. Un ejemplo de esto ser´ ıa el cambio de patrones de siembra y distancias entre hileras del cultivo para facilitar la labranza en dos direcciones. La consolidaci´ on de compa˜ ıas qu´ ımicas contin´ ua reduciendo el n´ umero de compa˜ ıas que esta ´n buscando nuevos herbicidas. Adema ´s, el incremento en los costos de desarrollar nuevos herbicidas y el precio de la competencia a partir de productos existentes sugiere que la tendencia decreciente en el desarrollo de nuevos herbicidas continuara ´. En contraste, equipos automatizados de remoci´ on de malezas contin ´ uan mejorando y haci´ endose ma ´s efectivos. DOI: 10.1614/WT-D-16-00070.1 * Extension Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, Salinas, CA 93905; Professor, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616; Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; Assistant Professor, West Florida Research and Education Center and Agronomy Department, University of Florida, Jay, FL 32565; Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona, Yuma Agricultural Center, AZ 85364. 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Transcript of Technology for Automation of Weed Control in Specialty Crops...controlar malezas. Los equipos de...

Page 1: Technology for Automation of Weed Control in Specialty Crops...controlar malezas. Los equipos de acci´on para el control de malezas en modelos futuros podr ´ıan usar abrasion con

Weed Technology 2016 30:823–837

Technology for Automation of Weed Control in Specialty Crops

Steven A. Fennimore, David C. Slaughter, Mark C. Siemens, Ramon G. Leon, and Mazin N. Saber*

Specialty crops, like flowers, herbs, and vegetables, generally do not have an adequate spectrum ofherbicide chemistries to control weeds and have been dependent on hand weeding to achievecommercially acceptable weed control. However, labor shortages have led to higher costs for handweeding. There is a need to develop labor-saving technologies for weed control in specialty crops ifproduction costs are to be contained. Machine vision technology, together with data processors, havebeen developed to enable commercial machines to recognize crop row patterns and controlautomated devices that perform tasks such as removal of intrarow weeds, as well as to thin crops todesired stands. The commercial machine vision systems depend upon a size difference between thecrops and weeds and/or the regular crop row pattern to enable the system to recognize crop plantsand control surrounding weeds. However, where weeds are large or the weed population is verydense, then current machine vision systems cannot effectively differentiate weeds from crops.Commercially available automated weeders and thinners today depend upon cultivators or directedsprayers to control weeds. Weed control actuators on future models may use abrasion with sandblown in an air stream or heating with flaming devices to kill weeds. Future weed control strategieswill likely require adaptation of the crops to automated weed removal equipment. One examplewould be changes in crop row patterns and spacing to facilitate cultivation in two directions.Chemical company consolidation continues to reduce the number of companies searching for newherbicides; increasing costs to develop new herbicides and price competition from existing productssuggest that the downward trend in new herbicide development will continue. In contrast, automatedweed removal equipment continues to improve and become more effective.Key words: Automation, integrated weed management, intelligent cultivator, intrarow weedcontrol, mechanization, robotic weeding, vegetable crops

Los cultivos hortıcolas de alto valor tales como flores, hierbas, y vegetales generalmente no tienen un espectro adecuado dequımicos herbicidas para el control de malezas y han sido dependientes de la deshierba manual para alcanzar un control demalezas comercialmente aceptable. Sin embargo, la escasez de mano de obra ha provocado el incremento en los costos de ladeshierba manual. Si se pretende contener los costos de produccion, existe una necesidad de desarrollar tecnologıasalternativas a la mano de obra para el control de malezas en cultivos hortıcolas de alto valor. La tecnologıa de maquinas devision, combinada con procesadores de datos, ha sido desarrollada para hacer posible que maquinas comerciales puedanreconocer los patrones de siembra en hileras del cultivo y a la vez controlar equipos automatizados que pueden desempenarlabores tales como la remocion de malezas en la hilera de siembra, o ralear la densidad de siembra del cultivo. Los sistemasde maquinas de vision comerciales dependen de la diferencia entre el tamano del cultivo y el de las malezas y/o de laregularidad del patron de distribucion del cultivo para que el sistema pueda reconocer las plantas del cultivo y las malezas asu alrededor. Sin embargo, donde las malezas son grandes o la poblacion de malezas es muy densa, los sistemas demaquinas de vision actuales no pueden diferenciar efectivamente entre las malezas y los cultivos. Los equiposautomatizados de deshierba disponibles comercialmente hoy en dıa dependen de cultivadores o aspersores dirigidos paracontrolar malezas. Los equipos de accion para el control de malezas en modelos futuros podrıan usar abrasion con aspersionde arena con aire a presion o calor con equipos con llamas de fuego para matar las malezas. Las estrategias de control demalezas en el futuro probablemente requeriran la adaptacion de los cultivos al equipo automatizado de remocion demalezas. Un ejemplo de esto serıa el cambio de patrones de siembra y distancias entre hileras del cultivo para facilitar lalabranza en dos direcciones. La consolidacion de companıas quımicas continua reduciendo el numero de companıas queestan buscando nuevos herbicidas. Ademas, el incremento en los costos de desarrollar nuevos herbicidas y el precio de lacompetencia a partir de productos existentes sugiere que la tendencia decreciente en el desarrollo de nuevos herbicidascontinuara. En contraste, equipos automatizados de remocion de malezas continuan mejorando y haciendose mas efectivos.

DOI: 10.1614/WT-D-16-00070.1* Extension Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, Salinas, CA 93905; Professor, Department of

Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616; Associate Professor, Department ofAgricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; Assistant Professor, West Florida Research andEducation Center and Agronomy Department, University of Florida, Jay, FL 32565; Postdoctoral Research Associate, University ofArizona, Yuma Agricultural Center, AZ 85364. Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]

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Automated weed control technology is availablecommercially and is being used in vegetable cropslike broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) and lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) (Lati et al. 2016). Because ofthe limited availability of effective herbicides, andhigh labor used in the production of specialty crops(flower, fruit, herb, vegetable, and other horticul-tural crops), these crops are most likely to benefitfrom weed control automation due to reduced laborinputs required for hand weeding (U.S. Departmentof Agriculture [USDA] 2016). As a group, thehighly varied plant architectures and productionsystems of flower, fruit, herb, vegetable, and otherhorticultural crops make it challenging if notimpractical to develop a one-size-fits-all automaticweeding machine for specialty crops. Weed removaltechnology developed in specialty crops may proveuseful for application in major crops, albeit withrequired modification for canopy coverage, plantingdensity, as well as operation speed and cost perhectare. Within the last decade, new technologiesfor crop thinning and weed removal have beendeveloped and commercialized for specialty crops,and there will likely be many more future advancesin machine learning and development of smartmachines for agriculture.

Herbicides have greatly reduced agriculturalproduction costs as well as contributed towardincreasing crop yields (Gianessi and Reigner 2007).A major stimulus for introduction of herbicides wasthe loss of farm labor for hand weeding andincreasing farm labor costs during the 1940s and1950s. This led to the weed management revolutionbased on conventional herbicides during the 1960sand 1970s, followed by the introduction ofglyphosate-resistant crops during the 1990s andearly 2000s (Duke 2012; Shaner 2000). Not allcrops participated equally in the dramatic increasesin efficiency that conventional herbicides andglyphosate-resistant crops brought to the market.Specialty crops, especially flower, berry, andvegetable crops, do not have an adequate spectrumof herbicide chemistries to provide commerciallyacceptable weed control by themselves; therefore,hand weeding is also needed to protect manyspecialty crops (Fennimore and Doohan 2008).Hand weeding, cultivation, and cultural methods ofweed management are especially important inorganic crops where organic-compliant herbicidesare expensive and seldom used in commercial

agriculture (Boyd et al. 2006). Because of stricterimmigration policies and competition for laborersfrom nonagricultural sectors, the United States isagain finding that farm labor supply does not meetdemand, and there is a need for alternatives to handweeding (Taylor et al. 2012). Rapid industrializa-tion in Mexico with accompanying employmentopportunities and farm labor demands in thatcountry have resulted in less farm labor available inthe United States. This paper will explore possiblealternatives using automation technology to im-prove weed control systems in specialty crops.

Commercial development of new herbicide activeingredients has greatly slowed in the past decade. Asrecently as the 1970s and 1980s, several new activeingredients were introduced annually (Duke 2012).Currently, new herbicide active ingredients maycost $240 to $300 million from discovery to launch(Castello et al. 2015; Duke 2012; Kraehmer et al.2014; Lamberth et al. 2013; Ruegg et al. 2007).High development costs will likely limit the numberof new herbicide active ingredients in the pipeline,particularly for specialty crops where the number ofhectares is low compared to agronomic crops.During the period 1970 to 1991, 15 new herbicidemodes-of-action were introduced in Europe, butnone after 1991 (Ruegg et al. 2007). During theperiod 1980 to 2009, 137 new herbicides wereintroduced worldwide (Duke 2012; Kraehmer et al.2014). However, in the period 2010 to 2014 onlyfour new herbicides were introduced (Jeschke2016). Perhaps the increasing difficulties in man-aging weeds resistant to glyphosate and otherherbicides will stimulate some of the agriculturalchemical companies to reinvigorate their develop-ment efforts (Duke 2012; Shaner 2000). However,the much higher development costs for newchemistries and the fact that there are fewer majoragricultural chemical companies today looking fornew herbicide chemistry, suggests the downwardtrend of new herbicide introductions will continue(Duke 2012). Also contributing to the lack of newherbicide chemistry is the availability of establishedherbicides already on the market and the intensecompetition among agricultural chemical compa-nies for market share, which holds down prices andmust be considered before making a decision toinvest in new products (Ruegg et al. 2007).

Automatic weed removal technology provides analternative path to weed control with reduced

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dependence on both the agricultural chemicalindustry and hand weeding. Recently, a growingnumber of new European and U.S. companies withexpertise in machine vision, automation, mecha-tronics (control systems and actuators), and roboticshave formed to address labor shortages in thespecialty crop industry. The likelihood that thistrend will continue is high, as the development ofautomatic weed removal equipment can be muchless expensive than herbicides. For example, thedevelopment costs for Steketee’s intelligent cultiva-tor (IC) in The Netherlands, was approximately$11 to $17 million (Leonard Mol, Steketee,personal communication) which compares favor-ably to the . $250 million required to develop anew herbicide (Ruegg et al. 2007). New technolo-gies that combine sensors and mechatronics withexisting weed removal technology like cultivationknives and sprayers to create new tools to removeweeds will be discussed.

Automation of weed control has two key aspects,crop/weed detection and weed control actuators.Automatic detection involves machine recognitionof key features of the plant and differentiationbetween the crop and weed. Actuation takes twoapproaches to weed automation; one approach ischemical and the other mechanical (De Baerde-maeker 2014). Here we will explore examples ofboth of these approaches with automated lettucethinners used as an example of automated chemicalapplication and robotic intrarow cultivation as anexample of mechanical weed control automation.

Weed and Crop Detection

GPS Guidance. Because of the small size of thecrop at the optimum time in the plant life cycle forweed control (Lanini and LeStrange 1991) preciselateral guidance of the sensors and actuators is acritical prerequisite for robust performance inautomated weed control systems, particularly thosebased upon spray targeting of individual weeds(Lamm et al. 2002). The most commonly usedtechnology for precise lateral guidance in specialtycrops is currently the real-time kinematic (RTK)global positioning systems (GPS) technology forautoguidance of the tractor. Most modern RTK-GPS guidance systems are compatible with globalnavigation satellite systems from multiple countriesto increase the total number of satellites available

and improve reliability. The U.S. Geological Survey(USGS) reports that the accuracy of RTK-GPSlocation measurement is 3 cm when determined inrelationship to a specific geodetic datum (USGS2016). The second type of technology in use forlateral guidance of automated weed control systemsis based on machine-vision crop row following(Fennimore et al. 2010). Under low to moderateweed infestation levels, machine vision guidancesystems can outperform RTK-GPS guidance sys-tems because they are more accurate (Slaughter et al.1999) and because they are typically set up tocontrol the lateral positioning of the cultivationsystem directly, rather than indirectly throughcontrol of the tractor. At high weed infestationlevels machine-vision guidance systems can becomeunreliable. The convenience of having one guidancesystem for all farming operations (e.g., tillage,planting, harvesting) and the independence of theperformance of RTK-GPS from the weed densities/size means RTK-GPS guidance system will likelybecome the predominant technology for preciselateral guidance of automated weed control plat-forms.

Once the lateral position of the robotic system hasbeen established, the next task is to identifyindividual plants within the crop row. The twoweed control mechanisms (hoeing vs. spray) led todifferent requirements of the sensing approach toplant identification. For robotic hoeing, the sensingneed is for accurate detection and localization of thecrop plants’ centroids (center of plant symmetry),and weed detection is not generally needed. Forrobotic weed spraying, assuming a nonselectivephytotoxic solution precisely sprayed on the targetweed avoiding the crop and soil, the sensing need isfor an accurate map of the location of the weedfoliage and here, mapping the crop foliage can beimportant for minimizing accidental targeting ofthe crop. Of the two cases, detecting and mappingthe crop plants’ centroids is the least challengingand has the greatest number of sensing modalitiesavailable.

Three general noncontact sensing approaches toautomatic detection and mapping of the cropplants’ centroids have been demonstrated. The firstsensing modality requires a systems approach tocrop mapping and the use of RTK-GPS both atplanting and during weed control. This concept wasdeveloped by Upadhyaya et al. (2003, 2005) and

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has been experimentally verified by Ehsani et al.(2004), Nørremark et al. (2007, 2008), Sun et al.(2010), and Perez-Ruiz et al. (2012a,b). In thismethod, an RTK-GPS crop plant map of the seedlocation, or transplant location is automaticallymade at planting. The RTK-GPS crop location mapis later used by the robotic weed control system tocontrol the position of the robotic hoes automat-ically, pulling the hoes away from the close-to-cropzone when approaching a crop location in the map,and then back into the row center to controlintrarow weeds between crop plants. This sensingapproach has the advantages of not requiring anycrop- or weed-specific knowledge, is less computa-tionally intensive than machine-vision techniques,has no optical elements that require protection, anddoes not require any illumination source or control,but requires a GPS-mapping planter or transplanterand the availability of a high-quality RTK-GPSsignal both at planting and during weeding events.Recent advances in RTK-GPS technology havegreatly reduced the component cost of RTK-GPSequipment, suggesting that this technique maybecome cost-competitive with other technologiesin the near future.

Electromagnetic Absorbance. The second sensingmodality that has been demonstrated is the use ofX-ray or gamma ray sensing technology fordetection of crop plants. The concept was originallydeveloped for lettuce harvesting using X-ray byLenker and Adrian (1971) and gamma ray byGarrett and Talley (1969) and has been experimen-tally verified for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)plant detection in the field for weed controlapplications by Haff et al. (2011). The method isbased upon the absorbance of electromagneticenergy and requires that the main stem in a centralleader crop architecture or central portion in arosette architecture crop plant have greater absor-bance than the weeds, typically by the crop beingphysically larger. As such, the sensing method ismost appropriate for weed control in a transplantedcrop, where the crop plants are older and typicallylarger than the emerging weeds. Like the GPSmethod described above, it is also used to controlthe position of robotic weeding hoes into and out ofthe close-to-crop zone. It is the least computation-ally intensive noncontact method of crop detectionthat has been demonstrated in specialty crops.Because it utilizes a penetrating source of electro-

magnetic radiation (unlike visible or near-infraredlight-based methods), it is robust to the visualocclusion of the crop plant center by either crop orweed foliage, an advantage over machine visiontechniques. The primary disadvantage is the need toprotect workers from accidental exposure to the X-ray or gamma ray source.

Machine Vision Detection. The third, and mostpredominant sensing modality used in automaticweed control are machine vision techniques. Themost powerful, and to date the only method capableof robust, automated in-field discrimination ofindividual plant species, is based upon hyperspectralimaging. The hyperspectral imaging concept hasbeen demonstrated in the field in lettuce (Slaughteret al. 2008) and tomato (Zhang and Slaughter2011; Zhang et al. 2012a,b), with between-speciespixel-level recognition rates above 75% and crop vs.weed discrimination rates above 90%. The tech-nique uses machine learning to establish a spectralpattern recognition classifier and when used as aproximal sensor (as opposed to remote sensing viaaerial vehicles) with both controlled illuminationand a thermally stabilized camera, can distinguishbetween closely related species such as tomato andblack nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.). Otheradvantages beyond species identification capabilityare that it is less computationally intensive thanshape-based pattern recognition, it is robust tovisual occlusion of the leaf margin (anotheradvantage over leaf shape recognition), and thespecies recognition ability can be used to customizethe spray application of multiple herbicidal mate-rials based upon weed species. Its disadvantages arethat it requires a multiseason calibration process(Zhang et al. 2012a,b) and must be trained todistinguish between closely related species. Thecurrent cost of hyperspectral imaging cameratechnology is much higher than traditional digitalcolor imaging hardware; however, recent develop-ments in multispectral cameras for the rapidlygrowing aerial remote sensing market suggest thatlower-cost multiwaveband cameras may be availablein the near future.

The most widely studied and only commerciallyutilized method of sensing in existing robotic weedcontrol machines is based upon traditional 2Dmachine vision techniques. Although a number ofadvanced machine vision recognition techniques forplants have been documented in the literature (e.g.,

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Hearn 2009; Manh et al. 2001; Persson andAstrand 2008; Søgaard 2005), their high level ofcomputational intensity and the predominant use ofserial processors in existing robotic weed controlmachines limits their adoption. More commonly,2D image processing approaches, based upon acombination of plant detection (from soil) by coloror infrared to red light reflectance ratios, and croprecognition (from weeds) by apparent plant size inthe 2D image and the 2D spatial planting patternalong the crop row are used (e.g., Astrand andBaerveldt 2005; Onyango and Marchant 2003;Southall et al. 2002; Tillett et al. 2001, 2008).These techniques are fairly effective during the earlyportion of the growing season, when weed control ismost critical, before canopy closure has occurredand the 2D silhouettes of the plants have not yetmerged. For robust performance they require auniform and well-established crop stand and arelatively low weed density, and perform best whenapplied to a transplanted crop where the crop plantsare larger than and more easily distinguished fromweeds. The technique is better suited for the controlof a robotic hoe than a sprayer, where the need foraccurate recognition or mapping of weeds growingin close proximity to the crop is not necessary.

Weed Control Actuators

These are devices like cultivators that kill weedsby uprooting, thermal weeders like flame, lasers orsteam that kill the weeds by destroying plantmembranes, abrasives that physically degrade weedfoliage, and mowers that cut weeds. Weed detectionsystems and processors signal the actuator to controlthe weed but not the crop.

Physical Weed Removal. There are four primarymethods of physical weed control that may beautomated: (1) mechanical cultivation; (2) thermalweed control; (3) abrasion, i.e., bombardment withair-propelled abrasive grits; and (4) mowing. All ofthese methods have the advantage of being pestcontrol devices ‘‘which work by physical means tocontrol a pest’’ as defined by the U.S. Environ-mental Protection Agency (USEPA), and do notrequire registration (USEPA 2015). Weed controldevices also have the advantage of being organic-compliant and therefore useful in organic settings.With the exception of air-propelled abrasive grits,all of these physical methods for weed removal have

been in use for decades. Automation is a means totake a proven weed control device like a cultivatorknife, and combine it with intelligent technology tocreate something very different—an intelligentweeder.

Intrarow Cultivation. Traditionally intrarow weedshave only been controlled by hand weeding andselective herbicides (Haar and Fennimore 2003).Cultivator tools such as finger weeders and torsionweeders are also used, but generally only removesmall weeds (Cloutier et al. 2007, van der Schans etal. 2006). Growers and researchers have beensearching for a way to remove weeds from theintra-row space mechanically without damaging thecrop (Cloutier et al. 2007; Fennimore et al. 2014;Melander et al. 2015; Tillett et al. 2008; van derSchans et al. 2006).

Two designs for intelligent intrarow cultivatorsare currently on the market: the rotating disc designfrom Tillett and Hague Technology Ltd. in theUnited Kingdom and is being marketed as theRobocrop ‘‘In Row’’ cultivator (Fennimore et al.2014; O’Dogherty et al. 2007; Tillett et al. 2008)and reciprocating knives that reach in and out of thecrop row with the use of machine vision guidance(Melander et al. 2015). Both systems essentially dothe same thing, but by different mechanisms. TheRobocrop cultivator has a rotating disc controlledby a vision system to detect the crop plant and alignthe disc cutaway section with the crop plant (Figure1). The disc rotational phase is altered as needed bychanging the speed of the hydraulic drive to alignthe cutaway section with the crop plant to allow forvariation in crop spacing (Tillett et al. 2008).Research showed that the Robocrop rotatingcultivator provided effective weed control and didnot injure or reduce yields in transplanted vegetablecrops compared to the standard cultivator treatment(Fennimore et al. 2014). However, in seeded lettucewhere plant spacing is more variable, the Robocropinjured the crop and caused 26% yield reductions,primarily due to stand reduction.

Examples of reciprocating knife type intelligentcultivators currently available for commercial use inNorth America include the Robovator and SteketeeIC. The Robovator intelligent cultivator was alsoevaluated in broccoli and lettuce in comparison to aconventional interrow cultivator in California(Figure 2). The Robovator reduced the weeddensities by 27 to 41% more than the standard

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cultivator and hand-weeding times by 29 to 45%(Lati et al. 2016). They also found that broccoli andlettuce yields were not reduced by the Robovator.Another commercially available intelligent cultiva-tor is the Steketee IC cultivator (Figure 3).Evaluations of the IC cultivator in lettuce showedthat the machine found the crop row readily anddetected the crop with near 100% accuracy early inthe crop cycle, but fell to 54% accuracy at cropmaturity (Hemming et al. 2011).

Intelligent cultivators were found to be a viablealternative to hand weeding for vegetables grown inDenmark (Melander et al. 2015). Robovatorintelligent cultivator was evaluated in onion [Alliumcepa var. cepa (L.)] and cabbage [Brassica oleracea(L.) var. capitata (L.)] for intrarow weed removal incomparison to a finger weeder (Melander et al.2015). They did not see a large advantage for the

intelligent cultivator compared to the ‘‘nonintelli-gent’’ finger weeder in terms of weed control andcrop tolerance.

Another concept for controlling intrarow weedsmechanically is ‘‘stamping.’’ Stamping is whereweeds are pushed into the ground with the use of ahigh-speed ‘‘ramming rod.’’ Michaels et al. (2015)developed one such system for use in organic carrot[Daucus carota (L.) var. sativa (Hoffm.)] produc-tion. The stamping tool comprised of a cordless nailgun mechanism, which forced a 1.0-cm-diametercylinder rod 30 cm into the soil. The stamping tool

Figure 1. Robocrop intrarow cultivator used on two celery[Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.) DC.] beds at Salinas, CA(top). The bottom photo is a close up of the intrarow cultivation.(Color for this figure is available in the online version of thisarticle.)

Figure 2. Robovator intrarow cultivator equipped withreciprocating knives, weeding lettuce on a 2-m-wide bed nearSanta Maria, CA. (Color for this figure is available in the onlineversion of this article.)

Figure 3. Steketee IC, equipped with reciprocating knivesoperating in a fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) planting nearCastroville, CA. (Color for this figure is available in the onlineversion of this article.)

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was attached to a robotic arm that allowed thedevice to move in the X–Y plane for precisionplacement. The robot was equipped with twocameras, one mounted in front of the vehicle fordetecting the general location of weed plants andthe second for precise positioning of the stampingtool. Although actuator positioning was generallybetter than 5 mm and stamping tool cycling speedwas 100 ms, the maximum work rate of the systemwas only 1.75 weed/s�1 at a speed of 3.7 cm/s�1.

Thermal Weed Control. Flame weed control, used inorganic and conventional cropping systems, is aprocess of exposing plant tissues to flames comingfrom a burner normally fueled by propane. Flamingcontrols weeds by heating rather than burning planttissue. Propane burners can generate combustiontemperatures of up to 1,900 C, which raises thetemperature of the exposed plant tissues rapidly.Heat injury results in destruction of plant mem-branes, which results in loss of cell function, andeventually the plants die or are severely weakened.During the 1960s, flaming was widely used in theUnited States for weed control in cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.), maize (Zea mays [Schrad.] Iltis),sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], soybean[Glycine max (L.) Merr.], potato (Solanum tuber-osum L.), and other crops. During the 1960s andthe 1970s, flaming was replaced by the use ofherbicides because of an increase in propane priceand the availability of less expensive herbicides.Recently, concerns about herbicide impacts on theenvironment have renewed interest in flame weedcontrol (Knezevic et al. in press).

The use of automated flamers for intrarow weedremoval remains an area to be explored (Nørremarket al. 2009). A prototype automated flamer forintrarow weed removal is under development inDenmark by Poulsen Aps (Poulsen 2011). The basisof this machine is serial application of a flame fueledby propane. As the flamer passes over a weed, themachine vision system turns on the burners so that aspecific weed will receive multiple exposures to theheat. The machine vision system turns off the flameas it passes over the crop. The potential for use ofprecision steam application to control weeds eitherby precision foliar application to control weeds or todisinfect soil killing weed seed prior to cropplanting remains to be explored (Knezevic et al. inpress).

Hot Oils. A robotic system for precision, pulsed-jet,microdosing of high-temperature, organic, food-grade oil for intrarow weed control in vegetablecrops was developed by Zhang et al. (2012b) at theUniversity of California, Davis. This robotic systemhas two unique features. First, it was capable ofdistinguishing tomato plants from weeds, includingblack nightshade, with above 95% accuracy with theuse of an advanced sensing system that usedhyperspectral imaging and a Bayesian classifierbased upon machine learning for real-time speciesrecognition. Second, the robotic pulsed-jet, micro-dosing system (the actuator) could target individualweed leaves with a lethal dose of high-temperature(160 C) oil with a 1-cm spray resolution. The targetapplication rate to weed leaf surface was 0.85 mgcm�2 of the thermal fluid, applied in 10-ms-pulseddoses, which achieved above 93% weed control at15 d after application with less than 3% of tomatoplants injured by the treatment. Commercialdevelopment potential is unknown.

Laser Weeding. Weed control using laser technologyhas been investigated by several researchers as anonchemical/organic weed method for manage-ment. Mathiassen et al. (2006) studied the potentialof commercially available laser systems for control-ling three weed species: common chickweed(Stellaria media L.), scentless mayweed [Tripleur-ospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip.], and oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.). Two different types of contin-uous-wave diode lasers were used to target the apicalmeristems of weeds at the cotyledon stage. Weedcontrol efficacy varied significantly and dependedon weed species, wavelength, exposure time, spotsize, and laser power. Of the systems tested, only the5-W, 532-nm laser with 1.8-mm spot size config-uration effectively controlled all three weed species.Energy and exposure times required for thisconfiguration ranged from 1.3 to 9.9 J, withcorresponding exposure times of 250 to 2,000 ms.Further research is needed to determine the efficacyon a broader spectrum of weed species.

Kaierle et al. (2013) also experimented with usinglasers for nonchemical weed control. They investi-gated four types of lasers at different wavelengths:CO2 (10,600 nm), fiber (1,908 nm), diode (940nm), and solid-state (532 nm). The lasers were usedto irradiate the apical meristem of redroot pigweed(Amaranthus retroflexus L.) at the first true leaf stageof growth. Three different laser positions and three

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spot sizes 3.0, 4.2, and 6.0 mm were used toinvestigate the impact of local or systemic irradia-tion on plant damage. Minimum lethal doses ofenergy ranged from 10 to 71 J weed�1 with thelowest energy requirements resulting from use of theCO2 laser. Laser positioning was found to beimportant, as a damage model showed a requiredenergy increase of 1.3 J for every 1% loss inpositioning accuracy.

Abrasion. Air-propelled abrasive grit material hasbeen evaluated as a weed control device directed atthe base of corn, soybean, or vegetables (Forcella2009, 2012, 2013; Wortman 2014, 2015). Similarmethods have been evaluated in the Netherlandswith pneumatic air blasting (van der Schans et al.2006). Currently there is research to pair abrasionwith intelligent technology, but to the best of ourknowledge there are no published reports yet(Manuel Perez Ruiz, personal communication).

Mowing. The main area where autonomous mowershave been utilized is for mowing lawns (Melita et al.2013). Traditionally, autonomous lawn mowershave utilized a wire guidance system that sets theboundaries for the area to be mowed. However, aproject to develop highly accurate GPS guidance forautonomous lawn mowers is in progress in Europe(Melita et al. 2013). Traditionally mowing has beenused for weed control in orchards, vineyards, andpastures (Cloutier et al. 2007). There would appearto be potential for use of autonomous mowers forweed control in all of these areas. There has beensome research in Denmark to develop an autono-mous mower for weed control in Christmas treeplantations (Have et al. 2005). It would appear thatthe potential exists for further development ofautonomous mowing vehicles for several applica-tions in orchards, vineyards, and pastures.

Precision-Spray Application. Precision spraying iswhere small volumes of herbicidal spray are directedto areas near the crop plant to control weeds.Precision-spray assemblies are typically coupledwith machine vision systems to form an automated,precision-spray weeding machine. For precision-spray systems to be effective, high levels of crop/weed differentiation, accurate spray prescriptionmaps, knowledge of sprayer tip location relative totarget weed location, accurate herbicide placement,and control of spray drift are needed. Althoughprogress and promising research has been conducted

in all of these areas, the technological challenge ofmeeting all of these criteria has not been overcomeyet. An exception to this would be the case ofautomated thinning machines. The following is abrief review of some of the efforts made to date forprecision spray weeding systems and automatedthinning technology.

One of the earliest automated precision sprayweeding systems reported is the one described byLee et al. (1999). They developed a real-time robotfor controlling weeds in tomato crops. The deviceutilized a machine vision system for detecting plantsand a sprayer capable of treating grid cell areasmeasuring 0.63 by 1.25 cm. When field tested at aspeed of 0.22 m s�1, the average error between thecenter of the target and spray droplets delivered wasonly 6.6 mm, with a standard deviation of 4.9 mm.However, the system correctly recognized only 76%of the tomato plants, and 52% of the weeds werenot sprayed.

Lamm et al. (2002) used the prototype machinedeveloped by Lee et al. (1999) as a basis fordeveloping a precision weeding machine for cotton.Images were processed with the use of the excessivegreen index (ExG) for plant/nonplant segmentationand an Erosion technique for crop/weed recogni-tion. ExG is a greenness index, calculated on apoint-by-point basis in a color image as ExG¼ 2 *Green – 1 * Red, that can be used to distinguishgreen plant material from nongreen backgroundslike soil automatically. The Erosion image process-ing technique can then iteratively remove leaf-edgepixels to erase monocot weed leaves selectively whileretaining dicot crop leaves (e.g., cotton) forautomated crop vs. weed discrimination. Whenfield tested at a travel speed of 0.45 m s�1, theauthors reported that 88% of the weeds weresprayed. Further work was needed; however, as 21%of the cotton plants were also sprayed.

Søgaard and Lund (2007) developed an autono-mous robot for precision spraying. The system wastested in indoor laboratory conditions with 110-m2

black circular disks as targets at travel speeds of 0.2m s�1. Study results showed that the system wascapable of autonomously delivering microdoses (2.5ll) of spray to targets with subcentimeter accuracy.The system was further tested in field trials plantedto oilseed rape as a test weed (Søgaard et al. 2006).In the study, plant surface area was found to have alarge effect on machine performance. When leaf

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area was greater than 100 mm2, targeting perfor-mance was acceptable as more than 86% of weedswere sprayed. When leaf area was less than 75 mm2,however, targeting efficiency was less than 68%.Overall, 82% of the weeds were effectively sprayed.

Nieuwenhuizen et al. (2010) developed a tractor-pulled, precision weeding machine for controllingvolunteer potatoes in sugar beets. The system wasprincipally comprised of trigger-activated camerasthat recorded RGB and near-infrared (NIR) images,ultrasonic sensors, a computer and a microsprayer.Images were captured through trigger activation ofthe cameras by a wheel encoder. Images wereprocessed by first detecting vegetation with anexcessive green threshold, and then extracting colorfeatures for grid cells measuring 11 by 11 pixels (11by 11 mm). A classification algorithm was used toseparate volunteer potato from sugar beet in eachgrid cell and prescription maps measuring 11 by 40mm were created. A microsprayer comprising fiveneedles, each connected to hoses and fast-actingsolenoid valves, was used to control weeds throughemission of 20 6 5 ll droplets of a 5% v/v solutionof glyphosate. In laboratory tests, spray dropletcontrol accuracy was 6 14 mm in the longitudinaldirection and 6 7.5 mm in the transverse direction.When field tested at travel speeds ranging from 0.2to 0.8 m s�1, the study found that on average, over99% of sugar beet plants were left unsprayed,whereas 86% of the volunteer potatoes plants weresprayed. Mortality rates for sugar beet and volunteerpotato were 1% and 77%, respectively. Theseresults are very encouraging, however, to be usefulfor most specialty crops, spray resolution, and weeddetection accuracies greater than 11 by 40 mm willlikely be needed.

Midtiby et al. (2011) developed a real-timemicrospraying weed control system that utilized aninkjet printer head for the spray assembly. Theunit’s machine vision system utilized color andshape features to identify crop and weed plants. Theautomated machine was tested with corn as the cropplant in a laboratory setting at speeds of 0.5 m s�1.A spray solution containing a 5 g L�1 concentrationof glyphosate was used to control weeds. Althoughall of the corn plants exhibited normal growth, only37% of one of the weed species tested waseffectively controlled. Potential reasons stated forthis were suboptimal weed identification, problems

related to depositing enough herbicide on weed leafsurfaces, or both.

Automated lettuce thinners can be thought of asprecision-spray, intrarow weeding machines, be-cause they remove closely spaced, undesired plantsin the seed row. Currently, there are four companiesthat manufacture automated thinning machines inthe United States. These include units from RamsayHighlander Inc. (Gonzales, CA), AgmechtronixLLC (Silver City, NM), Blue River TechnologiesInc. (Sunnyvale, CA), and Vision Robotics Corp.(San Diego, CA) A representative image of thetechnology is shown in Figure 4. All manufacturersuse a machine vision system to locate lettuce plantsfor selective thinning and herbicidal spray solutionsto kill unwanted plants. The machine vision systemsemployed are designed to locate crop plants

Figure 4. Lettuce thinning at Salinas, CA with the BlueRiverLettuce Bot (top) and a close-up of the newly thinned lettuceshowing the sprayed zones where lettuce will be removed andunsprayed zones where ‘‘saved’’ lettuce plants will be grown tomaturity (bottom). (Color for this figure is available in the onlineversion of this article.)

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primarily by using color and plant size criteria(Siemens 2014). This scheme works well, as lettuceseedlings are typically much larger than weeds at thetime of thinning. In conditions where weed densityis high or when weeds are comparable in color orsize to that of lettuce seedlings, machine perfor-mance is less than optimal and sometimes ineffec-tive. To minimize spray drift, spray delivery systemsare housed in enclosures. Spray is deliveredintermittently based on desired plant spacing andmachine location through activation of fast-actingsolenoids. The location of the spray nozzle relativeto the lettuce plants is determined optometricallywith the use of an approach similar to that describedby Siemens et al. (2012), through analysis ofconsecutive images or a combination of both.Commercial lettuce thinners are typically used tothin small plants, roughly 1.9 cm in diameter, atspeeds of 0.7 to 1.3 m s�1. An example of a fieldwhere rows of lettuce have been intermittentlysprayed by an automated thinner is shown in Figure4. Average plant spacing can be as low as 3.8 cm,but plant spacing greater than 4.4 cm is preferredfor optimal performance (N Abranyi, Blue RiverTechnologies Inc., personal communication). Inoptimal conditions, targeting accuracy can be as lowas 0.6 cm, but accuracies of around 1.3 cm aretypical. Products such as fertilizer solutions, sulfuricacid and carfentrazone are successfully used to killlettuce seedlings. Surfactants and/or antidrift agentsare commonly mixed with the herbicidal solution topromote mortality of sprayed plants and preventdamage to crop plants.

Because automated thinning technology is sonew, there are few reports in the literature regardingtheir performance or economic viability. Siemens etal. (2012) developed and evaluated a prototypeautomated thinning machine in lettuce at travelspeeds of 0.7 m s�1. As compared to the hand-thinned treatment, there were no significantdifferences in plant spacing, plant spacing unifor-mity, plant population, or time required for a handlaborer to remove plants missed during thinning.Yields were also not significantly different betweenthe two treatments.

Chu et al. (2016) evaluated the performance of acommercial automated thinning machine in ro-maine lettuce. In the study, seeds were planted 6.3cm apart and plants were thinned with the use offertilizer solutions at the two-leaf stage of growth.

Study results showed that plant size was not affected1 wk after hand thinning and that plants wereactually larger, as compared to the hand-thinningtreatment 2 to 3 wk after hand thinning. A possibleexplanation for the larger plant size with themachine-thinned treatment was that seedling rootswere not disturbed, because plants were thinnedusing chemicals and not by hand hoeing. The studyalso found that automated thinning resulted inmore uniform plant spacing and increased individ-ual plant weights. A significant yield improvementwas found at one of the three test sites.

Smith et al. (2014) evaluated the performance ofautomated lettuce thinners and their impact onlabor savings. In the study, three different automat-ed thinners were tested in commercial lettuce fields.Like Chu et al. (2016), they also found thatautomated thinning improved plant spacing uni-formity. Although yields were moderately higher atsix of the seven test sites, automated thinners leftseven times as many closely spaced lettuce plants ascompared to the hand-thinned treatments. As aconsequence, the time required for the subsequenthand-weeding operation, where closely spacedplants and weeds are removed, increased by 0.5 hha�1. Total labor requirements for both operations,thinning and hand weeding after thinning, however,was 1.8 h ha�1 lower for the automated thinnertreatments because of higher labor use efficiencyduring thinning. Assuming an hourly wage of $13hr�1, this translates into a $23 ha�1 savings in laborcosts.

These studies on automated thinning machineperformance show the viability of using spray-basedsystems to control unwanted plants in closeproximity to crop plants. In order for thesetechnologies to be used for general-purpose weed-ing, improved machine vision systems that canreliably differentiate between crop and weed plantsare needed. Spray systems that can accurately spot-apply herbicides to weeds at the 1-cm scale atcommercially viable speeds also need to bedeveloped if weed removal accuracy is to beimproved.

Adapting Cropping Systems for AutomationTechnologies

Weed control technologies are commonly de-signed and developed to function in the existing

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characteristics of cropping systems, and this hasbeen the predominant approach for mechanicalweed control. Thus, equipment and operationsettings are limited by factors such as plantingdensity and arrangement, crop susceptibility tomechanical injury, crop architecture, size, andgrowth stage (Forcella 2012; Mohler 2001; Slaugh-ter et al. 2008). The successful development andadoption of automation technologies for weedcontrol would increase if consideration is given tothe need to modify crop characteristics andagronomic practices to find an optimum balancebetween the requirements of the crop and those ofautomation technologies. This two-way approach,in fact, has been used for herbicide development.Although herbicide registration is done predomi-nantly for crops that are tolerant to the herbicide,i.e., native traits, new varieties are usually releasedand adopted by growers only if they have thenecessary tolerance to the herbicides commonlyused in the crop (Leon and Tillman 2015). Rowspacing in orchards and vineyards are determinednot only by canopy light interception efficiency, butby machinery requirements for production practicessuch as pruning and harvest (Wagenmakers andWertheim 1991). An example would be to plantorchard crops in hedgerows to facilitate operationssuch as mechanical harvesting and pruning (Connoret al. 2014). Cross cultivation using traditionalcultivators is a very effective means of weed controland is used in crops like perennial plantings ofartichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) (Haar et al. 2001).The potential to modify crop planting patterns topermit rapid cross cultivation has yet to be exploredfor most crops. For example, a cultivator set up withRTK GPS or a machine vision guidance systemwould be able to cultivate a field quickly in twodirections, i.e., cross cultivation. Therefore, newautomation technologies for weed control mightneed modifications in existing production practicesto take full advantage of their benefits (Rask andKristoffersen 2007).

Planting Arrangement. A major benefit of auto-mation technologies is the increase in speed duringimplementation of weed control, especially me-chanical practices (Tillet et al. 2008). Althoughweed suppression is higher as crop density increasesand row and intrarow spacings decrease (Boyd et al.2009; Teasdale and Frank 1983), control practicessuch as cultivation, and especially intrarow cultiva-

tion, can be greatly limited at high plantingdensities and narrow spacing (Mohler 2001). Thus,to ensure adequate intrarow weed control with theuse of mechanical devices, it might be necessary tofind an optimum planting density that does notmaximize crop weed suppression, but wouldfacilitate weed and crop detection and the imple-mentation of the weed control actuators whileensuring high levels of weed removal and crop safety(Scarlett 2001; Slaughter et al. 2008). Anotherstrategy is the use of small autonomous robots thatidentify and control weeds by using machine visionto identify weeds and a weeding tool (Astrand andBaerveldt 2002). Autonomous vehicles that workslowly and carefully could more accurately differ-entiate weeds and remove them from the crop.Studies of new automation machines shouldevaluate not only different speeds, but also differentdistances between crop plants.

One new piece of technology is the ‘‘plant tape’’precision transplanter (Figure 5). The system allowsrapid and efficient transplanting of vegetable crops,which can facilitate precision cross cultivation (Mawand Suggs 1984; Fennimore et al. 2014). Preciseand accurate placement of the transplants allows foreasier plant tracking by intelligent cultivatormachine vision systems, which should improvetheir performance.

Crop Morphology and Development. Cropdamage is perhaps the main concern for growersand the most important limitation for the use ofmechanical weed control tools (Pleasant et al. 1994;Vangessel et al. 1998). As explained before,automation and robotic weed control machines willbe developed with the goal to minimize contactwith the crop. However, it is likely that this contactwill not be zero. Therefore, having cultivars that arebetter suited to deal with mechanical contact bythese machines without suffering negative effects ongrowth or yield will allow the implementation ofnew automation technologies.

Because intrarow cultivation is necessary foradequate weed control, especially in the absence ofherbicides such as in organic systems, the risk ofcrop root damage becomes a major limitation forthis practice (Kurstjens et al. 2004; Pleasant et al.1994). Breeding for crop plants with deeper rootsystems and stronger anchorage to the soil willgreatly favor the development of mechanicalcontrol technologies (Kurstjens et al. 2004). The

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selection of germplasm with deeper root systems iscurrently under way, mainly through efforts todevelop drought-tolerant varieties (Araus et al.2002; Nibau et al. 2008). Collaborating with plantbreeders is critical to identifying germplasm thatwill enable the use of automation technologies forweed control.


Automation of weed removal appears to be a verypromising technology for specialty crop weedmanagement programs. The ability to sprayautomatically or hoe weeds robotically, leaving thecrop undamaged, creates opportunities to increasethe efficiency of labor use in specialty crops greatly.Labor availability for hand weeding, a critical need

in many specialty crops, is diminishing, and there islittle prospect that new herbicides will be theremedy. Instead, advances in specialty crop weedcontrol can be found in the area of computerprocessing, machine vision, and precise weeddestruction. Commercial weeding machines areprimarily being manufactured by European com-panies and startup ventures in the United Stateswith the aim of reducing field labor costs inspecialty crops. However, there is the potential forapplication of much of this machinery in agronomiccrops, especially in organic production systems.Much of the actuator and sensor technologypresented here is not new. However, what is newis the commercialization of weed removal technol-ogy that integrates sprayers or intrarow cultivatorsinto intelligent control systems that are capable ofremoval of most weeds in vegetable crops (Lati et al.2016). It is not possible to predict the futuretrajectory of commercial development of intelligentweed removal equipment, but it is possible to saythat the economic and regulatory constraints onherbicide development are much greater than forintelligent weed removal technology. Companiesthat are developing intelligent weed removaltechnologies are relatively small compared totraditional pesticide companies, and less constrainedby legacy herbicides that pesticide companies ownand must defend. It appears possible that smallinnovative companies may be the primary source ofnew weed management technology in the future.Based on the vast improvements in robotics andprocessing, it would appear that the future ofautomation in weed control is very promising.

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Received April 28, 2016, and approved July 4, 2016.

Associate editor for this paper: Robert Nurse, Agricultureand Agri-Food Canada.

Fennimore et al.: Weed control automation in specialty crops � 837 from IP address:, on 24 Oct 2020 at 20:14:41, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at