Teaching Portfolio 2010

Life Drawing and Gesture Student Work 2010 Art Ins:tute of Aus:n Honoria Starbuck Teaching PorAolio


Honoria Starbuck Ph.D. Teaching PortfolioArt Institute of AustinSummer 2010Courses: Life Drawing and Anatomy and Life Drawing and GestureMedia Arts and Animation Department

Transcript of Teaching Portfolio 2010

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Life  Drawing  and  Gesture  Student  Work  2010  

Art  Ins:tute  of  Aus:n  Honoria  Starbuck  Teaching  PorAolio  

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•  Midterm  work  with  quotes  from  students’  ar:st  statements  

•  Drawing  and  cri:que  ac:vi:es    •  Group  shots  of  students  in  classroom  with  drawings  

•  Exams  

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Teaching  Philosophy  

As  a  student-­‐focused  teacher  my  goal  is  to  foster  individual  and  collabora-ve  crea-vity.  My  teaching  style  is  to  build  a  classroom  learning  community  with  group  dynamics  that  support  the  success  of  all  students  to  achieve  course  competencies.    These  dynamics  build  responsibility  and  professional  communica:on  skills  as  well  as  confidence  in  drawing  in  a  variety  of  techniques.  

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The  most  helpful  thing  has  been  emphasizing  fast  short  1  or  2-­‐minute  poses.    It  has  helped  me  improve  my  sense  of  propor:on  and  accuracy  in  fast  drawings.  

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Some:mes  I  forget  the  basic  rule  of  “simple  to  complex”  and  it  reflects  in  the  final  product  of  my  drawings.    However,  in  these  examples,  they  represent  my  confidence  of  u:lizing  gesture  drawing  as  the  ini:al  steps  to  crea:ng  strong  composi:on.  

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I  feel  like  I  captured  the  essence  of  the  story  in  a  highly  effec:ve  way.    For  my  future  work  I  plan  to  express  myself  in  a  variety  of  styles  as  opposed  to  just  realism.  

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Good  art  comes  to  us  at  different  :mes  for  different  reasons.  The  more  finished  of  the  three  is  my  favorite  because  I  was  able  to  really  look  and  get  my  lights  and  darks  in  there  to  really  deepen  the  piece.    I  plan  to  con:nue  to  grow  and  play  with  new  media  and  new  paper  to  see  what  I  can  come  up  with  …  

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The  more  I  draw  the  closer  I  feel  to  my  imagina:on,  the  more  I  feel  like  I  am  expressing  myself.    Recently  I  have  begun  to  understand  that  art  is  not  something  I  can  control,  it’s  something  I  become.  

My  next  step  as  an  ar:st  is  to  focus  not  only  on  anatomy,  but  also  on  clothing  and  personality.    I  want  to  start  crea:ng  my  go  to  characters  and  have  a  whole  list  of  them,  just  having  a  party  in  my  mind  wai:ng  to  come  out.  

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The  exci:ng  thing  about  art  is  that  it  speaks  for  itself.    Art  for  me  is  just  visual  poetry.      

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Outside  Drawing  Ac:vity  

Chapter  6  of  our  textbook  discusses  rela:onships  to  character,  story,  and  background.  

To  ground  the  lesson  the  model  posed  outside  and  students  incorporated  nature  and  architectural  elements  into  the  drawings.  

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I  had  more  room  to  draw!  I  felt  freer!  

Can  we  go  back  ou

tside  to  draw?  

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Poses  with  stories  Model  looking  into  a  simulated  pool.  Students  drew  myth  of  narcissus  –  femme  version.  

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Textbook  presenta:on  ac:vity  

Student  teams  are  responsible  for  presen:ng  highlights  of  the  weekly  readings.  

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Sequence  Drawing  ac:vity  Students  experiment  with  different  ways  to  indicate  mo:on  in  sequence  drawings.  

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Myth  Illustra:on  Ac:vity:  Semester  project      Illustrate  one  labor  of  Hercules  per  week  in  two  drawings  emphasizing  gesture.  

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Daily  Cri:que  Ac:vity    Students  apply  the  concepts  of  design  fundamentals  to  build  stronger  life  drawings.  

Every  drawing  is  given  serious  considera:on  as  students  use  a  checklist  of  elements  of  design  to  create  meaningful  cri:que  of  each  others  work.  

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Monster  A`ack  Ac:vity  

Students  work  together  on  large  paper  discarded  from  the  photography  studio.    

The    model  swoops  down  on  students  pretending  to  be  a  Valkyrie  or  Raptor  forcing  students  to  quickly  draw  from  the  worm’s  view  perspec:ve  to  capture  essen:al  gestural  informa:on.  

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Large  improv  group  drawing  featuring  a  model  with  a  raptor  mask.  

Group  drawing  ac:vi:es  get  students  close  to  each  other  to  share  crea:ve  vision  and  techniques  to    interpret  the  story  prompted  by  costumes  or  masks.  

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3  layer  drawing:  Draw  a  gesture  layer;  then  a  contour  layer,  then  a  drama  layer.  

One  week,  ader  seeing  the  Hercules  homework,  a  hydra  head  was  the  fourth  layer.  

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Comprehensive  drawing  exams  at  mid-­‐term  and  final  

Exams  for  this  class  include  •   Wri`en  exam  on  textbook  topics  •   Drawing  skills  exam  aligned  with  course  objec:ves  •   Presenta:on  of  the  best  3  drawings  from  the  first  or  second  half  •   Wri`en  ar:st  statement  presented  to  the  group  

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Thank  you  for  looking  at  this  snapshot  into  my  teaching  techniques.  

A  sincere  and  hearAelt  apprecia:on  of  my  students  who  always  inspire  me  to  expand  my  teaching  poten:al.  

Honoria  Starbuck  Ph.D.  [email protected]