KP Teaching Portfolio

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  • 8/12/2019 KP Teaching Portfolio


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    Teaching Practice I

    Elmer Jorge Guardado. mAt



    Teaching PortfolioTeaching Philosophy & Methodology.

    Kriscia Lorena Portillo Aparicio

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    Teaching is a lot of responsibility for us, and in order for us to be betterevery day, we have to take in consideration the fact that we need to keepimproving ourselves. Being better is not only to know how to teach, or even toknow the exact methodology that we might need to use with our students, it isbeyond that, because it is really important to learn from our mistakes and try tonot make them anymore, and by that, we definitively are going to be a much betterperson and teachers in a near future. We must have a guide to follow in order tonot get lost in our way, because of it; we are going to be following certain steps

    and rules in our teaching process. Such guide must be filled with lots of tools andstructures so when we have a doubt or question we can go to it and search amongit. It is really important for a teacher to share their knowledge between his/hercolleagues, because sometimes two heads think well than one, and maybe if theycompromised their idea, at the end, the result would be so much better than thestarting idea. Now a day, we carry on with a huge teaching problem, and it ismore a kind of humanity problem, we are selfish with the information weacknowledge, and that is not good for any reason that you want to name. Thecreation of a teacher portfolio is very important, because it will serve us as a guideto follow in the teaching process, we must keep it updated, and look at it as a very

    important tool that we mush cherish and respect. The Teaching Portfolio is also aself-reflect of the things we did in our past and can tell us if we have improved ornot, that is why is so important to create a Teaching Portfolio. It shows our flawsand how or what we did to improve in that specific area; also it shows ourselvesout to the world that is going to be reading our Teaching Portfolio and with thisthey are going to see how well we teach. The teaching knowledge that we have isa long period of experiences gained during our process as teachers, due that wehave to go through lots of difficulties and maybe disappointments that will createmuch better teachers. But from that, we have to learn and not continue to makethe same mistakes that we might have done in the past, that is why is soimportant to make our own Teaching Portfolio.

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    What is a Tea ching Portfolio?

    A Teaching Portfolio is a description of a teachers teaching strengths andaccomplishments. It includes documents and materials, which collectivelyrepresents the scope, development and quality of a professors teachingperformance. (Dr. Joseph Marolla, D rZachary Goodell , unknown)

    The teachers best work must be shown so everyone else will see that he/she isimproving and development as a teacher.

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    First able, to design a TP we have to make sure to have recognize all the factsthat are going to be involved in our teaching methodology, as an example: who are

    my students? What goals do I want to achieve with them? What is theenvironment going to look like? As a teacher, we know that we have to learn fromour own experiences, so we must try to do our best so our students will be able tolearn in a much better way; we ought to bring the ideas that we had in a previewexperience as maybe a trainer or this must be as teachers. A major purpose ofteacher education is to help teachers make the tacit explicit. (Freeman (1991),2000)

    It is very important to know who we are first, so our students can see thatthey can actually trust us, and also that they can see us as the role model they arelooking for, for that and many more reasons, we ought to be sure of who we are, tobecome a better teacher we must design a much better personality, some peopleactually say that personality is something you are born with, according to somePsychologist personality makes us who we are. It influences nearly every aspect ofour lives, from what we choose to do for a living to how we interact with ourfamilies to our choices of friends and romantic partners. But what factorsinfluence our personality? Can we change our personalities, or do our overalltraits remain constant throughout life? (Angier, N. Friedman HS, Booth-KewleyS., 2014)

    Some things we cannot change in our personality but yeah we can improve

    them, personality is something we are born with, but we shape it throughout ourlives, to become a teacher is something you must love to do, not anyone have thisnatural charisma that is required to be a successful teacher. But in order to bebetter people and teachers as well, we must adapt it to our own media that we livein; some people fail in this long journey, but in order to success we must innovateday by day, not taking anything for granted, but by being the best at what we do. Iremember when I was studying in high school, my English teacher was probablythe worst teacher that I have ever had, that day I remember telling to myself thatone day, I was going to be a much better English teacher than he was, and Ipromised that I was going to reach that goal, and probably I will; I know that Istill have a lot to learn in my path to become a good teacher, but I do believe that

    anything is possible. I know that my personality is outgoing which is going tolead me to be a good teacher, using the Direct Method in my classes is reallyimportant, I happen to believe that we are able to learn in a much better waywhen we are surrounded by the language because the main rule of this Method isthat No translation is allowed Students learn through the use of visual aids anddemonstrations in the target language, this case, English. This is the Method that Irely the most to, because I believe that learning a Second Language is not only tolearn its Grammar Structures, but also it is to learn how to communicate among

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    others, that is why is so important to have all the communicate competences thatwe need to have in order to be successful in life; Even though with this methodGrammar is taught inductively, it is not its main goal to teach Grammar.

    Some authors argued that a foreign language could be taught without

    translation or the use of the learner's native tongue if meaning was conveyeddirectly through demonstration and action. The psychological principles of directassociation between forms and meanings in the target language and provided atheoretical justification for a monolingual approach to teaching. According tosome other authors, a language could best be taught by using it actively in theclassroom, rather than using analytical procedures that focus on explanation ofgrammar rules in classroom teaching, teachers must encourage direct andspontaneous use of the foreign language in the classroom. Learners would then beable to induce rules of grammar. The teacher replaced the textbook in the earlystages of learning. Speaking began with systematic attention to pronunciation.Known words could be used to teach new vocabulary, using mime, demonstration,

    and pictures. (Sauveur, F. Franke, unknown)

    Why do I need a Teaching Portfolio?

    First able, we know that a Teaching Portfolio is a collection of documentsthat tells stories about ourselves; for this reason we must create a real Teaching

    Portfolio because people is going to be looking at it as if they looking at us. It willshow them our professional growth and the achievements that we are going toaccomplish in our teaching path.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of a Teaching Portfolio

    Advantages disadvantages

    People can check your progress andachievements.

    Sometimes teachers do not have theenough time to keep it updated.

    It shows a Self-Reflection of us. Some people do not like to share, sothey just do not do it.

    It guides us through our teachingprocess.

    People just do not to follow rules.

    We, in a near future can see how weused to be and how we are now.

    People do not like to change.

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    Teaching e-Portfolio

    Technology now a day is being used in every sense way possible, because itis an important tool in the Teaching Methodology, it is also included in the

    Teaching Portfolio, and this is a new element that teachers have these days.Teaching e-Portfolio is just like a regular portfolio, it has the same advantagesthat the regular one, but with one huge difference, that this e-Portfolio is sharedon a website, when anyone with an Internet connection can have access to it, andit consists of electronic evidence presented on a website. Such electronic evidencemay include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, andhyperlinks. It is so much interacted than the paper typed one, because people canadd comments and different points of view to it.

    Example of what an e-Portfolio looks like

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    How should I structure my Teaching Portfolio?

    We have to think about how we want to show ourselves to the world as a

    teacher and also as a learner and how this can best be demonstrated so we have tocollect and analyze all the samples you would like to put in your portfolio. Wehave to exhibit the experiences that we have had, all the strategies that we hadused but had not being successful. Determine if there is harmony or congruencebetween your beliefs about good teaching and your practices and, if not, it mayindicate a gap, because you might believe in something that you have not done.This will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on your professionaldevelopment as a teacher in higher education. Once you have done the initial workto create a portfolio, it becomes second nature to update it periodically. Wecritically are going to reflect each experience that we had and we can ask ourselvesthese questions:

    A brief overview of your teaching responsibilities. A description of how you think learning happens with your students.

    How are you going to get involved in this process? What main goals do you have for your students in a particular learning

    program? What actions will you take to implement those goals?

    (Champion, 2005-20013)

    According to what we have read, the Teaching Portfolio should be structurelike this:

    - Cover sheetSome educators use graphics, fancy fonts, or an appropriate quote to makethe binder look professional and individual.

    - Table of ContentsThe Table of Contents previews what is in the portfolio and demonstratesyour attention to detail and skills of organization.

    - Letter of Introduction/Cover letterThe letter should be customized to the reader and present you as theproduct, in an interesting, attention-grabbing way.

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    - ResumeIt shows all your relevant skills and accomplishments in a concise andexciting document.

    - Philosophy of Education StatementA personalized, double-spaced statement, one to one-and-a-half pages long,that outlines your core educational beliefs.

    - Official documentsThese will demonstrate your eligibility to teach. It should includetranscripts, certification, and test scores.

    - Lesson plansInclude your best lessons that truly show your style, value and ability toaddress the needs of the district. You should research the needs of the schooldistrict and focus on lesson plans that are relevant to those needs. Makesure that the units you use follow the criteria you learned during studentteaching, or your present methods.

    - Photographs of classroom activitiesUse appropriate pictures showing students who are enjoying the learningprocess and the lesson plans you have created. Pictures of special events,such as field trips, bike rodeos, science camps, parent days and so on are anice addition. Illustrations showing learning centers, bulletin boarddisplays and group interaction could be included.

    - AutobiographyA self-reflection about yourself, so the reader can understand you as aperson. You need to know when to use one in your portfolio and when toleave it out. This will depend on your background.

    - EvaluationsSuitable evaluations could be from student teaching, principals, orstudents.

    - List of ReferencesMake sure you first discuss their inclusion with the people you put in yourlist. Ask if you can include them - and if they will provide you with anexcellent reference. Choose individuals who can testify to your talent,teaching skills and personality. Normally you would pick supervisors,mentors, college professors or co-workers.

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    - Letters of recommendationDon't include every letter you get. Choose maybe four or five of the bestletters, placing them in the order that demonstrates youre most effectiveand relevant skills in order to match your value to the school district'srequirements. Administrators, team teachers, college professors, parents of

    students, former students and employers may write these letters.

    (Davies, 2001-20014)

    Teaching Responsibilities

    When you are putting together a Teaching Portfolio, the description of yourteaching responsibilities is a relatively simple document to start writing first.This document should be an expansion of the teaching duties that you list on yourcurriculum vitae. It will provide your audience with the context for the rest of theitems in your portfolio. You should describe your experience for others who aredeciding whether they should hire or promote you. Also, be as descriptive aspossible.

    We must begin answering these questions:

    What is the description of the course? What were the goals of the course? How many students did you teach at a time? What types of teaching methods and strategies did you use?

    It is very important for us to create our teaching responsibilities because

    with it, we are going to show up to the rest of the people who is going to bereading our Teaching Portfolio.

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    My own Teaching Responsibilities should look like this:

    Kriscia Portillo

    English Bachelors Degree

    Universidad Capitn General Gerardo Barrios

    School of Arts and Human Sciences

    I was in charge of the Conversation Club project that this University had in theyear of 2010; it helped all the English Technical Students that wanted to improve theirEnglish level. One of the principal goals that this project had was to create muchbetter and competent English students, with a better communicate skill, I was incharge of around 15 to 20 students. Each one of them, with different competences in theEnglish Language, but they all were willing to improve. My teaching methodologywas very simple, Direct Method, I wanted them to be full of the English language, so Idecided to use that approach, in which I feel more identified. We used to sing songs inEnglish, so they would lose the stage fright people usually get when they are acquiringa new language. We had meetings twice a week, no classroom had being assigned tous, and so we just looked up for a quiet place to be in and had our classes.

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    Statement of Teaching Philosophy

    A teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about

    teaching and learning.

    My Teaching Philosophy

    The teachers I have had, who stand out in my memory have some attributesin common: they presented their subjects in a way that caught my interest,clarified difficult topics and led me through complex areas, and put knowledgeinto context so that its relevance was apparent. These role models have influencedmy approach to teaching. I view myself primarily as a facilitator of learning,rather than as an expert who simply delivers information to students. When I aminteracting with students, I know that each one of them have their own learningstile and I am not going to force them to learn in my own learning stile, we have toadapt ourselves to our students, because if we do, we are going to success as ateacher. Personal contact with students is essential to my approach. Many ofthem need encouragement to talk to their teachers, so I emphasize my availabilityfor informal discussion and my willingness to help them sort out any problemsthey have with what they are learning or any other problem they might have being

    going through at that moment. Also I bring a lot of energy to my class. If I can'tget excited about my subject, why should my students? And this is a realimportant question as you see. We must keep our students motivated, because Iremember also some bad teachers that I have met in my students life, and theywere as bored as the night; so I decided that I was not going to be as they were,because I remember being so bored at their classes that literally fell asleep; that isone of the main reasons why I believe that as teachers we must keep our studentsmotivated and also keep them moving inside of the classroom, as a learningtechnique. Finally, I aim to encourage a sense of wonderment in the world aroundus, with this, the student will be inspired somehow in the world that is aroundhim/her, and will use all the tools that have learnt from me and most important,he/she will be able to use all the communicative competences that he/she hadlearned through the process of my teaching.

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    Teaching Methodology, Strategies, Objectives

    Choosing our own criteria and self-reflection about ourselves, we must choose

    our own Methodology, and this is going to depend on our own personality, afterreading a lot, and knowing myself as good as anyone else, I have come to aconclusion that I will teach using the Direct Method Philosophy. Why? Because Ihappen to believe that the best way of acquiring a second language is by beingsurrounded by it, getting in the need to use it as if there were no other way ofcommunication. The principles of this Method are:

    Classroom instruction is conducted in the target language. There is an inductive approach to grammar. Only everyday vocabulary is taught. Concrete vocabulary is taught through pictures and objects, while abstract is

    taught by association of ideas. The learner is actively involved in using the language in realistic everyday

    situations. Students are encouraged to think in the target language. Speaking is taught first before reading or writing. This method states that the printed word should be kept away from the second

    language learner for as long as possible. Translation is completely banished from any classroom activity. Classroom

    activities are carried out only in the target language. Use of chain activities accompanied by verbal comments. Grammar is taught inductively (i.e. having learners find out rules through the

    presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language) Emphasis is put on correct pronunciation and grammar.

    Choosing the strategies that we are going to implement in our classrooms arealso really important in our Teaching Style; first able we must get to know whatkind of students are we going to be dealing with, second of all, we create thestrategies that will fulfill our expectations. I believe that with the Direct Method,it is really important to force the students to talk in the target Language, this case,English, so one of my strategies will be the next ones:

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    StrategiesMake the students to sing along with some English songs.Dictation and Spelling check.Make students to always being practicing with a partner.

    Make the students to record themselves so they will listen to what they are talking and inthe future they will able to see their own improvement.Get the student motivated that in order for every improvement they achieve, there will bean award.Nowadays every student is really attached to technology, so we have to take an advantagefrom it, they should put their computers, laptops, smartphones in English so they will beable to get even more involved with the Language.

    The main objective of all of these is that students get all thecommunicative competences that are necessary in the real world life. Not only forthem to know how to structure a sentence in English but also, and even moreimportant, how to communicate among others using the second language.

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    Angier, N. Friedman HS, Booth-Kewley S. (13 de january de 2014) Educational

    Psicology. Obtenido de


    Champion, M. E. (2005-20013). Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University for Tomorrow.

    Recuperado el 28 de febrero de 2014, de


    Davies, C. (2001-20014).A+ Resumes for Teachers. Recuperado el 01 de marzo de 2014, de

    Dr. Joseph Marolla, D rZachary Goodell . (unknown de unknown de unknown). Developing a

    teaching portfolio.Recuperado el 28 de febrero de 2014, de

    Freeman (1991), S. (. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. En D. L. Freeman,

    Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching(pg. 2). Oxford: Database Oxford

    University Press.

    Sauveur, F. Franke. (unknown de unknown de unknown).Alternative Methods. Obtenido de