Teaching Evolution in Science Classrooms

Teaching Evolution In the Science Classroom Michelle Frey Wilkes University EDIM 510

Transcript of Teaching Evolution in Science Classrooms

Page 1: Teaching Evolution in Science Classrooms

Teaching EvolutionIn the Science Classroom

Michelle Frey

Wilkes University

EDIM 510

Page 2: Teaching Evolution in Science Classrooms

Why teach evolution

The Standards• BIO.B.3.1: Explain the

mechanisms of evolution• BIO.B.3.2: Analyze the

sources of evidence for biological evolution

• BIO.B.3.3: Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of evolution

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Why teach evolution

• Consistent with positions of National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA), National Academies, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

• The theory of evolution is a “major unifying concept in science and should be emphasized in k-12 science education frameworks and curricula” (NSTA, 2013)

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Why teach evolution

• The natural world has a history• Supported by other disciplines in science

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What students bring to the classroom

• Poor or lacking science background• Cultural and/or religious


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Overcoming personal barriers

• Empathy• Patience

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