TBRONLY AFTERNC TVVIP VOL. 3. irO. 286.' EmF ISfiOfi- INDU|iiI , ^Jntrailer Foroes Entrance into ' Residence, Shoots ami Se- 1 . verely Wounds Representa- tive of Crown in Ireland BOMB THROWERS INVADE FASHIONABLE QUARTER LOKDON, iP)-W iriii.m McOr.lh, fOUDMIn DHMJn. wm «voroty _ viinnaed wlian. fired upnn hr a mnn P . wh.) forced oa oalnujce Into Iili honw H onrly thil moraJnff. nra ft Central ll dUpiteh from that cltr. Mr. I Offlen of tiio unlnn wcro I rnidod bjr.elrtt memben of tba crown 1 fnrrc? lu t nljht, an.l l>ooke m d dofit nipnt* wfTfl h ImJ. . —— Id AUXIliIAST FOUOB BOMBED IK PASmOKABLB QVAETEU DUBLIN, yiV-nV bomba wer.- llirowB ftt a lorry oontalning suzllUirr l‘ftllce whllB It Wfta thvclinf: ia Mor- rinii ftjanro, a fariilonnblc nuartcr <n "( fJic city lu t nlRht. Tliprc wrrp no faa- «fl iinldot. pff TIu' Sinn Pcin njinounri'd Innt nlglit "i tliD rofoinj of iho followlnff mlile from Th (ho United Staten bv Arlliiir Orlffitl'. Uh fniindor of the Slnti ^ In - <>n ‘'Amitrlcon Diir«eii nro fDrmioK o unit ' In (rfvp medieal aM in Irotand nr or him irnnltod relirf horo. Wire inatrui'- nm tlona.” tor , Bnmonn do Valern, ‘‘|iro«iiirnt of thp vln iri>i!i roniilillfl,” ropllpd thnt monoy mii wni n«dfl(f for tfJief luirf Jio "»(nro5f- .wl th n t." a n Atnorifjin brai.eh of th« •, Irl-h Whlti. CroM ,-nmr horo ti. nijxr * iiil.'ii'l tho dintrlbiillnn.V. , * Tho Sinn Toin iinllollu. n»8.'rl« thnt \ from Dccembor Ifl in Jnniiflr>- 12, rrow-i I'urpm hnvo rnminittp.l 37 niunlera, 41: ! . ntii'mptert .murdern nn.l wonndinRii, •} liiirnod 7fi hnnsr* nn.l nhoic nn.l lliit| * ■I'll n ainQlo rnKo hn< nnv piini*hntoiii ' ' . born Inflipted, " ‘ | OOUaXMABTIAL aBNTBNdEa.~- * ^ I.TMBRIOK, (/Pi-8itty-of th.- i-.l ^ t winen -who -»rrrp pW H nn trial in eon t iicotinn with an nitnrk P^fpmlll■r 27 .. j on rrowa forPM whn «rro ii|i|ir«mphlni: , I'lnro whero n dnnro «nii lipiiiu hoM ,, i.onr Untff, ronnty I.imprirlc. woro aon. ,, lonreil Thuradny by n^lol.l rpdpmI -• rourl.mariinl lo li'n y.’flf |>emil tcrvl. titdo. PivBVpnr* In.i-nph .3*0. Uipwv.t ■l.nii bcon remiltod. AUSTRALIA BAM EBMONTE. • ^ ' NtilUlOUBNK. Aiwlralia; nmnd Q rattan Kumon.rp, rcKnr.lcd m n y,„ t^inn Foin omlnMrv. rofmod* lodny *o ,i,„ take Iho onth nf nti.'giniicv.nnd w?».‘n * .pi.naonuonro, nK"lti rpfiinpd prrmifninn to in Anatrnlin, lIBllIliF II filfllSlElE’tll Diflinclination of Exporters to Acccpt Soviet Funds Im- podcs Trade Besamption Cl ' WABHINaTOK. (/Ph-Tl'c di«i«clin- nllon-of Amoricftu oxpo'Vtera to aeecpl nnv part of thn 1100000,000 in Rold • M-hieh aovlpt RiiMlft U rppnrtpil In ho romly to *)>cnd for forPijtn.jtoo'diTa tho . onlv im]«dlnicnt to tiie ro*aniption of irado between tho Ignited Stfttei an.l Husaia. •Scerot£r>'' Alexhnder dfplarod fnlny. ChargiiiK that thp i.ivint'a tuoney hnd been atnlpn from banka, nn.l 'ndi vl.luala, the t'nmui'erpp w rrftnrr aaid the aoviet nuHiurillM.fniind thmaelvpj, In tho lumo poiilion ni a bank ri>bber .in Ihla foiintry who took.hia money ti. II Rtore, but couh) not apend it boeiiiiM! it wni alolen. nui»lnn officiali who havo tried tn , purchniu* ' Amerlonn conda, he ndded, had been unincepMfu) . bopnufp Amerifon pxnnrleri frnred v'^Mipy would Inter be ealipd upnn to nr- '/.•.nm t for "reeeivinjj itolen propprty.” Tiip -ti'imrtmi-ni of p.nntiiprrp. Mt. .>li<xnndor uJil, in fpftdv to ni.l AnioH ir-ii flrmi wlnhlnir('< irrn!.' \ritb .nl thpir ..»rn rM<. w>>J Iim} ro .ontty ri'provHl.-itlvc» of Ku;o]>i.au bniiki hnd tnltPU up with him Ihp .oh- i.^blialinipnl nf n VIonflni: ho'iip !n I'ilhPr ('oronhnp'ii nr 8'-.rkhnIbi with r. view t.i prnviillnK rredltfi for Oi-r- iiinnv nnd Uiw^in'no .thnl trn d p ^ itii lb.^w> enitntrleii foiild lio r^'0|ifn0^ . Ho .nlil hp wfis inptined lo fivor wHi' i. )>lnn if il wouJil nld cx|>nrt«ra. ' BEDOUINS^TTACK DRUSES ^ SyrU U Scou of 6«t«to ruittlli< B«-;0R| tn c n Komadf uul HUlsmtn ji«ii ' . IXJNDOW, yp) — Savrre fiRhtinff be - tirpen Dedoulni aod Pnnei in Syria U ri-ported in a Cairo diipateh.to the Cen- ,, trn! Khun. The Druaea are aaid tn havo loit 1,500 killed, but it li aa«erled the j|„.i rrmnftnta of thdr foreei are preparing for il foontCT offeniWe. ' , jn,, T7< BoJodIbj aro ose of tbe Boioadlfi - }.rrr Arab* tribe* Inhabiting Syria, ArabUj Tl and Korthcro Africa., ThQ.Dnuea la-inrer (mbit tho ranffca of Lebanon aod h are, reuy •for 800 yeara maintained thHr ind- hmv pondenee. .atati mON PAPER IN IDABC S i fa Soviet Influence Drives Americans Out of Asia Minor Dispatches Doolare i^otive An- ti-Amorican Propaganda Ei-"* ’ ists in Torkej •WASHlNGTONr'w^Bolahpvik , influento hiu( reaijlled In the rtmov- nl of a number of Americana from . Bamsoun, Aaia Minor, areordlag to - ndvlfca Udny to 4he.atate depart- 1 nicnt. Thu ipecifle rcaaon ffivea for their withdrawal waa.the fail- ure of tho Turkiah authoriilea io provide a cenaor for +:n,nllah lan- . Kuago communlcationa. An nctiro niitl-Xmerlean propa- (tanda e*Uta Ib Turkey directed by . Bolabovlk rrpreaentatlvci, accord- } injj to the advJeca, but prominent Turklah natlonalUU b an Inaiated lhatJthcy ate not In accord with the BoIihorikL m llfTJLK ; piD = Idahoan Leads Fight at Ell Paso Convention Against ' EoguIatoi7 Logialation Ki, I'ASO, Tmiu., (fl>»-l'onildpralln.. "( Iho ropiiri of Iho miirkol romniiUcr «/i* nniiiHC <Iio finil Inuiiiioas j-onni.l- „i prod by today's npfion of th.' Ampri J •nn N’aiionnl I.ivpniork oMOfintin.i. Tho roport wna .fnrnmlly ,,roAPnted to ' Iho mrollnit yonlpr-lny hm diviiMinii ' otl lla adoption w n t .ivpf n'nill todn..-. ." Thp roi'ort fnvorr Miinulnlinn of r... , MiM'rntlvc. mnrknioK hv the iirodiKo'r- '' nml ....ntnini. n -iicj-o’liMi that mil I’,' t.)n>lM ..oMir'il >il.>rkvnrd« iindi'r niiwr viHion nf tho InloMlai.. oomiiiorpo pnni i’‘ mlMion. nl Z:ndorseai(mt of federnj leglsla- Hon to refruiate tbo llveitcck Jn- j,, dtiDtry wna the moat Important . matter to comfl bi'nre tha eonren. * tlon today, lea Dltllnjbara. aeae- | tary of the Idaho Oattle and Horse | .Qrowers' aaaoclatlon, one of the leadem of the flsht agalnat any I'" . fort of reffii’atory legiUatlon, de- clared beforo the meetini; that the ; oppenenta of, wonld ' - nwl;B_a vliJiitoiir fljtljt od tho floor., ,1 ‘‘1 '■ The mattar wia expected to come ! up whan the report of th# reaoUi- «« tlon* committee -waa preaeoted. •• Kloplio.i' of nfrir..r. iiti.l wloptln.i of the i.pxt ..oMvntii.M ivlll 1.0 <lr. rMod hof..ro adJoMriimpnt lodav. John n. Koiidrlrh, Piiito.l Ktnira ^onnlnr fr..in Wvnmine. now rroiiiil.-nf of the j''' ii*a.ioinll.>n. nw. b.-inK iiip|x)rlpd fnr 'j*' . - . ‘loplii.ii, KpndrlrH >rn> ,ii)q>n»i'il liv Mnri'xi fan«nm »f. i>t1 K.irlh, Tpxrin.L''* KCi'ivi'i) Ja Jiflvo gflrneiJpy' •Ironirtli ov. t ni^ihi. ......... .. aiippori. lai ora .<f Knnou.i Ollv, Mr>., nml ('.•Inrado li<' Sprinp «oro iMii.pfnl Ihnl Iho punvpn- in Hot. «o.il,l fnv.ir tho rily i Iip. p wr.- on MulM.rllnB >vH!i iho m’X! ri.ovmlion. of UNFIT FOR HUMAN ^ IS VERDICT INI MAMINEDFOl City and Count,v Qffjciails DenyJJsistence of Typfi JJeSts are Complete—F( ' pies Examined Known t K. \l. D00I..V, citv fhcmiM, ,vho mg iiml.T aii»pipi«n Unle.i today "ThriT 0 tl.p Illue ItiI.bnn D.iiry nrp onfit for hii ti> liiiinnn iifo. I dn tint rato In i'ilh..r tv|.holiI* Kvmfi ill Ih.. .amplP.H, Th!>. i frnm Pr- liiplor, pountv pnlh»ln|'l»1. nr. liioliT nt nooti'to.lnv alaiod Ihi livoly that typhoid (iPnii. w rc fmind miiild hp dpny lhat miph i:.-nmi uoro 1 it'oiiM ndviao (li(* iniinei)laU' itinoriibl |,or»oit« uho hail boon tnakiiii: 1 .1 tinii'ivoiii.l prnhnbly nnt l>.' of any a.I ],orftons in whnm thp di^.•aKO >vua nlrc:i.l . iiiatinn UMinlly mndo itmtli ra xrornp. Statement by Maj •‘At th.. .liroction of t»v!.plf, iu o. , lliP poiiuril Mui|ilia (if tho milk Rii]>]ilipil nud by.JJ liold.in Tvvin KalH. worp j-nl .•ommenrpil, Thp r.'i.u|| of ihin ;.naly»li Hal liiplor. counJy pntholoci.t. "A a mayor of Titln Vnlla 1 cnu onl vntiintarUv Alvoulinn.'d the ]inrphniip nl nfC nnt fuliv andui.ollv al'ovo Aimjiicinn ‘•InnF'-Of” "f »» •»>»'<-<'■ o f >‘’<'''1 juat a* rlKldly an pnMil.lo, No offotl nny poaalblo rojietition. Hhnuld nny fui appear adequate warnlnc «vlll hp ^iven. “ In eaae of onlbroali nf apparcni i trared tn food, wnlor or milk supply, 1 nolifled at onpp no thnljmim-.linlo atpp examine theae aourcea of auppiy falling iREEKS CONTINUE DRIVE TH leUenes Uake Another Important Ad- Pre 'nnce In Offenalve Against Tnrki I.ONllON, (/D-'.Tho Orppk. h»\.. : nadp nm.ll».'r im|H,.tnnt n.lvwpo Jn ui'v hoir nffpnaivp acaimil Iho TurkUh nn tm-i i.mnlixtx uti thp ltrii»n front in A*l:i nix. ilinur, npfordlnc ti> tlio flropk IpfntioM nn •oro toihy. , , Tlio lepatlnn . reuortort that llir I<'f irppka had eaptiired the 'tnwn of Do- thp purnk nn Toe^dny. The tTurka 1«: 1 imvilr in the • flRht’nc, the rpi*irU rnn tate. ......... .... 10 CARRYING TBE FVL ^I.LS TWIK P A u a IDAHO, ra TmHIE Fll i n ims Tifie Passes from Federal Gov- f ernment Covering Area Re- tained w itiiin Irrigation Pro- ject iinder W hiffin Report REIMBURSEMiNT PLANS ^ ; DETERMINING FACTORS rntoiit to the atate of Idaho cover- ^ Ifli; 3r,,0Q(i a ttn in the Otlmon fiivcr ,| Irrigaliun pro^oek hna been ligntrd for fl Ihc I’nited Btntoa ^-pivernmenl by 8ec- M rotory of Intoriur royne, accorUIni; lo I lnfomiatlun received.today fron Boiie by 0. M. llall, jfonoral manajrer of thu tialmon llivor Canal company. luuancA of the federal patast ti I praUmlouy to conveyance through ip 11 tha Itate of uUe to lands vltUa ° I tha area dulgnated .for rvteaUon | I \rlthia the project In tbe report made to the itate land board and department of .Interior.by W. 0. Whiffon Jn the aprln* of lOli. r Rulluff uf tho United Slnt.-a court of! • nppoala aHitaluinif the rlRhl of the stato nnd federal tnnd de]iartiiieiita lo • nmkv Hie arbllrury doiipiatlorii ron. ) mined 'ir> Iho Whiffon roporl t.iKPlher ' with nuiiuranppa [{ivcn tho acrrolnry of ' iiitorior thnt prnvlaios would .Ik- mado ^ f.ir ro'mburaemonl of hohlora of np. |ir.ij^alolv D.'.OdO nctpa nf liiml ox. pkWf.l from Iho project by thnl re- „„ porl, nro boliov.'d lo havo hi'pn aplli- T, ntlns moHvos iu Ihe issuiinpo of Iho Mrfal •j'lili'Jil. fij?th/'r fjirlor il ' II,.. rninplotion of pprtnin nllpratlons iu Iho itriK:>linu nvniotn -ivhirh werr "" In'ld iiecpaoarv ai< a r.-aiilt n f 'Hip ,in. lv..,il|-nllnn ronduetpd hv (’lav ’Tnllmnn, 1/ I foniiiiiMlonpr t.f tho ijpiioral Inn.l nfflro, ' iiinl )non<I<ora nf thp nlato hiud bnnni {in thp fnll of 1017, Settlement Plana Succeed ^ .\rtiinj;puioulK for roimbur»enipiit of l.n {I..ihlorit,»f..i'Xrlujvd-lnndn aro runtin-. |n [uiiiK atid niooirnj-"wJeli "neiicfni favor, nlj •acfordinff lo the iintcnipiit lo.lav of on Bav M. mauohnrnp,' aerntUry of the S<' anlmnii Itivor Rpttlora' nsaoeintinn, nnd mi Mnunip'r Ilnll. Pinna lookluK loiraril thla end woro repcnliv auKKcited by R- " K. Rhopliprd nnd na.wiatoi. nnd ndnpt. ' pd nt tl tnoptinji nl IlnlliMor of land. ' ‘V hnldprn of Iho' projoet. Oul of nboni 7.nnfi arroa umli'r piiltivnllou In th- oxpltiilp.l nroa. hoi,Icra of n.ore thna ‘'li" ‘‘■‘"I loxelbor with a ^ lnri:p numbor ..f nnn.roKidpnt tnnd- f. Iholilora Mmllnrly alluatod. hnv.- P»ti'r...| iiiti'i njfrponioni propoaed' for wnrkin^ j.| oul Ihla plnn, nprnrdlng'In i.|nlpinenl | of Mr- lioaiichnm|i. [CONSUMPTION = I CASE OF MILK ORTyPHOlDGERMSs; ils:JDectine to Affiriti'OT « pfioid'Bacteria U n til A ll Z ■Four Out o f Five Sam- ito be Unclean --------- ;— Rftv mado lln- tP"tn of ll ..... . n;uitpl|.|i ■r out <«f four anmploa of milk from (II r huiiiiin ruusiitnplion nnd dnn;;oroua ^|] Ihpr dpny or nffinn tl.o j.rpamro of ’» infnmntlnn slmuld romo to Vnn ' lhi.1 hp .lid not oaro tn Mnip pnil .- nd in Iho «;iiiii.|ui annlvr.pd, noiihor ' rp found. Aakod na In irliolher hp Lo 'iblinw for t,v;diold fovpr of Iho--. if niiPh milk h<> alalod thal auch nr.- n.lvantnR.' na In thp pnai- nf liioao c:i.|.v iimlpr dpvolnpiupnl aurh innu.. ^ Mayor Eldrldgo I. o.iiiiunPlion with llip uipuiI m Tii nf . " lipil 10 thp JonoA Blue nibhiin Dniiy . j-nlhpt'cd nnd the work of !iii;ilyxi.i ' Iy»l« will lio aupplied In yen l.y-Dr. fnri only any Hint Mr- Jonoa haj; alrondy p n'f milk f/om thoa.' anurci'ii iidjirh — . cinn. ' rd, ipal milk supply will ho rnrrlod'on. inn >tl will-bo ajinr’cd to Runrd aRain«l »n •furthpr cvidprioo o f pontnminntlon ■.• nd i ni infeetlQua dlscnio which niny hp . F y, Ihp propp/ dcpnttnionl ahnnhl bo ’'n* ilpp. mny bo tnkpn to phppk up and '"■r ng under BUfplpjon.” • '‘H ' THESPIANS.STRIKE LOOMS '.'1 - Ihp Prodclclng Uanagert AatoclatJon to Act fr«>i on Demand of Player* fnre ----------------------------------aom rCBW YOniC. (/f>)-I’<""i'‘ili»y of n killl now aHora "Ifiko loomp I to.lny »rhtfii won tn.-nibora of Ihp I'rodurlni; MrtnsRera' In navointion worp rnih-d toa.'thor to nel enc on n dpmnnd n f lho. Arton" Kquity ni. Vne roflntinn, tlmt Uip' |iroJup|ni firm of fflrt I<'0 nnd J.'J, Hliubprt be drop;>od frorji thp mannRpm’ naaooialion roll. liCP Shiibort dpijed tho charRC of pnntini'pd violMloi^fiif tho eqnitv acree . • mM. r ■' .( VLL day LEASED WIRE DAIL raiDAY. JfAOTART 14, 1021 GOVEii'isv FIRST CLASH i W ITli S iXTEE • S en ate V o tes i5ow n : g a tio n o f S ta te I T h ree C om m . AMERICAN LEGION^S ' OF CAMPAIGN PLEL r- * ------------------ -------------- » ailS PLEDGE = =fMIIESEi I Stato DopartmoQt Holds oiit chi j for Reparation for Offi- cer’s Killing j|r( .MAN-JI.UflM.,(fl>J-Japauhaa ! I aj-ropd to nn Indcuinity &a « ro. ’ f| ault of ihe kUiln; uf Lieutenant , ' .1 U'arreu ff. Langdon, of tlie Unitod I, , Bintca eruiacr Albnny, In Vlajlvoi. i*^'' . tek, by n Japanpw lentry, It la un- I dprMood horo. The mnttw ii .... : foro Ihe foreign office nl Tokio. . , 7',' --------- hoi . WAHIll.V(lTt).\. 1). X'..^,(/?)-Sntiv!lnv ' fnrtorv ;iMnrnn..o> hy 't1u> .lnpau.-i.-j"io' ............... nt Ihnt itx rofjrola ovor 1110]“," ; killing .)f Lioutpnnni W. H. U.„p|„|. ' nf Iho .'iiiiior Allinuy liv n .Inpnn.-v'i .•...I'ryiil Vhidivojl.ik ivi.l.ld ...... . Z , mpnt.v| by convin. in(> proof nf it* in tinllini l.< mnko siinllnr.lii.'idpula iiii. prnhnhlo woro nwailr.l to.lav l.v |lu ’ M:.to .!..pnrlmrnt. ' Expreuea Confidence, 1 C'oofidt'ncp lhat Iho Jn)miio».. t..v- Am onimoiil would mnko ' ‘ a.lpfinato rppa- rniiou' for Hip kllliii); of LIpulpnniii ' l.aiiK.lnii” wa..'Oxproaiod liy Iho .b- C ,‘"' inrlmi-iit Tii a uutp dispntrhp.l laM fo (ho 'Tokio forrfRn afflrc. Tlw " " Poili.uuuirnlinn waa .on' l.y Aolin^' 1'^" 8<Tr.'tury Davia afler ho had n-ml Ad- mirni Olenv.*' roporl of Iho nctlun InkPM liv (Jouornl 01 ti. i-vcrl similar iii..ldonli, , In view of Ihe official oxprew.iom. of . ri'j.Tol aiol of Iho promntnpss wltii,"'J whlrh Iho .Inpnneao nnth.'rltios & pI o.|. ‘V'I RovpruinrMt iifflplala wcro Inclinpd t.> rpiiurd thp ond of the inridpnt hi iti i IrIi I, bul there wna no Jndlentlon thm ■ if mmlil hi- rlc^snl wllliniit more M - iiiile niwiirnnpes -o f whnt mfit*uro-, o Would iio taken to prevout fiirtlu.-/^|,(|, ! Oites Other Encount^ Tho loxl Ilf Iho inpsanR.' npni l.i thu tioi .laimm-io Rnvorniuout h..« not b..pii|«nt mndo i.uldip, but.il i- ................I thnl>ot. tho Hlalo .h'parlm..«il T.'iiitndod Ih. 'wnt Mn].au..^.- Ihnl whito Iho sli.iotinV' nl I'l'i >t.'..uioimni t.nnKdun wi.m Iho firsi In 'lor !^:I........... u fninlilv thoro hn.l bp.-n ^^ol: Miniorous pM'os of oii.oiinioi). I.etH.'oi: th.. Ihp .Inpaopso nnd Aiuprlpnn niilitiirv, 'ho an.l Ihnl rfp»;t« rooplvpil, hero indlpal- i.o cij thnl infltoo many ..f Ihom tho .la].. I'rii atipv appoarod to hnvo h.'pci Uip ni;. I‘ RTrtsnf*. - Tho .fnpiinoao wor.. iirm»d. ii pled una said.. Ill ndn]>t' imni.-7iri$rrTy~STriruim mpaaurV-a nn wnnid j.rovoni fiirthor rich frirtiou. In ftoorolary, Daniels intimnlo.l. l.jday.Wal thnl Ihp mntter uf pnymoni of nn In diir< demnilv to Lipiiton.ini l.niiRiI.m‘a fam- . Ihp ily will 1.0 Inicon it]> with Iho .rn]inm'>p'innli Rovpmmpnt, bv i ISm iSHC fifflL lGS 1 ...SraFfiiOIIRKis ' . ______ t ae Lord Mayor of Cork Tells Am-1 crican Inqairers of Eeligi- ous Persecution Joomi \V.\'S!I1\(IT()N, II. ('„ (/P)-rni!ii.'buill Tir-pliiir-fn-xiTmn'fills, pari-.-liinl school* i cenl nii.l i.ri,..I, HioiiiJv.tv.r-nrp ohjort. o f‘ »- !' .oiiKinnl oulrii)!P-. t.v -IIHtlsh -rrnluii pavi fi'fp.-- in Irplnnd !).>nnljl '(I’Cnllni-hii.t'"x l.ir.l mnv..r of Ci,fT</.|oplnrod todnv hp-1 foro Iho ooiiimUnl..n'of Ihp fomiiiillo..' po'Ui of inn luvpslli.'ntlii;: roiidlllnns in Ir.. : I ^;nd, Fath.T (Iriffin nf (Islwnv. ho dprlnr; rd. Imd b. i.n ki»...| ‘’ iliid.iiit.fodlv 1.0 ' n.,„- known In havo ro.Tlvpd " »n invllnlinn from Hip AwprlpiiT pon,-: n.li'on iovpnlii'nlin;: Irish Pondllloi(',‘ , In foay^|.r|. lo (.Ivo ii.stlmnny.'’ . Fn'hirnhn.Pwinpv .of I'ork, ho aaid, '?’[ "as tiikcn frnm'n Irnm onr on Di'fpln..^ bor Ifl nnd ordprod tn wrilo, ‘ Tn'hell. I;",,' «vlih tho 1 .0PP.” nefusltiR. thp pripai U 'il «n, i-rnrlirnlly slripitod of his rlnth--'“''^ bic nnd ihoii boatcn. Thp Inrd mnvnr a.ibt Unro was ron ' s-nni niislrpnlniont nfw-imoti di.»|<lir‘ hp utiinl iMdlpf Ihov were ‘ ‘ I'nmnne- frf.m.indiffnltlp* onmintlffd bv Brllish = ’nrops,” yf iTBVo names’ and datoa nf aoma dnrVn n^pi’pd Inainnpps »r ihp killinca .if tt-nmen. nn.l iilao (n'd of women bflin'n -driven from their homra n nlRht'o'olhinc without ahnca. In ' one eaae. hp rnid, n woman wns hoM meellBR In a dlteb nf water In nn ef fflrt to extrnrt information fritm her W , tlon' IDM50 ^ lO TE, ^ _ P '“ •• 'TenlRhli nnd- fla;urdny rain: - Kew anow tnnfRhl i.oulhwpat porTinn, IE REPORT OF TEEJ A :O li WORSTEDIN E I OFOP IN ION m SESS ION 1 P ro p o se d In v est!- 'r In stitu tio n s b y - m issio n ers. ISKS FULFILLMENT F WGES TO VETERANS\ DOI81!,JJ»lii! (SpcrI.l |„ n« «m> -The, admimitrallbn today waa wor- aled In tho fin t deah between recom- mendatlona of Oovernor Davli and Iho the viowi of tho alxteenth leuloa of thel»„. tegislature occurring w itn Ibe afler spirited debate, voted down a rwlution introduced by Seoafor E. W .r'S Whitfomb of Leahl couBty, proridlnff,' * for the appointment of a eommliilon,",® of threo memben to-lnveallgate. itate'fi'J charitable and penal inititutloaa.. One }“ ;• raember o f the commiielon would bo ^ named.by the covemor, uiiolher by thoL jirealdent of the tenate ipd Jhe ,thlrl P,'® by thft ipeaker of;Mie hooae. . , Teamiui Leadi AtUdc. Mn; Tho reaolutlon waa attacked by 8ena *1®' tor W. B. yeaman, ot Boonerlllo eova- ty, chairman of tho lenate eommltteo OB atate nffftlra, who declared that Ihc 00^ propoiod Inveatipition wna propertv 1 within Iho provinoo of the aUI« nf \\ faira oommlttew. of the aennlo ond.lnin houae, and hp Intimntcd fnrlher, thnt; will InvoKtlKalion bv the pro|.o»ed'pnmmi«.'npr aion would bp likely to reaull in n “n.,< “ whllownah.” It is undoratnod'that the Ihe ilalo nffiii^B _ii)tnniillpo nf thn'of/i houso nroorda with Iho position Inken ^xti J y .Sj'j|j)ti>r VfjiHwin. and lhat n n>r/v>.,«(»(., lire nnthorirInK Hip housp and w’nalr ,„|h onmmilloos tn nitiko aurh an InvesHj:,! I n,„i tinn will ho Introdiiood shortly. ' I, Legion BUlt in Hopper, Thro.- ..f Iho m..n!.ur.-« fnr whifh ih.. Amprjpaii l.-Tlnu la ..»kln« fnvorahlp " nrlinn woro iiilrodiippd lo.lny In tho BPnn'o, irn-nllnif of n_slato' woJfnrc pommiMmii to fHrnl'h temix.rnry ro oU Hof 1.. disablod or d<strois,>d formri. servlre uipn nnd womou, wilh an njr • l.roprintinn of IIOO.OOO for Ihla |<iir- ]>oio, is provided fnr iu u Idll Inlro. Wll diippd l.y &'unt«r 0. It. Burky of Jcl 'R romo foiiiitv. hiitif.olf a foimor aervippi iiinii, Tho n.mmlasiun would be Pom-1 V lKi-ed of five mptnhors of whom - thoi emi ndjotnnt-finnnpo offierr of Ihe Idaho,his dopiirlnipii'. Amorirnn l^oglon, would bejroai' cine, Hip othera liplni; appnlnlod b r thp.rpsl tfovpriinr. They would aorvo wilhnntip.p poiiii.onanllnn. i \ PropoRi I^fffronee Bight , S..nolor Hurkv inln.diirod nis.. nn l.thor bill td ntnondiuR oxiallnc t,*arpv not slniiiiot. lo provide for preferentiai i":hi nf onlrv on f'arpv art roptnnin |"I’J” li,.,i t,; „f. M«. Civil »!■' wnr. Si.ntrl^h.Am..rlrnii wnr nnd fortnor M-tvin- mon nml »f Hip wnrld w.ir «>M, sluill huvp ....... rp«!i|pnt« of>»''d I.l.ihn for onl I......... alt InnllthK. Hn onf .lor T,r..vi-l.,tm ..f Ihi- bill. tw,. ontrios'frnn \>oiihl iii.'i.lo oo Cnrrv nd j_irojecl». h'lvj Ih.. f:r«i. li. |.o hoM rtn dava prior «•>.- hi. <.v»ii.l, h. ....... pot. I., fnrmer aer^-;DE^ i.'o im'it. with tlio t'onornl iiubli.' p:ir. Hrinntlnn in Hip a.-rnnd ontry. . . y| l‘l:ilf.irni< <.f In.lh potllirnl .|.nrtlof. „,fi, drdk'i- nd.iidlny-.tf bolh Hip ' wolfnr.-, LDmmlwIon .;'.nM5...1>roforonllal onlr.v,', •ich' tii.Tsurp", •• •' ■ I >tni( III th.' Iioiuio. Iloprpaentnllve .1. P ■vo»l. iValkor nf WnahlnRton county, lntr)-;p|„,, liKoiV n third mpnruro requested by‘ p|r,,i hp l.o"ion. ndotilinn of which woiibl'fiip,i noliP tlip .liaplny-Tif fhe f.PRlon emldon- ,\t|o IV I. nnn.inonilior a miadotneannr pun-',),,)^, ilmlili- liv a flno of MOIi.or fiO dny,; nil.l-rm or liolh. ,CAL “Antl-allra land law proposil* In- troduced in th.6 aonate by Senator : i/ W, W. Tbcmpson of Minidoka I,...,,!! county, wore today recotnmeaded for paaaaRo In the senate by the nn.) aona^ Jiidlflary conunlttee.-•• 'f,.nti Adnpth.n of n bill introdnrod today, imno .y Rpnntnr K. A. Pnddopk bf Wnsh-ifmm niTloB' .ounly. wonhi plvo to pounly.wcnil oininis-ionera r<” ''i'r In m il Imnd elop. bins nu Iwtmnco of rountv bnnils for .iilldin); nf hospil.ils for rnro of Indi TOU :ont». l^vyinff of por <npHa lax oi', iiirainsl i>oraons not oxcmnteJ from; p( lavment- o f poll Inx nnd ad voloret.i nx un In 1-4 of 1 per ponl of Hie ns- wod vfllmilil.^i.f proiM'flv withlii-lh.- i.,,,,, otinlv for Ihi* imn'0«p ia authorlro'l (i„, . ,,v Hi.' M il. :,..rvl Tiew Scheme fer, Dlatrtct Cnt On iho hp.'Is of ..oiifprenoos ludd horp fith uipmbors o f thp s.-«ion l.v W. 0 .if Ooiidlni:. and K, 11 - Damphiai. ,r n.iporl, In!k l> tn he Hoard of an ■ .lVr-\rhpm .-- f<ir. dlviKlon of Ih.- ..Iirtl. indiplnl-iHslrlpt. m nrpordanro' i-iih whlrh thp orlRinal dlstrirl would M< rpiio.lo'od lo inrlnde nnlv Twh. "afkl ^nlls rnui.l,v.Jlio romalniilK '‘ ix oon-.- I<‘ h loiT-now .onitiri-lipndod in it to makp '"aHl IP n npw‘dl«LrlPt Itnmor nbout i I'P <' tafo hoKso /TamM T. nfllieo I-<v of ___ — - - . - . -. - — ------- the I (Oontlaaed on Page riT*1 :«bs Soviet Uses Threat and Famine A( I/>N-1>0N. (/PHThe "atrlke ritoa. ttpi, Ion” In RuaaiA h u caused'tho lovlet itrU uvitrnment./ to- laEo etronff remedial wori ieatuh-a, it li atieried In \ Oenirnl oned tewi dlipatoh from IlelilnRfort todiy.' year "The Rovenuneot,*' tayi the nel- dep^ ASSOCIATED PRESS EWS ~ ..............— - I. - PBIOB, PIVB OBHTi ' : EDilfflSTS’ : : lEllGlO ftPEOS 'reoautions Taken by Police Against Radical Demonstra- tion while Investigation of * Warnings is Made SPECIAL AnENTli(N IS GIVEN HOMES OF RICH KEW YOBK (flV-PuWle baUdlnp, ihunhei, public uUHly plaati and the lomti of wealthy, eltluiu throoghost be elty^ware under heavy gnard today >y order nf Iho pallep na a precaution ... iry meaaure agalnat iwialble radical lemonilration. Police offlelali were extremely retl- eat coneerolng Iho order, Riven verb- Hy lu t night to'the entire foree, but hey Intimated it wai prompted by edera] authority. Speelnl attention wax given to the ’ irolepiloB of the homca of John D. loi'kefcller, J. I*. Morcan,'Ch*rloa M ichwati, Archbiahop Patrick J. Uoye*, Inyor John T. Ilylan and cltlzeaa ' long Fifth avenue nnd other faihlea- ble reildenlial dlatrieti. lOVEENHBKT OITES OBEDBKOE TO WABKIKOB OF UETEOTIVBS WAfiHlNOTON, D. C„ (/P>-Warn. aga of a Ihrea'ipned demonstrallon rith hombiRR netlvltlrs nt Now Yont ere reeolveil by the Rovernmpnl fron. -reptitablo private detective nReney In ho tnolropniis. doparlment of jualjro ffiJ-lnlt aald lodny In pxidab.InK tlic- xtru- prpoaiitlona ,takpii by fl^eral nnd fxjlico fht'ri' In ffanrdin^' uhllr hulbllnRS, ehiirphPK niid homea, nd offlrbs nf prominent men. ^ tnvoallRalion of tho warnlnRa |i be- IR mnde. ll waa ndded. Imt na yet Rov- mmpnl BRonla huvo hoon uiiablp to Ind nny evldpnrr that Iho domonatn Ions nrp t.i «nko place. lUCCESSOR TO HARDING.' , takes SEAT IN SENATE mUi Amned Toga, «hUs Ooodlnc WUI Take Oath.of Offle® Tomottow WABIIIKOTOK, (/F)'— Poraer Oov--' mor VfiiTik B. WlllU, of Ohio, Is aeat In the aeaale today at the me- oaaor of Preaident.elect Ilarding, who ' eslRnpd fnr Iho.Temnlader of hli tena .plrinR March Another new repnbllean . lenator, unner Onvernor Ooodlnj, of Idaho, 'III lake hia onlh tomorrow, to fill the norplred term of Senator .NuRcat. emoerat, Idaho, who resigned nfler hia ppoinliiipnt In the federnl trod# com- ' lis.lon. Both Senators -Wlllla and oodinj; hnve boon elected for full ilx ear lerma nfter Mnreh *. Their lm- pdlnlo arn'ice will Inereaac the prea- If repiiblienn majority In tho aenate ■nni li»o lo fnur. with the rcpnbllcnna iviiiB fifty .and the dpmnprata 40. EKTES'tJREAMEIlY om O IA L S AOTOALLY UKDEB ABBESr CiilEiJS’ HAV. wia,, (/pv-Deiilal thW fipinia ..r Hip Fnirninnt preamery •ni'oh of Ud» pltv hail boon arrested I oha'7:;..a of vIoh.flnR-stnto lawa ea ated ill dlspalrhpf s,.nl frnm hero • ••tordnv wna mndo lodnv bv P. 0 . * ' - Inpp. mnnau-or of the rre'nmory.--Mr. ,' 'i- 'opp said nn Informnlinn ha.) boen Ird nsaln.f thp^ reamprv bv Dlatriei Homey Vo.imr eharainu vinlalfon of . ("V aloroRp Inwa.^ , : . \UrOBKIA POTJLTBYM^ . ASK FOB TABIPP OK BOOS 1-OS ANOELTS, (/p)-A lariff of ten Ilia n dniipn on oRa- was nakpd in lot- rama ipst lo I'nllod States senatora id roprosonlativea by i>oultr.vmen of ntral nnd aoulhern Califnrnia. ll waa moniirod lodnv. I'rndiif.'rs anid ORRa nm rii'nn. Aiislrnlia and ArRontln-i nild r>dn tho Cfttifomin Indiirlry un- .......... imiKi«od a tariff. )PTL71ND EEOIOK POST ' ASKB FARM LOAN OPTIOK roilTI.AND. Ore.. (/PHP^rtlnml s| of Hip AmiTlrnM I.pRlnn -was on rnr.l t.nlav asking'.the OrpR.m IprIs- . ,,_ lur.' to iillnw OroKon oT sorvl|.e men p nptI.iM of $2.1 for oarh monlh .if rvirp 111 Iho world war or n «:IOO^^ , rm ..r hnmo loan. The rpaobitlon w.v nl'ip.l al n tnnir moPtlnu'-lnil nipht a', I'l-l. nbdiit I'flft veterans nf Iho world T .'v rrp pTPBPUl. An. OOKTAIKIKO MOKEY ' FOR PATBOLU DISAPPBAr.S . MOKNT VP.RNON, 111.. /■ rk»nf roRlaleird-niftil,-onp reported hnvo-*-nnlalned »SO,000 for liy In ' ikinc'up pnyrolla ot Pranklln coon- ennl mines, disappeared here early' ilay,.,An esllmnlo nf the value of e eonteali of.tho other three aaeka la not nvalkble., it of Prison ' [gainst Strikers ffe,."hu decreed a warnlog td all thn rUen thnt nnleu'they -reitim ta - srk ImmVdUtely they will ba'JaprU- led fop>teraf ol ^m o oae to fln ' lan faalUei *ID be , ' , prt«d 'of?eoieanU,» - .



    TVVIPVOL. 3. irO . 286.'


    , ^ J n t r a i l e r F o r o e s E n t r a n c e in to

    ' R e s id e n c e , S h o o t s a m i S e -

    1 . v e r e ly W o u n d s R e p r e s e n ta

    t i v e o f C ro w n in I r e la n d

    B O M B T H R O W E R S IN V A D E

    F A S H IO N A B L E Q U A R T E R

    LOKDON, iP )-W iriii.m M cOr.lh, fOUDM In DHMJn. wm «voroty _

    viinnaed wlian. fired upnn hr a mnn P . wh.) forced oa oalnujce Into Iili honw H

    onrly th il moraJnff. n r a ft Central l l dU piteh from tha t c ltr . Mr.

    IO fflen o f tiio unlnn wcro I

    rnidod b jr .e l r tt memben of tba crown 1 fnrrc? l u t n ljh t , an.l l>ooke m d dofit nipnt* wfTfl h Im J . .


    IK PASmOKABLB QVAETEU DUBLIN, y iV - n V bomba wer.-

    llirowB ftt a lorry oontalning suzllUirr l‘ftllce whllB It Wfta thvclin f: ia Mor- rinii ftjanro, a fariilonnblc nuartcr i!i roniilillfl,” ropllpd thnt monoy mii w ni n«dfl(f for tfJief luirf Jio "»(nro5f- .wl t h n t ." a n Atnorifjin brai.eh of th« • , Irl-h Whlti. CroM ,-nmr horo ti. n ijx r * iiil.'ii'l tho dintrlbiillnn.V. , *

    Tho Sinn Toin iinllollu. n»8.'rl« thnt \ from Dccembor Ifl in Jnniiflr>- 12, rrow-i • I'urpm hnvo rnminittp.l 37 niunlera, 41: !

    • . ntii'mptert .murdern nn.l wonndinRii, •} liiirnod 7fi hnnsr* nn.l nhoic nn.l l l i i t | * ■I'll n ainQlo rnKo hn< nnv piini*hntoiii ' ' . born Inflipted, " ‘ |

    OOUaXMABTIAL aBN TBN dEa.~- * ^I.TMBRIOK, ( /P i -8 i t ty - o f th.- i-.l ̂ t

    winen -who -»rrrp p W H nn tria l in eon t iicotinn with an nitnrk P^fpmlll■r 27 .. j on rrow a forPM whn «rro ii|i|ir«mphlni: ,I'lnro whero n dnnro «nii lipiiiu hoM , ,i.onr U ntff, ronnty I.imprirlc. woro aon. ,,lonreil Thuradny by n ^ lo l.l rpdpmI -• rourl.m ariinl lo li'n y.’f l f |>emil tcrvl.titdo. PivBVpnr* In.i-nph .3*0. Uipwv.t ’

    ■l.nii bcon remiltod.

    AUSTRALIA B A M EBMONTE. • ̂ 'NtilUlOUBNK. Aiwlralia;

    nmnd Q rattan Kumon.rp, rcKnr.lcd m n y,„ t^inn Foin omlnMrv. rofmod* lodny *o ,i,„ take Iho onth nf nti.'giniicv.nnd w ?» .‘n

    * .pi.naonuonro, nK"lti rpfiinpd prrmifninn to in Anatrnlin,

    lIBllIliF II filfllSlElE’tll

    Diflinclination o f E xporters to A cccpt Soviet Funds Im- podcs Trade B esam ption C l

    ' WABHINaTOK. (/Ph-Tl'c di«i«clin- nllon-of Amoricftu oxpo'Vtera to aeecpl nnv pa rt o f thn 1100000,000 in Rold • M-hieh aovlpt RiiMlft U rppnrtpil In ho romly to *)>cnd for forPijtn.jtoo'diTa tho

    . onlv im]«dlnicnt to tiie ro*aniption of irado between tho Ignited Stfttei an.l Husaia. •Scerot£r>'' Alexhnder dfplarod fnlny.

    ChargiiiK tha t thp i.ivint'a tuoney hnd been atnlpn from banka, nn.l 'ndi vl.luala, the t'nmui'erpp w rrf tn rr aaid the aoviet nuHiurillM.fniind thmaelvpj,In tho lumo poiilion n i a bank ri>bber

    .in Ihla foiintry who took.hia money ti.II Rtore, bu t couh) not apend it boeiiiiM! it wni alolen. nui»lnn officiali who havo tried tn , purchniu* ' Amerlonn conda, he ndded, had been unincepMfu) . bopnufp Amerifon pxnnrleri frnred

    v'^M ipy would Inter be ealipd upnn to nr-'/ .• .n m t for "reeeivinjj itolen propprty.”

    Tiip -ti'imrtmi-ni of p.nntiiprrp. Mt. .>liJ Iim} ro .ontty ri'provHl.-itlvc» of Ku;o]>i.au bniiki hnd tnltPU up with him Ihp .oh- i.^blialinipnl nf n VIonflni: ho'iip !n I'ilhPr ('oronhnp'ii nr 8'-.rkhnIbi with r. view t.i prnviillnK rredltfi for Oi-r- iiinnv nnd Uiw^in'no .thnl t r n d p ^ i t i i lb.^w> enitntrleii foiild lio r '̂0|ifn0̂ . Ho .nlil hp wfis inptined lo f ivor wHi' i.)>lnn if il wouJil nld cx|>nrt«ra. '

    B E D O U IN S ^ T T A C K D R U S E S ^

    SyrU U S c o u of 6«t«to ru ittl l i< B « - ;0 R | t n c n Komadf u u l HUlsmtn

    ■ ji«ii ' . IXJNDOW, yp) — Savrre fiRhtinff be - tirpen Dedoulni aod P n n e i in Syria U ri-ported in a Cairo diipateh.to the Cen- , , trn! Khun. The Druaea are aaid tn havo loit 1,500 killed, bu t it li aa«erled the j|„.i rrmnftnta of th d r foreei are preparing for il foontCT offeniWe. ' , jn ,,

    T7< BoJodIbj aro ose o f tbe Boioadlfi - }.rrr Arab* tribe* Inhabiting Syria, A rabU j Tl and Korthcro A frica., ThQ.Dnuea la -in re r (mbit tho ranffca of Lebanon aod h a r e , reuy

    •for 800 yeara maintained thH r ind- hmv pondenee. • .atati


    Si faSoviet Influence

    Drives Americans Out of Asia Minor

    D ispatches Doolare i^otive An- ti-Am orican Propaganda Ei-"* ’

    is ts in T orkej

    •W A SH lN G TO N r'w ^Bolahpvik , influento hiu( reaijlled In the rtmov-

    nl of a number of Americana from . Bamsoun, Aaia Minor, areordlag to - ndvlfca Udny to 4he.atate depart- 1 nicnt. Thu ipecifle rcaaon ffivea for the ir withdrawal waa.the failure of tho Turkiah authoriilea io provide a cenaor for +:n,nllah lan- . Kuago communlcationa.

    An nctiro niitl-Xmerlean propa- (tanda e*Uta Ib Turkey directed by . Bolabovlk rrpreaentatlvci, accord- } injj to the advJeca, but prominent Turklah natlonalUU b a n Inaiated lhatJthcy ate not In accord with the BoIihorikL

    mllfTJLK; ■ p i D =

    Idahoan Leads Fight a t Ell P aso Convention Against '

    EoguIatoi7 Logialation

    Ki, I'ASO, Tmiu ., (fl>»-l'onildpralln.." ( Iho ropiiri of Iho miirkol romniiUcr«/i* nniiiHC il.>rkvnrd« iindi'r niiwrviHion nf tho InloMlai.. oomiiiorpo pnni i’‘mlMion. nl

    Z:ndorseai(mt of federnj leglsla- Hon to refruiate tbo llveitcck Jn- j,, dtiDtry wna the moat Important . m atter to comfl b i'n re tha eonren. * tlon today, le a Dltllnjbara. aeae- | ta ry of the Idaho Oattle and Horse |

    .Q rowers' aaaoclatlon, one of the leadem of the f lsh t agalnat any I '"

    . fo rt o f reffii’atory legiUatlon, declared beforo the meetini; that the ; oppenenta o f , wonld '

    - nwl;B_a vliJiitoiir fljtljt od tho floor., ,1 ‘‘1 '■ The m attar w ia expected to come !

    up whan the report of th# reaoUi- «« tlon* committee -waa preaeoted.

    •• Kloplio.i' of nfrir..r. iiti.l wloptln.i of the i.pxt ..oMvntii.M ivlll 1.0 vH!i iho m’X! ri.ovmlion. of


    MAMINEDFOlCity and Count,v Qffjciails

    DenyJJsistence of Typfi JJeSts are Complete—F(

    ' pies Examined Known tK. \l. D00I..V, citv fhcmiM, ,vho mg

    iiml.T aii»pipi«n Unle.i today "T hriT 0 tl.p Illue ItiI.bnn D.iiry nrp onfit for hii ti> liiiinnn iifo. I dn tint rato In i'ilh..r tv|.holiI* Kvmfi ill Ih.. .amplP.H, Th!>. i frnm Pr- liiplor, pountv pnlh»ln|'l»1.

    n r. liioliT nt nooti'to.lnv alaiod Ihi livoly that typhoid (iPnii. w rc fmind miiild hp dpny lhat miph i:.-nmi uoro 1 it'oiiM ndviao (li(* iniinei)laU' itinoriibl |,or»oit« uho hail boon tnakiiii: 1.1tinii'ivoiii.l prnhnbly nnt l>.' of any a.I ],orftons in whnm thp dî .•aKO >vua nlrc:i.l

    . iiiatinn UMinlly mndo itmtli ra xrornp.Statement by Maj

    •‘ At th.. .liroction of t»v!.plf, iu o., lliP poiiuril Mui|ilia (if tho milk Rii]>]ilipil

    nud by.JJ liold.in Tvvin KalH. worp j-nl .•ommenrpil, Thp r.'i.u|| of ihin ;.naly»li Hal liiplor. counJy pntholoci.t.

    " A a mayor of Titln Vnlla 1 cnu onl vntiintarUv Alvoulinn.'d the ]inrphniip nl nfC nnt fuliv andui.ollv al'ovo Aimjiicinn

    ‘•InnF '-O f” "f »» •»>»' tlio flropk IpfntioM nn •oro toihy. , ,

    Tlio lepatlnn . reuortort tha t llir I .lnpau.-i.-j"io'

    ...............nt Ihnt itx rofjrola ovor 1110] “ , "; killing .)f Lioutpnnni W. H. U .„p |„|. '

    nf Iho .'iiiiio r Allinuy liv n .Inpnn.-v'i.•...I'ryiil Vhidivojl.ik ivi.l.ld ...... . Z

    , mpnt.v| by convin. in(> proof nf it* in tin llin i l.< mnko siinllnr.lii.'idpula iiii. prnhnhlo woro nwailr.l to.lav l.v |lu

    ’ M:.to .!..pnrlmrnt. 'Expreuea Confidence, 1

    C'oofidt'ncp lhat Iho Jn)miio».. t..v- Am onimoiil would mnko ' ‘ a.lpfinato rppa- rniiou' for Hip kllliii); of LIpulpnniii

    ' l.aiiK.lnii” wa..'Oxproaiod liy Iho .b- C,‘"' inrlmi-iit Tii a uutp dispntrhp.l laM

    fo (ho 'Tokio forrfRn afflrc. Tlw " " Poili.uuuirnlinn waa .on' l.y Aolin^' 1' "̂ 8 rpiiurd thp ond of the inridpnt hi iti i IrIiI, bul there wna no Jndlentlon thm ■ if mmlil hi- rlc^snl w lllin iit more M - iiiile niwiirnnpes -o f whnt mfit*uro-, o Would iio taken to prevout fiirtlu.-/^|,(|,

    ! ’ Oites Other E n c o u n t^Tho loxl Ilf Iho inpsanR.' npni l.i thu tioi

    .laimm-io Rnvorniuout h..« not b..pii|«ntmndo i.uldip, b u t. i l i- ................I thn l>ot.tho Hlalo .h'parlm..«il T.'iiitndod Ih. 'wnt

    Mn].au..^.- Ihnl whito Iho sli.iotinV' nl I'l'i >t.'..uioimni t.nnKdun wi.m Iho firsi In 'lor!^:I........... u fn in lilv thoro hn.l bp.-n ^̂ ol:Miniorous pM'os of oii.oiinioi). I.etH.'oi: th.. Ihp .Inpaopso nnd Aiuprlpnn niilitiirv, 'ho an.l Ihnl rfp»;t« rooplvpil, hero indlpal- i.o cij thnl infltoo many ..f Ihom tho .la].. I 'r i i atipv appoarod to hnvo h.'pci Uip ni;. I ‘ RTrtsnf*. - Tho .fnpiinoao wor.. iirm»d. i i pled una said.. Ill ndn]>t' imni.-7iri$rrTy~STriruim mpaaurV-a nn wnnid j.rovoni fiirthor rich frirtiou. In

    ftoorolary, Daniels intimnlo.l. l.jday.Wal thnl Ihp mntter uf pnymoni of nn In diir< demnilv to Lipiiton.ini l.niiRiI.m‘a fam- . Ihp ily w ill 1.0 Inicon it]> with Iho .rn]inm'>p'innli Rovpmmpnt, • bv i

    ISmiSHCfifflLlGS 1 ...SraFfiiOIIRKis' . ______ t ae

    L o r d M a y o r o f C o r k T e l ls Am-1 c r ic a n I n q a i r e r s o f E e l ig i-

    o u s P e r s e c u t io n Joomi

    \V.\'S !I1\(IT()N, II. ( '„ ( /P )-rn i! ii. 'b u il l Tir-pliiir-fn-xiTmn'fills, pari-.-liinl school* i cenl nii.l i.r i,..I, HioiiiJv.tv.r-nrp ohjort. o f ‘ »- !' .oiiKinnl oulrii)!P-. t.v -IIHtlsh -rrn lu ii pavi fi'fp.-- in Irplnnd !).>nnljl '( I ’Cnllni-hii.t'"x l.ir.l mnv..r of Ci,fT -T h e , admim itrallbn today waa wor- aled In tho f in t deah between recom- mendatlona o f Oovernor Davli and Iho the viowi of tho alxteenth leuloa of thel»„. tegislature occurring w itn Ibe „afler spirited debate, voted down a rw lu tio n introduced by Seoafor E. W .r 'S Whitfomb o f Leahl couBty, proridlnff,' * for the appointment o f a eommliilon,",® of threo memben to-lnveallgate. ita te 'f i'J charitable and penal inititu tloaa.. One }“ ;• raember o f the commiielon would bo ^ named.by the covemor, uiiolher by th o L jirealdent o f the tenate ip d Jhe ,th lr l P,'® by thft ipeaker of;Mie hooae.

    . , Teamiui L eadi A tU dc. Mn;Tho reaolutlon waa attacked by 8ena *1®'

    tor W. B. yeaman, ot Boonerlllo eova- ty , chairman o f tho lenate eommltteo OB atate nffftlra, who declared tha t Ihc 00^ propoiod Inveatipition wna propertv 1 within Iho provinoo of the aUI« nf \\ faira oommlttew. of the aennlo ond.lnin houae, and hp Intimntcd fnrlher, thn t; will InvoKtlKalion bv the pro|.o»ed'pnmmi«.'npr aion would bp likely to reaull in n “n.,< “ whllownah.” It is undoratnod 'that the Ihe ila lo nffiii^B _ii)tnniillpo nf thn 'o f/i houso nroorda with Iho position Inken ^xti J y .Sj'j|j)ti>r VfjiHwin. and lhat n n>r/v>.,«(»(., lire nnthorirInK Hip housp and w’nalr ,„|h onmmilloos tn nitiko aurh an InvesHj:,! I n,„i tinn will ho Introdiiood shortly. ' I,

    Legion BUlt in Hopper,Thro.- ..f Iho m..n!.ur.-« fnr whifh ih..

    Amprjpaii l.-Tlnu la ..»kln« fnvorahlp " nrlinn woro iiilrodiippd lo.lny In tho BPnn'o, irn-nllnif of n_slato' woJfnrc pommiMmii to fHrnl'h temix.rnry ro oU Hof 1.. disablod or dd formri. servlre uipn nnd womou, wilh an njr • l.roprintinn of IIOO.OOO for Ihla |oio, is provided fnr iu u Id ll Inlro. W ll diippd l.y & 'unt«r 0. It. Burky o f J c l 'R romo fo iiiitv . hiitif.olf a foimor aervippi iiinii, Tho n.mmlasiun would be Pom-1 V lKi-ed of five mptnhors of whom - thoi emi ndjotnnt-finnnpo offie rr of Ihe Idaho,his dopiirlnipii'. Amorirnn l^oglon, would bejroai' cine, Hip othera liplni; appnlnlod b r thp.rpsl tfovpriinr. They would aorvo wilhnntip.p poiiii.onanllnn. i \

    PropoRi I^fffronee B ight , S..nolor Hurkv inln.diirod nis.. nn l.thor bill td ntnondiuR oxiallnc t,*arpv not slniiiiot. lo provide for preferentiai i" :h i nf onlrv on f'arpv art roptnnin |" I ’J” li,.,i t,; „f. M«. Civil »!■'wnr. Si.ntrl^h.Am..rlrnii wnr nnd fortnor M-tvin- mon nml »f Hip wnrldw.ir «>M, sluill huvp ....... rp«!i|pnt« of>»''dI.l.ihn for onl I......... a lt InnllthK. Hn onf.lor T,r..vi-l.,tm ..f Ih i- bill. tw,. ontrios'frnn \>oiihl iii.'i.lo oo Cnrrv nd j_irojecl». h'lvj Ih.. f:r«i. li. |.o hoM rtn dava prior «•>.-hi. tni(

    III th.' Iioiuio. Iloprpaentnllve .1. P ■ vo»l. iValkor nf WnahlnRton county, ln tr)-;p |„,, liKoiV n th ird mpnruro requested by‘ p|r,,i hp l.o"ion. ndotilinn of which woiibl'f iip,i noliP tlip .liaplny-Tif fhe f.PRlon emldon- ,\t|o IV I. nnn.inonilior a miadotneannr pun-',),,)^, ilmlili- liv a flno o f MOIi.or fiO dny,; n il.l- rm or lio lh. ,CAL

    “Antl-allra land law proposil* Introduced in th.6 aonate by Senator : i / W, W. Tbcmpson of Minidoka I,...,,!! county, wore today recotnmeaded for paaaaRo In the senate by the nn.) aona^ Jiidlflary conunlttee.-•• 'f,.ntiAdnpth.n o f n b ill introdnrod today, imno

    .y Rpnntnr K. A. Pnddopk b f Wnsh-ifmm niTloB' .ounly. wonhi plvo to pounly.wcnil oininis-ionera roraons not oxcmnteJ from; p( lavment- o f poll Inx nnd ad voloret.i nx un In 1-4 of 1 per ponl of Hie ns-w o d v fl lm ilil.^ i.f proiM'flv withlii-lh.- i.,,,,,otinlv for Ih i* imn'0«p ia authorlro'l (i„, . ,,v Hi.' M il. :,..rvl

    Tiew Scheme fer, D latrtct Cnt •On iho hp.'Is o f ..oiifprenoos ludd horp

    fith uipmbors o f thp s.-«ion l.v W. 0 .if Ooiidlni:. and K , 11- Damphiai.

    ,r n.iporl, In!k l> tn he Hoard of an ■ . lV r-\rh p m .-- f0N. (/PHThe "a tr lke ritoa. ttp i , Ion” In RuaaiA h u caused'tho lovlet itrU uvitrnment./ to- laEo etronff remedial wori ieatuh-a, i t l i atieried In \ Oenirnl oned tewi dlipatoh from Ile lilnR fo rt todiy.' year "The Rovenuneot,*' ta y i the ne l- dep^


    EWS~ ..............— - I. -

    PBIOB, PIV B O BHTi ' ‘ :

    EDilfflSTS ’ : : lEllGlO ftPEOS ■

    'reoautions Taken by Police Against Radical Demonstration while Investigation of

    * Warnings is Made ■


    KEW YOBK (flV-PuWle baUdlnp, ihunhei, public uUHly p la a ti and the lomti of wealthy, e lt lu iu throoghost be elty^ware under heavy gnard today >y order nf Iho pallep na a precaution ... iry meaaure agalnat iwialble radical lemonilration.

    Police offlelali were extremely retl- eat coneerolng Iho order, Riven verb- Hy l u t night to 'th e entire foree, but hey Intimated it w ai prompted by edera] authority.Speelnl attention wax given to the ’

    irolepiloB of the homca of John D. loi'kefcller, J . I*. Morcan,'Ch*rloa M ichwati, Archbiahop Patrick J . Uoye*,Inyor John T. Ilylan and cltlzeaa ' long F ifth avenue nnd other faihlea- ble reildenlial dlatrieti.


    aga of a Ihrea'ipned demonstrallon rith hombiRR netlvltlrs n t Now Yont ere reeolveil by the Rovernmpnl fron.-reptitablo private detective nReney In ho tnolropniis. doparlment of jualjro ffiJ-lnlt aald lodny In pxidab.InK tlic- xtru- prpoaiitlona ,takpii by fl^eral

    nnd fxjlico fht'ri' In ffanrdin^' uhllr hulbllnRS, ehiirphPK niid homea, nd offlrbs nf prominent men. ^ tnvoallRalion of tho warnlnRa | i be-

    IR mnde. ll waa ndded. Imt na yet Rov- mmpnl BRonla huvo hoon uiiablp to Ind nny evldpnrr that Iho domonatn Ions nrp t.i «nko place.


    m U i A m n e d Toga, «hU s Ooodlnc WUI Take Oath.of Offle® Tomottow

    WABIIIKOTOK, (/F)'— P o ra e r O o v -- ' mor VfiiTik B. WlllU, of Ohio,Is aeat In the aeaale today a t the me- oaaor of Preaident.elect Ilarding, who ' eslRnpd fnr Iho.Temnlader of h li tena .plrinR MarchAnother new repnbllean . lenator,

    unner Onvernor Ooodlnj, o f Idaho,'III lake hia onlh tomorrow, to fill the norplred term of Senator .NuRcat. emoerat, Idaho, who resigned nfler hia ppoinliiipnt In the federnl trod# com- ' lis.lon. Both Senators -Wlllla and oodinj; hnve boon elected for full ilx ear lerma nfter Mnreh *. Their lm- pdlnlo arn'ice will Inereaac the prea- If repiiblienn majority In tho aenate ■nni li»o lo fnur. with the rcpnbllcnna iviiiB fifty .and the dpmnprata 40.


    CiilEiJS’ HAV. wia,, (/pv-Deiilal thW fipinia ..r Hip Fnirninnt preamery •ni'oh o f Ud» pltv hail boon arrested I oha'7:;..a of vIoh.flnR-stnto lawa ea ated ill dlspalrhpf s,.nl frnm hero •••tordnv wna mndo lodnv bv P. 0 . * ' - Inpp. mnnau-or of the rre'nmory.--Mr. , ' 'i- 'opp said nn Informnlinn ha.) boen Ird nsa ln .f thp^ reamprv bv Dlatriei Homey Vo.imr eharainu vinlalfon o f .("V aloroRp Inwa.^ , : .


    1-OS ANOELTS, ( /p )-A la riff o f ten Ilia n dniipn on oRa- was nakpd in lot- rama ipst lo I'n llod States senatora id roprosonlativea by i>oultr.vmen of ntral nnd aoulhern Califnrnia. ll waa moniirod lodnv. I'rndiif.'rs anid ORRa nm rii'nn . Aiislrnlia and ArRontln-i nild r>dn tho Cfttifomin Indiirlry un- .......... imiKi«od a tariff.


    roilTI.AND. Ore.. (/PH P^rtlnm l s| of Hip AmiTlrnM I.pRlnn -was on rnr.l t.nlav asking'.the OrpR.m IprIs- . ,,_ lur.' to iillnw OroKon oT sorvl|.e men p nptI.iM of $2.1 for oarh monlh .if rvirp 111 Iho world war or n «:IOÔ ̂ , rm ..r hnmo loan. The rpaobitlon w.v nl'ip.l al n tnnir moPtlnu'-lnil nipht a',I'l-l. nbdiit I'flft veterans nf Iho world T.'vrrp pTPBPUl.


    MOKNT VP.RNON, 111.. /■rk » n f roRlaleird-niftil,-onp reported

    hnvo-*-nnlalned »SO,000 for liy In 'ik in c 'u p pnyrolla o t Pranklln coon-

    ennl mines, disappeared here e a r ly ' ilay ,.,A n esllmnlo nf the value of e eonteali o f.th o other three aaeka la not nvalkble.,

    it of Prison ' [gainst Strikersffe ,."h u decreed a warnlog td a ll thn rU e n thn t n n le u 'th e y -re itim t a - srk ImmVdUtely they w ill ba'JaprU - led fop>teraf o l ^ m o oae to f l n ' lan faa lU ei *ID be , ' ,p r t« d 'o f ? e o ie a n U ,» - .

  • . TW


    A d m in is t r a t io n F o r c e s , F ig t i t i n g

    t o H o ld T a x e s D o w n , W o u ld

    - B e D e f e a te d b y A d o p tio n o f

    T a x M e a s u r e i

    (Spcciul to Tho Nowa.)BOISK, Mftho.—W. 8« it t Ilnll of

    Onoldh county, throw n wrcni:h-.inti> tho IcRlsUtWo mnehbcry when ho in- - Iroaurcd li'» "liftri'foul uplioolbo.T” bill wbleh Icvle* a Malo tnx of two ■'* mlllii tor general K-hool purpoM-a.

    T hf tt(lrainl*lraliDn forcra ftrn flRlil- wli Inc I'oW tlown taxrn and Iln ll'« bill, olli if cnnctod Inlo la«r, wmild. kopji rlat-i io inxrtt up to their proscnt liljjli K-vi'l. um

    ) Dflif to E nlreity .Oovi-rnor Dnvlii .unii lundvra in Ihu < =

    lowfr jiooM uttem)itcil (Imt the Rovoroor hnd naiil tbat th j n/npMorii uf the iUite arc nt fau lt for llu’ Hmrtnce o f itfhool fiind* In many dlnlrid* lin-

    • miinc they refinfd in nirvM propcrl; nt It* real Value.' •.

    Romfl o f thn hnit'.p Tnoiiibrrii "alil Wnlnoiulny nftvrnoon thnt H all'a bill wnnld prolmlily bo rnninitltpd ll^rk to . tbi« ftimmlttee on cilacnllon. Thtf com- |0 I mlttee I* divided over Ihe provinionj . o f tho lax levy. Some rlinj; to tha bo- I lief tba t tho levy nhould.' bo fixed nt 4 flvii m illi and tJio Inxe* In tho .mm- ' mnn aehool dittrlelii lowered In jiro- portion to Iho atntc laii- iti'iiii I.:him,i)iiii ('nll •lillUri-ii l i . f (luring till* lii-l;;lit uf luxl winii'i Tlila ^ be wonu'. im it will Iw In Auxiriii mii] ly war. I'o pn-vent llie gr.'uluai tniuoilj iwn cl|;b ' uri'iii Aiiu'rlruii Driciiiiiniiiuua, lef C-oiiiiril, iirv ki-i-kiug cu.infu.uou for

    One o’clock Cloging ®“ J o lts ‘Gag White Way"

    }iK\V VOKK, yp)-M .'rriiiiont . .'nlong (he ‘‘gny whitn wny’/ ro -. Pm r^'lvcd a' Bi'vcrl' jo lt , when |Hilleo mmlo the rounds Thuradny of nil jq . tiiliari'ta-rririd danco hnll* with or- • ilr'rs. to rigidly enforce the state uxi-iau Inw forbidding fliem to re- mnhi n])cn 'after 1 o'clock. • .

    A wrlua nf raida'bv deteetivea in . the “ lid elnmplng’* rruaade ro- , "iilli'd in nrtnst o f three, bartend- 1'^

    . i-r? rhiirRod with selling liquor..--.Snmi- mnnnRor*. Iifiwi-ver. jrh o roniliid a ll-n iR ht-rc-taufnnta 'after thn iimuaewent, ban. lefiised t»

    ^clnao Ihnlr'doora,


    , — - —- nosPoitland Oonvantloa Beoommends so - ^

    ferrtng of lam e to .O rganlttU on . . .O ffldala ^ ou,

    1-nUTLANl). Or.'..* ( /P )-T he Paeifie j " Coaal D islrlrt Mrlnl Trade* Coiincil ^ h rnjireientlng uniona from coaat polntu, t),( went.on rn.-ord n* “ unnttrrably oppo*- „,,] ed to -mv rndurtioii nf wnRCS nt Ihia tlm tim e,” nnd n-fnmuiended thnt nuca- ̂lions nf rndurtionr n f fc tln g worker* lio 'refnrred.to .local.m etal tradca coun- nil* and inlernnllounl officers in the dlstrlctu afferted. Thla dcdaiou wn* reaehed nt (he eonelualon of the annual - m nventlnn. it wna nnoounced Thura- ' dny. , tril

    Tho diaciiasion of wagn readjuttm eni Gu camo up a* n result of n deelaratln.imade by the 0 . U- Btnndifcr Construe- __tlon ,ror|)orntlon of Vancouver, Wnali., ~ th a t it mUHt mnke n reduction .of 10 ■ ■ per eent in wncea or drop -*100 men' fro n tho payroll. Tho eonvention dei-ided to refer the Standifer qiieatlon to the vnriou* uniona represented at thn t plant, nml a m tet\iig wa# fMle4 for ThurmUy by the Vanrouver metal tm det eouneil to take netlon on Iho matter. ^


    A nnnmcemeot lU d a in A then iJU ck* Oonflnnatlon of Btat4 and T teu -

    n ry OfflcU li

    ATHENS. I t wft» RRanuneedhere’ Thur*'lay that the United Blate* Rovcmment hnd eonaented to . advance to tho Orook'govornm cat #32,000,000 alreadv promlaed Oreoce.whcn M. Ven- irelos’wa* prime minister bul npon the condition tha t the money bo cxpend-W illiam Benrd.. miner, held- in ronnc-tlon with the :llllng of Jame* Morris, a guardsman n Deeemher 31 la tt yoar. wna taken rnm the Wnlker county jail bore on ’hur|^day by a mob and 1-ited ahot to nntll, (hteo mile.* from Jaaper.Thn Jailer and military authoritlns

    'nlieveil Benrd had boen rcaeued frnm rison by friends' until the body wn* iaeovernd n l the rosdside by n rural lim carrier. ,

    Block bntterm llk le per^galloft Irlng your coatalnera. Sterling Orenm ry.—adv.,


    SeedGrainjoit're-eleaoed seed grain aad onr

    I f yon sow cmr kind th a t d if f e r

    lTS, barley, and aU light, inferior ■aded seed w heat will greatly In- rop.lia lle d amouot of dean lng and delay.

    l and Supply Co.


    ^Vses Confection to ' BE Curb Noisy Council , fOIUOAOO,

    A. E ichtcr o f the finance commit* P teo bas solved the problem of a too noUy c ity council, he aay*, a fte r sevontton je a r s of observation and . ^

    •pertorbatlon. A bag of all day tho sDoken was passed around by the chnirman ycatorday, „ .

    Dancing a t BethanyCollege Is Banned ho

    -------- Sta'. BLTHANY, W. Vo., (/I>-D an«- (hoing a t Betbaoy eoUego' is banned, in 1undef a rale made-puolio today by nicrofficials of tbe Iflslllutloo. ‘ Tbo Itnow regalntion prohibits girl stn- ocn(douts from dancing together, as Satiwell as boys. sess


    BalloonlSta Doclare Thomaelves Npno tbo W orse for Peril- („ ;

    0 0 0 A drcatore -'•«_ _ _ reni

    NEW YOKK, (ffJ-L ioutonants Kloor, Farrell and Hinton, naval bailoonlita, q,„| nrrlved a t tho Pennsylvania atntion a t Ci 10:42 o'clock this monilng, exactly a „|,,n monlh nftcr thoy bad landed near „f \ Moose Factory, Out., aftor a iirf'i bal- ,,,tn loon flight from thskRockaway naval 28!), n ir atntion. - nge

    Lleulennnt Farrell wns (ho f irs t to o f li lc^ve the tia ln , aetoapa&led by Mra. witl Farrell, who had 'le ft Now York to meet lint, her husband. A crowd of rolntlvos, na- Ir vul officers nnd a group of bosineas men from Bocknwny greeted the party. H

    The hnllnonlsts were a ttired In na* Ini: vy caps and blue sulte-and declared .'vH| they wero "none tho worse” for tboir perilous advcnturu In tho north woods where thoy w oro 'iost for four days. " ' ‘I' The offieera lined up in tho s ta tb n and posed for photographers. BIL

    Theto wos no cheering from thn largo crowd aa tho officers pushed their way out of tho sUtion. Tho woicomers es- At n cortod them to a hotel for a luncheon P^ov tendered by Bockaway eitiiens, after whifli the'com m ittee planned to bear them off on a spoelal train for Ham- mnla—tbo starting point of a parade to * ' tho Roekaway naval station.

    Tho town of Bockpway was (Joeorat- ^ ed with flags and'-Sunting fo r the oc- llUlf easion. , to 1

    — « *------- V tteiPanDwes C annlbalt dcp<

    The Pangwcs nre said to be tb^.ooly tribe of cnnnlbals lo Africa whom • I f European nntlnn lias not been able to adve rob jup ilf roinplrtrly. yoor

    Jan u s


    Our fine stock of Chir our losses along with th es on some of our lovel j ply your long fe lt desii

    Special Nw96 P iece Set

    Bavarian ChW hite and Hold Bavuriim C

    ' ('li'Knnt (ifnner .S(?t form erly price II Hi‘t. Now—

    -$ 9 8 .0 0 -

    42 Piece Set

    ^Syrâ use CliTliCHO S y n ic ii .se C h i n a Si't-s

    v o r y p r e t t y f lo r a l p a tto r iiH . p r i c e $4r).00 . N o w —

    BavarianChCups and Saucer

    Ijlaiii w h ite CupH nnd Saucer? hir price, $5.00 n s e t N ow —

    - $ 3̂ 0-

    : HAW. Vari

    TARY 14.1921 '■


    Various. Topics aro T o u te d In HPropoaall to be P u t Before Mexlfio M

    Olty Sesdon R

    MEXICO o n Y , ( ^ T h e report of tho resolutoina eommittef of tho Pan- : Am«rlean- Federation pf Labor w u j ready for submlsaion today a t the fed- - J e ratlon 's congress. I t wns unilorstood topics to be touched upon Ineludcd the Americnn occupation of B u Domingo. B u b tbe controversy between tho Onited • Btates and Colombia, the MpaBsion of (ho fedoratlon 'i' nelU-ltles, effcelally Id Sonth A m o r lc S ^ official endorse- ^ ment of tho league of nations. Bhi

    I t is probable tbo meeting of the fejt*. pao Hntion will not be concludcd until late -r gnturilny, » ith a poaalbility of a night session to dear all pending na tters. ‘“R P rho United Btatea delegatca erpoet to lin lo ; leavo for 'Vorn C m t on 6 nnday» nhM olniustl ,n Tuesday they will embark for Kew “ St. Orleans. mails

    ■ —■ ,, « ....... and c

    LESS COnON CONSUMED „ I;!;;' Jacob

    OomparatlTB Figures Show Decline la juai g ProdDctlon ef Fabric mntie

    -------- sivelllWABHINGTON’, D, C.. (/P)-Cotton

    •(initiiin-.'il (luring D('nr(». of i-olton nmountnl to 2.’>.- iOft Imlra, cnmj>flred «vlth -(S,.';94.- „

    Kxport* wrr.. TSH.STH l iu K Ini-li.il- ni: .'117:' ImliM .if lintrr*. romimri-d Tlth S7fl.B« ineluding 3Q;M of linterj.

    Cotton aplndli'ii nriivi' .luring I>>'- '(•mbrr nuniberrd 2i>,Stl),l02 compnredvith :i4f»M,l(iO.


    D EN\y-:»,.Colu..,{/P)-A hill nim.;d it mnb violence nnd eonlnininfj'dratll"irovislons to discourage riots aurli nt n i)onver experieneod during laat auui Hncr’a »lrcet car sirlkn wai introduced ' •n the itnte senate ThurKdsy. m

    ' Deepest Mine In the World.The deej««l mine In the world ll .

    hAfI No. a of (be Tamarack mlo*D IHchleun, wbicb goe.i down tS.20C eet beiow tbe snrfaca.—Prpm the hy' Icpendent. A

    I f yoar propertr Is desirable, u d Is dvertisod In tbe e lasslfied-yonni find oor buyer.

    a ry Clearai

    ofCh‘ A

    lina greatly reduced — YI the rest and have 'simply sr ily China and Cut Glass. E sire for new dishes by choo

    imbers Now j94;J>ie

    hina NippdrChina—iiD and Ivory

    iced $140.00 This (liniicr net forn . ;i s i‘l. Now—

    ' ■ ^ 8 1 _ Vnn c a i u i j s ^ i u v i

    / , I'i**'''* w't'jit the Huniihinat.s conie in - N l p p O l l

    ̂ IT I'ioce Sets tin $J

  • mDEffflS ■ CliniDLiRDEinS

    'i i ' .i-------- ■ -■ ■ 'D e c l a ^ p e n d in g L e g i s la t io n '

    W ciu ld P a r a ly z e G ra in M a r

    k e t in g M a c h in e r y w l t t i o u t

    P r o v id i n g S u b s t i t u t e

    ' . 'VABglNOTON. ( J V M l t F . O im , former p n tld e a t of tho Cbieago bourd of Irode, T hnndsy told tbo hooto asri-

    , cuJturo eomnltteo (faat cnaotneot o f . ihi> Otpper'Tioehor g n b 'futures bill

    Would "p an J j^ ,tl io .p ro jeB t {{tftla m»r- .. itotCa; maehCnerj iritbout providing u

    •• sdequito w brtltB te.”' ‘Socti legiiU tlon,” deolarod U r. .

    Gatos, "woDid ila p ly make p e ro u e o t r the tsae sort o f sbnom& l o m k e t th a t brooght on tbe drafting of tbo b i l l '* ^

    la p rtM n tiag ' the u g n sic n ts of the . exchaacts, I f r . Ost«« asserted t b a t ^ e fatores.m arJtet "proW iIes a coostaat ^ m arkst b peaee or w ar, In y m n s r i ty ~ or paak , where produesr m ay dispose «, pf U a prodnets for pricM hosci! on th • ., world supply and dem aad.,i>tur#s trad*

    : Ibk tUbllixM values, n d u e ts the toll ‘T between prvdueer and eonsojnor, faell- Itates 'distribnUos and prerenta mon* />polr."

    Spoeslatlon Sssentlal . A aatUfaetory futures m arket, whero Dl icrala Is s s ra u e may bo oblalood, can- ■not be bad without speculation, U r. Bu Gates continued, for sueh a m arket would be too narrow to oecept o fferings a t all tiaea .

    " I t is (be speculative e iass ," be odd* j (■d, "w ho are ready buyers and sellers j - and thns make a constant market. 'H hort sellioff,’ w4iieh h u been erl(i* cisud, la a necestity .in a . healthy, fu- ,,,

    ., tures market. Tho ‘short seller* aels ' ' ' ■ for (he eoBsumer,. ju it ni tlio ‘ lonj

    liuycr’ acts for the protlufor.” •*' Mr, Oat«i said " i t ^ a « ridiculous 'to >l»i I’latne the futures market far price tie- It d ines,” adding tha t there wero no fu* rar turos markets in wool, hiilea, copper, j potAtocs and silk, yet tiric.o slumps |,]g wore far greater proportLsnntely. j j ,

    “ I t was not so long tijfo,” he con- tliiupd, " th a t the futiircn tnflrket wna Mamcfl by coosuoiers for W /jh'priccs. " The farmers did no( complain (hon. (■•^nnany abolliheil futures tradlnc in srnin for a period of four yenrs. A '“ •<

    'ixirioua aituation resulted and thu fu- 'Ifc tnres market wns rci'stabliibed n t the 1 ri'i^ueal of those who had favored itn n ir nUolitloa. I,„P

    "Y ob hear much talk of manlpula' i,,,, tinn. I l in mostly fnneled maaipula- , . r , i ‘i>n. History shows th a t even in the i,_ old days every attem pted corner wns n . ̂f a ilu re / ' ^ ^, Mr. Oates revieired tho history of tho iHjard O f ' t r t d r from Ila -orgnnlrjjtion •*

    -*innre than seventy yeisrt ago.'“ We w ant erery possible improre- I'Oli

    tnent tba t I m p r o v e s ,h e concluded, ure “ but we w ant something tha t is truly «loi

    • consinielivo rather tbnii destrD cllrc.'' The r * "P(M

    Pretty Japanese Custom. tiioiSince (he oarilesi ilayA nnd In erery

    land, the launehlne of n Hhl|i hns hecti ffie occasion for ti cercmony of somt* kind, osually rosi'mbllng In ii general a r way (hV cfrcmony of elirlstcning a child pccnllor to Ihc pnrdciilnr country. Of nil- the iHtinchlnir cnntflms. however. tha( of the Jnimnt'K.- is tm- itoubledly (|]e p rrltlcsl nml ino m -nfrtv “n’'! In times of pprll. I'nt

    - low

    At a Party.There hnd-bocii n 'p n r iy nl LIthI- '’■'Jl'!'

    !«‘lgh’s house nnd I-lKlitJeiKli-wnH I'ornl. , , Snid he to hla u-lff;

    "My dour; I hnve u spllttinc tirnii- V ‘' ti'he, CRtri you iimnnBc. In soni.- dofi ''o y , tOvRPi rhl t.f ih ^ n |n.oi)k*. iili-c as qif.v n rel- / '

    "I cnii’i V.T.V well Nho«-llii.|i) tlir ,• ' '• rti'or." KHldMrn. I.icliiti'lKh, A

    "Cerinlnly tint." rc-Jnlne.l l.lcht- , " wJfJi «n /f im d a fln g (.niffe, "hiif,' "

    my tlenr. you rnn whou- yoiipielf at Ihr* Plano." - '

    •__________- to in' . iKlnii

    ' What Peoplo-Quarrei^Ovcr. •"WIint 'vnR thl' tjiium*! alihnU"■•I pflid If I ••v.T Inherit,tl mon.*y IM

    }>uH/} mi Uoiim My wife milrl she wonliln'l Id me." ''In’''*

    •■Have you nn j itnwiiccu of Inher- Itlns money?"

    ^ -No.", ‘‘T hen «liy w|]| he * 10,000 on l i - .Milrhell has been guarunlecd ISO,000Tl........ nnnonnerd thnt evcrv■fl-nl III llni gnrdrn Imd brrn nnld nn-1 {• Hint th f totnl rrrrip la from th r 14,00'» li.'kri hoiiifm will bo »i7.';nnn,

    " H o m e - R u n ” B a k e r M a g P l a y B a s e b a l l S

    ! A g a i n T h i s S e a s o n J f

    Y ankees’ Third Bftsem an W ill Hold Oonforence w ith Olnb

    I E epreaentative ^

    ! • KA8T0K. M d .r jf lV -l . Vritnklln Bi.- 1,7'V rr. fnrnirr hninr-rirn kmg. mny. rotiifn Vt Iri ilir dinnuind next rvnnon.

    Ih- iKiii'pnrlril n.» frndnj: (nld friends I that hr\w n» goinc ti. Ilnltlninre thif M. w rrk iJ^ 're he hnd nn nppoinlment w || with .It.r l^ H y . '■^roiit''’ 'of Ihe New off, Vnrk AilrerreM* , limn

    UnkiT. w lin ^ S w rtt Tr.ii.|ir, Md.. d id 'I'i't nliiv InM vfiir niring tn bnslncH g nnd lllnrM in liiii fnmily. Tf his lit tle n,-,! dirl. whn i« quifr sifk. rernvrrp siiff! nr\- rlently, ll I* believed he will play ball the Ih ln .ieuon . Ini;

    • ' llmONE-LEOOBD aRA PPLB R

    ITHACA. N. Y.. ifl^-*The unusual .S sllnnllnii r.f II wrMllcr willi^nn nrtlfi- hall rinl limb wn* di»r!osed tndny In ths gnr npimlnlrnrnt n f A. W. Pnrdkrr ns a wor member of the Cornell im ivrrnity wrest- fror line trninx.’ Hni'dki'r, ii srnlor 'whn«e home Is nl A 8 (nten Iflnml, V, Y.. snffrred Ihe am- war putnlion of liM ^rlghl Irg belnw thn hnv knee In hlf boylnfed. Dcspile (hi* phy- or "irnl hnndirnp. lir< hns edveloped Into n Wli' skllfni w re>tler‘in lhr> 141-pnund r1n«ii n i-hnrge nf vltilnl 'nix inir thr' M.-inii n.-l, nppenrrd brfrrre Ihe Will -^nr»V brnrd vr.'e rdnv and n*kti-d. i'n untinnni-i'inent n» tn * A th r liiinrd'!! jindmliti' ArliiMi ivn* mnili-

    WANT8 r iO l lT BOARD. • I 'll lL A D a .l-IIIA . h i.. Th" he

    •Inir lrL'i*miiir.' >vil! ........ . tn e.i- nndinldUh :i hnxini; romiiiiiiHir.n in I>,'nniiv1- MATCH CALLED OFP. Mi'

    I OilA.VIl BAPIDS. MIeli., (/P)-Tlie - .((ih-roijfiii boxinir mnteh lirtween Hilly "'C > Mi>ike,-^nd Bddle Mcanorlv, iKhednted , . for l.1s^ nigli(, hns b rrn --nneellcd be-* cnuiie of nn Injurv to .MeOofrrtv, it

    : ■■ t t JIM THORPE SOLD,

    , AKnON-. 0 ., (/P)-.Tim Tlior|.e, n(nr I Indinn ntlilele nnd fnrmrr mnjnr leagnr .

    oulfiiddrr. hn« brrn. nnld In the Toledo , 7 ' ' Amrri'-nn Ar-»nplntinn rhib fnr ♦l.WII. '' II wn* nnnounfod Inm nicht, Thorpoj . ' »vr. »Jjl, Akr..H Iwt riensnn,

    RED f l O X ^ ^ PITCHER, j MIN'NKAl’O l.rS ^M lnn !, (/p)—I’or-

    i-liii.f I.f r ilrh rr Oowdc DiimonI from tho Itimlun Anii'rii-nni wns annonnreil hen- tndny by tiu- lornl bnnrbnll elnb (, •; nf tlir* Amrrlenn nssorinl'on, j.ii,],

    ' . rnmBrief Bits of Sport • ^

    Tr.. I.nil Itnl U v in tkv broke h linrm. i.r nomrlhing. Wr hnd n hunrh B'he «T!m coing tn oi-lean i;]' on BomS inerW rils-fnr sure, rmii

    -------- InstRn^i to thi* srrtion nnd stnrt' milt nriivitlr* agnin. " K e lr h ” hns bern nil over tlif i-ouir- trv sinrr he left tbi* Imillwlrk nnd hM rngngrd In ii numlirr of bntt!r». | ne.lr>«l onr on n foul. . I

    III iiddillon til i-nnnini: Horton, Rum- I ler nnd Mnggort Ihr iniiinrs hnvr nli>o I attached the mnge (o .lenn Pnlc, fnr I

    Eyesng the short'day^ than any

    ir eyes? Wo ii'avo the best i part of the country and do. tter le t us mako a thorough g e t our expoct opinion aa to

    PTICALCO.laOTT, Mgr., ̂

    nd Opticians*—

    d by M odern Hethoda" '' \II ^

    JANUARY'14; 1921morly conns^lod with the 8nlt liokr f Bees. Dalo was .la the aonth lasl uvu- I soa .aud was aceusod of crookodnes's In \ Coast league gam « in IfilO. ' ■ ^

    Basketball hero tonlghU Buriov i-i said to bo ft worthy rival of tho Iwnld, and (ho gamo ihoonid nlulo wilh ecln-^ llilnllng play. |

    [■ All the talk about H arry Hoilman ^ , mil being with tho Detroit Tigers- i*

    rot, soy Detroit rciwrts. He already: hns rome to torma wllh (ho elub, go(i nn Inrreaso in pay, and, whal is moro'-

    '■ Important, is well rrgnrded bv Man.' ager Cobb, whn i* quoted oi s.tviRg he n lake a franrhise It la ' ool nol vrf riettled (hnt (he various' w hfrr «iimr*'wlll he plnvrd with (he'dow (’Irvelnml Indinn* nn Mnrrh ID nnd 20 itlrci

    -------- ;to ENnw Pnl-M ornn denies (hnt h r hn* pun

    nnv df.il on to *lil|i Ruhr Xfnrqusrd'm r M'rinu', w l'ilr \VHbrr( IM>ii.*r.ii *ny« hr .|,.,„ | v.iiiidn'l (rndf Pii'rh .ItiK 'th fr to nny- , ,hiidv fnr niivlliini.* I..... he expei-lfI'i.li-li 1., Ill* II v -ndcr n r s ' venr,. Mn- "........ . Il'ink hr

  • i m rDBiSPmM

    ̂ FROMMIIISA c t io n o f U n ite d S t a t e s O f f ic e r s

    i n , T i l< in g P o s s e s s io n o f a

    S m a l l A r e a is F e a r e d a s S e t

    t i n g P r e c e d e n t

    I'ANAMA, t/P )-A illii:i bv I'lillv-i Btntcn (jfflcrrii ill t/ikin)j |n)iM ilnn of a irmail tr a c t of uruuiid umit of CdIuii, on liuhla ruLTCiliti{;ii. wcro

    carrk tl out In an uiirlljiloinnllr niannpf I nnn offi.'j

    Toccivi-il on Dcrumlicr i;0 n aoti- from • C.' A. Mrlivoinc, fxi-ciitivi- sorrclnr'' il of/tliivCanal lonu Ki>vcrniiu-iit, rolnllvo ̂

    . tij tiio lanil in iiuniiliin'wliieli m m p ru o n/iont -■'lO .nai'S. Si'crctiirv .Mcllroini.' ‘ lis ;'priimpnl nni) tli» In rljtht of.thu tln llrd Blnten lo itclort nnd I* ocrupy tprrilory unilrr tlip Ircaty w illr ni

    - - o u t the roinpht o f Pananin ia dpnipd. v< IiuUcite* Procodur*. I'/

    In a ilJItb n (o tiroIcstlnK OKnlnHt H' " th o act or. forpo,'' Secrctar)- Alfnro vi iiiUcrtf neRotlnlSoni Involving tlie nji- rliention of thp provision* of Ihc liny- V'arillft trea ty must Ihi conducle.l ["f throucli di[>lomatIc rhnnnpli, nnd not I '' throu|>li riinitl r«ni' offirlnls.

    Another protC»l. n 'n l . t i i Wnshinclon ■ tflVpn pxpojition to a portion of ia "n

    niilnion rprpnily hniuUvl down hy Hi IlistriPt .ludRp '.Iflhn W. Unnnn, th f •"! hiRhput Hnitpd fltntps juilirlnl nulhnr- !>i;

    *T ly Ift tho rnnnl *onp. Thi/. opinipii contaiBod ii statemi-nt |pcn " a . I'rntpctonitP, o f till' United Blntrs, nnd nyf»l»yb|i i; iMinlUnn filwilftT t» tlml of Cnha." I T ^ tn ilh of thi* MnlPinoni

    ■ ia ilpni(5rt, Hnnnn’s opinion np- ' liflii the right of hrinsInK jiidipini pro-

    - rpciliBRB in thp pannl liono In Hig niimf of the Unlleii Btaloi instead of tha yonc ({overnmeat

    Draws One Cent Fine J?; . for Booze Possession JJ; ̂ LOfl ANQEIiES, Cal,, W>) — A

    fino o f onn cenl for violntioa of the V olstead, VJoWWtion act lm- posed by Judge H. F. Dlodsoo of tly Unitod Stales distric t eourt on Bflitr" uo Ornvcs, eniorod, was on record hero Hn todny. Graves pleaded RuHly to ' Or

    • hftvlnu A case o f whiskey illegally kn in, his possetsiOB. fpi

    On uiotfaor count, th a t of having pn sniugglca tho whlnkejr into tho n,. United Btates from Mexico to

    I which Graves also pleaded,• jtulltjr, ho waa senleoeed to sor>'o six ,. months ta ja il. . ""

    K n a h o d G n a r d s a t . W h ito H o a s o . t o B o o P r o B id o a t , b u t F a i le d

    Senator Ilen rjv y . Ashural, of Arizo- by Imi, who, ae^ordiug to reports- (rom lecn Washinfrton, " rushed” guards a t tho era While Uonso, in (in effort to gci> ifroj.

    ^ e n t W ilson.. Tlio senator, lom^wiiBtraffled by hia (ailuro to olitnln . in fo r non)•nation coBcerninf; tho sta tus oT tho iqc^'resolution extendlog the tlnm ,for Im- b—

    Ercm enti on t ^ l n g claims, roqoireJ law, thrust nsUo policrmcn cuidk j in tha Whit« noose fZ irutlvo of- y

    ■ Ik e* , m 4 aanouoMd 'thtit h f toteaded /iK» the Prosidest. A flcr maintain- JS

    . la g h l i "siego” for moro tbaB-aa hour f f l(he teiuitor le ft aod reiam ed t o . the B lM « u ti re o /fifes. -He falled (o lee the ^ P red d M t. . . • j , ~

    ron ■T W B N i F A L L S P A U

    Tlie Discarded

    : I i i i l l iIII I lifi'ii^fMillirli' 'illlliiPfclSi

    i ' i l l i i l l l i lij i i l f ’■ - ' j H aSal y . , - s S ^

    ;; - .n- c : = >ll. U I—- u . ,,

    j'CABINET GOVERNMENT IN in WASHiNGTOiV PROPOSEDri _> Ton Now DepnrtmenU of 8 u t« s Would

    Bo Proridod tJiider ProTlalona of ' Ponding M ouuro

    I^ OTiY.MPIA, Wnth. y P )-T cn new de

    partmpnts of state, coch .presided oA’erl J- by n chlpf oxecutlvo of/ieo Ucsignatnl 'e tlio ‘M irprtor” appointed by the gov-

    oriinr, with nino admlnlstrntivo comniil- n tpoi lo funpticin, would be enn tcd un-j

    dor Iho pru|iunplnoi flppt, tvlili'h will nuiM'nililo horp |>rppnrntory lo innni-r- v m lo lnke j'V'*' this nionM-, hnvp lipon rotiiplploil by port' lUilhurJ Iios of this r l^ '. The' flrpts will in- rlmlp 14 bmilc.ihlpii, .1(1 ilpitroypra. two vtiiUfTi*, n ittffn tanUi-t' iii«i roUlft», >iip]i1y nnd hospilnl nhips. plghtrlend- ers, ten tng". 12 seaplnni'. iinil n n u if lier nf mine swppikts,

    Tho liflltlpfihii> KmiKH" »» rx]>pp!od to nrriv'p hero from Snnion tomorrow, nnd Hip A tlanllp flppt will pn«s through Him I’linninii rnnnl on .Innuary 2U, Join lug t'ho Pn'rlfip fU'el~>rhirh l-i itchp-l lib'll to arrlvo on .lanunry 17,


    ______ ILoaders Say Prellmliiaiy O w r u s Indl- <

    catea au ffldon t S trtng th ttf D o fu t Btapportioiunent

    W A fiH IN O T O fT fJ^A figh t to ]>rp- , vpnt inrrenao in the mpmbershlp of. the houne from 435 to ‘483 wna started lo- * dny by loaders who announced th a t a I' l>rpllniinary rnnvass hnd Indicated lu f f firient voIp* tn defeat the reanporUon. < oient bill. . ^ '*


    Trvneh Guiana. 'French Oalomi la iho pttu il settle*

    wont o f Frflnce.-Its in rfaeo rtiea grad* ually from tho nnhcalthful ijoaat.to Iho niountnln border on t^e aoulh. Only B /m ull pnrl of the country fi* known. Fevers, particularly yellow , fpter. declmaic the region and haT« proTcd so fttn l lo Prcnch conrlcU ■hat white prlsnnera ha re long been •ent elaewhfrp. Tho He do DIable. off Hip const, hcmmp famous Hlmu^b tba . Iinprlsnnment of Alfrpcl-Hrpyfus. ^

    ' E. Prvnunelatlon ef Z. - t

    . Tho pronunctatloD of the le tie r Z t as tw>. In an AtnerlcwilMn. Thb E n ^ t ll«h pronunrisilon t* d froni Ihfl OT4 Fn tich r.c«ts. wlitcli In turn Is do- rlvoil frora ihe U tln ip ja , tho nnio# of Ihp «ixih letter nf the Greek al- pMnbPt.'ponrsponrtlng to tho EngUsh tpil. Shnltffi|>.-nrc In King I-o*r. net II, . scpnp 2, tlve* thp Kngllnh ,pronuncla- Hon. ivhlrb Ix still In rogue: "Zcdl thnn uitinT(-i«irv Iptipr.’

    • e»

    Improved Household Bell.Thros dlfrcTcni trtp\dl ton ta 'from on “

    •Icctrlc bell of Ordinary niiiearnnce, calling th* householder ^o,tJiL> fron t rear, or slue door, e re now’mado possible by Ihl- Ingenious devlco of aa Ohio iTinnufacUtror. Tho tw o. Plec Iromsgticilc colls of the bell havi eepamte armature*, ono of wblcb carries the bell clapper, while thf olher constitutes o huxzer.—Populu U echuiirs &Iagnr,lnp.

    Moving Oone by Porter*.In Tiinl* ihft+ are no moving Tana

    ^or rnrta^m nny of Hie narrow , streets >Wng Impnssnhlp. Household belong- ngs arc chnnged from p la n 10 place )y portera. who most nny day p a y ba i« n slaggpring under cheats of draw*;ra and other hpary pieces of fural* nre. Od ocmslon the porters will iVcii hiinsport. Id huge baaketa, pe^ ona who may b« tick, o r otherwlaa □cipaellafed.


    •4 CItrismas Tree |

    ^£E; IlfHEW ^s«iiiA,cw«» B mntmtry* B »S8tr

    m (W w I I

    \̂Harding is Warned I ID L to Eschew Tobacco inld l.0N (l HKAUU, Cnl., {/Ph-A ro»- . r I ointioii jpiiiipalinK— I’rpslilent elect

    llarijlnK lo rofrnin from tho uso pf ■ 1 iiilinrro in nny form wa# adopted '

    de j b.v tho OBllforula.. Ho-Tobacco : Ipngiip lit a meeting nt Whittier,

    , , Cnl,, Inst night nnd .forwarded to- dnj: to Mr. tiartUuK, I t wa* an- nmuifcil by Dr. J .^ . Drj-nnt, pres- •

    lil- idi’ i i l of the longuo.

    0 before. In -th e recent Instanco th* 'llgh in ln j followed tho course of the old j

    ociullics streugthcfllog under tho influeoco of

    J :pr«fcaalonal operalloni SnU-s approx- {imated 800,001) shares.

    ' ! I’retsuro-n^aiiiat - speculatve shores . made nilditipnal Headway o t the heavy

    )0 iopunlog o i toduy’a stuck market. Sciiri .Jtoehuck, nhosu directors yestcrdfly iIp-

    i. .i'lared a Brrip dividend lustend of tli>' t usual cuah paynieut, roeurded nn luitinl ' f : dL-oliiiL-/qf 2 poiuts. Crucible' Btwl, ' ) IsclKng vx-dividenil, also reacted to the. ' , :s,ame extent. Other stoel'a, os well as ' ̂ oqui|imonia, oils, siotora, shinpings aad !

    . : allied sperlalties showed moderate loss- '

    . es. Kuila w;>te,jtuJU.a'.‘lL. v !

    . .Hiiiiigh mainly hwcr.^ Preliminary ox- rhniigo rules on Loudon and Paris w urei' firm, , '

    Hhiiijiinga, ateels ond oils rpiielod 1 J I to 3 |H>inta in tho Inat hour, but rallied .- 'm o d e ra te ly on tho i.'reuter, strength ® 'shown III- Kpudnif, The ekiiiing wns ir- J

    regular. > *I Liberty Bonda, j ’

    SV.y,- VOltK, ( / P ) L i b e r t y bom hI, I, , doiUMl: ;i l ." ’s 102.30; first 4 ’s ♦SA.tKt;!',

    m-poml 4'« W0,l)2; first 4 1-4’e ♦87.42;'i. . wrond 4 |.4 > 187.02; Ihird 4 l-4 ’» i I »l»l,lfl; .fourth 4 1-4'a ov« y c rtt td ay ’s fvn- ̂lah, j,

    l.nter, Ihe slowneu of e iiiort bus'- ,, nos* led to wlliarks. TIim elnun wna heavy, 1-4 to 2c net l i w r , with lla rrh

    t> #1,77 L4 to 1,77 1-2 nnd Mnv 11.70 to • ■d 1.70 14,r- lliirnl wiling of rorn-counted ngnlnil 10 nny ujilurn in tha t corral. Aftorojien- B. ing unrhangpil to 3 8c 'lowor, including K Muy nt 74 H to 74 3-Hf,’the market I"0 locovered to nlniul yesterday’s plo’ing1. figures hi, «iilisei|upnlly. p)od demnnd from the *' J aeiilHiiiril uphold values until juat be- ** , fnro Ihp fiiii»Ji. Closing prlcca were

    enav,-:i s to 1-2 net iotvor, with Mny >''• 74 |.«r. . ^ -'-fl

    O’nls I'ko rorn apemod Inplined to lag, *"1 s la r tiiig n « ! ,;id p to l8 eo ff , Mny 48 3-8f, f" I nml fniling to get miieh nbove the ini-t tinl level,'I ■ Proviaions were wrnk in line with I hoga, „

    Cash Quotations i C1IK;A({0, yp)_W hont No. 2 hard , #1,81);'N'n. 2 mixed (2.H7 1-2. hl|

    Corn No. 3 miipd (ID to 00 l-4c; Nn. hl| yollniv (ID 1 " to 70r.

    n b .ils No. 2 whito 4ll 3-4 to 47 l-4c;I No, .1 while 4o 1-4 to .4(1 1.2p,, live No. 2 *1,71 ]-2. '. Ilnrley 73 to 89c., ̂ Timothy seed ♦.’>.50 lo 0.7.'!. , ,

    Clover seed |15 tn 23. ,,iI’ork nominal. l4ird I1.1.I2.IHIis a iU S to 12,2S, . ^

    Minneapolis Flour and-'O nlns ~ J MINNEAPOLIS, Mirtn,. (/P)—Mour

    unrhnnged lo 10c lower. In carload '' lots family patents quoted n t $10.30 to

    J0.40 a barrel in 08 pnund rotlon saeka. Bran 12ft to 27. f pWhrnI ,re«ljilii 29S cnrs, eomiinrod **

    with ra r j n re n r ogn. .Cnah No, 1 NoHhern «l,fil 3-4 to l.H'l

    3-4:.Mnrrh JI.72 3-4; Mny ll.CSI 1-2.Corn No, 3 yellow (11 fo 03e.

    I '• OntivNo, 3 white 42 to 42 l-2e, 'I I3arlc.v>3S fo 7!)C. I

    Kyp No, 2 |1, after bo- , ing ordered home nnd rpfievod.af his

    ponimand. The Kiel Hnrlwr inrldent I' to.di pinco Sniitomber 20 ln*t Cnouiiaii- ,„ der Kll.vBon hml been ordered to Kiel - ‘nnd llierv nwait ihe arrival of hi* au- . nerior offlcpr, ' Vice-Admiral llusp. “ J \\>en the Brooka anchored in the hnr- I bor tho Gcrnion rommnnder bonrdod her ,,, and ordered Commander i:ily»on tn tnkp

    I the llrooks out of thp hnrbnr in thirty I'I minutes o r lie fired npon, Wlyaon re- 0i f fused, snying he hnd bi-rn ordered tu Pi

    fi- itny there, lip stayed thorp for twun- Ci 'i ty-^o'ur hours and waa not firPil nl. Ho D: ; j is thirty-five Tents old nnd has been in Di • ithe navy for fifteen yenra. C« 5'l '--------------------------------------------------- • I.I------------------------------------------------- n

    jstiaily lo 'luu’or; best U'of sicera $8.50 q, lo H,li7; bulk fat poTvk and heifer# ♦.',25 g,

    '' lo 7.,*101 bulls stpudy; beat bolognns $1); g.bulk. In 5.7r>; vpal enlvea steady; C|

    ’• bulk to puckers $l0.r.o lo 11;, sloekera g, ® nnd feeders aleadv. jji“ Hog n-ro-pla .10,U00; fulrly active, 10 a '• to l.v lowiT than yestordnyV nveragp; Hi

    lop Jl»,70! bulk |il,30 to U,(IO; ])iga moat- Hi ly Hip liiHor; bulk desirnblp Ud lo I3il p£ pound j.Iga 10,70 to 0,8.";. U,

    •Kheoji refpipts • 13,000; Innib* weak, Po 25e lower;, lop »11.7S; bu!kJlO,7fi to p0 lo 0,20.

    Cattle rorolpts 2,100; beef aleers and bulrhiT stork ateady to wenk; top sli-er* $0; veala steady, top 110.50; atorkers nnd fppder* quiet.

    Hlioep rocplpts 11,000; lambs and ' yenrliiigii 2.'; lo 50o lower;,nioal salea .’Oc lower; bulk lambs $10,23 lo 10.75; tnp $10.H5; best yearling* *8,2.1; aheep fully aleady; best owes M.?.*: lo 6.25| lop on light owes $5.75; feeders steady.

    ' K an u a City PkmSqco KANSAS CITY, (/Ph-Egga Ic high

    er; firsts 03c; seconds 37c.IJuttcr unchanged.Poultry, hena unchanged; apring* Ic J l ■

    higher, 28e; rooaters unchanged to le G '' higher, 14 to 2re; turkeys unchanged. ™

    01il(5ago Produca yt,^CHICAGO, E R A L HI

    The First Nati of TwinT'^lN FALLS

    .............. 0

    . Capital and i

    F . P . . J o h n a o n , P r e s . ' w . H ,

    J . M . M a x w o l], O o8h. W . E

    H . L . U a x w o ll , Aflsifll

    A . O o r m a n J o h n so Q , A s

    - . \ ____> \ X . . .

    JANUARY 14,-1921 ̂P o ta toe f. - . J . ■ ,

    aUOAOO, {ff)—Potatoea doU; « • eeipU 37- ears; N orthom white, n e k - . ed, «1.S0 lo (130 ewt.

    SugarNEW YOBK, (/P>-Baw sogar was

    quiet early today a t 4 1-B-eoats for Cubs’i epst and fre igh t equal to $3^2 • f ^ centrifugal. N o-aaler wore report-

    lleflned was steady with the deman

  • . IPEmOiGTflll- -A p p o la tm e n fo f ITotoJ W om an

    S ln so r BHngs Artiatio Pif> fbroaoos to Foons

    (,'UKUOo! ; ntMIm Mary Garden ftf Bc:im l tliroctur

    . o f . tlic Oiicogo Opom nxnoriatJon broujijit all artistic «'in:in'ulflte-

    . t

    Win Her "

    News from London o f Hie ejicagc- -• menl of MIm Yioletto BclfrlARe, aw([h- ter o f n wealthy Chicn(}o mrrchant, to

    > Viscount d i 8 ibour, ruveals a s to r^ o f more than oriHnaiy romanee. The Viscount wenl to Mr. SelfriJito, Mveral , monthi nffo and asked for his daugh-

    . te r’s. hand. I I l i answer was that ho ' woold han- don rtore.-

    - ■ - TWIN FALLS D.

    ; Ldwof


    ' ' ' C l■ /

    » J ̂ ^J . ■ Tl;1EEH.F.EBIS ; V li™CflSEi ̂ A r g u m e n t s in I n ja n o t io n A c t io n

    ‘ A g a in a t O ity P r c s e n t o t l in C o u r t

    I IK'i-upyiiij; the rhnnibi'r* uf the I'tn- bale {(Kirr.luil|;i- H- l\ Kn'nne puhlicnlion until a f l t r tho lonr namcnta. ________ _

    Pottase filampt.T he adbcslTo poitnce stAmp had Iti

    orisln in Ensiand In IMO ns a dlrec) outcome nf ihe postal reform« of Sli Rowland Hill. In 1847 tbe Onliei} 6 ta tc t adopted thla mcttiod of coUect- Ing positives, wllli & o bcouilfully-engraved porirnlis or Pranktln ani} Waxhlnstiin

    Claail/ied Ads tro eheap—effeeUve.

    World Ne\N E W y O E K , (/P)— A p a

    c o n g re a a , w b o h a v o b o o n v ia il b o r o t o d a y o n tb e s t c a m a b ip ^

    O O B L E N Z , ( / P h ^ T h T i ^ a io n b a s s u p p r e s s e d tb o w ee k j, V o n E c v c n t lo w , ( o r m c r c h ie f Z o i tu n g o f B e r l in , f o r t h r e e m s a l e i n t h o o c c u p ie d a r o a o f H o r r o r o n th e S h i n e ’ a n d th e l ia h e d b y 'a n E n g l i s h p a c i f i s t .

    L O N D O N , ( f l V - T b o a n t i r h a v e d is c o v e r e d a n o tb o r c o n s

    " a v o n g o r ’a s o c i e t y , " o n a l le j ̂ c o v o re d l a s t T o l l , s a y a a n E

    j f r o m C a i r o , d a t e d W e d n e a d d ] b p r s - o f t h e o r g a n iz a t io n s w e r

    ‘ a o q n r t . N n m o r o u a o a s a a a in a w e r e c r e d i t e d t o t b l s s o c ie ty .

    ...., - : j


    )/Grori-lnvrMjRMii>n of } jiilloged eloetinn fraudi in this elty Inii « j N’ovombcr |ia» rei'cnlud a senml'nl, ll t

    T . h iii said twlny. when il lioennie known i > Ihni Ihe I0t.1l nunihor of jieriHin/ imlli-l-

    od liv the AnpisI j.'raiid jnrv was ne/ir ti I in c -l".

    In one In'lnnro, ll wna eliatued 109 bnll-nnd tn form

    al tt cnbinet in Micecssloti to the fine (len.l eil ed l>y QenrKCS Irfvgiies,'whieh rcsigne-I is on Wednesday. 1 on M. Peret neeeptcd the letk nnd im- jj. medialelv began consuUation* wlUi h** ' IP friends over the formation of a mlu

    istrv. ______ . _________ 1

    .PPROVES APPROPRIATION ;Itl ' 1•c) House P u te » BiU CgLTrylng (113,000,000 ' jl, fo r OoTemmMt E ipeosos'

    ^ W A8H INO TO N T(?KTho legialoUvc,_ executive and judicial appropriation

    bill carn-ing approximately #113,000,- • 000 w as’pnsacd by tho houae today and »ent to the letiate. '

    , Clasiiflfld Ads are e iesp—ef/ee tlw . ^

    !ws Eventsp a r t y o f f o u r t e e n m e m b e r s o f i a i t in g tb e c a n a l z o n e , r e t t t r n o d . ._ ̂Ip P a n a m a .

    in t e r - a l l i e d R b in o la n d o o m m is - c k ly p n b l io a t io n o f C o u n t S r n e a t . o f e d i to r i a l w r i t e r o f t h o T a g e a I m o n th s . I t h a s a l s o f o r b i d d e n , o f tw o b r o c h u r e s e n t i t l e d " T b e i h e 'B la c k P e s t in E u r o p o , ’ p u b - it. ' ■ • J

    m tb o r i t ie s in E g y p t a r o s a id to )D s p ira o y a lm i la r t o t h a t o f th o U o g ed a n t i - B r i t i s h s o c i e t y , u n - . E x c h a n g e T e l e g r a p h d is p a t c h d a y . I n O c to b e r l a s t 2 5 m o m - ^ e ro c o n v ic te d o f e o n s p i r a e v b y in a t io n s a n d a t t e m p t e d m u r d e r s

    ty .s . .


    I EDEN . . • I

    EDEN—Uosiol Lane crjuige met 8ai. ' urd»y afternoon w ith Mr. Juid Mra. i)A. fcdwordi. ^ *

    The L adies' Aid socielv w ai entci- tnined ou Tliuhdiiy__ft^trnoon hy Mrs. Earl .Ynung.'■"Ciilvlii*(}uiek rcturneir Tuesday from n six weolu visit wilh his ehildren nn>! !. Jlhor teli'.tlvcs ltv NcUraskn.

    Jnmi'i Davis made n bualneas trip to ̂Burley Haturday and reports the’rond ' n tho wonl. he has ever seen ,

    Mr*. T. Q, Wikon hns lieen .|u ite VI „ wilh jilenrisy but latent reiwrts are that ahP'ls recovering.

    Mrs. ('. V. I^e ritt.en ioyeil a vial! V •Inii week will*, her mother, Mr«. , Ooorgo Winner, of Monte Vlata, Colo, ,i Iind her lister. Mrs. II. J. Pint, of Ev nintnii, Wyftmlftg. '

    Mes'jiinu's Ix-vin anil Kahn nnd Miss Aiil'C.v. nohinsnn will entertain Ih-

    it.'ivlr ''lull on Wodnesilny evening of t lh i i weok. . . . . . . . . • - \j M. A. Willlnnm has l.iidcred hi«I ri ninnalioii n» miinngor o flhe Paul- “1 Store rompany. He nnd Mm. WIlllnnH *1 Hill move tn Twin Tnllf. Mra. Will- inm< w:i- foririerl.v Mrs. Phoehe Webb, o' or Eden- *'

    Tii«- liumvs «f Mrs. V. H. Binkfifv T land C. P. fimillis nnd >Iohn Craig were '

    , lelciii'Oii from i|imriiniine ln"i IVidnr '* L n rrr 'r ih .e e .w e ek s ' »iege nf senrletlnn.

    Tho ri-hnob opened Monday nnd the If, disoiiao seems to be eradicat'd, . "

    M. r . MeQuivev of .Torome ajieni ii * pnrt of last wivk vi«iting friends in town.

    . The little daughter of I’rofesMir nnd V

    ... Mrs. Omar frneinred her arm on T uec oi , dnv wliHe pinyini! jviumt tiie boiiie. ly

    .IkIiii Cnx nnd II. 0 . Bnrns motored ®‘ Wodneidny lo Twin l-’nlla In obediom-.- , Id .BUlilioeftns WimiiiiHiIng Iheiii as wil- i,, I'® nesH^ in tho ra^e n>iin«|. Kdwin'A^l. «

    nm a.^harged with (Tie l.ireeny nf nn A *y nuinmobile. ' j„5.. and in nnw n 's id ln j■ on.lils land near Filer. He thinks hiirh-

    ly of the Filer dlslriet-

    The dispensation for l!ie Twin Fnlh '' lodge Ancient, Free and A cc^tod Mn- ' sons hns been received '>y (Jeorge l».‘ Aiken, who will have Ihe honor of bo

    in|r the firat master. A meeting of I tiio W ni Mwomi will slinrtiy be hcl-i ' and tho lodge will bo organised wilh

    n Inrge membership n t nn early dale.

    ; W, H. Hoag .who bulll tho Wnverly'{ house nnd whn hns been engnged In

    , improving his farm for several pinnlhs has again reaumed charge of the Wav-

    I erly and Is busy renewing old ftc(|iialnt. nnces and forming new ones. Mr. Ilont' is one of Ihe Twin F a ll ' pionoerr nnd

    I la hroad ganged in every partlnilnr. j

    Mrs. I. It. Perrine and Mrs. (icorg-.- - II. Aiken eiilertnined ni^lhe IIoti‘1 Per !

    riilf* laat Saturday, afternoon .. Tlivi ,. guests were invited lo bring the ir sewing,, the obiecl of the vnlcftalum vnt'

    ' being to foater a live local sewing or■ ganir.at|on._.A delicious lunrheoii was .

    served nnd |ill tho Jndle* proen t Join- | ed tho “ club,” wbleh is In meet every Thursday. Those jiresont were Mes- dames .Dunn, Allen, flreenhnw, Bmith,A. N. Sprague, Williffms, 0 . F . Sprague, Onbornc, Tlbbala, lies, Mitchell, Hall, Pike. Conwav, WeCollum, Luce. Wlse- ley, KIrkhoff, Jacobs, Aiken, Perrine nmi tiie Miwen Crtsmon «nil lUclife. j

    The Geiii TheatreTODAY AND TOUOBXOW

    JH ack S e n n e tt ’sL&tttt-.CoaMiy In l> P u ta —A s

    AU S tar o m H ea d sd 'b y

    Ben TurpinPATHE REVIEW

    ̂ Bcrwn t o g a r im |


    ' Hd« e tB E .R U T H M a ^ S

    , HIs Home n u iisj rsatnro BssobaU Subjsct


    , COMING MONDAY—K atberlasU c D o n a ll la -

    ' “T heC urta ia”

    jj= R iec - 'th ij

    .. f^ K ^ ^ P la n te r)• You c an 't affor

    ofcu lines otSndi. tlnw and labor • Diamond C r̂

    vA Dm finest tX nlna tJprsMind S pjr- pu rpose .. G et t

    - S eS S iSSl your possessionI L — g— — I p a y y w t A A i

    1:̂ 111 M c W

    - m u

    - OOOKBO FOOD BALE. I ’ .''}Tho Koyal ^Ivlghburs wli! Iiold A sals

    of conked food and aproui, S a tnrdaj, ' January 15, 10 n. m. n t M njeslir P^f.r- , maojr.—adv. l .

    Ro«8 Tschannen, graduate of Bher- • wood srhool, Chicago, and OolwaM* CoTiser%-alnry. Teacher .of plono »ad voice, ITonri from' fl to 4 Baturdara • Studio, 203 ElHhth avenue north. TO*-


    READ TH E-D A ILT N E W a - .

    " W e F p u n d ill.-

    H o u g e F l o o d e d —

    cdlings falliDg. pniwr in ‘ tatters, fumituw aud Qoors ; ruined. Whnln.aigbt! Ami aD bccause Tom hnd. left ; the bath tub ruQDiaii'

    •*U coat us nijnrly o (lioci. nnd dollar? to um kc thingsl ig b t a g w n . '...................

    Bee tbat this docsa't bap* . pen to you.

    ^ N A - i Z EComtinatioo HeaidcoM -

    lafsrtQC* piolects you sgiiiut l o M from orerflowing (ubi.Istliy roofi; bunted pipes, open e r bnkea iriadoiri, etc.

    la tlwssaeeontractyou ire ia- •a n d i | t i o i t Joss from burglary.

    . l e t M qw t« yoa rstc* for-thli laiiflitiStoteetjoa.

    T»iit Falis..Tllla a i 'Abslracl Gompany, 111).

    i m t Kind o l l u n n n n




    . ;FOTOPIlAyB

    Souglil a n d lo u g h t io r ..............Western Dnm»

    i g o i l l i e t aAdTentnres from tb t d r c tu L ife ^

    of BdAls Poto

    Tha Skippers’ Trrasore

    eardan2 P art Cimeaxl ir on any but the best stock. Order lity stock and be sure of getting tbe . tfid tha risht varittlo to yow c Che Diamond Quality C a t^ In on as quickly as you cm It will

  • BIX


    I IWMd o r e r r ' « o c p t Bond*x

    TwIn-FW li Newi PubUihlof Co.. Ina (&tUblUb»d.lN4)

    . BOT A. READ ........... ......... PrttWuntJOHN C HAnVBT .............. TMMBW

    Entered a i Moond ctiM mail 'oMttor A«rU I, JtJt, At tbe pMtofnM ftt Twin raUi. Idaho, under th« Aot of Uartli 1.m i.

    • sunacm pTioN r a t s *Ob» r u r ...................................... IMOI tncnihi ...................................... UOI moDttii ...................................... 110I toonfb ........................................... M

    UEUDER o r A S ^ A T B D PRESS The AMoclated Prea i* « o iu ilr* lr «»*

    UUed to (he u*e for npobKcktloti of all n a n dlipatcliei credited to It. or not othcrwU* eremifd. In tbi* p i ^ , M d kIm Uie local n e n publUbed htraln. All rtgt)U of republleatlon of tpeolal dltp4 leb> ea h m la are aleo reamed.

    No retpbntlbUll; U am m ed for ibe eara of uaaoJIdUd msauterifil, crnpha or Other eobtrlbuted a a tla r . Ar> tide* fubmlttod tor pBbUokUon wlU be uaed or not a t the dlaoretlOD ef (he editor a£d no manuaertbt «U1 be returned tto- Sea aooonpanled t f lha o eoem rr poat*

    . MB. -______________________________

    Uembar Audit JIurtau e l drculatioiX

    BABTSaN RBPBBaKrrATIVBS: 0« W i 00, iBfc. m Madlaoa

    'ooitBIDSH TBfpBLP-.^SnOinn, U flnuuib«oTert»keain»’X w ll ij r e iW J i ■ n ip iz ltiu l. m t s n t u t C^oat In t t i xp lrtt o f mookBMi; eon^da ls f t t i f . OBtf, I n t thoa alao b« t«nipU l>- Q tl. fl: 1.

    ' ^

    PUBLIO BBAXAH Twin- Falb did not need hit^prewnt

    lOMOB io sanitation. A i far a i tbo town ig conceroed nO' procnutlou were nogletiod, or harB over l«on aegioeted u fnr u tbe public health ia coneom- eti. For a long time past, weekly u - a l/act o f city water-have beta toade.j iuoat product* havp l>«cn liupectod, ov-i cry effort lia i been put forth to juard tho publlf health in llio matter o t milk

    These th in iji thn r ity han done- to'tho vory beat o f I I I ahilUy, but the human Hcmvat In -thf pruhlnn hni prorcii tlio wonk *|iot at i t .ilnnyii hns.

    0 ;it' cortalti dairy haa lii'i'ti ia the bnbll u f buying milk from rarioui *ourc>'« a tij telling i t nbout thu c ily uiiil, prohnblv between itinpcrtliniB, poi- nibly on only uno reriiiin dny, the rulra ' ' i f miiillntion itere iicKlected b y one or '

    ,;.,«nother o f the lurn >vbo iupply the «iilk '^ ■ »ud ft'crop nf tyiihfiVI j f j i i ' * 4i»>ribuled '

    • }^ _ over tho c ity whleh arc now bearing ' fn njuiuus hoiiri for parent* and •

    '■ nutle*#, foveriih day* nnd nlghta for ' • More* o f little eliildrrn, a *Iu>rklnK Arid '

    n terrible deoonment. ' <A ll Ihe inipoctlon in lhy (hum- who aro rejponafbto. Lot ev. ' ery »ipp posiiblo ho taVfla to guard 3 njtninit a repetition.

    OONaVMSB IN OO&IMAKD So mntter whnt may be tho thooriea ,

    Ilf the finnneiftl and ocpnoniic expert*, li Ilie uitimntc roniunier, ^ o i i alto tbo ' jjidiriduaJ irh« jay* Uio blH», knowi p tbat he i« in rnmmand of tho altuntion. |, Tor mnnv mxntha he waa an oaiy mark il

    ' f o r the profiteers nnd otherK cngoged in pyrnmlciint; p r im , Init in- him re- vi'rucd blm ielf un thnt.

    Finnncia) ami market jiairniiig wliieh I>ri>reM lo .inalyzc the niliiniiiin in in- ]> -JiJ5fry njj,! 1, M l lo Ux' ion thnl the Itlfiiiialo coniumor—the I'l'rsun »lii>r.e imrney l;ee|i».


    nj. Uelegutva to the convention of ihi u). NnttonnI .Mnelc Tcnrhcru' Assorlnllei

    ile,[i”?’‘*’** *.*"■ ‘'"fly dcBiiie of JBK. Thos< )V.|Who rn a ' for good music will sheil at ,j|< en r« . Aiiuiit tlie nnly defense that [||( can be ninrlnriji!e that led tho nnOnn- i-hiily .lariinen in “ As Vmi Liko I I ” . to

    ljg Miy in Jnalification of his love for Aud- U, rey: "A n (ll-favorerl Jhinjr, sir,' 'b lit

    tyAnnlher ciitivi-nlioD, Hint of the Am.

    erii-an >blk Ix>re Soeicty, held n t Iho Qf •lime lime K t-thst of the muaie toach\ |j( iTii. Iirinic" lo mind, howcv.-r, ihnl there

    l« oilii-r muKlf, nliw distinctivffiy Am- Ig erlrnn, nnd Inekinu the uneiiulhness of

    jxtt; which mlffht be cuIHraled ond 3f developed wilh profit a a 'a aiib«tituto [j fur th r moriboi^d music of hysterics;

    fho folk »uii({H.of the Ainbrir.an neBrb ,j| nnd thn Amerienn Indlnii.

    I t wns the -piriiiinia nnd tho plaala- p. lioti songs of Jhe negroes lha t gav« f, Htophen ( \ J'ostcr fhe innplrntion for

    hl( Iminnrtul hiUadt. Ji li a field of f. music thnt'bfl* nol yet hoen completely

    explored! il* poaslbilitlcs nro sUll far Q from being ̂ exhaiiited. Thero is great

    promise, lou, in tbe field of In^iaai ,g music-I, Indian nnd nogro _ folk aoaga will ^ never lieenmc n crar.0 like jans, bnt they •. irlll conflniic Jo 1« oajftyctf'Iong a /t« r J jSr.r. hss been forgotten. N

    Thought Still ■ Rar« Quality.Tlio trtmrnilonR task of leaching

    men nnd n'otncn to think for them- ■* selves has hwn scnrcely began. All

    bul oar very clerorcsi people a re tbo e crcatnrea of n school nf. thniiRbt. or

    belong to some Inietlectanl herd. Fcnric**. Inrteiiendont. inlemnt thnuRht

    '• I* etlll is ' rare a* nclenee wa* In the i ilftcenlh M-ninrr - Mcriien N. rn«i«on.J ■ — » .

    f o r 'a Pondstent Oongh.Home yearn ago H. P. nurbane, • ;i

    •*tuilent. in laiv In Qrcenviile, P. C.,Jin:i* been tronlilcd for n luni; while with a.- persistent cough w h ie h l ie sa.v*,*, "Rfi'ally nlnrmcd m e.'cnnsln;: me ' i

    fenr Ihnt I wa.t in the firM atnce or > ponsiimptlnn." Havinc seen Chnmln-t s liiln’s .('nneh Remedv adrerlijeil 'n'

    ronelucled to try i l . ' " 1 noon felt u ■ rdmarkalile chnnge nnd a fte r ining tw-.» lioltles of the smnll *ire was pcrmj

    neatly cureil.” —adv.

    ; ‘ Trj&It Ou' says the G

    I; W-B CUT is a long fine^i RIGHT C

    i *

    3-DAILY NEWS, T W m ]

    M « ' ■ ■ m 'Incas T A | ] < H ^ ^ ^ ^ M | t | | | | i> nro ^ v l k n r v i ^ C U

    -:o of —p — , 'Hin in ■ '■ 'fsi

    10* I I

    >''0 t la m ti .jv-od GREECEj NEW NATION OF

    • AN ANCIENT PEOPLE.ol! . Till- uUMtlon of succcmloo to tlitm'. throne of King A lexander of O r«cc,-cr turned world Interest oneo raoro t«i

    soullicnsteni Europf, Tlio changci, I, Grr.ece ba* undergone territorially ond

    ‘ ’ the port ll hn* ployed In Iho war* and'* crises of Ita corner o f the world, arc?pro- discussed In the following bulletin I»-idlo. *ucd by the Nntionnl acocm idilc so-

    aow- . “What Is Oreccel

    Jr -'night weli bo tontatlve, for n dcflnl-

    ■MBS tlon of Grcfco's nren a t nny time dnr- uo*. Id* fbe thousands of years of 11* hl»- i. lory would bave held good liatSJIy for

    a quorler ceufury; and in la fter year*., 10 iwKt have been tbe changes In llic'

    irlde new Qreecc, cnch decade ha* seen Mio the flxlng of now liuutidarle#.

    , jq. . "Moi until motlcm tlm M -exccpi during the raotneiiiary empire of Alex- ander—bns 'On-cce' meant a nation.

    iUoB In the Qreclnn Golden Age. as well a u it 0^ before ond alnce, Oreece was a ,j_. bouse dhW ed against Itw lf. lls de

    tailed history would mean the history of moro than IBO separate states. And yet thero was a t all tim es'some

    I feeling of H cllen lc tiatlnnallty oven ,L tbongh the rlTalrles atnong the va-

    rioas groups stood In the>wa]r of fa- slon Into a slnglo nation.

    Iii'so “While Great K ritaln mny he de- I no scribed nn a land surrounded by w as. [hat Oreece may be wild to be 'Ji sen sur-

    . rounded by Innd.’ Tlic IlelleneH have ''**■ alwnya been n se^-fuHnj; folk, nnd

    the Mcdllerrnnenri ^ea. nml moro par- iots ticninrly thi‘ Acgenn huvo been Uielr yjlj own pnrtlculQr 'berTlnB ponils.’ The

    IslnnilH rJl/>»x of Ih r O rtfii' /leniiimiln. lint nn cinnlTy Inipurinni pnrl of n r i-w — or'be tte r, o t the Inrnl of Ihe n1lenet hn)y, Jn .SJriJy. i-vrn Ji) Dorllirm

    , Afrlen nml wiml Is now wiulhem Fnmre. TIiIh wn* the lonse ‘Greccc’

    '**■ or Hi-llns nl lls Krenlent—n,domnln grb of one peoide bul nf miiny stnleK. \

    "Oreer*- fnve ilie -world lls llrst . I/'ne iii‘ of NatloiiK. lliV I>ellan league.

    orgftiili(Hl In -117 H. by wny of mu- tuni proleeilnn nBnlnm tlw 'e ilemfll

    to r ngcressliin’ of I ’erxln, wbleb hml n o f son fif'I)erJlH-ftf-J}ii»:d drifted In from ren lra l Asln. bul Into i

    Annlolln's cnrclble have poured jH streams fnim many sourre«j*t-Turanl- i;'*• nan. Vemlnnn, A nnenltinf n m Q n tk i , j,fl* w arrftr Irihes, nrnnnds nnd merehnnts. iiid many-of wlinni have lost tbelr nnmes i,■y snd ir^idltlon*. In fnrt, mom of ttie ^In e a n '. ............. /Tenlnres hnve -at ̂ p

    :y "It I I It I

    A'I 1 ~ Vstamp, the ai Iliit you don’t know.

    I A Bank might be iI inspection.

    But you don’t km w.

    A business concern i commercial rating

    But you don’t know.

    A publication may h fication by the Auc

    But,you don’t know,


    The circulation of T

    A ■

    IAY, JANUARY 14,'1921

    IW ! lomo time pnMci] Qver IL Tlie moUcIi prodQCts of tho centurlea a re nomads. «hfl often changff & wandering life

    . Into one of agriculture, llvlog In boos- on* es boUt of bricks of clay dried Io th i u l s a n .

    f l 'J j The pr/nclpal weaJti} o f Ajiatolls ’ Ilea In Ita agricultarc. Portions of Ihe

    hP : land aro easily ■ worked and fertile. ’fT Iho trac t f ro p tho Sea of Marmora

    to Treblrond being partlcolariy rich. Other parta a re rocky or are Interspersed with sa lt tracta.

    •Q Due to the paucity of a poptilatlon numbering scarcely twenty-two persona to the squnre mile, aod to the

    .fact th a t the InhaW tantt a rc ' Jrobocd ™ deeply with tbo fn ta llra .;w id suave DO Impertarbablllty' o f Mohammedanism,

    which to tho Amerlcfln mind seems By aboat 00 per cent laxlness, two-thlrda re, of Ibo tillable area is covered with

    sprigs and useless weeds.5iD AVben the natives bestir themselves

    aad raise Uie common grains, gnpea r*- and olives, cotton, tobacco and FO' poppy seeds w blcb 'the land >a«tpabta

    of producing, there a re not yet' suffl- *• d e n t transportation facilities to take 'fJ care of the harvesta. The Oertnana Irt saw the possibilities of these regtons

    and were planning, when they sb.ipped railroad ties, steam tractors and agrl*

    ^ cultural machinery Into the country, practical steps tow ard the renjltatlon

    Iji nf their dream. Now trovelem from •t, tbe Nenr East (ell os tha t tbe j(j locomotive, the m otor tm ck. and the f , olrplaiie will open up Aoatolla Io a

    new. way, binding It to the worid ' , cotnmerclally. pollUcally, • and geo- Q( graphically, as the hlato'ric b r ld p „ land between E u t and W est"

    nr - » - ■ “el SAN MARINO IS LIVING


    ig rounded by a mao-'whoM pa ith ir [). prayer waa tha t It never should lo*,)} creaso Ita territory by vlolenee. Ban U Marino emerges upon tbe map o t tbe I t new Europe, from which em plrta ara )n dlaappearlng and new nations are out- ^ lined. W ith Germnny crippled and j . laid low by an exactly opposite a n - ,Q blUon, San Marino remains as an en- , 10 daring monument lo her Ideal.

    This tiny nation, "our llttlcst ally."; , (. ts described by Alice Itohe In a com- (J. miinlcatlon to the Ni(\^onal Oeograph- i

    Ic soclGly. as follows; ,“The t]osltlon of Son Marino, i

    Q miles frolii nimlnl, Is s in g u la r . 'T h is | I, llitle repHbllc,, who*e greatest length • „ Is nine miles, is completely Hun«und- ' }, I eenilence. Its ideal ,o f t1 liberty. In ibe midst of ilr ife and" bloodshed, n f changing sodal condl- r

    tIons, for sixteen l'enlurie^ adds dig- fa I nliy to the unwiivering belief o f the

    m isting ones In tho .ncvcrcenslng pro- lecllon ot Ihc sninily founder. - *

    • "In the life of the republic today the * " InflooDce of thu Dalmatian saint Ist strongly reflected. For a country to " > iimlntaiT) the d iarartcrW Jfa of I.• primllive Toumler'fs a sc^n l phenom-f . enon of which nossth ly^A n Marino ' ' alone cao boost

    •■During the days o f Christlsn per- '' - leculloos. in tbe middle of the Fourth ' ' eenlnry, Marino aud Leo, two stone- • '

    n illen t of A rhe .. Dalmatia, crosscil ' Hu- A driatic and cmne to lllmlal.• Their reaBou. soys tradition, was to’ .lid Oirliiiiiiii, condernDfd by popiii ^ ‘ ! rulers, to reconstrnft tho walls of thal ' CllJ. . .

    ‘T h e walls of nim lnl haying been llnlxhed. Leo and Marino looked long- .

    ' Ingly 'npon llie solllude of tb e two ^ ' mouDlnlns. As tho hermits o f ,lhe' .' Tliebnld, who IlnnrlHhed a t this aa'me ^I periixl, they sought pcnce and solitude .

    In Ihowe Impencuahio heights. He\v- Jng n >»«1 from the rock and cultivating n. Illtlo gunlen, Mnrino found all his material wants supplied. This ‘ rough bed and »1fe of the garden are :

    ' , pointed out to by reverent fieua- [

    - “ I — * w r s i l v e r w i t l i ,

    a c c e p t e d , “ H a l l M a r k ” o f


    ; honest and efficient with

    I may be absolutely respong. ■: ,

    w . — ,

    have the circulation it cla u d i t B u r e a u o f C i r c u i a t i o r


    E , ■ - ~

    The News is verified by ti


    b- ants. A ‘ iew, :„..'v« foUowed o i i r 'I. former- overseers b order to practice,e nndlatnrbed, the ir ChrtsUan W H t •I- "Marino’s desiro was to found a •I free soclcty. based upon liberty. Jtu-

    tlc« almpllclty. charity, v ^ ^ «nd,s abovo all, pt love of pcacV ^W haa thee good man came to dlo Me called his ' .... followers about him a n d ^ n e a th e d .J to them bla mountain. 'ft»o f ro a everyI. other man.’ U ls porting prayer was- -that they never seek cnlargemoDt of

    • to n I to r j„ b y violent m e an i^ W ar.I though' a painful necessity for thoai ̂ acting In aolf-dcfcnse, was ao uo-

    e pardonable crime In thoso who caused) It. Begging his foTrower* to rtm ain5 true to tho faith and to live lo perfect

    accord, frecinen nil, he passed away,i littio dreaming that In tho Twentloth) century his llttio commuolty would1 Bland, a monument to hia poaecfn)

    teachings aod simple form o f govero* .I menl. lo the midst of a waM omI world." • 1J -------

    » MADE FAM OUS B Y N O A H i' ‘; W ANTED U .S . T O MAKE , . IT FREE. P ,> ■ Ono of the Htateii which asked th«I nnlte.1 Stntr* lo be Ua m aadatoiy if • Nakhlelteviin. \

    If yon have nol heard of Nakhleb |' eran . tlrst rtmsnli Genesis 8:4, fot ' Ihe district In question lies a t tbe f foot o f Mf. Antrsf. and Iho town ot

    Nakhichevan coninln* tho allcge

  • ' ■ ' ' T

    Daily' Advertisements


    J g ■

    16 m ». hr UcClDr. N l.ip .ix r B,nri no much .nli(>]ii my w earing my skirts cjsgg shorter, nnt bnvlng' 'em trail so, and QoslQ tho olher .nlKht I snw him looking a t the fnstilnn imcp of n mnRnzInc, and 1

    ' fpcl In my borirs lie's roImr fo Rlro rae , oao of thnn.' tiiscm wfitl knee-high, wnlst-low evcnlnc d rw i-s , nnd like aa not he ll reniPMibpr tn iicitlce whether _ i j „1 wear It. tho fnmt' ns bo illd the pu^ pie dog. If I hnd It filled In nnd length-

    r ened It would hurt his feellnss nnd Tm . th a t upset about It." »l' |M e n dnys la ter the neit-door neigh* bor!rolanietatoos. Phone C50B.- P . 0 . B o r —

    FOB 8 A L B .0nE A P -l« -gaage deV* s ebane ied shotgun. laqolre D ar li WAI3tlcal Oo._____________________

    FOB aALB-EeasonaW e prieea, m - WAI id-hand bag*, sellable 'for poUtoes, to hoc irley or w heat EM WoU 8 f J?

    ______________________________ _ ticulariFOB BALB-Bicvelei, trieyeles, tiros Winoni id accessories. W erner'e Bepair Bhop, per.1 Second s t E. _______________ - 77^FOB SA LE-O alloa eU cans wlUi etrueth row tops. 129 8rd Ave. N . , be " U

    TO TRADE - ■ •----------------------------------------------------- 192LFOR TBADB-Oood fs r for resi --------- -;aee property. Address Boi 875. SAL*io B ^ la • salary----------------------------------------------------- .r i tb 'dTO 0W NBB8 of nhu rban tra’cfs: nmbitiiill tm do my farm bf 120 acres. fOr dulrcd.iproved suburban tract''accc*siblo'-lo ivnnsy

    Jh 'sehool; Inilla) possession nortI. Chas. C. Miles, B t 1, Filer, .Ids. SEAN n rE r» 7 * a ta rM ) ..!.l

    • r e u T

    MJO M N T E U , ^ m IF IT’ S SF E A 5 / B 1 . E « M I f l F V t(j if v o iA S H E B c w D s l U / iL L - T e a ;

    ANO VtAT>JER ARE - t a k e T R I P 1IN SPRING- AND IF M E M - JLL(ts 6K r'u. GQ v3 i iA W Jd IN I ^

    ■ ■ R s n . : ------- \ _ . . .

    TJARY 1 4 , 1 9 2 1

    d A £insertion, and ^

    T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v O / T h e N e

    o r e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o

    h e l p y o u n e e d — O n e C e n t Pi

    F O R R E N T FO I

    r o i l RENT—Bed room wiUi balh and KOI Irnaco h e a t 1060 Shoshone E. L’OO n ' AutoIX)R REN T-Fr

  • ilEBISlEPmUPilD

    ‘ W I L LOboDiioal T ests B osolt in Ex-

    poi;t'9 Qaarantoo tbat Snp- • p ly ifl Sanitary

    / AlthDugh lUclttrinif lha l rJty w ater li n«l “ clicmirally pun-,” K It. Doolev Krcruitilcil ritx ebrmiat, nniiouncrii tlioro Ib no lyplioiil In the

    . Clicmi»t Dooltiv iii*(]o tlilii uliitenirnl .iiilliorilatlvnl/ Jo Till' Nows todiiy, but ulated t^mt Iil« tcalinK fl]N-rfttl()iiii nrr' able rouon to auipcet at least ume Ilf Iht! d iK i)e ran be trnred to mill; lioinc diatrlbnted in thla city, l l l< rom m n report that a nnmber of dli- rrlUiii of iwmi' of lhi< rdiool* Wh'-ro niiidillona wrri’ found not ijo lli' ii|> ti> thp rotiiilrpttii'iiln of Mnitn*l(in •Vf W et.fu "' At Ibis I.... tinjr a si'hediilp o f plaj' iiriividinc fnr. 12 (ramei tn be playo O” '' fruni .laniinrv 20 lo February 25, wi

    draflod nnd apeeplpd. The arhedul ‘ken (tivps oarh town throe nnmoa. Tli Unif dnto. nrp: •

    .fnnunry 2«—Hui>erl nl Jlurlev. fh t, .Inniinry 'J2—T ^ ^ Falls at Onklpv. lann .laniinrv Slfl—Htperl nt Twin Fnll; mie January 27—Hurley af Oakley.I'l' Fpiiniarv 1—Burley at Iliipprl.

    inn' FS'bruary 4—OaVley nl T»i-ln I'a ll r i" Fpbniary I' l—Rnjiert nf Oaklpy. f i lv Fobrnnry 12-Tw in t'alls at Oakle' •. lc Februarv lft-T » -ln ^ I n nt Rupcr ’ teo Februarv 21—Oaklev at Hurley, net Feliriinry 2.'i-nurlpv al Twin Fall I’ ly. Fobniarv 2.'>—Onklev nt Riiperl.

    2 iDIFOIIFfLLiocB Lodge S ca ts Offioors and Pro inje ceods w ith In itatory Ex-

    om plification

    i l ll : 'T w in Falir iodup No. 2:i. Inde|H'niIcr ril, Ordor of (bid FpDow*. iaxt pvpnlli(j ii illn, "fnllod pIpoIIvo nnd npjxuntivc offleei j „ ehiinpM fdr tbe riim inB yi'or nud lalo

    oxompiifipd inlllntury work uf t ln 'in i'f der, a lar '̂P nninbpr of uipiitbprs iii’ln

    oi* prpscnt. Initiatory oorpnionipii wi-r ,it(. ■ouilupird tiv II. T . .Ipuler a* illstfip ion deputy (rniud iiinsfer. Tbp foilowin

    .iffii'on «oro iiixlullpd:Noblo jirnnd, C. K. Ilow rliffc i vie

    luriind. A. I>, Gatos; rpmnlins M-rr.' I Inry,- K, .1; Vrurv. finanrinl -oprplnr^

    : p | J ' H. .lonnluRs; Iri-iisiirof. |* U I'a't • ' ' | r ip k ; rijrbi supportpr o f Dip nobi

    krn iid , ll. W. IViuuhprlvj loft supiKirl TO.iPr i>f llip noblo Krauil, l>, M. .fain

    warden, P. 8 . .lohnson; condnrlor, 0 W. Oorrish: rlcb t »fcnp i.u]i|Kirler. F

    ;;hl l>. lors of tb' Twin h ills Coiinfy Hnr usjt'eiafinjj.inp iu wMlnii.fn d 'tfipo iiin llprs ppt» In njM'inl ii fiirl' ' ' ’e- iiij"!!! Intikinc nflor biiiinoM nffnirs.

    Yoomen to M eet-T lio rp will i.-l-’i'-'rpKiilur moi'lini; of Mu- ....................I nfl

    jA uiirlran Yeiimrii in Mon>p hnll a( Hi .iV)«rk thU.ovonin«. llofri',iimou(, wl’H

    , ^^;bp .o'rvpii:' I

    I'f:.' Births—.Mr. iiuil"*ilr', i:,"MrVir-^ l . c nro (Up vafenf" « t"U. Imtu \Vv*l

    ■'’''*:jipsera' linn ia to Ik* (lerfnrmpd fur the removal of tlio np^'nillx. I t la underalood tlw onm' ia romplipnled ■nml very sovcro.

    to p w T tn j- W . B- Q tttn wm in th e ' e lty from Buhl yeaterday ou iPftal buaincis. Mr. Qreea haa rprunt-

    ter I.'’ relum ed from Chlcaj^ where ho ac Ij oVmpnined Mra. Greea who went easl

    for modleal treatment. Qhe la ImproV' — ■ ing In health daily. ~ ~ ' •

    ) the No OIqb Fcnnd—No clue haa been y on ili'oovered to tho persons who enternl e on the Youn^f Hardware alow on Wedaes'

    was day n ig h t. ' En try waa efffcted througl !. A. tho rear door, Ibe eulprtt. ovldenti^ i t led I'erann who hnd studied the placc earo- , In- fiill>’. hAvlnj; marked the door on the

    outsido to (five a point of operation e o n -1‘hat would bring th# haad near the

    inaide lock. iTwo revoWera and am nun ltioa fo r these wero taken.

    ib«r; *

    p e r J o n a . l a

    The L ------ro- ______ .

    J . M. Bratton is n Iloiikter visitor „ la this city.

    J . A. Boward of Buhl wna n liuaiaesi ?• vialtor in thla eity todny.

    ; 0 . K. Hunt o f Boise ii iranaaetlni; buslui'ss In T trin Pnlla and vielnlty.

    ‘ da-, ir. n . Wa,lter o f n ie r ia looking a/l- ;iura->r bualueir intcresta in Twin Palla- reel. • a ; 1>. Polloek of Hanaen waa n vU- iiaM .-itor in Twin Pnlla yeaterday afternoon aaoa' Mra, H. H. Evant nnd children wero

    Twin Fnll* visifora vr>terdnv fromniihl.

    I the: Mrs, W. F, Ktusmeypr nf IIoIIiat'!'r .n n t ' nrrlvod in Twin .Falls yoMorday for n o n ls.,b rie f visit,

    fol.i A. 11. V'niroilt was in IUp oHy fmm roo*ed to ihe aun’a raya U pure.ex- nnil cept fo r the pftsae* l l may enrry, and and it would s llll bo pure when l l reaches

    your drinking gloss but for the. foreign .1 sulutancea picked up en route,

    et 11 la bernuse o f'the natural distilln tion go‘ng on all tbp .lime—the evapor-

    liiC' nlioa o f the water from nil over thp ii-> [i-nrlii nnd 'returning to us in the form ^ 1 of rala—that wo have a novor endlnii lUpl'Rupplv of water. Othcrwlae wo wnurdII,.- noon render all Iho water on onrth nu-

    .! f it for usp,I »l, Kvorybi.dy wants wntor thnl is.frpi md fr'iin furpign stib»lnur\'s. iv« Whnt rould bo miiro doiightful thmi lon. lo havp nne't thirst iiuenehed. by n in ginss of nbanliitely pure wntcrt And

    irn- nbnt rniibl lio moro .revolting than fn nv. be cnnielniis o f *wnllowlng Impuriflpi- thp with yonr drinking wator—Impurllipi v ill that, i f separated . from the water, n '- wonld nol bo token by th r lowest typp

    of animal. ‘Veatn wnfer is pnro. It eaanot be

    * nlherwifo. A n d 'fiir flavor ond thirst {l>vfn«Wt\te pTopcrtlrt St. muat Ive tried

    ■ lo be »ppro«Ut*d. '- - I You may order In nny qunnllly

    - • Merely enll us on the telephone, Num- liv ber non und wo w ill dn fhe rest. Ti’ di,' you 'do thin you w ill probnbly regr.'i

    that you have not dnne Iho anme thlmj long ago.

    I..,,' Linpohi Produce 4 Refrigerating To,, ;e,. ndv Twin Fnlls. Idaho, nil _Iro- *>ro' Stoek buttermilk le ner gallnn nd. Bring your contalaers. Sterling (Sean- >y cry.—ad*.

    'il- I f yoor property Is desirable, and ia -an adve^aed In thfl eUulfied—you 'll find ■nio yoar bnyer.rp; '

    — — W r f i111; A g o o d V ^ifs, , . . I

    I Januarito •nl' • ,

    Everj? .

    Note th t




    E v e i ^

    Ch6£If '

    .| An Indication o f tho elaborateness of the now Seltnick picture, “ The.Sia That Wa< Il ls ,” which, w ith WUllam Favetihara in the .stellar roW, w iy be *een at the.Idaho thealer today nnit tomorrow la furnished In the aanbuneo'

    ( mcnt that on ono end o f the hugo stage .: o f the .SeUniek Fort Lee atudlos there

    ivns crortod n ‘ ‘ set” ahuwing the la- tc r io ro f Jl modern ehurch In. all its aym bolie and religioul almosphero.

    Eveiy detnl) waa enrrled out undur tho expert eye of an aulhorlty in cc-

    lA ricaiaatleni dceoratlona, and tho result ,( | is s.tld lc be'^a moat fa ithfu l and a^ • lu lla lic reproduction"

    In the array o ftaient supporting Ur. Favenham nre found tbo names

    “ Lucy Cotton, Pedro do Cordoba. Hobfff- . a CoavUle, Bfioby Agnaw, I.ulu Warren-

    ton aad other# of equal note.

    ler i p Q l a T s l f l o d l

    nd ITO O LATB TO ftO LAB Sm O ATlO K)lU-■al WANTED-rFlrat-elaai tray waitroas.•"> Rogtraon Ca/e.

    WANTF.U TO B E N T -B y r e l ic t# - . eJ ble, permaaeptl/ employed party, three •

    or /ourroom furnished house. Write or phoTiB' 0 . E. BWhMflstia Eogersea

    . 1. ___________•ia FOB BENT-Framed bed room., 13 .

    per week. 70-1 2nd Ave. N. Phone'III m -J. . -II.‘0 ........... .......... ..................................


    m- D ry C leaning is Econom y. I l .'

    j i ! prolongs the life b( yo u r clothes

    i^ p P d u u ^ c M . .

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    I.'; Safes, ' , ' .;;; steel a n i wood f ii- , • I"' Ing Cases, .

    Adding Machines, - " ' Diaries,

    ■ Office Supplies.

    !,f We cam everythina needed for the complete equipment of your office. .

    " rfAQBOOK t L U O STORE

    0 ^ T O TRADE ' ' ’

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    :aper le Special



    m SE R

    fi;hing - aper

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